fostoria redmen
fostoria redmen
&GJNBK>:;HNMHNK#/""PABM>GBG@?HKEB?>IKH@K:F &GJNBK>:;HNMHNK#/""PABM>GBG@?HKEB?>IKH@K:F +DYH$*UHDW6HDVRQ ^jgeL`geYk;&?m]jfk]q$<<K Yf\klY^^Yl 7UL&RXQW\'HQWDO&HQWHU//& 0NFFBM0M#HLMHKB:,%{{PPPMKB<HNGMR=>GM:E<>GM>K<HF T2 SCHOOL SPIRIT FOSTORIA REVIEW TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 FILE PHOTOS Marching music Fostoria Redmen Pride perform Sept. 18 at the Fostoria vs. Eastwood at Fostoria Memorial Stadium. To prepare for the football season, students attended “summer sessions” in July, where they worked on music for the upcoming year. The first required rehearsals began the last week of July with two days of 8-3 drumline camp and one day of rookie camp. Full band camp began the first week of August and lasted two weeks. Students met daily from 8 a.m. to noon with a different sectional each day from 1-3 p.m. )26725,$ (<(&$5(,1& Good Luck To All Area Teams %HVWRI/XFN WR$OO$UHD 0DUFKHUV )ODJ&RUSV &KHHUOHDGHUV 6HZHU&OHDQLQJ6HUYLFH 19LQH6W )RVWRULD2KLR $1DWLRQDO6HUYLFHDYDLODEOHORFDOO\ 5HVLGHQWLDO&RPPHUFLDO ,QGXVWULDO ):6NXOLQD2' %-3DXOXV2' -(9DQGHPDUN2' *RRG/XFN5HGPHQ &KHHUOHDGHUVDQG0DUFKHUV *25('0(1 *202+$:.6 +$9($*5($7 6($621 7LP0XQJHU ,)1%,+-%*).) *22'/8&. 0DUFKHUVDQG &KHHUOHDGHUV *((F&LgofKl&$>gklgjaY ,)1%,+-%0)0* &DOOLHVFRP *22'/8&.$5($7($06 :(·5(:,7+<28$//7+(:$< *RRG/XFN 0DUFKLQJ%DQGV .**HYjcoYq<jan]>gklgjaY *+))@Yq]k9n]&>j]egfl ,)1%,+-%+,0*,)1%++,%0)*) ]q][]fl]jkg^fog&[ge 68QLRQ6W )RVWRULD )RVWRULD&LW\6FKRROV. 3DUN$YH)RVWRULD2+ ZZZIRVWRULDVFKRROVRUJ Bg`fO&Ajoaf Ja[c=jf]kl >afYf[aYd9\nakgj >afYf[aYd9\nakgj -)+HdYrY<j& +**F&EYafKl& >gklgjaY$G@,,0+( >gklgjaY$G@,,0+( ,)1%,+-%)()/ ,)1%,+-%(,.+ 0HPEHU6,3& Member CIP FOSTORIA REVIEW TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 SCHOOL SPIRIT T3 Fostoria Redmen Pride continues to seek success The Fostoria Redmen Pride Marching Band is striving for another successful year in 2015. Last year, the band traveled to the Liberty Bowl in Memphis, Tennessee, where it was named champion of both the field show and the parade competitions, sweeping the awards by winning first place in all categories. Additionally, the concert band — which derives from the marching band after marching season — earned a Superior rating at Ohio Music Education Association District 2 contest, qualifying for state competition for the first time in a decade. At state, the group of instrumentalists received an Excellent rating. This year, the band will return to the OMEA District 2 band contest at Oak Harbor High School March 5 in an attempt to continue its successful career and represent Fostoria in a positive light. “This is one of the most enjoyable bands I have ever worked with,” Director Steve Kauffman said of the Redmen Pride Marching Band. “The senior class has been exceptional for years, and their leadership and musicianship is setting a great example See FOSTORIA, Page T10 Cheerleading squad raises school spirit The Fostoria High School cheerleading squad is advised by Camille Wilson and assisted by Paige Durst. The squad participated in Top Notch Cheer Camp, had tumbling lessons and hosted Pee-Wee Pow-Wow Sept. 18. Additionally, the group hosted a car wash and a bake sale to raise money. Students on the varsity squad include seniors, Courtney Gillian (4 years) and Morgan Lieski (4 years); juniors, Amani Seaburn (3 years), Jala Gatewood (2 years), Kali Struble (3 years), Morgan Dukes (3 years) and Reyna Baker (2 years); sophomore, Briana Rusk (2 years); and freshmen, Abby Stultz (1 year). The junior varsity squad includes seniors, Destinie Farris (1 year) and Loryn Farner (2 years); junior, Taylor Everding (1 year); and freshmen, Miya Keckler (1 year) and Yonna Williams (1 year). “I’m hopeful their hard work and determination to increase school spirit will spread throughout the school and community,” Wilson said. “Go Redmen!” 0,.(/$85$9,77 686+:<)RVWRULD PYS#EULJKWQHW *RRGOXFN$UHD &KHHUOHDGHUV0DUFKHUV )ODJ&RUS Good Luck Area Marchers, Cheerleaders & Flag Corps 0$5&+ ,1$)7(5 7+(*$0( ))*O&La^^afKl& >gklgjaY ,)1%,+-%**0* ƬȈȈ Ƭ ȈȈȈȈ ȈȈ ƬϐȈȈ & ȈȈ ȈȈȈȈȈȈ 6$/(6±5(17$/6 Ǧ ^jgeqgmj^ja]f\kYl2 N>O Hgkl,*) 35(6(17,1* <RXU)XOO/LQH0XVLF6WRUH 6HUYLQJWKH&RPPXQLW\IRUWKH3DVW<HDUV 2SHQ)UL6DW CWLODP :&HQWHU $/7¶6086,&&(17(5 :&HQWHU6WUHHW)RVWRULD T4 SCHOOL SPIRIT St. Wendelin 20-member band busy with performances St. Wendelin Catholic School Marching Band, under the direction of James Brake, began its 2015 season in mid-July with a five-day band camp. Students rehearsed for six hours a day, learning music, drills and marching fundamentals. The camp concluded with skits, awards and a surprise water balloon fight. The band recently participated in the Elmwood Band Spectacular. Additionally, they will perform at the Fostoria Halloween Parade, Bowling Green Holiday Parade and the Fostoria Holiday Parade. The group also hosted a fundraising event Drive 4 UR School at Reineke Ford Sept. 23. “The St. Wendelin Catholic School Marching Good Luck To All AREA BANDS :0DUNHW6W7LIILQ2+ / D=F<=J FOSTORIA REVIEW TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 Band has deep roots in the community and is excited to be continuing the tradition of excellence in performance,” Brake said. The 20 -member instrumentalist group includes: Clarinet: Sophia Weaver; Alto Sax: Andy Edgington and Cameron Hunter; Tenor and Baritone Sax: David Stosio; Trumpets: Dane Budke, Mikayla Recker, Baley Reiter and Sam Seibert; Trombone: Jacob Wagner and Emily Weaver; Baritone: Ben Heck; Tuba and Sousaphone: Quinton Taylor; and Percussion: Patrick Castillo, Tori Denike, Alex Hill, Casey Rife, Ian Starn, Nick Weaver, Wang “Rafael” Pengyu and Jessica Holman. After marching season, the band will become a concert band and pep band. ?GG<DM;CLG 9DD9J=9:9F<K >JML@ ;GEH9FQ$HDD ;]jla^a]\HmZda[9[[gmflYflk .()HYjcoYq<jan] Kmal]9 >gklgjaY$G`ag,,0+( ,)1%,+-%0-,) )26725,$ (<(&$5(,1& 19LQH6W )RVWRULD2KLR ):6NXOLQD2' %-3DXOXV2' -(9DQGHPDUN2' *RRG/XFN 0DUFKLQJ&KHHULQJ 0RKDZNV 6WHYHQ3*HURVNL,9''6//& *HQHUDO'HQWLVWU\2UWKRGRQWLFVVLQFH (OP6WUHHW )RVWRULD2KLR ZZZ*HURVNL''6FRP -UUJ2[IQ:NOY9KGYUT FOSTORIA REVIEW TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 SCHOOL SPIRIT T5 Arcadia Marching Redskins prepare for contest Arcadia Marching Redskins will utilize the 2015 marching band season to further prepare themselves for contest. Under the direction of Jeff Breitigam, the 51-member band will attempt to qualify for OMEA State Marching Band Finals again this season at Ottawa-Glandorf, Columbus Grove and Versailles contests. Last year, the band received first place in Class C at Cloverleaf and Westerville Central contests and second place in Class C at Licking Valley. Additionally, they took best percussion Class C at Cloverleaf, Licking Valley, Westerville Central and Swanton contests, as well as best guard at Cloverleaf and Westerville Central contests. The group of students ended the 2014 season at state finals for the 14th time in the past 16 years. “The Marching Redskins work extremely hard to maintain a high level of performance at football games and OMEA (Ohio Music Education Association) contests,” Breitigam said. “The band is consistently one of only a handful of Class C bands that qualify for State Finals each year. Since 1999, there has been only two seasons (2002 and 2008) where the band did not qualify for State Finals, so we’re working to make it seven in a row this season.” In addition to contests, the instrumentalists perform during the Arcadia football games. In preparation for the season, students participated in one week of music camp and two weeks of band camp, where they learned marching and drills. They continued to meet every Tuesday and Thursday to learn and review until school started, at which point they met everyday during class and once a week after school on Thurs- days as well as sectional rehearsals once a week. A concert band and pep band are derived from the marching band at the end of the season. Students participate in solo and ensemble and large group competition through OMEA and Honor Bands at the county, district and state levels. Assisted by Jason Garza, Kathryn Moore, Kane Benner, Gabe Santa Cruz Wade Schimmoeller and Kalenne Holbrook (guard advisor), the band consists of: Flutes: Alea Ziegman, Samantha Watkins, Breanna Huber, Breanna Mulligan and Johnna Snow; Clarinets: Allyson Bader-Dunn, Alyssa Clagg, Elizabeth Keefe and Derron Seaburn; Horns: Robbie Futrell and Lucas Puddicombe; Trumpets: Drew Hanna, Logan Boyd, Maddie Yaple, Kenny Hossler, Luke Metzger, Ashton Wolfe, Alexis Durst and Starla Frisch; Tenor Sax: Austin Marczak; Alto Sax: Bailey Hengsteler, Jordan Marczak and Laci Logan; Trombone: Gage Boyd and John Snow; Baritone: Jessica Hopson; Tuba: Bryce Stewart; Drum Major: Shae Watkins; Snares: AJ Knepper and Kaleb Decker; Tenor: Kadin Harris; Bass Drum: Haley Thompson, Meredith Boes, John Hill and Eric Palmer; Pit: Jamie Watson, Anna Valentie, Lindsey Donaldson, Connor Butt, Odessay Lundy, Jasmine Patton, Aidan Clagg and Jace Watson; Guard: Cailey Jordan, Sierra Weaver, Brieanna Dunn, Allyson Knepper, Kali Heaston, Caeley Johnson, Kama Litton and Rebecca Dunn; and Managers: Aubrey Jordan and Emma Yaple. ARCADIA LIONS COMMUNITY CENTER É?GG<DM;C EYj[`]jkYf\;`]]jd]Y\]jkÊ ^jgel`]9j[Y\aY 9l`d]la[:ggkl]jk :Yfim]l@YddJ]flYd J][]hlagfk HYjla]k :mkaf]kkE]]laf_k ;Ydd,)1%01,%.,+0 GO Band & Cheerleaders Varsity cheerleaders Arcadia varsity football cheerleaders include (from left) back: Kaylee Joblonski, Melissa Lawrence, Amayia Alexander, Allyson Bader-Dunn and Renae Thompson; middle: Amy Turner, Kori Logsdon and Courtney Heyman; and front: seniors, Maddie Young and Anna Miller. $,,!)2 ( /" +!0 )*((E[<gm_YdKl& >gklgjaY$G@,,0+( H@2,)1%,+-%/(++ ooo&o`allY&[ge (67$%/,6+(' Kh][aYdaklafhj][akagfeY[`afaf_ *(*Kgml`Kl& 9j[Y\aY H`gf]2,)1%01,%.,*. >Yp2,)1%01,%.1*( *22'/8&. 5('6.,16 'HHS&U\RJHQLF7UHDWPHQW &1&*ULQGLQJ('0 T6 SCHOOL SPIRIT FOSTORIA REVIEW TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 Elmwood Marching Royal Pride performs for community events Elmwood Marching Royal Pride is directed by Justin Brinkman. Assistants include Nate Dean, Jason Luthy and Jason Scott. Cathleen Shinew and Amber Reynolds are the visual ensemble instructors while Paul Sansing is the percussion instructor. In addition to marching at Elmwood football games, the group also performs at the Wood County Fair Parade, the Pemberville Free Fair Parade, the Bloomdale Halloween Parade, the Bowling Green Holiday Parade and the Wayne and Jerry City Memorial Day events. The Marching Royal Pride hosted its fourth annual Band Spectacular Sept. 12 with 11 area high school bands and more than 625 musicians. The band will perform at the 29th Annual Anthony Wayne Showcase of Bands in Whitehouse, Ohio Sept. 26. Additionally, the group will perform a “Sounds of the Stadium Concert” at 7 p.m. Nov. 10 in the Elmwood High School Auditeria, where the band will play selections and favorites from the 2015 marching season. To prepare for the season, the group of instrumentalists rehearsed for eight hours every day the week of July 20. They also rehearse after school on Mondays and Wednesdays for an hour to continue to practice for performances. The band’s 69 performing members consist of 22 woodwinds, 23 brass, 11 percussionists, nine color guard members, three majorettes and one field commander, Katelyn King. The group includes: Flutes: Georgea Sookiyak, Lizzy Hardy, Madison Deitrich, Hannah Bloomfield, Adrian Torrey, Madison Lyons, Breanne Garcia, Cindy Widmer, Makayla Riehl and Makaylie Borton; Clarinets: Amanda Martinez, Ciara Brown, Alyssa Bateson, Chailee Coleman, Sheyenne Osbourne and Mishelle Jordan; Alto Saxophones: Skye Combs, Damian Ward and Adam Lewallen; Tenor Saxophone: Claire Meyer; Baritone Saxophone: Isaac Donald; Trumpets: Ricky Buckingham, Logan Clark, Janice Phillips, Maggie Radish, Karl Clementz, Patrick Rioux, Tyler Murray, Jacob Kern, Colleen Kreais, Austin Lanham and Kyle Klett; Mellophones: Matt Heilman, Morgan Strayer and McKenzie Mercer; Trombones: Nicole Abke and Evan Frankfather; Baritones: Austin Hosler and Joey Laborie; Tubas: Matt Harris, Garrett Hummel and Wes Ridenour; Percussion: Kolton Bloom, Aaron Crislip, Jack Shreiner, Trevor Bingham, Tyler Zimmerman, Thomas Bodna r, A ndrew Housholder, Michaela Shinew, Michael Yenour, Paul Meyer and Angela Snyder; Flag Corps: Mallory Wolleson, Tiffany Gonyer, Caitlyn Porter, William Frederick, McKenzie Peters, Allison Bingham, Breanna Kurtz, Kelsey Bloom and Molly Reynolds; and Majorettes: Sydney Shroeder, Maddy Instone and Veronica Walters. Photo is courtesy of Bill Smith, Photo Smith of Wayne, Ohio. Young squad sees great things ahead Elmwood High School cheerleading squad is coached by Michele Solether and Jill Fitch. The group of 16 students performs at the Wood County and Attica fairs as well as the Holgate M.A.D. Competition. The squad received first place Large Varsity at Holgate and the 2015 OSBA Humanitarian Award. Additionally, the cheerleaders have attended cheer camp and hosted a McDonald’s Benefit, a Little Caesar’s Pizza Fundraiser, a T-shirt and hoodie sale to the Elmwood community and a Country Cheer Fest where they raised money to purchase a trophy case for the school and donated $400 to July Casillas from Holgate who is battling breast cancer. The Elmwood cheer squad consists of three seniors, %HVWRI/XFN $UHD0DUFKHUV DQG&KHHU É9>Yeadq:mkaf]kk Qgm;YfLjmklÊ <GM?D9K$<9FFA=DD= ;@9JD=K :9J:9J9:9JF<L >MF=J9D<AJ=;LGJK L]d]h`gf]2 ,)1%*00%*0-/ ?GG<DM;CJGQ9DK E9J;@=JK;@==J Cassidy Eblen (4 years), Rachael Grilliot (3 years) and Katee Mossbarger (2 years); four juniors, Nicole Abke (2 years), Kalli Fisk (1 year), Katelyn King (1 year) and Traci Morlock (3 year); seven sophomores, Josey Baldwin (2 years), Makaylie Borton (1 year), Ciaira Brown (2 years), Brandy Grilliot (1 year), Brianna Nickols (1 year), Elise Semko (1 year) and Skyler Slaughterbeck (2 years); and two freshmen, Alyssa Bateson (1 year) and Ashley Ward (1 year). “Even though we are an extremely young squad, these girls are energetic, hard working, committed and determined,” Solether said. “We’re looking forward to their season as we feel great things are ahead of them.” ¥=K¨RR1KKV?U[/T:[TK¦ IURP %HORZ,QVXUDQFH 6HUYLFHV 10DLQ6W)RVWRULD 1$77UDQVSRUWDWLRQ,QF 6ROLG:DVWH5HPRYDO 3HPEHUYLOOH5RDG%UDGQHU2KLR RU 6HUYLQJDOORI:RRG&RXQW\ ZZZQDWWUDQVSRUWFRP %DQG *RRG/XFN(OPZRRG)RRWEDOO )DUP+RPH 'HQQ\%HORZ ,QGHSHQGHQW$JHQW ).*)F&;gmflqdaf]Kl&>gklgjaY 0//%*10%++,(gj,)1%,+-%1*)) FOSTORIA REVIEW TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 SCHOOL SPIRIT T7 Findlay Trojan Marching Band is many bands within a band Under the direction of Dan Wilson, Findlay Trojan Marching Band participates in the Findlay 4th of July Parade, the Findlay Memorial Day Parade, the Findlay Veteran’s Day Parade, the Findlay Halloween Parade, the Hancock County Fair Band Show, the Columbus Grove “Eyes with Pride” competition, the North Coast Marching Band Festival, the Swanton Bulldog Bowl, the Findlay Trojan Marching Band Post-Season Concert, Extravabandza and Bandtasia. The Findlay Trojan Marching Band starts its year with band camp the first two weeks of August from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. This year the band completed its Fair Show (The Music of Journey and Steve Perry), Pre-Game, a Tennis Court show and part of its competition show Metallic. The band also rehearses Monday nights from 6-9 p.m. and Thursdays after school while percussion and guard rehearse 6-9 p.m. another day of the week. After marching season, the band separates into two concert bands (Symphonic and Concert), an honors credit Wind Ensemble, pep band, drumline and Pantasia (steel drum ensemble). In addition, there are small ensembles such as flute choir and brass choir. The Findlay Trojan Marching Band consistently earns Excellent and Superior scores in Ohio Music Education Association adjudicated events. The band also has won numerous caption awards, including Best in Class and Best Overall Percussion. The concert bands also consistently score Excellent and Superior scores in OMEA Adjudicated Events. “The Findlay Trojan Marching KMHHGJLAF?EMKA; AFGMJK;@GGDK :MJFK H]ljgd]me Lg\\:mjfk */(K&MKJl]&*+ >gklgjaY$G`ag ,)1%,+.%(-.* )%0((%*+)%),.0 Band focuses on providing a quality musical experience for students through presenting unique shows each week for halftime at football games as well as preparing an adjudicated competition show to the highest quality possible,” Wilson said. “Even though we are all about the music, we strive to make band a place where students can enjoy themselves and have a great time.” Wilson is assisted by Alycia Althaus, Brian Sheehe and Michael Springer as well as Flag Corp. advisor Samantha Streicher. Flag Corp. members include Tessa Ervin, twirler; and Destiny Allison, McKenzey Brazie, Hannah Christner, Brianne Greer, Haley Gunn, Taylor Headley, Brittany Illif, Stefanie Moore, Emma O’Kelley, Rachel Reynolds, Hailee Rolofson, Kylie Smith, Abigail Spitler and Jessica Stephens, guard. The 107-member band consists of the following students: Field Commander: Kelly Coleman, Baylee DeMuth and Alyssa Montalbine; First Ensemble: Mackenzie Allison, Blake Greer, Karen Johnston, Jacob Klein, Marisa Kreinbihl, Ridge McGirr, Leigha Morris, Jordan Nold, Christian Saldana, Olyvia Shaver, Jacob Spitler, Hayley Trytko, Caleb Wallace and Leah Warrington; Flutes: Jessica Bloom, Sylvia Bright, Grace Dickmann, Jessika Faust, Julien Haines, Katie Harry, Savannah Hummel, Bailey Logsdon, Greyson Pollock, Lauren Selhorst, Allison Snider and Lydia Sparks; Clarinets: Emma Cavitt, Zoe Clark, Brianna DeMuth, Cory Fox, Jacob Goble, Nick Hunt, Rachel Krueger, Kadi Plumley, Abigail Rife, Maggie Rupp, Jashan Singh, Baylee Tyson, Caleb Uther and Addie Wirt; Alto Saxophones: Nick Beier, Kellyanne Bunkley, Kevin Cullen, Karina Gower, Gabriel Gremling, Tristan Jones, Kayla Keckler, Jack Radabaugh, Victoria Silveus and Ryan Zheng; Tenor Saxophones: John DeMuth, Jared Fleckner, Jeffrey Morsfield and Robbie Schuck; Baritone: Zachary Johns and Dawn Meeks; Trumpets: James Amann, Jon Brumbaugh, Faye Davis, Emma England, Alexa Fleming, Quinten Flores, Andrea Frank, Josh Goble, Trey Hall, Ken Lightner, Kyle Moser, Mikayla Pearce-Rashley, John Ried and Courtney Taylor; Trombone : Stephen Bower, Michael Bower, Susannah Brim, Patrick Dillinger, Jared England, James Pepple, Joshua Radabaugh, Hilario Rivera, Tyler Russler and Jazmane Steiff; Sousaphone: Austin Cheney, Seth Fowler, Tim Krueger, Kaitlynn Shisler and Jared Winans; Mellophone: Julia Clay, Nate Harmon, Mason Kinn and Emi Moothart; Snare Drum: Lizzy Fisher, Franny Shaull, James Streicher and Andrew Williams; Tenor Drum: Michael Dudash, Michael Leonard and Cynthia Napier; and Bass Drum: Ethan Camiscione, Ashlynn Dill, Greyson Foust, Christian Gower, Seth Johns and Jared Privateer. 580(17 ,167&$5( &(17(5 %HJLQQLQJ,QVWUXPHQW 3URJUDP )OH[LEOH $FFHVVLEOH $IIRUGDEOH LFFPXVLF#DWWQHW T8 SCHOOL SPIRIT FOSTORIA REVIEW TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 Hopewell-Loudon Chieftain band is 79 students strong Hop ewel l - L oudon Ch ief t a i n Marching Band, under the direction of Jess Nelson, consists of 79 students who participate in various performances. The band performed during the Elmwood Band Spectacular Sept. 12; and the Tiffin-Seneca County Heritage Parade Sept. 19. The band will perform at the Tiffin Developmental Center Halloween Parade Oct. 18; the Fostoria Halloween Parade Oct. 25; Bascom Trick or Treat; Sounds of the Stadium Nov. 5; at Cedar Point; and at the Bascom Memorial Parade June 6. In addition to these events, the band will perform at the Chieftain football games. During band camp, the band rehearsed for five hours each day for 10 days. Band members learned the pregame show as well as a half-time show, which is “Fall Out Boy.” After marching band season, these instrumentalists gather in different groups to form concert, pep and jazz bands for the school. The band consists of: Flutes : Autumn Benning ton, Joslyn Merry, Kensy Siegel, Megan Dodge, Kayleigh Statts, Kierstin Schindler and Courtney Yarbrough; Clarinets : Michelle Wilfong, Stephanie Young, A mber L ee, Rebecca Greene, Lauren Harden, Victoria Kirkpatrick, Allison Merry, Taylor Dietsch and Lauren Suter; Alto Saxophones: Cody Brickner, Renae Kapelka, Mykala Reinhart, Hannah Rowell, Sophia Erlanger, Kaitlyn Flechtner, Caleb Hinton, Jackson Hurst, Samuel Meade, Colin Reinhart and Ashtyn Wolph; Tenor Saxophones: Sean Steele and Morgan Hossler; B a r itone S a xophone : Abby Lowery; Trumpets: Devin Miller; Joseph Brandt; Nicholas Elsass; Grace Portentoso; Benjamin Meade; Meghan Sayre; Logan St. Clair; Reece Frederick; Jenna Ickes; Garret McCoy; Zachary Raudebaugh; Amy Cook; Brendan Durbin; Channelle Lyons; Brayden Piper; Kyle Rumschlag and Hiiro Yamashita; Mel lophones : Bobbi Taylor, Rebecca Steinmetz and Lennah Fox; Tromb one s : L ay ne B o s le r, Marissa Shaver, Brendan Herbert, Bailee Coss, Benjamin Hetzel, Colby Miller, Ethan Sendelbach, Brock Williams, Ashley Brickner and Cody Rainey; Ba ritones : L oga n Holcomb, Curtis Moon and Bryston Smith; Sousaphones: Kamren Zirger and Jena Huffman; Bells: Nathan Boes and Hope Brant; Quint Toms: Alyssa Naus and Jaret Nelson; Snare Drums: Hunter Behnke, Raven Spencer, Bailey Jameson, Kyleigh Krupp and Stephanie Wilfong; Bass Drums: Gabriel Parrish, Denver Staib, Marshall Reinhard and Ethan Oswalt; and Cymbals: Mikaela Huth-Fretz. Nelson is assisted by Josh Barringer, student teacher; and Aaron Wheeler, percussion instructor. *R7HDPV É>GJ9DDG;;9KAGFKÊ 0DUOHQH%XUQV&5& ,QGHSHQGHQW)LQDQFLDO6SHFLDOLVW 5HWLUHPHQW,QFRPH3ODQQLQJ .5ROORYHUV ,5$¶VE¶V0XWXDO)XQGV +RPH$XWR/LIH,QVXUDQFH 7D[3UHSDUDWLRQ "K][mjala]k g^^]j]\ l`jgm_` D]_]f\ =imala]k ;gjhgjYlagf$ e]eZ]j >AFJ9'KAH;& :mjfk >afYf[aYd Kgdmlagfk ak fgl Yf Y^^adaYl] g^ D]_]f\ =imala]k ;gjhgjYlagf& D]_]f\ =imala]k \g]k fgl _an]lYpY\nak]& >GKLGJA9 ,)1%,+-%.))) LA>>AF ,)1%,,/%(+*) C]]hl`] Emka[HdYqaf_ Hard working squad achieves honors Hopewell-Loudon cheerleading squad is advised by Carrie Hoover. The group of students have performed at the UCA Cheer Competition, the Fostoria Relay for Life and the Seneca County and Attica fairs. The squad received first place Home Dance at the UCA competition, second place overall at the UCA competition, first place at the Fostoria Relay for Life, second place at the Seneca County Fair and second place at the Attica Fair. Additionally, the squad has participated in the UCA Cheer Camp at Bowling Green State University. “I have such a hard working group of girls where team accomplishments mean so much more than individual accomplishments,” Hoover said of her squad. The eight-member football cheerleading team consists of seniors, Emily Maksemetz (3 years) and Lileigh Bower (3 years); juniors, Katie Arnold (1 year), Keely Hoover (2 years) and Raven Spencer (1 year); sophomores, Brooklynn Steinhauser (2 years) and Maryssa Oliver (2 years); and freshmen, Allison Merry (1 year) and Morgyn Pachlhofer (1 year). 5[X9KX\OIK OYUTG NOMNTUZK :LVKLQJDOO DUHDEDQGV WKH%HVW &23386%285 ,1685$1&( %DVFRP2KLR ā,ŝŐŚͲ^ƉĞĞĚΘtŝƌĞůĞƐƐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĞƚādsādĞůĞƉŚŽŶĞā,ŽŵĞ^ĞĐƵƌŝƚLJā ;ϰϭϵͿϵϯϳͲϮϮϮϮKZdK>>&Z;ϴϴϴͿϴϬϲͲϮϱϯϬ ϱϵϵϬtd/&&/E^dZd/WKKyϯϭϲ/ĂƐĐŽŵ͕K,ϰϰϴϬϵ ͞tĞ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚ dŚĞŚŝĞŌĂŝŶƐĂŶĚ>> dŚĞƌĞĂdĞĂŵƐ͟