April 3, 2016 - Immaculate Heart of Mary
April 3, 2016 - Immaculate Heart of Mary
Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church Our mission is to proclaim joyfully the Good News of Jesus Christ and to welcome all adults, youth and children, inviting them to deepen their relationship with Christ through the sacraments, prayer and discipleship. New Parishioners: Welcome! Please use the Parish Census forms available near the main exits or contact the Parish Office to register. This helps us minister to you more effectively. Parish Council: Advises the pastor on parish life and concerns. Usually meets the first Tuesday of every month (except January and July) at 7 pm in one of the classrooms. Open to all parishioners. Baptisms: Parents must speak in person with a parish priest or deacon before making any other arrangements. Call the parish office or e-mail the priest or deacon for an appointment. Baptisms in are usually on the second Saturday of the month at 10 am. Parents and godparents must attend a required baptismal preparation class at least one month before the baptism. Marriages: Engaged couples wishing to be married must contact a parish priest at least six months before their proposed wedding date. Pre-Cana course required, contact Ed and Anne Steiner at 301-994-1323. Natural Family Planning course also required, see below. Natural Family Planning: For NFP training, contact K.C. Schnitker at 240-256-0118, www.FamilyNFP.com. Ministry to the Sick: Contact the parish office for visits to the homebound and hospitalized. Children’s Faith Formation Website: ihmcff.weebly.com Levels K–5: Sunday from 9:30 to 11 am in English, Levels K–5: Sunday from 11:30 am to 1 pm in Spanish (Nivel 1–4) Levels 5–8 (Confirmation): Monday from 6:30 to 8 pm. Youth Group Middle School: Tuesdays, 5:30 to 7 pm (at IHM). High School: Alternate Saturdays, 7 to 9 pm (at St. Cecilia). Mass Schedule Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday: 9 am Tuesday & Thursday: 5:30 pm Saturday Vigil: 4 pm Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:15 am, 1 pm (Spanish) Devotions Mass/Exposition/Confessions: First Friday: 9 am & 5:30 pm First Saturday: 9 am Mass with Healing Service: Once a month at 7 pm, call office or check website for date Rosary: M, W, F & Sat 9:30 am; T & Th 5 pm Litany for Priests: Tue & Thu after 5:30 pm Mass Other days, 10 minutes before Mass Confessions Thursday after 5:30 pm Mass Saturday 2:30 pm– 3:45 pm Sunday after 1 pm Mass First Friday after 9 am and 5:30 pm Mass First Saturday after 9 am Mass Office Hours Monday-Friday: 8 am to 4 pm Staff Pastor: Parochial Vicar Deacon Director of Religious Education Secretary/ Bookkeeper Music Director Fr. Marco Schad, ext. 12 [email protected] Fr. Michal Sajnog, ext. 13 [email protected] Dcn. Michael Crowe [email protected] Janet Harmon, ext. 15 301-863-8793 [email protected] Cindy Thompson, ext. 14 [email protected] Mary Stevens, 240-434-8876 [email protected] Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): Formation to enter the Catholic Church or to receive First Communion and Confirmation for adults baptized as Catholics. Contact Tess Crowe at [email protected] or call the parish office. Youth Minister Food Pantry and Financial Assistance: Handled by St. Vincent de Paul of IHM. For assistance, call 301-863-8193 from 8:30 to 11:30 am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, except holidays. Little Flower School Principal Caitlin Keeton 301-994-0404 Website www.littleflowercatholic.org Parish Cemetery: For information, call 301-475-5005 or 301-932-1766. 22375 Three Notch Rd. Lexington Park, MD 20653 Tel: 301-863-8144 Fax: 301-863-8180 Gregory DeStefano 301-542-2467 [email protected] www.ihmrcc.org Dear Friends in Christ, On this Divine Mercy Sunday, in the Year of Mercy, we rejoice in God’s tremendous mercy towards us, “that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8b) This mercy which we have received, though, elicits a response from us: first a response of gratitude, praise and worship of the Father of Mercies, but also a response of genuine imitation, that is, of a real desire to follow His example by showing mercy to others. Some, if not many, of us find it difficult to forgive others their real or perceived offenses because we get some sort of comfort from being the wronged party, from making ourselves out to be martyrs, from being able to say “I’m right and you’re wrong.” Yet this is not the example that Christ set out for us when He allowed Himself to be crucified for us, saying “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34a) Sometimes, we work against mercy by holding on to ill feelings without giving the opportunity for remediation and reconciliation. This often happens through a refusal to communicate honestly yet charitably. It might be through a sudden cutting off of all communication, or by withholding from the other person what is bothering us. It may well be that the other person has no idea what they did wrong (or the extent of how it affects you), or it might be that they did nothing wrong and we have misinterpreted their actions, or it could be a combination/ escalation of mutual misunderstandings. We might be making the mistake of thinking that the other person should be able to read our mind (“if you don’t know, I’m not going to tell you”), or of thinking that we can read the other person’s mind. This is disastrous in marriage and family relationships, in friendships, in the workplace, and in the Church. As distinct individuals from different backgrounds, family experiences, etc., we don’t communicate in exactly the same way: what to one is efficient directness, to another is a gigantic lack of tact, and so on. When we fail to allow for working through differences (real, imagined, or of interpretation), we are removing that relationship from the power of the Holy Spirit, and ceding space to Satan, who seeks to divide and conquer the children of God. This is compounded when we complain or express our displeasure to third parties while refusing to address things directly. As Christ reminds us today of His amazing Mercy, let’s do all we can to be proclaimers and agents of that Mercy by showing mercy and Christian love in our relationships. Let’s enter into calm, loving yet frank and non-defensive conversations about words, actions or omissions that have in some way offended or hurt us (intentionally or unintentionally). At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit enabled the multitudes from many nations and tongues to understand Peter’s preaching. Let’s invite the Holy Spirit into our conversations that we may better understand each other. Then, instead of hardened hearts we will have hearts pulsing with the life and love of God. Yours in Christ Jesus, Fr. Marco THE DAY HAS ARRIVED! Sunday, Apr. 3, internationally renowned and Catholic recording artist, Donna Cori Gibson, will be at IHM to lead us in celebrating the Feast of Divine Mercy! In addition to this free concert, we will have Adoration, confession, and a sung Chaplet of Divine Mercy. A freewill offering will be accepted. To hear a selection of Donna’s music and download it for free, visit her website at www.DonnaCoriGibson.com. RETURNING TO THE CHURCH? Come Home! We’ve missed You! If you have been thinking about becoming more active in the Church after a time away , we want to join us Beginning April 28. This 10-week program offers a “safe place to land,” to ask questions, he heard, and reconnect with the faith. Contact Nancy Baysinger at [email protected] or 240-298-4713 LECTOR QUATERLY MEETING WED., APRIL 6 Hello All! Just a friendly notice our next quarterly lector meeting is set for 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 6 at IHM. Please join us, and bring a friend if they are discerning on becoming a lector, or if they just want to come for fellowship! We are continuing to build community, develop our skills through getting to know each other, bonding, sharing tips, and most of all participating in scripture reflection, and group prayer. For this particular meeting I plan to give a short brief on the 2nd book of Samuel, since we let off the last meeting w/ the 1st book of Samuel. Please let me know if you are/are not coming to this meeting via email: [email protected] Thanks for your service in this important ministry and I look forward to seeing you on the 6th of April. God Bless Michael Schachterle IHMRCC Lector Coordinator SENIOR COFFEE Our next gathering will be on Tuesday, April 5 from 9:00 to 11:00, remember your MERCY donation, I.e. For Food Pantry. Bring a friend, see you there. This April, we focus on the most merciful gift of God: the Holy Eucharist. The unfathomable mercy of God is especially made manifest today in the Sacraments (always extending to us opportunities for the eternal reward of heaven). The Feast of Divine Mercy offers us the opportunity to begin again as though we were newly baptized. As we now focus on our students preparing for First Holy Communion or the sacrament of Confirmation, I want to acknowledge the work of catechists who make sure that archdiocesan benchmarks are achieved before students are promoted to the next level. In recent assessments, a few students had difficulty with the following terms: tabernacle, genuflect, examination of conscience, magisterium, liturgical calendar, ark of the covenant, chastity, communion of saints and the U.S. Holy Days of Obligation. Additionally, unique student personalities and their varying styles of learning, make for a challenging class for any teacher! But the influence of catechists is never as significant as the parents and their dedicated instruction at home. Thank you parents! There will be a summer boost for those who are not ready for the next faith knowledge levels. We try every effort within the volunteer resources of our staff to raise holy disciples of the future church! We welcome volunteers for the condensed summer program. IMPORTANT CALENDAR ITEMS Apr. 10: Levels 3-5 Archdiocese Assessments Apr. 10: Level 3 sponsors 11:15 a.m. Mass Apr. 11: Level 5-8 Archdiocese Assessments Apr. 16: Pilgrimage to the Shrine and Monastery 8a.m. to 5p.m. Apr. 30: 9a.m. First Holy Communion FAMILY Retreat All baptismal forms, Saints Reports, Sponsor Certifications, and other sacramental forms are now due. Please call 301-863-8793 for immediate assistance. Easter blessings, Janet Harmon Director of Religious Education 301-863-8793 UPCOMING LFS ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS Monday, April 4 – Summer Dress begins! Tuesday, April 5 – School Mass at 10:15am Thursday, April 7 – PreK Bake Sale Friday, April 8 – 8am 8th Grade Parent/Student Mass; 11:20am 1st Grade Parent/Student Lunch; Report card distribution; Trivia Night! Are you on social media? Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/littleflowercatholic) and “follow” us on Twitter (@LFSpatriots)! Don’t forget to save your Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup labels! They add up and help our school to be able to purchase supplies, gym equipment, technology, and other things to enhance our students’ learning! 500 Club memberships are for sale year-round! For only $100, you can enter your name (or the name of a friend or loved one as a gift!) to be drawn four times each month for 12 months. That’s 48 possible wins per year! For more information, contact Chris McKay at [email protected] or stop by the school to pick up an order form! Our goal this year is to sell all 500 numbers on the grid; if we are able to do this, the school will make a profit of $40,000! Thank you in advance for your support! Interested in learning more about Little Flower School? Call (301)994-0404 or email ([email protected]) the office today to schedule a tour! We’d love to talk more with you about how to make a Catholic education a possibility for your child! AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS IS COMING TO ST. JOHNS! American Heritage Girls (AHGs) is the premier national character development organization for girls ages 5-18 that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement. AHG helps girls acquire skills that will assist them in all areas of life. If you are interested in learning more about AHG, please join us for an informational meeting at St. John’s on Sunday, the 10th of April 2016, at 2pm and visit www.americanheritagegirls.org. CATHOLIC SOCIAL THOUGHT - Please join the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life at Georgetown University for a public Dialogue on Resisting the "Throwaway Culture": Protecting Human Life and Dignity on Tuesday, April 12 at 6:30 PM at the Georgetown University Lohrfink Auditorium. Three respected leaders including Helen Alvaré, professor of law at George Mason University School of Law; Charles Camosy, associate professor of theological ethics at Fordham University; and Sr. Norma Pimentel, MJ, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande, will discuss how to build a culture of life. RSVP - [email protected]. HAVE A BLESSED DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY! Congratulations to our neophytes; Michael, Jasmin, Jon, Joshua, Tyler, Peter, Jessica, Pat, Laura, Phillip and Christin and congratulations to their sponsors! Continue to keep them in your prayers. Especially today as you pray the Divine Mercy, ask for God’s Mercy to pour down on them. We also` want to thank all of those that assisted throughout the year, especially Angie Acosta and Edwin Delmoro who helped make the retreat a success! Laura Elizabeth Baltodano was born in Los Angeles, CA from parents with Costa Rican descent. She has been a member of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church since 2005 when her family relocated to Maryland because her father was stationed at NAS Patuxent River. She is now married with two children residing in Lexington Park, MD. GROUP SCHEDULE APRIL 3 - APRIL 9 Tues: 5:30 pm Middle School Youth Group 6:00 pm Rosary & Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help led by FCJC (Cry Room) 7:00 pm Bible Study: Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit (Faller Home) 7:30 pm IHM Prayer Group Rosary (Cry Room) Wed: 10:00 am Bible Study: Book of Revelation 6:30 pm Bible Study: Knowing the Faith: Part Two (Filipino-Americans) Sat: 7:00 pm High School Youth Group MUSIC SCHEDULE APRIL 9 - APRIL 10 Sat: 4:00 pm Mass Rev Sun: 8:30 am Men’s Group 11:15 am IHM Quartet 1:00 pm Spanish Group LINEN SCHEDULE APRIL 10 Bea Agamaite Jon Maucher is a member of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Lexington Park MD. He has a daughter, Morgan, who is 14 years old and a large extended family in the area. He recently moved to the area from Colorado to work for the Federal Jasmin Baez born November 16, 2004 Daughter of Johnny Baez and Demetrici M Bounds. Member of Immaculate Heart of Mary since 2013. Government. Tyler Duncan is a music teacher at Benjamjn Banneker Elementary School in Loveville, MD. Prior to converting to Catholicism, Tyler was raised in the Protestant church at St. Nicholas Chapel on Patuxent River Naval Air Station. He is married to his wife of a year and a half, Melanie, and they are expecting their first child this summer. Tyler enjoys running, playing hockey, and spending time with his family. Peter Farrell has been attending masses at Immaculate Heart of Mary since mid2015. In May of 2014, Peter moved to Lexington Park, MD from Atchison, KS, where he graduated with degrees in Economics and Mathematics from Benedictine College. In 2012 Peter served as a missionary at a Chaldean school in Erbil, Iraq, which really began him on his journey to the Catholic Church. In his spare time, Peter enjoys reading works of the Early Church Fathers as well as other theological works (He is currently tackling Saint Augustine’s Confessions.) He also enjoys pretty much everything involving the great outdoors, including: fishing, hiking, and hunting. Jessica Schombs is 32 years old and has been a member of Immaculate Heart of Mary since 2006. Married to Nicholas Schombs for over eight years with three children; Natalie, Anthony and Dominic Schombs who attend Little Flower School. Her career began in the U.S. Navy, with 9 years of service in logistics. After the Navy, she was employed by three different companies all in the field of logistics before settling down in her current career. There, Jessica works for the federal government in Indian Head CADPAD Division doing acquisition for rocket motors on ejection seats. Jessica enjoys daily exercise, watching movies, crafts, baking, and spending time with her family. Joshua Watson is a new member of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Lexington Park, MD. He is married to Cynthia, his wife of seven years and they have five children together. Josh joined the Catholic Church this year. A four year journey coming to fruition. He has been a Sailor in the United States Navy for 16 years. TREASURE STEWARDSHIP Monday 9:00 am Tuesday 5:30 pm Is 7:10-14; 8:10/Ps 40:7-8A,8B-9,10,11/Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38 Eddie Price † Ac 4:32-37/Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2,5/ Jn 3:7b-15 Billy Riddell † Wednesday Ac 5:17-26/Ps 34:2-3,4-5,6-7,8-9/Jn 3:16-21 9:00 am Estelle Booth † Thursday 5:30 pm Ac 5:27-33/Ps 34:2,9,17-18,19-20/Jn 3:31-36 Bill Hall † Friday 9:00 am Ac 5:34-42/Ps 27:1,4,13-14/Jn 6:1-15 Mary Brien † Saturday 9:00 am 4:00 pm Ac 6:1-7/Ps 33:1-2,4-5,18-19/Jn 6:16-21 Martha Davie Ac 5:27-32,40b-41/Ps 30:2,4,5-6,11-12,13/ Rev 5:11-14 Nancy Rose † Sunday Ac 5:27-32,40b-41/Ps 30:2,4,5-6,11-12,13/ Rev 5:11-14 Harry Geraty † Ernie & Henritte Makin † The Parishioners of IHM 8:30 am 11:15 am 1:00 pm ALTAR FLOWERS If you would like to donate the Altar Flowers or Sanctuary Candles in memory or for special intentions of a loved one, please call the Parish Office or email at [email protected]. Building Fund Envelopes On-line Giving $13,239.27 $3,283.00 $120.00 $85.00 Weekly Budget $11,582.60 $1,117.09 Collected YTD $468,857.43 $37,214.80 Budget YTD $451,721.40 $43,566.51 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND THAT THEY MAY BE RESTORED TO FULL HEALTH Tess Allen, Lynette Henson, James Pruett, Alice Pollock, Bill Wagoner, Kerry Staats, Pat Wilson, and Fr. Dan Vitz. OUR MILITARY DEPLOYED OVERSEAS Sean Daigneau, USMC. Please note: names will remain on these lists for two months, unless otherwise notified. To keep a name on the list, please resubmit by contacting [email protected], or call the Parish Office. PAPAL AND PARISH INTENTIONS FOR APRIL That small farmers may receive a just reward for their MASS WITH ASL INTERPRETATION FOR THE DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING Masses are at 5:00 pm at St. Aloysius Church in Leonardtown on the fourth Saturday of every month. BULLETIN GUIDELINES Please email your submission to [email protected] by Wednesday at 10:00 am prior to the Sunday of publication. All entries are subject to editing. Offertory Mar. 27 Thank you for faithfully sharing a portion of the gifts God has given to you! SPECIAL CONCELEBRATED MASS AND HEALING SERVICE The next Mass with Eucharistic adoration and healing prayers will be Tuesday, Apr. 12 at 7:00 pm; confession begins at 6:30 pm. For more information, please contact Catherine Schwartz at [email protected]. LAST CHANCE MASS The last Liturgy in the county is celebrated at 7:30 pm at St. Mary’s College of Maryland in the Cole Cinema. FY July 2015June 2016 precious labor. That Christians in Africa may give witness to love and faith in Jesus Christ amid political-religious conflicts. That all members of our parish may open their hearts to the work of the Holy Spirit within them to end divisions. That truth and reason may pervade our political process. SHOPPING ON AMAZON? Be sure to go through our website www.ihmmrcc.org for all your Amazon purchases. We receive a 6% referral fee at no additional cost to you. Follow us on social media www.ihmrrc.org Brinsf ield MARTIN’S AUTO TECH Funeral Homes COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE 2 Year/24,000 Mile Warranty ~ Serving St. Mary’s County For Over 35 Years ~ 301-373-2266 P.O. BOX 96 · GREAT MILLS, MARYLAND 20634 Visit Us At www.martinsautotech.com For Coupons & Appointments ~ Your Full Service, Independent, Family-Owned Funeral Homes ~ Traditional Funerals, Cremation Services & Memorial Services Pre-Need Arrangements - Counseling With Personalized Service Options 23876 MERVELL DEAN RD., HOLLYWOOD, MD 301-475-5588 30195 Three Notch Road Heating Oils Home Comfort Services Charlotte Hall, MD 20622 301-472-4400 301-373-2131 On Line Obituaries www.brinsfieldfuneral.com 301-866-1439 TODAY IS A GREAT DAY TO BE A BURCH CUSTOMER! LOW PRICE QUALITY FOOD CHARLES E. 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April 10, 2016 - Immaculate Heart of Mary
Cindy Thompson, ext. 14
[email protected]
Mary Stevens, 240-434-8876
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