10 January 2016 - St. Joseph The Worker
10 January 2016 - St. Joseph The Worker
ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER Fr. Leslie Knight The Presbytery 17 Highview Crescent, Hutton Brentwood, Essex CM13 1BJ T: 01277 221917 M: 07730 409784 Miss Bernadette Rossiter St. Joseph the Worker Primary School Highview Crescent, Hutton Brentwood, Essex CM13 1BJ T: 01277 227282 www.stjosephshutton.org Mission Statement To have Christ at the centre of our lives, enabling us to grow in faith as a community where all feel welcome, loved and valued. St Joseph’s Pre-School (Brentwood) Highview Crescent, Hutton Brentwood, Essex CM13 1BJ T: 01277 212591 (Session time only) W: stjosephspreschoolbrentwood.co.uk Lord give me the gift of a generous heart to follow your will as I journey the path of life. You set before me the vocation of priesthood, religious life, single life and marriage. Grant me the grace and generosity I need to answer your call. Amen. Welcome to our parish news of St. Joseph the Worker 10 January 2016 Upcoming Masses THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD FIRST MASS OF SUNDAY JANUARY 2016 Saturday 9 6.00 p.m. Mary Connaughton RIP Sunday 10 8.30 a.m. People of the Parish 10.30 a.m. Pic Savourey SEASONS OF THE YEAR BEFORE LENT Monday 11 9.15 a.m. Int. Anne Anderson J and M Anderson Tuesday 12 9.15 a.m. For Julia Wednesday 138.30 a.m. Deceased and living members of Muldowney families Thursday 14 9.15 a.m. Deceased and living members of Muldowney families Friday 15 9.15 a.m. Brian Green RIP Saturday 16 9.15 a.m.# Private Int. SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FIRST MASS OF SUNDAY Saturday 16 6.00 p.m. In Thanksgiving M and J Anderson Sunday 17 8.30 a.m. People of the parish 10.30 a.m. Mary Boyer RIP M and T Smith Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturdays between 9.45 A.M. and 10.15 A.M. Coffee/Tea On Thursdays Please note that after the 9.15 a.m. Mass on Thursdays, there is coffee/tea in the parish room (off the Sacristy) Come together with Jesus in the Eucharist and each other afterwards. Part One Hearing the word of God He sends out his word to the earth. (Psalm 147:15) God’s loving initiative “Long ago God spoke to our ancestors in many and varied ways by the prophets.” (Hebrews 1:1) Our Christian faith affirms that God communicates with us. This communication, which we know as ‘divine revelation’, begins long before the coming of Christ. As the Letter to the Hebrews asserts, men and women came gradually and in various ways to know God through hearing the voice of God They came to know God as one who desired communion of life with them. It was due to love that God reached out to us. Dei Verbum solemnly declares that ‘the invisible God, out of the abundance of his love, addresses people as friends and converses with them, to invite them to communion with him and to receive them into that communion’ (Dei Verbum 2). This revelation of God takes place in the actions and words of God in history. The God who in the beginning created all things by the word continued through the centuries to care for the chosen people, so that they came to know the one true God and to await a Saviour. The Son, the fullness of all revelation ‘In these last days God has spoken to us by the Son.’ (Hebrews 1:2) In the Son of God this revelation reaches its climax, for he is ‘both the mediator and the fulness of all revelation’ (Dei Verbum 2). The Catechism explains: Through all the words of Sacred Scripture, God speaks only one single Word, his one Utterance in whom he expresses himself completely.’ (Catechism of the Catholic Church 102) Jesus Christ confirms what revelation proclaims, namely ‘that God is with us to free us from the darkness of sin and death, and to raise us up to eternal life’ (Dei Verbum 4). By his death and resurrection from the dead, Christ, the Word of God, brings us the good news of God’s love. Whoever comes to knowledge of Christ, comes to knowledge of the Father by the gift of the Holy Spirit. In this way we come to know God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is revealed to us through Christ and God’s will for our salvation is made known to us. Our response to God’s Word is a response of faith, which leads on to thanksgiving and praise (Dei Verbum 5). Scripture and Tradition God’s revelation, which came to its fulness in Christ, the Word of God, was handed on from generation to generation and reached written form in the books of the Bible. The prophet Isaiah instructed his disciples to preserve his teaching by writing it down for future generations (Isaiah 8.16). St. Paul speaks of receiving and handing on in his preaching the fundamental beliefs about Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-3). In such ways we see the emergence of the Tradition, which comes to signify all that has been revealed and handed on concerning Christian faith and life. The Second Vatican Council speaks of Tradition as follows: ‘Now what was handed on by the apostles includes all those things which contribute towards the holiness of life and the increase of faith of the people of God, so that the Church, in her teaching, life and worship, perpetuates and hands on to all generations everything that she is, everything that she believes.’ (Dei Verbum 8) continued on p3 Eucharistic Ministers at This Week’s Masses 18.00 8.30 10.30 Gaye O’Regan Bill O’Regan Paul Bolton Joan Parker Lyn Birnie Ken Eady Kathy Hillhouse Mary Brooks Chris Brooks Readers at This Week’s Masses 18.00 Pat Creavin 8.30 Gerry Sarah 10.30 Marina Moffat Eucharistic Ministers at Next Week’s Masses (16/17 January) 18.00 8.30 10.30 Maurice Roche Ewa Kania Stella Walker John Spinks Mary Allum Margaret Bailey Dominic D’Albequeque Willa Jackson Marina Moffat Readers at Next Week’s Masses (16/17 January) 18.00 Marian Anderson 8.30 Carol Giles 10.30 Sophie Newbould We welcome you to St. Joseph the Worker on this the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. First of all, I wish to thank everyone who prepared the church for Christmas and all who carried out the various Ministries. I also want to thank each and every one of you for the cards, gifts and your Christmas offering. Everyone was so kind. Thank you. I hope this year will be a year in which we will all come closer to Jesus and Mary, who have had a sabbatical from Sunday Mass, but will return on a regular basis so that our whole parish will benefit from the Merciful Father in this Jubilee Year of Mercy. For all of us the story in Luke’s Gospel of the Prodigal Son is worth reading over and over again, and pray about it and its implications for each one of us. We only have a few weeks and we will be plunged into the season of Lent, a season of Mercy. As we return to today, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord brings a fitting climax to the season of Advent. Christmastide draws our attention to the revelation of the Trinity, which is at the very core of our Christian faith. This is the secret at the very heart of God’s mystery, namely that God is three persons in one. God the Father of mercies, the Son who redeemed us, and the Spirit who makes us holy. Through baptism we are immersed into the mystery of the Blessed Trinity. In this Year of Mercy we are invited to enter in the very depths of the unsearchable and unfathomable riches and treasures of God’s life and mystery. Each one of us has received the call to evangelise and lead others in our family and community into the mystery of the Trinity. As we embark on our journey through this New Year, we too invoke the Blessed Trinity and ask the Father to pour out his love and the Son’s mercy, and the Spirit his grace and power upon us. Have a great Sunday and a wonderful week with your families. Anniversaries We pray for the anniversary of all our relatives and friends, especially those whose anniversary occurs at this time. We pray for: Freddie Foster, Jean Vowles, Eric Smith, Florence Cronin, Gwendoline Thomas, Antoinette Vassey, James Tobin, Frederick Slaughter, Mary Shaw, Josephine Millett, Horace Hutton, Harry Ford, Margaret O’Riorden, James Power, George Porter, Arthur Gilbert, Rosemary Walker, and Alfred Said Priests of our Diocese: Canon Francis Dobson (1991), Fr. John King (2012), Fr. Gilbert Pearson (1947), Fr. Neville Banks (2006) – one time parish priest of St. Josephs. May these and all the faithful departed Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory and Grace Sickness We pray for our sick in our parish: Nicholas Sharkey, Daniella DiLisio, Paul Denton, Don Whittle, Simone Austin, Jacqueline Birnie, Maureen Flaherty, Pauline White, Mairead O’Driscoll, Nora McPherson, Mano Subryan, Kathleen Green, Beryl de Prazer, Mary Sheehan, Janice Masters, and Jim Jarvis. Our Lady of Lourdes intercede for them. If there are any changes please let Fr. Leslie know. Join The Brentwood Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, Summer 2016 In this Year of Mercy and Celebrating the Feast of the Assumption a Pilgrimage will be led by Bishop Alan Williams from 14-19 August 2016 Flights and Full Board Price from £639 (Coach option from £419 also possible) Plenty of assistance for pilgrims with medical needs. Come as a parish group, come on your own, come as a group of friends, come as a couple ... everyone is welcome! For full details and a booking form call Cathy on 01206 501146, or email [email protected]. www.brentwoodlourdes.org Jubilee Year Of Mercy The Holy Door is open every day at the Cathedral – accessed from the car park. To gain Plenary Indulgence you have recently received the Sacraments of Holy Communion and the Sacrament of Reconciliation and to pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be….for the intentions of Pope Francis. Children’s Liturgy. The Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place at 10.30 a.m. Mass. This is not a crèche but a celebration of the Word of God. To attend your child should be between four and seven years. 200 Club Winners October NovemberDecember 1.C Peters 1.A Walker 1.D Grainger 2.A C Bailey 2.J Jarvis 2.M Bailey 3.B Richards 3.M Yates 3.D Gill Thank you for your support and a very happy New Year from all at St. Josephs 200 Club. Say Each Day Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy. Hail our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn, then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us, and after this our exile, show unto us the Blessed fruit of thy womb Jesus. O Clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. New Readers And Eucharistic Ministers Needed In this Year of Mercy what can you do to serve others? One way is to assist in proclaiming the Word of God by becoming a Reader - we especially need more Readers at the 6.00 p.m. Saturday Mass. Or perhaps you feel called to help administer the Eucharist at Mass and to the sick of the parish. If you think you would like to volunteer for these Ministries, please see Fr. Leslie or contact Willa Jackson: [email protected] Full training/opportunities to practice will be given. Finance News Looking Back – Looking Forward Bible Alive and Word Alive - January Now it’s time for making New Year’s resolutions! But first let’s look back at 2015. ◊ What did you enjoy the most during this year? ◊ What was the hardest for you? ◊ What really great things have happened to you this year? ◊ Now think about 2016. What would you like to be better at? ◊ How can you help others more? ◊ How can others help you? ◊ What really great things would you like to happen to you and in the world during the year to come? Share your ideas with someone who cares about you. Write them down so that you can look at them again this time next year. Both these publications are now available at the back of the church and cost £2.25 and £1.50 respectively. They both go together. Word Alive gives all the Scripture readings for each day during the month. Bible Alive gives you a reflection on these readings. Please do make these two booklets part of your family prayer so that all may grow in love and service of the Lord. Hospitality Ministry The Sunday Hospitality Ministry is calling for volunteers to serve coffee, tea, biscuits, etc. after the 8.30 a.m. and 10.30 a.m. Masses. The more volunteers that we have the easier it will be to prepare a rota, which will be a great help for everyone concerned. Please see Father Leslie or call Jan on 200278. Church Cleaning We are looking for volunteers to clean the church on Fridays after morning Mass for approximately 30 minutes. Tea and coffee is always provided afterwards. Sunday Choir 10.30 a.m. We are looking for new members for our choir at our 10.30 a.m. Sunday Mass. We are also keen to talk to anyone who can play a musical instrument. If you are interested, please see Catrina after 10.30 a.m. Mass. Abbotswick House Of Prayer. Come, relax and recharge your spiritual batteries. Please pick up a card from the back of the church. The Parish Properties Father Leslie would greatly appreciate some help in looking after and maintaining the parish properties: Church, Church hall and Presbytery. This is mainly from an admin point of view, plus Health and Safety issues. If you have some property knowledge and a few hours to spare each week, then please email [email protected] and Ian will pass on your details to Father Leslie. This would be a voluntary position, but it would provide great help and support to Father Leslie and the parish. Our Housebound and Those Who Live Alone So many of our housebound and those in care homes miss the parishioners at St Josephs. One such parishioner is Kath O’Reilly. Her address is St. Anne’s Home, Room 20, 77 Manor Road, Stoke Newington, London N16 5BL. Wouldn’t it be nice for as many of us as possible to send her a letter, or card, of good wishes from time to time, and indeed to all housebound parishioners we know so that they are not forgotten at Christmas time. Merciful Like the Father In this coming year our focus should be on the Corporal Works of Mercy and the Spiritual Works of Mercy, as below. Corporal Works of Mercy ◊ to feed the hungry ◊ give drink to the thirsty ◊ clothe the naked ◊ welcome the stranger ◊ heal the sick ◊ visit the imprisoned ◊ bury the dead Spiritual Works of Mercy ◊ to counsel the doubtful ◊ instruct the ignorant ◊ admonish sinners ◊ comfort the afflicted ◊ forgive offences ◊ bear patiently for those who do us ill ◊ pray for the living and the dead The above will we our challenge for the Year of Mercy. 200 Club For an outlay of just £24.00 per year (£2.00 per month by standing order) you can win a monthly prize of £45.00, £25.00 or £15.00 and your generosity will also help us with our stretched finances here at St. Joseph the Worker. Please pick up a 200 Club form from the table at the back of the church. from page 1 In recent years Christians of different communities in dialogue have explored together the close relationship between Scripture and Tradition. An Agreed Statement by the Second Anglican - Roman Catholic International Commission declares: ‘Within Tradition the Scriptures occupy a unique and normative place and belong to what has been given once for all.’ (The Gift of Authority 19). A Report of the Joint Commission for Dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the World Methodist Council reads: The Word is present in Tradition as the communication of the Gospel to new generations of believers.’ And again: ‘Since they preserve the proclamation of the news of salvation by the prophets and apostles, the Scriptures are at the same time the model and the heart of the Tradition.’ (Speaking the Truth in Love 18) Scripture and Tradition, closely bound together, make ‘present and fruitful in the Church the mystery of Christ’ (Catechism of the Catholic Church 80). For the week ending 2/3 January 2016 you gave £264.03 of which £26.00 was GIFT AIDED (excluding Standing Orders). Crib Collection for Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society raised £214.70. Thank you and God Bless. GIFT AID Please do not forget, if you are a UK taxpayer, to Gift Aid what you give to the church. This benefits the parish enormously. At present we have a lot of maintenance work to attend to in the Parish Hall and Church and all of this will cost a considerable amount of money. Every little helps! 200 CLUB Also, there are “200 CLUB” forms at the back of church. Please sign up for £2.00 per month, maybe win a cash prize every month, and help your parish financially. Many thanks and God Bless Pope Francis @pontifex Let us thank God who is merciful and ever at our side. No one can put limits on God’s love, for he is always ready to forgive. The mercy of God will always be greater than any sin. Let us pray for Christians suffering persecution, often amid the shameful silence of so many. Catholic Newspapers Please note that the Herald, the Universe and the Catholic Times are available at the back of the church. Don’t forget Bible Alive £2.25 and Word Alive £1.50. Also money for books in the box under the picture of the Prodigal Son. Fr. Leslie wishes you all a very happy New Year. In The Gospel Today Jesus is baptised by John. The Holy Spirit comes down from heaven like a dove. God the Father is heard saying to Jesus, “You are my Son. the Beloved”. A Prayer to Say Dear Jesus, baptism is a time when we are welcomed into God’s family. Thank you for welcoming me into your family. Help me to be a good family member so that I can be a true child of God. Amen. EACH WEEK WE ASK PARENTS TO SAY THIS PRAYER WITH YOUR CHILDREN. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU PICK UP A COPY. CATHOLIC AND HAVE LOST TOUCH? If you have been a non Church‑going Catholic for a long time, it can be very helpful to read about contemporary Catholic beliefs and life. It may appear to you that some things have changed. Free materials are available from the Catholic Enquiry Office. Contact: “Coming Home”, CEO, 114 West Heath Road, London NW3 7TX Tel: 020 8458 3316. e‑mail: [email protected] Boutique Fitness odlan&d Bakery o W Sandwich Shop 2 New classes at the Hutton Community Centre Starting Monday 23rd June 2014 7.30pm Pilates 6 week course suitable for all levels Will help to develop & strengthen your core 8.30pm Ladies Only Boxing Fitness Class Drop in Is a great way to strengthen, tone & sculpt your arms Please bring your own mats 70 Woodland Avenue, Hutton Are you feeling generally low in mood and unhappy or struggling with a particular concern or worry? Are you suffering in silence, unable to share your anxieties, fears or worries? I may be able to help. All matters of our pscyhological wellbeing, including unconscious processes may be better understood and worked through with therapy. For enquiries or more information phone: 079584 286 852 or email: [email protected] For more details & to book your place contact Vicky Whymark on 07912368199 or [email protected] Buffets We cater for all occasions Private Functions Parties - Corporate Lunches Traditional Fresh Bread, Cakes, Tarts, Pies, Hot & Cold Savouries Freshly prepared Sandwiches, Rolls, Salads, Jacket Potatoes Telephone: 01277 849494 www.woodlandbakery.co.uk Providing funerals and memorials for Catholic families throughout Essex and Greater London. Prestigious Rolls Royce Fleet Golden Charter Trust Pre Payment Funeral Plans Private Chapels of Rest Bereavement Group 7 Montague Way Queens Park Billericay Essex CM12 0UB Telephone (01277) 625411/07956 551982 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: www.gbarnett.co.uk Our 150th Year F.E. FARRER Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons 5th Generation Family Owned since 1860 ALL YOU NEED FROM A LOCAL FUNERAL DIRECTOR Fern House, 120 High Street, Brentwood CM14 4AS 01277 210 104/210 654 (24 hours) The Old School House, 2 High Street Billericay CM12 9BQ 01277 624 289/627 492 (24 hours) www.bennettsfunerals.co.uk Private Chapels of Rest Home Visits Arranged Pre‑Paid Funeral Plans Memorial Headstones, Additional Inscriptions and Renovations A.B.C. Cars Brentwood’s leading taxi service, Friendly and reliable service, Competitive rates for airports, weddings, school runs etc. etc. 5% discount for parishioners 01277 216060 Rolls Royce & Daimler Fleet Horse Drawn Carriages Green Funerals & Woodland Burials Richard Rock Interior / Exterior Painting & Decorating For Immediate Personal Attention Day and Night Please Telephone John or Roy Farrer 07827 785330 (m) 01245 467454 (h) 33 High Street The Brentwood 246 Hutton Road Diocesan Trust – Registered Charity No. 234092 [email protected] Billericay 01277 622944 Shenfield 01277 216030 www.fefarrer.co.uk Please call for further information and free quote We hope you enjoyed reading the newsletter this week; please do remember that if, for some reason, there are not enough hard copies at the back of the Church, it can always be downloaded from the Parish website (www.stjosephshutton.org). A PDF of the newsletter can be found under “communication”.
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