NUNATSIAVUT SILATÂNI Atsusi - Greetings Updating Names and
NUNATSIAVUT SILATÂNI Atsusi - Greetings Updating Names and
NUNATSIAVUT SILATÂNI OUTSIDE OUR BEAUTIFUL LAND Summer 2014 In This Issue NA Updates...............................................2-3 NG Departmental Budget..........................3-4 AnânauKatiget Tumingit Update..................4 Departmental Minister and Deputy Minister Contact Information......................................5 Arctic Inspiration Prize (AIP).....................6-7 AIP Call for Submissions..............................8 Nunatsiavut Silatâni Call for Submissions and ICC 2014 General Assembly.................9 UPCART’s Fourth Meeting....................10-11 Mary March Provincial Museum.................11 Governor General’s Leadership Conference and IBSW...................................................12 Nunatsiavut Society of Nova Scotia...........13 Aboriginal Patient Navigator Program...14-15 Winston White.......................................15-16 Stacey Shiwak.......................................16-17 Artist Profile - The Blake Sisters..........18-19 National Aboriginal Day.........................20-21 Public Announcement Board.................22-23 Nunatsiavut Address Book.........................24 Canadian Constituency Office Daniel G. Pottle and Patricia Ford Ordinary Members Nunatsiavut Assembly – Canada Tama Ball Canadian Constituency Officer 95 LeMarchant Road, Suite 203 St. John’s, NL A1C 2H1 Toll free: 1-877-777-2097 Local: 709-754-2097 Fax: 709-754-2364 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Atsusi - Greetings Ikpiniavugut una allatausimajuk Nunatsiavut Silatâni Kanuingisianinginnik inositsiagillutillu. We trust that this edition of Nunatsiavut Silatâni will find everyone safe and in good health. Daniel (Danny) Pottle and Patricia (Pat) Ford would like to thank the constituents of Canada for your overwhelming support in re-electing us to be your representatives in the Nunatsiavut Assembly (NA) for the next four years. Danny has been reappointed as Minister of Finance, Human Resources and Information Technology, and Pat has been appointed as Deputy Speaker of the NA. We look forward to working on your behalf, and with you over the next four years. Updating Names and Addresses As you may be aware, and as per the Registrar of Beneficiaries (Don Dicker), Beneficiaries of the Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement are required under Inuit Law to maintain current and up to date correspondence information, including legal name, and permanent mailing address. Current phone numbers and/ or email addresses are other excellent ways to stay in touch, especially if names and/or addresses are not kept up to date. Although maintaining a phone number and/or email address is not required, maintaining current names and mailing addresses is required under Inuit Law. The Registrar kindly requests that you contact the Membership Office to update your name 1 and mailing address, now and any time down the road wherein your address and/or name may change. The Membership Clerks can be reached the following ways: Sheila Angnatok toll free number: 1-866-9222942 ext. 271, or via email: sheila_angnatok@nunatsiavut. com Ashley Edmunds toll free number: 1-866-9222942 ext. 226, or via email: ashley_edmunds@nunatsiavut. com Please be prepared to have various personal information ready, possibly including but not limited to: date of birth, beneficiary number, last known mailing address, etc. Residential School Law Suit Update The following is a copy of the letter from Steven Cooper updating claimants on the Residential Schools Class Action Lawsuit: “I’m writing to report on a recent decision of the Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal. Some of you may have already heard about the decision on the news, but I wanted to make sure that you had some more detail. Those of you who have read my previous reports will recall that Canada has made a number of court applications trying to narrow the issues and undermine parts of our claim on your behalf. Each attempt has failed except one. Canada asked to argue that some of the survivors should not be allowed to be included in the claim. The Court was prepared to listen to that argument, but we worried it would further delay the trial set for this November. We appealed that decision and the Court of Appeal recently agreed that the matter must proceed to trial as scheduled with no further applications or delays. The trial is scheduled for November 17, 2014 to go until the holidays re-convene in January 2015 for a few weeks, if necessary. Full credit goes to Kirk Baert and Celeste Poltak who argued the case before the Court of Appeal. We are also looking to identify a group of witnesses, survivors mostly, who can talk about each of the schools and their experiences. We are looking for a good mix of people in terms of when they went to various schools, their individual group (Inuit, Innu and Métis), the schools that they attended and their experiences. We need to show that the government did not carry out their responsibilities. I expect that we will also want some people who are first language speakers other than English although the majority will probably be English speaking. We will need people that are comfortable taking the stand in court, and with taking the time with us to prepare. We will be in touch with a few of you to ask if you would be prepared to participate. We continue to hope that Canada will put its money where its mouth has been for the last decade and approach us with the intent to settle. We still do not understand why the people in Newfoundland and Labrador are being treated so differently than in the rest of the country. We do not understand why the Government of Canada wants to put survivors through a trial, nor do we understand why the Federal Government seems to want to spend whatever it takes and use up whatever time they can to avoid healing this wound. We encourage all of you to contact your political representatives and press them to get the Government to sit down with us and settle this claim fairly. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me or my staff at any time.” Sincerely, AHLSTROM WRIGHT OLIVER & COOPER LLP Steven L. Cooper Barrister & Solicitor [email protected] SLC/kb Nunatsiavut Assembly (NA) Update Since the last edition of Nunatsiavut Silatâni, the NA met during the weeks of May 12-14 and June 9-11. The aforemen- tioned proceedings followed the Orders of the Day for the NA; for a full review of the proceeding of the NA please refer Page 2 to the NG Hansard at NA Updates (Continued) During the week of January 20-24, the NA passed Bill 201401, The Torngat CO-OP Loan Guarantee Act. The Act supports commercial borrowing (up to $750,000.000) by the Torngat Fish Producers Cooperative Society Limited for the period from April 1/14 – December 31/14. During the week of March 3-7, the NA passed Bill 2014-02 (the Budget Act) and Bill 2014-03 (an Act to Amend the Nunat- siavut Elections Act, Inuit Law 2009-08). Bill 2014-03 amends the provisions related to the Presidential elections under Part 2 of the Nunatsiavut Elections Act by (1) clarifying the Constitutional requirement that candidates be able to speak and understand Inuttut and (2) requiring all candidates to participate in an Inuttut debate so as to (a) publically demonstrate that they meet the Constitutional requirement and (b) allow voters an opportunity to decide for themselves whether candidates speak and understand Inuttut. Bill 2014-02 is an Act to implement the Consolidated Financial Plan of the NG for the fiscal year beginning April 1/14 and ending on March 31/15. The table below lists the Revenue and Expense for the NG for the next fiscal year: Revenue Expenditure $66,933,618.00 $66,933,618.00 Nunatsiavut Government Departmental Budget Highlights Nunatsiavut Secretariat of $7.5 million has been appropriated for housing, of which $2.5 million is being carried over from the 2013-14 fiscal year related to the Nunatsiavut Government’s planned housing strategy. A total of $1 million is being set aside to complete a housing risk assessment, to establish housing charettes with the goal to design a multi-unit housing complex, and to assist with the construction of a prototype. of Lands and Natural Resources has decreased by nine (9) per cent from the previous year. $2.4 million has been appropriated to Torngat Regional Housing Association to continue with the delivery of its programs. Research will continue on possible locations for a counting fence to monitor salmon in the Rigolet area. Nunatsiavut Affairs Lands and Natural Resources Under the FFA budget, a total The budget for the Department Funding is being provided for the continuation of the Lake Melville Baseline Environmental The overall budget for the Nunatsiavut Secretariat, which includes the President’s office, has been increased by 0.5 per cent, or $9,800, from the previous year. The Secretariat will continue to implement its goals under the Nunatsiavut Government’s Strategic Plan, including exploring green energy, negotiations with respect to the Mealy Mountains National Park, moving forward with policy development and information management of corporate documents and data. Page 3 While there are no significant changes in current projects or programs, the Nunatsiavut Government is continuing to establish a fund for the purchase of fishing opportunities, such as quotas and licences. Funding for this will come from fees received from fishers and fishing enterprises. Departmental Budget Highlights (continued) Lands and Natural Resources (continued) Study, the Nunatsiavut Government’s Sustainable Communities Initiative and the Going Off, Growing Strong program, as well as other ongoing initiatives. fiscal year. Culture, Recreation and Tourism Education and Economic Development The overall budget for the Department of Culture, Tourism and Recreation has increased by 20 per cent over the previous year. The Department of Education and Economic Development will see a slight decrease in its budget from 2014-15 since it has successfully received funding from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency for its activities. A total of $250,000 has been budgeted towards exhibits for the planned Illusuak Cultural Centre. A contribution of $75,000 is budgeted for the Torngat Recreation Commission to support activities. The Labrador Inuktitut Training Program will enter into implementation phase during the new An Experience Development Specialist position will become permanent, with new marketing programs being planned and implemented. The Department will continue to implement priorities under the Nunatsiavut Government’s Strategic Plan in relation to education, capacity building and development of economic opportunities. Finance, Human Resources and Information Technology The budget for the Department of Finance, Human Resources and Information Technology will be increased by 2.3 per cent over last year to strengthen and formulate policies, as well as to finalize all components of the Nunatsiavut Government’s plan to transition employees to Nunatsiavut. Health and Social Development There is no significant change in the budget for the Department of Health and Social Development over 2013-14. $20 million from the FFA has been budgeted to support programs and services for Labrador Inuit, including, but not limited to: Mental Health and Addictions, Non-Insured Health Benefits, community programming, suicide prevention, and programming for youth and elders. AnânauKatiget Tumingit Update AnânauKatiget Tumingit Regional Inuit Women’s Association held its AGM in Makkovik, June 13-14, 2014. Board members and staff will be welcoming their incoming Executive Director, Charlotte Wolfrey, Page 4 who will be joining ATRIWA on June 30, 2014. ‘On Saturday, June 14, there will be a public session facilitated by Bobbie Boland, in an effort to give direction to ATRIWA on which areas to focus attention. Departmental Minister and Deputy Minister Information Minister Deputy Minister President Sarah Leo, Nunatsiavut Secretariat Tel: 1-866-922-2942 ext. 254 Email: [email protected] Isabella Pain Tel: 1-866-922-2942 ext. 247 Email: [email protected] Kate Mitchell, First Minister Tel: 709-922-2365 ext.228 Email: [email protected] Toby Andersen, Nunatsiavut Affairs Tel: 709-923-2489 ext. 229 Email: [email protected] Darryl Shiwak, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources Tel: 709-947-3362 Email: [email protected] Carl McLean, Land and Natural Resources Tel: 709-896-8582 Email: [email protected] Danny Pottle, Finance, Human Resources and Information Technology Tel: 709-754-2097 (1-877-754-2097) Email: [email protected] Rexanne Crawford Tel: 709-896-8582 Email: [email protected] Patricia Kemuksigak, Education and Economic Development Tel: 709-896-8582 ext.231 Email: [email protected] Tim McNeill Tel: 709-896-8582 ext. 224 Email: [email protected] Greg Flowers, Health and Social Development Tel: 709-933-3777 ext. 229 Email: [email protected] Michelle Kinney Tel: 709-896-9750 (1-866-606-9750) ext. 252 Email: [email protected] Richard Pamak, Culture, Recreation and Tourism Tel: 1-866-922-2942 Email: [email protected] Dave Lough Tel: 1-866-922-2942 ext. 239 Email: [email protected] Page 5 Arctic Inspiration Prize The Nunatsiavut Government has been awarded the Arctic Inspiration Prize for its initiative, SakKijânginnatuk Nunalik: Healthy Homes in Thriving Nunatsiavut Communities. The prize, with an associated award of $350,000, was one of three announced at a ceremony coinciding with ArcticNet’s ninth Annual Scientific Meeting in Halifax on December 11/14. “The Nunatsiavut Government is proud and thrilled to be honored with this significant award,” says President Sarah Leo. “It will help us and our partners develop sustainable housing solutions for Nunatsiavummiut and our communities.” “SakKijânginnatuk Nunalik is an outstanding example of using research for the betterment of Inuit,” adds the President. “I want to commend the dedicated team of professionals for their hard work with this initiative, and to thank them for making this award possible.” The broad-based SakKijânginnatuk Nunalik (Sustainable Communities) initiative aims to build on Inuit knowledge of the current housing situation in Nunatsiavut by demonstrating not only the feasibility and best practices for planning and implementation of subarctic sustainable communities, but also the socio-economic benefits of energy security, healthy homes designed and built by Inuit, for Inuit. “Housing is the most fundamental issue facing our communities today,” said SakKijânginnatuk Nunalik team leader Isabella Pain, in accepting the award on behalf of the Nunatsiavut Government. “We are in a crisis situation, and while the consequences of this crisis are felt most powerfully by Nunatsiavut’s homeless and most vulnerable households, the implications extend throughout the region, touching all areas of community life and affecting the lives of all Nunatsiavummiut.” SakKijânginnatuk Nunalik plans to use the prize money to help build and monitor Nunatsiavut’s first sustainable, multi-unit residential dwelling and establish a prototype for Northern housing development that addresses changing climate, infrastructure requirements and Inuit housing needs and preferences that could potentially be applied across the country. SakKijânginnatuk Nunalik Team Members Page 6 Arctic Inspiration Prize Page 7 Arctic Inspiration Prize Call for Submissions Dear Arctic colleagues: This is a call for nominations for the 2014 Arctic Inspiration Prize. The $1 million CAD prize is awarded annually to recognize and promote the extraordinary contribution made by teams in the gathering of Arctic knowledge and their plans to implement this knowledge into real world applications for the benefit of the Canadian Arctic, its Peoples and therefore Canada as a whole. The Prize is made possible through the generous endowment of the S. and A. Inspiration Foundation, the commitment of ArcticNet to voluntarily manage the Prize, as well as the contribution from numerous volunteers and partners. The 2014 Nomination Package and Guidelines are now available on the Arctic Inspiration Prize website ( Please make sure you use the updated 2014 Forms. The nomination deadline is October 1/14. The Prize recognizes and encourages teamwork and collaboration among diverse groups (northern community members and organizations, scientists, stakeholders from the public and private sectors) in addressing the causes rather than the symptoms of issues of importance to the Canadian Arctic and its Peoples. We encour- age nominations for projects of all scales. Smaller scale (local, grassroots) projects (i.e. under $100,000) are as eligible and encouraged as very large ones (up to $1 million). Information on 2012 and 2013 Laureates is available on the Arctic Inspiration Prize website. in-Chief of Canada, Inuit Nobel Peace Prize nominee Sheila Watt-Cloutier, CBC’s chief correspondent Peter Mansbridge and former Commissioner of the Yukon Geraldine Van Bibber. A full list of committee members is available on the Arctic Inspiration Prize website. Teams cannot apply for the Prize themselves - they must be nominated by third parties who are knowledgeable about their activities. Any individual or organization may act as a Nominator for a team they see as worthy for the Arctic Inspiration Prize. Nominators may submit more than one application for the Arctic Inspiration Prize for any given year. Nominators can be representatives of northern organizations, universities, research institutes, private sector, government departments or any other organization from north and south with an interest in the Canadian Arctic. The third Arctic Inspiration Prize Award Ceremony will be held in conjunction with the 2014 International Arctic Change Conference (and 10th ArcticNet ASM) on the evening of Wednesday, December 10/14 at the Ottawa Convention Centre, in our Nation’s Capital. A Selection Committee composed of distinguished individuals known for their commitment to the Canadian Arctic and its inhabitants select from one to five Prize winners annually, with associated awards totalling $1 million. Current members of the Selection Committee include: The Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Former Governor General and Commander- Page 8 The Prize represents a unique opportunity to bring knowledge into action in the Canadian Arctic and we encourage you to seek and nominate potential teams for the Prize. Best regards, Martin Fortier, Ph.D. Executive Director, ArcticNet & Arctic Inspiration Prize 1045, av. de la Médecine, Local 4081 Université Laval, Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6 T: 1-418-656-5233 C: 1-418-655-5233 F: 1-418-656-2334 Nunatsiavut Silatâni Call for Submissions The Canadian Constituency Office is issuing two calls for submissions: digital artwork for the Canadian Constituency Office’s 2014 Christmas Card, as well as a call for submissions for the Nunatsiavut Silatâni Christmas 2014 Newsletter. Submissions for the Chistmas Card may be artwork from any and all visual media. For the Nunatsiavut Silatâni Christmas Newsletter, submissions may be announcements/celebration notes (weddings, birth announcements, anniversaries, birthdays, events), condolences, or any stories or articles that may be of interest to Beneficiaries in Canada. The submission date is Friday, November 21st, 2014 at 4:30pm Island time. Please make your submissions via email to: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Inuit Circumpolar Council (Canada) 2014 General Assembly The ICC General Assemblies are held once every four years, and provide an important venue for Inuit from the four Arctic countries (Canada, the US, Greenland, Russia) to debate Arctic issues and to address developments taking place that affect the Inuit world. Assemblies also provide an opportunity to celebrate a rich cultural heritage and to strengthen the cultural bonds between all Inuit. The 12th ICC GA will be held in Inuvik, NWT, Canada, July 2124, 2014. The Nunatsiavut Government delegates for the ICC 2014 General Assembly are: President Sarah Leo, First Minister Kate Mitchell, and Minister of Finance, Human Resources and Information Technology Danny Pottle. Page 9 Fourth Meeting of the Ungava Peninsula Caribou Aboriginal Round Table is a Success (Participants of the Ungava Peninsula Caribou Aboriginal Round Table) KUUJJUARAPIK, QC, May 29, 2014 - The Aboriginal Roundtable is pleased to report that their fourth meeting held in Whapmagoostui - Kuujjuarapik on May 21st and 22nd, 2014 was a success and good progress is being made towards the conservation of Ungava caribou. Since the inaugural meeting of the UPCART in January 2013 in Kuujjuaq, great efforts have been made by the members to develop their own conservation measures and actions while ensuring that the cultural and spiritual relationship with caribou and the food security of members are respected. These efforts reported by the Aboriginal Groups at the Round Table have resulted in a reduction of the hunting pressure from the UPCART members on the George River Herd, which is in a critical state. “In the 18 months since the inaugural meeting, members of UPCART continue to build their relationship and strengthen the trust around the table. This is leading to real results, and I have faith that we will achieve a true model of leadership in managing Ungava Caribou”, says Sarah Leo, President of the Government of Nunatsiavut and Co-Chair of the UPCART. Discussions regarding access to the Leaf River Caribou Herd by the members of the UPCART Page 10 were also held, as the members reiterated the need to find alternate means to access this important food source while being respectful of the wellbeing of the communities, their populations and their territorial responsibilities. “Sharing is a strong cultural value for our Peoples, and it is important to come to an agreement between the members on how we can ensure our collective food security and maintain our cultural relationship while protecting and conserving the Ungava Caribou”, says Adamie Delisle-Alaku, Vice-President, Renewable Resources, Makivik Corporation and Co-Chair of the UPCART. Ungava Peninsula Caribou ... ... continued The UPCART is also continuing its work in developing a conservation plan for the Ungava caribou herds that will be based on preserving the Aboriginal relationship and respect for caribou. Finally, the UPCART also acknowledges the work of the Torngat Wildlife, Plans and Fisheries Secretariat, who attended the meeting and provided good insights and recommendations for the management of the Ungava Caribou Herds. About the Ungava Peninsula Caribou Aboriginal Round Table Mary March Provincial Museum: May 3rd to October 5th There will be a temporary exhibition at the Mary March Provincial Museum (a division of The Rooms). One of the exhibits is titled: At Home and Away: The photography of Barry Pottle and Chris Sampson. This runs from May 3 – October 5, 2014 at The Mary March Provincial Museum (The Rooms) in St. John’s. For more information, please visit the webstie below: The Ungava Caribou Aboriginal Round Table membership is: the Inuit of Nunavik, the Inuit of Nunatsiavut, the NunatuKavut Community Council, the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach, the Grand Council of the Crees of Eeyou Istchee/ Cree Regional Authority (GCCEI/CRA), the Innu Nation of Labrador and all the Innu communities from the Québec region. Image credit: Chris Sampson, “Uncle Doug” Jacque, Postville For further information: Sarah Leo, Co-Chair (709) 922-2942 or Adamie Delisle Alaku, Co-Chair (819) 964-2925 Image credit: Barry Pottle, “Cultural Teachings” Page 11 Governor General’s Leadership Conference 2015 The following is information about special opportunities at the 2015 leadership conference for individuals of First Nations, Inuit or Métis heritage. The 2015 Conference is approaching rapidly and the application process is open until September 30, 2014. The Canadian Leadership Conference occurs only once every three to four years. It brings together 240 emerging Canadian leaders from business, labour, government, and NGOs for two weeks of unique interaction across the country designed to improve the quality and relevance of their future decisionmaking. All members share one thing in common: they are high potential individuals selected on the basis they are expected to achieve senior leadership positions in their organizations and communities within ten years. Each Conference has 15-20 members from First Nations, Metis and Inuit communities. For 2015, however, the Conference has agreed to put a special emphasis on outreach to emerging Aboriginal leaders across Canada. In fact, the total Conference membership is being increased by at least 20 positions in order to double the number of Aboriginal participants in 2015. We would greatly appreciate any help you might provide creating awareness of this opportunity inside Suncor and in communities where Suncor operates. Worth noting - there is no cost for individuals attending the Conference: travel, accommodation and meals are covered for everyone. For anyone who may have difficulty accessing funds to travel to and from the opening and closing plenaries, the Conference will make a number of bursaries available, on request. The core information on the Conference is available at www. The application form also is available at the conference website. In addition, for those who have questions about the value of the experience, or who wish to discuss whether they have the right qualifications, they can call or email me at any time at the number below. With best wishes, Ian Anderson Executive Director 1-877-388-4427 PSSSP Update on the Inuit Bachelor of Social Work (IBSW) In 2013, 17 of the original 19 IBSW students graduated. The remaining two students had a delayed gradutation; however, all 19 original IBSW students have met the graduation requirements and have sucessfully convocated as of May 2014. As such, the IBSW is now the most successful program yet, with a full 100% graduation rate! On behalf of the staff of PSSSP, congratuatlions to the first graduating class of IBSW! Inuit Bachelor of Social Work Class Page 12 The Nunatsiavut Society of Nova Scotia A group has been formed called the Nunatsiavut Society of Nova Scotia. We have recently secured funding from the Tasiujatsoak Trust Fund to offer a slipper making workshop in the fall and a drum-making and throat singing workshop between January and April. We have secured a space for the group to meet at a youth centre,Unijacke Centre for Community Development, at 2439 Gottingen Street in Halifax. We would like to set up a meet and greet to find out who is interested in taking the slipper making workshop, to determine the number of people interested in participating, and to order the supplies needed. Marjorie Flowers of Happy Valley-Goose Bay will be coming to teach slipper making. For the drum-making and throat singing workshop, the Blake Sisters of St. John’s, NL will be teaching this session. We will also be getting the Inuktitut Rosetta Stone (volumes 1 and 2) so we would like to set up Inuktitut Language learning opportunities. The Department of Culture & Tourism of Nunatsiavut Government is assisting the Nunat- siavut Society of Nova Scotia, so we will be working with Deputy Minister Dave Lough. This is very exciting! A Facebook page called “the Nunatsiavut Society of Nova Scotia” has been set up and if you are not a member please check the group on Facebook. gave a presentation on the cultural centre being built in Nain, Nunatsiavut. We would like your input on which month and date to hold the two gatherings mentioned above. Which month works best for you? Which date works best for you? Please keep in mind that we would like to offer the sessions over a weekend. For additional questions, comments or concerns, please contact: This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about our Inuit culture and traditions. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. Teresa Palliser, Lisa Webb, or Frances Palliser Email: [email protected] The slipper making workshop will be taking place between September and December 2014.The drum-making and thoat singing will be taking place between January and April 2015. Also the space at the Unijacke Centre for Community Development can be used for informal gatherings. So if we want to set up a potluck, a tea or things of those nature we can work with Lisa Webb to make arrangements. Since the group began last winter, we have had some get togethers - a more recent one being with Elder Sarah Anala and Malve Petersman who Page 13 Sarah Anala and Merrigan Palliser during a meeting with Malve Petersman and Sarah Anala in May 2014. Bridging the Divide: The Aboriginal Patient Navigator Program For most patients, a visit to the hospital will evoke a range of emotions— many of which are unwelcome. To some, the health care system can even feel like an intimidating, complex maze. Far from their communities and culture, some of our Aboriginal patients may feel particularly isolated during a hospital stay in St. John’s. Surrounded by the unfamiliar, any gesture or support that makes them feel more at home can help make the experience a little more comfortable. Enter Eastern Health’s Aboriginal Patient Navigator (APN) program. Since its introduction in 2009, it has been breaking down cultural and geographical barriers, and supporting Aboriginal patients, as they make their way through the acute care system. In an effort to provide culturally-sensitive health care, the APN program offers support to Aboriginal patients who are referred to St. John’s for medical treatment— providing a valuable link between their own communities and Eastern Health care providers. The journey through our health care facilities has many stages: from tests to diagnosis — to treatment to the return home — and ultimately, hopefully, the road back to health. The road to recovery also stretches from the busy corridors of a city hospital to the wide open spaces in places like Conne River or Natuashish. Photo Copyright © 2014 Nunatsiavut Government. The inuksuk, a stone figure in the shape of a human being, is one of the most powerful symbols of the Inuit culture. It is used as a navigational tool- to show direction- and is a welcome sight to travelers making their way through a forbidding or unfamiliar landscape. The traditional meaning of the word inuksuk is “you are on the right path” or “someone was here.” Katie Dicker, senior Aboriginal patient navigator with Eastern Health. Page 14 Katie Dicker, Eastern Health’s senior patient navigator, works towards guiding Aboriginal patients down the right path within the health care system. As a member of the Nunatsiavut Government, and one of the first individuals involved in the implementation of the APN program, Katie understands the different needs of Aboriginal patients. “Before coming here, I was exposed to the challenges in Aboriginal health care, in my own personal and professional experiences,” Katie says. “So I understand how some patients feel completely lost when they get here. That’s where we come in— to work as liaisons, and be there for them from beginning to end. “Every day is different— different patients, different needs.” Aboriginal patient navigators do a number of things to help their patients feel more at ease in the hospital setting: they provide referral, advocacy and support to Aboriginal patients to help them access the most appropriate health care and community services; they arrange services for clients’ if they require interpretation in their own language— InnuAimun and Inuktitut— to make sure they understand the care they are given; they escort patients to medical Bridging the Divide: The Aborig- Winston White inal Patient Navigator Program Fondly appointments; care. On October 10, 2012, the Remembered Health Council of Canada inand they make recommendations for, and assist with, accommodations, discharge planning, and access to medical supplies. vited representatives of the APN program to speak at a national symposium, in Toronto, Ontario, to share and promote the efforts behind their innovative practice. While national recognition is a positive thing, Katie and Solomon measure their success by the impact their program is having on those who depend on them. Solomon Semigak, an Aboriginal patient navigator with Eastern Health. Solomon Semigak is another Eastern Health Aboriginal patient navigator, from Makkovik, NL. Through his experience working with the APN program, Solomon has developed an appreciation for the challenges Aboriginal patients face when far from their homes and families. “We emphasize the importance of Aboriginal traditions and values,” says Solomon. “It is because of this that our patients are forever grateful for what we do— that is a great feeling. Helping Aboriginal patients with their needs is a very rewarding job.” Eastern Health’s Aboriginal navigation service is drawing attention across the country for its integrated approach to Helping upward of 50 to 80 patients a month, Katie and Solomon share many fond memories with their patients, though it is the words of one patient that are particularly memorable: “Nakummek ilitsinut suliakagatse tamane. Ikajugatse Inukatinet. Pitsiagusuagitse.” (Inuktitut) In English, this means, “Thank you both for working here, because you are helping your people. Keep doing the best you can.” Do you or someone you know require assistance from an Aboriginal Patient Navigator? For more information, contact Katie Dicker, Eastern Health’s senior patient navigator, at (709) 7772199 or e-mail: kdicker@sjnfc. com. Written by Samantha Flynn, a co-operative education student with Eastern Health. Page 15 Nunatsiavut President Sarah Leo says Labrador will always have a special place for Winston White, just as he has had for his native land. “Winston was a true son of Labrador,” she says. “He was a well-known figure throughout the region, particularly Nunatsiavut, and was very passionate about Labrador and especially his Inuit roots.” Mr. White passed away on June 13, 2014 following a battle with cancer. He was 72. A former broadcaster, writer, author and community activist, Mr. White previously worked as Director of Communications with the Labrador Inuit Association, playing an integral communications role leading up to the initialing of the Agreement-in-Principle for the Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement. Mr. White is also credited with coining the phrase “The Big Land”, in reference to Labrador. “Winston had a deep connection with his father’s homestead, a place he would frequent from time to time,” Winston White Fondly Remembered notes President Leo. “In fact, he was a strong advocate for having the homestead declared as a heritage site and, at one time, was actively pursuing interested parties to make it a reality. “On behalf of the Nunatsiavut Government and Labrador Inuit, I want to extend deepest condolences to Winston’s family and many friends,” adds the President. “He will be sadly missed, but fondly remembered.” Donations in Winston’s memory may me made to the Winston Churchill White Memorial Scholarship - Memorial University of Newfoundland c/o Office of Alumni Affairs, 20 Lambe’s Lane, St. John’s, NL A1C 5S7 or through their website: Dental Surgery Grad Getting Back to Roots Inuit woman says she wants to give back to community As one of few Inuit women to obtain a doctor of dentistry, Stacey Shiwak may very well become known as the tooth fairy in coastal Labrador communities. Photo Copyright © Photo by Danny Abriel The 41-year-old single mother from Happy Valley-Goose Bay is about to embark upon a stage in her life she’s been working towards for almost 20 years — providing access to oral care for children along the coast of Labrador. She convocated Friday afternoon at Dalhousie University in Halifax from the doctor of dental surgery program and is ready to wage war on tooth decay. “In general, it’s the most common chronic disease in children today and this affects an individual’s growth and development as well as their attitude toward health as an adult,” Shiwak told The Telegram Friday as she hurried around her room getting prepared for the ceremony. “Historically, the communities in Nunatsiavut had limited access to dental care, which is core in reducing the disease,” she said. In 2012, Health Canada and the First Nations Governance Information Centre released the First Nations Regional Health Survey. It identified several priority health issues for First Nations communities, including: 40 per cent have persistent oral pain, 55 Page 16 per cent brush teeth daily compared to 74 per cent of non-Aboriginal Canadians, 23 per cent have untreated root caries (decay and crumbling) compared to seven per cent of non-Aboriginal Canadians, 44.7 per cent have calculus (tartar) compared to 10.7 per cent of non-Aboriginal Canadians and 39 per cent have no access to oral health care. Over the past 10 years, Shiwak said, efforts from people such as Michelle Kinney, Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development for the Nunatsiavut Government, have resulted in dentists being hired to periodically service the Inuit communities to create stability in oral care in the population. It has met with some success, she said. Messages left by The Telegram for the Nunatsiavut government were not returned. “We have people in Nunatsiavut who have been trying to increase access to dental care because it was lacking for a very long time. Dental surgery grad getting back to roots And I’m a part of this as well. I have a return-in-service contract withthem, so I will be going back home and servicing three of the communities along the coast of Labrador — Rigolet, Postville and Makkovik,” she said. But Shiwak is quick to point out that, contract or not, coastal Labrador is where her roots are and it is where she wants to be. Both her parents are from Rigolet, but she and her siblings were born in Happy ValleyGoose Bay. She left home at the age of 23 to complete the dental therapy program, which she graduated from in 1998. After a short time working, she went back to Dalhousie to do the dental hygiene program. She graduated in 2004. At that time, Shiwak told her family she wasn’t ready to stop there. For the next 10 years — between working and school — she persevered to reach her dream. “The fact I’ve done 12 years post-secondary education is actually a really great feeling, to be able to take that and to return home and be able to give something back to my community after all these years,” she said. “I miss the lifestyle. I miss my family. I fully enjoy the coast of Labrador. The people are wonderful and it’s such rewarding work. I’m coming back to the things I love the most,” she said. girl she knew she wanted to do something to help people. Her late Aunt Carroll helped her find her way to dentistry, she said. “I’ll be hunting and fishing, going to the cabin, out on the Ski-Doo in the winter, ice fishing. My dad takes me hunting. Fresh wild meat, the traditional way of life and being near my family is so close to my heart,” Shiwak says when asked what she misses most. She said her aunt told her about the dental therapy program and from there she did some research, applied for the program, got accepted, graduated, practised up north, went back to school and hasn’t looked back. Most of her family was able to fly into Halifax for her convocation, but her mom had to stay home because of an illness. Shiwak said she will send lots of photos and video to her mom back home. Her dad, one of her sisters, two nieces and her 18-year-old son were by her side for the special day. “I would eventually like to end up with my own dental clinic in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, and improve access to dental care in the region, and in conjunction with that continue to travel the coast. It’s my home. It’s who I am. It’s part of me,” said Shiwak, who will return to Labrador June 28. “It’s something I would like to continue with until I’m too old to do it,” she said, laughing. Shiwak said that even as a little Page 17 “Through school and work, it really dawned on me that I found my calling. I never swayed from that decision from that point on and everything I’ve done since is to be here today,” said Shiwak, who has practised in Nunavut, Nain and Conne River over the years. She said believing in yourself and not being afraid is key to getting where you want to be. “It is so important. I always thought you work from the inside out. You have to have courage, ambition (and) motivation to go after your dreams, and by accomplishing that you may inspire others,” Shiwak said. “When you are able to inspire others, including single moms, it feels great, and we need to encourage our children to pursue their dreams.” Written by Bonnie Belec, as previously published in “The Telegram” on May 24, 2014. Artist Profile The Blake Sisters Tabitha and Sherry Blake performing at Nunatsiavut Day celebrations in St. John’s, NL “The Blake Sisters” is a group of Inuit whose home town is Rigolet, Nunatsiavut. They are the daughters of Bertha and William Blake. The sisters currently reside in St. John’s, NL. The Blake Sisters began performing as a group around four years ago. From oldest to youngest they are Brenda, Josephine, Sherry and Tabitha. Before the group was formed, each sister followed different paths in learning more about their Inuit heritage. Some took language lessons, researched old traditions online, spoke to Elders, but all joined an Inuit Drum Group. It was through the drum group that they were introduced to the Kilaut and throat singing. At that point a love of the art was born! The girls learned the basic methods of throat singing from the drum group but furthered their skills by listening to cd’s and videos online. This allowed them to learn different techniques of throat singing and helped in broadening their skills. The Blake Sisters initially start- ed out with a local drum group, but branched out delivering programs at such places as “The Room’s Corp” in St. John’s, NL. The program allowed the girls to become more in tune with their culture and developed each sister’s skills sets, which helped to further the group’s success. The sisters also sing in their native tongue, Inuktitut. The love of singing comes natural to Sherry; she sets the tones for the rest to follow. The girls give a lot of credit to their former-fellow drum group members since it was they in part who awakened and instilled a joy and love of their Inuit heritage. The Blake Sisters have performed in a variety of capacities which include: conferences, social functions and fundraising events. Some of their past performances include a “Land & Sea” TV episode called “Heartbeat”; a drum making and throat singing workshop at Ecole Des Grands-Vents; The IAWP conference (The International Page 18 Association of Women’s Police); and are also featured on the “Hey Rosetta” album Seeds in the song “Parson Brown” throat singing, to name a few. The Blake Sisters say that “to be a part of the group makes us proud and honored as not only do we get to showcase our traditional Inuit culture, but we get to provide a service and instill some knowledge and allow others to get a glimpse of what it’s like to be Inuit. We hope to keep broadening the audiences’ knowledge on what our unique culture has to offer. The more we learn and grow as Inuit, it makes us realize how lucky and privileged we are to be one of few people in the world to call ourselves Inuit! It is this knowledge that will be passed on to our future generations and will ensure our traditions remain alive and well.” Through the sharing of their culture they continue to follow the ways of their ancestors. Artist Profile The Blake Sisters Josephine, Sherry, Tabitha and Brenda Brenda, Josephine, Sherry and Tabitha Page 19 St. John’s Native Friendship Centre’s National Aboriginal Day Celebrations 2014 On June 21st the St. John’s Native Friendship Centre once again celebrated National Aboriginal Day. This day is one that we look forward to every year; it gives us the opportunity to share Aboriginal culture with the entire community in ways that bring the entire city together. This year marked the first time the St. John’s Native Friendship Centre hosted the majority of the celebrations at a larger venue, and with all the extra space it was a tremendous success. Throughout the day people were treated to Inuit Drumming, Hand Drumming, Men’s Drumming, traditional dancing and singing, crafts and much more. By the end of the day, over 250 participants attend the sunrise ceremony and breakfast, as well as the main event in the afternoon. The St. John’s Native Friendship Centre would like to thank all the community members, volunteers and guests who truly make this event a success every year and we look forward to even more success in the future. Page 20 St. John’s Native Friendship Centre’s National Aboriginal Day Celebrations 2014 Welcoming Tama back to the Canadian Constituency Office I am very happy and honoured to be back at the Canadian Constituency Office on a casual basis full time for the Summer, and will be moving to a part time schedule in the Fall. Please note that I have recently taken a new last name (Ball) and my new email is: [email protected] I’m looking forward to working with you all again! -Tama Ball Page 21 Public Announcement Board New and Imporoved Nunatsiavut Government Website As you may be aware, the Nunatsiavut Government has recently launched its new and improved website. This website is very user friendly, and is capable of being used on mobile devices including smartphones and tablets. Please visit the new site to familiarize yourself with the new layout. AnânauKatiget Tumingit On behalf of the staff and beneficiaries of the NG, we would like to thank Joan Andersen for her hard work and dedication while she served as the Execitive Director of AnânauKatiget Tumingit. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours. In addition, we would like to welcome Charlotte Wolfrey as the new Exective Director of AnânauKatiget Tumingit as of June 30, 2014. Also, a special thank you to Charlotte Wolfrey for her hard work while serving as AngajukKak of Rigolet. Announcements Special Happy Birthday greetings go out to our sister, Harriet Nochasak (Jr). Harriet’s birthday is on June 25th, 2014, who resides in Lethbridge, AB. Special Happy Birthday to our beautiful niece, Stacey Rice. Her birthday is on June 24, 2014. She is living in Natuashish, with her gorgeous panik, Theresa-Mae and Amos Pijogge. To our innik, Eric Jararuse... Happy Birthday to you when it comes on June 30th, 2014. He lives in Belleville, On From Tama Jararuse-Henry Thinking of all my family members far and wide in God’s beautiful creation when August 25, 2014 comes. It will mark one year since our daddy, Lude Jararuse passed away. We all miss you so terribly, daddy. Say atsunai to our mommy, Theresia Jararuse from all of us and to our anansiak, Harriet Nochasak Sr. Ataatangai, Lude. Nagligivaget.Blessings to everyone and nakummek. Tama and Carl Henry Lilly Jararuse and her three children: Nicodemus Jararuse and his son, Nicodemus (Jr) Jacko Jararuse and his wife Alice and their five children Hulda and Dave Rice and Stacey. Plus ingutatsuk TheresaMae. Harriet Nochasak, Jr, Dougald Nochasak, and Theresa Madl and her panik Autumn. Atsunai to my atsasuk, Elizabeth Ittulak. Love you so much. She is in Nain. Page 23 Hello to my Aunt Clara and Uncle Willie Ford in Makkovik. To Uncle Paul And Aunt Eva Nochasak in Nain. Also to Eli and Hulda Merkuratsuk in Nain. Cannot forget my Aunt Henny (Henrietta Obed) in Goose Bay. Also to Boas Jararuse. Love from Tama Jararuse-Henry and my angutik, Carl. xoxoxo Happy Birthday Greetings to Jesse Palliser in Dartmouth, NS for his birthday on August 17th, Lotsa Love from Aunt Teresa & Merrigan Happy Birthday Greetings to my Son-in-Law Chris Nicholas in Halifax, NS. From Teresa & Merrigan Happy Anniversary Greetings to my Daughter Frances Palliser and Chris Nicholas who got married on August 22, 2009! Wishing you many more wonderful years! Greetings from Teresa & Merrigan! Congratulations Congratulations to Cassandra (Cassie) Ann Saunders, who graduated from Concordia University in Edmonton, May 10, 2014, with her degree Bachelor of Arts. Public Announcement Board Congratulations (continued) Cassie will continue her education this fall when she attends University Of Alberta to obtain her degree in Secondary Education. We are very proud of you. Dad, brother Roland and your son ,Griffin Happy Anniversary Happy 46th Wedding Anniversary wishes to Max and Mary Winters in Happy Valley - Goose Bay. Here’s to many more happy years, love Marlene, Greg and Aidan, Maxene and Cecil, Leanne, Derek and Adam, and John Paul, Erin, Joanne, Jeremy and Ethan.” A Special Thank You The family of the Late Ruth Christine Winters would like to extend gratitude to staff, board members, general members, and volunteers of the St. John’s Native Friendship Centre for the Memorial Service for Ruth held on Friday, May 30th at the Friendship Centre. Special thanks to Susan Onalik, Breannah Tulk, Amelia Reiner, Emma Rellis, Jennele Duvall, Rebecca Sharr, Stacey House, Madonna and Angela. It was a difficult oc- casion but our pain was eased by the beautiful service. Thank you to all who came out to help us remember our daughter, sister, aunt and friend, Ruth. A special thank you extended to the late Rick Lambe’s family, Ruth’s late husband. From the family of Ruth Winters. Condolences The CCO would like to send condolences to the family and friends of the late Winston White, Dylan Pottle, Elaine Sparkes, Jean Williams and Ted Andersen. Ches Crosbie Barristers Chesley F. Crosbie, Q.C Master of the Supreme Court 169 Water Street St. John’s, NL A1C 1B1 Misses Country A Business by Tammy Pottle [email protected] (709) 579-4000 Ph (709) 579-9671 Fax Page 22 Head Office Nunatsiavut Government Address Book Nunatsiavut Government 19 Sandbanks Road Nain, NL A0P 1L0 Tel: 709.922.2942 Fax:709.922.2931 Toll Free: 1.866.922.2942 Email: joe_dicker@nunatsiavut. com Registrar’s Office Don Dicker Sr. Registrar of Beneficiaries Tel: 709.922.2942 ext 251 Fax: 709.922.2863 Email: don_dicker@nunatsiavut. com Ashley Edmunds Membership Clerk, Ext. 226 Tel:1.866-922-2942 Fax:709.922.2863 Email: [email protected] Sheila Angnatok Filing Clerk, Ext. 271 Tel: 1.866-922-2942 Fax: 709.922.2863 Email: [email protected] Regional Offices - Community Liaison Officers Joe Dicker Nunatsiavut Government Nain, NL A0P 1L0 Tel: 709.922.2942 ext. 222 Fax: 709.922.2931 Email: [email protected] Ethel Hunter Nunatsiavut Government Hopedale, NL A0P 1G0 Tel: 709.933.3777 Fax:709.933.3746 Email: ethel_hunter@nunatsiavut. com Brenda Colbourne Nunatsiavut Government Postville, NL A0P 1N0 Tel: 709.479.9880 Fax:709.479.9891 Email: [email protected] Carol Gear Nunatsiavut Government Makkovik, NL A0P 1J0 Tel: 709.923.2364 Fax: 709.923.2366 Email: [email protected] Paula Mclean-Sheppard Nunatsiavut Government Rigolet, NL A0P 1G0 Tel: 709.947.3383 Fax:709.947.3371 Email: paula_mcleansheppard@ Ataomie Blake Community Liaison Officer & Provider of Promotional Items Nunatsiavut Government 1A Hill Crest, P.O. Box 909, Stn “B” Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL A0P 1E0 Tel: 709.896.7359 Fax: 709.896.7340 Email: ataomie_blake@nunatsiavut. com Divisions and Other Groups Nunatsiavut Department of Health and Social Development 200 Kelland Drive, P. O. Box 496, Stn. C Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL A0P 1C0 Tel: 709.896.9750 Fax: 709.896.9751 Toll Free: 1.866.606.9750 Torngâsok Cultural Centre P.O. Box 430, Nain, NL A0P 1L0 Tel:709.922.2942 Fax:709.922.2863 Email: [email protected] Page 24 Post Secondary Student Support Program 95 LeMarchant Road, Suite 203 St. John’s, NL A1C 2H1 Tel: 709.754.2587 Fax: 709.754.2364 Toll Free: 1.877.777.2589 Email: [email protected] Labrador Inuit Youth Division P.O. Box 430, Nain, NL A0P 1L0 Tel: 709.922.294 Fax: 709.922.2931 Email: [email protected] Inuit Pathways P. O. Box 116, Makkovik, NL A0K 1J0 Toll Free: 1.877.923.2171 Fax: 709.923.2347 Email: [email protected] Tama Ball Canadian Constituency Officer Nunatsiavut Government 95 LeMarcahnt Road, Suite 203 St. John’s, NL A1C 2H1 Tel: 709.754.2097 Fax: 709754-2364 Toll Free: 1.877.754.2097 Email: tama_ball@nunatsiavut. com The Fish Depot Penelope Shanahan, Beneficary, is the owner of the Fish Depot in St. John’s. The Fish Depot offers plenty of seafood such as: cod fish, shrimp, scallops, squid and salmon The Fish Depot 369 Duckworth Street St. Johns’s, NL Phone: 709.722.9692 Website:
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