Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center
Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center
Policy Manual Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 Table of Contents Employee Relations ................................................................................................................................. 4 EMP-REL-I-1.00 Policy Manual Utilization ............................................................................................ 4 EMP-REL-I-2.00 Employment Application ............................................................................................. 5 EMP-REL-I-3.00 Ministry Ethics ............................................................................................................ 6 EMP-REL-I-4.00 Policy Administration .................................................................................................. 8 EMP-REL-I-5.00 Christian Statement of Faith ..................................................................................... 10 EMP-REL-I-6.00 Employment Verification Eligibility............................................................................ 12 EMP-REL-I-7.00 “Employee” Defined ................................................................................................. 13 EMP-REL-I-8.00 Temporary Employee ................................................................................................ 14 EMP-REL-I-9.00 Volunteer Services Personnel .................................................................................... 15 EMP-REL-I-10.00 Independent Contractors ........................................................................................ 16 EMP-REL-I-11.00 Employee Orientation ............................................................................................. 17 EMP-REL-I-12.00 Personnel Files ........................................................................................................ 19 EMP-REL-I-13.00 Employee Recognition Record................................................................................. 21 EMP-REL-I-14.00 Employee Award Program ...................................................................................... 22 EMP-REL-I-15.00 Service Awards ....................................................................................................... 23 EMP-REL-I-16.00 Seniority ................................................................................................................. 24 EMP-REL-I-17.00 Posting of Job Vacancies ......................................................................................... 25 EMP-REL-I-18.00 Working Hours ........................................................................................................ 27 EMP-REL-I-19.00 Flowers/Memorials ................................................................................................. 28 Employee Benefits................................................................................................................................. 29 EMP-BEN-II-1.00 Overtime................................................................................................................. 29 EMP-BEN-II-2.00 Call Time ................................................................................................................. 30 EMP-BEN-II-3.00 Personal Leave without Pay .................................................................................... 31 EMP-BEN-II-4.00 Bereavement Leave ................................................................................................ 33 EMP-BEN-II-5.00 Jury Duty................................................................................................................. 34 EMP-BEN-II-6.00 Sick Leave ............................................................................................................... 35 EMP-BEN-II-7.00 Family and Medical Leave ....................................................................................... 38 EMP-BEN-II-8.00 Vacation Time ......................................................................................................... 40 EMP-BEN-II-9.00 Holidays .................................................................................................................. 42 EMP-BEN-II-10.00 Meal and Rest Periods........................................................................................... 43 EMP-BEN-II-11.00 Employee Meal Purchases..................................................................................... 45 1|Page Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-12.00 Retirement Allowance Benefit............................................................................... 46 EMP-BEN-II-13.00 Retirement Annuity............................................................................................... 47 EMP-BEN-II-14.00 Health Insurance Benefits ..................................................................................... 49 EMP-BEN-II-15.00 Worker’s Compensation Benefits .......................................................................... 51 EMP-BEN-II-16.00 Moving Expenses .................................................................................................. 53 EMP-BEN-II-17.00 Training Seminars ................................................................................................. 54 EMP-BEN-II-18.00 Educational Assistance .......................................................................................... 55 Employee Regulations ........................................................................................................................... 57 EMP-REG-III-1.00 Salary Administration ............................................................................................. 57 EMP-REG-III-2.00 Attendance ............................................................................................................ 58 EMP-REG-III-3.00 Dress...................................................................................................................... 60 EMP-REG-III-4.00 Hours of Work and Work Schedules ....................................................................... 61 EMP-REG-III-5.00 Time....................................................................................................................... 62 EMP-REG-III-6.00 Garnishments, Wage Assignments and Attachments .............................................. 64 EMP-REG-III-7.00 Workforce Reductions............................................................................................ 65 EMP-REG-III-8.00 Mileage Reimbursement and SSSBCC Vehicles ....................................................... 66 EMP-REG-III-9.00 Reference Requests ............................................................................................... 68 EMP-REG-III-11.00 Loaning of SSBCC Property ................................................................................... 70 EMP-REG-III-13.00 Periodic Physical Examinations ............................................................................. 72 EMP-REG-III-14.00 Solicitation and Distribution ................................................................................. 73 EMP-REG-III-15.00 Vehicle Operation ................................................................................................ 74 EMP-REG-III-16.00 Internet/Web Site/Electronic Media..................................................................... 75 Employee Performance ......................................................................................................................... 81 EMP-PERF-IV-1.00 Grievance Procedure ............................................................................................ 81 EMP-PERF-IV-2.00 Infraction of Rules ................................................................................................ 85 EMP-PERF-IV-3.00 Corrective Disciplinary Action ............................................................................... 89 EMP-PERF-IV-4.00 Employee Annual Performance Evaluation ........................................................... 91 EMP-PERF-IV-5.00 Harassment .......................................................................................................... 92 EMP-PERF-IV-6.00 Telephones ........................................................................................................... 94 EMP-PERF-IV-7.00 Smoke-Free Organization ..................................................................................... 95 EMP-PERF-IV-8.00 Honorariums ........................................................................................................ 96 EMP-PERF-IV-9.00 Alcohol/Drug Abuse.............................................................................................. 97 Employee Termination ........................................................................................................................ 100 2|Page Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-TERM-V-1.00 Termination - Voluntary ..................................................................................... 100 EMP-TERM-V-2.00 Termination - Involuntary................................................................................... 102 EMP-TERM-V-3.00 Termination – Exit Interview .............................................................................. 105 Appendix ............................................................................................................................................. 106 3|Page Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 Employee Relations EMP-REL-I-1.00 Policy Manual Utilization DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose a. This policy is to provide explanation on how the Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center, Inc. (SSBCC) Policy Manual will be utilized. III. Policy a. The policies in this manual represent the most recent expression of general management direction to immediate supervisors and Executive Director or designee to provide for equitable and consistent treatment of employees. The policies are not intended to create, nor are they to be construed to constitute a contract, expressed or implied, between (SSBCC) and any of its employees. Employment with SSBCC is at-will and may be terminated by the employee or the ministry at any time, with or without cause. a. To assure SSBCC achieves and maintains the purpose of the policy manual and to assure the ministry's continued ability to meet its needs and those of its employees under changing conditions, SSBCC within its sole discretion, may modify, augment, suspend, or revoke any and all policies, procedures, practices and statements contained in this manual at any time, without notice. 4|Page Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-2.00 Employment Application DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose a. This policy establishes guidelines for applying to work at SSBCC. Policy a. Each individual applying for employment with SSBCC must complete and sign the ministry's Application for Employment Form that includes the Employment-at-Will Clause. Provision a. A copy of the SSBCC Application for Employment Form can be found on the website . The completed and signed application can then be delivered to the Shocco Springs Human Resources department during normal business hours or mailed to the same. III. IV. See Appendix for Sample Application 5|Page Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-3.00 Ministry Ethics DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose The commitment of SSBCC to conduct its business lawfully and ethically is fundamental to our very existence as a ministry. It is critically important that all employees meet the highest standards of legal and ethical conduct. Nothing less will do. III. Policy A. B. C. IV. Each employee has an obligation to behave with honesty and propriety at all times. SSBCC establishes this policy because it depends on its reputation for integrity and on the trust and confidence of everyone with whom it deals in order to accomplish its goals and uphold its statement of faith. At SSBCC, the commitment to ethical behavior is supported by its strict code of conduct. Procedure A. SSBCC employees must: 1. Scrupulously comply with all laws and government regulations. 2. Deal honestly with guests, fellow employees, vendors, and consultants. B. SSBCC resources should be accounted for properly: 1. All payments and transactions must be properly authorized by management and be accurately and completely recorded on the books and records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and established accounting policies. 2. No employee may make false, incomplete, or misleading entries. 3. No undisclosed or unrecorded funds shall be established for any purpose nor should any funds be placed in any personal or non-business account. C. SSBCC employees should function so not to abuse their position of trust at SSBCC. 1. SSBCC expects employees to devote their full working time and efforts to its interests and to avoid any activity that may distract from or conflict with its interests. 2. Employees must never solicit and are strongly discouraged from accepting gifts, gratuities, or rewards from our guests for any service they perform in their jobs. Any monetary gifts given the staff are used to benefit all. 3. Employees must refrain from taking part in, or exerting influence in, any transaction in which his/her own interests may conflict with the best interest of SSBCC. 4. Employees are not permitted to negotiate with guests under any circumstances that would result in personal gain for the employee. 6|Page Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 D. Report violations and discipline. 1. Strict adherence to this policy is vital. a. Supervision shall encourage and take reasonable and responsible steps to insure that employees adhere to the provisions of this policy. b. For clarification or guidance on any point, consult your immediate supervisor, Executive Director, or designee. 2. Employees are expected to report any suspected violation of the policy or other irregularities to their immediate supervisor, the Executive Director, or designee. a. No adverse action or retribution of any kind will be taken against an employee because he/she reports a suspected violation of this policy or other irregularities. b. Such reports shall be treated confidentially to the maximum extent consistent with fair and rigorous enforcement of this policy. 3. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action ranging from warning and reprimand to discharge. a. Employees will be informed of the charges against them. b. Employees will be given the opportunity to explain his/her actions before any disciplinary action is imposed. 7|Page Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-4.00 Policy Administration POLICY AND PROCEDURES DIRECTIVES DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose A. B. C. D. III. Policy A. B. IV. SSBCC is primarily dedicated to the spiritual growth and fellowship of Alabama Baptists. SSBCC is further committed to providing Alabama Baptists and other non-profit organizations an environment in which to facilitate training, evangelism, inspiration, recreation, and spiritual enrichment in a Christian context. All persons employed by the ministry are expected to be committed to the dignity of individuals within the groups they serve. All staff members are expected to work together, bonded in their care for the guests and committed to the common goal of excellence. The policies are the official means for SSBCC to communicate organizational policy and functional direction on personnel matters. The Executive Director and/or designee have the responsibility for directing the compliance of all policies and their content through immediate supervisors. Procedure A. Responsibilities 1. One of the most important responsibilities of an immediate supervisor is to support and administer organizational policies and practice them fairly and in a manner consistent with their intent. a. These policies cover a broad range of subjects. b. When interpreting a policy, always make sure it applies to the employee situation at hand. 2. The Executive Director and/or designee is responsible for assisting immediate supervisors in the application of policies and insuring that procedures are in place to accomplish the intent of the policies. Clarifications required on policy intent, content and/or procedural matters should be referred to the Executive Director. 8|Page Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 B. C. Policy Applications 1. The policies in this manual represent the most recent expression of general management direction to immediate supervisors and Executive Director or designee to provide for equitable and consistent treatment of employees. a. The policies are not intended to create nor are they to be construed to constitute a contract, expressed or implied, between SSBCC and any of its employees. b. Employment with SSBCC is at-will and may be terminated by the employee or SSBCC at any time, with or without cause. 2. To assure SSBCC achieves and maintains the purpose of the policy manual and to assure the ministry's continued ability to meet its needs and those of its employees under changing conditions, SSBCC within its sole discretion, may modify, augment, suspend, or revoke any and all policies, procedures, practices, and statements contained in this manual at any time, without notice. Approval Authority All policies in this manual, and any changes, deletions suspensions or additions thereto, are approved by the Executive Director and the SSBCC Board of Trustees. D. Policy Process 1. 2. 3. All policies in this manual are researched and developed by SSBCC for the sole purpose of building a foundation of integrity and consistency in the treatment and welfare of its employees. SSBCC welcomes ideas, suggestions and drafts of necessary policy proposals from its management and staff. All proposals and suggestions will be evaluated by the Executive Director, and where appropriate, referred to the SSBCC Board of Trustees. 9|Page Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-5.00 Christian Statement of Faith DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy presents the Statement of Faith of SSBCC as given as the foundation of our work. III. IV. Policy A. SSBCC is a Christian organization primarily dedicated to the spiritual growth and fellowship of Alabama Baptists. B. SSBCC is further committed to providing Alabama Baptists and other non-profit organizations an environment in which to facilitate training, evangelism, inspiration, recreation, and spiritual enrichment in a Christian context. C. To this end, the organization, as a whole, is committed to uphold the Statement of Faith and expects all its employees to commit to it. D. All employees are held accountable to the values created within this statement. Provision SSBCC shall continually and steadfastly uphold and maintain the following Statement of Faith: A. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God and is the record of God's revelation of Himself to man. B. We believe there is only one living and true God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. C. We believe man was created by God, in His own image. In the beginning, man was innocent of sin and was endowed with freedom of choice. By his free choice, man sinned against God and brought sin into the human race. Only the grace of God can bring man into His Holy fellowship and enable man to fulfill the creative purpose of God. D. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His substitutionary and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of God the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. E. We believe salvation involves the redemption of the whole man, and is offered freely to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, who by His own blood obtained eternal redemption for the believer. In its broadest sense, salvation includes regeneration, sanctification, justification and glorification. There is no salvation apart from personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. 10 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 F. We believe election is the gracious purpose of God, according to which He regenerates, justifies, sanctifies, and glorifies sinners. All true believers endure to the end. Those whom God has accepted in Christ, and sanctified by His Spirit, will never fall away from the state of grace, but shall persevere to the end. G. We believe in the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit who enables the Christian to do the work God has called us to and to live a Godly life. H. We believe a New Testament church of the Lord Jesus Christ is a local body of baptized believers who are associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the gospel joined together for corporate worship observing the two ordinances of Christ, governed by His laws, exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges invested in them by His Word, and seeking to extend the gospel to the ends of the earth. I. We believe it is the duty and privilege of every follower of Christ and of every church of the Lord Jesus Christ to endeavor to make disciples of all nations. Missionary effort on the part of all rests thus upon a spiritual necessity of the regenerate life, and is expressly and repeatedly commanded in the teachings of Christ. J. We believe that God, in His own time and in His own way, will bring the world to its appropriate end. According to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth; the dead will be raised; and Christ will judge all men in righteousness. The unrighteous will be consigned to hell, the place of everlasting punishment. The righteous in their resurrected and glorified bodies will receive their reward and will dwell forever in Heaven with the Lord. For further reading see “The Baptist Faith and Message”. 11 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-6.00 Employment Verification Eligibility DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets the guidelines and procedures concerning the employment of each new employee (both citizen and noncitizen). III. Policy It is the policy of SSBCC to fully comply with the regulations of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 enforced by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Our ministry will employ only American citizens and aliens who are authorized to work in the United States. The law requires SSBCC to do four (4) things; A. Have employees complete their part of the I-9 form after they accept employment with Shocco Springs. B. Check documents establishing employees' identity and eligibility to work. C. Retain the form for at least three (3) years or one (1) year after the person leaves employment, whichever is longer. D. Present the form for inspection to a Department of Homeland Security Officer upon request. IV. Procedure A. For employees hired after May 31, 1987, SSBCC must complete a Form I-9 within three (3) business days of the date of employment. (If an employee is hired for less than three days, the company must complete Form I-9 before the end of the employee's first working day.) B. The employee must provide a document or documents that establish identity and employment eligibility. C. Have new employees complete section one (1) of the I-9 form. D. Examine and photocopy the appropriate documents. Place photocopy of documents in employee's personnel file. E. Employer or their authorized representative must complete section 2 of I-9 form after examining evidence of identity and employment authorization. V. Shocco Springs was successfully enrolled in the federal E-Verify system on February 1, 2012. A. All new employees must be confirmed using the E-Verify system. B. E-Verify takes information from the I-9 form to determine the employee’s eligibility to work. 12 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-7.00 “Employee” Defined DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to define an employee of SSBCC. III. Policy For the purpose of the SSBCC Policy Manual, an "employee" is defined as a person who receives compensation (salary) for services performed at SSBCC and who is currently on SSBCC payroll. IV. Provision Full-Time Employees Exempt Employee Is defined as an employee who serves in an executive, administrative, or professional position requiring specialized training, consistent exercise of discretion and/or judgment, supervision of two or more employees, and is compensated for his/her services on a salary basis. Non-Exempt Employee Is defined as an employee who serves in production or service related work and is paid on a per hour basis. All non-exempt employees receive base pay for up to forty (40) hours and works on average 30 hours or more in each seven (7) day work period. Part-Time Non-Exempt Employee Is defined as an employee who serves in production or service related work and is paid on a per hour basis. All non-exempt employees receive base pay for up to forty (40) hours and work on average less than 30 hours during each seven (7) day work period. Seasonal Summer Non-Exempt Employee Is defined as an employee who serves in production or service related work and is paid on a per hour basis. All seasonal summer non-exempt employees receive base pay for up to forty (40) hours in each seven (7) day work period. The annually established summer season shall not exceed 119 days. Productive Work Any work assignment at SSBCC or other related locations will be considered productive work. Non-Productive Work Vacation, sick leave, holidays, etc., will be considered non-productive work. 13 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-8.00 Temporary Employee DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets guidelines relative to the replacement and/or addition of personnel to the payroll on a temporary basis. III. Policy No arrangement may be made for a temporary addition or replacement of personnel until approval has been obtained, in writing, from the Executive Director for the respective area. A. Positions can be filled by temporary personnel for no longer than six weeks. 1. Extensions to this time period must be approved in writing. 2. Extensions will not exceed two weeks. B. In the event the position is to be permanently filled, it must be posted during the six-week period. C. A temporary employee is not eligible for employer provided benefits, i.e. medical, life, disability insurance, retirement, etc. 14 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-9.00 Volunteer Services Personnel DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This group of personnel provides auxiliary services that are essential and of inestimable value. They intersperse with almost every segment of SSBCC as they engage in various activities. III. Policy A. B. The volunteer must be trained and understand all SSBCC policies. The volunteer must observe all SSBCC policies. 15 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-10.00 Independent Contractors DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to define an independent contractor of SSBCC. III. Policy For the purpose of the SSBCC Policy Manual, an independent contractor is defined as a person(s) who enter(s) into a contract for services with the Hold-Harmless Clause to perform described tasks for stated payment. IV. Procedure A. Prior to work commencing, SSBCC and the independent contractor will execute in writing: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A description of work to be performed including what labor, material, and equipment will be furnished. The timeframe that work should be performed. The amount of pay and the distribution thereof. Any warranties or guarantees stipulated. Hold-Harmless agreement and insurance requirements. B. SSBCC and the independent contractor will provide signatures before a notary public agreeing to the provisions of the contract. C. SSBCC will provide verification of contract completion. The contractor will provide all planning, scheduling, and supervising required to complete the project. D. Any and all amendments must be executed as described above and attached to the original contract. 16 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-11.00 Employee Orientation DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose SSBCC is committed to the successful orientation and development of each new employee. III. A. Each new employee is to be equally committed to the orientation process, and subsequent personal and professional development, to fulfill his/her responsibility. B. Orientation, by its existence and content, establishes the foundation of the mutual responsibility of SSBCC and its employees. Policy There shall be an orientation period of six (6) months for every new employee or three (3) months for current employees transferring to a new job assignment at SSBCC. It is the responsibility of the employee's new immediate supervisor to provide orientation. IV. Procedure A. All employees shall be advised at the time of their employment or transfer of the orientation period. Topics to cover include but are not limited to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. B. C. D. E. SSBCC history and purpose. SSBCC tour and familiarization of facilities. Job description and discussion of immediate supervisor's performance expectations. Appropriate personnel policies and Board of Trustees policies. Emergency procedures Medical benefits Public relations Schedules Specific task responsibilities Reporting major incidences Career development opportunities Employees shall receive a performance review not less than ninety (90) days and not more than one hundred twenty (120) days following the date of employment or transfer. A second review of the employee's performance will occur at the end of the orientation period, six (6) months from the date of employment or transfer. During the orientation period, employees are not entitled to termination notice. During the orientation period, employees are not entitled to use the Grievance Procedure, except in cases where there are allegations of sexual harassment. 17 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 F. G. H. No employee can be transferred or promoted during the orientation period unless it is determined that the employee is the best qualified for the job. Seniority and applicable benefits will begin accruing from the date of employment. During the orientation period, six (6) months for new employees or three (3) months for transferred employees, an employee can be terminated without cause. 18 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-12.00 Personnel Files DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose SSBCC provides a record keeping system and location for all personnel files. The documentation exists to enhance corporate memory and to allow accurate retention of information for all that serve the organization. III. Policy SSBCC has an expectation that all supervisory personnel will document clear employee records and insure they are stored in appropriate and secured areas. IV. Procedure A. Employment Application 1. All individuals applying for employment with SSBCC will be required to complete and sign the SSBCC Application of Employment Form that includes the Employment-At-Will clause. 2. After employment with SSBCC, the Application of Employment Form will remain a permanent part of the employee's personnel file. B. Documentation of Qualifications 1. Personnel files of SSBCC will include any verifiable qualifications of an employee, including but not limited to, educational background, volunteer and work experience. 2. Any reference information obtained with the promise of confidentiality will be filed and remain confidential. C. Employee Information Updates and/or Changes 1. Personnel files will be systematically updated with such items as payroll adjustments, commendations, warnings, address, telephone numbers, status changes, etc. 2. The employee is responsible for providing their immediate supervisor with any changes in address, telephone numbers, status, etc. 3. The employee's immediate supervisor is responsible for providing the Executive Director or designee with any applicable personnel file updates. D. Employee Access to Personnel Files 1. Personnel files are maintained for use by SSBCC and will remain the property of the organization. 2. Employees of the organization are permitted to review their personnel files, excluding confidential employment reference information, by securing an appointment through the Executive Director or designee. 19 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 3. E. Employees may have copies of the information contained in their personnel file, excluding confidential employment reference information. 4. SSBCC will retain and hold, as its own, all personnel files received prior to January 1, 1999 from the Alabama Baptist State Convention when the Shocco Springs Baptist Assembly was dissolved and the Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center, Inc. was formed. Documentation of Administrative Actions 1. Should an employee be involved in any action contrary to the standards and policies of SSBCC, the incident will be reviewed thoroughly. 2. A report of the incident and any appropriate disciplinary action required will be documented in the employee's personnel file. 20 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-13.00 Employee Recognition Record DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy establishes guidelines for recognizing acts or work, above the normal, performed by employees. III. IV. Policy A. It is the policy of SSBCC to recognize acts or the performance of employees which is above the expected. B. Such recognition shall become a permanent part of the employee's personnel file. C. An employee recognition description will be completed by the immediate supervisor and reviewed by the employee and the Executive Director. Procedure A. An employee recognition description is to be written to document the recognition. 1. 2. B. The original description is to be forwarded to Administration for placement in the employee's file. A copy is to be presented to the employee for his/her records. Complete the employee recognition description as follows: 1. Employee: Name of employee recognized. 2. Department: Name of department and/or unit. 3. Job title: Employee's job title. 4. Date of action: Date employee is recognized. 5. Date of event or action: Indicate date(s) that recognition occurred. 6. Nature of event or action: Indicate date(s) that event or action occurred. 7. Management remarks: Give details of event. 8. Employee remarks: Employee is to indicate his/her remarks concerning the event. 9. Signature of employee: Indicates employee has read. 10. Signature of person preparing this form. 11. Signature of Executive Director. 21 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-14.00 Employee Award Program DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy establishes guidelines for recognizing employees whose work performance goes above and beyond the call of duty. III. Policy SSBCC will, on a regular basis, recognize employees from the staff as being exceptional due to his/her general performance or because of acts performed beyond the call of duty. IV. Eligibility All employees, with the exception of temporary employees, will be eligible for nomination and consideration. Those eligible for nomination should exhibit continually exceptional performance or have performed an exceptional act during a recent time period. V. Nominations Per current established procedure, nominations will be accepted from any SSBCC employee. VI. Procedure The Executive Director will ask a committee from current employees to recommend a process for recognizing deserving employees. They will also suggest procedures to identify, select, recognize and reward the selected employee. 22 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-15.00 Service Awards DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to recognize employees' length of service to SSBCC. III. Policy A. SSBCC shall hold an annual Service Awards Program, at which time special recognition shall be awarded to each employee having completed by December 31 of each year 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and more years of service to SSBCC. B. The names of the recipients shall be publicized. C. Awards for length of service shall be issued on the basis of employee records. In computing length of service, for purposes of service awards only, credit will be given to all periods of employment continuous or interrupted, provided they are a minimum of six (6) months duration and the employee has not terminated for a period of thirty (30) days or longer. This includes service to Shocco Springs Baptist Assembly prior to January 1, 1999. 23 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-16.00 Seniority DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets forth guidelines for seniority rights of SSBCC employees. III. Policy Seniority Defined: The length of continuous time an employee has been employed at SSBCC. A. Seniority rights, among other factors, may be considered in the following areas: 1. Vacation scheduling. 2. Reduction-in-force or hours of work. 3. Rehire. (Recall from Lay-off). 4. Shift assignment whenever a vacancy occurs. 5. Promotion. B. Loss of Seniority: Seniority is broken when an employee: 1. Terminates voluntarily. 2. Is discharged for cause. 3. Exceeds a leave of absence without permission of SSBCC. 4. Fails to report for work for two (2) consecutive working days without notifying the immediate supervisor. 5. Is laid-off for six (6) consecutive months. C. Employees formerly employed by Shocco Springs Baptist Assembly may carry accrued seniority forward to Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center, Inc. 24 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-17.00 Posting of Job Vacancies DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets forth this procedure for posting and filling of job vacancies by internal applicants at SSBCC. III. IV. Policy A. In the interest of assisting our employees to achieve fulfillment of their career goals, it is the policy of SSBCC to fill job openings with the most qualified candidate. When there are qualified candidates among SSBCC employees, they will be given first consideration. B. For the purpose of this policy, the term employee shall be defined as all SSBCC employees regardless of work status, full-time, part-time, or temporary, unless otherwise designated. The term vacancy shall be defined as a job opening, full-time or part-time which SSBCC has declared to be a vacancy, or where SSBCC has increased the number of authorized positions to the budget. Provision All positions are included in the Posting of Job Vacancies policy with the exception of the following: A. Existing positions which are re-evaluated, if the current employee remains in the position. B. Any position needed for an employee whose job is being phased out or returning from: layoff, leave of absence, etc., as determined by the Executive Director. C. Temporary positions D. Any position posted within the last thirty (30) days. V. Procedure A. As soon as an immediate supervisor knows of a definite vacancy and wishes to fill the position, the following steps must take place: 1. The immediate supervisor petitions the Executive Director in writing. 2. The job description and compensation package is evaluated and approved by the immediate supervisor and Executive Director. 3. A notice of job vacancy is distributed to all supervisors for posting. B. Job vacancies will remain posted for no less than seven (7) calendar days. During the sevenday posting, only internal requests will be accepted and considered for filling the position. C. Employees interested in applying for the job vacancy must inform their immediate supervisor in writing. 1. The employee's immediate supervisor should retain a copy of the written request. 25 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 2. D. VI. SSBCC will accept present employee requests after the posted job notices are removed from the posting board. 1. Immediate supervisors will not be obligated to interview employees who make requests after the posting is removed. 2. At that point, present SSBCC employees are considered along with applicants not presently employed by SSBCC. Eligibility A. B. VII. The employee's immediate supervisor should forward a copy to the Executive Director or designee. Employees shall be eligible to apply for a job vacancy only after successfully completing the six (6) month orientation period with SSBCC in their initial job unless their credentials are determined to exceed all other internal applicants. Employees shall be eligible to apply for a job vacancy as long as they are not on disciplinary probation or suspension any time during the posting of the job. Selection A. B. C. D. E. F. Personal interviews will be scheduled between all employees meeting the job requirements and specifications and the immediate supervisor where the vacancy exists and the Executive Director or designee. The employee's personnel file, along with other pertinent information, may be considered by the interviewer. Employees selected to fill job vacancies will enter an orientation period of three (3) months to allow them to demonstrate their capabilities. During this period, employees shall be given reasonable instruction and supervision on the new job. Transferred/promoted employees are not guaranteed another position if they fail to meet the requirements of their new position. Employees should be advised by their immediate supervisor and sufficient thought given to career goals and to building a record of loyalty and longevity, before requesting a promotion/transfer. Upon request, all internal candidates not selected may have communicated to them, in a brief yet constructive manner, the reasons for not being selected. Selection is to be based on the following factors: 1. Fulfillment of minimum job requirements and specifications. 2. Demonstrated knowledge, training, ability, skill, and efficiency. 3. Recent attendance and disciplinary records. 4. The ability to perform essential functions of the job. 5. Length of continuous service. Upon recommendation by the immediate supervisor, the Executive Director will make the final decision. 26 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-18.00 Working Hours DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose Employee work hours are established to insure continuity of operation and provide convenience and communication for SSBCC guests, suppliers, and employees. III. Policy A. B. IV. Because of the guest service requirements, office hours and working times may vary by department. The immediate supervisors will work in conjunction with the Executive Director or designee in establishing work hours for each department. Procedure A. B. As a general policy and as much as possible, work schedules are posted at least one (1) week in advance of the next work week. Supervisors are responsible for posting proposed work schedules for their department. 27 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REL-I-19.00 Flowers/Memorials DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy is to establish a procedure for sending flowers/memorials. III. Policy SSBCC will send flowers and/or memorial gift for funerals of employees or their immediate family members (employee’s spouse, parents, siblings, children and spouse’s parents). Exceptions may be approved by the Executive Director. IV. Procedure Arrangements will be made through the office of the Executive Director. 28 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 Employee Benefits EMP-BEN-II-1.00 Overtime DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets forth guidelines of overtime payment to SSBCC employees. III. Policy Only time actually worked will be considered in computing overtime. All overtime should be pre-approved by the Executive Director or designee. IV. Provision All SSBCC non-exempt employees receive overtime pay for all hours worked over forty (40) in each seven (7) day work period. A. Designated exempt employees are not entitled to the receipt of overtime pay. Exempt employees are designated in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. B. All vacation, sick leave, holiday, bereavement, jury duty, or other non-productive paid time off is not considered part of the forty (40) hour work period and shall not be counted as time worked for the purpose of computation of overtime. C. Time over forty (40) hours per week 1. 2. Any non-exempt employee who works any time over forty (40) hours per week will be paid at time and one-half for all time worked over forty (40) hours for that work week. Any non-exempt employee who works under forty (40) hours per week will be paid at his/her regular rate for the total time worked under forty (40) hours for that work week. 29 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-2.00 Call Time DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This publication establishes the policies and practices regarding Call Time methods of payment for employees. III. Policy A. In certain departments, employees will be required, as a condition of their employment, to be "on call" either occasionally or regularly and will be compensated by SSBCC providing housing and utilities in a SSBCC owned facility. B. In return for housing compensation, the Employee on Call (EOC) will provide reasonable assistance to other SSBCC employees and guests. C. An EOC who experiences excessive inconveniences while on call will be awarded compensatory time consideration or receive pay at his/her regular hourly base rate or salary at the discretion of the Executive Director. Non-exempt employees will be eligible for overtime if total hours worked within a specific work week exceed forty (40) hours. D. While on call and guests are present, the EOC is required to remain on SSBCC premises. Occasional trips away from campus are permissible as long as his/her location is known by any that may require assistance and can be reached by telephone. 30 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-3.00 Personal Leave without Pay DATE: January 30, 2014 REVISION DATE: May 21, 2013 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This guideline applies to all eligible employees of SSBCC and establishes requirements granting personal leave without pay. III. Policy SSBCC recognizes that under unusual and extenuating circumstances, it may be desirable to approve a personal leave of absence to a deserving employee for a specific period of time. When approved, a leave of absence will be without pay. IV. V. Eligibility A. Full-Time Employees as described in EMP-REL-I-7.00 are eligible. B. Qualifying employees are eligible after the orientation period of six (6) months of work. Procedure A. Request of time off 1. When the employee determines that personal time off is necessary and unavoidable, a Leave Request Form #239 is to be submitted to his/her immediate supervisor as far in advance as possible. 2. Approval for such leave must be obtained in advance from the immediate supervisor and the Executive Director and such requests must be substantiated by valid reasons. B. An employee may be granted a personal leave without pay up to a period not to exceed sixty (60) working days. An employee on personal leave without pay will suffer no break in continuity of his/her service with SSBCC. C. Employer provided benefits to the employee and his/her dependents will cease as of the date of the personal leave without pay. D. Arrangements for continuation of insurance coverage are the employee’s responsibility. Such arrangements should be made prior to the employee's departure for leave. E. Personal leave without pay may not be granted for other gainful employment. If an employee accepts gainful employment with another institution or enters into a personal business venture while on an approved personal leave of absence, he/she will be deemed to have abandoned his/her position (resigned without notice), and will be terminated as of the starting date of the leave. 31 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 F. Personnel who do not return to active employment at the expiration of the approved leave of absence will be considered to have abandoned their position (resigned without notice), and will be terminated as of the starting date of the leave. No extension of leave can be considered without a written request submitted one week prior to the return date. G. When an employee returns to work from a personal leave of absence, the employee will be assigned to his/her former position or a position of like status and compensation excepting: 1. If circumstances have changed, making it impossible or unreasonable to return to the former position of like status, the employee will be assigned to a position for which he/she qualifies, or 2. If no work is available whenever an employee returns from a personal leave of absence, the employee will be placed on a laid-off status until a position is available for which the employee qualifies. H. Military Leave of Absence. Employees who are required to attend annual military reserve training or other short-term active military duty may take the time as either regular vacation or unpaid leave. Reserves are entitled to return to their jobs as provided under federal and state laws. I. Extended Military Leave of Absence. An employee who enters the state or federal armed services for an extended tour of duty is eligible for an extended military leave of absence, which may continue up to four years. Employees will receive all accrued vacation pay as soon as their extended military leave begins. Any SSBCC insurance benefits will end per current policy when the extended military leave begins. The employee who leaves work to serve in the military is entitled to reemployment consistent with relevant state and federal laws. 32 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-4.00 Bereavement Leave DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy establishes conditions under which bereavement leave with pay is granted. III. Policy SSBCC provides for a paid leave of absence for eligible employees to arrange for and/or attend memorial services when death occurs in the immediate family. IV. Eligibility A. Full-Time Employees as described in EMP-REL-I-7.00 are eligible. B. Qualifying employees are eligible for bereavement leave immediately upon employment. C. Vacation or time off without pay may be requested to attend memorial services for other than immediate family as described in V.A.1. Approval will be at the discretion of the employee's immediate supervisor. D. All other employees who wish to attend memorial services for family or friends may request approval for time off without pay from their immediate supervisor. Prior to approval, proof of need may be requested by the immediate supervisor if he/she deems appropriate. E. For an employee to receive pay under this provision, the time lost must occur during a regularly scheduled work week; and the employee's immediate supervisor must personally receive notification of the need for bereavement leave and may ask for proof of need before giving authorization if he/she deems appropriate. V. Provision A. Immediate Family 1. Includes: employee's spouse and the parents, brother, sister, children, grandparents, and grandchildren of the employee or spouse. 2. Excludes: close friends and other relatives. B. Periods of Absence The amount of paid leave time shall be as follows: 1. Eligible employees may receive paid leave not to exceed three (3) days for immediate family noted in Section A.1. above. 2. Payment for such leave will be at the employee's regular base rate of pay excluding fringes and bonuses. VI. Procedure Employees must submit a Leave Request Form #239 to their immediate supervisor requesting bereavement leave. 33 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-5.00 Jury Duty DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy establishes eligibility for time off with pay for Jury Duty for all eligible employees of SSBCC. III. Policy SSBCC recognizes the civic responsibility of its employees to serve on or be examined for Jury Duty and shall continue the employee at full salary while the employee is required to actually be engaged in grand jury and/or petite jury duties. IV. V. Eligibility A. Full-Time Employees as described in EMP-REL-I-7.00 are eligible. B. Qualifying employees are eligible after one (1) full day of employment. Procedure A. B. C. "Jury Duty" means service on the jury of any court or government unit (local, state, or federal) having powers to summon jurors and impanel a jury. It includes examination of the employee for such service and any other absence required by the court in connection with his/her service as a juror. Upon notification of impending jury duty, the employee should immediately notify his/her immediate supervisor to request permission to serve. In cases where the employee requesting time off for jury duty would sacrifice continuity of providing for guest needs, the Executive Director will work with the employee and the court to delay or excuse the call for service. Employees will receive pay from SSBCC for work missed while serving on jury duty as provided by law. B. Payment from the court for jury duty, with the exception of any payment for mileage or parking, should be given to accounting. C. Employees are expected to return to work when released from jury duty on any given day early enough to complete at least four (4) hours of scheduled work. 34 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-6.00 Sick Leave DATE: January 30, 2014 REVISION DATE: September 25, 2006, May 21, 2013 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets forth guidelines and procedures regarding accrual and utilization of sick leave by employees of SSBCC. III. Policy It is the policy of SSBCC to pay eligible employees during the time they are required to be absent from work because of medical reasons; provided that the time for which the employee will be paid shall not exceed the limits the employee has accrued. IV. Eligibility A. B. V. Full-Time Employees as described in EMP-REL-I-7.00 are eligible. Qualifying employees are eligible beginning on the date of employment. Provision A. B. Paid Sick Leave is an approved absence for eligible employees to recuperate from illness for relatively short periods of time. Amount and Accrual - Sick leave benefits accrue at the rate of one (1) day per month with a maximum cumulative limit of: 1-5 Years After 5 Years C. 30 days 35 days Use of Sick Leave 1. Sick leave can be used only for the following purposes: a. Personal illness, accident, or pregnancy b. Employee's doctor or dentist appointments, which cannot be scheduled outside of working hours. c. Approved disability leave of absence. 2. Sick leave cannot be used for any of the following purposes: a. Illness or doctor/dentist appointments of a family member. b. Intentional, self-inflicted injury. c. Illness or injury incurred while the employee was involved in committing an illegal offense. Time off that is designated, as sick leave cannot exceed the number of hours/days that have been accrued. 3. 35 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 VI. Procedure A. Employees must notify their immediate supervisor of the medical condition immediately upon onset. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B. Employees must notify their immediate supervisor no more than one (1) hour after their scheduled starting time. Employees may be denied paid sick leave if they fail to notify their immediate supervisor as stated in Section VI.A.1. Employees may be denied paid sick leave if they fail to report their health status to their immediate supervisor every day, except in those cases of extended illness of which the immediate supervisor is aware and about which he/she is kept currently informed. Employees must notify their immediate supervisor as early as possible regarding the time they expect to return. Employees must submit to their immediate supervisor a Leave Request Form #239 on the first day of returning to work. The immediate supervisor must then process the leave request prior to the due date for submitting time worked reports to Human Resources. Failure to comply may result in sick leave request denial. For an employee to receive pay under this provision, the time lost must occur during a regularly scheduled workweek. If the employee's immediate supervisor deems appropriate, he/she may require the employee to provide a Physician's Statement indicating inability to work before approving sick leave. No cash settlements will be paid for unused sick leave should an employee resign, be laid off, or be terminated. If an employee has accumulated sick leave and is covered by Workers' Compensation, the combined weekly income cannot exceed the employee's normal weekly pay. a. The ministry long-term disability program for eligible employees reimburses the employee at approximately 60% of their normal pay, including Social Security. b. Therefore, the employee may elect to use his/her accumulated sick leave for the portion not covered by insurance so the normal pay will continue until all or part of the accumulated sick leave has been used. The Executive Director shall keep, or cause to be kept, an accurate record of all sick leave, shall maintain said records according to standard practices, and make available to employees as appropriate. Inability to perform job because of medical condition 1. 2. When it is demonstrated that an employee is no longer competent either through attendance or work performance to perform his/her job because of a legitimate medical condition(s), the employer must be informed of the situation. If his/her situation is irreversible, SSBCC will seek another position for such person whose impairment limits his/her ability to perform his/her job. 36 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 a. 3. 4. However, if it is impractical to reassign such employee to another position or readjust his/her work environment so he/she can perform the function, then a non-disciplinary, non-voluntary separation will be given with all benefits that are available. b. Furthermore, should a position open which the employee can perform, he/she will be eligible for rehire. An employee returning to work from sick leave may be sent home by the employee's immediate supervisor if the employee appears ill and the employee's presence may endanger the health and welfare of fellow employees and/or guests. An employee sent home by the immediate supervisor continues to be guided by the procedures and provisions of this policy. When a pattern of consistent or excessive absence is evident, SSBCC reserves the right to investigate. Consistent usage of accrued sick leave is considered excessive and may be sufficient cause for disciplinary action up to and including termination. 37 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-7.00 Family and Medical Leave DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This guideline establishes requirements for granting family and medical leave according to the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. III. Policy SSBCC recognizes that under the provisions set forth in the Family and Medical Leave Act, eligible employees may be granted family and medical leave without pay. IV. Eligibility Employees who have been employed for at least twelve (12) months and have worked a minimum of 1,250 hours are eligible for family and medical leave without pay. V. Provision A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Eligible employees may request up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid Family and Medical Leave. Examples of reasons for Family and Medical Leave: 1. Caring for a child following his/her birth, adoption, or placement in the employee's home for foster care 2. Caring for a spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition 3. Recovering from a serious health illness or injury which renders one unable to perform one's job responsibilities Leave for childcare must be taken within twelve (12) months of the date of birth, adoption, or placement. Employees requesting Family and Medical Leave will be required to use accrued vacation days, sick leave, or other personal leave as part of the twelve (12) week leave. The employee is requested to give at least thirty (30) day notice of any foreseeable need for leave. At SSBCC’ request, eligible employees requesting leave must provide certifications by medical professionals documenting the health conditions of the employee, spouse, child, or parent. SSBCC, at its own expense, may require the employee to secure a second and third medical opinion should SSBCC believe there is reason to doubt the validity of the initial certification. During the family and medical leave, SSBCC will continue to pay its share of the employee's premium payments under the group health insurance plan. The employee must reimburse SSBCC the amount of these premium payments if he/she does not return to work at the expiration of the leave period. 38 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 H. Upon return from leave, the employee is entitled to his/her former position or an equivalent position with equivalent pay and benefits. However, SSBCC may, in its discretion, deny an employee who is among the highest paid ten percent of SSBCC personnel the right to return to his/her job if the denial is necessary to prevent substantial and grievous economic injury to the operations of SSBCC. 39 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-8.00 Vacation Time DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets forth guidelines and procedures regarding accrual and utilization of vacation time by employees of SSBCC. III. Policy It is the policy of SSBCC to provide vacation time to all eligible employees. The time made available to employees shall not exceed the limits the employee has accrued. IV. Eligibility A. B. C. V. VI. Full-Time Employees as described in EMP-REL-I-7.00 are eligible. Vacation accrual will begin at the beginning of the first month after hire date. Employees will be eligible to use accrued vacation at the completion of the six (6) month orientation period. Provision A. Qualifying employees are eligible for vacation time according to the following: 1-5 Years 1 day of vacation time per month After 5 Years 1.5 days of vacation time per month B. Accrued vacation will not exceed the following: 1-5 Years 20 days After 5 Years 30 days C. All calculations are based on employees' anniversary dates. Procedure A. Scheduling 1. Vacations must be pre-approved by the employee's immediate supervisor. To document paid vacation time Leave Request Form #239 must be completed and filed with Human Resources. 2. Employees are encouraged to take vacation at the most appropriate time for the workload in their department. 3. The Executive Director shall keep, or cause to be kept, an accurate record of all vacation leave, shall maintain said records according to standard practices, and make available to employees as appropriate. 40 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 B. If an employee has accumulated vacation and is covered by Workers' Compensation, the combined weekly income cannot exceed the employee's normal weekly pay. 1. 2. C. The ministry long-term disability program reimburses the eligible employee at approximately 60% of their normal pay, including Social Security. Therefore, the employee may elect to use his/her accumulated vacation for the portion not covered by insurance so the normal pay will continue until all or part of the accumulated sick leave has been used. Upon termination of employment with SSBCC, employees are entitled to be paid for unused vacation time earned provided they have given proper notification, a minimum of two (2) weeks. Employees who leave employment without advance notification forfeit their right to vacation pay. 41 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-9.00 Holidays DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets forth guidelines and procedures regarding utilization of holiday time by employees of SSBCC. III. Policy SSBCC recognizes certain days of religious and historic importance as holidays and pays employees for paid time off on these days in accordance with its eligibility rules. IV. Eligibility A. B. V. Full-Time Employees as described in EMP-REL-I-7.00 are eligible. Qualifying employees are eligible beginning on the date of employment. Procedure A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Paid holidays are established annually by the Executive Director. Whenever the holiday occurs on a Saturday or Sunday, the preceding Friday or the following Monday, whichever is closer, will be recognized as a paid holiday. Employees are required to work their regularly scheduled hours preceding and following a holiday in order to receive holiday pay. A day of vacation or any other excused and paid day off (paid for in accordance with standard payroll policies) is considered as a day worked for purposes of holiday eligibility. In the event it is necessary for an employee to be absent the day before or the day after a holiday, the employee must submit a Leave Request Form #239 to his/her immediate supervisor for prior approval. If approved as a paid day off, holiday pay will be granted. If a holiday occurs during an employee's vacation time, an additional day of vacation will be allowed. Employees required to work on holidays will receive a compensatory day or be paid for time worked and holiday pay at the discretion of the Executive Director. Work on a Holiday: 1. Non-exempt employees who work on a holiday will receive, in addition to holiday pay, compensation at regular base pay for actual hours worked unless hours worked are in excess of forty (40) hours. 2. Exempt employees who work on a holiday will receive, in addition to holiday pay, a compensatory off day. 3. Holiday pay is considered non-productive time and does not count when calculating overtime hours. 42 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-10.00 Meal and Rest Periods DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets forth guidelines in granting meal and rest periods. III. Policy A. Meal Periods 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Rest Periods 1. 2. 3. 4. IV. All employees shall be granted at least one-half hour (30 minutes) uninterrupted unpaid mealtime after each period of work of not more than five (5) consecutive work hours provided such period will not constitute hours worked away from the work station. If the work assignments require employees to be available for guests, meal periods must be staggered to meet guest needs. An employee whose schedule is five (5) hours or less daily, and this period constitutes his/her full working day at SSBCC, need not be given a meal time period. Where schedules are in excess of five (5) hours, meal periods will be scheduled, other factors permitting. Employees may be granted two ten (10) minute rest periods during each eight (8) hour workday. If the work assignments require employees to be available for guests, rest periods must be staggered to meet guest needs. The rest period will be scheduled by the immediate supervisor in the interest of efficiency and guest service. All employees are requested to take breaks away from the areas normally used by guests. Procedure A. The rest period is considered a break in the employee's normal work routine for the purpose of reducing fatigue. B. C. The rest period will be counted as time worked for pay purposes. The rest period is not to be granted until an employee has been on the job for a period of at least one and one-half hours, and is not to be granted near the end of the work day, since this would in effect change the hours of quitting time. 43 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 D. E. Employees are not to visit other departments while on rest break, nor interfere with normal operation and efficiency of other personnel or other departments. It is the responsibility of the immediate supervisor to make sure that his/her department or work unit is staffed properly at all times to handle such business, service or other activity which normally comes within the scope of the department's responsibilities during such rest or meal periods. 44 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-11.00 Employee Meal Purchases DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets forth guidelines and procedures for employees to purchase meals prepared by SSBCC. III. Policy A. Employees will be allowed to purchase a SSBCC prepared meal when the employee's work period extends past a Shocco prepared meal. B. Meal reservations must be made in accordance with current procedures. Any reserved meal not taken and not canceled by the reservation deadline will be charged to the employee at the current employee meal rate. C. Meal cost is due at the scheduled mealtime. D. If the time coincides with guest mealtime, the employee’s attire must be compatible with that of the guests being served. 45 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-12.00 Retirement Allowance Benefit DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose It is the intent of the SSBCC, as an expression of appreciation and goodwill, to assist eligible employees in preparing for the financial obligations of retirement. III. IV. Policy A. Full-Time Employees as described in EMP-REL-I-7.00 are eligible. B. Qualifying employees are eligible at retirement. C. Age eligibility requirements are determined by the plan documents of the group retirement annuity provider. In the event of any conflicts or differences between this policy and plan documents, the plan documents shall control. Procedure To be eligible for retirement allowance, the following service requirements must be met: Length of Service Retirement Allowance Benefit Less than 5 Years 0% of Salary 5-9 Years Amount equal to 1 month’s salary or 160 hours 10-14 Years Amount equal to 2 month’s salary or 320 hours 15 or More Years Amount equal to 3 month’s salary or 480 hours 46 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-13.00 Retirement Annuity DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose It is the intent of the SSBCC, as an expression of appreciation and goodwill, to assist eligible employees in preparing for the financial obligations of retirement. lll. Policy A. SSBCC provides group retirement annuity for eligible employees. 1. Programs vary according to the job and will be explained upon employment. 2. In some cases, there may be a waiting period before coverage begins. B. SSBCC intends to continue the programs indefinitely, but reserves the right to change or discontinue these plans at any time. 1. If the SSBCC terminates a program, but does not replace it with comparable benefits, participants will be notified. 2. Upon request of participant, participant(s) will receive instruction on converting group insurance to individual policies whenever conversion privileges apply. C. Actual benefits provided and eligibility requirements are determined by the plan documents. In the event of any conflicts or differences between this policy and plan documents, the plan documents shall control. lV. Eligibility A. All eligible employees must have attained age 21. Employees who have not attained age 21 are not eligible. B. Employees eligible for employer contributions are classified as Full-Time Employees as described in EMP-REL-I-7.00. Provision V. A. B. C. All eligible SSBCC employees are offered, and can participate in, a voluntary Tax Shelter Annuity Plan (TSA) of more than $200 annually. Employees may exercise the option to contribute a tax sheltered amount to Guidestone Financial Resources through the SSBCC Payroll Deduction Service Program. Deviations from this policy must be submitted in writing and be approved by the SSBCC Board of Trustees. SSBCC contributes an amount equal to 10% of the eligible employee's salary into a retirement program administered by Guidestone Financial Resources. 47 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 D. The following vesting schedule applies to all employer contributions to the employee’s retirement program for all persons employed January 1, 1999 and afterward: 0-1 Year 1-2 Years 2-3 Years 3-4 Years After 4 Years 0% Vested 25% Vested 50% Vested 75% Vested 100% Vested SSBCC will contribute, for eligible employees an amount equal to the employee’s contribution, but not to exceed the smaller of 5% of the Employee’s Compensation or 1% of the Employee’s Compensation for each three (3) years of the employee’s uninterrupted service as illustrated below: Completed Years of Service Less than 3 3 6 9 12 15 or more E. Percentage Matched 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% Eligibility for previous years of service, in calculating vesting percentage, can include paid denominational service for any church or agency affiliated with a Baptist state convention and/or the Southern Baptist Convention based upon completed days, with each 365 such days of paid denominational service constituting one (1) year. 48 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-14.00 Health Insurance Benefits Revision Date: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose Eligible employees can participate in certain SSBCC sponsored insurance programs. III. Policy A. SSBCC provides group health insurance benefits for eligible employees. 1. Programs vary according to the job classification and will be explained upon employment. 2. In some cases, there may be a waiting period before coverage begins. B. SSBCC intends to continue the programs indefinitely, but reserves the right to change or discontinue these plans at any time. 1. If SSBCC terminates a program, but does not replace it with comparable benefits, participants will be notified. 2. C. IV. Upon request of participant, participant(s) will receive instruction on converting group insurance to individual policies whenever conversion privileges apply. Actual benefits provided and eligibility requirements are determined by the plan documents. In the event of any conflicts or differences between this policy and plan documents, the plan documents shall control. Eligibility A. Full-Time Employees as described in EMP-REL-I-7.00 are eligible. B. When employee is provided medical insurance coverage as a dependent of another member of employee’s family, the eligible employee may receive health insurance coverage under this policy by notifying SSBCC in writing of employee’s election to receive health insurance coverage under this policy; in the absence of such written notification, employee shall not receive coverage under this policy but shall receive health insurance coverage in employee status as a dependent of another and, should such status cease, it is employee’s responsibility to notify SSBCC so that employee may commence receiving health insurance benefits under this policy, if employee is eligible. 49 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 C. An eligible employee may elect to not receive single and/or family medical insurance coverage if: 1. The employee decides to not provide the employee contributions choosing to only receive single coverage or; 2. Proof of comparable medical insurance coverage is provided annually to SSBCC Human Resources Department. By electing to not receive SSBCC provided medical insurance coverage the eligible employee may receive a benefit allowance to be determined annually. The benefit allowance is not considered when calculating retirement benefits or pay increases. If the eligible employee’s alternate coverage lapses the employee must notify SSBCC within 20 days so the SSBCC medical insurance coverage can be reinstated according to the carrier’s eligibility requirements. D. V. Qualifying employees are eligible beginning on the first day of the next month following employment. Provision A. Medical Insurance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The premiums for eligible employees are paid by SSBCC and the employee. Cost for coverage will be determined at each anniversary. Dependents may be covered as employee contributory coverage. Cost for coverage will be determined at each anniversary. Dependents include the employee's spouse (of the opposite sex) and/or married or unmarried children up to twenty-six (26) years of age. The child may be the employee's natural child; stepchild; legally adopted child; child placed for adoption; or, other child for whom the employee has permanent legal custody. For specific eligibility requirements for other than the employee’s natural child, please refer to the current carrier’s plan document. If requested by the employee in writing, medical insurance benefits for retired employees with twenty (20) or more years of service, who will be eligible for Medicare within eighteen (18) months of their retirement, may be continued by SSBCC through COBRA for retired employee and eligible dependents. SSBCC will provide towards their COBRA payments up to $350 per month for those who retired with single coverage and up to $750 for those who retired with family coverage. This COBRA benefit continued by SSBCC terminates at the age the retired employees’ are eligible for Medicare coverage. 50 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-15.00 Worker’s Compensation Benefits DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose To establish SSBCC Worker's Compensation Policy of granting temporary disability benefits to all SSBCC employees who, as a result of illness or injury within the employment situation, are unable to perform the work for which they were employed. III. Policy A. SSBCC covers employees with Worker's Compensation insurance for expenses and loss of earnings as a protection for injuries compensable under the Worker's Compensation Law of the State of Alabama. B. All injuries, no matter how slight, that have been sustained by employees while on duty (as defined herein) must be reported immediately to their immediate supervisor however no later than within 5 days. 1. 2. C. “While on duty” as defined refers to that period of time originating in which the employee has clocked in, including and up to the time the employee has clocked out. For exempt employees “while on duty” shall be designated as the period of time in which the employee is at work within the scope of their employment. If an injury requires outside medical treatment, the treatment must be provided by the SSBCC Designated Physician or Clinic. 1. All referrals to specialists must be authorized by the current Worker’s Compensation Provider. 2. If an emergency situation occurs, get the injured person to the nearest medical facility. 3. Post Injury Drug Testing procedures must be followed by all employees. 51 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 D. IV. The immediate supervisor or designee must complete Employee Injury and Illness Report form #301. This must be done as soon as the employee's situation is cared for but no later than the next workday. 1. The immediate supervisor is responsible for delivering the completed report to the Human Resources Coordinator. 2. The employee is responsible to provide to the Human Resources Coordinator the doctor's report and release, including the date given to return to work. No employee will be allowed to return to work without a doctor's release. 3. The Human Resources Coordinator is responsible for completing WCC Form 2. E. Drug and/or Alcohol testing procedures must be enforced as specified by the SSBCC written policy. Screens for substance abuse must be administered when the employee seeks initial medical treatment. Employees must also be informed in advance, in writing, that the refusal to cooperate with a test and/or a positive test result may have an impact on the availability of Worker’s Compensation benefits. F. Questionable claims should be reported to the current Worker’s Compensation Provider as soon as possible by way of telephone, fax, etc. Any claim that involves severe injuries such as amputations, death, etc. should be immediately reported to the current Worker’s Compensation Provider. G. Modified or light duty may be provided if the treating physician says the employee cannot return to his/her regular job. While keeping within the restrictions specified by the treating physician, the limitation of the law and the economic and physical limitations of our properties, SSBCC will make every attempt to provide modified or light duty work whenever possible. Any recovering employee who is offered a physician-approved modified duty job will be required to accept the offer. H. Worker’s Compensation insurance provides a benefit for work- related injuries in an amount equal to 66 2/3% of wages prior to the injury. SSBCC will not pay additional wages beyond the 66 2/3% benefit provided by Worker’s Compensation insurance. Total benefits cannot exceed 100% of wages prior to the work-related accident. Vacation and/or sick leave time may be taken as part of the time off by an employee who is recovering from a work- related accident. Eligibility A. All employees are eligible for Worker's Compensation Benefits. B. An employee is eligible beginning on the date of employment. * See Appendix 52 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-16.00 Moving Expenses DATE: January 30, 2914 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets forth guidelines for reimbursement of moving expenses. III. Policy SSBCC will reimburse new full-time employees as described in EMP-REL-I-7.00 for moving expenses per terms agreed upon at the time of employment. Traveling expenses incurred in reporting for work will be limited to one trip for interviewing and one trip for reporting to work. 53 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-17.00 Training Seminars DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose As SSBCC faces the increasing challenges of meeting the needs of the guests it serves in the name of Christ, the continuing development of staff, personally, professionally, and spiritually, remains a critical part of the ministry's responsibility. III. IV. Policy A. SSBCC employees may attend training seminars within budgetary guidelines and budget availability to enhance their job knowledge and self-development. B. This policy makes available funds for selected personnel to attend specialized training workshops and professional seminars. Eligibility A. B. V. Full-Time, Part-Time and Seasonal Employees as described in EMP-REL-I-7.00 are eligible. Qualifying employees are eligible after the orientation period of six (6) months of work. Exceptions must be approved by Executive Director. Procedure The Executive Director will make decisions about attendance to such seminars within planned budgetary guidelines. 54 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-BEN-II-18.00 Educational Assistance DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose III. A. This policy establishes guidelines for employees of SSBCC who are selected and approved by SSBCC to obtain financial assistance in continuing their education. B. This policy also establishes budgetary guidelines for funding the Educational Assistance Program. Policy SSBCC recognizes a responsibility to assist employees in maintaining and improving their present skill levels and in acquiring new skills in a dynamic, rapidly changing industry. SSBCC will provide educational assistance to selected, eligible employees who enroll in educational courses approved by SSBCC which are deemed to be of mutual interest and benefit to both the employee and SSBCC. The Educational Assistance Program shall benefit employees selected by SSBCC, who shall not discriminate in favor of highly compensated employees (as defined in Section 414(q) of the Internal Revenue Code). Financial assistance may be given for: IV. V. A. A job-related course B. Work toward a degree or certification program if beneficial to SSBCC Eligibility A. Full-Time Employees as described in EMP-REL-I-7.00 are eligible. B. To be eligible for reimbursement, an employee must have maintained a satisfactory work record for at least one (1) full year prior to applying for educational assistance. Provision A. B. C. D. The course(s) of study must apply toward a degree certification or other recognizable measure of achievement. The course(s) of study must be offered by an accredited college or university or by another generally recognized and approved school or agency. The employee must maintain the predetermined work schedule while taking the course(s). The maximum that can be paid in any year per employee is established annually. 55 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 VI. Procedure A. B. C. An educational assistance request must be submitted, in writing, to the Executive Director no less than thirty (30) days prior to registration for a course. Upon successful completion of the course(s), the employee must submit receipt of payment and a copy of the final grade transcript to the Executive Director for reimbursement. Successful completion of a course requires minimum grades of “C” for undergraduate courses and “B” for graduate courses. Upon successful completion of the course(s), SSBCC will reimburse the employee 100 percent of the cost of tuition and one-half the cost of books up to the annually established maximum. No other expenses incurred by the employee will be reimbursed by SSBCC. 56 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 Employee Regulations EMP-REG-III-1.00 Salary Administration DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This is a policy on SSBCC salary administration. III. Policy SSBCC utilizes a formal salary structure that weighs and evaluates each position through the action of a Job Evaluation Committee (or through an evaluation process). IV. Provisions A. Starting Pay Starting pay shall be based on the duties and level of responsibility of each job as determined by the job description for that position. B. Grade Levels Each position shall be assigned to a grade level and shall be assigned a salary range. C. Pay Increases SSBCC recognizes that in Christian work, as in other endeavors, there should be an opportunity for financial advancement. 1. Increases shall be granted based on the quality of an individual's performance. 2. While the performance of each employee is under constant review, overall performance shall be appraised at least once a year. 3. Such review shall determine what, if any, performance increase will be recommended. D. Pay Decreases Pay decreases may be made when individuals are reassigned to a position of lower level. E. Pay Periods 1. All positions in the organizational structure of SSBCC have been carefully classified and an appropriate hourly rate salary-benefit range determined. 2. All personnel are evaluated annually on the bases of performance and merit. 3. Each pay period begins on a predetermined day and ends fourteen (14) days later. 4. Checks are prepared during the five days after the pay period ends. 5. Checks are available after the designated time on the payday following the pay period. F. Social Security SSBCC will pay the employer's part of the Social Security for all employees. 57 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REG-III-2.00 Attendance DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets forth guidelines and procedures regarding excessive absenteeism and tardiness. III. Policy Excessive absenteeism and tardiness adversely affects ministry purpose, disrupts normal operating effectiveness, and overburdens other employees who must cover for the employee who is absent. Excessive absenteeism and tardiness will be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. IV. Provision A. B. Attendance 1. Occasionally, it may be necessary for an employee to be absent from work as a result of illness, injury, or for personal reasons. 2. Absences are classified into two (2) categories: a. Excused absences 1. Examples of excused absences are personal emergencies, holiday, vacation, leave of absence, and sick leave. 2. If an employee's immediate supervisor deems appropriate, he/she may require the employee to provide a physician's statement indicating inability to work before approving sick leave. b. Unexcused absences 1. Unexcused absences occur upon failure to report to work. 2. Any unexcused absence will be considered a major act of misconduct. 3. Employees will receive disciplinary action in the form of suspension without pay. 4. Two (2) unexcused absences within a 12-month period will result in termination per the provisions outlined in Policy EMP-PERF-IV-2.00 Infraction of Rules. Punctuality 1. Being on time is most important to the efficient operation of SSBCC. Tardiness disrupts productivity and makes it difficult to function effectively and to meet guest needs. 58 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 V. 2. It is every employee's responsibility to be at his/her work station at his/her scheduled starting time and to return from lunch periods no later than the allotted time. 3. Each occurrence of tardiness will result in disciplinary action per the provisions outlined in Policy EMP-PERF-IV-2.00 Infraction of Rules. 4. Five (5) days within a three (3) month period in which an employee fails to report to work on time will result in termination per the provisions outlined in Policy EMPPERF-IV-2.00 Infraction of Rules. Procedure A. In case of absence, an employee is expected to give his/her immediate supervisor as much advance notice as possible before the beginning of his/her scheduled starting time. B. Advance notification is necessary so proper arrangements can be made to handle his/her work during his/her absence. C. If the absence cannot be predicted in advance, the employee should notify his/her immediate supervisor within the first hour of his/her starting time of the first day of absence. D. If an employee must leave work, his/her immediate supervisor should be notified as far in advance as possible. E. Occasionally unavoidable circumstances may cause employees to be late. Employees must notify their immediate supervisor as soon as possible if they should be in this situation. 59 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REG-III-3.00 Dress DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets forth guidelines for dress at SSBCC. III. Policy A. B. C. D. IV. SSBCC employees are to dress with good taste and modesty. The employees' dress, like our manner and personal conduct, must consistently be reflective of Christ in us as a witness. As a leader in the community, SSBCC desires to be looked upon as an example of excellence in its field. Public tours of the facilities are an aspect of public relations. Attitudes of the community and our guests are affected by what we do and in part by what we wear. Procedure A. In lieu of an exact code for all situations and circumstances, the Executive Director, in conjunction with the immediate supervisor, is to: 1. 2. B. Exemplify appropriate dress. Interpret what is modest, decent, and appropriate. This will also include such things as the wearing of jewelry, cologne, and perfume. For employee safety, dress restrictions are enforced to prevent accidents or serious injury. 1. 2. Wearing loose clothing, loose jewelry or unprotected long hair is not permitted while working on or around moving machinery or hand power tools. In the event other dress items are determined to be a safety hazard by a safety audit, employees will be notified. 60 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REG-III-4.00 Hours of Work and Work Schedules DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets forth responsibility of schedule preparation in each department or unit. III. Policy SSBCC operates seven (7) days a week. Therefore, when employees accept work at SSBCC, they do so with the understanding they may be required to work shifts at any time during these hours. IV. Procedure A. Hours of work 1. New employees will be informed by their immediate supervisor about hours of employment and coverage that may be required for evenings, Saturdays, and Sundays. 2. Non-exempt employees could be scheduled up to forty (40) hours a week. When more than forty (40) hours are scheduled, the employee will receive overtime for all hours worked over forty (40). 3. These hours do not include individual department meal times. 4. In addition, if the work of the department permits, each employee may receive two ten (10) minute rest periods during each eight (8) hours of duty which will be taken at the discretion of the immediate supervisor. 5. Any meetings, lectures, and training programs which an employee is required by SSBCC to attend will be considered compensable time. B. Work Schedules 1. It is the responsibility of the immediate supervisor to prepare and submit per SSBCC approved method, at least one week in advance, a schedule of the hours, shifts, days of work, and periods of time-off assigned to each employee. Work schedules may vary from week to week. 2. Each department supervisor is responsible for knowing the whereabouts, during the assigned hours, of each employee under his/her direction (including work schedule changes). Supervisors and other personnel providing crucial guest-related services must inform SSBCC Administration of schedule changes. 3. Requests by employees for changes in work schedules must be made to their immediate supervisor. The immediate supervisor will make those changes which can be made without jeopardy to the work and coverage of his/her department and with due consideration of the privileges of other employees. 4. Unless otherwise exempt, all employees are required to record when they start each work day, when they leave and return from lunch, and when they leave work each day. All non-exempt employees are required to log time worked using the SSBCC approved method. 61 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REG-III-5.00 Time DATE: January 30 ,2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy, in keeping with appropriate laws, provides a method for SSBCC non-exempt employees to report time worked. III. Policy All non-exempt SSBCC employees must record all hours worked using the SSBCC approved method. IV. Procedure A. Eligible non-exempt employees should record other paid time such as vacation, sick, jury duty, bereavement, or holiday leave. 1. Vacation leave requests must be approved in advance on Leave Request Form #239. 2. Sick leave, jury duty, bereavement leave, or other emergency leave must also be approved on Leave Request Form #239. B. All overtime must be approved by the Executive Director or designee. 1. Overtime should be requested and approved in advance on Overtime Request Form #247. 2. Immediate supervisors have the authority to approve emergency overtime. Immediate supervisors are then responsible for submitting emergency overtime hours on Overtime Request Form #247 including explanation of time worked. C. Regular work hours must be recorded using the SSBCC approved method. 1. Each employee must: a. Make certain the time record used is their specified time record. b. Make certain the date shown on their time record corresponds with the correct date. c. Clock in at all scheduled beginning work times. d. Clock out at the beginning of all meal periods. e. Clock in after all meal periods just prior to returning to work. f. Clock out at the end of each completed work day. g. Verify the time worked total is correct. h. Report any discrepancies found to their immediate supervisor on or before the last day of the pay period. Failure to report discrepancies may result in lost time. i. Submit all requests for paid leave taken during the current pay period to their immediate supervisor according to current procedure. 62 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 2. 3. Employees must not allow unauthorized employees to clock in/out for them. Failure to observe this instruction will result in disciplinary action for all employees involved. Willful attempts to defraud SSBCC through the timekeeping system will result in disciplinary action as specified in EMP-PERF-IV-2.00. 63 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REG-III-6.00 Garnishments, Wage Assignments and Attachments DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to define SSBCC provisions of dealing with employee garnishments, wage assignments, and attachments of wages in accordance with State and Federal legislation. III. Policy A. B. C. D. E. IV. When there is a legal assignment, garnishment, or attachment against the wages of an employee, SSBCC is required to withhold a portion of the employee's salary in accordance with each applicable court order. The amount to be deducted from an employee is calculated according to the court’s instructions. Where more than one garnishment is filed against an employee, priority will be given in the order in which the garnishments are served on SSBCC or as directed by the courts. SSBCC prohibits the discharge of an employee from his/her job because of a garnishment. SSBCC employees are strongly encouraged to exercise responsible stewardship in handling business affairs. Procedure A. B. C. The Human Resources Department will receive all Garnishment Writs and promptly answer all Writs directly to the appropriate courts. The determination of the deduction to be made from the employee's check, if any, will be made in accordance with applicable law. Monies that have been deducted from an employee's pay to satisfy the claims will be forwarded to the court in accordance with the court order. 64 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REG-III-7.00 Workforce Reductions DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy is established to provide objective criteria to be applied when the SSBCC workforce must be reduced because of decreased workload, decrease in volume of work, discontinued functions, or halt in operations of activities. III. Policy It is the policy of SSBCC that reductions in the workforce be processed in an organized manner. IV. Procedure A. Non-exempt employees Seniority is the primary factor in determining reduction in force among individuals qualified to perform the remaining work, except where a reasonable business need requires the retention of less senior employees who possess required unique skills. B. Exempt employees Selections are based upon employees' qualifications to perform the remaining work and their job performance. Length of service is considered in those cases where the individuals otherwise possess equivalent qualifications. C. Re-employment For a period of one (1) year following termination, employees who have one (1) or more years of service at the time of a force reduction are eligible for consideration for reemployment to the same job classification and salary grade from which they left. 65 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REG-III-8.00 Mileage Reimbursement and SSBCC Vehicles DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide reasonable compensation for the use of employee vehicles for business and consistent and proper use of SSBCC-owned vehicles. III. Policy A. B. IV. It is SSBCC policy to provide mileage reimbursement for employees who are required to use their personal automobiles to fulfill job requirements. It is SSBCC policy to own only vehicles that are used for business purposes. Procedure A. Mileage reimbursement 1. Mileage reimbursement will be made to employees who need automotive transportation to fulfill job requirements and have approval to use their own vehicles. 2. Mileage reimbursement will be established by the SSBCC Board of Trustees for use of personal vehicle. 3. A car mileage log shall be used to document mileage and submitted with a purchase order to bookkeeping to obtain a reimbursement. 4. All IRS business travel reporting requirements shall be the employee's sole responsibility. 5. The employee is required to provide proof of vehicle liability coverage on vehicles used as business related transportation. A copy of will be placed in the employee’s personnel file. B. SSBCC-owned vehicles 1. Employees required to drive an SSBCC-owned vehicle on a regular basis must have a current State Driver's License in their personnel file. 2. SSBCC will be totally responsible for operating costs and repairs of assigned vehicles including fuel. 3. Operators of SSBCC-owned vehicles are responsible for treatment and condition of vehicles in their charge. This includes servicing, washing, following guidelines set by SSBCC, etc. a. Any problems or malfunctions should be reported to the Maintenance Department at once. b. All normal repairs and parts are to be taken care of through the Maintenance Department. c. When out of town, the Executive Director is to be contacted before major repairs are made. 66 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 4. 5. 6. 7. Copies of insurance information, motor vehicle registration, and tag/tax receipt are to be kept in SSBCC-owned vehicles at all times. Prior to issuance of an SSBCC-owned vehicle, it shall be required for all drivers to review the Vehicle Operation Policy, #EMP-REG-III-15.00. SSBCC-owned vehicles are intended for business use by SSBCC employees. Vehicles shall not be loaned for non-business use to other SSBCC employees or to people outside of SSBCC without approval of the Executive Director. 67 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REG-III-9.00 Reference Requests DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets up guidelines and procedures regarding completing references for former employees. III. Policy It is the policy of SSBCC that employees not provide any information (verbal or written), regarding current or former employees or volunteers to persons, firms, organizations, or institutions who are not employed by or part of SSBCC. IV. Procedure A. B. C. D. E. Any employee who receives a request for any information concerning a past or present employee or volunteer of SSBCC should refer the person making the request to the Executive Director. Only the Executive Director is authorized to provide information of any kind regarding current or former employees or volunteers. An exception exists only if the Executive Director authorizes another representative to provide information regarding a particular individual. Requests that should be referred to the Executive Director include, but are not limited to, requests for verifications of employment, employment references, and requests for verifications or comments regarding performance or character from any outside agency, firm, person, or organization. Strict observance of this policy is required. 68 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REG-III-10.00 Purchase Orders DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy establishes guidelines for the completion and submission of purchase orders to bookkeeping for all items purchased. It also designates individuals who are authorized to sign purchase orders. III. Policy A purchase order must be completed and submitted to accounting for all items purchased. IV. Procedure A. Purchase Orders must include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. B. C. D. Completion Date Vendor Name Vendor address & phone number (if new vendor) Expense account number Order date Individual making requisition Description a. Item being purchased b. Purpose of purchase c. Location item will be used Cost of item (if known) Attached substantiating information (if available) Authorized Signature a. Department Directors (as approved) b. Executive Director c. Other Executive Director designees The Purchase Order procedure requires that the following items be forwarded to the accountant prior to payment being processed: 1. Purchase orders 2. Delivery tickets/shipping labels 3. Invoice COD orders must be the last resort for receiving purchases. If there is a COD order, this information must be brought to the attention of the accountant and noted on the purchase order. Arrangements should be made at the time of purchase for any shipping costs. Whenever possible, freight should be billed through the vendor. 69 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REG-III-11.00 Loaning of SSBCC Property DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy is to protect assets belonging to SSBCC and to assure their availability for conference use. III. Policy It is SSBCC policy that no SSBCC assets be loaned to individuals or organizations away from the SSBCC campus. Any exceptions must be requested, in writing, and approved in advance by the Executive Director or designee. IV. Provision 1. If exceptions are approved, the borrower is responsible for the care of the borrowed item(s) and will be held financially and legally accountable for any damages sustained and/or theft of property. 2. The borrower accepts all responsibility for any property damage and/or injury sustained during the use of the borrowed item(s). 70 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REG-III-12.00 Mail Pick-Up and Distribution DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to assure that all SSBCC incoming mail is processed, distributed, and accounted for in an orderly and verifiable manner. III. Policy It is the policy of SSBCC that all incoming mail be processed, distributed, and accounted for as described below. IV. Procedure The Executive Director's Administrative Assistant is responsible for arranging mail pick up and distribution according to the current Mail Pick-up and Distribution Procedure, Mailed Income Procedure and Income Deposit Procedure. These procedures will be reevaluated at least annually in conjunction with the current auditing firm representative. Procedural steps will be altered as work flow dictates but always adhering to a clearly defined separation of duties for all involved in processing mail, mailed income, accounts payable invoices and statements. 71 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REG-III-13.00 Periodic Physical Examinations DATE: January 1, 1999 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose To establish guidelines whereby SSBCC may require an opinion from a medical doctor in the interest of an employee's health and in an effort to assess their ability to continue employment at SSBCC. III. Policy An employee may be required to undergo medical and/or physical examination and/or evaluation if such is determined to be warranted by the Executive Director in light of the given employee's work requirements; any data generated by such examination or evaluation will be used in accordance with the American Disabilities Act. IV. V. Procedure A. It is the responsibility of the Executive Director or designees to assist in arranging for these examinations and, with the proper medical direction, determine the nature of each examination. B. If the examining physician determines an employee is not able to perform his/her job, the employee's immediate supervisor will be advised by the Executive Director and together they will determine the best course of action. Provision A. Records of the doctor's report shall be completed by the examining physician. The report shall contain all laboratory and physical examination findings with recommendations. All reports will be held as extremely confidential, and kept separate from the personnel file. B. If, in the process of examination, it is determined by the physician and the Executive Director concurs, that additional diagnostic information is desirable or necessary, SSBCC may pay the additional cost if the employee's paid health insurance program does not provide the necessary coverage for the added diagnostic work. C. If follow-up treatment is indicated in the physician's report, the Executive Director will, within a reasonable period of time, inquire of the employee's immediate supervisor to determine and document whether the suggested treatment has been received. 72 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REG-III-14.00 Solicitation and Distribution DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy is to establish the guidelines and authority governing SSBCC-sponsored and nonsponsored solicitation and distribution. III. Policy Solicitation (SSBCC-sponsored and non-sponsored) by employees is authorized within the limits described below. Distribution of advertising material, handbills, printed or written literature will be limited to being posted on bulletin boards, with prior approval from the Executive Director. A. Solicitation by employees is authorized only during non-working time; that is, during rest periods, meal periods, before or after regular working hours. Solicitation during nonworking hours must be attended by the soliciting employee. Employees may not leave goods to be purchased in ministry locations without being present. Solicitation (i.e., candy for Little League, school fundraisers, Girl Scout cookies, etc.) will be limited to employee break rooms and other areas approved by the Executive Director. B. Solicitation (SSBCC-sponsored) by employees is authorized during and after working times. Solicitation includes the selling of items of which all or part of the proceeds go to SSBCC. C. Non-employees will not be allowed on campus for the purpose of solicitation or distribution under any circumstances, except for those activities that are benefit-related and authorized by the Executive Director. D. No SSBCC employee will be authorized to conduct a "business" either during working hours or non-working hours on SSBCC premises. Business is defined as the selling of cosmetics, jewelry, insurance, kitchenware, services, or other endeavors from which the employee will profit. E. SSBCC will not be responsible for the theft or loss of monies or material on behalf of employees engaging in either SSBCC-sponsored or non-sponsored solicitation. 73 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REG-III-15.00 Vehicle Operation DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide instruction and guidelines on the safe operation of all SSBCCowned vehicles operated by SSBCC approved drivers. III. Policy A. B. IV. It is the policy of SSBCC that all employees must operate SSBCC-owned vehicles in a safe and responsible manner as further described in the SSBCC Fleet Safety Program. It is the policy of SSBCC that any employee driving their personal vehicle onto the SSBCC campus or on SSBCC business must also operate said vehicle in a safe and responsible manner as further described in the SSBCC Fleet Safety Program. Procedure This policy does not cover all aspects of driving. All drivers are required to be familiar with and comply with all guidelines and laws set forth in the "Alabama Drivers' Manual" and the SSBCC Fleet Safety Program. Any unsafe operation or misuse of any SSBCC-owned vehicle (car, pickup, golf cart, etc.) is considered unacceptable even if it is not specifically mentioned in this policy. V. Provisions A. Prerequisites for the Driver 1. You must be 19 years of age or have the Executive Director's approval. 2. You must have a valid driver's license. 3. You must report any moving violations received within the past three years. B. VI. Operation of Vehicle 1. All vehicles will be operated within the legal speed limits or the speed limit warranted by driving conditions whichever is slower. 2. No vehicle will be operated in an unsafe manner at any time.. 3. No vehicle will be operated while under the influence of any amount of alcohol or illegal drugs. 4. No vehicle will be operated while under the influence of legal drugs that might impair driving ability. 5. If an employee's license requires restrictions while driving, the employee must operate SSBCC-owned vehicles within the restrictions set forth on their license. Failure to Comply Strict observance of this policy is required. Failure to comply could result in: A. B. Disciplinary action as described in Policy EMP-PERF-IV-2.00 IV.B.7 and C.8 The revoking of driving privileges on campus and of SSBCC-owned vehicles. 74 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-REG-III-16.00 Internet/Web Site/Electronic Media DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose The purpose of Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center (SSBCC) Internet-related systems is to facilitate the exchange of information within the ministry and with guests and prospective guests. Employees have access to these systems consistent with the requirements of their jobs, are expected to develop the necessary skills to use the systems at whatever level of proficiency is appropriate to their job, and are encouraged to use the systems. Those employees who do not have personal computers assigned to them have access to terminals at designated common areas and in break rooms. Different access levels are designated for various job functions and user names and passwords are issued to enable each employee to log onto the system and use appropriate functions. A. B. C. III. Intranet: Employees have access to SSBCC information via the Intranet web system (such as job postings; ministry policies; marketing information; and internal news and bulletins). Use of this system enhances employee knowledge of SSBCC’s goals, vision, and performance and reduces the over-reliance on traditional inter-office mail and waste of natural resources. Internet and World Wide Web: Employees have access to the Internet and the web as a means of obtaining information that will assist them in the performance of their jobs. The public has access to the ministry web site, which enables SSBCC to project its image, develop business, and improve its community profile. Electronic mail (e-mail): SSBCC maintains an e-mail system, which is fully integrated with both the Intranet and the Internet systems. The system enables employees to communicate efficiently among themselves and with customers and prospects. Use of this system improves the speed with which information can be disseminated and enables SSBCC to be responsive to customer and employee needs. Policy A. Ownership of Internet-Related systems: Internet-related systems (including but not limited to: computer equipment; software and operating systems; electronic mail, World Wide Web browsing, etc.; networking and intra-net systems and software) are the property of SSBCC. They are to be used for business purposes in serving the interests of the ministry and of our guests and in the course of normal operations. B. Privacy of communications: Employee communications on these systems are not private. While the network administration desires to provide a reasonable level of privacy, users should be aware that the data they create on the corporate system remains the property of the corporation, and usually can be recovered even though 75 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 deleted by the user. Despite security precautions, there is no absolutely fail-safe way to prevent an unauthorized user from accessing stored files. The network management cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any information stored on the network. Information that must remain confidential should therefore not be stored on the network. C. Monitoring: SSBCC reserves the right to monitor all employee usage to ensure proper working order, appropriate use by employees, the security of ministry data, and to retrieve the contents of any employee communication in these systems. Management may access user files, including archived material of present and former employees without the user's consent for any purpose related to maintaining the integrity of the network, or the rights of the corporation or other users or for any other reasonable purpose. All external correspondence must contain a notification that incoming and outgoing correspondence may be monitored for quality assurance and security purposes D. Personal use: Personal use of the systems is authorized within reasonable limits as long as it does not interfere with or conflict with business use. Employees are responsible for exercising good judgment regarding the reasonableness of personal use. Personal use should primarily occur before and after work hours or on lunch breaks and only when not needed for ministry business. E. Archiving and backup of systems: Employees who have computers connected to the Internet-related systems and certain other designated employees are responsible for backing up data on a daily basis. This is an important function designed to maintain records of communications and activity which replaces (or supplements) maintaining files containing memoranda, correspondence, etc. IV. Procedure A. Information contained on Internet-related systems may be classified as nonconfidential, confidential, or proprietary (contribution records, customer lists and personnel information are examples of proprietary information). Employees are required to take all necessary steps to prevent unauthorized access to this information. Employees are expected to keep their passwords secure and unknown to all other persons and refrain from sharing accounts. Authorized users are responsible for the security of their passwords and accounts. Passwords should be changed quarterly and should be at least 8 alphanumeric characters. All default passwords must be changed and all guest or anonymous accounts are prohibited. Authorized users should take steps to prevent unauthorized access to their accounts by locking or logging off when their terminal will be unattended. B. All users should be aware that any information, software, or graphics on the Internet may be protected by federal copyright laws, regardless of whether a copyright notice 76 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 appears on the work. Licensing agreements may control redistribution of information from the company's Internet-related systems or from the Internet. Duplication or transmission of such material or downloading shareware may not be undertaken without express authorization from Computer Services. Employees are required to scan freeware, shareware or any downloaded application for viruses using authorized procedures and software. Employees must never open, execute, or run unsolicited binary code e-mail attachments. C. Communications and Internet access should be conducted in a responsible and professional manner reflecting the corporation's commitment to honest, ethical and non-discriminatory business practice. In furtherance of these goals the following restrictions and prohibitions apply: 1. 2. Data security a. Personnel must safeguard their logon ID and password from disclosure to any person except the staff of Computer Services. Users may not access a computer account that belongs to another employee or department (except for an authorized member of the Computer Services Department). Personnel must use their own logon ID and password only, are responsible for all activity on their logon ID, and must report any known or suspected compromise of their ID to the Computer Services Manager. b. Unauthorized attempts to circumvent data security schemes; identify or exploit security vulnerabilities; or decrypt secure data are prohibited. c. Attempting to monitor, read, copy, change, delete or tamper with another employee's electronic communications, files or software without the express authorization of the user (except for authorized Computer Services personnel) is prohibited. d. Knowingly or recklessly running or installing (or causing another to run or install) a program (such as a "worm" or "virus") intended to damage or place an excessive load on a computer system or network is prohibited. e. Forging the source of electronic communications, altering system data used to identify the source of messages or otherwise obscuring the origination of communications is prohibited. Use of equipment 77 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 3. a. Any use that violates federal, state, or local law or regulation is expressly prohibited. b. Knowing or reckless interfering with the normal operation of computers, peripherals, or networks is prohibited. c. Connecting unauthorized equipment to the network for any purpose inconsistent with the business purpose of the company is prohibited. d. Deliberately wasting computer resources, including bandwidth, disk space, and printer paper or running or installing games or other unauthorized software on company computers is prohibited. e. Using the company network to gain unauthorized access to any computer system is prohibited. Netiquette and protocols a. The use of ministry Internet-related systems to access, transmit, store, display, or request obscene, pornographic, erotic, profane, racist, sexist or other offensive material (including messages, images, video, or sound) that violates the company's harassment policy or creates an intimidating or hostile work environment is prohibited. b. Any use that is deemed to adversely affect the ministry is prohibited. c. In general, SSBCC views positively social networking sites (e.g., MySpace, Facebook, Instant Messaging, etc), personal websites, and weblogs. We respect the right of employees to use them as a medium of self-expression. If an employee chooses to identify himself or herself as an employee of SSBCC on such Internet venues, some readers of such websites or blogs may view the employee as a representative or spokesperson of SSBCC. In light of this possibility, we require that employees observe the following guidelines when referring to SSBCC, its programs, activities, its guests, and/or other employees in a blog or website: Employees must be respectful in all communications and blogs related to or 78 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 4. referencing Shocco, its guests, and/or other employees. Employees must not use obscenities, profanity, or vulgar language. Any communication about sexual activity is strictly prohibited. Employees must not use blogs or personal websites to disparage SSBCC, Guests, or other employees of Shocco. Employees must not use blogs or personal websites to harass, bully, or intimidate other employees or guests. Behaviors that constitute harassment are defined in EMP-PERF-IV-5.00 Employees must not use blogs or personal websites to discuss engaging in or display pictures of participation in conduct that is prohibited by Shocco policies, including, but not limited to, the use of alcohol and drugs, sexual behavior, sexual harassment, and bullying. Employees must not post pictures of guests online without obtaining written permission. Education and Enforcement To promote the efficient use and to avoid misuse of Internet-related systems, a copy of this policy statement will be distributed to all employees. Employees are required to familiarize themselves with the contents of this statement. Additionally each department conducts training sessions in conjunction with the Computer Services Manager. Supplemental training will be offered as technological and/or policy changes allow. The Computer Services Manager is responsible for protecting users and the system from abuses of this policy. Pursuant to this duty, the Executive Director may take any of the following actions reasonably appropriate to the nature of the offense: Reprimand of the offending party or parties. Temporary reductions or suspension of computer system privileges. Referral to the offending user's supervisor. Permanent access revocation. Termination of employment. For misuse amounting to criminal behavior, referral to appropriate law enforcement agencies. 79 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 Sanctions may be reviewed by the Executive Director as necessary. Alleged violations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 5. Miscellaneous Amendment: The SSBCC may amend this Policy from time to time as necessary. All users will receive prompt notice of any amendments. Employee Agreement Form #215: Each employee must sign an Office Form #215 and attend training before receiving a logon ID and password. SSBCC reserves the right to require employees to sign additional agreement forms in the future. Disclaimer: SSBCC will not be responsible for any misuse of corporate internet-related systems. 80 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 Employee Performance EMP-PERF-IV-1.00 Grievance Procedure DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same II. Purpose material. SSBCC desires to maintain good relations among all employees as successful service to guests and satisfied employees go hand in hand. III. Policy A. B. IV. Procedure Explanation A. B. V. This policy exists to provide a Christian method of conflict resolution enabling God to be glorified and individual employee grievances to be heard. This policy enables an employee who believes he/she has just cause for a grievance and has been unable to resolve the conflict in an open discussion with his/her immediate supervisor, to pursue the following steps provided for his/her benefit and with the full assurance that under no circumstances will he/she suffer any reprisals or be penalized in any way for making use of this procedure. Because of the variations in the make-up of departments, there may be variations in the number of management levels involved in the grievance procedure. The procedure will be modified when necessary to fit specific situations. All employees, with the exception of temporary employees, are eligible to file grievances. Procedure Step I - Employee A. B. If an employee has a grievance meeting the above requirements (III.B), the employee should complete Grievance Form #234 within seven (7) days of the alleged grievance. A copy of the Grievance Form should be submitted to the Executive Director. This will begin the process to obtain a resolution of the grievance. The employee may request for the Executive Director to arrange assistance in completing the grievance description. In each step of the grievance procedure, the employee should be certain to state all the facts and the resolution he/she is seeking so there will be no misunderstanding of the nature of his/her grievance. Step II - Immediate Supervisor A. A second copy of the Grievance Form will be submitted to the immediate supervisor within seven (7) days of filing, and a meeting to discuss the grievance will be held within five (5) days of submission. 81 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 B. C. If possible, the immediate supervisor will give the employee an immediate response and indicate such on the Grievance Form. The immediate supervisor must give response within three (3) days after its presentation. The employee should be given a written response other than the Grievance Form. If the employee is not satisfied with the decision rendered, the employee may appeal the decision within three (3) days to the next step. Such desire for appeal is indicated on the Grievance Form. Step III - Next step of Management A. B. C. The written grievance will be submitted to the next level of management within five (5) days of the previous decision, and a meeting to discuss the grievance will be held within five (5) days. If possible, this level will give the employee an immediate response and indicate such on the Grievance Form. A response must be given within three (3) days after receiving the grievance. The employee should be given a written response other than the Grievance Form. If the employee is not satisfied with the decision rendered, the employee may appeal the decision within three (3) days to the next step. Such desire for appeal is indicated in writing on the Grievance Form. Step IV - Grievance Panel A. B. C. D. VI. Should the grievance not be settled at the preceding step, the employee may appeal the decision to a Grievance Panel. In order for the grievance to be processed, the employee must send the Grievance Form with all supporting documents to the Executive Director. The grievance shall be heard by the Grievance Panel within three (3) days from the employee's appeal. The panel will convene and will give their recommendations to the Executive Director within five (5) days after the panel hears the grievance. The Executive Director shall render a decision within five (5) work days after receiving the recommendations of the Grievance Panel. Work of the Grievance Panel A. B. C. The role of the Grievance Panel is to investigate, hear testimony, document, consider, and deliver a recommendation to the Executive Director. The Executive Director shall render a decision which will be final and binding. Representatives of the Panel are as follows: One (1) representative from the immediate supervisors. Two (2) representatives from the support staff. The Executive Director shall serve as an advisor to the Grievance Panel. He/she shall be responsible for the random selection of the representatives and appropriate training of members for responsibilities they will carry during their tenure. 82 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 VII. Procedures and Authority of the Grievance Panel A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Each member of the Panel is chosen for a term of one (1) hearing. New members will be appointed from the active employees list which provides proper Panel representation as outlined above. Panel members are not permitted to serve succeeding terms. No member of the Panel will hear a case involving the department or work area in which he/she is employed. The Panel may make policies and procedures concerning itself only. The Panel's function is limited to the hearing of individual appeals and to the policies and procedures related to the case that reaches the Grievance Panel. Three (3) members of the Panel shall constitute a quorum for any grievance hearing. All information coming before the Grievance Panel is to be held in strictest confidence by the representatives. The Panel will be asked to sign a statement prior to the hearing stating that confidentiality will be upheld. VIII. General Rules A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. If an employee's right has been violated by a supervisor, the grievance procedure may be used to provide relief for the employee but not to discipline the supervisor. The disposition of the grievance must concern itself primarily with righting the alleged wrong. An employee with a grievance may choose to bring another employee with him/her at any stage of the grievance procedure. SSBCC has placed a limit of two (2) on the number of times the same individual may accompany or present another employee's grievance. A grievance may not be changed or altered while being heard from one step to another. A grievance presented at Step I must be the same grievance that is presented at Step II, III, IV, etc. Any alteration of a grievance will cause the grievance procedure to begin anew. No grievance claiming back wages shall exceed the amount of wages the employee otherwise would have earned, less any earnings he/she may have received during the period of suspension from employment with SSBCC. An employee who loses time from his/her work during his/her assigned working hours when testifying during a grievance procedure shall do so without loss of pay. However, all requests to be away from the work area must be approved, in advance, by the immediate supervisor of the employee. It is the responsibility of each management individual to establish a grievance hearing during the employee's shift and time when the supervisor can do without the employee. A grievance shall be considered settled if not appealed by the employee to a higher step within the established time limit and shall not be subject to any further proceedings. If, at any time, the management level designated to hear the grievance does not conform to the time periods outlined in this policy, the grievance will be settled in favor of the employee. The only exception to this will be if the person occupying this management position is out of town conducting SSBCC business or has been previously scheduled for vacation. 83 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 IX. Grievance Procedure Relating to Termination In a grievance relating to a termination, a terminated employee is entitled to the use of the grievance procedure. A terminated employee has no right to continued employment during the grievance procedure. X. Special Considerations The aggrieved employee must insure that the facts presented in the grievance are truthful and accurate to the best of his/her knowledge. Because of the seriousness and concern which management reviews a grievance, the use of this grievance system in an untruthful or capricious manner can result in a range of disciplinary action being taken against the aggrieved employee. 84 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-PERF-IV-2.00 Infraction of Rules DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose Regulations for the acceptable conduct of employees are necessary for the orderly operation of any conference center for the benefit and protection of the rights and safety of all guests and employees. Certain regulations, and others which may be established from time to time, and the procedure for disciplinary action are published to promote understanding of what is considered unacceptable conduct and to encourage consistent action in the event of violations. III. Policy It is the policy of SSBCC to be patient, sympathetic, fair, and tolerant in the management of personnel. It is the sincere desire of SSBCC to help the staff in every way possible so that all may go forward together in a successful future; but willful or inexcusable breaches of these rules will be dealt with firmly under a uniform policy which applies equally to all departments and all individuals. Concerning an employee's conduct off the job, the following indicates the minimum that is required of any employee in the way of proper conduct. A. B. IV. An employee's conduct must be such that actions do not reflect negatively on either SSBCC, the SSBCC Board of Trustees, the many Baptist churches we serve, or fellow employees. An employee's conduct must be such that he/she is able to assume the full responsibility of his/her job at the regular starting time for the day. Guidelines for Degrees of Infractions The following are guidelines that should be followed to assure consistency; however, each employee's unique situation should always be considered. A. Critical Acts of Misconduct These offenses are serious violations of SSBCC rules or misconduct that justify immediate termination. When termination appears to be called for, the employee may be suspended while the incident is being investigated. If no circumstances are found to excuse the employee's actions, termination will occur. Since a complete list of what constitutes a critical act of misconduct is impossible, termination is not limited to the situations listed below. 1. 2. 3. Blatant insubordinate acts or statements or failure to carry out orders. Destruction, damage, misappropriation, or unauthorized possession of SSBCC property, or property of fellow employees, or property of guests in any manner. Deliberately obstructing productivity and/or efficiency. 85 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. B. Theft of property belonging to SSBCC, fellow employees, or guests, regardless of amount. Possessing, consuming or being under the influence of intoxicants, narcotics or non-prescribed controlled substances while on duty. Deliberate or negligent omission or falsification of significant information on the employee application, time cards, or employment records. Immoral or indecent conduct as interpreted by the Alabama Baptist State Convention. Unauthorized possession of weapons, firearms, or explosives on the premises. Physical assault on fellow employees, guests, or visitors during working hours or anywhere on SSBCC premises. Requesting or soliciting gratuities or gifts from visitors or from vendors. Failure to report to work for two (2) consecutive scheduled days without notifying the immediate supervisor. Walking off the job without approval of immediate supervisor. Conviction of a felony. Threatening, intimidating, or coercing fellow employees or guests at any time, for any purpose. Committing two (2) major offenses within a six (6) month period. Major Acts of Misconduct These offenses are of a lesser degree than critical offenses, but still necessitate immediate disciplinary action in the form of suspension without pay for a first offense. Suspension may be imposed for the following acts, but shall not be limited to the following list: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Verbal abuse of fellow employees or guests. Failure to report to work for one (1) scheduled day without notifying the immediate supervisor. Inappropriate conduct on the premises. Lack of cooperation or failure to show respect and consideration in employee relationships or visitor relationships. Refusal to submit to inspection and/or screening for reasonable cause when on SSBCC premises. Sleeping while on duty. Violations of safety standards that could result in harm to fellow employees or guests or cause damage to equipment. An act of sexual harassment. An act of national origin/ancestry harassment. Committing two (2) serious offenses within a six (6) month period. 86 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 C. Serious Acts of Misconduct These are offenses that do not justify immediate discharge or suspension. They are of a serious enough nature, however, that a written warning shall be given to the employee. Since a complete list of what constitutes a serious act of misconduct is impossible, written warnings are not limited to the situations listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. D. Contributing to detrimental or destructive gossip. Refusal to assist guests or fellow employees when requested. Having personal visitors in the work area that contribute to non-productivity or inefficiency. Calling in sick after refusal of request to be off. Work performance not up to established standards. Performing work other than SSBCC assignments during working hours. Poor attitude as evidenced by specific work-related behaviors and/or inability to support SSBCC goals and programs. Minor damage to property. Repeated or continued minor infractions (more than two (2) in any three (3) month period.) Minor Acts of Misconduct Supervisors should verbally counsel employees for minor acts of misconduct. A record should be made of the verbal counseling. Minor acts of misconduct can usually be corrected without serious disciplinary measures. Since a complete list of what constitutes a minor act of misconduct is impossible, verbal counseling is not limited to the situations listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Loitering or loafing during working hours. Failure to be ready to work at assigned time. Interfering with or distracting an employee at work. Excessive break time. Failure to observe instructions. Repeatedly attending to personal affairs on SSBCC time. 87 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 V. Administration of Policy The following is to insure consistency in dealing with the few employees that have difficulty in following the many rules and the code of conduct necessary in a Christian environment. The logic in assigning values to the different degrees of infractions is that an employee may not always repeat the same infraction thus making a variety of infractions difficult to assess. The points are guidelines and supplement but do not replace common sense and good management. A. The four degrees of infractions will be assigned points for consistency in application and to accurately assess the cumulative effect of various infractions over a period of time. The points will be assigned as follows: MINOR - 3 SERIOUS - 5 B. MAJOR - 10 CRITICAL - 20 To measure the cumulative effect of a combination of infractions over time, the following guidelines will be followed in administering progressive discipline: 20 Points - Termination 10 Points - Suspension 5 Points - Written Warning C. The points will be counted on a floating twelve (12) month period; however, written warnings will remain a part of the employee's file. 88 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-PERF-IV-3.00 Corrective Disciplinary Action DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets forth guidelines of corrective action to be utilized whenever employee behavior violates SSBCC policies and procedures. III. Policy A. It is the policy of SSBCC to provide an equitable, uniform procedure for administering corrective disciplinary action. It is a process of education which may range from timely warnings for minor offenses or omissions to disciplinary layoff without pay or discharge for serious or repeated infractions of the policies or standards of conduct. B. Factors usually considered when an employee is disciplined: 1. 2. 3. C. The employee's immediate supervisor is responsible for initiating corrective disciplinary action. In any case, all action will be noted in the employee's permanent record. 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Nature and gravity of the offense. The employee's past record. Years of service. Oral Warning - is used for first occurrence of minor acts of misconduct or as counseling. Notes of the oral warning must be placed in the employee's personnel file. Written Warning - is used when oral warnings have not been sufficient to correct an employee's behavior or for serious acts of misconduct. This written warning shall become part of the employee's personnel file. Suspension Without Pay - is initiated when a major act of misconduct is committed when previous oral and written warnings have not brought about the necessary change in behavior. A suspension must be recommended by the immediate supervisor and approved by the Executive Director. A suspension may not exceed thirty (30) days. Discharge - will result from a critical act of misconduct or for repeated lesser infractions for which lesser corrective disciplinary action has been taken. Discharge is recommended by the immediate supervisor in collaboration with the Executive Director. The reasons for disciplinary action should be fully documented and discussed with the employee and the signatures of both parties on the documentation will indicate that this interview has taken place. 89 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 IV. E. The Executive Director will review all cases involving disciplinary action beyond written warnings. F. If the employee does not agree with the reasons and the action taken, he/she may file a grievance through the established procedure. Procedures A. A written Employee Warning Description is to be completed to document disciplinary action. The original is to be forwarded immediately to the Executive Director for placement in the employee's file, and a copy is to be presented to the employee for his/her records. B. Complete the Employee Warning Description as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Employee: Department: Job title: Action Date: violation Violation Date: Description: Signatures: Name of employee counseled Name of department and/or unit Employee's job title Date employee is counseled or action taken to address the Indicate date(s) that violation occurred Summary of violation Employee and supervisor conducting the interview 90 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-PERF-IV-4.00 Employee Annual Performance Evaluation DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose The Employee Annual Performance Evaluation (EAPE) has been established to provide SSBCC supervisors and employees a specific forum for planning, goal setting, and personal and professional development. Secondly, it provides documentation and an objective reasoning for promotion, transfer, and merit salary recommendations. III. Policy SSBCC believes all employees require interaction with their immediate supervisor if personal and professional development are to be accomplished. Therefore, each current employee shall receive, on at least an annual basis, a complete performance evaluation. IV. Procedures A. B. C. The EAPE is designed to allow the supervisor and employee to: 1. Discuss, establish, and agree on performance objectives. 2. Fairly review and assess the job performance and subsequent results. 3. Identify personal and professional development needs. 4. Establish appropriate actions that can be used to improve current job performance or prepare for career advancement. 5. Provide objectives, reasoning, and documentation for promotion, transfer and/or merit salary recommendations. On at least an annual basis, each SSBCC supervisor shall meet individually with each employee to: 1. Discuss, establish, and agree upon performance objectives and development objectives for the performance review period. 2. Provide at least one documented interim feedback session on progress and results of efforts to date. 3. Review and assess job performance and demonstrated results, providing written documentation for the employee's review of the past year from the performance evaluation. All completed evaluations shall be signed by the employee, the immediate supervisor, and the Executive Director, and placed in the employee's personnel file. 91 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-PERF-IV-5.00 Harassment DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose SSBCC purposes that all employees have the right to a work environment free from all forms of discrimination and conduct which can be considered harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. III. Policy A. SSBCC maintains a strict policy prohibiting unlawful harassment, including sexual harassment. This policy prohibits harassment in any form, including verbal, physical, and visual harassment. B. Sexual harassment is a form of misconduct that undermines the integrity of the employment relationship. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No employee - either male or female - shall be subject to unsolicited and unwelcome sexual overtones or conduct, either verbal or physical. Sexual harassment does not refer to occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature. It refers to behavior: a. That is not welcome b. That is personally offensive c. That debilitates morale d. That interferes with work effectiveness Such behavior may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. It is the responsibility of the SSBCC Executive Director to make sure each organizational component is in full compliance with this policy. C. Employees who have complaints should report such alleged conduct to their immediate supervisor. If this is not appropriate, employees are urged to report and ask the assistance of the SSBCC Executive Director. It is the responsibility of the Executive Director to: provide guidance, investigate charges of impropriety and recommend appropriate action. All claims must be thoroughly investigated. D. This policy is based on AWOKE 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1604.11: "Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when: 92 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 1. 2. 3. IV. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment, Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual, or Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment." Procedure A. Employee Complaints of harassment should be brought to the attention of the immediate supervisor unless the alleged harasser is the employee's immediate supervisor. In such cases, the employee should feel free to bypass the immediate supervisor and take the complaint directly to the SSBCC Executive Director. B. C. D. E. Immediate Supervisor After notification of any employee's complaint, the immediate supervisor will immediately contact the SSBCC Executive Director. Process 1. After notification of the employee's complaint, a confidential investigation will immediately be initiated to gather all facts about the complaint. The Executive Director will have the primary responsibility for investigations. 2. After the investigation has been completed, a determination will be made regarding the resolution of the case by the Executive Director. a. If warranted, disciplinary action, up to and including termination, will be taken. b. If no action was deemed warranted, both parties will receive, in writing, a complete explanation of the decision. c. Steps will be taken to facilitate both parties continuing to work with each other. If determined by the SSBCC Executive Director to be warranted, a party or parties may be reassigned to other areas of employment. Non-retaliation This policy prohibits retaliation against employees who bring harassment charges or assist in investigation of charges. Any such employee will not be adversely affected in terms and conditions of employment, nor discriminated against or discharged because of the complaint. Non-employees In addition to the above, any complaints of harassment by an employee against a vendor, a vendor against an employee, an employee against a guest, a guest against an employee, or any other non-employee should be reported and investigated in the same manner as stated above. 93 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-PERF-IV-6.00 Telephones DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy is to establish telephone usage for SSBCC employees. III. Policy SSBCC telephones are for necessary conference center business. Personal calls should be kept to a minimum. Lengthy telephone conversations are discouraged. IV. Procedure Long distance calls are restricted by the long distance carrier. Long distance account codes are assigned to personnel whose jobs require accountability for calls. PROCEDURE A. B. C. Personnel responsible for answering incoming telephone calls are to respond as follows: 1. The initial greeting should be "Good morning (or afternoon, as appropriate) Shocco Springs." 2. If a particular person is requested and they are thought to be in, the response should be "Please hold while I transfer your call." 3. If a particular person is requested that is known not to be available, the response should be " Name is away from their desk or Name's line is currently busy or Name is not here today. May I help you?" 4. If a caller is requesting assistance and you must transfer their call, respond as follows: "I can help you by transferring your call to Name." Personnel answering an office extension are to respond as follows: "Hello, this is Name or "This is Name, May I help you?" If the caller wishes to leave a message, the following information is essential: 1. Complete name of caller 2. Company or church name, if applicable 3. Telephone number and extension, if applicable 4. Message with enough information about nature of call 94 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-PERF-IV-7.00 Smoke-Free Organization DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy states that SSBCC has established regulations concerning smoking by employees and guests. Our goal is to be a smoke free conference center. It has been developed in consideration of the following: III. A. SSBCC is dedicated to the concept of prevention of disease and promotion of good health. B. Smoking-related illness and death is the number one avoidable health problem in the United States today. C. The prevention of heart disease, cancer, emphysema, and stroke is promoted by the elimination of smoking. D. Since smoking can cause fires, a no smoking policy can promote the safety of all guests and employees. Policy It is the policy of SSBCC to strongly discourage employees' smoking and prohibit their smoking except in designated areas away from the guests. A. Employees may only smoke outside buildings and vehicles at designated areas located away from guests. B. Assistance will be offered to those who wish to stop smoking. C. Smoking in unapproved areas or in excess of established break times (two 10 minute breaks and a lunch break) will lead to disciplinary action. 95 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-PERF-IV-8.00 Honorariums DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy is to establish guidelines for SSBCC employees to participate in conferences, clinics, meetings, and preaching. III. IV. Policy A. SSBCC employees are encouraged to participate in conferences, clinics, meetings, or preaching. B. SSBCC employees are not to accept any honorarium for conferences, clinics, or meetings held at SSBCC or on behalf of SSBCC at other facilities. C. SSBCC employees are available to participate in church events and may receive honoraria for this service. Procedure A. Should churches ask employees of SSBCC to participate in a church event for more than four (4) consecutive Sundays, the Executive Director must give approval. The maximum duration of such service will be three (3) months. B. Job assignments with SSBCC will have priority in all situations. If there is a need in the employee's work assignment to be involved on a particular Sunday during time of service, the employee is to secure someone as a substitute at church. 96 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-PERF-IV-9.00 Alcohol/Drug Abuse DATE: January 1, 1999 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy establishes guidelines for SSBCC to provide a safe and productive work environment for all employees and outlines the methods for maintaining a work environment free from the effects of alcohol/drug abuse or other substances that adversely affect the mind or body. III. Policy It is the policy of SSBCC, in direct response to its Statement of Faith and corresponding expectation of a life which reflects those values, that employees shall not be involved with the unlawful use, possession, sale, or transfer of drugs or narcotics in any manner which may impair their ability to perform assigned duties or otherwise adversely impact SSBCC wellbeing. Further, employees shall not possess alcoholic beverages in the work place or consume alcoholic beverages in association with the work place or during work time. If SSBCC is to continue to fulfill its responsibility to serve Christ and others responsibly, the employees must refrain from all use of alcohol and drugs. IV. Procedure A. Introduction 1. Employees are expected to report for work and remain at work in condition to perform assigned duties free from the effect of alcohol and drugs. a. Alcohol/illegal drug use and its physiological effects represent a threat to the wellbeing and security of employees and could cause extensive damage to SSBCC reputation, liability exposure, community standing, and damage to the spread of the gospel of Christ. b. Any involvement with alcohol/drugs which adversely affects the work place or the work environment will not be tolerated. c. Off-the-job alcohol abuse or illegal drug activity which could have an adverse effect on an employee's job performance or which could jeopardize the safety of other employees, the public, SSBCC equipment, or SSBCC relations with the public will not be tolerated. d. SSBCC considers alcoholism and other drug addictions to be treatable illnesses. Absences directly or indirectly caused by the use of alcohol/drugs, for the specific purpose of treatment, will be excused, as long as the absence does not adversely affect the work of SSBCC. 2. Training is available to assist supervisors in recognizing potential symptoms of alcohol/drug abuse that may lead to or be causing a performance problem. 97 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 B. Consequences of Alcohol/Drug Abuse 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Alcohol Abuse - The use or personal possession (i.e., on the person, desk, or vehicle) of alcohol while on the job, including rest periods and meal periods or on SSBCC property is a dischargeable offense. Drug Abuse - The use, sale or personal possession (i.e., on the person, desk, or vehicle) of illegal drugs while on the job, including rest periods and meal periods or SSBCC property is a dischargeable offense and may result in criminal prosecution. Any illegal drugs found will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Employees taking prescription or nonprescription drugs must report this use to their immediate supervisor when the use of such drugs may affect the employee's ability to perform assigned duties. This reporting requirement is intended to protect the safety of the employee, co-workers, SSBCC property, employees' property, and the public. Where there is no evidence of consumption of alcohol during regular work time, including rest periods and meal periods, the following will apply: a. For the purpose of this policy, an employee will be considered under the influence when in the judgment of the immediate supervisor, the employee's ability to perform his/her job safely and effectively is affected by the use of alcohol. b. An employee who is perceived to be under the influence of alcohol will be immediately removed from service and evaluated by medical personnel, if reasonably available. The Executive Director will take further appropriate action based on the medical information, past history, and other relevant factors such as performance, record of disciplinary actions, etc. c. An employee who is not perceived to be under the influence of alcohol, but who displays evidence of alcohol consumption, such as the smell of alcohol on the breath, will be immediately removed from service. The Executive Director will take appropriate action based on past history and other relevant factors such as performance, record of disciplinary actions, etc. d. Alcohol and/or drug tests may be conducted at the option of the Executive Director as a part of the investigation involving an accident (vehicular or personal) or "near accident" in which safety precautions were violated and/or unusual careless acts were performed. e. Alcohol and/or drug tests may be conducted when an employee's immediate supervisor has cause to believe the employee is "unfit for duty." f. Drug tests may be conducted when there is reason to suspect use or possession of illegal drugs. In cases where a drug test indicates illegal drug use, the following steps will be taken: 98 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 a. A first-time positive result on a drug test, but where no evidence exists of use on the job, the following steps will be taken: 1. 2. 3. The employee will be suspended without pay. The employee must have a negative test result on a test administered by an appropriate health care professional within a period of six (6) weeks from the date of suspension. In the event the employee fails to do so within this six-week period, the employee will be discharged. If, after negative results within the six-week period, an employee is unable to return to work for good reason (i.e., participation in a treatment program not yet completed) the time at which such employee shall return to work may be extended beyond the end of the six-week period. Employees who have been suspended following a positive drug test and have subsequently had a negative test result will be subject to random testing for an indefinite period of time. The employee's immediate supervisor shall have the responsibility, in conjunction with the Executive Director, of determining when and if to require follow-up random testing. b. Employees who have been suspended for a positive drug test and allowed to return to work, in accordance with this procedure, will be discharged for a positive test result on a subsequent drug testing. c. When urinalysis and/or blood tests are requested or necessary, samples will be taken under the supervision of an appropriate health care professional. 99 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 Employee Termination EMP-TERM-V-1.00 Termination - Voluntary DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose A. B. C. III. This policy establishes the at-will nature of the employment relationship between SSBCC and its employees. It further describes the various circumstances under which an employee may separate from the ministry's employment. Final processing procedures are also described. Policy Voluntary terminations will include any employee who resigns or requests retirement while actively employed. A. Employees who terminate voluntarily: 1. 2. 3. B. IV. Will not receive payment in lieu of notice. Will not receive payment for unused sick leave. Will receive payment for vacation hours accrued, but not used, per Policy EMPBEN-II-8.00. Employees who resign or request retirement while actively employed are entitled to be paid for unused vacation time earned per Policy EMP-BEN-II-8.00. Procedure Employees who are actively employed and who intend to terminate or retire are requested to give proper written notification, a minimum of two (2) weeks, to their immediate supervisor. A. At the Executive Director's discretion, the employee may be asked to leave prior to the end of the period for which notice was given. Some payment in lieu of notice may be given should this situation arise. B. When notified, the immediate supervisor shall: 1. 2. Initiate and complete an Employee Update Form # 244. The Executive Director's signature must be obtained prior to the employee's completion of Acknowledgement of Voluntary Separation (AOVS) Form #236. The employee must sign the report. Forward the completed Employee Update Form #244 and AOVS Form #236 to the bookkeeping department. 100 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 C. Staff and management employees will be asked to participate in an exit interview. On the employee's last working day, he/she will be instructed to report to the Executive Director or designee, for termination processing. The Executive Director or designee working from the Exit Interview Form #237 will: 1. Advise the employee his/her insurance will remain in force until the end of the last day of employment of record. 2. Advise the employee of any COBRA and conversion privileges available under the plans. 3. Advise the employee of any requirements pertaining to his/her annuity. 4. Request the employee to complete the Employee Statement section of Exit Interview Form #237 if he/she has any input or suggestions to offer. 5. Insure all items checked out to the employee have been returned. 6. Have the employee sign statement of understanding at the end of Exit Interview Form #237. 7. After the termination paperwork has been completed, it will be immediately forwarded to Human Resources so the final paycheck can be prepared. 101 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-TERM-V-2.00 Termination - Involuntary DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose III. A. This policy establishes the at-will nature of the employment relationship between SSBCC and its employees. B. It further describes the various circumstances under which an employee may separate from the organization's employment. C. Final processing procedures are also described. Policy A. B. For payroll clarification, four (4) categories of involuntary termination shall be used: 1. Discharge An employee may be discharged for violation of one or more of SSBCC general regulations as defined in The SSBCC Policy Manual or other misconduct not so defined. 2. Separation An employee may be separated from employment if work performance is an unsatisfactory match for SSBCC. 3. Release An employee may be released under the following conditions: a. Temporary employment b. During a layoff period if the employee refuses to accept recall to a similar position held prior to layoff c. At the end of an approved leave of absence if the employee is unable to work 4. Layoff a. Reduction in work force b. If circumstances dictate an adjustment of personnel in any individual department or throughout the organization. Termination benefits for involuntary termination will vary slightly depending upon the cause of termination. 1. Employees who involuntarily terminate: a. Medical insurance in force at the time of the termination will remain in force until the end of the last day of employment of record. (COBRA eligibility will be communicated to the employee.) b. Payment will be made for vacation hours accrued, but not used, if the employee has worked continuously for twelve (12) or more months. c. No payment will be made for unused sick leave. 2. Employees discharged or released will not receive payment in lieu of notice. 3. Employees who are separated or who are laid off may receive notice or payment in lieu of notice in accordance with the following schedule: 102 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 SEPARATION OF ALLOWANCE NOTICE OR PAYMENT IN LIEU OF NOTICE LENGTH OF SERVICE EXEMPT NON-EXEMPT 0-6 Months None None 6-12 Months 2 Weeks 5 Days Over 1 Year 4 Weeks + 4 Weeks Per Year 10 Days + 10 Days Per Year (Max. 40 Days) (Max. 12 Weeks) 4. 5. IV. Payment will not be given if an acceptable transfer is made available during the period for which pay is to be provided. If payment has already been given and other work begun prior to the end of the period for which the money was provided, it will be treated as a transfer and will be considered a salary advance for the remainder of that period. Procedure A. B. C. All involuntary terminations must be reviewed by the SSBCC Executive Director prior to discussing the termination with the employee to insure proper documentation exists and that SSBCC termination procedures have been properly followed, or an exception is justified. In the event of an involuntary termination, the immediate supervisor will initiate and complete the Employee Update Form #244. 1. In conjunction with the Executive Director or designee, give the employee to be terminated the option to complete the Acknowledgment of Voluntary Separation (AOVS) Form #236. 2. In conjunction with the Executive Director or designee, check the employee’s personnel file to insure that termination appears to be justified and that sufficient documentation has been made to substantiate the termination. 3. The Executive Director or designee must approve the Employee Update Form #244. Forward the completed Employee Update Form #244, the AOVS Form #236 if applicable, and final paycheck information to the Human Resourses department for immediate processing. On the employee's last working day, he/she will be instructed to report to the Executive Director or designee, for termination processing. The Executive Director or designee working from the Exit Interview Form #237 will: 1. Advise the employee that his/her insurance will remain in force until the end of the last day of employment of record. 103 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 2. D. Advise the employee of any COBRA and conversion privileges available under the plans. 3. Advise the employee of any requirements pertaining to his/her annuity. 4. Request the employee to complete the Employee Statement section of Exit Interview Form #237 if he/she has any input or suggestions to offer. 5. Insure all items checked out to the employee have been returned. 6. Have the employee sign the statement of understanding at the end of Exit Interview, Form #237. On the day of termination all money due the employee, including salary, vacation, bonuses, etc. will be paid. 104 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 EMP-TERM-V-3.00 Termination – Exit Interview DATE: January 30, 2014 I. This memorandum rescinds any previous publication covering the same material. II. Purpose This policy sets forth a procedure to be used during voluntary or involuntary termination of employment and to verify accuracy and completeness of the employee's personnel file. III. Policy A. Employees who leave the employ of SSBCC, regardless of reason for separation, are entitled to an exit interview by the Executive Director or designee. 1. Documentation of the interview, Exit Interview Form #237, will be included in the employee's personnel file. 2. If the employee prefers, his/her written statement can be accepted as an exit interview document. B. Exit interviews are considered privileged communication and will be handled in such manner. 105 | P a g e Table of Contents Policy Manual rev. 04/14/16 Appendix APPENDIX Computer Policy .................................................................................. Form #215 Application for Employment ................................................................. Form #217 Supervisor Employee Annual Performance Evaluation ......................... Form #218 Support Staff Annual Performance Evaluation ..................................... Form #219 Policy Manual Orientation Statement .................................................. Form #220 Drug & Alcohol Policy Acknowledgement ............................................ Form #222 Drug Testing & Worker’s Compensation Insurance .............................. Form #223 Consent to Alcohol & Drug Testing and Release to All Claims .............. Form #224 Grievance Form ……………. ..................................................................... Form #234 Acknowledgement of Voluntary Separation ........................................ Form #236 Exit Interview Form .............................................................................. Form #237 Leave Request ................................................................................... Form #239 Vehicle Operation Application & Approval ........................................... Form #241 Employee Update ................................................................................. Form #244 Overtime Request ................................................................................ Form #247 Employer's First Report of Injury .......................................................... WCC Form 2 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses .......................................... OSHA Form 300 106 | P a g e Table of Contents