MarCom Communications in the polar regions Kay E. Fjørtoft MARINTEK Co-Authors: Fritz Bekkadal, Beate Kvamstad, MARINTEK Maritim Innovation - Svalbard 2008 MARINTEK 1 Contents MARINTEK eMaritime The High North – Norwegian challenges Communications in the Arctic Challenges Posssible terrestrial and SatCom-based solutions The MarCom project MarCom, eNavigation and challenges Conclusions MARINTEK 2 Projects: •DSS_DC •MarNIS •VITSAR •Efforts •Freightwise •TOCC •FMX •RISIT •Flagship •MarCom •RADIUS Communications technology Safety and efficiency Standardisation - Broadband at sea - Integrated operations - eNavigation - Aids To Navigation - Technical monitoring - On-line reporting shipshore - Efficient terminal operations, and coordination between the other transport modes. - Decision support systems - Applications to support Search and Rescue operations - Ship evacuation, early access to information, sharing of same picture between the involved stakeholders - Intelligent transport - Training and simulation - Play an active role in the standardisation organisations - New challenges bound to new operations - Ensure that national and international regulations for maritime operations are followed - Specification of the information contents among the maritime stakeholders MARINTEK 3 The High North focus MARINTEK 4 The High North vital issues Monitoring of climatic changes The governments need for environmental surveillance Oil and gas offshore activities Fisheries, including resource investigations and protection The Coastguards need for defeating environmental crime and other illegal activities The activity of the Norwegian Marine and Air Force Coastal water activities (ferries, cruise ships, support ships, fishing, fishfarming etc.) MARINTEK 5 Norwegian Challenges: Geography and economic activity Source: Norwegian Space Centre Key items: • Large territory • Long distances • Small population • Arctic islands • Large economic zone • Fisheries, oil and gas • Big shipping nation • Fragile environment Source: ACIA MARINTEK 6 Communication – the crucial ingredient ! The major issues pertaining to these “Norwegian Challenges” lie in the fact that we are responsible for an area of about 2 mill. km², i.e. 6 times our mainland area, exhibiting a.o. the following precious features: The Barents Sea and the arctic continental shelves represent one of the world’s most fertile ecosystems, being a.o. breeding grounds for a significant percentage of the world’s wild fish populations 25% of the world’s undiscovered oil resources are expected to be found in the Barents Sea Vast and harsh territory Fragile environments MARINTEK 7 Shipping communication requirements in the Arctic Minimum requirements GMDSS (DSC, NAVTEX, etc) Voice communication and some distress notification Efficient reporting Mandatory and operation related reports can be transmitted Speeds below 9.6 kbps Efficient operation Automatic reporting - up to 9.6 kbps Online ship A ship that can be put online for remote purposes 1 MB per 24 hours and minimum 64 kbps Could be used for emergency on-line coordination Broadband ship Large quantities of data required 1 Mbps MARINTEK 8 Maritime Communication in the High North Local: AIS infrastructure in Iceland (12 base stations) VHF Digital Global: Iridium Maritime VSAT GNSS (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo), poor vertical accuracy because of low elevation angle, OK horisontal accuracy EGNOS (Geostationary, low elevation) MARINTEK 9 Orbicomm Thuraya Eutelsat Iridium Inmarsat-4 F2 Maritime VSAT GNSS GSM/Edge/GPRS UMTS MARINTEK 10 AIS AIS AIS AI S AI S AIS MARINTEK 11 Pertinent SatCom Technologies BGAN (Inmarsat - Broadband Global Area Network ) VSAT((Very Small Aperture Terminal); DVD-RCS Molniya orbits (?) MARINTEK 12 GEO (Geostationary Earth Orbit) satellites in the High North Theoretical limit for GEO satellite o o (0 elevation, ~80 N ) o 5 elevation with optimum satellite o (~76 N) Practical problems with standard SatCom o beyond ~70 N o (< 8 elevation) MARINTEK 13 The unique location of Svalbard MARINTEK 14 The High North communication challenges High latitudes make it difficult to use geostationary (GEO) satellites due to very low elevation angles Missing shore infrastructure makes it almost impossible to use conventional ship communication and monitoring based on AIS (Automatic Identification Systems) and VHF radio. Harsh weather conditions with ice on sea and superstructures poses challenges for equipment as well as technology MARINTEK 15 Terrestrial Communication Technologies Technology/ System WiFi/WLAN (IEEE802.11) GSM/GPRS/ EDGE UMTS CDMA 450 (Ref.”ICE”) VHF/BIIS DAB (”Digital Audio Broadcast”) WiMAX (IEEE 802.16) Digital VHF (VHF Digital Data) VHF/UHF ”TV-band” (?): 174–230 MHz 470–862 MHz Weaknesses Strengths Bandwidth/ Capacity Comments Limited range (20-200 m) Wireless Ethernet for PCs, PDAs etc. 1-50 Mbps Wireless Ethernet for PCs, PDAs etc. Used somewhat in ports, especially for leisure boats Limited range, Comparatively high cost Existing GSM technology. Reasonable range. GSM: 9.6 kbps GPRS: 56-172 kbps EDGE: 56-172 kbps ”2. - 2.5” generation mobile communications systems (2G – 2.5G) Limited centralized coverage. Expensive to obtain nationwide Coverage. Reasonable bandwidth ”Standard” mobile phone technology < 2 Mbps 3rd generation (3G) mobile system. Hardly suited for the maritime market, especially due to limited coverage and range. Relatively small total bandwidth per base station. Unproven signal quality in difficult environments. Reasonable number of base stations being deployed. Reasonable range. < 2 Mbps Utilizes ”old” NMT 450 frequencies (453-457,5 / 463-467,5 MHz) Very limited capacity. Standard and readily available equipment. Long range. 1 200 bps Used ao. by the taxi business. Hardly relevant for the maritime market. Unidirectional broadcast operation only. Inexpensive receivers. Reasonable bandwidth. 1.7 Mbps May be interesting for broadcasting general info., e.g. electronic maps and meteorological data. Novel system under roll-out by several operators in different areas. High bandwidth and long range. International standard (IEEE 802.16). Robust modulation methods. 10 Mbps per 3.5 MHz channel. Robust wireless communication system. Utilizes both licensed and unlicensed frequency bands. Unique Norwegian solution. Limited bandwidth per base Station. Very long range (70 nm ∼130 km). Excellent coastal coverage. Steady frequency band (156 MHz). 225 kHz bandwidth per Channel. Total: 9 channels (21 kbps/133 kbps) 55 base stations covering the coastline from Oslo to Kirkenes. Provides roaming functionality. Undecided (?) Vast possibilities ! Adapted WiMAX Technologies (?) MarCom contacts with The Norwegian Post and Telecommunications Authority (NPT). WRAN (IEEE 802.22) (?) MARINTEK 16 The MarCom Project MARINTEK 17 The MarCom Consortium Project information: Duration: 2007-2010 Budget: Total: ∼ 32 MNOK Financial support from A-Star the Norwegian Research Council’s MAROFF program: ∼ 15 MNOK Project Administrator: Mobikom Project Manager: MARINTEK 28 partners MARINTEK 18 The significance of e-Navigation “e-Navigation is the harmonized creation, collection, integration, exchange and presentation of maritime information on board and ashore by electronic means to enhance berth-to-berth navigation and related services, for safety and security at sea and protection of the marine environment.” [IMO’s NAV subcommittee] … meaning strong communication solutions are needed to full fill the eNavigation goals, especially in the High North where the distances are enormous. MARINTEK 20 eNavigation and challenges A descriptive model for the interaction between e-Navigation and MarCom Inputs Outputs E-NAV Core for ferries and ports/terminals Real-time (or near real-time) update information AtoN (e.g. position/status) Maritime Safety Information (MSI) Radar Position fixing systems Ships sensors Echo sounder Inertial navigation system Ship-to-Ship & Ship-to-Shore & Shore-to-Ship communication AIS data Meteorogical Updates to charts & publications Long-lead (reference) information Digital charts & publications AtoN infrastructure and relevant AtoN information Predicted meterological, oceanographic and hydrographic data (e.g. seasonal weather patterns, tides etc.) Safe navigation Direct users Navigators Officers Enhanced: Anti-collision and anti-grounding processes Route planning & monitoring Pilotage & berthing Under-keel and air-draft clearance management Alert management Shipborne E-Nav system (on-board the ship) Integrated communication (includes AIS and LRIT data, standarised reports etc.) Effeciencies and other benefits Standardised and automated maritime reporting Logistics effeciencies (including port state control, port operations) Potentially reduced insurance costs Improved security SAR and pollution response Strategic analysis for infrastructure refinement Incident analysis and investigation Reduced human ineffeciencies & errors Improved onboard effeciencies Decision support mechanisms Improved ship/shore cooperation Sharing risk analysis between ship & shore External buy-in and ensured use of E-Nav Other Shore E-Nav system (teminal/port/VTS) Direct users Port officers Shipping company Organisational Training and procedures Quality managment processes Data access and security protocols Conventions regulations and guidelines (IMO, ITU, IALA & IHO) Communication protocols (ITU) International standards (ISO, IEC, others) Legal instruments Other users Engineers Technical inspectors Service providers Classes Martime directorate Waiting passengers Government Ticket office Transport company Safety organisations Assistance during emergency situations MARINTEK 21 Fokus- og aktivitetsområder MARINTEK 22 Ref: MarNIS D2.2 MARINTEK 23 Generic On-board Architecture } } } } MARINTEK 24 1. Monitoring of ferries (domestics passengers and car ferries) This case is focusing the challenges in monitoring installations on board ferries in domestic trade. We have planned to install technical equipment and to download performance status from a specific ferry to on-shore facilities, and return reports to the ferry based on analysis of the received data. The communication challenges will be on obtaining real-time data, and also exploit opportunities in using video means for technical operations. Technical Reporting Technical mainenance To governement To passengers To ports Monitoring of ferries (inland) Safety Qualification Monitoring Equipment on board Certification Cargo Passengers Deviation MARINTEK 25 1. Pilotage and maintenance of fairways, lighthouses and navigation marks Case 2 is focusing the Norwegian Coastal Departments challenges in their pilotage services, and the maintenances of navigation marks like buoys and lighthouses. The applications will therefore cover navigation, remote monitoring and (partly) ship operation. Remote monitoring Pilot age and maintenance of fairway, lighthouse and SMS AIS fairway objects Navigation Navigational warning AIS Ship operation Operation, admininistration and management MARINTEK 26 1. Integrated Operations (IO’s) Integrated operations comprise a case where we are aiming for a more complete cooperation among the actors involved in offshore operation, especially within the oil industry. The objective is to achieve collaboration across disciplines, companies, organizational and geographical boundaries, made possible by real-time data and new work processes, in order to reach better and safer decisions – faster. Supply Integrated operation Work in real time All relevant actors involved in the decision process Interactive tool for cooperation Real time data Remote monitoring Information capture and communication Communication of real time data Information distributions Detection systems (oil spell etc) Communication operation central onshore and offshore Remote operation of equipment like ROV Enviornmental monitoring MARINTEK 27 1. Passenger information on trains and at roads In case 4 we aim at obtaining communication solutions having similarities with those meeting the maritime needs. Therefore we are exploiting train operations as well as road operations in order to identify the communication challenges they are facing. The applications heading for in this case will mainly be position-based information and information exchange, along with infotainment services to the passengers. Reporting Monitoring Entertainment Time and deviation Remote monitoring Information distributions Public information Traffic information Position information assenger information on train and at ro Advertisement Remote operation of Technical monitoring equipment like ROV General Safety monitoring entertainment MARINTEK 28 1. High-speed craft operations The high-speed craft operations case com theprises following applications areas; technical maintenance, navigation, infotainment and ship operation. This case is also highly focusing communication challenges where roaming and handover incidents are frequent, since the speed of these vessels are high (ref. also trains and cars). Severe requirements apply to reliable navigation data, where real-time processes and frequent updating represent crucial issues. Speed boat operation Technical maintenance Navigation Entertainment Technical monitoring Fairway Public information Ship Operation Laws and enforcement Decision support AIS Advertisement Remote monitoring ticket machinery Video conferance Metrology Remote operation of equipment like ROV Traffic data Real time and frequently updated General entertainment Order and maintainence list MARINTEK 29 1. Vessel-to-Vessel (V2V) Relay and Mesh networking This case comprises technology demonstations aiming at coverage area extension and flexibility enhancement by applying a system enabling mobile stations to communicate with a base station through intermediate relay stations. It is focusing handover problems, as well as the mixture of fixed and mobile nodes interconnected via wireless links to form a multi-hop ad-hoc network, amongst ships, marine beacons and buoys. MARINTEK 30 1. Mobile on-board LAN-solutions Case 7 is focusing mobile onboard LAN solutions satisfying the vessels needs for local infrastructure and services. This case will be a supporting case for many of the others and will give input to the on-board communication challenges. It will emphasize the use of hand-held equipment, and additionally information exchange amongst the ships crew,, as well as with the command centres. PROFILE: Plattform Logiske kommunikasjonslinjer WLAN Om bord: 1 Bro 2 Kran 4 7 PDAer 3 Maskinrom 5 Velferd 8 9 DatafangstLast 6 Datafangst Bulk MARINTEK 31 1. The High North challenges This case will examine the challenges faced by maritime operations in the High North, and assess adaptions from the other cases to these vast, harsh and highly demanding regions. Some of the major focus areas are: monitoring of maritime operations and the environment, security and territorial surveillance and control, meteorology, and safety and rescue (SAR) operations. MARINTEK 32 1. International shipping International shipping represents a case where e-Navigation, ship operation and emergency management will be focused. The operation areas are normally far from the shipowners offices, within different time zones, and face different challenges compared to operations in domestic waters. Therefore requirements pertaing to remote assistance, decision support and operational instructions are different from the other cases prime areas. MARINTEK 33 Ref: MarNIS D2.2 MARINTEK 34 Conclusions Requirements from the different cases are detecting same needs e-Navigation needs modern communication solutions Terrestrially technological solutions is suited for coastal traffic: Mobile multi-jump relay & mesh networking The technology should be developed in close cooperation with the users to insure the user requirements New SatCom-systems most be used to full fill the open spots in the terrestrial solution ranges Need to focus on seamless hand over and roaming among the senders, systems and service providers. The Arctic challenges has other requirements than the main land HEO-satellites (Molniya-positions) (?) MARINTEK 35 MarSafe North shall determine the most crucial challenges and find possible solutions for maritime safety management of our future commitments in the High North. This will be done by integrating research within the most critical functions related to these commitments: •Nautical Operations, including Transport Corridors and Logistics •Dynamic Risk Assessment and Emergency Response •Territorial Security Control and Resource Supervision •Infrastructure and Integrated Coastal Zone Management MarSafe North Maritime Safety Management in the High North User requirements State-of-the-art Visions and future needs Technical requirements •Communication technologies •Surveillance & sensing technologies •Radio navigation & tracking technologies MARINTEK 36 The future? •New transport corridors •Climatic monitoring •The main hydrocarbon province •Fisheries and aquaculture •Cruises and tourist attractions •Healthy environment MARINTEK 37 MARINTEK 38 Contact MarCom Project Manager: Mr. Kay Endre Fjørtoft, MSc, Senior Research Engineer e-Maritime, MARINTEK Otto Nielsens Veg 10 7052 TRONDHEIM Tel: +47 73595755 Cel: +47 90057068 email: [email protected] MARINTEK 39