Room A Room B Room C Room D Room E Poster
Room A Room B Room C Room D Room E Poster
Room A Room B Room C Room D Room E Poster Sessions Others Saturday June 18th 16:00-18:00 Welcome of delegates Sunday June 19th 10:00-18:00 Welcome of delegates 14:30-18:00 Tutorials : T1, T2, T3, T4 18:15-19:30 Welcome cocktail Monday June 20th 09:00-10:30 Session A.0 - Opening Session Session B.1 - EMF: Electric and Magnetic Fields Session B.2 Environmental subjects EMF and others Session C.1 - MV cable accessories Session D.1 - Economy and costs of cable systems Session C.2 - LV and MV Cable Systems reliability Session D.2 Maintenance (1) 11:00-12:30 Session A.1 - HV Installation techniques 14:30-16:00 Session A.2 - HVDC cables and accessories 16:30-18:15 Session A.3 - HV Service experience Session B.3 - Challenges - Fire 18:15-18:30 Session A.3.bis: Presentation of Poster Session E.7.2 Session B.3.bis: Presentation of Poster Session E.7.1 09:00-10:30 Session A.4 - HT Dimensionnement des systèmes - EMF Session B.4 - Challenges - General Session C.4 - Testing methods - General 11:00-12:30 Session A.5 - HT Accessoires Session B.5 - Long links & Gas Insulated Line (GIL) 14:30-16:00 Session A.6 - Submarine - Cable Systems Session B.6 - Ageing and life expectancy (1) 16:30-18:00 Session A.7 - Submarine - Cable performance Session B.7 - Ageing and life expectancy (2) Session C.5 - Cables for the future - Nano dielectrics Session C.6 - Cables for the future Superconductivity Session C.7 - DTS: Distributed Temperature Sensing Session A.8 - Testing methods - Factory and after laying tests Session A.9 - Testing methods - Qualification and Qualification extension Session B.8 - Partial discharges and diagnostics (1) Session C.8 - Cable rating - General Session B.9 - Partial discharges and diagnostics (2) Session C.9 - Dynamic cable rating Session B.10 - Design Session C.10 - Cable installation - General Session C.3 - Testing methods - Water Trees and Partial Discharges Session C.3.bis: Presentation of Poster Session E.5.1 JICABLE Exhibition Opening 10:30 -11:00 Audiovisual Presentations 8:30 – 18:30 Session D.3 Maintenance (2) Session D.3.bis: Presentation of Poster Session E.5.2 Tuesday June 21st Session D.4 - Submarine - Cable performance Sessions E.5.1 & 5.2 Ageing, Maintenance, remaining life estimationr Session D.6 - LV and MV Cable Systems Sessions E.7.1 & E.7.2 HV & EHV Cable Systems and Testings Audiovisual Presentations 8:30 – 18:00 Jicable Reception from 19:00 Wednesday 22nd 09:00-10:30 11:00-12:30 14:30-16:00 Session A.10 - Testing methods - On line testing 16:30-18:00 Session A.11 - Closing Session Award : Young Researcher Contest Check the room Audiovisual Presentations 8:30 – 13:00 Tuesday June 23rd 09:00-18:00 Technical Visits V1,V2, V3 & V4 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON A.0 Opening Session Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 9:00 - 10:30 Room A A.0.1 The e session will w include e the openiing ceremo ony and offficial welco ome addres sses. Opening L Lecture: Th he Opening g Lecture s shall be ann nounced soon. 51 Jicable’111 – International Conferencee on Insulatedd Power Cables – Paris-Verssailles June 19-23, 2011 Page 2 of 5 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON A.1 HV Installation techniques Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 11:00 - 12:30 Room A Chairman : Pierre AR RGAUT - Silec Cable (G General Ca able) / CIGR RÉ () Rapporteur : Yves MA AUGAIN - EDF E / CIGR RÉ (France) A.1.1 N New technique to ins stall powerr cables into o ducts W Willem GRIFFIOEN - Plumettaz P S SA, Rotterda am; The Ne etherlands P Patrice BLA ANCHET - Plumettaz P S SA, Bex; Sw witzerland G Gérard PLU UMETTAZ - Plumettaz SA, Singap pore; Singapore A.1.2 Transition technologies for HV cable systtems V Volker AUE E, Dietmar MEURER M - Nexans Deutschland GmbH, G Hannnover; Germany A.1.3 O Oil filled ca able leak lo ocation usin ng PFT (Pe er-fluorocarrbon tracin ng) - Non-in ntrusive oill ffilled cable e leak locattion M Mike FAIRH HURST - Na ational Grid d, Warwick; United King gdom P Patrick KEE ELAN - PFT T Tech, New w York, NY; United States A.1.4 F First 220 kV k city cablle for retroffitting of stteel pipe ca ables A Anika BOSS SE, Tobias WOLLSCH HLÄGER, Volker WASC CHK - nkt ccables GmbH, Köln; G Germany A.1.5 N New repairr method of a 380 kV fluid-filled cable, dam maged by im mpact G Georg SVE EJDA, Johan nnes VAVR RA - Wienstrrom, Vienna a; Austria M Manfred WA ANDA - Pry ysmian, Vie nna; Austria a N Nick CRANE - Prysmia an, Bishopsstoke; United Kingdom A.1.6 IImproved installation i n methodollogies for EHV E cables s in underg ground tunnels P Per CHRIST TENSEN, Jesper J Lykkke NIELSEN N - nkt cable es, Broendbby; Denmarrk A Alwyn HANEKOM, Dav vid CHEAL E - Balfour Beatty Utilitty Solutionss Ltd, Dartfo ord; United K Kingdom 51 Jicable’111 – International Conferencee on Insulatedd Power Cables – Paris-Verssailles June 19-23, 2011 Page 3 of 5 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON B.1 EMF: Electric and Magnetic Fields Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 11:00 - 12:30 Room B Chairman : Paolo MA AIOLI - Prys smian Cable es and Systtems (Italy) Rapporteur : Laetitia PASSOT - RTE (Fran ce) B.1.1 IImpact of EMF E on cab ble ratings s and cable e systems H Harry ORTO ON - OCEI, Vancouverr, BC; Cana ada P Paolo MAIO OLI - Prymia an Cables a and System ms, Milan; Ita aly T Tim BARNE ES - Transg grid, Sydneyy; Australia H Heinrich BR RAKELMAN NN - Universsity Duisburrg-Essen, Duisburg; D Geermany JJarle BREM MNES - Nex xans Norwa ay AS, Halde en; Norway y S Sudhakar CHERUKUP C PALLI - BC Hydro, Van ncouver, BC C; Canada F François CO OCHET - Nexans, Neu uchatel; Switzerland eering, Brussels; Belgiium JJean HOEF FFELMAN - Elia-Engine F Frédéric LE ESUR - RTE E-France, P Paris; France e JJulio LOPES - Inovatec c Consultorria e Enginh haria, Sao Paolo; P Braziil JJosu OREL LLA - IBERD DROLA, Bilb bao; Spain JJacco SMIT T - Liandon,, Amsterdam m; The Neth herlands B.1.2 E EMF condu uctor mana agement off cable sys stems F Frédéric LE ESUR - RTE E, Paris; Fra ance B.1.3 S SC-IES-Cab bles: Singlle-core cab bles with in ntegrated electromagn e gnetic shiellding H Heinrich BR RAKELMAN NN, Jan BRU UEGGMAN NN - Univers sity Duisburrg-Essen, Duisburg; D G Germany V Volker WAS SCHK - nkt cables Gm bH, Köln; Germany G B.1.4 S Shielding of o the electtromagnetiic field gen nerated by HV underg ground cab ble lines P Paolo MAIO OLI - Prysmian Cables & Systems s, Milan; Italy B.1.5 A Ampacity derating d efffects of ma agnetic fielld management techn niques use ed with u undergrou und transmiission cablles JJohn COOP PER - Powe er Delivery C Consultants s, Tijeras, New N Mexicoo; United Sta ates D David FUGA ATE - Electtric Researcch & Manag gement, Pitttsburgh, Peennsylvania; United S States T Tiebin ZHAO - Electric Power Ressearch Instittute, Charlo otte, North C Carolina; Un nited Statess B.1.6 M Magnetic mitigation m of o HV cable e junction zone z A Aldo CANO OVA - Diparttimento Inge egneria Ele ettrica, Polite ecnica di Toorino, Turin; Italy L Luca GIACC CONE - No oField srl - In ncubatore di d Imprese Politechnico P o di Torino, Turin; Italy 51 Jicable’111 – International Conferencee on Insulatedd Power Cables – Paris-Verssailles June 19-23, 2011 Page 4 of 5 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON C.1 MV cable e accessorries Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 11:00 - 12:30 Room C Chairman : Francis KRÄHENBÜ K ÜHL - Nexa ns Deutsch hland Gmbh h (Germany)) Rapporteur : Bertrand d JARRY - ERDF (Fra ance) C.1.1 15 year's experience e of cold-sh hrinkable MV M joints S Stéphane TOGNALI, T Gérard G LEN NCOT - Prys smian Câble es et Systèm mes France e, Gron; F France C.1.2 M MV cable termination t n failure pre evention: Online O diag gnostic meethod applic cation at E ERDF T Thierry ESP PILIT, Fabrice ZORZI - EDF R&D,, Moret-sur--Loing; Frannce R Roger TAM MBRUN - ER RDF Directio on Réseau,, Paris La Défense; D Fraance C.1.3 C Connection n to MV cable alumin nium screen n C Christophe TOURCHE ER - EDF R& &D, Moret-s sur-Loing; France F M Members of SYCABEL L - SYCABE EL, Paris; France R Roger TAM MBRUN - ER RDF, Paris L La Défense e; France C.1.4 E Experience e with jointt failures in n new "sma art grid" MV cable cirrcuits JJacco SMIT T, Frank De e VRIES - Liiandon, Alkmaar; The Netherlands N s G Ger SEBRE EGTS - Lian nder, Arnhe em; The Nettherlands C.1.5 IImpact of filled-stran f d conducto or on conn nector temp perature fo or medium voltage jjoints T Thomas PA ARKER, Nig gel R. HAMP PTON - NEETRAC, Atlanta, GA; U United State es C.1.6 S Service exp xperience and laborattory testing g of MV XLP PE cable acccessories s JJan Tore BE ENJAMINSEN, Hallvarrd FAREMO O, Sverre HVIDSTEN - SINTEF Energy R Research, Trondheim; T Norway 51 Jicable’111 – International Conferencee on Insulatedd Power Cables – Paris-Verssailles June 19-23, 2011 Page 5 of 5 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON D.1 Economy y and costts of cable e systems s Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 11:00 - 12:30 Room D Chairman : Mozart DE E SIQUEIR RA CAMPOS S ARAÚJO O - Brennand d Energia – Recife (Brrazil) Rapporteur : Giao RO OINEL - RTE (France) D.1.1 S Simulation n of life cyc cle costing analysis to o evaluate project of installation n high v voltage undersea cab ble 150 kV circuit III and a IV Java a-Bali N Ngapuli SIN NISUKA - Bandung Insstitute of Tec chnology (IT TB), Banduung; Indones sia IIqbal FELANI, Novrizal ERDIANS SYAH - Elec ctricity Utility y Company (PLN), Jak karta; IIndonesia D.1.2 sing alumiinum instea ad of copp per conductor for Technical-economic analysis us wer grid m medium vo oltage cablles and the e practice in n Zhejiang,, China pow X XUAN YuLo ong, SHAO XueJian - H Hangzhou Electric E Pow wer Bureau, Hangzhou City; China a JJIANG Wen ndong - Zhe ejiang Provi ncial Electrric Power Bu ureau, Hanggzhou City;; China D.1.3 Whole-life costs and environme ental asses ssment of high h voltag ge power cable s systems G Gary STEV VENS, Ben PHILPOT, P JJanet THOM MAS - GnoS Sys UK Ltd,, Guildford; United K Kingdom A Ankit GOWADIA, Mike e FAIRHURS ST - Nation nal Grid, Wa arwick; Uniteed Kingdom m D.1.4 M Modern 3-c core MV XL LPE cables s and their impact on TCO H Håkan BRIN NGSELL, Lars EFRAIM MSSON, Th homas CAR RLQVIST - E Ericsson AB B, Falun; S Sweden D.1.5 E Economica al design of o cable con nductors F Frédéric LE ESUR, Victo or LEJOUR - RTE, Paris; France D.1.6 O Overall cos st compariison betwe een cable and overhea ad lines inccluding the e costs forr rrepair of ra andom failu ures R Roberto BE ENATO - Un niversity of P Padova, Pa adova; Italy D Domenico NAPOLITAN N NO - Free L Lance, Vene ezia; Italy 51 Jicable’111 – International Conferencee on Insulatedd Power Cables – Paris-Verssailles June 19-23, 2011 Page 6 of 5 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON A.2 HVDC cables and accessori a es Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 14:30 - 16:00 Room A Chairman : Steve SW WINGLER - University o of Southampton (UK) Rapporteur : Paul PE ENSÉRINI - RTE - CNE ER (France)) A.2.1 S Specificatiion for extrruded HVD C land cab ble systems s R Rémi VATO ONNE, Nath halie BOUD INET, Jona athan BENE ETEAU, Pierrre HONDA AA, Frédéricc L LESUR - RT TE, Paris; France F G Gregorio DE ENCHE, Jo osé Manuel ARGUELLES ENJUAN NES - Red Eléctrica de e España, S S.A., Madrid d; Spain A.2.2 K Key param meters for extruded e DC C cable qu ualification W Wilfried FRELIN, Philip ppe EGROT T - EDF R&D, Moret-su ur-Loing; Frrance A.2.3 D Developme ent of pre-m molded acc cessories for f HVDC extruded e caable system m S SAKAI Yasuhiro, NIINO OBE Hirosh hi, HIRASAW WA Takayu uki - VISCAS S Corporation, IIchihara, Ch hiba; Japan n A.2.4 D Developme ent of a 270 0 kV XLPE cable systtem for HV VDC applicaations Marie Laurre PAUPAR M Mohamed MAMMERI, M RDIN, Berna ard POISSO ON - Silec Cable C ((General Ca able), Montereau; Fran nce A.2.5 D Developme ent of high performan nce polyme eric materials for HVD DC cables A Andreas FA ARKAS, Carl-Olof OLS SSON, Gusttavo DOMIN NGUEZ - AB BB AB, High Voltage C Cables, Karrlskrona; Sw weden V Villgot ENG GLUND, Perr-Ola HAGS STRAND, Ulf. H. NILSS SON - Boreealis AB, Ste enungsund;; S Sweden A.2.6 E Evolution of o electric field, space e charge concentrati c on and disstributions in an e extruded HVDC H cable e C Carl-Olof OLSSON O - ABB A AB, Co rporate Res search, Väs sterås; Sweeden M Marc JERO OENSE - AB BB AB, High h Voltage Cables, Karls skrona; Sweeden 51 Jicable’111 – International Conferencee on Insulatedd Power Cables – Paris-Verssailles June 19-23, 2011 Page 7 of 5 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON B.2 Environm mental sub bjects - EM MF and oth hers Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 14:30 - 16:00 Room B Chairman : Harry E. ORTON O - Orton O Consu ulting Ing (C Canada) Rapporteur : François s DESCHA AMPS - RTE E - CNER (F France) B.2.1 E Evaluation n of the mag gnetic indu uction on metal m pipeliines by AC C power cab ble circuits s L LIU Ying, MING M LIU, CAO C Xiaolon ng - Xi’an Jiaotong Uniiversity, Xi’aan, Shannxi; China H HAN Xiaope eng, ZHAO O Rui - Beijin ng Electric Power P Design Institutee, Beijing; China B.2.2 C Cable systtems in mu ulti-purpose es or share ed structurres JJey JEYAPALAN - Cig gre' WG-B1..08, Membe er from; United States R Ray AWAD D - Cigre' WG G-B1.08, M Member from m; Canada K Ken BARBE ER, Colin PEACOCK P - Cigre' WG-B1.08, Member from; Australia R Roberto BE ENATO - Cig gre' WG-B1 1.08, Memb ber from; Italy IIan BUTT - Cigre' WG--B1.08, Mem mber from; United King gdom F Frank De WILD W - Cigre e' WG-B1.08 N s 8, Member from; The Netherlands G GOTO Take eshi, SAKU UMA Susum mu, TAKAHA ASHI Yoshih hisa - Cigree' WG-B1.08 8, Member ffrom; Japan n K KIM Jeong--tae - Cigre'' WG-B1.08 8, Member from; f Korea a JJordi MONT TEYS - Cigrre' WG-B1.0 08, Membe er from; Spa ain C Christophe MOREAU - Cigre' WG G-B1.08, Me ember from;; France K Kjell OBERGER - Cigrre' WG-B1.0 08, Memberr from; Sweden R Rudolph WOSCHITZ - Cigre' WG -B1.08, Me ember from; Austria K Kok Thean YOOM - Ciigre' WG-B1 1.08, Memb ber from; Singapore B.2.3 2 275 kV XLP PE cable brridge cross sings - Des sign and co onstruction n issues JJohn McCO ORMACK, Nicola N MOF FA, Raju UPADHYAYA A - ElectraN Net, Adelaid de, South A Australia; Australia A K KIM Jeong hyun - Taih han Electric Co, Seoul; Korea H HEO Hoi-de eok - LS Ca able Ltd, Gu umi, Gyeong gbuk; Korea a H Henry KENT - Energy Action, Syd dney; Austra alia B.2.4 U Undergrou ud links acrross fields A Alexandre IRLE, Jean ISOARD - RTE, Paris La Défense e; France B.2.5 D Developme ent of new recyclable e insulation n material for f power ccable K KIM Jinman n, HAN Bon ngsoo, KIM Y Youngjun - ILJIN Electtric, Hwasu ng-si, Kyun nggi-do; K Korea C CHO Kyuch heol, KU Kw wanghoi, LE EE Jaesun - SK Energy y, Daejeon; Korea K KIM Dongm myung, JOU UNG Jongm an, KWON Taeho - KE EPCO Reseearch Institu ute, D Daejeon; Ko orea B.2.6 N New technology for recycling r o of plastics from f cable waste A Annika BOS SS - Swerea a IVF, Möln ndal; Swede en JJan-Ove BO OSTRÖM, Per-Håkan P NILSSON - Ineos Chlo orVinyls, Steenungsund; Sweden A Andreas FA ARKAS - AB BB AB, Karllskrona; Sw weden A Alf ERIKSS SON - Nexans IKO Swe eden AB, Grimsås; G Sw weden E Erik RASMU USSEN - Stena Metall AB, Gothenburg; Swe eden E Elin SVENN NINGSSON N - Draka Ka abel Sverige e AB, Nässjjö; Sweden M Mattias DAL LESJÖ - Vo olvo 3P, Go othenburg; Sweden S Sweden A Alf JOHANS SSON - Vollvo Car Corrporation, Gothenburg; G 51 Jicable’111 – International Conferencee on Insulatedd Power Cables – Paris-Verssailles June 19-23, 2011 Page 8 of 5 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON C.2 LV and M MV Cable Systems S reliability Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 14:30 - 16:00 Room C Chairman : Jacint RO OVIRA - Gro oupo Generral Cables Sistemas S SA A (Spain) Rapporteur : Alain DO OULET - Fo ormer ERDF F (France) C.2.1 C Cable with optimized d screen sh heath comp plex IIsabelle DE ENIZET, Céc cile LELIEV VRE, Bernard POISSON - Silec Caable (General Cable), M Montereau; France R Rajae BENA AKKI - Gen neral Cable,, Manlleu, Barcelona; B Spain S C.2.2 The influen nce of man nufacturing g technique e to power frequencyy breakdow wn c characteris stics of XLP PE power c cable Y YAN Mengkkun, YANG Rongkai, M MIAO Fugui - Quality In nspection annd Test Center for E Equipment of Electric Power, P Wuh han, Hubei province; China C Y YANG Liming - State Grid G Electricc Power Research Institute, Wuhaan, Hubei prrovince; C China C.2.3 IImproving distributio on system rreliability D Donald BAINBRIDGE - CitiPowerr & Powerco or, Melbourn ne, Victoria ; Australia C.2.4 A An enhanc ced TR-XLP PE insulatio on for long g life powerr cables P Paul CARO ONIA, Saura av SENGUP PTA, Timoth hy PERSON N - The Dow w Chemical Company, P Piscatawayy, NJ; United d States S Steve CREE - Dow Eu urope GmbH H, Horgen; Switzerland S d C.2.5 ure factor im mpact on th the cable se ervice life of o XLPE caable during g the Temperatu iinstallation n of cable accessorie a es L LI Zhongqun, ZHAO Sen, WANG Wei - State e Grid Electric Power R Research In nstitute, W Wuhan, Hubei province e; China L LUO Jingsh heng - Electtric Power o of Hangzhou u, Hangzho ou City; Chinna 51 Jicable’111 – International Conferencee on Insulatedd Power Cables – Paris-Verssailles June 19-23, 2011 Page 9 of 5 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON D.2 Maintena ance (1) Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 14:30 - 16:00 Room D Chairman : Seung-lk JEON - LS S Cable (Korrea) Rapporteur : Sylvéric c LAUMOND - Silec Ca able (Generral Cable) (France) D.2.1 M Monitoring g facilities for f outage reduction of 380 kV power p cablles S Sander MEIJER - Tenn neT TSO bvv, Arnhem; The Netherrlands JJohan J. SM MIT - Delft University U o of Technolog gy, Delft; Th he Netherlaands R Rogier JON NGEN - Seittz Instrumen nts AG, Nie ederrohrdorff; Switzerlannd E Edward GU ULSKI - onsite.hv.solutiions AG, Lu uzern; Switz zerland D.2.2 D Developme ent of the electric e pottential meth hod for HP PFF cable ssystems N NISHIKAWA A Tsuyoshi, AIHARA Y Yasuhiko, TSUCHIYA T Shinichi S -T Tokyo Electrric Power C Company, Chiyoda-ku C , Tokyo; Ja pan D.2.3 U Undergrou und cables maintenan nce and rep pair P Patrick DEL LCOURT, Joël BOUYE ER - RTE, Paris; P France D.2.4 D Developme ent of a sim mple metho od for cond dition assessment off oil filled XLPE X ttermination ns K Knut Brede LILAND, Sverre S HVID DSTEN - SIN NTEF Energ gy Researcch, Trondheim; Norwayy G Geir BIRKE ENES, Frank MAUSET TH - Departm ment of Elec ctric Powerr Engineerin ng, NTNU, T Trondheim; Norway E Eilert BJER RKAN - Norttroll AS, Levvanger; Norrway D.2.5 R REE's pow wer cable maintenanc m ce program R Rafael GAR RCÍA FERNÁNDEZ, Miiguel Ángel PÉREZ LOUZAO - Reed Eléctrica de España,, S S.A., Madrid d; Spain D.2.6 M Materials and a test me ethods for p bles expose ed to heavyy operating g power cab c conditions s C Christian CORNELISS SEN - Nexan ns Deutschland, Moenchengladbaach; Germa any Page 10 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON A.3 HV Servic ce experie ence Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 16:30 - 18:15 Room A Chairman : Kenneth Willis W BAR RBER - Ne exans Asia-Pacific (Aus stralia) Rapporteur : Fabien CHARLES C - Silec Cab ble (Generall Cable) (France) A.3.1 5 500 kV feed d cable pro oject for EX XPO substa ation JJIANG Yun - Shanghai Municiple Electrical Power P Comp pany, Shannghai; China a JJIANG Xiao ojuan, WAN NG Zhigang - Power Grrid Inspectio on & Mainteenance Com mpany, S SMEPC (Sh hanghai Mu uniciple Elecctrical Powe er Company y), Shanghaai; China A.3.2 N New 400 kV V undergro ound XLPE E insulated cable systtem in UAE E S SHIMIZU Toshio, AOK KI Toshiji, K URATA Tattsuo - J-Pow wer System ms Corporation, Osaka;; JJapan S SUKEGAW WA Takuya, IGI Tsuyos hi - J-Powe er Systems Corporation C n, Hitachi, Ib baraki; JJapan M MASHIO Sh hoji - J-Pow wer Systemss Corporatio on, Tokyo; Japan J A.3.3 Technical solution s to o completio on of the world w first 500 kV XLPE E undergro ound cable e s system in Shanghai S W WONG Hai Ngiing, AB BE Shunsukke, YAMAMOTO Shoji, TORAI Yassuo - VISCA AS C Corporation n, Tokyo; Ja apan JJIANG Yun, YANG We en Wei, FAN NG Hao - Shanghai S Mu uniciple Eleectrical Pow wer C Company, Shanghai; S China C A.3.4 P Prequalific cation test of 500 kV X XLPE cable e system in n China X XIA Rong, YANG Y Limin ng - State G Grid Electric c Power Res search Inst itute, Wuha an, Hubei p province; China C Y YANG Rong gkai - Qualiity Inspectio on and Testt Center for Equipmentt of Electric Power, W Wuhan, Hubei province e; China JJIN Guangq qi, LV Geng gming - She enyang Furu ukawa Cable Corp., LT TD., Shenya ang, L Liaoning; China C T TAKAO Nakano - VISC CAS Corporration, Toky yo; Japan A.3.5 E Experience e with deve eloping and d installing g of a three e core 150 kkV power cable c JJacco SMIT T, Arie STEENIS, Alex GESCHIER RE - Liando on, Alkmaarr; The Nethe erlands V Volker WAS SCHK, Jens s WOLCKE N, Hendrik REITER - nkt n cables G GmbH, Köln n; Germanyy A.3.6 D Developme ent, qualific cation and d experienc ces with 500 kV XLPE E cable systems JJohannes KAUMANNS K S, Andreas WEINLEIN, Gero SCH HROEDER, Volker STR ROOT S Suedkabel GmbH, Mannheim; Ge ermany A.3.7 R Return of experience e e of 380 kV power cab ble failures S Sander MEIJER - Tenn neT TSO bvv, Arnhem; The Netherrlands elft Univers JJohan J. SM MIT, Xiaolin n CHEN - De sity of Techn nology, Delfft; The Neth herlands W Wilfried FIS SCHER - 50 0Hertz Transsmission GmbH, Berlin n; Germanyy L Luigi COLLA - Terna S.p.A., S Rom me; Italy Page 11 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON A.3.bis Presentattion of Po osters Ses ssion E.7.2 2 Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 18:15 - 18:30 Room A Chairman : Kieron LE EEBURN - CBI-electric C c: African Cables Ltd (S South Africaa) Rapporteur : Raymon nd PETRUS S - Silec Ca able (Genera al Cable) (F France) Presentatio on of the ses ssion by the e chairman. A.3.bis.1 P Page 12 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON B.3 Challenges - Fire Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 16:30 - 18:15 Room B Chairman : Jean BEC CKER - Nex xans / SART T Consult (B Belgium) Rapporteur : Jean-Lo ouis PONS - Prysmian Câbles et Systèmes S (France) B.3.1 F Fire perforrmance of HV H and EH HV XLPE ins sulated cab bles JJames ROB BINSON, Wendy W LOYE ENS - Borea alis Polyme ers NV, Beriingen; Belgium G Graeme AL LEXANDER R - Olex Cab bles, Victoria; Australia B.3.2 The role off the EU Co onstruction n Products Directive in i supportiing the app plication off iimproved low l fire-haz zard cables s JJan SCHUT TTEN - Euro opacable, B Brussels; Be elgium B.3.3 IIEEE, API and a IEC Sta andards up pdate for te esting, sele ection and installation of ffire-rated circuit c integ grity cables s A Arturo MAL LDONADO - A&M Tech hnology Gro oup LLC, Na aples, Floridda; United States S B.3.4 S Study on th he reaction n to fire of medium vo oltage cablles system ms N Neus GENE ERÓ, Jacintt ROVIRA, Juan de Dio os MARTÍN NEZ - Grupoo General Cable C S Sistemas S.A., S Manlleu u, Barcelon na; Spain S Saturnino MARTÍN, M Go onzalo MAÍZ Z - IBERDR ROLA, Bilba ao; Spain G Gregorio DE ENCHE - Red R Eléctrica a de Españ ña, S.A., Ma adrid; Spain B.3.5 F Fire perforrmance cab bles under current ov verload con nditions IIvan IVANO OV, Graeme e ALEXAND DER - Olex, a Nexans company, c M Melbourne, Victoria; A Australia R Richard HO OSIER, Ken BARBER - Nexans As sia Pacific, Singapore; Singapore B.3.6 F Fire equipm ment syste em in underrground tu unnels of KEPCO K P PAIK Nam-yeol, KIM Hong-lae H -K KEPCO, Seoul; Korea B.3.7 A Assessmen nt of the re eaction to ffire perform mance of electric cab bles under the t EU c constructio on productts directive e T Terence JO OURNEAUX X - Prysmian n Cables & Systems Limited, Easttleigh; Unite ed Kingdom m Page 13 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON B.3.bis Presentattion of Po osters Ses ssion E.7.1 1 Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 18:15 - 18:30 Room B Chairman : John R. DENSLEY D - ArborLec S Solutions In nc. (Canada a) Rapporteur : Jérôme MATALLA ANA - Nexan ns (France)) Presentatio on of the ses ssion by the e chairman. B.3.bis.1 P Page 14 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON C.3 Testing m methods - Water Tre ees and Pa artial Disc charges Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 16:30 - 18:15 Room C Chairman : Annika SMEDBERG G - Borealis AB (Swede en) Rapporteur : Bernard d POISSON N - Silec Cab ble (Genera al Cable) (France) C.3.1 N Non-destru uctive wate er-tree dete ection in XL LPE cables s W Willem BOO ONE - KEMA Nederlan nd BV, Arnh hem; The Ne etherlands JJohn DENS SLEY - Arbo orlec Solutio ons, Mississ sauga; Canada S Sverre HVID DSTEN - SINTEF Ene rgy Researrch, Trondhe eim; Norwaay C.3.2 Tree-retard dant crossllinked (TRX XLPE) redu uced insula ation wall aaccelerated d cable life ttest (ACLT) T) results JJohn T. SM MITH III - Ge eneral Cable e Corporatio on, Scottsville, TX; Uniited States C.3.3 3 kHz acce elerated gro owth of wa ater trees in n medium voltage v exttruded cab bles B Blandine HE ENNUY, Qu uentin DE C CLERCK - Laborelec, L Linkebeek; L Belgium A Alain FRAN NÇOIS, Dan niel TENRET T - Ores, Lo ouvain-La-N Neuve; Belggium P Pieter LEEM MANS, Joac chim MARG GINET - Eandis, Melle;; Belgium C.3.4 A new approach to av void negattive superp position errrors for PD D measurem ments on llengths of extruded power p cablle K Kay RETHM MEIER, Alex xander KRA AETGE, Mic chael KRÜG GER - Omicrron, Klaus, Vorarlberg;; A Austria C.3.5 A new metthod of ado opting distrributed PD D measurem ment in seri ries resona ance ffrequency voltage res sistance te est of high voltage ca able Z ZHOU Lijun n, JIANG Xiaojuan - Po ower Grid In nspection & Maintenannce Compan ny, SMEPC C ((Shanghai Municiple M Electrical E Po ower Compa any), Shang ghai; China C.3.6 M Measuring g partial dis scharges w with enhanc ced noise reduction r b by use of multi-band m P PD bandpa ass filters K Kay RETHM MEIER, Alex xander KRA AETGE, Mic chael KRÜG GER - Omicrron, Klaus, Vorarlberg;; A Austria Page 15 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON C.3.bis Presentattion of Po osters Ses ssion E.5.1 1 Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 18:15 - 18:30 Room C Chairman : François COCHET - Nexans (S Switzerland)) Rapporteur : Serge COLOMBIER C R - Prysmia an Câbles et e Systèmes s (France) Presentatio on of the ses ssion by the e chairman. C.3.bis.1 P Page 16 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON D.3 Maintena ance (2) Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 16:30 - 18:15 Room D Chairman : Xiaolong CAO - Univ v. of Xian Jiiaotong (Ch hina) Rapporteur : Christia an RÉMY - Prysmian P C Câbles et Sy ystèmes (Frrance) D.3.1 A Application n of artificiial intellige ence to the problem of o selecting g the appro opriate d diagnostic c for cable systems s Y Yamille DEL VALLE, Nigel N HAMP PTON - NEE ETRAC, Atla anta, GA; U United State es D.3.2 IImplementtation of low w and med dium voltag ge cable ag ging manag gement at nuclear n p power plan nts G Gary TOMA AN - Electric c Power Re esearch Insttitute, Charlotte, NC; U United States D.3.3 N New technique for fault location n in underg ground medium voltaage cable L Lionel REY YNAUD, Dan niel PINEAU U - Institut de d recherche d'Hydro-Q Québec (IREQ), V Varennes, Québec; Q Ca anada JJacques CÔ ÔTÉ - Hydro o-Québec D Distribution, Montréal, Québec; Q Caanada D.3.4 IImplementtation of mo odern meth hods of on n-site testin ng and diag gnosis of HV H power c cables E Edward GU ULSKI - onsite.hv.solutiions AG, Lu ucerna; Swittzerland A Aleksandra RAKOWSK KA, Krzyszttof SIODLA - Poznan University U off Technolog gy, Poznan;; P Poland P Piotr CICHE ECKI - onsitte.hv.solutio ons Benelux x B.V., Delfft; The Nethherlands L Laurens D. POTS - BV V Twentsche e Kabelfabrriek, Haaksb bergen; Thee Netherlan nds JJohan J. SM MIT - Delft University U o of Technolog gy, Delft; Th he Netherlaands D.3.5 H Hydro-Qué ébec experi rience with infrared im maging for the mainteenance of the t u undergrou und medium m voltage c cable syste em JJacques CÔ ÔTÉ, André é BELLEMA ARE - Hydro o-Québec, Montréal, M Q Québec; Can nada D.3.6 IInvestigatiion into the e downtown n Vancouv ver outage of 14 july 22008 K Khaled ABD DOLALL, Jo ohn VANDE ERMAAR - Powertech P Labs Inc., S Surre, BC; Canada C D Dexter TAR RAMPI - BC C Hydro, Van ncouver, BC C; Canada D.3.7 C Condition based b main ntenance o of LV cable e network of o public lig ghting Z Zoltán Ádám m TAMUS, Norbert FE EKETE - Budapest Univ versity of Teechnology and a E Economics,, Budapest; Hungary T Tamás SCH HACHINGE ER, Róbert E EGYED - GA G Hungary Ltd., Törökkbalint; Hungary Page 17 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON D.3.bis Presentattion of Po osters Ses ssion E.5.2 2 Monday Jun ne 20th, 2011 - 18:15 - 18:30 Room D Chairman : Robert DO ONAGHY - ESB Intern national (Ire eland) Rapporteur : Isabelle DENIZET - Silec Cablle (General Cable) (Fra ance) Presentatio on of the ses ssion by the e chairman. D.3.bis.1 P Page 18 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON A.4 HV Syste em design - EMF (Ellectric and d Magnetic c Fields) Tuesday Ju une 21st, 201 11 - 9:00 - 10 0:30 Room A Chairman : Alain GIL LLE - Elia Engineering g (Belgium)) Rapporteur : Pierre MIREBEAU M - Nexans F France (Fran nce) A.4.1 R Retrofitting g of pipe-ty ype cables P Pierre HON NDAA, Martiial GUILLEM MIN, Frédéric LESUR - RTE, Pariis; France A.4.2 H HVAC cablles with ferrromagnetiic sheathin ngs JJacco SMIT T - Liandon,, Alkmaar; T The Netherllands H Heiner BRA AKELMANN N, Jorg STA AMMEN, Jan n BRUEGG GMANN - Unniversity D Duisburg-Essen, Duisb burg; Germa any V Volker WAS SCHK - nkt cables Gm bH, Köln; Germany G A.4.3 Towards sm mart grid approach: a D Data acquiisition from m on-line m monitoring of high v voltage XL LPE/oil-filled transition n joints L Luigi TESTA A - Techimp p, Bologna;; Italy A Andrea CAV VALLINI, Gian Carlo M MONTANAR RI - University of Bolog na, Bologna a; Italy A Arie MAKOVOZ - ConE Edison, New w York, NY Y; United Sta ates A.4.4 mission cab ble system constructiion and dessign on The impact of transm d results c commissio oning test options o and S Steven CAM MPBELL - General G Cab C Carro ollton, Georrgia; United d States ble / Silec Cable, B Benjamin LANZ - IMCO ORP, Mancchester, Con nnecticut; United U Statees A.4.5 F Feasibility study and cable systtem optimiz zation in ap pplication o of 500 kV XLPE X cable e iin Edmonto on region of o Alberta A Ali DARIAN NI - SNC LA AVALIN T&D D, Calgary Alberta; A Can nada A.4.6 R Recent exp periences with w AC Hig gh voltage e test equip pment and P PD commiissioning ttesting of XLPE X cable e systems rated 69 kV V and abov ve M Mark FENG GER - Kinec ctrics Inc., T Toronto, Ontario; Canada Page 19 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON B.4 Challenges - General Tuesday Ju une 21st, 201 11 - 9:00 - 10 0:30 Room B Chairman : Marcello DEL BREN NNA - Prysm mian Powerrlink Srl (Itally) Rapporteur : Rémi VA ATONNE - RTE (Francce) B.4.1 H HVDC XLP PE cable sy ystems app plicable forr higher tem mperature aand polaritty reversal o operation M MURATA Yoshinao, Y ABE Kazutosshi, MATSU UNAGA Osa amu, ASAI S Shinya, KA ATAKAI S Shoshi - J-P Power Syste ems Corporration, Hitac chi, Ibaraki;; Japan M MASHIO Sh hoji, SUIZU U Makoto - JJ-Power Sys stems Corp poration, Minnato-ku, To okyo; Japan B.4.2 E Electric fie eld measure ements on n XLPE/EPD DM 2-layer insulation systems under u DC s stress JJérôme MA ATALLANA, Ludovic BO OYER, Jean n-François BRAME, Piierre MIREB BEAU N Nexans Fra ance, Calais s; France JJérôme CA ASTELLON, Petru NOT TINGHER, Serge S AGNE EL, Alain TO OUREILLE - Institut d d’Electroniq que du Sud - Université é Montpellie er 2, Montpe ellier; Francce B.4.3 D Dielectric characteriz c zation of no on-linear materials m su ubjected to o high DC and a ttransient stresses s L Ludovic BO OYER, Jérôm me MATALL LANA, Xaviier MEERSSEMAN - N Nexans Fran nce, Calais;; F France B Björn SONE ERUD - Nex xans Norwa ay AS, Hald den; Norway y A Arnaud ALL LAIS - Nexa ans Researcch Centre, Lyon; L Franc ce JJérôme CA ASTELLON, Petru NOT TINGHER - Institut d’Electronique du Sud - Université M Montpellier 2, Montpellier; France e B.4.4 F Further developed fu ully insulate ed high volltage aerial cables L Lars EFRAIIMSSON, Bengt B STRÖ ÖM, Thomas s CARLQVIST - Ericss on AB, Falu un; Sweden n B.4.5 IIntroductio on of mitiga ation techn nique to co ontrol magn netic field rradiated by y u undergrou und cables K Kamal BEN N HAMMADI, Fabien C HARLES, Bernard B DHUICQ - Sileec Cable (G General C Cable), Mon ntereau; Fra ance Page 20 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON C.4 Testing m methods - General Tuesday Ju une 21st, 201 11 - 9:00 - 10 0:30 Room C Chairman : Nigel HAM MPTON - Georgia G Tecch NEETRA AC (USA) Rapporteur : Emmanuel DIC - Silec Cable ((General Ca able) (Franc ce) C.4.1 O On-site tes sting with compact c AC C test-systtem at the first f 500 kV V XLPE cab ble project iin South America A Andreas WEINLEIN, Gero G SCHRO OEDER - Suedkabel S GmbH, G Mannnheim; Gerrmany H Harald GEY YER - agea--kull ag, De erendingen; Switzerland C.4.2 A methodo ology for th he assessm ment of HVD VDC-XLPE cable c insula lation B Bertrand VISSOUVANADIN, Gilbe ert TEYSSE EDRE, Séve erine LE RO OY, Christia an L LAURENT - Laboratoirre LAPLAC E, Toulouse e; France IIsabelle DE ENIZET, Mohamed MA AMMERI, Be ernard POIS SSON - Sileec Cable (G General C Cable), Mon ntereau; Fra ance C.4.3 O Online-mon nitoring off the condu uctor tempe erature in MV M power ccable prod duction u using ultra asonic diag gnosis G Gregor BRA AMMER, Arrmin SCHN ETTLER - Institute I for high voltagge technolog gies, A Aachen; Ge ermany C.4.4 M Modern me ethods of in nstallation n and diagn nostic testin ng of distri ribution pow wer cables s E Edward GU ULSKI - onsite.hv.solutiions AG, Lu uzern; Switz zerland F Frank De VRIES V - Lian ndon, Alkma aar; The Ne etherlands P Piotr CICHE ECKI - onsitte.hv.solutio ons Benelux x B.V., Werrkendam; Thhe Netherla ands JJohan J. SM MIT - Delft University U o of Technolog gy, Delft; Th he Netherlaands C.4.5 C Challenges s associate ed with the e interpreta ation of dielectric losss data from m power c cable syste em measurrements JJoshua PER RKEL, Nige el HAMPTO ON - NEETR RAC, Atlanta a, GA; Uniteed States JJean Carloss HERNANDEZ - Unive ersidad de Los Andes,, Mérida, Méérida; Vene ezuela JJean-Franççois DRAPE EAU - Institu ut de recherrche d'Hydro-Québec ((IREQ), Montréal, Q Québec; Ca anada JJohn DENS SLEY - Arbo orlec Solutio ons, Toronto o, Ontario; Canada C.4.6 N Next generration 200 kV k VLF fielld testing and a diagno osing of hig gh voltage power c cables M Mohammad d Eyad AL-S SIBAI - High h Voltage In nc., Copake e, New Yorkk; United States Page 21 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON D.4 Submarin ne - Cable e performa ance Tuesday Ju une 21st, 201 11 - 9:00 - 10 0:30 Room D Chairman : Marco MA ARELLI - Prysmian (Ita aly) Rapporteur : Vincent VENTURIN NI - RTE (Frrance) D.4.1 C Collective versus ind dividual scrreening of "wet desig gn" (Um <= = 36 kV) pow wer cores ffor multi-co ore cables JJarle J BRE EMNES - Ne exans Norw way AS, Hallden; Norwa ay H Hallvard FA AREMO - SIINTEF Enerrgy Research, Trondhe eim; Norwayy D.4.2 A Analysis of transmiss sion capac city of Zhou ushan-main nland 110 kkV submarrine cables s W WU Mingxia ang - Zhejia ang Provinccial Electric Power Testt and Reseaarch Institutte, H Hangzhou City; C China D.4.3 The Hawon n-Anjwa prroject: Deve elopment and a installa ation of thee AC 154 kV XLPE 3 c cores fiberr optic emb bedded sub bmarine po ower cable system K KIM Nam-yu, KIM Sung-yun, JEO ON Seung-ik k, KWUN Yo oung-guk, LLEE Kwang g-yeol - LS C Cable Ltd, Gumi, G Gyeo ongbuk; Korrea D.4.4 Water drop p discharge es and surf rface flasho over at the solid - soliid interface e S Seyed Majid d HASHEM MINEZHAD, Erling ILDS STAD - Dep partment of Electric Power E Engineering g, Norwegia an Univ. of T Technology y and Science, Trondheeim; Norway D.4.5 The Oslo fjord fj projec ct - The firs st project with w long le ength 420 kkV XLPE insulated s submarine e cables T Tor SKEIE, Jostein EL LDERS, Alf Erik RØD - Nexans No orway AS, H Halden; Norrway B Bjørn SAND DEN, Jørge en THON - S Statnett, Os slo; Norway D.4.6 Q Qualificatio on of a long 345 kV s submarine XLPE X cable e system JJohan KAR RLSTRAND, Danijela P PALMGREN N, Jörn ANTONISCHKI,, Jonas JOH HANSSON,, B Björn ZETT TERVALL - ABB, A Karlskkrona; Sweden Page 22 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON A.5 HV Acces ssories Tuesday Ju une 21st, 201 11 - 11:00 - 12:30 1 Room A Chairman : Aleksand dra RAKOW WSKA - Tu P Poznan University of Technology T (Poland) Rapporteur : François s GAHUNG GU - Nexanss (France) A.5.1 C Cable acce essories wo orkmanshiip - US pers spective M Milan UZEL LAC, Steve WARTON - G&W Elec ctric Compa any, Blue Issland, IL; Un nited Statess F Frank FREN NTZAS - Ex xelon-Comm monwealth Edison, Chicago, IL; U United States A.5.2 D Developme ent of dry outdoor o terrmination with w silicon ne gel for sself-standin ng M MORI Anna a, MARUICH HI Shinji, N IINOBE Hirroshi, SUET TSUGU Massahiro - VIS SCAS C Corporation n, Ichihara, Chiba; Japa an A.5.3 D Dry terminations for high h voltag ge cable sy ystems P Pascal STR REIT - Nexa ans Switzerlland, Penth halaz; Switzerland A.5.4 R Remedial action a and further qua ality assurring measu ures after a failure in a 400 kV G GIS cable termination t n F Frank JAKO OB, Frank KOWALOW K WSKI, Claus KUHN, Wilfried FISCH HER - 50He ertz T Transmissio on GmbH, Berlin; B Germ many S Sigurdur A. HANSEN - Suedkabe el GmbH, Mannheim; Germany G A.5.5 L Long time operationa al experien nce with 400 kV XLPE E power cab ble system ms in Berlin C Claus Georrg HENNING GSEN, Wilffried FISCHER - 50Herrtz Transmisssion GmbH H, Berlin; G Germany A.5.6 R Red Electri rica's opera ating experrience on 400 4 kV subm marine and d undergro ound iinterconne ection betw ween Spain n and Moroc cco R Rafael GAR RCÍA FERN NÁNDEZ, M iguel Ángell PÉREZ LO OUZAO, Maaria Dolores s L LÓPEZ-ME ENCHERO CÓRDOBA C A - Red Eléc ctrica de Esp paña, S.A., Alcobenda as; Spain Page 23 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON B.5 Long link ks & Gas Insulated Line (GIL)) Tuesday Ju une 21st, 201 11 - 11:00 - 12:30 1 Room B Chairman : Ray AWA AD - Hydro-Q Québec Tra ansÉnergie (Canada) Rapporteur : Éric DORISON - ED DF R&D (Frrance) B.5.1 F Feasibility study for an a 88 km u undergroun nd cable sy ystem to su upply 135 MVA M to a d desalinatio on plant M Mark STEM MMLE - Nex xans Deutscchland Gmb bH, Hannov ver; Germanny K Ken BARBE ER - Nexans Asia-Pac ific, Singapore; Singap pore B.5.2 E Electrical studies s perrformed to insert long g AC cable es in the Fre rench grid - First c conclusion ns S Sébastien DENNETIER D RE, Jonatha an DUFOUR, Alexandre PARISO OT, Jean-Pie erre T TAISNE, Ya annick VER RNAY - RTE E, Paris la Défense; D Fra ance B.5.3 C Contributio on to localiization of a fault on a long extru uded subm marine cable e by LV Time Doma ain Reflecttrometry A Alain HERB BRETEAU - OTC, Avig gnon; France B Bernard DH HUICQ - Sile ec Cable (G General Cab ble), Monterreau; Francce B.5.4 C Challenges s during pllanning, de evelopmentt and perfo ormance att a 275 kV XLPE X cable e p project in the t city of Liverpool L S Sebastian EBERT, E Horst MEMME ER, Johannes KAUMANNS, Andreeas WEINL LEIN, Gero S SCHROEDER - Suedk kabel GmbH H, Mannheim m; Germany B.5.5 G GIL for pow wer transm mission in s specific sitte condition ns A Alberto BER RTINATO, Alain A GIRO DET - Alsto om GRID, Villeurbanne V e; France M Mathieu BE ERNARD, Je ean-Luc RA AYON, Arna aud FICHEU UX - Alstom m GRID, Aix--Les-Bains;; F France B.5.6 P Pilot installlation of a 380 kV dirrectly burie ed gas insu ulated line ((GIL) C Claus NEUMANN - Sie emens AG, Erlangen; Germany G S Stephan PO OEHLER - Amprion A Gm mbH, Dortm mund; Germany Page 24 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON C.5 Cables fo or the futu ure - Nano dielectric cs Tuesday Ju une 21st, 201 11 - 11:00 - 12:30 1 Room C Chairman : Michel FR RÉCHETTE E - Institut de e recherche e d'Hydro-Q Québec (Ca nada) Rapporteur : Jérôme CASTELLO ON - Univerrsité de Montpellier (Frrance) C.5.1 P Progress in n the field of nanodie electrics : potentiality p y for HV cab ble applica ations M Michel F. FRÉCHETTE E - Institut d de recherch he d'Hydro-Q Québec (IR REQ), Varen nnes, Q Québec; Ca anada A Arnaud ALL LAIS, Lazha ar KEBBAB I - Nexans; JJérôme CA ASTELLON - IES; Francce H Hugues CO OUDERC, Christele C VA ANGA - ÉTS S/IREQ; Can nada C.5.2 E Effect of co onductive inorganic i ffiller on sp pace charge e characterristics in XLPE X as a H HVDC insu ulating matterial M MIZUNO Ta akehiko, TA AKAHASHI Tohru - VIS SCAS Corpo oration, Ichiihara, Chiba a; Japan H HARADA Hiroshi, H HAY YASHI Nobu uya, TANAK KA Yasuhiro o - Tokyo C City University, S Setagaya-kku, Tokyo; Japan M MAENO Ta akeshi - National Institu ute of Inform mation and Communica C ation Techn nolory, K Koganei, To okyo; Japan n C.5.3 D Dielectric properties p of HDPE/SiO O2 nanodie electric maaterials for future analysis o c cable insullation JJérôme CASTELLON, Laurent BA ANET, Ioana a PREDA, Serge S AGN NEL, Alain TOUREILLE T E - Institut d'É Électronique e du Sud - U Université Montpellier M 2, 2 Montpelliier; France É Éric DAVID D, Abdelkhallek SAMI - É École de Te echnologie Supérieuree - Université é du Q Québec, Qu uébec, QC; Canada M Michel F. FRÉCHETTE E - Institut d de recherch he d'Hydro-Q Québec (IR REQ), Québe ec, QC; C Canada C.5.4 V abilizing ad dditive ass sessment in n polyethyllene insulaation Voltage sta T Timothy PE ERSON, Bre et NEESE - The Dow Chemical C Co ompany, Pi scataway, NJ; N United S States C.5.5 D Dielectric response r of o polyethy ylene loade ed with nan no particulees of Si02 É Éric DAVID D, Abdelkhallek SAMI - É École de Te echnologie Supérieuree - Université é du Q Québec, Qu uébec, QC; Canada M Michel F. FRÉCHETTE E - Hydro-Q Québec's Re esearch Institute, Québbec, QC; Ca anada C.5.6 P PEA asses ssment of XLPE X and s semicondu uctive comp pounds forr HVDC app plication: M Measurements on pla aques and mini-cable es B Barry LENN NON, Peter MORSHUI S - Delft Un niversity of Technology T y, Delft; The e N Netherlandss T Timothy PE ERSON - Th he Dow Che emical Com mpany, Pisca ataway, NJ;; United Sta ates S Simon SUT TTON - Dow w Chemical Company Ltd, L Staines s; United Kinngdom Page 25 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON E.5.1 Ageing, M Maintenan nce, remaining life e estimation n and management (1) Tuesday Ju une 21st, 201 11 - 11:00 - 12:30 1 Room E: Poster Session n Chairman : François COCHET - Nexans (S Switzerland)) Rapporteur : Serge COLOMBIER C R - Prysmia an Câbles et e Systèmes s (France) E.5.1.1 E Effects of cross-linkin c ng method d on insulation properrties of cro oss-linked p polyethylen ne Z ZHU Xiao-h hui, ZHOU Feng-zheng F g - Tianjin Electrical E Po ower Reseaarch Institute e, Tianjin; C China D DU Bo-xue,, GAO Yu - School S of E Electrical Engineering and Automattion, Tianjin n University,, T Tianjin; China E.5.1.2 The effect of the pero oxide ratio on crossliinking of ca able materi rials A Amin SHAB BANI, Emma anuel RICH HAUD, Xavier COLIN - Arts et Méttiers ParisT Tech, Paris; F France G Gregory MA ARQUE, Ca arole MONC CHY-LEROY Y - EDF R& &D, Moret-ssur-Loing; France E.5.1.3 S Study of th he stabiliza ation of pollyethylene and ethyle ene-propyleene copoly ymers by a p phenolic an ntioxydantt W Wissam BA ANNOUF, Emmanuel R RICHAUD, Xavier X COLIN - Arts et Métiers Pa arisTech, P Paris; Francce G Grégory MA ARQUE, Ca arole MONC CHY-LEROY Y - EDF R& &D, Moret-ssur-Loing; France E.5.1.4 E Electric pro operties off XLPE mod del cables under AC and DC fieeld at various ttemperaturres L Le WANG, Davide FAB BIANI, Gian n Carlo MON NTANARI, Fabrizio F PA ALMIERI - University U off B Bologna, Bo ologna; Italy y U Ulf. H. NILS SSON - Borealis AB, S tenungsund d; Sweden E.5.1.5 A new metthod for mo onitoring th he antioxid dant conten nt in cable compound ds during e e-beam cro osslinking M Matthias ME EYER, Inge e DUEMML ER - Nexan ns Research h Center, N Nuremberg; Germany E.5.1.6 D Developme ent of a dia agnosis tec chnique forr assessing g the propeerties of nu uclear aged d c cables D Domitille PITARD, Carrole MONCH HY-LEROY Y - EDF R&D D, Moret-suur-Loing; Fra ance P Patrice THÉ ÉROND - EDF SEPTE N, Villeurba anne; Franc ce E.5.1.7 R Rapid quallification of power ca ables materrials H Henryk HER RMAN, Garry STEVEN S, Janet TH HOMAS - GnoSys G UK LLtd, Guildfo ord; United K Kingdom E.5.1.8 ngress on d dielectric properties of o polyethyylene cable e insulation n The effect of water in S Simon BER RNIER, Jean n-François DRAPEAU - Institut de e recherchee d'Hydro-Québec ((IREQ), Varrennes, Qué ébec; Cana ada É Éric DAVID D - École de Technolog ie Supérieu ure - Université du Quéébec, Montrréal, Q Québec; Ca anada Page 26 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance E.5.1.9 A Analysis of the resisttivity loss o of aged PV VC cables and a effectss on their dielectric d s strength P Pierre QUE ENNEHEN, Fabrice ZO ORZI, Thierrry ESPILIT - EDF R&D , Moret-sur-Loing; F France P Patrice THÉ ÉROND - EDF SEPTE N, Villeurba anne; Franc ce IIsabelle RO OYAUD, Gérard SEYTR RE - IMP/LM MPB Univerrsité Lyon 1 , Villeurban nne; France e P Pascal RAIN - G2ELab b, Grenoble e; France E.5.1.10 E Evaluation n of field rejjuvenated medium-vo oltage extrruded cablees S Serge PÉLIISSOU, Saleman ALIB BHAY - Institut de reche erche d'Hyddro-Québec c (IREQ), V Varennes, Québec; Q Ca anada E.5.1.11 S Study on th he mainten nance polic cy based on o RCM for power cab ble lines Z ZHAO Jiang gkang, LUO O Junhua - S State Grid Electric E Pow wer Researcch Institute of China, W Wuhan, Hubei province e; China Z ZHANG Li - Power Grid Inspectio n & Mainten nance Company, SME EPC (Shang ghai M Municiple Electrical E Po ower Compa any), Shang ghai; China L LI Honglei - East China a Electric P ower Test & Research h Institute C Co., Ltd., Shanghai; C China E.5.1.12 U Undergrou und cable description d n data mana agement P Patrick DEL LCOURT, Joël BOUYE ER - RTE, Paris; P France E.5.1.13 R Replaceme ent strategiies for cus stomer min nutes lost re eduction in n medium voltage v c cable netw works P Peter BUYS S, Dik Van HOUWELIN H NGEN, Edw ward COSTE ER - Stedin BV, Rotterdam; The N Netherlandss E.5.1.14 E Evaluation n of insulatiing system ms quality for f HVDC power p cablee design to oward s space charrge criterio on JJérôme CASTELLON, Serge AGN NEL, Alain TOUREILLE T E - Institut dd'Électroniqu ue du Sud U Université Montpellier M 2, Montpell ier; France A Arnaud ALL LAIS, Lorren ne BAYON - Nexans Research R Center, Lyonn; France E.5.1.15 O On-line dia agnostic sy ystem for S SVL device e on under-ground po ower cables s M MYUNG Ke eun-Sik, YO OON Huyng--hee, KIM Heung H joo - KEPCO, S Seoul; Korea a JJEONG Jae e ki, JEONG G Yun-kee, CHOI Yun--Jong - Han nbitEDS Co.. Ltd, DaeJe eon; Korea Page 27 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON E.5.2 Ageing, M Maintenan nce, remaining life e estimation n and management (2) Tuesday Ju une 21st, 201 11 - 11:00 - 12:30 1 Room E: Poster Session n Chairman : Robert DO ONAGHY - ESB Intern national (Ire eland) Rapporteur : Isabelle DENIZET - Silec Cablle (General Cable) (Fra ance) E.5.2.1 P Partial disc charge (PD D) automatiic diagnosiis tool for workers' w saafety in underground d v vaults F François LÉ ÉONARD, Lionel L REYN NAUD, Jacq ques BHER RER, Daniel PINEAU, Didier D M MUSSARD, Sylvain PO OIRIER - H ydro-Québe ec, Québec c, QC; Canaada E.5.2.2 ure depend dency of tan n delta mea asurementts at 0.1 Hzz in XLPE medium m Temperatu v voltage power cables s C Cuthbert NY YAMUPANG GEDENGU - University y of the Witw watersrand,, Johannesb burg; South h A Africa JJerry WALK KER - Walm met Technollogies (Pty) Ltd, Vereeniging; Souuth Africa E.5.2.3 P Partial disc charge pattern charac cteristics of o 220 kV XLPE X poweer cable join nts with a artificial de efect Z ZHANG Xuejin, PAN Leilei L - Shan nxi Taiyuan Electric Po ower Supplyy Company,, Taiyuan; C China L LUO Junhua, LI Wenjie e, XIA Rong g - State Grid Electric Power P Reseearch Institu ute, Wuhan,, H Hubei province; China E.5.2.4 H High frequ uency signa al propagattion in soliid dielectric c tape shieelded powe er cables JJun (Jim) GUO, G Rick STAGI S - Utilxx Corporation, Kent, WA; W United S States E.5.2.5 D Dependenc cy of the diissipation factor on the t test-volltage and th the ageing status of M MV PILC ca ables IIvana MLAD DENOVIC, Christian W WEINDL - University of Erlangen-N Nuremberg, Institute off en; German E Electrical Power Syste ems, Erlange ny E.5.2.6 A novel an nti-interfere ence metho od for partiial discharg ge on-line m measurem ment of HV p power cablles L LI Wenjie, LUO L Junhua a, ZHAO Jia ankang, XIA A Rong, ME ENG Shaoxxin - State Grid G Electric P Power Rese earch Institu ute, Wuhan n, Hubei pro ovince; Chin na Z ZHANG Xuejin, PAN Leilei L - Shan nxi Taiyuan Electric Po ower Supplyy Company,, Taiyuan; C China E.5.2.7 E Electrical tree t and pa artial disch harge degra adation cha aracteristiccs in XLPE E cable iinsulation at high tem mperature F FENG Yi - Beijing B Elec ctric Test an nd Research h Institute, Beijing; B Chiina C CHEN Xian ngrong, XU Yang, Y CAO O Xiaolong - State Key Laboratory of Electrica al Insulation n a and Power Equipment, Xi’an Jiaottong Univerrsity, Xi'an; China E.5.2.8 V elta measurrement on submarine e cables in KEPCO VLF tan-de L LEE Jae-bo ong, JUNG Yeon-ha - K KEPCO Research Institute, Daejeeon; Korea K KIM Sung-m min, KWON N Tae-joon - KEPCO Head Office, Seoul; Kore rea E.5.2.9 P Partial disc charge featture selecttion and ev valuation us sing an enh cursive hanced rec ffeature elim mination (R RFE) algoriithm JJean Carloss HERNÁNDEZ, Jesúss VELAZCO O - Universid dad de Los Andes, Mé érida, M Mérida; Ven nezuela JJoshua PER RKER - Geo orgia Institu ute of Techn nology, Atla anta, GA; Unnited States s Page 28 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance E.5.2.10 IInvestigatiion of powe er frequenc cy current transforme t er as partiall discharge e sensor in n m medium vo oltage cablles F Faisal PEER MOHAME ED, Wah H oon SIEW, John SORA AGHUN, Sccott STRAC CHAN U University of o Strathclyd de, Glasgow w, Scotland; United Kin ngdom E.5.2.11 A new lumped modell for electriical treeing g in XLPE cable c insulaations A Abbas NAJA AFIPOUR, Sayyed Mo ohammad SHAHRTAS S H - Iran Uniiversity of Science S and d T Technologyy (IUST), Te ehran; Islam mic Republic c of Iran E.5.2.12 P PD signal compensat c tion in cab ble terminalls and clas ssification ffor HV cable iinsulation assessmen nt M Mohsen BA AKHSHI ASH HTIANI, Mo ohammad SHAHRTAS S H - Iran Uniiversity of Science S and d T Technologyy (IUST), Te ehran; Islam mic Republic c of Iran E.5.2.13 P Pulse signal propaga ation chara acteristics on o the aged XLPE cab ble T TAKAHASH HI Tosihiro, KURAISHI Takashi, TAKAHASH T I Tsuguhiroo, SUZUKI Hiroshi, H O OKAMOTO O Tatsuki - Central C Res earch Instittute of Electtric Power Inndustry (CR RIEPI), Y Yokosuka; Japan J E.5.2.14 E Equipmentt for fast water w trees rresistance measurem ment of pow wer cable in nsulations s S Sorin GRIG GORESCU, Mihai Gabrriel PLOPEA ANU, Petru NOTINGH ER - Politehnica U University of o Buchares st, Bucharesst; Romania a C Cristina STA ANCU - INC CDIE ICPE CA, Bucha arest; Romania E.5.2.15 V VLF tan-de elta criteria a for XLPE iinsulated power p cablles in KEPC CO L LEE Jae-bo ong, JUNG Yeon-ha - K KEPCO Research Institute, Daejeeon; Korea K KIM Sung-m min, KWON N Tae-joon - KEPCO Head Office, Seoul; Kore rea E.5.2.16 E Experience es of diagn nosis of HV V cables wiith damped d AC techniique Z Zoltán Ádám m TAMUS, Richárd CS SELKÓ - Bu udapest Uniiversity of T Technology and E Economics,, Budapest; Hungary T Tamás SCH HACHINGE ER, Róbert E EGYED - GA G Hungary Ltd., Törökkbalint; Hungary E.5.2.17 Thermal sttep method d - A non-de estructive tool for life etime estim mation of tre eed cables s iinsulation C Cristina STA ANCU - INC CDIE ICPE CA, Bucha arest; Romania P Petru NOTINGHER JR R. - Univers ite Montpellier 2, Institu ut d’Electroonique du Sud, Groupe ; French So E Energie et Materiaux, M Montpellier; M outhern Terrritories P Petru V. NO OTINGHER, Mihai Gab briel PLOPE EANU - Politehnica Uniiversity of Bucharest, B B Bucharest; Romania Page 29 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON A.6 Submarin ne - Cable e Systems Tuesday Ju une 21st, 201 11 - 14:30 - 16:00 1 Room A Chairman : Anders H. H GUSTAFS SSON - AB BB AB - High h Voltage Cables C (Sweeden) Rapporteur : David DUBOIS D - Ne exans (Fran nce) A.6.1 O Offshore wind w parks grids conn nection pro ojects in Ge erman Nort rth Sea D Dongping ZHANG, Z Joc chen JUNG G, Thomas Jan J LEBIOD DA - Tennett Offshore GmbH, G B Bayreuth; Germany G A.6.2 H High capac city HVDC subsea lin nk for the UK U G Gareth PAR RKER - NGET, Warwicck; United Kingdom K P Paul CUNN NINGHAM - Scottish Po ower, Glasg gow, Scotland; United K Kingdom A.6.3 C Cables for deep wate er applicatiions M Marco BAC CCHINI, Marrco MAREL LLI, Ambrog gio ORINI - Prysmian P PowerLink, Milan; M Italy A.6.4 A Application n of XLPE submarine s e power cab ble for extrra high volttage Y YANAGAW WA Hiroyuki, MATSUNA AGA Osamu u, NAKAGA AWA Toshihhiro, ASAI Shinya S JJ-Power Syystems Corp poration, Hi tachi, Ibara aki; Japan K KURATA Ta atsuo - J-Po ower Syste ms Corpora ation, Osaka a; Japan M MASHIO Sh hoji - J-Pow wer Systemss Corporatio on, Tokyo; Japan J A.6.5 H HVAC pow wer transmiission to th he Gjøa pla atform E Erik ERIKSSON, Marc c JEROENS SE, Magnus s LARSSON N-HOFFSTE EIN, Claes S SONESSON - ABB AB B, High Volttage Cables s, Karlskrona; Sweden K Knut-Aril FA ARNES, Ro olf Ove RÅD D, Karl Atle STENEVIK - Statoil AS S, Stavange er; Norway A.6.6 C Corrosion behaviourr of submarrine powerr cables in seawater s eenvironmen nts D Daniel ISUS S, Juan de Dios MART TÍNEZ - Gen neral Cable Sistemas S S.A., Manlle eu, B Barcelona; Spain V Virginia MA ADINA, Patricia SANTA A COLOMA - TECNALIIA, San Sebbastián; Spa ain Page 30 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON B.6 Ageing and life exp pectancy (1) Tuesday Ju une 21st, 201 11 - 14:30 - 16:00 1 Room B Chairman : John SMIITH III - Gen neral Cable e Corporatio on (USA) Rapporteur : Frédéric c PEURTON N - Nexans (France) B.6.1 N Nuclear ca ables: Lifetiime simula ation and new n approa ach for the study of polymer a ageing C Carole MON NCHY-LER ROY - EDF R R&D, Morett-sur-Loing; France P Patrice THÉ ÉROND - EDF SEPTE N, Villeurba anne; Franc ce B.6.2 C Condition assessmen a nt of transm mission po ower cables s E Edward GU ULSKI - onsite.hv.solutiions AG, Lu uzern; Switz zerland P Piotr CICHE ECKI, Johan J. SMIT - Delft Unive ersity of Tec chnology, D Delft; The Ne etherlands F Frank De VRIES V - Lian ndon, Alkma aar; The Ne etherlands JJan PELLIS S - Stedin, Rotterdam; R The Netherrlands F Frank WES STER - Tenn neT, Arnhem m; The Netherlands B.6.3 D Developme ent of exterrnal diagno osis for XL LPE cable termination ns S SUYAMA Hiroshi, H KOH HAMA Taka aharu, MOR RISHITA Yukinobu - Chhubu Electric Power C Co., Inc., Nagoya; Japan W WATANABE Masao, NAGAYAMA N A Tadanori - Tohoku Electric Poweer Co., Inc., Sendai; JJapan A ABE Kazuto oshi, SUZUKI Hiroshi - J-Power Systems S Corporation, H Hitachi, Ibarraki; Japan B.6.4 A Aging perfformance of o the new ttype outdo oor termina ation using g composite e insulatorr IIIDA Tomoo o, SHIRO Ta adahiko, TA ANIGOCHI Minoru - Th he Kansai E lectric Powe er Co,. Inc.,, O Osaka; Jap pan H HOMMA Hiroya - Centtral Researcch Institute of Electric Power P Indu stry (CRIEP PI), Y Yokosuka; Japan J IINOUE Yosshiyuki, HAG GISAWA Ka azuhisa - J--Power Systems Corpooration, Tok kyo; Japan B.6.5 A Ageing UG G systems: The SmarttLife initiattive H Hallvard FA AREMO - SIINTEF Enerrgy Research, Trondhe eim; Norwayy F Frank De WILD W - KEMA, Arnhem;; The Nethe erlands É Éric DORIS SON - Électrricité de Fra ance, Morett-sur-Loing; France B.6.6 IImproveme ent of an health index x from ageiing studies s and field outcome B Benoît PUL LUHEN, Éric c DORISON N, Yves BRU UMENT - ED DF R&D, M oret-sur-Loing; France e Page 31 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON C.6 Cables fo or the futu ure - Superrconductiv vity Tuesday Ju une 21st, 201 11 - 14:30 - 16:00 1 Room C Chairman : David LIN NDSAY - EP PRI (USA) Rapporteur : Jean-Ma axime SAU UGRAIN - N exans (France) C.6.1 O Operation experience e and furth her develop pment of a high tempeerature s supercond ducting pow wer cable in the Long g Island Power Autho ority grid F Frank SCHMIDT, Rain ner SOIKA - Nexans De eutschland GmbH, Hannnover; Germany JJames MAG GUIRE, Jie YUAN - Am merican Sup perconducto or Corporatiion, Devens s, MA; U United State es S Shawn BRA ATT - Air Liq quide Adva nced Techn nologies US S LLC, New wark, NJ; Un nited States T Tom WELS SH - Long Is sland Powerr Authority, Hicksville; United Stattes C.6.2 D Developme ent of 275 kV k 3 kA HT TS power cable c M MUKOYAM MA Shinichi, YAGI Masa ashi, YONE EMURA Tok kui, NOMUR RA Tomoya,, TENG Jun n - Furukawa Electric, Ichihara, Chi ba; Japan O OHKUMA Takeshi, T MA ARUYAMA Osamu - Su uperconduc ctivity Resaeerch Labora atory, S Shinonome e, Tokyo; Ja apan A AOKI Yuji - SWCC Sho owa Cable Systems, Sagamihara S , Kanagawaa; Japan S SAITOU Ta akashi - Fujiikura, Saku ra, Chiba; Japan J A AMEMIYA Naoyuki N - Kyoto K Unive rsity, Saikyo-ku, Kyoto o; Japan IISHIYAMA Atsushi - Waseda W Univversity, Shin njuku-ku, Tokyo; Japann H HAYAKAWA Naoyuki - Nagoya U University, Chigusa-ku, C Nagoya; Jaapan C.6.3 A breakthrrough in the developm ment of lon ng-length HTS H cabless with integ grated FCL p property IIrina MELNIK, Alex GE ESCHIERE - Alliander, Duiven; Th he Netherla nds D Dag WILLÉ ÉN - nkt cab bles, Broend dby; Denma ark O Oleg CHEV VTCHENKO O - TU Delft,, Delft; The Netherland ds C.6.4 S Supercond ducting HV VDC power cables: Co oncepts and potentiall R Rainer SOIKA, Erik MA ARZAHN, F Frank SCHM MIDT, Mark STEMMLE E, Beate WE EST N Nexans Deutschland GmbH, G Han nover; Germ many N Nicolas LAL LLOUET - Nexans N Fra nce, Calais; France C.6.5 H HTS cable project in Yokohama a M MASUDA Takato, T YUM MURA Hiroyyasu, HIRO OTA Hirofum mi - Sumitom mo Electric Industries, L Ltd., Osaka a; Japan H HONJO Shoichi, HARA A Tsukushi - Tokyo Ele ectric Power Companyy, Yokohama; Japan C.6.6 N Novel grid concepts for urban a area powerr supply M Mark STEM MMLE - Nex xans Deutscchland Gmb bH, Hannov ver; Germanny F Frank MER RSCHEL - RWE R Rheinla and Westfa alen Netz AG G, Essen; G Germany B Bernd R. OSWALD - Leibniz L Univversity of Ha annover, Ha annover; Geermany M Mathias NO OE - Karlsru uhe Institute e of Technology, Karlsrruhe; Germaany Page 32 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON D.6 LV and M MV Cable Systems S Tuesday Ju une 21st, 201 11 - 14:30 - 16:00 1 Room D Chairman : Ngapuli Irrmea SINIS SUKA - ITB , Institut Te eknologi Ban ndung (Indoonesia) Rapporteur : Stéphan ne TOGNAL LI - Prysmia an Câbles et e Systèmes s (France) D.6.1 U Ultra low weight w com mbined LV/F FO cable fo or steep ca able car patthway B Boris DARD DEL, Marc BRESSENE B EL, Jean WITTWER, François CO OCHET - Ne exans S Suisse SA, Cortaillod; Switzerland d D.6.2 IInfluence of o the addittives on the eeing in XLPE insulate ted cables e water-tre E Emeric LON NG, Isabelle e DENIZET T, Bernard POISSON P - Silec Cablee (General Cable), C M Montereau; France E Elisenda CA ASALS - Ge eneral Cablle, Manlleu, Barcelona; Spain D.6.3 R Reliability evaluation n of distribu ution cable e diagnosis s instrumen nts with fie eld test P PARK Noh--joon - Centter for Adva anced Electric Application, Wonkw wang Univerrsity, Iksan, JJeonbuk; Korea K P PARK Dae--hee - Dept. of Electriccal, Informattion & Comm munication Engineering, W Wonkwang University, Iksan, Jeo nbuk; Korea a D.6.4 ation of op ptical fiber c composite low-voltag ge cable (O OPLC) in sm mart grid off The applica C China B BAO Jicong g, QIAO Xin nxia, QIAN Z Ziming - Jia angsu Hengtong Powerr Cable Co.., Ltd, W Wujiang Citty, Jiangsu Province; C China D.6.5 IInsulation state analy ysis and up pgrading fe easibility sttudy of exiisting AC 10 1 kV XLPE E d distribution n cables in n Jiangsu g grid of Chin na Z ZHANG Ziyyang, FEI Yijun - Jiangssu Electric Power Rese earch Instituute Corpora ation LTD, N Nanjing, Jia angsu; Chin na D.6.6 7 70 years off MV cables s in Brazil:: Reliability y of cables,, splices an nd pothead ds G Geraldo de ALMEIDA, Luiz ZANE ETTA - Univ versity of Sa ao Paolo - U USP, Sao Paolo; Brazill R Ricardo BR RANDÃO - AES A Eletrop paulo, Sao Paolo; P Braz zil W Walter PINH HEIRO - Ma atrix Engen haria, Sao Paolo; Braz zil Page 33 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON A.7 Submarin ne - Cable e performa ance Tuesday Ju une 21st, 201 11 - 16:30 - 18:15 1 Room A Chairman : Gunnar EVENSET E - Nexans No orway AS (N Norway) Rapporteur : Nathalie e BOUDINE ET - RTE - C CNER (Fran nce) A.7.1 S Submarine e cable mettallic sheatth diagnostic H Harry ORTO ON - Orton Internationa ng, Vancouv ver, BC; Caanada al Consultin A Avaral RAO O - Powertec ch, Vancou uver, BC; Ca anada D David KUNG - Powerte ech, Vanco uver, BC; Canada C D David HICK KS - Newfou undland Hyd dro, St John ns, NFLD; Canada C A.7.2 of AC XLP IInfluence of o subsea conditions c on the lon ng term perrformance o PE cables K Kenneth JO OHANSSON N, Anna DAV AVIDSSON - Draka Sve erige AB, Näässjö; Swed den M Martin JAKO OBSSON, Ulf. U H. NILS SSON, Jan-O Ove BOSTR RÖM - Boreealis AB, Ste enungsund;; S Sweden H Hallvard FA AREMO, Od dd LILLEVIK K - SINTEF Energy Research, Troondheim; No orway A.7.3 A Armouring g loss in thrree-core su ubmarine XLPE X cable es D Danijela PA ALMGREN, Johan KAR RLSTRAND D, Gunnar HENNING H -A ABB, Karlskrona; S Sweden A.7.4 O On the opttimum buria al depth off submarine power ca ables T Thomas WO ORZYK, Johan KARLS STRAND - ABB, A Karlsk krona; Swedden A.7.5 D Developme ent and qualification of deepestt water pow wer umbiliccal A Arild FIGEN NSCHOU, Jan J Ole DUN NSERUD - Aker Solutions, Oslo; Norway D Daniel ISUS S - Grupo General G Cab ble Sistema as S.A., Man nlleu, Barceelona; Spain n E Emmanuel BIC - Silec Cable (Gen neral Cable e), Monterea au; France A.7.6 D Dielectric loss l charac cterization of Hydro-Q Québec me edium voltaage (MV) submarine c cables - Ph hase 1 JJean-Franççois DRAPE EAU - Institu ut de recherrche d'Hydro-Québec ((IREQ), Varrennes, Q Québec; Ca anada B Bruno CANTIN - Hydro o-Québec D Distribution, Québec, QC; Q Canadaa N Nigel HAMP PTON, Josh hua PERKE EL - NEETR RAC, Atlanta a, GA; Uniteed States Page 34 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON B.7 Ageing and life exp pectancy (2) Tuesday Ju une 21st,, 2011 - 16:30 - 18:15 Room B Chairman : Ja Yoon KOO K - Scho ool of Elect.. Eng. and Computer C Science, S Haanyang Univ versity (Korea) Rapporteur : Mohame ed MAMME ERI - Silec C Cable (Gene eral Cable) (France) B.7.1 U US industrry practices s for MV ca able fleet managemen m nt D David LIND DSAY, Matth hew OLEAR RCZYK - EP PRI, Charlottte, North C Carolina; Un nited States B.7.2 C Condition and a life ass sessment of laminar dielectric cable c systeems throug gh d dissolved gas g analys sis based o on field tria als and exte ensive field d data N Nirmal SING GH, Sandee ep SINGH - DTE Energy, Detroit, MI; United States R Rommy RE EYES, Pierre e LINOIS - RTE, Nante erre, Paris; France S Steve ECKR ROAD - EP PRI, Charlottte, NC; United States B.7.3 C Condition monitoring m g of electric cal cables using line resonancee analysis (LIRA) ( F Franco Pao olo FANTON NI - Wiresca an AS, Hald den; Norway y B.7.4 IInvestigatiion of rema ained withs stand voltage level an nd water treee degrada ation on a aged and removed r XL LPE cable T TAKAHASH HI Tosihiro, KURAISHI Takashi, TAKAHASH T I Tsuguhiroo, SUZUKI Hiroshi, H O OKAMOTO O Tatsuki - Central C Res earch Instittute of Electtric Power Inndustry (CR RIEPI), Y Yokosuka; Japan J T TANAKA Sa achika, SHIRO Tadahiiko, MATSU UYA Yuuji - The Kansaai Electric Power Co., IInc., Osaka a; Japan B.7.5 E Evaluation n results off PILC cable es field age ed 7 to 68 years y V Vitaliy YAROSLAVSKY Y, Carlos KA ATZ - Cable e Technology Laboratoories, New Brunswick, N NJ; United States D David LIND DSAY, Matth hew OLEAR RCZYK - Ele ectric Powe er Researchh Institute, Charlotte, C N NC; United States B.7.6 A study on n the effectt of perform ming VLF withstand w te ests on fielld aged degraded jjoints JJean-Franççois DRAPE EAU, Simon n BERNIER - Institut de e recherchee d'Hydro-Québec ((IREQ), Varrennes, Qué ébec; Cana ada JJacques CÔ ÔTÉ - Hydro o-Québec D Distribution, Montréal, Québec; Q Caanada Page 35 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON C.7 DTS: Disttributed Temperatu T ure Sensin ng Tuesday Ju une 21st,, 2011 - 16:30 - 18:15 Room C Chairman : Mohamed d CHAABA AN - Institut de recherch he d'Hydro--Québec (C Canada) Rapporteur : Christop phe MOREA AU - EDF R R&D (Franc ce) C.7.1 IImproveme ents of und derground cable distrribution sy ystems in th he area of Mexico M C City E Edgar ROB BLES - Instittuto de Inve estigaciones s Electricas, Cuernavaaca, Morelos s; Mexico V Victor SIER RRA - ECSA A, Huixquilu ucan, Estado o de México o; Mexico C.7.2 The researrch on temp perature prrecision in nfluenced by b fiber losss based on n d distributed d temperatu ure system m in cable monitoring m L LIU Qianqia an, WANG Wei, W ZHAO O Sen - WHV VRI Power Electric Sci ence and Technology T S Stock, Wuh han, Hubei province; p C hina C.7.3 R Research on o online temperature re monitorin ng method d for cable cconnectorr X XU Jun, SU U Wenqun - Power Grid d Inspection n & Mainten nance Comppany, SMEP PC ((Shanghai Municiple M Electrical E Po ower Compa any), shang ghai; China C.7.4 The necess sity analys sis of distrib buted fiberr-optic temperature m monitoring by Xiamen n p power cablle alarm ca ase study Y YAN Youxia ang, SU Xueyuan - Xia amen power Ultility, Xia amen, Fujiaan; China X XIAO Chua anqiang - SINDIA, Beiji ng; China C.7.5 L Low loss micro m grid L Lars EFRAIIMSSON, Jo ohan ÅHMA AN, Thomas s CARLQVIST - Ericssson AB, Falu un; Sweden n C.7.6 N New characterization n and desig gn of power cables sy ystems JJosu OREL LLA, Jesus BESTEIRO B O, Virginia MACIAS M - IB BERDROLA A, Bilbao; Sp pain Page 36 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON E.7.1 Cable Systems and d Testing Tuesday Ju une 21st,, 2011 - 16:30 - 18:15 Room E: Poster Session n Chairman : John R. DENSLEY D - ArborLec S Solutions In nc. (Canada a) Rapporteur : Jérôme MATALLA ANA - Nexan ns (France)) E.7.1.1 e Y-branch h joints in TEPCO T The application of the W WATANABE Kensuke,, AIHARA Y Yasuhiko, TSUCHIYA Shinichi S - Tookyo Electric Power C Company, Chiyoda-ku C , Tokyo; Ja pan E.7.1.2 E Environme entally soun nd lead-fre ee insulatio on materiall for mediu um voltage energy c cables A Amalendu SARKAR, S John T. SMI TH, III - Ge eneral Cable e Corporatioon, Indianapolis, IIndiana; Un nited States E.7.1.3 D Distribution of peroxiide by-prod ducts alon ng degassed XLPE HV V cables C Christian AN NDERSSON - Ericsso n AB, Falun n; Sweden M Martin JAKO OBSSON, Annika A SME EDBERG, Jan-Ove J BO OSTRÖM - B B, Borealis AB S Stenungsun nd; Sweden n E.7.1.4 X XLPE for medium m and d high volttage cables s insulation n: Determin nation of organic o p peroxide's decompos sition prod ducts by the e most suitable analyysis A Alfredo DEF FRANCISCI, Sandra G GRIMALDI, Edwin-Jeofffrey COUR RTIAL - ARK KEMA C Centre de Recherche R Rhône-Alpe R es, Pierre-B Bénite; France E.7.1.5 P Prototype for detectio on of delam minations in i the shea ath system of high vo oltage p power cablles using ultrasonic u d diagnosis G Gregor BRA AMMER, Arrmin SCHN ETTLER - Institute I for high voltagge technolog gies, A Aachen; Ge ermany E.7.1.6 P Photoacou ustics: An approach a ffor online process p control of deegassing XL LPE iinsulated high h voltag ge cables H Hans BETT TERMANN, Thomas G RETHE - Heinrich-Heine-universitty of Duess seldorf, D Duesseldorrf; Germany y A Anika BOSS SE, Volker WASCHK - nkt cables GmbH, Köln; Germanny E.7.1.7 The researrch on XLP PE cable ins sulation ba ased on gro ound curreent method d on-line m monitoring g technique e G GU yonggang, ZHONG G Pengjiao - WHVRI Po ower Electriic Science aand Techno ology Stock,, W Wuhan, Hubei province e; China W WANG Weii - State Grid d Electric P Power Resea arch Institutte, Wuhan, Hubei prov vince; China a E.7.1.8 A versatile e system fo or electricall treeing te ests under AC and DC C stress us sing wire e electrodes s A Anette JOH HANSSON, Stanislaw G GUBANSKI, Markus JA ARVID, Matts ANDERS SSON C Chalmers University U off Technolog gy, Gothenb burg; Swede en B Björn SONE ERUD - Nex xans Norwa ay AS, Hald den; Norway y V Villgot ENG GLUND - Bo orealis AB, S Stenungsun nd; Sweden A Andreas FA ARKAS - AB BB AB, Karllskrona; Sw weden Page 37 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance E.7.1.9 E Experimen ntal study on o detectio on equivale ence of parrtial discharrge at dam mped AC v voltages an nd 50 Hz AC A voltages s in 110 kV V XLPE pow wer cables X XIA Rong, ZHAO Z Jiank kang - State e Grid Electtric Power Research R Innstitute, Wuhan, Hubei p province; China C E Edward GU ULSKI - Delfft Universityy of Technology, Delft; The Netherrlands E.7.1.10 P Partial disc charge testt and disas ssembly an nalyze of ca able termin nation in H Huanghoudian, Beijin ng Z ZHAO Yu, LI L Huachun, HUANG H Heming, XU UE Qiang - Power P Cabl e Company y of Beijing E Electric Pow wer Corpora ation, Beijin ng; China JJIANG Xiao oying - BeiJing Electricc Power Cab ble Compan ny, Beijing; China E.7.1.11 P Power freq quency mag gnetic field d test and analyse a of HV cables in tunnel L LI Huachun n, WANG Li, LIU Hao - BeiJing Ele ectric Power Cable Com mpany, Beijing; China G GUO Jianfu u, ZHANG Wenxin W - Be eiJing Electrric Power Cable C Comppany, Beijing g; China E.7.1.12 N Negative k-factor k setting for po ower cables s explained d via sequeence imped dance m measurements W Wernich DE E VILLIERS S, Ulrich KLA APPER - Omicron, Kla aus, Vorarlbberg; Austria a E.7.1.13 V Various ca able terminal defect ty ypes and environmen e ntal factorss impact on n the rresults of PD P test T TU Na, WA ANG Wei - WHVRI W Pow wer Electric Science an nd Technoloogy Stock, Wuhan, W H Hubei province; China E.7.1.14 F Frequency y characteri ristics of pa artial disch harges in MV M extruded d cables us sing n non-conve entional sen nsors L LEE Young-jo, KIM Jong-yeol, SE EO In-jin, KO OO Ja-yoon n - Hanyangg University y, Ansan, G Gyeong-Gi;; Korea JJEONG Jae e-cheol, KIM M Jeong-tae e - Daejin University, U Phochon, P Gyyeong-Gi; Korea K E.7.1.15 P PD monitoring system m of HV ca able M Miguel Ángel SÁNCHE EZ URÁN, F Fernando GARNACHO G O VECINO, Javier ORT TEGO, JJorge MOR RENO, Fernando ÁLVA AREZ, Osca ar PERPIÑA AN - Polytecchnik Unive ersity of M Madrid, Madrid; Spain JJulio GONZ ZALO GARC CÍA, José Lu uis VALLEJ JO DIEZ - GasNatural G F Fenosa, Ma adrid; Spain n E.7.1.16 U Using afterr installatio on commis ssioning tes sts to assu ure power ccable syste ems meet m manufactu urers' stand dards S Stefaan JES SPERS - Cegelec, Bru ussels; Belg gium M Massimo VA ANOSSI - Foster F Whe eler Italiana a, Corsico, Milan; M Italy M Marco GRE EEN - IMCO ORP, Rendssburg; Germ many B Benjamin LANZ - IMCO ORP, Mancchester, Con nnecticut; United U Statees Page 38 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON E.7.2 HV and E EHV Cable e Systems and Desig gn Tuesday Ju une 21st,, 2011 - 16:30 - 18:15 Room E: Poster Session n Chairman : Kieron LE EEBURN - CBI-electric C c: African Cables Ltd (S South Africaa) Rapporteur : Raymon nd PETRUS S - Silec Ca able (Genera al Cable) (F France) E.7.2.1 S Silicone te echnology for f reliable e performan nce of jointts and term minations for f high v voltage polymer pow wer cables R Ruben VOG GELSANG, Hansjörg G GRAMESPA ACHER - Brrugg Cabless, Brugg; Sw witzerland H Hans-Jörg WINTER, W Martin M GRUN NWALD - Wacker W Che emie AG, Brrughausen; Germany E.7.2.2 IImproving surface sm moothness s of semi co onductive shields s byy blending ethylene e c copolymerrs L Laurent GE ERVAT, Séb bastien QUIINEBECHE - ARKEMA A, Serquignyy; France O Oliver HISS SMANN - OCS, Witten;; Germany E.7.2.3 IInfluence of o voids within electriic fields in HVDC cab bles S Sebastián GUTIERRE G Z, Sancho IÑAKI, Luis s FONTAN, Jose MALU UMBRES - CEIT and T Tecnun (Un niversity of Navarra), N S San Sebastiá án, Gipuzko oa; Spain E.7.2.4 IInvestigatiion of the liife curve fo or high volttage cable insulation n M Mikhail Y. SHUVALOV S V, Vladimir L L. OVSIENK KO - Russia an Cable Sccientific Res search and D Developme ent Institute (VNIIKP), M Moscow; Ru ussia E.7.2.5 S Selection research r off protection n earthing set-up of HV H cable Z ZHOU Li, ZHOU Z Zhich heng - Jiang gsu Electric Power Res search Instittute Corporration LTD, N Nanjing, Jia angsu; Chin na JJI Wenlu - Nanjing N Pow wer Supply Company, Nanjing, Jia angsu; Chinna E.7.2.6 The investi tigation and d applicatio on of multii-state mon nitoring sysstem to hig gh voltage c cables and d tunnels Z ZHOU Zuocchun, ZHAN NG Yanyan - Beijing Ellectric Test and Reseaarch Institute e, Beijing; C China C CONG Gua ang - BeiJing Electric P Power Cable e Company, Beijing; C hina W WANG Li, XUE X Qiang,, LI Huachu un - Power Cable C Comp pany of Beijjing Electric c Power C Corporation n, Beijing; China C Z ZHANG We enxin - Beijing Power E Engineering g Company, Beijing; Chhina E.7.2.7 A AC withsta and voltage e test of 34 45 kV cable e system K KIM Jae-se eung, MIN Byeong-woo B ok, KIM Tai--young - KE EPCO, Seouul; Korea E.7.2.8 V Voltage sta abilizers fo or XLPE cab ble insulattion T Thomas HJJERTBERG, Villgot EN NGLUND - Borealis B AB, Stenungsuund; Swede en E.7.2.9 D Developme ent and con nstruction of 345 kV Power-Opttical Fiber C Composite e XLPE 2 2500 mm2 with prefab bricated jo oints ol, LEE Koa Y YOON Hyung-hee, PA AIK Nam-yeo an-seong, KIM K Soo-hw wan, OH Jon ng-ok, LEE S Seung-hyun n - Korea Electric Powe er Corporattion (KEPCO O), Seoul; K Korea E.7.2.10 S Study and application n of cable n network op peration monitoring ssystem in Beijing B W WANG Li, LI L Huachun, XUE Qian ng - BeiJing Electric Po ower Cable C Company, Beijing; C China Z ZHOU Zuocchun, CONG G Guang - BeiJing Ele ectric Powerr Cable Com mpany, Beijing; China Page 39 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance E.7.2.11 H High tempe erature siliicone elasttomers for rolling stock cables B Bernard DA ALBE - Nexa ans Researrch Center, Lyon; France E.7.2.12 E Electrical, thermal an nd thermo-m mechanica al design of MV XLPE E cables R Rohini BHA ATTACHARYYA - Duba ai Cable Co ompany Pvt. Ltd. (Ducaab), Dubai; UAE E.7.2.13 S Study of 50 00 kV cable e terminal iinsulation structure W WANG Weii, ZHAO Sen, LI Zhong gqun - State e Grid Electric Power R Research In nstitute, W Wuhan, Hubei province e; China W WANG Xixing - WHVR RI Power Ele ectric Scien nce and Tec chnology Sttock, Wuhan n, Hubei p province; China C E.7.2.14 M Multicondu uctor cell analysis a off shunt com mpensated cable liness R Roberto BE ENATO - Un niversity of P Padova, Pa adova; Italy E.7.2.15 O Optimal de esign for po ower cable e metal she eath voltage compenssation deviice W WANG Gua angming, ZH HANG Xing g, WANF Do onghai, WANG Chunniing - Nanjing Power S Supply Com mpany, Nan njing, Jiangssu; China M MA Hongzh hong - HoHa ai Universityy, Nanjing, Jiangsu; Ch hina E.7.2.16 S Sequence impedance e computattion by me eans of mullticonducto or method R Roberto BE ENATO, Lea andro CACI OLLI, Ernesto ZACCO ONE - Prysm mian Powerrlink, Milan; IItaly E.7.2.17 IImplementtation of ca able models s for studie es of comp patibility off electric co omponents s iin wind farrms A Andrzej HO OLDYK, Joachim HOLB BOELL - Tec chnical Univ versity of Deenmark, Department off E Electrical Engineering, Kongens L Lyngby; Den nmark E.7.2.18 P Performance tests on n large con nductors co onnectors F François GA AHUNGU, Pierre P MIRE EBEAU - Ne exans, Cala ais; France P Pascal STR REIT - Nexa ans, Cosson nay; Switzerland E.7.2.19 P Performance analysis s of optica al fiber com mposite low w-voltage ca cable Z ZHANG Ye, CHEN xi, ZHAO dapiing, QI Liya an, HOU Jiyong, LIU Haao, WANG Peng, AN H Huirong, WA ANG Shulin ng, JIA Meij ian, XU Gaoxiong, FEN NG Xuebin - China Ele ectric Powerr R Research In nstitute, Beijing, Haidia an; China E.7.2.20 E EMF mitiga ation using g steel pipe es : Effect on o cable th hermal ratin ng T Thierry BOU UCHER, Érric DORISO ON - EDF R& &D, Moret-s sur-Loing; F France E.7.2.21 P P-Laser: 10 0.000 km of o installed cables bas sed on a worldwide w n new techno ology S Sergio BEL LLI, Gabriele e PEREGO , Luigi CAIM MI, Alberto BAREGGI, Vincenzo CRISCI, C G Giovanni PO OZZATI, Sttefano FRA NCHI, Marc co ALBERT TINI, Fabriziio DONAZZ ZI, Ernesto Z ZACCONE,, Agusti VALLS - Prysm mian S.p.A., Milan; Italy y Page 40 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON A.8 Testing m methods - Factory and a after la aying testts Wednesdayy June 22nd, 2011 - 9:00 - 10:30 Room A Chairman : Dirk RITT TINGHAUS - Energyca ableconsult (Germany) Rapporteur : Bernard d DHUICQ - Silec Cabl e (General Cable) (Fra ance) A.8.1 A measurin ng system of conduc ctor AC and d DC resisttance K Karl-Erik RY YDLER - SP P Technica l Research Institute of Sweden, B Boras; Swed den M Mats SJOB BERG, Jorge en SVAHN - ABB AB, Karlskrona;; Sweden A.8.2 A Advanced measurem ment of AC resistance e on skin-efffect reducced large co onductor p power cablles G Gero SCHR ROEDER, Johannes KA AUMANNS S - Suedkabel GmbH, M Mannheim; Germany R Ronald PLA ATH - Ing.-B Büro HPS B Berlin, Berlin n; Germany y A.8.3 N New generration of on n-site testin ng technollogy for transmission n power cab bles R Rogier JON NGEN, Paul SEITZ, Be en QUAK - Seitz S Instrum ments AG, Niederrohrd dorf; S Switzerland d F Frank De VRIES V - Lian ndon BV, Allkmaar; The e Netherlands P Piotr CICHE ECKI - Delftt University of Technology, Delft; The T Netherrlands A.8.4 A new approach for testing t long g HV and UHV U cables s P Peter MOHAUPT, Tob bias MEHL - Mohaupt High H Voltage GmbH, M Mieders; Aus stria A.8.5 A Alternative es for HVAC C testing o of long HV cables c in th he factory and on-sitte F Frank SCHREITER, Sttefan SCHIE ERIG, Pete er COORS - HIGHVOLT T Prüftechn nik Dresden n G GmbH, Dre esden, Saxo ony; Germa ny A.8.6 E Effectivene ess of varia able freque ency reson nant method for after--laying testt on high v voltage exttruded cab ble Z ZHAO Jiankkang, OUYA ANG Benho ong, RAO Wenbin, W LI Wenjie, W XIA A Rong - Sta ate Grid E Electric Pow wer Researrch Institute , Wuhan, Hubei H province; China Page 41 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON B.8 Partial discharges and diagn nostics (1 ) Wednesdayy June 22nd, 2011 - 9:00 - 10:30 Room B Chairman : Ronald PLATH - Ing.-Büro HPS S (Germany y) Rapporteur : Minh Ng guyen TUA AN - EDF R& &D (France) B.8.1 E Evaluation n of PD mea asurements s on MV ca able system ms by mean ns of a web b database e F Frank PETZ ZOLD - Seb baKMT Gmb bH, Baunac ch; Germany S Steffen BÖT TTCHER - FSG GmbH H, Freital; Germany G B.8.2 IIntelligent DTS and PD P monitori ring system m for underrground disstribution network n K KIM Juyong g, CHO Jintae, SONG Ilkeun, LEE E Jae-bong - KEPCO, D Daejeon; Ko orea C CHOI Taesik - LS Cab ble Ltd, Anya ang; Korea B.8.3 C Compariso on of differrent method dologies to o assess th he lifetime o of cable JJean Christtophe GARD D, Karine B BIC, Bernard d POISSON N - Silec Cabble (Genera al Cable), M Montereau; France - General C F Francisco ESPINOSA E Cable, Manllleu, Barcelona; Spain B.8.4 O Optical PD D detection in stress c cones of HV cable acc cessories M Markus HABEL, Klaus VATERRO ODT, Gerd HEIDMANN H N - IPH - Insstitut "Pruefffeld fuer e elektrische Hochleistun ngstechnik"" GmbH, Be erlin; Germa any W Wolfgang HABEL H - Bundesanstaltt fuer Materrialforschung und -prueefung, Berlin n; Germanyy R Ruben VOG GELSANG, Werner WE EISSENBER RG, Oldrich h SEKULA - Brugg Cab bles, Brugg;; S Switzerland d D Daniel PEP PPER - Beutth Hochsch hule fuer Technik, Berlin; Germanyy R Ronald PLA ATH - HPS Berlin, Berl in; German ny H Harald EMA ANUEL - Om micron, Kla us, Vorarlbe erg; Austria a B.8.5 P PD monitoring of 132 2 kV XLPE c cable outd door termin nations: Praactical exp perience V Valentinas DUBICKAS S, Andreas D DERNFALK K - STRI AB B, Ludvika; S Sweden B.8.6 C Critical rev view of thre ee capacito or model fo or PD estimation in miicro-voids of o polymerr iinsulated cables c L Luigi TESTA A - Techimp p, Bologna;; Italy A Andrea CAV VALLINI, Gian Carlo M MONTANAR RI - University of Bolog na, Bologna a; Italy Page 42 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON C.8 Cable ratting - Gene eral Wednesdayy June 22nd, 2011 - 9:00 - 10:30 Room C Chairman : Robert RO OSEVEAR - Southamp pton Dielec ctric Consulttant Ltd. (UK K) Rapporteur : Frédéric c LESUR - RTE (Francce) C.8.1 F Factors afffecting the optimal ca able placem ment in duc ct banks orr casings for f best a ampacity or o power W Wael MOUT TASSEM - University o of Toronto, Toronto, On ntario; Canaada G George ANDERS - Kin nectrics Inc.., Toronto, Ontario; O Canada C.8.2 F Finite elem ment analys sis of SIWO O-KUL (trad de mark) ca ables S Sandrine FR RANÇOIS - Nexans Re esearch Ce enter, Lyon; France F François CO OCHET - Nexans Suissse SA, Corrtaillod; Swittzerland B Bruno WEID DER - Nexa ans Schweizz AG, Breite enbach; Sw witzerland C.8.3 C Current ratting of cables installe ed in deep or ventilate ed tunnelss É Éric DORIS SON - Électrricité de Fra ance, Morett-sur-Loing; France G George ANDERS - Kin nectrics Inc.., Toronto, Ontario; O Canada C.8.4 R Reduction in current carrying c capacity du ue to cables s crossing g M Mohamed CHAABAN, C Jean LEDU UC - Institutt de recherc che d'Hydroo-Québec (IREQ), V Varennes, Québec; Q Ca anada C.8.5 R Research on o ampacitty testing ffor middle-voltage cro oss-linked polyethyle ene (XLPE) c cable C CAI Chenglliang, WANG Yongqin - Hubei Ele ectric Powerr Testing annd Research Institute, W Wuhan, Hubei province e; China C.8.6 R Research of o upgradin ng ampacitty for high voltage XL LPE powerr cable F FAN Youbin ng, ZHAO Jiankang, J LIIU Songhua a, MENG Sh haoxin, RAO O Wenbin - State Grid E Electric Pow wer Researrch Institute , Wuhan, Hubei H province; China Page 43 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON A.9 Testing m methods - Qualificattion and Q Qualification extens sion Wednesdayy June 22nd, 2011 - 11:00 - 12:30 Room A Chairman : Willem BO OONE - Kema Nederla and BV (The Nederlands) Rapporteur : Jonatha an BENETE EAU - RTE - CNER (Frrance) A.9.1 Working ou ut extensio on of qualiffication pro ocedures for f HV and VHV cable e systems P Pierre HON NDAA - RTE E, Paris; Fra ance É Éric DORIS SON - EDF R&D, More t-sur-Loing; France A.9.2 R Results of robustnes ss test on m medium voltage joints s C Christophe TOURCHE ER, Christop phe MOREA AU - EDF R&D, R Moret--sur-Loing; France R Roger TAM MBRUN - ER RDF, Paris L La Défense e; France A.9.3 Tests of ou uter protec ction for bu uried joints s, experienc ce and reco ommendattion E Edwin PULT TRUM, Pietter KUIJPE RS, Wouter SLOOT - KEMA, Arn hem; The Netherlands N s A.9.4 D Developme ent of techn nology and d equipmen nt of PQ te est for 500 kkV XLPE cable s systems Y YANG Liming, XU Linh hua, MENG G Shaoxin, XIA X Rong - State S Grid E Electric Pow wer R Research In nstitute, Wu uhan, Hube i province; China C Y YANG Rong gkai, HOU Junping J -Q Quality Inspe ection and Test T Centerr for Equipm ment of E Electric Pow wer, Wuhan n, Hubei pro ovince; Chin na A.9.5 H HV cable qualification q n for IEC 6 62067-2006 and ICEA S-108-720--2004 C Caryn RILE EY, Raymon nd C. HILL, Nigel R. HA AMPTON - NEETRAC , Atlanta, GA; G United S States A.9.6 S Special heat cycle vo oltage test of 275 kV XLPE X cable e system B Bernardo DAVID, D Nico ola MOFFA, John McCORMACK, Peter BUTT TERFIELD--ROSSI alia; Austra E Electranet, Adelaide, South S Austra alia K KIM Jeong hyun - Taih han Electric Co, Seoul; Korea H HEO Hoi-de eok - LS Ca able Ltd, Gu umi, Gyeong gbuk; Korea a G George BUCEA - Cons sultant, Syd dney; Austra alia H Hans MAYE ER - Consultant, Melbo ourne, Victo oria; Australlia H Henry KENT - Energy Action, Syd dney; Austra alia Page 44 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON B.9 Partial discharges and diagn nostics (2 ) Wednesdayy June 22nd, 2011 - 11:00 - 12:30 Room B Chairman : Shoshi KA ATAKAI - J-Powers J Syystems Co.. (Japan) Rapporteur : Alain TO OUREILLE - Montpellie er Universitty (France) B.9.1 C Continuou us PD moniitoring of H HV XLPE ca able lines W Wojciech KOLTUNOW WICZ, Alija O OBRALIC, Alexander A BELKOV, B Di etmar GISE ELBRECHT T - Omicron Electronics, E Klaus, Vora arlberg; Austria B.9.2 The need for f smart diagnostics d s in future smart s grids s - A practiical example for MV c cables P Peter Van der d WIELEN N - KEMA N Nederland BV, B Arnhem; The Netheerlands F Fred STEENNIS - Eind dhoven Univversity of Technology, Eindhoven ; The Nethe erlands D Denny HAR RMSEN - Alliander N.V V., Arnhem; The Netherrlands D Danny GEL LDTMEIJER R - Enexis B B.V., Rosma alen; The Netherlands B.9.3 O On-line parrtial discha arge monittoring for MV M cables with w SCG - Practical e experience es in the pe eriod 2007 to 2010 - KEMA, Arnhem; F Fred STEENNIS, Ad KERSTENS K A The e Netherlan ds T Theo Van RIJN, R Piet SOEPBOER S R - Allianderr, Arnhem; The T Netherlrlands JJan MOSTE ERD, Leon BOKMA - W Westland In nfra, Poeldijk k; The Nethherlands A Alfred ARTS S - Enexis, Arnhem; Th he Netherla ands N Nico Van DONK, D Branko CARLI - Stedin, Ro otterdam; Th he Netherlaands B.9.4 The thermo o mechanic cal behavio or of joints s in MV cab ble systemss exposed to high c current loa ads F Fred STEENNIS - KEM MA, Arnhem m; The Neth herlands P Piet SOEPB BOER - Ene exis, Arnhe m; The Nettherlands JJan MOSTE ERD - Allian nder, Arnhe em; The Nettherlands P Peter BUYS S - Stedin, Rotterdam; R The Netherrlands P Piet OOSTE ERLEE - DE ELTA Netw werkbedrijf, Middelburg; M ; The Netheerlands L Leon BOKM MA - Westla and Infra, Po oeldijk; The e Netherland ds R Ralf MEIER R - Lovink Enertech, Te erborg; The Netherland ds B.9.5 O On-line PD D spot testin ng and con ntinuous monitoring m vice power cables for in servi Technique es and field d experienc ces M Malcolm SE ELTZER-GR RANT, Lee RENFORT TH, Ross MA ACKINLAY - HVPD Ltd d, M Manchesterr, Connectic cut; United Kingdom D Denis DENISOV, Hube ert SCHLAP PP, Frank PETZOLD P - SebaKMT, Baunach; Germany B.9.6 S Sensitivity y assessme ent for field d PD measu urements for f HV and EHV cable e a accessorie es via laborratory tests s M Mark FENG GER - Kinec ctrics Inc., T Toronto, Ontario; Canada JJody LEVIN NE - HydroO One Networrks, Toronto o, Ontario; Canada C Page 45 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON C.9 Dynamic cable ratiing Wednesdayy June 22nd, 2011 - 11:00 - 12:30 Room C Chairman : Frank DE E WILD - Ke ema (The Ne etherlands)) Rapporteur : Olivier MOREAU M - EDF CIST (France) C.9.1 S Statistical feedback approach a in n cyclic rating factor sizing IIrina GARZULINO, Nic colas POUP PARDIN, An nne CHAUV VANCY, Fréédéric LESU UR, Xavier R ROLLAND--NEVIERE - RTE, Pariss; France C.9.2 D Dynamic ra ating of tra ansmission n cables E Erik JACOB BSEN, Jona as Fabriciuss NIELSEN, Steen Beck NIELSEN N - SEAS-NV VE Holding,, H Haslev; Den nmark S Sven SALW WIN - nkt ca ables A/S, C Copenhagen n; Denmark K Karl-Heinz COHNEN, Andreas A MO OHRS - nktt cables Gm mbH, Köln; G Germany C.9.3 O Online amp pacity dete ermination of a 220 kV V cable usiing an optiical fibre ba ased m monitoring g system M Michael SC CHMALE - TenneT T TSO O GmbH, Bayreuth; Ge ermany R Ralf PUFFE ER - RWTH Aachen Un niversity, Aa achen; Germ many U Ulrich GLOMBITZA - OSSCAD O G mbH & Co. KG, Bergis sch Gladbacch; German ny H Henrik HOF FF - AP Sen nsing GmbH H, Boeblingen; German ny C.9.4 F Feasibility study repo ort on dyna amic cable e rating sys stem retrofi fitted to the e existing 138 kV XLP PE cable sy ystem IIGI Tsuyosh hi, KOMEDA A Hidehiko - J-Power Systems S Co orporation, Hitachi, Iba araki; Japan n M MASHIO Sh hoji - J-Pow wer Systemss Corporatio on, Tokyo; Japan J JJade WONG G, Arnold WONG W - Co nEdison, New York, NY; United S States C.9.5 R Real time load l optimiisation of c cable based transmis ssion gridss R Rasmus Scchmidt OLSEN, Unnur Stella GUD DMUNDSDÓ ÓTTIR -, Fredericia; D Denmark JJoachim HO OLBOELL - Technical University of o Denmark, Kongens LLyngby; De enmark C.9.6 IImpact of moisture m migration m on n the curre ent rating of o high opeerating temperature c cables JJames PILG GRIM, David SWAFFIE ELD, Paul LEWIN L - University of S Southampto on, S Southampto on; United Kingdom K S Steve SWIN NGLER - So outhampton n Dielectric Consultants s, Southam mpton; United Kingdom F Francis WA AITE, David PAYNE - N National Grid, Warwick; United Kinngdom Page 46 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON E.9 Young Re esearcherr Contest Wednesdayy June 22nd, 2011 - 11:00 - 12:30 Room E: Poster Session n Chairman : Nouredine HADJ-SA AID - Greno oble INP (Frrance) Rapporteur : Jérôme HERRÉRO OS - RTE (F France) E.9.1 T The program m of this Po oster Sessio on which wiill contain th he papers frrom the You ung R Researcherrs will be pu ublished late er. Page 47 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON A.10 Testing m methods - On line te esting Wednesdayy June 22nd, 2011 - 14:30 - 16:00 Room A Chairman : Antony FA ALCONER R - Aberdare e Cables (South Africa)) Rapporteur : Laurent BENARD - Prysmian Câbles et Systèmes S (F France) A.10.1 IInvestigatiion on the technologi t ies for defe ect localiza ation and ch haracteriza ation on m medium vo oltage unde erground liines G Gonzalo MA AIZ - Iberdrrola Distribu ución, Bilbao o; Spain A Armando RODRIGO R - Instituto Te ecnológico de d la Energía, Paternaa; Spain P Pedro LLOV VERA-SEG GOVIA - Insttituto de Tecnología Eléctrica - Unniversidad Politécnica P d de Valencia a, Valencia; Spain L Lluis SALES S - Prysmia an Cables y Sistemas, Barcelona; Spain X Xavier BALZA - Generral Cable, B Barcelona; Spain S A.10.2 F First practiical utility implement i tations of monitored m withstand w d diagnostic cs in the U USA C Chris FLET TCHER - Du uke Energy, Charlotte, NC; United States N Nigel HAMP PTON, Josh hua PERKE EL - NEETR RAC, Atlanta a, GA; Uniteed States JJean Carloss HERNANDEZ - Unive ersidad de Los Andes,, Mérida, Méérida; Vene ezuela JJeff HESSE E - Duke En nergy, Cinci nnatti, OH; United Stattes M Mike PEAR RMAN - Geo orgia Powerr, Atlanta, GA; G United States S T Tim WALL - Alabama Power, P Birm mingham, AL; A United States S W Walter ZEN NGER - Pac cific Gas & E Electric, San n Francisco o, CA; Uniteed States A.10.3 A new testting method d of LV und derground d cable insu ulation JJanislaw TA ARNOWSKI, Jacques C CÔTÉ, And dré GAUDR REAU, Pierree GINGRAS S, Mircea IIORDANES SCU - Hydro o-Québec, V Varennes, Québec; Q Ca anada A.10.4 IIntegral cable conditiion assess sment for th he complette networkk A Alexander GERSTNER G R - Baur Prü üf - und Messtechnik, Sulz; S Austri a A.10.5 E Effect of su upply volta age frequen ncy on testting mediu um voltage cable in th he grid F Fabrice ZORZI, Thierry y ESPILIT - EDF R&D,, Moret-sur--Loing; Frannce R Roger TAM MBRUN - ER RDF Directio on Réseau,, Paris La Défense; D Fraance A.10.6 O On-line scrreening of MV cable n network grrid through h partial disscharge m measurements M Marco TOZ ZZI, Andrea CAVALLIN NI, Gian Carrlo MONTAN NARI - Techhimp HQ srrl, bologna; IItaly Page 48 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables 8th Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON B.10 Design Wednesdayy June 22nd, 2011 - 14:30 - 16:00 Room B Chairman : Candelario SALDIVA AR - Viakon n Conducto ores Monterrey (Mexicoo) Rapporteur : José SA ANTANA - Prysmian P C Câbles et Sy ystèmes (France) B.10.1 S Selecting the t optimiz zed conduc ctor design n Delft; The Netherlands R Riccardo BO ODEGA, He enk GEENE E, Jos Van ROSSUM R - Prysmian, D N s R Ron Van de en THILLAR RD - TenneT T, Arnhem; The Netherlands JJacco SMIT T - Liandon,, Alkmaar; T The Netherllands M Mark Van VLIET V - Joulz, Rotterda am; The Netherlands B.10.2 IInvestigatiions into th he design o of EMF mitiigation techniques M Matthieu CA ABAU, Nadja MARAZA ANOF, Fréd déric LESUR R, Nathalie BOUDINET T, Anne C CHAUVANC CY, Rémi VATONNE V - RTE, Paris s; France B.10.3 D Developme ent of cold--shrink HV VCA in regard to the crritical set o of physical properties s IIvan JOVAN NOVIC, Mila an UZELAC C - G&W Ele ectric Company, Blue Issland, IL; Un nited Statess B.10.4 E Evolution in i method and perforrmance forr bonding th he metal sccreen of UG HV p power cablle U, Pascal STREIT D David DUBOIS, Pierre MIREBEAU S - Ne exans, Calaais; France N NN NN - Silec Cable (G General Ca able), Monte ereau; Franc ce M MM MM - Prysmian, P Sens; France e X XX XX - RT TE, Paris; France Y YY YY - Éle ectricité de France, Pa ris; France B.10.5 S Special bonding and earthing o of cables fo or a 230 kV V three phasse system with four c cables M Márcio COE ELHO - Proc cable Energ gia e Teleco omunicaçõe es SA, Diadeema, Sao Paulo; P Brazill G Geraldo AL LMEIDA - Te echsys Teccnologia e Sistemas S S/C C Ltda, Sannto André, Sao S Paulo; B Brazil L Luiz ZANET TTA - Unive ersity of Sao o Paolo - US SP, Sao Pa aolo; Brazil B.10.6 S Special sheath bondiing system m for HVAC C cables H Heinrich BR RAKELMAN NN, Tao DO ONG - Unive ersity Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg; Germany G V Volker WAS SCHK - nkt cables Gm bH, Köln; Germany G Page 49 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON C.10 Cable ins stallation - General Wednesdayy June 22nd, 2011 - 14:30 - 16:00 Room C Chairman : Hans A. MAYER M - Consultant (A Australia) Rapporteur : Jean-Lo ouis RAUD - Consultan nt - SERCE E (France) C.10.1 IInvestigatiion into the e benefits o of installing g high operating temp perature ca ables in ttunnels JJames PILG GRIM, David SWAFFIE ELD, Paul LEWIN L - University of S Southampto on, S Southampto on; United Kingdom K S Steve SWIN NGLER - So outhampton n Dielectric Consultants s, Southam mpton; United Kingdom F Francis WA AITE, David PAYNE - N National Grid, Warwick; United Kinngdom C.10.2 A new back kfill materiial with an extremely high therm mal conducctivity H Heinrich BR RAKELMAN NN, Joerg S STAMMEN - University Duisburg-E Essen, Duis sburg; G Germany JJoerg DIET TRICH - HeidelbergCem ment Geote echnik, Ennigerloh; Gerrmany R Raymund BÖING B - He eidelberg Be eton, Heidellberg; Germ many H Hans-Peterr MAY - nkt cables Gm bH, Köln; Germany G C.10.3 B Backfill rep placement saves und derground transmissi t ion lines co ost and pos stpones iinvestments G Geraldo de ALMEIDA, Luis ZANE ETTA - Univ versity of Sa ao Paolo - U USP, Sao Paolo; Brazill A Athayde MA ACEDO, Ca arla DAMAS SCENO - Ligth SESA, Rio de Janeeiro; Brazil C.10.4 IImproved cooling c of high h voltag ge cables H Herbert NYFFENEGGER, Detlef W WALD - Bru ugg Kabel AG, A Brugg; Switzerland d H Harry ORTO ON - Orton Internationa al Consultin ng, Vancouv ver, BC; Caanada C.10.5 H Hybrid high h capacity transmiss sion circuitts - Challen nges for cab bles in serries with E EHV overh head lines G Glenn STAP PLETON - Powerlink P Q Queensland d, Virginia, Queensland Q d; Australia S Simon LLOYD - Cable Consulting g Internation nal, Kent, WA; W United K Kingdom Page 50 off 51 Jicable’111 – Internatioonal Conferencce on Insulateed Power Cablles – Paris-Veersailles June 19-23, 2011 8th h Internation nal Conferen nce on Insu ulated Powe er Cables Back to Conference at a glance SESSIO ON A.11 Closing S Session Wednesdayy June 22nd, 2011 - 16:30 - 18:00 Room A The closing g session will w present two t parts: ‐ Round d table : Sta ate of the art a and futu ure prospec cts of HVDC links by power insu ulated cables. ‐ Jicable e’11 Award and closing g of the con nference. 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