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SSndor CSOKE The Sumerian and Unal-Altaic elements in the Old $lavic languaEe 1979 9py:t g!J_!v : <ONOSI CSCIMA SANtfOtrt tor'benelrni tArsasag * histoniscl-re gesellscl-raft e.v. * histonical 60crety nubinstn rz aoo(] munchen so (genrnany) I telefon: rosgt r50 45 84 TABI,E OF CONTENTS Prcfacc ttord Stmcturc t Word Formatlon 5 Thc feasstlon Thc Formatlon The Formatlon Thc Vcrb I of Nouns of AdJectlves and AdJectlve Sufflxes of Advcrbs rtth $ufftxea Sufftx The Verbel Noun end lts Sufflx Feileral" Republlc of G E R M A lI Y 19a1ter R O T II Arcisgtraase 66.- BOOO Milncher-40 FebruaryL9T9 by COPY DRUCK 25 3h 36 hI+ of the Noun Sufflx thc Ptrsonel Pronoun Suffix Printed in the 18 27 Pronouns Thc Nunorals The Fonnatlon 5 48 59 Denonstratlve Pronoun Sufflxes 6L Thc AdJeetlve $ufflx end the Cornparlson of AdJeetives 6z thc Verb Suffk and lts 0omponcnts 66 The Verbal Nouns 7B Thc Preflxcs 84 Phonetlc Hlstory 86 The Vowclc 120 Epllogue Blbllography r32 L35 Ca6ka- Botoa IIILiFACU ItDerorlaLorlr' frol).rqrnda aqailsL Lhe !h:nrlri.ans has heen clrculating on e 1,rr-1e scale ln a hrrntlred years. The oriql.nators Lhe ltleslern i^Jorld ol for approxlnately t,hese attacks vrere the French and t,hc Csrchs, followed by bhe Rumanians, iigllr5 and also the iingllslr. fl.v thrir accrrs,itione , ttrey lnt,end Lo convince thc l,IesLern World that l,tt.- fiunqarl;rn n.lLion i.n Lhe Carpat,hian lJasin and t,he lanube Valle,y is a. laLer irrLluder, a rrforej,'n body" anon6 rrations, who fot, a ririllennluni has only the faml1y of cg.used llurotr)ean troubl,e. Therefore, thcy l,ropose to arrnihil-at.e fhese people or, if this ls not posslble, to reduce their prwer bo a rnirlinuni ... Lhen lhere nould be peace ln thaL part of Llre continr:nt.rr Tibor l3arath, A Kulfoldi l,iagyarsag Ideofoqia I,iontreal, 1975 (p. Remarks f95 ) bv Sindor Cscjke on bhls quotatlon The Flnno-Ugric historians and linguicls ' In mui;llaLed Hungary (ihe annj-hilation and in the West ale dedi;;teal supporters oi thls Lrendl-n Hungary can be and-historlans ffngiists tnu of Hungary). The acts oi uho support the overlooked for understandable reisons, (OnI1r those Translator) Finno-Ugric tlreory are .ii""*A a chalr at the Unlversltles' such tendencLes cannot be but that the Western nf"nt-Ugtf" Ilngulsts havo is forcltg tf,; to bicorne the executioners of the natl-on?"' understood.'lrltro I wl1l dlsprovc In the follo,,ring pages, rlth undeniable evldence, Indo-European the of statenents llngulstlc the unsclentific historicil"ana Iinguists. The wrlLer of Lhls essay studl,:d from writton clocumolt:r tho larrguage call-ed rt01d sravicr whrch should actrrrr.ry be cal.leri rrOld Bulgarlanrr as lt was ln the 1est,. Accordlng to hlrtorlograpfu antl ltnqulstlcs" 1rr the nlnLh century A.D., a Slavlc people setCled ln the terrl.tory of ljalorrJk&, the northerrr part of present-day Greece. The languaqe of Lhese 3lavs les used b.v the Lwo chrlstlan mrsslonarles, cyrrl and ,ieLhod. rr or,rnr to spread Chrlstlanlty amon4 the peolrle. Llnlulsts exarrdned Lhe structure arr.l vocabular.y of this J"anguage and declared lC to be of Indo-Fluropean orlqin. The wrlter of thrs essay exanr-ned the struct,ure arrd vocabrrr;rrry of thls lan4uaiio and he carlo to the conclusion that Old llulsnrlan __ more recently rr0l-d Slavl-crt - Ls actually ln lts structure a rruri aAglutlnatlvo language and ?Ol or more of its vocabularly also hel.onrs t9:"j:itl{ ._l -agslutlnattve Langua,qes . For ny 6xartnatlon r urcd the cssaya of H.H. Blelferdt: Altslavlsche Gramatlk, publlshed br Haue/seerc, 196l-. rn the following pages, r present to thc readcr t'hc results of thir examlnatLon. r gt,ate from Lhe beglnnlng fhat thc language ihlch Ls eallcd old slavie hag l"etters whl-eh do not orlSlnatr fron thc Greck but rhteh are identlcal to the lcttaru of the 0opttc languagc" or cLsc thcy orLglnetc frrom the sarnc aouree lrom whleh the 0recks borr.owcd thcl-r arphabrt. Hcr€ r present the Koptl.e charaeterg and the Orerk charactera. It x111 not be dlfflculb for the reader to see the bruth. Characters of the Koptlc lengrragcr A- a B-b ['- g A- a e-c Z'" H 'e,3 0-ttt l 'lrJ X-r il-1 M-n \l- " Z- kerx o-x fl-p f-r T-t C.A.t)' C'"o Y - orrry t[ -'on Y- kh,ch p" Cd - B,? s V-r b,$ - n,", q 4 -^h 7 =h )L-; G - erk.J -"lt = tr -z- -3- Csokc-Botoe csSke-Botos Characters of the Greek languagcl O qa 'VI.-t< 6,5 t=e 8*a E =c 5=a" 2'e {r=n '9-n 'D=ii o 'I( € F Y*p" P=r nX=th L=I ) -r 1-r" -o -p -n -,t TIORD STNUCTURE =e T-r f-t X="tt Ld =o du=u The reader doos not need any speclallzed knorlcdgc to be ablc to co&pare the forms of the charactcrs of thesc languages. Hc w111 coac to the concluslon thnt the characters of the rr0ld $lavicrr languagg are cLoger to the Koptlc characterg than to the Greek. Fron thls fact xe nay drarr far-reachlng conclusions ... (Translatorrs Note: Fron tfuae to tlncrthe pronunciatlon of a Slavic rord ls indlcated. I have kept the authorrs transcriptlon, but would llke to polnt oui that the letter -J- ls to be pronounced as the Engltsh -y-. ) mltlng ayrtco of thc Old fllavle Language. cf. Blrlfeld| Op. Ctt. p.24 ?hc T-t oy-u 8-e FA.JA 6 -b B-t I-n t- D - Turktsh /t-d t-Q K-Js )tt - {/r" J'r Srdz H--r l(-h Jl-L [-[ H-n o-o fl-p P'r lo- Ju {'r E x-eh t(-e 4 - {/ea/ tll ' Y/a/ Y - &/ar/ fr = g/ nasal,/ tbl - ut b-l t-i fr.giA-{naaaL/ lil-JtrF-q /naaal/ t 'ke /uax/ f - pe/ pst/ '+ 'th .rg - urlrb c - d/sz/ ,.. I uto the latln lattcra in transcrlblnq, folJowlng the data of the quoted work, !o that cvcn thc non-ltngulstle speclallst may flnd tt casy to undcrstand the phonctLcs of the examined words. I have kept the orlginal forrns of only the capeelall,y unugual lctters, e.g. thc rrlttsn fonn: FplAj- elty the tranacrl.bed forn: grad% - clty -4- -5- Csoke-Botos rPa'4'b =grad? -c1ty lt0l(% = tok? = current (air or water) WORD FOTTMATIOI{ ptlla =falba =ftsh In the O1d I. Slavlc languagc therc was vowel harmony but llngulstlc sclence ls silent about this (for undorstandable reasons). eieUelOt (0p.Cil. p.2!) wrttes about the funportant characterlstics of vouel herrronyt rr 'Ihe opposltion of the back and front vowela ls of fundamental lnportance. The union of consonants wlth folLowing vowels ln Old Slavic follows certal,n rulcsi l-n fmnt of the vowels of bolh rows only certaLn consonants can etand. The laws of palatalizatlon are conditional on the dlfference bctween these tl,ro rows. The vowefs of both rows are lnterchangeable ln the inflexional endlngs and sufflxes; e.g. the dlfference between therrhafd add"x36ftil roots l-n the decllnationa ls connected to the dlffcrence betws:n the two rows Of vowelstr... That 1s a clear 1aw of vowel harmony Just as ln any agglutlnatlve languaqet For what reason ls llnguistic research slLeni on thls lmportant Ianguage characterlstic? According to this larr: rhe hard vowels o /o/ zl lut/ h /9/ a /a/ ^ /y/ ov /u/ csdke-Botos soft vowels e,K /e, Je/ The vI /i/ of Nouns 1.. Old Slarle -o, xrltton -%3 actlon, contlnuatlon or contlnuatlon, thercfore ln nost cases ab3treet ldeas. r.g.t lbborb - neetlng, getharlng pouorb- play, vletory tok! - currant, flood 1016- trench, plt (nrnct) (ttung. rords) Aa eonctctc nounst vort - ragon - sound, rlnglng "vont Old In Turkirhr -I, -1, -u, -ii, ctc udu - cscort tarl - platn In Flilnlah! .b; -u, ctc. naunr - laughlng [ahso I rageS kuolo - death In Votyak-Zyrlanl u$to - holcr b /i/ B,la /i,xa/ a t^ /9,19/ lo /Jn/ For a comparison with the Old Turklsh see Gabaln, Op. Clt. p. Tha Forrnatlon u.r. "oita - 4,+ openlng (as ebovc) In Anatolian-Turklshl yazY - r.rttlng korku - fear gfir'ri - flockr hard Thle characterlstle la apparent ln Suncrlan also: !l-g's r rlalng dug-a - laylng, ordcr !al.-a - part, sharc Coeparc thesc wlth Diakonoff, Opo Ctt. p.6O a result of the -6- Itul6: In the Old Slavic language, the letter -o, wrltten -'t lndicates a noun and is ldenLical wlth the noun-suffix (noroen agentiefactlonis) of the ag.gtutlnatlne languages and therefore cannot be of Indo-European origin. 2. OId Slavic: -kor -oko, -iko wrltten: -k6, -ibkf,, -ikL Noun suffix meanlng the result of an action. a/. -kb znakt = sign e.g. . root: zna- - knowr recognize c.f. Russian: zvuk (zvu-k = soundr rlnging e.g. b/ -:bk'b stplet-[kt =weaving, spinning, knltting ostat-6kb - remainder tat-5t r puh-ck - Chcranisst Flnnleh: moden-ik% = ouien-ik%* student etc. nouns from verbs but also rrdenomlnalisrr and rrdeverballsrr. functlon 1s suffixes naturally do not only form from other nouns. Therefore thelr Llt. hongollant Tungualan3 Blclfoldt, Op. €rf,o Ln Vogul. Noun 01d suffixes in the agglutinative Turklsh: languages: anu-q = readiness k6zirnirk = wlndow Ctt. p" 119r the ettaek arontl.ons thc sufflx cluster: _?n_ lk_%, puun sYln Old turklehl tlurr.Ltc: Urartu! Old Slavle: As far suffh adJectlye gufftx -eD tseT - *6.n r of the trec (genttlvc) - of the housc ekeyln - of the rrothcr rtonEugutl o of f,he pearl haldt-t$ - untranslatable (adJectlre) urbar-l.nnl - sacrlflclal g$i-tn" - gultby prav{d-fh? - truthful gospod-lnB - bei"onglng to the arlstocrac.y pogan-1n6 - belonglng to the pagans ... Flnnlsh: t<anhL.tb =r atono rnedal r erd 8tate' that the conpound rufflx -?n-t conslsts of a posscssl_ve rdJcctlvc cufflx end thc tbovc-ncntloned -lk? noun auffix whleh creaLes Urc nomen agentLa/ actlvla - or hoolrr ls t{e cen crie, thc noun sufrlx -tk! orlqlrrates fron the agglutlnatlve Lenguagea. The orlgrn of the suffr-x -rn? rs also to be found tn alnllar conponcnLs ln the agglutrnatrve languages, e.g. 01d Slavlc: zla-k'L= vegetables zlat -ik%= sold spceeh uiif-i* - troop yaz-lk - rlit daga-kl - rool hlsa-ki - rhoulder Turklshr l4ongoJ.lant na.rtrr plcce rynni-tr*ii Turkleht c/, -it<'b e.B. These csdka-Fotos cs6ke-Botos aa 116 -1n can sce, thl.s suffh ls ldentlcal to the posscsslve edJeot,lva uhe ural-Artelc language and is also rdentlcal to tha of aufflx of the posscssive easa. Thcrcfore lt ir not of .llavle orlnln. I -ln-{k-? rrltten ! -tn-lkg in Old Slavle also crcates nouns from nounn. ?.g. gf$t4nt ' gutlty) grtthtkts * crtmlnal Thc conpourd ktntiGntltg = 11[eratc posttnlkG= fasber (one who fasts) lstodtnlkz,= sprl-ng (r*ater) ... -8- sufflx exl-sts in the Ural-Altalc languages a1so. e.g. Uzbek: -nlki u-ni"ki = hla kolchoz-niki = of the kolkhoz davlat-niki = of the farm The second conpound suffix ls not a Slavlc element either but agaln belongs to the aggl-utlnative ).anguages: -tnin%, -Fanln! , -anln'6 ara again possessi.ve adJectivc suffixes. graldanlng = cl-tlzenr cltydrceller slov-tnin% = of the word Finnish: suonalalnen - of [he lake etynologinen = of etynoloey etc. Structural analysis: slodtnln6 slov-tn-in% This same noun-suf flx<-'-=J possesslve adJective suffix l. 01d Slavic -ai7: noinen I <J actoris vratai% = guard, gate guard rt{bar% = fisherman actoris: iz-uri = errand-bo/, messenger tr :a-l-ure-leader Urariu, tr cf. Estonian; kaL-ur - fLghennan Hungarion; vez-6r - leader fut-5r - messenger Turklsh yaz-ar = writ,er etc. HurriLe, -9- ce6ke-Botos nomen b) othcr languageo! Flnnlsh laula-Ja - aLnger, slngl"rrg t,ektJi * cdnoltt€r, doer contractlont vidntl(vl8nt-t -drllt palstl( palst-t - roasted noral - slnger, slnglng kult - dytng koirtJe - tellor ekscJ - prlnc6, lord iittol - rroio zltodtt - crlmlnal etc. llordvlnlani conlracllon t Lapp Votyak Zyrlan 01d SlavLc of The ldentieallty ls urdcnlablc. The word gtructure and the cornponanL! f,ho Language whlch rhtch hac been dcclared to be slavlc or o1d srevlc arc ldcntlcal to thosc of the agglutlnatlve languages, thercfore thls lenguagc whlch re knon fron llngulstlc reuraLns, ls not of rndo-r,uropcan ortgl,n. 5.Tte cuffixea -tal, -atal Qr$. pozoretel chodatal ratal Hongollan: - vleter - nedlator plornen, planter etc. -talr -tc[ norltal - hopse-rtder, knight surttuutsl . I Its functlon accordlng to [. 01d Slavlc -Jo, wrltten -jZ>-J1'> -"6 (contractlon) a) nomen actorls: voEd6 = leader slra\6 = guard pladA = crylns, elc. csdke-Botos Learned, cducated the Engllsh lanegaqe itongoll;rn grannar Lrt trto form nouns deslgnatlng possesslonl ln aoocthlngil ".. 6. The sufflxos: iiongollan: eonnectlon wlth -lEtn, -fitn - norren actorls! krlrrfdln - steersman ktnl$dln - Llteratc -6ln - nonen actorls kapuSln - gate quarrl (Hung: kapu6r) rutu8ln - messenqcr (ttune: rut6$ pt6lEln - gecretaryr clerk, efic. 6r containmcnL -I0- -11- Csdke-Botos dlg- ' 11" c.8. 7. agentis suf.fix : _tel{a : dtla - work ; dBla _ tet{a = worker krCsti = christen: kr'sti-te16= chrlstenine oudi = teach : oull-tel4= teacher 'lhi.s is the fonnation of the elements in a suffix_eluster: It consists of the -t whieh ls thc causative verb and the -1 whtch is bhe noun suffix, and which has an ldonLieal neaning in arr of the agqlutinatlvc Norren 01d Slavic languagcs. a) the -t causative suf f Old Turklsh: Turklsh: Hun3ar"ioo uqYt- = teaeh, lnstruct okut- = u.s. oktat = u.s. r Cheremiss: 'l lx: EuiSt<ta = starve cld sfavlc:'/ oudl-te-l1o = teachcr b) the noun suffix -1: Hungarlon: t<iit6-l = rope fon6-1 = ,r."'. ouElte-l? = teacher etc. "o1d slavlc:tl It ls notable that in the word ouElte1-t, = teacher, the root word to Lhe aggluLlnatiue Ianguages: ln old Turkish ukl_ ) slavlc uUi- . ?he palaiillzation of the -k- sound supports thls. The above _mentioned sufflxes whlch formed nouns belong to the belonge rnascu-l_l-ne noun group. ! - rrlttcn ! - lcay€ f dleb- - eat cf. df,eb- - cat r Slavlc: O1d dt- - uork r naElf,. - begln ! /*ordlo/ ) ralo cf. Bl.clfeldt, Op. Ctt. p. 120 and hon* eman- 2 cs6ke-Botos df-tle - wi_ng hon-atla - clearlnp -t1b o remalns dleb-btle - lefLovers em6 dXeb-lr - food At-to - rork of art na6th-1o - beglnnlng - plorgh ctc. Benzlng, lannutlschc GramrriaLLk, p 1g/A6e... of placc aufflx t -llta stnfmG - agocmblv slndn-tgtc - aasembl;,'-placc lschodt - cxlt lsehod-lJtc r placc of exlL rflkrov? r reeclrs (htdlng) aCcov-l$te - hldlng-Flaec, els. Thc cornpound sufflx -tUtc 1g made up of the rlatlvus. sufflx -5 and the Locatl"vc suffi.x -te" NaturaLly, these sufflxes are to be found orr a lar,,c icele ln the aggl.utlnatlvc Languages. rn the cherernlss languaqe, the.v appcnr as a ruffk lndlcating an adyarb of Flaec and as a casc endlnA. 9. the edycrb Old Slavlc: Thu! ln thc Chcrcrnlss languagc: tuUU(tu-Sto - there purla-5to - on tho rlqht t$-{te - herc Slevlc: dlkrov-tUtc - hl-dlng-placcr etc. Thls sufflx, ln the course of llngulstlc change, hecame a sufllx in ilre fornatlon of nouns ln tho languaee ilhl-ch ls eallcd Old Slavtc. Let us Old 8. let us examine the noun sufflxes whlch end with the letter -o and to the neuter noun Rroup. Ol-d Sl-avic: -1o, n"itten -lo, accordlng to Slavlc linguists, originated with its contractlon from the ancl-ent form n_dlo: *-dlo) -14,,, Now which belong I'his component can also be found Lanut : -t1> and -Ie ln its original lorm l"n Tungusian and nor cxamine the fernlnlne noun suffLxes. lO. Ttrc Old Slavlc sufflx -a fonns the deverbatlvc nouns. In tto orlcln li ta ldcntlcal to the mareulLne and neuter qerrder fonns -o a,tl -e. rhlch together orlglnate fron the agglutlnatlve lanquaqes whlch gt,tll. cxlsl today. cs6ke-Botos -r2lsdbna * exchange, ograda = fence opona = eurtain e.8. 01d Turkish: beii = glory, chanqe Hungarian: fame Ll. The Old Sfavic suffixes -ka, -ika, -Rka, -?dka e.R. blit-ika = the followinq of,-lka = relatlve kltt-Dka - ceII, prlson vlad-ldka= ruler mot-ttka = spade, etc. Turki-sh: ar-qa =back Kl"rg'iar: -neck-flesh Jel-tI Kqtanr-Tatar: neck -kd Jil Tungusianr 6old I ama-ka =bear t{ongolian: aja-ga =drinkLng-bowl Manchurian: eap- ka = chopstlcks rttsf- t. uomSl- Tungu6i.an! Ol-d Slavlc: ef. Old Slavlcr Scrbo-Croatlan: l4orphologyt kalltka, kallcka E eaqe klltb - Schlogs (esstlcl lock) klltt-le - le-/be-/z6r - lock up,ln t$t-%ta ' cell klttka - ccll zSrka (Hune.) - cell I bellcvc that the Hungarl-an Academ"r' of Sclencc rrLll remove that word (t<atlttta) froo the llst ofrslavlctloan-words. The noun-suf.Lxes -ka/-kd togethrr and separately emphaslze that thls word has been taken from Lhe Hungarlan lenguage lnto Lhc Slavlc ... 12. Old Slevlc: -ota tloUota toplota Zyrlen-Votyak: Chcrcnlggr Vogull (noun-sufllx) - cleanlLncss heat vellkota - greatness etc. klzta - thlckness ku65b - greatness ;osit - lcngth = bundle ka - 13. Old work kelbi-ka -spade rnot-?6ka = spadc, Slavlcl -lna (nary functions ) o !tLonc6, stlllness lstlna - truth gtalfitslna - superlor, old ro,fotlna - latrn godlna - hour old Turklsh: tiitiln - snoke tlrin r feglnent Irongoll-anl bagana - Eupportlnq-been 0smani tlknH - toknd (Hung.) - troueh, Kazanl- Tatar: tlginii ' u.sr tl5tna egc. In conrrection ulth Lhis, ue have to mentlon the Hunqarian word lkalitkal = cage, which the r-lnno-Ugrlc llnquists have declared tc be a loan-word from the Slavic. Let us state thai this Hungarian word phonetl-ca1]y, morphoJ.ogicall-,, and seurantlcall.y drifbed frorr the agglutinatlve lanquaqes into the Slavlc languages. csdkc-Botos Proof.: Turklsh: qutada = happiness Su!fteriani = ghare lale duga = saylng, cornrnand, efc, cf. the words quoted under point # 1... Chereniiss: -r3- wa.shtub -I/+- cs/dkc-Botos 14. 01d Sl-avic: -"/oe6, -6ce,.$ss, (-ica) in aI1 t,hree gen6ers: Korean, Tungu€lan, iiongollan: -aEl, -31, -ta, -ge, -kg rurKl-sn: 01d Turkish: i,lordvinian: llun.garion: vv -ac, -c -Ea, -Xi -kd, -ke -ka, -ke , etc. reJect this theory because the rndo-Europeam orlgl-n is Just a hypothcsis the existence of these suffixes in the agglutinatlve languages is undeniable. Slavic word ot4cG= dad , whlch supposcdly is the Ancient Slavic xot% = father , with a dj.mlnutlve sufflx. Old ; Slavlc: oL4 cA I :tot4t<Gi Thus: O1d -lecG(-+4k(.: k)c (palatalizatlon) Let us now look al the l4ongo.l-lan slndlarities : Lit. !ron!ol1an: e8e-ge = father, dad, old Altaic Turkish: itr-gd = u.s. KaLnuck: otsl -gaa= rrs. cf. ets-kD E u.s. ;+ot$-klo Ancient ilavlc: Old Slavlc: oLbc6 The Anclent S1avic word ls unknovm; it is a llngulstic hypothesls, while Lhe i'longorlan suffix is a realit.v. The above suffixes are origJ-nal noun suffixes with a dlnlnutive functi,on ln the ranguage whlch is caLl"cd 01d $1avlc and they have no connecil.ons wih the hypothettcar lndo-European sufflxcs. The language whtch ls callort old slavic is an agglutlnative Ianguage. r . Slavlcl Lav-tctr hunter ar-'6cA- tarrlor Ltor-tcG - crletor whereas suffix t The b Llnguists bell-eve that this suffix or the -c sound goes back to The csdke-Botos old 91av{a -te6 s! e noncn agentls sufflx ls ldenblcal to thc noa€n actorla auf,flx -8f, -f, -cf/c - dzs/ln the aBslutlnatlve languegca. i) Old an Indo-European -k- sound whlch underwent palatallzation. Howcver, when we study the ldenticaL forms in the Alteic languages, we have to Let us take the -L5- l{ongollanr tar{an - ll ota-Ul norl_{l ef. OLd Slavlct ]lr-{ca. r pcaaant - doctor r grooil - huntcr etc. b) ai a dlnlnutlve suffk: au-lt-l - av daddy old turklsh: - ny mrrrr/ty grad-{e3'1tttLe eltv oUtat-i ct. llttle eloud Lcb us now look at thc changc ln palatallzatlon. neJk6. llttlc l-ouse Tungutlant cclkc - Ltttlc brother l{anchurlant panXke - ltttlc flowcr t{ordvlnlan: rlvcllke - llttle fox bedok Zyrlant - llttl€ stick puok - lltblc trec ft6k - llttls blrd llrmqrrlon kruzs6k - llttle clrclc cf. Rueclenr ku"6t - ltttlc olece trurlfi. llttle chlck f,azanl*r Tatar: b6tJutkt - ny dadd1, cter cf. Rurglan: 8gt-Eri-il gld Slav1ct fhcrcfotc ln both caaes t,hcrr crlats a phonetlc change: k)t, k)c, all rtthout any Indo-fiuropean nlareprescntatlon. In Tungurtan/tarnut/ thLc cxlstr ln the followlng form: -kin (-kS-n u11k1-l6n - llbtle squlrrcl e.8e urakcf-k5n - llttte h111, etc nnrt U ) o, -16- cs6ke-Botos cs6kc-ttouos -17The ncuter and femlninc sufflxeg naturally bclong here. According to thesc statemcnta, the -ga, -Ica sufflxes, whlch thc Flnno-Ugric llngulsts mentl.on repeatedly, are not of sl,avlc orlgln. Let us flnlsh our obscrvatLon trith this conelusLon: 01d Turklsh: 14ik = cow Turklsh: inek - cow 01d Slavic: Fonica = calf Flnnlah, morpholog:r penlkka= -k syfflx became -c ln Old S1avlcl ln thls casc.lhe -a suffir rras the slgn of the femlnlne (demonstratl-ve pronoun). The Turkish sound -l- et thc beglnning of the word wss: to. . ln old Slavic ... cf. OId Slavlc: ouienikz = student oudonlca - glrl otudent, elc, The Old Slavic noun 6.8. Yakut: Turklsh: 16. sufflx: -t4 s/6mr6-t4= dcath ta -t6- robbcr vLas -tG- Fower peY -ta- ovon top -ti = sphere, ball kal -tt = scissors kYP -tY - u.3. t6r -t - four bi -t = Iouse sYr -t - mountal"n ridge The OId Slavic nonn c.8. I4ongolian: Hungorian: e-lc, sufflx: -E16 , written -tt{ 6atb-!b16 - danger, peril peE-al?" * mournlng obit-tlG - dwelLlng Jobal = suffering Jtrgal = happiness tral6t = death 17. Thc 01d Slavtc noun Euffhr -n4o danlr glver branl- battlc Vogult FLnnlcht boltr-ni - sl,ckncss bl-n)- llfe, dwelllng kohi-na - murnur I havc prcsentcd nlnciy pcrccnt of thc noun suffixcs of thc lnn4tnqc rhlch ls callcdrbld Slavlel It cen slrcedy bc statcd that, ln thc language whlch ls cal.led Old Slarlc, thc ordcr of noun tufftrctr togethar wlth aLl t,he sufflxes lc ldantlcal to that of thc eggluttnatlvc lenguagc6. Thercfore thc old Slavle languaga k not Indo-EurDpoen but ls a member of ihe great famllv of iSglutlnatlvc languagea.. . blagoda-t6 = mercy Tungu3ian: a8-t'tfa - aetlon t6.r.tcl - actlon ttl Jiive-tcl - eonlng hlva-tal - offlcc .. , puppy The L5. Conpound form: -ttfa Grgr Hungarl-ent and -ai-.lo The formation of AdJcctives _r9- csdke-Botoc -16- and AdJect,ivc S,tffl.xo". 3. Thc Old Slavlc posacarLvc edJcet!.vc auffh,l -{n% - of the leader (thc lcaderre) rul-lnB - of the snake (the snakers) l4arl-ln?a - of liary (lhryrs) isc2 - of the clty lain - of the fathcr (thc fatherrr) ereyin - of the nen (the manrs) a6an$n - of the father (the fatherrs) laldl-lna . of thtdl (narnc) urb-er-Lnn. - of the eacrlflce (sacrtflclal) aD-?t r of the father yoleYod-ln% CoSr I. AdJecbives ending in e.8. vowels lndlcated bv: - 16 mll% - fricndly, dcar sltpe = bllnd chrom? - lame Finnish: -i suffix vogulr - P Firmtahr souchto- dry Mongollanr nuorL - ChcrcnLcrl young pioni - snal-l uusi = ncrd hyr5 = good Sunerien: -a suffix Mongolian: Hungarien: 2. The nrost usual llurrltcr Urartu: gul-a = btg dug-a = good, nlce yek-e - blg klcsi - smal1 fekete-black, etc. sufflx: - Gnlo e. g. vbr 6 n'6 = falthful, loyal zakon6n%- lawful dI,l"{^nFl"- ovtLn| ElBt'6nV- honorable dosto6n?- daservlng 0stonlani -ne suffix vegine - wct, damp edeslne = far -ii sufflx Turkish: -.gsufflx Zyrl-an: 01d Vogul: -.7 suffix Mordvlnlan: vekr{t - lungrgte4,/Larmrt/ nakat-e7rlr of the bcer 4. Old Slevlc: -tsk?., -likn&, .<ik} G.t. 6lad-%k$ llulg'arianl krat-Zk% Ilr- okt, puf- 6k = 6"to ayan&y = honorable n*ag = famous ke/e2 * angry salo, - sa1t, etc, r sn*ct - lhort - rlde - bloated 6k - llsr i .ffortLcsr JcJrd-lk - rhltlih 6tl-ke - h6eyy kuve-ke - long siir-fik r chan Ia-r* - saintlx ttgl-lik - bllnd kfi-Ik - brrkcn sol-uk - faded biiy-rik = bts erc. hac- Zyrlanr koknld-tk llordvlnl.an Old Turklrhr narrow 6ri2 cs6ke-Botos TurkL;hr 5. Old Slarlcl c of,r -v4 t -avzo(adJcctlvca showlng a chara.cterLstlc) tl-vt - llvcly tin-av3- mrddy krtriv-avtr'"' bloody I'lnnlsh: vere-vE Llha-va - bloody moaty Csoki-Bgtos -20- _2L_ llhe-v - ncaty salo-v - galt cf. uordvlnlan: 6, 01d Slavlc: -llyl.i Phonctlcc: ?l)X )v Hungarlant ldantlcaL to the 01d Turktsh rdJcotlvc e,ttttx mltost-lv? - pltlful straU -1vr6 - fcarful c.8. ltn- 1r% - lazy a8r-lg - ln love slotaT' - negllgcnt Old Turklshr Flnnlsh: arll - clcan vikcvi - Etrong i coloufflrl klrJava -t / -e ( 7. 01d Turklshl -lltr clusterr -tltr% . l'or lts funetlon cf. poslouU- Phonctlca: -rrf, 01d Turkish: cf. Egtonian: ) 1r1) uu ) dllrL- obedlcnt ut sufflx -tt belongs lo Lhe abovc ls ldentleal to tha f,u6gE!.tmg ibngoll"n -6, -i, -aJ., -e|, -l and to the Sunerlan -a61 and thc Urartu -c/-l arrl ls not of Indo-European 9. The Old Slavlc possessLvc edJcetlve group ard origlnr abovi l,longollant Urartu! reb-ll - of the prLsoner prr-ll r of the do6 tff qf+1e / - uhose? /ttt/ Huryo,ia,'tkit?/ qaden-al - of the Khan qa6en-l ef. - lrr3r ilt-nu-a-1-n6-e-1' MLnuars ete. ada-Ilf, - dangcrous tiir-liig qutf-flf' nannGrlY Noici Th€ rrl.tcr, rhen hc nakca thls ltngulstlc eomparLson, does nob uac hypothettcal etynol-ogy but takct hl"s lnformatlon from rrrltten documenhed deacrvlng Itngulrtlc data. lapee-llk - chtldlsh ctc. The slmplc posscsslve adJcctlrc 8. Old Slavlc c.8. l{ordvlnlanl elc. Thls suffli la ldcntleal to tho Sunerlan -ag/-ak genl-Llvc sufflx. Phonetlcg: as) ) 1"r )E - -Gl-6 * "1 lgii *cii ) eu) ev --eYt /-ova .,. cf. litrrgarlanr posacoslvc aufflxcs -6 and -t otc. razom-y'liv? - lntelllgent aavld-€llvt6 'anvloug c.g. nagy)-riird- ( bls ) -€ared ... - f6t6 - ... -lesgcd ...- kezii - t.. - hands , Old Slavlel 01d Slavle suffl-x csSke-Botog pos6c8lrl,vc ceacl -oylf, and -61116 Srom-ov? - of thc thurrdcr $o8-ovl6 r noon L(ev-otS - of thc llon /oroazL6nos/ Pctr-ov€ - Pcterrs r {parltcl-dva - of the Savlour nud-ov-rlthahols kiv-cv - atony sod-ov ..sooty plL-cv - blg-cared(l) rrltben - ? G.B. Old Slavlcl sufflx belongs In thls qroup, bhe -l sufflx, 6lovti-a. hunan /Hung.t ernber-l/ - prophetle natcr-6 - notherly /tlung,t anya-l/ ktrfly-t F royal Huhf,elilbnl fir-t - gentlemanly &rya-l r notherl"y otc. naturally thla suffir can be found also ln the ot,her agr.l-uttnatlve pmroE-t lnnqrrngor. -22- 10. 01d Slavlc! e.g. - round top-L% E warn srtBt-+t?' - bright e8glutlnatlvc languagco lnto thg Baltlc and Gernan languages because the lrnguagc rhleh ls caLlcd Old Slrvtc, in ltr llngulstle etrueture end voeabrrrary, balongl to thc eggl,utlnaf,ita Languagesr %4s-t1% = sour teur-lc = swect, tasty kuat-Ic - powerful, strong k Chorcmlss: Turklsh: ?unggsian/tamut: Proofr. . t5n5s-1e = peaceful sewlm-ll - dcar tiiy-lii - feathered tat-IY - gwoet kan-Il - bloody bu7 tu-ll - round, sphorlcal nibu-1l = dLehevellcdr etc. Thc eornpoundt -4aktb1 -6a*to ( -ar-kt Tunguclary'larnut/ I -lsff t | -tskt , -skl ... t6 ronconc or ;ornethlng. Thcoc compound ruffhcr ean bc found ln thc loLloring V mcanlng: belonglng e.8. Hungarlan: anclent wrltuen doeurontad forml: Urartu: n. The OId Slavi-t denonstratlvc adJcctlvc sufftx: -{fi{; to the Hungarlan lativus sufflx: -nl csSkc-Botos lz' Let us flnlih by taklng thc ord slavle ;osscs.rlve adJcctlve s'ffixes vhlch ean bc found ln t'hc ocroan end Baltrc languagca: -sko, wrltten: -6skv. Lct us rtatc thet thla forra ls aetually a conpound taken from the *1&, - 4ltt,, !tsr,t krge-l% -2)- cs6kc-Botos ls idcntlcal plBa-{fi4 = first poslBd-46€ * lasl outr-146 - nornl-ng b].'r,E-1"t4 * noarby llurrltc: ..8. Ura.tu; Hunltcl Thc conponenttt ...Pap-nl ...mcster-nyl ...dobds-ny1-ra rrr i ,..as far &a onc cen throw ... Tu4uslan/,aort3 ...p111anat-nyl-ra... - ln the baLtlng of an cyelld.. e{r. thc Naturally thls sufflx can also be found Ln SumerLan. Thcrefore we cannot take lt to be a sufflx borowed from the SlavLc lanErage. From these observatlons, we nay etate that the adJectlvo sufflx ln the language which is ca11ed 01d Slavlc, ln all lts forms, is noi Indo-European but ls ldentlcal to the fonns of the aggtutinatlve languaqes. -sc - tr (posscsslrc) -Di - posscaslvc adJcettvc srrffix -[i t u.". ur-bu-e-sc - b€longlng to the sacrlflce Sardurl-fl - Sardurlrc pab-an-24 - of the nountlln, thc mountalncs -sc + dr ) -ac71, ::;1, conpound Flnhtoh! cf. auffhl I. -rc puu-katr/ks -Usz/ - belonglng niie-krt - belonglng to the ala-c yl6-r ilongollan: iindc-s Chafo[lrst JatS - to the tree htll undcr up -rc - of thc rtllagc, ah. -21+- II Mongollan: Kazanl Tatar: ALbalc Turklsh: 01d Turklsh: Tungusian components: . Formatlon of -f,r, -fd aqayln-kl- = bclonglng to the older brother atan{-q{ = bel,onging to the father atanY-f,! = u.e. fUrli-n - of the lnside E wi -skl = hcre aug-ski - back 01d S1avlc: e}- cs5ke-Botos tule -skl = out tawa-skl" = therc, !tc. t:.o,f\E-bsk6 = human za-$sktlc = carthly Vol_4aXQo = godlI nebes-rsk?, * heavenLy, etc. r) cslka-Botos ldtcrbr,rtth Sufftial Adv.rbr of plec6! 9laYlc: c.8. OLd -dc? - $hor.? ktdc - khcre? nlktdc - norherc lBr%a" - soncnh6re ot$dc - hcrc on%da - thtrc rktde r cvaqrxhera llongollent -dl, -de cndc - hcrc tcndc - thcrc qotalada - svcrJnhcrc dergcdc - bcaldc, at qanta - rhcrc? Old lurklrhl Turkilht ncredc - ttrlr 2 ?fc. b) tdrcrta of tlnc: -t de-.i OLd Slavlet kogda - onU gda ovlagda - nar.6hda bnldc - then nor - v{regda llongollant nftcn? rhcrl? - ar17[Luc tonorror t long tlnc ago - cvcrltlnc urtuda r |lo!r nsauda Nota thrt the exarapler mcntloncd aboyc are ldentleal to thc loeatlvc -o'r! cndlrga of the 1urklsh languagc. thcse cndlnlgg hccame sufflres rlhleh provar thab the 0Ld Sl-avlc language ls an agslutlnetive lanquaf,o. g',t* {6c) Ablatlve Thc Vcrb -z(-at, -fr -dou t)fidt - frorn here k8dt - fron khere? on,$dou - from there lnAdb - fron somewhere else e.g. Flnnlsh: l,appS r Turkish: alte ' u.s. Jillede - fron the host olkodc = from outsidc qanyuda - fron whcrc? J.anguagc of rerb rufflxcs arxr thelr elernents ln thc old slavle k ldentlcal to the rtructure of verb sulflxes ln [he acqluLlnat.lvo languager. Proof. eLc. io Lhe Ofd Slavlc sufflx, the I'bgyar language uses the locatlvc case as does the rrongollan: maful-a = badlyi qata[ul-a = urercllcssly Compared Actually we are talklng of the datlve case. The systems are lderrtlcal together with all bhe elenLentg. Just, one cxamnle: Slavic: dolt * do*n Old'turkish: qodl = down Chegatai: koJl=rlown sufflx. Thc strueture Let us close our observatlon wlth the fol"lowing stetem.nt. The advcrblal sufflxes actually orlginate from case-endings Just as we have aeen abovc. A pure voweL case-ending could also become a suffix, e.g. OId Slavtc ve6er'?a = evenlng (n.) (Hung. egl - evening ve{er-'L= in the evenlug (adv.) est-e = in the eveninq) !!l mar\y cases cJ6ke-Botos Ststcncnt. aLdo, elda = under lu.ordvlnlan: Ol"d case: cs6ke-Botos 1n In the Langurgc vhich lc called Old SLavle, the verb sufflxes are to two verb roots, the LnflnLtive (vcrb-noun) root anrl the present tense root. Let us cell thesc roots by t,hclr abbrcylated terms - lnf. root arrd arlrtnrl prcto footr thc lnf. roott can bc dlrldcd into two eategorl-cs, e) root wlthout tufflx end b) noot rlbh sufflx. Lct uc cxamlnc the grorrp of verb roots rl.thout aufflx: nlt-tt /(xnel-|.i/ - nlt"lsi lnf"root: mft- (*mefkla-tf /<*1oL-Il/ - but,chcrrt lnf . root: kla- 4+1o1bra-tl. /<*Aor-t't/ - flghts; [nf, root: bra- 4 *6o"- 01d I befieve that no further anclint forn of thc root erdcd ln a consonant; the corrsonnrrt rlLh the preecdlng voncL. ef. above. From thls we eBn s.o that, the conoonant crusf,er et the beglnnlng of the rord ls not soare klnrl of cuperlor llnqul,sttc eharacteriatlc but ls a conunon lLngulstte rleterlorat.lorr. €.8. thc verb roofs whLch crrd ln -r ard -t ln the so-callcd Old Sl&vle lnrrtrutrr,.: nes-tL - carry pas-tl - graze v6z-.- ' drtvc (Lransltlvc) Er?.1D-e - chew -d erd -t errdJ.nga3 met-c- - s$eep plet-e-- strrln pad-e- - fallr drop bod-a- - stab, prlck pek- - roaat -k and -g endlngs: t'ek - - run Thc nost changed placc comment is necctssary. -46- Xeg- - fr nogf{rn4rwdr- crdlng: In Oslyak: 6n"tt * havc - rub * dic . ... ok. - dor,r man- a 99,..,:i am6t - bc pleascd Jont- = plaY,: JinS- - drink,.; efr:,. Here belong the verb-roots without suffix, which end ln a vorel: bi-tt - strlker beat vl-ti = turn poEl-tl = rest In .'.9- Cs6kc+Botos lnf. root: bllnf. root: vl"lnf. root: podl- Ostyak: lnf. root: JiJi-tl - come lnf; root: 1)cat l:-tl ctc. nu-ti - bw lnf. roott nrSirailar verb-root' ati\lctures can bc found in any agglutlnativ6 Ianguagcr Mongollan: bo1- = lsr wlll, la pooclbl.e bol+ u.!. Turklsh: uoao o1- Vogul: garstop fortard, comc out, forn MongolLan: gttt.rc, mllk sa[- Turklgh: bo[- = tle; tanglc l! re oan !er, th,. purc rcrb-root, rlthout guffh, ls not a Slavle llnguiattc cheractcrktic, but rathor a charactcrlrtlc of thc erqlutlnet,lvr lrrguagc!. Eubt rn thc old slavlo lrngnegc oan forn a ncrr vcrb-root fron e noun ''6 lnd froo e vcrt. Thcrcforc ln thc old slevlc language thcre ls a dcnomlnal rnd I dcrorbal vcrb ruffk, Jurt ar ln any othcr ag8lutlnatlvc lan3uagc. In thc follotlng, nc rlll prcrent thc strueturc of verb suffh.cc. thc lnf. root haa thc auffkcrt -c-r -t-, and -tThc -a- rufftrt gti8r-a- - b! annoycd / d,enonlnel/ kon4t-e- - cnd ,/denonlnal/ poher-e- . ahor ltblr-e- - ch@tc thc -t- tufftr onto$- - bcconc cllrnt orlab$- ! bceonc *cak i "tl-t- r.coy€r oun-t- - undorstand, Bature Thc knock JBa$- - rlt vod-l- - lced, -l- sufflxt er-l - ahor, polnt port-l- - fut tort_l_ - trcatr cntcrtal"n boget-i- - bcccoc rl.ch fornr arc not of rndo-Suropoan orlgln, but rathcr ean bc rhown to hevc ldcntlcal forne ln thc agglutlrutlvc Ldnguagcr rlth en Ldcntlcal functlon ard phonctlc rtruoturo. Thuri Ol.d Slavlc: -eThcae In the Mongollan language it ls alrcedy a ver$al sufflx: kcse_ _ punlsh delc- = strlke, JB. -tOld lurklch: -a- bcnd -i- tfr'Flnnlsh6t pago- ' run -r-t- biikl- - csdke-Botoc -u- -ii- cts. 40" csdkc-Botos e.B. OId Turklshl kfiE - strenglh k'n6-5- = stral-n OId Slavic Cbr$- OId Turkish: et - - near at-a- - call grlBv-a- - bc annoyed kiif_;_ - pralsc ehval_i- * praise bar-l-- catch name Old S1avlc: 01d Turklsh: OId Slavi.c: Mongoll,an: dar-u* = push, Thutt Qrtr - u.6. (raialeot) pod-ebc slckly Flnnish: Jan-u- = be thirsLy It aeens as though the above three verb sufflxes of tho Old Slsvlc lnf. root are l"n reallty onc olcment beeauso thc languagc whlch ls callcd Old Slavlc ln lts origi,n io an agglutlnatLvo languagc and , as such, knew vowel harmor\y aLso. This ls lrherc thc vowel harmony of the dlfferenL forms sab-1,- originates. Thus: 01d Sl-avlc: gntv-a- = bc annoycd Ol-d Turklsh: bo!-a- - free Old Slavlc: bol-t- = bc slckly 01d Turkish: kiid-ri- = straln - fast etc. danpen of borowed f,ortrs, thcrefore the only possJ.blllty ls ldentical forms. Note: In Judgtng the funcllon of the sufflx, we are not allowed to dlsregard Lhe rules of polysemantles" Thc suffix -no- which ts added bo the l"nf. root, wrltten: -nfi -, pronounccd: ir a vorbal sufflx whlch for'ns thc lnstantaneoue verb form. Thls Old Slavlc elcuent is identical to the exlstlng instantaneous verbal suffix of the agglutlnatlvc languages: -nc-1 -n-e Old 9l-avlcr Flnnlahr Csdke-tbtos -n9- , atc" - clatter cEch-ng- - 61y -ne- bY3k-no- Poma-nq- - rcnenbcr tft6r-n9- - gqueezc sab-a- - beat, whlp 01d Slavlc: Post-lOId Turkish: ii1-1- Hcr6 wc cannot talk -JI* Lappfl dLreppcdr ougar-no- - .xtlngulsh Eourge-nl - teerc -!lt down botta- nc- - lrrclL Ftnrd.ahSl pekc-na- . run for$ard vanhe-nc- - bceono old rlc-nc- - .l.nk Thc old slavlc -Jc-, rrlttcnc -f€-, frequcntatlrc form, eontlnuablvc fornr thc rcpctttlvr vcrbal forr. Old Slavlcl |nf. rootr pokg-e- - rhort prca" root,: pokez-c-Jc - ia ahowlng F: Sokke-nc- J"ablr-a-.- aclcct, fornr, choooc lzblr-a-Jc- Ls chooslng narle-a-Jc-- lt nanlng a€Ildz-e-Jc- 1r burnlng rrbote-Jc- ls rorklng Thla forn 1r Ldcntlcal to thc vcrlflablc ialrt6d llorms i.n the ural-Altnte lenguagcar -tJt-u -J1-, -Jet{t" }tongollanr bbkt- - bcnd bbkt-Ji- - lc bcndln8 qalf-Jf- - fu bcndlng Slordvlnlanlt fcpl-Jo--fu euttlng tostl-Je- - fu knocklng varl-Ja- * le blecdlng Fr stl-Je- - ia laying 0styakr 6off-:f- - ts lteklng JastI-Jt- - is raylng cedke-Botog -32- IappSr Hungarlan: '|5!- koca-Jc- - ls ewakening puola-Je- - ig burning hever-5-sz - ts ldng (phonetlcs: Jc) 3) Ie6el-5-sz - 1g grazlnS kotor-5-sz * ls groplng OId Slavic! (contractlon) pres. roott pas-c - grezes vcz-€- r travek dar-ov-a - glvc preacnts obtd-ov-a =.at lunch ndl-ov-a - synpathlzc rad-ov-a = reJolca Lnen-OV-a - nane n6ne rcmaln orack panlo-v- opcn - hana tet-oil- - brlng - guard ndryJ-a* i tor6 n(a- 6<ft r stretch ... 6tc. cft harag-uv-' thur rc havc prcacntcd thc structurs of the rcrbal aufflx and lbo elcocntr ln ihc larguagc GrllGd Old Slavle. Thc strueturc ard elemcntt of thl Old Slavlc rarbel rufflx arc Ldcntlcel to thcrc of thc agRlutlnatlyr languagcl. Thcrcforc thc rtructire of the noun and verb aufflxes of thc OI{ Slerlo languagc. lr agglutlnat,lvcl In no reJr ls lt Indo-Europoan. lftg arr thc Flnro-Ugrlc ltngulste rllcnt about thlc fact of llngulotlo hlltort?.lrd rlry rr. th6 $letlolcta atlcnt? !g}lt Th.r. li not onc tcrbel tufflr clcncnt ln the languagc rhleh la aill.d Old ltLarlc rhlch has no ldcntlcal foru ln the egglutlnatlvc Languatrrl llungarlan: eoa - -r koddot-ovc- Ur-ot_ Flnally: The function of the Old Slavlc Vcrbal sufflx -ovs- ls the repeatlng of an action and l-s reflexlve. The idcntlcal verbal gufflx ln thc agglutinatlvc languagcs !s -v- (reflcxlve). 1nf. root: lazo-v- Vo3uLXr 01d Slavlc: Thus! llmdc-tc kado-v- f,epp5l net-e- - Bwecpt v pei-e- frier (phonotlcc: Jc) c) Jc)i inf. root: bol-:B- - beconc sick pres. root: bol-i- - ls clckly lnf. root: vel-1il = cornmand pres. root! vel-i- - connands lnf. roott dr*tj-a-' hold pres. root: arVt-t^ - hoLds out Finntshl Jc)l paina - push, squeezc paln-l- - rrestles nata- - wriggle, aquirn nat-i - sllde, cllnb polk-l = glvcs blrth ; polk-a * but Eun-l-layg Inuna.cgg pcs-l - ncsts ; pcgd - nrst l{ordvlnlrnl csdko-Botos ce6kc-Botos '31+- The Verbal Noun and lts Sufflx -35- ef. ln0r 28.1, ,A Itlotcl Thc slmllar clcrnents of tho In 01d Slavlc: Ostyak: -t1 -ti. FLnnlgh: -ta, -t'd, -da, Indo-Europ0an -dii Altaic sfunllarltles. cf. Ramstedt, Elnfiihrrrng ... II p.1I9: 'rThe sufflx -ta ls ln Korcan thc lnflnltlve endlng --the usual lexl-cal form of the verb.n... The Sunerlan connectlona concl"psiveLy provc that thls sufflx 1s not nSlavictr orlgln but that it ts actually a compound... of The truth ls that we cennot claln that the Foreans borrowed thi.s sufflx! tct us now make tho comparl.sons. Korean: Flnnlsh: 0styak: Suncrlan: lufflx _ta_ tn the Old SLavlc and the egglutlnatlve languagca grrr out, of thc oldcr sunerlan form to take thclr presont shapc. Thcrcforc thc cuffh _ta_ Is not of Slavlc or The Indo-Europcan llngulats and thel-r supportefs, thc Flnno*Ugrl'c llnguists, would say t,hat thc Flnn-ostyak languagee borrorred thcsc sufflxes as a result of thelr lower ranking orlglns. Lct us aleo observ? the Ural- Old Slavlcl ca5ke-Botog kloveta-tl, = suspect po{l-tl = rest chvall_tl ;, glorlfl ves-ti = travel nek-ta - cat kada = go l!-ta - bc, exlst tchdi - do, act syb-di - eat taJ-tl - have Jl-tl - come Jot-tl - PlaY d6-ge-da - bcautlfy k6-acda * clean nu-aka-da * not to do gi1-ra-da - need afie-ga$ = be gsod, otc. orlginc, but on Sumcrl.an. rn conelua{on, 1ct us takc thc dcvcrbal" noun rhosc conncctLons Blclfel.dt 6r$lal.n! on p. 2Jj, 0p.Clt. LGt ur rec thc turklgh rtnllarltlcs: Ulghurr kll- - rir!, conc r *Il+f - futurc kii_ , perr - glvc f,i- - Llvc 01d Slartct de_ t kiF-tt - paat I da-t4- gtft 2 tL-t6- ltfa Thcroforc, fnon thet pagG, uc cannot say that the 01d sravrc verbar noun rufflt LN of Indo-Europcen orlgtni -36^ PRONOUNS I. Porsonal- Pronouns Old Slavic: (sing.) Old TurkLsh: Flnnlsh: cf. dia]ect: azTo= T oz = person; you; person; I u. s. ltse Iz. u.s. 1i, a u.s" ';6 s rrsc eE. camot say that the 01d Turklsh word ls a borrowing as we cen 8!e thabrin the language which ls called Old SlavLc, the truc ncanlng of the personal pronoun 'raz6 - I tr l-a rr4yse1f, my personrr . Therefore thlc Mordvinian: NoLc: We elenent ls not of Indo-European orlgin. (slne.) t'L4t= yot, to- = u.s. LappSl Mordvini.an: to- = [oa. t3-, tl- - u.s. CheremLssi to- - rlre. Votyak: te- = u.a. ZytIan: lr'rongol-ian: Ei- - llrs. sl- = ursr Flnnlsh: sl-- - urao Old Turkish: za/zc-, zl-/ - u.a. etc. Sunerl-an: The original anclent forrn ls the Srunerlan. Ttre othcr clcments orlglnate fron OId Slevtc: (plu.) Flnnlshe Lapp6r Chcrcnlcsl Totyakt l{ongollant SutnerLant Old Slavlcl ze-/21- ) Cheremlss : ta-, t|- Zyrian : tellongollan: diFlnnlsh/Turklsh: el/seprove the Indo-European otlgln? What, data can cs6kc-Botos nt&4- rc nc - u.r. ,il - u.r. - u.a. - u.r, na-, ba- - u.s. mc - u.!. elc, mc, nfi rnt vfd, - you (llungarlan: ttk, tl) thls clcment ls a eomblnatlon of the pereorul pronowrs t,e+d - tl (yorr) aa for cxanplc Ln ths Tunguslan language: sii6>6Ua - tl (you). In aerualtt.y sli-i ' tc-d... the old slavrc conbrnatron however is: vt(y-i(LhaL ls tQ,l (ttr'6. Thc corrcratron of the first crernent of thesc combrnatrons ln thc agglutlnatrrc Languager r.r uncertarn, therefore Lhls qucstron for Old Slavler Notct thc moncnl rcaral-nr unensvercd. Thc cupposed rndo-Fruropcan orrgrns have not bccn prorcn by ltngulrttcc.cLthcr... Thc reflcxlvc pcrtonal prohoun, sc- - nqyself, hlmsclf (lU hag no nonlnetlrc eacc and no pLural nrnbcr), has an cqulvaront rn rhe cherenlss languagc: 5kc - nryaclf. Thc Old Sleylc t scbc, !-a thc genlHve easc, ilri root bclngr ccb- rhlch consLatr of thc rootronl sc- and tha rcflcrLve aufflx -b. Thls sufftx ls thc posresorva of thc agglutlnatlvo languages crg. Tunguslanr -bi... Cf. Ecnlln6, Dlc tunqurlschen Spraehen 125" Nor lct ur lhor thc Lhlrd pcraon of the pcrconal pronouns and lra ehnl I dLscua! thc qucstlon of gcndcr eko.rn thrc easc rc shall uge not Lhe Old Slavlc but thc Serbo-Croatlan cqulvalents. Thus r tha Scrbo_Croat.tAn pcrsonal pronouns, lrd. perr. rlng. : . bhia form. Hlstorlcal Phonetics: t)'l- csSke-Bo!os nascullnc: on - he femlnlnet ona - shc n6uter! ono - it lqt ur gbatc that thlc chlrractarlrtlc ls not of Slavle orlgln but it 5616r,"" to tho agglutlnatlve langueger. thc dlfforanhatlon of gencler ls a rr,14 tFor,nt.l., constructed rlth bhe denonstratlrc pronoun. i!.le' :jd: cs6ke-Botos Proof ts thc orlglnal personal pronount conslstlng of o- and -n, the pronominal sufflxl ona = she (fem.) ts the pronoun o-, the pronomLnel suffl-x -n- and the The on = he (masc.) demongLratlve pronoun -&; ono = it (neut.) !"s the pronoun o-, the prononlnal sufflx -n- and the de&onstrative pronoun -o. of the fenlninc pcrsonal pronoun was: o-n-a- r she-that-there; the neuter : o-n-o - 1t-that-herc.... Or1glnally, the language whLch ras callcd Slaylc dld not havc a difference ln gendcr. Durlng thc dovclopnent of the languag., ths folk etynoJ-ogy developod that poselbility. fn thls parti*cular easc, thcy lndlcated the dlfferencc ln gcndcr wlth dcruonstratl-ve pronoung and thls latcr spread to the other parts of speech. The abovc elenents cxlst ln thc agglutlnative ]anguages a1so. on o-n - hc c.6.: Serbo-Croatian: Turkish: b -he plural: o-lar they cf. on-lar = u.e. ilanchurlan: 1-he wibh the pronorni.nal sufflx: l^n - u.s. ln, lna - u.s. MongoIJ-an: xe-ii)*eii)cw - d (hc) root; eHungarlan: Sumerlan: e- or a- - 6Ge) hfin = hc (h- prothesls) Flnnlsh: tdith these we havc pboven that the personal pronoun, 3rd. pcrson of the Sl-avic language belongs to the agglutinatl"ve languages and the dlfferentiatlon of gender slmply occurs wlth the demonstratlvc Ff,onouns. Thc ortglnal meanihg .39' cs6ke-Botoa 2n Thc Dcnonctratlvc Pronoun. r) old slavlc: - thlr (naoc.) te - u.s. (fen.) to - u.r. (ncut.) tf- - thlr tu- - thatr that onc therc tc- - thfur tMa ona hcrc to- - thet'r that onc tharc tl& - shlt 0% Flnnlshr llordrlnlant ChcrGnls!t tr8a . tnat Cfr - thet, that onc therc tcra - that, that onc thcro tcdc - hcrf Czceh! tcdsr tuSo lJ.t. llongoll.ant cf. llorth [orcant Tungurlan; lbghuor: frareni Taterr Sutr6r1sn! b) 01d Slaflo! Old Tutkhhr furklchr Jakutl - \.s. /ttt/ tJc, tc - thrt thcrc, that tf- - that tc- - thatr Chat onc thcrc tbgf, ttgt - thet thcrc bc 376, 7l - thatr whlch t'e 139, 27 - thatr rrtrlch tl-ay ?1, 22 - hct Chat onc a[ 1L 86 iu 3u . - Chat (naee.) u.c. (fcn) uolo (ncut. ) thet thcrc that thcrc subu - that - thlcr that slcltl - fron therc Itlnff - therc, over cc Flnnl.shl ef. cf. thorc -40- c) 01d slavicl Turklrht onl[, ona, ono ; that (a11 three o - thatrthat therc ana - thatt lherel csBke-Botos -tiI* gcndere) Word formatlon: Thc 01d.SlavLe dcrnonatratl.ve pronounronrB9 onai ono provca that thc languages shlch have been decl"ared to be SlavLc, thc lrd" person of the lrersonal pronoun concs frcm lhe aggrutlnau"ve languages and the gender dlfferenbiatlon takes placo wlth the demonstratlve Dronoun -wit,hout any superiority... 3. The Possesgive Personal Ol,d Slavic: Pronouns" moi = mlne (masc.) noh.a : moJa (fem.) moFe : moJc (neut.) Thls whore consbrucLion ls a genitlve consLruetlon, not a real- possesslva porsonal pronoun, Jusb as l"n any other agglutinatlve Language. Thus: mol(mo-l In thc flnal rnalyrls, thc possosslvc auffixi -l; lo"r baek to the cuffk, -ag/ak, nhleh formcd the posscaslrc ease andlng es wc heva rlrctrdy explalned. The ranc thlng occurr ln the rceond pcrson slngular, the only dlffcrcnco bcln6 thet rc can rcc the posdesslvc caBc Ln ltr orlclnel fonn. togcther rtth the danonrtrrtlvc pirttcl"r. Old Slrvlcr trol( tv..ol - Jrourt troJa(tv-ol-a r yourr (frmr) tvoJc(tv-ol-r - Jrour, (ncut.) Phonatlecr Sunert"an: -ag)-ql Mongollan: -al/c[)-t Hungarlan: -cy) -5)-f Old Slevle: -ot) -1 Thcrcforcr Old Slavle: bvol(tv-oL Hungarlan! tt-6d l{ongolLang norln-s* - of the horsc lfln th" thlrd person, Old Slrvle has no possesslvd pronounrr sal<l Blelfcldt, 0p. Ctt. p" flr? rL7L/L n but lt us6! thc fo.llowlng posaesslva Sr.rncrlan .r' Tatar: Basklrian: allE t tli3r . , Now let us go back to.thc elrtbdy menLlonJpersonal pronoun in Serbo-Croatian: on, ona, ono = he . KaaanJ conrtruetLontn rc$o (masc.) rl4nt- hLc eon, Just as ln the Rusrlan langrrnsa. pronounccdz Jcgo/ lLteral mearrlnn: Thcrcfore: l€go sYt,A+ - hLc son ,/ noJa(rno-J-a (fem) noJe(no-J-e (neut. ) The root mo- ls the prrsonal pronoun - I - , as ln any othtr agglutinatlvc languagc. The sufflx -1 ls the possessive suffix which can erso be seen ln the Mongollan fanguage: norin-i * of the horse 01d Slevlc mo-l - of that. Llkewlse Lhe Hungarlan word : enyfn (mine) : .ny-6-^, ls a possesslve construction. In 01d Slavic, Lhis constructlon ls expanded t,o the fcninine pender wlth llttle denonstratlve suffixl -a - that. Therefore 1n that case, we cannot speak of Indo-European origlns. csSke-Botos hLa aon (chtfd). llongollanr Lnu nom - book hla l.c. hls book ThLs atructurc l-s not Indo-European end not Slaviee but goea baek to ldcntlcol forar ln the agglutlnatl.vc languages. lnalysl! ! lcgo - Jcgo (*6-9-6 - 51t cf. thc trenacrlbd Rusclenr Ji-r-6lll Hungartant 6-v-C l{onqollanr t-n-u/ pronomlnal partlelc Suncrlant -r-nl/ a Thc orlffl-x, lr of Sumorlan p,oesessive suff{r, lrd. prrr. -nl has a genitlve funetlon" RogerdL€oc of, ho* nnrch rc obJcct to thls faet, thctlold Slavlctj Hungarlan orLgln -- rhlch j"a tcrrlblc aven to thlnk oflti l€io rllrp -42- 4. thc ruffh! The Intenogati.vc Pmnouns. Old S1avlc: kt6l,o? - Old Elavicr vho? Old Turklehr E'ab? = wh&t,? Both pronouns.are conpound words. klbto consista of kE? = who? , the lnterrogativc pronoun, and -to - thatr the dcmonstretlvc pronoun. rts lltcral of Y,fo- ,lr tl, le forncd by thc paLatallzetlon of k6tt and also the demonstratJ-vc pronoun -to - that. Thcrcfore lltcrally: rhat-thet? wc havc secn thc rolatlonshlp of the dcoonstretlvc pronoun -to - that; nor vc shall show thc Ural-Attaic s{n{laritlar lrlth rcgard to thc lntcrrogrtiy€ pronorho rneaning lsthrho-that?rt The cecord word conslsts the interrogatlve pronoun, 01d Slavlc: whLch k/6Lo?- who?/ u1.o-t.o.t/ kon? - rho? kcn? - wtro? 01d Turklsht klm? - who, that-rrho? Turklsh: kin? { u.s. Sunerl-an! kl 46I, 21 - X., X,t = thc one nho, that whlch, xhoeltr:.. what data provcs the atrlctly rndo curopcan origl-n of thes; partlclca? Finnlsh: I'Iongollan: Concluslon: Slavic: k,r-4I, ka Fa, kol€ - whlch Scrbo-Croatlan: koJi, koJa, koJe - [rar 01d Turkish, Ulghur: qeJ'u - u.E. cf. qayu-sl - lho anong thcrn? Ol"d cf. Tunguslan: Llthuanlan: Senskrlt: 43t_ cs6ke-Botos haJ? - who? tis - ursr (Indo- Europcan?) kinr - rhat? ,The ncgatlve ls formed wlth the partlclcs: nt_ and _ie: c.8. Cheremlss: nltri ft nt--kit/ - nobody old Slevlc: nik€to-Xe - nobody cf. Turklsh: hlg kim-sc - nobody The ne8atlve particre -nr-- cannot be of rndo-European orlgln lt cxists in Sunerian also: nu 7516 - ncgatlve becausc _llk6 - quantlty ko-ttkb - hor nany? to-llk% * a! dany as, Bo tlinrn-llg r about ten thousard nt? -Iig r rLlr cs8kc-Botos csBke-Botos -+4-- -b9- Iot TllE NUriifr,AIS csBke-Botos uo repcat that the Flnnlahr edl6c - j.n Old SlavLct F€dtnlb - t The Cardlnal Nu&erals. front of, flrst pronounccd! J;dlno b) Statceant. According to linguJ,etlc reseereh, the ldontlcal fcatureg of the numerals when compared ln two or norglanguaEies are of declslve l-mportance, Let us present a few exalrples thet show thet thc 01d slavlc nunerals cannot be declared to be of rndo-Iruropean orlgln. Let us dlscuss the numerafs lr2rl and l-0O which are identlcal ln Old Slavlc and ln the agglutlnativc languages. Thus; Old Slavlc: a) Thc numaral 2 Ln the language whlch is called Old Slavle is noL of Indo-Etrropcan-slav ortgln but l,! ldentlcal to tha nuneral 2 Ln the aggtutrn;rt.tva !.angue6el. Proof ltr p6din% , l-€dlna, l€dino = 1 (three d[va, d/6vt * 2 (throe gcnders) Lr.lot€, trl = 9 (three genders) sGto - 1o0 (three genders) gendcre) Thur, Old Slarle! dtva.2 (nasc.). It j"s elear thet thls nord, ln orlglnal forrn, 1r nlthout e consonant clustcr. Thcr:forc the inLennerH;rl.r vor..Ls 6tlll "rltt. er ln latln.." The ncanlng of thls rord lo not 2 butrrthe followlnq", .lust. SLatenent: In the O1d Slavic languagc, the nuneral, Ir ls not of Indo_European orrgln but goes back to simirar fragnents 1n thc agglgtlnetlve languages 8nd actualll' lt has no meanlng as a nutncral. Ploof: Leb rrs take the OId Slavlc: tedin% pronounccd: Jedlno Lhe root is: Jedin_ Thlg r'rord is ldentlcal to the Flnnlsh word: esi = in front of, before, in front KarJala dialcct I edl6c = u.s. rJuuo Therefore, Old Slavlc: I edir{c - the flrst "JcdInE,wrltton: f€dln% ld 311+, IO - before, in fronL of, the front, prl,rce The -j- soiind at thc beglnning of Lhe word ls a protheols... Thls nuneral whlch ls decrared to be old slavic is not of rndo-European origln but orlginated from the Finniah. rts orlginal meanlng was not 1 (onc) but rrln front ofrr or rtthe firsttr, whlch ls logi"r1 because in no language 1n the rorld do the numerals mean nunbors... cf. Sumcrlan: Hlatorlcal Phonctlcar aan'a)aep)dava - d%va de{ etold Slavler d%va - 2 l.e" the followtnq cf, Suncrl,anr do! L69/213/6/9 o approaehrarld, companton o) ttatetrent. Tttc nuncral 3 ln Old Slarl€, tr4l€ tranrcrlbed trlJe * I doas not trcen| 3 but trthat onc thorcnn Ag ruch Lt gocs back to the agglutlnat,lve Thua Hongollant lrnguagcr, ln thic care thr f{ongollan languager trrc - thet onc therc (demonstratlve pronoun) &eel" Lttcrary llongollant tcrc - thet onc thcrc Old Slavlc: trlaJe - thrcc PhonctLcc: In the Old Slavlc, thc flrat vorel cllded. Rulcl butt ln thc languagc rhleh lt callcd 01d Slavlc, they dld not eouht Jcdlnt ( Ftnnlah -edtfe - ln front, the flrst dGra ( ilongol-!.an dafa - thc followlng tr4Jc ( !,longoLlan terc - thab one thero ... 1,2,-1, -\6LeL us now take the nuneral: a%to ostyak: Vogult Flnnish: i"iordvlnlan: Cheremlss: Turknenlan: Basklrian:- s6t, sit sit sata 'sada gtd6' = - csdke-Botos -ltf - csJke-Botos IO0 1Oo ' u.s. e u.s. - urg = u.s. = urer Jiif, r u.s. J38 juz U zbek: = ursr gug a u.3. Yakutl * u.s. HungarLan: szL, Uar2 i!6, t9/lOt - ma.ny, nunerous Sumerlan: aA47"g = 3600 / a borrowed word from thc Greeks Greek: Phonetics: Xar) sEz r:z relatlonshlp At the beslnninq of Lhe wrd: Y;5;51 "21 At fhe end of the wordt rYQt) d)t)s .... Accordlng to the above, the {centun-satemrr theory lo a theory The Ordlnal Nunorals 01d In Old Slavlcs Turklsh: prt&,rtL6-L - flrst; not a numeral, ldentleal f,o Lhe blr - oner flrst Turklsh: blr * u.a. Srnerlant bar - rnal ?h, 27 = f1rstr prLnee cf, Old Engllsht fonost - flrrt, chlef rn Old Slevlc thc -t'64 cufftx aets ar the ordlnal nuncrrl srrffrx! Jctvr€- t?.O -l - fourth Flnnlghr MonSollan: whlch Turktahl plrl-t4L -l - flfth lca- tt3 /o-l - elxth , ctc, lolfte-n-tc - thlrd nelJfl-n-t*'- fourth ntgcn-te - for the flrst tlmc (polysernantlc qbter-te - for thc second tlnrc tkln-tt - cannot be proven. 01d In concluslon: 01d Slavie: t6ma * 10r0OO; crowd, throng xalmuckr tii^l = ursr Lit. Idongolian: tiimen = u.s. Old Turkish: tiimen = u.s. Tunguslan: tunan = u.s. etc. NoLe. Bielfeldl, Op. Clt. p. I?I/2I2 mentlons that lhese rrords cannot bc identleal to tGM - darkness, but he does not menblon the ldcnLlcal features of the Altaie languagcs otherw"lse what would have become of the Indo-Eu.opean superlority? Thls ls the rvay the Slavicists work. Lct us eotrperc t,he guffh -l- alao Old Slavtc: pr,6rrb,b -1 - ilrst v6tor+Cl. -1 - sccorul' i{anchurlan: ) sacond eLe. ftrat lr-t- thtrd udtru-l- tro rldrcnts prclcntd above ere noL of Indo-European orlgln clthcr but are ldcntleet to clcnents ln the agglutlnatlve languaqes, ?hc -48- T}IE FOR}IATION OF THN csSke-IJotos Lct us begln with the so-called o-deellnatl-on. Let ug take thelrOld slavlJtword -grad%- ciby. Accordlng to llngulotlcs, thc ancl-ent forn of thle word ls the Indo-European worrC, *Sordos , whlch ls a hypothetlcel form and eannot be found ln any wrltten document. Thus: Indo-Europoan: *gordos graal'a "ola sl*ul"':' The Indo-European nornlnatl-ve aufflx !.s -os, whlch has dl-sappoarcd from the Old Slavlc language, more lpeclfleally, the -s has dlsappcared and the -ohas rernained. therefore the -o- bccamo the nomlnatlvc suffl-x Ln words rlth slmilar endings. Thls ls llngulstlce. Thls supposed progresslon cannot bc of phonotic reasining. 0n thls basls, the Fl-nnl'sh r+ord talo - house could be sald to havc en Indo-European orlgin, together rlth a1l other words cndlng ln -o. The Ol-d Slavlc gradE - city' ln ita strucLure, is ldentlcal to the Flnnlsh word talo*house.The accusatlvc ls ldehtlcal to the nominattve, grad'lr* clty. Accordlng to li.nguistlcar thls word was proven by any klnd formed thtrs: Indo-llurripean' rtqord-on) qord-d)gord-6 * gradG The accusatlve sufflx therefore has dloappcared. Naturally there ls no proof of thls prociesslon either. Accordlng to this the word ls untraceable. Thn plural slgn of Lhe nomlnatl,ve p1ural was Joined to the cnd of the word by the sign: -2. Thus: x-ot)-i. Thls explanatlon cannot bc proven by any phonetlc data; however, ln Flnnlsh, we can find a logical relationshlp. e.g. the f,lna.ill -a- disappeared, makine way for the plural muna= egg nun-i-ssa = ln the eggs Slavlc: grad-i = cliles In thls case, the Old Slavlc plural sufflx is -1, which ls identleal to the Flnrrlsh guffix. In spite of every explanaLi.on of the Indo-Europeans, ib is clearlv a Finnlsh suffix. Ol-d cs6t<c-Bolo; NOUN SUFFIX The Noun suffix -I. lhus: -\y fh6 lrdoTEuri[pdanLaccur.:r pJ.ural suf fLx le -ns e.g. Crctan-cr..kr.Ii.rraV5 -nolreli GoLhlo! Holfa-nc - xolvce. Togcthcr rlth the flnal voreL l.t becomca -ona, from whleh the Old 3lavlc forrn 1r auppoeed to have been derlvcd. Thus: -ont )-Ut. Natural\r'phoncble hlstory has no proof of thls. Olhcnrlle ths Indo-Europcan clenenta would cxlst ln the agglutlnative )nrr4u,ryr.a alro. c.6. Crctan-Crcek: .lfiXO-V-grollres Gothlc: rolfa-n-s - u,s. Flnnlsh: talo-n - housc llongol.lan: snc-! - mothers figc-a - words etc. Ac ve can acc, thc lrdo-Europcan sufflxes ere not origlnal sufflx6r ln the so-called Old Slavlc Language, but rather ldentlcal to the cor.recforrttrrp olcnents tn the egglutlnatlve langragest the eccuseLlve sufflx -n arxl t,he plurel sulflr -c ar! plural aufflxar Juat ar thc plural sufflx -1. Whore la thc proof to eonbradict thl!? L.t us uec the aullLxco to eompa.re thc nord grad6 wlt.h Lhe 5ertro-Crr:rt.l Slngular: llonlnatlvct Old slavLa Serbo-Croetlan Gcnltlvcl Datl.vcr Accusatlvel gredo gradlt grad Brade Sredu grada - Vocetlvct gradcl !lr8dG Inrtrunentallur': locqtlvcr gradon% gradJ(o grsdou el[y of thc elty to thc clty elty I gradon - *lth thc el Lv gradu * ln Lhe elty l'lotc! In Sartro-CroeUlanrln Lhc nontnatlve sase, the flnal vowel disal'pcnrr. Now lat uo show the ldentlcal cLasrentr ln Lhe agglutlnatlvc lanquages Rrrrl prorc thet the Old SlavLc noun culfLreg arc not of Indo-European or.lplrr. gradB The NoglnaLLve Cagc In OId .jlatle and Serbo-CroatLen, the flnal vowel dlsappearc. ef. Flnnlsh: OI"d SLavLc: Serbo-Croatian: talo - house ' citY grad - city Srad% lt ls urunarked; ln Scrbo-Croat.lnrr cs6ke-Botos -<n- The Genltive Case The genitive sufflx in O1d Sfavic ls in Serbo-Oroatian cf. Czech Old Slstle; -& -Y Note In the Czech language, the posscssl-ve sufflx has a dlfferent sound accordlng to vowel harmony. It can be traced not only ln the livlng language but also to the vowel- harmony ln rords Lhat have elreadv fallen lnto dlsuse. The qenitive sufilx in 0l"d Slavlc and ln any Slavlc languaqe, In lts ancl"ent form, l-s a vowel whlch can be traced to an ldentlcal form ln the Sumerian language, regardless of the gender of the noun. The Sumerian genitlve sufflxlg or -ak was crplalned when re presented the Sunerian possesslve adJectlvc sufflx, the Surnerlan phonctlc hlstory and the siml-lar elements ln the Old Slavic language. cf. points 8, t. However, we shal-l present lt again here. Sunerl,an: -ag, -ak Llt. liongolian: -ap/ -e! : genlttve sufflx -llr -1 Hungarian: UrarLu: cs6ke-Botog llxample: -a -4, -Ur -C, -tr: u.3. -6, -1, -it/ -iz adJectlvc sufflx -wa, -/c/l : genlLlve aufflx grad-s - ot the elty Scrbo-Croatlan: grad-a - of the clty Caccht hrad-u u.s. but lca-e - of the foresL .. " Slovek: hrdln-u - of the hcro Mongollanl morln-u r of the horse but norln-i. - ur6o NotGt Thc abovc-mentloncd carc-erdLng -e bclongs to the so-ealled -o,/-.lo dcclLnatlon, the rnscullne end neuter dccllnatlon; t,he -el -)a decllnntlon bclng for thc most part thc fcmtnlne decllnatlon rrlth thc sufrtx -24, In thc genltlve cace. So 01d Slarle: gred-a - of the clt.y... bub Eor-'t1o - of the mountaLn Mongollan: norl-n-l - of the horge morin-u - u. co ere Thcre no data to provc that thesc clemenLs are of Indo-lirrpeJ,pal orlBln. Datlvc Casc Ur3r -we 01d Slati"c: -ovt / -evV,: possessive adJective : genitive suffi.x -a, etc. We are not golne lnto detall about the ldcntlcal olements ln other In [hls ces. He rl11- prccent thr relatlonshlp beLween two nourrs: Brad'f, clty ertd mfi4 - nan. In thc vord mtllo , t.hc flnal sourxl clrrrrgerl fron tho -[, wlth an frunlautn. Thc datlve sufflx ls: *on/;4/ 01d Slevicl Brad-ou - to the elty ttSlavicrr languaqcs becauso ar\y gramnar book answers these questions. Phonetic history: Sunerlan: -ag/ -at<) x-a1 Serbo-Croatlanc Hurrlte: Urartu: Hurrite: O1d Hungarian: l4ongolian: Korean: 01d Slavlc: -/"/t and -wa tauX . - to thc man Y &UZ -U Czcchr hrad-u nuf, -l ard muY-ovl Mongollanr qat:an-a -we -ey, (folk) : -cJ, -nak, -nek -a|/ -elr -ur -i -91, -,1, -I -ov'6f -ev'1,, -lt ad Ject lve et,c. : genitive 'a, -%, '&, .ou grad-u Old Turklgh: - to the Khan Rdaq-a - to thc leq Hungarlan: nek-e-m cf. Western Turklsh: ostyak: Urartu: Turklsh: Sumerlan: Korean: nek-i na?-e 6.2-" URU-l-e ev-e ki-e 6eg-e !i.U-e sarain- e -5t- csBke-Botcs '52= l,,gegtl.ve Casc: = Lo me old slarlc! !b, -6/t\ - Lr\, 4- l/ Aecordlng to llngulst,s, theso elcmenLs nerc fornred by Lhe eombl.natlon ol" t,lra flnal vonel and the nirlaoc-auffl{'r -$ ) - S an<l -ct ) -1" llorrever thera l.s no ncccssl-ty for thls dcrLvatlon becattse the flrral tor€l dlseppcared to Blvc pleac to thc casc endlngs! grad-6 - ln the clty o.8. v mua-G - ln the man Scrbo-Croatian: Erad-u - ln the eLtf v Dui-u - ln thr nen tnu{-t - l-n tho nnn Czcch: but les-c - ln the forest dub-c - ln thc oakr on the oak Slovak: ard roh-u - ln the horn gl-6 . Ln the nlght $unerian: uru-e - ln the clty e-sl-a - ln thc pl-acc Urartur !rarah-6 - ln tho nan f,orean! Ortyakt ;8t-a - tn thc house llongollanl f,aJar-a- Ln thc count,ry, etc. Thcsc crdlnga cannot bc aald to bc eceLdcntal nor ls there n posslblllt.v t,hat they arc borrc|rlngsS hcrc r.e Bre t,alklng of a gcnetLe ldenlluy, reqnrtllarr of how loud\y the Flnno-Ugrlc llngulsts obJect to ltl = to hln = to me = to the woman = to the clty = to the house - beslde the door = here = (to) home = to the man. etc. As we can see there are no Indo-EuroDoan eharacterlstlca l-n these words. AccSaLive_Case 01d Sl-avlc: e.E. -&and -4 /-o, -i grad-tb = citX -4 = man grad-a = cltX muZ Serbo-CroaLian: niuz-a = cf. holub-a = Czechl rnuz-e * t6 v-a . vY oag-l ev-i ger-l Chuwash: Turklsh: l,tongolian: North Korean: ^f Soulh Korean: cf. cf. Vogul: Manehurl-an: According ris6ke-Botos marl pigeon man = nountaln = u.s. = house € u.s. InstrunenLal Saram-u = man sar*.m-L = uo s. dog-o = weapon 6or;-u = ure. jan-a li-rn - Slarlct Erad-onfLnuf,-enB sheep horse -ma = accusatlve Cascg rlth the elty ' rlth the man Scrbo-Crratl-ant grad-oo - rlth the elty nut-em - wlfh tho nan rlth the cltY hrad-em Czech: ltlth the man ,nuX-cm ' . tHnlr-An wLth lron old Turklsh: yada5 -In - on foot (Ilt. v,tth foot) Teter JaJa-un'uosr puu-n - rlth wood, ete. Flnnlsh: 01d sufflx cf. l,ail.n -lr = u.s. elc. to these, Lhe ll,ianchurlan and Vogul languages are of Indo-European origln... 3 slevlc cndlng 15 ldrntlcel to the casc endlnss of languag,est -n, -an, -6h1 (n) m) Thc Ot.d Lhe llral-Allalc *t4- The Plural and its endlnss. The plural suffix ln OId .9lavlc ls: -i. The equlvalont exanples ln Fl-nnlsh and Hunparlan are: Ielircllvs 01d Slavic: talo-i--ssa= in the house pu-i-ssa - in bhc trees lova-lm = my horsegr ete. Hungarlan: nur-rn r grad-'6 = of the cltles of the Eer rr. tlmfrig-ln r tLl-n FlnnLeht puu-n Tunguslanr nd-Je - watcr ihu"-u - Old Slavlet Flnnlrh: whab r,: $ad-fr{o - vlth the cltle* nut-l - ntth the nen pul-n - nlth thc Lrees eiGral-n - wlt,h the guests , ate. pultt-en = of the ttees Flnnish: laloJ-sn - of the houses to these examples, thls sufftx ls not of Indo-fiuropean orlgln elther. Ipcq0lrc Old Slavle: gred.$eh6 urrt-tch& Datlve O1d SLavic: Estonlan: Hungarlan men qldnEfn-{n - Old Turklahr ntV,-4o = AccordLng gad-E,b - ettLer Old SLaric: Iuatrgrontalr Genitive OId Slavlc: (elision of flnal vowel) -6'( |t-on and - 4o(:t-1n csljke-Boto:: Accusatlvs grad-i = citi.es r.,X-1 = *"n Flnnish: -t5- Csoke-Elotos I Sumerlan: grado{'I, = to the cltics muie-rnG = to the men Jalgadc-nl = to the legs motetc-nl - to the thoughts Orosz J6nos-nl = to JSnos Orosz rni rm-Nl-ri - the boat over there 1m-m1-l{I-gar = took Lhem ovar there PhoneLic hisLory: -nl)-m1 = -n% - tn the cltles - ln the nen -agl : c) ch ilotc a Thc ol"d slavlc sufflx la a compound. rt eonslsts of the loeat.lvo -!iend thc dlrecbl-onaL suffLx -;b. Aceordln[ to llngulstlcs, t]re old :ilHvlc aound -ch- gocs beck to the oldcr *s- gound. Therefore our coneluslons conccrnLng thlg sufflx are coracL ln erery aspeet. hleturally thle eoml,orrrrcl sufflx alto cdats ln the othol af,glutlnatlve landuageae c.g. Cheremlas, lrr s rlmllar coopourd fornl -c{ ( -"-t. Thual cr tupi-eE - ln the nornlng d.v I prescnt Btclfeldtra oxplanablon of the orlgln of thls Old Slavle suffix ef. 0p. Ctt. p. 130.0 Tha hypothot,lcal Indo-European xordr rr-olsu Urarbu: Old Slavlcs Urartur on thet -$ch% -esa Cherenlss: -.Xr ete. pagc we can also see the dcrlvatlon of lhe Accusatlvo Plrrrnl srrfflx. -56* Indo-European: Old Turkish: Mongolian: -ens ( -en-s -{n, etc. -s ... that ln the languaqe which is called OId Slavlc, Lhe order of the noun aufflx ls not of Indo-Europcan orl-qln bccauge that Indo-lluropean origln cannot be proven by eny klnd of llngulstic dala, but the connectlon with the agglutlnatlvc languages Ls obvlous. Thc r'Old Slavlcrr langua4e belonps ln the fanlly of the agclutlnaLlvc lanrlrages. We rnust n€ntion that, ln the Mongollan languaqe, Lhe -s suffix belongs to the most ancient plural suffixes. Therofore, we cannot talk of forelgn lnfluence. €.[.! em€-s = womcn; ere-g - men. Also the -n sufflx, e.q.: amlta-n = l"ivlng matter(plu.); morlta*n - horsemQle Cdlr6eiliiC1tlt', liliai3ef..lr"i:re are not of Indo-!)uropean origin oither. According to llnguisLlcs, malnly the mascul,lne and neutcr noung belong to the above-presented ordcr of sufflxcs ln the O1d Slavie languaqe. The nouns whlch end ln -a are for Lhe most part ferninlne, accordlng Lo lingulstlcs. The disslnllarlty of the femlnine noun case endingo, ln comparison, l-s not due io hisborlcal or phonetlc devlatlon. The fuslon of the case endings wlth the flnal vowel reaulted ln thls dlsslmllarlty. genltive grad-e = of the city e.g.: masculine: ri Ncuter: sel-a = of Lhe vlllago gor-ft7" - of the mountal"n Femlnl-nc I " rl morin-u = of Lhe horsc Mongollan In the ltongollan language wc see the orlglnal genltlve suffix, whlle in bhe 01d Slavlc we can sce how the final sourd and the genltivc suffl-x created the possible dlssimllarlty, whlch means that Lhe Old Slavlc language, ln lts origln, has no connoction of any kind wlih the languaqe whlch ls called Indo-European but raLher beJ.ongs to the group of agelutlnatlve Now we can draw t,he concl"uslon Ianguages. wrlter seeslAat ln the Old Slavlc language the noun gender dlfferenLlation is a later developnent. Il developed afLer the Slavic language broke away from the famlly of agglutlnaLive languages. The -r7- Cs6kc-Botos csBke-8otos Thcrefore there arc the -o, *ao -1 and -f decllnatlonsr(whlch end wlth e consonant). A 61n11-er sharaeterlgtle ean also bc forrnd ln Flnnl.sh 6rf,r -o'-t;-f cte. Notc that thc order of the noun gufflx ln the Old Slavlc language 10 s hypotheslt of the nodcrn llngulats. IL eannot be proven wlth any klnd of data that thc pcopLc rho spokr tha tt0ld Slavlef languagc Gver uscd thla order. Thc orlglnal altuallon eordd lrave been Just as lt lr ln the Flnnlsh language. Thla natural order Just leter on beeamc the bssl-c of the gonder dlffcrcnhatlon becauae wr can also say that bhe words ln the Flnnlsh languagc whlch crd ln the lcbLcr -o are of rrascullne p'enrler, c.g. talo - house, lukko - lock; thc words endlng ln -a are femlnlne, e.g. omcna r applc, hlnte - flood, erc, Ccrtaln klnds of gendcr dlffcrentlatlon ean also bc noLlced ln Hongollan, cf. Ranstadt - Elnfuhrung... II. 39. €.g. masc. : fen. - rhltc IagakEln - u.s. Eagan noJan - Lord noJakan kcii - - ladt boy haiikcn - glrl, cte. Taklng thes€ lnto conoldcretlon, lt ean bc proven that, thc Slavlc lengrage orly leter on dcvcloped the noun gender dlflcrcntlatlon rrlLh t ho hclp of the dcmonstratlve pronour, Just as the personal pronouns ln t,he thlrd pcraon sl,nguilar Lndlcated thc gender,.. In the BuLgarlan lanqunge there lc a trecc of thla posrlblllty, a.g.g Vlak - traln but: vLak-4t - the traln (nasc.) and Tlak-s - u.s. stena - rall butr rtene-tn - the rall (fem.) pole - ficld but: potr-to the flel-d (neub.) In the fenlnlnc rord nr ean see f,he -a endlng whlch ls tdentlea.l to the demonsLratlve pronoun (there). In the neuter gender, r*e can.qee tha -c endlng xhieh ls ldcntl,cal to thc demonstratlva pronoun (herc). Ttra Bulgarlan folk ctymologr ues unaHerc of the gendcr dlffercntletlon wlt,h t,he -a and -c oufflxes, t,herefore they addod thc demonstraLlve pronouns -l,n nrxl -rQ- r39- cs6kc-Botog talklng 6f a determlnatlon whlch ls an anclcnt characteristlc of the agglutlnatl"ve languages, c.g. the Sumerlan a1so, cf. AnOr 28. 9l+b. -e, a suffix rhich lndlcatcs nearncast gala-e = the (gala) prlest e-pa-e = the canals, etc. vlak-a = the traln Bulgarlan: Etu-r = the house Korean: rrlni = I, etc. Flnnl-sh: Rule: In the language which ls called"old Slavtcf the detelrdnatlve sufflx, ln the eourse of the developorent of the language becamc the suffir detcrmlnlng Thc, P-eJlsonal Pronoun SuffLf,,_ gender. Eatonlen: Consequently, $te are eg#ke-Fotos , ordcr of the personal. pronoun ruffk end lts alemento ln the Old SlCvle languaqa erc eLso ldentlcal" to alnLLer clements ln the agcLutlnatl.vs The languages. l'loo$natlve 01d Slavlc: A6 rt ean rcc az& - I (ltteral lt la 9cnltlv-c Old SLavlc: Llt. l,longollan: Datlve Old Slavlcr Old Turklsh: rneanlng - rry own, you ) not a truc pcrsonal prohoun. - lr1nr - u.t. frln-u - u.c" nan-e mtn-u - to nc / nA-n!$/ nAt-ar !"s"/M-!-a/ nek-a-n- u.c. I Just the rufflx ls ldcntlcal/ Hungerlanr and nek-l - to hln tlcrtcrn lurklah ", M7 -l - to nc Urartu: Unu-l-t - to the clty 6T-e - to the housc, etc. Turklshr n,&n-t Accusatlvc Old slavlcr frrfr ' Eatonlant nA trC r lloto lfotcr The OLd Slavle guffh ls ldcntlcaL to the nomlnatlve bas. ln thc Old Slavlc language, whlch ls not used ard whlch ls ldentlcal to the sufflx In the Eatonlan languagc. In both languegcs the personal. pronoun ls urunnrknd ln the accusatLte cate. cf. 01d lurklshr dcflnlte fotmr S*bo-Croatlanr Tunguslan: nln-l nen-t r mln-c - mc nc rn€1 Gtc. Rule: Neif,her the ordcr nor tha sufflx can bc of rrSlavlcrr orLgln. *(fr- csSke*Botos -6lL crJko-Botos InsLrunenial 01d Slavic: with elision : Lanut-Tunguslan: Flnnlsh: Logative OLd Sl-avlc: Mongolian, plur.: m6n-o-F$ - rlth me /r-li/ ml.n-nun - rr.S min-un = u.s. nran-a Jotn:!!g!i3, plural Old Slavlc; mG4 = we Ustonlan: ma - Cherendss: me mr ba Flnnlsh: Mongolian: u.9. u.ar = * urSr -u.s., Old Slevl"c: Ztrrl.ent C- r UoEr Mordrlnlant C- r U.8., Nonlnatlvsl L r etc. 0er. Det. Genltive O,ld Slavlc: 'L/vJA/ - Lhld (masc.) E/tJc/ - u.s. (o?ut. ) E/ zJa/ - u.s. (ren.) cf. In coanecblon vlth thla, thc llungarlan deuronstratlve words: ltt, anltL, anott... (herc, over hera, over there). Thc root Ln l(oreanr 1, Jc - thlr Tunguelahr/Gold,/: 8-/ c-, Jc-/ - tr,d. cf. Hoghuorr nLGi u.r. O!ftakt 1- - thlc c.L lh , th;6 - ln rne - in us ,Hdrr-t Djlongtrative pronoun Suffi{og" Ae6. nas-r(g InsLr. Loe r CLeo a4 - u.a" lego - of thls s€Eo - u.r. lemou - to thlc lGfiolr r uoco t - thk 14 - u.s. ln4- rlth thLg sLrn6 - u.o. l€mG- Ln thlt 6rrDt , u.6. thl,s Datlvg 01d Slavlc: Ac cusal lve Old Slavlc: na+nll nas-6... etc. na-dur - to us, ln us na-rna-yl - us na--ooa-bar- with us, etc. Note In this case He have present,ed thc root. The na- root can also bc found ln the Mongollan ranguage. Therefore wo cannot talk exclustvely of Indo-European origln. We know the elements of the suffixes. cf . Llterary llongollan: Ttc ruota of both thcsc clementr can be found rn t,he aqglutrnaLrva Lenguages Just as rc have prrlcntcd thcm. l{a know thc sufflxes from tho connectlon! elth the noun suf,flleso Therefore ee cen statc t,het, the ord slavlc language cannot be of rrdo-European orlgln. The lanquage formaLron rhleh res dcclered to be oLd slavlc in ltr structure and LLs sbructurer 6lement6 ls an agqlutlnatlvc languagc regardlcss of how mueh thrs rs rrerrrnrr. The gender dlfferenttatlon was also construeted wlth the demorrstratlvr partlcles here and -!!qre ln the langurge rrhlch is ealled O1d Slavtc. c.8c 1- thLs (naac.) l€(lre . thlgl (ncut.) t4<t+a - thatr (fem.) Wlth thcse connectlonr re can al-so prove that tho gender dlffererrllal,rrr ts not a duperlor racl-al characterlstlc but ls a elmple ereatton of necessLty, conabructed trlth tha ald of the dcmonsbratlvc rrarttcles. -62- The Adlectlve Suffix and the Comparlson Csoke-Botos of dobr'f,4l = tho good therefore rneaning newness and goodncss oLc. The same sufflx, with the same structure ean also be found ln the agglutlnatlve languages: e.g. Tungusian: cs3'kc-gotos 01d slevlel Ad..lqctiveg. Note that t,f,u Ota Slavlc language forms its adJectlves wlth the abovepresented -1- and also forns its nouns with the demonstratlve oronoun -i-. This is ca1led deterrnlnatlon. e.g. OId Slavie: nov% = new , novr(.4 I = the new dobr{= good z -63- bun-f - the llfe bakar-T = thc finder cf. Ramst,edt, Einfuhrung ... II p 80/81 In OId Slavlc, the superlatlve ls cxpressed rith the -L, pronounced: -Jt. e.8. slab'1p = weak : s1ebl61 = weakesi skor4 = fast : skor-i8l - fastest Serbo-Croatlan equivalent : slabi) slablJl = weakest skorl) skortJl - fastest The 01d S1avlc sufflx ln thls case wes forrned by a phonctie fuslon: -X-le ) lBr This suffix ls a characterlstlc of the agglutlnatlve languager; therc le stlLl e trace of lt ln Hungarlan. Thus, OId SLavie: sIabJbI = weakest Sebo-Croatlan: slabi-Ji = u.s. Hungari-an: 6rett-Je-bb ) Srett-c-bb = rlpest '6reg-je-bb ) 6reg-e-bb = oldest but: bc[-Je- bb = furthest ln fo1-jc*bb = furthest up In Hungarian, consequently, the ancient cornparaLlve sufflx was -Ja, -Je, -6, -6, -a, -e, and the -bb however was the superlative suffix. The cqu!.valent can be seen in the irlnnlsh language: -l-rnba/ -i-mbl , Lhe Supcrlative sufflix. The -i srrffix ls the comparatlve sulifix but its functlon has become lndist,inct. Consequertly, ttte'bta Slavlc'rconparatlve sufflx ls ldentical- to.the Flnnish, thrngarlan, etc. eguivalents. 61ab-tl ' weakclt Scrbo-Croatlan: alabl-Jl - u.r. Hungerlan: fel-Je-,bb - furthegt Flnnlsh: huono-l-npa up rrorst ' rn llungar!"an, the -Ja/-Ja sufflxcs have beeorne al.mosL obsolete anrr are vcry rarely usrd. €.9. bel-Je-bb - furthest in Itr orlgtnal meanlpg3 bel-Jo ! comparatlve bel-Je-bb : euperlative Thc functlon of the aupcrLetlre hes become obsolete, therefore llunqarln. ules the prefl-x 1eg- to form the euperlatlve. rn old lilavlc, the supcrlail.ve has no dlstlnet slgn tnrt the preflx: rrrt ls uaed to lndleate the superlatlye. Thc Old SLavle: nel- E lep- also cxlrts ln the agglutlnatl"ve Lenguagee. €of,o Tub.: naJ' vcry Hakr! neJ - vert Jakut3 nE.J - very Thue, Old Slavl"c: naJ-ekor$e - the fastegt Scrto-Croatlan: naJ-slabt-Jl - t,he weakcst Rulc; In the language whLeh l-c catred old slavle, the adJeetlve sufflxen, rtr^tr rtncture and eomponehts, ar€ ldcntleal to the equlvslents tn the agqluilrrni,tv^ languages, rhleh mcans that the o1d s1sv1" language bel-ongs tn Lhe fnmlry of agglutlnatlvc lan6;uages. The edJectlve auffixes are dLvldcd lnto tr,so groups. FLrstl thn norr_ dctermlnaLe end sccond the deterrlnate group. ?he datennlncd bagc conslsts of the root word of the ad.Jectlve and tho dcnonstratlvo pronoun! t/z J6 / .rg. Old Slayle I " II gcn! dobr-a - of good dat. dobrou - to good cf. OLd dobr-a-FEgo dobrou- l€mou- of Lhe goorl to the good, et.c. Slarlc: 8lo{bka - of gen! dobra but ! dobra- }llgo Efor'$t a- ]ego - of the gond nen goort men *6,l+* csSke-Botos -6F- of Lhe suffix ls obvlous. We have already presented the identicality of the suffllxca to those of the agglutlnative languaqes. The determinativc characteristlc ls al-so e charaeteristic of the agglutlnative languages. Congruence is not only an fndo-European characterlstlc but it also exists in nrany agqlutinatlve languages, e.g. Finnish, Tunguslan etc. and we cannoL trace thls back io a foreign LnfLuence. Let us notiee the followlng: ez/ az/ eraber = lhls man (nom. ) ennek/ az/ embernek a = of thlg nan (gen.) cf. ez6/ azl ember6 - belonging to thls rnan ennek/ az embernek = this nan (dat) azL/ az enbert. = thls rnan (acc./ ezzel/ az emberrel = wlth thts nan (lnstr.) etc. cs6ke-Bot os The use Shc Nuncrel Sufflxes l{c shall Just present the follorlng: 01d Slavlcr Norn. Ocn. Dat. Aee. Instr. Loc. des,grt& - tan dee,ot-t/-c - of tcn dcsdrt-l - to ten dcs0t{o - ten desrtht+-|fi = vlth ten dos.t|t-t . ln tenr cte. be denied, as we have seen. Notc: The NomlnatLve arrd Accuratlve are unmarked ln Slavl.c. The GentLlvr rufflx te: -1/-c. We know that, from the Hongollan language, the lraLlva sufflx le also reeo6lnlzable, G.g. Hunqarlsn : nek-i. The slgn for ttre lnotruncntal eesc Ls: -ff,/ t(-J-t, nasal,, therefore tn Old Turklstr: -Yrr,nr,r" Thc Locatlve casc cen bc shown ln eny of the agqlutlnati.ve tanquages as wo rrrva elready seen. The word formatlon, or the noun root, conslste of the nnlrr root: d?r-, edd:th€ narallzod noun-sufflx -ab/:ent - abstract - ean be fourrl nv,.r.y th*G ln the agglutlnatlva lenguageg. The llteral meanlng of the root ls : The Prorroninal Ad-iectives. totaltty. Thc naln root! dcr-, ln Sunerlan: deU- - together, in oLher worrlr; the ten flngers together, thc tot,ality of the ten flngers, wlthout nry,'[rrrl.-. 01d Slavic: European' superl,ority. Note the Old Slavlc: dobr-a leso llT,cfalIy: .,t.,,t,_ .lo-naK Ova = ++ good-for-hi.s (for his good) whose idenlity with slmlIar elements ln lhe agglutinatlve languages klto4rl = whlch (masc.) kor€ = u.s. (neut.) = qayu = kudo = kona = ko61 Old Turklsh: Cheremlss: !lordvinian: The Thus: root, as Naturally, the u.s. (fem.) u.3. u.s. u.s., etc. ls : ko-. Let us presenL lts sufflxes. we have seen, Nom. k%{r-1 = whlch Gen. ko- fg go = of whlch ko- l-C mou = to whlch Loc. ko-ten6= in which kEaa-fnG = with which, etc. Instr. cannot Thls root cannot be declared to be excluslvely of Indo-European orlgln. l,re know the origins of the suffixes, therefore with whaL riqht did llngulstlcs decrare th6 J'anguage whi-ch is called .sfavicr to be of "old rndo_E'ropcan oriqi. tlungarLen vord : t{a - ten also belonqs hcre. Tii-[ ViJiiB $UF'r'Ijr' Ai'IIJ ITS TilE TRtsl'I,TT COi/J,0N!]N,|5 TENSE Let us Blelfeldt. 0p. c1t. p. r,85, shows in the forrowing wav the structure of the verbal suffixes of Lhe Slavlc language: verb root uerbel suf 1ix€_-=_-_l aorlst suffix personal suffix (plu. The wniter nos I the preecntatlon of the verbal sufftx wlth thc vod-l-n = u.s. vod-l-{ = u.s. ved-c-3i I ved-c-t6 = hc lcads suffkcst I wil-r present the ldenticar structure in the agqlutinatlvc begl.n Pregent tense. Lct ua also taks ln cornparl.son Lhe Serbo_Croatian conncctlons. Lct uo gce the sloilarltles and dlfferences. Stng. Old Slavlc: Serbo-Croatlan ved-fi - I l"cad - you lcad -1 -9 -te = you (plu.) carried cs8ke-Botog ^67- csdke-Botos =66= vod-l - u.s. The Peroonal Old Slavlc: -ft Scrbo-Croatlan: v, _s1 languages: -m ( -s -rb -il l'fotor Acconllng to lingulsblcs, tho Flrst I'erson sufflx ls : _ X./z -g/ rhl,ch aupposedly goes baek to thc Indo-European tuffl,x | -nl, so thaL, personal sul'flx (pIu. old iilavlc language tn rts literal meanrng is rn aggrutinatlve rf the reader, up Lo thts pornt has only cautiously accepted thrs possibrlity' he now has Lo aceept the proven datal llot only the fact of the suffixes is obvlous but even the sufflx components are a]go identlcal" Thus, 01d Slavl-c: nos-i-s-te = you carried (plu. ) DsLonlan: lug-e-sl-te = you read (plu. past) Larrrut-Tungus lan: dpg-sl-sen = you flew (plu.) Cheremiss: ll$-t-ta = you ltved (plu) , ebc. The reader can not,ice that , for exarnplc, the OId Slavlc _s_ and the Ural-Altalc coixponenLs -sI, -s-, -5-, -6-, are ldenti.cal, and therefore the Otd Slavic language ls not of Indo-European orlgln. How ls it posslble that llnguistic researcl- never notieed these connectlons? The ranguagel 8t thc end of the ron{, or together wlth the verbal root, the _m_ sound beeame nasalized: -oqnl/ -e-,nf ) -c-n)-en) -9 or -q .. rt l"c pronounccd lLkc trc r'rencrr ifln,,:" rmarson'r.fiowever, t,hrs dertvnr.r'rr cannot be proircn, rhcreac J.n the agglutinatlve languages, the exlstlnq slfillcrltlct clcarly prove t,hat the slngular fonn of Lhe pregent tpnse of the pcrsonal aufflx of the Ol-d Slavle languase ls ldenil.eal to ilre cqutvnlorrl ol"nent ln thc agglutlnetlve Languages. Tungurian: -ui/ -.nL) -x)-u/ -t , ete. Thust 0I-d Slavlcl Tungualan: Serbo-Croatian: vod-X - f lead -Irll1be btSd-v - X em ri-n{ - I ktllcd ri-n ' u.s. odE-u vodl-{D*Il"ead"ete" -69- =6d'- 2nd. ierson Singular! Old jlavic: Serbo-CroaLian: Tungusian: cf. lrd. O1d -LTo: vede-t% = he leads -Dt t Jlrr-et = he eomes : Jl-ut = u.s. -d : vodl- he leads Vogul: Scrbo-C roaLiirn: -fi z vanL = he looks, etc. Mordvinian: Old Slavic: Tunguslan: Oid slavic: ved-ff = I lead odE-u -fsha1lbe veOi-Ui - you lead * you ki).led Tungus!"an: nrdJ-sL 01d Slavlc: vode-tr! = he leads VoguJ.t Jlw- )t = he Old Slavlc: vede+n{6 = we fead Est onl.an: n4e-me -- we look Ofd Slevlc: vede-te = thay led Estonian: comes I'lowlle shalf examine the p1ural connoctlons. OId illavic. vode-m? - we lead, vodl-nd = u.s. vede-te = they 1ed, vodL-te = u.s. vedft-t%= thcy 1ed, voda = u.s. Thc plural personal suffl-xes: 0styak: nd-te - thcy Jll-tt = you 01d Slavlc: vedft Ist. person: 01d Slavlc: MordvLnian: 2nd. person: Flnnl sh: J[e Bstonlan: -me; ete. O1d LJOLOS Let us complete the conparlson: -Si, vede-Yl -5, vodl-E -sl, wEJ-sl (you killed) -s, wi-s = u.s. Person Sing.: Slavlc: USOKI- Slavlc: Flnnlsh: Iistonian: lrd. person: Old Slavlc: -te -te -te; etc. Flnrrlsh: -Itto -vat Hstonian: -d Cheremlss: -t Voeu1: I,tordvlnian: I -t ... etc. Chcremlss: Ostyak: looked ca&e -tG = Lhcy lead tott -t ' they corne Jtf -et = they corne pa1l-t = the.y klss, etc. liule: In Lhe language whlch iB called 01d jlavlc, lhe structure of ttre sufflx in the present tense, together w.ith lLs components, is idenLlcal to lhe structure of slnrllar elenenls ln the aqglutinative 1anfluaries. Let us see t,he dual connections: Old Slavlc: vede-vB = we lead (two of us) vede-ta = the.y led (two of thern) ved,e-Le/-l,a/ = they lead (Lwo of thenr; oEtyak: JlI+nA -n ' we come Jll-tl -n = you come JII-IA -n = they come Rule: 'Thenold Slavl0n 1anflu4ge could not ha.ve lnherited the sufflxes of the present tense w{th thelr structure and elements from the Indo-Europenn language because there ls no kind of llnguistlc data to incllcate Lhe exlsLnrrr.a of the Indo-r:,uropean languaqe, but the wbole structure and its elemerrls nra ldontical to the equlvalent forms ln the agglutlnaLive J.anquages. r"7.& Csoke-Botoa -7rRuLp: The present, tense of the old slavle Language can be uscd to oxprcss the future tense, the PresenL Future, Just as ln the agal"utlnativ€ lanRuaecs. TilI A0RIST that I TUlr_Slt purposely uglnB Blclfcldtrs cxpressl.ons. In thlr ray, I lntand to avold posslbrc nLsundorstandr.ngs. Thc ergn of thr,s trtensc, lrt -a-r so LLngulstlc research carls tt thc nslgnatlc* aorlat tcnsc. Thls parti.clc, under phonetic change, becarnc -h- ard -S-. ThJ.r tlne we shall erarnLnc thc s,/h ehange" I'lotc tet us compare the Old Slavlc 0slyak equivalenls, past tensc: TungusLan; r$ti r apan b .- - cxlrt, l'llth the suffLxc prfr OLd Slavlc: p tr"i.ve, be -3- 'Tt lshort forrno/ pp /short forml p41 pm-s-o-n% P4'i-soto PO-s-rqi bl-s} -nr bl.-s b -nrl. bL-s3 fta functlon ls to -y11 bi.-s; -p bi.-s) -c bl-s .. " express past actlon" dual fonn with the Jl-su-w = we cane p.4t-s-te Jl-s-tl J t-sl -t /9-s-,{1 prn-"o-JB Jl-s-mr-n /auaS./ -s-ta P /9r -s-te p/n Ji-s-tb-n Jl-s-ta-n Let us noLlco the Estonian connecLlons In the rrlural form: luge-si-me = we read (pasL) StaLementl Thts parH.ele, or tence sufflxo ls not of Indo-Europcan orlgln bccause we can also frrd Lts e.qurvalcnt rn [he aggrutrnatrvc ranguages, c.g. ln Lhe Tunguslan J.anguagoa, Ln VoguL end also Ln EsLrlntan ".. Lct ui enphasLze that, wlthln thrs etudy, re prcecnt only the correct connccil.ons. Lct uc begln wLth the aorl.at -s-. p.l.r,rral and pm -so-m,7t, p am cs'Jke-Botos luge-s1*Le luge-si-d... l'le can cl-early see the personal sufflx and lts identical components! rt is lnpossLble to undersLand how the linquisLs faired t,o nobice these connecLlonsl rhe rndo-European ttequivafentst cannot be accepLecl becrrrsc they are only a hypothesis, created aL the writins desk! The rndo-European hypr:thetlcar word: *pEn-s-te = you stretchad (rne)orrt 01d Slavlc: pdl-s-te = u.s. Tungusl-an: bI-s)-g Estonlan: luge-sl-te , etc. Facts uhlch carr be found ln the livlng 1anguarle have weight: tho sl4l of the aorlsL tense 18 not of Indo-Eurofean orogin. We can prove how nuch thls elernent, the -s- formanl, belongs to l;1r,, agglutlnative languages by exarnlning the slruclure of the anc{errt Flaster.rr languge, the Hurrlte langurrge. cf . Diakonoff, Op.Cl.t. p. LI5/2 and p. l;)./: -^V,-, -iY-, -oE-, -uE. . These sufflxes, accordlng to linguisLics, ar. t,lr. sign of the I'erfecb or Preterite tense. e.B. adi-nl-n t,aie-n idd-u/o"z-l-a = therefore thaL ls m.y gift. Lhar, was d'en/a/-ttt-/e/n pa9E-u/oY-i = and now mv brother ha; jrrsL ir.r,. Consequently, Lhe linguistic forrn of the langiraqe which ls crrl Irrl OId 51avlc, the trsigniaLlctr past tense, ls not of Irrdo-flrrspean or.iq1n, trrrl. ldentlca] to equi.valent forrug i.n the agr;J-ubinati"ve lanruages. undu-nu-an carrl (,r.r.. 42Old Sl.avLcc llstoni.ang Tunguslan; -s-, -Y-, -s-, -s1- -??; ce6ke-Botos O1d SLavie: -e-, -s1-, -hl"-3- Hurrlte: -u/ot-o Istonlan: Old Slavic: ehc, The ldentlcal"lty l"s undenlablal But Let us contlnuc the eonparlaon" Ac re havc already mcntloncd, tho Old SLavlc aorlst sl.gn ehanges undcr certaln phonctle condltLonsg s)h s)g fhe aamo pocsl-bl.ltty aLso cxlste Udlhe: sl> ht e.g. Old ilavlc: Udlho! and ln the tungusl-an ni - I spokc tE-frl-rnL-!cet rt-cho-o0 - r.o spokc t5-h-u - ra sat rt-r-tc - you apoke (plu.) t5-tr-u - you sat, (plu") t'b'X*, - thcy spokc tE-ht-tL r ft,[6.y aat cf. Chcrenlssg il.i-d-na - I ltvcd f$-Y-ta - you l-lvcd (stne.) rr3-Y-t, - he ll.vedr ctc. Rul.cl Thc Lrnguage whlch ls cal-lcd Old Slavlc cennot be an Indo-Europtan nor a Slavl-c lanquage" The atmctural- cohcrorrce of the Old Sl-avle 1-angua6c can bc declphcred onl-y by comparlson vl-th the agglutl-naLlvr Languagec and langnages uhose sLgn to the pret,erl-Ce ls: -l--o/-a-o -e-e dte"f rrs!.gmaie, nhleh ltnguLsts of, t'he agglutlnatl-ve q-l nIg-i-rne n5g-1-te JB-eh-u dcfLnltely not t{lth the Indo-Europeen J.angurrgcsl l'low I wll^l present the eoni-st tenee wlthout the havc declared to be unnarked" pad- = fall : MordvinlanM: Fal- = ki€s nig- = look Mordvinianli: Pal-a-it pad-'lo pal-a-t pad-e pal-a-X pad-e paf-a-rng pad-o-m?p pad-e-te Pa1-a-d€ pa}-a-dt pad-ir nig-1-n Ilstonlan: ndg-i-d Languagcs: tx Statcnent: Thls tense Ls Ldenti.cal s#ke-Bc.los lrooj!: -ch- Cherenlss: c nig-l-d, etc. The aslgnatlc aorlst tense ls ldentlcal to the widely used JrreLnrl l.a of the agglutlnatlve languages, therefore we lndlcate it wtth t,lre :jarrrn lr r.l. I ,. l.,r I -l-f'. -a-, -e-, etc./ Let us compare lt wlth the 01d 5f avic : pad-e = faIl.r Ol-d Slavic: Ilstonian: nig-t = neze! (Hung.) = Look! rn olri slavlc also, the personal suffix has disappeared' cf' with t'lte nl"rv^' We do noL even mention the Hungarian connectlonsl The groupinqs of t,lt'' past Lense of bhe "Old Slavicrr.language are ldentical to slndl'ar qrorlllrr/"r of bhe Chererniss language. to]-3 -n = I came Cheremiss: asignatle : 01d Slavtc: asigmaLlc: pad-% = I fell i13-!$'-m = I l1ved Cheremlss: slgmatic: pa-s-G = I spanned, eLc. Old Slavlc: signaLlc: I believe thaL llnguists flnall.y have to adrntL that Lhev were t,"trll rnistaken when bhey deel.ared the"Olcl ilavic"latr/luaqe to be of fndo-li,tr.l,r'rrtt origin. Nobe: =l\tHli b{P[,rtFIrCT Its ai.gn cadkc-Botoa THE I,I'1PL]}TATIYE rn the old $lavic languagc, thcre lr e past tensc callcd the nrnpcrfeetn. lsl €r$e -7r- -ach .." dela-aeh-% - I " Orocs/Tunp,usLanc rA'-ha-n }4OOI-} In 01d Slavic, the sufflx is -i -t)-J ) etc. Suncrlan: -{7 -a, etc. G.g. Sunerlen: Yu-zu luhh-{ = wash your handsl cf. Poebel, Op.Cit. ll67t+-6gl' OId Hungarian: rnrt;i-l - mutasd - show! gyer.c - comel Hungariani urxdo dBlt-ach-%-Irccoycred vldB-actr-4b Udtha/tungusian: ga-xl-nrL = wi-ha-rnl * Cs6ke-Botog - I satc I recelved I kttled - orlgln of thls sufflx le the abovc-prcscnted arlgmatlc paat bensc sufflx -1, etc. and the c!.gnatte paat tenrc aufflx, -s. Thcrcfore lt la a coslDourd" Thlg means that thls suffl,x i.g not ttrndo-Europeanh ctther but {t ls a sufflx whlch ls stilL usad ln two agglutlnatlve Languager" lrlatureLLy; neez-e = takel popu]ar: The Suncrlan: hcre wc have present,ed only the reqular connecU.onee but thc detatted orplanatLon la the task of further rcsearch. rrOld Slavlc": - go! leI-J - 1'1n61 {.-J - wrltet etc. gln-a - got zlg-a - get upl si-sd-e = Ieadt drivel badd-u - runl nes-l = brlnct dvlgn-l ^o,ru, dBlu-l - aot r6e-l - say, speak men-J pomodz-l = helpl cf. Fed-i-te = eatl (plu.) cf. Hungarian: J'6v-e-tek = comet The slmilarlty and rdentlty are so obvlous that it is amazrng thal linqulsts did not notice then, or maybe they rlld not want to notl.ce Lhern. The rr01d Slevic'r rs not of rndo-European brL6-l! = be, exlst, live (alxlliary verl;) origin either but ls ldenLleal. to the verbar form wldcly used ln the agglutinatlve languages. -f6* Thus, Tunguslen: bL- - bc, cxlst, Thus, Old Slavlc: l"ly€ bii- * ber exlat cf. bayl- - o.t" SunerLan: bar 7lr, 56 - u.s. !t|e r11l present the suffixeg of thc l-rregrtlar verbs from rrltten Llb. aerbo-Croatlan! Jesam - documents. u.s" Jcsl FCs-t - he ls the Je J6stc I *t - they are Jcsu... In the 01d Slavlc languege, Ln Serbo-Croatlan and ln othar Slavle languagcs, tn slmilar formatlon, the J- eound at the begLnnl.ng of e rord is a prothesls" Thc fonn wlthout thb protheala exlstr, for cxanplen ln thc c Vogul- X.anguager trgrr E-ea -rn -r Gcrmansl cernan: Korean: Jesno analyzed: arn o lst ( f-s-t ltta( i-s-ta (f-st-aa Thorefore : German: isEngllsfr: lsKoreani lsi( t-sl-l I t Inportant. The Indo-Europcan llngulstlcs exaggerated the hlstory of Ianguagcs called Indo-Europeanl The tlme of realizatlon l-s herc ... Past tense, OId Slavle : bt-ch-,6 = I was ,lr oo I 'youwerc ut J thc J-c-s-m€ t $C-Enb "" Thl.s verbal fcrm ls not, of Indo-European orLgln but Ls l"denH.caL to equlval-enL form ln the agglutlnatlvc languagcs" Thc root is : e- repetltlvs sufflx ls -s- , ri.del.y exlsting ln the agql_utlnatlvc I te-sz (does)3 le-az (rlU b€). e"g. llungarlan wag bt-de-s = you eufflx Scrbo-Croatl.an: The =hewas Tunguslan: bt-5i-w = I repetl.tlve sufHx nold Slavlcrt: Lhe I word root personal, e- o-:cf.on=ls }{ongo11an: e- ! cf. alu = u.s. Hungarlen! a- : cf. l-s ... etc. cf. Koreani lt-ta( lst-da(1-si-da = lsr exisLr live The root ls: l-, the repet,etlve sufflx : -sl"-, the vcrbal norrn sufllx: -l.t/-rltr 'Ihe Ol"d Sfavic vcrbal form (tense) is not llnked Lo the JncioEuropcan connectLons. Thc Koreans dld not borror the verb - to be- fr,rn Flnnl-sh: MongolJ.anr cf. Blelfeldt, Op.Clt" p. 2o2/t26} €.8. : lcs{&=Iam cs6ke-Botos -77- cc6ke-Botos 1anguaqcs, were bt-6e - he was , etc. Herc we noLe that ln the rrOld Sfavlcn language, the verb -to ba b'l't - forms tho future tensc rtth the sufftx -de-, l-n spite of the facl; Lhat the Indo-IJuropean llngulsts dld not wanL to or do rrot wanL to noLice tr,. The cquivalent of thls suffix ls present in the Tungusian lanqrrarqe: -at!-, -aLI-, -dU*, -d1-, ctc., the sufflx whlch lndleates the future Lerrse. Old Sl"avle: b8d- = I wlll be : Tunguslan: bl-dii-m Slovak: bulp-m = u.s. Serbo-Croatlan: bude-m = u.s. cf0' Cstkc-Botoc 'TIM VERBAT, NOUNS L. Thc 0onttnuous AdJectlval Vcrbal lloun (Prcrent, Partlelplc). Let us take thc n0ld Slevlen aufflx fornatl.on. Gcnltlve alngrlers I. vcC-htt-e - of thc lcadcr IIo zna- hS Ut-a - of th6 c:pcrt III. ehval-,o5t-a - of tho praircf Thcraforc thc sufflx i.c c 1. -/tIrr - l-r$It- - -Jg{t- a. Lct us cxanLne thc flrst, -?9- Thus, Surnerlan: sag-ba1-E-Darn - belnq, exi.sting... g1-nun-dl-Da-in - gcreamLnq ... = bulldlng let-tl-i1A-Dam = looklng (raisinq the eyes) dU_Dam Hungarian; -end/-and ,Old Slavlc! -h5r - f,ormr rn.- F85f"-o#- dth knorlcdge to the atetementg of llngulrtro the foroantc -rrn$t- r.rfiftto the Indo-Suropcen slencntl -J9-nt-1- --JontJ-r ln rhleh thc consonant group t,j ln "Old $lsvlc[ boearnc St, t tJ) 5U (tnrcrted ordcr)" -Jg-nt-1- -Jgrl-Jgtt- transcribed: Hungarlan: Question: lt lsnrt? -:-o{U - irnYt-"tit- e ruffh any wrlttcn documcnts ... why ve1- ft 5t - eorunancllng (Hung. parancsoland) veO-S$t : leading (Hung. vezetend) ved-JonUt - Ieading (Cermanl fiihrend) foly-vist - ffowing (Oerman: fltessend) biz-v'ast - trustlng (Gennan: vertrauend) fut-v6st = running (Gervnan: laufencl), etc. calt this ttord sravlcrr language 'rndo-European-slavlcr wlrerr Note: The above-presented suffix in O1d Slavle, Lhe -.ionXt-/ -Jg{t-1 cLustcro Llngulc0s rtated that ihe Old Slavl.c suffli Bors back to tho Indo-Eunop.en parttclplal aufflx -nL-. Wa reJcct thls and tte 6tatc thet m do not knoy of JgXt Thls sufflx also exl-sts ln the Hungarlan rmetathesls". nold Sl-avlcil. zan- |EEt = knowing, (Iiung. trrdanct) -JontJ- thuss andi fl-netr Iy: nrttgen: and: *_J_oi,_J_ *-J-ont_J_ Accordlng gocs back Illuotratlons * determlning t,he fate ... (partlclpialfornant) nam-tar-rE-De thereforer Sumerian: -ed * -3it- -rBJt- cs6ke-Botos ln xhlch thc exlstcnc" lGro ruppoacd$lndo- Europcanllforraant could be provon. lfc provc thet thls cufflx ln lts hermony, fornttlon, loeetlon end funetlor.r gocs back to thc Sunerlan partlel^plaL aufflx -cd" ?he nasal forn Ls a later dcveloJroent of, Old Slavlc" ls only used ln the suffi.x form. rt doeg noL apnear in the nomlnaLlve crire. lilavlc nomlnalive form ends ln a vowol which assimilatecl Lhc sorrrr<l of bhe verbal sufflx. Thus: ved-'/o.|g = vezet-5 * leaclcr zna- l-r'fi = ludS * expert chval-rgr -- dteslr-8 - praiger, etc. Thls sufflx is also identical to the r+idely used equiva.lenL in the aArlullrlt.lva languages; Thus : flnal sound plus sufflx: The Old tt-v-v) -vr tt -\6 - l-rfi /-niaLvs/ _$l in Lhe agglutirrative Ianguaqesl -fl, -1, -Y, -o, -s0- Sumerlans SaYtugtug-"-r" u-a kl-beL-a {-^ Hturgerlanl Lssz-a szagl-a sziil-c HurrLtc: Un-e tad-ug-ar-i. Urartu lbrdvlnlant Flnnlsh dlal-eetr LappK : Old Slavlc: 2. !a-1-n5 paL-I Laula-| 6lLrs-1 4 co8kc-notoc - to the hcarer - providor - rebclllng countr.y - encestrt - drink - snJ.ff - gtvc blrth - f,uture - l-over - buyer - klsscr - 61ngcr, rLngLng r gwrlLolref rn the Mongollan ranguage, thls s'ffix kele- gsen = Tunguslan: MorphoJ"ogy, in the forlowrrrr who canie who spoke, said = kek-{e 01d Slavlc: ono who dld -rb\-v Tos- dongollan: -[aan/ -gsen Tunguslan: -k!a, -sa, *Ya, -Ei, etc.. Note: This sufflx ls identleal to the above-presented _s_ preieritc atltflx. vd-VG- ledderr ctc. 3. Perfect Partlclplo In trold Slavlc'r: -I% is the sufflx c.g. da-Ir|o= glven ' b1-1% = htr dbla-lfa - done Vra-I,b = bouqht, ele. Mongollan: -1uf al-liige : -Iu-f,a a). -gs- /rooI.s whLeh crd tn consonanbs/ b). -rV;- /roots nhlch end I"n vorek/ Gcnltivc; a) vcd-!J-a !v,vcd- - lcad b) zne-vt I-s ! tna- - knor Phonctlcc: The 5-sound f,omatLonc sJ> f Trrnguslanl Ja/ -Ei am+d ' conre (has come) diarn-wEa - takenr bought 01d Slavlc: zna-v,gJ - cf. above .". -Iar/-Ie! -Iaf-Ie e.g. Llterary llongollan: yabu-lu{e = laft, ilkii-le-gel - dted Fron theec faets rc can aoncLudc that the forms prasentcdu*&r polnt a). cxprcss ectlvc ectlon, vhereao undcr polnt b). thoy are passlvc. Wlth the tanguagc comparl.son, $c can solre thc aa norphologlcaL connectLons of the 01d Slavie tenscso". ean be found In WrLtten Mongolian thls comblnatlon cari also be found: yabu-fsa-far = tho onc who alreariy ]eft, Xhal-kha-Mongol.lan yaw-s6r = u.s. The Pest tcnre AdJectlveL Vorbel t'loun (PasN Partl.el.plc) of the Tun$ralen L,SOK.-t-JOLo3 combj.natlon: -{san/ -gsen, perfect noun e.8. yabu-fsan - who arrived, The slgns are3 hel"p -ol- yrt umcsolvcd nede-l-ii-i? I*r al"kha-Mongo Kalmuck: ll an di.d he/she Yawa-lf = left - u.s. bl-lE = been bi-fil = has he yow-1-d been? know? .6tr- caSkc-Eotoa c Blelfeldt nont.lons , Op. Ctt. po 228e that thfu auffLx la ldentieel to th. adJcctlve sufflx -1% c tn Old SlavLe. r.8. gnl-lrl - rottsn ztbr'i-lr?o . rlpG Therc connectlons elso exlst ln the agglutlnatl,ve Languagesr [ongoll.ant tent-l - aequdlitddo ltnown Chuwashl tufu-l - eslf I to celvc xir-lD-red:flirshcd Turklsh: osa-l-bad:ncgl.ected y*r1-rl sevgl-ltr reglsterod lovcd, ctc" - that i.nportan0 auffh and lts atmcture ls not of, but i.t belongo to the aqglutlnatlvc l^anquagca end ls llngulstlcall;r chsract,erlstic of thcn. Thc language v?rlch ts oalX.rd trOld Slavlcn cannot bc of Indo-Duropaan orlgln becausc lta ttrueture ls ldentlca} to bho egglutl.natl"ve X.anguagea& Consequently Indo-European orlgln 5. Passlve Preterltc PartlclPle. Old SLevic: e.8. ved-en'16 AdJoctlvaX. Vcrbal- lJoun. !r0ld Slavlcr'; e"8. nero-frl/fr OId Turklsh: l.lordvlnian: Cherendss: Korean: Turklsh: notr"l-nlb = bc8gcd vedo-7tl1' - l.d ptJe-m% - wr!.ttcn yaz-ma - wrltLen old l\rkishl ChcrcnLsa: c.8. -m% * takan as-ma - hangcd, hun6 kfis-ni ' cuO bar-nna o passcd, Loft tcno-n$ - f'l"lled rudlo * cmtu notched - 1ed re6-en? = sald Old Sl-avlc: lr. Thc Prosent Tense PessLfr 'ntlo, -antTor'en'(a nes-en! = takcn Turklsh: Hungarlan: tol-un tiig-iitr kado-fi pala-6 kando-r{ pul-n6 Eug-ln sa-n - fullr fllled - knotr knotted * lefLr abandoned = kisscd - broughL = been = dead = shoppedr etc. 4V raspnr -t'6 - stretched otlt kl,q|-trA * eursed t*r-t4r = harvasted povl -t tlp - rolled uP siipr-intii * garbage, svrapL kur-untu - concelted bula-ntY - disturbcd r mixed uP kifesz{tett = stretched out 6tkozoLt = cursed bek6pzett = concelbedr etc. ,II{E SUPIN!] Old Slavie: e.g. -L @ viat-t% = in order to see Iovi-t'la = ln order to eaLch O-da = in order to become Tungusian: Sufflx cl-uster: taj-d$J = Lo read tik-t{ = to fal-lr etc. This suffix ls not, of Inrto-European origin eiLher' sdke-BoLos -.ti4: caSltc-Botor -BJ- csdkc-Botos I?ts PRSTIIES The language rhlch Suncnlan and HungarLan. OLd Slavtcr r/ b/ k callcd r0ld Slavlcr ur6c pn vG- - ln O]d Sl_avlc, v{n- . in (rlth rorelc) po- r to Sumerlan: Hungarlan: e.g. cxsmplast "/ Hungarlan: Suncrtan; llungarlanl llungarlan: SunerLan: Hungarlant b/ llurgerlant Suncr{.ant llungarlenr rf -vectl i to lcad lrr bc -vozeL - u.i. ba-a-tu - to drrop ln bc-t6rt - u.s" va-ie{w-bllghtflrc ta-gr(1t - rtrlo b{-ct-rt r he putr it ln va@-vfbtt . to put ln bc-dug - eolc 1'o-mazati Sumerlan: IlungarLan: Hungarlan: Hungarlan: thcrc - to annolnt bc-kcn; bc-oizol - u.a. n6-U{-ric. hc guldcd thr rhlp ln Uc-{r6rrfft . to guldc ln po-mrdlnttl - to frccac bc-falpr r g.g. $uncrLanr ba-gln r hc rsnt there po-ouEati - lnstruct Hungarlanr be-tanft - u.r. Suh*lan! ta-nl-s( - he sprlnklcd it onto lt, Hungarianl be-az6r, negsl6r, stc. r cprlnkle Thc Sunerlan-Hungarl-an ldentleallt;rt ba-, bfba-/b.- oo, Hungarlant flxo, llk6 Phonetlcs: b) v and b) p .., I belleve that the identlcality cannot be denled. called rrold Slavtc? is an agglutlnatlve language ... ou- = away, from alel- ... Phonetics: I), ... ou-rtzatl = to cut off al-bal-bal - break ol-tbrte ou-krestl- - steal el-lop r 616s1 ou-m16 knfttt - to grow dunb eL-n6mu1 = to grow dunb (stlent) ou-chodltl - le&ve, go away HungarLant e]-negy o lcaye Sumsrl_en! al-t11 Hungarlan: etd5l=to fall Sunerlan: aI-hebb-a Hungarlan: e]-rothadt - rotten SuncrLen: al-hu1-hul Hungarlanl e1-6tkozott - cursed., etc. The language o66= Cc6lo-Botoc _81- u 9o K e-bo r.o 3 PHONETIC HISTORT Surnerlan: - }ord g1!, geJ, 29612 = man, lord, prlnce, OId Slavlc: lgo = yoke 01d SIaILle: The Congonants. Thc lnltlaL and final g-sourd of thc root," cf. Iatln: Slavlcs Scrbo-Croatiant Old tha rootr cf" OId Indlanr Suncrlan: cf. ef. govfirla4a govcda - cattlc- (adJecttrc) gh€ noots cf" OId Slavic: boe = 8a61... glrh 297 rJ - ox, horncd eattlc E.td 297ti r role Llt. bo/da = maJesty, royalLy; maJestlc, boX;daz - u.s. bo/da = Godr salnt ovcn gur, 46"5 r ovah BtrU 43Or2 ' oven, atovc, fl.rcplacc kur, L21 126 IJterary liongoLlan: gal - flrc qor-ur- - hurtr burn cf. gul r llght thc fLre Lanut-TungueLen ! golomo - flrcplace cf. Phonctlcsc Ilungarlan! zugoly = nook, recesg diafect: d uosu - u.go el t,hc end of, the root r)1 """ olunta gularnta Mongollan: 0styak: cf" ?tr fr\ ErbI'Tt = an81e, corner nG- uesr Coa 01d Slavic: Serbo*Croatlan: Llt. Bor-o$orn r l,longollanc Ulghur: Sulyuan: fi golttt - to burn gr% l(lrghlze Mongollan: 01d TurkLsh: Chagetal: Uighur: cf. SuncrLan: lugwn = u.s. ugunr 35Ot2 = border, mounting go-vc- RussLan: soneone - cattLc (collcctlvc) *uX, 32916 - u.e" Thla word La taken fron the SumcrLen and thcrcforc doce not orlglnatc fron the Indo-Ewopean languager" W. havc to nantlon that thc Suncrlan: OllD - dX.vlnlty ard thag the EnglLsh s COD and the Germans @TT - dtvtnl|y are also taken from the Sunerlano Old SJ.avlce Swrerl-an: gospod{a heavr:nlv ugal 5 u.s. szugoly s6gir - u.s. sii r;1r = u.s. sa?lr - u.s. sigu{" - anglc 3oT, so? * eornerr h111 Notc: In Old Slavtc the s-sound at the beglnning of the root has disnpl,onlr'l; etructurally, the root together wlth the sufflx ls ldentical to the Hungarian word: 6td St.avlc: I zugoly I szugolY : -lY = 5ug"1x v$eVI% | -I\a = suffl-x -88_ The lntt,lal- and fl.nal" k-solnd csSke-Botoc of the root. ,89- O1d Slavtes Turklsh: lllddle Turklsh: Hungarlanl Slavlc: Cr8ke-RoL." pekf,r = I bake r.pek-ti = Old Ancient Slavic: 01d TunguslanrGold: peku = heat pekusl - hot Olcha: - hot peJ-tl = bake kLtstl - to Lay, to load, put togcther qal.a- - to put togethar, aeLdc, to ley kaLa - to plle up kelensra - shock, ptock (of corn) In OLd Slavlc, the e-sufflx ls thc repetcH-vc suffk. OLd $lavlc: Sunerlen: Hungarlan: Thls word went how nuch ktloEo - kry kul /2rB - cLose, lock kul-csol. : -csol - repetetlve eufflx - clesp (hands) kul-cs - kryi hebarcs - nortar fron the Hungarlan lnto the sLavlc languagca regardlcse of the Flnno-Ugrlc J-lngulst,e reJect, thLsl 01$ Slavlc: analysed I Turklshc OId Osman: Chagetal: Sumerlan: 9ld $lavlc: enaLyscd: Scrbo-Croatlen: Hungarianl l.longollan: l(alnuckr Suncrlant Letln (?)r The anelent root kovail - to lcov-a-tl. - f,orge ltuJ-€-m - I forgc kuyuncu - Jcreller, gol-dsn{th quy- - pour, cast (netal) quy- - melt mctal, pour ku, 1168151 - preelorr<actalr rorker r u.r. po-koJnl - dLcd" dcad huny, el-huny - cLoae your eycs, eonu- r aleep, atay overnlght ;1ono- - u.e. ku- cenmt bc of Old Slavlc: Llt. llongolian: peku peg 354, BB = burn Indo-European dl-c tlndo-European"orlgln".. - paLch, dl.rt Kalnuck: Xald8?= u.s. Old Slavlc-: kr7rvt = blood Sunerian: Llt. llongollan: guru, gurun, kurun JJ2, 22 - blood qor-qa? e pus Chagatal: qurda5ep = The supposed Indo*Europcan boll on a horge ... orlgln of Lhe O1d znatl - know, inforn, Slavlc z_sound. teach zna-tI a/ zu 6, l) - know, recoqnlze b/ gi 85,&0 = u.s. Hungarlan: z6-gat, - lnform zu-vo1 = qossip, twist words l'honetlcs: The vowel of the flrst syllable disappearecr. rn ..iunrerra, both root words exist: zu and gi. Therefore we have no need of .rnv Indo-European explanati-on. p€ecc orlgin either. kal% = dirt qaldag Suncrl-an: !"" - r€st - fart, rlcep, cf. 01d Slavlc: cf. Stllerlan: Thls word ls not of analYsed I po-k6J gule-s pekusl-= to be hot Old Slavlc: pokol - retb po-kol bake *90* ThctOl"o Slavletanclcnt crdke-Botoa f,ornl a6ne. SunertanB Sunsrlan: il. '(lrfuqt-6fi1- I Greek: O1d Turklsh: $lavlc: tr{rno - corr cf. Llbhuanlan: 61"n1s - peas Sunerlan: zat \jlr2 - 6paln, corn cf, Akkadiane ,6ru = sccds, sor,rlng, shoot UareG - graLn Kalouckl Shoron! Uyr*q * barley grlta cf. Suneriane gur, guru 10 r 8rrron4r 5\2 - tccd, oprout, fruit gr6nun - corn, kcnncX. cf, Iatlnc cf. Gcnnanl Korn - corn ctco Jakut: tiitlX - baek of the head ... 01d Slav_lc: zGv-a-tl = cafl iavitt - dlscuss, practlse maglc saw, geb * word, speech, proverb, sav-Ia - sneak a lob = fortune-telfer LlthuanJ.an: 01d Tarklsh: Mlddlo Turklsh: Altal.o Turki.shc Ylb"g" - o""o Flnnl.ah dlslactc hambaz - tooth popular; hamrnag - uooo Suncrl.ang zu, L5, 13 - u,ao Oi.d aadi. = zad-i. Creck; ;66xvog - bottomp postertor gudu 32912 - enus, post,erl.or khutl- - portcrlor Vogult Ll.t. llongol.lanl back gedr - beck of the hcad gadergii - bchlndr back news "ar.-31 = Vogul ! Sar,, SunerLan: SbU/iaq WOfd 38t+r2 = word, order Thlg word ls not of Indo-European orlgin. 01d Slavlc: cf. SLavlce z/Fb? - tooth Llthuenlanl ["fiuas - aharp obJcct Llt. ilongollan: lobu-'far - polnt, potnted cf. Uob-qa-Jl - to be poLntod Osman: clvrl - polnted, atrl Suncrlang back kiidln - behlnd 01d ln the kld, kidin - Uighur: rccogntze 01d Slavlq: analyseds csSke-tlo t,os -9L-- cf. MordvinLan: Surrerlan: Ulghur: OId Turklsh: vez- =Ileadrltravel ves-tl" = leads ved-6-t%- u.s. vez-a-l6 = travels v6da- - Ieads ; Hilngarlen: vozet us 21112! = radfi = Iead, guide, go bohind, fo)l.w uduz- - lead uduz- - u.s. etc. Notp: In the 01d Slavic and the supposed Flnno-Ugrlc languages, Lhe v-sclttrl ls a prothesls. Tho d-, g- and z-sounds go back to the older ljutnerian 5-sound, thug the "Old Slavics }anguage is not of Indo-iluropean orlqln, l,ec,rtt'r. ln the time of the Sunerlang there was not even a trace of the so-cal I erl Indo-European Ianguages. The supposed "Old Sl"avic" s-sound.in the 01d Turkish: s(o, s!, se = the Eu - that there Trtkish: 3U i U.3. Jakut: suhr = the se + thls, 9l{-:ikvle: Fi. nni. sh: j.nltlal and flnal 1xrsll,l,rt. Lhab sielti - frorn there sllni = tlrere, over there, eLc. ;t2p4r-a-tl - 01d Slavlgt 9ld 9lavlc: wrLte - rrrLtingr pr6f.stn - nrltcr Altalc Turkiah: pfd-fn Chagetal: pcY-ek -93- Cs8kc-gotor tl.ckctr book aLgn Vogulr Ostyak: - I0O sEt - u.s. slt, slt, - u.s. s%io Finnish: gete * U.a. [ordvlnlan: sada Turkmcnlan: - u.!. "iifo = o.". Jrid- u.s. pttZ 'goce Basklrlenr J8'd Jakutl Krrakt - nurd - speak aiild- - uic. sllld- - u.r. Kamnl ,-Tatar! sbyli- h lpcak, rey Chegatel! a6ylc- Osmant r5y1c- Turklsh: - *rttc blt- - u"s. Suncrlan: bad 5915& bt61- Mongoltan: cf. 01d Slavlc: Churachr $zagaJl; Gherenl"ssl - op!n, pLough - u.a. - orlo Ilungarl,an: 8r.&d4c€ ator - hoart cf. = o.". Yarr396, r9/3o = many, a lot n&?% - 36C[ / loan word fron Sunerian: - u.r" rlakutl afiri1 - u.t" fielnuekc z(iritr; - unso Llt. llongoll.anr flrrikcn - u.c. yflilit - urEo Old lurklshs yiirek - u.ca Turhl!h: Clurrarhl {a rl . itplo cfn Avcatat z 6 ro d-e - u"s. ctc. ilotrs fh. contun-saten theory li onLt a thaort and nothlng clse rro rcll, lct ul !!e.o Ulrdls (.. Chuwagh: Notc: The forn ard mcanl.ng of thc ruppoccd lrdo-;Europcan norda do not belong harc. the Old Slsvlc rord Lr. not of Indo-Eumpcan orlgln. S-glsslg: cf. Llthuanlan: - u.s. Jriz u.s. - o.". "{is sz6z - u.s. Uzbck! slovo so}a- csdke-Botoc Oreek: O1d Slavi_c: ostrz = potntcd of - polnt Old lurklsh: Turkiah: Ulghun uE Osnani u{ = endr polnt Jekutl ?eleut: Flnnlsh: us-uk - u.a. uE-a- = sharpen Sumerlan: fd, tUt = nountal,n fet = spllnter lgne - spllnter, needlel cf. Surncrlan u9 a u.s. - the polnted end astala = spllnter Srunerian: Turklshl Note: Thc Old Slavlc s-sound ls not of sccondary Indo-European orlgin but ldentical to the stailar Urel-Altalc sound. Butaparl frorn thls, a sccond posslbllity ln the agglutinatlve languages. Lhere *9&- cs6ke-nrt,os -95- v4s(- rtllage vac ! urso e.g. 01d SJ.avlg: Slovoncl Thc v-sound . UJfalu but vAS a uolr e.g. Nova-Vaa - UJfalu at the begi.nnlng of thc nord lr a prothe$is... l,lova-Vcs Ncr glLl-atc llow Vi.llagc vGaft Thug: o te(p {s& *es ) ver Sloyencl or *ea) vas - house .Ya l28rze "."" .$iu, rYA*" r,X, 1z8o2c Sunerlan; cf. cf. Akkadlanl neanlngr placp, Old Hungarlan: waifrru ".. localtty. Thts word in Akkadlen i.a borrowcd f,rom sumcrlan" araa - hiza - hls housc cf" Sdnaorhdze * S6ndorfalva - Sdndorrc vllLagc Phoncbl.csc The h- Ln tlungarlan La a protharla... y6t, thl6 rord rxLrts in Sunerr.an ln thLs form too; aka" ag, 18316 - pLacc, local.lty cf" latLnr - group cf houses, villagc Both ruord forms: vGat and vleua go back to the swtrcrLan Dcrlvatlon: Sumerlans a5,ci) Old Slavlec v6sb agraka ) Iatln: vTcus... vTcus Thc tlmc hal corne for us to llungarian: szJk = chalr Chagatel: siikt = chalr South Korean: BJgk * u.s. etc. The rooi word ln each case fs st-; tbe _s_ and _dB_ ara only sufflxes-.. 01d Slavic: analyzed: sedrnE= 7 Mlddle Turkish: Jadr - 7 Osman; Jedt = 7 xltl - 7 O1d eYru, o56ru Just as: Vogul: sEt=z Latln: scptem enalyzed: ef" cf, st-s-t,1 gbaB-tf analyzed: dB-at-tr X.atlnc sede-rc Sunerian! cf. X,lt " * he strs 01d Slavlc antt Vorul If the Hungarian word "hret,, is an rAryann loan_wor(1, hor cou-l"d lt be rrPrnno-ugrrc"? From thls, rt ls crear thaL the 'rrnrr'* Europeanrr lingulsts are afways guidcd by politlcal interest anrl in Lhig wnv they make their declslon, never according to the truth... wordac cX ard ak&, ag. t o l{ongol-tr.anl Slavic: mbzda - Hages Suoerlan: neYr 7619 o Turklsh-Tatar: ma5-da-a-rl 76,7O miizd = sal_ary, honorarlum Persian: muf,d rent, proceeds, su$ 536,14 - stt $c-du 16?12o6 - u.s" - u"s. 3lg? 151,6'u.r" safu ' slf, The 01d Slavlc ch-sound Old Slavlc: iierbo*C roatian: I,lural: incorne = u.s. (loan-word from Sumerian) u"s" su5 53611& -f e * down - / etc. Note: As we can see, the fndo-European language fanrily, plronetlcalJy and morphologlcally, has no cornectlon wlth the Ural-Aftalc_Olcl 5lavlc language farnlly; where dld the p-sound go from the o1d sravle anri tire vogul )anguages? Moreover, the Gothic word forn ls : srbun, the 0reek however *:LnrJ r rn connection wlth thls, eompare the senrrtlc-Akkerrnn word: Ylbu or stbi = ?. How dld Lhe b-sound tn the OLd - slt Turklsh: sed-m'6: -rn%=sufflx words becorre a d-sound? anafuze the Greek and LatLn Loan-rords from Sunrcrlen""" sts-tL Old SlavLec cs#ke*tk,1,," ouiho - ear ucho * u.s. ,rEi = ears -96- Old Turkishc Suncrlanr .. - hcar Thus, Iatin: uoe. Osman: EuX ZII'TO - hcar, p*ccLre Phonctlcss The t{orphologr: -97* e$lt - EUtd cf,. cc8kc-Botoc inltlaL The Old S-aound dlsappeared. Slavlc word ucho( uch-o - tc heerer 01d $lavlc: mouehe ro.r{ 40516 Zyrlan: ,nu$omoE Vottrak rnu5g Cheremlss! - ur = lump, knot n.tiftf t v4rchg = I thrastr 4., *urtidltl ! rurche) Ofd Turklsh: ur = to beat Turklsh: vur- r u.g. Jskut: ir_ * plle up RussLani v6roch - corn stock Phonetics: In tho OLd Slavlc language, the v-sound al the beglnn.lng of the verbal noun goes back to a more ancjenl u-sound. In the present Lensa v ( prothesd-s. Thc conncctlon ls logica1, and ln overy respect lt is ln accorJance with reallty and therc are no Indo-European characterlstlcs lrr ahcient fonn: f,ly - p1" - bee u.e. mitXI Llt. 01d Sla_tdc: Surnerlans s .. ,a oro = u.s. clnptry a ycrbal_noun, thuar e.g. Flnnlsh: korva - ear, whtch eetuall.y n6anr : hcarcr and !.hlch i3 felat6d to the Turkl"sh: eulqe - ear, ectually: lgarer. - verrica - rloe, wart ur * swolllng, gr.owlh Kazanl-Tatar: Mongollan: uosce ctc. consequently, the hypothetlcel Frnrn-ttgrre or A4ran,rordr rhckye bee, can bc flnally traccd back to thc Surncrj.an rord aboveooo - flyr Analyzed: vrtirtt ( *ur-t5-i-rt root I repetellve sulflx 6-_-.l verb Old Slavtg: anclcnt for.n: l,lt. l{on6oLlanr Kalmuck: Jakut g MlddLc l{ong,ollanl vr4ehrb ttvr4 r pesk peak, polnt orB Hungarlant oronrc u.so, ctcn Phonetlcs: In Old Slayls y(u cf. s€rbo-Croatlans rurch)vrch cf. Russlan: a prothesif. verch(v-crch(*crehi Ln Russlan the v-sound ls Blcrfeldt, cf" op"clt" p.d3, ldcntlfles thls rord wlth the tatlnr rarrfica E acab, rlse. Thl-s word f,ornn al6o erLsts ln the fiongol_lurklsh Languages, lr,lthout the v-prof,hesls. I vorbal suffix q--.---_--l verbal noun ahrto * u"a. oro! - u.so horal- - u"s" onol cs6ke-[tot,o,n I I I OId Slavlc: cf. Serbo-Croatian: OId Turklsh: Chagatai: Sumerlan: tlchG - quiet, peaceful tt5lna = sllencc t"iEi - he dreans tiig - dream tl fJ,6 = rest OId Sl-avic: chodlti - to go, go Llt. llongolian: cf. Greek: od-, odu- * happen, stand asjde Os[lAn3 ad- = strlde da-lm = step, ete. Turlmenlan: 58ag = way -98- Thc Inltlal E-.gIg!&: Ancltnt Slavlct Llt. f{ongollen: Jakutl and Flnel aoundr cs3kc-Botor of the rrot *orda plBdc - Ln lront of, bcforc / aeeordln8 to Btclfcldt/ url-da - ln front of, beforc urut - u.c' *pcr-d% - u.e. - curtaln (l) Anclont llongollant r+purl-da Osman! pdrA6 s?p-e-il - tl?ep Q!C-fllg&!g: ilongollan: seb - rtcovcry, rart Srmrcrlant eIgr 29i, &7c - rLlcncc, rcot Phonetlcs; e);)")n ".. Slav1c: fB-tl - sLng ptrootr osnanr 6t - u.r. /-r - afitIt/ Jekutt At, - spcak, oound Phoneticst [n Turklsh, thc Lnltlal p-sound dl.rappcared. 01d the -99- prl-I6p-a-tl = stick there lep-t-tl - stlck yap-5ur- - to fasten, stiek 01d Turklsh: ?urklsh: yap-L5tIr- * u.s. Chuvash: Srs-3!- - u.". According to theso cra.nplee, Lhe L-sound at the beginnlng of the word ls 01d Slavic: Serbo-Croatian: sccondary. Old Slavlc: Sulerlan: bar 7l+r I17 - utr.at, rt'"n po1-ica - stlck / llterally: cf. Sunerlan: bal = strlker Hungarl-an: p61ca cf. Flnnlsh: palJa=hammcr:beater pallata r to haruler pell = ctrlke, bcat, fllrt cf. Hungarian: cf. Klrglc: OId Slavlc: ALtalc ?urklsh: Chagatal: 01d {ilavlcr ancLcnt forlrt Flnnlshl longollanr Hungarlenr L. pr4at0 - carthr dust 2. prach,6 . dugt *f)orror - u.co / eccordLn3 to Blclfeldt/ poro * duot, Irhct bor - dugtr sand por duat ctcr !,{ongo1lan: Turklshl The Old Slavlc: pol6- aldc, half puoll - u.s" Vogul: pBl . u.a., ctc. Suocrlans ber ?t, l/86 - u.a. Phonctl.csr b)p; and r)I o!$-srav:!gr Flnnlshl cs'5ke-Botnr - beat cane balga - hemner, eLc. p4s-a-ti - wrlte pf{-ft = wrLtlng, book peU-et< = tickct, eign pfEf-din = wrlter bi6l - wrlte bit- =.u.s. etc. Initlal and Flnal b-sound of the root. liongollan: b'lt{o-tt = be, exlst, 1lve bi- g u.s. bii- = u. s. , etc . 01d Sl.avlc: 01d Turklsh: Ulghur: b|?4t<7 = 611 buka = u.a. buka = trrs. 0sne.n: bufa = u.s. TungusJ.an: beater/ cadke-Botoo =1@- - trulL, obc" iir - Lo bcllox rndgli-re - u.a. b8g - q.". Mongollanr buqa ef. Old Turklsh: b<ig UongolLan: Hungarl.an: -101- The Inltlal and Old Slavlc: Flna] t-sound of Lhe word-root. 14na - darkness BloLfeldb, Op"CLt. # d5, l.rU.l not aecept the Urat_Altatc orlgln of chls word but rather traccs tt back to the slovcnr xord! b6katl- be]_ron and neanwhllc, he forgot, to nrentlon that thls r*ord also cxlsts ln bhc lutalo Llt. languages, Flnnlsh; tu&na = dark Ulghur: tamu = Chagetal: tunan tunan cf. abov€. 0l4_Slavlc: - hcarenr skX Suroerian: nab 12912 - Cod ,.. Accordlng to BLelfeldt, thls rord ia ldcntlcal. to the tnttn: ncbula fog and the cermanr I'lebel rhlch neans the rame thln!. rt cannot bc aeecpied that the 'rAncl-ent slavs n had such a nfogp-J, l-dca of Heaven. Btceusc thl6 word sounds llke the Latln and Gennan wolds, he prcsumer they are ldcntleal yet his comparJ"son, ln splte of thls, lc not eonvLnclng"." cf. Mongollan: nebo OId Slarlc: bLato cf. baLr&tln64 - u.s" bol6to - u"c" balEfT - dl-r'te fl-LLh, loan cf. Rugslan: Llt. l4ongoLlan: Turklsh: Eastcrn Turklsh: cf. Klrglzl - crernp belclk q ucse. balElk r u.sc paldlk - u.s. balqaE - swamp Sunerlan: barans Serbo-CroaLlan: bareY cf. lstln paLus - Euphrates - snamp - u.g. t4nQn6 = dark ttunaY = fogry, dark tunan * fog hellr plt, dungeon (!) - fog, darkness - u.s. etc. Old Slavig: to5-t-tf = lo make flow cf. tokt|r - lilow, river Old Turklsh: tdk- - to pour out Osman: d6k- = pour, pour out Chuwash: tSk-, tok- = u.o. Sunorian: drgr 396, 26 = pour oul, in Phonetics: k) E palaLalizatlon .,. OId S.l,a'!r1c: t%k-a-ti = weave Ol-d Turklsh: l{lddle Turklsh: toqY- = u.s. toku- = u.s. tokY- * u.s. ChagaLai: toka- - u.s. Ogman: doku- Sumerian: Lag, 126126 Uighur: Notct Thlsr"ord kent Lnto liorlern Greek from the agglutlnative language,i.ptn"Ta C - u.s. = weavc, sLrike Lukur 126,22 cte. ca1ld the Euphrates Lhe rgreat baraner - the great rlver. Thc Lat'ln nord l-a a ]"oan-flord" The Labtn languagc la not a lupcrlor langua6;e" The world dld not begl.n wlth thc latln and Greek lenguag6c . 'fhls - u.s. needs no explanatlon... The SumerLans swanpy Thc l"anguage cal"lcd it0ld Slavlcw cannoL be an Indo-Europeen languaqe becausa there ls absoLutcLy no proof Lo lndlcate that tt, cver crl"stede rt ls onl.y a hypothetlcal ancLent languapqco created at, the dcsk... Ol-d Slalic: tt6L-tt5-tr1 = p'ush Ulghur, Old Turkish: 1fi1 = push aqainst sornelhing lllddle Turkish: U{t = to sLuff ln tYka = lo stop up aYk- = u.s. Osnran.. cf. si5 lrn - 1Lr Lc, rr 4o2- codke-rotos -10r- Old $lavlcl Old Turklshl Turklsht oLte4a - fethar ata { u.!. OId S1avlc: tta ! u.!. dlddlc Turkllhr atakl - ded, cten Lit. llongolian: cf. cf. Tungwlan: cf. 01d Slavlc: Thc Inltlal and Flnal d-round cf. of thc Word-root Suncrl.an: cf. Uzbek: diriXt - u.a. derax . pl.ante trec, daraht - trec diirirx - ulrar llastern Turldshl Turkncnlan: Teranchent Sunerl.en! dont - housc tan - rall tatr - u.6. tan - roof tane - vaIL tan - lr.i. dLm, - l40r? - to Old Slavlcr rouda Old _$lsvlc I Otd ?urklrh: Ogmant Chegatel-: Mongollanr f,oreenr cf. Suacrlan! Phonctlca: Thc Lnltlal - /Ed% cf' drtvo - tree d5rcro.- u.s. ttaa - knonledge ota*t-tr - to know roedc-ge - to knowl knowledge mede- = to know, decLde niiddy-, nydde - mark, note nftdr& = r'lse The Old Slavlc r-sound. 01d Slavlc: 013 Slavlc! cf. Rursten! o-Botot nffdrost,% = wlsdon, ei,c. oB-tt . tay, oet, put du 206, tl a u.s. du, 2lOrJl - u.r. Old $lavlcr CsSk - speech re6-ti = to re6-e-t% * speak u.s. Itrck-tl Sunerlan: rIg,r 2lJctJ = to speak, to say riea - u.s. Hungarian: rcg5l", rege * to rectter recltation Phonetics: Thc g-sound, wlth palatatlzatlon: g)q)X2i ln the languagc called n01d SlavLc'r. Ancient forrl: burh 01d Slavict Serbo-Croatlan: Sunerian: rlldB - Ihc r6a t roa. rer 2O6, a, 1l - ridu ra J28r2? = bulLd orc r ZdrA- red urudu, urud 13212 - coppcr urudu) trudu) Old Si.evl.cr rouds urudu)unrd )trud) Old Slavlc; rrgd-r? u-aourd, durlng thc course of phoneiLo hletory, dlsappcared, there- fore the d-aourd la not of lrdo-Europcan orLgln. Sakdnu rar 2Q6,23 = k6nu Senantlcs: to lead, guLde, rulc, dlrect, be suited to, follow, learier;hlp, governncnt, be flrm" be constant, to set, to put, Lo orrler, to declde, to prepare, to creatc, to cffect, to apply Hungarian: rend, rendez, rendef - otdcr, set ln order, to ordcr tttotc: The'bld slavrc/word is identlcal to the sumerian-Hungarian. rt berongr tO the agglutlnatlve languages whose prl-orl"ty can bo proven ln wrltten Ccllkc-Botoc -10[- -r0t docunentg.Let,thelrrdo-Europeanll-ngulr|schor'_alnllarvaluab}4,trrlttgn docurnents ahorlng [he tracce of the Indo-European langueger. $!9,! The lnltlal r-sound ln the Old Slavle languai:c k' ln most c8r€!t secondaryrc.g.ther-soundrforrnedbyatranspoaltlon'LaEl'soofUraL-Altale orlgln. Old $lavlc: r44 d-a-tl ' Sunerlanc Lra-du 5?9, 369 er.-du 5?9r 388t cf. Hungarlan: cf. ef, Old Slsele: Llt. ltongollanl comPlaln ' conPlalnt horl lamentat'lon, crtlnS o"l{r, orolo6l - b*"1, kecP Ycllln8 - eryr barl" "6t3r rlvul, r(, rlogat, rlggat, r{kat - ileept cr!/t frLghtcnl nakc (sY) crt rou-tl - barl rlo-t!'urS. orkl,re- i lcrcam, bawl".. r aA'tL ' to burYr dlt Slavtcr ur Pit, hollor Hongoltant or dltchr Plt Ghagatal: 0r'6-, oruo- - burXr to dlg out dakut! ndna - dltchl Hungarlan: cf. Flnnlcht ' Lovl' ' clcft, notch, fLaaurc, crcvLcc rovn/tLzJ - 8tra18ht, flst cf. Busai.an: rJnc'flato opcn cormtry Hungarlan: ort'u ' atralght, flet, ctc. Sulyuqn: Phonetics: or./u) orf - )xeoo-) t*rotHungarlan: *rona ".. Old OId $avlcl Llto l{,ongolLan; Kolball BurJetr Jakut! rtko - rlver urlr-!- - to flol, stroan urJt- - PoUr urusil81 - Current 0riis - blg rLver 6rfis: . u.t. fira[ - ltttlc rlver, etc' In rrOld Slavl-crr the comparlsons of the cs6kc-Dotos lnltlal vowol dlsappcared. Sumerlan: korl = clrcle qur-$a = to surround kiirdii = clrcfe, etc. Flnnlsh: Old Turklsh: MongolLanl *Farts /pronounced: Jiro/ = Jar - u.r. Jar$ - u.s. yaz /< tar/ = ,.". 01d Slavic: Polishl Czech: Old Turklsh: Turklsh: Jraz ' - nydr Mongollan: nar&n auno,cr Chuwash: ' sun derlm - srrnncr 5or, 6ur = spring Srunerl-an: Ear tizr3Sho8 = grecn Tatar: Baskirlan! Jakut: Jar8a - surnmcr corn JdrsA - u.s. Jarysaa - u.s. Koreani KazanL Russian: is Jarlca = u.s. etc. a loan-word from the agelutlnatlve languages. 01d Slavic: kour6 = rooster Sumerian: kur-gl-hu )66157 kurkt = u.s. cf. Akkadlan: * hen Finnish: kurkl = crane Llt. qora = nountaln-cock qur = u.s. etc. Mongolian: Klrgiz I 3or1nu Suomer Hungarlani The rrSlavlcl word let us see a kr.ffgto = clrclc kura 6o, 33h = fo curve, bcnd circlc 01d Slavlc: cf. Nov word-endl"ngs. -106- erdkc-Eotoc ,1O?- The Old S}avlcr Flnnlsh: ef. af Sunerlan: z) l, Fhonctlcgl Inltlal and Flnal L-sound word_root. rct-t-tr - rr' lentd- - fly (naral) lento . f,lylng ll.ntu - btrd /rfltcr...,/ ?td 84144 . rlae clinb whlch rncans secordary. 01d of the sl-tb l$p.f, = I$pota = prosperlty OLd thet thc Okt Slanlc l-aound, ln nost cescr, l! l}odlf€. pcopl"c (eoltectlvc) Slavic: Surnerlan: Llt. Mongollanl OId Slavic: pronounced: fJgdiJc Scrbo-Croatlan: fJudL - u.r. analyzod: rJu-dt cf. analyzed: the rootl lJuSunerlanl Iu, 3)or2 - llan Notc! The Sunsr.lan wonl rent lnto aany nlndo_Europcann lanquaBa;, elto lnto Gcrman: Lcutc - people, eko a collretlr. woftl. pron thts, tt tr obvl.ous that the Indo-European llngulctr dld not undcrtaka ,. obJcctlrc Llngulstlc rcsearch. OId Slaylcl ?ha Verbal form: Ol.d Turklshl sumcrl.an: chval*l-tt = praise * pralre ehvala - praise kiir! s u.s. kUfA Phonetl.cs: Old Turklsh k ) Old Slevic chv 01d Slavic: kIBt6la = 6u11 kttt{o - u.s. ktltt = Lock Turklsh: The lrrdo_European E-''urd. good, bcautlful, pure, frlcndly, favourablc, sncet, adrantageouo, rleJ.l_bclng, beauty, goodncso... - Iedll = i"" sedl-sld 103b, I = co1d, frost, Jud, Jutu = very co1d, wlnter Jut = u.s. ... k111t-1e = to lock, lock ln kalltka = blrd-eage SunerLan: kul 72,8 = hold fast, close I belleve there is no need of speclal cxplanatlonl formcd from the Turklsh 't 's trer 756u ,16/l - slgS ,r5X]r7 ... ctc. Hungarlan: ttob-l-tt - to Wc 9ir - u.ro cf. sEret - dear siiwlg - 1sj6 Turklahr gev- - lovc, etc" lilotec Thc rtOld Slavlcn l-sound, tn thti caac, ls not of Lct us note: = Love chval-a Old Turklsh: Turklsh: cf. lpbG - dear crther, but accondary and 147,33b = u.s. fit, sulbable llob-t- Turklshl Slavlq orLgLn cf. dlelect: Old Slavlc: csdke-Bo bor u"s" Inltlal and FLnal n-sound of the root, 01d Sfavlc: rnXka = analyaed: mfi-ka/-ka - sufftx,/ j'tlddlc Turkish: Ulghur: Eastern Turklsh: Xazanl;Tatar: Kazak: torture, torment nu? E trouble, need mup - need, grief mu? = trouble, sorrow, grlcf m6? E SOrrow, pain mu2-al = to suffer, etc. wlnter csdkc-Botor -106- - 914-!!Se neE4 Llt. l.ongollanr ne8c '6hort ttlCgt r trrr nlo . llvc l(elmuckl Kolbalt Yogulr srord , Old Turkloh: The n-sound S$ord rnef, mcf, E rrr9r lrr1I 296" ' nan nuE, rnu-u$ u.d. - 9tc-!s: *!tr,$ - Suncrlanl mah 9l{!4!e.: llongollan: lm-a-tl - tak6r takc atrey uint<e- - plck, precs ln the l{ongol-tan: abu- Llt. Llt. cf' Osmant Chur.e6hr Scrbo-Croat,lan r Sloveh! - auuJa avu! ' ' handful 1165, lvfi - ui8 - u.s" uae-tl - to vzla- - u.gr u.a. tekc Old Slavlcl t4ma'- derkncrc FLnrir.ehr tuntla Churr?sh! tan - Old $lavlc: 01d Turklsh: onfidou = fron there HungarJ-anl OrthaD = UrSr The powerful taklng - anda - u.s. porcr tekc - ondde = there 01d Turklsh: nor : SumcrLen! !?r3 .919-$ac&: Turklsh: Flnnlsh dlaleets cf. Sumorl"an! nlr.. nL = neither ... nc ....nc = u.3. nu. .. r nu = u.s., etc. 01d Slqvlc: nf,ttt- nan' nafifl - u.r. ma# - u.s. 9l4--lleglgc csdkc-uotoc -109- derlr Yart dark, cter andYn Initial and Flnal v-gound of the root. Old 9lavic: cf. hand - u.s. OId Turklsh: Hungarlan: cf. .; vrt?ch6 = old v-et65-a-tl = to grou old 6,d - tlne idd = u.s. 1d6g - old ed, ud = time tddsddlk = he ls growlng old Phonetlcs: The lnltial-v ls a lrrothesl-s. Sunerlan: cf. llungarian: 9fg-!1s1s: cf. analyzed: vautf(yet-t JG/ = vis velik% = u.s. v-c1l-k16 ulu = to make blg cfe = to becomt biB ul"u - u.s. Jakut ! ulu = bJ.g, bt8Ber Old Turklsh: ulu - blgr elevated Middle Turklsh: t. uI, 154*r lO = t^ be hlqh Surneriah: i)honetl-cs: The initlal v-sound is a prothesls and the -k is a sr.rffl.x. 0sman: Kazani-Tatar: *xlo- csEka-botoc Ulghurr Turktshl llongoll,anl Old Turklsht ancl"ent forn: - u.ro uka- * undcrltard, comprehcrrd uk- - u.r. f'honetlce: The Lnltlal. v-sound ls a urothcsls.., |tlddlc Mongollan: uk- Ancl"enL llongollan: filddlc l,longollan: }{anchurlan: Ewenkl: ilavtcr Flnnl3hs Old PhonctLcsg vlbktlo - ,o!.f v]..,t -kG ! -kt . 01d Slgv1c.r snaltzedt anclent fonnl !;tddlc Turklsh: Old turkl.sh; l(azanl-Tatar: OsnanB Churaeh: llongol-ian; Flnnlrh: The Old Slevtc wordr Garnen: Heulcr. Old Slavlcr ancLcnt form! *ul4-kG ulI- - shout ulY- - noan ula- - thbut ttlu- - U.!n tLu- . u.c. ull-. u.g. ulvo- - uog. t["(krb- roJ.f, suf turklsh: Turklsh: Ulghur: Chuwash: l4ongolLan: 01d flx Phonctl-csl The actualLy means onc rho shoutca Ln p)v, tn thLs casc, an t /? - to uee, Look, here a sccrct, i'honctlcs: u)"e 5\I ".. ^, / Flnnlsh: t'Br.f - age, llfetlme lka * egc, llfe, llfetlne, LappRr ake = u.s. cf. Jakc Old Slavlcl dr6 Mongollan: dad a rlslon, Phonetlcs: ff:u\v e / 6, Old Slavlc: analyzed: Sumerian: cf. Hungarian: - u.s va - two - folfor = Tungusian: cxam!.nc, havc e p-sound dlsappcarad... vls-t-tt = to hang as- = to hang up es- - u.s. as- - to hang up, hang on s6-, !ln- - to hang asa- - ral-se oneself up lnltlal v*sound Ls a prothesls ... OId Slavic: doctor uraU 535, horfl- = u.s. for.o - to turn horol - to turn forog, fordul - to revolve, turn porJ&l = revolve, spln In l{ongollan and ln OId S1avlc the nore ancl-ent lnltlal eound" "ra{4 *XraEt +rporti- Votyak: Old Slavlc: onc rho honlg. Phoncttcs! Lntcgral part of, the SuncrLang Hungarian: v$lso-kti9. telI i.so - blg Thc lnltlal v-sound la e Drothesls. Cscike-Botor vr'4-tB-tt = to turn ur4-tlB-: therefore u) v or-El- - to turn Old Slavic: v,66h-nf,i-ti - lcarn, gct uscd to uk- - to undirstand, comprehcrd Old Slavlc: -111- ..:'u" """' ov$ca = shecp ov- {ca ua, ura, u, I+91+16 Juha-k = sheep sta61e of tife -cIIz- ccdkc-Botos Thc J-sound conneetlona. Old Slavlc: 2. Old Slaylc: pd'fo Jgng Old Turklsh: Ulghurl Chagatal: fiazanl.-Tatar Jakut: cf. Old Turklsh: nlddLe Turklehr ! youngor brothen - ooso r u.so - u.!o - eub cnllk - botr youth Phonetlcs: ths lnlt,lal analyzed: the root: pronounced: Osnan: Old Turkish: Ulddle Turklsh: - d"a. J-sound t.c a protheeLa r.. Old Slavlcr laatL - cet Thls rarbar forn La Lrrcgular. Thc rnoot 6ocs back to tro dlffcrent nore anclent orlgins, one of *hLch has thc LnitteL J-aound ec a prothcsls, ln thc otherl horcvor, the J-sound lc an i.ntegral. part of the gound. Thc anclent sourcg la thc s./S - sound. Fastl" r 6at 1.01d Slavlc: analyzedr - Chuwesh: - catlng ry44, l-a- : l-nherent J-sound Ja J5- * to oat Xl- 'u.s. yc- = u.3. Xl- - u.s. - Fi,nnlsh: sy6- Hung&rlant cszl} * u.s. Sumcrian: tc te cf. about Lhese connectlont. nourlshrnent FadonlFc lni lnl lnl ent lnl enlk csSkc-Botoa It ls atrange that llngulstlc rcscarch is silent tonrg, _ lroung pronounced: _u3- u.s. 367, 58d - to eat, dine -ba 167, 3t ... 3. A thlrd posslbllity Is givcn: lad6 = food the root ls: Fad-4 : j- prothesls Llt. Mongollan: ed-1e = to eatr dlne Old Slavic: t'86-t1 pronounccdS J6stt *arLtl r J-prothcslc anclcnt fornt the rootr 01d Slavlc: ag- Mongoltan: Jakut: Turklsh: Ulghurr ef - foodr nourlsht.nL i aIa - cst, fc.d as-Ilq 'kltehen a5 - notlshaent, food Chagatal: aY-Ia- fiLddlc Turklsh: aY-lak a$lau - trough, nangcr Old Turklcht cf. Tobol^l - .et, - food Old Slavlcr hasll.-crlbrmangcr Hungarlanr and J6sz6l asztil - nanger table let us sec the folLowing: drlnk aIlfi-efl6ttrou8h afLau - trough Kalmuck! Tatara Nor'r - pit Jana : J- prothesls anan - openLng, hole, val1ey ! u.e. arna tIt *, = plt |ama pronounccd ! Old Slavic! analyzed; pronounced: Mongollan: vo'F4vetl = to vo F4-va-ti wag€ war voJe- baJl-Idu- = strugglc, fight baJl-ri - battlefleld Phonetlcs: The lnltial b)" .., cf. with these connectlons: -n-rt- Old Slavle: Ccttec-Botos vcs-tl. 1- Lcad /vcrbrl noun,/ vcd-c-t? - u"s. /suplnc/ vcda- - lagd wlla- . lcad, pull l4ordvlnlanl Flnrdsh dtalcct! Cherenlssg p$ Hungallsn; MongollAnl vczct, vczfr - tcad - leadr laadcr udurl r 0o b6 a Leader Kolbal: uz- - to bc lcd, to lcad Old turklsh: udu-z- - to LGad Ulghurr ttdu-t- - Ur!. cf. ud- r follor Sunerlan: ui 2t1, 29'l"o Lead, follon, pull PhonctLcsc Thc lnltlel v- Ls a prothccLa or. lfter thls, lct us aec lhc ao ofton nrentloncdrold slavlc"rordt vo pronouncedl vo Jchla - u.s. OId ?urklsh: Jigni * u.s. tfne - rr.e. etc. Turklshl Old Slavic: agoda cf. - to flght/ vcrbal rooi/ | ltlddle Turklsh: cf' Eestern Turklsh: 9}g_sregrq: Greek: LatYlan! Church Slavic: llungarlan: Mongollan: lurklsh: This - lnr insldc, hQtro on the lntcrlor 01d Slavlc: - ln thc mlddlc, lnslde t;r4 - ln, I I t O1d Indi.an: Jgtro Jotra word Ees-a-ti = conb, dctach YtiLoV - ftax scrape cdrr6 -Icardwool kasft,t - scratch kosa _ ptgtatl k5c - tow qaru- * scrape, scratch qaz- r seraPe, plane cannot bc sald to bc strictly of Indo-European orlgln elther. - lLvcr v€ -nlll = u.s. - u.s. lgdi - rote Brustbeere Jlgdi - u.s. JlCdc = snall berry Ieedc - shrub etc. Jahoda Latin: dotura - berry l-a.goda Czech: cf. Notcr Thla rord, aceordlng to thc abovc ptoofr, ls not ofisravlc'orlgln but belongs to the agglutLnsilvr languagea ln lta sntlrciy and ln ltc cLdnant!, repprdlese of hov rnueh tbc Indo-Suropcan ll-ngulst,s obJcctt Notcl Thc d) J progrcsston 1c al.so: d)n Llterary llongollanl needle ' .-v R>c verbal root lllddl.c Turklshl cf," 91d Slarlcc 1916 Czech: Thc 01d Slavlc Paletallzatlon vGtbal adJectlve pronounecdi RugsLan: i0;-t-od-a +- baJf- ProLhcsls$ Old Slavlc: 1g{1,1n€ veJevode, voJvoda, ete" analyzed: - needle- (adJ.) OId Slavlc: |IongoIl"an: atuJr lcadcr cs6ke -Botoa Let us notl.ce: voJrvoda llungarlent Hungartan/{ongollan: lcYode - -u5- Llthuanlan: na-Er6ta-tl = to wrlte dt"6ta * sign, stroko krntatl - he cuts kerti.r = I cut with the axe -11f- tter6t - cutr cut ln, carve kirt- - u.t. klrJa - book lar 40119 - cerve, drar ldongollant Turklsh: Flnnlsht Srlrnerlan: llotst ls ccdkc-Botoe no necd ") sa{-{1r1 Lr2,$ Sunerlant {tr- r roer ffru-fan - LI-nGr seratch Jur-f, an - lr.nc nlru- - drar {r- - ,rotc slron-rygrarerlcry ccruza r pcncll Chuvashr t{on6ollan: Y,anchurleng cf. Hungarlanl cf. cf. cf" - to rrltc c 01d Slavlc: po-Ei-tl - rest, SunerLan: ktt 536rL-/t+O = Latlnt Hungarlan: 4' qui6a = rest csend = quJ,et, 01d Slavlc: Etu-tt * to count cf. Surncrian: Ett-"-tg, ef. cf. Let the Slavicists 51d kld 5c. 103b. of palataLlzatJ-on, xhosc charactcrlotlco can bo traeed ln the agglutlnatlvc Langragea aho, but thc follortng cound changt ls tnorc probablc: I Thcrr _117_ Sftr show s6kc-Botor sleep rest, sleep ,+/fo - rest 314, 311+, rest, etc. lrr = to count t5 = to count, recount 3ll+t 1'l = countr recl.tatlon thelr counter-obJectlons... Ilovttna - ..rt folov6k - u.s. ka]cva - etrong, powerful ggg *kaletia - roar Sunerian! kalag-ga 322, 19/ 73c = atrong, powerful cf. kar/a&/ 322,31, n.2, 1J - s6n Notct In the 01d Slavlc language, thc suffl-x: -kr72 ls a noun-sufflx. 01d Slavlc: 6fru6r - rrr.ter yaz-- rrJ.tc, ctc" Turklahr Phonetlca: k) U and r) { " nrc parallcl proBrrls ln roni dLaltels ls en acccptablc posslbLltty. Thc rndo-Europtan orlEln lo noi conrlnclng. Chuwashe cf. Russlan: flnnlsh: AncLent flnntsh: Phonetlc and morphologieal derlvatlon: lr6nrb - black tf?dtt - uolr klronan - u.go kfrfar - black Old 9lavtcr Sdnsirltl Old Prugslanr Ll.thuanlan: In ell Surnerlan: Anclent finnlsh: and rhltc bhc Turkteh dlalectsr cf. l4ongollanl Russlant Phonetics: kara(kar- )(ara r rrlo kaleva palatallzatlon: faleva telov6k Erovtto ... etc. In this group belong the other Slavic t*ords and the well-known Greek words: kaluger, kaludJer, ctc. - monachus , whieh goes back through the Finnlsh language to the Sunerlan languaqe. The Flnrish word also black kar-) Russtan: a FLnnlsh: Russlsn: rrOld Slavlcrr: qar8 r tlrdo [iirng{,J ' blaek MongoJ-lan-turkkhr kalag-a xkale{ Edr- means: wonder-worker, uragiclan, etc. -11rL and _1r9_ ccSkc-Botor Thc wrlter of Lhis book beLleyas that lnternatl.onal hlstorlant llngulsts somowhers left the noad xhlch leadr to the tnrth... The Old Slavlc: 8); tlt. Mongollan: cf. Il1Jrl - bearlng, Pregnant 6lnr 55812' tlavc, neld gan* Sunerlant cf. OLd fena - *ornan gennof- u.6. Amporatlvc nood/ Jldh . roran Slavlc: Old Jakut: fiirghlz: Prusslan: Sanakrltt 01d SLavlc: Sumerl.an: l[?6 . oldcr alstcr-ln-lar ieV gi; - rife of tho oldcr brothcr sa? as - $lfc of the fethcrra rcLatl,vc Ulghur: Kazakl Jekut! Flnnlsh: Llt. Mongollan: Kalmuck: Teleut: The lnltlal and flnal Lit. Mongollan: cfina Ectte- - l(almuchl tsenl r Old Slavlc: CBsar& Hungerl.an: cr(asdr Old Slavlcr cf. dLalact: llongollanl Turklsh: cf" c-souhd of, the root pr|ec, rcnard to ralue, tax O1d Llt. - klng, cnpcror - u.c. r -6r - Old Slavlcl cf. Srnarlanl cf. cf. cf. 0othlc: Mongollan: "tf.t- r to hcalr r"ecovor "tf-t-tf tll", ll?r 1? - nholcr Lntacti hcalth r,ILrL26r d - to bo healthy, th thrlvc kal, J)2, L6 - u.s. halls - wholc, entlre, healthy lnltlal and Flnal 5-sound of the root. (6p-4-ta-tt - whlsper slb-gt = whlsper slb-lr - nhlspcr(tng) (noun) slp-Ef = whlsper slu{r = urar Er-tr - to scw (Ite 2)3,t5 - lrL2r2 - to tle up, blnd up, tlc sl,toa = etltch togcthor, put together s{dc- 'to fasten, scw on $da - - sew Erai - rr!. sfJfn - thread, string tlr-ota rar-ba-Jl wldth - to spread oub, spread sar- ba;1un = spread out (paet) Thcse connect,long ln p&ronctlc history prove that the languasc ls callcd rtold Slavlc[ Ls not of fndo-Europcan orlgin.,. nomcn aeiorl-g "6szfr Jasa-f, - the relgnlng prl.ncc, the htghcrt Jaaa-q - prohlbltlon Jasa - lau rholc, hcelthy Slavlct l'lanchurian: rrrso Jasa- - dcclder choosc faaa-J r ruLcr dlrect, cte. Ul6hur: Jakut: 0stDent csSkc_Botor Judgc whlch -I20- csdkc-Botos -121- csJkc-Botog Thc Vowcls 01d Slavlc: A few lrords about thc dlphthongs. The hypothetlcal Indo_Europ€an _"1 bocarne -r-- ln .rd slavic. we do a not nced the phonetrc hlstory or tnri progresslon because the "old slav.c' -r"- sound is rdcntlcal tothe oquivareni sound in the agglutlnatlvo languages. Sumerlan: dl.alcct: 01d iilavlc. cf. Lit. l".longo1l-an: Altalc Turklsh: Chagatei: Sulyuan: OId Slavicl Srunerlan: 01d Slavlc: lel l42r2ho = eyc, to soe ideg llp1 66c o fLguro, appcarancc vldt= u.s. vrdB-tl = to see ... blEl - to rrlte pf6tt = wrltlng, book piEf-6tn - rrtter plfi- - to nrite plY -,lA = f nrlte, etc. e, J9l, 2fi,a - to 1-rt go ctna = price, wages to value, tax LLt. Mongollanl Eonc- = old lilavlc! "tdS = r .l'{ongollan: ruedc- 01d Slavic: rt-U - rlver, widc rivcr liongollan: uru-s - to flow, strean 6riie = r,rldc rlver etc. Iakutt OId Slavlc: pt-tf - to slng 6-t- = slng : the p-sound <lropped pot-g - I slng I I = a ftI]er Osnan! OId Slsyls. 01d Slavic: - snor,r l-ksq = frost sl7l-lgen = anovt sci r; - s piece of lce sntgts Tunguslan: sl? cf. r'.ongolLanl Chagatal: Ll.t. Mongollan: Hungar!.an: elcge-de- * rtchly, overflow el6g - 6nouU5 01d Sl-avlc: llch% = overflordng cf. Mongollan: ellJede - richly, overflow Taranchan: Fret _ na4y, very many Thc inltial a-sound dlsappeared from the 01d Slav.la wsrd. Supposedly the Inrlo_Europcan al_ anrt _ol_ became B/E tn 01d Slavlc. Thls is not necessarlly so becauee: 01d Slavlc: cB1% * wholer healthy Sunerlan! sll E u.s. /cI. the exarnples shown on p. 116/ 3a? = thin lcc se1 = piece of lce Kaza.k: Phonetlcg and morphologr: EriBgt ( Tungusl.an: prt-lBp-t-ti = to stlck yapI$ = to sttck yapiur - to adhere, stJ,ck 01d Slavlc: Ulghur: 3ie-69 Chuwash: The Slaylq. ou-sound g u,.. ls also e resuLt of the clonqatlon of tho vowcl... pouat% = deserted, emplv ^P Old Turkish: Uighur: xstng{a si71_ osnan! O1d know - to know, decldc pous-t?, buz- = destroy, annlhllate buz- - u.s. -L22- Kazanl-Tatar: Chuwash: cf. SunerLan! :L23- cs6ke-Botog bcz- - spoll pf s- s u.s. pus- - u,s. pad l+69,6 - to Thc origln of the nasal Old Slavic: destroy Sumcrian: OId Slavlc: Sorbo-Croatlan: plural: oucho = car cf. ucho = ursr o5r - OsrBn: cf. earrt 01d Turklsh: Sunerlan: iiro- - to hear zrl, ?o o to hcarr percelve, "uY 01d SlavLc: Serbo-Croatlanl 01d Turki.sh: ot di-tt ' to teach ull-tt - u.". uqlt- = to teach, 6tc. Cs6ko-Eotog sounds Pd\t6 - flve bad 69151+ - to open, opcn Uu-bad 354rlll+ - open hand p5rnXd - thc flve flngers; Sert: pandE * fLvc Hungorlan : menc9 = Pew ... of thls ilord-fenlly lE thc SumerLan word whlch flve fingers end the palm. Therc are no Indo-!]uropsan characterlstlcs Ln lt ... Note: The anclcnt form ncans nopen handl the Bhare, Gtc. In the dlphthong -ou-, the u-eound has an l-sound as an anteccdcnt: 01d Slavic: 611- * preflx Sunsriani a1- = u.s. Hungarlan: eI- - u.r. Old Slavlc: Finnlsh dLalect: sllb%- tooth Sobu-f,ar = polnt, polnted haarbaz * tooth ... etc. 01d Sl-avic: Suncrlan: bad 69126 the root: Hungarl-an: ob-ou-ti - to paw pandXuk = hand dress llongolLan: ou- ^c 8r-t ... HungarJ-an: - Gold Sllver pad2 = u.a. p'ez - rnoncy p6nz r llrsr Old Slavlc: oum?a- underEtandlng Hungarlan: cl"nc = understandlng, splrlt, eensc alma)6ma ... - spplc cf. Hungarlan: OId Slavlcl p5ncz r roar ptnn54 = sllver coln, etc. l4ctathesis llnally, Otd 6lavic: slouga - servant Serbo-Croatlan: sluga s rre. szolga - u.s. Hungarian: old form: old form: Suruerian: Old Slavlc: Ancient Sl-avlc: Llthuanian: sculga = u.a. szuluSe:-ga=sufflx sulu 12, 129 * ptqittu = lnspection, oupport, authorlty, admlnistratlon, place, etc. conunlsslon, grad6- clty xgord? Al-banlan: gardas = fencc garth = fence Gothlc garda : Sunerlan: cf. = (sheep) pen, (cattle) pound gar 597t7 ' enelose, surround, enclogure kar j26x, I = darn, wal1, ralllng Hungarlan! earid - fcnce, flll, dtke, ditch garsin - sheep enclosure LappN: - fencc, encJ-ogure qorlJa - fenced In yard Klrglz: Qora = cattls pen lr'ranchurl-an: f orxo = u.t. et,c. Note: The Sumerlan-llunga,rlan word forrn - gardd - ls thc arrclont sourcc of th.'lslavlc"language word foruatlon - gordd, grad, ctc. The Hungarlan -garad) Old Slavle: gradlb... In this casc, thcre vae no necosslty for transposltlon. Thc vowel ln the first sy11abl6 sinrply dlsappeared ... Flnnlsh: Llt. Ilongollan: -r25- cgdkc-Botoa -124a- karsLna Old Slevlc: glagol% - cf. cf. Rucsian: Hungarlen dlalcct: cf. Chuwssh: L1t. Mongollan: ulghurt Turklsh: Flnnlsh: Sunerl"ant cf. Old $lavlc: Anelent Slavlc: bfBg$ - bank, slopc xberg% /tcchnlcal term/ Avesta: S€tnskrltt bafQ uah - mountalnr helght brhant - hlgh breg - h1ll bar 74t 215 - hlghr to bc ralsed... Thls word ls of Sunerian orlgln... Serbo-Croatlan: Sunerlan: 01d Slavlc: Anclent Slavl-c: cf. Russl-an: Whltc-Russlan: Suuerl,an: dlelecL: nttko - nllk inclko * /technlcal nolokd = dlk term/ nalakd = urer - rleh nllk 12ar"3l9,9 u.s. 'tmar Llngul-sta crnphaslzc the Indo-Europcan orig{n of thls word but the truth says dlfferentlyt cf. Akkedian: cs6kc-Boboo word glagol-r-ti = say, apeak 6ologol-1-t?- chet Salegyol, galatyol - talk rlthout kalatyol, kcletyol kala- = spcak kclc- - to oay, speak liri'niEr - lnterprctcr kcllne - word klclt - tongu.c, Ianguage 85 l5r5 - spcak,word ka 1Jr2 - nouth qtlu - volcc, call qCIu * to call, scrcam SuncrLan: ge1-84 27813 = order, runour cf. g6los Russian: Oect: substanco - aound /alas - u.s. cf. wLth thesc conncctlons: bur. 71r lld = erl"bur cf. buru, - u.s. 4 Rur6ient voron r u. !t . SunerLan: ravcn Thc languagc rhlch ls called tt0ld Slavlctt ls nelther Slavlc nor Indo-European but belongs ln the fan11y of agglutlnatl-ve languages nhlch, Rulel Ln phonetic hlstory, becanc a dcterlorated language form. 01d Slavic: Ancl"ent SLavic: Sansltrit: Llt. Mongollan: llungarlan: gledZ - hunger * gold% /technlcal- tern/ gddl-.tt = greed - hungry, starved furi-fu gornJradozlk- droop -L26- vtaO-t-ti * nlte valditi 'ur3r bala p, 16 * govcrnmcnt, perlod of nd_c, yaer of rlle, OId Slavlc: Llthuanian: Srurerlant b) v I Phonetl"cs: is a Ianguages Cs6kc-Botoe regent a progrossl-on which can be shown 1n tho Indo-Europcan borror,d.ng Old Slavlct cf. Russian: cf. Sansbrlt Basklrian: Cherenlss: fron thc Sumcrlan... 6r&a - or{cr, ror, hcrd dercda r Euccesslon, Ecqucnce - herd "("aUf, slrat * row f,crct - llnc I'longollan: Ecrcd = u.s. 6crgE = row, J."gc = Iine Chagatal: dX8rgi = u.a. Manchurlan: dEergc Ruaslan: Old Turklsh: Turkish: cf. ouccesslon 'urer sfre - Iinc, etc. 01d Turkish: Llt. llongollan: Osnan: tlt. ltongollan: Osrtren: Hungarl-an: tar Ycr 396, Lg - L52, 23b siiriig - bc numcrouEr @r\y, plcnty, croud * pilc; troop, but: and [or Hungarlent cscr-da, csor-da, etc. RussLan: Eer-ed, Old Slavlc: 6"taa - hcrd Uerc-da Thc entire word-farul}y belongs to the agglutlnatlve languagoo. The Germant Schar - troop, regJ.ment, is derLvcd from the Suncrian wordt Var, whether they llke lt or notl -frt- tr. = devour, suallow -{,Ar-n = I cilallow Llt. ltongollan: Jal.ara- - svallow, devour Kalnuck: a61-g1- - u.s. osman: Jal.*rar : sna.llow f,lrglz: Ja}-na- u.s. ... otc. Phonrtlcar the final r I ... 01d $lavlc: cf. cf. cf hcrd Y.r Baskirlan: Icr slr-at : Olrot : JdrJi = u.s. Flnnish : JirJe = rangc, order ur,271, Suncrlanl band - hcrd of cattle siirii s rrsr Uerlg - army, troop [drl - u.g. I. sor - 11nc 2. sercg = reglmcnt l. csorda, cscrda etc. - hcrd sfr-a : ser-cg - reglmont sur_ I srirrig Morphology: Sunerian: Turkl-sh: 30r - llnc Hungarlan: Altelc cstkc-Botoa rf In Old S1avlc, the lxo words bccenc onr: SurncrLan: -I27- Old Slavlc; ancLent forn: Cf. Old Slavic: ancient forn: OLd Slavlc: J8 gud-ur3-ra = plough-stccr uru4 5615 - cultlvate, plant urur, 2551 28 = to harrow the fleLd ral"o - plough +ordlo ... ratai - ploughman xorlaJ6.i. ra-s-tL Sumerlan: rur-44lr3 OId Slavlc: 1% Llt. Mongollan: Kalmuck: = grod - u.s. g-a-ti = lle alt' u-r = fraudr deeeitful al{i-r - u.s. 128J Thc Csoko-Botos a- and o-sounds 1n Old S1av1c _r29_ Old Slavlc: the root: Sumerian: popil - pricet pap 6O12 - hlgh Hungarl-an: pap 919 9ravrc.: 01d Slavlc: Llt. Mongollan: - pricst morlc - aca - widc rlver Sumerian: oko * eyc u86 449, 145d OId Slavlc: analyzed: novG a no-v-'lb Sumcrian: Old Slavic: conbl-ned: 01d Slavlc: cf. 01d Slavic: analyzcd: a9 - u.6. Eastern Turkleh: s, , as-KaK ' oar, etc. Old Slavlc: ves -tl = lead af nur - wetcr Sumerian: mar 597r38r 267b * flood cf. me 5'19,L9 - watcr In this cese once agaLn we eannot epeak of strlctly orlgln... ldordvLnlan: Flnnlsh dlalcct: SumcrLen: Indo-Europcan Kolbal: OId Turklsh: 1.h, vcd-c-t'6 - u.s /suplne/ vcda- - u.s. vcDa - u.s. uJ 2Ure9 = gulde, 1ead, follow, pull uz- - lead uduz - lcad etc. Slavlc t,/drl-sound = lgl. l&9r7 - rac, look, cy. ... OId Slavic: Chagatal: t'B.a - belief, rcllglon 6rim - hopc, expectaLlon, superstltion, lmaglnation irfun = u.o. nu lJr6 - denlalr no ,16 hl+9 1195 - see, look Llt. erLm 'rnu-u 01d Slavlc: ncvt Osnan: Mongollan: no-r-fta not seen - new nev6 sta = fiancee ns-v{5a-t"a = not knorm ,.. cf. cf. Sumerlan: nu-ga 7r,56 - Old Sl,avic: weak HungarJ-an: nya-va-Lya = weakness ... cf. Sunerl"an: nu f!r5 = denialr no gu2 106, 762/1 - to dress oncself; clothlng Old Slavlc: conbLned: *nu-gu - undressed Lit. I'iongollan: Old Slavlc: n4846 cf. Sunerlan: me Old Slavic: ,.. Thc Old - u6 449, Equivalent Sumerlan conblnatlons: combl,ned: row Chsgetal: n<iren Korean: ves-lo - oar ves- ! v-prothesls as- ! Oe[an: prlcst, prlest cs'dke-Botos g nakcd Ji2, 39/$ * volce, speech, to *nu-mc - does not speak, dumb nenrf, - durnb ... speak - hopc r3'gr 2lJc 2/J ' speak, tark, rek-fi = f say rf,dG - speech say {tta 6z13 * ltght, pure, clear evlt-a-tl - to becone 1lght sv4rt-t-tl = to J-lghten, etc. ctna _ prlco Eeno- - va1ue, tax -13Q: cs6kc-Botor -131- Thc Old Slavl-c l-sound Old Slavic: N. Sg. F. sl - thls demonstrative pronoun: s4 (dtese) Thc Old SLavlc 4-sound Slqvlc: Surncrlan: Old Er6tcn4o = red kur-un 6f, Ur/zu+/]'ll:a Flnnlsh: slcllii - there Phonetlcs: k) E palatallzatlon ... OId $lavic: lska-tl = Iook for tstii- - to look for, rlsh lste- - u.s. Old Slavlc: 01d Twklsh: Turklsh: anclent OId Sl"avlcl Mongollan: Tungusian: 01d Slavlc: Llt. liongollan: Kalnruck: 01d Slsvlcl Cherenlss: Zyrian: liordvinian: Sumerian: - red priovB = flrst +pgvvb blr - oner flrst plr = u.s. blr - u.s. pDrrparar!u.3. f,orm: 01d Turkish: cf' Slavlc R6-sound blo'lt-|'l * bc, cxlst bti- ! u.s. bl- - u.s. ... The 01d risSkc-Botot Turklsh: Chuwash: The 01d SLavlc f-sound nrbb-lt The 01d Sl_avlc and evon the SIav languages have no lnltlal or flnal f-sound. Thls ls tmc, ln moot cascs, of the aggrutinatlve Jan6uapo;, cxccpt for Hungarlan. For exanplc, ln Sl"6ys1, only onc orlgj.nal wortl-fonn has en lnitlal f-sound: f6<a - f(Jl (Hung.) ' bl.ow! Thts ts an ononntopoelc word, borrowcd fron thc Finno-Ugrlc languages ,... Tha Slavlc languagcs, ln thet casc, ere also closely related to the mSEt<- Hongol-Tungueian languagee. ab$t4o - satisfiedr full Eaa- - bccone satlsfled, aatlsfy o.s. tsat- - u.s. - to wash - u.a. /-5t- = repetetivo gufflx,/ {r$k- - u.s. rnuFkf- - u.s. ne, 579,1+5 - to dampen, rLnse In closlng I quote Dr. Tlbor narftn: rrIhe exlstencc A Magyar l:dpek 6st6rtdnete I. pr,:l of a language and the famlly group to whlch il belongs l-s deterrined by its gramnar, phonetlcs and its vocaburary.'l The 01d S1avlc % -sound Old Slavlc: Sumerlan: Old Slavlc: Sumcrian: d{6no - ground, floor dun^ 595.8/27 = deen J' kv|vb = blood kunrn^ 3O9,h = u.s. r berleve that r have l-n every rcspeet fulflrled the above mentlorrc<l mle. There ls no nOld Slaylctr languagc. The lrnguaqc whleh ls called trOld Slavlcr! la a regular agglutlnative language whose phoneblcs, ln Lhe coulse of phonetlc hl-story, have deteriorated. rt ls rny convlctlon that the above-monil.oned proofs are irrefutablc... Csoko-Botor llPltmuE The wrltor of thi-s book hae presentcd to the reader thc structural the phonetLc hlstory of the language whlch ls callcd connectl-ons and OId S1avlc. Wc can Btete the followl-ng rules: 1. The language which ls called O1d Slavlc ls an agglutlnative language ln lts structure. 2. The language whlch ls calrad old slavic has word forratlons slrnlfar to those of the agglutlnatlve languages, wlth ldcntlcal elenents. 3. The 01d slavLc noun formatlon, together vlth its elements, ls Ldentlcal to the equlvalent ln the agglutlnative languages. 4. Tho old slavlc noun sufflxos and thelr elements arc not of rndo-European orlgLn but are identical to the cquLvalent formg ln the a(glutLnatlv. languages. ,. The 01d slavic verbal formatlon ard lts cfements are ldentlcar to the equlvaLent structure and clements of the egglutlnatlve languages. 6. The 01d slavlc verbal sufflxcs end their ercments ere idcntlcel to the equlvalent structure and el-ehcnts of the agglutinartlvc languagcs. 7. Seveniy percent of thc vocabulary of the fold Slavl"e" Ianguge lt not of rndo-European orLgln but ldentlcal to the equlralcnts ln the srmrerlanUral-Altalc languages. 8. The vocabulary of the O1d Slavlc languagc har also fifteen pcrcent of Indo-0uropean related words. 9. Flve percent of the vocabulary of the O1d Slavlc language can be shown to have strictly Indo-European eonnectlons. IO. In the language whtch ls caIled OId Slavle, we can lndicate the rlgid characteristlcs of phonctlc harmorgr. 11. rn the Ord slavlc languagc, thc gendcr dl"ffcrentl-ation, in the course of language progresslon, through folk etyrnology, rlth the help of the denonstratlve pronouns, has a conpound constructlon, bherefore Lt ls not an orlglnal gender dlfferentiatlon. -T?J- Csoke-llo to r 12. Tho nanes of the numerale in the language called OId Slavlc are rnt of Indo-European or5.gln aither; they are not orlginal nunerafs but carr be shown to origlnatc from equlvalent forms ln the agglrrtlnatlvo larrgrvr1l"r. 13. The Old Slavlc: g]ovbn6sk|o analyzed: slov-tn-6 sk? ard analyzcd: slovtnc slovJUn-e ncanlng: Slavl-c and Slav. Thls shows that llngulsts falslfied thls mearr.lrrg Just ln order tolronsurerrhlstorlcally the name flslav't. Thcso worrj fornrs ln ectuallty are the OId Slavlc noun : slovo ( slov-o = word . wlth the addcd sufflx varlatlons!l I Lot us analyze the norphology of the word: Old Slavicl el"ov-o = word 1. slov-Bn-{sk'A * ln agreement 'rlth Lhe word 2. sfovj$n-e = ln agrcement wlth the wortis Thercfore lt docs not mean ItSlavlc,l These wcrrds havc no connccf,Lons wlth the nane of the peoplo - lilavbut they are varl-antg of the norrl : slovo wtth adjectlve srrfflxes... Wtth the spreadlng of Chrlstlanity, the rrslavlc apostlestt, Cvrll nnrt Method, oxplalned the Blble ln the language of the people, therefore, naccordLng to the wordtt: slortbnZsk%, and not ln Latin... Thls ls the truth, llke tt or not... IS conclusJ-on ls: The knorm lrrltten language form of the language whlch iC calfecl ItOld Slavlcr'ls the product of the language of the Hungarlan trlbes, Kadosa and Zodrd. Thcsc trlbes cane fron the couthern part of tho Caucasus to Joln irpadrs lbgyars and then they separated from them anrl settled ln the Balkan penlnsula, from the clty of DureJ Lo Salonlca... I quote Badlny: fatae{t6f Istergarnlg, p, lJ: rr The history of rnanklnd, recorrled ut_r to presenl tlme, to a gr.nr, cxtent, lacks real data. This hlstory was not wrltten accordlng Lo ilrr flrrrllrrpr of archeology, anthropologr and llngulstics but according to a liactor whleh we cannot call sclentlflc -- power -- whlch sclentific lnterpretatlon alwrvrr publlclsetl in ils own interests..rl edJ. _735- Csoke-Botoa tule: The language whlch ls called O1d slavlc ls aldeterlorated'forn of the is of Latln or Engllsh of Gcnaan. Th{s Csdke-Bot,' rrr Blbliography Hungarian language Just as Prench ls the truth and nothlns else... Slavlc: H.H. BieLfel-dt, Altslawlsche Granrnatik, Nloneyer Publlshing to, *,rt," lr)61. Dr. H. Brluer, S1-awlsche Sprachwlssenschaft I.II.III. W. de Cruyter tCo. Ber).in, 1961. Bernekcr-Wagmer, Russlschc Gra"nrnatlk, San.Gdschen. Ber11n, N.Y. 192f. V.S. faraalt6, Srpskl ReEntk. Prosvcta, Belgrad. 1966. Stelczer, ir$<t, Cseh-Magyar Szlotir. (Dlctlonary) Budapeet. 1!6/ Paultny-Ru*ftka-Slolc, Slovensk( gramatika. SPN. Bratislava. 1968 Chrenkov{-Tank5, Magyar-sz1ovik,/ selovSt<-magyar ez5tdr(dictlonary) SiN. 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