2013 Annual Report - CHOICE Humanitarian


2013 Annual Report - CHOICE Humanitarian
we are
Dear Friends,
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. Let me
begin by expressing my most heartfelt appreciation for concluding 2013 with unprecedented
success. We owe this to you and your belief that together WE end poverty. Thank you for
your confidence in CHOICE. This report will not only highlight our programs, but will excite
you to stay in the fight against poverty.
Our 2013 annual report highlights the power within each of us to change our circumstances
when given access to that one opportunity. We show how access to clean water, medical
services, or education can serve as a catalyst to eliminate extreme poverty. This frees up
time that can be used for income-generating opportunities that will help villagers pave their
way toward a life of self-reliance. Our learn-by-doing model, coupled with their hard work,
ensures they are not being robbed of the experience to create a better life for themselves.
Today we are reporting back to you on our progress over the past few years. On the
fourth page you will learn about our ambitious effort to scale the CHOICE Leadership
Model reaching 100,000 Nepali at once. The Nepal LIFE program is coordinated through
the efforts of Dr. James Mayfield, with the approval of Nepal President Ram Baran Yadav,
and support from the Nepali government.
At CHOICE Humanitarian we hold ourselves accountable to you, our donors. Every dollar
that enters our door is precious to us. In return, we ask our in-country teams to multiply
each dollar two to five times through strategic partnerships with like-minded individuals and
We are extremely grateful and proud of all that we have accomplished together. Your
friendship and support has made this possible. I invite you to stay in partnership with
CHOICE because NOW is the time. Tomorrow we will think of extreme poverty as an
absurd thing of the past, but TODAY we must stay the course, and fight for those living on
less than $1.25 a day.
I am proud of our work. If you ever have questions or thoughts about how we conduct our
business, please let me know so that I can give you my personal attention.
Warm Regards,

Leah Barker
together ending poverty
scaling up
In 2012, In-Country Director Bishnu Adhikari’s lifelong dream
became reality as Nepal LIFE (Local Initiative For Ending
Poverty) evolved from an idea to a boots-on-the-ground effort.
The Nepal LIFE model was introduced to Nepali leadership
and the goal of a Nepal without poverty was defined. This past
year CHOICE collected and began analyzing baseline data
from 13,000 households.
Nepal LIFE is setting the standard for ending poverty
worldwide. Dozens of Nepali entrepreneurs have received
basic business training, while local schools and health centers
have been constructed allowing villagers to remain in their
communities to take care of their families. This frees up
precious time to plan and develop income-generating projects.
All eyes are on CHOICE as we gather data, establish best
practices, and scale up the program with the support of the
Nepal government and President Ram Baran Yadav.
Core Partners: Peterson Family Foundation, Gopal and Samari
Adhikary, Kenco, LDS Charities, Smiles for Life Foundation,
Kids On Computers, Medical Mercy Canada, All Nepal LIFE
Campaign Partners & Donors
Business training creates excitement as women begin
to expand their small businesses and see a life beyond
facts NEPAL
205 villages
140,650 people
414 programs
choice contributions $184,000
with leverage partners $635,000 value of all programs
core programs
Nepal LIFE
VDC Leadership Training
Beekeeping Micro-Enterprise
Trekking Route Cooperative
School Construction and Scholarships
Health and Sanitation
CHOICE funds
other NGOs
village participation
Biogas Digesters
scaling up
Local Initiatives For Ending Poverty
local villagers
will build their
own businesses
in over
dollars a month will help a
family break a multigenerational cycle of
extreme poverty
the number of families living in extreme
poverty from whom CHOICE is collecting
data, in partnership with the Grameen
Foundation, to document the effectiveness
and impact of the Nepal LIFE program
the number of people the Nepal LIFE
program will reach
the average daily income of Nepali
families in extreme proverty
You can help end extreme proverty
ZERO. The number of
people living in extreme
poverty at the conclusion of
Nepal LIFE in 2030.
Donate online at choicehumanitarian.org/donate/
together ending poverty
economic development
In 2011, in partnership with One Global Economy and
multiple villages outside Irapuato, CHOICE created three
Community Knowledge Centers. These internet cafés were
established to bridge the communication gap between rural
village youth and the world.
This year, Jose Antonio Mondragón (18) and Raul Mondragón
Yepez (23) started a Facebook page promoting ecotourism.
Their on-line presence garnered visibility and support that led
a federal government agency to finance a local reforestation
and conservation program. Three additional businesses
benefiting more than 2,000 people are also up and running:
a tortilleria, a chicken farm cooperative, and an ecotourism
business. Youth-focused training in entrepreneurship and
business development continues as part of this program.
Core Partners: VCBO, Christopherson Business Travel, One
Global Economy, Gipson Family Foundation, Williamsburg
Academy, Wellspring Realty, Interpersonal English School
Imagine that life-changing moment when a student
first sees beyond his rural village and into the global
community via the Internet!
facts MEXICO
24 villages
11,520 people
34 programs
choice contributions $233,000
with leverage partners $528,000 value of all programs
core programs
Community-Based Organization Training
Goat Cheese Production Training
Community Water Systems
Dry Latrine Construction
Veterinarian Internships
CHOICE funds
other NGOs
village participation
Entrepreneurial Training
Savings Box
together ending poverty
The Nueva Concepción Hospital, four years in the making,
is a pioneer facility in the Polochic Valley that has radically
changed the lives of the 25,000 villagers who have lived without
healthcare. The facility is run by a local association comprised
of elected village officers from the 13 villages that drove this
project to completion.
Since the hospital opened, there has been an incredible 69%
reduction in maternal mortality rates and 66% reduction in
infant mortality rates.
Thanks to the significant contributions of CHOICE, our partners,
and the surrounding community members, the Guatemalan
government has committed two full-time medical doctors to the
five-bed hospital, where they treat 30 to 50 patients daily!
Core Partners: Spectrum Health Care, Singular Humanitarian
experience (SHe), Rabanales Family Foundation, Wheeler
Machinery, Caterpillar Foundation, DownEast Home &
Clothing, World Link Partners, Focus Services
With access to healthcare, new mothers now welcome
healthy babies into their arms in the rural village of
12 villages
16,500 people
32 programs
choice contributions $215,000
with leverage partners $405,000 value of all programs
core programs
CHOICE funds
Community Development Committee Training
Family Gardens
Community Water Systems
Family Stoves
other NGOs
village participation
Health and Sanitation
Adult Literacy Programs
together ending poverty
gender equity
Women play a pivotal role in the process of ending poverty.
Creating opportunities for gender equity continues to
be a central focus for CHOICE. Once a rural village has
met its basic needs, women have time to consider ways
to create income. Last year, using the CHOICE Leadership
Model, 70 Aymara women created a business plan and
formed a new dairy cooperative.
Today, the cooperative makes a variety of cheese, yogurt,
and milk. The income the Aymara women earn from the
cooperative helps send their children to school. With the
ability to earn an income and contribute to the support
of their households, women are helping to pull their
families out of poverty while also gaining traction in their
communities as respected and influential leaders.
Core Partners: Leavitt Insurance Group, Inter-American
Foundation, Andes Fertiles, Wheeler Machinery, Deseret
Health Group
Women from different cultures celebrate their differences and
become ONE in purpose as they lock arms to end poverty.
30 villages
28,500 people
24 programs
choice contributions $180,000
with leverage partners $540,000 value of all programs
core programs
Community-Based Organization Training
Weaver and Dairy Cooperatives
All-Purpose Community Centers
Eco-Friendly Classroom Construction
CHOICE funds
other NGOs
village participation
Family Greenhouses
Community Water Projects
Solar Cooker Program
together ending poverty
A 32-year journey working alongside rural villagers has taught
us that investing in people will ultimately end poverty. Nothing
illustrates this better than the Community-Based Organizations
(CBOs) established in Kenya. Government registered CBOs
are similar to village councils and are the platform to build
leadership skills of elected villagers. Membership improves an
individual’s status and credibility in the community, while also
establishing eligibility for grant funding.
With the community of Mbele, the Proctor family, led by their
16-year old daughter’s passion to change the world, pulled off
the impossible: a new village well with clean water almost
flooding Mbele to the tune of 10,000 liters an hour! The
possibilities are endless with the amount of water Mbele
and surrounding communities now have access to in their
region. The CBOs have successfully organized, mobilized, and
executed on a project that will continue to lead them on a path
to self-reliance.
Core Partners: Meridian Magazine, Lone Peak High School, US
Synthetic Corporation, FNC Aquaponics, Plan International
Maurine Proctor shares the joy of the Mbele youth as
they first experience clean water in their village!
Photo credit: Scot Proctor
facts KENYA
78 villages
124,000 people
33 programs
choice contributions $215,000
with leverage partners $645,000 value of all programs
core programs
Community-Based Organization Training
Village Health Workers
School Construction
Community Water System
CHOICE funds
other NGOs
village participation
Scholarship Program
Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS)
Statement of Financial Position
as of December 31, 2013
Cash and cash equivalents
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net
Contributions receivable
Prepaid expenses
Deferred costs
Property and equipment, net
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable
Accrued liabilities
Deferred revenue
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Temporarily restricted
together ending poverty
Charity Navigator, GuideStar, and Great Nonprofits ALL endorse
CHOICE Humanitarian with their highest possible rankings due
to our fiscal responsibility and transparency. According to these
distinguished rating agencies, and because of our commitment
to leverage every contribution and carefully manage our budget,
your dollar is well-placed with CHOICE.
Statement of Activities
as of December 31, 2013
Special event revenue, net
In-Kind contributions
Investment return
Other income
Total Revenues
Management and general
Total Expenses
Change in Restricted net assets
Change in net assets
Net Assets
Beginning of year
End of year
Program Services $1,906,797
Management & General $165,083
Fundraising $166,100
together ending poverty
The CHOICE Expedition program is a unique way for volunteers to become intimately involved with
our organization, and witness firsthand the impact we have in Bolivia, Guatemala, Kenya, Mexico, and
Nepal. In 2013, we welcomed more than 400 participants into rural communities around the world,
including 200 volunteers from Vivint (our largest corporate expedition group to date)! Villagers are
excited to receive these volunteers and are motivated by the willingness of others to travel such great
distances to work alongside them in support of their goals. Through this experience, volunteers come to
realize that the work of CHOICE builds people, not just projects. This program continues to grow with
new participants, families, and corporations signed up for 2014! To learn more, please contact Wade
Alexander, Director of Expeditions at [email protected] or 801-474-1937.
Photo credit: Scot Proctor
Serving people with real needs and working
side-by-side with them to meet those needs
reinforces a sense of purpose in my life. I will
always remember those I worked with and
their gratitude and happiness in spite of their
difficult circumstances. Remembering these
friends helps me stay grateful and strengthens
my desire to be more generous with those
who struggle meeting day-to-day necessities.
- David Daines, Vice President
Global Human Resources, Nu Skin
10 expeditions
420 volunteers
20+ villages impacted
program highlights
Completion of Mbele Water Project & Village Garden
Initial Construction of Sundarbazar Hospital
Completion of Chirixquitzac Business Center
Village Water Projects
New Stoves & Biogas Digesters
Schoolhouse Construction & Renovation Projects
Medical Workshops & Clinics
Economic Development Trainings
together ending poverty
impact investing
CHOICE Ventures is aligned closely with CHOICE Humanitarian
to fulfill the vision of ending poverty responsibly and building
self-reliant communities.
CHOICE Ventures evaluates programs and establishes criteria for
impact and funding. It invests in for-profit businesses that will
produce a positive economic impact on the local community,
generate additional investment capital, and in the long term
will provide program funds for CHOICE Humanitarian.
An example of a program currently under review: Aquaponics is
the process of taking the nutrient-rich water from fishponds and
running it through hydroponic vegetable gardens where the root
systems filter the water and circulate clean water back to the
We are vetting this technology in Mexico and Kenya for
efficiency and sustainability, which will translate directly into
dollars and time saved for rural villagers.
Living in extreme poverty, the daily need
to survive demands every minute of a
rural villager’s life. Once basic needs are
met, time is freed up to think beyond a
Women use their newly freed up time to design
income-generating products to support their families
at the CHOICE-sponsored weavers’ cooperatives.
five countries
entire community is impacted
investors and villagers benefit
life of survival to new opportunities for
income-generating projects and increased
self-reliance. CHOICE Ventures provides
financial support to new programs that will
increase self-reliance in rural villages.
- Lew Swain, Board Member
additional CHOICE Ventures opportunities
Sikaab’e Entrepreneur Center (Guatemala)
Commercial Solar Farming (Mexico)
Weavers’ Cooperative (Bolivia and Guatemala)
Micro-Hydro Projects (Nepal)
together ending poverty
some business decisions change the world
The Corporate Partner Program is designed to unite
employees through meaningful giving and service. Our
partners choose both a focus area and a fundraising goal
that engage employee participation and enhance company
culture. Employees are invited to participate in payroll
deduction, humanitarian incentive trips, fundraising
initiatives, and other team building activities throughout
the year.
Over the past year, more than 1,300 employees across the
United States and Canada participated in this rewarding
CHOICE program. Over 300 employees engaged in
collaborative expeditions, working together on water
projects, schoolhouse construction, and other villagedriven initiatives. These experiences continue to strengthen
companies, build relationships, and improve employee
morale and retention, well after the expedition has ended.
When a CEO works shoulder-to-shoulder with
employees and local villagers, a deep level of mutual
respect is fostered.
To learn more about how this program can benefit your
company, please contact Rebekah Sosa, Director of
Corporate Impact at [email protected] or
Opposite Page: Eric Huefner, President and COO,
Grandeur Peak Global Advisors LLC, bonds with local
children on an expedition in Guatemala.
together ending poverty
philanthropy at its best
DownEast Home & Clothing
“DownEast Home & Clothing has long enjoyed our association
with CHOICE. We consider our primary mission to provide
meaningful employment to our extended DownEast family
and service to the community that has genuine value. CHOICE
has provided a venue where we can extend the reach of our
local community and make a contribution to humanity. It is a
blessing that any of our 900 employees can contribute even a
small amount of money, yet collectively, together, we become
a powerful means to impact communities in Guatemala. Basic
utilities and services we consider essential for existence are
now a reality to many people who, without the outreach of
CHOICE and a family of our employees, would never know
otherwise. It gives us great satisfaction to be a part of a cause
that enriches the lives of so many people. We look forward to
continuing our partnership with CHOICE and extending our
reach to new projects and people who so desperately need
our assistance.”
Members of the DownEast team strengthen their
relationships with one another and the community of
- Bill Freedman, Co-Founder & Owner, DownEast Home & Clothing
CHOICE celebrates DownEast Home & Clothing for exceptional corporate humanitarian service.
The villagers were frankly baffled as to why we
would come to help them when we had so much
and they had so little. They almost found it peculiar
that we found their village so rich in happiness. They
are so abundant in so many ways we aren’t, and
corporate partner: since 2009
focus: women empowerment in Guatemala
sponsor: annual employee expedition to Guatemala
they have simplicity in life that we have somehow
complicated. Family relationships mean everything
to them and they have a sense of community that
runs deep and involves everyone. These were
amazing things to witness in this village.
- Krista Sorenson
Guatemala Expedition Volunteer
together ending poverty
Funding poverty is a massive effort. To accomplish our goals, CHOICE creates strategic partnerships
in order to leverage each dollar raised. Below we highlight three partners that enhance our ability
to multiply each dollar two to five times!
CHOICE appreciates our longstanding relationship with T. Linh,
founder of Fund Aid for Vietnam, which operates in partnership with
CHOICE according to donors’ requests and/or as help is needed. Over
the past ten years, with support from generous donors, Fund Aid for
Vietnam has built a Vocational Training Center in the city of Hue.
Moving forward, they will provide daily milk for children at the Duc
Son orphanage. Fund Aid for Vietnam has distributed thousands
of school supply packages, bikes, and scholarships in the remote
areas of South Vietnam. In addition, they have organized small loan
projects for women and built new kindergarten/childcare centers in
remote villages. CHOICE applauds the continued impact of Fund Aid
for Vietnam.
For nearly a decade, CHOICE has supported
the work of Cecile Pelous, founder and
advocate of First Hope, an organization
created in the 1990s to support fundraising
efforts for the orphanage Cecile established
in Nepal. Cecile’s efforts have helped
hundreds of Nepali orphans rise above
their circumstances to become outstanding
young men and women. For the past 20
years, Cecile has rescued children from
a future of illness, starvation, and slavery.
CHOICE joins Cecile in her devotion and
commitment to prepare these children to be
self-reliant, independent, and contributing
citizens of Nepal.
In-Country Director Rita Lugogo serves as
Chair Lady of the Yehu Board of Directors.
Born out of CHOICE programs in 1999, Yehu
Microfinance is one of the few programs in the
world that works in rural areas where banking
institutions are not accessible to the people they
could most benefit. Yehu membership includes
more than 37,000 Kenyans with women
representing 85% of total members. Yehu’s
growth is notable: the first loans awarded were
for $50, and recently two $12,000 loans were
awarded! Thanks to this program, more than
16,000 members have received micro-loans and
families have been able to start or expand small
businesses to significantly increase their income.
To date, Yehu has awarded $16,000,000 in microloans with a 95% repayment rate.
Strategic Partnerships
multiplying every dollar two to five times
20 Nepal Life Village District Councils/ Lamjung District
CBOs (Forest User’s Group, Women’s Groups)
Divine Service Home
Drinking Water Sanitation Division/ Lamjung and Kathmandu
Duradanda Support Society
First Hope Orphanage
Helpage Nepal
Kids on Computer, USA
Laps for Learning
LDS Charities
Medical Mercy Canada
Meridian Magazine: Meridian Cares Campaign
Ministry of Health Nepal
Ministry of Peace Nepal
Nepal Government DDC
Nepal Government DEO
Nepal Government VDC
Nepal Hope
Ramkot Village Development Council/ Kathmandu District
Ranibari Village Development Council/ Kathmandu District
Robert’s Kid and Friends
Smiles for Hope Foundation
Asociación de Tecnologos en Alimentos del Bajio
Brigham Young University
Christopherson Business Travel
CONAFE (Comisión Nacional de Fomento Educativo)
Desarrollo Social de Acambay
DIF Irapuato
Dirección de Areas Naturales Protegidas
EWB (Engineers without Borders) BYU and USU
FES Cuautitlan Universidad
Gipson Family Foundation
HIP (Hispanics in Philanthropy)
Impersonal English School, SLP
Miche Bag Inc.
Municipalidades de Irapuato, Salamanca, Acambay, y Villa
de Zaragoza
Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural y
Pesca y Alimentación SAGARPA
SEDESHU Secretaria de Desarrollo Social FEDERAL
SEDESHU Secretaria de Desarrollo Social y Humano de
Thanks for Water
UNAM CU/Universidad
UTSOE University
UVU University
VCBO Architecture
Wellspring Realty
Wheeler Machinery
Williamsburg Intermediate School
Caterpillar Foundation
Comité Nacional de Alfabetización
DownEast Home & Clothing
Focus Services
LDS Charities
Mayaniquel, S.A.
Municipalidad de Senahú, Alta Verapaz
Rabanales Family Foundation
Rotary Centerville/Farmington
Rotary International
Rotary Puerto Barrios
Singular Humanitarian experience
Smiles for Hope Foundation
Spectrum Healthcare
Utah Medical Outreach
Vine International
Wheeler Machinery
World Link Partners
AGA KHAN Foundation
Coast Development Authority
FNC Aquaponics
Kilifi County Council
Kilifi Town Council
Kinango Constituency Development Committee
Kwale Country Council
Kwale Town Council
Mariakani Town Council
Meridian Magazine: Meridian Cares Campaign
Ministry of Cooperatives and Marketing
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Health
Plan International
Save the Children
US Synthetic Corporation
Yehu Microfinance
Altine de Francia
Andes Fértiles de Francia
Deseret Health Group
Gobierno Autónomo de Laja
Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de Achacachi
Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de Batallas
Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de Pucarani
Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de Viacha
Grupo Scouts de Francia
HSF - Hidráulicos Sin Fronteras
IJSUD - Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos
International Development Collaborative
LDS Charities
Leavitt Insurance Group
Universidad Agropecuarias de Francia
Universidad Mayor de San Andrés
Wheeler Machinery
CHOICE Humanitarian
2013 Board of Directors
Marc Fuller, Chairman
Rich Israelsen, Past Chairman
James Mayfield, Co-Founder
Mary Bangerter
Josh Cameron
Jonathan Campbell
Linda Fogg-Phillips
John Greene
Al Haines
Paul Lovell
Brad Merrill
Leslie Nelson
Diana Peterson
Kristin Stockham
Niels Valentiner
2013 Headquarters Staff
Leah Barker, CEO
Chris Johnson, Program Director
Keith Ellis, Field Communications Specialist
Megan Ah Mu, Development Director
Rebekah Sosa, Director of Corporate Impact
Wade Alexander, Director of Expeditions
Joanne Searcy, Expeditions Coordinator
In-Country Directors
Willy Mendoza, Bolivia
Willy has been the CHOICE Director in Bolivia since 1999. He is a
dentist by trade and is a master at developing local village leaders
to their potential. He works tirelessly with local governments and
municipalities in encouraging collaboration and leveraging village,
government, and other organizational resources to maximize every
donor dollar. Willy and his wife, Maxi, have three children: Ruth, Emily,
and Lindsey.
Juan Alducin, Mexico
Juan joined CHOICE in 1995. He was born in Mexico City and has
postgraduate degrees in Agriculture and Livestock Industry, Investment,
and Project Management. He has introduced a very successful livestock
income-generating project to the villages and has developed significant
partnerships with multiple organizations. Juan and his wife, Ana, have
four daughters: Maria, Alejandra, Laura, and Aranza.
Dr. Rita Lugogo, Kenya
Born in Italy and educated in the United States, Rita earned a B.S.
degree in Biology, and later earned a PhD from Virginia Tech in Human
Nutrition and Foods. After marrying a Kenyan, she raised her family
in Mombasa. As the CHOICE Director in Kenya since 1993, Rita has
become very influential and sits on a number of development boards
within the Coastal Province of Kenya. She has three children: Njira,
Mwana, and Bebago, and several grandchildren.
Bishnu Adhikari, Nepal
Bishnu has been the voice of CHOICE since the beginning of operations
in Nepal in 1999. He grew up in a rural village in Nepal and has since
received two Master’s Degrees in Civil Engineering and Environmental
Policy. Bishnu is the developer of Nepal LIFE (Local Initiative For Ending
Poverty) which focuses on local resource mobilization in developing
entrepreneurship in rural communities. Bishnu and his wife, Mangala,
have three children: Smina, Rebecca, and Jeev.
Jorge Chen Alfaro, Guatemala
Jorge was named Director of CHOICE Guatemala in 2008. He is
Q’eqchi’ (of Mayan descent) and was born in Cobán, very near to the
area where CHOICE villages are located. Jorge is an attorney by trade.
Together, with his wife Martha, they are advancing the CHOICE model
in Guatemala. They have four children: Josue, Eliza, Jorge, and Juan
together ending poverty
Dimmak Industries
DownEast Home & Clothing
E Financial Group
Engaging Genius
Fairbanks Orthodontics PC
Focus Services
Global Medical Staffing
Good Hill Partners L.P.
Grandeur Peak Global Advisors
Great American Networks LLC
Helgesen, Waterfall & Jones, PC
High Voltage LLC
Hinckley Institute
Insight Group Insurance Agency
Intermountain Healthcare
Invemed Associates
ISOM Properties LLC
Jensen Auto Body Repair
JP Morgan Chase and Co.
K Square Systems
Kelly’s Furniture Wrap LLC
Lana Furniture LLC
Leavitt Group
Listen Technologies Corp
Lowell Construction Co.
Market America Inc
Masters LLC
Meridian Magazine: Meridian
Cares Campaign
Network for Good
Orange Soda Inc.
Outside the Box
Portfolio Investments
Questar Corporation
REDD Engineering and
Construction Inc.
Security National Mortgage
Shepard Ridge LLC
Sidro Properties
Signature Builders
Smart Salsa LLC
Software Technology Group
Spectrum Healthcare
The Beauty Chemist
The Boyer Company
The Dailey Method
The Resource Tank
Tin Cup Design
US Synthetic Corporation
Van Boerum & Frank Associates
VCBO Architecture LLC
Vital Smarts
Wells Fargo
Wheeler Machinery
Whole Foods Market
Wilde West Development Group
Workers Compensation Fund
Xencore AG
Yuda Bands
Zions Bank
A Charity For Charities
Advance Guatemala
American Express Charitable
Blaine N. and Barbara W.
Harmon Charity Foundation
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Caterpillar Foundation
Charity Gift Certificates
Community Foundation of Utah
David E. Cumming Family
Dee R. Bangerter Support
Encore Fellowship
FeelGood World
Flickinger Family Foundation
Fredrick H. Barth Foundation
Fredy Rosenbaum Foundation
Gipson Family Foundation
Granite School District
Hullinger Family Foundation
John and Marcia Price Family
Kanter Family Foundation
King Family Foundation
Leslie DeeAnn Mower
Madsen Family Foundation
Marriott Daughters Foundation
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Mike and Camille Cameron
Milne Family Foundation
One Global Economy
Peters Family Foundation
Princeton’s FRS157
Rabanales Family Trust
Razoo Foundation
RLC Foundation
Rotary Foundation
Siemens Caring Hands Giving
Singular Humanitarian
Span Foundation Trust
State of Utah
The Jeffrey & Helen Cardon
The Kennedy Foundation
The MZ7 Foundation
United Way of Salt Lake City
University Impact Fund
Utah State Employees
Charitable Fund
Utah State University
Wells Fargo Community Support
Wells Fargo Foundation
World Link Partners Inc.
Del Sol
Delta Airlines
Encore Fellowships
Erik Zenger
Eugenia Battaglia
Gabriela Grostic
Gary Ellis
Jay and Linda Smith
Joel and Diana Peterson
Jon and Shauna Robertson
Kids on Computers
Libby Meissner
Linh T. Ly
Luisa Neher
Manju Varghese
Mark and Linda Zobrist
Marvin and Maxine Turner
Michael Clark
Momentum Indoor Climbing
Nick and Carol Brown
Orange Soda Inc.
Pearl Wright
R&K Hunting Company
Randy and Trista Tate
Rob Mayfield
Romney Family
Ron and Bonnie McMillan
Roy and Anne Jespersen
RWS Broker
Sitaram Guatam
Snell & Wilmer Associates
Software Technology Group
Stanford J. Ricks
Ted and Paige Kimball
The MZ7 Foundation
Tom and Kristin Stockham
Tiffany Baker
Travis Dowdell
VCBO Architecture LLC
Vital Smarts
Wheeler Machinery
Academy Mortgage
Albion Financial Group
American Express PAC Match
Andrus Woods Enterprises
Aurora Family Counseling
Bangs International LLC
Bear Country Cookies
BNA Consulting Inc.
Bowen Studios
C&L Unlimited LLC
Cambric Corporation
Campbell Scientific
Castle Creek Winery
Children’s Medical Mission
Christopherson Business Travel
Coda Gallery
Cogent Works
Community Pharmacy Inc.
Deseret Book
Deseret Health Group
Deseret Trust Company
Alan Croshaw
Annette Bradshaw
Apa Sherpa
Ascend Alliance
Bluehouse Skis
Bowen Studios
Bradley and Trish Merrill
Brayden Schut
Cariloha Bamboo Clothing &
Christopherson Business Travel
Coda Gallery
Crimson Wine Group
Daniel and Laurie Seron
Manley Abbott
Maryann Abts
Melinda Adams
Pamela Adams
Suann Adams
Dana Adders
Gopal and Samari
Patrick and Megan Ah Mu
Steve and Tami Ahlmer
Cassie Ainscough
Frank and Laurie
Camille Albrecht
Carl Alcorn
Paul Alder
Adrienne Aldous
Wayne and Valerie
Cathy Alexander
Tom and Julia Alexander
Sue Alexander
Wade and Tania
Aslaen Alfaro-Garcia
Nathan Allen
Phyllis Allen
Susan Allen
Cooper Allred
Debbie Allred
Adrienne Alterman
Sheri Alvey
Anton Ambrose
Kevin Ames
Justin Andersen
Amy Anderson
David Anderson
Eden Anderson
Erica Anderson
Paul Anderson
Susan Anderson
William and Mary
Katie Andresen
Jeremy Andrus
Elise Angerbauer
Val Antczak and Barbara
Tisha Arana
Shawn Archibald
Liesl Arnell
Kristin Arnold
Staci Arnone
Alan and Julie Ashton
Daniel Auer
Kathy Aumont
Jim and Peggy Avent
Paul Ayrton
Emily Bachand
JoDean Bailey
Laurel Bailey
Mary Bailey
Sheila Bailey
Donald Baillio
Alex Baker
Tiffany Bake
Christine Balbag
Ted Balderree
Anja Baldree
Mara Balfe
Fred and Joyce Ball
Hayden Ballou
Leon Bamforth
Dee and Mary Bangerter
Ed and Leslie Bangerter
Jennifer Bankhead
Brian and Karey Barker
Celeste Barlow
Alisa Barnes
Andrea Barnes
Elaine Barnett
Jayne Barnett
Jenny Barnett
Kristie Barth
Hila Barzion
Arlene Bascom
Bryan and Suzie Bassett
Eugenia Battaglia
Jill Baugh
Koby Bawden
Stanley and Cheryl
Andrew Beal
Jay Bean
Malachi Beattie
Jessica Beaudette
Lynn and Karen
Ariana Beirens
Haylie Bell
Jessica Bell
Julianne Bell
Kyra Bell
Mallory Bell
Shannon Bellows
Cyndi Bemis
Camilla Bennett
Connie Bennett
Lauren Benson
Rebecca Benson
Chris Bentley
Janna Bentley
Megan Benton
Whitney Benzon
Jacob Berg
Brittany Bergstrom
Donald and Denise
Jacqueline Betts
Sharon Bigelow
Malori Bigler
Jean Bills
Kase Bingham
Mel Bingham
Adam Bird
Donald Bird
Seymour Bird
Tyler Birtcher
Mark and Janette
Lorianne Bisping
Erin Black
Lance Black
Tasia Black
Dayna Blackburn
Steve Blackhurst
Curtis and Lisa Blair
Janalyn Blanchard
Kali Blanchard
Katie Blanchard
Heath Bland
Suzanne Blitstein
Lois Bloebaum
Patricia Bluth
Sarah Bluth
Eileen Bodell
Vaneta Bodine
Michelle Bogart
Steffanie Bolle
Jared Bollinger
Mandi Bollinger
Mindy Bollinger
Jason Bond
Jill Bond
Rebecca Bond
Samantha Bond
Whitney Bond
Alex and Tammy Booth
Jeffrey Booth
Melinda Booth
Dean Boren
Mallorie Borup
Jay Bosshardt
Barry and Holly Bowen
Brandon Bowen
Brenda Bowen
Brent and Danielle
Daina Bowler
Carol Bowman
Rosanne Bowman
Verl Boyack
Cody Boyce
Nola Boyd
John and Janet Boyer
Kevin and Angie
Breanna Bradley
Leslie Bradley
Samantha Bradley
Annette Bradshaw
Sarah Bradshaw
James Brady
William and Margo Brady
Casey Bragg
Scott Brand
Robert and Doreen Braun
Austin Brenneman
Diane Brewer
Ty Brewer
Robyn Briggs
Chelsie Bright
Norda Brimley
Trudi Brinkerhoff
Robert Brinton
David and Katherin
Ambra Broadhead
Wayne Brockbank
David Brooksby
Michael Brower
Abigail Brown
Brooklyn Brown
Carma Brown
Christin Brown
Craig and Kate Brown
Jay Brown
Keri Brown
Kevin Brown
Lora Brown
Melanie Brown
Nick and Carol Brown
Wallace and Patricia
Brittnie Browning
Cynthia Bruner
Peter and Olga Brunjes
Mark Bruun
Douglas and Trevamarie
Frank Bryant
Laurel Bryant
William and Keri Jo
William and Cheryl
Marilyn Bryce
David and Linda
Amy Buchmann
Chelsea Budge
Gary and Susan Buehner
Miriam Bugden
Lance Bullen
David and Becky
George and Karen
Michael and Donna
Quinton Burdette
Donnie Burgess
Jay Burghardt
Fane Burman
Floyd Burnett
Amy Burrup
Brian Burton
Tabitha Bushman
Wade Butaud
Richard Butler
Mandi Buttars
Andrew Butterfield
Kirk and Donna
Ann Byers
Cyndy Cadenhead
Melissa Caffey
Kimberly Cahill
Arthur and Nancy
David and Vanessa
Scott and Jean Calder
Janeal Call
Liz Call
Marci Call
Janice Calton
Josh and Kathryn
Mike and Camille
Scott Cameron
Daniel Caminos
Ronald Camomile
Amanda Campbell
Jonathan Campbell
McCall Campbell
Rob and Lisa Campbell
Helen Campos
Weston Cann
Ardyth Cannon
Mykelti Cannon
Rebecca Cannon
Scott and Claudia
Matthew Capizzi
Cheryl Caramagno
Debby Carapezza
Brea Carbiener
Kati Carbonneau
Mark Card
Camie Cardenas
Jaime Cardenas-Pedraza
Norman Carless
Brooke Carlson
Bryndee Carlson
John and Shirley
Katherine Carpenter
Sam and Aleatha
Scott Carr
Dan Carrasco
Marta Carrero-Meissner
Celestia Carson
D’Mario Carter
Joseph and Jane Carter
Karen Carter
Madalyne Carty
Calli Case
Traedon Casper
Todd Castagna
Lea Castellanos
McKenna Castillo
Cami Catmull
Shyrleen Cederlof
Diana Cedillo
Mindi Cella
Sally Chalmers
Beth Chamberlain
Bruce and Kathy
Jeaneen Chambers
Richard and Carolyn
Dick and Joni Chapa
Carlee Chase
Danielle Chase
Dolores Chase
Ellon Chase
Teri Chase-Dunn
Kristin Chew
Robert Chicoine
Trevor Child
Alicia Christensen
Amy Christensen
Clinton and Megan
Marnee Christensen
Paul and Susan
John Christiansen
Sara Christiansen
Ann Christopher
Corbin and Kara Church
Carolyn Clark
Dave and Amanda Clark
Jeanette Clark
Jerry Clark
Michael Clark
Michelle Clark
Scott Clark
Shayne Clarke
Jenny Clawson
Wynn Clayton
Miranda Clement
Kelsey Clements
Scott Cline
Tyler Cline
Vanessa Clippinger
David Clough
Peter Coats
J’Lynn Coburn
Alece Cochenour
Katherine Coleman
Whitney Collins
Mikeal Colquhoun
Andrea Combs
Vu Con
Thomas and Rebecca
Christina Conde
Jamie Conde
Adam and Diana Condie
Philip and Marva Condie
Stefanie Condie
Bailee Cook
Carson Cook
Daniel Cook
Izumi Cookson
Nathan Coonen
Sean Copley
Helen Corbett
Brandi Cordon
Oscar Cordova
Leanne Corey
Marisa Corless
Amanda Cottle
Ashley Cottle
Gerald Courtney
John and Kathleen Covey
Jill Cox
Kamee Cox
David Cranney
Don Cranney
Elizabeth Cranney
Linda Cranney
Mitchell and Stephanie
Ron and Becky Craven
Margaret Crenshaw
Wanda Crews
Andy and Mindy Crockett
Madelyn Crookston
Kandise Crosby
Alan Croshaw
Andrew Croshaw
Julie Cross
Coreen Crouch
Whitney Crowley
Roger Crus
Natalie Cruz
Laura Cuagliotti
John Cunniff
Andrew and Dianna
Lynn Curtis
Claire Cushing
Herbert Cutler
Jessica Dahl
John and Kim Dahlstrom
Joseph and Joanie Daily
Suzanne Daines
Ruth Dall
Stephen and Elaine
Amanda Damjanovich
Phuong Dang
Nichole Daniel
Coleen Daniels
Ken and Lorna Darling
Jorge and Carolynn
Gregory Davies
Ann Davis
Debra Davis
Jeff Davis
Juanita Davis
Kira Davis
Kirt Davis
Scott and Mary Davis
Morgan Davis
Philip Davis
Tanya Davis
Rachael Day
Jim and Sherlene Dean
Erik DeAndero
Michael Decker
Dustin Deets
Heather Deets
Charlene Degen
Carol Del Giudice
David Delahunty
Tyler and Sarah DeLange
Dyan Delfin
Miria Delgado
Robert and Mary Jayne
Tiffany Deloach
Elizabeth Demedici
McKay DeMeester
Kaitlyn Demie
Amy Demke
George Demott
Connie Denmark
Jennifer Denney
Victoria Denning
Jennie Deplacito
Camille Derricott
Nicolas DeSeelhorst
Betty Desmond
Brian Devine
Linda DeVoogd
Elizabeth Dibble
Emily Dibble
Kristy Dibblee
Keith and Lindsay
Catherine Dimas
Joshua and Michelle
Scott and Julie Dixon
Melanie Dixon
Sean Dixon
Thal and Claudia Dixon
Margaret Dobson
Gary Doherty
Thomas Dolan
Anna Dollins
Louise Dolunc
Caitlin Donnelly
Victoria Donoghue
Paul and Terrell Dougan
Shauna Dougherty
Juliette Douglas
Robert and Glaya
Craig Douglass
Kriss and Jill Dow
Travis and Rebecca
Leah Downey
Lindsay Downs
Melisa Doyle
Nathan Draschil
Richard and Lynsey Drew
Emily Drown
Charity Dunbar-Johnson
John and Stacey Dunn
Michael and Linda Dunn
Mark Durham
Kelsey Dykman
George Earl
Steven Earl
Lori Eberhard
Cathy Eberhardt
Katie Eccles
Becky Edwards
Lindy Edwards
Ronna Edwards
Archie and Patricia
Rachel Eggett
Jennifer Ehart
Ana Eldredge
Deloris Eldredge
Katie Ellett
Clay and Lisa Ellingford
Brooke Ellis
Gabrielle Ellis
Gary and Heidi Ellis
Gregory Ellis
Keith Ellis
Kylei Ellis
Breanna Ellsworth
Jean Elsener
Heather Elwell
Rodney Elwood
Ashley Emala
Ann Engar
Hannah Engel
Corey and Carrie
Dean and Kim England
Deborah English
Amanda Ensign
Joyce Ensign
Sarah Ercanbrack
Valerie Eskelsen
Brent Esplin
Gene Esplin
Bonnie Esquibel
Joseph and Laura Essa
Angela Evans
Glenn and Danyelle
Jean and William Evans
Mackenzie Evans
Travis and Margaret
Richard and Linda Eyre
McKay Fackrell
Thomas Fackrell
Jerry Fails
Joni Fairbourn
Kenneth and Elizabeth
Mark and Kelly
Aryan Farahani
Ken and Karla Farley
Sheila Farley
Chris and Jeni Farner
Kati Farrer
Kelly Feeney
Lance Felleson
Toby Fender
Deborah Fenimore
Adam Ferguson
Karen Ferguson
Evan Fertig
Richard Fetzer
Hailey Ficklin
Jessica Ficklin
Paula Fields
Madelyn Fife
Ana Figueroa-Viveros
Melissa Fillmore
Kayden Finlayson
Samuel Finlayson
Ivy Finlinson
Rebekah Fitch
Lexi Flake
Sarah Flake
Royce Flandro and
Martha Proctor
Maryann Flego
Erin Fletcher
Kim Flockheart
Allison Floyd
Karen Floyd
Lynn Forbes
Randy Forbush
Clyde and Cheryl Ford
Coral Foster
Christopher Fox
Bradley and Angela
Brandi Frandsen
Nick and Kelli Frandsen
Donald and Shari Franke
Emily Franson
Rex and Mary Ann
Becky Frasier
Charlie and Shannon
Jonathan Freedman
William and Alyson
Carrie Fried
Candy Friedli
Shannon Fronapfel
Marc and Cammy Fuller
Alexis Fullmer
Mary Fullmer
Darren Funk
Elizabeth Fuqua
Brian Gaetke
Nancy Gage
Damien Gagnon
Bruce Galbraith
M.D. Gallivan
Prudence Ganz
Alejandro Garcia
Dorothy Gardiner
Christian Gardner
Martin Gardner
Greg Garn
Laura Garrabrants
James and Maria Garrett
Krystal Garvin
Nancy Gasser
Jordan Gatherum
Brooke George
Glen Gibb
Marin Gietz
Annalise Gifford
Cortney Gilbert
Pat Gilcrest
Christine Giles
Allison Anne Gleason
Gerald Gleich and Kristin
Devon and Julie Glenn
Carolyn Glidewell
Maria Gomez
Robert Gomm
Gregg and Charmaine
Cristina Gonzalez
Guadalupe Gonzalez
Luis Gonzalez
Karl Goodman
R. Talley Goodson
Susan Gordon
Cory Gower
John Graham
Linda Graney
Lloyd and Pamela
Braden Gray
Evelyn Green
John Greene
Melissa Greis
Shirley Griffin
Peter Grogan
Gabriela Grostic
Jennifer Grubbs
Sitaram Guatam
Sheila Gudiswitz
Emily Gudmundson
Kaelyn Guenther
Joseph Gunter
Jessica Gunther
Jon Haase
Spencer and Maria
Nora Hadley-Meenk
Peter Haight
Albert and Norma Haines
George and Tricia Haley
Rick and Cheri Halford
Ashley Hall
Mckensie Hall
Michael and Michele
Megan Hamberg
Anthony Hamilton
Brianne Hamilton
Kimberlee Hammond
Roy and Glenda
Lisa Hancock
Mackenzie Haney
Geraldine Hanni
Bree Hansen
Dee Hansen
Dorothy Hansen
Kristine Hansen
Leah Hansen
Monica Hansen
Jenny Hanson
Regan Hanson
Brian Hardesty
Meredith Hardy
Marilyn Harmer
Lovinia Harmsen
Melanie Harper
Stephen and Karen
Stephanie Harpster
Mala Harrell
Carol Harris
Haylee Harris
Hillaree Harris
Kathleen Harris
Matthew and Stephanie
Megumi Harris
Michael Harris
Rylee Harris
Tiffany Harris
Jade Harrison
Jeffrey Harrison
Clyde and Merilyn
Thomas Harvey
Patsy Harwood
Leah Hatziathanasiou
Thomas Hausknecht
Sierra Haverfield
Rosalind Hawk
Breeana Hawkes
William Hawkins
Heather Haycock
Timothy and Carleen
Marilyn Haymond
Susan Haynes
Jamie Hearn
Melinda Heath
Tim Heaton
John Heid
Tess Helmer
Claire Helmers
Racher Helt
Brooke Hemmert
Val Hemming
Daniel Henderson
Neil and June Henderson
Hailey Heninger
Paul and Shelley Henriod
Suzanne Henry
Ann Henstrom
Justin Heppler
Thomas Herche
Tina Herman
Martin Hernandez
Chelsea Herrick
Molly Hetrick
Conrad Hetterick
James Heuerman
Keely Heyer
Nicole Heyrend
Nancy Hibbert
Rebecca Higgins
Shelleigh Highland
Jason and Stephanie Hill
Nicole Hill
Braden Hillebrant
Shay Hilton
Travis Hilton
Laura Himelman
Jessica Hinchey
Peggy Hinds
Elaine Hintz
Dallin Hipps
Charles and Deborah
Kerri Hodgson
Callianne Hodson
Tanner Hodson
Amanda Hoehler
Becky Hoffman
Daren and Lisa Hogge
Gordon Holladay
Alex Hollingsworth
Brenda Hollmer
Jenell Holmes
Jeffrey Holmstead
Michael Holmstead
George Holt
Madeline Holt
Jeffrey and Salley
Chris and Amy Hone
Arielle Hope
Melanie Hopkinson
David and Kathy Horne
Paul Horstmeier
Robin Hough
Lana Housley
Cody Howell
Lewis and Kelly Hower
Jeffrey Hoyle
Linnea Hoyos
Dana Hudson
Cleo Huefner
Robert and Dixie Huefner
Lauren Hughes
Lisa Hughes
Sarah Hughes
Alison Hullinger
Julia Hunick
Aleigh Hunsaker
Genevieve Hunter
Sheryl Hunter
Nancy Huntsman
Craig and Jill Hurst
Christopher Hurzeler
King Husein
Elise Hutchings
Michael Hyneman
Richard Ingebretsen
Stein Ingegretsen
Jeffrey Ipsen
Justin Irving
Darla Isackson
Anne Isenhour
Boyd and Carma
Richard and Jenni
Aubrey Ituma
Vicki Jackman
Anna Jackson
Briana Jackson
Mimi Jacobs
Richard Jacobsen
Norma Jaeger
Alice James
Kathy James
Elaine Janis
Mark and Annette Janke
Juan Jara
Peter and Kristen Jarman
Patricia Jarvis
Nick Jean-Baptiste
Melanie Jeffs
Trudy Jeffs
Jessica Jenkins
Paulette Jenkinson
Chelsea Jensen
Clea Jensen
David Jensen
Douglas and Beverly
Julie Jensen
Mark Jensen
McCall Jensen
Nels Jensen
Niels and Martha Jensen
Rees and Virginia Jensen
Richard Jensen
Scott Jensen
William Jensen
Darrin and Michael
Gregory and Lisa Jerome
Paul and Sharon
Roy and Anne Jespersen
Richard Jex
Veronica Jimenez-Garcia
Tony Jiminez
Lori Johanson
Charity Johns
Barry Johnson
Camden Johnson
Christopher Johnson
Connie Johnson
Cortney Johnson
Jeffrey Johnson
Joseph Johnson
Kara Johnson
Keiton Johnson
Marc and Raquelle
Marijke Johnson
Michael Johnson
Natalie Johnson
Nicole Johnson
Royce Johnson
Shirley Johnson
TaLeah Johnson
Wayne Johnson
Joanna Johnston
Jed Jones
Jeff and Susan Jones
Megan Jones
Patty Jones
Wynter Jones
Kathleen Jorgensen
Jeffery and Wendi
Jeff Joseph
Andrea Judd
John and Esther Judd
Ryan and Carrine Judy
Maria Jukes
Mike and Kathy Junk
Claudia Kaelin
Richard and Mary Kaelin
Jennifer Kambourian
Joseph Kaminski
Shaley Kammerman
Ilona Kanjo
Sumeet Kapoor
Jeanie Kargis
Duane Karren
Mark and Bronda
Matthew and Sharon
Derek Kearl
Lauren Kearsley
Kevin Kehl
Amy Keith
Donald Keith
Lester and Safia Keller
Elizabeth Kelly
Marla Kelly
James Kenagy
Ruth Kendall
Colby and Liz Kendell
Camille Kennard
Julie Kennard
Karl and Martha Kern
Ardene Kidby
Melanie Kieffer
Kelly Kimball
David and Jan Kimber
Chante King
Michael and Alicyn King
Shayla King
Rod Kirk
Charles and Melanie
Elliann Kiselica
Joyce Kite
Patricia Kleckner
Tanya Knighton
Kyle Knowles
Courtney Kochevar
Barry and Deborah
Steven Kohler
Richard Koucheravy
Timothy Kranendonk
Travis Kranendonk
Dayna Kraus
Fred and Christy Kraut
Meliss Krautscheid
Dana Kristensen
Susan Kropf
Timothy Kuhn
Gloria Kummer
Heidi Kummer
Christine Kummer-Hardt
Terence and Justine
Marie LaCrue
Alex LaFazia
Scott and D.S. Lake
Erica Lamb
Erin Lamb
William Lamb
Brittany Lamborn
Cari Land
J.R. and Colleen Lane
Michael Lane
Justin Lang
Bethany Langi
Bruce Langone
Theresa Larkin
Dean and Mary Jo
Deborah Larsen
Gary Larsen
Jamie Larsen
Rick and Brita Larsen
Sarah Larsen
Tanya Larsen
Michael and Teresa
Crystal Larson
Hans Latschkowski
Chris Lau
Brittney Lauritzen
Nevean Layne
Alan and Mona Layton
Keith Layton
Mary Layton
Pat and Sue Leary
John and Angela
Rebecca Leavitt
Kaitlyn Lechner
Geoffrey Lee
James Lee
Linda Lee
Shawny Lee
Grant Leeds
Peter Leitner
Timothy Lemon
Jill Leonard
Verna Leonard
Angela LePrell
Dianne Lerdahl
Maki Lerwill
Michael Levinthal
Jennie Lewis
Lynette Lewis
Sidney Lewis
Camille Lewis-Francis
Todd Libby
Heather Lightbody
Arden and Cami Liles
Suzanne Limburg
Karina Linch
Kirk Lindley
Paul Lindley
Paige Lindsey
Joseph Linford
Chet and Joan Linton
Camillia Lish
Kristin Liszkowski
April Littiken
Hadlie Llewelyn
Adam Lloyd
Jennifer Lloyd
Kenneth Lloyd
Kristina Lobendahn
Randall and Lisal Logel
Win Sheng Loh
Donna London
Valden and Kara
Christina Lopez
Evita Lopez
Holly Loutensock
Jason Love
Amberlee Lovell
Paul and Heather Lovell
Warren and Mary Luch
Diane Luke
Cammie Lund
Rachel Lund
Linh Ly
Jed Lyman
David Lysenko
Hope Lytle
Mark MacFarlane
Sherie MacKay
Jeanne Mackenzie
Nicole MacLaren
Marley Macres
Renee Madison
Bard and Adele Madsen
Evan Madsen
Jane Madsen
Jill Madsen
Terry Madsen
Scott and Carolyn
Aabir Malik
Gary Malkin
Keltsie Malone
Kathleen Maloy
Richard Mangum
Celeste Mann
Anita Manns
Elizabeth Marchen
Diane Marcroft
Mladen Maric
Linda Marsden
Janeht Martin
Malcolm Martin
Megan Martin
Michelle Martin
Eunju Martinez
Greg and Lydia Martinez
Ricardo Martinez
Staci Martinez
Sergio Martinez-Gutierrez
Ryan Mason
Jan Mathusek
Mark and Kristen Matley
Myrna Matley
Kents Matthews
Sydney Maucotel
Arthur Maurent
Krista Maurer
Frank Mauro
Gilbert and Coralee
Alexis May
Lance May
Ammon Mayfield
Ben Mayfield
Dale and Kim Mayfield
Gary and Marge Mayfield
Jim and Rosalind
Paul Mayfield
Rob Mayfield
Scott Mayfield
Susan Mayo
Alyson McBride
Courtney McCahey
Brian McCauley
Dell McCauley
Linda McCauley
David McClain
Charles McClure
Melissa McConnell
Erinn McCool
Coletta McDermed
Kay McDonald
RiLee McDonald
Ryan McDonald
Leslie McDowell
Cassie McElroy
Dennis McEvoy and Kim
Wendy McGee
Teresa McGowan
David McKenna
Tim McKeon
Richard and Barbara
Penny McKinlay
Carole McLaughlin
Freada Mclin
Ronald and Bonnie
Susan McOmber
Walter and Marilyn
Lea Meadows
Aaron Meier
Heidi Meissner
Libby Meissner
Katrina Mendizabal
Rodolfo Mendoza
Brent and Brandi
Chase Meredith
Brad and Trish Merrill
Jennie Merrill
Lohren Merrill
Kelli Michanowicz
Lacy Mickelsen
Kristi Mickelson
Denise Middleton
Dick and Jayne Middleton
Kathryn Miles
Kourtney Miles
Amy Miley
Amy Miller
Kamicia Miller
Kevin Miller
Matthew Miller
Richard Miller
Steven and Yasemin
Shane Mills
John Millsaps
S.D. Mingo-Clark
Mark Minisce
Richard and Jill Minnich
Stephen Mirra
Talat Mirza
Noah Mismash
Shauna Mitchell
Pat Moffat
Thomas and Alba Mohr
Heidi Monsivais
Maria Monsivais
Matthew Monson
Morgyn Montague
Ana Montalbano
Martha Montero
Austin Montgomery
Leslie Montgomery
Steve and Debbie
Kathryn Montierth
Katy Moon
Melinda Moon
Nathan and Amy Moon
Susan Moon
Rich and Lynn Moore
Paul and Judy Moote
Drew and Lisa Morby
Patsey Morgan
Patrice Morley
Janet Morlok
David and Sharon Morris
David and Carol Morris
Jenny Morris
Jacob Morrison
Norma Morrison
Scott Morrison
Katie Morse
Brad Mortensen
Mica and Heather
Elaina Mott
Mysti Mugleston
Jeri Mumford
Daniel Munford
Alina Murdock
Mark Murdock
Mark and Cheree
Scott Murdock
Don and Carolyn Murphy
Karin Murphy
Klane Murphy
Steven and Jennica
Cody Musgrave
Marta Musich
James Musselman
Paige Myers
Jennifer Napoli
Sarah Nash
Shelley Nash
Heidi Nebeker
Leslie Nebeker
Mark and Kristen
David Neeleman
Audrie Neeley
Luisa Neher
John Neider
John Neil
Carma Nelson
Cary Nelson
Curtis Nelson
Dalmas and Jo Ann
Dan Nelson
David and Leslie Nelson
Jessica Nelson
Kurt Nelson
Laura Nelson
Max Nelson
Ryan and Misty Nelson
Cory and Traci Nelson
Amber Neville
Brynn Newell
Lindsey Newell
Robert and Eleanor
Toni Newman
Kimsoa Nguyen
Lananh Nguyen and
Thulan Hoang
TamThanh and Connie
Thuyan Nguyen
Madison Nichols
Dan and Cassia Nielsen
Kim Nielson
Kati Nilson
Scott Nix
Deborah Noertker
Danielle Nokes
Benjamin Nolte
Kyle Nordhagen
Anela Noriega
Jeff and Debbie Norman
Nate and Vonda Norman
Cynde Norr
Lynne Norris
Ken and Christie North
Brian and Jeanette
Natalie Noyce
Chelzee Nye
William Nyfeler
John O’Leary
Hannah Oberle
Maria Obrien
Patricia Odom
Teri Ogden
Genie Ogilvie
Lynne Ohrn
Sue Oldroyd
Willard Oleson
Stephanie Olmstead
Becky Olsen
Dixie Olsen
Craig and Kathleen Olson
Daniel Olson
Isak Onnestam-Faris
Sean Onyon
Jessica Orchard
Sandi Orgill
Randy Orison
Alex Orton
Ryan Orullian
Jase Osborne
Sarah Osburn
Paul Oscarson
Anmaree Osmond
Michael and Marianne
Lisa Overstreet
Stuart Owen
Doug Owens
Valerie Owens
Nina Ownby
Elizabeth Oyama
Kristen Pace
Layne and Teresa Pace
Terra Pace
Bailey Pacheco
Jeffrey Pack
Kylee Packard
Brent and Julie
Bruce Palmer
Chris Palmer
Rosemary Palmer
Zach Panfiloff
Jake and Whitney
Chelsea Papenfuss
Chandis Paramore
Rachel Parcell
Anthony Park
Janice Park-Blanchard
Nancy Parlapiano
Carrie Parramore
Alexis Patterson
Aaron Patton
Tina Patton
David and Kathryn
Bruce Peaden
Cindy Pearson
Cameron Pedersen
Tina Pedersen
Esteban Pedraza
Emily Pehrson
Eddie Penagos
Leslie Pennock
Jeanne Pepper
John and Julie Pereira
Sheryll and Anabel Perez
Brenda Perez-Casilla
Amy Perkins
Manda Perkins
Guy and Debbie Perry
Jane Perry
Jack Petersen
Brian and Claire Peterson
Bryce Peterson
C.R. Peterson
Cindy Peterson
Doug Peterson
Elyse Peterson
Eric Peterson
Jane Peterson
Jill Peterson
Joel and Diana Peterson
Justin Peterson
Scott and Christina
Solana Peterson
Sue Peterson
Tammy Peterson
Toni Pettigrew
Steve and Katrina Pfost
Judy Pham
Amanda Phan
Brent and Linda Phillips
Candace Phillips
Martha Phillips
Selina Picanso
Linda Pickett
Scott Pickett
Karl and Paige Pierce
Brittan Pinard
Lindsey Pittman
Mallory Platt
Walter Plumb
Glen and Linda Poll
Jack Polton
Rubby Ponce
Denise Pons
Kye Pope
Louis and Christine Pope
Kimberly Porter
Tracey Porter
Virginia Porter
Nyha Portillo
Kirsten Potter
Gail Poulos
Blake Powers
Craig Preece
Alan and Machelle
Adam Price
Dana Price
Jessica Price
John Price
Karissa Price
Rebecca Price
Sherry Price
Sally Priest
Vasilios and Shauna
Lane Proctor
Michaela Proctor
Scot and Maurine Proctor
Brent and Hillary Pugh
Wendy Pugmire
Jennifer Pulley
Stephanie Pulley
Eliza Pullman
Natalie Pyper
Seveli Quinones-Palmer
Angela Quinton
Elizabeth Quist
Fred Rabe
Ruby Raccasi
Alisha Racker
Lauren Radvansky
Jacklin Ralphs
Raha Ramezani
Alexxis Ramirez
Marie Ramirez
Jacinto Ramirez-Urbina
Kristin Randall
Charles Rardin
Sterling Rasmussen
Sandra Rawlins
Dixie Ray
Julie Ray
Cindra Rayburn
Frederick and Marilyn
Eleanor Ream
Merrilee Rease
Erik Reaveley
Emily Reber
Bruce Redd
Lowry and Kim Redd
Sarah Reed
Connie Rees
Jessica Rees
Steven and Sherry Rees
Megan Reese
Keima Reeves
Kayce Rehn
Paul Reich
Matthew Renlund
Jack A. Rensel
Julie Reves
Peter Reymer
Chrystine Reynolds
Cindy Reynolds
Courtney Reynolds
Emily Reynolds
Scott Rice
Carolyn Rich-Denson
David Richards Jr.
Linda Richards
Lon Richardson
Melissa Richardson
Sandra Rickett
Shirley Ricks
Stanford Ricks
Beverly Rico
Kenneth Rigtrup
Kacey Rindlisbacher
Selia Ririe
Maria Rivas
Ross Rivera
Jonathan Robb
Kyle Robbins
Rebecca Robbins
Bert Roberts
Becky Roberts
Erin Roberts
John and Natalie Roberts
Kathleen Roberts
Lauren Roberts
John and Barbara
Jon and Shauna
John and Mary Jo
Siobhan Roche
Jaede and Shirley
Pamela Roder
Stacey Rodriguez
Silvia Rodriguez Garcia
Michael Roe
Amber Rogers
Kent Rogers
Marsha Rogers
Vlad Romascanu
Benjamin Romney
Clive Romney
Matthew Romriell
Greg and Lisa Ross
Jim Rossetto and Pauline
Gregory Roth
Brianne Roundy
Daniel Rowles
Nicole Rox
Megan Rudd
Paul Rudd
Tony and Elizabeth
Raymond and Euna
Kristen Ruhl
Cassandra Ruiz
Marie Rule
Kathleen Rulka
David Russell
Deanne Russell
Stephen and Trudy
David Russon
Lloyd Rutherford
Rachel Rutland
Donovan Ryan
Amanda Rzemien
Paulette Saenz
Aaron Sagers
Allison Sahagun
Tiffany Sampson
Annick Samson
Dirk Samson
Julio Sanchez
Craig and Torri Sanders
Joseph and Ann Sasich
Danielle Satterfield
Deb Saunders
Benjamin and Melissa
Megan Sawyer
John Saxton
Eva Sayes
Steve and Dana
Sherrie Schaub
Dan and Linda
Veronica Schindler
Evander Schley
Mark and Jessica
Andrew Schmutz
McKenzie Schow
BriAnne Schults
Heather Schultz
Jan Schultz
Jeffrey Schuster
Brayden Schut
Nicole Schweppe
Bryan Scoresby
David Scott
John and Mary Scott
Sam Scott
Grace Seals
Joanne Searcy
Linda Secrist
Barbara Seeburger
Brian Seethaler
Christine Seethaler
Carol Seidlitz
Kent and Rolayne Sellers
Abigail Serna
Daniel and Laurie Seron
Clay Sessions
Gestina Sewell
Dustin and Mandy Sexton
David and Anneliese
Jacob Shapiro
Elizabeth Sharbaugh
Chuck Sharp
Miranda Sharp
Sally Sharp
Daniel Shaw
Tasheena Shay
Monica Sheard
Kayla Shehee
Brian Shelley
Jarret Shelley
Brian Sheppard
Megan Shirk
Clayton Showall
Andrea Shumway
Richard Shumway
Randy Shurtleff
Mark Siddoway
Shellie Siddoway
Muriel Siebach
Lyle Silcox
Nancy Silverman
Sarah Simmons
Stephen and Megan
Alice Simonsen
Kathleen Simpson
Tamera Sims
Mia Sine
Sanket Singhvi
Patricia Singleton
Breanna Sirstins
Karen Sisk
Jessica Skidmore
Ashley Skinner
Jeffery and Traci Sloan
Zachary Sloan
Jamie Slobodnik
Leonard and Janice
Geoffrey and Kimberley
Bradley Smith
Chelsi Smith
Courtney Smith
Derek and Genine Smith
Jay and Linda Smith
Douglas and Deborah
Eric Smith
Heather Smith
Jessica Smith
Marian Smith
Marilee Smith
Mark Smith
Melanie Smith
Melissa Smith
Mikayla Smith
Stephan Smith
Wendy Smith
Lon Snow
Lowry Snow
Charlene Snyder
Riley Somsen
Casey Songer
Lori Sood
Eric Soper
Jennifer Sorensen
John and Pam Sorensen
Karoline Sorensen
Kirby Sorensen
Megan Sorensen
Tyson Sorensen
Krista Sorenson
Gary and Winnie Sosa
Rebekah Sosa
Michel Soto
Mary Souvall
Sam and Victoria Souvall
Michael Spendlove
Melissa Spero
Ronald Sperry
Warren and Jackie
Marianne Springer
William Spruance
David Squire
Darla St. Clair
Barbara Stanton
Monica Stapleton
Patricia Stapley
Lynda Stapp
Amman Starr
James and Nina
Laura Steadman
Logan Stec
Steven Steed
Stephanie Steele
Jacob Steffes
Suzanne Steiger
Melanie Stein
Brooke Steinicke
Alyssa Steitz
Aimmie Stephens
Dallen Stephens
David and Michele
Richard Stephenson
Matthew Stevens
Shaley Stevens
Bryan Stevenson
Ryan Stevenson
Cailey Stewart
Dallas Stewart
Earl and Karolyn Stewart
Marjorie Stimson
Elizabeth Stincelli
Christina Stine
Katherine Stinson
Tom and Kristin
Ian Stockholm
Anthony and Mindi
Bethany Stoker
Brittany Stokes
Madison Stokes
Linda Stolle
Kristen Stone
William Stone
Carolee Stout
Liliana Stowe
Charletta Stratton
Nan Streeter
Kendra Stringham
Paul Stringham
Teresa Stringham
Tom Stringham
Denise Stuart
Mary Lou Sullivan
Lew and Patrice Swain
Callie Swanson
Richard and Carlyn
Craig Swensen
Lyle and Jill Swenson
Marianne Swenson
Bill and Sue Swinyard
Tina Szarek
Rosemary Tafoya
Samantha Tafoya
Craig Taft
Jessie Taggart
Dinnelle Taliman
Mike and Erin Tall
James and Michele
Norma Tapia
Jeff and Jamie Tarrant
Jessica Tate
Marty Tate
Randy and Trista Tate
Ira Tattleman
Hannah Taylor
J.B. and Hillary Taylor
Marilyn Taylor
Robert and Susan Taylor
Shelby Taylor
Travis and Kathy Taylor
Marisa Teasdale
Martha Tejeiro
Dennis Tenney
Kara Tenney
Amanda Terry
Katie Tesch
Vanessa Tester
Marjean Tew
Bradley and Elizabeth
Jeff Thayne
Kimber Theurer
Richard and Susan
Robert Thomas
Tracy Thomas
Brett Thompson
Sean and Michelle
Tiffany Thompson
Carol Thomson
John Thomson
Sheryl Thorell
Ana Thorup
Melissa Tillman
Karen Timmins
Leslie Timms
Joe Tippetts
Tom Tippetts
Jennifer Tiszai
Bailey Toland
Ciara Toland
Annemarie Tolman
Kaylee Tolman
Jenny Tomlinson
Madeline Tomlinson
Torrey Tomlinson
Kellie Toomer
Denene Torgenson
Megan Torgersen
Hailey Tracy
Katelyn Trafelet
Chinh Tran
Hai Tran
Huyen and Huey Tran
Thuy Tran and Bui Van
Vinh Ninh and Phouc
Brett and Sarah Traylor
Lacrisha Tribe
Gary Trinity
Alexandra Troska
Vivian Trujillo
Austin Tubbs
Abigail Tucker
Candeece Tucker
Brian Tudor
Stephen Tumblin
Rosalin Tunbridge
Elizabeth Turnage
McCayla Turnbow
Brad Turner
Jessica Turner
Mackenzie Turner
Marvin and Maxine
Tee Tyler
Maritza Uceda
Marilyn Uhl
Patricia Ullman
Arthur and Lesli Unrein
Elizabeth Upton
Leslie Urbina
James Ure
Rychael Ure
Beverly Uriarte
Heather Valentine
Julie Valentiner
Niels and Char Valentiner
Tim and Christianne
Howard and Joann Van
Kathryn Van Wagoner
Isaac Van Wagoner
Manju Varghese
Norma Vera Pimentel
Melissa Vermillion
Juliet Villanueva
Steven Vincent
Sara Viner
Nghi Vo
Joseph Voitehovich
Rachel Voss
Katie Vrajich
Jay Wagmeister
Robert Wakeland
Tiffany Wakeling
Amy Waldrop
Cortlyn Walker
Delaine Walker
Spencer Walker
Tamara Walker
Mark and Tara Walker
Caitlyn Wall
McKenna Walter
Angela Walters
Jill Walters
Parker Walters
Brooke Waltman
Andrew Walton
Daniel Walton
Angela Ward
Enoch Ward
Whitney Ward
Sherri Warden
Andrea Waterfall
Grego and Angie
Clarence and Margaret
Michael and Nancy
Ryan and Shannon
Scott and Nancy
Tyler Waterfall
David and Katie
Michael and Pam
Ann Watson
Jaimie Watson
Jean Watson
Sarah Waugaman
Charlene Weaver
Travis Weaver
Mark Webber
Janica Webster
Lee Wegner and Julee
SuAnn Weidner
Russel and Karen Weight
Todd Weight
Kelly and Marci Weir
Christine Weiss
Patricia Welch
Richard Wells
Sam Werrett
Melanie Wescott
Edna West
Amy Westerby
Linda Westover
Cheyenne Westwood
Hayley Wetterhus
Shari Weyerman
Daniel Whaley
Randy Whaley
Camille Wheeler
JoAnn Wheeler
Gregory Whisenant
McKay Whitaker
Charles and Paulette
Diane White
Eugene White
Kristi White
Lynne Whitesides
Jay and Peggy
Patricia Whitman
Tina Whitney
Linda Widmar
James Wight
Judith Wight
Tahni Wilbur
Ashlynn Wilde
Katy Wilder
Matt Wiley
Jenifer Wilhelm
Lisa Wilkins
Alicia Williams
Dalton Williams
Daphne Williams
Doris Williams
Kayla Williams
Laney Williams
Megan Williams
Katherine Willis
Anna Wilson
Ashley Wilson
Dow Wilson
Michael Wilson
David and Jeralynn
Scott Windes
Warren and Chrysula
John and Michelle
Marlin and Susan
Joanne Winstanley
William and Susan
Roberta Wintrup
Kendra Wischmeier
James and Heather
DiAnna Wood
Mariah Wood
Stacey Wood
Ty Wooden
Paul and Mary Jane
Warner Woodworth
Doreen Woolley
Kenneth Woolley
Legrande and Gwen
Sarah Worlton
Cory Worsencroft and
Leah Barker
Rachel Worthington
Bryan and Noelle Wright
Courtney Wright
John and Mona Wright
Kenneth Wright
Pearl Wright
Shay Wright
Kevin Wunder
Kailene Ybarra
Andrea Young
Lori Young
Mike and Sandra
Tahera Zaman
Katrina Zavoral
James Zebrack
Erik Zenger
Mark Zenger
Alexandria Zinov
Jean Zwingli
CHOICE has made every effort to include all donors. If we have misspelled or omitted a name, please accept our sincere apologies and contact our office.
thank you!
together ending poverty
CHOICE Humanitarian believes in the value and dignity of all human beings.
CHOICE is a non-profit organization with more than 30 years experience working to end poverty in
Bolivia, Guatemala, Kenya, Mexico, and Nepal. We partner with rural communities where villagers
live on less than $1.25 a day. The CHOICE Leadership Model of village development empowers
rural communities to create their own vision out of poverty. Our model is an integrated approach to
ending poverty focusing on five core areas: education, health, environment, culture, and economic
development. This strategy supports our unique opportunity to strengthen local leadership.
Working side-by-side, together we end poverty.
donate | become a corporate partner | join an expedition
CHOICE Humanitarian is a 501(c)3 charitable organization.
801.474.1937 | [email protected]
7879 South 1530 West, Suite 200 | West Jordan, Utah 84088 USA