Bicton rimary School - Bicton Primary School


Bicton rimary School - Bicton Primary School
Bicton rimary School
Email:%%[email protected]%
21 $July$2015$$
Wed, 22nd t July Early Close
Uniform Shop
Fri, 24th July
Councillor Assembly
2016 Kindy Applications Close
Bicton PS. We will use this trial to determine whether to
purchase further ipads, or alternative mobile devices,
to expand this
program through
We our
Welcome back to Term 3 to all of our students and families.
A warm and friendly welcome to new students and their families.
We trust your time at Bicton Ps will be productive and happy.
Thank you to all of our Class Representatives who connect with
our new families and encourage them to feel part of our school
School Development Day
Yesterday, our Teachers and Education Assistants engaged in a
comprehensive mid-year review process presented by our
curriculum leaders. During the day we reflected on the positive
teaching and learning practices in each of the key Learning Areas
(English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences,
Health, Design & Technology, Art, Physical Education and Music.)
We also worked in Phase of Learning Teams (K-PP, Years 1-2,
Years 3-4, Years 5-6) to identify and plan for teaching and
learning focus points for Semester 2. I would like to acknowledge
the high level of engagement and the commitment to team
processes shown by our staff during the day. At the same time,
our Japanese Teacher, Sensei Yazawa, was at specialist training
for Languages teachers.
We were delighted to welcome Mr Nick Emeljanow, as
Chairperson of our School Board, to address staff and to celebrate
our progress as an Independent Public School during 2015.
Technology developments
Another highlight of our day was the clarification of the mobile
devices technology trial to begin this term. The Mobile Devices
Trail is being coordinated by Mr Steve Watts who will work with a
team of six 'trial teachers' and an Information Communication
Technologies consultant, Mrs Rosemery Collins; to introduce
iPads across our year levels. Thank you to Mrs Lee Yorke, Miss
Michelle Toms, Mrs Linda Ross, Ms Jacky Newman, Mrs Jeanann
Bonwick and Ms Natalie Dawson for enthusiastically undertaking
these leadership roles. Our intent is to examine how mobile!
technologies might assist us to enhance teaching and learning at
Student Services
Our mid year review process also included reflection on the
learning needs of individual students in each class, to set
priorities for our Student Services team during Semester
2. Case meetings will be offered on a priority basis. Please
contact your child's teacher or Carmel Bochenek if you have
particular concerns that have not yet been discussed by the
Students Services Team (Carmel Bochenek, Gemma Sloan School Psychologist and class teachers.)
Visual Art program
You will be aware that Ms Danielle Frichot will be teaching
Visual Art on Mondays Tuesdays and Fridays, whilst Mrs Chris
Hill is away on long service leave. This term there will be
a focus on textiles, fabric work and weaving. To support this
program, we are looking for donations of wool. The colours:
yellow, green, blue, purple, and red would be particularly
fantastic! Thank you. The Year 1-2 students will also be
producing work to support the Book Week theme : “Books light
up our world.” The Year 3-6 students will be doing projects
related to Science Week : Year of Light. Please look out for
other Art program messages via the class representatives.
Staff changes
This term we welcome Mrs Clare Pettigrew back to Room 3
and Mrs Barbara Hudson to a Junior Primary support role.
Next week, we will welcome Mr Stephen Doherty back to the
role of Principal. Mr Watts will continue as a Deputy Principal
and undertake a teaching role on Fridays with the Year 5-6
students. I will return to the role of Deputy Principal with a
teaching role in Learning Support. Mr Watts and I will look
forward to working with the students, classroom teachers and
parents as we refine our teaching roles across the year levels.
A sincere thank you to parents and the Bicton community for
your support during my time as Principal. I have been
delighted to work with so many enthusiastic and talented
people to support teaching and learning at Bicton PS.
Wishing you a happy and productive Term 3.
Carmel Bochenek, Principal
Please find attached to the newsletter a flyer regarding the
Year 1 – 6 school photo day on Thursday 13th August. The
Kindy and Pre primary students will have their school photos
later in the term. Kindy and Pre primary students who have a
sibling in Year 1 – 6 may have a Sibling Photo if they wish to.
The following students were Merit Award Winners at our assembly
on Friday, 3rd July. Congratulations and keep up the hard work.
Room 1
Room 3
Room 5
Room 6
Room 8
Room 9
Room 13
Lara Patterson
Evan Currey
Roisin McCoy
Ashley Wellisch
Daniel Chisholm
Ethan Morley, Troy Jones,Elle McGowan,
Clancy Hay
Jenna Hepton, Jake Stanley
DATE: _________________________ 2.30PM
Name _______________________________ Rm ______
Name _______________________________ Rm ______
Contact phone numbers: __________________________
Parent Signature: ________________________________
Please place in the box marked “Wednesday Afternoon
Supervision” in the front office by Wednesday morning.
Open Wednesday, 29th July from 2.15-3.00pm for the sale of preloved clothing and new hats. Contact for the Uniform Shop is Sam
Osborne & Belinda Doig via email: [email protected]
The school banking team will be at the canteen from 8.30am
tomorrow morning for students to make their deposits. This is a
valuable service provided by these volunteers that we very much
The canteen is open every Thursday and Friday. A new menu will
be out next week. Wendy really appreciates the help she gets in
the canteen so if you have some free time please call in and see
Bookclub is due Monday, 27th July
CENTRE INC is sponsoring the Italian after-hour language
and cultural programme at Bicton PS again this year. These
courses are of ninety minutes duration after school and are
conducted on a weekly basis during the school year. In 2015
there will be a charge of $25.00/student/semester (nonrefundable) payable by cheque or cash to the ItaloAustralian Welfare & Cultural Centre Inc on enrolment at
the first lesson. The Italian after-hour lessons are in Room 11
from 2.30pm to 4.00pm and will run for the duration of the
school year. Your teacher of Italian is Signorina Georgia
Tips for future ordering Bookclub.
* Please include at the TOP of your form: FULL NAME, ROOM
number and contact phone number.
* Please always include the quantity you have ordered and check
you have added your order correctly.
* Check you have included the correct amount of money and seal
envelopes to ensure money doesn't fall out.
* If you are paying cash you do not need to fill out Payment Slip at
the bottom. Just write CASH and amount you have included)
* If you are paying online;
For multiple children- order each child individually (Fill out form for
each child) but combine all orders into one single payment- filling
out one payment slip for all orders.
If you would like your child/ren supervised after early close on
Wednesdays, please complete the slip below. This will be a
permanent arrangement unless changed by the parent. Please
confirm the details in writing.
This workshop will discuss:
*The importance of the mother – son relationship
*What boys need from their mums?
*Practical ways to improve and maintain a positive &
rewarding relationship
12 Southport Street, cnr Cambridge Street
Tuesday, 22nd September
6.30 – 9.00pm
$25.00 per person