- Millcreek Lutheran Church
- Millcreek Lutheran Church
The Parish Echo Millcreek Lutheran Church, 221 N. Sheridan Rd., Newmanstown, PA 17073 May 2016 Parris C. Beckhardt, Pastor Home: 717-866-9606 Church: 610-589-2570 Cell Phone: 717-926-8168 E-mail: [email protected] www.millcreeklutheran.com Worship Service: 10:15 AM Sunday School 9 AM Editors: Roy & Dotti Hoglund 610-655-7692 [email protected] Pastor B’s Message On May 15 we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, a day referred to as the birthday of the Christian Church. The story is told in Acts 2:1-41, and in its telling we hear a pattern that is well for us to model as our Sunday experience. 1) People came to remember and celebrate. Pentecost was a Jewish holy day before it became a Christian one. It was a day to remember and celebrate God’s giving of the 10 Commandments, a gift of grace to enable his people to live together in loving, supportive relationships. Not every Sunday is a set aside holy day, but every Sunday is a remembrance and celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. We worship on Sunday because Easter was on a Sunday. This alone is sufficient to call us to be in God’s presence. 2) Those who came that first Pentecost were from all over the known world. The Sunday experience is inclusive to all. The arms of Jesus represented by our wall sculpture of him are infinitely long and infinitely wide. None are too far, too different to exist outside his welcoming embrace. 3) The disciples let God’s spirit do the talking. It is essential that what is offered on Sunday is the “living word” of God. “All authority is given to me,” Jesus said, as well as, “to see and hear me is to see and hear God”. Jesus is who is to be seen and heard on Sunday morning. 4) People who did not understand, asked questions. It is OK to ask questions about anything that goes on during our time together on Sunday morning. They did that first Pentecost. Understanding is a critical outcome to seeing and hearing. The time to ask “What was that all about?” is before leaving, not after. 5) The disciples were prepared to answer the people’s questions. a) To be able to say: why we say what we say, why we do what we do. b) To give the purpose for any action involving the church body is critical for those speaking and leading in Christ’s name. 6) The people left. That might seem to be a Captain Obvious statement but its significance needs to be emphasized. Those folks of the first Christian Pentecost went home, taking with them their Sunday experience. They remembered and celebrated Jesus and what he had done by sharing him where they lived with friends and neighbors. Look up and read the sign over the door as you leave church on Sunday. Come and go. Called and sent. Remember and celebrate Jesus here on Sunday and in the places we find ourselves during the week. Every time we speak or act as Jesus would, we remember and celebrate him. Pentecost is the birthday of the church, because what happened that day is what we are born to do. Come, remember and celebrate on Pentecost Sunday and every Sunday. Blessings to all, Pastor B. Congratulations to Pastor B. and Katie on becoming grandparents for the first time with the birth of Jacob Christopher Beckhardt on April 6, 2016. His parents are Kyle and Lyndsey Beckhardt. Blessings to everyone! LISTEN TO MILLCREEK’S SERVICES WHILE AT HOME OR TRAVELING On Sunday morning at 10:15 AM, dial 717-628-0125. The number is a local call for the ELCO School District, plus Womelsdorf, Frystown, and Lebanon. It is a long distance call for all other areas. You will hear a message welcoming you to Millcreek. At that point you are connected to our church sound system, and as long as you stay on the line, you will hear everything coming through the sound system in the church sanctuary. Members & Friends Georgine Achey, Kathryn Allwein, Mary Andrews, Mary Artz, Peg Auman, Linda Avallone, Amanda Barry, Frank Bergman, Deb Boger, Kathy Bollinger, Justin Boyer, Liz Brandt, Grace Bricker, Jamie Brown, Sandra Brown, Laurie Carrington, Russell Carrington, Serenity Cash, Margaret Clemens, Nicole & Steve Cleamens & daughter Ella Rose, Donna Collins, Jim Crawford, Rob Curry, Larry Deiter, The Derr Family, Jane Doe, Dan Ebling, Donald Ebling, Alissa Ehrhart, Carl Erwin, Mary Erwin, Mary Esher, Peggy Evanson, Yvette (Eberly) Faiola, Jennifer (Strickler) Falasca , Barbara Faust & Family, Stella Fortna, Shirley Fox, Marion Frederick, Cathy Friede, Julie Gemmel, Brenda Wolfe Gettle, Brandon Grabe, Brook Grabe, Julie Grabe, Terry Greiner, Cory Gress, Edith Gress, Diane Grove, Mary Hancock, Carolyn Hauck, Mark Hawley, Robert Hefner, Brian Hendricks, Violet Hepler, Neil Hickernell, Beryl Hoffman, Bill Hoffman, Jean Hyypio, Alyssa Jackson, Bob & Shirley Jackson, Josie Jones, James Kantner, Ben Kapp, Nebiye Karlonis, Linda Kellenberger, Lary Keller, Donald Keppley, Charlie Kirkpatrick, Landon Kreider, Donald Kriss, J.D.Leidich, Elaine Lengel, Sue Lengel, Henry Lindermuth, Gordon Link, Erin Little, Alec Lloyd, Duke Long, Ed Marinak, Andrew Marshall, Dean Martin, Michael May, Nancy May, Martin Mazarrotta, Amy McCartney, Dana McNally, Edna Meyer, Roger Meyer, Victor Meyer, Jr., Gordie Meyers, Emily Miller, Frank Miller, Josh Miller, Logan Miller, Ray Miller Sr., Richard Miller, Bob Mills, David Mock, Priscilla Mock, Sharon Mohl, Joel Moehlman, Judy Montgomery, Dale & Lynn Ober, Becky O’Dell, Mary Ellen O'Donnel, Gladys Ohlinger, Ruth Paul, Stanley Paul, Linda Petrys, Harold Romberger, Jeff Sallade, Betty Schaeffer, Pam Schoonover, Kathleen Scott, The Seldomridge Family, Zachary Shade, Kevin Shallcross, Joe Sharmer, Robert Shirk, Rick Shultz, Sue Reber Simpson, Bryan Sites, Diane Sites, Ruth Sova, Spang Crest Residents, Irene Starner, Joe Stevens, Glenn & Barbara Stoudt, Don Sweigart, the Taylor Family, Stan Templin, Adam Tice, Mary Lou Tillman, Diana Tshudy, Chelsea Ulrich, Matthew Urey, Tristan Valentine, Michael Walsh, Bobby Wasko, Daniel Weaver, Mary Wentzel, Shirley Whitehead, Les Whitmoyer, Sandy Wolf, Stewart Wolf, Kendra (Allwein) Wuchterl. You can sign up to sponsor Flowers and Bulletins in 2016 by placing your name on the charts in the narthex. Suggested donations for flowers are $25 and bulletins are $10. Please consider these opportunities available in our Sunday School: assistant superintendent, Kindergarten teacher, and Cradle Roll teacher (babies to age 3). Contact Jen Rosengrant or Pastor B. if you are interested. MILLCREEK NURSERY Nursery care is available during worship service for children under 6 years old. Anyone interested in volunteering to care for the children during the worship service is encouraged to sign up—speak with any of the Sunday School staff. We would love to have someone volunteer to coordinate the scheduling. MILLCREEK: MAY DATES AND ACTIVITIES LAY READERS May 1-Lois Garloff May 8-Eddie Wolfe May 15-Dara Wolfe May 22-Linda Derr May 29-Rachel Mock GREETERS May 1& May 8-Elaine Hemperly & Mary Moyer May 15 & May 22-Roy & Dotti Hoglund May 29-Sarah Webber & Barbara Heckendorn ACOLYTES May 1-Beth Ann McNally & Kaila Harris May 8-Cole Pennington & Cole Thomas May 15-Zane Ruth & Nolan Sweitzer May 22-Brigette & Aiden Heck May 29-Julie & Jenna Angstadt Please remember to call a replacement if you are unable to acolyte on your scheduled Sunday. If you cannot find a replacement, Contact Pastor Beckhardt at 717-866-9606 (home) or 717-926-8168 (cell), or call the church 610-589-2570 or Linda Sheetz at 717-866-4273. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Quote from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THE CHURCH YARD SALE Big News! Our church yard sale will take place on 2 days, May 6-7. Spread the word. 2 days worth of treasures! And you can add yours to the pile. Once Again, Betty Lou Weik is graciously allowing us to store items for sale in her Sunday School room. You can bring yours in any Sunday and put them there, or you can take them directly to Charmayne and Jim Balsbaugh’s place on Route 501 at the south end of Reistville Thursday night or any time the sale is going on. Friday we will be open from 7 AM-5 PM and Saturday from 7 AM-1 PM. We will also have food and baked goods for sale. If you would like to bake for the yard sale, that would be great and if you would like to help during the sale, equally so. Notify Pastor B. if you need someone to pick up your yard sale items or baked goods. All proceeds go to the church. Church council has its regular monthly meeting after the worship service on Sunday, May 8. Also on Sunday, May 8 we welcome Assistant to the Bishop Rob Blezard to our worship service. Pastor Blezard had responsibility for 80 of the congregations of the Lower Susquehanna Synod, and is visiting with us as part of his ministry to those congregations. He will be preaching in the service and meeting with the Church Council after worship. We hope you can come to hear and meet him. Sweet Second Sunday will be Sunday, May 8. Baked goods will be available for purchase in the multi-purpose room after the service. All proceeds go to the church. Please save your Dutchway Dollar Stretchers to purchase baking supplies. There will be a box on the narthex table for those. Thank you in advance. --The Sweet Second Sunday Bakers The Senior Choir rehearsals are at 7:30 PM on Wednesdays. The children will sing during worship service on Sunday May 8 (Mother’s Day). LOOKING AHEAD TO SUMMER MUSIC Thanks to all who provided special music during the Lenten and Easter season. We are now beginning to schedule for Summer music, beginning with Sunday, June 26, which is our first service at our summer worship time of 9 AM. The only date taken so far is July 10, so check with your favorite performer and sign them up now!! Senior Choir continues to lead the worship until that time, and will practice through this month. Lebanon area and would like to buy some, they are $8 each and DO NOT have an expiration date. Our team gets a portion of the sales. . CANCER SURVIVORS- We are always looking for survivors…fill out the form available on our table so you can be recognized. Can pull tabs are still being collected for the dialysis machine at the Ronald McDonald House. A container is on the table in the narthex. You can communicate with Deb Tice at: [email protected] 2016 MLC RELAY FOR LIFE Relay is almost here - we begin walking Friday May 13 @ 4 pm and continue thru May 14 @ 4 pm. Anyone who wants to join us anytime is welcome. New this year is a 5K and Fun Run on Saturday morning at 9 am. If you are able to donate desserts for Friday evening's survivor social, tell a team member and we will be happy to pick it up and deliver. MLC BREAKFAST FELLOWSHIP Our monthly church breakfast is Saturday, May 14 at 8:30 AM at Country Fare Restaurant in Myerstown—all are welcome. MAY 15 IS PENTECOST SUNDAY On that day we will share in the We will always take survivors signing up and or luminaria donations and ANY donations. We would like all change collected turned in by May 1 if possible. Rite of Confirmation. Two young people We also will have one last fundraiser with our Mother's Day gifts and flowers. and Julia Angstadt. We encourage ONGOING PROJECTS: your presence to offer your expressions -Dimes in a Bottle -Collecting cans for recycling (please place any bags of ALUMINUM (NO STEEL) cans at the kitchen entrance to the church) -The County Relay for Life is selling Bruno’s sub tickets. If you live in the of our congregation will be received as confirmed members: Devon Rosengrant of support for them as they take this important step on their spiritual journey. MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVANCE Deadline for the June Parish Echo newsletter is May 16. This year’s observance for our area will in Richland. The parade will start on Monday May 30 at 10:00 AM at the carnival grounds at the Veterans’ Memorial with the laying of the wreath. The parade will continue down Main St. to N. Race St., concluding at the Cemetery. Pastor Beckhardt will have the Invocation and Closing prayer at the services there. EVANGELISM COMMITTEE Our Evangelism Committee will meet on Wednesday May 18 at 6:30 PM. You are invited to share in this ministry of the congregation. Check with Pastor B. or Betty Schware if you are interested, or just show up that night. EVANGELISM’S ONGOING PROJECTS 1) Need transportation to a doctor’s visit? Contact Betty Schware at 717-866-7511. MILITARY PERSONNEL Lt STANLEY R. KAHL PSC 477 Box 3 FPO AP 96306 Lt JOSH WEIDMAN 416 Prevost Drive Houma, LA 70364 2) Be a driver to provide transportation to a doctor’s visit-contact Betty Schware at 717866-7511. 3) Be a MLC Mentor for new memberscontact Pastor B. 4) Recycle used ink and toner cartridges and old cell phones-place in bin leading to multi-purpose room. 5) Collect new and lightly used building supplies and tools for Habitat for Humanity. Place smaller items in the bins leading to the multi-purpose room. For larger items, contact Roy Hoglund at 610-655-7692 or 717-228-8175. MAY Birthdays 2 5 6 9 10 Gerald Wolf Gene Flory James Balsbaugh Beth Sova Mitchell Derr Jonathan Kurtz Rachel Mock Lourdes Kahl 11 12 13 14 18 20 21 22 24 26 27 30 31 Nolan Sweitzer Christopher Layser Jarad Glucksnis Jack Kahl Linda Bump Abbie Keath Finn Zartman Robert Stettler Matthew Sonnen Lori Goss Monica Griffe Roarke Singer Evan Glucksnis David Engle Jack Wolgemuth Alex Sova Peg Auman Cory Sholly Derek Zartman Pastor Beckhardt Jillian Zerby To be included on the birthday list, please submit your name by placing a note in the Newsletter mailbox in the church office, calling 610-655-7692, or emailing us at: [email protected]. Also, if there is a name that should be removed from the list, or a correction made, please use one of the above ways to notify us. Thank you. TREASURER’S REPORT CHECKBOOK BALANCE-NORTHWEST BALANCE @ 02/29/16 $3,988.81 MAR Deposits $16,089.88 MAR Expenses -$16,709.08 BALANCE @ 03/31/16 $3,369.61 MISSION PLUS-SPEC. PROJECTS BALANCE @ 02/29/16 $7,727.54 MAR Receipts $323.50 INTEREST FEB $2.16 BALANCE @03/31/16 $8,053.20 GETTING TO KNOW YOU BETTY SCHWARE Betty Jean (Layser) Schware, age 82, has been living at her current address in Arbor Gate, Myerstown for 17 ½ years. Betty was baptized as an infant in 1933 in Myerstown and confirmed there at the United Brethren Church (now Methodist). She graduated from Myerstown High School in 1951 and married Lee Schware (now deceased) on December 30, 1951. Their family includes: daughter Katrina and husband Dean Wagner, son Scott and wife Val, son Gregg and wife Debra, and daughter Elizabeth and husband Thomas Cavanaugh. There are 8 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Betty worked part-time as a seamstress until 1972. She then began employment at the Lebanon VA Hospital as a nursing assistant until 1984, when she became an occupational therapy assistant for the VA. She retired in 1996, and then worked part-time at ECC Retirement Village until 2007. Betty’s interests include music, singing, Bible study, and history. She enjoys learning and took college courses in her 50’s until her husband became ill. She earned enough credits for an associate degree. Betty joined the Lutheran church when she got married in the Richland Lutheran Church, which later merged into Millcreek Lutheran. She taught the nursery Sunday school class until the merger and sang in the choir until she had to work weekends. She currently sings in Millcreek’s choir, is chairperson of the Evangelism Committee, and attends Eddie Wolfe’s Sunday school class. Betty said she finds church has been a comfort and a place to give back to people. “Bringing children to church and teaching the love of Jesus is the best thing one can give to a child. Most are more respectful and kinder as they grow.” Her words to live by: “Be respectful, kind, and love my God.” THE MLC WEBSITE If you prefer to read the newsletter online instead of receiving a hard copy in the mail, please contact Linda Hauck Sheetz at 610-589-2570 or Roy and Dotti Hoglund to have your name removed from the mailing list. If you supply your e-mail address, we will e-mail the newsletter directly to you. You also have the option to read it on the MLC website www.millcreeklutheran.com. LIBRARY NEWS Recent donations to the library include 2highly recommended books about being raised Muslim and converting to Christianity. These books are very eye-opening: Son of Hamas by Mosab Hassan Yousef; Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi. Also donated are 2 books about what heaven is like by 2 people who saw it first hand when they experienced near death injuries: Falling into Heaven by Mickey Robinson; Heaven is Beautiful by Peter Baldwin Panagore. Due to the need for shelf space for the most recent books, the older books for both adults and children are being taken to the church yard sale. Be sure to browse through the books when you shop. You will find oldies but goodies! LOOKING AHEAD TO This year we are trying something different…we will be having VBS type activities on the 3 Sundays of June—led by our Senior High kids. We are very excited about this, so try to be here for those Sundays and have a great time! Same schedule –opening, story time, crafts, snacks and games. The children will sing in church on Sunday June 19—probably doing some VBS songs!! IT’S GRADUATION TIME Is someone you know graduating from high school, college, or beyond? We would love to share their success! Please bring the information concerning what school the graduate is graduating from, future plans if known, and college degree for those graduating from college to the church office. Eagle Scout Michael “Vito” Heck recently completed the requirements for the Eagle Scout award. You may remember Vito from the March 2015 “Getting to Know You” column. This is a significant achievement, and we congratulate him and wish him all the best in his future endeavors. Food Pantry Needs Canned vegetables, stews, soup, meats, fruit, peanut butter, reusable plastic containers, jackets men/women/children, men’s pants (28-36), men’s shoes (9-13), socks (all types and genders), sneakers men/women, men/women plain sweat pants & shirts, plus size men’s apparel, king/queen sheets and blankets. Spang Crest News On April 12th Millcreek Lutheran Church volunteers hosted a fun musical night for 31 Spang Crest residents. Deb Tice and Julie Strickler provided the singing entertainment, and residents were encouraged to sing along and call out the names of the tunes. Ten residents celebrated April birthdays and each received a gift bag of goodies from our church donations. Thanks go to volunteers Peg, Linda, Lorraine, Mary, Marian, Teresa, Betty, Deb, Julie, and the members of our congregation who generously donated for this entertaining evening. Thinking about summer camp? For information about camping, including discounts, contact the MLC camp person, Margie Kriss. Thrivent Members Are you a Thrivent member? If so, you are eligible to apply yearly for 2 grants of $250 each for community projects related to the church. Just recently, one of these grants helped to fund the Sunday School Senior High and Youth Group’s blanket project for the Hershey pediatric hospital. This year, the Evangelism committee would like to have one of these grants for the personal care kit project. Thrivent members may also accumulate Thrivent choice dollars which they can donate to charities of their choice. Our church has received $107 in choice dollars this past year. Thrivent members are encouraged to contact their Thrivent representative for more information. Habitat for Humanity of Lebanon County has consolidated with Lancaster Area Habitat for Humanity in order to expand their building and repair programs and to help more families in need of safe, affordable housing. Habitat’s new housing project is located at 1042 Lehman St. in Lebanon. The house was damaged by fire and must be completely renovated at an estimated cost of $70,000. Thrivent Financial awarded Habitat a grant for half of the project costs, but additional support is needed from the community, local businesses, and churches to raise the remaining $35,000. You can get involved by making a donation and/or volunteering. Donations can be made by check and sent to: Habitat for Humanity of Lebanon County, 1455 E. Main St., Annville, PA 17003. Speak with Roy Hoglund If you would like to volunteer as an individual or as part of a group. Millcreek Lutheran Activities MAY 2016 SUNDAY 1 8 MOTHER’S DAY MONDAY 2 9 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 3 4 7:30 Choir 10 16 June Newsletter Deadline 17 22 23 24 29 MEMORIAL DAY SUNDAY 30 31 PENTECOST -CONFIRMATION SUNDAY -Communion MEMORIAL DAY 10:00 Parade & ServiceRichland SATURDAY 5 ASCENSION DAY 6 11 7:30 Choir 12 13 18 6:30 Evangelism 19 20 11:30-12:30 Community Meal LCCMELCO 21 26 27 11:30-12:30 Community Meal LCCMELCO 28 Wedding Alex Sova & Dan Cottle in Bloomsburg 7:30 Choir 25 7:30 Choir 7:00-5:00 Church Yard Sale 11:30-12:30 Community Meal LCCM-ELCO 11:30-12:30 Community Meal LCCM-ELCO - Relay for Life Begins 4 PM -Children Sing -Council -Sweet Second Sunday 15 FRIDAY 7 7:00-1:00 Church Yard Sale 14 -8:30 Breakfast @ Country Fare -Relay for Life ends 4 PM