The Chelating Effect of Mungiferu foetida Water extract on Serum
The Chelating Effect of Mungiferu foetida Water extract on Serum
The ChelatingEffect of Mungiferufoetida Waterextracton SerumThalassemic-Patients Ernie H. Purwaningsih* Endang Ilanani** PustikaAmalia*** Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti* *Department of Medical Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta **Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Jniversitas Indonesia *** Department of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine (Jniversitas Indonesia/ Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta Abstrsct: Thalassemia is still a major problem in Indonesia becquse of its high morbidity and mortality rate. The well-lcnown chelating agent, deferoxamine, which is regularly administered, is expensive and has many side fficts. Mangiferin, extractedfrom the bark of Mangifera indics Linn. has beenproven in vitro, as a chelating agent to iron. The aim of this study was to prove that the water extract of Mangifera foetida Lour leaves has o chelating ffict to serum ferritin from thalassemic patients. This study was conducted at the Department of Medicat Pharmacy FMUI, Department of Child Health FMUI, and Department of Pharmacy, FMIPA rJlfrom October 2009 to June 2010. Forty two samplesof serumfrom 7patients thqt have beendiluted to 200 pM, were divided into 6 groups as follows: negative control group) the treqted group of extract, 0.375; 0.75; 1.125 mg, respectively; mangiferin 100 pg; deferoxamine 100 ps. The chelating activity was measured by substraction betvveenthe absorbance values of serum containing this treatment and each treqtment only, divided by serum absorbance, using spectrophotometer qt ), 280 nm. One way Anova was usedfor statistical analysis. The water extract of Mangiferafoetidt lewes at the dose 1.125 mg showed chelating ffict toferritin serum that has no significant dffirent to mangiferin 100 ug (p:0.735) This result showed dffirently compared to in vitro study because in serum, ferritin contains apo-protein that binds iron tightly, thus another specific method should be createdfor detecting their binding. J Indon Med Assoc. 2011;61:321-5. Kqtwords: Mangifera foetida, mangiferin, thalqsemia, chelating agent J Indon Med AssocoVolum: 61, Nomor: 8, Agustus 2011 321 TheChelatingEffect of Mangifera foetida Waterextract on SerumThalassemicPatients Efek Kelasi Ekstrak Air Mangiferafoetida.pada Serum Penderita Talasemia * ErnieH. Purwaningsih*EndangHanani** PustikaAmalia'r'r' DesakGedeBudi Krisnamurti* rDepartemen Farmasi Kedokteran, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta **Depdrtemen Farmasi Fakultas Matematika Ilmu Pasti Alam Universitas Indonesia, ***Departemen'^;:;:f ;'#,!,i!;iilll'f i,,,f !i#'m,Y:;*u^Indonesia/ Abstrak: Di Indonesia, penyakit talasemia masih menjadi masalah karena tingginya angka kesakitan dan kematian. Desferoksamin merupakan satu-satunya terapi kelator zat besi, namun harganya sangat mahal dan efek sampingnya dapat memperburuk kondisi pasien. Alternatif yang digunakan adalah mangiferin, hasil ekstraksi batang Mangifera indica Linn. yang terbuhi sebagai kelator besi in vitro. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuldiknn bahwa elcstrak air daun Mangiferu foetida Lour. memiliki efek kelator pada feritin serum penderita talasemia secarauvixo. Penelitian dilakukanselama I0 bulan, dari Ohober 2009-Juni 2010, di Departemen Farmasi Kedoheran, Departemen llmu Kesehatai Anak FKUI, dan Departemen Farmasi FMIPA UI. Sebanyak 42 sampel serum dari 7penderita talasemia dengan kadarferitin yang diencerkan menjadi 200 uM, dibagi mmjadi 6 kelompok: kontrol negatif, 3 kelompok el<strak 0,375; 0,75 dan 1,125 mg; mangiferin 100 ug; desferoksamin l00ug. Ahivitas kelasi diukur denganmembagi hasil pengurangan absorbansi serum pada masing-masing perlakuan dengan absorbansi serum pada spehrofotometer, lambda 280 nm. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah One-way Anova (p:0,05) Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak dosis 1,125 mg memiliki efek kelasi yang tidak berbeda bermakna dibandingl<an mangiferin (p:0,735). Hasil tersebut berbeda dengan uji in vitro karena besi dalam serum terikat dengan apoprotein. Pembuktian bahwa ekstrak atau mangiftrin berikatan dengan feritin memerlukan metode pengukuran yang spestfik. J Indon Med Assoc. 2011;61 :321-5. Kata kunci: Mangifera foetida, mangiferin, talasemia, kelator besi Introduction One of severalgeneticdiseases with increasingtendency is Thalassemia.According to data from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospitalin 2008,l4l2 newpatientswere treatedandthemortalityratewas0.8o/o.Intheyear of 2006, therewere3053thalassemic patientsandthe numberhave increased to 5000patientsin 2008.r The surveyalsonoted thattheprevalenceof thalassemic carrierin Indonesiais 38%; includingdatafrom Makasar(8%), Palembang(7Yo), andJava(3.4%).Therearetwo typesof thalasemia, minor type (cr-Thalasemia) danmajortype (p-Thalassemia). The highermorbidity andmortality werefoundin p-thalassemia dueto severeiron overloadbeforeand/orafter transfusion. Deferoxamineis a chelatingagent,usuallyusedfor decreasingiron accumulationin the organs.2,3 Unfortunately, deferoxamineis very expensive.Furthermore,the longer durationor more invasivemethodof administrationcause severalsideeffectssuchasarthralgia,fever,headache,myalgia,nausea,vomiting,abdominalpain,or asthma,beside local injection site reactions.Thoseare also the reasons why patients'complianceare low and subsequently stop their therapy.a 322 Therewere other attemptsto overcomethe patients compliance.A researchon mangiferinhad beendone in Cuba,5,6 where mangiferinwere extractedfrom the bark of Mangtfera indica Liwt, and proven as chelating agent to iron in vitro. In Indonesia,researchers from Instituteof Technology Bandung(ITB)? found that the extractof Mangifera indica (bacang)leavescontainshigherlevel of mangiferin than othervarietiesof mango,which was 2.56%.Mangga (mango)bacang(MangiferafoetidaLour)is easilyfoundin WestJawa. It has specificfragrance,but usuallynot consumedin its raw form becauseof its fiber andtaste. This study was proposedto revealthe effect of water extract of Mangiferafoetida Lour's leavesas chelatoron ferritin in the serumofthalassemicpatientsfrom Department of Child HealthFacultyof MedicineUniversitasIndonesia. In thelongrun,shouldtheeffrcacyestablished, it is expected that the outcomeof this studywill be able to increasepatients' compliance,and eventuallyincreasingthe survival rate. Furthermore, the studymay alsoenrichtheuseof evidence-based Indonesiannaturalherbalmedicinewith standardizedindustrialization. J Indon Med Assoc,Volum: 61, Nomor:. 8, Agustus 2011 The ChelatingEffect of Mangifera foetida Waterextracton SerumThalassemicPatients Methods Result This was a cross-sectional studyheld at the DepartmentofMedicalPharmacy FMUI, Department ofChild Health FMUI, Departmentof Pharmacy,Facultyof Mathematics andNaturalSciencesUI Depokduring l0-monthperiod, fromOctober2009to June2010. Manggabacang'sleaveswereharvested from Depok, WestJavaandhasalreadydeterminedasMangiferafoetida Lourby LIPI Bogor.Mangiferinwaspurchased fromChina, deferoxamine fromAventis@, andstandardized chemicalsubstancesfrom Merck@. All serumthalassemic patientswere treatedat Department of ChildHealthFMUI. Phytochemistrycomparisonbetweenwaterextractand ethanolextractof Mangiferafoetidacanbe seenin Tablel. Table 1. The Phytochemistry Comparison Between the Water Extract and the Ethanol Extract of MangiferafoAida Phytochemistry Steroid and Triterpenoid Alkaloid Phenol Flavonoid Saponin Water extr. Ethanol extr. + ; + + + + + Extraction Process Four-hundred gramsofdried mangobacangleaveswere extractedwith waterusinginfusionmethod.The supematant wereevaporatedby rotary-evaporatorabovethewater_ bathof 60"C.Thedriedextractwereweighedanddividedby 400 gramof their simplisiato determinetheir final extract product(the dried extractwhich yieldedby the extraction process).Partof it wasusedfor phytochemistry examination.Thewaterextractionwasdoneat Department of Medical PharmacyFMIII andthe ethanolextractionat Departmentof PharmacyFacultyof Mathematics andNaturalSciencesUI. SpecimenCollection and Processing The subjectswereaskedto sign an informedconsent afterreceivingexplanation regardingthe study.Theywere askedto give6 mL oftheirblood. Serumfrom 7 thalassemic patientswastakenat randomfrom24 patients.Therewere 42 samplesfor 6 treatmentgroupsasfollows:negativecontrol group,the treatmentof the extractat the dose0.375; 0.75; I.125 mg, respectively; mangiferin100 pg, and deferoxamine 100pg. Theextractdoseweredetermined by theextrapolating ofthe doseof mangiferinl00pginvitro,5,6 otherwisetheconcentrationof mangiferinin this extractwas assumedas2.56oh,basedon the researchby Sudiroet al.j Seraweredilutedto achievethe concentration ofiron 200 pM, basedon the ferritin measurement usinglatexagglutination.8The doseof deferoxamine weredeterminedby ln vitro sbtdy.e Serumof ferritin200pM werefilled in to every cuvette,thenaddedwith treatmentasfollows:aquabidest I mL asnegativecontrolgroup;I 00 pL extract 0.375 mg; I 00 pL extract0.75 mg;100trrL extactl.l25mg;100pLmangrferin 100pg; 100pL deferoxamine 100pg, andthenadded,each sample,with aquabidest1 mL. Stinedbeforemeasured on spectrophotometer, l" 280nm. No specificreagents, except citric acid, were usedin this study,becauseof the same resultsasin watertreatment.The chelatingactivitieswere measuredby meansof the differencesbetweenthe absorbanceof theserumwith thetreatmentandtreatmentwithout serumand dividedby the absorbance of serum.Oneway Anovaat p : 0.05wereusedto analyzethe differences. J Indon Med ASsoc,Volum: 61, Nomor: 8, Agustus 2011 Therangeof ferritinserumofthalasemic patients(4 - 25 yearsold)whichin thisstudywere612.2-20.297 ng/ml measuredby a specialkit, latexagglutination, at Clinicalpathology LaboratoryCipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.8 Basedon deferoxamine problemto treatan iron overloadonthalasemicpatients,thewaterextractofmangobacang that will be usedasa complementaryand./oralternativedrug showedtheir efficacy as describebelow. The absorbance valuesfromthethreedoseof theextract0.37S;0.75; | .125mg from seventimesexperimentshowedhaslinier crnves.This resultprovedthat the experimenthasalreadybeendoneaccurately(Kolmogorov-Smirnov, p:0.052) asshownon Figure2. 1,00 6,00 5,00 4,00 3,00 2,00 1,00 0,00 Figure 2. The AbsorbanceValues from the Three Dosesof Extract The efficacyofthis extractwas not found at the dose 0.375mg (absorbance value:28.44),but was found at the dose0.75mg (absorbance20.6l)andl.l25 mg (absorbance l7 .72).Atthedoseof 0.75mg andparticularly1.125mg,the effrcacyshowedvery different significantly compareto the controlgroup(p:0.022) andbut showedno significantdifferentto mangiferin100ug (absorbance 7.22)withp:0.735 (SeeFigure3). 323 TheChelatingEffect of Mangifera foetida Waterextract on SerumThalassemicPatients densitiesweredifferent(datanot shown).Thatwastheparticularreasonwhy thechelatingactivitiesweremeasured by meansof their differencesas describeabove.However,in r35 r30 at l. orderto provethat the chelatingeffectwasproceeded 9zs 280 nm, nuclearmagneticresonqnce-mass spectrophotom8zo eter Q'{MR-MS) is suggested to be usedin the future.t0 Fts €ro The samereasonwas alsothe samearguedas mangiB5 ferin.Themangiferinabsorbance couldnot be detectedat l, 320nn andtheir chelatingeflectcouldnot alsobe detected at l" 380 nm. This resultwas differentcompareto in vitro 6souJ". *rton J'e .6r"d Theyusedfreeiron assamples, but we usedferritin study.5'6 ,S' ,p.t $,.o" "+" serumthat containsapofenitin which hasboundiron tightly. Typesof treatment Thebindingof mangiferinandferritin shouldalsobe elucidatedusingthe equipmentabove. Figure 3. The Chelating Effect of Water Extract of Mangiftra rnd Mangiferin 100 ug Ferritin on Serum Thewaterextractof mangobacangleaveswaschosen foetida Compared to Control Group in this studyto replacethe bark of Mangifera indica to prevent damagingeffectto thetree'secosystem.Furthermore, Discussion the leaves,particularlythe oldestleaves,arenot only easy to harvestbut alsoeasyandcheaperto extract.Theyshowed On stepI, theyield ofthe waterextractasa final extract the optimalchelatingeffecton fenitin serumof thalasemic productor the yield extractionfrom 400 gramsimplisiaof o/o,but patientsat the dose1.125mg.Theireffecthassignificantly Mangiferafoetidaleaves 10 was theethanolwas8.6 oh.T\e ethanolextractionwas also doneto prove that the differenceto the controlgroup and showedno significant differentto mangiferin100 pg. It was assumedthis dose waterextracthasalsohadthe samefinal extractproductand wouldcontainmangiferin28.8pg, accordingto Sudiroet af phytochemistrylevel as the ethanolextract(seeTable l). thatthecontainof mangifeinfrom Mangiferaindica.leaves Thestudiesfrom Cubas,6and ITBTalsousedethanolfor their dose(100 was2.96%. Thisdosewaslowerthanmangiferin experiments.Unfortunately,they did not publishtheir final mg), so the effectmay be causedby the synergyeffectof exfractproduct.Thewaterextractwerechosenon this study severalcomponent ofthis extractsuchassteroid/triterpenoid, becauseofthe fraditionalapplicationin Indonesia. phenol, flavonoid and saponin.The effectivedoseof the Deferoxamineis the only drugof choicefor treatingan extract should be doubled to achievethe optimaleffectas iron overloadin thalasemicpatientsat CiptoMangunkusumo mangiferinwith theabsorbancevalte 7.22. Hospital Jakarta.Howeveq not all patientshavethe same Another advantageis the assumptionthat extractof toleranceto deferoxamine,renderingpossibility of inadmanggabacangleavesalsohavevitaminC, like theirfruits,l2 equatetherapy.To solve suchproblem, anotherchoice of drugsuchasdeferasirox,whichhasrecentlybeenapproved but this statementstill needfurther studies.The effect is patientswith sideeffectsdue expectedto help thalassemic bythe FDAand EMEA, is available.Unfortunately,this drug to the iron overload,increasetheir compliance,capability is not availablein Indonesiaand is very expensive.To inandqualityof life. creasetheir effectsfor excretingthe iron complexin kidney, vitaminC 100mg daily shouldalsobe consumed.a During Conclusion therapy,it is important to asseskidney firnction, such as Thewaterextractof mangobacangleavesat the dose creatinineclearance,and that no renal diseaseis found.2,3 1.125mghaschelatingeffecttofenitin serumofthalasemic In this experiment,deferoxaminecouldnot showtheir patientsimilarto mangiferinI 00ug in vitro. absorbance althoughthe dosewas increased(datanot shown).Accordingto thisresult,deferoxamine wasdiscarded Acknowledgement from this measurement or could not be usedfor analysis. Thanksto DRPM UI who give the fundingfor this reAnother reasonwas that deferoxamineabsorbancecould Thankyou somuchto all patientsat theDepartment search. only be detectedafter specifictreatmentusing expensive Health FMUI and our medical students:Riska of Child just chemicalreactionfor 100 samplesand its absorbance MaelaR. Dewi,DessyFramitaSari,FitriaC. Wahyuningtyas, only detectableon lambda440nm.eIn this study,this experiNugrahaeni, and Tika Ayu Pratiwi who have fully attended rrent only had 7 samplesin the positive control group and research. this position on lambda280 nm. usingthe absorbance Comparison between absorbancevalue of ferritin before and after treating with extract of M. foetida Lour. This exfractefficacy could not be comparedto other studiesdueto the lack ofdata, exceptin vitro studyusing mangiferinandfreeiron.5'6Allextractwasshowntheabsorbanceat l, 280 nm, as the fenitin serum,but their optical 324 References 1. 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