Grapevine for Apr 18, 2011
Grapevine for Apr 18, 2011
grapevine SELKIRK COLLEGE EMPLOYEE NEWSLETTER April 18, 2011 EXPERIENCE SELKIRK DAY May 5, 2011 Grade 10 and 11 students are invited to come to Selkirk College, and experience what it’s like to be a college student for a day. Register in advance for educational workshops, and learn what post-secondary programs are offered right here in the West Kootenays. WHAT’S INSIDE Weekly News pg 2 HR Matters pg 4 The Gallery pg 6 TechTips pg 3 DEaDlINE What’s Happening Bits & BytesREGIstRatIoN Classifieds Is apRIl 19th. Contact your high school pg 7 pg 11 pg 13 counsellor to register! EaRly REGIstRatIoN pRIzEs! Get your registration in before April 12th and be entered to win one of many early bird registration prizes. Congratulations Angus! FoR MoRE INFoRMatIoN email [email protected]. EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS | | 1.888.953.1133 Congratulations on your recent appointment as President and CEO of Selkirk College! We are looking forward to helping you lead our institution successfully into the future! AWARD CEREMONY HAS A NICE ‘RING’ TO IT The Forest Technology program held its annual Silver Ring Ceremony on Thursday, April 14. The Canadian Institute of Forestry (CIF) gives a silver ring to welcome new forestry professionals into the industry and recognize individuals that have completed a CIF recognized forestry program. The silver ring is a clear sign that unites graduates in forestry at the national level, a bond that goes beyond differences in responsibilities, employment, province of residence and language. Fifteen Selkirk College graduates received their silver rings. The 2010 CIF Gold Medal Award went to Raquel Milaire. She was selected in recognition of outstanding scholarship, sportsmanship and citizenship throughout the Forest Technology program. Visit The Gallery to view more photos. Apr il 18, 20 1 1 | Vo l I I , I s s u e 1 8 Photo: Stu Deverney, Raquel Milaire and Derek Marcoux. grapevine SELKIRK COLLEGE 1 HOME Weekly NEWS CRNBC AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE RECOGNIZE SELKIRK NURSING FACULTY The College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia (CRNBC) honoured 33 registered nurses April 7, 2011, at the CRNBC Nursing Excellence Awards Ceremony. This award pays tribute to Nursing Colleagues for their outstanding contributions to the profession and for demonstrating excellence in relation to the CRNBC Professional Standards for Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners. Selkirk College is proud to announce that Selkirk College nursing faculty and recent retirees Lorill Harding and Maureen Little are both recipients of this esteemed award. LORILL HARDING Photo: Lorill Harding (left) and Maureen Little hold their recent CRNBC Lorill Harding accepted the CRNBC award for Awards of Excellence. Excellence in Nursing Education. Lorill has been described by students and colleagues alike as being consultative, innovative, a good lecturer and facilitator, and a skilled curriculum developer. The following are a few of the many excerpts written to support this nomination: • Class never was about her preaching the latest methods but rather an invitation to discuss topics and explore our own position. She did this using humor, power point, current readings of trends and nursing issues, numerous small group exercises and relevant visitor presentations. • Her expertise as a master teacher was readily shared with her colleagues, especially those new to teaching and to our faculty. Lorill readily mentored novice instructors by sharing her ideas, providing feedback, encouraging their participation in faculty and course projects, and counselling them with wisdom, patience and understanding whenever they felt discouraged or overwhelmed. MAUREEN LITTLE Maureen Little is accepted the CRNBC award of Excellence in Nursing Research. Maureen has been recognized by her colleagues in her excellence and leadership in advancing nursing research. Specifically in her ability to conduct research, mentor new researchers, mentor, role model, write, and review and evaluate grant proposals, and speaking in public engagements to name a few of the criteria. The following are a few of the many excerpts written to support this nomination: • Maureen participated as researcher and author in several projects in recent years. For example, she led a study of the effectiveness of Collaborative Learning Units in local practicum sites, and co-authored a paper with a nursing peer. She also participated in a task force for the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing, describing the Scholarship of Nursing using Boyer’s Model of Scholarship as a framework. Maureen has also co-authored a paper describing the need for nurse educators to remain current in the nursing practice settings in which they teach and supervise students. • It is important to note the context in which Maureen initially pursued nursing research – a community college in which excellence in teaching was the primary focus • Maureen increased her research activity when BSN as entry to practice was legislated. Inherent in the shift to degree education is the expectation that all educators will pursue academic endeavors, model scholarship and disseminate scholarly work. Maureen’s commitment to this was evident in her collaborative research with scholars from the University of Victoria and individual work in the Kootenay Region of B.C. Congratulations to you both! Apr il 18, 20 1 1 | Vo l I I , I s s u e 1 8 grapevine SELKIRK COLLEGE 2 HOME BCGEU AND SELKIRK REACH AGREEMENT I am pleased to announce that BCGEU and the college successfully concluded negotiations on April 5, 2010. The membership ratification vote will take place in the near future. The BCGEU represents more than 70 Selkirk College employees in all campus locations and Learning Centres. Thank you to the bargaining teams; Ken Soroka, Dan Obradovic, Ian McAlpine, Bill Winegarden and Henny Hanegraaf for BCGEU and Gary Leier, Neil Coburn, Cathy Mercer, Arleen Gallo and Kate Tognotti for the college. I very much appreciate everyone’s efforts! Angus Graeme President & CEO THE FUTURE IS NOW Published April 14, 2011 – Nelson Star: It’s go time at the Kootenay School of the Arts. The air at the Victoria Street campus is filled with the buzz of sewing machines and pounding hammers, welding sparks and end-ofterm excitement. In the third-floor jewelry lab, Lexie Owen is readying her displays for the graduate exhibition running at Touchstones Museum and Art Gallery. Owen’s four-piece Albatross Series takes its name from the burdensome bird in Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and features designs that are technically wearable, but heavy in context. The KSA graduate exhibition opens tomorrow, and runs until May 29 at Touchstones. An opening reception is planned for April 21 from 7 to 9 p.m. Visit news/119873114.html to read the full story. Clockwise from top-left: Fibre student Teyana Neufeld, Jewellery student Lexie Owen, potter Kristen Young and Metal student Amy Fox. TECHTIPS WHAT MAKES WRITING FOR THE WEB WORK WELL? GOOD WEB WRITING • answers people’s questions. If you think of the web as a conversation, you’ll realize that much of your content is meant to answer the questions that people come with. You do not want an entire site to be in a section called “frequently asked questions”. You do want to think about what people want to know and then about how to give them that information as concisely and clearly as possible. Source: Redish, Janice (2007). Letting Go of the Words – Writing Web Content that Works. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Apr il 18, 20 1 1 | Vo l I I , I s s u e 1 8 grapevine SELKIRK COLLEGE 3 HOME HRmatters CURRENT POSTINGS These are the current job postings for employment at Selkirk College: CONTINUING EDUCATION COORDINATOR - GRAND FORKS (Competition #20): Ends Monday, April 25, 2011 Reporting to the Manager of Community & Distributed Learning, the Continuing Education (CE) Coordinator is responsible for all aspects of developing, administering, and evaluating a broad range of CE courses, programs, projects, contracts and conferences based on liaison with and responding to the needs of the community. PHARMACY TECHNICIAN PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR - Amended (Competition #19): Ends Monday, April 25, 2011 The School of Health and Human Services invites applications to apply for a regular part-time position as a Pharmacy Technician Instructor. RESIDENCE COORDINATOR - NELSON - AMENDED (Competition #21): Ends Friday, April 29, 2011 Under the direction of the Manager of Finance, this position ensures that the Selkirk College residence located in Nelson is run in an efficient manner consistent with the mission, vision and values of the college. This position promotes Selkirk College resident facilities and manages the process of accepting students to the residence. FISH AND AQUATIC BIOLOGY INSTRUCTOR (Competition #23): Ends Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Selkirk College is seeking a Fish and Aquatic Biology Instructor for a short term position at our Castlegar campus location. Working under the supervision of the School Chair, the Instructor is required to teach Fish and Aquatic Biology courses to students enrolled in our 2-year diploma program in Recreation, Fish, and Wildlife (RFW) as well as introductory Fish Ecology courses to first year students enrolled in RFW, Forestry, or Integrated Environmental Planning Technologies. PROGRAMMER AND SYSTEMS ANALYST (Competition #17): Ends Wednesday, May 25, 2011 Reporting to the Director of Information Technology Services, the Programmer and Systems Analyst supports shared software applications in administrative computing environments. Visit to view the full job postings. MOVIN’ AND A SHAKIN’ After honing her knowledge and abilities of Continuing Education processes and responsibilities at the Grand Forks campus, Cara-Lee Malange is eager to take the next step and accept the challenge of a larger CE portfolio as the new CE Coordinator at the Castlegar campus! She is excited to continue the entrepreneurial spirit and the internal and external relationships already established by the departing Coordinator, Denise Chernoff. Cara-Lee will be assuming her position over the coming summer once Denise’s retirement plans are finalized. Good Luck Cara-Lee! Photo: Cara-Lee Malange and her dog Liza. Apr il 18, 20 1 1 | Vo l I I , I s s u e 1 8 grapevine SELKIRK COLLEGE 4 HOME COLLEGE PENSION PLAN ANNUAL RETIREMENT SEMINAR* Is retirement in the air? Do you have questions or curiosities about retirement? Mark your calendar ... College Pension Plan Retirement Seminars will be held in Castlegar and Nelson. These seminars will focus on key pension concepts and on giving you the tools to make informed decisions, based on your individual circumstances. You will learn to navigate the College Pension Plan website and to use online tools, including the online pension estimators. At this seminar you will explore many topics including: • Understanding your Member’s Benefit Statement • Choosing the best pension option for you • What to consider when determining your retirement income HOW TO REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT The Pension Corporation encourages members to register online as they will receive instant e mail confirmations upon registration, including the date, time and location of the seminar. Please visit the following address to register: EVENING SEMINAR IN NELSON Seminars will be held on Tuesday April 26 - Nelson Silver King campus, room 119, 5:30-8:30 pm AFTERNOON SEMINAR IN CASTLEGAR Seminar will be held on Wednesday April 27 - Castlegar campus, room B12 (computer lab), 12:30-3:30 All plan members are welcome, including those receiving long-term disability (LTD) benefits. There is no charge to attend and we encourage you to invite your spouse or a guest. You are not required to work at the institution. PRE-RETIREMENT WORKSHOP* Offered by the Post-Secondary Educators Branch of the BC Retired Teachers Association (BCRTA) and Selkirk College Faculty Association (SCFA) SCFA has arranged and paid for Dennis Anderson, President of the Post-Secondary Branch of the BCRTA and a former trustee of the College Pension Plan, to host a full-day seminar on retirement. SCFA has graciously extended an opportunity for members of SCFA, BCGEU, Exempt and Senior Management to attend. This day-long seminar will take place on Wednesday, May 11, at Castlegar campus in room K-10. The day-long seminar is broken down into two offerings: 9-12 AM: “THERE IS MORE TO IT THAN MONEY” • Aimed at folks within 5 years of retirement and addressing how to live on your pension and the things necessary to prepare for and safely and effectively negotiate this next phase of life • Target audience age 55 – 65 • Workshop length is 3 hours 1-4 PM: “RETIREMENT LIFESTYLE PLANNING” • Aimed at folks within 10 years of retirement and focusing on the planning that can effectively enable a successful transition from the world of full-time employment. • Target Audience age 50 – 65 • This is a 3 hour case-based, experiential and interactive workshop HOW TO REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT Please register for this event by sending an email to Duff Sutherland and indicate in the subject line “BCRTA Retirement Workshop”. Duff’s email is: [email protected] . *PLEASE NOTE: The “synergistic timing” of these two events is wonderful, especially with the College Pension Plan Seminar being held first. There is minimal overlap and one seminar actually builds on the other! The offering of both workshops is an opportunity to participate in a comprehensive pre-retirement program. Register today! Apr il 18, 20 1 1 | Vo l I I , I s s u e 1 8 grapevine SELKIRK COLLEGE 5 HOME the gallery SILVER RING CEREMONY – APRIL 14, 2011 SELKIRK VINTNERS HARD AT WORK The Company of Selkirk Vintners’ Master Vintager, Peter Wood (left), John Mansbridge (centre) and Master Vintner Ben Thor-Larsen (right) have been meeting regularly at Selkirk College’s Castlegar campus to install new trellises for the grapevines. They also plan on installing trellises for the grapes at the Mir Centre for Peace Community Garden. The company has been growing grapes at the campus and producing wine for over 35 years and is actively seeking new members. Those interested in becoming a member of the Selkirk Vintners can contact Peter Wood at [email protected] or 250.359.7107. He’ll be happy to include you in the “call out” list for upcoming work-bees. Apr il 18, 20 1 1 | Vo l I I , I s s u e 1 8 grapevine SELKIRK COLLEGE 6 what’s HOME HAPPENING OPEN DIALOGUES WITH THE PRESIDENT Come out to an Open Dialogue session with our new President, Angus Graeme! CHOOSE FROM ONE OF THE FOLLOWING DATES: Trail: Castlegar: KSA: Silver King: Tenth Street: Grand Forks: May 3, 9:30 am, rm. 115, May 3, 12 noon, rm. S113 May 4, 9:30 am, rm. 310 May 4, 11:30 am, rm. 118 May 4, 2 pm, rm. P303 May 10, 11:30 am For Nakusp and Kaslo employees, Angus is scheduled to attend part of the May planning meetings of the Continuing Education Department and the School of Developmental Education. Visits to the Nakusp and Kaslo Centres are to be determined. Brief updates will be provided on various topics of interest, with plenty of time for questions and feedback! TOPICS MAY INCLUDE: • Major construction projects: Tenth Street Residence, Studio 80, Aboriginal Gathering Place. • Status of review and planning processes: Food Services, Facilities Master plan, CE, Academic & Student Development Education plan, Student Retention plan. • Operational and instructional planning (student FTEs): Its relevance to programs and services; projects and proposals in the works. • Status of major IT projects. 2” x 4.5” BW • Status of our Sustainability Plan. • The recently announced Employee Feedback and Development process. • Current community capacity building efforts (eg. Columbia Basin Rural Mir Centre for Peace Development Institute). • Advocacy efforts with the new ministry structure in Victoria. • Working with our Board of Governors on a refreshed Strategic Plan. presents • Any other items of interest. Lecture SerieS Sharon Mcivor See you there! TEDX SELFDESIGN HIGH The Long Hard Road tue, april 19, 7pm FEATURES SELKIRK INSTRUCTORS In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At this event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connecton in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are selforganized. The 2011 theme is “Through the Crucible – The Pain and Blessing of Conscious Change”. The event takes place on Tuesday, April 26, from 6:30-10 pm at the Capitol Theatre in Nelson. Visit to reserve your seat and learn more about the theme, speaker line up (featuring Selkirk College instructors Randy Janzen and Rosalyn Grady) and event schedule. Selkirk College Castlegar Campus, room s113 sharon mcivor is a well-known BC feminist, activist and aboriginal leader. Join her as she speaks on her decadeslong struggle to correct a century of discrimination against aboriginal women; her recent supreme Court victory; and her continued battle to bring full equal rights to Canadian aboriginal women. tickets: $10 for students and seniors, $12 for adults. available at the door. For more information, visit or call 250.365.1234. Admission is free! Apr il 18, 20 1 1 | Vo l I I , I s s u e 1 8 grapevine SELKIRK COLLEGE ISKRA_McIvor_Ad2x4-75.indd 1 7 3/15/2011 10:53:26 AM HOME THE PEACE CAFE PRESENTS: PUBLIC RESPONSES TO CLIMATE CHANGE Climate change and finite global resources may lead us to a future of escalating violent competition and poverty. Can adequate public engagement processes support us to create a better scenario? Jan Inglis, an independent writer, educator, and facilitator, will discuss new approaches for developing an engaged effective civil society, as well as present a video she has just produced called: “A Crisis of Decision Making: What Underlies the Climate Crisis”. This Mir Centre for Peace Peace Café takes place at 7 pm on Thursday, April 28 ,at the Mir Centre for Peace in Castlegar (301 Frank Beinder Way). Admission by donation and refreshments will be served. Call 250.365.1234 for more information. EXPERIENCE SELKIRK DAY May 5, 2011 Grade 10 and 11 students are invited to come to Selkirk College, and experience what it’s like to be a college student for a day. Register in advance for educational workshops, and learn what post-secondary programs are offered right here in the West Kootenays. REGIstRatIoN DEaDlINE Is apRIl 19th. Contact your high school counsellor to register! EaRly REGIstRatIoN pRIzEs! Get your registration in before April 12th and be entered to win one of many early bird registration prizes. EXPERIENCE SELKIRK DAY – MAY 5, 2011 Experience Selkirk Day takes place on May 5 this year at the Nelson and Castlegar campuses. This annual Selkirk College event is a great way for high school students to explore possible career and program options before making any commitment. Grade 10, 11 and 12 students are invited to pre-register in fun, interactive college classes. Students are bused in from all over the West Kootenay and Boundary Regions and have the opportunity to choose from 40 different interactive workshops which compliment the career, vocational and academic programs offered at Selkirk College. Workshops vary from Flight Training (Professional Aviation) to Flambé (Hospitality and Tourism). For more information, or to volunteer, please contact Educational Recruitment Coordinator, Amy Kinakin at [email protected] or 250.505.1396. FoR MoRE INFoRMatIoN email [email protected]. EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS | | 1.888.953.1133 FINE WOODWORKING SHOW The Fine Woodworking show is on the weekend of May 27, 28, 29 at the Nelson Trading Company building at the corner of Baker and Stanley. The hours are Friday from 9 am-9 pm, Saturday from 9 am-5 pm and Sunday from 9 am-4 pm with the opening reception the evening of Friday May 27. Apr il 18, 20 1 1 | Vo l I I , I s s u e 1 8 KASLO ABE CLASS INVITES YOU TO YEAR-END PARTY! The Kaslo ABE class will have its annual year-end party at noon on Friday, April 29. Everyone is invited for lunch! Please contact Marilyn Roberts at [email protected] or call the Kaslo centre if you plan to attend. If the weather is warm and sunny we will be on my beach at Mirror Lake; otherwise, we will be at the Kaslo centre. Hope to see you there! Marilyn Roberts ABE Instructor grapevine SELKIRK COLLEGE 8 HOME 7th Annual SELKIRK SAINTS GOLF CAMP !!! S EAL M INC ED LUD July 11-15, 2011 Ages 7-17 Denny McArthur CPGA Pro Golf Lesson Specialist 7th year at camp Kevin Nesbitt CPGA Pro Champion Lakes 4th year at camp Pat Biln CPGA Pro Castlegar Golf Course 5th year at camp Craig Wilkinson CPGA Pro Castlegar Golf Course 3rd Year at camp GENERAL DETAILS: CAMPS INCLUDE: * All abilities welcome (BEG, INT, ADV) * Instruction by certified CPGA Pros, Varsity Team members, Saints Alumni * Indoor training at Castlegar Campus * On course training at Castlegar Golf Club and Little Bear Golf Course * 24+ hours of on/off course training * Two 9 hole rounds, one 18 hole round * Virtual computerized swing analysis * Video analysis * Free golf balls and golf shirt * Meals everyday INSTRUCTION FOCUSES ON: DAY CAMP $320: ($350 after May 15) * Short game (pitching, chipping, putting) * Long game (drivers, woods, long irons) * Specialty shots (bunker, various lies) * Mental aspects (pre-shot routine, strategy) * Club making and history of game * Rules, etiquette and course management * Fitness training for advanced group ***NEW *2n d ch * Typical day 9:00am - 4:00pm * Lunch included ild d isco unt * RESIDENCE CAMP $520: ($550 after May 15): * Includes day camp, lodging, all meals 24 hour supervision, evening activities * foamy, sleeping bag, toiletries required REGISTRATION DETAILS: Via website: Via phone: 250.365.1208 Camp info line: 250.365.1304 Deadline: June 10, 2011 REGISTER EARLY..... LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE! Call Toll Free 1.888.953.1133 SELKIRK COLLEGE - 301 Frank Beinder Way, Castlegar, BC V1N 3J1 Apr il 18, 20 1 1 | Vo l I I , I s s u e 1 8 grapevine SELKIRK COLLEGE 9 HOME TRAINING FOR YOUR MOODLE CLASSROOM CASTLEGAR CAMPUS - ROOM B21 Are you going to be creating new courses, modifying your content for hybrid delivery or going the next step and including quizzes or assignments in your supplemental courses? Think about tools or strategies you need to accomplish your goal. If you have suggestions for topics other than those listed below, please contact Judy … maybe we can fit them in too. Register early! Send an email to Judy at the Distributed Learning Centre – [email protected] BASIC LEVEL 1, 2, 3 & 4 SESSIONS, ADVANCED SESSIONS AND OTHER INTERESTING TOOLS Maximum 6 participants BASIC LEVEL 1 SESSION Monday, May 16, 9:30-11:30 am BASIC LEVEL 2 SESSION Tuesday, May 17, 9:30-11:30 am BASIC LEVEL 3 SESSION Wednesday, May 18, 9:30-11:30 am BASIC LEVEL 4 SESSION Thursday, May 19, 9:30-11:30 am OPEN WORKSHOP Thursday, May 12th OR Friday, May 20th The Moodle classroom ( Interface), Using Blocks, Settings, Navigation, Student View, Adding Students Prerequisite: Basic Level 1. Adding Resources, HTML Editor, Uploading Files, Linking, File Management, Images, Directory, Books Prerequisite: Basic Level 1 & 2. Communication Tools (Forums, QuickMail, Messages), Assignment Activity (simple grade entry) Prerequisite: Basic Level 1, 2 & 3. Glossary, Calendar, Feedback Bring your questions and ideas! Please indicate your preference of morning or afternoon when registering. INTERESTED IN GOING BEYOND THE BASICS? ADVANCED WORKSHOPS: QUIZZES Wednesday, May 25, 9:30 am – 12:00 CREATING ASSIGNMENTS Wednesday, May 25, 1 – 3 pm GRADEBOOK Wednesday, May 11, 10 am – 12:30 Wednesday, June 1, 10 am – 12:30 True/False, Multiple Choice, Matching, Essay CREATING GROUPS /USING CHOICE Use groups effectively for collaboration activities. Choice is very versatile tool. It can be used: to vote on a topic; gather research information or have students self select a topic from options provided for an essay/presentation, to name a few. Tuesday, May 24, 10 am – 12:00 BRIDGIT Thursday, May 26, 10 am – 12:30 JING Monday, May 30, 10 am – 12:00 WINK Tuesday, May 31, 10 am – 12:30 An easy to use tool to share voice, video and data over the Internet. Share anything you have open on your desktop. Bring a headset and microphone. Freeware - make short (5 min or less) videos and screenshots of what you see on your computer. Freeware - Using Wink you can capture screenshots, add explanations boxes, buttons, add audio, etc. and generate a highly effective tutorial. Scheduled times don’t work for your group? Contact us to arrange a workshop(s). Call Judy at 250.364.5771 or email [email protected] to arrange dates, times and location. Summer sessions are tentatively planned for August 22-31, 2011. The Distributed Learning Centre (DLC) will have reduced service June 2-30, 2011. Please contact the DLC as soon as possible for any online course related needs, such as new course shells or assistance with online course design for the September semester. Apr il 18, 20 1 1 | Vo l I I , I s s u e 1 8 grapevine SELKIRK COLLEGE 10 HOME BITS n’ bytes THE TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGIN’! Please note that campus libraries have now transitioned into summer hours. Castlegar campus library is open Monday to Friday, Silver King campus library/bookshop has select open days throughout the summer, and Tenth Street campus library/bookshop is now closed until late August. Details are available at Nelson-based college staff are encouraged to contact the library in Castlegar to arrange for book borrowing and other library services. Please call 250.365.1229. LOOKING FOR AN EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY AND/OR WANTING TO LEARN MORE ABOUT EDUCATIONAL GOVERNANCE? There are a number of seats coming vacant on the Selkirk College Board and on Education Council (EDCO) in May 2011. All of these seats will be filled through a nomination and online election process that will be rolled out over the coming weeks. CCC postcard - march 2011, 4x6 4C The time requirement to prepare for and attend meetings can range from two to four hours a month over a seven- to eight-month period. The appointment terms are three years (Board) and two years (Education Council). If you are currently elected to a seat and want to stand for re-election or are newly interested in this work, please watch the Grapevine for information on the upcoming nomination process. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR SCFA MEMBERS Please remember that the Professional Development (PD) Fund established by the Common Agreement is one more route you can go for PD funding. The fund was developed to promote activities that meet our criteria for Group PD, but so far there are enough dollars left over to support individual PD claims as well. The limit for Individual PD applications is $2500/year, $500 of which can be a top-up for a successful application to the SCFA Regular PD Fund [the “other” PD Fund] that is not completely covered. Follow this link to view the Terms of Reference and Application form at departments/hr/staffdevelopment/ . Apr il 18, 20 1 1 | Vo l I I , I s s u e 1 8 Creating Caring Communities Addressing barriers to healthcare for people who use injection and/or inhalation drugs. Featuring guest speakers Dr. thomas kerr, Bill nelles, Dr. amy salmon, Dr. Colleen Varcoe, kelowna urban Outreach and Cranbrook street angels. Dates thursday, april 28, 6-8:30 pm (doors open at 5:30 pm) Friday, april 29, 9 am-4 pm COst $40 ($10 for students and underemployed) $60 (late registration) registratiOn DeaDLine april 21, 2011 tO register Call 1.888.953.1133, ext. 273, email [email protected] or register in person at selkirk College (administration building) in Castlegar. FOr mOre inFOrmatiOn Call ankOrs at 250.505.5506 or visit for a detailed itinerary. LOCatiOn selkirk College, Castlegar campus In partnership with Regional Mental Health & Substance Use, ANKORS and Selkirk College. Sponsored by Columbia Basin Trust, Public Health Agency of Canada and Community Harvest Food Bank. grapevine SELKIRK COLLEGE 11 HOME CALL FOR GALA 2011 AUCTION TEAM PROPOSALS COMPOST BINS TEMPORARILY REMOVED FOR SUMMER MONTHS Please note that due to the fact that there will not be enough compost material available over the remaining spring and upcoming summer months, the compost bins will temporarily be removed at the Castlegar campus as of April 21, 2011. The Earth Tub requires an approximate minimum of 40 lbs per day to sustain the compost reaction necessary. Without the operational kitchen, cafeteria, residence and full student body traffic on campus, we might be able to manage 5 lbs per day. The bins will return first week of September. Thank you for your cooperation! Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions. Gala 2011 will offer the opportunity for faculty and staff to raise funds for their program to support projects, competitions, field trips and student awards. We are looking for a team of five to seven staff/faculty of one program to coordinate, ask communities and friends for donations and run the auction on November 19, at Mary Hall, Nelson. The team will work with the Development staff to prepare a letter to donors and complete a plan for the auction portion of the Gala. The program would receive funds raised from the silent auction for their program and students. We also present a live auction with proceeds going towards other programs who participate in the Gala. Holly Ashcroft Campus Manager - Castlegar [email protected] 250.365.1277 The Gala is a great opportunity to raise funds for and showcase our programs. If you are interested in working the Gala auction, please apply to Pat Henman or Joyce Buckler in the Development Department. Your proposal should include your program name, number of volunteers, team leader, and what the funds will be used for. The deadline for applications is May 13, 2011. POLICY REVIEW COMMITTEE Thank you very much. Gala Coordinators, Development Department Pat Henman 250.505.1324, [email protected] and Joyce Buckler 250.505.1386, [email protected] SEEKS YOUR INPUT! Notice is given by the Policy Review Committee that Policy 6220 Exchange Program for Employees, posted at standingcommittees/policyreviewcommittee/ expiringandnewpolicies/, will be deleted and archived. COMMUNITY EVENTS: The Royal Theatre in Trail presents: Sunday Cinema Tickets are $9 per show and start at 4 pm. May 1 - THE FIRST GRADER Visit for further details. The Royal Theatre in Trail presents: MET OPERA SERIES Tickets are $22.00, available at the door only. Email trail_ [email protected] for more information. April 23, 10 am – Strauss CAPRICCIO (2 Hours, 45 minutes) April 30, 10 am – Verdi IL TROVATORE (3 hours, 15 minutes) Any questions or concerns may be forwarded directly to [email protected] KUDOS KUDOS to Rachel Thomas and Carol Chernenkoff - You ROCK! Join The June Bugs in concert at the Nelson United Church on Wednesday, April 27, at 7:30 pm. Tix: $10 Advance and $15 at the door. With special guests Craig Korth and Friends. For more information: Nelson 250.352.2822 or 403.242.3386. If you would like to give someone KUDOS simply pass on the name of the employee, along with $2, to one of the individuals below. Your nomination will then be provided with a KUDOS card, which entitles them to free coffee and a muffin! 21st Annual West Kootenay Camera Club (WKCC) Photo Show – call for submissions. The entry deadline for this year’s WKCC Photo Show is April 29, 2011. Visit to download an entry form and contest details. Castlegar Campus $2 to Holly Ashcroft Silver King Campus $2 to Barb Butchart Tenth Street Campus $2 to Peggy Weinrauch Trail Campus $2 to Kerry Young The Cottonwood Choir, is having a concert on Sunday, May 1, at 7pm, at the Anglican Church in Nelson. Come absorb the diverse sounds of madrigals to mesmerizing Gorecki. It is a full repertoire and the acoustics of the church will enhance every note! Cost is by donation at the door. Apr il 18, 20 1 1 | Vo l I I , I s s u e 1 8 grapevine SELKIRK COLLEGE 12 CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE: 1990 MAZDA B2600i Pickup Truck. Well maintained. 4 cylinders, automatic transmission, air conditioning, remote start, cruise control, automatic door opener, heavy duty springs, canopy, running boards. Summer and winter tires on rims plus original owner’s manual. 217,670 km. Serious enquiries only. $3000 obo. Phone 250. 365.7292, ext. 475. FOR SALE: Wormy cherries? Don’t want to spray? A reuseable Kootenay Cover can protect your cherries against worms, wasps and birds without any poison. Check out or call 250.353.2264 for more information. FOR SALE: Snowboard boots: Size 8 Brand: 24 Seven Snowboard boots: Size 8 Brand: Ride Snowboard: Rossignal Revolutions mini (must see). Size: 46.5 inches long x 10 inches wide (middle). No bindings Excellent shape for all! I have pictures if requested! Email: [email protected] or phone: 250.693.2257. FOR SALE 2007 Toyota Matrix XR: Black one owner 5 speed manual transmission, sunroof, great condition, 54,000 Kms, summer and winter tires. $12,900. Call 250.352.6197. FOR SALE: White Whirlpool Washer ($200), Kenmore Dryer ($200); Kenmore Fridge ($300), Inglis Self-Clean Stove ($350), 36” oak bathroom vanity with; marble top ($300) laundry sink/cabinet/ taps ($100), ALL 3 years old. Gas hot water tank (11 years old), best offer. Phone 250.693.2353. FOR SALE: 2006 CRF80F dirt bike. Bought brand new in 2008. New back tire, chain, oil changed, ready to go! First $1500 takes it away, plus I’ll deliver in Trail/Castlegar area. Call 250.693.2257 after 5pm. FOR SALE: Stihl MS 290 gas chainsaw with 16” bar. Designed for rugged homeowner or landscape and farm use. Great for limbing to falling and bucking larger trees into firewood. Able to take up to a 20” bar. Well-maintained and very lightly used, in near-new condition. Comes with manual and chain guard. Paid $650, but asking $300. Contact: [email protected] or phone 250.359.7880. FOR SALE: Teeter Table, inversion table for back care and exercise. Almost new, was $425, asking $275. Call Leslie Comrie at ext. 322 or 250.365.0058. WANTED: Looking for a second-hand flat screen television to buy, max 32” screen, must have HDMI cable capability. Email [email protected] or ext. 324, Nelson. WANTED: Looking for a small baseball glove suitable for a 6-year old. He is right handed so the glove should be for the left. Please contact Luba on the Castlegar campus or call 250.365.1516. HOME BIKE SERVICES AVAILABLE: Get your bike ready for spring with a tune-up by Taghum Bicycle Service. We offer a 20% discount for Selkirk employees/ students. Call 250.352.5274 or email [email protected]. LIFE IN THE RAW WITH BRENDA WISEMAN & PARIS VOYKIN Join us for a session that includes creating and eating raw foods that correspond with the theme combined with body, mind, heart and spirit health and healing information, a yoga pose or exercise and always some laughter. $25/session. For a detailed schedule of lessons go to and click on “Wednesday Schedule”. NEED A HOUSE SITTER OR HOUSE/PET SITTER? We are available May 2 through May 20. Call George at 250.365.9593. FOR RENT: One-bedroom apartment in beautiful and quiet area of Pass Creek (15 mins to Castlegar, 25 mins to Nelson). Car pooling possible to Castlegar campus. $650 per month including utilities, available March 1 to non-smoking person with no pets! 250.304.2247, or see Jocelyn Templeman at Castlegar campus. FOR RENT: Newly renovated, one bedroom above ground basement suite for rent. Located in downtown Castlegar, close to Millennium walkway. Available May 1. Email [email protected]. FOR RENT: Spacious 1 bedroom (cable and internet included) available for rent April 15 in a beautiful townhouse (family) setting in Nelson on the water in lower Fairview. References required. Please contact Heather at 250.354.4445. FOR RENT: 1 bedroom small house, central quiet location in Castlegar, F/S, available immediately, $600 + utilities. References required/ long term preferred, n/s, n/p. Ph: 250.365.8141. FOR SALE: Surplus 15” used LCD monitors will be sold on an AS-ISWHERE-IS and FIRSTCOME-FIRST-SERVED basis at Tenth St. campus, Nelson Cashier (Library/ Bookshop area) and at SilverKing campus, Nelson Cashier. $25 each including HST. Cash or debit only. Surplus 15” used LCD monitors will be sold on an AS-IS-WHERE-IS and FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED basis PLEASE NOTE: Classified ads will remain in the Grapevine up to three weeks. After this timeframe, your ad may be removed unless we are otherwise instructed (email [email protected]). Thanks! Remember! The deadline for submissions to Grapevine is Thursday at noon. Apr il 18, 20 1 1 | Vo l I I , I s s u e 1 8 SELKIRK COLLEGE 13 grapevine @ 10th St. Campus Nelson Cashier (Library/Bookshop
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Grapevine for May 2, 2011
Brief updates will be provided on various topics of interest, with plenty of time for questions and feedback!