Eye Health - Life Long Products


Eye Health - Life Long Products
Life Long Products
Life Long Products The Lawn House
32 St Andrews RoadPaigntonTQ4 6HA
Tel: 0870 770 7661
Spring 2012
Welcome to our latest Newsletter, for Spring 2012 and we would like to
thank all our regular customers for their continued support. We would also
like to welcome all our new LLP and Ethos customers. As many of you are
aware, Ethos experienced many challenges and changes in 2010 and
decided that the most sensible course of action was to move the business
to Europe, which proved to be the right decision.
By being based outside of the UK,
Ethos was able to include more
detailed and informative information
on their web site.
By also closing
their UK Sales Office, this gave them
more time and scope to expand their
exciting range of products, which Life
Long Products are pleased to stock
and promote also and these new
products will be featured in this
Life Long Products agreed to become
the “Helpline” on the website for
Ethos customers who require a bit
more help and/or advice than was
available on the internet and this has
proved to be a popular service. We
also despatch many of Ethos‟s orders
for them.
There are two ways that you can
order products from the Ethos
range; by visiting the Ethos website
on: www.ethos.agwhich has very
detailed information on the whole
range of the products they offer.
You can also order the Ethos range
of products as well as the LLP range
directly from us on one of the
contact telephone numbers listed
on page 12 ,by e-mail or online at:
Stevie joined Life Long
Products last year and
has already proved to be
a great asset within the
celebrated the fact that
this January she had
been with us for a whole
year – we can’t believe
how quickly the time has
flown by!!!
(Assistant Manager)
Stevie will be more than
pleased to take your
orders and deal with
Hilary Roach
Hilary Roach
Contents of this Newsletter:
New Brochure………..page 2
Eye Health…………... pages 2/3
Ear Health……...........page 4
Pet Health……………pages 5/6
New Products…pages 7/8//9/10
Special Offers……....pages 10/11
Customer’s Corner… ..page 11
Details of next N/L…..page 11
About LLP………..…page 12
Contact Details……..page 12
We have recently completed our new Brochure for 2012, whichpage 2
contains new products now available in our range.
The many health products we provide help alleviate various problems & conditions,
plus maintain a healthy body and lifestyle.
If you would like a copy of the new brochure, just contact us and
we will be more than pleased to despatch a copy to you.
Eye Health
Of the many different human senses, eyesight is probably the most highly prized,
yet the majority of us take it so much for granted. For much of our lives our
eyes are designed to take care of themselves, they are cleansed by our tears, which normally contain
natural chemicals that kill bacteria. But our eyes are vulnerable and can become the victims of
infections, allergies or other medical conditions.
Unfortunately, many people will suffer from some form of eye problems once they are over sixty,
sadly sometimes even younger, such as Age Related Macular Degeneration.
Some other conditions which can affect the eyes are:
Did You Know?
 Cataracts
The human eye requires more
nutrition and oxygen to
maintain healthy tissue and
function than any other
organ in the body!
Computer Eye Syndrome
Retinitis Pigmentosa
Failing Eyesight
Dry/Wet Eye Syndrome
Diabetic Retinopathy
Most of these problems can be alleviated with surgery, laser treatment or other forms of medication,
but man
do not
want to undergo surgery, or take medication that may cause further
problems and/or side effects but prefer the natural approach with the wide range of eye care
and function than any
cataracts would be to have surgery to remove them and for those where
in thewith
the operation is successful, it can change that person‟s life, but this option is not always suitable for
everyone. Some people maynot wish to risk surgery, especially if they have damage or little sight in
only one eye, they may also be afraid of hospitals and/or surgery, or do not want to take the risk
that the operation may go wrong or prove to be unsuccessful, as unfortunately not all cataract
operations are straight forward or successful, so they may wish to try the “natural” route first.
The Re-Vital-Eyes (Bright Eyes) eye drops are proving to be very popular with the treatment of
cataracts and we have many testimonials which will clearly outline how powerful and effective they
can be if used properly.
The drops can also be very effective with floaters, failing eyesight and are the best lubricating eye
drops on the market today. We also have anecdotal evidence that the eye drops may help with the
symptoms of Glaucoma and AMD also, especially if taken in conjunction with one or more of the
other products in the “Eye Health” range; (read about the full range available on page 3).
It is very important however, that the eye drops are used properly, i.e. regularly and often. As the
eye drops have an accumulative effect, they should be used every day and at regular intervals, at
least one drop three or four times a day, but if you require a speedier recovery, have a serious eye
problem/condition or have well-formed cataracts, it is important that you try and administer at least
six to eight drops a day, or more. There may be days when you are unable to administer the drops
as often as you would like to, so just “catch-up” on those days when you are able to do so. You can
administer extra drops in the night to “top-up” if you wake up to use the bathroom. The drops have
NO known side effects and one drop every hour can be used safely, if necessary.
Eye Health(continued)
page 3
Taking care of our eye health generally will also help to improve the condition of our eyes and also
speed up the recovery period whilst using the eye drops and/or other products in the range. Further
information on a healthy diet & tips for good eye health can be forwarded on request.
Many customers seem to be a bit confused on whether the drops should be refrigerated
once open; this is just a precautionary recommendation. Opened drops should be kept if
possible, away from sunlight & in a cool place, they only need to be refrigerated if you
live in a very hot and humid climate, once again, as a precautionary measure only.
It has been brought to our attention that there are other companies promoting &selling the
NAC eye drops &claiming that theirproduct is the genuine & BEST one to purchase, with
many of them actually scanning & copying the Re-Vital-Eyes/Bright Eyes labels & using them
on their own non-genuine eye drops. This is most confusing for the customer & very
frustrating for us also, but we do understand customer‟s uncertainty, so I will try & clarify
matters for you. Ethos was the company that was originally responsible for developing the
NAC eye drops that were first featured on the Richard/Judy TV Show & then in the Health
section of the Daily Mail. To ensure that customers know that they have purchased the
genuine Ethos/Life Long Products NAC Eye Drops, Mr Peter Aldred has a small copy of his
own passport photo printed on every eye/ear drop label, as it would be totally illegal for
anyone to copy a passport photo. His picture/photo can be verified if you watch the whole
of the Richard & Judy TV Show, as Mr Aldred is on the programme discussing the eye drops.
Amongst the health products in our range are the following variety of
products specifically designed for Good Eye Health:
Re-Vital-Eyes/Bright Eyes- powerful& effective eye drops for all eye problems and conditions,
including cataracts, floaters, dry/wet eye and even Glaucoma.
New Focus -effective under the tongue spray containing high quality Lutein, Zeaxanthin and many
other nutrients to help with Macular Degeneration and general good eye health
Maxi Focus - NEW exciting product with the same ingredients as New Focus, but with over 17
added ingredients to maintain good eye health.
Bright Eyes Capsules -These powerful capsules contain high quantities of excellent quality Lutein
and Super Zeaxanthin for Macular Degeneration, other eye problems and general good eye health.
Ethos Endymion Carnosine Powder -This high quality powder, which is taken internally, is not
only a very powerful anti-oxidant, anti-aging, wound healing, general health & well-being product,
but will also help tremendously with eye problems. When taken in conjunction with the eye drops,
this effectively mounts a two-pronged attack on cataracts and/or other eye problems; the drops
working from the outside in, and the Carnosine powder working from the inside out, therefore
helping to make the drops work even more effectively, thus giving even better and faster results.
The powder is also ideal for those customers who cannot use the eye drops and it‟s very important
for those customers who are suffering from diabetes, to take both the powder and the eye drops.
MSM/Silver Eye/Ear Drops -MSM drops are very effective for, sore, dry, tired or strained eyes
after work or driving, they are also good for refreshing youreyes afterthe removal ofcontact lenses.
E – Z Applicator Strips -Many customers mentioned that they found it difficult to dispense the eye
drops successfully and either wasted the precious drops or had to rely on other people to administer
them, therefore we searched for an inexpensive easy product to eradicate these problems and
discovered the E – Z Application Strips. The „Mylar‟, a reflective polyester on the top of the
applicator strip, which serves as a mirror and the bulls-eye on the Mylar, will help you direct
the medication into the eye.
It adheres to the eye drop bottle & is also disposable when the
medication is empty.
Look out for the SPECIAL OFFERS available with many of
the “Eye Health” products in our range, further on in the Newsletter!!!
Please note that there are restrictions on the eye drops being sold for human use in the U.K. only, however
there are NO constriction with the Eye Drops For Pets. Please contact us for more details.
Ear Health
page 4
Hearing is the second most prized of all the senses, sight being the first. As we age,
often our hearing starts to deteriorate and the bandwidth of frequencies that we
can audibly hear also diminishes. More than 500 million people worldwide suffer
from some degree of hearing loss and as it is usually a slow and gradual
progression, many people don't even notice that they have a problem until they are
almost deaf
Often it's other people who actually spot the problem first; this is because when your vision becomes
impaired you begin to notice that you are struggling to see things clearly. But when your hearing
firsts starts to deteriorate, you may not even realise that you can't hear properly, for example, when
you are listening to the television, you may simply increase the volume on it to make up for your
hearing impairment. So it could be friends or other family members that point the problem out to
you first and the sooner it is addressed and treated the faster and better the results will be.
Ethos have now found that the formula that is used for the Eye Drops can be adapted to
be very effective and beneficial to those customers who are suffering with Ear problems.
This new treatment for improving hearing impairment is called Ethos Re-Sound Ears drops, which
are ear drops that contain the very special substance called N-Acetyl-Carnosine, or just NAC for
short. NAC has the unique ability to go to work rejuvenating cells and repairing damage associated
with ageing. A simple course of ear drops treatment is applied; one drop into each ear being treated,
hourly throughout the day, or as often as is possible.
Our ears are among one of the body's most complex organs; they intercept sound waves and
convert them into electrical nerve impulses that are then sent to the brain where they are then
analysed and interpreted into the meaningful sounds that we hear. The inner ear contains around
20,000 microscopic hair-like cells that convert the sound waves into the electrical nerve impulses.
When these hair-like cells become damaged hearing becomes impaired. The unique cellular
rejuvenating properties of the NAC in Ethos Re-Sound Ears goes to work to regenerate these cells
and return them back to normality, thus restoring normal hearing once again.
The average course of treatment obviously depends upon the extent of the hearing impairment; six
weeks is the average time for most people to start hearing clearly once again, provided that the
drops have been used regularly and often. However, people with mild to moderate impairment
might need less than the recommended six weeks course of treatment, but more severe cases may
need longer.
The Ear Drops are also highly recommended for tinnitus sufferers and many have reported a
significant improvement and a great reduction in the constant 'ringing' in their ears associated with
this condition.
Ethos Re-Sound Ears are 100% natural and do not contain
any drugs. There are no known contraindications or
adverse side-effects. Ethos Re-Sound Ears are
100% safe to use and are recommended
for use on people and pets.
Please note that the MSM/Silver Drops
can also be used safely and
effectively in the ear to loosen and soften
ear wax and can
help to alleviate ear ache.
Price per box
(2 x 5ml bottles)
1 Box Only
Pet Health
page 5
It can be very distressing when a greatly loved pet
becomes unwell, or has a severe health problem.
We feel responsible & helpless if we are unable to alleviate their discomfort or
pain. Many of our beloved pets will suffer from the same ailments and
conditions that humans do; i.e. arthritis, problem skin & cataracts.
But help is at hand, as many of the products that we take and use ourselves, could also be very
beneficial to our pet‟s health and with their problems and conditions also. We‟ve listed some below
for you, but please contact us for further information and/or advice regarding your pet‟s problems:
Re-Vital Eyes ( Bright Eyes) for Pets
Re-Vital Eyes (Bright Eyes) over the years has provided amazing results for
people with eye conditions, particularly cataracts. Since then many of our
customers asked if the eye drops would also work on their pets. After some
research, it was discovered that animal‟s eyes have almost exactly the same
genetic makeup as our own, so we thought why not? Quite quickly those
customers who had used the eye drops on their dogs came back to us saying
how well the drops seemed to be working on their eyes.
Many owners have reported how severely affected many of their dogs were
with cataracts, i.e. nervous & unsteady on steps, unable to go for long walks,
not even able to catch a ball any more, but after using the drops they were
much happier & back to normal; in some cases, vets had confirmed that their
eye conditions were either unbelievably better or had disappeared altogether!
Price per box
(2 x 5ml bottles)
1 Box Only
Due to this we are now happy to present our Re-Vital Eyes/Bright Eyes for Pets, which is proving
to be very powerful with dogs & other pets, i.e. cats, rabbits & horses etc. Please contact us for
more information & some incredible testimonials.
Ethos Endymion Carnosine Powder
As with humans, using our Endymion Powder alongside the Re-Vital Eyes helps speeds up
the process of better eye health & cataracts. The powder will not only maintain good
general health with your pet and be very powerful with wound healing, but will help with
any health problems they may have, such as skin complaints & diabetes also.
Price per pot
30g Pot Only £ 35.95
Is old age taking its toll upon your pet? The Endymion Powder will
help your pet to be the healthiest & happiest they can be, bringing
them back to youthful health. The powder is 100% safe & very easy
to administer, just place the tasteless powder in your pet‟s food.
60g Pot Only £ 67.95
Pot *£105.95
*That’s a saving of over £14.00
Colloidal Silver can safely & effectively be used internally or topically
for an array of problems with your pets.
Extract of a testimonial from a satisfied customer……. I used Colloidal Silver on my Yorkshire
Terrier’s eyes, as she had an infection that made them “crust over” during her night’s sleep.
After just three days of bathing them, three times a day with Colloidal Silver and putting one drop
in each eye before she went to bed, there was a remarkable improvement.
Since then, for her weekly “pet pamper”, I bathe her eyes & clean her ears with cotton wool
soaked in Colloidal Silver. There is no sign of the eye infection now & her ears are squeaky
clean……L. C. of Taunton (See the picture above of Gracie & her new little sister Maggie).
More details on the benefits of Colloidal Silver further on in the Newsletter.
Pet Health(continued)page 6
Aloe Vera Juice
Our Aloe Vera Juice is a high quality health drink containing a large range
of vitamins & minerals to maintain a healthy body and immune system.
Aloe Vera contains anti-inflammatory & painkilling properties & can benefit
sufferers of arthritis and/or painful joints.
This powerful juice will work as well with Pets as it does with humans; just
mix it in with your pet‟s food.
Price per 1 ltr bottle
1 Bottle Only
2 Bottles Only
Aloe Vera Gelly
This powerful Gelly, containing a high content of good quality Aloe Vera, is extremely
effective for many problems that your pet may suffer from, i.eskin conditions, sores,
rashes, allergies and eczema to flea bites. The Gelly is totally safe to use with all your
Price per
pet‟s problems and conditions. Many of our customers have reported that various
118ml tube
conditions have completely cleared up, whereas expensive medications from their
vets or pets suppliers have not alleviated the condition.
1 Tube £11.95
2 Tubes Only £22.95
I was sent this letter from one of our “customers “ called Bones and thought that it would make
an interesting addition for readers of this Newsletter -hope you enjoy it!
“Hi, my name is Bones, I am a border terrier just coming up to my first birthday. Some of you might
know me from my world famous blog:‘Bones’ Diary’, (see details below).I started blogging when I
was only a few months old because I had a story to tell, I knew I was destined for greatness and
thought it only fair to share my rise to become a dog of legend; apart from that it just seemed like a
fun thing to do – I’m such a sociable pup!
I live with two Border collie crosses called Jessie &Alfie who, while being very annoying, are my big
sister & brother and my very best friends. Jessie is the eldest and I wanted to tell you about her
having cataracts, which were developing in her eyes & meant that at one time, she was almost blind.
My Dad was going to pay for an operation to have them removed because, although he is the
grumpiest person in the known universe, he loves us dogs. My Mom found Re-Vital Eyes (Bright
Eyes) for Pets on the internet from a company called Life Long Products, she suggested they try
them out first rather than put Jess through the trauma of an operation, even though Dad was
sceptical, he never really believed they would work, but he was willing to give it a go.
I cannot describe to you how things have turned around in the last few months for my big sister;
because she was having trouble seeing, she didn’t want to go out for walk; loud noises would scare
her & she’d try to run away, we were all so worried about her. Now it’s like she’s a different dog, the
cataracts are almost entirely gone and the old girl can see again. She can’t wait to get across the
fields and run with us and all our friends from the neighbourhood who have formed a nice pack
(Jessie’s the top dog, but only because I let her think that, He He He!!!). I cannot thank my friends at
Life Long Products enough for my Jessie’s eyesight. Mind you, the downside is that now she can
see, she can find all my hiding places where I keep the toys.”
By the way, if you want to read my world
famous Dog Blog the address is:
Just don’t tell my Dad because he’d go
loopy if he knew I was using his computer,
He HeHe!! Love ya! Bones
New Products
page 7
Marine Phytoplankton
Marine Phytoplankton provides a rare & complete food that gives the body virtually all of the raw
materials that it needs, in one single resource, to produce healthy new cells &neuro-chemicals for the
brain, such as dopamine &serotonum. Because it works at the deepest level of the cell, it seems to
work for a wide variety of diseases & imbalances including many chronic illnesses.
What makes phytoplankton so unique is the exceptionally high success rate that has been
experienced in overcoming a variety of health conditions & chronic diseases, thus enabling the
body to heal itself much faster. It is believed this is because it contains all the raw materials
necessary in one source, in near perfect proportions. Like a chemical reaction, various components
have to exist at the same time; otherwise the reaction will not happen.
We would also like to stress that this product is 100% Pure! Nothing added & nothing taken
away! Unlike many misleading advertising, where companies claim that their product is 100%
pure, yet when you look closely at the label, that particular Marine Phytoplankton may only contain
50 mg of 100% pure Phytoplankton mixed with 450 mg of a less expensive Spirulina.
Please contact us for more information & amazing testimonials including a customer who
overcame cancer using just Marine Phytoplankton and the story of a mother‟s desperate struggle
to help her sons extreme eczema and how it cleared up in weeks
using just the Marine Phytoplankton
30g Tub = £59.95
150g Tub = *£249.95 75 Capsules Tub = £69.95
*Special Discounted Price
Please note that the prices and sizes for the Marine Phytoplankton powder and
capsules maybe changing shortly
Colloidal Silver
GOOD NEWS!!! We‟ve managed to find a new supplier of Colloidal Silver therefore, once
again, Colloidal Silver is available within our range of products.
Silver has been used since antiquity to purify water; the Phoenicians, for example, used silver vessels
to keep water, wine and vinegar pure during long voyages and American pioneers put silver and
copper coins in their water barrels to keep it clean.
In fact, 'born with a silver spoon in his/her mouth' is not a reference to wealth, but to health. In the
early 18th century, babies fed with silver spoons were found to be healthier than those fed with
spoons made from other metals.
Colloidal Silver is known as 'Nature's Antibiotic'; in the early part of the last century, it was referred
to, in medical literature, as a treatment for a variety of illnesses. Scientific evidence is finally
emerging about the effectiveness of Colloidal Silver in destroying 'bugs' of all varieties. It has been
shown to kill bacteria, viruses, moulds, fungi, parasites and a numerous variety of organisms.
Colloidal Silver can be taken internally or used topically -Key Applications:
Insect Bites
Athletes FootPurifies Water
Stomach Upsets
Immune Support
Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Infections…….and much more
Wound Healing
Acne & other Skin Conditions
Protect yourself from colds, flu & other bugs the natural way with Colloidal Silver!!!
Colloidal Silver isavailable in various sizes and there is also a
convenient Starter Pack. Details of the prices and sizes are available in the
information sheet, which can be supplied on request
New Products(continued)
page 8
Keeping your bowels healthy on a daily basis can be one of the most important steps you
can take to keep your body operating more efficiently and to benefit your overall health
Do you suffer from any of the following:
Feeling Sluggish
and so on……………
At some time in our lives many of us will have suffered the discomfort of constipation or
other bowel problems, many of you may still be plagued with uncomfortable and
embarrassing bowel complaints and disorders.
Peter Jackson, developed this powerful product, as he wanted a formulation for himself,
which was effective, yet gentle in action and suitable for regular everyday use.
He has written a very enlightening book called “How I Overcame Irritable Bowel
Syndrome with Three Natural Ingredients”, which is available from Life Long
ProductsFREE of charge (worth £2.95), together with two free sample sachets of the
LEPICOL powder, for a limited period only.
LEPICOL - 180 vegi-caps - Price per Unit:£ 16.33
LEPICOL - 180g Powder - Price per Unit:£ 11.18
LEPICOL - 350g Powder - Price per Unit: £ 16.98
Ethozyme is an all-natural enzyme health supplement, which has been specifically & scientifically
formulated to provide a synergistic, all-purpose formula to greatly enhance health & well-being &
fight disease. It very beneficial for many different health conditions but is especially good at
combating cardio vascular disease, arteriosclerosis and plaque formation in the arteries &
thrombosis. This in turn gently reduces the risk of stroke, which is the world‟s commonest cause of
premature death.
Price per 120 x veggie capsule pot
1 Pot £44.95
2 Pots £87.95 3 Pots
„E – Z Drops‟
Application Strips
(featured on page 3)
1 x Pack Contains 2 Application Strips
Price per pack = £ 3. 95
Plus p& p
New Products(continued)
page 9
Aloe Vera
Imagine slicing open an Aloe leaf & consuming the gel directly from the plant;
our Aloe Vera is as close to the real thing as you can get. The miraculous Aloe leaf
has been found to contain more than 200 compounds and
is one of the best health drinks available
We have several different types of Aloe Vera Gel Drinks in our range, depending on your needs, from
regular Aloe Vera Gel; one that contains Cranberry Extract for a healthy bladder and kidneys, to one
that contains Glucosamine to help with painful joints.
Please contact us for a full information sheet on the different Aloe Vera Gel Drinks available and the
other Aloe Vera products in our range.
Please note that we also stock the full product range from the Forever Living Brochure, of good
quality Aloe Vera products; excellent quality Bee products; plus a full range of Body Care, Skin Care,
Beauty & Cosmetic products.
More information on the various Aloe Vera products, which are available from
Life Long Products& Forever Living Products, can be obtained on request with full prices and sizes
Tamanu Oil
Tamanu Oil is suitable for many different purposes including helping with all
types of skin conditions and ailments, plus cosmetic ones. The oil has excellent
absorption properties and its mild and pleasant 'nutty' aroma combined with its
luxurious feel, makes it ideal for use in lotions, creams, ointments and many
other cosmetic products. Combine this with the fact that it is a very potent and
powerful healing agent with proven benefits; it is easy to see why it is already
breaking through to more widespread use, assuming a position among other
successful topical and cosmetic ingredients.
Our PremiumGrade oil is the 100% pure and natural extract from the Tahitian
'sacred' Tamanu tree and does not contain any artificial chemicals, additives or
preservatives. It is simple to use by applying it liberally onto the skin as
Price per 1fl/oz - 30 oz glass pump bottle / 1 Bottle = £24.97 - 2 Bottles = £47.95
Coconut oil is derived from the flesh of the coconut and has become a popular choice for many of
us around the globe. The high content of vitamins and minerals in coconut oil contribute to its unique
ability to be used in so many different products from food to skincare.The easiest way to incorporate
coconut oil into your daily life is to use it in your cooking. Not only is coconut oil a healthier
alternative to other cooking oils, but tastes better too. It is also ideal for skin & hair care, being
gentle & safe enough to use on the most sensitive skin; ideal for Baby‟s & “Mum‟s to be” also.
Coconoilis produced from the „Pick of the Palms‟ in Sri Lanka and is the world‟s finest Coconut
Oil and not to be confused with cheaper inferior products that are for moderate skin care use only.
Coconoils palms have been specifically planted and nurtured with loving care to meet the strict
criteria of an organically grown coconut to produce high quality organic virgin coconut oil. Our
suppliers deal directly with the farmers and import directly into the UK to ensure its top quality.
CoconoilOriginal Virgin Coconut Oil is also available.
Prices start from £9.49 for a large 460 gram tub for the Original Coconoil
Spring Newsletter 2012Life Long Products
page 10
New Products(continued)
B17 Apricot Kernels
Many years ago, when eating apricots, the stone would be broken open and the raw kernel within
would be eaten to maintain a healthy body. Apricot kernels are, like most nuts and seeds, very
nutritious, among the nutrients they contain is one called amygdalin, which is also known as vitamin
B17 and is present in many hundreds of foods, but ones that are particularly rich in amygdalin have
disappeared, to a large extent, from our Western diet.
Areas throughout the world where some
people still eat a traditional diet have been found to be largely free from cancer and other life
threatening diseases, because the diets that they eat are rich in foods containing amygdalin.
There are many ways you can fight chronic diseases such as cancer; one way is to build up the
immune system so that it is very strong, another is to supplement with antioxidants which fight
carcinogens in the body, however amygdalin seems to be unique in the way that it directly attacks
cancer cells.
Vitamin B17, also known as Laetrile and Amygdalin is found in most fruit seeds, namely apricot
seeds. The apricot seed was claimed as the cure for all cancers over 35 years ago. It was even more
strongly claimed that when one eats several apricot seeds per day they would not develop cancer,
just as one can never get scurvy if they have an orange every day or pellagra if they have some B
vitamins every day. However, the pharmaceutical companies, together with the medical
establishment urged the FDA to make it very difficult to sell "raw" apricot seeds or vitamin B17 with
information about its effects on cancer. Even to this day, you will struggle to find raw apricot seeds
in your health food store, only the sun dried ones, which have all the important enzymes killed off.
The foods that are rich in Vitamin B17 are often foods that are lacking in our diet today, but we can
obtain Vitamin B17 (or Laetrile/Amygadalin) by eating foods rich in B17 and/or by taking a few of
these precious seeds on a daily basis. We are pleased to introduce the “raw” apricot seeds into our
range of products.
Genesis 1:29 And God said,
“Behold I have given you every herb bearing
seed, which is upon the face of the earth and
every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree
yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat”.
250g Bag Only - £ 9.95
500g Bag Only - £18.95
1 kg Bag Only - £29.95
Are you a long-term user of prescribed
anti-inflammatory drugs?
If so, Serrapeptase may provide the pain relief
you are looking for,
without the side effects of non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs.
Ring for a free information sheet and
testimonials on this amazing & powerful product
Special Serrapeptase Offer
Back by popular demand
Buy three bottles of
and save
NOW ONLY £45.95
(Normal Price for 3 bottles = £55.95)
page 11
Offer 1)When you order 1 Box x Re-Vital Eyes/Ears (Bright Eyes) (Humans/Pets)
AND1 Bottle x New/Maxi FocusOR 1 Tub x Endymion Powder 30g
you will receive a discount saving of £5.00!
Offer 2) When you order 2 Boxes x Re-Vital Eyes/Ears (Bright Eyes) (Humans/Pets)
AND2 Bottles x New/Maxi FocusOR 1 Tub x Endymion Powder 60g
you will receive a discount saving of £10.00!
Offer 3)When you order 3 Boxes x Re-Vital Eyes/Ears (Bright Eyes) (Humans/Pets)
AND3 Bottles x New/Maxi FocusOR 1 Tub x Endymion Powder 100g
you will receive a discount saving of £15.00!
Astaxanthin and
Natural Glucosamine is proving
to be very popular with the
relief of Joint Pain.
JointAstin offers all the
benefits of the regular
BioAstin with the
added advantage of
Natural Glucosamine.
Buy One for *£29.95
&receive your second
bottle at discounted price
of £26.00
(£55.95 per two bottles)
As this Newsletter is compiled for YOU - the customer,
we thought it would be a good idea for you to have
YOUR SAY!!! Earlier in this Newsletter there was a Blog
written by ‘Bones’, one of our customer’s dogs, so we
have already included one of our customers in this
edition. So please let us know if you have anything you
would like us to include in the next ‘Summer’ edition
Newsletter, which should be available by July.
Just contact us with any of the following:
stories or testimonials you may have on how one or
more of our products have benefited you and would
like to share this with other customers
if you use/take a particular product that has benefited
you that we DON’T stock, give us the details and we
can look into maybe including it in our product range.
have any health tips or ideas that you think may be of
interest to our readers & customers
ideas for articles or information that you would like to
see included in future Newsletters
*Recommendedretail price
£29.95 per bottle
for further information
Spring Newsletter 2012Life Long Products
page 12
Life Long Products is a small mail order company, which has been successfully distributing Natural
Health Products for nearly twenty years.
With a wide range of natural products, to treat and alleviate the symptoms of many health problems;
we have something for everyone.
We offer our customers natural remedies, which will not cause uncomfortable or painful side effects,
unlike most „over the counter‟ or „prescribed medication‟.
We pride ourselves on our excellent Customer Service, whereby we offer a personal „One to One‟
service with full information & advice, with NO call centres or pushing buttons – just good old
fashioned customer care.
We endeavour to despatch orders as soon as possible after the order has been placed, with some
orders being processed and despatched on the same day of ordering.
Please note that
unfortunately, we do not despatch orders on a Friday, however we will do our best to send out
urgent orders on that day whenever possible.
As most customers are aware, the Royal Mail has increased the cost of postage
every year, with a further increase due in April 2012. Up until now we have tried to
meet this cost & have NOT increased our postal charges for MANY years now;we
will continue to try & keep the postage & packing charges as low as we can.
Therefore to try and offset the cost, we would be grateful if our UK customers could
place their orders before they run out of product, to enable us to send out orders,
by second class post, which does make a difference to these high postal charges.
However, if you mention that your order is of an urgent nature, it will be sent by first class post.
Please note that for a small extra charge, urgent or large UK orders can be sent by Special Delivery,
which guarantees safe delivery before 1.00pm the following day. Overseas orders are sent by Air Mail
or the„International Signed For‟postal method, where applicable.
If you would like further information on any of the products in our range, need advice or would like
to place an order, please feel free to contact us at Life Long Products and we will be more than
pleased to help you.
If you are based outside of the UK, please feel free to contact us by e-mail and we will do our best to
help you. If you would like to speak to one of us personally, include your telephone number in the
e-mail & the country you reside in, or phone us, we can usually be contacted in the office from early
morning to early evening, if we are not available leave a message and we will call you back as soon
as we can. Please note that the offices are closed at the weekends, although we can sometimes be
reached on a Saturday.
Life Long Products
Proprietor : Hilary Roach
Assistant Manager: Stevie Kinnair
Tel: 0870 770 7661 or ++44 (0)1803 521714
e-mail: [email protected]
We’re waiting for your call