raqran - Eco Hip


raqran - Eco Hip
holistic living
Many people are allergic to synthetic air fresheners and recent
research has also shown that some air fresheners may even
be carcinogenic. So opt for essential oils to keep the air fresh.
To make your own scented spray, choose your favourite
essential oils and add 20 drops to about 125ml of water,
and put in a plant spray. Then squirt around the room.
Air Scense is a range of natural, non-aerosol air fresheners
(£3.35/3Qml) which use aromatherapy oils such as vanilla and
lime. They are great for getting rid of lingering cigarette smoke.
I L'Occitane also has a wide range of home fragrances
with scents such as Lavender Amber and Frankincense
Myrrh (E9.95(75ml}. Call 020 72901421.
Natural scents can transform the atmosphere
in your home and enhance your mood and
Mix four drops each of rose,
water - this isn't as overpowering
careful not to get oil on the wick
gardenia, myrrh and mimosa
as burning essential oils.
To instil a relaxing atmosphere in
and two of eucalyptus and
wellbeing. Victoria McCulloch explains
at the centre of your space,
Incense, smudge sticks,
essential oils and herbs have
light your smudge stick and
In The Book of Aromatherapy
the bedroom, blend two drops
each of camomile, clary sage
put in an oil burner, rub onto
Blends (Thorsons. £5.99),
a candle or mix with water
Chrissie Wildwood suggests
and lavender and put in a burner.
and put into a plant spray.
adding three drops each of
This is also suitable for a child's
geranium, lavender and
room, but use only a few drops
mandarin to a bowl of water if
in an electric diffuser.
you're having a children's party,
all been used for centuries
walk around your home, paying
to enhance people's moods.
particular attention to comers,
Whether you work from home,
Using scent in the home helps
and consciously think about
have revising teenagers or
to create an atmosphere,
protecting the space. You
are trying to complete the
If you want the bedroom to be
can buy smudge sticks in a
crossword, there are many
In order to create a relaxing
more erotic than steep-inducing,
of cakes baking, the clean aroma
variety of shops. For more
natural scents that can be used
atmosphere in your home, use
light plenty of candles and mix a
of pine or the festive fragrance
rituals, read Jane Alexander's
to help improve mental clarity
oils such as camomile, clary
few drops each of sandalwood
of cinnamon and cloves. Each
The Smudge Pack (Thorsons,
and enhance concentration.
sage, frankincense, lavender,
and ylang ylang essential oils,
room in your home can benefit
£16.99. Special HH Bookshop
Rosemary, for example, is
cedarwood and neroli. To create
then add to candles as above.
from an aromatherapy lift and
offer £13.95 plus 99p p&p).
excellent for keeping your mind
a gentle atmosphere in your living
Aromatherapy and massage
in gear, while grapefruit is great
room, light a candle, bum for a
are also a perfect aphrodisiac;
if you are a procrastinator.
few minutes and then blow out.
simply mix together seven
whether it's the comforting smell
Gwydion O'Hara, author of
we can use natural scents to
The Magick of Aromatherapy
evoke different moods.
(Llewellyn, distributed by Airlift,
Then add a couple of drops of
drops each of the above oils to
your favourite essential oil to the
25ml of sweet almond oil.
E11.99. Special HH Bookshop
A good first step is to scent the
Offer £9.99 plus 99p p&p),
'The first thing to greet your
melted wax around the wick and
house for protection. You can
suggests using five drops of
guests as they enter your home
relight. Some essential oils are
create a sacred space within
lotus and frankincense, and two
is the aroma,' says Valerie Ann
flammable so do not add the oil
Use five drops of jasmine and
your home by burning sage
of amber and cedarwood to
Worwood. author of The Fragrant
while the candle is lit and be
three each of vanilla and musk
or 'smudging'. Used in Native
cleanse your home and get rid
Pharmacy (Bantam, £8.99.
American traditions, smudge
of any negative energy - good if
Special HH Bookshop offer
sticks are usually a combination
you're moving into a new house
£6.99 plus 99p p&p), 'and the
of dried sage, cedarwood,
or have been burgled. Another
impression the scent creates
It's not practical to bum
sweetgrass or juniper - all
blend she calls Happy Home
may be more enduring than that
essential oils as you drive along
If you're selling your home, Valerie
known for their cleansing and
can be used to maintain or
made by fixtures and fittings.'
the motorway, so Earth Solutions
Ann Worwood suggests adding a
protective properties. Starting
restore peace in the home.
Whether having friends round to
has come up with a gadget that
few drops of clary sage or lemon
dinner, turning your lounge into
plugs into the cigarette lighter of
to a bowl of water to make buyers
a disco or holding a children's
your car and works as a mini
more at ease. And estate agents
party, essential oils can create
diftuser. If heavy traffic and road
swear by the smell of baking cakes.
Taoists, Hindus and the Japanese value the use of
HH Bookshop offer 10.99 plus 99p p&p), Julia Lawless suggests making your
a hospitable mood.
rage are getting you down, try
In The Complete Illustrated Guide to Aromatherapy (Element, £12.99. Special
own potpourri. Put 25g of dried rose petals, 6g each of dried lavender and
~ -
mini leaves in a container ad wtt IB drops sach
tfe&sjif rose and lavender oils. Grind together
) half a grated nutmeg and half a
teaspoon of orris root powder. Add 15
drops each of rose oil and lavender oil. Put
this powdered mix to the dried petals and leaves,
and stir. Place in a bowl wherever you want to fragrance
/our home - you can revive the potpourri by adding more oils.
Gwydion O'Hara has created
a blend she calls All Night Long:
to eliminate sexual inhibition
and increase stamina.
incense in their temples and homes to engender
lavender or patchouli, or if you
Where to buy it
whatever almosphere, energetic or therapeutic efft,.
and geranium is a very friendly
are having trouble staying
• For stockists and mail order
they desired. Choose fragrances to suit your mood.
oil,' says Jane Alexander in Spirit
awake, try Good Day Sunshine
details for Earth Solutions and Air
Incense and essential oils are also good for removing
of the Home (Thorsons, E12.99.
(E9.5Q) - a blend of spruce, fir,
Scense, call 0800 0260220, or dial
pet or cigarette smoke odours: bum or add juniper,
Special HH Bookshop offer
oakmoss and frankincense.
www. 21stcenturyhealth.co.uk.
peppermint or lemongrass to a diffuser. Add a couple
£10.99 plus 99p p&p). If you
Tisserand also does a Car
Tisserand Car Vaporiser is available
of drops of essential oil to your washing liquid to get
are having people over and
Vaporiser (£12.99), which uses
by mail order on 01273 325666.
laundry smelling fresh. Or, try Herbal Laundry Sachets
you want to create a subtle
a mix of lemon and bergamot
s All books are available from HH
from Earth Solutions (£7.10) in your tumble dryer.
fragrance, add a few drops of
to help you feel recharged.
Bookshop, see page 37 for details.
'Jasmine is a great welcomer
your chosen oils to a bowl of
Health FEBRUARY 2000 67