Fall 2007 `Currents` - Carmel Catholic Alumni


Fall 2007 `Currents` - Carmel Catholic Alumni
The Alumni Magazine
Carmel Catholic High School
Fall 2007
Dear Alumni and Friends of
Carmel Catholic High School,
Strategic Plan Charts the
Course for the Future.................................................... 4
If each of us was asked to identify one or
two people who had a significant impact on our personal or
professional life I am quite sure that we could, not only identify
him or her, we could probably wax eloquently as to how or why
they came to mind. I can think of two remarkable women who
molded me as an educational professional many years ago.
Community Helps Shape
New Carmel Catholic Crest.......................................... 6
In Every Issue
Advancement News....................................................... 8
Planned Giving.............................................................. 12
Alumni News................................................................. 14
Class Notes.................................................................... 18
Engagements, Weddings, Births................................ 21
In Memoriam................................................................ 22
Upcoming Events........................................ Back Cover
Maureen modeled what it meant to be an excellent teacher
– she challenged, cajoled, laughed, she pushed and then
she pushed harder. Her students rebelled, complained, and
came back every year after they graduated to say thank you
and to let her know that they were better prepared than their
early collegiate counterparts. Barbara took, a then, young
administrator under her wing and quickly and consistently
pointed out that not all situations were clear and that decisions
often came with a fair amount of pain. I became a good teacher
because of Maureen, I have kept the stamina for administration
for these many years because of Barbara. Sir Isaac Netwon
said, “If I have seen further, it is because I was standing on the
shoulders of giants.” Who were those giants for you?
This issue of Currents has an updated look and focuses on
various aspects of the theme of leadership. We hope you like
the new look and that the information and pieces it contains
bring you a little closer to your home in Mundelein.
page 4
For our part, we had a great start to the new year and the Carmel
Catholic students are engaged in the many rituals of autumn in
high school. We hope that you can join us for Homecoming in
early October – it’s a great way to reconnect with classmates,
friends, and former teachers. The Memorial Mass in November
offers an opportunity for the community to come together in
prayer to remember those in our families and community who
we lost in death last year. And, as always, if you’re in the
vicinity of One Carmel Parkway, please stop in!
Judith Mucheck
page 14
On The Cover
Current students gather around the new
Carmel Catholic High School crest that was
installed in the floor in the center of the
Student Lounge.
On This Page
Members of CCHS Soccer Team show
their pride in the new school crest at the
Opening School Pep Rally.
Judith Mucheck
Office of Institutional Advancement Staff
Director of Institutional Advancement:
George B. Rattin, CFRE
Publications Coordinator: Audra Schlaupitz
Gift Planning Director: Michael C. Looby ‘75
Alumni Relations Director: Erin Byrne ‘97
Special Events and Volunteer Coordinator:
Laurie Wienke
Data Services Coordinator: Judy Hall
Administrative Assistant: Jane Maciolek
Currents magazine is published three times a year
by the Office of Institutional Advancement.
Carmel Catholic High School
One Carmel Parkway
Mundelein, Illinois 60060
(847) 388-3361
Strategic Plan Charts the Course for the Future
Long Range Planning Committee - (back row) Tony Markiewicz, Tom Crowley,
Terry Simmons, Chuck Bartels, (front row) Tim Jackson-Chair, Gary Grace,
John Lobaito (not pictured)
n October 2006, Carmel Catholic High School’s
President, Judith Mucheck, announced the
commencement of a strategic planning process which
would unfold over a period of exactly eight months and
would include anyone in the Carmel Catholic Community
who chose to participate. The invitation to enter into
dialogue about the future of Carmel Catholic was taken
up by over two hundred people and included students,
alumni, present and past parents, donors, faculty and staff,
administrators, board members and community members.
The participants were invited to join a focus group in
the areas of: Catholic Identity and Mission, Curriculum,
Facilities, Finance and Technology. These focus groups
generated recommendations which were presented to the
Long Range Planning Committee of the Board of Directors
who imposed a feasibility lens on each item. The finalized
recommendations were presented to the membership of
Boards of Corporators and Directors in June 2007.
While the summary listed above covers the
highlights of the process, it doesn’t tell the
complete story of this community’s effort or
its impact on the future of Carmel Catholic
High School. To understand the power of
community wide strategic planning, one only
needs to look into Carmel’s near past. In 1996,
the Carmel Catholic community participated in
another strategic planning process. While this
process was different in duration and technique,
it provided a roadmap that established school
capacity, developed technology and lead to the
Carmel at the Crossroads Capital Campaign that
facilitated the building of our new Science Wing
and renovation of student service facilities and
classrooms. You see, Carmel has always been a
school with an eye to the future. The leadership
has never been satisfied to rest on its laurels or to
be content with the status quo. As an institution
charged with preparing the young for an everchanging world, we too have to constantly ask the
question, “How do we best prepare for our future?”
The 2006-2007 process utilized a highly structured, timeintensive format. After the initial in-service of the focus
group facilitators, each study group met no more than
five times during sessions that lasted ninety minutes.
Their formal change was to have generated three to five
recommendations in priority order. The creative part of
this work came in the fact that they could vision a new
reality without concern over finances, staffing, physical
plant constraints and the like. This work was then picked
up by the Long Range Planning Committee for the
purpose of ascertaining feasibility. The completed plan
was submitted to the Board of Cooperators and Board of
Directors in June when it was approved.
- Focus Group Facilitators Catholic Identity and Mission:
Paulette Stith, Ann Baker
Teresa H. Bartels, Lindy Salvi
Sharon Smoger, James Schuster,
Jennifer Slater Berkhalter ‘90
Joseph ’73 and Kathy Nemmers
James Gauger, John Titterton
| Currents
To provide the setting for the exercise of potential.
To participate in the global dialogue.
Construct a new Cultural Arts Center, convert the
existing auditorium to an Information Commons to
house a new library and technology center
Provide appropriate faculty training and support in
instructional delivery utilizing technology
Relocate the Brandsma Chapel to the existing library
positioning it in the center of the school
Upgrade the technology infrastructure including
plans for a wireless campus
Encourage a collaborative learning community
including the establishment of a multi-media lab and
implementation of applications, which utilize virtual
Develop a technology-integrated curriculum
Upgrade the interior features of the campus
including a closed-circuit information system
Upgrade the exterior features of the campus
including a comprehensive landscaping plan, traffic
and parking study
Expand and improve aspects of the exterior facilities
including a concession/restroom facility near Baker
Stadium, expanding the weight room, and an athletic
storage building
Catholic Identity and Mission
That Carmel Catholic High School renew and build
upon the Founders’ vision of CCHS as a “Vatican II
School” helping our students learn about Christian
Catholic values as the basis for their lives
Explore methods whereby Carmel Catholic High
School can articulate with the wider Church for the
current and future experiences of the students
Explore ways which aspects of Catholic identity and
mission can be of increased support for students,
faculty and parents; include the functions of
Campus Ministry, Guidance, and Deans
Reaffirm the Kairos retreat experience; explore
meaningful transferable experiences from it in order
to put its benefits into practice
Continue to expand and improve Carmel Catholic
outreach to students with serious behavioral issues
To engender a love of learning and search for knowledge.
Develop a more effective daily schedule
Expand course offerings including the possibility of
on-line courses
Ensure student success including the development
of a Learning Center
Develop a standard research protocol
Construct a building-wide rubric for the written
work of students
To provide good and responsible stewardship.
- Long Range Planning Committee Tim Jackson, Chair
Chuck Bartels
Tom Crowley
Gary Grace
John Lobaito
Tony Markiewicz
Terry Simmons
To inspire a life of faith and service
Strengthen and improve the capital budgeting
Improve the visibility of Carmel Catholic High
School faculty and staff recruitment and retention
Develop long-term strategies to keep Carmel
Catholic High School affordable for the broad
Catholic demographic in Lake County
Over the next five years the work of implementation
of the Strategic Plan will begin. Each recommendation
in each of the five subcategories, Catholic Identity and
Mission, Facilities, Finances, Curriculum and Technology,
will help Carmel move forward and insure it is the
best school possible for both our current and next
generation of students.
Fall 2007 |
Community Helps Shape New Carmel Catholic Crest
by the community. The Marketing Committee began an
extensive community focus group test of our corporate
imagery. Through a series of focus groups, online
surveys and conference calls, all members of the Carmel
Community, parents, students, alumni, and faculty/staff,
were asked to be part of the process. The discussion
focused on the things people thought of when asked
to think about Carmel Catholic High School. While
ideas of what kind of symbol we should devise initially
varied, the messages that came from each of the focus
groups, surveys and conference calls were remarkably
similar. The groups thought our symbol should convey
our tradition and that we are a Catholic school. They
felt that it should reflect the community feeling and
friendship as well as service.
With data and messaging collected
from over 400 participants of the focus
groups, surveys and conference calls,
the Marketing Committee engaged
several professional artists in a logo
design competition. Once completed the
logos were further tested with additional
focus groups until the new shield logo
was selected. The winning designer,
alumnus Tony Demakis ’95 of Ten26 Design
of Crystal Lake, captured the spirit of
the focus groups by taking the feedback
from the group and employed the rules of
Heraldry, devising a unique logo that captured
the spirit of Carmel and reflected our tradition of
Marketing Commitee: (front row) Susan Hall - Chair, Margaret Drew Losch ‘91, (back row) Judith Mucheck - President,
Dan Kerkman, Melissa Rizzo ‘88, Dawn Jenich - Marketing Director, John Lobaito & Mike Cusack (not pictured)
hen you are driving down the street and see a
red hexagonal sign what do you do? You stop. If
you pass a restaurant with the golden arches in front,
you know hamburgers and fries can be had within. We
know this because of symbols. Symbols are important.
They convey meaning quickly and accurately. This is
why school symbols are so important—they quickly
summarize the place and what is most important
there. In the fall of 2006, the Marketing Committee
began a process that reviewed the school symbol, the
“enlightened student”. This process led to community
| Currents
wide study and the replacement of the “enlightened
student” with a new school crest. This process involved
all members of our community and led to a new
symbol that captures the Catholic tradition, community
atmosphere, and excellence of Carmel Catholic.
In the fall of 2006, the Marketing Committee of the
Board of Directors, conducted a review of Carmel’s
corporate symbol. The contemporary “enlightened
student” presented some challenges in use at the school
and was not fully embraced as the “symbol” of Carmel
The new logo has been well received by the community.
Since July, the process of incorporating the new logo
into the building has been ongoing. The new shield can
be found on all the doors and school signs on campus.
Additionally the new logo has been installed in the
center of the lounge floor, filling a void left when the
original school crest was removed three years ago.
The Carmel crest is an effective new symbol for Carmel
Catholic High School. It honors the past and celebrates
who we are. It tells the world we are a Catholic school
that values friendship and community and teaches
service. It honors the founding Congregations of the
Sisters of Charity BVM and the Order of Carmelites
and shows the world our pride in the Brown and Gold.
Developed from the input of our entire community, the
new crest will be our school symbol for years to come.
Carmel Catholic High
School’s New Crest Rich
In Symbolism
The Lamp: The Lamp of Knowledge represents life and
spirituality, as well as a burning desire to always live
the best life possible. The Lamp is built up of four
graduated steps leading up to the flame, these steps
represent the four years spent at Carmel Catholic.
Tradition: The Order of Carmelites and the Sisters of
Charity of the BVM are at the very foundation of what
this institution stands for. It is their teachings, beliefs
and hard work, that set the stage for what we have
today. This is why the lower quadrant was
reserved for them, visually anchoring the
Community: Carmel has been known to say
that we are not just a school or institution
but a family. The heart represents this
type of love and sincerity throughout
the community. The chains, by the rules
of Heraldry, are used to show a reward
for acceptable and weighty service. This
is particularly important because it is
this service and the idea of sacrificing
ones self for God that makes Carmel a truly
special place. The use of three links in the chain
reminds us that we are part of a community that
respects diversity, inspires mutual growth and strives to
achieve personal development. The crown above the
community represents the Kingdom of Heaven as well
as the three parts of the Holy Trinity.
The Ivy: The symbol of Ivy is said to represent a strong
lasting friendship. At Carmel, bonds and friendships
grow deeply and continue to branch out into the world
and bring more life into the Carmel experience.
The Cross: At the core of the Crest, creating the very
framework for it, is the symbol of Christ and Faith. This
is a strong and obvious indication to anyone looking
that God is involved in every aspect of life, and with this
support all things are possible.
Go to page 14 to read about Tony Demakis ‘95 who is a
featured alumnus who created the new crest.
Fall 2007 |
Director’s Notes
Sometime people feel they are powerless to make a change for the good. Over the
past year I have had the distinct pleasure of watching the actions of one person effect
the good of all. Our Annual Fund achieved record numbers this year because of the
generosity of parents, alumni and friends. Each person sent the message with his or
her individual gift that “I believe in Carmel.” When you put their gifts together, their
impact insured that our people, programs and facilities remained strong. I also had the
pleasure of speaking to an alum as part of our Strategic Planning Initiative. This alum
was overseas and felt he couldn’t offer much to the planning process because of the
physical distance between him and Carmel but, when the alum heard about our need
to build our financial assistance endowment, he responded by providing a $50,000
challenge grant to help us build the endowment and help future student attend and
graduate from Carmel Catholic. As you can see, one person can make a difference. They can make a choice and
together with other individuals become a force for good. They can take a stand that inspires others to join them.
Why do they do it? Because a place like Carmel Catholic High School is important. The work that we do and that
you generously support will help shape the future. By insuring our students have a strong values system, learn the
importance of service and the ability to critically think, we are helping shape a better tomorrow. Your support helps
us do this!
This year we are kicking off our boldest annual fund campaign yet. Our goal is to raise $375,000. Our theme this
year is Carmel One—One Goal, One Community, One School! The goal is to invite our alumni, parents and friends
who have yet to make a gift in support of the Annual Fund to participate in the Annual Fund for the first time this
year. Make this the year to join those who support the world of Carmel, and in doing so, you will help shape the
world of tomorrow.
Newly Minted Office of
Institutional Advancement
Moves Carmel Forward
On July 1st a new department was formed at Carmel
Catholic High School. The Office of Institutional
Advancement took over and expanded the work of our
former Development Office. The goal of the Office of
Institutional Advancement (OIA) is to coordinate fund
raising, foster alumni relations, coordinate external
| Currents
How do we follow up our most successful Annual Fund
year ever? By setting a higher and more ambitious
goal. This year’s Annual Fund is themed Carmel One-One Goal, One Community, One School. The goals for
this year is to seek continued support from those who
have done so in the past and make a strong appeal for
participation to those who have not supported Carmel.
Our community is encouraged to give at a level that is
possible for their circumstances. We all have different
situations, some can afford to support Carmel at the
Carmel Society levels
while others can only be
No gift given in
earnest is
ne C munity
If you have
not made a
gift to
the Annual
or at
all, please
doing so
year. All new
will receive a
al F
special new
donor packet
nd 2
the impact of
the Annual Fund
and their gift. Mail
appeals will be sent out in September. If you would like
to make a gift now, please go to our online giving site at
http://www.corsairalumni.org/Annualfund2007-2008. All
major credit cards are accepted and automatic payments
can be scheduled over time. For more information about
the Annual Fund, Please contact George Rattin at
(847) 388-3342.
I hope you will join us this year in making a difference in the world. Support the Annual Fund, give to the Challenge
Grant, come to an event, speak well of Carmel. All these things collectively make a difference and help us continue
to do “good” in the world.
George B. Rattin, CFRE
Director of Institutional Advancement
2007-08 Annual Fund
Theme and Goal
This summer our office went through a change. Our department welcomed two new employees, Audra Schlaupitz,
Publications Coordinator, and Laurie Wienke, Special Events and Volunteer Coordinator. Together they join our
staff in the newly named Office of Institutional Advancement. Read more about the name change, the Challenge
Grant and the Annual Fund below.
To contact members of the Office of Institutional
Advancement please call (847) 566-3000.
Office of Insitutuional Advancement: (front row, L-R) Laurie
Wienke- Special Events and Volunteer Coordinator, Jane MaciolekAdminstrative Assistant, Erin Byrne ‘97- Alumni Relations Director.
(back row) Michael Looby ‘75- Gift Planning Director, Audra SchlaupitzPublications Coordinator, Judy Hall- Data Services Coordinator.
communication and coordinate external relations.
Additionally we foster and share the traditions and
stories of the Carmel Catholic Community. This year
the OIA will bring many exciting innovations to the
Carmel Community- A newly designed school website,
ne Goal
I hope you are enjoying the redesigned Currents. This new magazine-style format will allow us to better share the
stories of the CCHS community. We will still have popular features like class notes, but will add new features like,
profiles of alumni you should know. For those who can’t get enough Carmel news, make sure to sign on to Corsair
alumni.org and you will receive the monthly online newsletter which delivers more news, features, events and tools
to our alumni community.
The Peter Francis Monahan, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Endowment Challenge Grant was established
anonymously by an alum to help increase the size of our
Memorial Scholarship Fund. The Memorial Scholarship
Fund is an endowment that creates proceeds which
supply a yearly source off need-based tuition assistance.
This fund helps our families to send their children to
Carmel and see that they graduate. To incent others
to give, this alum will match dollar-for-dollar every gift
made in support of the Memorial Scholarship Fund made
before December 31, 2007. For more information about
the Peter Francis Monahan, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Endowment Challenge Grant, contact George Rattin at
(847) 388-3342.
a redesigned and reformatted Currents,
alumni newsletter, the launch of a formal
Alumni Association, a Planned Giving seminar
for professionals practicing in the field, and much more!
Additionally, events like the STAR Gala, raising money for
need based tuition assistance and the Carmel Catholic
Golf Classic, which supports our athletic programs,
will continue as will our Annual Fund Campaign and
Endowment building efforts.
O ne Sch oo
Challenge Grant Targeted
to Build Endowment
Fall 2007 |
“I am gratified by the terrific
response and generosity
from our Carmel Catholic
community,” said Mike Looby
’75, Gift Planning Director,
responsible for the Carmel
Society.“ I always enjoy meeting with members of our
Carmel Catholic community to hear them reflect on their
positive experience here and strong commitment
to Carmel.”
Carmel Society members take a leadership role by giving
to the Annual Fund. They represent alumni, parents, and
friends of Carmel Catholic High School, who strongly
believe in the school’s mission and purpose and recognize
the positive impact a Carmel Catholic education can
have in helping to shape lives of faith, learning and
service. Carmel Society members make a deeper level
of commitment to the school through their financial
contributions and become partners in mission with us.
They are committed to keeping the school the “flagship” of
Catholic secondary education in the area.
| Currents
Sustaining Member - $1,000 to $2,999
Members represent the base of Carmel Catholic
supporters who chose to take an active partnership
role in the school’s mission.
Mary Frances Clarke Circle - $3,000 to $4,999
As a partner in mission, Mary Frances Clarke Circle
Members are vested in the daily operation of Carmel
Catholic High School and support how value-based
education improves the quality of students’ lives.
These members preserve the vision of Mary Frances
Clark, foundress of the BVM Sisters and her belief in
the value of Catholic Education.
Blessed Titus Brandsma Circle - $5,000 to $9,999
Blessed Titus Brandsma Circle Members are
unwavering in their belief in Carmel Catholic’s mission
and the positive effect values-based education has in
the lives of today’s students, families and communities.
These members reflect the Carmelite commitment to
Catholic education—evident in the life of the Blessed
Titus Brandsma.
President’s Circle - $10,000 or greater
President’s Circle members are the philanthropic
leaders for our community. They make an investment
in today’s Carmel Catholic students who will lead
Yearly recognition on the Honor Roll of Donors
recognition wall located in the main lobby of
our school
AF Goal
Special listing in our Annual Report
Special invitations to Carmel Society member
only events
A Christmas tree ornament exclusively designed for
Carmel Society members
Membership lapel pin to wear with pride at
Carmel events
Members of the Mary Francis Clarke Circle, Blessed
Titus Brandsma Circle and President’s Circle are
invited to a special gathering with the President of
Carmel Catholic.
Contributing at the Carmel Society level is not out of
reach for a committed donor. There are a variety of ways
available to donate and fulfill a pledge:
Single cash payment
Single payment with a credit card
A single cash payment with the Matching Gift Program
from your corporate employer. See our website
www.matchinggifts.com/carmelhs to find out if your
employer has a matching gift program
Sale of stock
Make a pledge and create a fulfillment schedule that
best fits your personal cash flow
Schedule payments by check
Schedule a series of monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly or
semi-annual credit card charges
Schedule bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly or
semi-annual EFT payments directly from your savings
or checking account
“The request to participate in the Annual Fund will be
reaching you soon,” said Mike. “Please take time to reflect
and make a vote for values-based Catholic education
Carmel Society
2007-2008 Goal $316,143
Total Annual Fund (AF)
Carmel Society (CS)
'02-'03 '03-'04 '04-'05 '05-'06 '06-'07
CS Goal:
Members Members Members Members Members 135 Members
$96,492 $107,299 $97,864 $145,548 $196,965
Be Part of Carmel One,
Support the Annual Fund!
This year our goal is to get each member of the Carmel
Community to participate in the Annual Fund. You
can make a credit card gift over our secure online
connection by going to the following site: http://www.
corsairalumni.org/Annualfund2007-2008 . You can
make a single gift using Visa, MasterCard, Discover and
American Express or arrange for a pledge that will be
automatically deducted from your credit card. If you
would like to make a donation using a check, simply mail
it to the CCHS Office of Institutional
Advancement and make the check
e Communi
payable to Carmel Catholic High
School. Make this the year that
you support the Annual Fund’s
Carmel One Campaign—One
School, One Community,
al F
One Goal.
u n d 2007
ne Goal
This year, the Carmel Society’s goal is $225,000
and the total goal of the Annual Fund is $375,000.
In response to the growing size of donations to
the Carmel Society, a new leadership level called
the President’s Circle has been added. This level
recognizes unrestricted gifts of $10,000 or more
made in support of the Annual Fund. This new
level will recognize the stalwart generosity of an
elite group of leadership donors. Now donors
who wish to participate at the Carmel Society
have four levels to choose from.
Since our Carmel Society members have made a special
commitment to Carmel Catholic, they are recognized for
their gift in a variety of ways:
“I am especially looking for more alums who are willing
to stay connected to Carmel in a very special way,” said
Looby. “I often meet with alums for whom Carmel made a
huge difference in their lives and are willing to recognize
the importance of their experience here through their
commitment to the Annual Fund. I hope more alums
would be willing to reflect on the importance of their
Carmel experience and become a partner in Carmel
Catholic’s mission as a member of the Carmel Society.”
The financial resources necessary for Carmel Catholic to
serve its students continues to grow every year. Sensitive
to the growing cost of education, the board of
directors sets the tuition as low as possible to
keep Carmel Catholic affordable for as many
families as possible. The Annual Fund helps to
provide essential dollars that provide financial
assistance, purchase equipment and fund
programs to give our students the best possible
high school experience possible.
through your donation. You will make a
difference in the lives of our students and
ultimately an investment in our communities.”
If you are interested to find out more about becoming a
member of the Carmel Society, call Mike Looby at 847-3883338 or email at [email protected].
A record-breaking 129 donors from all constituencies
of the Carmel Catholic community made significant
contributions to the 2006-2007
Annual Fund at the Carmel
Society level. This level
recognizes gifts of $1,000 and
higher. The funds donated
by this generous membership
raised the largest sum ever,
$196,965, an increase of $53,268
over the previous year. Carmel
Society donations represent
60% of the Annual Fund, which
raised $316,143, also a recordbreaking amount.
families and communities of tomorrow. They
demonstrate their unstinting support for the mission
of Carmel Catholic High School and the vision and
work of its President.
One Sc hoo
Carmel Society Sets Record and Raises the Bar
Fall 2007 |
“I wish I could give more.” This is a frequent statement made
by many people who are committed to an organization’s
mission, but feel they are not in a position to donate more
than what they are currently giving. Their life circumstances
may inhibit them from committing to a “large donation”.
The meaning of a “large donation” is relative to the person
making the gift. All donations made by our Carmel
community are welcome no matter what size. There are
many donors who have contributed amounts of $25, $50
or $100 each year to the Annual Fund for as many as 15
consecutive years. Each donor gives according to his or
her individual capabilities. Each individual donation has a
collective positive impact on our Carmel Catholic students.
Our Carmel Catholic community members come from
diverse backgrounds. Some can give more than others
during their lifetime. However, many people have the
potential to give the gift of a lifetime through a planned gift.
Planned gifts can be either as simple as making a bequest
to Carmel Catholic as part of your will to more complex
planned giving financial vehicles. Planned gifts are typically
the largest gifts that an organization receives. Many donors
are better able to make significant gifts through their
estate plans.
If you have not created a will yet, I hope you will create one
to make plans for the distribution of your estate whether
you feel your estate is large or small. You will save your
loved ones time, expense and sometimes conflict when they
settle your estate. If you have not reviewed your will for 10
years or more, perhaps now is a good time to make revisions
because of life changes. When you begin the process of
creating a will, you might be surprised with what you do
have when you conduct an asset inventory as part of your
estate planning process. Some common assets are cash,
securities, real estate, life insurance policies, retirement
accounts, US Savings Bonds, collectables and jewelry.
For example, if you have worked for a publicly traded
company for many years and consistently bought it’s stock,
you might realize that the stock has greatly appreciated.
When you try to sell it or distribute it through your estate,
your estate could be assessed a hefty tax because of large
capital gains on the stock. Depending on the amount of
stock, donating all or a portion of the stock might be a
good option. After all, you can give your money to the
government through taxes and not have any say in how it is
spent. Or, you can control how this “tax money” is spent.
Donate this “tax money” to organizations that are important
to you because they have made a difference in your life and
support your values.
| Currents
I would like to become a resource for you as a part of
this important process. We have just launched Carmel
Catholic’s redesigned website at www.carmelhs.org. If you
are interested in learning more about planned giving, click
on “Support”. Then pick “Planned Giving” on the menu to
view our planned giving program.
I have several useful brochures describing how to create a
will and a planned gift you might be interested to read.
“Questions and Answers About Wills”- You will learn
the basic steps you need to take and know about as part
of creating a will “21 Ways To Make a Difference” – Learn
in more detail about assets and planned giving vehicles
you can use to create a planned gift.
“Memorials and Endowments” – Learn how you can
create a legacy gift that will span generations.
“Charitable Gift Planning Guidelines” – Learn in greater
detail about planned giving vehicles and how they
benefit you with income and tax reductions. This
brochure would be very useful for financial planners
and advisors.
“2007 Federal Tax Pocket Guide” – This is a handy
reference guide for financial planners, advisors,
accountants and attorneys. You will have an easy to
read reference guide with Federal Income Tax tables
and information about calculating taxes for the Federal
Gift Tax Formula, Federal Estate Tax Formula, transfer tax
and Federal Income Tax Charitable Deduction as well as
a listing of common planned giving vehicles.
If you call me at 847-388-3338 or email me at mlooby@
carmelhs.org., I will send you one or more of these
brochures without obligation or commitment to make a
gift. Brochure quantities are limited. If you are not currently
receiving our Kelly Circular planned giving newsletter but
would like to receive future editions, please contact me and
I can put you on our subscription list.
If you find yourself saying, “I wish I could give more”,
perhaps you can through a planned gift. Taking some extra
time to become more aware of estate planning can be a
rewarding process for you. We all need to reflect on our life
experiences and understand what organization or person
helped a loved one or us achieve success. The more you
understand the estate planning process the more satisfied
you will feel that you have done your best to support people
and organizations who matter to you the most. Perhaps you
will discover that you can give more than you first thought!
Let Us Say
Thank You!
If you have created a planned gift for Carmel Catholic
but have not let us know of your intent, the Carmel
Catholic community would like to say thank you for your
gift and commitment to our community.
Perhaps you did not realize you created a planned gift.
If you did any of the below as part of a will or estate
planning, you have created a planned gift. Generally,
planned gifts are:
A bequest in your will directing cash or assets, such
as real estate, securities or retirement accounts, to
Carmel Catholic either as a direct beneficiary or as a
contingent beneficiary.
A life insurance policy that you have named
Carmel Catholic as beneficiary or as a contingent
A planned giving financial vehicle such as a
Charitable Trust that names Carmel Catholic
as beneficiary.
Why inform Carmel of your intent?
Kelly Circle members receive this commemorative Planned
Giving Certificate
of Membership
enclosed in the
official CCHS
diploma cover.
Kelly Circle members also receive:
Recognition on our Honor Wall of Donors located
on the main lobby of Carmel Catholic
The Kelly Circular newsletter, for on-going
knowledge about planned giving opportunities
Special invitations to Carmel Catholic events.
“...we hope and pray that the lives
and influence of our graduates
will continue to have an impact
for good as they fulfill our hope of
giving service to God and society
as responsible, spiritually-minded
and well-informed citizens, who
practice the Christian virtues and
social principles that were taught to them during their
years at Carmel.”
Knowing how many people have included Carmel
Catholic in their estate plans and the type of
planned gift allows for more effective planning.
Sometimes, upon further review of your gift, a
different financial vehicle could be suggested that
could be a better fit for you and Carmel Catholic.
Carmel Catholic enforces a gift acceptance policy.
Please have your legal representative contact Carmel
Catholic to make sure Carmel Catholic can accept
your planned donation of real estate and other
assets or planned intent for funding a capital project
or endowment.
Call Mike Looby ’75 at 847-388-3338 or email him at
[email protected] to let him know about your
planned gift to Carmel Catholic. If you would like to
consider making a planned gift to Carmel Catholic, Mike
can help you get started to make a gift that could keep
giving for generations to come.
Most importantly, we want to welcome you as a special
person who has made a significant contribution to the
long-term health of Carmel Catholic. When you let us
know of your planned gift, you become a member of the
Kelly Circle.
When you call or email, Mike will send you the
brochure “Your Personal Guide to Planned Giving” and
“Charitable Gift Planning Guidelines”. You will read
about the variety of gift planning options available and
how a planned gift can benefit Carmel Catholic and you.
- A reflection by Sr. Mary Cecil Kelly, BVM on the 25th
anniversary of Carmel Catholic High School
Fall 2007 |
Formal Alumni
Association to Launch
2007 Alumni Social Service
Events and Reunion Recaps
As an effort to continue to provide alums with great
programs, services and leadership opportunities, a
formal Alumni Association will launch later this year. In
March of 2007, a steering committee comprised of seven
alums was formed. Additional guidance was given by
Debbie Laskowski Meyer ’81 and Michael DiCarlo ’99
as Alumni members of the Development Committee,
a sub-committee of the CCHS Board
of Directors. The Alumni Association
will be created by alums for alums.
The result of the steering committee’s
research and discussion will be the
Alumni Association by-laws, council
structure and responsibilities
of the association. The Alumni
Association by-laws will be
submitted to the Advancement
Committee of the Board of
Directors for final approval in
October of 2007 and later this
year the executive board of the
CCHS Alumni Association will
be installed. The new year will
bring introductions of the Alumni
Association members, alumni events,
reunions, and the creation of the Alumni
of the year Award.
The spring and summer of 2007 featured two baseball
outings, the first alumni service project and 6 reunions.
Alumni events are great opportunities to reconnect
with friends and meet new ones. Each activity brings
together people that share a common bond. As
graduates, baseball fans and volunteers, CCHS alumni
have pride and know how to have a great time!
May 18th marked the
inaugural Alumni
Service Project. Six
alums participated
in the A-May-Zing
Mundelein service
project hosted by the
Mundelein Police
Department. Just
as current CCHS students volunteer in
the communities, alums continued the
tradition of giving back by spending the
day at the Mundelein
SEDOL facility.
Chicago is a city of
great sports traditions
and many baseball fans
are divided between
cheering for the Cubs
and the White Sox. This year CCHS alums cheered for
both teams at our Alumni Cubs outing on May 5th and
Alumni Tailgate at the White Sox on July 29th. When the
‘boys of summer’ return in 2008, CCHS alums will gather
again to support their favorite team!
Each year CCHS hosts eight reunions, and since
June, five reunion classes gathered for anniversary
celebrations. From the 5th year to the 40th, alums
from near and far reminisced about Carmel days and
the impact Carmel has made on their lives. Reunions
celebrate the past
and offer alumni the
opportunity to network
on a variety of levels.
Alums share pictures
To view more great pictures from
the 2007 Reunion Celebrations,
visit the photo albums at
of their families, travels, and talk about careers. For
the past two years, each reunion class has celebrated
individual reunions and hosted their events at a location
chosen by their committees. In October, the classes of
’72, ’77, and ’87 will celebrate their reunions.
2007 Athletic Hall of
Fame Induction
In the spring of 1990 the Carmel Catholic High School
Athletic Hall of Fame was created. This program
recognizes graduates who excelled in the area of
athletics during their time at CCHS. The Hall of Fame
is comprised of 53 current members from four decades
representing excellence in all facets of student athletics
and faculty/staff leadership.
Please join us for the 2007 Induction on October 5th
before the varsity kickoff at the Homecoming Game.
The three 2007 alumni inductees include Dave Worklan
‘71, Chris Mirkut ’89 and Pat McMahon ’01.
Corsairalumni.org is the new online
e-community for Carmel Alums
featuring an online directory,
message boards, class notes,
photo albums, event registrations
and much more. If you have yet to login your password/
constituent ID# is located above your address of this issue
of ‘Currents’.
Please log into Corsairalumni.org and update your member
profile by clicking the first time login link on
Corsairalumni.org. This will ensure that you receive
information on your reunion and other alumni events and
Please contact [email protected] with questions
about Corsairalumni.org and to inquire about your
Constituent ID#.
Tony Demakis ‘95 - An Alum You Should Know
Ten26 Design Group, located in Crystal Lake, Illinois, is founded on the concept that
everyone deserves great design. From identity packages and logo designs to website
design and full advertising campaigns and everything in between, Ten26 strives to create
the very best for their customers.
Having graduated from Carmel Catholic High School in 1995, as well as having two younger
brothers who attended the school,
Family Members who also
Where Tony lives now: Crystal Lake
Tony has a deep rooted connection to
attended Carmel:
Carmel Catholic. Having heard about
• Brother, John ‘99
the rebranding initiative through an
• Brother, Robert ‘04
• Undergraduate- Western
Alumni eNewsletter, Tony absolutely
Illinois University
knew that he wanted to be involved with
Wife – Kelly
BFA in Graphic Design
the project. He responded to the online
Son- 17 month old, Jack
survey and attended an alumni focus
President of Ten26 Design Group, Inc.
group to discuss the new logo.
Where Tony grew up: Wauconda
| Currents
After attending the focus group, Tony participated in a competitive bid process before being selected as the designer
for the logo project. Tony said of his work, “I had no doubt in my mind that I could create a timeless, elegant and
professional look to give Carmel Catholic the type of representation that it so rightly deserves.” Tony listened to
CCHS’s marketing committee and from their vision and the results of their research he created the new logo. Each
image in the crest has significant meaning and represents attributes associated with a Carmel Catholic education.
“Designing the crest took time because it was more than a corporate logo, I wanted the images to properly reflect
the spirit of Carmel”, said Tony. “I wanted to create an image that was timeless, original and personalized
to the needs of CCHS.”
Tony is very proud of his design and is honored to have been a part of the logo project. When asked
about being an alumnus of Carmel, Tony reflected, “Carmel has personally impacted my life by
teaching me the importance of giving back to the community.”
Fall 2007 |
Do You Know a Noteworthy Alum 40 Years Old or Younger? CCHS is looking for alums who are making a mark in their community, business, family and faith communities. The
2008 Summer Carmel Currents will feature Top 40 Alums Under 40. Please email us your nominations by January 5,
2008 to [email protected]. In your nomination, please include your name and relation to the nominee, your
contact phone number and email address, nominees name and contact information,
and why the alum is noteworthy and should appear in the Top 40 under 40 list. We will
not accept anonymous nominations, but feel free to submit self nominations! Please
feel free to provide supplemental information on the nominee such as a photo, news
article, website etc.
Selection criteria includes, but is not limited to, individuals who foster lifelong faith,
learning, development of their talents and skills and those of others, someone who
fosters respect for diversity and mutual growth, and someone who leads a productive
life which reflects religious and civic values.
under forty
Jay Hoffmann ‘73 An Alum You Should Know
“Carmel shaped my life in many ways. It gave me values and friendship for life. My
years as a student and the eight years as a teacher and coach at Carmel were great and
reinforced ideals of team work, the importance of the ‘whole’ person, to see the good
in others and that hard work pays off! Some of my greatest memories of Carmel are as
a coach. I often wonder did Carmel do those kids right, and I am sure that Carmel did
do right by those boys, now men.
Family Members who also
Work Experience
Carmel’s influence has shaped me
attended Carmel:
• Mathematics and Science
into a compassionate leader, and
• Son, Joseph ‘02
teacher at Carmel from
I have no doubt that my Carmel
• Sister, Gail (Hoffmann) Wegener
experience has influenced my
’71 and Brother-in-Law,
• Past Carmel Football and
leadership at Lake Forest
Mark Wegener ‘68
Basketball Coach
High School.”
• Sister, Kim (Hoffmann)
Mathewson ‘76
“CCHS’s strategic plan is a great
• Brother, Todd ‘ and Sister-in-Law, • Lake Forest High Schoolroad map for the future. The school
Leslie (Rafferty) Hoffmann ‘81
Principal 2002-Present
is in a great place, under great
• Mathematics Teacher 1988-1992
leadership, and will continue to be
Wife – Susan Hoffman
• Dean of Students 1992-1999
successful. Lake Forest High School
Children - Joe, Michael, Chris
• Assistant Principal 1999-2002
is completing a major building
and Amy
renovation, and I hope to lend my
Alumni Leadership
expertise from my oversight of our
Where Jay grew up: Wadsworth
Member of the CCHS Board of
campus transformation to CCHS. “
Where Jay lives now: Lake Bluff
Directors and Chair of Building and
Grounds Board Sub-committee.
• Undergraduate- University
of Illinois
• Graduate – Loyola University
| Currents
It is Time to Gather the
Classes of ’68, ’73, ’78,
’83, ’88, ’93, ‘98 and
‘03 to Reunions.
Over the course of the next year, members
of your class will gather to plan your Alumni
Reunion. We can promise a good event, but
to make it a great event, we need your help!
Please consider volunteering for your Reunion
Committee! This reunion could be the best
yet, but that can only happen with
your involvement.
will help pick
the date,
location, and
cost of your
Class of ‘98
This is a fun
and enjoyable way to reconnect with Carmel
and your classmates. Past reunions include a
bbq and pool party at the home of an alum,
golf outings, tours at Carmel, and cocktail
receptions at Portofino’s Italian Bistro, The
Forge Club, Mickey Finn’s Brewery, and Tavern
on the Towne.
If you are able to volunteer – to serve on a
committee or plan the reunion itself – please
contact Erin Byrne ’97, Alumni Relations
Director at [email protected] or
volunteers do not
need to live in
the Chicagoland
area. If you live
out of town and
are interested
in volunteerings
please contact
Alumni Relations. Accommodations can be
made to include you in the planning process.
Email us by November 1st to be on your
Reunion Committee!
Maggie (Drew) Losch ‘91 An Alum You Should Know
Family Members who also
attended Carmel:
Father, Dan ‘66
Brother, Dan ‘93
Sister, Christine ‘97
Brother, Kevin ‘99
Husband - Fred Losch
Sons - Brogan (3 years old) and
Liam (1.5 years old)
Where Maggie Grew Up: Waukegan
Where Maggie Lives now: Libertyville
• Undergraduate- University of Dayton - Class of '95 BA in
• Graduate - DePaul Kellstadt Graduate School of Business
- Class of '04 MBA
• PepsiCo - Quaker/Gatorade/Tropicana Division Sr. Manager
of Category Management on the SUPERVALU team
Alumni Leadership
Member of the Marketing Committee a sub-committee of the
CCHS Board of Directors
“The CCHS logo redesign has been my favorite project to date.
The whole process has been really fun - and I have learned quite
a bit. The marketing committee is comprised of a great team. I
have really enjoyed working with them on this project and the
great new logo is a result of their hard work!”
"There are so many experiences throughout life that shape who
you are -- high school is definitely one of those "experiences". I
can still remember that first day of school being this shy kid my
Dad dropped off. I don't think I realized Carmel's true impact
until many years after I graduated. Carmel provided me with an
unbelievable education – both academically and emotionally. It
provided an atmosphere that challenged me to work hard, and
dream big - but still remember to have fun!"
Fall 2007 |
John Looby III has been elected to
another term as an alderman for the
City of Lake Forest, Illinois.
Brian Chicoine, M.D. co-authored
a book “Mental Wellness in Adults
with Down Syndrome”, which was
published in 2006. He donated a
copy of the book to the Carmel
Catholic library. Brian is a Family
Practice Medicine doctor at the Adult
Down Syndrome Center located at
Lutheran General Hospital in Park
Ridge, Illinois.
Lawrence Buckley accepted a
position as Vice President of
Instruction at Fullerton College
in Fullerton, California where he
oversees more than 500 faculty
and 19,000 students. Dr. Buckley
leaves Chaffey College in Rancho
Cucamonga, California where he
served as the Dean of Visual and
Performing Arts.
Take me to
The Corsair fans rush onto the field to
join their Corsairs in celebration of a
homecoming victory in the Fall of 2002.
| Currents
Mary Ann (Dittmer) Rinkleff married
Erik on May 7, 2006, in a private
ceremony in Austin, Texas. Mary
Ann is the owner and creative
director of Little Fish Studios, a
greeting card company whose
cards are available in more than 500
stores around the United States and
Canada. She and Erik live in Door
County, WI.
Scott Stahoviak was named to the
East Suburban Catholic Conference
Athletic Hall of Fame and was
honored at a banquet in March.
Dale Carlson wanted to send out his
deepest thanks to all of those who
have prayed and sent kind words
in his long battle with leukemia.
After a bone marrow transplant in
December 2006, he continues to
fight this battle but the doctors tell
him he is improving and the outlook
appears to be optimistic. If you
would like to contact Dale, you may
e-mail him at [email protected].
Stephanie (Lemme) Healy majored
in Political Science and earned a
Bachelor of Arts degree from the
University of Arizona. In 2006, she
was named one of Tucson’s top 40
business and professional leaders
under 40 years old. From that group
she was selected Tucson’s “Woman
of the Year” by Tucson Business
Edge magazine.
Della (Cordoba) Thakral and her
husband have 4 kids; Sarah 7.5, Isaac
5.5, Noah 2.5 and Rachel 7 months.
William Ivins graduated from Texas
Tech School of Law on May 12, 2007.
He took the Texas Bar in July and will
attend the Naval Justice School in
Newport, RI.
Kathy (Barrett) Mount and her
husband Josh have two children,
Grace Margaret born in March
2005 and Thomas Joshua born in
December 2006.
www.Corsairalumni.org is your source for pictures of alumni events.
Go to the “Group Photos” section of the left task bar to see pictures from
Homecomings past, the 2007 Carmel Catholic Golf Classic and the Class
of 1967’s 40th Reunion celebration.
Members of the Class of 1967
kicked off a two-day 40th Reunion
Celebration with an informal cocktail
party at Carmel. Classmates were
reunited, shared stories and received
guided tours of the Carmel campus.
The 2007 CCHS Golf Classic marked the
most successful golf outing in our history.
Timothy Williams married Heather
Newman on March 19, 2005 and were
expecting twins in May of this year.
Jodi (Hyerdall) and Brad ’96 Salata
have two wonderful and beautiful
children! Braydon Jason is 2 1/2 and
Laila Daybreak is 10 months old.
Brian Ryglowski is serving aboard
the USS Chosin (CG65) - currently
on Deployment to the Indian Ocean
- has been promoted to LT in the
Engineering Division of the US
Navy. Living in Hawaii, and stationed
at Pearl Harbor, he tentatively will
report to the Navy Post-Graduate
School in Monterey, CA for a Masters
Degree in Engineering in Jan. ‘08. He
graduated from the US Merchant
Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
in 2003.
Megan Armstrong has earned
his undergraduate degree from
Northern Illinois University after the
fall semester.
Christy Belanger graduated from
Augustana with a triple major in
pre-medicine, biochemistry and
chemistry. She hopes to enter
medical school this fall. She
attributes Mr. Gene Sharp and his
chemistry course that “flipped a
switch” and she has been fascinated
by chemistry ever since.
Quintin Cappelle was named to
the dean’s list at the University of
Dayton for the winter semester. He
was also part of a group from St.
Joseph Parish- Libertyville that went
to Moshi, Tanzania this summer
to help introduce computers
and educational software in the
classroom and to work on the
construction of the school building.
Emily Collard received a Durward
V. Sandifer Fellowship from Eureka
College at the end of her sophomore
year. The award is given to those
students who had leadership roles
on campus, in good academic
standing and did many service hours
on campus and the surrounding
communities. She spent the summer
at the Shakespeare Theatre of New
Jersey as a Production Management
Intern for the Summer Professional
Training Program.
Mary Kate Kelleher is proud to be
a member of the Theta Omega
Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega at
Marquette University, where in
Spring 2006, they were named the
Chapter of the Year and she was
honored as runner-up for Greek
Sophomore of the year.
Jessica LeClaire was chosen to
receive the Scovill Prize, the most
coveted student award for academic
excellence at Millikin University.
She is a psychology and human
services double major. She has been
on the dean’s list or high dean’s list
every semester. Jessica has served
as captain of Millikin’s volleyball
team, secretary of the Behavioral
Sciences Association, secretary of
the National Alliance of Mental
Illness and scholarship chair for the
Pi Beta Phi sorority. She has also
served as a volunteer in literacy
programs for local elementary
students, worked in the Homeward
Bound Dog Shelter and volunteered
at Homework Hangout.
She has worked
closely with Millikin
faculty on research projects on
“Social Perceptions” and on Sexual
Harassment in
Public Housing.”
David Milender graduated Phi Beta
Kappa from Purdue University in
August 2007. He will begin law
school at the University of Iowa in
Iowa City.
Chris Miller, who is a punter for Ball
States’ football team, was named to
the Mid-American Conference first
team last fall. He led the MAC and
ranks second in the country with
a 46.26 yards average. He was also
named to the Playboy Pre-season AllAmerican team.
Mike Morici played volleyball
this year for the Division 1 men’s
volleyball team at Indiana University
– Purdue.
Pete Scalzitti attended the Cannes
Festival in May. He had two of his
films screening at the short film
corner. He is interning with the
American Pavilion who set him up
to work with Access Hollywood and
has already shot interviews with Jude
Law, Nora Jones, Pamela Anderson,
Jessica Simpson and interviewing
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
Laura Ferrari is a member of the
Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Chi
Omega at Marquette University,
where in Spring 2006, they were
named the Chapter of the Year. She
is also a member of MU’s waterski
team which took second at nationals
this year.
Fall 2007 |
Chris Fidlow, who attends Carthage
College, was named honorable
mention all-state by the National
Soccer Coaches Association of
America last December.
Jamie Fisher was named to the dean’s
list at the University of Dayton for
the winter semester.
Jonathan Happ graduated with
honors from the National Outdoor
Leadership School (NOLS) – Rocky
Elizabeth Herdmann was named to
the dean’s list at the University of
Dayton for the winter semester.
Dorothy Jenke is proud to be
a member of the Theta Omega
Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega at
Marquette University, where in
Spring 2006 she was named Greek
Freshman of the Year.
Kerry DeVitt was named the best
newcomer in cross-country at Illinois
Colleen Donovan was named to the
dean’s list at the University of Dayton
for the winter semester.
Danielle Mooshol has been elected
President of the Pre-Health Club at
Hawaii Pacific University, and will
be completing another internship
at University of Hawaii-Manoa as a
student athletic trainer.
Remote Alumni
Chapter News –
Second alumni gathering is a Lone
Star Success!
Alumna Michelle (Flanders) Law ’93
and her husband, Dr. Robert Law
hosted on second Dallas Alumni
Chapter gathering on Saturday,
April 21st. Texas alumni joined,
President, Judith Mucheck, as
well as, Director of Institutional
Advancement, George Rattin and,
Alumni Relations Director, Erin
Byrne ’97 to share the news of
Carmel Catholic and to celebrate
our shared Corsair spirit. Several
alumni traveled more than
two hours to attend and were
greeted by a Tex-Mex feast, warm
hospitality and the sharing of great
Carmel stories.
If you are interested in hosting an
event in your area, please contact
Erin Byrne at [email protected]
or at (847) 388-3382.
Melissa Freisinger ’87 to
Nick Matranga
Michael Phelps 88’ to
Gena Zagala
Kathy (Waterman ‘92) Huntington
to James Miller
Answer the following three
questions, based upon the picture
of Carmel’s founding faculty. One
winner will be chosen from all
correct responses and win a great
Carmel Catholic Prize. Submit your
answers along with your name,
address, phone and e-mail to
[email protected] by
December 1st, 2007. Good Luck!
1. Identify and name Carmel’s
first football coach.
Karyn Ryg ‘98 to Stephen Robles
2. Identify and name the only
member of the founding
faculty to still be working
at CCHS today.
3. Who was Rev. John
Russell, O.Carm. known as
at the time this picture was
taken (religious name).
Erin Bryne ’97 to
Sean McElroy ‘96
Alex Straka ’01 to Beth Winckler
Cecilia Fern ‘02 to Ryan Dunn
Sara Fijalkiewicz ‘04 to
Eric Pamperin
Rachel Ann born
to David and Katie
(Arvidson ’94) Kralik
Jennifer Michehl ’04 to
Matthew Heid ‘04
Geneva Anne born to
Tienne (Spiteri) McKenzie 1994
Daniel born to Daniel and
Mandy Stasiek ‘94
Landon Robert Stacey
(Mack ’96) Rapp
Julie Ryan ‘76 to Carl Gaddis
Stephen Thomas born to Philip
and Carrie (Gmeiner ’96) Cole
Maxwell Lucas born to
Janna (Wagner ‘97) and
Greg Ostrolencki ‘97
Erin Lawrence ‘97 to
Stephen Symington
Kathryn Nicole Hanson ’95 to
Jesse Hendricks Work
Timothy Koenig ’98 to Erin Griffin
Michael Krizman ‘98 to
Gina Scarpino
Charmaine Smith ’95 to
Sean Wright
Peter McConville ’98 to
Mary Nemeth
Kathryn Reyes ‘96 to
Brad Hamrlik
Brayden Connor born to
Rebecca (Stoeckel ’99) Gould
Meghan Quinn ‘98 to
David Schludecker
Nick Kucera ’97 to
Dawn DeShaw
Isabella Kathlin born to Becki
(Straka ‘95) and Luke Chorazy 96’
Natalie Mitchell ‘97 to
Jason Sobolewski
Andrew Westerman ’98 to
Colleen Gillespie
Tim McConville ’97 to
Jamie Blankinship ‘97
Alyvia Katelynn born to
Alexander and Nancy (Strang ‘01)
Koltanowski Jr.
Liz Friedman ’99 to
Chris Gaulin ‘99
Aydin Konner born to
Adam and Sandi (Liniewicz ‘01)
Denise Garwood ’99 to
Michael Terra Simpson ‘99
Andrea Harchut ’99 to
James Hanson
Kelly Briscoe ‘00 to Daniel Kenny
Emily Straka ’99 to Brad Millar
Isabella Nataly adopted by
Mary McKenna ‘84
Jacqueline Greco ’00 to
Adam Crouch
Claire Norah born to Corey ‘87
and Cary Anne (Janiszewski ‘94)
2007 Reunion
Kevin Kalitowski ‘00 to
Rhonda DiSandro
Caitilin Christina born to
Keil Power ‘88
Class of 1972 35th Reunion
Brody born to Michele
(Muellner ’90) Kniep
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Tyler Richard born to Jennifer
(Johnson ’90) Williamson
6:30 pm - Midnight
Forge Club
634 S. Milwaukee Ave.,
Vernon Hills, IL
Megan Klein ‘00 to Victor Cortez
Colleen Casten ’01 to
Patrick Kraft
Danielle Hauser ’01 to
Steve Gourley
Juliette Anastasia born to
Elisabeth and Todd Ogrin ‘92
Marisa Schostok was named to the
dean’s list at the University of Dayton
for the winter semester.
Marilyn Holguin ’01 to J.T. Cole
Nicole Mayer 01’ to
Ken Covganka
Alexandrine Marie born to
Kevin and Claudine
(Cappelle ’93) Harig
To view more Class Notes, go to
www.Corsairalumni.org and click
on “Class Notes”.
Brian Petraitis ’01 to
Marie Westerheim
Ryan Clayton born to
Kelly Clayton Tolbert ‘93
| Currents
$40 per person in advance $45
per person at the door.
Please register by Friday, October
12th. Reunion registration
and hotel block information
is available online at www.
corsairalumni.org/reunion72 or
by calling 847-388-3382.
Fall 2007 |
Jeff Arendt ‘82
Judi (Coppi ’73) Camphouse
Barbara Kohler ’79, sister of
Kathleen (Kohler ’70) Baxter,
Robert ’73, Mary (Kohler ’75)
Bunch and Patricia
(Kohler ’78) Merz
Kirsten McWilliams ’84,
sister of John ’82 and Justine
(McWilliams ’91) Sennott
Brian Psak ‘04
Susan (Kreutzer ’75) Pranke,
sister of Roger ’69, Darline
(Kreutzer ’71) Haynes, Steven
’73 and Marcy (Kreutzer ’77)
Kumpula and the aunt of
Jennifer McRae ‘90
Shannon (Killeen ’80) Rutz, the
sister of Brendan ’80, Eamonn
’82, Sean ’83 and Siobhan
(Killeen ’89) Sullivan
Patrick Ruxton ’70, brother of
Michael ‘68
John Schrank ‘66
Andreas Schafer ’83, brother of
Gerald ‘81
Emmalee Terell ‘03
Great-grandmother of
Jennie Calcaterra, greatgrandmother of Cassie
Calcaterra ‘10
Grandmother of
Katherine Beaton, grandmother
of Ashleen Davey ‘10
Mildred Borg, grandmother of
Laura ’07 and Brian ’08 Beske
Catherine “Mitzi” Forester,
grandmother of Jack ’04, Colin
’06 and Aubrey ’08 Simmons
Shirley Hadad, grandmother
of Nicholas Freeman ’99 and
aunt of Dean Pedersen ’90 and
Jeannine Pedersen ‘92
Frances Hoos, grandmother of
Lauren ‘10
Loretta Keegan, grandmother
of Eric Para ’01 and Teresa Para
| Currents
“I am the resurrection and the
life. He who believes in me,
though he may die, he shall
live. And whoever lives and
believes in me shall never die.”
John 11:25-26
Marilee Kolb, grandmother of
Kevin ’03, Kelly ’04 and
Michael ‘11
Betty Mahaney, grandmother of
Meghan Mahaney ‘05
Joan Michaels, grandmother of
Laura Valkman ‘06
Elaine Pauley, grandmother of
Crystal ’02 and Erica ‘06
Mary Vasey, grandmother of Julie
(Fehsenfeld ‘89) Gray
Rose Zdon, grandmother of
Jacqueline ’05 and Stephanie ‘08
Grandfather of
Howard Blake, grandfather of
Rebecca ‘08
Leo DeMeyer, grandfather of
Jeffery ’89, Sarah ’91 and
Dierdre ‘94
Robert Dunk, grandfather of
Adam Dunk ‘08
Guy Ekholm, grandfather of
Sabrina Belli ‘97
Raymond Flynn, Jr., grandfather
of Michael Konrath ‘08
Joe Heerens, grandfather of
Stephanie Richartz ‘10
Chester Krucki, grandfather of
Justin Colht ‘99
Gerry O’Brien, grandfather of
Dan ‘6, Mike ’07 and Megan ’09
William O’Connor, Jr.,
grandfather of Kelly ’96 and
Heather ‘97
Robert Richter, grandfather of
Chase Richter ‘03
Joseph Smigielski, grandfather of
Brian ’84, Frank ’87 and Richard
’94 Kapple
Frank Tripicchio, grandfather of
Jessica ’07, Emily ’08 and Matthew
’10 Tripicchio
Gerhart Vogel, grandfather of
Sarah ’06 and Lauren Stolz ‘08
Christa Molidor ’80, Marcia
(Molidor “74) Wilhelmi, Susan
(Molidor ’82) McClelland, Gerald
Molidor ’75, Katherine Kristan
’95, Kelly (Kristan ’88) Rodkey and
Tracey (Kristan ’90) Anderson
Geraldine Murray, mother of
Dennis ’70 and Kevin ‘72
Eleanore Qualey, mother of
Mark ’70, Ellen (Qualey ‘71) Paul
and Janet (Qualey ‘75) Camasta,
grandmother of Kristin (Camasta
‘99) Malek and Kayla Camasta ‘02
Leona Sordelet, mother of
Michael ’67, Timothy ’68 and Mary
Pat (Sordelet ’74) Brandkamp
Mother of
Father of
Mary Belmont, mother of
Suzanne (Belmot ‘90) Finucane
Rosemary Dittmer, mother
of Grant ’76, Scott ’77, Cindy
(Dittmer ’80) Stevens, Kurt ’82 and
Russell ‘84
Colleen Dorolek, mother of
Kathleen (Dorolek ’66) Kroll,
Patricia (Dorolek ’68) Connors,
Louise (Dorolek ’70) Bergman,
Donald ’71 and Barbara (Dorolek
’72) Bertrand, and grandmother
of Christina ’99 and Elizabeth ’02
Bertrand and Catherine Connors
Carol Feltault, mother of Chris
(Feltault ’72) Abbeduto
Bette Kristan, mother of Susan
(Kristan ‘71) McNeil, Peter ’75,
Brian, ’77, Kevin ’79, Mary Kay
(Kristan ‘82) Merkau and Patricia
’87, grandmother of Amie (Kristan
‘00) Queensland, Erin ’00, Bradley
’02, Betsy ’10 and Elizabeth
Merkau ‘10
Evelyn Losch, mother of Jack ‘68
Jane Miholic, mother of Jean
(Miholic ’77) Bishop
Marie Molidor, mother of Mary Jo
(Molidor ’72) Lucas, grandmother
of Jennifer (Stefaniak ’85) Jackson,
Theodore Stafaniak ’84, Timothy
Stefaniak ’86, Todd Stefaniak
’87, Cara (Molidor ’87) Lovrien,
Anthony Bellacero, father of
Patrick ‘72
Richard Brown, father of Lyndsey
’01, Jordan ’03, Kendall ’05 and
Kassidy ‘10
Robert Daluga, father of James ’75
and Janice (Daluga ‘79) Brandes
father-in-law of Nancy Daluga ’75,
grandfather of James ’03, Molly
’06 and Mimi ‘10
Stanley Danaj, father of Mark ‘87
Remember deceased
loved ones.
During the month
of November, we
remember in a
special way those
Carmel community
members who have
died. To have your
deceased loved ones
remembered during
our daily liturgies in the
month of November,
please complete this
form and mail it to the:
Office of Institutional
Advancement, Carmel
Catholic High School,
One Carmel Parkway,
Mundelein, IL 60060.
Donald Drasler, father of Colleen
(Drasler ’87) Engel
Robert Eiserman, Sr., father of
Rick ‘72
George Firnbach, father of
Janice (Firnbach ’71) Dietz,
Patrice (Firnbach ’72) Molidor
and GeorgeAnne (Firnbach ’75)
John Koch, father of Nancy (Koch
’69) Marak, William ’71 and Ann
(Koch ’79) Koerner, grandfather of
William ’95, John ’98 and Karrie ‘01
Frank Mazeika, father of Irene
(Mazeika ’74) Downs
Alexander Mueller, father of
Dagmar Vetta ’75 and Thomas
Mueller ‘78
Mike Schrank, Sr., father of
Catherine ’83, Margaret (Schrank
’85) Salvino and Elizabeth
(Schrank ’91) Short
Glenn Scully, father of Celeste ’02
and Joanna ‘04
Charles Szostak, father
of Charlotte (Szostak ’77)
McLaughlin and Madeline
(Szostak ’80) Hoge
Ralph Waehner,
father of Jill
(Waehner ’84) Uransel
Daughter of
Heather La Marche, daghter of
Peggy (Greenley ‘82) La Marche
Son of
Jordan Styx, son of John ’74 and
Therese (Manahan ’74), brother
of Jonathan ’99 and Jessica ‘07
Brother of
William Wirth, brother of
David ‘66
Family and Friends
Marjorie Fullenwider, mother
of Marianne Szabo, faculty
Elizabeth Hansen, mother
of Betty Bruns, faculty,
grandmother of Michael ’86,
Steven ’87 and Michelle ’88
Anne McHugh, sister of sister
Joan Mehney, O.P., Associate
Remember Lord, those who have died and gone
before us marked with the sign of faith...
(please print)
Fall 2007 |
8th Annual Grandparents DaySunday, September 23, 2007
This year’s annual event brought together
nearly 600 grandparents and their
grandchildren for liturgy, lunch and the
opportunity to spend quality time together.
Class of ‘72 Reunion
Red Ribbon Week
Cabaret Concert
Winter Sports Registration
All Saints Liturgy
Alumni Memorial Mass
Open House
Fall Play
Noon Dismissal
Thanksgiving Break
Christmas Concert
Semester Exams
Christmas Break
Christmas Break
Winter Dance
Catholic Schools Week
One Carmel Parkway
Mundelein, IL 60060