March 1, 2014 - Village Of Millstadt


March 1, 2014 - Village Of Millstadt
MARCH 2014
Serving The Millstadt Area Since 1983
Millstadt Senior Center
by Director Patty Evansco
A normal day at the Millstadt Senior Center starts about
8:00 am. The bus begins its route of
picking up local seniors and taking
them to either their beauty shop or
doctor appointments and then
dropping off the others at the Senior
As everyone arrives they are talking
about the weather outside or
someone in the local obituaries that
Patty Evansco
they all knew and who they are
related to. Once settled there are many jobs to be done.
First things first include coffee and a snack that Rachel,
the kitchen manager has waiting for them. Then the work
begins with gloved hands they place the clean silverware
in wrapped in plastic pouches as others set the tables. If
it is Monday then Roberta folds the clean towels and
sometimes JoAnn helps her as the quilters stop to say
hello on their way up the elevator to work on the current
quilt in the frame. If it is Tuesday or Thursday everyone
gets ready for the Strong for Life exercises that Volunteer
Kathy Demond instructs. While the Tuesday exercise
class is finishing up the Euchre players are arriving and
getting their seats upstairs. On Wednesday’s clear the
floor- the Senior Center Bowling League begins at 9:00 am
and each week 8 teams vie for 1st Place. The quilters are
also there on Wednesdays trying to keep up the pace to
get the quilts out of the frames as quickly as possible.
Once a month on Wednesday evenings we go out to eat
at a different restaurant each month and everyone makes
sure they are signed up to go. After doing this for three
years we are running out of restaurants. Sometimes on
The Foundation Supports
Millstadt Township Seniors Services
Meals On Wheels
Which Serve
Millstadt, Smithton & Freeburg
Thursdays we take a field trip of which some places have
included: The Chocolate Factory, Science Center to see
Jerusalem, River City Casino, Millstadt Greenhouse or a
local attraction. On Fridays, we always say that we rest
from such a busy week, but this past Friday, Valentine’s
day there was excitement as Jerry Schmitz set cherries on
fire for Cherries Jubilee that was a delicious treat.
There are not many times when everyone does not leave
without a treat to take home. Schnucks regularly has
cakes, breads and pastries that are given away. Our friend
Melvin Mueller brings us fruit and vegetables often.
There are Bingo games on Tuesday and Friday where our
donors generously donate great prizes!!!! On Valentine’s
Day we had all “red” prizes will have “green” prizes on St.
Patrick’s Day.
There is also Bible Talk on the first and third Mondays of
the month lead by Cheryl Mueth and Book Club lead by
Wanda Wheat on the second and fourth Mondays.
In between all these activities every day, the Millstadt IGA
delivers our catered meals and at 10:00 am the Meals on
Wheels are packaged. On the average they prepare
about 40 meals daily of which 10 are frozen. Retired
volunteers then deliver on the average 17 meals to
Millstadt Village residents while employee Larry Sanders
takes the rest to those in the country.
On Mondays, Smithton resident Richard Pfeifer comes to
Millstadt to pick up 10 warm meals, 40 frozen meals,
bread, desserts and milk for each day. He returns to
Smithton to visit everyone and deliver 1 warm meal and 4
frozen meals to each that will hold them over until the
next week.
(Continued on page 7)
Sandy M. Bereitschaft
Meals On Wheels Foundation & Ras Ha
ise ve
Mo Fun
West End Wll Donate 12% Of All Sales
Monday, March 31, 2014
4:00 pm – Closing
319 W Laurel St Millstadt, IL 62260
AARP Tax-Aide Available
A free tax preparation service is offered every
Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. through April
10th. Phone the center at 618-476-3731 to schedule an appointment. Trained representatives Karen
Buchheit and Cindy Keller will help prepare your
taxes. Note that this program is not intended for
those whose tax returns are complex.
Please bring copies of your 2013 tax return to the
tax preparation sessions. In addition, bring all W-2
and 1099 forms, as well as all reports of income received, such as social security, sale of securities and
redemption of mu-tual funds. If you sold securities
or redeemed mutual funds, bring records of dates
of acquisition and costs; these are required to calculate the amount of gain or loss. If you itemize deduc-tions, bring records for all deductible expenses.
Also bring your checkbook if you want to arrange
for direct de-posit of any refund(s) due (which we
encourage) and your spouse if you’re married.
MARCH 2014
Smokin K’s Providing Meals
Keck’s Smokin K’s from Millstadt is providing two
meals a month to the Senior Center noon meal
program. Dennis Keck provides the meals usually
the first and third Monday’s of each month and his
award winning BBQ has been very well received at
the Senior Center. IGA continues to provide meals
for the remaining days. Check out the monthly
menu and come join us for some top notch BBQ for
only $4.50 per meal. Remember reservations are
suggested; call 476-3731 to enjoy some
mouthwatering BBQ.
Recycling Program
Recycling continues the first Saturday of every
month at the Township Garage on East Harrison
Street. Volunteers will remove the recyclables, glass,
cans, paper, cardboard and number 1 and 2 plastics
from your vehicle from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. This
program is available for all residents of Millstadt
Township and the Village.
4th Annual Big Ole Bag
And Jewelry Sale
The fourth annual Big Old Bag and
Jewelry Sale will have a special presale wine and cheese party on Friday,
April 25 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
For $5.00, payable at the door, enjoy some cheese,
wine, and soft drinks and have the opportunity to
purchase gently used purses, hats, jewelry and
scarves at very special prices. On Saturday, April 26,
the doors to the Community Center will open at 8:00
am all the remaining items will be for sale until 1:00
pm. Donations of all purses, jewelry, hats and
scarves are accepted at the Community Center. All
proceeds from the Friday and Saturday sales benefit
the Millstadt Senior Center
Sundae bar
MAR. 14,
Saturday, March 1
MARCH 2014
Join our
Classic 55 Club
Educational Seminars
FREE Classic 55 Checks
Bi-Monthly Newsletter
Interest Bearing Checking
Group Trips and Outings
Cakes Pies
For The
...and joinExclusively at our:
Banking Center
the fun! Millstadt
Member FDIC
Notary Services Are Provided
Free At The Senior Center
JUNE 20, 2014
At Senior Center
1st Prize - Handmade Queen Size Quilt
2nd prize - Handmade Baby Quilt
3rd prize - Handmade Lap Quilt
March 1, 2014
At The Community Center
Last Year The Bake Sale Raised
Over $250.00
For The Meals On Wheels
Baked Items May Be Left
At The
Community Center
On Saturday Morning,
March 1
Thank-You All For Your
Please Call Patty At
With Questions.
Bus Rider Reminder
All Ride Reservations Should Be
Made Through The Office
Please Do Not Tell Bus Drivers
Your Appointments Thank You
Available at the Center
Aluminum Cans
Many tickets are being sold for our Quilt A Rama
drawing on June 20, 2014. The Quilt tops are
Handmade and Hand Quilted Queen Sized Pieced Quilt
and if it were in Branson it would most likely sell for
$1000. Be sure to get your tickets.
Patty Evansco at 476-3731
Donate Your Aluminum Cans
To The Senior Center
Roxi and Terry Collins at Margarita's for the SMB
Senior Exercise Class
Senior Center volunteer, Kathy Demond leads this
class on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-9:45 a.m.
Stretching, toning, sit and be fit exercises and walking
are incorporated in this exercise program. Coffee,
treats and socialization follow.
Advertisers Wanted!
If you have an event or business you want to advertise in
the Senior Talk contact Patty at 476-3731. Monthly rates
are available for business advertisements.
For Churches and other not-for-profit organizations event
dates will be listed at no cost under the Newsletter
monthly Calendar section.
We continue to add subscribers to our monthly mailing
list and distribute over 400 copies of the monthly Senior
Talk to local churches and businesses. We want to thank
everyone who contributes news items, pictures and
purchases advertisements for the Senior Talk. Our goal is
to make this your community newsletter.
8 AM TO 10 AM
Tired of All Your Ache’s and Pain?
Do You Have
Hip Pain, Back Pain, Knee Pain
Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain,
Leg Pain
Do You Want Fast Relief?
FREE Consult - Stay Local
Medicare Provider
618-476-3344 Dr. Steve” Knoernshild
MARCH 2014
Senior Talk Editor Jerry Schmitz lights up the
Cherries Jubilee dessert for Valentines Day
Dates to Remember
March 1, Bar B Q at Community
Center, 11:00. Call 476-3731 to preorder ribs. Carry outs only.
March 6, Blood Drive at Millstadt
Consolidated School.
March 18, Election Day. Senior
Center closed.
March 27, Bunco at St. James, 7:00
March 31, Meals on Wheels fund
raiser at West End Bar and
Restaurant. 12% of bill will be
donated to MOWS program.
New Quilters Wanted
New quilters are welcome to learn from a group of
experienced quilters. Everyone is welcome and no
experience is necessary just a desire to learn and
have some fun. Two quilts are set-up in frames on
the second floor of the Community Center and one
quilt is especially beginner friendly. Quilting experts
on hand.
MARCH 2014
Remember When…
You told us stories with your big smile,
You read to us longer than just awhile,
You played with us in the sand box,
You helped us find some shells or rocks,
You cared for us when we fell ill,
You held us while saying just be still,
You comforted us when would cry,
You wiped our tears away until dry,
You gave us your biggest hugs and kisses,
You served up your love to us on many dishes,
You taught us to respect and always to mind,
You’ve given us a grandmother’s love
that’s one of a kind.
Wii Bowling
Wii bowling is played on our 52” screen television set
on Wednesdays at 9 a.m.
Beginners are always welcome!
Those with less mobility can also play!
Very social activity...almost like you are at a bowling alley!
New league starts February 8, call 476-3731 to join.
Welcome New Members!
Jim Eckert
Mary Eckert
Your Girls
Your Boy
Poem and Plate given to Georgia Bruehl
On Her 80th Birthday from her children.
Inclement Weather Policy
If Millstadt schools are cancelled, all
programs are cancelled at The Senior
Center. If there is a school delay, the
Senior Center will run on their regular
schedule. If Millstadt Schools are on
vacation, tune to Channel 2 or 5, for Senior
Center closings or delays.
Knowing who is at lunch at the Center is important
for a number of reasons. First of all it’s good to keep
track so if someone isn’t there for a few days we can
contact them to make sure everything is ok. Second,
when you sign in and are registered we are able to
submit your name to receive our grant money to
help pay for the meals. A way to look at it is that if
you aren’t registered and signed in we can’t send a
bill for your lunch to the Area Agency on Aging.
Your Help in This Matter is Greatly Appreciated
MARCH 2014
Senior Dining Gift Certificates
These gift certificates are available for $4.50 and
make a great gift for the hard-to-buy for person.
These certificates can be used in our Senior dining or
for meals-on-wheels.
Millstadt Food Pantry
March Distribution
Betty Stark, Jewelry Joyce and Colleen Costello
having fun on Valentines Day
Special Olympics
Winter Games
A group of local athletes competed in the Winter
Game held by Special Olympics-Illinois on
Feb. 4-6 at Chestnut Mountain in Galena.
Colleen Colstello, from Millstadt earned a
silver medals in the 200 and 400 shoeshoe
The competition featured 400 athletes
participating in alpine skiing, cross country skiing and
snowshoeing over a scheduled three days of
competition that were eventually shorten due to the
cold temperatures and high winds.
Congratulations to Colleen!
Claudia's Place
Home Hair Salon
13 East Van Buren, Millstadt
Is Now Offering
If You Can't Get Out I'll Come to Your Home!
•Ladies and men's haircuts
•Ladies wash blow dry & curling iron
•Standing weekly appointments are welcome
•Ladies and men's haircuts
•Ladies wash blow dry & curling iron
•Standing weekly appointments are welcome
Call For Your Appointment Please
$2 OFF Any Service
Tuesday, March 4, 9:00 -10:00 am
Wednesday, March 12, 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Wednesday, March 19, 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Saturday, March 22, 8:00-10:00 am
Please bring your donations to the food pantry
during the hours listed above. Your monetary
donations, as well as, food and paper items are
greatly appreciated.
Reminder for Home
Delivered Meal Recipients
If you leave a cooler out for your meal, please be
sure that the cooler is kept very clean. Your help
will be appreciated. This is for your own health
safety. Thank You
Senior Transportation Program
Need a Ride to the Doctor, Bank
Hairdresser, or Dentist?
The Senior Center Offers the Only Form of
Public Transportation for the Community
This Service is Available for Persons 60
Years and Older and Their Caregivers
A Suggested Donation Of $2.00 For
Transportation To and From Doctors,
Dentists, Or Hair Appointments
This Partially Covers the Actual
Transportation Costs of $5.95
For Each Time It Is Provided
All donations are Confidential and Are Used
To Maintain the Transportation Program
For Millstadt Township Seniors
Please Contact Patty at 476-3731
With Questions
MARCH 2014
Call Us and Let Us
Assist You With
Your Health Insurance Questions
Appointments Are Necessary
(618) 476-3731
Millstadt Senior Center is a Registered SHIP Site
We Offer Free Counseling Service Provided By the
Illinois Department of Insurance. We Do Not Sell
Or Solicit Insurance and SHIP is Not An Insurance
Plan. We Have Trained Volunteer Counselors
That Provide One-On-One Help With Your
Insurance. We Provide You With the Information
You Need To Make Educated Decisions About
Your Insurance
SHIP Counselors Can Answer Questions About:
Medicare Supplement Insurance
Medicare Advantage Plans HMOs PPOs PFFS
Prescription Drug Coverage Through
Medicare and Other Sources
Extra Help From Social Security For
Prescription Drug Costs
Long-term Care Insurance
Medicare Claims and Appeals
Medicare Beneficiary Rights and Guarantees
Free Expert Knowledge
Illinois Benefit Access Application (License Plate Discount)’
Also St. Clair County Tax Freeze (PTAX340) forms
Laminating Tuesdays
If you need something laminated please stop by
on Tuesdays and we would be glad to laminate for
you free of charge.
Senior Center
(Continued from page 1)
The Center is a very busy place, in addition to the
Nutrition Program, Meals on Wheels, Transportation
and all the extra activities you can also get your Income
Taxes, License Plate Discount and Senior Real Estate
Freeze done there.
When I am not involved in these goings-on I am busy
organizing fundraisers, finding new ways to market our
Senior Center or preparing articles and taking pictures
for our monthly Senior Talk newsletter.
How do we do all this? How do we afford to do all this?
Millstadt Senior Center is supported by the United
States and the State of Illinois Department of Aging.
These are your tax dollars! We are also funded by the
Village of Millstadt, Smithton and Townships of
Millstadt and Smithton, these are your taxes dollars!
Our fundraisers and very generous donors, these are
your dollars! Your meal and ride contributions that are
many times more than suggested price, these are your
All this would not be possible without our volunteers
(YOU)! Yes, if we had to pay for all the work our
volunteers perform it would cost us at least an extra
$60,000 per year.
Thank you!!!!
Everyone over the age of 60 years old is entitled to
this program.
You Are Invited To
MARCH 2014
6th – 7th Grades at Millstadt
Grade School:
March 25, 2014
12:00 Noon
503 East Washington
Millstadt, IL 62260
12:00 Noon
1:15 p.m.
Bake Sale
All Men and Women
For Reservations, please call:
Una Fay Wenz – 236.1272
Shirley Boehm – 476.1113
or the church office – 476.3101
Front row: Mary Ann Kleckner, Marilyn
Hoepfinger, Anita Perschbacher, Clarice Cale,
Gloria Mueller Boehn, Roberta Sandlin, Darlene
Bailey, Marilyn Rabbermann, Donald Schmidt,
Janet Luetzelschwab Pauketat, Harold Limper,
teacher,arolHahh Harold Pistor;
2nd row:
Kenneth Diesel, Louis Baltz, Peter Mollman, Patrick
Matlock, Gene Procasky, Karl Bangert, Robert
Krick, and Eugene Martin; 3rd row: Betty
Volkmann Kreher, Verna Scharft, Anita Dunlap,
Norma Thomas, Edith Muskopf, Daniel Edwards;
4th row: Russel Bishop, James Baltz, first name
unknown Rutledge, Albert Guckes, Albert
Germann, Russel Jokisch.
MARCH 2014
Bowling League News
The Wii Bowling League recently
operated on a snow schedule and due to
the bad weather two weeks of bowling
will be re-scheduled. We have the two
missed weeks scheduled for April 2 and
April 9. The bowling banquet will be held
on April 16. The next bowling season will begin on
May 7, 2014.
Senior Talk Available
On Internet
The Village of Millstadt and Millstadt Township web
site have a variety of information available including
the most recent copy of the Senior Talk newsletter,
scheduled events for the Village, and Township and
copies of the Senior Menu and Activity sheet. Type in
http:// This should bring up the main
page of the Village’s web site, on the left side of the
screen click on Community Center/Senior Center. On
the next page, click on the latest edition of Senior
Talk which will include the menu and activity sheet
for the month. The Township Website is www.
millstadt. Org.
Haircuts Are $8
Washington St. Across from MCS Grade School
Hours Tuesday-Friday 8 to 5, Saturday 8 to 1,
Closed Sunday and Monday
Walk-Ins Welcome, No Appointments Necessary
Save the Date
March 27th, 2014
Bunco Party
Freeburg Care Center
746 Urbanna Drive, Freeburg IL 62243
(618) 539-5856
Your Care Is Our Concern
Providing Exceptional Care for over 32 Years
Locally Owned & Operated
 House Skilled Therapies
 Private Suites Available
 Individual Diet Plans
 Long and Short Term Stays
 Hospice Affiliated
 Medicare – Medicaid Certified
One of the MOST AFFORDABLE RATES in the area
Visit us at:
at St. James Parish Center
405 Madison Street
Millstadt, Illinois
Registration begins at 6:30 pm
Bunco from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Enjoy 50/50 Drawing
Homemade Dessert Buffet
Everyone Wins a prize.
Tickets are $8.00 and available at door or
Call Patty at 476-3731
Proceeds Benefit the Home Delivered
Meal Program of the
Millstadt Township Senior Center
Tom & Judy Venier (Gifts)
Doris Schwartz (Bingo prizes)
Dorothy Wolfmeier (Bingo prizes)
JoAnn Pollock (Bingo prizes)
Larry Hucke (Bingo prizes)
Wib Miller (Dishwasher Soap)
Marlene Bruehl (Cups and Plates)
Charlene & Otto Faulbaum
(Dawn and bingo prizes)
Denise and George Blaha (Dessert Plates)
Bruce & Donna Nowak (Monetary Donation)
Estelle Wernle (Monetary Donation)
Susan Sager (Monetary Donation)
John Kalbfleish (Monetary Donation)
Millstadt Consolidated School
(Memorial Eleanora Vollmer)
Helen Wissher (Estate and Bingo prizes)
Dorothy Edmondson (Forks and Plates)
Melvin Mueller (Fruit & Vegetables)
Joyce Karobey (
Girl Scout Cookies and Goody Bags)
Dot Edmondson(Kitchen Supplies)
Millstadt Consolidated School
(Memorial Norene Albert)
Linda Speichinger
(Memorial/Priscilla Noerper)
Margarita’s ($544 SMB Foundation)
Harold & Marilyn Hughes (SMB Foundation)
Judy Kingston (Splenda)
Arline Huwer (Postage Stamps)
Judy Kingston (Sweetener)
Elaine Morris (Valentine Gifts)
Brad & Deb Curtis (Van Logo)
Elaine Morris
(Valentine Treats for Meals on Wheels)
Marsha Teliczan
(Valentine Treats for Meals on Wheels)
Millie Koudelka (Books)
Schnucks-Belleville West (Bakery Goodies)
MARCH 2014
Gary the Mailman in his Polar Vortex cold weather
Gary Huwer checking the weather forecast at the
February 4, Township meeting. Orville Mueller is
approving Township bills for payment. Snow
plowing and treatment of Township roads cost an
additional $5,000 in January, 2014.
MARCH 2014
Dining Room
Irma Hecke
Frances Dickneite
Betty Stark
Fern Sieber
Lois Potter
Ida Ann Krick
Judy Sutter
Georgia Bruehl
Pat Morris
Collen Costello
Doris Adams
Barb Louis
Christy Lehr
Ralph Schneider
JoAnn Clemens
Jack Kramer
Teresa Barbier
Mary Alice Schmitz
Lil Tracy
Ruth Fritzinger
Columbia Delong
Marlene Herrmann Roberta Robinson
Kathy Weygandt
Dot Edmondson
Shirley Rinck
Don Mueller
Carol Terveer
Jerry Schmitz
Marlou Eckert
Meals on
Janet Mueller
Kathy Schaefer
Orville Mueller
Nancy Kostelac
Larry Sanders
Cheryl Mueth
Susan Sager
Allen Analla
AARP Income
Darlene Slovinski
Lindy Kynsak
Cindy Keller
MaryAnn Schaefer
Karen Buchheit
Karen Witte
Sandra Muskopf
Rich Pfeiffer
Carol Osick
Kathy Demond
Lawrence Osick
Computers Linda
Terry &Cindy
Peggy Makriakow
Special Thanks to
Concordia Church
Immaculate Conception - Centreville
St. James Catholic Church
Trinity Lutheran Church
Zion Evangelical Church
Baptist Church
For Your Continued Support
Yes, I Want To Receive the Newsletter in the Mail!
Subscriptions are $20.00 per year
Due To Postage Increases (12issues)
Please Send This Form And Your Check To:
Millstadt Township Senior Services
102 South Jefferson Street
Millstadt, IL 62260
**Be Sure To Check Your Mailing Label
For Your Subscription Expiration Date**
Did You Ever Wish You Had An Extra Pair Of Hands?
An Extra Set Of Wheels?
Elderly, Disabled Or Just Too Busy?
We Are Here To Help When Needed
* Grocery Shopping
* Pharmacy
* Post Office/Bank
* Package Pick Up & Delivery
* Pet Sitting
* Visits With The Elderly
* Light House Cleaning
* Take Pets To Groomer
Or Veterinarian
* Wait At Your Home For
* Ironing In My Home
* Help To Keep Elderly In
The Comfort Of Their
Own Home
If You Don't See It On The List Just Ask.
Our Hours Are: Monday-Friday 8:00-5:00 Saturday 10:00-5:00 _ Closed Sunday
Special Hours Are Available Upon Requst $20.00 Per Hour-Min. $20.00
C & C Errand Service
[email protected]
PO Box 38 Hecker, Il. 62248 618-473-2607
MARCH 2014
West End Has New Owners
Angie Ames, one of
Westend’s owners, has
two children Ella and
Dalton who attend school
in Freeburg.
Angie Ames and her fiancé
Jason Swope have owned
and operated the Westend
bar and restaurant in
Millstadt since May, 2013.
former owners are Angie’s
Aunt Audrey and Uncle
Angie’s prior
Angie Ames
restaurant experience was
gained in Collinsville at Porter’s Steakhouse. Her
experience at Porter’s included bartender, manager,
and new chef and kitchen manager Alex Tribout and
bar manager, Andy Matecki from Millstadt, Angie has
a new menu, completed some remodeling in both
the bar and restaurant area and is getting ready for
the always busy Friday night Lenten fish fry season.
Angie promises no changes were made to the original
Westend fried fish recipe. In addition to fish, the
menu includes salads, burgers, pizzas, steak, pasta
and appetizers. Chicken wings are also on the menu,
the same seasoned wings that tied for second place
at the recent Wing Fling held at the VFW.
Open daily for lunch at 11:00 am, the menu includes
wraps, tacos, and homemade soups. Sandwiches are
served with hot homemade chips which are delicious.
Angie remembers coming to Westend as a child and
watching the TV that hung down from a chain. The
old TV and chain has been replaced by a large flat
screen perfect for watching Cardinal games. The
Senior Center
Wish List
Trivia Night Baskets for Silent Auction
($40-$50 Value)
Bunco Prizes ($5-$10 Value)
Dessert Plates
12-14 oz cups for lunch
Reams of colored paper
For Calendars and Flyers
Bingo Prizes ($1-$2 value)
Paper Towels
Coffee Sponsors ($27 per month)
Filled Easter Baskets for prizes at Easter Party
beer garden is also scheduled to be landscaped and
ready for summer family fun. The menu includes a
menu for children and a dessert menu offering a
root beer float made with 1919 Root Beer. Sound
good. All we need is much warmer weather!
Our Town Performer
Emily Feazel will be one of the
actresses in Monroe Actors Stage
Company’s performance of Thorton
Wilder’s Our Town. Emily, a student
at MCS, will be reading her lines
with parents Mark and Rachel and
sister Annie. Performances take place at the
Capitol Theatre in Waterloo on April 4-6 and 1113. Curtain time for all shows: 7:30 pm on Fridays
and Saturdays and 2:30 pm on Sundays. For more
information or to order tickets call 618-939-7469.
Will Be Available
February 13-April 10, 2014
Appointments Can Be Made Immediately
Appointments Thursday 9-2
The Millstadt
Senior Center
Expresses Our Deepest
Sympathy To The Family,
Friends and Loved Ones Of
Anthony Holdener
Gordon Meyer
Shirley Naumann
Nola Ross Howell
Dorothy Scharf
Joseph Shinn
Thomas Norrenberns
MARCH 2014
Colton Michael Roberts son of Brandon Roberts
and Dr. Jessica Ray. Proud grandparents are
Sharon and Gary(mailman) Roberts of Millstadt.
Born January 31, 2014.Brandon Roberts and Dr.
Jessica Ray parents
Showing of the Movie
Millstadt Township Senior Center
Date: Friday, March 8
Time: 10-11:30 AM
“‘Grounded’ is a movie that tells the true tale of a
wildlife filmmaker’s quest to test an incredible,
life-changing revelation known by ancient
civilizations for thousands of years. Only now has
science proven what has recently been believed to
have been ‘too good to be true’ by the modern
health-care modality.
The sleepy town of Haines, Alaska, whose many
residents were crippled and pain-ridden, were
suddenly and miraculously healed by following this
ancient wisdom: and all they had to do was one
thing: Touch the Earth!”
Cover note “Grounded” Director’s cut.
Viewing made available by Jean Haltom
Want to investigate more?
Book: Earthing The most important Discovery
ever? 2010 by
Clinton Ober, Stephen Sinatra, MD, Martin Zucker
The book, DVD, and grounding devices can be
purchased on and
Hilda Schaefer ........ 1
Ellavee Pulcher ....... 2
Helga Davis ............. 3
Lois Potter .............. 3
Dwight Hight .......... 6
Orville Mueller ....... 8
Donald Daenzer ...... 9
Ruth Herrmann ..... 10
Chris Carron.......... 11
Jerry Schmitz ........ 12
Darrell Muskopf ... 13
James Clemens ..... 14
Karla Muskopf ...... 15
Harvey Reichert .... 15
Ida Ann Krick ........ 16
Lillian Mueller ...... 17
Virginia Mehrmann18
Dot Cason............. 20
Pat Groth ............. 21
James Seibel ......... 22
If We Missed Your Birthday, Or Have It Listed Incorrectly
Please Let Us Know So That We May Correct It
Senior Talk Available at These Locations
Pick-Up Your copy of the Monthly Senior
Talk at One of the Following
Millstadt Locations
Melva’s Family Hair Care 476-7933
Millstadt Barber Shop 476-7273
Millstadt IGA 476-3161
Millstadt Library 476-1887
Dr. Carla Samson 476-3373
Millstadt Pharmacy 476-1701
Millstadt Village Hall 476-1514
Shirley’s Beauty Shop 476-9494
St. James Catholic Church 476-3513
Trinity Lutheran Church 476-3101
Zion Evangelical Church 476-1778
Dr. Steve Knoernchild 476-3344
Concordia UCC 476-3377
St. Paul Church, Floraville 473-2285
Dr. Kevin Schmidt 476-3261
Associated Bank
Millstadt Garden Place
Thank You For Providing This Service To
Our Community
Eye Glasses Drop Box
Did you know that we have a drop box for anyone
interested in donating eye glasses? The Lion’s Club has
provided us with a box for their eyeglass program. Why
not drop off your eyeglasses to the senior center?
“Code Red”
For all Millstadt Village Residents, to be notified of
severe weather alerts, disasters, missing children,
etc. To Sign up for Code Red. Go to and click on the “Code
Red Community Notification Page”.
Frances Dickneite shows off her Peppermint Patty
she got on Peppermint Patty Day February 11
West End Tavern
Millstadt, IL
Mar. 31, 2014
4:00 pm Leave Center
Mark Your Calendar for a Trip to
Contact Patty at 476-3731
To Sign Up For the Dinner Trip
Lots of Red Gifts for Valentine Bingo
Township Supervisor
Randy Eckert
Village Mayor
Michael Todd
Patty Evansco
Nutrition Staff
Rachel Feazel
Transportation (Drivers)
Robert Schmeirbach
Larry Sanders
Executive Board
Orville Mueller, President
Randy Eckert
Gary Huwer
Al Lehr
Mark Todd
Ray Famula
Advisory Council Members
John Baltz
Allen Analla
Betty Stark
Carol Osick
Darlene Sandheinrich
Don Ortmann
Kathy Schaefer
Lillian Tracy
Randy Burk
Patty Evansco
Marlou Eckert
Don Mueller
Janet Mueller
Jerry Schmitz
“Seniors Come First”
Services Available
Township Senior Services
102 South Jefferson St., Millstadt, IL 62260
Phone No. 618-476-3731
Fax No. 618-476-3921
email [email protected]
The Millstadt Senior Center Is A Place Of
Opportunities, A Focal Point In Our Community
Where Services Support Positive Aging and Where
Educational, Recreational and Cultural Programs
Enrich The Lives Of Elders and The Community
Funding For The Area Agency On Aging Of
Southwestern Illinois iis Received From the United
States Administration On Aging and the Illinois
Department On Aging. The Agency Does Not
Discriminate in Admission To Programs or Activities
Or Treatment Of Employment In Programs Or
Activities In Compliance With State and Federal
Statutes. If You Feel You Have Been Discriminated
Against, You Have The Right To File A Complaint
With The Agency By Calling
618-222-2561 or 800-326-3221
Meals on Wheels One of the Center’s most important programs, the Meals on
Wheels program provides daily meals to people who have difficulty getting out of the
house and/or cooking for themselves. Not only are we able to supply necessary food,
but the driver delivering the meal is able to ascertain how the client is getting along
and share some companionship. We have a number of folks dedicated to providing
these services. They give freely of their time and energy to deliver the meals, make
contact with the recipient and report back to the Center. The majority of the
“regular” drivers volunteer one day per week and most have said it is highly
rewarding for them.
Lunch Program Lunch is served Monday through Friday at 12 noon. You must be 60
years of age or older to qualify for this program. It is appreciated that if you want
lunch you call the center by 3:00 pm in order to sign up for lunch on the following
day. When you come in you may sign yourself up for the next day. If you like, you
may sign up for the entire week or month. If you know that you can not make it and
you have signed up, please call and let us know that you will not be here and tell us
when you will be back for lunch. If you have any questions concerning the lunch
program please contact Patty Evansco at 476-3731.
All Lunches are Catered from the Millstadt IGA,
Keck’s Smokin K’s ,
Aunt Maggie’s from Millstadt
“The Center is a Great Place to Enjoy Yourself Through
Fellowship And Celebrations with Other Seniors of Millstadt”
Senior Information and Assistance provides information or help with services
and benefits to residents of Millstadt age 60 and over. We will also visit
homebound seniors. If you need this service or would like to schedule a visit,
call Millstadt Township Senior Center at 618-476-3731.
MARCH 2014
Saxtown Murders
Steve Jines is a Smithton Library Board Member
and is very interested in the recently released book
by a St. Louis author Nicholas
J.C. Pistor. Pistor grew up in
Millstadt and always had an
interest in the Saxtown
Murders committed in March
1874. Pistor’s book is titled
The Ax Murders of Saxtown
and can be purchased at
Barnes and Noble bookstore.
Steve Jines’ connection to the
Steve Jines
book is his grandfather and
step grandmother. Les and Jessie Jines owned the
farm the murders were committed on from 1945 to
1985. During this time Steve would often visit their
home, and remembers the ax marks in the
doorframe of the original house torn down in 1954.
Steve, however, never experienced any ghostly
apparitions from the slain Stelzriede family or dog
Fingernail Clipping
On Thursdays at 10:00 am
We Will Be Doing Finger Nails
You Can Get Them
Trimmed Or Painted
This Will Be Upstairs
Make a Contribution
There are many ways to contribute to Millstadt Senior Center:
Gifts by Cash or Check
We accept gifts by cash or check by mail and in person.
Include your name, address and phone number. Checks
should be made payable to Millstadt Township Senior
Memorial Gifts and Bequests
The Millstadt Senior Center is establishing an
endowment fund of memorial gifts and bequests, to
ensure the future of senior services in Millstadt.
We hope that you will remember the Center when
planning your estate, or as a fitting means of honoring a
departed friend or loved one.
All memorial gifts and bequests will be acknowledged in
the Center’s newsletter. If you would like to make a
provision in your will, the following form is suggested:
I give, devise and bequeath to Millstadt Township
Senior Services, a non-profit corporation, located on
this date at 102 South Jefferson, Millstadt, Illinois
62260 the sum of $ _________ (or the property,
herewith described)
We Welcome Any Inquiries About Bequests,
Please Call Us At (618) 476-3731
Help Wanted
We are currently creating a list of interested
people who enjoy being with seniors. We
looking for people for companionship,
possibly planning and preparing meals, light
housekeeping, and running errands. Please
call Patty Evansco, Director at (618) 4763731 or drop off references.
Coconut Cream Pie
Following is Marianne Schaefer’s award winning pie
recipe. Marianne’s pies won both second and third
place at the 2014 Pie Day contest at the Pie pantry in
Belleville. Her Coconut Cream Pie won second place
and her Raspberry-Rhubarb pie won third place.
Marianne modified the coconut cream pie recipe
from the “The Blue Owl Restaurant and Baking
9 inch pie crust
3 cups milk
½ cup sugar
4 heaping tablespoons cornstarch
¼ teaspoon salt
1 cup flaked coconut
4 egg yolks, slightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon coconut flavoring
1 tablespoon Meringue Mix
4 egg whites, warmed to room temperature
6 tablespoons sugar
1/3 cup flaked coconut
3 tablespoons cold water
½ teaspoon cream of tartar
¼ cup powdered sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla
Heat milk in saucepan. Combine cornstarch, sugar,
salt, and coconut. Mix well. Add to heated milk,
stirring constantly until mixture thickens.
Add small amount to egg yolks. Add egg yolks to
coconut pudding; continue to cook until thick and
Add vanilla and coconut flavoring and remove from
heat. Let filling cool to room temperature and then
pour into bake pie crust.
Place meringue mix in a clean bowl. Add cold water
and stir with hand whip to a smooth paste. Allow to
set for 10 minutes to obtain maximum absorption.
Place egg whites in a mixing bowl and whip until
foam begins to form. Add the mixed paste and
cream of tartar, and then slowly add the sugar.
Continue whipping to a full-bodied meringue, then
add vanilla.
Top cooled pie with meringue and drizzle with
coconut. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 350 degrees
or desired color.
The Meringue Mix can be purchased at Crystal and
Spice Shoppe in downtown Belleville. Marianne
believes it helps keep the meringue from weeping
and can be used on its own without additional fresh
egg whites.
MARCH 2014
Daylight Savings Time 2014
Daylight Savings Time in the United States starts on
the second Sunday in March of each year and ends
the first Sunday in November of each
year. This year Daylight Savings time
begins on Sunday, March 9, 2014 and
ends on November 2, 2014.
When it goes into effect each spring,
clocks are moved forward by one hour
at 2:00 AM standard time, and the time becomes
3:00 AM daylight savings time (DST). When DST ends
in the fall, the clock is moved back at 2:00 AM
daylight savings time, and the time becomes 1:00
AM standard time. This is where the saying "Spring
Forward, Fall Back" comes from.
When on standard time, the time zones in the USA
are Alaska Standard Time, Pacific Standard Time
(PST), Mountain Standard Time (MST), Central
Standard Time (CST), and Eastern Standard Time
When on daylight savings time, the time zones in the
USA become Alaska Daylight Savings Time, Pacific
Daylight Saving Time (PDT), Mountain Daylight
Saving Time (MDT), Central Daylight Saving Time
(CDT), and Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT).
Many other nations observe some form of daylight
savings time, but not all start and end it at the same
times as the USA does. Additionally, not all states in
the USA support it. Arizona, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, U.S
Virgin Islands and American Samoa do not.
During December
Our Volunteers Donated 504 Hours To
The Millstadt Senior Center
If Paid at Minimum Wage, the
Dollar Value Would be 4,160
For Your Dedication, In The Spirit Of Giving
Please Remember To Report Your Volunteer Hours
Would you like to join our group of Volunteers?
Please Stop By The Center To Sign Up
Or See Patty In The Office
MARCH 2014
Marianne’s Pies
Marianne Schaefer
demonstrating her pie
baking at the Millstadt
Tuesday, March 4th at
8:30 am. Get there early
to get a good seat at this
will also be plenty of
Sandy M. Bereitschaft
Meals On Wheels Foundation
House for rent in Millstadt
Seconds from the 4 way stop
Call 476-3037
Millstadt Pharmacy
Brian Blair R.PH Penny Bobcik R.PH
Free Delivery
 Speedy Walk-In Service
 Convenient Parking
 Unique Gift Shop
At Millstadt Sportsmen’s Club
Every Friday – thru April 18, 2014
4:00 – 8:00 pm
Eat In or Carry Outs- 476-1891
Wll Donate 12%
Of All Sales
March 31,, 2014
4:00 pm – Closing
319 W Laurel St., Millstadt, IL 62260
The Foundation Supports
Millstadt Township
Seniors Services
Meals On Wheels
Which Serve
Millstadt, Smithton & Freeburg
Pre-School Reading Program
The Millstadt Library 2014 Pre-School reading
program will start on March 5, 2014 at 10:00 am
and continues every Wednesday in March. Children
ages 2-5 and their parents are welcome. No prior
registration is needed; a parent is required to
accompany each child. The reading program is free,
call the Library at 476-1887, if you have any
10 am
First & Third
Of Each
Please Feel Free to Join the Group Anytime
MARCH 2014
The suggested donated cost of the noon meal served
daily at the Millstadt Senior Center is $4.50 per meal.
The average actual cost per meal is over $10.00. In
addition to the amount paid to IGA, Aunt Maggies
and Keck’s for each meal, we must cover the cost of
serving containers, cups, napkins, transportation,
beverages and salaries. Over 400 meals are served or
delivered weekly to seniors in Millstadt Township.
Without the support of the many volunteers and
donations from the community the meal cost for
each senior would be considerably higher than the
$4.50 suggested donation. Thanks to all our
volunteers and all those who donate or contribute
items to the Senior Center!
Margarita Resturant owner Rose presents check
to Jim Bereitschaft for the benefit of the Sandra
M Bereitschaft Foundation
Jim and Sharon Range having fun with daughter
Lindsey and their grandchildren at the SMB
Foundation benefit night at Margaritas
Senior Spelling Bee
Monday, April 28, 2014
The first Millstadt Area Illinois State Senior
Spelling Bee contest Will Be Held On
Friday, April 12, at 9:00 am.,
At the Millstadt Community Center
102 South Jefferson, Millstadt.
Winners Will Advance To The Regional Semi-Finals
And The State Finals Will Be Held At The
Illinois State Fair on Senior
Monday Aug. 12.
To participate, call
(618) 476-3731,
by April 18, 2014
To Reserve Your Place.
The event is sponsored by the Association of Illinois Seniors Centers (AISC).
MARCH 2014
Millstadt Consolidated School Superintendent
John Green stops by to serve lunch and visit with
Rick Coleman stops by with his little dog Sonny Boy
Millstadt Township Trustee Orville Mueller serves Margaritas
at the SMB Foundation benefit
Big Ole Bag and
Jewelry Sale
Mark your calendar now for the fourth
annual Big Ole Bag Jewelry sale on
Saturday, April 26, 2014. Donations of
purses and jewelry may be made at the Community
Center. Watch for further information on the Saturday
sale and the Friday evening sale event. Your donations
and purchases support the Meals on Wheels program for
Millstadt Township.
MARCH 2014
Valentine Kisses
Valentines Kiss for Rich Chadeayne from his
sweetheart Lil Tracy
Fall Closet Cleaning
Our 4th annual Big Ole Bag and
Jewelry sale will be held next
April. Remember to donate your
gently used purses to the Senior
Center for the annual sale.
Bridge players are wanted for a weekly game of
bridge at the Senior Center. Call the Senior Center at
476-1698 for more information.
Senior Discounts
Many restaurants offer discounts to senior shoppers.
It is important to know you must ask for the
discounts and the ages and offers may vary by
restaurant or location.
Restaurants: Arby’s will give a 10% discount or
reduced price on drinks.
At Dunkin’ Donuts AARP members receive a free
donut with purchase of a large beverage, including
Papa John’s pizza will give a 25% discount on orders
placed on line, offer a grandchild some pizza, and
ask them to enter the promo code AARP25.
Denny’s now offers 15% off your purchase
with an AARP card.
Valentines Kiss for Wanda Wheat from her
husband and sweetheart Bob
Senior Humor
Working people frequently ask retired people what
they do to make their day interesting. Well, for
example, the other day, Mark my husband and I were
in St. Louis and visited a shop. When we came out,
there was a cop writing out a parking ticket.
We went up to him and I said, “Come on man, how
about giving a senior citizen a break?” He ignored us
and continued writing the ticket. I called him
something bad. He glared at me and started writing
another ticket for having worn tires. So Mark called
him “____ ____”. He finished writing the ticket and
put it on the windshield with the first ticket. Then he
started writing more tickets. This went on for 20
minutes. The more we abused, the more tickets he
wrote. Just then our bus arrived and we got on it.