Ramara Chamber Of Commerce
Ramara Chamber Of Commerce
SUMMER 2014 E-NEWSLETTER Ramara Chamber Of Commerce Welcome to our new and improved E-Newsletter! This newsletter will contain everything we’ve been up to and upcoming chamber events. 4th Annual Ramara Classic Car & Boat Show On Saturday July 12th, 2014 the 4th Annual Ramara Classic Car & Boat Show took place at Crates Marina, Lagoon City—What a success! We had an incredible turn out at the show with over 110 vehicles. We had approximately 30 more vehicles than last years show. This year, we introduced our very first Vendor Market. It was an overwhelming success. “Now us wives have something to do; we can shop!” We would like to thank our vendors for their positive spirits and enthusiasm. Scentsy—Laurie Clark Zammit Silpada Jewelry—Sandy Cheevers Ice Cream King Cone—-Jack Bianchi Pampered Chef—Gayle Maude Miskers & Wiskers—Melissa Weiser Stella & Dot—Ellie Skalosky Lemon Heaven—Charles Ashford Lickey Paws—Sharon Roy Soss Int. Inc.—Wes Keen U Name It—Blaire Stephens Summer Fresh—Natalie Bryans KD Cloth—Stephanie Perigoe Sunshine 89.1fm—Sarah Hewitt SkyCam Ontario—Brady Kerr Ramara Quilting Club - Lori Harrington Farmgate —Bert & Lori Harrington Brechin & Beyond—Merike Barron Historical Society—Christina Westcott Brechin Library—Mary Oliver Without our sponsors, we couldn’t have had the amazing show we did. Our platinum sponsors this year included Jim Wilson Chevrolet, Experience Nissan Orillia, Thor Motors, Davenport Subaru & Kia & Crates Lagoon City Marina. Also, a special thanks to all of our gold, silver, and bronze sponsors. Our show attracted roughly 1500-2000 spectators! We look forward to seeing what next year brings us—we are growing each and every year. Mark your calendar for next years Ramara Classic Car & Boat Show on July 11th, 2015! Car Show Sponsors We couldn’t have done it without you! PLATINUM SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS Jim Wilson Chevrolet Davenport Subaru & Kia Thor Motors Experience Nissan Orillia Crates Lagoon City Lant Insurance Brokers Bruce Stanton MP Simcoe North Xtreme Digital Graphics Sunshine 89.1 Packet & Times GOLD SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSORS Mikes Auto Body & Tyre Port of Call Marine Storage Orillia Mazda Clearance Center Orillia Alignment Centre Parry Automotive Marabrek Renovations Jolly Towing and Storage G.H. Stewart Construction Ltd Lambert's Motor & Service Centre Dufferin Aggregates Strachan & Morris Insurance Simcoe County Chrysler Jolly Automotive Services PD Engines Joe Watt Trophies Bruce Stanton MP Simcoe North Century 21 Lakeside Cove Knights Inn Harbour Resort Garfield Dunlop MPP Simcoe North Days Inn Orillia Orillia ProNet Hugger Covers Orillia’s Wine Experience Jolly’s Towing Brechin Artifacts Lambert’s Motors and Service Centre Strachan & Morris Insurance Midas The Water Store Kelsey’s Brewery Bay Point of Mara Resort & Trailer Park Innovative Perspectives Leatherdale Marine Comfort Inn Orillia Knights Inn Harbour Resort Brechin Foodland Georgian Bay Printers Brechin Tim-Br Mart Brechin & Beyond Days Inn Orillia New Member Welcome... Java Joke Sky Cam Ontario The Farm Gate Experience Nissan Orillia Durham College Employment Services Port of Call Marina & Storage Western Trent Golf Club Orillia Ball Hockey League Solid Contracting Knights Inn Harbour Resort RBC Dominion Securities Inc Avaia Salon & Spa Baer Harbour Askett Printing Services Classic Hairstylist Home Hardware Orillia Marina Del Rey 2014 Big Bike Ramara Riders What a fabulous job the Ramara Chamber did again at the Big Bike Ride in May. We raised $1551.50 for the Heart & Stroke Foundation and had 27 riders on the “Ramara Riders” bike. Don’t miss out on next years ride! 2014 All Candidates Meeting In keeping with the goal of promoting commerce and community in Ramara Township, the Ramara Chamber of Commerce is once again holding a series of All Candidates Meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to provide a forum for candidates and voters to address important issues and exchange views and information. A complete list of candidates and other election information can be found on the Ramara Township website www.ramara.ca. Check out the poster to the right for more details on time and location. Business Achievement Awards state of the art, car dealership, serving as a cornerstone of the downtown Orillia area. In July 2013, owners Kris Thor and Bob Brown demolished the old dealership replacing it with a striking 23,000 square-foot structure. Unbelievable! On Thursday May 15th, 2014 Casino Rama hosted our Annual General Meeting in the Anishnaabe Ballroom. It was a gorgeous setting for our meeting—we cannot thank Casino Rama enough for their support to our Chamber of Commerce. Congratulations, Georgian Bay Printers on winning the 2014 Customer Service Award. Owners Shirin and Mulla Husin are always available, patient, and very accommodating—they go the extra mile every time! This well deserved couple has earned the award of Ramara Chamber of Commerce Customer Service Award, no doubt about it. Congratulations, Thor Motors Orillia on winning the 2014 Site Enhancement Award. It is hard to miss the brand new, Congratulations, Brechin & Beyond on winning the 2014 Greatest Impact on the Community Award. This group of lovely individuals has one common goal: to beautify Ramara Township to make it more enjoyable for residents, tourists and future residents. All of this groups hard work does not go unnoticed. Thank you Brechin & Beyond for all of your hard work and dedication. Congratulations, The Royal Canadian Legion, Brechin Mara Branch 488 on winning the 2014 Community Service Award. Since 1948, the Brechin Legion has played a huge role strengthening and bonding our community. It is a place of gathering, a place of friendship, and a gem in downtown Brechin. Thank you for your many contributions to our area. Upcoming Events Ramara Chambers 14th Annual Golf Tournament Business After 5… Horseshoe Tournament This month we will be hosting a Business After 5 event! You don’t want to miss it. WHERE— Brechin Legion WHEN— Tuesday August 19th, 2014 TIME—5:00pm—8:00pm We are looking to have 10 teams of 2 to play a progressive euchre style tournament. If you are interested in submitting a team, please contact us at our office! REMINDER: Even if you are not playing on a team, please come out and enjoy the evening on the legions patio and cheer on our teams.! It’s that time of year again! Where did the summer go? We will be hosting our 14th Annual Golf Tournament on Thursday September 11th, 2014. Check your email inboxes for a registration form. If interested in registering a team or sponsoring a hole at the Golf Tournament, please contact us at [email protected] or 705-484-2141. New Membership Advantages PUROLATOR DISCOUNT—Purolator is pleased to offer volume discounts to Chamber Members starting at 25% on Purolator Express and Purolator Ground suite of services, as well as discounts on additional services. FIRST DATA—All members are now provided exclusive rates on merchant services; low credit and debit card processing costs, ecommerce tools, mobile payment apps, and an online reporting tool to grow your business. Contact the Chamber to get started today! Website & Facebook Our website is constantly being updated. From Membership Directory to Photos of our events, our website has everything you need! Please “Like” us on Facebook to keep updated on Chamber events and other local events around our area! www.facebook.com/ramarachamber
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