hawaiian connections - Hawaii LTAP


hawaiian connections - Hawaii LTAP
VOLUME 5, No. 3
In This Issue
FALL 2003
New FHWA Work
Zone Website
Got a Better
News From Our
News From Our
Partners cont.
Better Mousetrap
2003 National LTAPTTAP Conference
2003 National LTAPTTAP Conference
Hawaii DOT
Research Program
Free Publications
Director &
Manager’s Notes
Hawaii LTAP
Please pass this on to
other interested parties in
your office.
From Al Alonzi, FHWA Office of Professional Development
he FHWA Office of Operations has
recently made a number of improvements to its work zone program area
website. Designed with the practitioner in
mind, the site provides easy access to a
variety of tools and information on making
work zones work better and features an
innovative practice each month.
A section on practitioner tools offers information on leading-edge practices and
technologies that can reduce congestion
and crashes in and around work zones.
This section also includes information on
available decision support tools that can
be used to expand the analysis capabilities of highway agencies. Many of these
tools are available to download through
the site or can be requested using the
contact information provided on the site.
Furthermore, information on various outreach events, such as National Work
Zone Awareness Week and the Making
Work Zones Work Better Workshops, will
enable practitioners to learn about work
zone activities going on around the
Resources also include links to the websites of other Federal agencies, State
transportation departments and a variety
of transportation/work zone related associations.
Please take an opportunity to view and
bookmark our improved Work Zone
www.fhwa.dot.gov/workzones. We hope
you and your staff find these improvements useful.
If you have any questions about the workzone website, please contact Scott
Battles at:
Federal Highway Administration
Work Zone Mobility and Safety Team
HOTO-1, Room 3408
400 Seventh Street, SW
Washington, DC 20590
(202) 366-4372
(202) 366-3225 Fax
[email protected]
The site also provides other valuable
resources, such as facts and statistics on
work zone mobility and safety and access
to publications and studies on current or
emerging techniques and practices that
can help make work zones work better.
Pages 6 & 7
Fall 2003, Page 2
Editor’s Note: The LTAP Director challenged our readers to submit descriptions of
devices or machine modifications they invented for improved operations so that
everyone can gain from the fruits of local creativity. Our feature for this quarter was
submitted by the County of Maui. We look forward to the other counties submitting their devices to be featured in future issues.
Submitted by: Leonard Costa
Inventor: Glen Guzman
County of Maui
As I was making my field inspections I saw an unusual but still recognizable tool on some concrete culvert
forms. It looked like a slide hammer, an auto body
repair tool which is typically used to pull dents from
body sections. I wondered what it was doing there.
The field crew explained that when assembling concrete forms for culvert installations, especially in narrow pits, nailing them together can be very difficult.
Often, because the form is too close to the excavated
soil wall, there isn't enough room to swing a hammer
in the normal way and the side face of the hammer
needs to be utilized with short strokes to drive the nails
After the concrete pour is done, it is just as difficult to
remove the form nails as there may not be enough
room to position the hammer with the proper leverage
for removing the form nails. A solution to this problem
was needed.
The crew reasoned that if the nails are pounded into
the wood, then the reverse should be true - a
"reversed pounder" was needed. They felt that the
"reverse pounding" or pulling action of the slide hammer tool might work. They modified the tip to accept a
nail puller claw to hook onto the double headed form
nails and "pounded" or pulled them out. It worked
really well.
In order to make the slide hammer / nail puller adaptable to even tighter situations, modification of the tool
will be made. To be able to hook onto the form nails
at any angle a double pivot/universal type joint, similar
to a socket wrench universal, will be added after the
nail puller claw.
Fall 2003, Page 3
ederal Highway Administrator Mary Peters
announced a new web site that, for the first time,
makes available to highway agencies, contractors,
construction engineers, and researchers all highway construction specifications from the 50 states, the District of
Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
The new National Highway Specifications web site
(www.specs.fhwa.dot.gov) is a collaborative effort of the
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), an agency of
the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the American
Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO). The web site serves as a clearinghouse and electronic library where users can search,
review, cross-reference and download current specifications and other specification-related documents.
Previously, locating and retrieving current specifications
was a time-consuming and often tedious process.
Although more state highway agencies are putting their
construction specifications online, finding and navigating
the various web sites can still be difficult. Also, more than
20 national trade organizations and several federal agencies issue specifications and rules affecting highway construction.
"Consolidation of these multiple sources of documentation in one place will benefit highway agencies, contractors, construction engineers, and researchers," Peters
said. "Electronic access, indexing, and search features
will save time and money for all users while improving
practices and promoting higher quality in construction
end products."
Documents included on the site are:
* Approved standard construction specifications and supplements from departments of transportation in the 50
states, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico;
* Current approved standard specifications and supplements from FHWA's Federal Lands Highway Program
* AASHTO Guide Specifications and American Society
for Testing and Materials' summaries; and
* Innovative provisions such as quality assurance, warranty, and performance-related specifications.
The site also features discussion forums on such topics
as performance-related specifications, design-build, warranty specifications, and quality assurance. And users
can find links to specification-related web sites hosted by
highway agencies and others.
By consolidating information nationwide on highway
specifications, "the National Highway Specifications website is helping to advance the concepts of e-government
by using the power of the Internet to remove federal and
state government organizational barriers, improve the
operational efficiency of the government, and expand the
range and quality of government services available to the
public," Peters said.
Better Mousetrap?
Have you or one of your co-workers built a better mouse trap recently? A modified gadget? An improved
way to do a job?
Please let us know about it. The best entries will be featured in a future issue of Hawaiian Connections.
Your Name and Phone Number:
Inventor’s name and phone:
Please fax this form to (808) 956-8851.
Fall 2003, Page 4
Cement and Concrete Products Industry
By Wayne Kawano, CCPI of Hawaii
The Cement and Concrete Products Industry (CCPI) of Hawaii continues its active role in support of the LTAP cooperative program in providing technical assistance and training to people in the local transportation related fields. CCPI
recently has been re-approved through September 15, 2005 as the Local Sponsoring Group to administer ACI
Certification programs. A major on-going program is the examination of a competent quality assurance workforce for
concrete testing, the ACI Certification Concrete Field Technician Grade I, a specification requirement in many projects. Over 30 people will be taking this exam next month on Oahu. You can find the current listing of people certified in Hawaii by logging on to www.concrete.org/certification, click on certified directory personnel in Hawaii. In
addition, we will soon be providing ACI Certification programs for Concrete Flatwork Finisher, Concrete Construction
Inspector, and Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector.
We look forward to our next workshop with LTAP. We will be proposing a workshop on the AASHTO 2002 pavement
design. This will be a very interactive workshop for participants from the various agencies as well as private design
engineers. Please let us know if you have any other areas of concrete interest….for some educational references,
please log on to www.pavement.com (American Concrete Pavement Association) and www.aci-int.org (American
Concrete Institute). While you're online…you can contact me at [email protected].
Thank you LTAP volunteers for your support at the Steve Fong Scholarship Golf Tournament! Mrs. Yvonne Fong
was overwhelmed and expresses her heartfelt gratitude especially to all the volunteers! Well done!
Hawaii Asphalt Paving Industry
By Randy Matsumoto, HAPI President
he Hawaii Asphalt Paving Industry (HAPI) wishes to thank all of the participants and volunteers for a successful
Steve Fong Scholarship Golf Tournament. On August 22, 2003, at the Pearl Country Club on Oahu, a great time
was had by all and HAPI was pleased to be able to honor Steve Fong, provide a UH scholarship to recipient Bryan
Lum, and enjoy an opportunity for fellowship with the Cement & Concrete Products Industry of Hawaii (CCPI), the
Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), the Construction Industry, and the Fong Family and relatives. Everyone had so much fun,
HAPI looks forward to co-sponsoring this event with CCPI again in August 2004. Stay tuned….fore!!
Later this fall, HAPI will be announcing dates and locations for a Hot Mix Asphalt Basics Seminar, and a seminar on
the construction of Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements for the City and County of Honolulu. HAPI is also making plans to
roll out the recently completed HAPI Asphalt Pavement Guide CD and unveiling a new website in the first quarter of
Happy motoring!!!
The Fong Family
Bryan Lum (left)
receives the Steve
Fong Scholarship
from Mrs. Fong (middle) and FHWA
Hawaii Division
Administrator, Abe
Wong (right).
Fall 2003, Page 5
NEWS FROM OUR PARTNERS...(Continued from page 4)
American Society of Civil Engineers
By Westley Chun, ASCE Hawaii Chapter President-Elect
SCE Hawaii Section will hold its annual banquet on October 16, 2003 at the Treetops Restaurant in Manoa
Valley. Social time begins at 5:30 p.m., a multi-entree buffet will be offered at 6:30 p.m., and the program
will begin at 7:00 p.m. At the banquet, Past President Frank Doyle will preside over the installation of the 20032004 Officers, and Section awards and the 2003 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award will be presented. Check the web at www.ascehawaii.org for more information.
Please contact Westley Chun if you have any questions or need additional information.
Congratulations to Perry Harada from the County of Hawaii, this year’s winner of the
Better Mousetrap Award. His invention, the Rolled Curb Template was featured in our
last issue of the Hawaiian Connections (Summer 2003.) The entries were reviewed and
the Better Mousetrap winner was selected by our LTAP Advisory Committee. The award
was presented at this year’s Superintendents/Overseer’s Conference in Honolulu. Stay
tuned for a full summary of the conference in our Winter newsletter.
Rolled Curb Template
Kelly Galdones (Right), from the
County of Hawaii, accepts the
Better Mousetrap Award from the
HLTAP Director on behalf of Perry
Fall 2003, Page 6
n July, the Hawaii LTAP hosted the very successful
National LTAP-TTAP Conference at the beautiful Sheraton
Waikiki Hotel. Participants arrived from all over the country
and were greeted by Hawaii’s light rainfall. The overcast
skies cleared up just in time for our Opening Sunset
Reception. The participants enjoyed a flavor of Pacific Rim
delights and the sounds of local entertainers, Kapena.
Opening Sunset Reception on the Diamond Head Lawn at
the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel.
The electrifying, Kapena!
MAHALO to Casey
Abe and his staff at
the Hawaii DOT
Materials Testing Lab
for all their help with
our National
Quotes from participants:
Thank you to everyone for helping Region
9 put together our particpant gift bags.
Al Alonzi, FHWA: “It will be the meeting by which all future meetings
are measured!”
Mike Blankenship, West Virginia LTAP: “It feels like I'm just getting back into the swing of things after a great Hawaii
Conference. And what a Conference! It had a little bit of everything: great sessions, heartfelt awards ceremonies, sad retirements, a wedding, second honeymoons, a belated first honeymoon, swimming with turtles, movies on the beach, and a Blue
team that dominated in the team-building competitions! Many
thanks to Juli, Gail, Costas, the rest of the Hawaii team, Region
Hawaii DOT Director, Rod Haraga (Left) and FHWA 9 Centers, FHWA, the Clearinghouse, and everyone else who
Hawaii Division Administrator, Abe Wong (Right)
had a part in making this a very successful conference!!”
welcome everyone to Hawaii.
Fall 2003, Page 7
(Continuned from page 6)
Region Nine decided to incorporate the 2003 National LTAPTTAP
“Riding the Wave to the Future”
by coordinating six Team
“Hawaiian Survivor”. All conference participants were randomly
assigned to a red or blue team
and signed up for two teambuilding events.
What we
thought would be friendly competition, turned out to be warring
red and blue tribes challenging
one another in the hot sun and
blue waters of Waikiki Beach.
Both tribes competed gallantly
and proved that the LTAP TTAP community puts their
heart in EVERYTHING they do.
It was a very close score, but
the blue tribe managed to pull
off a victory. Mahalo to the volunteer judges from the Hawaii
Department of Transportation
and the Federal Highway
Administration Hawaii Division,
we couldn’t have done it without
“Hawaiian Fire Drill”
“Ulu Maika & Moa Pahe’e”
“Outrigger Canoe Race”
“Hula Loops”
“Mimes with Legos”
“Sandy Handy-Work”
By John Habermann, Indiana LTAP
Along with the National Conference, a Road Safety
Workshop was held at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. The
main issue of this workshop was safety
so I thought I’d used SAFETY as an
acronym to summarize the workshop.
S - Something more than a suntan
A - Available training
F - Fit Neighborhoods = Fit Citizens
E - Exasperated and Extended
T - Teamwork and Partnerships
Y - Your Input Counts
Some topics covered; Safety at Top of Federal Agenda,
Roles in Highway Safety, Workforce Development and
Training Activities, Partnerships, Panel Discussions, Low
Cost Safety Improvements, Neighborhood Design,
Retroreflectivity. The main message that hit home to us
all was the number of fatalities on
our roadways. This should be a constant reminder to extend our professional and personal contacts to get
the message out that 42,000+ fatalities is unacceptable on our roadways. Currently, FHWA is discussing
efforts to create a “Highway Safety
Clearinghouse and a Highway
Safety Workforce Development.”
And finally, a recurring theme throughout the day directed toward the LTAP centers was “your input counts.”
FHWA appreciates our input. We need to help locals
decrease fatalities and accidents on their roads.
Fall 2003, Page 8
The following are research projects to be conducted by University of Hawaii Principal Investigators (P.I.s):
Effect of Polymer Modified Asphalt Binders on the Performance of the Asphalt Concrete
Mixes Used in Hawaii
P.I.: Adrian Ricardo Archilla
Project Description: The research involves the study of different polymer modifiers for asphalt cement that have
been developed to improve structural properties of hot mix asphalt by altering the properties of the asphalt
binder. The study seeks to identify the polymers best suited for use on Oahu given its unique environmental
conditions, traffic loads/volumes, costs, and aggregate types.
Soil Investigation and Soil-Structure Interaction Modeling of the Kealakaha Bridge
P.I.: Ian Robertson
Co-P.I.: Horst Brandes
Project Description: The study will perform soil investigation to determine dynamic properties of the subsoil at
the bridge site and subsequently develop a non-linear soil-structure interaction model to perform extensive soilstructure interaction studies. This model can greatly improve the state-of-the-art for design of large structures
founded on weathered basalt layers typical to all Hawaiian Islands.
Instrumentation and Monitoring the Performance of the FRP Shear Strength Strengthening of
the Salt Lake Boulevard Bridge
P.I.: H. Ronald Riggs
Project Description: This project will involve a five-year monitoring of the effectiveness under dynamic traffic
loads of repairs using a Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) composite system. From data collected, it will be
possible to determine both the existence and the extent and cause (if any) of delamination of the FRP.
Five Year Monitoring of Corrosion Field Samples
P.I.: Ian Robertson
Project Description: The intent of this study is to evaluate the durability and corrosion resistance in a marine
environment of various concrete mixtures and admixtures common to Hawaii. Test methods for half-cell potential, polarization resistance, soluble chloride content and PH will be used to monitor performance during the fiveyear period.
Simulation of Westbound Interstate H-1 Freeway Between the Airport Viaduct and Waikele
During Weekday Afternoon Peak
P.I.: Panos D. Prevedouros
Project Description: This will be a simulation study (traffic simulation by computer). This project will generate
multiple computer traffic simulations using different parameter settings (model calibration) for the establishment
of a reliable representation of existing conditions (base case). The developed model will be used to evaluate
clearly defined alternatives for westbound freeway improvements in terms of traffic delay and speed to aid in
planning and prioritizing of the improvements.
Fall 2003, Page 9
Free Publications
1. FHWA-RD-98-094 - Mechanistic Evaluation of Test Data from LTPP Jointed
Concrete Pavement Test Sections
2. FHWA-RD-98-127 - Design and Construction of PCC Pavements, Volume II:
Design features and Practices that Influence Performance of Pavements
3. FHWA-RD-98-155 - Guide to Developing Performance Related Specifications for
PCC Pavements, Volumed I: Practical Guide, Final Report and Appendix A
4. FHWA-RD-98-156 - Guide to Developing Performance-Related Specifications for
PCC Pavements, Volume II: Appendix B - Field Demonstation
5. FHWA-RD-98-171 - Guide to Developing Performance-Related Specifications for
PCC Pavements Volume III: Appendixes C through F
6. FHWA-RD-99-059 - Guide to Developing Performance Related Specifications for
PCC Pavements, Volume IV: Appendix F-PaveSpec 2.0 User Guide
7. FHWA-RD-99-088 - Determination of Frost Penetration in LTPP Sections, Final
8. FHWA-RD-99-135 - Traffic Calming: State of the Practice
Hawaii LTAP
The Hawaii Local
Technical Assistance
Program Library is located in Holmes 207 at the
University of Hawaii. The
library houses over
10,000 transportationrelated technical reference materials.
Informational and workshop videos may also be
found in the library.
Reference materials and
videos are available to
the public and may be
borrowed or copied.
9. FHWA-RD-99-138 - An Introduction to the Deep Soil Mixing Methods as Used in
Geotechnical Applications
Database of all materials
may be found on the
web at:
10. FHWA-RD-99-143 - LTPP Pavement Maintenance Materials: SHRP Crack
Treatment Experiment, Final Report
Videos –
11. FHWA-RD-99-145 - Time to Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete
Containing Calcium Nitrite
12. FHWA-RD-99-151 - LTPP Pavement Maintenance Materials: SPS-4
Supplemental Joint Seal Experiment, Final Report
13. FHWA-RD-99-153 - LTTP Pavement Maintenance Materials: PCC Partial-Depth
Spall Repair Experiment, Final Report
14. FHWA-SA-93-053 - Ice Detection and Highway Weather Information Systems Summary Report Test and Evaluation Project 011
Publications –
15. FHWA-SA-93-068 - Soil Nailing Field Inspectors Manual
16. FHWA-SA-93-075 - Technology Applications Program
17. FHWA-SA-94-040 - Assessment of Computer-Assisted Interactive Applications
18. FHWA-SA-94-072 - Surface Rehabilitation Techniques: Design, Construction,
and Performance of Micro-Surfacing - Instructor's Guide
19. FHWA-SA-94-074 - An Overview of Surface Rehabilitation Techniques for
Asphalt Pavements Instructor's Guide
20. FHWA-SA-94-077 - Inductive Loop Tester - ILT II, Summary Report (TE-26)
We are cleaning and reorganizing the Transportation Library!
Please take the time to review this list. Any remaining copies will
be discarded by DECEMBER 31, 2003.
For more information,
please contact us at
Fall 2003, Page 10
Director’s Note
Program Manager’s Note
by C.S. Papacostas
by Juli Kobayashi
Hosting the very successful national
LTAP/TTAP conference in Honolulu was
the major event of the last quarter.
Congratulations to Juli and the planning
committee for a job well done!
WOW!! The Hawaii LTAP and the Region 9
LTAP Centers (Arizona, California & Nevada)
hosted the most wonderful National LTAP-TTAP
Conference! It was a spectacular success and
the participants had a great time. We would like
to thank all of the planning committee who
worked so hard putting together the agenda,
collaborating on the team building activities,
and all the many details that go in to planning a
conference. MAHALO NUI LOA!!
With the fourth annual superintendents'
meeting held on Oahu from September 10
to 12 this year, this very valuable and productive activity has made the round of all
the counties of the state.
I was very happy to hear reports from the
counties that explained how lessons
learned from previous years have been
implemented and to see a new feature at
the conference, vendor displays. More
detailed articles are planned for the winter
issue of the newsletter.
Congratulations to Perry Harada of the
Big Island and Eddie Emoto of Maui for
receiving the "Better Mousetrap" awards.
This issue of the newsletter features an
entry that will be eligible for next year's
awards, along with any other entries we'd
receive between now and then.
At the national level, Juli continues to
serve on the LTAP Clearinghouse Advisory
Committee and I am a member of the
National LTAP Association's executive
board and the national advisory committee
on partnering.
With the encouragement of the Federal
Highway Administration, the LTAP program is in the process of developing a new
strategic plan that is expected to be performance-based. The first complete draft
will be available in January 2004. It will be
interesting to see how this new plan will be
incorporated in existing and continuing
local LTAP programs.
The conference was held at the beautiful
Sheraton Waikiki Hotel on July 27 - 31, 2003.
Here are a few special highlights:
·Road Safety Workshop - sponsored by FHWA
·LTAP 101 - for all the newcomers to the LTAP-TTAP
·Opening Sunset Reception - gorgeous weather and
entertainment by the "electrifying…Kapena
·Opening General Session - greetings and aloha
from Rodney Haraga (Hawaii DOT Director),
Abraham Wong (FHWA Administrator) & Joseph
Toole (FHWA National Associate Administrator)
·Hot Topics - always a favorite session featuring
Gene Wilson (Wyoming LTAP) and Patsy
Anderson (Kentucky LTAP)
·Hawaiian Survivor - our team building activity that
took place on Waikiki beach that proved to be a great
way to make friends and valuable contacts
·Hawaiian Wedding - a beautiful wedding interwoven
in the conference for Dave & Linda Pitstick
·Polynesian Luau - the luau was fabulous and people
were thrilled to see the Samoan Fire Dance!
·Invitation to the 2004 National LTAP-TTAP
Conference - Dan Moreno (Northwest Alaska TTAP
Center) thanked the Hawaii LTAP committee with
special gift and wonderful story from the Sitka tribe in
Once again we would like to thank Casey Abe
and his staff at the Hawaii Department of
Transportation's Materials Testing & Research
Branch and Richelle Takara and the Federal
Highway Administration - Hawaii Division for
their support of the Hawaii Local Technical
Assistance Program. Our National Conference
could not have been as successful without your
valuable assistance.
C.S. Papacostas
Department of
Civil and
University of
Hawaii at Manoa
Program Manager:
Juli Kobayashi
Program Assistant:
Gail Ikeda
Student Assistants:
Holly Suyama
Rhen Yamamoto
*Hawaiian Connections features scenic pictures from various locations in Hawaii.
In this issue, we are featuring the island of Hawaii otherwise known as ‘The Big Island’. On the
cover is the Punalu’u, the Black Sand Beach and on the back is Rainbow Falls.
Fall 2003, Page 11
The Hawaii LTAP would like to extend our heartfelt aloha
and mahalo to Matthew Alonzo (left), Kyle Dasher
(middle) and Reid Ikemori (right) for all their hard work
and dedication to our program. They have all been
instrumental in the success of our program and we are
grateful for all their help. We bid them farewell as they
look forward to a bright future as they pursue their professional careers.
Matthew Alonzo has been with the Hawaii LTAP for
three years. During his time with our program, he was
the editor of our "Hawaiian Connections" quarterly newsletter and did an excellent job in revamping it to look
the way it does today. He was also instrumental in putting together the Work Zone Safety pocket guide that
many agencies use to help them with traffic control during road work. Currently he is working hard on finishing his Masters Degree in Civil & Environmental Engineering and also works part time for SEY Engineers.
Matthew is the most proficient employee that anyone could ask for and his work ethic is truly a benefit to any
Kyle Dasher was our wonderful computer technician for over a year. He did an excellent job maintaining our
server and upgrading our website. His ability to relate his computer knowledge to user-friendly terms helped
the staff tremendously. Kyle was instrumental in keeping our database up to date and created the database
for our 2003 National LTAP-TTAP Conference. He has found a good position with the Hawaii USA Federal
Credit Union and we wish him all the best.
Reid Ikemori is the "veteran" of all the student assistants. He began his "career" with the Hawaii LTAP in
his junior year at the University. During the four years that he worked with us he maintained our transportation training library. He was the person that sent you the material that you requested and did a lot of the
important day-to-day activities. Reid is working hard at finishing his Masters Degree in Civil & Environmental
Engineering and is working on a Noise Modeling thesis project. He is also working part time for Akinaka &
Associates Ltd. and is a great asset to their company.
Materials Quality Assurance Program
September 23 & October 1, 2003 (HDOT Hwy-L)
Implementing Hawaii’s Procurement Law: Challenges and Opportunities
October 30, 2003 (Neal Blaisdell Center, Pikake Room)
Public Works: Planning for and Responding to Terrorism/Weapons of Mass Destruction
November 4-6, 2003 (University of Hawaii’s East West Center)
For upcoming workshops and past newsletters, visit our webpage at:
Executive Committee
Richelle Takara
Transportation Engineer
FHWA Hawaii Division
P.O. Box 50206
Honolulu, HI 96850
Tel: (808) 541-2700
Fax: (808) 541-2704
Casey Abe
Materials Testing & Research Engineer
Hawaii Department of Transportation
Materials Testing & Research Branch
2530 Likelike Highway
Honolulu, HI 96819
Tel: (808) 832-3403
Fax: (808) 832-3407
Advisory Committee
C.S. Papacostas
Director, Hawaii LTAP
Department of Civil and Environmental
University of Hawaii
2540 Dole Street - Homes Hall 383
Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: (808) 956-6538
Fax: (808) 956-5014
Casey Abe
Materials Testing & Research Engineer
Hawaii Department of Transportation
Materials Testing & Research Branch
2530 Likelike Highway
Honolulu, Hawaii 96819
Galen Kuba
Engineering Division Chief
County of Hawaii
Department of Public Works
101 Pauahi Street, Suite 7
Hilo, HI 96720
Larry Leopardi
Chief, Division of Road Maintenance
Department of Facility Maintenance
City & County of Honolulu
650 S. King St., 12th Floor
Honolulu, HI 96813
Gordon Lum
Executive Director
Oahu Metropolitan Planning
Organization (OMPO)
Ocean View Center
707 Richards St., #200
Honolulu, HI 96813
Alfred Makino
Compliance Testing Engineer
Hawaii Department of Transportation
Materials Testing & Research Branch
2530 Likelike Highway
Honolulu, Hawaii 96819
Russell Sugano
Chief of Operations
County of Kauai
Department of Public Works
4444 Rice Street
Lihue, HI 96766
Richelle Takara
Transportation Engineer
FHWA Hawaii Division
P.O. Box 50206
Honolulu, HI 96850
Phillip Ooi
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2540 Dole Street
Honolulu, HI 96822
Lloyd Lee
Engineering Division Chief
County of Maui
Department of Public Works
200 South High Street
Wailuku, HI 96793
R. Paul Won
Chief, Traffic Engineering Division
City & County of Honolulu
Department of Transportation Services
711 Kapiolani Blvd.
Honolulu, HI 96813
Program Manager:
Juli Kobayashi
Hawaii LTAP
Department of Civil and Environmental
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2540 Dole Street - Holmes Hall 383
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
Please contact:
C.S. Papacostas, Director
Tel: (808) 956-6538
Fax: (808) 956-5014
Email: [email protected]
Juli Kobayashi, Program Manager
Tel: (808) 956-9006
Fax: (808) 956-8851
Email: [email protected]
Hawaii LTAP Staff
C.S. Papacostas
The Hawaii Local Technical Assistance
Program (LTAP) is a cooperative program of the University of Hawaii
Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, the Hawaii Department of
Transportation, Highway Division,
State of Hawaii and the U.S.
Department of Transportation Federal
Highway Administration, Hawaii. The
LTAP program provides technical
assistance and training programs to
local transportation related agencies
and companies in order to assist these
organizations in providing cost-effective improvements for the nation's
highways, roads and bridges. Our
office is located at:
Student Assistants:
Holly Suyama
Rhen Yamamoto
Program Assistant:
Gail Ikeda
Hawaii Local Technical Assistance Program
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2540 Dole Street - Holmes Hall 383
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
The contents of this newsletter do not
necessarily reflect the official views or
policies of the HDOT, FHWA or the
University of Hawaii. The newsletter is
intended to convey useful information
to the local highway and transportation
personnel. Any references to commercial products or organizations are
included only for informational purposes and are not intended as endorsements by the Hawaii LTAP.