termoplast plus
termoplast plus
SCHEDA TECNICA AZIENDA CERTIFICATA ISO 9001:2008 SEDE S.BENEDETTO PO GEOTECNICA - TRIVELLAZIONI - SONDAGGI Nr.01-100323 rev1 TERMOPLAST PLUS® ARTICOLE: TERMPLAST PLUS CODE: TERMOPLAST PLUS APPLICAZIONI: Termoplast PLUS® is a pre-mixed specially designed for the filling of geothermal wells. wells According to the regulations VDI 4640/part 2, Termoplast PLUS® is a special blend cementitious binder from blast furnace, furnace bentonites high value plastic and selected sands. PROPRERTIES AND ADVANTAGES : - Absence of cavities: the well is completely sealed preventing the formation of internal cavities; - Fast curing: the high thixotropy of the product ensures fill any cavities; cavit - Plasticity: allows the structural safety of the GSHP (Ground Heat Pump System) in the presence of settling underground natural; - High conductivity and thermal efficiency over time: time: the specific components used in Termoplast PLUS ® provide a high thermal mal conductivity (up to 2.3 W / Mk under laboratory conditions). The thermal efficiency of the GSHP is based on the maximum reduction of the losses of the entire system (composed of the probes and from the well); - Ready to use: fast, error free and inventories invento of unused materials; - Compatible with the environment: Termoplast PLUS ® contains only natural ingredients, and can be considered free of chromates (EU guideline 2003/53/EG). EXAMPLES OF FORMULATIONS The thermal conductivity | 2.3 W / mK * Mixture preparation aration Fresh water 780 liters - Termoplast PLUS 875 Kg Powder Ratio - 1.1 m3 water Number of bags for m3 of mud about 35 Producible mixture with 1 bag 25 kg 28-30 liters The thermal conductivity | 2.0 W / mK * Mixture preparation Fresh water 705 liters - Termoplast PLUS 705 Kg Powder Ratio - 1.0 m3 water Number bags per m3 of mixture 28 about Producible mixture with 1 bag 25 kg 34-36 34 liters The thermal conductivity | 1.6 W / mK * Mixture preparation Fresh water 720 liters - Termoplast PLUS 585 Kg Powder Ratio - 0.8 m3 water Number bags per m3 of mixture about 23 Producible mixture with 1 bag 25 kg 42-44 42 liters (*) Determination method UNI EN 12664 The information in this bulletin is believed to be accurate but is not covered by an warranty. These specifications ons are subject to change without notice. Update January 2012