Poster - University of Sussex
Poster - University of Sussex
Convex Relaxation of Mixture Regression with Efficient Algorithms Authors 1 1 1 2 Novi Quadrianto | Tibério S. Caetano | John Lim | Dale Schuurmans 1: NICTA & Australian National University | 2: University of Alberta Abstract • We develop a convex relaxation of maximum a posteriori estimation of a mixture of regression model. Semidefinite Relaxation Problem (1) can be relaxed to • We reformulate the relaxation problem to eliminate the need for general semidefinite programming. • We provide two reformulations that admit fast algorithms. The first is a max-min spectral reformulation exploiting quasi-Newton descent. The second is a min-min reformulation consisting of fast alternating steps of closed-form updates. • We provide experiments in a real problem of motion segmentation from video data. Applications Toy Data " # T 1 2 T y 1 y T min max − σ c c − − c M XX −c . 2 2 2 2α σ M:tr M=t,γtI<M<0 c σ (2) (Sketchy) Steps • Dataset: 30 synthetic data points is generated according to yi = (πi ⊗ xi)w + i, with xi ∈ R, i ∼ N(0, 1) and w ∈ U(0, 1). The response variable yi is assumed to be generated from a mixture of 5 components . • Performance comparison with EM (100 random restarts was used to avoid poor local optima). 1 wT ΨT Ψw). • Compute convex conjugate of the log-partition function (i.e. 2σ 2 • Error rates are 0.347 ± 0.086 (EM) and 0.280 ± 0.063 (Max-Min) across 10 different runs. • Relax the constraints on the assignment matrix Mixture of Regression Problem ⊆ {ΠΠT : Π ∈ {0, 1}t×k , Π1 = 1, max(diag(ΠT Π)) ≤ γt} {M : M ∈ Rt×t , tr M = t, γtI < M < 0}. Note : The relaxation of Problem (1) to (2) only refers to loosening the set of feasible solutions and no relaxation has been introduced in the objective function. However, solving (2) directly is prohibitive for medium to large scale problems as it requires a general semidefinite solver. Algorithm 1: Max-Min Reformulation Ground Truth Max-Min EM Motion Segmentation from Video Data The ”hammer” (Overton & Womersley 1993) Let V ∈ Rt×t , V = V T and its EVD, PT V P = Λ((λ1, . . . , λt )), then max Linear regression (left) and mixture of regression (right); Gaffney & Smyth 1999 Given • a labeled training set D comprising t input-output pair {(x1, y1), . . . , (xt , yt )}; • assumption that the output variable y is generated by a mixture of k components; • no information about which component of the mixture generates each output variable yi. M:tr(M)=q,I<M<0 tr MV T = q X i=1 λi and argmax M:tr(M)=q,I<M<0 • Dataset: Hopkins 155 ( tr MV T 3 Pq PTq . • Given a pair of corresponding points pi and qi from two frames and k motion groups, we have the following Pk T epipolar equation ( Li 2007), qi ( j=1 πi j F j)pi = 0. Pk y x π π π x x T T x • Redefine [qi pi qi pi qi pi .... qi pi ] := xi and vec(F j ) := w, our problem is now j=1 πi j xiT w j = 0. To use the ”hammer”, Problem (2) is reformulated to 1 2 T t T T max − σ c c − max tr( M̄(XX (ȳ − c)(ȳ − c) )) . c 2 2αq M̄:tr M̄=q,I< M̄<0 Find • a regression model f : X → Y for each of the mixture component. The Model (Sketchy) Steps • Simply by interchanging min M and maxc, invoking distributivity property, rearranging the terms and definy ing ȳ := σ2 , problem (2) can be rewritten as " 1 1 2 T max max − σ c c − c 2 2α M:tr M=t,γtI<M<0 Denote • X ∈ Rt×n as a matrix of input and y ∈ Rt×1 as a vector of output variables; • Π ∈ {0, 1}t×k , Π1 = 1 and max(diag(ΠT Π)) ≤ γt (bounding the size of the largest component) as the hidden assignment matrix. Assume • a linear regression model yi|xi, πi = ψiw + i, i ∼ N(0, σ2) w.r.t a feature representation ψi = πi ⊗ xi. Gaussian Likelihood With the Gaussian noise model , our likelihood is then # " 1 1 p(yi|xi, πi; w) = √ exp − 2 (ψiw − yi)2 . 2σ 2πσ2 Log-Posterior Optimization With an additional assumption of Gaussian prior on the parameter w, the minimization of (negative) logposterior is now in the form of " # 1 T T 1 T α T min w Ψ Ψw − 2 y Ψw + w w , (1) 2 2 Π,w 2σ σ s.t. constraints on the assignment matrix Π. # tr(M(XX T (ȳ − c)(ȳ − c)T )) . • Let q = {u : u = max{1, . . . , t}, u ≤ γ−1} and define M̄ := (q/t)M to transform the constraint set from {M : tr M = t, γtI < M < 0} to {M : tr M = q, I < M < 0}. Algorithm 2: Min-Min Reformulation Problem (2) is also equivalent to " # 1 T 1 α T T T T T M −1 A) . min min y diag(XA ) + diag(XA ) diag(XA ) + tr(A 2γt {M:IM0,tr M=1/γ} A σ2 2σ2 σ2 T γt Steps; (2) = min max − c c− tr(C T MC) 2 2α {M:IM0,tr M=1/γ} {c,C:C=Λ(c−ȳ)X} σ2 T γt = min min max − c c − tr(C T MC) + tr(AT C) − tr(AT Λ(c − ȳ)X). 2 2α {M:IM0,tr M=1/γ} A c,C α M −1 A. Lastly, c and C can be solved as c = − σ12 diag(XAT ) and C = γt Ground Truth EM Max-Min Min-Min References • S. Gaffney and P. Smyth. Trajectory clustering with mixtures of regression models. In ACM SIGKDD, volume 62, pages 63–72, 1999. • M. Overton and R. Womersley. Optimality conditions and duality theory for minimizing sums of the largest eigenvalues of symmetric matrices. Mathematical Programming, 62:321–357, 1993. • H. Li. Two-view motion segmentation from linear programming relaxation. In CVPR, 2007.