mcalvain concrete crews shine with custom tilt-up
mcalvain concrete crews shine with custom tilt-up
FALL 2015 | A MCALVAIN GROUP OF COMPANIES PUBLICATION PROJECT ANNOUNCEMENTS McAlvain Construction, Inc. Grove Plaza Renovation Shoshone-Bannock Casino Addition Preconstruction Whitetail Lake Clubhouse McAlvain Design|Build, Inc. Micron Parking Lot Expansion McAlvain Concrete, Inc. The Afton - Cast-in-Place/Post-Tensioned Concrete TMSF Maintenance/Office Dixie Drain Phosphorus Removal Facility MCALVAIN CONCRETE CREWS SHINE WITH CUSTOM TILT-UP Clif Bar’s new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility is nearing completion and the work that McAlvain concrete crews have performed is quite impressive. Custom colored concrete tilt-up panels take the shape of Clif Bar’s signature logo with snow capped mountain peaks and suspended climber cast into the concrete. The custom mountain WRSVRQWRSRIWKHSDQHOVPDGHWKHPGLI¿FXOWWRHUHFWDQGGLVDOORZHGWKHWUDGLWLRQDOXVH of picking for crane services. These panels had to be lifted twice before they could EHVHWLQSODFH7KH¿UVWOLIWZDVVROHO\WRVWDQGWKHSDQHOZLWKWKHVHFRQGOLIWSODFLQJ it. Each panel averages the weight of an incredible 105,000 lb. The entire structure includes over 110,000 sf of tilt-up panels with over 256,000 sf of slab on grade with thickness up to 24”. McAlvain Concrete was contracted to provide 13,700 CY of Concrete for the 108,530 sf facility. A grand opening is scheduled for February 2016. R E C E N T LY C O M P L E T E D McAlvain Construction, Inc. Boise Spectrum Facade & Plaza Revitalization River Edge Apartments Sherwood-Lusk Apartments McAlvain Design|Build, Inc. SkyWest Airlines Aircraft Maintenance Hangar McAlvain Concrete, Inc. Fabri-Kal Burley Multiple Misc Projects for Micron Technology, Inc. U of Idaho Integrated Research and Innovations Center I DA H O PRIVATE 75 McAlvain is honored to be recognized among Idaho Top Private 75 Companies. The annual Idaho Private 75 luncheon was held on October 29th at Boise Center. NE W P R O M OTIONS Shoshone-Bannock Tribes To Expand Casino McAlvain Selected To Rebuild The Grove Plaza McAlvain has been contracted by the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes to provide preconstruction services for the 79,800 sq ft Phase 2 Casino Addition to the existing Shoshone-Bannock Hotel and Events Center in Fort Hall, Idaho. Jamal Nelson is leading the Preconstruction effort now entering into the Design Development stage. Preconstruction is expected to last through February of 2016 with a ceremonial blessing in March. 0F$OYDLQLVD7(52FHUWL¿HGFRQWUDFtor and has enjoyed a long relationship with the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes over the years. McAlvain provided concrete services for Phase 1 of the ShoshoneBannock Hotel and Events Center. McAlvain has been selected to provide CM/GC Services to Capital City Development Corporation (CCDC) for the reconstruction of the Grove Plaza. The planned renovation will modernize the high-use pedestrian plaza with the installation of a 2nd Generation of personalized bricks, a new fountain, performance audio and lighting, shade structures, unique site furnishings and new landscaping. Preconstruction will last through the year with construction scheduled to start early 2016. Besides being the core of downtown, the Grove Plaza is home to the “Alive After Five” summer concert series. McAlvain originally constructed the Grove Plaza in the early 80’s. Leonard Loewen has been promoted to Assistant Superintendent and will be working in Ketchum on the Limelight Hotel project. C O NGR ATUL AT I ONS Pam Bullock, Assistant PM, has recently received her LEED Green Associate certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. WELCOME TO MCALVAIN Clark Benson as Estimator Jamal Nelson as Director of Preconstruction Sandy Irvine as Assistant Project Manager David Hurley as Project Engineer Reed Lenkersdorfer as Project Engineer “Partners in Safety” OSHA facebook: twitter: @mcalvaingroup CUTTINGS SPOTLIGHTS RIBBON AND GRAND OPENINGS JAMAL NELSON DIRECTOR OF PRECONSTRUCTION Jamal heads up preconstruction activities to sheperd projects and lead our resources through the initial phases of our unique project delivery process. This includes working with Owners and stakeholders, designers, trade partners, jurisdictional authorities, and project management teams, from project concept through construction. Jamal has lived in the Treasure Valley for the past 10 years with his wife Tracy and their 7 year old twins. When not working, Jamal enjoys spending time with the family playing sports, building “stuff”, and taking them on adventures. Reading, playing golf with IULHQGVDQG¿VKLQJDORQHURXQGVRXWKLVOLVW of personal indulgences. His wife, Tracey, is a Middle School Teacher, professional photographer and former college soccer coach (Ole Miss). “I’m a Man-U fan and she loves Chelsea, so Saturday morning Champions League match play is always something we look forward to.” When asked about his favorite thing about working at McAlvain: “The feeling of family. I’ve been with other organizations where this was the talk but never the walk. I also like the fact that ownership and decision makers are engaged and accessible – the boss is right down the hall and will usually be RQHRIWKH¿UVWWRDUULYHLQWKHPRUQLQJ,WWHOOV me there are hands on the wheel and the ship has a Captain, I just need to row.” Ultimately, Jamal plans on getting a law degree and semiretiring into teaching at the collegiate level. “And when I no longer connect with next-next generation, I will become a bus driver.” Over the past few months some pretty impressive projects have completed and held grand openings or ribbon cuttings. River Edge, Lusk Place and West Sherwood Student Housing/Multi-Family Apartments (left) were completed on an extreme fast track schedule in time for Boise State Fall Semester. The SkyWest Aircraft Maintenance Hangar (above) held a ribbon cutting on the 24th of August and the Boise Spectrum Facade & Plaza Revitalization project (below) was completed before the ¿UVW³7KXUVGD\7KXQGHU´&RQFHUW6HULHV and held a ribbon cutting on the 28th of August. A ribbon cutting for the Fabri-Kal project was held on October 15th. McAlvain served as concrete contractor and placed over 4,200 CY of concrete on the project. LEONARD LEOWEN ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT Leonard has recently been promoted to Assistant Superintendent and will be working in Ketchum on the Limelight Hotel project. Most recently, Leonard played a critical role, along with the Sherwood/River Edge teams, in close-out/project completion activities. Leonard has over 35 years in the industry and has spent a majority of his career working in the Bay Area gaining experience in commercial, industrial, seismic retro¿WVWHQDQWLPSURYHPHQWVPHGLFDOHGXFDWLRQDO and heavy civil projects. Leonard and his wife have been married for over 23 years and have a 19 year old daughter who recently had a beach wedding in California. When asked about his favorite things about working at McAlvain: “I enjoy the people I work with and the growth potential I see for this company.” Leonard enjoys the outdoors and loves to travel. Over the years he has spent a lot of time snorkeling around the islands of Hawaii. “I would love to one day run a small hostel on the island of Maui.” AVOID A PAINFUL BACK RUTH FRITTS SAFETY DIRECTOR $FFRUGLQJWRWKH%XUHDXRI/DERU6WDWLVWLFV%/6EDFNLQMXULHVDFFRXQWIRU RQHRIHYHU\¿YH injuries and illnesses in the workplace. Eighty percent of these injuries occur to the lower back and are associated with manual materials handling tasks. Back pain can re-occur at any time. The bottom line is that YOU bear the responsibility for preventing back injury. FOUR LEADING BACK INJURY RISK FACTORS 1. Poor posture Be willing to change your posture. Our bodies are GHVLJQHGWRPRYHEHQGDQGÀH[DQGRXUSRVWXUH FKDQJHVWR¿WWKHWDVN6WDWLFSRVWXUHOHDGVWRGLVFRPfort and lower productivity. Be aware of your posture while working. Stretch often and shift positions. .HHS\RXUERG\ÀH[LEOHQRWULJLGRU¿[HG Practice good posture. Habitually poor posture will cause increased aches and pains. 2. Poor physical condition Your physical condition can cause a tremendous strain on your back if you are overweight. 3. Improper body mechanics Can put increased and even excessive pressure on your spine which can lead to the degeneration of discs, back pain, and serious spinal problems. The position and movement of your body as you sit, stand, or partake in any sort of physical activity is important. 4. Incorrect lifting Adjust the load or your position to eliminate twisting and stretching. Avoid lifting materials that exceed 1/3 - 1/2 of your body weight - GET HELP. Push don’t pull. Listen to your body. Feeling discomfort or pain is an indication that something is wrong! Combinations of awkward posWXUHIRUFHUHSHWLWLRQVDQGLQVXI¿FLHQWUHVWSHULRGVDUHDVHWXSIRULQMXU\ Working safely means using COMMON 6(16(LQWKHZRUNSODFHVWD\LQJSK\VLFDOO\¿WDQGPDNLQJLQMXU\SUHYHQWLRQDWRSSULRULW\ McAlvain Group of Companies, Inc. | 5559 W Gowen Rd., Boise, Idaho 83709 | We’re on the web @ & 2015 SUMMER HIGHLIGHTS 5HFHQWO\UHPRGHOHGE\0F$OYDLQHPSOR\HHVHQMR\HG GLQQHUDQGOLYHKRUVHUDFLQJDWWKH Les Bois Park and Turf Club Bar & Grill WRNLFNRIIWKHVXPPHU $IWHUDQH[WUHPHO\EXV\PRQWKRI-XO\WKHRI¿FH took to a relaxing evening raft trip on the main fork of the Payette River with family and friends! 0F$OYDLQZDVDSURXG Sponsor of the Basque Soccer Friendly held on -XO\WK(PSOR\HHVZHUH WUHDWHGWRZRUOGFODVVVRFFHU ZLWKD$WKOHWLF%LOEDR YLFWRU\RYHU&OXE7LMXDQD Throughout the summer and into the fall months, employees were treated to many delicious BBQs. We thank you for your dedication and hard work! McAlvain Group of Companies, Inc. | 5559 W Gowen Rd., Boise, Idaho 83709 | We’re on the web @ &