January 30, 2011 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
January 30, 2011 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
FS O T J30,2010 MTI M ,J31 8:00amMorningprayeratSt.Paul 10:00amCommunionServiceatDorsettNH T ,F1 7:00amMassatS t.Joseph Intention:BishopCupich 8:00amMassatS t.Paul Intention:Charles&MichaelSowers+ W ,F2 7:00amMassatS t.Joseph Intention:Fr.PaulEischoff 9:30amMassatBFNursingHome No intention T ,F3 8:00amMassatS t.Paul No intention 12:15pmMassatSt.Joseph Intention:MassforLife F ,F4 7:00amMassatS t.Joseph ExtraordinaryFormoftheRomanRite Intention:MatthewMizera+ 10:00amMassatEdgewoodVista Intention:Forallthosewhowilldiethismonth 12:15pmMassatSt.Paul Intention:HazelVoss+ S ,F5 8:00amFirstSaturdayMassatSt.Joseph Intention:MaggieLanger+ 5:30pmMassatSt.Joseph Intention:JosephAcri+ S ,F6 8:30amMassatS t.Joseph Intention:Deceasedmembersofthe Weber&Freedfamilies+ 10:30amMassatSt.Paul Intention:JoeSmith+ 1:00pmMassatSt.Joseph ExtraordinaryFormoftheRomanRite Intention:EvaHanifyRail+ 5:30pmMassatSt.Joseph Intention:Forthepeopleofourparishes C"T: St.Joseph:4:00—5:00pmonSaturday&Sunday 11:00amonThursday St.Paul:2:00—3:00pmonSaturday TF "P"L This coming Wednesday, February 2nd, marks 40days afterChristmas.OnthatdaythechurchtraditionallycelebratestheFeastofthePresentationofJesusintheTemple.Onthisdayweblesscandles.Ifyouhavecandlesyou wouldliketohaveblessed,bringthemtomassthatday at7:00a.m.Also,youmaybuycandlesaftermass today fromaWorldYouthDayparticipant,andbringthatcandletothe7:00a.m.massonWednesday. DS.P SJCC Hugstoallofyou asyoumake adifferenceinthelivesof abused and neglected children in our area who are placed in foster care. We so deeply have appreciated your generous donations during the past years to our Backpackprogramforthese children. Yourgenerosity thisyearwassoamazingandwillhelpsomanychildren feelmorecomfortableintheirnewhome.MayGodbless eachofyouforyourlovingconcernforothers. LoisBittner BlackHillsFosterParentAssociation D'L Haveyoualwayswantedtoknow howtodothejitterbug?Nowisyourchance!ThisMondaythejitterbugis the featured dance being taught by Lonnie and Sandy Keyser.Itdoesnot matterifyouhaveattendedanyof the previous lessons, you can still come this Monday nightfrom7to9p.m.attheSt.PaulParishHall.Thecost is only $4per person or $8 per coupleper night. You don'thaveto signupinadvance,justshowupandjoin thefun!Hopetoseeyouthere!ForquestionscallClara Kileyat892-4012. V)S*D' TheannualValentineSweetheartDanceisSaturday,February 12th starting at 8:00 p.m. at the SpearFish VFW, 3102FairgroundsLoop.Themusicwillbe providedby CountryCousins.Therewillbelivemusic,dancing,door prizes,andhorsd’oeuvres.Purchaseyour tickets today atyourchurchofFice.Ticketswillalsobesoldaftermost Masses. D' CN* FD'S')J'C M1E'W3 “WeFindourselvesatacrucialmomentineconomiclife. Millionslackworkandthereissomuchwork todo.As CatholicswelooktoJesusChrist,whotea chesus:“Apart from me you can do nothing,” (Jn 15:5) but then reassuresuswith:“Iamwithyoualways”(Mt28:20).Pope Benedict reminds us: “As we contemplate the vast amount of work to be done, we are sustained by our faiththatGodispresentalongsidethosewho come togetherinhisnametoworkforjustice.” BishopWilliamF.Murphy,LaborDayStatement,Sept.6, 2010,www.us ccb.org IntegrityofAction!ClarityofThought!Learnaboutmarriage in today’s world and God’s desire for YOUR marriage. Attendthe nextWorld wide Marriage Encounter Weekend, February 11-13, 2011 at Broom T ree Retreat Center, Irene, SD. For more information or to register, pleasecontactCurt&RochelleLauretat605-362-9145or visitwww.WWME.org.AWeekendofDiscovery...Alifetime oflove! O "N*B- Ifyouwereunabletoturninyourcompletedin-pew survey today regarding the Ordination of a new Bishop,pleasemailitnolaterthanFebruary7 to: Ordination Volunteer Subcommittee, Diocese of RapidCity,POBox678,RapidCity,SD57709-0678.If youdidnotreceiveanin-pewsurveyatMass,please askyourpastorforthenameandcontactinforma tion ofyourparishrepresentative. Becausewedidnotexpecttoordainanewbishopin 2011,thediocesanbudgetdoesnotincludefundsfor thisevent.IfyouwouldbewillingtoprovideFinancial support, please send your check payable to "New Bishop's Ordination," Diocese of Rapid City, PO Box 678,RapidCity,SD57709-0678. IC' BoydBristowandKennyPutnamwillperforminconcert at the United Methodist Church on Saturday, February 12th.Formoreinforma tioncall642-3457. W) A-)"FM FirstFridayMasswillbeheldonFebruary4a t5:30p.m. in the chapel at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cathedral. Mass will be followed by prayers and devotions. First SaturdayMassofReparationwillbeheldonFebruary5 at8:00a.m.inthechapelandwillbefollowedbyexpositionandtherosary.Formoreinformati on,contactEllen Robertsonat718.9909. U B) S0' UnitedBloodServiceswouldliketothankallthosewho participatedintheirblooddriveheldhereonDecember 16-17.Yourgenerosityallowedthemtocollectatotalof 40unitsontheFirstdayand33unitsonthesecondday oftheblooddrive. Yourhelphasassuredthatbloodandbloodproductsare therewhenp atientsneedthem. Onbehalfofthe staffatUnitedBlood Services,thepatients,andtheirfamilies,thankyouforbeingpartofthis importantcommunityservice.Welookforwardtoyour participationinthenextblooddrive! H)YG"S--G- Heal Your Grief Bereavement Support Group isaneightweek non-denominational group open to all Christian adultswhoaregrievingthelossofalovedone.Thesupportgroupbeginsat7:00p.m.,Monday,January31,2011, at Blessed Sacrament Church, 4500 Jackson Blvd., Rapid City.Pleasecomeearlytoregister!Forinformationorto pre-register, call Janece Rieman, 605-343-5547 or Jill at FamilyLifeMinistries,605-343-3541. S- D0' S--G- BeginningExperience®Separated&DivorcedSupport Group, E & L( A. The nondenominational group is open to all Christian men and women who are hurting due to separation or divorce. There is still timeto sign-up! Joinus at 7:00 p.m. on ThursdayatSt.TheresetheLi ttle FlowerChurch,Rapid City. Registration fee: $25.00; need-based scholarships available.Pre-registrationisre quested!Formoreinformation and to pre-register, call Jill at Family Life Ministries,343-3541. M S*MD/D' Saturday, February 12, 2011! Join us for this year’s event,“Celebratingthe25 thAnniversaryofMarriedSweethearts."Masswillbeheldat5:30p.m.atCathedralofOur Lady of Perpetual Help. The dinner-dance will follow Mass at the Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center, Rapid City. Registration is required! Registra tion fee: $55/ couple. Registration deadline: Friday, February 4, 2011! Nolateregistrationswillbe acceptedafter thedeadline! For more informa tion, please call Kathy at Family Life Ministries at 343-3541 or e-mail at [email protected]. Note: We are collecting photographs from past M arried Sweethearts events. Ifyou have photos you would like to sharewithus,pleasecontactKathy. O-H St.ThomasMore &St.ElizabethSetoninviteyoutoattend ourOpenHouseSunday,January30 thfromnoonto2:00 p.m.tokickoffNa tionalCatholicSchoolsWeek.Helpus celebrate the enduring value of Catholic education and focus on the gift it provides to our youngpeople. Then plantojoinusforgames,prizes,apettingzoo,foodand funonFebruary5 thfrom10a.m.to2p.m.fortheAnnual SetonWinterCarnival S.J-C'I" S.J-PW3)') M ,J31 T ,F1 2:00pmEucharisticAdorationRosary 3:00pmDivineMercyChaplet 6:30pmRCIA 7:00pmFolkGrouppractice 9:00pmBenediction W ,F2 4:30pmPraiseBandPractice 5:30pmGenerationsofFaith T ,F3 6:30pmLayMinistryclass 7:30pmPrayerGroupmeeting F ,F4 S ,F5 7:30pmPrayerGroupmeeting 9:00amLayMinistryRomanMissalmeeting 10:30amCatholicDaughtersmeeting S ,F6 7:00amKnightsPancakeBreakfast 6:30pmLifeTeen 6:30pmConFirmation ForMassandConfessiontimes,refertofrontpage. St.JosephWeeklyCollection1/23/11 INCOME: GeneralCollection $3,959.00 BuildingFund $278.0 0 Children’sCollection $34.75 Joseph Fund $95.00 Seminarian $10.00 NewmanCollection $420.0 0 Blessedaretheywhoarewhattheyareanddowhatthey doforthesakeofthekingdom!TheGospeltodayassures goodstewardsthattheirsufferingandtheirserviceon behalfofthekingdomwillberewarded! RenovationMonthlyPayment$5,000.00 RenovationLoanBalance:$171,982.68 Newman/ParkinglotMonthlyPayment:$1,100.00 Newman/ParkinglotLoanBalance:$78,259.2 9 YearEndStatementscanbepickedupinthechurch ofViceorTamicanemailyourstatementormailyour statementuponrequest. D'U- ! Youcanstillbeapartofthedirectory.Ifyouwereunabletogetyourpicturetakenyoumaysubmi tapictureof you and/or your family. If you are in a group at the church please submit a picture with the group activity andthenamesofthepeopleorcontactTamiandarrange atimetohavehercome takeyourgrouppicture.Let’s makethisthebestdirectoryyet! C)'D1 CatholicDaughterswillmeetonSaturday,February5th attheCedarHouseat10:30a.m. Thankyou, MaryAnnKortmeyer B-)C) Baptismal classes are offered once a month. The next class is at St. Joseph Church on February 13th at 9:30 a.m. If you are planning on baptizing your baby soon, pleasecontactyourchurchofFicetoregisterfortheclass. K1P'3B3" ThenextKnightsofColumbuspancakebreakfastis February6thstartingat7:00a.m. BB) Pleaseremembertobringbackyourbabybottlesforthe BellaPregnancyCenterfundraisertothechurchofFi ce byFebruary20th. E''A R EveryTuesdayisEucharisticAdorationRosaryfrom2 -3 pminthechapel.Everyoneiswelcome. 24HA 24HourAdorationstartsonFriday,Fe bruary4th beginning with the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite Mass at 7:00 am and ending with FirstSaturdayMassat8:00a.m. Forthosesignedup,pleaseremembertocome at yourassignedtimes.Ifanyonewhoissignedup to adore needs a substitute please contact your “captain”forthesetimeperiods. • 7:00am—2:00pm(Friday) MaryAnnKortmeyer642-8102 • 2:00pm—9:00p m(Friday) LoganRoberts641-5106 • 9:00pm(Friday)-7:00am(Saturday) KathieKlinckman641-5140 St. Paul Catholic Church - Belle Fourche, SD MINIS TRY S CHEDULE Rosary: Feb: Don Ward Mar: Clark Sowers Feb 6: 10:30 a.m. Mass L: Brett Bachand, Margaret Logan SAC: Marie Jacobs EM: Rod & Renee Bisgaard, Dee and Bob Wagner, Cheri Moke, Joan Klein G/G: Bisgaard Family MC: Maggie Sowers AS: Bricee Bisgaard, Bryce Nicholas, KeAnna Ward U: D. Anderson*, R. Bisgaard, A. Demos, J. Wolf Music: Katie Sowers, Liz Day Feb 13: 10:30 a.m. Mass L: Paul Gremse, Andrea Rhoads SAC: Dee Tschetter EM: Ed & Joyce Buchholz, Ron & Marilyn Schwans, Leo and Pam Coughlin G/G: Larry Gran Family MC: Rebecca Meza AS: Bailee Ward, Cory Sowers, Jacob Butler U: J. Thompson*, G. Swanz, J. Severin, C. Snoozy Music: Maggie Sowers, Allie Verry Volunteers are needed as hostess during the photography sessions. Please call the Office if you can help. Robert Ryes lost all his possessions in a fire and has placed a list of needed items in the Jan 26 Belle paper. If you have household items that you could donate, please let them know. Photos: As we compile our parish directory, if you have photos you would like to include, please email them to the Office. Sacraments (First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Baptisms) and activities (Edge, Knights, social activities) are a MUST HAVE!! Email them today. ST. PAUL PARISH HAPPENINGS Jan 30: Jan 31: Feb 1: Feb 2: Feb 3: Feb 6: Knights Breakfast following mass - Hall Dance Class - 7 to 9 pm - Hall Olan Mills Photos - 2 - 9 pm - Church Hall Olan Mills Photos - 2 - 9 pm - Church Hall Finance Council Meeting - 6:30 pm - Rectory Souper Bowl Sunday Bring an item for the Compassion Cupboard Feb 9: Edge - 5:30 - Church Hall Feb 13: Spanish Mass - 4:00 pm Feb 16: Generations of Faith - 5:30 pm - Church Hall Feb 17: Parish Council - 6:00 pm - Rectory Feb 21: Knights of Columbus - 6:30 pm - Church Hall Feb 23: Edge - 5:30 pm - Church Hall Feb 27: First Communion Class - following Mass Mar 3: Parish Council - 6:00 pm - Rectory Mar 6: Mardi Gras Dinner 1/23/11 Edge Meals: A huge THANK YOU to our families who are providing our upcoming Edge meals. Please plan for 65. Feb 9: M. Woodard, J. Zwaschka, L. Jilek, L. Speirs Feb 23: L. Kaitfors, J. Loux, C. Lambert, T. Ludens Have you always wanted to know how to do the jitterbug? Now is your chance! This Monday the jitterbug is the dance being taught by Lonnie and Sandy Keyser. It does not matter if you have attended any of the previous lessons, you can still come Monday night from 7 to 9 p.m. at St. Paul Parish Hall. The cost is only $4 per person. You don't have to sign up in advance, just show up and join the fun! Hope to see you there! For questions call Clara Kiley at 892-4012. Altar Servers: Training for new servers will be beginning soon. Requirements are easy - you must be a 3rd grade student or above, you must have received your First Holy Communion and you are committed to doing your best. Contact Clark at 723-3406. KC Rifle Raffle is just around the corner. Prizes include a shotgun, rechargeable drill and flashlight set, digital camera, hunting knife and dinner for two. Get your tickets soon!! See a Knights of Columbus member to purchase your ticket. Forgot your contribution envelope? No cash on hand? No problem.... Sign up today for E-TITHING! Your preset amount automatically comes out of your account on the 20th of the month. You may change or cancel at any time. Give yourself peace of mind this year knowing your contribution is always taken care of. E-tithing is easy to do and can save you time & money on check costs. An authorization form is located in the entryway or see Patti at the office. Tuesday Bible Study: You may join us on Tuesdays at 9:30 am at Country Place Living. This session is a study on “Stewardship - Serving The Master.” You are welcome to participate in the group for weekly readings and discussions. Mardi Gras Dinner: The March 6 dinner is just around the corner. We are still in need of hams and turkeys. There also is a sign up sheet for various other areas in which you can choose to help. Please stop by the table in the entry to donate your time, talent or treasure. Thank you for your consideration. Budget Year July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011 Annual Contribution Budget: Budgeted To Date: Received To Date: To Date Net: $ 121,924.00 $ 67,996.30 $ 63,339.79 $ - 4,656.51 Weekly Contribution Budget: Received Jan 23 Spanish Mass: E-tithing: Weekly Net $ $ $ $ $ + 2,344.70 1,501.50 2,100.00 1,256.80 February 6, 2011 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Reading 1 Is 58:7-10 Thus says the LORD: Share your bread with the hungry, shelter the oppressed and the homeless; clothe the naked when you see them, and do not turn your back on your own. Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your wound shall quickly be healed; your vindication shall go before you, and the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer, you shall cry for help, and he will say: Here I am! If you remove from your midst oppression, false accusation and malicious speech; if you bestow your bread on the hungry and satisfy the afflicted; then light shall rise for you in the darkness, and the gloom shall become for you like midday. 1 Cor 2:1-5 Reading 2 When I came to you, brothers and sisters, proclaiming the mystery of God, I did not come with sublimity of words or of wisdom. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified. I came to you in weakness and fear and much trembling, and my message and my proclamation were not with persuasive words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of Spirit and power, so that your faith might rest not on human wisdom but on the power of God. Mt 5:13-16 Gospel Jesus said to his disciples: “You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seaPs 112:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 soned? Responsorial Psalm It is no longer good for anything R. The just man is a light in darkness to the upbut to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. right. You are the light of the world. Light shines through the darkness for the upright; A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. he is gracious and merciful and just. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a Well for the man who is gracious and lends, bushel basket; who conducts his affairs with justice. it is set on a lampstand, R. The just man is a light in darkness to the upwhere it gives light to all in the house. right. Just so, your light must shine before others, He shall never be moved; that they may see your good deeds the just one shall be in everlasting remembrance. and glorify your heavenly Father.” An evil report he shall not fear; his heart is firm, trusting in the LORD. R. The just man is a light in darkness to the upright. His heart is steadfast; he shall not fear. Lavishly he gives to the poor; His justice shall endure forever; his horn shall be exalted in glory. R. The just man is a light in darkness to the upright. spaghetti dinner to benefit our youth attending world youth day in Madrid the summer of 2011 Learn more about this incredible pilgrimage! Enjoy a home cooked spaghetti dinner provided by the Spearfish Knights of Columbus! Enjoy a slide show of previous world youth day pilgrims! Meet our WYD Madrid Pilgrims! Learn more about the Pilgrim Saints of WYD Madrid! Take a treat home from our dessert auction! No tickets or reservations required, free will donation at the door saturday, february 19, 2011 st. joseph catholic church 6:30 pm Questions? Please contact Amy Julian at 605-642-2306 ext 113 or [email protected] And with your spirit’ By Brian MacMichael Last week, we looked at the newly translated opening prayer for Mass on the First Sunday of Advent, which we will start using as part of the revised Roman Missal in a year. Again, right now is a great time to learn about the new English translation of the Mass, because Advent is a liturgical season meant for preparing ourselves to welcome Jesus Christ. And since Christ is especially present to us in the holy sacrifice of the Mass, the words we use during worship are extremely important. This week, we begin looking at the “Order of Mass” — that is, those parts of the Mass that we pray every week, with only slight variations. For instance, the priest always begins Mass by saying, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” We respond, “Amen.” By the way, these familiar words will not change with the new Missal! Immediately after the Sign of the Cross, the celebrant extends one of three different liturgical greetings to the people, the most common of which is simply, “The Lord be with you.” That, too, will remain the same. However, our new response will be the first major change e in the Order of Mass. Instead of “And also with you,” we will now be saying, “And with your spirit.” This new response will also be made at the four other times during Mass when this dialogue occurs: at the reading of the Gospel, at the beginning of the Eucharistic Prayer, during the Our Father, and at the conclusion of Mass. Why the change? At the most basic level, “and with your spirit” is the proper translation of the original Latin text: “Et cum spiritu tuo.” By correctly expressing this dialogue in English, we are actually aligning our translation with that of all the other major language groups, which have long been translating the Latin properly. For example, in Spanish, the response is “Y con tu espíritu.” There is an oft-told story of how Venerable Pope John Paul II initiated this new English translation. John Paul II was renowned as a world traveler, and he was also a very accomplished linguist, fluent in eight languages. During his trips abroad, he prayed from many different translations of the Roman Missal, and he began to notice discrepancies. So, he examined multiple books side by side — such texts as the Latin, Italian, German, French, Polish and English. What he discovered was that our existing English translation was in need of considerable improvement. It is likely that the Holy Father’s attention was particularly drawn to the fact that the English did not say, “And with your spirit.” But even beyond the linguistic, the recovery of the word “spirit” also carries Scriptural meaning. One form or other of “The Lord be with you” appears multiple times in the Bible, including the greeting given by the Archangel Gabriel to Mary at the Annunciation: “Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you.” — Lk 1:28. Then, in the Pauline epistles, multiple variations of “The Lord be with your spirit” are employed as parting words to different Church communities. Understood together, this liturgical dialogue in the Mass is an exchange whereby all present — both priest and congregation — ask that the Holy Spirit (whom we call “the Lord, the giver of life” in the Nicene Creed) establish a stronger communion among us. In addition, for the congregation to answer the priest, “And with your spirit,” is actually a theological statement about what we Catholics believe regarding ordained ministers. The catechism (No. 367) speaks of how “spirit” can refer to an elevation of the soul, whereby the soul “is raised beyond all it deserves to communion with God.” Through Holy Orders, Christ has forever configured the priest’s soul to Himself in a special way, by the power of the Holy Spirit. By specifically referencing the priest’s spirit, we can affirm this transformation and pray for his ministry. This new response of “And with your spirit” will be a difficult change to remember — perhaps one of the most difficult for us laity. Although it is a seemingly minor adjustment, our current response has become second nature to us. However, it will not take long to grow accustomed to the new wording, especially given its frequency. Above all, we should reflect on how it conveys the content of Sacred Scripture, as well as the work of the Holy Spirit in the Church. Brian MacMichael is the director of Liturgy for the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Indiana PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES – 01/19/11 Father Tim Cathy Sulentic-Morcom Ted Miles Mary Ann Kortmeyer Jodie Simons Kevin Pummel Father Timothy Vice President Knights of Columbus Catholic Daughters St. Paul Church Liaison Elected Sandra Mattern President Susan Hupp Altar Society Larry Vavruska Elected Don Sargent Elected Dick Grady Elected Sara Owen Secretary St. Joseph Parish Council met on Wednesday 19th January, 2011, commencing 12pm. Council Members present were Father Tim, Sandy Mattern, Cathy Sulentic-Morcom, Mary Ann Kortmeyer, Susan Hupp, Jodie Simons, Larry Vavruska, Dick Grady and Sara Owen. Larry moved to approve the Minutes of 15 th Dec. Susan seconded them and all were in favor. The Knights of Columbus were not represented. However, Ted had forwarded details to Sandy Mattern. The Free Throw Contest is to be held at the High School on 30 th January. A pancake breakfast is scheduled for 6 th February. The Knights of Columbus will hold their regular meeting with a wild game feed on 7 th February. The Valentines’ Dance is to be held at the VFW on 12 th February and there is to be an officer’s meeting on 14 th February. The Catholic Daughters were represented by Mary Ann Kortmeyer. They have not had a meeting this month due to the inclement weather. Susan Hupp represented the Altar Society. Their January Meeting has been changed to Monday 24 th January commencing 5.30pm. This will consist of a social event with a brief update from Susan. Gloria Baker is to discuss her trip to Africa. The Parish Council discussed food ideas for the Festival in the Park this summer. Due to the resignation of the Finance Chairman the Finance Committee was represented by Fr. Tim. Father Tim handed out the December Financial Statement. $78,259.29 is owing on the Parking Lot loan and $171,982.68 owing on the Renovation Loan. There appears to be a trend over the last 4 years with people giving more during the months of June-December and less during the months of January-June. $3,700 has been raised from the Newman Newsletters being sent out to alumni outside of our parish, with still one more newsletter to be sent out. Discussions began pertaining to the new budget. $28,000 has generously been donated to purchase an organ for St. Joseph Church. (Model No. CF -30 Chapel Series by Allen). It has been purchased from the company who has been servicing our present organ for the last 20 years. The new organ has a computer which automatically senses the touch of the pianist/organist, making necessary adjustments. Lessons will be given. There is no resale value on our current organ; therefore it is to be given to St. Paul Church which does not have an organ. With less frequent use at St. Paul Church, we are hoping it will suffice for the immediate future. The company whick is to deliver the new organ will also deliver the old organ to St. Paul Church. There will be an approx. cost of $1,000 for wiring at St. Paul Church for the speakers. We will receive the organ within 3 months, at the very latest. Jodie Simons represented St. Paul Church. They held their Parish Council Meeting on 6 th January, 2011. Collections are down 3.5% through the end of October but still $4,000 more than this time, last year. The roof is still leaking but in a different place. The Knights of Columbus had breakfast in November & January. Deacon Klein reported that 60-70 college students attend the Newman Center regularly. The Confirmation Retreat in December was cancelled, due to the inclement Father’s Report 3 college students attended the ‘College Student Summit’ last year. This resulted in the students becoming great leaders for the Newman Center. Two of these leaders are to graduate this year and Father Tim would like to send 5-6 students this year. 23 college students attended the Focus Conference last year and 15 students are to attend the Focus Conference this month. Lisa Fahey has done a superb job with the Newman Newsletter and now has added a further 1,000 people to the database. Liturgy – The changes coming into effect with the new Roman Missal next Advent are starting to be taught at G.O.F. We are presently in Ordinary time but still chanting the prayers. This is in accordance with the new edition of the Roman Missal & a document published in 1967 pertaining to the 3 Masses (Low, High & Solemn). Father Tim to give a brief outline during Mass explaining that we are implementing this now, in readiness for Advent. When we have a feast day, the music will need to be more complex. There are 10 candidates for RCIA this year, with no baptisms, at present. Parish Directory – Jodie reported that coverage for receiving people have been good. Election of Officers – To be discussed in detail next month. Budget – A Budget Committee has been formed with members from the Finance Council, consisting of Whitney Driscoll, Jon Pochop and Madeleine Custis. Any Other Business - Sandy stated that a survey is to be handed out to parishioners on 29 th-30 th January regarding Ordinance/installation of our new Bishop (as and when one is appointed). The Ordination will be carried out at the Civic Center in Rapid City; therefore ushers, greeters, etc will be required for this occasion. Sandy enquired as to whether any more information is available regarding the proposed trip to Jerusalem in the spring of next year. Father Tim commented that Father Timothy is hoping to receive brochures by 1st February. Cathy Sulentic-Morcom, Becky Byrum and Lisa Merchen are volunteers, on behalf of St. Joseph Church, for the Bella Pregnancy Resource Center. They will be handing out baby bottles to all parishioners this weekend to take home, fill with coins and bring back. The bottles in turn will be given back to Bella Pregnancy Resource Center. Father Tim led the closing prayer. The next meeting has been arranged for Wednesday 16 th February, 2011 at 12pm.