February - Multnomah Channel Yacht Club


February - Multnomah Channel Yacht Club
A monthly publication of Multnomah Channel Yacht Club
February 2015 “The Friendliest Club on the River”
50990 Dike Road
Commodore Mike White
From The Commodore
As we continue to heal from the
tragic loss of our friend and club
member Patrick Miller, please see
the tribute pages in this edition of
The Channel Chatter. Thanks to all
that contributed and to Jim and
Mary for making it happen.
Thank you Teri and Lori for making the 2015 MCYC Commodore
Ball so special. Everything was
perfect. And how about that emcee, Teri, you did a wonderful job
and made me very proud. There
were more Daughter’s of Neptune,
past, present and future in one room
then maybe ever before. Daughter
of Neptune Lauren was very well
spoken and gracious. Honorary
Daughter Emerson was adorable.
We have busy times ahead, our
Sweethearts Cruise, work parties to
prepare for The MCYC St. Patrick’s Day Event, plus Opening
Day is sneaking up as well. Please
remember, try to leave the club just
a little better than you found it. It
doesn’t take much and makes a
huge cumulative impact. That is all
for now. Teri and I hope to see you
at the club or on the river.
CC Mike
Since 1961
Scappoose Oregon 97056 www.mcyc1.org
First Lady Teri White
First, I would
like to say what a
wonderful Commodore’s Ball.
We had amazing
hors d’oeuvres,
and lots of great cocktails, compliments of the Commodore. We really enjoyed spending time with the
visiting Commodores and First Ladies from Rose City YC, St. Helens
YC, Tyee YC, and Riverside YC. I
was impressed with the dinner
food, and the DJ played the fav’s of
all those who asked. And of course
there was my favorite part, the PJ
party after.
The morning after
found us in the restaurant for the
special on Mimosa’s and Bloody
Mary’s, and of course breakfast.
Thank you Lori, for supporting me
through the process, and all of you
who assisted and helped with the
We attended the Columbia River
Yacht Club’s Commodore Ball the
next weekend. We were seated next
to the Commodore and First Lady
from Portland Yacht Club, John
and Vickie Justice. Vickie is the
Director of the Daughter of Neptune program. She explained to us
the events they have planned this
year. Lauren, our Daughter of Neptune, is in for a wonderful year. She
is amazing, we are so proud she is
representing us. As we chatted I
Page One
mentioned we had given Emerson,
our Granddaughter, the honorary
title of Jr. Daughter. She was
thrilled and said she may ask her to
take part in the life jacket event for
young children. I am sure, in the
event she is invited, Emerson will
be thrilled and her princess status
will be elevated to a whole new
In the month of February we have
been invited to, and will attend,
Rose City Yacht Club, Riverside
Yacht Club, and Tyee Yacht Club’s
Commodore Balls.
First lady, Teri White
At CRYC Commodore’s Ball
OFFICERS for 2015
Mike White
Vice Commodore
Pat Senz
Rear Commodore
Gib Colistro
Lori Senz
Bob Schultheis
General Meeting Menu
Board Meeting
Sweetheart Cruise
General Meeting
Pasta with Shrimp on the side
Salad, Bread ,Desert
Joe Aten
Jim Donaldson
Brian Hale
Pat Miller
Dan Payne IPC
Mike Range
Moorage Manager
Asst. M. Mgr.
Bob Schultheis
Fleet Captain
Gib Colistro
Cruise Captain
Gib Colistro
Port Captain
Asst. Port Captain
Social Director
Lynne Aten
Bob Schultheis
Galley Mgr.
Mary Donaldson
Bar Manager Sondra Giacherio
Quarter Mistress Katherine Ulven
Historian B. Clauson / D. Hanhi
Teri White
Daughter of Neptune
Lauren Ellensohn
Channel Chatter
Jim & Mary Donaldson
First Aid
Lynne Aten
Brian Godfrey
Tana Phemester
Clubhouse Mgr.
Lynne Aten
Joe Aten
Jim Donaldson
Brian Hale
Mike White
Mike Range
Pat Miller
Gib Colistro
Pat Senz
Dan Payne
All- pot luck
Board Meeting
Work party
St Patty’s Party
General Meeting
Board Meeting
General Meeting
Cruise Chili Cookoff
Board Meeting
General Meeting
Cruise Memorial Day
Board Meeting
General Meeting
Cruise Gilbert River
Feb. Range,Bowyer,Dalton
Mar. Tidrick, Sanderson,
Apr. Hanhi/Clauson, Eades,
Clark, Phemester
June Aten, Donaldson, Karpeles,
July Senz, Moore, Greenwood
Aug. Sutherland, Jellum,
Godfrey/Shelton, Cozad/Winters
Sept. Walker, Tabrum, Stallman,
Oct. Colistro, White, Woods,
Nov. Westfall, Schneider, Attrash
Dec. Potluck
Barb Timmons
Steve Sanderson
Jim Donaldson
Board Meeting
Cruise Coon Island
Bald Eagle Days
General Meeting
Page Two
Jim and Mary Duff
Jim & Mary Donaldson
Geo. & Blanche Schneider 11
Walt and Sheri Tabrum 26
Gib and Teresa Colistro 26
Bob and Loraine Gedde
A calendars days are numbered
A bicycle can’t stand alone; it is
two tired.
A will is a dead giveaway.
Time flies like an arrow; fruit
flies like a banana.
A lot of money is tainted: ‘Taint
yours,and ‘taint mine.
He had a photographic memory
which was never developed.
Feb. 14
A plateau is a high form of flattery.
Mar. 13,14,15 St. Patty@MCYC
The short fortune teller who escaped from prison: a small medium
at large.
Apr. 25
July 3-4 Coon Island, East Dock
July 17-19
Sept. 5-7
If you don;t pay your exorcist,
you can get repossessed.
Daughter of Neptune
Lauren Ellensohn
When a clock is hungry, it goes
back four seconds.
Local Area Network in Australia:
the LAN down under.
He broke into song because he
couldn’t find a key.
“I have lived in Hockinson, a
small town in Washington for my
entire life and I love it here. I have
one older brother.
I am a sophomore at Hockinson
High School. I enjoy competing in
soccer and basketball. I also enjoy
spending time on the water, skiing
and tubing so I know that safety
on the water is very important.
I am so appreciative for this opportunity to represent MCYC as
Daughter of Neptune this year.”
Thank You,
Lauren Ellensohn
Page Three
Bald Eagle Days
Cathlamet, WA
Labor day Cruise
Coon Island, West
Oct. 16-17
Spook Cruise
Sand Island, Upper Dock
Show me a piano falling down a
mine shaft, and I will show you
A-flat miner.
You are stuck with debt if you
can’t budge it.
Chili Cookoff
Coon Island, East Dock
June 20 Longest Day of the Year
Cruise @ Gilbert River
A chicken crossing the road:
Poultry in motion.
A grenade that fell onto a kitchen
floor in France resulted in Linoleum Blownapart.
Sweetheart Cruise
Coon Island, East Dock
May 23-25 Memorial Day Cruise
Martin Island
In a democracy, it’s your vote that
counts; in feudalism, it’s your
count that votes.
The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine, was fully recovered.
Gib Colistro
A boiled egg is hard to beat.
A backward poet writes inverse.
With her marriage, she got a new
name and a dress.
Veterans Day Cruise
Coon Island, East Dock
No Scheduled Cruise
Dickerson said Miller had already
died when he was discovered by
neighbors. Deputies arrived on
scene at 7:46 pm.
From Teri WhiteHeavenly Father,
Our hearts are broken and we are
sad, but we want to thank you
Miller lived in one of the floating
for bringing Patrick into our lives.
homes. Dickerson said it appears
He touched us all with his humor,
he lived alone.
talents and his caring spirit. I know
Scappoose Rural Fire District also we touched his life as well. He told
me the other day, I know I am soresponded to the call.
cially awkward, but I am willing to
Dickerson said reports of drownstep out there.
ings aren’t uncommon in the counPlease comfort his family and
ty, which borders the Columbia
Patrick Miller
friends as we know how hard this
Departed January 19, 2015 River, but they’re less common in must be.
the residential areas.
Please soothe Pat and Lori’s
mind and hearts a they have wit“In this case, it was someone who
This is the article that was printed
nessed such a tragedy.
was incapacitated by a fall and
in the local newspaper:
Our strength is weary and right
couldn’t manage, causing him to
now we need your strength to lean
A man’s body was recovered from take in water”, Dickerson said.
on, we have so many questions, so
the Multnomah Channel Wednesgive us the peace to know that you
day evening in what investigators
are providing Patrick safe haven
deemed an accidental drowning.
and rest.
Be with us all, as we also have
According to the Columbia County
many other challenges in our lives
Sheriff’s Office, Patrick Allan
that we have dealt with recently and
Miller, 54, was found in the water
still have more to face. Put a hedge
around 7:30 pm by a neighbor near
of protection around all of our
the floating homes at Multnomah
members, their family and friends.
Channel Yacht Club on Dike Road,
Give them your peace that surjust outside city limits in Scappasses
all understanding. Renew our
spirits O Lord and let us come together to support one another.
Deputies suspect Miller may have
Thank you, in Jesus name we
fallen off his roof while he was
working atop his home and hit his
head on the dock during the fall.
I love all of you and God bless
A Celebration of Life
Neighbors made contact with Millyou today as we try to move
er earlier that day and expected to
Memorial Service will be through what we need to do.
hear from him again before
held for Patrick at the
Wednesday night. When they
MCYC Clubhouse on
hadn’t heard from Miller, they
February 28, at 3 pm.
looked around and found him floating in the water, Columbia County Please bring your favorite From Susan Jellum potluck dish to share.
Sheriff Jeff Dickerson explained.
Always ready with a friendly smile
and willing hand, Patrick was one
“The official cause of death was
of those members who lived our
determined to be drowning”, Dickmotto “friendliest club on the
erson said.
river’. He will be missed.
Page Four
From Terry Lane -
or make a meal. I will forever miss
him. What a gentleman, what an
I have great memories of Patrick. I Honorable man. Patrick you are
have had Patrick on the boat with one of the finest, most decent men
me on several occasions. He loved I have ever had the pleasure of
the Ilwaco, WA. Area and the
abundant fishing opportunity’s that
I was able to bring to him. One of
the trips that I remember was shortly after Patrick joined MCYC. I
had invited him to go fishing with
myself, I do not remember the crew
on this trip but I do remember how
thoughtful Patrick was. I also remember him as an astute gentleman always. Not just with the
ladies, but always a gentleman with
the men also. The crew was probably Bob Gedde and John Waikart
and myself or Patrick with both of
my sons. He had brought his bib
beautiful German Shepard with
him and had plans of putting him
in a paid facility for the day. Patrick slept on the boat with his dog
whom he loved very much. Upon
learning that he needed proof of a
rabies vaccination for the dog,
which he did not have with him, he
had little chance of going fishing.
We went and talked with the Harbor Master at Ilwaco. They insisted
that they would watch the dog.
That gave Patrick the opportunity
he wanted to go out across the bar
fishing for the day. We limited the
boat with a crew of four, that is
eight fish. After coming back in to
harbor, Patrick went to get his dog.
He wanted to pay the Harbor Master for taking good care of his dog.
They would hear nothing of it. Patrick decided he should send them a
dozen roses. Which he did. They
later commented on the roses and
what an honorable man Patrick
was. Patrick was always a pleasure
on our boat. He was always so appreciative of being invited along
and always helped to clean the boat
Page Five
From Dave & Barb Timmons Patrick was so kind and always had
a smile and hug when we saw him.
It was a great pleasure having him
as a neighbor and friend. I’m not
sure many people knew this;
Patrick delivered Meals on Wheels
every Tuesday in our community.
He will be greatly missed but never
forgotten. When we left on our trip
in November he brought us this St.
Christopher for safe travels. God
Speed Dear Friend.
This is a St. Christopher that Patrick presented to Barb and Dave
Timmons just before they left on
their recent motor home trip.
From Jim Donaldson
From Teri White
I had the pleasure of working with
Patrick on the recent remodel of the
Tender Restroom. We all know
how good of a woodworker Patrick
was , and he was eager to learn tile
setting skills. I showed him how to
use the wet saw to cut tile and it
was as if he had always done it. I
told him that he had a new side of
his skills and he said “My only
good side is my inside”
Moving on from the loss of our
friend is not easy and I know I will
think of him often whenever we are
at the dingy dock. He had such a
good time coming up with the
plans and then celebrating that it
worked. He gave me the storage I
always dreamed of under the dinette in the boat, and you would
never know it had not always been
there. He restored our ‘Natchez”
vessel to its original glory and presented it back to us with the club
burgee now flying. But most of all,
in that time, we became good
friends and I will miss him.
From Mike White
No truer words have been spoken !
You are missed !
This month is the month of love,
let’s think of those little things that
show we care for the club and each
From Joe & Lynne Aten Patrick had become a very important part of our club. Watching him
overcome his shyness over the
years as he got to know everyone at
MCYC was really a joy. He always
had a smile for you and was always
ready to help with anything …
showing us his many talents. He
will be missed.
Trying to swat at a bat with a
tennis racquet, pretty funny
actually !
Dave Sutherland
Patrick was my friend. Often in
the summer, we were the only
ones around the club. He helped
with many of the projects I
dreamed up, often going the extra
mile to do a great job. He was an
expert cabinet maker and made
custom items for several members
of our club. He accompanied me
on many cruises,. He especially
liked going to Cathlamet for Bald
Eagle Days. In his Memory, I will
fix a chili dog and a rum and coke.
I miss him very much
.Dave Sutherland
Page Six
Commodore’s Ball with Simone
Patrick, Teri and I had spent some
meaningful time together in the
few weeks before the accident. Patrick was on our boat the weekend
after New Years for the Survivors
Cruise and he also attended my
Commodores Ball. Patrick had
done two projects for us at the
boathouse and was a meticulous
2015 Flag Officers
Past Commodores
2015 Daughter of Neptune,
Lauren Ellensohn
2015 Commodore’s Ball
Teri White, Katherine Ulven
All Commodores
Ball Photos by
Dennis Hanhi
Page Seven
Emerson Rose Schelske
2015 Honorary
Daughter of Neptune
Kathy Hauck, Shelly Hale, Sondra Giacherio
Dan Payne with 2014 Daughter of
Neptune, Madison Jeffries
Mike Range, Lori Senz, Brian Hale
Mary and Jim Donaldson
Mike and Teri White
with their daughter
Christina Schelske
and granddaughter
Emerson Schelske
Katherine Ulven, Dan Payne
Mike Range, Brian Hale, Kendra Range
Mike Range, Jim Donaldson, Brian Hale
Page Eight
From Bob Gedde:
St. Patty’s is just
around the corner.
FLYERS: The flyers
were mailed out last week.
Gib & Teresa are the Raffle
Chair people. Don’t forget
to bring Raffle Prizes!!!
RACES: Dan Payne is in
charge of the Spud & Horse
races. He will need help setting up these races as well
as running them.
I still have a few spots to
still fill:
Longview Yacht Club is
having their annual CRAB
FEED on Sat. Feb. 21. An official flyer will be sent to
our membership soon with
all of the details.
Ladies are needed at
the Work Party
3) Saturday Night Dinner.
Saturday March 7th.
We will need a couple of power washers,
clean out the flower
beds, cut back the roses.
help setting up the
tables & decorating the
Thanks Guys and Gals !
There is no better way to
get to know your fellow
members than by tending
the bar !
You don’t have to know
anything about making
drinks, all you need to
know is the OLCC rules. (
Easy !)
Online classes are available at
n.com at a cost of $24.99.
1) Saturday Breakfast
2) Sunday Breakfast
With the passing of Patrick
Miller, the Club has two vacancies to fill.
Are you interested in being
a Member of the Board ?
You will need to be able to
attend all board meetings
held on the first Wednesday
of each month for the remainder of 2015. The board
will submit the candidates
to the membership to be
voted upon.
The other position is Moorage Manager. It is the Moorage Managers job to
maintain the moorage, by
reporting to the Board of
Directors the needs and
condition of the moorage.
Please contact Bob
Schultheis at
[email protected]
Page Nine
The club pays you back !
Pass the test, send a copy
of the receipt to Bob
Schultheis and your done !
Seriously, we really do
need servers, especially for
St. Patrick's Weekend
Event. Think about it.
Page Ten