11-8 Page 5B – classifieds
11-8 Page 5B – classifieds
Sunday, November 8, 2015 - Ennis Daily News - Page 5B FREE Free Puppies. Half lab. 5 males, 2 females. Mom on site. 903-229-3238 ANNOUNCEMENTS PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD on the first day it is published. The Ennis Daily News cannot be responsible for any error other than the first day's insertion, and then only to the extent of the space occupied PET, STOCK & POULTRY 10 black Angus Heifers: Big & fancy, bred for spring calves, to low birth weight bulls. Bristol, Tx. 972-666-2143 BUSINESS SERVICES CONCRETE WORK Commercial/ Industrial/ Residential Joe Muirhead Concrete Services 214-536-8320 Franky's Lawn Care Mowing, Weed Eating, Tree Trimming, Brick & Stone Work. Free Estimates. 254-205-9689 Hernandez Tree Experts Trim, prune, removal, stumps. Free Estimates. 24hr Emergency Service. Jesse Hernandez 972-938-2861 House Cleaning: dependable, references available, all supplies furnished, 20 yrs experience. Call Linda 214-980-2521 The Chimney Guy Safety Inspection Cleaning, Caps, Repairs & All Service available Firefighter Owned 903-271-8982 Tractor mowing, brush clearing, tree trimming, small dirt work, soil tilling. Free Estimate. Call 469-570-9594 AUTOS & TRUCKS 2010 Toyota Corolla Sport, loaded. 5 speed, new tires/ spare, original owner, 147K. $7,250. 903-641-6399 EMPLOYMENT Behavioral Health Organization seeking highly motivated Community Support Specialist to provide rehabilitative case management to consumers with severe and persistent mental illness. Bachelors degree in Psychology, Sociology, Counseling, Social Work or a related field is required. Apply in person at 319 N. 12th St. Corsicana Tx 75110 or fax resume to 903-872-1441 C&M Trailers & Cheyenne Cargo Trailers need welders that are familiar with wire welders preferably someone experienced with welding on steel cargo trailers. Clean background. Must have good social security number. Apply in person only across from race track on HWY 287 Experience Commercial Carpet helper. Spreading experience needed. Will train right person. Out of state work. 972452-3177 Full-Time & Part-Time Lube Technician needed. Apply in person at Valvoline Express Care. 603 E. Ennis Ave. No phone calls Full-Time Secretary for construction company. Bi-lingual preferred. Apply in person 9a2p Mon-Wed and Friday. 2501 Park St, Ennis Help Wanted. 20+ yrs Experienced Heavy Equipment Operator: welding & ranch hand. Non smoking & drinking environment. 903-326-4851 Home Health Agency needs a nurse to see a patient in Ennis. Must be dependable. Please call our office immediately. 972-241-8633 OTR DRIVERS. Full or parttime. Retired/ Military. 2 yrs flatbed exp. req'd. Competitive pay. Out and back, home frequently. Frank 972-679-3911, Ferris, TX. DRIVERS: LOCAL OPENINGS! Great Pay, Benefits! CDL-A, 1 yr Exp. Req. Estenson Logistics Apply www.goelc.com 1-855-298-4059 Job Opening: Office Position with Sage Mas 90 experience, Marketing Coordinator, Technical Office Position with manufacturing background, Machine Operators, General Whse, General Assembly, Skilled Labor. Top Notch Personnel. 113 W Ennis Ave. www.topnotchpersonnel.com MISC FOR SALE Broken pallet jack. Good for scrap. Best offer. Ennis Daily news, 213 N Dallas St., Ennis. Ask for Kevin Like new: Twin metal stairway study loft bed. Mattress not included. $150. 972-825-2558 Pallets for Sale: Ennis Daily News has wooden pallets for sale. $5 each. Inquire at 213 N Dallas St., 8am - 5pm. M-F or call 972-875-3801. Ask for Kevin FIREWOOD & FUEL Firehouse Firewood Dependable, honest off-duty firefighter. 100% Oak, split, seasoned. All size stacks available 214-536-0242 APARTMENT FOR RENT 2/1 Duplex with garage+ opener. New wood floors, paint, MW over oven, stove, WD conn., fireplace, ceiling fans. Must see! best Value in Ennis. uprightinvestments@yahoo .com or 972-762-1385 COURTYARD & LANCELOT APARTMENT 1 & 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. 2 bedroom, 2 bath. 972-878-2505 Peaceful Country Living. Small apt 1/1. Very nice. Rental history preferred. 972-875-9208 HOUSE FOR RENT 3/2/2. Tons of kitchen cabinets, dining, fireplace, patio. Quiet neighborhood. $1500 month, yearly lease. No smoking. Century 21 A-One Realty, Owner/ Agent 817-300-3870 401 Lumpkin. 3/2, Brick. WBF, fenced in yard. $985 month. Shown by appointment. 903767-7994 RENTALS AVAILABLE Residential, Commercial & Storage Call 972-878-RENT leased by: FBM www.fbmproperty.com MOBILE HOME FOR RENT 2/2's- 3/2's- For sale on property. Also MH Rentals & RV Lots. 903-326-7031 License #35039 LOTS & ACREAGE FOR RENT Mobile home or camper space for rent. Also 1/1. 903-3264851 MOBILE HOME LOTS Lots and mobile homes for sale. Coronado Homes, Rice, TX. Owner Financing. 903326-5000 HOUSE FOR SALE CASH We buy Houses, Mobile Homes, Mobile Home Lots, Mortgage Notes. Bristol Holdings, 972-878-1776 Palmer: Brick, 3/2/2 with carport. Large backyard. $125,000. 972-935-8559 LOTS & ACREAGE FOR SALE 10 Acres, ponds, trees. Owner finance. $500 down. South of Ennis. Broker 903-654-4295 LEGALS LEGAL NOTICE Application is being made to relocate restaurant mixed beverage permit with FB by JACD INC DBA Firehouse Grill to be located at 3701 N I-45 Ennis, Ellis County, Texas. said Office of corporation are President Jimmy Whatley Secretary R . Aline Whatley. SEEKING EXPERIENCED CAKE DECORATOR • Must display skills with portfolio • Possible full time position with benefits • Salary based on experience LEGAL NOTICE CAUSE # 15-E-2034 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF ELLIS COUNTY COURT AT LAW NO 1. ESTATE OF ALBERT EDWARD ARTHUR, DECEASED To: FOR THE UNKNOWN HEIRS WHOSE WHEREABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN By publication of this Citation published in a newspaper in the County for Ellis for one issue prior to the return day hereof, FOR THE UNKNOWN HEIRS WHOSE WHEREABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN, you are hereby cited to be and appear before the County Court at Law No.1 of Ellis County Texas by filing with the County Clerk of Ellis County, a written contest or answer to this Application for Appointment Dependent Administrator and Issuance of Letters of Dependent Administration filed by Nationstar Mortgage, LLC on February 6, 2015, with regard to the matter of Estate of Albert Edward Arthur, Deceased. This Application may be acted on by the Court at any call of the docket on or after 10:00 A.M. on the first Monday following the expiration of ten days from date of publication of this citation. If you are interested in this case you are cited to appear before this Honorable county at 109 S. Jackson in the City of Waxahachie, Texas. To ensure its consideration you or your attorney must file any objection, intervention, or response in writing with the County Clerk of Ellis County, Texas on or before the above-noted date and time. Nationstar Mortgage, LLC prays that the Court hear evidence sufficient regarding the Application for Appointment Dependent Administrator and Issuance of Letters of Dependent Administration in the Estate of Albert Edward Arthur, Deceased. If this citation is not served within 90 days after date of it issuance, it shall be returned unserved. Issued and given under by hand and the official seal of the County Court at Law of Ellis County, Texas at the office of the Ellis County Clerk in Waxahachie, Texas, on the 4th day of November, 2015. Cindy Polley Clerk of the County Court at Law Ellis County, Texas By: Sheryl Ground, Deputy Clerk Subscribe to The Ennis Daily News today! 213 N. Dallas St. 972-875-3801 Subscribe online at www.ennisdailynews.com You read even this tiny little space, didn’t you? Call us today to place your classified ad! 972-875-3801 Submit Resumes to: Julie A Garcia [email protected] FAX: 903-654-6717 | No phone calls please www.esbmortgage.com MORTGAGE COMPANY • Mortgage Loans • Interim Construction Financing • One Time Close Construction Loans • Remodel/Refinance Loans • FHA Loans 815 W. Ennis Avenue......972-878-5866 CORSICANA LIVESTOCK AUCTION I-45 at the Angus Exit \ Tuesdays @ noon Receiving Cattle Sunday 12:30-5:30 All Day Monday BARN 903-872-1631 GARY BRUNTON 903-654-8031 BEN BRUNTON 903-879-3456 Subscribe Today! 972-875-3801
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