BNA04158839 - DTSC-SSFL
BNA04158839 - DTSC-SSFL
SCREENING SOIL FOR VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTENT B/886 FOR MER SODIUM DISPOSAL FACILIT Y USE OF THE HNU MODEL PI-10 1 General In an effort to reduce the amount of hazardous waste generated during the closure of the B/886 former Sodium Disposal Facility, screening of the soil with an organic vapor monitor is to be performed. Based on the results of this screening and other visual indicators of contamination, a determination will be made as to whether the soil will be considered hazardous or non-hazardous for purposes of segregation . The following is the procedure to be used for performing the screen, for volatile organic compounds, maintaining and calibrating the monitoring equipment and documenting the results of these efforts . Equipment & Calibration The HNU Model PI-101 is a photoionization detector which uses an ultraviolet lamp of 10 .2 eV to ionize volatile organic compounds . The amount of the compound in air is read directly from the dial on the front of the HNU in parts per million (ppm) . The compound of interest, for purposes of soil screening during the remediation activities at this site, is trichloroethylene . The instrument is to be calibrated twice daily, before the morning shift, and before the afternoon shift, using the following simplified procedure : 1 . Turn the dial selector on the HNU to "Standby" and use the "Zero" control to adjust the dial needle to read zero. 2 . Turn the dial selector to "Batt " an d confirm that the needle is within the green range . If it is not, notify the Facility Manager or Crew Chief and re turn the HNU to the battery charge mode . 3 . Connect the HNU to the regulator and cylinder with a short piece of tubing as shown in Figure 1 . 4 . Open the regulator valve on the cylinder all the way, then turn the dial on the HNU to the 0-200 scale . 5. Turn the SPAN control knob until the reading on the dial is 79 ppm . 6. Once the 79 ppm reading is obtained , lock the SPAN control with the small black switch on the side of the cont rol. 7. Record the calibration information in the HNU Calibration Log Book. Calibration complete . The instrument shall be placed in the battery charge mode at the end of the shift for 8-10 hours between use . To charge the battery, first insert the mini phone plug of the charger into the jack on the left side of the HNU . Then insert the charger plug into the outlet and turn the function switch to the "Batt" position . The needle should deflect full scale to indicate that the unit is charging . The instrument should be turned off, and the probe should remain attached during recharging . Any difficulties in cali brating the unit or apparent malfunctions in its operation shall be reported immediately to the Facility Manager or the Crew Chief . F1 imii imnuim nii i mu ui I BNA0415883 9 HDMSe00446894 Procedure For Monitorin g The screening of soil in the backhoe, container, excavation or any are a designated by the Facility Manger or Crew Chief shall be performed by the following : 1 . Turn the cont rol dial to "Batt" and confirm that the needle is within the green r an ge . If it is not, notify the Facility Manager or Crew Chief an d re turn the HNU to the battery charge mode . 2 . Turn the dial selector to the 0-2000 ppm range and look for dial movement . If there is none, turn the dial selector to the next most sensitive range, 0-200 ppm, and look for movement. If still no movement, turn the dial selector to 0-20 ppm, which is the most sensitive scale, and read the dial . The purpose of moving the selector from the least sensitive to the most sensitive scale is to prevent damaging the unit with an off-scale reading . 3 . If the dial reading goes off scale at any time, move the dial selector to a less sensitive range and read . 4 . Scan the soil selected for screening by holding the probe approximately 3 inches from the surface. Slowly move the probe across the surface at this range and cover the entire surface . Avoid contact of the probe with the soil, as soil in the probe will cause faulty readings . 5 . Read the concentration in ppm of trichloroethylene in the air above the soil directly from the dial on the HNU . If a concentration which meets or exceeds 25 ppm is read, contact the Facility Manager or Crew Chief immediately . This soil will be considered to be hazardous and will need to be managed as specified in 886-SP-0002 . Provide information to these persons regarding the concentration present and the location of the monitoring . Additional questions regarding the calibration, maintenance or use may be answered by calling Bonnie Burn s , Environmental Protection at extension 5325, Plummer. The manufacturers instruction manual shall also be available on-site for consultation in the event questions arise. muimi mmu u T BNA04158840 HDMSe00446895 FIGURE 1 CALIBRATION CHECKING SET-UP muimi mmu iuu mi u i ui u BNA0415884 1 HDMSe00446896