Iowa Airstream Club News May 2013


Iowa Airstream Club News May 2013
Pr esident Linda’s Messa ge
May 5, 2013
Editors- Chuck & Doris Jean Cabalka
• President, Linda Beu
• 1st V.P, Lavonne Sandersfeld
319-331-3947 cell
941-575-6716 winter
• 2nd V.P., Paul Ryan
• Secretary, Kathy Allen
• Corr. Secy., Norm Beu
• Treasurer, Marcia Woolley
• One-yr. Director, Chuck Helle
• One-yr. Director, Sue Storjohann
• Two-yr. Director, Marilyn Mulbrook
• Two-yr. Director, Chuck Kiple
We have so much
news I hardly know
where to start. We
just returned from
the Region 8 Rally,
where (as usual) the
Iowa Unit excelled in
nearly everything.
Before the rally even
started, June Ryan
took our registrations. We all got an
update on the Slippery Slope saga, which was performed at
the 2012 rally. We were led by Lavonne
Sandersfeld to create an awesome breakfast the very first day. We made scrambled
eggs, sausage and biscuits with home made
Chuck Cabalka (writer) for a sterling performance. We had several performers in
the “Airstreamers Have Talent” night, and I
think the hit of the show was the synchronized swim team. Ask Scott Allen or John
Heckman. Their swim suits were amazing,
as was their routine.
April Luncheon
Dealers, B-day/Anniv.
Health, Rally Report
Rally Report (cont.)
Rally Report (cont.);
New Members;
Trailer Search
Propane Tips
Motorhome Vote
May 2/3 Snowstorm
Ozella Hoffman
Lincoln Hwy. Tour
Donella’s Trip Home
Minutes, Oct 18-21,
May 16-18 Maintenance
Rally, Davenport
jams and honey. I was asked if we had a
bean bag baseball team and we did not.
The Iowa Unit came through again with a
team organized just in time for the tournament and guess what? We won! We are
now the Region 8 Bean Bag Baseball champions and Chuck Kiple our coach, has the
trophy and shirts to prove it. Unfortunately there will not be a bean bag baseball
tournament at International this year. We
can always think we might have won that,
too, as we did two years ago. We presented news, weather and sports during
the Thursday evening program. Thank you
to Chuck Kiple (newscaster), Kathy Allen
(weather lady), Norm Beu (sports) and
Scrambling eggs: Chuck Helle, Chuck Cabalka,
Kathy Allen and Norm Beu
Caravan, Anyone?
The Iowa Unit Board will be asked at the May
rally to approve three (3) unit caravans that
will take place before the August rally. The
first will be a unit caravan, led by Paul and
June Ryan, leaving for the International Rally in
Huron, SD on/about June 9th. The second will
be an early worker caravan to International
leaving on/about June 12th and will be led by
Chuck and Doris Jean Cabalka. The third unit
will be to the Region 7 “Tall Ships” Rally in
Duluth, MN, leaving on/about July 22nd and
will be led by Chuck and Doris Jean Cabalka.
The rendevous locations for the last two caravans haven’t yet been decided. Anyone wishing to join any of these caravans are encouraged to contact the noted leaders.
(Continued on page 2)
A Note From Connie Neese
I just want to thank each one of you that sent
cards in this time of loss.
We had a funeral for Dale that was a special
tribute to him. We had special dance music,
little Airstreams on the table, his cycle jacket,
helmet, a quilt a daughter made and his redone
class ring. A dear Christen Motorcycle friend
gave a meaningful message. We had 59 years
and feel very blessed but a great big lonesome
too. We are 37 now, all of the great/grands
didn't attend. Iowa gave us some of the
"wonder of Iowa winter" for that evening and
day. Dale loved "Airstreaming" and never went
on enough trips.
I wish you all the best and Thank You from my
heart to yours.
contributed many, many hats that he
At our May Rally we will have a Board
made during his hospitalization and recov- meeting on Saturday morning, right after
breakfast. We will have a Unit Business
Now, down to business. At the rally, we
Meeting after dinner that evening. It stays
learned that our Iowa Unit numbers are
There were several really good seminars. light later now, so it should be a relaxed
growing and the International loss has
affair around the campfire. Sorry we have
slowed. Great news, everyone! Keep up We went to the Bill Thomas seminar and
learned some things that may get us into to do this at a Buddy Rally, but I need to
the good work! We raised quite a bit of
the mood for our Iowa Unit Maintenance know how you want me to vote on some
money for Common Cents from the quilt
raffle. June 28 is the date for the Region Rally in a couple of weeks. Glenn Thomas issues coming up at International; chiefly
the motor home amendment to be pre8 Luncheon at Huron. Ed Knernschield will suggested that we put 7 oz. of Clorox
(bleach) in 2 ½ gallons of water and pour it sented by June Ryan. We are lucky to
be leading a region caravan to Huron for
into the fresh water tank, especially if the have the amendment source in our own
early workers, and the Shaws will have a
rig has been sitting a while. Pump the
unit to help us understand exactly what
caravan titled “Meandering Minnesota”.
treated water through all faucets until you we’re voting on. The Board will need to
The slate of officers for Region 8 was
approve (or disapprove) 3 possible unit
unanimously approved. We will not have can smell the Clorox. Let it soak overnight, drain and flush until the odor is
caravans at their morning meeting and we
bulletin boards anymore. They have just
gone. (Suggestions for testing for propane will let you know the results that evening.
outlived their original purpose, for it
leaks is covered in an additional article in
seems that most members have and use
I just talked to Nancy Helle and it seems
the newsletter). The plug on your hot
cell phones. The Board agreed that Rethey had quite an adventure on the way
gion 8 President Fred Steurer should suphome from Hutchinson. Donella Watkintank
buildport a Region 7 proposal to allow WBCCI
son lost her fuel pump, I believe, and they
membership renewals to be paid online.
all had to spend another night on the
That is the meeting in a nutshell.
should get all of us in the mood to tune-up road. All is well and they were blessed to
have help when and where it was needed
our rigs for summer usage. Get ready to
The Community Service collections were
ask questions and discuss our problems at - even on a Sunday in unknown territory.
as follows: hats – 935, tabs – 109 lbs.,
It’s good to stick together, isn’t it?
blankets - 209, stuffed animals – 327, and the “Fix What’s Broken” Rally in Davenport in a couple of weeks, where US AdCommon Cents – $1,296.81. Iowa won
Make plans, right now, to attend the May
first place for blankets and third place for venture RV will be on hand to help and
Rally, from the 16th thru the 19th. It
stuffed animals. Glenn Waters of the
promises to be a great one. See you
Greater St. Louis Unit (Region 8 2nd VP)
(Continued from page 1)
in Hutchinson. Everyone was invited to join the caravan. President Linda Beu said we should be thinking about how we
The last Iowa Unit Luncheon for the winter of 2012-13 was
hosted by Chuck and Nancy Helle at the Pizza Ranch in Vinton on wanted her to vote on issues before the Delegates at the InterSaturday, April 20th. The twenty attending were Norm and Linda national Rally in Huron, SD. Lavonne reported on the Iowa Unit
Beu, Larry and Pat Dellamuth, Chuck and Nancy Helle, Mike and luncheon at Huron, and Mike and Dana passed out the schedule
for the May rally which they are co-hosting in Davenport. They
Dana Johnson, Marilyn Mulbrook, Mike and Linda Richart,
Lavonne Sandersfeld, Don and Sue Storjohann, Gary and Sharon also discussed and explained the tours they had arranged.
Urich, Donella Watkinson, Ben and Marcia Woolley and prospec- Prospective member Cheryl Vahl was introduced. There was
tive member Cheryl Vahl from Iowa City.
plenty of good conversation and food and all attendees seemed
April Iowa Unit Luncheon
to have had a good time. Thanks to Nancy Helle for this luncheon report.
There was discussion concerning a caravan to the Region 8 rally
Cryptogram of the Month
Here is this month’s cryptogram for those who enjoy this sort of brain exercise. As usual, each letter in the phrase
stands for another and no letter stands for itself. The solution is shown later in this newsletter. The clue for this
puzzle is L equals E.
B G L N L!
Shorewood RV Center South
4975 Hubbell Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50317
Bill Thomas Camper Sales, Inc.
101 Thomas R.V. Way
Wentzville, MO 63385
Wellness Report
First off, your newsletter team owe Marcella and Ray Wininger an apology. The last newsletter reported that
Marcella had fallen and broke her hip. Such was not the
case. She did fall, but had a fracture between two of the
vertebrae in her back. She went Mayo in Rochester, MN,
where they fused the damaged joint. She is home and
recovering nicely. The couple is reported to have preregistered for the Huron International and are still hoping
to make the rally. Best wishes to Marcella We hope you
make it to Huron.
US Adventure RV
5120 N. Brady Street
Davenport, IA 52806
Phone: 563-468-4678
FAX 563-468-5191
Fogdall RV (not a dealer)
(warranty, parts and service
7805 Ace Place
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Phone: 319-277-2641
FAX: 319-277-3790
1—Paul Ryan
4—Nancy Nelson
9—Karen Kvidera
14—Max Joseph
20—Cheryl Burrows
21—Ian Muir
Nancy and Chuck Helle report their son, Andy, is doing
quite well. He has returned to work full-time and is starting to regain some of the weight he lost. At 6'-5", he
weighed just 123 lbs..Only one drainage tube remains from
his surgery and that should be removed in the near future.
5—Don & Sue Storjohann
14—Ivan & Jo Curtis
Nancy also reports that the cataract surgery she has undergone on both eyes has greatly improved her vision, to the
point where her doctor told her to take off her glasses
when she next goes in to renew her drivers license. He is
confident that she will be able to pass the test with out
them. Way to go, Nancy!
Iowa Unit 1st VP Lavonne Sandersfeld, reports that her
vision is strengthening following her cataract surgery. She
easily passed her recent eye exam . Hurrah for Lavonne!
emcee “Pat Sajak”, (Gary Ball) kept the audience in stitches. It
was a great beginning to a great rally.
The Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson, KS was the site of
the Region 8 “LET THE GAMES BEGIN” Rally on April 24-28,
2013. Sixty-two Airstream trailers and motorhomes from the
four states in Region 8, as well as rigs from Minnesota and Texas
and International President John Boutwell and First Lady Sandie,
gathered for 4 days of fun, fellowship and games. Those arriving
on Sunday or Monday (April 21st or 22nd) were treated to beautiful sunny, although windy, weather. However, those arriving on
Tuesday, the 23rd, experienced much different conditions. A
strong weather system
moved through and those
arrivals experienced rain,
snow, sleet, ice and very
strong winds. Undaunted,
however, they persisted in
their travels and arrived to
park with full hookups for
the rally.
Following the scrambled egg and sausage breakfast prepared
and served by the Iowa Unit, the bean bag baseball tournament
began. The Iowa Unit was able to draft International President
and First Lady John and Sandie Boutwell for their team. The two
first round winners in the morning (there were a total of 5
teams, with Iowa drawing the bye) advanced to the Thursday
afternoon contest, with Iowa playing. Nebraska. The close game
was won by Iowa with a final score of 15-13. Two seminars
(Membership and Unit Officer Workshop) were also held during
the morning. After lunch, the Greater St. Louis Unit conducted
their “SUNFLOWERFEST”, consisting of ridiculous games of skill?,
such as tossing rolls
of toilet paper
through a toilet
seat atop a laundry
basket, picking up
as many M&M’s as
possible with
tweezers in a 2
The opening ceremonies
minute span (one
took place on Wednesday
at a time) and placevening, with Past Internaing them in plastic
tional President Norm Beu
presiding. After opening cups sorted by
Donella Watkinson, Nancy Helle, Marcia Woolceremonies, the Kansas color, fortune tell- ley, Doris Jean Cabalka & Marilyn Mulbrook
ing, getting tatCity Unit started the
games with their version tooed with washable paint, and several more simple, but fun
games. Every participant, win or lose, received a ticket at each
of “Wheel of Fortune”,
activity. Three of these could then be used to obtain an ice
utilizing contestants
cream bar or fresh-made cotton candy. It seemed every rally
from other Region 8
units. Not only was their attendee participated and SUNFLOWERFEST was deemed a
version of the game ex(Continued on page 4)
citing, but, serving as
great success.
Thursday evening activities continued with “Name That
Tune” (by the Missouri Greater
Ozark Unit) and
“Jeopardy” (hosted by the Nebraska Unit) resulting in many
laughs. The Iowa Unit brought
humorous news, weather and
sports, with Chuck Kiple (Kip
Chuckle) as newscaster, Kathy
Allen (Athy Kallen) doing
weather and Norm Beu (Borm
Neu) covering sports. Burma
Shave commercials were sprung
on the audience by the Greater
Kansas Unit. Everyone headed
back to their rigs for a night’s
sleep with laughter and humorous thoughts in mind.
Announcer—Frank Melton. Swimmers –Scott Allen, Fred Marcalus,
Ray Kolley, John Heckman & Henry
An oatmeal and ice cream breakfast was served on Friday morning. Seminars included Dave Schuman direct from Jackson Center via Skype. Following a catered lunch and the Region 8 Board
Meeting. the bean bag baseball championship was held. The
Iowa Unit defeated the Kansas City Unit by a score of 10-3 after
a tough-fought battle. An excellent seminar concerning AirThe annual Region
stream maintenance and trouble-shooting by Glenn Thomas
8 Flea Market highcompleted the afternoon activities.
lighted Saturday
The first item on the Friday evening program was an announcemorning. A hot
ment by Region 1 Vice President Leonard Sullivan that the 2014
dog lunch provided
Region 8 rally will be held in Kirksville, MO. The evening proby Bill Thomas
gram consisted of twelve excellent home-grown talent acts.
Trailer Sales was
Highlights were Dottie Steurer with a juggling act, ventriloquist
followed by a podMarion Pember with “Rusty” and five men (including Scott Allen
cast set up by Scott
and John Heckman) performing a synchronized swimming act.
and Kathy Allen
Again, everyone had a “laughing good time” and, following ice
concerning restoracream, left for their rigs with good feelings. Seven Iowa Unit
tion of vintage Airstreams and an open house in the RV parking
members participated in one, or more, of the acts.
(Continued on page 5)
dealt with the origination of several hymns. The money collected during church service will go to the Wounded Warrior
(Continued from page 4)
A catered dinner featured chicken breast, baked potato and
salad. Rally attendees were then treated to a night of professional entertainment, featuring Les Lankhorst, a professional
singer who appears in Las Vegas, on cruise ships and at other
venues. Although the majority of his songs were those sung by
Frank Sinatra, he also sang numbers by other famous artists.
The variety of his numbers and the quality of his singing was
fantastic and the entire audience thoroughly enjoyed his performance, to the tune of two standing ovations. Drawing for
door prizes and the retiring of US, Canadian, region and unit
flags brought the evening to a close. An ice cream treat sent
everyone off to their rigs, again in a joyful mood.
A quick cleanup and caravaners were ready to
hookup and head back out
on the road. Most headed
home, but several others
had places to go and things
to do. When all is said and
done, Region 8 President
and First Lady Fred and
Dottie Steurer prepared and
hosted an excellent rally;
one attendees will not soon
forget. The games began
and the games ended. HURPresident Fred and First Lady Dottie
Unfortunately, all good things must come to a close. After a
continental breakfast on Sunday morning, caravaners gathered
for a worship service prepared and conducted by WBCCI members from the North Iowa Unit. An excellent explanation about
Wounded Warriors was part of the service, while the remainder
Airstream Needed
Your newsletter team received word that there is a prospective
new member, if she can just find an Airstream trailer meeting
her desires. Her name is Cheryl (Cherie) Vahl from Iowa City.
According to information available on the internet, she is a
nurse. The address given is 200 Hawkins Dr., Iowa City, IA
52242, with telephone numbers of 319-356-4241 (office) and
319-467-5426. The address may be where she works and we
don’t know if the last telephone number is another office number, a land line or a cell phone. Her email address is [email protected]. Word received is that she is looking forward
to retiring next February and is seeking a 25 ft. long, 2007, or
newer, trailer and, possibly, a tow vehicle. Bill Thomas Camper
Sales already has her information and is on the lookout for a
unit. If any Iowa Unit members know of a possible unit, get in
touch with Cheryl. Also, Iowa Unit members in the Cedar Rapids-Iowa City area might get in touch with Cheryl to let her
know we are on the lookout for a unit for her.
Car thefts have spiked in Cedar Rapids, so police thought it
wise to offer some sage, if obvious, advice. (August 2011)
The last bloom of American innocence fell Thursday in Cedar
Rapids shortly after 8 a.m., when police issued the following
warning to the public: “The Cedar Rapids Police Department
requests that citizens not leave the keys to their car in the car,”
said Sgt. Cristy Hamblin, police spokeswoman. “When you exit
your car, take the keys with you and lock the car.”
Why they do it
The keys-in-the-car problem is so common, Cedar Rapids police
have a top 10 list of reasons why people left vehicles unlocked
with the keys in them.
“That way, I know where 8.
they are.”
“I don’t have to worry
about losing them.”
“My husband always loses 9.
“I was just too tired to
carry them into the
“I forgot.”
“I didn’t think this happened in my neighborhood.”
“But my car was in the
“I leave the keys in the
ignition so I don’t drop
them when I’m opening
the garage door.”
“There was only a little bit
of gas in it.”
“I didn’t think anyone
would want it.”
New Members Welcomed
The Iowa Unit is pleased to announce that we have gained two
new members within the past 60 days, or so. The first is Dan
and Fran Venter from Johnston, just north of Des Moines.
Their address is 6249 Oak wood Hills Dr., Johnston IA 50131
and they can be reached at 515-270-2347. The second new
member is Cynthia Nelson, presently residing in Elgin, IL. It is
the newsletter team’s understanding that she will soon be
moving to Iowa, perhaps to the Maquoketa or Monticello
area. Her current address is 1405 Gotzelman Dr., Elgin, IL
60123, phone number unknown. Norm Beu knows her and
says she will be a plus to the Iowa Unit. To both of these new
members, everyone in the Iowa Unit bids you WELCOME and
GLAD TO HAVE YOU JOIN US!! We wish you the best with
your Airstream unit and trust we will be seeing you at upcoming rallies. You’ll find that the Iowa Unit members are a very
friendly and caring group and are willing to help in any way
they can.
Solution to Cryptogram
Come to the May Rally in Davenport and learn how to do
some trouble-shooting and repairs to your rig. Should be a
Propane Tips From Glenn Thomas
Among the numerous tips that Glenn Thomas provided during
his seminar at the Region 8 Rally were several concerning propane. To check if you have a propane leak anywhere in your rig,
shut off all gas appliances (stove, waterheater, refrigerator, etc)
and shut off your propane bottles. After about 20 minutes, try
to light your range. If it lights, you have no problem. However,
if it doesn’t light, you may have a leak somewhere. To verify
that you have a problem, open the bottles and activate all your
gas appliances for a few minutes to make sure the gas is flowing.
Then, repeat the test listed above. If the range does not light
the second time, you have a problem and need to find and correct it.
Motorhome Issue on Delegates Agenda Again
The issue of amending the WBCCI constitution to permit membership by those purchasing or owning a 2007, or later, motor
home manufactured by Thor Industries (the parent company of
Airstream) will be voted upon at the Delegate Meeting at the
Huron, SD International Rally. In order for President Linda Beu
to vote the wishes of the Iowa Unit membership, she needs direction by the votes of the Iowa Unit members. All those paying
International dues through the Iowa Unit are eligible to vote.
According to International rules, unit votes are cast at the Delegate Meeting based upon the percentages voting YES and NO at
the unit level.
There are two ways you can read the proposed amendment.
First, when you get the May issue of the Blue Beret, go to Page
13 and read it. Second, if you want to get it online, go to the
internet and go to Once there, click on Magazine in
the upper margin. Once the May issue of the Blue Beret comes
up, click on the word “Expand” in the small magazine cover picture. Then, go to Page 13 to read the proposed changes. Pages
11 and 12 have both a Letter to the Editor opposing the amendment and International President John Boutwell’s response.
Also, if you have problems lighting and/or keeping your water
heater or furnace lit, check your gas pressure. These two “gashungry” appliances will not work if the gas pressure is too low.
Finally, do not overfill your propane bottles. Make sure your
supplier fills by WEIGHT, using a scale and the weights shown
on the bottle. Overfilling will result in an expansion of the liquid
propane into the 20% volume at the top of your bottle as the
temperature rises. Your appliances operate on vaporized propane in the allotted space in the top of your tank. If this expanded liquid reaches the intake tube (at the top of the tank)
which draws off the vapors for use, liquid propane will be drawn
into the line. This liquid propane will then collect in the first low
spot in your propane line and can, eventually, completely block
the flowage of propane gas to your appliances.
OH, WHAT A SHOCK!! After spending the winter in Arizona, Chuck
and Doris Jean arrived back in Newton on the afternoon of
Tuesday, April 30th to a temperature of 87̊° and sweat up a
storm while geƫng the trailer unloaded. By Friday morning,
just 64 hours later, they awoke to a temperature of only 34̊°
and 6 inches of snow on everything, with more falling. Almost
enough to make them (and the poor robins) head back to
warmer places. What a way to be greeted back home!! If you
Winter Iowans can’t do better than that, we need to get someone else to handle the weather. All kidding aside, for those
who experienced the unexpected and record snowfall, we can
now say we have seen just about everything. With Pella Tulip
Time going on this weekend, pity the poor tulips. This may be
the year we go directly from winter to summer. Oh, well! I
guess we’ll all survive it.
Thursday. May 2,
7:10 pm
You are urged to either come to the rally in Davenport and vote,
in person, or send your vote to President Linda Beu by mail at
903 Black Hawk St., Reinbeck IA 50669 . You may also vote by
sending an email to Linda at [email protected]. There is no
specific form; just state whether you are or are not in favor of
the proposed amendment.
Phone Number Change
Your newsletter team decided to drop their landline telephone
and go strictly cell phone. Consequently, you will need to
scratch out the 641-792-6512 number and, if you want to reach
us, use the cell phone number shone in the directory.
The other three pictures were
taken Friday about 3:10 pm
after most of the snow had
fallen and some had already
If any of you have changed phone numbers, let the newsletter
team and Nancy Helle know so everyone will be aware of how
to reach you.
Death of Ozella Hoffman
Lincoln Highway Centennial Tour
Donella Watkinson sent the following information: Former
member Ozella (Ozzie) Hoffman passed away Sunday, March
10 in Cedar Rapids. Services were Wednesday, March 13 at
Brosh Chapel in Cedar Rapids. I last saw Ozzie in 2008 after the
flood in CR. Her church was hosting my church for services
each Sunday as my church was destroyed in the flood. We visited a couple of times. I know most of you don't remember
Ozzie but for those who do remember her I thought you might
like to know about her passing. She and Paul were Iowa Unit
members from 1992 to 1999.
Norm Beu provided the following item which may be of interest to Iowa Unit members who do not plan to attend the International Rally in Huron. There is a Lincoln Highway Centennial
Tour planned for 2013. There are two sections of the tour,
both leaving their starting points on June 22nd. One leaves
from New York and the other from San Francisco. They will
meet in Kearney, NE on June 30th. The group coming from the
east is scheduled to travel from Dixon, IL to Ames, IA on June
28th with a lunch stop in Mt. Vernon, before traveling on from
Ames to Grand Island, NE on the 29th, with a lunch stop in
Woodbine, IA. If you are interested, more information can be
obtained by visiting
W-M-H’s Trip From Hell
On the sunny afternoon of Sunday, April 28 , Donella Watkinson (with Lavonne Sandersfeld as a passenger), Marilyn Mulbrook and Chuck & Nancy Helle left the Region 8 rally site in
Hutchinson and headed back toward their homes in Iowa. They
didn’t expect to get all the way, but they did plan to get farther
than they actually did.
While on I-35, near Ottawa, KS, Donella’s suburban (she was
leading) suddenly quit running, so the entire caravan of three
pulled off onto the shoulder. The vehicle wouldn’t start, no
matter what the group tried. A very nice state trooper pulled up
and, after finding out they had a problem, he told them there
was an RV park about 6 miles down the highway. In the process
of getting the trailer unhitched from the suburban and ready for
the tow truck that Donella had called, she discovered that her
electric jack wouldn’t work. So, Marilyn and the Helle’s took
their rigs to the campground, where Chuck unhooked, borrowed
a hydraulic jack from the campground owner and drove back to
pick up Donella’s trailer and bring it back to the park. Donella
had phoned AAA and by the time Chuck got back to her, the tow
truck was there. The tow truck took Donella’s suburban to a
repair shop and Chuck took Donella and her trailer back to the
RV park.
Ben & Marcia Woolley, who were delayed in leaving Hutchinson,
called on their cell phone and, after finding out about Donella’s
misfortune and since they were in the area, decided to spend
the night in the same RV park. Before long, Ed Knernschield and
Ray & Joan Kolley showed up in their motorhomes to spend the
night. The group had a mini-rally right there in the RV park.
Because Lavonne needed to be home by Monday evening, Ben
and Marcia volunteered to drop her off in Williamsburg on their
way to Independence on Monday.
On Monday morning, Chuck and Nancy transported Donella to
the repair shop, where a mechanic told them they would get to
the suburban as soon as they could and would let Donella know
what the problem was. About 10:00 she received a call telling
her that it was the fuel pump and that they should have her vehicle ready by 1:00 to 2:00 pm. While waiting for the repairs to
be made, the group went to an RV supply business, where
Donella bought a new electric jack. Chuck got the new one installed in short order. Having heard nothing from the repair
shop, the group drove to the location. They arrived just as the
gentleman was preparing Donella’s bill. She paid and the group
drove back to the RV park. It was late enough in the day that
they decided to remain there for one more night, before returning home on Tuesday, April 30th. What an experience!
Marilyn Mulbrook and
Donella Watkinson
getting “Tattoos” from
Dottie Steurer.
Glenn Thomas, left, watching the lunch line. Doris
Jean (red coat) and Donella
(blue jacket) getting “dogs.”
Marcia Woolley and Marilyn Mulbrook
with Blankets donated by Iowa Unit.
Iowa received First Place in number of
blankets given to Community Service.
Kathy Allen giving it her ALL at
“bat” in Beanbag Baseball.
Marcia, Donella and Lavonne are
IOWA UNIT, OCT 18–21, 2012
The business meeting of the Iowa Unit was held following the 5:00 PM dinner at the Pizza Ranch in Pella. Roll call found the following officers present:
President: Pat Dellamuth
1st Vice Pres: Linda Beu
Corr. Secy.: Doris Jean Cabalka
Treasurer: Marcia Woolley
Director: Chuck Helle
Director: Lavonne Sandersfeld
Immed. Past Pres.: Chuck Cabalka
Those absent were: Recording Secy. Kathy Allen, and Directors Carolyn Haller and Connie Neese.
Chuck Cabalka moved to accept the minutes as printed and distributed in the last newsletter. Seconded and carried.
Treasurer Marcia Woolley reported a balance of $4,197.74 in the treasury. The supply trailer has been reimbursed for the Iowa
Unit shirts. Chuck Helle noted seven shirts have been sold, six more are spoken for and five are available for sale. He also said that
A & W Designs, the supplier who always comes to the International Rally, now has the Iowa Unit logo in their system and shirts can
be ordered through them without having to wait for a batch order of 15, or more, shirts.
Chuck Helle, Marilyn Mulbrook and Scott Allen had volunteered to look into various ways to reduce the amount in the Iowa Unit
Treasury. The committee recommended putting any action on hold until next spring.
Chuck Cabalka moved that the Iowa Unit authorize a caravan to the Region 8 Rally at Hutchinson, KS next April. Motion seconded
and carried.
June Ryan reported that she and Sue Storjohann audited the treasurers book and found all in order. She thanked Marcia for doing
a good job as treasurer.
Several bills were presented including President and Rally expenses. Norm Beu moved the bills be paid. Seconded and carried.
President Pat reported Gene Haller has had knee surgery and Carolyn Haller is making progress in her recovery from Lyme disease.
Pat also read the list of those having birthdays and anniversaries in October; none of whom were present.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Doris Jean Cabalka, Secretary Pro-tem
Following the meeting Darrell Waters gave an update from Region 8. He encouraged early registration for the April 24 - 28 Region
8 Rally at Hutchinson, KS, where the theme will be “Let the Games Begin.” He reported Glenn Waters, Region second V.P., has had
prostate surgery and will have radiation treatment. Darrell is on the International 2020 Committee. That group has recommended
a committee be appointed to negotiate the contracts for International Rallies. Also that the 2020 Comm. put a “Did You Know”
article in the Blue Beret with little-known facts about WBCCI.
Darrell then installed those 2012-2013 Iowa Unit officers who were present. They are: Pres. Linda Beu; 1st V. P., Lavonne Sandersfeld; 2nd V. P., Paul Ryan; Corr. Secy., Norm Beu; Treasurer, Marcia Woolley; Two Year Director, Marilyn Mulbrook and One Year
Director, Sue Storjohann filling out the unexpired term of Lavonne Sandersfeld.
Newly-installed President, Linda Beu, announced the Iowa Unit will be responsible for a breakfast at Region 8 next spring and
Lavonne Sandersfeld will chair that effort. Our unit will also do a “News Break” between the games and Chuck Cabalka has agreed
to work on that.
She gave the following schedule for Iowa Unit activities nexr year.
Nov 17, 2012
Luncheon, Ryan’s Steakhouse, Cedar Rapids
Marilyn Mulbrook
Dec 8,
Luncheon, Ox Yoke Interstate, Amana
Pat Dellamuth
Feb 16, 2013
Luncheon, location TBA, Cedar Rapids
Donella Watkinson
Mar 16
Luncheon, Calvin Rockett, Marshalltown Mark Kvidera
Apl 20
Luncheon, Pizza Ranch, Vinton
Nancy Helle
May 16-19
Rally, location TBA, “Maintenance,” Quad Cities Area
Mike & Dana Johnson
Aug 15-18
Rally, Fiscus Grove, “Do Nothing,” Albion Chuck & Nancy Helle, &
Marilyn Mulbrook
Sep 19-22
Rally, Island Campground, “Christmas in Sept.,” Perry
Dale & Joan Lafrentz
Oct 10-13
Rally, “Fall Fest,” Church Camp, Birmingham
Paul & June Ryan
May 16-19, 2013
Davenport, Iowa
Hosts: Mike and Dana Johnson
Ian and Carolyn Muir
Larry and Marsha Larson
Scott County Park
18850 270th Street
Long Grove, IA
Incahias Campground-no reservations, first come, select site,
register with park ranger when he comes to your site.
$20/nite (62 yrs/older get $1.00 discount). Cash, credit card, check
30 amp electricity, water, dump station, showers, restrooms
I-80 Exit 295B
US 61 North 6.7miles to
Exit #129 from US 61
(Long Grove, Park View;)
East (right) 0.8 mi. on 267th Street
North (left) 0.25 mi. on Scott Park Rd
East (right) 0.9 mi. on 270th Street
Park entrance on left
...follow WBCCI signs
If arriving after 10 pm, let Mike Johnson know as the gate will be locked and he will need to get a key.
* Arrival day
* Lunch on your own
* 6:00 pm Supper - provided
Hot Dogs, buns, condiments, chips, dessert, beverage
(Mikes' famous "Adult drunken beans")
Places in and close to park:
18 hole golf course
hiking trails
Walnut Grove Pioneer
(Olde St. Ann's Church)
* 8:00 am Breakfast: Hot/cold cereal, juice, milk, coffee, tea, coffeecake
* 9:15 am Carpool, leave for tour of John Deere Harvester plant, East Moline, IL
Leader: Carolyn Muir
Tour 10-11:30
please make reservations BY MAY 13@ 563-650-0904 OR
email: [email protected]
* Alternative: LeClaire, IA, quilt shop & other quaint shops;
Leader: Marsha Larson (no reservations needed)
* LUNCH on your own somewhere in Illinois or Iowa or wherever Carolyn, Mike or Marsha take you!
(Dead Poets, TGI Fridays, Bent River Brewery, Johnny's Steak House, Logomarcino's).
* 1:00 pm Isabel Bloom Studio Production Tour
Leader: Mike Johnson
please make reservations by April 26 @ 563-391-8171 OR
email: [email protected]
AFTERNOON: Explore MOLINE, IL: John Deere Pavilion, quaint shops, Lock & Dam Visitor Center on Arsenal Island, Rock Island Arsenal
Museum (Free)
IOWA: Davenport East Village
LeClaire, American Pickers, Mississippi River Distilling Company, antiques, wine shop
* 4-5 pm HAPPY HOUR
* 6:00 pm DINNER: Italian Beef on Bun, Coleslaw, 3 Bean Salad, Dessert, Beverage.
* 8:00 am Breakfast: Juice, fruit, breakfast casserole, coffee, tea. Board Meeting following breakfast.
Do what you want morning! B lazy!
Downtown Davenport Farmers Market.
* 11:30 am Carpool to US Adventure RV on Brady Street, Davenport
* 12-2 pm Lunch and Learn -- compliments of Adventure RV and staff
* Wander Wherever, explore, return to campgrounds and.......maybe
bean bag toss, bocce ball, cards....nap....conversation...
* 4-5 pm HAPPY HOUR
* 6:00 pm DINNER: Spaghetti, garlic toast, tossed salad, dessert, beverage.
* Unit Business meeting following dinner
* 8:00 am Breakfast: Eggs (Hard cooked/scrambled), toast (wheat/raisin), applesauce, coffee, tea.
* 9:00 am Rally Rap Up!
* Tear down, clean up, pack up, get ready to return home or head to another rally.
Lunch: Fix your own sandwich.
* 6:00 pm Dinner for those staying another night
"SLO" (Share Left Overs)
John Deere Harvester Works Tour: For an unforgettable experience, tour will show how John Deere makes the
most advanced, most productive combines in the world. Tour begins in the visitor center where you will learn
about different crops and how huge machines make harvesting faster and easier.
Isabel Bloom Studio Production tour: For more than 50 years, Isabel Bloom, a native Iowa artist, who studied under the watchful eye of American master Grant Wood, created sculptures(in cement) to resemble weathered
bronze of the Victorian era. Today, her protégée Donna Young, continues to honor Isabel's style and has created
many of our most popular recent sculpture designs.
LeClaire, IA tour: Mississippi River Distilling Company: See vodka, gin, and whiskey handcrafted from local grain.
Tours(free) end in the grand tasting room.
Freight House Farmers Market: Farm fresh fruits, vegetables, delicious baked goods, poultry, etc., etc.,
Whitey's Ice Cream: Must try
Lagomarcino's: Authentic soda fountain and confectionery
Two additional activities are in the planning, still working on details, could prove to be very
interesting if it all happens. Continue monitoring....although you may not know until day
of rally. Wait for it......wait for it......wait for it.......!