risk identification in the lubuskie region
risk identification in the lubuskie region
RIVER-SHIELD Project implemented through financial assistance of the ERDF funds within the framework of the INTERREG III B CADSES Neighborhood Programme Work package WP 2.1 “Risk Identification Assessment” Report on the work done by the Institute of Environmental Protection in Poland in the period June – September 2006 RISK IDENTIFICATION IN THE LUBUSKIE REGION Chief investigator: Mieczys aw Borysiewicz Investigators: Ma gorzata Brodowska, Pawe B aszczyk, Wanda Kacprzyk, Anna Roma czak, Marcin Ro ek, Katarzyna Rymwid-Mickiewicz Warsaw, September 2006 Translation: Mieczys aw Borysiewicz (Chapter 3), Katarzyna Rymwid-Mickiewicz The report was prepared by the Institute of Environmental Protection under project named Protecting Rivers from Accidental Industrial Pollution (RIVER SHIELD) implemented through financial assistance of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of the INTERREG III B CADSES Neighbourhood Programme. The report reflects the authors’ views and the CADSES Managing Authority is not liable for any consequences made from its use. 2 CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................5 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................6 1. INTERNATIONAL ODER RIVER BASIN DISTRICT .............................................8 1.1. General description......................................................................................................8 1.2. Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in the IORBD .............................14 1.3. Activities undertaken in the Polish part of the Oder river basin ..................................18 1.4. International Warning and Alarm Plan for the Oder River..........................................22 1.5. Alarm and Warning Plan for the Boundary Waters of RP-FRG..................................23 Information sources..........................................................................................................24 2. LUBUSKIE REGION...............................................................................................26 2.1. General description....................................................................................................26 2.2. Environmental overview............................................................................................29 2.2.1. Terrestrial environment ......................................................................................29 2.2.2. Aquatic environment ...........................................................................................33 Groundwaters ..............................................................................................................33 Surface waters..............................................................................................................37 Information sources..........................................................................................................41 3. IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL WATER HAZARDS IN THE LUBUSKIE REGION ..................................................................................................................43 3.1. Industrial stationary installations................................................................................43 3.1.1. Method for water hazard assessment in the region ..............................................43 3.1.2. Identification of potential accident risk spots ......................................................49 3.2. Other anthropomorphic hazard sources ......................................................................55 3.2.1. Other point sources of potential hazard ..............................................................55 3.2.2. Linear hazard sources.........................................................................................60 3.2.3. Surface hazard sources .......................................................................................62 3.3. Natural hazard sources...............................................................................................64 3.4. Hazard sources from beyond the Lubuskie Region.....................................................64 3.5. Analysis of historical accidents in the Lubuskie Region.............................................65 Information sources..........................................................................................................68 3 ABBREVIATIONS..............................................................................................................69 Annexes Annex 1. Annex 2. Annex 3. Annex 4. Annex 5. Annex 6. Annex 7. Maps Map 1. Map 2. Map 3. Map 4. Map 5. Map 6. Map 7. Map 8. The largest and most valuable forest complexes in the Lubuskie Region A system of legally protected areas and monuments in the Lubuskie Region NATURA 2000 sites in the Lubuskie Region List of river gauges, covered by the IMGW monitoring network in the Lubuskie Region List of municipal wastewater treatment plants in the Lubuskie Region Selected accident events involving dangerous substances, which occurred in the Lubuskie Region in 1999-2004 Digital maps of the Lubuskie Region Competent authorities in the International Oder River Basin District Land-use in the International Oder River Basin District according to CORINE Landcover Lubuskie Region Land-use in the Lubuskie Region Nature conservation and protection of cultural heritage in the Lubuskie Region Groundwaters in the Lubuskie Region Surface waters in the Lubuskie Region Potential water risk spots in the Lubuskie Region 4 71 73 80 82 83 85 86 9 16 27 28 31 35 38 54 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The project entitled Protecting Rivers from Accidental Industrial Pollution – RIVER SHIELD is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of the INTERREG III B CADSES Community Initiative, and supported by Greece, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Bulgaria from the state budgetary and project participants’ own financial resources. The Institute of Environmental Protection in Warsaw is responsible for the implementation of the Polish part of the Project. The major aim of the two-year RIVER SHIELD Project is to protect rivers against pollution caused by industrial accidents by preparing and implementing the principles of good practice in the field of: water accident risk management, prevention of and response to accidents posing a threat to waters. Furthermore, it is also important to develop partnership, to exchange information and experiences and to strengthen transnational cooperation providing promotion of sustainable and coordinated spatial (territorial) development. This report on “Risk Identification in the Lubuskie Region” was prepared at the Institute of Environmental Protection. It is based on available measurement results and statistical data, existing estimates and information, as well as on materials obtained from the Inspection for Environmental Protection. The Oder river (the Odra river) basin within the territory of the Lubuskie Region is the main subject of interest to the Polish part of the RIVER SHIELD Project. Chapter 1 presents a brief description of the international river basin district of the Oder, representing the sixth tributary to the Baltic Sea by volume, against the background of the activities undertaken to implement the EU water policy, and in particular the provisions of the Water Framework Directive1 , taking account of the measures taken in Poland. Chapter 2 is dedicated to the Lubuskie Region, across which the Oder river flows. This chapter includes information on the region natural conditions presenting also on maps the data on the aquatic environment of the region, as well as on sites and objects (monuments) that are vulnerable and valuable from the point of view of the protection of the environment and cultural heritage. To identify, the so-called, accident risk spots (ARS) in the Oder river basin in the Lubuskie Region the methodology used was based on the one elaborated by the International Commission for the Protection of the River Elbe (ICPE). It is based on the classification of hazardous substances that are present in the region into the so-called water risk classes (WRC), their recalculation into water risk class 3 equivalents (WRC 3 equivalents – WRC 3E), and finally the calculation of the water risk index (WRI). The analysis covered 9 stationary establishments that create potential industrial accident hazards, including 3 plants presenting high risk and 1 with increased risk, according to the provisions of the Seveso II Directive18. Finally, three accident risk spots with WRI ≥ 5 were identified and assessed. The total risk level (water risk index) for the whole region, which is 7.8, was calculated in Chapter 3. Additionally, Chapter 3 identifies other potential hazards to waters in the region examined, including other point, linear and spatial sources (Map 8) of both anthropogenic and natural origins. Digital maps of the Lubuskie Region (Annex 7) were also elaborated within the RIVER SHIELD Project. 5 INTRODUCTION The project entitled “Protecting Rivers from Accidental Industrial Pollution – RIVER SHIELD” was selected in 2006 in the course of the 4th Call for Project Proposals by the CADSES Steering Committee, to be co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the EU Community Initiative INTERREG III B CADSES Neighbourhood Programme. Its aim is to support international cooperation (strand B), both inside as well as outside the European Community. Strand B of the CADSES mainly aims at developing transnational cooperation promoting more balanced and harmonious spatial (territorial) development. The spatial area of cooperation within the CADSES covers the Central, Adriatic, Danubian and South-Eastern European Space. Among the project partners are the competent public authorities and institutions involved in environmental protection from Greece, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Bulgaria. To improve the implementation process of CADSES projects the principle of a Lead Partner is used. The Region of East Macedonia – Thrace from Greece, plays this role. The RIVER SHIELD Project partners, apart from a Greek consulting company, constitute public institutions, mostly involved in water management within the basins of Greek, Moravian and Slovenian rivers. The status of a ministerial institute, similar to the one of the Institute of Environmental Protection, is held by the Hungarian VITUKI Institute. Bulgaria – the only Non-EU-Member State - is represented by the Regional Development Foundation. The RIVER SHIELD Project, labelled as 5D189, is reimbursed with Community resources on the basis of an external agreement (Subsidy Contract) between the Italian Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport, acting as the Managing Authority of the INTERREG III B CADSES Neighbourhood Programme, and the Region of East Macedonia – Thrace. The Institute of Environmental Protection, like other partners, fulfils its tasks under the Joint Convention, signed in Komotini on 18 May 2005. The Polish part of the RIVER SHIELD Project is financed by the ERDF (75%), the Institute of Environmental Protection (15%) and the state budget (10%). The operational CADSES programme lays down 4 priorities and 12 measures. The RIVER SHIELD Project falls under Measure 4.2: Promoting risk management and prevention of disasters under Priority 4: Environmental protection, resource management and risk prevention. The aim of the two-year project is to protect rivers against pollution caused by industrial accidents by preparing and implementing the principles of good practice in the field of: risk management, prevention of and response to accidents. It is expected that the project will strengthen the capacity of emergency and environmental services engaged in the process directed at the reduction of the effects of potential industrial accidents. It is planned to: Ø Create regional networks to strengthen the know-how transfer and transnational cooperation. Ø Elaborate and disseminate guides on emergency response and elimination of accident effects to the environment. 6 Ø Develop and recommend for use in practice the spatial planning and land-use measures likely to contribute to the reduction of adverse environmental effects of industrial accidents. Ø Create a mechanism supporting future implementation of the Project results in the form of establishing and providing necessary equipment for the RIVER SHIELD Unit located in Greece. Ø Take measures to promote the Project out-comes at the regional, national and European levels. The Project has been divided into six Work Packages (WP): • WP1: Management and reporting. • WP2: Capacity building. • WP3: Emergency response. • WP4: Know-how utilization. • WP5: Follow-up activities. • WP6: Information and publicity. This report on “Risk identification in the Lubuskie Region” presents the results obtained within Work Package WP 2.1: Risk identification assessment. The report has been prepared by national experts from the Institute of Environmental Protection (IEP) on the basis of available measurement results and statistical data, existing estimates and information, as well as materials obtained from the Inspection for Environmental Protection. It will be subject to discussion during the workshops to be organized under the Project. This report includes: a presentation of the International Oder River Basin District, a description of the Lubuskie Region and its natural conditions, and the results of the potential risk assessment for the Oder river (the Odra river) in the Lubuskie Region in case of an accidental release of industrial pollutants, with the use of the methodology approved by all Project partners. Thematic digital maps of the Lubuskie Region were also elaborated (Annex 7). Project results will successively be made available, according to the implementation timetable of the RIVER SHIELD Project, through the Internet on an international Project website. Information presented in this report reflects the authors’ views only and thus the CADSES Managing Authority does not take responsibility for any effects resulting from its use. 7 1. INTERNATIONAL ODER RIVER BASIN DISTRICT 1.1. General description Location. The International Oder River Basin District (IORBD) lies in Central Europe within the catchment area of the Baltic Sea (Map 1) with the total area of the river basin of 122 512 km spreading across the territories of the Republic of Poland (PL) – the largest part, the Czech Republic (CZ) and the Federal Republic of Germany (DE). Detailed data on the IORBD in different countries are presented in Table 1.1. Around 21.4% of the area of the IORBD lies at the altitude of over 300 m above sea level, 54.6% within the limits of 100-300 m above sea level, and 24% - below 100 m above sea level. Table 1.1. Data related to the International Oder River Basin District Specification Area of the river basin in different countries Countries’ shares in the river basin area River basin’s share in the area of the country Climatic conditions River type Number of transverse constructions identified on the tributaries /within the river basin Poland Czech Republic Germany 107 279 km2 7 246 km2 7 987 km2 87.6 % 5.9 % 6.5 % 34.3% 9.2% 2.2% IORBD lies under moderate climatic conditions of continental nature. In general, the river basin lowlands receive 500-600 mm of average annual precipitation, whereas the southern mountain-like areas - up to 1000-1400 mm. Dominant lowland- Mountain-like and Mainly lowland-type; type; mountain-like highland-type, as well mountain-like in the and highland-type in as lowland-type at south the south higher altitudes 705 1254 307 Source: [6,7,8] The Oder river course overview. The Oder river (the Odra river) is the sixth largest tributary of the Baltic Sea and is regarded as a large river. It is the second largest river, after the Vistula river, in Poland. It is 854.3 km long, of which 742 km lie within the territory of Poland. Data on the Oder river characteristics are presented in Table 1.2. The Oder river has its sources in the Sudety Odrza skie Mountains (CZ) at the altitude of 632 m above sea level. The Oder river flows partly forming the boundary of Poland with the Czech Republic (over a short upstream distance) and partly along the boundary between Poland and Germany over a distance of 161.7 km. 8 Map 1. Competent authorities in the International Oder River Basin District Sources: ICPO 2005 WFD Report [6] designed by GIS Partner on the Polish National Reference System, 1992 Scale 1: 1 500 000 9 The mean upstream river slope over a distance of 47 km is 7‰, while the average total gradient amounts to 0.73‰. The Oder river flows through a valley, which is around 150-200 metre deep and is composed of lower Carboniferous puddingstones, sandstones and mudstones. After crossing the Niski Jesionik fault and flexure scarp it flows into Brama Morawska, and then to the Ostrava Valley. Enriched by two tributaries it loses its mountainlike nature and flows through a wide valley with 15-20 m high slopes, narrowing towards Ostrava. Table 1.2. The Oder river (the Odra river) characteristics Sea catchment Area of the Oder river basin River’s total length, of which: • navigation distance Water level fluctuations at the downstream part of the Oder river Average annual flow rate at the mouth of the Oder river to the Szczecinski Bay Average discharge Average annual discharge volume to the Baltic Sea (for the period 1921–1990, with Q= 542.34 m3/s, Hohensaaten-Finow) Discharge in 1996 Discharge from 1 km2 of the river basin in1996 Water levels /flow rates of the Oder river near Opole Critical flow at Gozdowo during the flood of 31.07-1.08.1997 Baltic Sea 118 861 km2 854.3 km 711 km 5.7 m 567 m3/s 18.5 billion m3/year 17 103 hm3 19.36 billion m3/year 5.2 l/s km2 213 cm/ 82.5 m3/s (average) 733 cm/ 3500 m3/s (10-11.07.1997) (extreme value) 644 cm (28.08.1813) 44 cm (1.02.1956) 3679 m3/s (flow of 0.5% probability, i.e. once every 200 years) Source: [6,7,8] After receiving waters from the Olza river (which is partly also a boundary river), the Oder river in Poland flows through the Raciborska Basin (average slope of 0.54 7‰) almost parallel to the general direction of the Sudety Mountains and the Sudety Foothills and is supplied by several tributaries. The main tributaries of the Oder river are listed in Table 1.4. The bottom of the Oder valley is up to 5 km wide with numerous ox-bow lakes (old river-beds) and small retention reservoirs. Over a distance of 186 km (from K dzierzynKo le to Brzeg Dolny) the river is regulated by 23 stages of fall with the riverbed level difference of 64 m. The Oder river flows through a glacial melt-waters trough. After a change of direction in the north it flows through Obni enie cinawskie defeating the hills of the Trzebnicki Ridge in a 2 km long valley, receiving waters from numerous short tributaries. Next, the Oder river flows to the west through the wide G ogowska Ice-marginal Valley (Pradoline) with numerous ox-bow lakes. After a change of direction to the north it flows through a wide valley among the forests between the Zielonogórski Ridge and the S awskie Lake District in order to turn to the west reaching the boundary with Germany. Flowing to the north the river breaks through the moraine hills of the Lubuskie Lake District, forming the Lubuski Oder River Gap with a varied width of the valley (4-7 km) with a network of numerous canals. Then the Oder river flows to Cedynia through the Toru 10 Eberswalde Valley in two riverbeds through a 20 km long valley. The last part of the Lower Oder runs through the moraine hills of the Zachodniopomorskie Lake District and Szczeci skie Pobrze e. Starting from Widuchowa the river is divided into the West Oder and East Oder (main river-bed), which is further divided and flows through a cone-like riverbed to the Szczeci ski Bay (an estuary-type river mouth is affected by the sea and wind backwaters). Finally, the Oder river leaves the Bay through the following 3 straits: D wina, wina and Piana with developing backward deltas. Shallow (2-3 metre deep) and narrow (50-200 metre wide) ox-bow lakes and river floodplains can be found over the whole Oder river valley. They developed as a result of water lifting caused by alluvial fans at the downstream section of the tributaries (eg. Warta river). The Oder river is connected through canals with the German rivers (Spree and Havel, as well as with the Upper Silesian Industrial District (GOP) through the Gliwicki Canal and with the Vistula river through the Bydgoski Canal. The Oder’s hydrology. The lowest water levels of the Oder river are observed during the summer and autumn months, except for the heavy rainfall period in summer in the mountains. The summer freshets are shorter and more impetuous than the ones in spring. The Oder upstream peak waves seldom reach the mouthpart of the river as an annual maximum value. The Warta river has the highest influence on the discharge rate of the Oder river reflected in almost doubling the flow rate. Besides the tributaries, the Oder water regime is also affected by groundwater supply, especially that from the deeply cut V-shaped ice-marginal valleys. Although the Oder river is not regarded as rich in water (Table 1.2) it is quite often that it causes flooding resulting in a differentiated scale of damage. Thus, the constant need for taking certain prevention measures (retention reservoirs, embankment systems, flood control canals and sluices, etc.). The greatest flood in July 1997 predominated over the natural disasters that have taken place so far. The Oder river and its tributaries’ freshets were a result of very high, long-lasting and long-range precipitation, after the June rainfall, which caused ground saturation, consequently limiting the capacity of the river basin for further retention. The freshet wave slowly flew down the river. The duration of high waters exceeding the alarm levels was from 16 days at Miedonia to 34 days in S ubice. Typical peak flows for a 200-year water of around 3670 m3/s and with a probability of occurrence of 0.5% caused unbelievable losses in the Polish part of the IORBD (54 fatal casualties, 106 thousand people evacuated, enormous material damage: many destroyed dykes, almost all towns and settlements in densely inhabited areas flooded, including industrial plants, waste water treatment plants and waste landfill sites, approx. 500 thousand ha of agricultural land was flooded with water, the following were destroyed or damaged: 2 thousand km of roads and railways, 1.7 thousand km of bridges and road culverts, and other elements of infrastructure). The fluctuation of water flows in the Oder river is very high. Specific flows covering the period of 1951-1990 for the three river gauge sections, i.e.: Cha upki (Czech-Polish boundary), Po cko (Polish-German boundary) and Gozdowice (before the splitting of the Oder) are presented in Table 1.3. 11 Table 1.3. Characteristic flows of the Oder at river gauge stations: Cha upki, Po cko and Gozdowice River gauge Cha upki Po cko Gozdowice WWQ 1050 1680 2322 Characteristic long-term flows [m3/s] WQ Q NQ 403 42.3 8.94 828 263 108 1313 574 274 NNQ 4.22 52.3 167 Source: [6] The water resources of the river basin are estimated at 23.5 billion m 3 per year, of which surface waters constitute 19.9 billion m3, i.e. 84.6%. The average annual discharge of the Oder river into the Baltic Sea is 18.5 billion m3/year, which corresponds to 29.5% of the precipitation total for the whole river basin district. The average water temperature is relatively not very differentiated, eg. during winter maximum 5.10C in the Raciborska Basin and minimum 3.40C in the Lower Oder, and during summer 16.70C and 16.60C, respectively. On average the freezing period (except for the lower river part) lasts approx. 12 days a year, with great fluctuation in different years (from 0 to 30 days). The greatest intensity of the ice-formation phenomena occurs in the period covering January and February. In general, mobile ice in the form of slush ice is observed. Springtime, after ice-sheet breaking is associated with the drifting of the ice floe, which is dangerous due to numerous ice-jams. The water levels of the Oder river are regulated by a number of retention reservoirs on the following rivers: Nysa K odzka (2), Ma a Panew (1), Bóbr (8), K odnica (10), Kwisa (2) and Bystrzyca (1). The tributaries of the Oder river. The flow rate changes of the Oder river are strongly correlated with the feeding from its tributaries. Two rivers from the Czech territory discharge their waters into the Oder (Table 1.4), whereas there are 43 different-sized tributaries flowing across the territory of Poland. Among all the Oder tributaries only the Warta river is classified as a middle-sized river, 16 tributaries as small rivers, and the other 26 – as streams. German tributaries are also regarded as streams. The density of the river network of the Oder river basin is irregular, but considerably high – especially in the Sudety Mountains (due to significant precipitation on poorly permeable base with varied relief), and partly in the lowlands (on poorly permeable grounds). The Oder river basin is asymmetric (the relation between the left-side river basin and the right-side is as 30:70). This is connected with the land slope towards the north-west and with the relief development in the Tertiary and Quaternary periods. Major left-sided and right-sided Oder tributaries are listed in Table 1.4. The right-sided Oder tributaries (especially, the Czech rivers and Nysa K odzka and Bóbr) are of mountain-like nature or similar to it, and this often determinates the risk of flooding. To reduce such a risk multi-purpose dammed reservoirs are built, eg.: • Slezká Harta, Kružberk – a cascade on the Moravica river in the Opava river basin; • Šance, Morávka, Žermanice, Olešna and Baška – in the Ostravica river basin; • Térlicko – in the Olza river basin; • Kozielno, Topola, Otmuchów, Nysa – forming the so called Nysa K odzka cascade; • Bukówka, Pilchowice, Sosnówka – in the Bóbr river basin; • Mietków and Dobromierz – in the Bystrzyca river basin; 12 • • S up – on the Nysa Szalona river; Le na and Z otniki - on the Kwisa river. Table 1.4. Main (1-tier) tributaries of the Oder river from its sources to the mouth Left-sided Oder tributaries River Length [km] Opava 122 River basin** [km2] 2088.11 Nysa K odzka O awa l a Bystrzyca Kaczawa Bóbr* Nysa u ycka* 182 92 79 95 84 272 252 4570.31 1135.42 973.15 1782.61 2263.05 5874.45 4403.45 * ** Right-sided Oder tributaries River Length River [km] basin** [km2] Ostravica 63.9 827.09 Olza K odnica Ma a Panew Stobrawa Widawa Barycz Obrzyca* Warta* Ina 86.2 75 132 78 103 133 66 808 129 1106.12 1003.43 2114.59 1596.0 2417.53 5547.37 1804.98 54519.56 2150.60 rivers flowing across the Lubuskie Region river basin area according to the Atlas on the hydrographic division of Poland, Warsaw 2005 Source: [6, 8] The Nysa u ycka river is a significant Oder tributary (at 542 rkm), which is also a boundary river. Its catchment area covers parts of the territories of Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic. The right-sided Oder tributaries are lowland-type rivers, which do not pose any significant risk of flooding. Turawa on the Ma a Panew river and Dzier no Du e on the K odnica river belong to the largest dammed reservoirs. The Warta river, whose entire catchment area lies within the territory of Poland, is the longest tributary of the Oder river (at its 617.7 rkm). The following rivers are the largest tributaries of the Warta river: Note , Prosna, Drawa, Gwda and Obra. Its average long-term flow rate is 216 m /s, which accounts for app. 40% of the average the Oder river flow rate. The lowland-type Warta river catchment area constitutes around half of the entire the Oder river basin and this causes asymmetry, which is typical for the Polish river basins with a significant majority of right-sided area. Jeziorsko is the greatest dammed reservoir on the Warta river, which through a 24.7 km long Bydgoski Canal (operational since 1914) is connecting the Note river with the Brda river, and thus enabling navigation between the Oder river and the Vistula river basins. Considerable forest areas and a large number of lakes contribute to the stability of the flow in the Warta river catchment. Its area covers the majority of lakes in the Oder river basin and many areas that are environmentally valuable, including, inter alia, 3 national parks to a great extent linked with the following aquatic eco-systems: “Wielkopolski”, “Drawie ski” and “Uj cie Warty”. 13 The occurrence conditions of groundwaters in the IORBD are very differentiated, depending on the geological structure. Most of the significant reservoirs of ordinary groundwaters have moderate or even small water resources. There are only few small hydrogeological units basin-wide with a high degree of waterlogging. Groundwaters are mainly found in the Cenozoic sediments. There is a smaller water content in the Triassic, upper Cretaceous and Paleozoic rocks. 1.2. Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in the IORBD Basis for international cooperation. Three Member Parties of the European Union agreed that coordination of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD)1 throughout the International Oder River Basin District will be carried out within the International Commission for the Protection of the Oder River against Pollution (ICPOaP)2. Each country has designated competent authorities responsible for the development and implementation of the European water policy in different regions of the IORBD (Map 1). Bilateral cooperation in the field of water management in the International Oder River Basin District is carried out on the basis of the following agreements: Ø Agreement of 19 May 1992 between the Republic of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany on cooperation in the field of water management on boundary waters. Ø Agreement of 21 March 1958 between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Republic of Czechoslovakia on water management on boundary waters. Ø Agreement of 12 December 1995 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Czech Republic on cooperation in the field of water management on boundary waters. Quality of water bodies. 2527 water bodies have been identified throughout the IORBD in all categories, including 251 water bodies classified as artificial and 380 water bodies regarded temporarily as heavily modified. The final identification of heavily modified water bodies will be done by 2009 at the latest. In this number 2 065 constitute water bodies determined on watercourses, while 462 on standing waters. Hydrogeology. At the present state of knowledge 102 groundwater bodies have been determined. In general, the water bodies determined were not single bodies but water body groups, including 24 in the Czech Republic, 59 in Poland and 19 in Germany. The Upper Oder catchment area is dominated by water bodies found in the crystalline and Quaternary formations. Locally, rich groundwater resources can be found in the Triassic limestones and the Cretaceous sandstones. In the mountain part of this area groundwaters from rock debris on early Paleozoic formations are used commercially. Within the range of the Central Oder catchment area only Cenozoic rocks are aquiferous and their water resources are regarded as moderate and low. In the Nysa u ycka catchment area waters also dominate in the Cenozoic formations. The share of waters in other formations is insignificant 1 Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy ( OJ L327 22.12.2000) 2 Convention on the International Commission for the Protection of the Oder River against Pollution (Dz.U. of 1999 No. 79, item 886), signed in Wroc aw (Poland) on 11 April 1996 and entered into force on 28 April 1999 14 in this catchment area. This region demonstrates a strong pressure on groundwaters from mining. In the Warta river region apart from the dominating role of the Cenozoic layers, it is the aquifers of late Cretaceous and Jurassic that locally play an important role. However, this catchment area shows very low values of the underground runoff, which is determined by very low precipitation. In the Lower Oder and Przymorze Zachodnie water regions the ordinary groundwaters are found only in the Cenozoic sediments, especially those from the Quaternary period. Well waterlogged Pleistocene rocks can be found in the ice-marginal valleys at the borderline of Poland and Germany. River basin land-use. The International Oder River Basin District is inhabited by 16.38 million people (Table 1.5). The gross added value of app. 80 billion Euro is generated by 5.63 million working people. The services sector contributes mostly to this value, i.e. 46.85 billion Euro. Table 1.5. Demographic indices Parameter Population [in millions] Population density [persons/km2] Poland 14.08 131 Czech Republic 1.55 214 Germany 0.758 95 Source: [6] The Oder river is the best inland waterway in Poland, which carries around 70% of the country’s loads of goods, eg. hard coal, iron ores, phosphorites and apatites. The Oder river constitutes an important part of the Oder Water Way. In 2002 the Oder river navigation transported around 6.0 million Mg of goods, including 3.5 million Mg from ports and trans-shipment yards located downstream. The most important ports are as follows: Gliwice (near the Gliwicki Canal), K dzierzyn-Ko le, Opole, Wroc aw, Malczyce, cinawa, G ogów, Nowa Sól, Cig cice, Krosno Odrza skie, Kostrzyn, Szczecin and winouj cie. For instance, in 2002 the turnover of goods in the last two aforementioned sea ports amounted to 21.9 million Mg of goods. The Oder river basin district is used in a variety of ways. Apart from large agglomerations (Ostawa, Racibórz, K dzierzyn-Ko le, Opole, Brzeg, Wroc aw, G ogów, Nowa Sól, Krosno Odrza skie, S ubice, Frankfurt, Kostrzyn, Schwedt, Szczecin, Police) as well as transport routes, including sea and river ports, almost all sectors of industry, services and agriculture are developing well. This area, that is already popular, will in the future constitute a tourist and recreation region. Land-use. Map 2 provides the spatial view of the land-use structure in the IORBD. The dominant shares have: the arable land (from 29.96% in the Nysa u ycka river catchment area to 49.23% in the Warta river catchment area, with an average of 42.71% for the whole river basin) and the forests (from 25.28% in the Szczeci ski Bay catchment area to 47.19% in the Nysa u ycka river catchment area, with an average of 33.41% for the whole river basin). Greenland accounts for around 15%. Wetlands cover an area smaller than 0.4%, and multi-year cultures do not exceed 0.1% of the river basin. The Oder river and most of its tributaries play a very important role as the so-called ecological corridors with relatively well preserved natural conditions compared with the majority of the EU rivers. The Oder River Basin District has 7 national parks. 15 Map 2. Land-use in the International Oder River Basin District according to CORINE Landcover Sources: ICPO 2005 WFD Report [6] designed by GIS Partner on the Polish National Reference System, 1992 Scale 1: 1 500 000 16 The following lie within the territory of Poland: Karkonoski, Gór Sto owych, Wielkopolski, Drawie ski, Uj cie Warty and Woli ski. Unteres Odertal (the Oder Downstream Valley national park) is on the territory of Germany. Apart from that the area covers a number of landscape parks, nature reserves and other forms of legal nature protection. Many areas, particularly those in the river valleys, are proposed to be protected within the European Union NATURA 2000 ecological network. Table 1.6 presents some figures concerning protected areas in the IORBD. Table 1.6. Number of protected areas in the International Oder River Basin District Sub-districts Upper Oder Central Oder Lower Oder Szczeci ski Bay Warta Nysa u ycka Areas of water protection intended for drinking water abstraction 493 957 410 163 532 275 Areas intended for recreation and bathing purposes Areas vulnerable to nutrients Areas intended for protection under NATURA 2000 72 124 28 38 266 14 161 7 3 2 7 15 52 87 244 110 23 98 Source: [6] Pressure on water quality. The greatest pressure on the aquatic environment originates from every human activity connected with discharging or releasing substances into the environment. It is one of the direct or indirect causes of water quality deterioration. The total volume of water abstracted from the IORBD in 2003 amounted to 4 154 585 thousand m3. Detailed data on surface water abstraction exceeding 50 l/s or greater than 1/3 of average low flow rate ( NQ) broken down into different countries and two groups of objectives are presented in Table 1.7. Table 1.7. Data on water management in the IORBD Parameter Annual water abstraction intended for municipal use*/ /for industrial and other uses**/ (total***/) [thousand m3/year] Number of municipal pollution sources with p.e. 2 000 Municipal waste water discharge [million m3/year] (percentage share) Countries’ shares in the total organic compounds load discharged from municipal sources (BOD5=11.2 Gg/year /CODCr= 37.9 GgO2/year) Countries’ shares in the total phosphorous load discharged from municipal sources (total = 1.3 Gg/year) Poland 153 300/3 688 900 (3 842 200) Czech Republic 76 400/150 700 (227 100) Germany 0/85 285 (85 285) 635 56 50 446.03 (74%) 90.6 %/83.9% 128.8 (21%) 8.5%/12.3% 31.9 (5%) 0.9%/3.8% 80.3% 17.3% 2.4% 17 Parameter Countries’ shares in the total nitrate load discharged from municipal sources (total = 12.1 Gg/year) Number of water users: total/towns/industrial plants Municipal/ urban wastewater [million m3/year] Industrial wastewater [million m3/year] Poland 82.0% Czech Republic 15.5% Germany 2.5% 222/105/117 46/15/31 10/5/5 689 118.5 24.5 692.4, of which 75.6 - mining waters 113 56.4 */ water abstraction intended for the so-called municipal purposes mainly means treatment of water for the public water abstraction intended for industrial and other purposes includes industrial, energy, agricultural (irrigation) purposes, flooding of mine pits, water transfer to other catchment areas and alimentation of closed reservoirs or groundwater collectors ***/ the value in brackets stands for the total water abstraction **/ Source: [1, 6] 2 000 have been identified Altogether, 741 municipal pollution sources of p.e. in the IORBD. Annually, around 606.739 million m3 of wastewaters from these sources are discharged into surface waters. It is not possible, at this stage, to have a full view of the situation regarding all industrial sources in the whole IORBD. Table 1.7 presents the initial data related to the year 2003. 1.3. Activities undertaken in the Polish part of the Oder river basin Implementation of the EU water policy. The most important activities targeted at proper implementation of the EU water policy in Poland are as follows: Ø Implementation of the National Municipal Wastewater Treatment Programme (Directive 91/271/EEC3). Ø Implementation of programmes on water protection against nitrates of agricultural origin (Directive 91/676/EEC4). Ø Implementation of programmes on the improvement of the quality of water intended for public drinking water supply (Directive 74/440/EEC5). Ø Performing tasks connected with the reduction of dangerous substances discharged into waters, including the programme for reducing dangerous substances from List II of Directive 76/464/EEC6. Ø Implementation of action programmes included in water management plans for river basin districts to achieve environmental goals (WFD1). Ø Implementation of the principle of paying back the costs of water services (WFD). 3 Council Directive 91/271/EEC of 21 May 1991 concerning urban waste-water treatment (O.J. L 135 03/05/1991) 4 Council Directive 91/676/EEC of 12 December 1991 concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources (O.J. L 375 31/12/1991) 5 Council Directive 75/440/EEC of 16 June 1975 concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water in the Member States (O.J. L 194 25/07/1975) 6 Council Directive 76/464/EEC of 4 May 1976 on pollution caused by certain dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic environment of the Community ( O. J. L 12 18/05/1976) 18 Ø Development and implementation of water monitoring in the river basin districts (WFD). Ø Adaptation of international cooperation in the field of water management to the aforementioned water policy. Oder Programme 2006. The long-term „Programme for the Oder River - 2006” has been established in 2001 under a legal act7. It covers various economic and investment activities connected with the modernisation of the Oder River Water System, among which flood control measures for the whole Oder river basin are regarded as a priority. The major aims of the programme are, inter alia.: Ø To protect large agglomerations against floods, including Racibórz, K dzierzyn-Ko le, Opole, Wroc aw and S ubice, and sites with a high frequency and intensity of flooding, such as the K odzka Basin and the left-sided tributaries of the Oder river. Ø To improve the water quality in the Oder river basin by implementing, inter alia, the Action Programme to Protect the Waters of the Oder River against Pollution, prepared under the International Commission for the Protection of the Oder River against Pollution. General description. Table 1.8 presents data on drinking water consumption in 2002 in households broken down into water regions. The majority of water consumption concentrates in towns and cities. The following cities are among the largest water consumers: Szczecin (132 l/capita/24h), Wroc aw (128.7 l/capita/24h), Pozna (128.2 l/capita/24h), Opole (122 l/capita/24h). Table 1.8. Drinking water consumption in households in different regions Water consumption [l/capita/24h] 1913513 Number of persons using public water supply 1833112 115 Population connected to public water supply [in %] 95.7 166.9 4892102 4431700 103 90.3 43.9 939237 887053 128 94.0 232.5 6296800 5690590 111 90.4 Water consumption [hm3] Population Upper Oder 77.5 Central Oder*/ Lower Oder*/ Warta Water region * The Central Oder water region covers also the Polish part of the Nysa u ycka catchment area, whereas the Lower Oder water region covers also the Polish part of the Szczeci ski Bay Source: [6] Around 822.6 million m3 of wastewaters was discharged in the Polish part of the Oder river basin in 2002. At the time 949 wastewater treatment plants were under operation. There is a constant trend in reducing the amount of wastewaters that are discharged (Table 1.9). Only 58.8% of people use the sewerage system. The insufficiently developed sewerage network and not enough sophisticated wastewater treatment plants result in a bad qualitative status of water resources and high loads of pollutants discharged to the Baltic Sea. 7 Act of 6 July 2001 on the establishment of a long-term programme „Programme for the Oder River – 2006” (Dz.U. of 2001 No. 98, item 1067) 19 The shares of the Polish part of the International Oder River Basin District in the total pollution load discharged to the sea from the territory of Poland are as follows: 32% for BOD5, 41% for COD, 33.6% for nitrates and 54% for phosphorous. Table 1.9. The amount of municipal wastewater discharged in the Polish part of the Oder river basin Year 3 Amount of municipal wastewater [hm ] 1996 2002 862.9 822.6 Source: [6] An increase in the nitrate loads discharged into the Baltic Sea and a stable high level of the phosphorous loads maintained indicate that the determinant factors in this case are those connected with pollution point sources presenting unsatisfactory water and wastewater management. Nitrate concentration levels in groundwaters and partly also in infiltration waters in some parts of Poland show that agricultural activity may have significant pressure on shallow groundwaters. Over 50% of the total nitrate loads originate from this source. Agricultural pollution creates hazards to 5 groundwater bodies. Five groundwater bodies in the Polish part of the IORBD have been qualified as chemically endangered by mining activity. Water monitoring. Activities connected with the monitoring of waters and bottom sediments of rivers, lakes and dammed reservoirs, as well as their quality assessment in the Oder river basin are carried out within the inland surface water monitoring sub-system of the State Environmental Monitoring System (PM ), which has been established in 1991. Their aim is to provide the basis for taking measures to improve the quality of waters and protect them against pollution, including eutrophication caused by the impact of the municipal sector and agriculture, as well as against industrial pollution, including salinity and substances that are especially harmful for the aquatic environment. In future, water quality assessments will be used for integrated water management in river basins. Work targeted at the preparation of a new surface water monitoring system and a system to assess their ecological and chemical status, according to the requirements of the WFD, is also under-way. The quality assessment system will be implemented successively depending on organisational and economic capacities, so as to fully meet the provisions of the WFD by 2009. Since 2004 the water quality in rivers has been monitored in line with the provisions of the WFD (53 physico-chemical and biological parameters measured) in order to end up with an assessment in relation to the five water quality classes (status categories), as well as in view of agricultural impact (pollution from nitrogen compounds) of waters suitable for fish-life, which are protected due to their use as drinking water source. The results obtained show (Table 1.10) that surface waters in the 4-benchmark sections belong to class IV (poor quality), and only the ones on the Nysa u ycka and Ina sections to class III (moderate quality). The water quality of the Oder river is affected, inter alia, by municipal and industrial wastewaters discharged with unsatisfactory treatment, historical pollution of the aquatic 20 and terrestrial environments in the river basin, deposition of air pollutants and discharges of mining waters to the Oder river and its tributaries, mainly from the outside of the region. Table 1.10. Water classification at benchmark sections in the Oder river basin according to the monitoring results of the year 2004 Type of indicators River Section rkm Physical indices Oxygen indices Nutrients Salinity Metals Industrial pollutants Biological indices Microbiological indices Overall classification Parameters or groups of parameters determinating the overall water classification Cha upki 20.0 I,II,IV I,III,IV III,IV I,II,III I,III I,II,III III IV,V IV total suspended solids, BOD5 CODCr nitrates, phosphates, coliform bacteria Water quality classes in the Oder river basin Warta Oder Nysa u ycka Wroc aw Krajnik Gubin Pozna 249.0 690.0 12.0 243.6 I,III,IV I,III,IV I,II I,II,V I,II,III I,III,IV I,II I,III,IV,V II,III,IV II, III II,III II,III,IV I,II,III, IV I,II,III I,II I,II I,II,III, IV I I,III I,III II I I,II I IV III,V III IV III,IV IV IV III,IV IV colour, conductivity, dissolved substances, nitrogen, Cd, chlorides, chlorophyll “a”, coliform bacteria IV colour, BOD5 CODCr chlorophyll, faecal coliform bacteria III colour, BOD5 CODCr organic carbon, ammonia, Al, Mn, Fe, chlorophyll “a” IV colour, CODMn CODCr, Kjeldahl nitrogen, chlorophyll “a”, faecal coliform bacteria Ina Goleniów 10.2 I,III,IV I,III,IV I,II,III I,II,III I,III I,II II,III IV III colour, BOD5 CODMn CODCr, Ca, Mn, organic carbon, saprobility index, phytoplankton, faecal coliform bacteria Sources: [12] Furthermore, monitoring is being continued within the national network of the 10 benchmark lakes, of which three are inside the Oder river basin: Kr psko D ugie, remskie, Tarnowskie Du e, and within the region programmes, covering lakes that exceed an area of 100 ha, as well as others regarded as important for economic and natural reasons. Water levels are measured under the monitoring activities within a network of river gauge stations by an observer, conventionally 3 times a day and automatically every 10 minutes. In cases of emergency the frequency of observation may be increased. Additionally, the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW) takes measures of the flow volumes and on this basis creates the flow rate curves to enable the recalculation of the observed water levels into flow rates. Water levels and characteristic long-term flow rates, which are used for determining the resources of surface waters, are calculated periodically. Hydrological and meteorological information collected in the IMGW is the main source of data enabling the modelling of industrial accident effects in the aquatic environment. 21 In cases of emergency the IMGW is obliged to submit all available information to the emergency response services. 1.4. International Warning and Alarm Plan for the Oder River The International Warning and Alarm Plan for the Oder River was adopted by the International Commission for the Protection of the Oder River against Pollution in 2006. The Plan’s aim is to ensure immediate notification of the competent authorities responsible for accident control (and at the same time to provide information for the public) about sudden pollution caused by chemicals endangering the quality of water in the Oder river basin, which due to their volumes or concentrations may have a negative impact on the quality of the Oder waters. The Plan should ensure, in particular: • elimination of hazards, • identification of an accident originator (the polluter), • analysis of causes, • taking measures to eliminate accident causes and effects, • elimination of accident damage. The definition of an accident. The Plan introduces the term of an accidental deterioration of water quality (accident). It is an extraordinary major deterioration, or an extraordinary risk to the quality of water. It is usually, of a sudden, unpredictable nature and results in harmful colour, odour, sedimentation, formation of oil or foam layers, or in extraordinary fish mortality. A hazard that has been created due to uncontrolled migration of dangerous substances, or wastewaters of such a quality or volume that is likely to cause an accident in the aquatic environment, is regarded as an extraordinary risk to water quality. Cases of technical accidents or malfunctioning that precede such a migration of hazardous substances and cases of leakage of crude oil from installations used for its collection, transportation and separation, are all also treated as accidents. The following are also regarded as accidents: Ø cases of water quality deterioration or hazards created by oil-derivative substances, or by radioactive radiators and radioactive waste; Ø situations in which deterioration or hazards occur for water in the protected zones of water management or protective zones, or on watercourses and their river basins. An event may will not be considered as an accident in those situations where due to the spatial range or place of leakage the risk of penetration of harmful substances into groundwaters or surface waters is eliminated. The above-mentioned definition indicates that the Plan applies to: Ø waters contaminated with: • oil and oil-derivatives, • other chemical substances and substances posing a threat to water quality (solid, liquid and gaseous substances), • radioactive substances, 22 Ø other events creating a hazard to water quality or to the life of aquatic organisms, or those raising public concern. Operation procedure. The International Warning and Alarm Plan for the Oder River includes: Ø a communication plan, Ø tasks assigned to the international major warning centres (IMWC) and their required equipment, Ø a list of IMWC established in PL, DE, and CZ, Ø a procedure and format for a warning notification and for providing information about an accident, Ø approved channels for accident notification in PL, DE, and CZ. The Plan serves as a basis for the coordination of activities of the relevant emergency response services and for international cooperation in the area of immediate notification about accidents by the IMWC to the competent regional and national level warning services, and as such does not change the existing regional/national warning plans. 1.5. Alarm and Warning Plan for the Boundary Waters of RP-FRG In 1998 a joint Alarm and Warning Plan for the Boundary Waters of RP-FRG8 has been approved by the Polish-German Commission on Boundary Waters, which contains an instruction and a scheme for submitting information on major accidents causing pollution of the boundary waters. Its present structure, which has been updated in 2004, consists of the following two parts: 1) the main part, containing required information on alarming and notification about pollution of boundary waters, including, inter alia: • an alarm procedures, • alist of competent bodies subject to alarming in the boundary areas, • notification forms, • a general map; 2) the general part, containing additional lists and materials: • a list of objects (facilities) on boundary waters, • a list of operational sections, • a list of potential risk sources for boundary waters, • the Polish-German dictionary, • training materials. 8 Elaborated by the Polish-German Working Group W-3 on “extraordinary pollution” on the basis of Art. 2 point k and Art. 10 para. 2 point a, b, d of the Agreement between the Republic of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany on cooperation in the field of water management on boundary waters (RP stands for the Republic of Poland; FRG stands for the Federal Republic of Germany) 23 Alarm procedures. Alarming and informing appropriate Polish and German emergency services is carried out by using a “notification form” and a “notification confirmation form”, prepared in a bi-lingual version. These forms are used for transmitting short and uncomplex information on accident occurrence on the Nysa u ycka and Oder rivers with the use of words that have been agreed upon and listed in the Polish-German dictionary. Information on accidents is transmitted to the relevant bodies in Germany and in Poland (the Regional Commandant of the State Fire Service and the Regional Inspector for Environmental Protection), which are listed in the main part of the Plan. All submitted notification forms must be confirmed by using a special “notification confirmation form” and sent back as quick as possible to the notification sender. Information on the notification received that is related to accidents on boundary waters must also be submitted without delay to the Director of the Department for Major Accident Prevention in the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection. Risk classification. For the purposes of the Alarm and Warning Plan a risk classification has been adopted, which is based on correlations between alarm levels and R-phrases, or water risk classes (WRC). The exceedance of certain alarm levels in case of water contamination with hazardous substances caused by accidents is the basis for submitting either “an information” or “a warning”. In 1992 pursuant to Agenda 21, Chapter 19 (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) a proposal has been made for international harmonisation of legislation on the classification and labelling of chemicals. At the same time the European law on chemicals has been updated (Directive 92/32/EEC9), and thus it also contains certain provisions on classifying substances as hazardous to the aquatic environment (R50-R53 risk phrases). Risk classification is based on experiences from the implementation of alarm and warning plans for the Elbe and Rhine river basins (see Chapter 3.1). Poland does not have any uniform regulated provisions for the classification of risks connected with extraordinary surface water pollution nor approved threshold criteria for classifying waters polluted with hazardous chemicals into relevant groups, that would be equivalent to the German classification, therefore the solution proposed by the Working Group on extraordinary pollution has been accepted for the time being until the issue is regulated by Poland. Information sources 1. Mi dzynarodowa Komisja Ochrony Odry przed Zanieczyszczeniem ( http://www.mkoo.pl) 2. Dorzecze Odry. Powód 1997. Mi dzynarodowa Komisja Ochrony Odry przed Zanieczyszczeniem. Wroc aw 1999 3. Program szybkiego dzia ania dla ochrony rzeki Odry przed zanieczyszczeniem 1997-1999 Mi dzynarodowa Komisja Ochrony Odry przed Zanieczyszczeniem. Wroc aw 1999 9 Council Directive 92/32/EEC of 30 April 1992 amending for the seventh time Directive 67/548/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substance (O.J. L 154 05/06/1992) 24 4. Ocena stanu realizacji inwestycji obj tych programem szybkiego dzia ania dla ochrony rzeki Odry przed zanieczyszczeniem 1997-1999. Mi dzynarodowa Komisja Ochrony Odry przed Zanieczyszczeniem. Wroc aw 2000 5. Program dzia a przeciwpowodziowych w dorzeczu Odry. Mi dzynarodowa Komisja Ochrony Odry przed Zanieczyszczeniem. Wroc aw 2004 6. Mi dzynarodowy Obszar Dorzecza Odry. Charakterystyka obszaru dorzecza, przegl d wp ywu dzia alno ci cz owieka na rodowisko oraz analiza ekonomiczna korzystania z wody. Raport dla Komisji Europejskiej, zgodnie z art. 15, ust. 2, 1. tiret Dyrektywy 2000/60/WE Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady z dnia 23 pa dziernika 2000 r. ustanawiaj cej ramy wspólnotowego dzia ania w dziedzinie polityki wodnej (Raport 2005). Koordynacja w ramach Mi dzynarodowej Komisji Ochrony Odry przed Zanieczyszczeniem (http://www.mkoo.pl/index.php?mid=6&aid=270) 7. Rocznik statystyczny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 2005, GUS, Warszawa 2005 8. Wielka encyklopedia. PWN. Warszawa, 2004 9. Atlas podzia u hydrograficznego Polski. Praca zespo owa pod kierunkiem H. Czarneckiej. Seria Atlasy IMGW, Warszawa 2005 10. Biuro Pe nomocnika Rz du ds. „Programu dla Odry 2006” ( http://www.programodra.pl) 11. Program Pa stwowego Monitoringu rodowiska na rok 2006 (http://www.gios.gov.pl) 12. Stan czysto ci rzek, jezior i Ba tyku na podstawie wyników bada wykonanych w ramach pa stwowego monitoringu rodowiska, Biblioteka Monitoringu rodowiska, IO , Warszawa 2005 13. Bobi ski E., elazi ski J., Ocena przyczyn lipcowej powodzi wnioski do programu ochrony przeciwpowodziowej w przysz o ci. Ekspertyza opracowana dla Sejmowej Komisji Ochrony rodowiska, Zasobów Naturalnych i Le nictwa (http://www.odra.pl/pl/dokumenty/962585850.shtml) 14. Fal B. Powód tysi clecia? Wiedza i ycie. Nr 10/1997 25 2. LUBUSKIE REGION 2.1. General description Location. The Lubuskie Region (the Lubuskie Voivodship) [PL4310], established in 1999, covers an area of 13 989 km2. It lies in the western part of Poland (Fig. 1b). From the west it borders with the Federal Republic of Germany (with Brandenburg – one of the republic states), in the north with the Zachodniopomorskie (West Pomeranian) Region, in the east with the Wielkopolskie Region, and in the south with the Dolno l skie (Lower Silesian) Region (Map 3). Gorzów Wielkopolski is the capital of the region, where the headquarters of the representative of the governmental administration, i.e. the Lubuskie Region Head, is situated. Zielona Góra is the second most important city with its regional selfgovernmental authority. Fig. 1. Location of: Poland in Europe (Fig. 1a) and the Lubuskie Region in Poland (Fig.1b) Fig.1a Fig. 1b Administration division. The Lubuskie Region, one of the 16 regions (“voivodships”) in Poland, is composed of 12 districts (”poviats”) and 2 cities with district status (i.e. the aforementioned cities). The whole area is divided into 83 communities (“gminas”). Economy. The Lubuskie Region is the smallest region in Poland with regard to population (approx. 1 million people), with an urbanisation index of 64.2% (higher than the country’s average value) and low population density (72 persons/km2). It belongs to the group of medium-industrialized regions with unfavourable agricultural conditions (low quality of soils) but with well developing services. Land-use. The Lubuskie Region is dominated by forestland, whereas agricultural land constitutes over 1/3 of its total area (Fig. 2). The spatial land-use structure in the region is presented on Map 4. 10 Number of the region (voivodship) according to the nomenclature for the territorial units used for statistical purposes (NUTS) 26 27 28 The environment constitutes the major value of the Lubuskie Region with its the differentiated landscape, preserved biodiversity, dense forest complexes, as well as numerous lakes and rivers. Over 1/3 of its area consists of valuable legally protected land. Fig. 2. Land-use structure in the Lubuskie Region in 2005: 1- agricultural land – 5 743.84 km 2, including arable area – 4 074.66 km2, meadows – 10914.94 km2, pastures – 371.70 km2, orchards – 31.09 km2 and other arables (built-up areas, ponds and ditches) – 251.45 km2 2- forestland, trees and bushes – 7130.75 km 2 3- land under water – 236.64 km 2 4- built-up and urbanised areas – 581.58 km 2 5- others, including ecologically valuable areas – 21.86 km 2, waste-land – 184.38 km 2, varied areas – 90.15 km 2 4,2% 5,1% 1,7% 1 38,0% 2 3 4 5 51,0% Source: [13] 2.2. Environmental overview 2.2.1. Terrestrial environment Climate and meteorological conditions. The Lubuskie Region lies within the moderate type of climate, transient in nature, within three climatic regions (of the Warta River Valley, the Lubuski region and the West Dolno l ski region) influenced by the dominating impact of the polar and marine masses of air flowing from above the Atlantic Ocean. It is one of the warmest regions of Poland – with the annual average air temperature of 8.5 0C. Winters are mild and short (unstable snow cover remains for around 40-50 days), while the summers are early, long and warm. The average precipitation totals are moderate (500-600 mm). The vegetation period is the longest in Poland (exceeding 225 days). Geographical location and land relief. The Lubuskie Region lies within the province of the Central European Lowlands of Western Europe outside the Alps (Map 3). It has a differentiated landscape, formed during the Pleistocene glaciation periods. The southern part 29 of the region has been shaped during the Central Poland glaciation period ( rodkowopolska Lowlands and Sasko- u ycka Lowlands), and the rest of the area during the Baltic glaciation (Po udniowoba tyckie Lake District). Among the dominating land relief forms are the glacial outwash plains (Gorzowska, Torzymska), late glacial moraine uplands (Dobiegniewskie, agowskie and S awskie lake districts) and moraine and kame hills (Gubi skie Hills, Czerwie ska Highlands), which are cut by vast concave forms (ice-marginal valleys - pradolines: Toru -Eberswalde, WarsawBerlin and Barycko-G ogowska), as well as other land lows (Lubuski Oder Gap, Bruzda Zb szy ska, Lower Bóbr Valley). The landscape is diversified by numerous river valleys (of inter alia, the Oder, Warta, Bóbr and Kwisa rivers) and in the northern and central parts by numerous glacial lakes, including groove lakes facilitating the hydraulic contact of different horizons and levels of aquifers, mainly from the Tertiary and Quaternary levels. Soils. Sand and clay are the main parent rocks (bedrocks) in the Lubuskie Region that are used in soil formation. Soils on a sandy bed with low humus contents are poor and very permeable for waters. The dominating soils in the Lubuskie Region from the point of view of agricultural needs are those that are moderately or poorly rich (quality classes IV and V). In practice, class VI soils (83 thousand ha) are only suitable for afforestation. Rusty and brown soils are in the northern part of the region; in ice-marginal valleys – podzolic soils, as well as mucky and peaty soils are found in ice-marginal valleys; alluvial soils - in the valleys of larger rivers, and podzols and brown-grey podzolic, lessive soils – in the south. Forests. Almost half of the region’s area is covered with forests (Map 4), among which the dominant are young (21-60 years old) pine and larch treestands (85.2 %). Treestands exceeding the age of 81 account for 19% of the whole forest area. Broadleaved forests (beech woods and oak woods) are less numerous. The Lubuskie Region has the highest forest cover index in Poland (48.7%). The greatest forest complexes are found in the western and central parts of the region (Puszcza Lubuska, Buczyna agowska, forests near the Nies ysz Lake). Larger forest-land areas, mainly young dry and fresh pine-tree forests with some birch, spruce, oak, alder, hornbeam, ash and linden treestands can be found near Lubsko and in the south of ary (Bory Dolno l skie, covering the sandy plains between the following rivers: Nysa u ycka, Kwisa, Bóbr and Szprotawa). The characterization of the most valuable forest complexes is presented in Annex 1. Nature protection. The area of the Lubuskie Region due to its high landscape differentiation is characterised by a variety of ecosystems. Among the most vulnerable to degradation are the marshland and aquatic environments, including river valleys. Two national parks, 52 nature reserves, 8 landscape parks, 38 protected landscape areas, 5 nature-landscape complexes, 324 ecologically valuable areas (Table 2.1) and 1712 nature monuments – all form a system of legally protected areas and objects (Map 5). Altogether, they cover 39.3% of the region’s area. 30 31 In national parks all the nature and landscape values are under protection. Full protection of selected nature elements is provided in established nature reserves. Landscape protection areas linked together by the so called ecological corridors form a network of most naturevaluable areas. A description of the most important objects and sites is presented in Annex 2. Table 2.1. The area of different categories of the legally protected areas in the Lubuskie Region National parks Nature reserves Landscape parks Protected landscape areas Ecological land Landscape-nature complexes 13606.4 3394.6 77012.0 [ha] 438576.9 2819.5* 14528.5 * data originating from [14] Source: [3] There are various animal species found in the Lubuskie Region, including many protected species. The following are among the animals that are rarely found: the European fallow deer (Dama dama), Raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides), Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus), Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber), Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula), White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), Osprey (Pandion haliaetus), Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) and Common Crane (Grus grus). The popular White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) is represented in large numbers. Fauna and flora species categorized by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) as extinct or endangered are under special protection. They are as follows, in particular: Ø mammals – Bechstein’s Bat (Myotis bechsteini), wolf (Canis lupus) and otter (Lutra lutra), Ø birds – Red Kite (Milvus milvus), Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), Montagu’s harrier (Circus pygargus), Osprey (Pandion haliaetus), White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina), Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo), Great Bittern (Botaurus stellaris), Pintail (Anas acuta), Spotted Crake (Porzana porzana), Little Crake (Porzana parva), Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula), Ruff (Philomachus pugnax), Curlew (Numenius arquata), Little Tern (Sterna albifrons), Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus), Woodchat Shrike (Lanius senator), Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna), Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola), Ø reptiles – European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis), Ø fishes – Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), Knife (Pelecus cultratus), Ø cyclostomes – European River Lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis), Ø insects – European stag beetle (Lucanus cervus), Great capricorn beetle (Cerambyx cerdo), Ø plants – Pillwort (Pilularia globulifera), Strapwort (Corrigiola litoralis), Six-stamened Waterwort (Elatine hexandra), St. Bernard's Lily (Anthericum liliago), Celak (Stipa joannis), Brown Beak-sedge (Rhynchospora fusca), Many-stalked Spike-rush (Eleocharis multicaulis). 32 Natura 2000. Initially 23 sites covering an area of 323 392 ha have been proposed from the territory of the Lubuskie Region for protection within the European Union’s Natura 200011 network. Poland has officially submitted only 10 sites to the European Commission (Map 5). Their description is included in Annex 3. At present, work on the preparation of the NATURA 2000 site protection plans is under-way, together with the monitoring of the state of natural habitats and species. It is necessary to ensure that the values, serving as a basis for qualification for inclusion in the NATURA 2000 network, be sustained by maintaining favourable forms of land-use. 2.2.2. Aquatic environment Groundwaters Hydrogeology. The Lubuskie Region belongs to the western macroregion of the Polish Lowlands with the majority of its area lying in the Wielkopolski region and the northern part in the Zachodniopomorski region. There are three aquatic formations: the Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary. The last two play a functional role. Their differentiated water-bearing capacity was affected by a number of erosion and sedimentary cycles, glacitectonics and morphology. The water resources capacity in the region is regarded as good in the northern part and differentiated in the southern part. The groundwater abstraction capacity in the region accounts for app. 4.8% of the total national resources. The central (Oder) part of the Barycko-G ogowska ice-marginal valley (Pradoline) forms one of the richest in water reservoirs of the Quaternary waters in Poland. The 10-12 km wide aquifer is made of an extremely well alimented sand and gravel complex, which is around 20-60 metre thick. The water supply capacity of the wells ranges from 80-100 m3/h to 200-250 m3/h. Also waters from the Quaternary level in the area of the Zielonogórska Highland show significant abstraction capacity exceeding as much as 100 m3/h, low mineralization (usually 0.4 g/dm3) and they generally do not require purification. Additionally, fossil formations are found within this highland area, which despite their limited spatial range and resources, play an important role in public water supply, especially in the western part. A number of the so-called Main Groundwater Reservoirs (MGR) with areas of highest protection (AHP) and areas of higher protection (AhP) have been distinguished in 1990 within the region. They constitute water resources intended for drinking water abstraction estimated at app. 2.7 million m3/24h (Table 2.2). The location of different MGR is presented on Map 6. 11 Established in the European Community in 2004 under the provisions of Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 April 1979 on the conservation of wild birds (OJ L 103, 25/04/1979) and Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (OJ L 206 22/07/1992) 33 Table 2.2. Item MGR No. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Characteristics of the Main Groundwater Reservoirs (MGR) Reservoir Area [km2] MGR AHP AhP 134 135 136 137 Stratigraphy (aquifer age) Q, Tr Q Q Q Average depth [m] D bno 242 44 198 55 Barlinek 170 26 144 50 Dobiegniewo 180 0 180 50 790 790 0 40 Toru Eberswalde Ice-marginal Valley (Warta River) 138 Toru 2100 2100 200 Q 30 Eberswalde Ice-marginal Valley (Note River) 144 Wielkopolska 4000 408 2902 Q 60 Fossil Valley 147 Warta River 50 50 160 Q 40 Valley (SierakówMiedzychód) 148 Pliszka River 506 506 0 Q 35 outwash 149 Krosno-Gubin 434 434 0 Q 25 outwash 150 Warsaw1904 274 1630 Q 25-25 Berlin Icemarginal Valley (Ko o-Oder) 301 Zasieki Ice236 236 0 Q 30 marginal Valley Nowa Sól 302 Barycz435 435 0 Q 30 G ogów Icemarginal Valley (W) 306 Wschowa 200 100 100 Q 35 reservoir 315 Chocianów1052 1052 Q 60 Gozdnica Estimated water resources of the MGR within the Lubuskie Region Q- Quaternary; Tr – Tertiary Source: [8] 34 Unit Estimated run-off resources [thousand [l/ (s km2)] m3/24h] 29.15 1.39 51.50 3.51 51.84 3.3 369.00 5.41 400.00 2.20 480.00 1.39 10.00 2.31 242.88 5.56 187.48 5.00 456.00 2.77 90.62 4.44 59.00 1.57 22.00 1,27 292.00 3.21 2741.47 35 Monitoring. The monitoring of ordinary groundwaters in the Lubuskie Region under the State Environmental Monitoring System (PM ) is carried out by the Polish Geological Institute (PIG) within an observation network at present consisting of 15 measurement points sampling water from the Quaternary and Tertiary aquifers. The following physico-chemical parameters are measured: arsenic, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, boron, barium, bromine, chlorides, chromium, zinc, fluorides, phosphates, aluminium, cadmium, lithium, magnesium, manganese, copper, molybdenum, nickel, pH, lead, potassium, conductivity, silica, sulphates, strontium, total dissolved solids, sodium, total water hardness, carbonate water hardness, titanium, calcium, vanadium, hydrocarbonates, carbonates, mineral alkalinity, total alkalinity, total iron, and only in shallow groundwater samples - total organic carbon (TOC) and cyanides. Additionally, antimony, selenium, silver and dissolved oxygen were determined in 2004. Groundwater quality. The quality of groundwaters in the Lubuskie Region is mainly determined by natural conditions. Commonly present ferrous and manganese compounds require only the use of simple purification methods for water intended for human consumption. The results of groundwater quality assessment12 of 2004 and 2005 are shown in Table 2.3. In general, the quality of water has improved apart from the Gorzów and Rudnica-p water abstraction stations. Surface waters Hydrograph. The entire area of the Lubuskie Region lies within the catchment area of the Oder (Odra) central course (Map 7). The mouth sections of the Warta, Note , Bóbr, Nysa u ycka and Kwisa rivers, apart from the Oder, are its main rivers. Specific flows of the 3 major rivers are shown in Table 2.4. Many smaller rivers have their catchment areas located entirely on the territory of the region (inter alia, Pliszka, Ilanka, Postomski Canal). The catchment areas of the Note and Nysa u ycka rivers each cover 11% of the region area, the catchment area of the Bóbr river – 12%, the remaining part of the Warta catchment area – 28% and the remaining part of the Oder catchment area – 38%. Table 2.4. Item No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Characteristic long-term flows covering longer periods of time in selected river gauge stations in the Lubuskie Region River gauge Gubin Gubin 2 Po cko S ubice Gorzów Wielkopolski River Nysa u ycka Nysa u ycka Oder Oder Warta River Analysed basin area period [years] [km2] 3973.6 1956 2003 4.125 1946 2003 47152.0 1951 2003 53382.2 1951 2003 52404.3 1951 2003 NNQ [m3/s] (date) 5.62 NQ [m3/s] Q [m3/s] WQ [m3/s] 10.3 30.4 173 10.9 29.6 160 (20.01.1964) 6.65 (23.7.1981) (27.08.2003) 52.3 108 261 831 64.7 3200 (24.7.1997) 132 309 911 (29.09.1953) (12.12.1959) 597 (23.7.1981) (4.01.1954) 56.3 WWQ [m3/s] (date) 597 2870 (27.7.1997) 104 214 476 1110 (21.3.1979, 22.3.1979) Source: [9] 12 Groundwater quality assessment carried out in line with the provisions included in Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 11 February 2004 on the classification for presenting the status of surface waters and groundwaters, the method of monitoring and interpretation of the results obtained and the presentation of the status of these waters (Dz.U. of 2004 No. 32, item 284 ) 37 38 Hydrological information (water status and flow volumes, flow rate curves, flow rates, characteristic long-term flows for the majority of the 34 river gauge stations - Annex 4) is available in the IMGW. There are over 700 lakes on the territory of the region, including 52 with an area exceeding 50 ha, with a total area of app. 20 000 ha (Map 7). The lakes are concentrated in the Lubuskie Lake District (e.g. Nies ysz, Lubniewsko, Lubi , Trze niowskie, Wojnowskie, Paklicko Wielkie, Wilkowskie, Bukowieckie, D ugie, G bokie, Chycina, Ma cz, Wielicko, Bytnickie, Ostrowicko, Lubinickie, Nied wiedno), in the Dobiegniewskie Lake District (eg. Osiek), in the S awskie Lake District (eg. S awskie) and in the Drawska Plains (eg. Ostrowiec). Apart from large and deep lakes (eg. Niesulickie, Lubikowskie, Ch op, Szarcz) there are also many smaller ones that are of high recreational value. Many lakes are found in the northern part of the region, where the lake-cover index reaches 2-3%. In the south, below the line of the last glacial period, this index does not exceed 0.1%. The lake resources have been estimated at over 500 thousand hm 3 of water. Quality of running waters. In 2004 for the first time the monitoring of the quality of waters in the Oder river basin has been carried out in compliance with the provisions of the national legislation7, which included the new requirements for water monitoring and assessment pursuant to the provisions of the Framework Water Directive (FWD). The waters of the Oder, Warta, Nysa u ycka, Bóbr, Note , Barycz, Kwisa and Rów Polski rivers are monitored under the national monitoring system. Additionally, a dozen or so smaller rivers are covered by the regional and local monitoring systems (Table 2.5). Surveillance monitoring was applied for the largest and at the same time economically most important rivers of the region and their main tributaries. The results obtained in 2004 are also presented on Map 7. The quality of water has improved in 5 measurement stations. Only the Kwisa river waters were classified into a lower quality class in 2005. Table 2.5. River Oder Warta Note Barycz Rów Polski Kopanica Bóbr Kwisa Nysa u ycka Lubsza The quality of running freshwaters in the Lubuskie Region in 2004 and 2005 Section above Nowa Sól Po cko, Kostrzyn Kostrzyn Santok river mouth outlet to Barycz outlet to Rów Polski outlet to Oder outlet to Bóbr outlet to Oder outlet to Nysa u ycka Class* Indicators determining the overall water classification 2004 2005 V IV chlorophyll “a”, bacteriology, electrolytic conductivity, (significant salinity of the Oder river to the Polish-German boundary) IV IV chlorophyll “a”, bacteriology, organic substances IV IV V V IV IV IV V V V IV IV organic carbon, chlorophyll “a”, bacteriology organic carbon, bacteriology organic pollutants, nutrient content , bacteriology, heavy metals organic pollutants, dissolved substances, nutrients , chlorophyll “a”, bacteriology oxygen dissolved in water, organic pollutants, dissolved substances, nutrients, chlorophyll “a”, bacteriology bacteriology, organic pollutants III IV organic pollutants and bacteriology IV IV IV IV bacteriology, organic pollutants (additionally, total suspended solids in some control and measurement points) bacteriology, organic pollutants and nutrients 39 Class* Indicators determining the overall water classification 2004 2005 Obra Skwierzyna V IV bacteriology, phosphates, chlorophyll “a”, organic pollutants, dissolved substances Ilanka wiecko IV III bacteriology Pliszka Urada IV III chlorophyll “a”, bacteriology * for class explanation see Table 2.3 River Section Source: [18,26] Wastewater discharged from pollution point sources, spatial pollution from agricultural land, a well as deposition from precipitation are the major water pollution sources in the Lubuskie Region. The quality of major rivers (Table 2.6) is also affected by pollution sources beyond the boundaries of the region, at the upper course of the Oder river and its tributaries. Table 2.6. River Oder Warta Bóbr Nysa u ycka Note Kwisa Barycz Rów Polski * Water quality classification for the major rivers of the Lubuskie Region according to measurement results carried out in 2004 Length of the controlled section [km] 208.6 137.0 112.0 112.0 48.9 17.0 4.8 15.0 Class I Class II Waters Class III Class IV Class V Percentage of the length of section controlled in different classes 80.2 19.8 100.0 98.2 1.8 100.0 - - 100.0 - 100.0 - 100.0 100.0 for explanations to class numbers see Table 13 Source: [18] Map 7 also shows waters at all control and measurement points, which on the basis of the monitoring results obtained in 2004 by the Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection did not meet the provisions13 required for supporting the life of salmonid and cyprinid fish species. Excessively elevated concentrations of nutrients (nitrates and phosphorous, in particular) and sometimes also excessive concentrations of organic substances, as well as periodical deficit of dissolved oxygen were observed in those waters. The values of other parameters indicated the capacity of waters to support fish-life, including the salmonid species. Quality of standing waters. The Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (WIO ), under the State Environmental Monitoring System and under the merital supervision of the Institute of Environmental Protection is responsible for the monitoring of lakes in a 5-year cycle, in accordance with the principles of the System for the Lake Quality 13 laid down in Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 4 October 2002 on provisions regarding inland waters supporting fish-life under natural conditions (Dz.U. of 2002 No. 176, item 1455). 40 Assessment (SOJJ), elaborated by the Institute. Table 27 presents the results of 9 lakes, that have been examined. The quality of lakes in the Lubuskie Region controlled under the regional monitoring system [27] is presented on Map 7. Table 2.7. Item no. The quality of lakes monitored in the Lubuskie Region and their category of biological degradability Lake Ostrowiec near/G usko Lubiewsko Paklicko Wielkie Lubi Tarnowskie Du e Goszcza Krajnik Lubie Czarne 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Category of biological degradability Area [ha] Volume [thousand m3] 387.6 36433.1 II II II II 240.4 196.0 130.5 92.0 48.0 40.3 28.4 19.1 12412.8 15823.3 6075.1 3504.0 3692.0 4370.0 3697.1 2137.7 III III III II III - III III III II III III III II III II II II III III II II II II III III II II I I Water quality class according to the results of 1993 1998 2003 class I – mesotrophic and weakly eutrophic lakes class II – moderate eutrophic lakes class III – strongly eutrophic lakes Source: [17] Final comments. The Lubuskie Region presents favourable situation, against the countrywide background, regarding the state of the environment, nevertheless having the preservation of its natural value in mind further reduction of releases of all pollutants into the environment is becoming even more pressing. Information sources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Atlas podzia u hydrograficznego Polski. Praca zespo owa pod kierunkiem H. Czarneckiej. Seria Atlasy IMGW, Warszawa 2005 Atlas klimatu Polski. Pod redakcj H. Lorenc. IMGW, Warszawa 2005 Baza danych - OBSZARY CHRONIONE WPOLSCE. Zak ad Ochrony Przyrody i Krajobrazu. Instytut Ochrony rodowiska, Warszawa Europejska sie ekologiczna Natura 2000 ( http://natura2000.mos.gov.pl/natura2000/pl/terminarz.php) INFOGEOSKARB. Informacja geologiczna z o a kopalin (http://baza.pgi.gov.pl/igs) Kondracki J., Geografia regionalna Polski. PWN, Warszawa 2005 Malinowski J. (red) Budowa geologiczna Polski. Tom VII. Hydrogeologia, PIG, WG, Warszawa 1991 Mapa obszarów g ównych zbiorników wód podziemnych (GZWP) w Polsce wymagaj cych szczególnej ochrony Pod redakcj A. S. Kleczkowskiego. IHiGI AGH Kraków 1990 Mi dzynarodowy Obszar Dorzecza Odry. Charakterystyka obszaru dorzecza, przegl d wp ywu dzia alno ci cz owieka na rodowisko oraz analiza ekonomiczna korzystania z wody. Raport dla Komisji Europejskiej, zgodnie z art. 15, ust. 2, 1. tiret Dyrektywy 2000/60/WE Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady z dnia 23 pa dziernika 2000 r. ustanawiaj cej ramy wspólnotowego dzia ania w dziedzinie polityki wodnej (Raport 2005). Koordynacja w ramach Mi dzynarodowej Komisji Ochrony Odry przed Zanieczyszczeniem (http://www.mkoo.pl/index.php?mid=6&aid=270) 41 10. Oberec J., Sudety i obszary przyleg e w: Budowa geologiczna Polski T.4, cz. 2 Instytut Geologiczny, WG, Warszawa 1972 11. Prace i wyniki PMS. GIOS ( http://www.gios.gov.pl/index7.php?temat=7) 12. Program ochrony rodowiska dla województwa lubuskiego na lata 2003 – 2010, Zielona Góra, 2003 13. Rocznik statystyczny województw 2005 , GUS Warszawa 2006 14. Rocznika Statystyczny województwa lubuskiego 2005, Urz d Statystyczny w Zielonej Górze 15. Rocznik statystyczny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 2005, GUS, Warszawa 2005 16. Stan czysto ci rzek, jezior i Ba tyku na podstawie wyników bada wykonanych w ramach pa stwowego monitoringu rodowiska . Biblioteka Monitoringu rodowiska, GIOS Warszawa 2005 17. Stan rodowiska w województwie lubuskim w latach 1999-2003 (http://zgora.pios.gov.pl) 18. Stan rodowiska w województwie lubuskim w 2004 roku ( http://zgora.pios.gov.pl) 19. Stan rodowiska w województwie lubuskim w 2003 roku ( http://zgora.pios.gov.pl) 20. Stan rodowiska w województwie lubuskim w 2002 roku ( http://zgora.pios.gov.pl) 21. Stan rodowiska w województwie lubuskim w 2001 roku ( http://zgora.pios.gov.pl) 22. Stan rodowiska w województwie lubuskim w 2000 roku ( http://zgora.pios.gov.pl) 23. Stan rodowiska w województwie lubuskim w 1999 roku ( http://zgora.pios.gov.pl) 24. Studium na temat retencji wód powierzchniowych na obszarze Polski w aspekcie wyst powania suszy hydrologicznej. Ocena mo liwo ci zwi kszenia dyspozycyjnych zasobów wód powierzchniowych w oparciu o du e zbiorniki wodne (pod kierunkiem P. Kowalczaka) IMGW Pozna 2005 25. Stupnicka E. Geologia regionalna Polski. WG, Warszawa1989 26. Wyniki bada i pomiarów. Monitoring jako ci rzek województwa lubuskiego (http://zgora.pios.gov.pl/monitoring/rzeki/rzeki.htm) 27. Wyniki bada i pomiarów. Klasyfikacja jezior województwa lubuskiego (http://zgora.pios.gov.pl/wios/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=66&Itemid=80 ) 28. Wyniki bada i pomiarów. Ocena jako ci wód podziemnych województwa lubuskiego (http://zgora.pios.gov.pl/wios/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=60&Itemid=69 ) 29. Zar ba R., Puszcze, bory i lasy Polski , Warszawa 1986 42 3. IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL WATER HAZARDS IN THE LUBUSKIE REGION 3.1. Industrial stationary installations 3.1.1. Method for water hazard assessment in the region The approach adopted is based on the method developed in 1995 by the International Commission for the Protection of the River Elbe (ICPE). The essence of the method is to begin with determination of water risk classes (WRC) for chemical substances and their mixtures present in the region, then to calculate their third water risk class equivalents WRC 3E. In the assessment of water pollution caused by an accident a water risk index (WRI) is introduced, which makes it possible to classify water-related accidents according to their potential danger. The WRI corresponds to the base 10 logarithm of the WRC 3. It is the basis for the identification of potential accident risk spots (ARS) in the region. Since 2001 this method has been used also by the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR). Water Risk Classes. Water risk classes have already been used in Germany for more than 20 years as a means of assessing "substance-specific water hazards", particularly in determining the potential for water pollution represented by hazardous installations. By now about 6000 substances and mixtures of substances have been classified in these terms. The following properties of substances are the essential factors that are taken into account when classifying in terms of water risk classes (WRC): • Toxicity (acute, chronic) to humans and mammals, • Aquatic toxicity, • Persistence, • Biological degradability, • Physiochemical eliminability, • Properties of distribution in water and the soil, • Accumulation in the organism. The adopted method for determination of WRC makes use of the German regulation 14 of May 17, 1999: on the classification of substances hazardous to water (VwVwS). In detail the water risk class is determined by assessing the effects of substances that are categorised in terms of the 25 R-ratings. The difference is made between substances posing no danger and those ranked into three classes of danger: • WRC 1: low danger to water, • WRC 2: dangerous to water, • WRC 3: high danger to water. 14 General Administrative Regulation under the Federal Water Act on the Classification of Substances Hazardous to Water in Water Hazard Classes (Verwaltungsvorschrift wassergefährdende Stoffe - VwVwS) 43 The previous division into four water risk classes, WRC 0-3, is replaced with the three classes WRC 1-3. In addition, Annex 1 of the new administrative regulation contains a list of substances that are considered non-hazardous to water. The previous WRC 0 includes substances that are termed "in general not hazardous to water". These substances present little or no hazard potential to waters. Previous WRC 0 substances that, according to the new classification criteria, are non-hazardous to water, are listed in Annex 1 as "substances nonhazardous to water". The remaining substances in the previous WRC 0 that have little hazard potential to waters meet the new criteria for WRC 1. Like other already classified substances, they are listed in Annex 2 along with their WRC. With respect to the classification into water risk classes, VwVwS discriminates between substances and mixtures. Before the WRC can be determined, it is therefore necessary to decide whether the compound represents a substance or a mixture (the latter term being largely equivalent to the term preparation). The following points may serve as a guide: Ø A substance may contain impurities resulting from technical processes. These will usually not have to be evaluated separately, as long as the tests on which the evaluation is based were conducted with the same technical product. Ø A reaction mixture not subject to further separation or processing may be considered a substance. The same applies to substances having a complex chemical composition resulting from their (partly) natural origin (e.g. petroleum products and fatty acid esters). Ø If a manufacturer deliberately mixes individual constituents (which may themselves consist of several substances), the result is a mixture. In the classification of a substance, VwVwS discriminates between two groups: Ø Substances specified in VwVwS Annexes 1 and 2. Ø All other substances (regardless of whether they are existing or new notified substances in the sense of the Chemicals Act). When the inventory of substances is completed then it is checked for each substance identified whether it is named in Annexes 1 and 2 of VwVwS or is included on other lists published by the Federal Ministry of Environment and Reactor Safety. If it is not the case then the procedures of self classification could be applied following the recommendations of the document issued by the Federal Ministry: Guidelines for self-classification 15, based on Annex 3 of VwVwS. The classification scheme in Annex 3 only applies if a substance is not named in Annexes 1 and 2, in which case the water risk class is derived from R-phrases and/or default values. Classification on the basis of R-phrases according to VwVwS Annex 3. If a substance is not named in Annexes 1 and 2 of VwVwS, then it needs to be classified by the industry according to the provisions in VwVwS Annex 3. The following steps are to be taken in order to derive a water risk class: 1. Assessment of the basic data set. 2. Assessment of other hazardous features of the substance. 3. Determination of the R-phrase classifications. 4. Allocation of evaluation points and default values. 15 Classification of Substances and Mixtures into Water risk classes according to the Administrative Regulation on the Classification of Substances Hazardous to Waters - Guidelines for self-classification 44 5. Derivation of WRC. 6. Documentation of the classification. The basic data set. VwVwS provides that a WRC should be assigned to a substance on the basis of at least four hazard characteristics (the so-called "basic data set"): • Acute oral or dermal toxicity to mammals (e.g. LD50 in rats). • One piece of data on aquatic toxicity - fishes (acute), daphnia (acute) or algae. • Biodegradability. • Potential for bioaccumulation. There are two fundamental ways to establish the data of the basic data set: Ø The substance has been classified into a corresponding R-phrase in Annex 1of Directive 67/548/EEC16 (“legal classification” according to the Law on Hazardous Substances). Ø Corresponding studies have been conducted and are known to the classifier. The R-phrases listed in VwVwS Annex 3 also describe some characteristics hazardous to waters that are not part of the basic data set (e.g. R-phrases on carcinogenic and mutagenic effects). If such R-phrases are listed in Annex 1 of the EU Directive 67/548/EEC ("legal classifications") they must be taken into account in deriving the water risk class. When this is not the case, the manufacturer or distributor is responsible for allocating an R-phrase according to the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances if the corresponding hazards are known. After this R-phrase classification according to the Law on Hazardous Substances, evaluation points are allocated according to Annex 2. Allocation of evaluation points and default values. The allocation of evaluation points to the R-phrases of a substance follows the procedures in VwVwS Annex 3. The consideration of the R-phrases and, thus, the allocation of evaluation points, is based on the following principles: Ø There is no double tally of R-phrases on acute oral and dermal toxicity to mammals. The more sensitive characteristic is the only relevant one. Example 1: A substance classified into R21/22 is allocated 1 evaluation point (not 2 points). Ø Classifications reflecting long-term or irreversible effects, and repeated exposures are taken into account in addition to the acute toxicity. Example: A substance classified into R22-40/21/22 is allocated 1 + 2 = 3 evaluation points. Ø There is no double tally of carcinogenic and mutagenic properties. The more sensitive characteristic is the only relevant one. Ø There is no double tally of toxic effects on reproduction; here again, the more sensitive characteristic is the only relevant one. Example: A classification into R61-62 results in 4 evaluation points (not: 4 + 2 = 6). 16 Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances (O.J. L 196 16/08/1967) 45 The R-phrases are assigned evaluation points as follows: R-phrase R21 R22 Points Remarks 1 is not additively assigned to R22, R20/22, R25, R23/25, R28 or R26/28 1 is not additively assigned to R24, R23/24, R27 or R26/27 R24 3 is not additively assigned to R25, R23/25, R28 or R26/28 R25 3 is not additively assigned to R27 or R26/27 R27 5 is not additively assigned to R28 or R26/28 R28 R29, R33, R40 R45 R46 R50 R52, R53 R60 R61 R62 R63 R65 5 2 9 9 6 3 4 4 2 2 1 R15/29 R20/21 R20/22 2 1 1 R20/21/22, R21/22 R23/24 R23/25 R23/24/25, R24/25 R26/27 R26/28, R26/27/28, R27/28 R39/24, R39/25, R39/23/24, R39/23/25, R39/24/25, R39/23/24/25 R39/27, R39/28, R39/26/27, R39/26/28, R39/27/28, R39/26/27/28 R40/21, R40/22, R40/20/21, R40/20/22, R40/21/22, R40/20/21/22, R48/21, R48/22, R48/20/21, R48/20/22, R48/21/22, R48/20/21/22 R48/24, R48/25, R48/23/24, R48/23/25, R48/24/25, R48/23/24/25 R50/53 R51/53 R52/53 1 3 3 3 5 5 4 is not additively assigned to R45 is not additively assigned to R60 is not additively assigned to R61 is not additively assigned to R60 and R62 is not additively assigned to R21 and R22 is not additively assigned to R22, R25 or R28 is not additively assigned to R24 or R27 is not additively assigned to R25 or R28 is not additively assigned to R27 is not additively assigned to R28 6 2 4 8 6 4 Default values. If an item is missing from the basic data set, then as a precaution a high level of risk is assumed, and default values are allocated for the corresponding area. If, for a given 46 substance, no proof of testing for certain toxic characteristics and for certain environmental impacts is available, and if the substance has not been classified into one of the R-phrases listed in Annex 1 of Council Directive 67/548/EEC16, in its applicable version, the substance shall be assigned the following point values as default values: Ø The default value shall be 5 points, if a substance, in Annex 1 of Directive 67/548/EEC, has not been classified into the R-phrases 21, 22, 24, 25, 27 or 28, either alone or in combination, and if no proof is available of testing for acute toxicity for a rodent species upon swallowing and in contact with skin. Ø The default value shall be 6 points, if a substance, in Annex 1 of Directive 67/548/EEC, has not been classified into the R-phrases 50, 50/53, 51/53 or 52/53, and if no proof is available of testing for acute toxicity for a fish species and a water-flea species, and for inhibition of algae growth. Notwithstanding the first sentence of this paragraph, the default value shall be 8 points, if also: • testing for ready biodegradability has shown that the substance is not readily biodegradable; or • the substance is potentially bioaccumulative; or • no proof of testing for biodegradability is available; or • no proof of testing for potential bioaccumulation is available. Ø The default value shall be 3 points, if a substance in Annex 1 of Directive 67/548/EEC has not been classified into the R-phrases 50/53, 51/53, 52/53 or 53 and • no proof of testing for biodegradability or for potential bioaccumulation is available; or • no proof of testing for biodegradability is available and the substance is potentially bioaccumulative; or • no proof of testing for potential bioaccumulation is available and the substance is not readily or inherently biodegradable. Notwithstanding the first sentence, the default value shall be 4 points, if no proof of testing for biodegradability is available and a test is known whereby the acute toxicity for a fish species (96 h LC50) or a water-flea species (48 h EC50) or for inhibition of algae growth (72 h IC50) is more than 10 mg/l and not more than 100 mg/l. Notwithstanding the first sentence, the default value shall be 6 points, if no proof of testing for ready biodegradability or for potential bioaccumulation is available and a test is known whereby the acute toxicity for a fish species (96 h LC50) or a water-flea species (48 h EC50) or for inhibition of algae growth (72 h IC50) is more than 1 mg/l and not more than 10 mg/l. Notwithstanding the first sentence, the default value shall be 2 points, if the substance is classified in R50 and if no proof of testing for ready biodegradability or for potential bioaccumulation is available. Derivation of water risk classes. The evaluation points and default values allocated to a substance are added up to obtain the total number of points, and thus the water risk class (WRC): Total number of points WRC 0 to 4 1 5 to 8 2 9 and more 3 When the total is 0 the substance may be classified as "non-hazardous to waters" if it fulfils certain other prerequisites. 47 Substances non-hazardous to waters. To classify a substance as "non-hazardous to waters", it must first be evaluated according to VwVwS Annex 3 (as described above). A substance is non-hazardous to waters if its total number of points is 0 and it fulfils all of the following prerequisites: Ø The substance's solubility in water, at 20 degrees Celsius, is less than 100 mg/l, or, if the substance is a liquid under normal conditions, is less than 10 mg/l. Ø No test is known whereby the acute toxicity for a fish species (96 h LC50) or a water-flea species (48 h EC50) or for inhibition of algae growth (72 h IC50) lies below the solubility threshold. Ø An organic substance that is a liquid under normal conditions is readily biodegradable. Classification of mixtures. VwVwS Annex 4 specifies the methods to derive the water risk class for a mixture. The first consists of a computation of the WRC on the basis of the components WRC (as in the 1996 VwVwS). Secondly, the WRC may be derived from tests conducted with the mixture itself. Results obtained by the latter method have priority. The computation rule in Annex 4 is basically identical to the former rule in the 1996 VwVwS. It first requires the determination of the WRC of each single component by the methods that apply to substances in general. If the identity of a component is unknown or undefined, then as a precaution WRC 3 is assumed for that component. The mass fractions of the individual components are added up by their WRC, and the WRC of the mixture is then determined according to the Table 3.1. Components are taken into account if their fraction surpasses the following thresholds: • 0.1% in the case of carcinogenic substances, • 0.2% in the case of all other substances. Table 3.1. Computation rule for the derivation of the WRC of a mixture from the WRC of its components Ingredients (components) WRC 3 Result WRC 3 3% WRC 2 WRC 2 WRC 1 non-hazardous 0.2 to 3 % < 0.2 % in case of additives < 0.2 % (no additives permitted) 0.2 to 5 % < 0.2 % 5% WRC 1 3% <3% non-hazardous R45 (carcinogenic) 0.1 % 0.1 %, but WRC 2 < 0.1 % in case of additives < 0.1 % (no additives permitted) If carcinogenic substances are actively added to a mixture and their fraction is less than 0.1%, the mixture is classified at least into WRC 1; the same applies when the fraction of WRC 3 additives is less than 0.2%. 48 In general, the polymers and polymers dispersions are assumed to be hazardous to water. The procedure for assessing their WRCs is the same as used for mixtures of substances. The inventory of chemicals (type and amount) in each site is calculated. For each substance or mixture the WRC is determined following rules outlined above. For each substance or mixture of the class WRC I, an equivalent WRC 3 mass, mWRC3E, in kg is calculated, making use of the formula: mWRC3E = mWRCI / 103-I (3.1) where: − I is the water risk class index, and − mWRCI is the mass in kg of the substance or mixture of the water risk class index I. For the determination of the water endangering potential of the assessed site the water risk index, WRI, is calculated from the sum of equivalent WRC 3 mass of all dangerous substances present, i.e.: WRI = log10 ∑m WRCE k (3.2) k where: the summation extends over all substances hazardous to water, present in the establishment. As mentioned earlier, to asses the risk caused by an accident the so-called water risk index (WRI) has been used. In addition, the following secondary criteria were introduced: for the sake of determining which industrial activities posed the highest risk potential, a cut-off threshold of WRI 5 was introduced, and only those activities were considered that were located within direct vicinity of the examined river or up to 50 km upstream on its tributaries. The ICPE methodology applied enables fast identification of the most dangerous activities and recommendation of safety measures that should be given the highest priority. It should be pointed out that the ICPE methodology takes account of the substances and mixtures regarded as threatening to the environment under the Seveso II Directive 17 and the Industrial Accident Convention18. 3.1.2. Identification of potential accident risk spots Identification of potential risk spots. Plants that store or use various chemical substances in their technology processes are among those creating major environmental hazards. The risk level increases when the plants are located in dense built-up areas or in sensitive areas. The basis for the identification of potential accident risk spots (ARS) was the register19 of stationary establishments developed and maintained by the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (GIO ). The register, in particular, includes establishments satisfying the selection criteria of the EU Seveso II Directive 17 and the Industrial Accidents 17 Council Directive 96/82/EC of 9 December 1996 on the control of major hazards involving dangerous substances (OJ L 10 14/1/1997) 18 UN/ECE Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents (http://unece.org/env/teia/welcome.htm) 19 According to provisions of the Environmental Protection Law (Dz.U. of 2001 No. 62, item 627, as amended) 49 Convention18. The establishments in the register are classified into three tiers with respect to major accident risks: • potential risk, • increased risk, • high risk. The following groups of establishments were identified in the Lubuskie Region (Table 3.2): Ø of potential risk: ELDROB, NORDIS, EC GORZÓW, OSM in Gorzów, Pump station No. 6 of the PERN "Przyja " pipeline; Ø of increased risk: PKN ORLEN fuel depot No. 93, JERSAK; Ø of high risk: STILON, SHELL GAS-POLSKA, ORLEN GAZ, ROCKWOOL- POLSKA, KRONOPOL. All establishments of high and increased risks satisfy the selection criteria formulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 9 April 2002 and its further amendments20. They also comply with the requirements of all regulations14 in force in the area of major industrial accidents. Map 8 presents the locations of these plants. A dedicated database has been developed containing information on the establishments listed above, which can be useful for further steps in the RIVER SHIELD Project implementation. The database has the following structure: • plant/facility identification data, • information on plant location, • information on the activity profile and used installations, • data on potential hazards created by a plant, • information on safety and prevention measures, • data on endangered objects and sites in the vicinity of the plant. The database will be amended and updated systematically on the basis of available information. Finally, in line with the aforementioned methodology used for potential risk assessment in relation to regional water hazards 9 establishments have been qualified from among all that were included in the GIO register. SHELL GAS-POLSKA, ORLEN GAZ and JERSAK (the liquified gas distribution stations), subject to the Seveso II Directive18, were excluded as substances that are used there (i.e. propane and butane) are not regarded as posing a threat to the aquatic environment. Identification and classification of hazardous substances. For all substances present in the establishments included in the database WRC were calculated making use of the methodology outlined above in Chapter 3.1.1. This resulted in the following grouping of substances into water risk classes: Ø WRC 1: sodium hydroxide (solution); acetic acid (solution); hydrogen chloride (solution); methanol. 20 Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 9 April 2002 on dangerous substances and their quantities determining installations of increased and high risks of major industrial accidents (Dz.U. of 2002 No. 58, item 535, as amended) 50 54 Ø WRC 2: ammonia (anhydrous, liquefied); heating oil; formaldehyde; phenol; ammonia water; ammonia (anhydrous, liquefied); sodium nitrite. Ø WRC 3: hydrazine; petrol; crude oil. WRI for each establishment. Basing on the calculated values of WRC indices and the maximum quantities of substances, that can be present in an establishment, the water risk index (WRI) of this establishment was calculated making use of formula (3.1). The results are included in Table 3.2. Water risk indexes (WRI) of the establishments from Table 3.2 were calculated making use of formula (3.2). The calculated values of WRI are shown in Table 3.2 in column 12. Column 13 of Table 3.2 indicates potential points, where the released materials from the installations in the Oder river basin can reach the waters of rivers from this basin. WRI for the Oder river in the examined region. The total WRI for the whole area of the basin of the Oder river in the Lubuskie Region was calculated to be 7.8 basing on formula (3.2), where the summation was over all substances present in the establishments in this region. To determine the potential risk areas, after an accidental release of hazardous substances to a river a simplified method was selected, described in the paper: Harvey E. Jobson, Prediction of Traveltime and Longitudinal Dispersion in Rivers and Streams [12]. For sophisticated assessments a set of computer programs was set up, that can calculate dynamic multidimensional fields of concentrations of released hazardous substances into the surface water and groundwater bodies. There are also other sources of water accident hazards apart from those generated by stationary installations. They are related to hazardous material transportation by roads, railways, inland waterways and trans-country pipelines. They will be assessed when adequate data will be collected. 3.2. Other anthropomorphic hazard sources 3.2.1. Other point sources of potential hazard Municipal wastewater treatment plants. Prevention and reduction of water contamination from municipal sources that include industrial sources discharging wastewaters to municipal sewerage systems21, should be accomplished by implementing the National Programme for Municipal Wastewater Treatment (KPO K) 22. Its objective is to comply with Articles 3, 4 and 5 of Directive 92/271/EEC3 by 2015, in line with the provisions of the Implementation Plan that has been prepared for this Directive. The National Programme for Municipal Wastewater Treatment covers 1577 agglomerations with the population equivalent (p.e.) not less than 2000. 58 of such agglomerations were identified in the Lubuskie Region, including 19 with p.e. 15000 requiring higher 21 Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 20 July 2002 concerning the means of realisation of the duties of industrial sewage suppliers and the conditions for introducing the sewage to the sewage systems (Dz.U. of 2002 No. 129, item 1108) 22 prepared according to the requirements of Art. 43 of the Water Law (Dz.U. of 2001 No. 115, item 1229, as amended) and approved by the Council of Ministers in June 2005. 55 nutrient removal, like for sensitive areas23. A list of wastewater treatment facilities for agglomerations of p.e. 15000 with a high share of industrial wastewaters ( 15%), is presented in Table 3.3, and all identified agglomerations are shown on Map 8. Wastewater management in industrial facilities. Industrial facilities dispose of their wastewaters mainly using the municipal sewerage systems. From among the larger facilities in the Lubuskie Region, which should, according to the Environmental Protection Law17 and Directive IPPC 96/61/EC24, obtain integrated permits for utilizing the environment, only: • ROCKWOOL-POLSKA in Cigacice producing mineral wool, • Poultry Processing Plant, Export- Import-Whole Sale Trade „BOLEMIN” in Bolemin, discharge their wastewaters directly to rivers. The discharged wastewater satisfies the requirements of the Polish legislation in force. Other establishments that can potentially discharge hazardous substances to municipal sewage systems in case of an accident: • Silk Industry Works SILWANA in Gorzów Wielkopolski, • Chemical Fibers Works STILON in Gorzów Wielkopolski, • Enterprise of Refrigerating Industry NORDIS in Zielona Góra, • Steel Construction Works KONSTAL in Nowa Sól, • Factory of Wool Products POLTOPS in aga . According to the „Programme for the reduction of hazardous substances from list II of Directive 76/464/EEC” and permissions for utilizing the environment, these facilities are required to reduce the amounts of discharged hazardous substances to the levels given in these permits and Polish regulatory acts transposing Directives 91/271/EEC3 and 76/464/EEC6 with their “Daughter” Directives25, by the end of 2007. 23 The whole territory of Poland has been qualified as sensitive in the context of the provisions of Council Directive 91/271/EC, according to Water Law 24 Council Directive 96/61/EC of 24 September 1996 concerning integrated pollution prevention and control (O.J. L 257, 10/10/1996) 25 Council Directive 82/176/EEC of 22 March 1982 on limit values and quality objectives for mercury discharges by the chlor-alkali electrolysis industry (O.J. L 81 27/03/1982), Council Directive 83/513/EEC of 26 September 1983 on limit values and quality objectives for cadmium discharges (O.J. L 291 24/10/1983), Council Directive 84/156/EEC of 8 March 1984 on limit values and quality objectives for mercury discharges by sectors other than the chlor-alkali electrolysis industry (O.J. L74 17/03/1984), Council Directive 84/491/EEC of 9 October 1984 on limit values and quality objectives for discharges of hexachlorocyclohexane (O.J. L 274 17/10/1984), Council Directive 86/280/EEC of 12 June 1986 on limit values and quality objectives for discharges of certain dangerous substances included in List I of the Annex to Directive 76/464/EEC (O.J. L 181 04/07/1986), Council Directive 88/347/EEC of 16 June 1988 amending Annex II to Directive 86/280/EEC on limit values and quality objectives for discharges of certain dangerous substances included in List I of the Annex to Directive 76/464/EEC (O.J. L 158 25/06/1988) and Council Directive 90/415/EEC of 27 July 1990 amending Annex II to Directive 86/280/EEC on limit values and quality objectives for discharges of certain dangerous substances included in list I of the Annex to Directive 76/464/EEC (O.J. L 219 14/08/1990) 56 Other objects. Other objects creating potential hazards for the Oder river and its direct tributaries include hydropower plants, fuel stations and large agricultural farms (Table 3.4). Table 3.4. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. List of objects potentially hazardous to surface waters in the Lubuskie Region Object Hydropower plant Hydropower plant Fuel station Hydropower plant Glass works Hydropower plant Hydropower plant Hydropower plant Hydropower plant Fuel station Agriculture farm Fuel station Freight customs clearance terminal Paper factory Location Sobolice Bukówka Przewóz Przesieka knica arki Wielkie Zielisko Zasieki Gubin Gubin Bieganów Rzepin wiecko Kostrzyn Recipient river Nysa u ycka Nysa u ycka Nysa u ycka Nysa u ycka Nysa u ycka Nysa u ycka Nysa u ycka Nysa u ycka Nysa u ycka Nysa u ycka Oder Ilanka/Oder Ilanka/Oder Oder River kilometres [rkm] 114.00 102.00 101.30 92.00 80.55 71.60 69.40 53.40 16.00 15.80 564.50 580.00 580.00 614.00 Source: [16, 2] Places of natural resources extraction. The Lubuskie Region is rather poor in natural resources, thus only the oil and natural gas mines in Kosarzyn near the estuary of the Nysa u ycka river (1 km) to the Oder river and oil shafts nearby Gorzów Wielkopolski on the 617 km of the Warta river, can be considered as potential hazard sources. Landfills. In 2004 there were 35 municipal waste landfills operating in the Lubuskie Region, totalling the area of 105 ha and holding 194 Gg of waste (see Map 8). There are problems with landfills not complying with the formal and regulatory requirements, not having proper base protection, drainage, degassing installation, weighing equipment, special equipment including piezometers for monitoring environmental impacts nor proper supervision. Seven landfills were reclamated and there are activities under way for limiting the amounts of landfilled waste through segregation and composting. There are no installations for thermal treatment (incineration) of municipal waste in the region. Industrial wastes from industrial activities constitute the largest stream of waste produced in the region. Table 3.5 shows the data for facilities producing more than 1000 tonnes of waste annually (see Map 8). 58 Table 3.5. Industrial waste landfill sites in the Lubuskie Region No. Plant/waste landfill Locality/community 1. Victaulic Polska/ Plant storage area Go cim/ Drezdenko 2. Electrical energy and heating plant Gorzów/ Plant storage area aggradate mud containers Electrical energy and heating plant Gorzów/ Wet slag and ash storage area Meprozet Stare Kurowo Gorzów Wielkopolski 5. Arctic Paper Kostrzyn Plant storage area Kostrzyn on Oder 6. DOMEX Nowa Sól Bobrowniki/ (lessee) Oty Postproduction waste storage area 7. ZASET Ko uchów Mirocin /Dolny Postneutralisation Ko uchów sedimentation pond 3. 4. Waste deposited Waste material from casting processes, and dusts from off-gas Sludge from water decarbonisation Janczewo/ Santok Slag and ash mixtures from wet removal of furnace waste Nowe Kurowo/ Stare Kurowo Postneutralisation waste, including membrane systems waste containing heavy metals Concrete waste and crushed concrete from demolition and repair activities Waste from casting and metallurgic processes, off-gas dust and iron and its alloys Sludge from physicochemical processing of waste containing hazardous materials Total Mass of waste deposited in 2004 [Mg] 2595.0 Area of waste deposit [ha] 1.16 1 934.0 2.51 41 455.0 15.0 40.3 0.70 55.5 2.34 2918.6 6.25 1008 1.3 50006.4 29.26 Source: [19] Among the biggest hazardous waste producers in the Lubuskie Region in 2004 are: Ø KRONOPOL - around 676 Mg of waste, mainly waste from production, preparing, handling and using glues and sealants. Ø Community Regional Hospital, Hospital Complex in Gorzów Wielkopolski around 360 Mg of hazardous medical waste. Ø Community Regional Hospital in Zielona Góra - around 174 Mg of hazardous medical waste. Ø GEDIA in Nowa Sól - around 126 Mg of waste, mainly from degreasing with water and vapour. 59 Ø ROCKWOOL POLSKA - around 119 Mg of waste, mainly saturated or used ion-exchange resins. Ø Road Communication Company in Gorzów Wielkopolski - around 115 Mg of hazardous waste, mainly used vehicles, waste oils and accumulators. Ø Municipal Communication Company in Gorzów Wielkopolski - around 55 Mg of waste, mainly used accumulators and oils. Ø Energetic Group ENEA Gorzów - around 44 Mg of waste, mainly transformers. Ø Meprozet Stare Kurowo - around 40 Mg of postneutralisation waste. Hazardous waste in the Lubuskie Region is mainly utilised or recycled. The situation is different with small companies or individual users, due to the lack of easily accessible points for collecting such waste. This results in hazardous waste being transported with communal waste to communal landfills thus creating a real threat for ground/water environment. Water reservoirs. The potential sources of hazards are also technological accidents of technical infrastructure of reservoirs. A large artificial reservoir (Dychowski Water Reservoir) that is located in the Lubuskie Region has a volume of 3.6 million m3. Airports. There are two active airports in the Lubuskie Region: civilian-military in Babimost and sport airclub in Przylepa near Zielona Góra. 3.2.2. Linear hazard sources The Lubuskie Region is located on European transit routes. This results in large quantities of hazardous materials being transported through the area both by road and railroad, which causes the risk of occurrence of emergencies on routes leading to from the country borders (see Table 3.6). Road transport. The communication structure of the region encompasses a well-developed network of national, regional and local category roads. The most important are E30 Warsaw, Pozna , wiebodzin, S ubice, Berlin, E36 Olszyna, Legnica and E65 Szczecin, Gorzów Wielkopolski, Zielona Góra, Prague. Road transport is used for transporting hazardous materials in packages and tanks of various volumes. Unfortunately a rise can be seen in the number of accidents involving vehicles carrying such cargos, also in populated areas, or areas valuable in terms of environmental protection. This is due to the rise in traffic intensity, in the amount of transported materials (mainly fuels) and due to the poor state of the roads and vehicles and insufficient communication solutions. Depending on the kind and quantity of transported material and the meteorological conditions, the threatened area can extend at a distance from several to more than 10 kilometres from the hazard source. Special danger to the water environment exists in areas where the surface formations do not provide sufficient isolation for groundwater and at bridges and in their proximity (Table 3.7). The highest frequency of hazardous materials transport in the Lubuskie Region occurs on interregional roads indicated in Table 3.7 and on the map 8. 60 Table 3.6. Border crossing points in the Lubuskie Region for transporting goods Border crossing points crossing rivers by roads or rail roads Poland Germany Kostrzyn on Oder Küstrin-Kietz Road/railroad, on the Oder river Mi ów Eisenhüttenstadt Through the Oder river S ubice Frankfurt on Oder Road, on the Oder river; through the Oder river Passenger cars Frankfurt on Oder Road, on the Oder river Trucks, Passenger cars wiecko Description For vehicles: Passenger cars Kunowice Frankfurt on Oder Railroad, on the Oder river Gubin Guben Road/railroad on the Nysa u ycka river Passenger cars Gubinek Guben Road, on the Nysa u ycka river Trucks, Passenger cars Zasieki Forst Road/railroad on the Nysa u ycka river Olszyna Forst Road, on the Nysa u ycka river Trucks, Passenger cars Source: [2] Table 3.7. No. Bridges on selected important interregional roads in the Lubuskie Region National road No. 1. 3 (E65) 2. 3. 2 (E30) 22 4. 18 (E36 and E40) Route Bridges (on roads crossing the following larger rivers in the Lubuskie Region) Oder, Obra, Warta Jelenia Góra - Zielona Góra Gorzów Wielkopolski - Szczecin wiecko - wiebodzin - Pozna Oder, Pliszka, Obra Kostrzyn - Gorzów Wielkopolski - Oder, Postomia, Warta Elbl g Olszyna - Wroc aw Oder, Czarna Wielka Source: [2] For preventing potential accidents on the roads of the Lubuskie Region, periodic inspections of hazardous materials transport are carried out by the Police, Road Inspectorate, State Fire Service and the Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (WIO ) in Zielona Góra. Railroad transport. Serious potential hazards are connected with mass transport of goods by rail, including hazardous toxic materials. The analysis of railroad accidents with hazard for human life and health and the environment shows, that they most frequently occur on stations or switching yards and in their proximity. The rail routes most used for hazardous materials transport in the Lubuskie Region are: the Oder Coal Trunk Line (Nadodrza ska Magistrala W glowa) connecting Silesia with ports in Szczecin, which crosses the Oder river above Krosno Odrza skie and the line Warsaw - Pozna - Berlin, crossing the Oder river in Kunowice. The most important railway junctions are: Czerwie sk, Rzepin, Zb szynek and aga . 61 Inspections carried out for all – important in the context of hazardous materials transport – railway junctions show that the threat is not lessening. Due to a partial deterioration of the infrastructure at some junctions, which are not of high priority for the railroad management, the threats can rise. The hazard rises due to the poor technical condition of tank cars entering Poland mainly from the East. Inland navigation. Among the rivers of the Lubuskie Region, only Oder, Warta and Note are used for the purpose of river transport: Ø the Oder river route connecting Silesia with the ports of Szczecin- winouj cie; Ø the Warta and Note route connecting the northern part of the region with Bydgoszcz and Gda sk. For these rivers, the hazard of contamination with transported materials (e.g. coal, iron ore) and oil fuels for the vessels is the highest. Additional source of hazards are river loading/unloading ports. On the part of the Oder river in the boundaries of the Lubuskie Region there are 5 river ports: Nowa Sól (429.8 rkm), Cigacice (471.8 rkm), Krosno Odrza skie (514.40 rkm), Urad (564.80 rkm) and Kostrzyn (618.80 rkm), and on the Warta river - port in Gorzów Wielkopolski (57.20 rkm). The most important of these are Cigacice and Kostrzyn on Oder. Ship and barge accidents, technical port equipment accidents to the hydrotechnical buildings are potential hazards for surface waters. and damage The potential linear hazard sources are also: Ø The PERN "Przyja " pipeline, transporting oil to the refinery in Schwedt (Germany), going through the north-east part of the region, crossing the Warta river below Gorzów Wielkopolski and the Oder river on the 674.2 rkm. Ø The Jamal natural gas pipeline transporting fuel from Russia to Western Europe, crossing the Oder river on the 601.8 rkm. 3.2.3. Surface hazard sources Agricultural sources. In Poland, the contamination of water with nitrates of agricultural origin is low: Ø only 0.75% of the monitoring results for 2002 showed surface water contamination > 40 mg NO3 /dm3; Ø on average 13% of the results showed first aquifer level groundwater contamination > 50 mg NO3 /dm3, and the contamination of deep-seated water was significantly lower. A similar situation can be seen in the Lubuskie Region, however, due to the large percentage of forest covered areas (average for Poland is 28.7%) the hazards concerning nitrogen compounds of agricultural origin is very small, because larger forest complexes remove the excess of fertilizer (nitrogen and phosphorus) from groundwater. This is also why only two communities: Szlichtyngowa and Wschowa, located on the south-east of the region, are considered as places with high hazards of contamination with nitrates of fertilizer 62 origin26. A repair plan, developed by the Regional Water Management Board (RZGW) in Wroc aw27, has been adopted for the Rów Polski river basin. Data from the monitoring of water quality in the Rów Polski river basin, conducted by WIO on the 13.5 rkm go and 3.2 rkm of Rów Polski river in Dry yna are given of the Kopanica river in in Table 3.8. Table 3.8. The results of studies of waters at risk from contamination with nitrogen compounds of agricultural origin in the Lubuskie Region in 2004 Contamination indicators Value min. max. yearly mean min. max. yearly mean Rów Polski river Kopanica river Levels of indicators above which eutrophication occurs General phosphorus [mg P/dm3 ] 0.15 3.62 0.87 0.28 4.42 1.8 > 0.25 General nitrogen [mg N/dm3] 1.75 28.4 7.36 2.72 11.61 6.41 >5 Nitrates [mg NO3/dm3 ] 0.0 18.5 4.96 0.0 18.1 7.21 > 10 Nitrate nitrogen [mg N-NO3 /dm3] 0.0 4.182 1.12 0.0 4.09 1.63 >3.4 Chlorophyll “a” [µg/dm3] 0.7 62.7 17.17 1.8 64.2 17.4 >25 source: [19] Ten economic entities in the Lubuskie Region release their wastewaters to the soil for agricultural purposes. Often the farmlands border directly with water basins and rivers. This facilitates the infiltration of biogenic compounds into the waters, which causes faster eutrophication of the lakes. Air deposition of contaminants. Contaminant deposition with precipitation is a substantial source of spatial contamination (although a declining trend can be observed). The most contaminated precipitations were reported from the Mi dzyrzecki District (poviat) and the least from the Wschowski District. Half of the precipitation is classified as acid rains (pH<5.6), confirmed by the presence of strong mineral acids in the precipitation water. 26 meeting the requirements of Council Directive 91/676/EEC4– implemented in the Polish legislation, inter alia, by the Water Act 27 established on the basis of a regulation of the Head of Regional Water Management Board in Wroc aw of 26 April 2004 on the implementation of a plan for reducing the outflow from agricultural sources 63 3.3. Natural hazard sources Natural hazards are connected with hydrological events (floods) and meteorological conditions (soil droughts and subsequent hazard of forest fires). Floods. Floods are an additional factor enlarging the hazard of river contamination. They can affect installations with hazardous materials located on flood areas. Depending on the causes the floods can be divided into: Ø precipitation floods: mainly during the summer, caused by heavy local or frontal rainfalls; Ø spring floods due to melting of the snow cover of the drainage basin when the ground is still frozen or when the river flows are blocked by floating ice (eg. on the Oder, Warta and Note rivers). In the Lubuskie Region not only the precipitation floods are dangerous, but the floods due to snow melting or blockage of river flows can also be a significant threat. Flood threats exist especially in the Oder, Bóbr, Nysa u ycka, Warta and Note valleys, creating the hazards for human life, health and property. During the disaster flood of July 1997, wastewater treatment facilities, fuel stations, municipal and industrial waste landfills and industrial facilities storing hazardous materials in the Oder river basin were flooded. River embankments and polders are among the most important technical means for protection against floods in the Lubuskie Region. However, the assessment of the technical state of the existing embankments showed that the majority of them are in poor condition. Another cause of a higher flood threat in the Lubuskie Region is the inappropriate usage of river valleys: housing, foresting or agricultural use of polders or the terrain between the embankments. Erosion. It is estimated that the area of potentially endangered agricultural and forest land by surface water erosion and valley erosion covers 22% and 14%, respectively of the region territory. 3.4. Hazard sources from beyond the Lubuskie Region Industrial facilities. It should be highlighted that point sources of hazard are also located beyond the boundaries of the Lubuskie Region, in the upper part of the Oder river and its tributaries and that accident releases of hazardous substances from such sources can be a threat to the water quality in the analysed region. Reservoirs. There are retention reservoirs on the Bóbr, Warta, Nysa u ycka and other tributaries of the Oder river, lying beyond the boundaries of the Lubuskie Region. Accidental malfunctioning of dams protecting these reservoirs can be a potential hazard for the sections of the rivers lying in the region. High water levels during a flood caused by a malfunction of the reservoirs can additionally cause industrial contaminations resulting from accidental releases of hazardous substances. 64 3.5. Analysis of historical accidents in the Lubuskie Region Accidents involving hazardous substances. Accidents involving hazardous substances have specific characteristics, which include: • uncertainty in prediction of time and/or location of events, • multiple causes, • various direct and indirect effects, • individual, inimitable conduct of the event. The Lubuskie Region does not have large installations that could affect neighbouring regions or cause transboundary hazards on a large scale, but there are a number of objects for which the potential hazard for the neighbouring areas can be seen as substantial. In the transport of hazardous materials both roads and railroads are used, that are located on terrains that are populated or important because of their natural values. However, each year potentially hazardous events involving hazardous materials take place, the effects of which are hazardous for human life, health and property as well as the environment. All accidents are registered in an accident database in the Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (WIO ) in Zielona Góra. The report describing each accident is sent to the central registry in the Department for Major Accident Prevention of the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (GIO ) in Gda sk. During the period 1999-2004, 44 events having the characteristics of an industrial accident or events having effects on the environment were registered in the Lubuskie Region (see Table 3.9). Table 3.9. Events having the characteristics of an industrial accident, registered in the Lubuskie Region in the period: 1999-2004 Year Number of events 1990 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 7 7 16 8 2 4 Source: [19,18] Figure 3.1 presents the percentage of different accident causes. It can be seen that 64% of the accidents took place during transport activities, which is subsequent to the location in the region of international transit routes and the transport of very large quantities of hazardous materials. Road transport gives rise to most hazards. Road events often take place in the early morning hours. Most cases were liquid fuel carrying auto-tanker accidents involving ground contamination and potential hazard for groundwater. Railroad transport is an important source of potential hazard. The events mostly take place on railway junctions. Generally these are minute malfunctions, mostly concerning valves and tanker gaskets, which are immediately taken care of. Their causes, apart from low tanker quality, are human errors (e.g. during switching) or theft of oil products from the tankers. These events usually have no substantial effects on the environment. 65 Fig. 3.1. Different accident causes in the Lubuskie Region in 1999-2004: 1 - road transport, 2 - railroad transport, 3 - inland navigation, 4 - industrial facilities, 5 - other 18% 39% 1 2 3 18% 4 5 7% 18% Source: [17,18] Accidents arising from activities concerning inland navigation are mainly the effect of the irresponsibility of barge crews. The leakage from barge (mainly of diesel fuel) has a wide spectrum of impacts on the river. The person responsible for such an event is usually hard to identify. Probably the registered events encompassed releases from river barges or releases during fuel reloading on the riverside. In total, 3 such events took place on the Oder and Warta rivers. Eight events took place in industrial installations in the Lubuskie Region, involving 3 industrial facilities’ fires and 5 accidental releases of hazardous materials to the sewer system, caused mainly by human errors. However, fire in a facility can lead to an accidental release of hazardous materials on site, especially if it happens close to hazardous installations or storage tanks. Most of the accidents which happened in storage installations, originated from reloading of oil products (fuel oil, cyclopentane). There was also one latex leakage. The effects were various: 3 industrial sewage system contaminations, 2 groundwater contaminations and 1 ground contamination. A substantial river contamination was prevented by using sorption barriers of the fire brigades and contaminated ground was treated as a follow-up to the control activities carried out by WIO . In the case of an accident, contaminant releases to the terrestrial and aquatic environments in the proximity of regional-scale groundwater reservoirs are especially hazardous. These reservoirs are utilisable and all adverse phenomena in their water supply areas affect the quality of these waters. No hazardous accidents were reported for oil pipelines. Generally such events were local in character and did not cause substantial environmental damage. However, they required actions of specialist fire brigades. WIO in Zielona Góra took part in mitigating 66 the consequences of these events by sampling and assessing the of the environment, as well as supervising mitigation of these consequences. condition When analysing the effects of all accidents over the period 1999-2004, it is important to take account not only of the large cubature of release contaminated ground (estimated at about 2500 m3), many kilometres of contaminated water and emissions to the air, but also the very high costs of every response requiring involvement of considerable forces and measures from the rescue services as well as from the cooperating institutions. The analysis of the events leads to the following conclusions: Ø the each event involving hazardous substances can cause adverse effects for the environment, independent of the size of the release (about 50% of the registered events), Ø the intensity and frequency of the accidents proves that they will take place in the future as well, which will require the involvement of some forces and means and continuing close cooperation with the services and organisations taking part in the consequence mitigation process, Ø the effects of an accident can involve: • release of materials (flammable, and explosive when mixed with air, corrosive or toxic vapours and gases, contaminating the air also outside the boundaries of the facility) causing exceptional hazard for human life and health, especially on populated areas, • surface water contamination, that can result in substantial ecological effects (e.g. large scale fish deaths) and hazard for drinking water intakes for human consumption, • ground contamination, resulting in the devastation of both soil and groundwater, including the utility levels for human water supply, • direct contamination of groundwater, • large construction disasters for hazardous installations, that can result in releasing the media to the environment, • destruction of protection dykes, due to a flood, which can result in damage to the installation and release of hazardous substances to the environment. Other events. Other events classified as hazardous accidents can encompass events not connected with transport or storing hazardous materials. These events are results of natural disasters (flooding of fuel stations, warehouses, other hazardous installations), water blooming, or unexplained lake, river and canal contamination. These are uncontrolled events, not connected with industrial processes. The examined period saw 6 of such events. Usually they did not have a substantial impact on the environment, however in the case of, for example, warehouse flooding or large scale fish deaths, the damage could have been substantial. Cooperation of involved parties. In cases of hazardous accidents, there is cooperation between governmental organisations and specialised services and institutions (State Fire Service, Police, State Health Inspectorate, State Road Transport Inspectorate, Construction Supervisory Body, Office of Technical Inspection and Inspectorate for Environmental Protection). The activities concerning accident mitigation and response are mostly involved with actions from the Fire Services and the Police (providing safety and order), emergency command services (possible evacuation) and WIO (supervision and control of the state of the environment, including controlling mitigation effect). 67 The positive effects of the yearly controls of high risk facilities carried out by the Fire Service and WIO should be highlighted. Information sources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Atlas podzia u hydrograficznego Polski. Praca zespo owa pod kierunkiem H. Czarneckiej. Seria Atlasy IMGW, Warszawa 2005 Atlas Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. PSGiK, Warszawa, 1993-1997 Burnod-Requia K. Rapid Environmental Assessment of the Tisza River Basin, UNEP 2004 Checklists for the investigation and assessment of industrial plant with substances and preparations which are hazardous to water, Meeting of the "Joint ad hoc Expert Group on Water and Industrial Accidents", 2001 http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/anlagen/jeg/methodology.html) Checklists for the analysis and assessment of the state of facilities treating substances and preparations hazardous to water Federal Environmental Agency draft 2005 Classification of Substances and Mixtures into Water Hazard Classes according to the Administrative Regulation on the Classification of Substances Hazardous to Waters - Guidelines for self-classification (http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/wgs-e/archiv/einstuf.pdf) General Administrative Regulation under the Federal Water Act on the Classification of Substances Hazardous to Water in Water Hazard Classes (Verwaltungsvorschrift wassergefährdende Stoffe VwVwS) on 17 May 1999 (http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/wgs-e/wgs-down.htm#vwvws ) INFOGEOSKARB. Informacja geologiczna z o a kopalin (http://baza.pgi.gov.pl/igs) Informacja na temat wyznaczania w Polsce obszarów szczególnie nara onych na azotany pochodzenia rolniczego i niezb dnych dzia a z tym zwi zanych. Warszawa, listopad 2003 Internationale Flussgebietseinheit Rhein Merkmale, Überprüfung der Umweltauswirkungen menschlicher Tätigkeiten und wirtschaftliche Analyse der Wassernutzung 2005 (http://www.iksr.org/fileadmin/user_upload/Dokumente/Rheinkarten/cc_0205d_rev._18.03.05_online.pdf) Inventory of Potential Accidental Risk Spots in the Danube River Basin, International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River 2001 (http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/anlagen/jeg/ars.html) Jobson H. E. Prediction of Traveltime and Longitudinal Dispersion in Rivers and Streams, U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4013 Krajowy Program Oczyszczania cieków Komunalnych (Dz.U. z 2001 r. nr 115, poz. 1229) i zaakceptowany, w wersji zaktualizowanej w czerwcu 2005 r., przez Rad Ministrów Materia y z GIOS (maszynopisy) Mi dzynarodowy plan ostrzegawczo-alarmowy dla Odry, Mi dzynarodowa Komisja Ochrony Odry przed zanieczyszczeniem, Wroc aw 2006 Plan alarmowo-ostrzegawczy dla wód granicznych RP-RFN, 1998 Rocznik statystyczny województw 2005 , GUS Warszawa 2006 Stan rodowiska w województwie lubuskim w latach 1999-2003 (http://zgora.pios.gov.pl) Stan rodowiska w województwie lubuskim w 2004 roku (http://zgora.pios.gov.pl) Strategia gospodarki wodnej, przyj ta przez Rad Ministrów w dniu 13 wrze nia 2005 roku (http://www.mos.gov.pl/1materialy_informacyjne/raporty_opracowania/SGW_RM_calosc_6_09_05.pd f) Studium na temat retencji wód powierzchniowych na obszarze Polski w aspekcie wyst powania suszy hydrologicznej. Ocena mo liwo ci zwi kszenia dyspozycyjnych zasobów wód powierzchniowych w oparciu o du e zbiorniki wodne (pod kierunkiem P. Kowalczaka) IMGW Pozna 2005 68 ABBREVIATIONS AHP AhP ARS cST CZ DE EC50 ERDF EU GIO Areas of Highest Protection Areas of Higher Protection Accident Risk Spots centiStoke – unit of kinetic viscosity Czech Republic Federal Republic of Germany the concentration in the environment which is lethal to 50% of the test animals European Regional Development Fund European Union Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (G ówny Inspektorat Ochrony rodowiska) GIS GOP IC50 ICPDIR ICPE ICPOaP IEP IMGW Geographic Information System Upper Silesian Industrial District the concentration in water which is lethal to 50% of the algae population International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River International Commission for the Protection of the River Elbe International Commission for the Protection of the Oder River against Pollution Institute of Environmental Protection Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej) IMWC IORBD KPO K LC50 LD50 International Major Warning Centre International Oder River Basin District National Programme for Municipal Wastewater Treatment (Krajowy Program Oczyszczania cieków Komunalnych) the concentration in air or in water which is lethal to 50% of the test animals the dose administered orally or intravenously which is lethal to 50% of the test animals M ME modernisation modernisation and extension MGR NATURA 2000 Main Groundwater Reservoir European Union’s Natura 2000 Network the lowest flow rate (najni sze nat enie przep ywu z wielolecia) Protected Landscape Area (obszar chronionego krajobrazu) Oder river Protection Sub-zones (obszar ochrony) NNQ OChK Odra O.O. 69 p.e. population equivalent PIG PK PL PLB PLH PM Polish Geological Institute (Pa stwowy Instytut Geologiczny) Landscape Park (park krajobrazowy) Republic of Poland Area of Special Bird Conservation in Poland Special Area of Habitat Conservation in Poland State Environmental Monitoring System (Pa stwowy Monitoring rodowiska) PN Pradoline Q R RZGW National Park (park narodowy) the ice-marginal valley Quaternary Risk Phrases Regional Water Management Board (Regionalny Zarz d Gospodarki Wodnej) NQ average low flow rate ( rednia z najni szych nat e przep ywów rocznych z wielolecia) SOJJ System for the Lake Quality Assessment (System Oceny Jako ci Jezior) Q average flow rate ( rednia z nat enia przep ywów rocznych z wielolecia) WQ average high flow rate ( rednia z najwy szych nat e przep ywów rocznych z wielolecia) Tr VwVwS WFD WGS 84 WIO Tertiary German regulation of May 17, 1999: on the classification of substances hazardous to water Water Framework Directive the type of the coordinate system used for digital maps Regional Inspector for Environmental Protection or Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (Wojewódzki Inspektor Ochrony rodowiska lub Wojewódzki Inspektorat Ochrony rodowiska) WP WRC WRC 3E WRI WWQ Work Package Water Risk Class Water Risk Class 3 Equivalent Water Risk Index the highest flow rate (najwy sze nat enie przep ywu z wielolecia) 70 Annex 1. The largest and most valuable forest complexes in the Lubuskie Region Puszcza Notecka (or Notecko-Warcia ska) [Notecka Primeval Forest] constitutes a compact forest complex of an area of app. 130 thousand ha (partly in the Lubuskie Region). The soils of the primeval forest are formed of post-glacial sands, therefore there is a majority of poor sylvan habitats. The species’ composition of the treestands is only differentiated to a small extent with the dominating Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) (95%) and a small number of birch (Betula) treestands. Only in the areas adjacent to the Warta river there are oak and beech treestands, and in more humid habitat – the European alder (Alnus glutinosa). The primeval forest is famous for its variety of mushrooms, such as the king bolete (Boletus), birch bolete (Leccinum), slippery Jack (Suillus), Man on Horseback (Tricholoma flavovirens), yellow Chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius). The deer (Cervus elaphus) is the largest and most typical representative of the fauna. The world of birds is especially to be found at the outskirts of the primeval forest and around the lakes. Puszcza Lubuska (Puszcza Rzepi ska) [Lubuska Primeval Forest] covers a large lakeland area between the Oder river and the Warta and Obra rivers with no big towns and with a relatively low settlement index. The sylvan habitats account for as much as 94.5% of the area. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and birch (Betula) have the best living conditions here. The poorest sandy outwash habitats, which are unsuitable for agriculture, are covered with dry coniferous forest (26.9%). A significant part of the forest habitats has undergone secondary depletion. The numerous lakes formed in the southern glacial troughs (channels) can be found over the entire primeval forest area. The trough of the agowskie lakes is the most beautiful and best known. Near the lakes and rivers where the habitat conditions are best there are the European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and oak (Quercus) treestands. Alders (Alnus L.) may sometimes be found in the natural land depressions. This area lies beyond the rangeland of the fir-tree (Abies Miller) and spruce (Picea), while the European beech (Fagus sylvatica) is found at the range borderline. Low precipitation – not exceeding 550 mmdetermine the severe water shortage leading to land steppization. The numerous nature reserves and other forms of nature protection reflect the natural wealth of these areas despite difficult soil and water conditions. Bory Dolno l skie [Lower Silesian Coniferous Forests] belong to the greatest compact forest complexes in Central Europe with an area of app. 165 thousand ha (partly in the Lubuskie Region). The bedrock consists of the majority of the Middle Poland glaciation sands. Typical are numerous ponds and peatbogs as well as inland dunes. Dominant are pine forest complexes with a small number of broadleaved trees: oak (Quercus), birch (Betula), alder (Alnus), the European beech (Fagus sylvatica), aspen (Populus tremula) etc. From among the coniferous trees the numbers of spruce (Picea) and Silver Fir (Abies alba) are increasing. Fresh coniferous forest is dominating in this area, while the share of dry, humid and mixed coniferous forests is smaller. Peatbogs are covered by a variety of Atlantic vegetation, eg. cross-leaved heath (Erica tetralix), spatulate-leaved sundew (Drosera intermedia), ferns (Polypodiopsida Cronquist), multi-stalked Spike-rush (Eleocharis multicaulis) etc. Rare and protected plant species are also found in this area, eg.: daphne (Daphne mezereum), ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris), pursch (Diphasium tristachym), deer fern (Blechnum spicant), deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna), marsh clubmoss (Lycopodiella inundata), 71 fringed pink (Dianthus superbus), globe flower (Trollius europaeus), etc. Forests are rich with mushrooms and blueberries. Among the forest fauna the following species are found: roe deers (Capreolus capreolus), red deers (Cervus elaphus), wild hogs (Sus scrofa), foxes (Vulpes vulpes), otters (Lutra lutra), European Hares (Lepus europaeus), as well as adders (Vipera berus), fat doormice (Glis glis), the European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis), natterjack toads (Bufo calamita), black storks (Ciconia nigra), the Eurasian eagle owls (Bubo bubo), the Eurasian pygmy owls (Glaucidium passerinum), Tengmalm's owls (Aegolius funereus), the European nightjars (Caprimulgus europaeus), hoopoes (Upupa epops), black grouses (Tetrao tetrix) and capercaillies (Tetrao urogallus). The numerous ponds serve as habitats for water birds, inter alia for: cranes (Grus), whooper swans (Cygnus cygnus), snipes (Gallinago gallinago) etc. Pedatory birds can also be found here, such as the white-tailed eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla), sparrowhawks (Accipiter nisus), goshawks (Accipiter gentilis). The rivers flowing across the Dolno l skie Coniferous Forests are rich in fish, eg. brown trouts (Salmo trutta fario), sea trouts (Salmo trutta, Morpha trutta) and graylings (Thymallus thymallus). Information sources: 1. Zar ba R., Puszcze, bory i lasy Polski , Warszawa 1986 72 Annex 2. A system of legally protected areas and monuments in the Lubuskie Region The spatial location of the sites included in the database on “Protected areas in Poland” (Tables A-E), managed by the Institute of Environmental Protection, is presented on Map 5. Database update as of 31 December 2005. Map 5 also shows the monuments subject to protection from the list of the Lubuskie Regional Conservation Officer (Table F). Table A. National parks in the Lubuskie Region Name of national park Park Narodowy „Uj cie Warty” Drawie ski Park Narodowy (Uj cie Warty National Park) (Drawie ski National Park) Establishment year 2001 1990 Total area, 8038 ha 11 341 ha, including 5 568 ha (app. 50%), which lies within the Lubuskie Region including: q area under strict protection 682 ha 368 ha Buffer zone area 10454 ha 35590 ha Number of protection sub-zones 3 ( O.O. Chyrzyno, O.O. S o sk, 21 O.O. Polder Pó nocny) Number of the Lubuskie districts 3 (Gorzów, S ubice, Sul cin) 1 (Strzelce Kraje skie) covered by the national park Number of the Lubuskie 4 (Górzyca, Kostrzyn, S o sk, 1 (Dobiegniew) communities covered by the Witnica) national park Forest area 81.73 ha 9507 ha Water area 297 ha 937 ha Number of identified bird 255, including 174 breeding 151 species species, including: q endangered by extinction 26 Number of identified mammal 38 40 species Number of identified fish 35 12 species Number of identified plant 431 638 species Number of identified vegetation 60 224 complexes Table B. Nature reserves in the Lubuskie Region No. Name of nature reserve 1. 2. 3. Bukowa Mountain Czaplenice Ba antarnia Area [ha] 10.64 8.1 17.88 Establish Type of nature reserve according to the main: ment type of year environment subject of protection 1954 floral forest 1959 faunal forest 1959 floral forest 73 No. Name of nature reserve 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. ab dziniec Zimna Woda Czaplisko Bagno Ch opiny (swamp) Buczyna Szprotawska Nad Jeziorem Trze niowskim (lake) Wilanów Buczyna agowska Uroczysko Grodziszcze urawie Bagno (swamp) Wrzosiec Pawski ug Lemierzyce D bowy Ostrów Nad M y sk Strug Jeziora Go y skie (lakes) Czarna Droga Pami cin Bogdaniec I Bogdaniec II Annabrzeskie W wozy (glens) Laski Nietoperek Buki Zdroiskie Jezioro wi te (lake) Mesze Janie im. W. Korsaka D bowiec Kr cki g Uroczysko W gli skie M odno D browa Brze nicka Pniewski ug Mokrad a Su owskie (wetland) Jezioro ubówko (lake) Jezioro Wielkie (lake) Bogdaniec III D browa na Wyspie (island) D bina Rybojady Area [ha] 4.3 88.69 2.9 Establish Type of nature reserve according to the main: ment type of year subject of protection environment 1959 faunal mixed 1959 phytocenotic forest 1959 faunal forest 118.99 155.32 1963 1965 floral floral peatbog forest 47.73 67.16 115.86 15.75 1965 1966 1968 1969 phytocenotic phytocenotic phytocenotic phytocenotic forest forest forest forest 44.52 64.96 34.32 3.32 1.84 132.56 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 biocenotic and physiocenotic floral floral phytocenotic phytocenotic phytocenotic peatbog forest peatbog forest forest forest 3.1 21.95 2.65 20.83 40.03 1972 1972 1972 1974 1974 floral floral floral phytocenotic phytocenotic mixed forest steppe forest forest 56.11 42.92 50.77 75.57 19.51 19.88 50.52 9.39 65.57 6.82 92.91 5.88 6.84 1977 1977 1980 1982 1983 1983 1984 1984 1987 1987 1988 1989 1990 phytocenotic phytocenotic faunal phytocenotic floral floral faunal faunal faunal floral floral floral floral forest forest faunal forest aquatic peatbog aquatic forest forest forest peatbog forest peatbog 45.27 77.5 236.3 11.23 1990 1991 1991 1995 biocenotic and physiocenotic ecological landscape faunal phytocenotic peatbog mixed aquatic forest 4.4 12.18 5.61 1995 1995 1995 ecological landscape phytocenotic biocenotic and physiocenotic forest forest peatbog 74 No. Name of nature reserve 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Rzeka Przy ek (river) Santockie Zakole Lubiatowskie Uroczyska Radowice Bogdanieckie Cisy (treeland) Dolina Ilanki (valley) gi ko o S ubic (marshy meadows) Torfowisko Osowiec (peat-bog) Dolina Postomii (valley) Table C. No. Area [ha] 35.08 454.94 Establish Type of nature reserve according to the main: ment type of year subject of protection environment 1995 ecological landscape mixed 1998 faunal mixed 188.42 55.6 2000 2000 faunal phytocenotic mixed forest 21.24 2000 floral forest 239.23 2000 biocenotic and physiocenotic peatbog 397.94 2003 biocenotic and physiocenotic forest 18.24 2003 floral steppe 65.33 2005 biocenotic and physiocenotic forest Landscape parks in the Lubuskie Region Name of landscape park Establish ment year 1. agowski PK 1985 2. Pszczewski PK 1986 3. 1991 4. Barlinecko-Gorzowski PK Gry y ski PK 5. PK Uj cie Warty 1996 6. Krzesi ski PK 1998 7. Przem cki PK 1991 8. PK uk Mu akowa 2001 1996 Area [ha] in the Lubuskie Region 3 536 total area (6 612)a 12 220 9 300 (33 080) (18 455) 23 982 12 143 (31 768.19) (11 713.19) 2 755 total area (20 412.5) 20 532 total area (no buffer zone) 8 546 total area (no buffer zone) 21 450 2 000 (no buffer zone 18 200 total area (no buffer zone) total a) buffer zone PK – Landscape park 75 Location (communities within the Lubuskie Region) agów, Sul cin Pszczew, Trzciel, Przytoczna, Mi dzyrzecz K odawa, Strzelce Kraje skie Bytnica, Krosno Odrza skie, Czerwie sk, Sk pe Witnica, Górzyca, S o sk, Kostrzyn Gubin, Cybinka, Maszewo, Wschowa Brody, Tuplice, Trzebiel, Przewóz, knica Table D. Protected landscape areas in the Lubuskie Region No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Name of protected landscape area OChK Puszcza Drawska (primeval forest) OChK Puszcza Barlinecka (primeval forest) OChK Lasy Witnicko-D bie skie (forests) OChK Lasy Witnicko-Dzieduszyckie (forests) OChK Dolina Warty i Dolnej Noteci (valleys) OChK Gorzowsko - Krzeszycka Dolina Warty (valley) OChK Pojezierze Puszczy Noteckiej (lake district) OChK Gorzycko OChK Dolina Obry (valley) OChK Pojezierze Lubniewicko- Sul ci skie (lake district) OChK Dolina Postomii (valley) OChK O nia ska Rynna z jeziorem Radachowskim (glacial trough with a lake) OChK O nia ska Rynna z jeziorem Busko (glacial trough with a lake) OChK Zb szy ska Dolina Obry (valley) OChK Rynna Paklicy i O oboku (glacial trough) OChK Dolina Ilanki (valley) OChK S ubicka Dolina Odry (valley) OChK Puszcza nad Pliszk (primeval forest) OChK Rynny Obrzycko-Obrza skie (glacial troughs) OChK Kro nie ska Dolina Odry (valley) OChK Gubi skie Mokrad a (wetlands) OChK Pojezierze S awsko-Przem ckie (lake district) OChK Nowosolska Dolina Odry (valley) OChK Wzniesienia Zielonogórskie (highlands) OChK Dolina l skiej Ochli (valley) OChK Rynna P awska (glacial trough) OChK Dolina Jeziornej Strugi (valley) OChK Dolina Bobru (valley) OChK Bronków-Janiszowice OChK Dolina Nysy (valley) OChK Wzgórza Dalkowskie II (hills) OChK Dolina Brze nicy (valley) OChK Zachodnie Okolice Lubska OChK Wschodnie Okolice Lubska OChK Dolina Szprotawki (valley) OChK Las arski (forest) OChK Bory Bogumi owskie (coniferous forests) OChK Bory Dolno l skie (coniferous forests) OChK – Protected Landscape Area 76 Establishment year 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 Area [ha] 42.173 26.691 7.904 1.803 33.888 16.669 12.000 8.720 10.092 2003 2003 14.917 2.494 2003 2.223 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2.145 1.050 20.533 7.864 14.075 32.244 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 23.375 13.265 1.884 16.737 9.852 3.573 10.350 3.000 5.708 13.162 3.529 3.216 3.982 2.542 17.536 7.907 5.570 2.360 8.910 26.223 Table E. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Landscape-nature complexes in the Lubuskie Region Name of landscape-nature complex Jezioro Wielkie (lake) Uroczysko Mi dzyrzeckiego Rejonu Umocnie (fortification) Uroczysko Doliny Lenki (valley) Uroczysko Lubniewska Establishment year Uroczysko O nia skich Jezior (lakes) 1997 Table F. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Area [ha] 2002 2001 Scope of protection (protected values) 3768.47 Protection of natural lake-like landscape 6209.03 Protection of culture landscape 1999 1233.0 Protection of valley landscape 2002 1436.9 Protection of the natural wealth of the agowskie Lake District landscape 2046.0 Protection of valuable lake-like landscape List of protected monuments registered in the Lubuskie Region Town and monument BLEDZEW - hydropower plant BOBOWICKO - palace BORYSZYN - fortifications BRODY - Brül palace and park complex BYTOM ODRZA SKI - town-hall CHLASTAWA - church complex D BROSZYN - palace D BROSZYN - organised park D BRÓWKA WLKP. - Prince Stein palace DOBIEGNIEW - church DREZDENKO - church GO CIKOWO- PARADY - postmonasterial complex GORAJ - church GORZÓW WIELKOPOLSKI - cathedral GORZÓW WIELKOPOLSKI - church GORZÓW WIELKOPOLSKI - granary GUBIN - municipal fortification GUBIN - town-hall I OWA - palace I OWA - organised park KARGOWA - royal castle KL PSK - church KOSTRZYN - castle KO UCHÓW - church KO UCHÓW - Lapidarium (collection of stones) KO UCHÓW - defense walls KO UCHÓW - water-tower KO UCHÓW - castle KR PA - cardboard factory KROSNO ODRZA SKIE - prince castle LUBI CIN - windmill LUBNIEWICE - castle LUBSKO - church LUBSKO - gate tower 77 No. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. Town and monument AGÓW LUBUSKI - Polish Gate AGÓW LUBUSKI - railway bridge AGÓW LUBUSKI - castle KNICA - Mu akowski park MIERZ CIN - park and palace complex MIERZ CIN - residential complex MI DZYRZECZ - town-hall MI DZYRZECZ - castle MI DZYRZECKI - strengthened Area NIWISKA - palace NOWA SÓL - lifted bridge on the Oder river OGARDY - palace O NO LUBUSKIE - church O NO LUBUSKIE - defense walls O NO LUBUSKIE - town-hall PRZYTOK - palace ROGI - palace SIEDLISKO - castle S AWNO - church S O SK - church S O SK - castle SKWIERZYNA - church STRZELCE KRAJE SKIE - prison tower STRZELCE KRAJE SKIE - collegiate church SULECHÓW - defense gate and walls SULECHÓW - town-hall SULECHÓW - prince castle SUL CIN - church SZPROTAWA - town-hall SZPROTAWA - prince castle WIEBODZIN - church WIEBODZIN - town-hall WI TY WOJCIECH - church TARNÓW JEZIERNY - prince castle WIEJCE - palace WITKÓW - tower WITNICA - brewary WOJNÓW - place WSCHOWA - Lapidarium (collection of stones) WSCHOWA - prince castle ZABÓR - palace ZABÓR - organised park ZATO - palace ZIELONA GÓRA - church ZIELONA GÓRA - church ZIELONA GÓRA - town-hall ZIELONA GÓRA - "POLSKA WE NA" former textile factory complex AGA - church AGA - Wallenstein palace AGA - palace park ARY - church ARY - castle 78 No. 87. 88. Town and monument ARY - town-hall ARY - fortification Information sources: 1. BAZA DANYCH - OBSZARY CHRONIONE W POLSCE. Zak ad Ochrony Przyrody i Krajobrazu. Instytut Ochrony rodowiska, Warszawa 2. Wojewódzki Urz d Ochrony Zabytków w Zielonej Górze (http://www.lwkz.zgora.pl) 79 Annex 4. List of river gauges, covered by the IMGW monitoring network in the Lubuskie Region No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. River Oder Oder Oder Oder Oder Warta Warta Warta Warta Warta Warta Nysa u ycka Nysa u ycka Bóbr Bóbr Bóbr Kwisa Note Note Jab onówka Obra Drawa Czerna Ma a Skroda Czerna Wielka My la Cienica Obrzyca (Jezioro S awskie) Obrzyca Obrzyca Jezioro Lubikowskie Jezioro Osiek Paklica Lubsza River gauge Cigacice Nietków Po cko Bia a Góra S ubice Skwierzyna Borek Santok Gorzów Wielkopolski wierkocin Kostrzyn Przewóz Gubin Szprotawa aga Dobroszów Wielki ozy Nowe Drezdenko Go ciniec Prze azy Bledzew Drawiny I owa Przewo niki aga Dolsk Ku nica G ogowska Radzy Lubiatów Smolno Wielkie Lubikowo ugi Mi dzyrzecz Ple no River [rkm] 471.3 491.5 530.3 545.6 584.1 92.2 75.4 67.3 57.2 28.9 3.2 100.8 13.4 97 74.5 52.1 13.0 38 18.9 25.9 19.6 4.4 2.9 3.3 3.1 43.2 1.4 55 47.2 12.2 0.6 5.6 Information sources: 1. Atlas podzia u hydrograficznego Polski. Praca zespo owa pod kierunkiem H. Czarneckiej. Seria Atlasy IMGW, Warszawa 2005 82 Annex 5. List of municipal wastewater treatment plants in the Lubuskie Region (agglomerations with a population equivalent of more than 2 000) No. Municipal wastewater treatment plants 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Trzebiel Santok Bytnica Lubrza Tuplice Boczów Przytoczna Trzciel Krzeszyce Kolsko Torzym Niegos awice Bledzew Przewóz S o sk Lubniewice Bytom Odrza ski agów Jasie Trzebiechów Nowe Miasteczko Szlichtyngowa Nowogród Bobrza ski Siedlisko Cybinka knica Pszczew Dobiegniew O no Lubuskie Babimost Ma omice Czerwie sk Stare Kurowo Rzepin Zb szynek Skwierzyna Ko uchów Drezdenko I owa Population equivalent (p.e.) of agglomeration28 2 000 p.e. < 15 000 2046 2 275 2295 2604 2665 2859 2976 3082 3140 3489 3 681 3757 3897 4359 4451 4464 4 675 4863 4948 5003 5057 5137 5 515 5 622 6088 6200 6 212 6258 6323 6343 6527 7823 8733 8838 10311 10457 11958 13657 13743 28 Capacity [ m3/24h] 215 258 350 60 300 330 325 600 220 450 450 110 350 657 1200 1158 640 400 361 1200 369 500 600 700 210 600 290 550 510 371 240 1100 1203 2500 1450 1500 According to the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 22 December 2004 on mean of the method of determining the area and boundaries of agglomerations (Dz.U. of 2004 No. 283, item. 2841) 83 No. Municipal wastewater treatment plants 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. Sulechów Gubin ary Lubsko Wschowa Sul cin Strzelce Kraje skie Mi dzyrzec S ubice Krosno Odrza skie Szprotawa S awa Witnica Nowa Sól aga wiebodzin Kostrzyn on Oder Gorzów Wielkopolski Zielona Góra Population equivalent (p.e.) of agglomeration28 p.e. - 15 000 21257 47300 51900 19900 21050 15196 21700 28150 16450 29860 44527 30662 17123 46666 42700 39600 22494 239800 245700 Capacity [ m3/24h] 3160 12000 4920 4200 3500 2000 2500 9200 4500 4000 300 1400 1000 15000 4080 10000 4540 245000 51250 data not available Information sources: 1. Krajowy Program Oczyszczania cieków Komunalnych. Ministerstwo rodowiska Warszawa 2003 2. Aktualizacja Krajowego Programu Oczyszczania cieków Komunalnych w latach 2003-2005. Ministerstwo rodowiska Warszawa 2005 3. Sprawozdanie z wykonania Krajowego Programu Oczyszczania cieków Komunalnych w latach 2003-2005. Ministerstwo rodowiska, 2006 84 Annex 6. Selected accident events involving dangerous substances, which occurred in the Lubuskie Region in 1999-2004 Item no. Year Place 1. 2004 Cigacice 2. 2003 ary 3. 2002 Droszków 4. 2002 Kostrzyn 5. 2002 Sulechów 6. 2002 Zawada 7. 2001 Szcza c 8. 2001 Gorzów Wielkopolski 9. 2001 Kostrzyn 10. 2000 Kostrzyn 11. 2000 Pasterzowice 12. 2000 Zielona Góra 13. 2000 Urad 14. 1999 Laski Accident event Short description Fire in the „ROCKWOOL” Plant in the de-dusting installation with likelihood of attacking the adjacent facilities Fire in the KRONOPOL Plant in the installation close to the stored hazardous substances, which created a major hazard An accident of a truck transporting Diesel oil in barrels resulting in 300 litre oil leakage into the ground Accidental 3 hour leakage of oil substances to the Warta River in the Trading Port Unsealing of a barrel filled with used lubricating oil in the POSBET enterprise resulting in a discharge of app. 200 litres of oil into a melioration ditch. An accident of a tank resulting in a release of ferrous sulphate (PIX 123) into the environment Leakage of oil-derivatives from a plant in Szcza c Leakage of heating oil from an installation at Zamo residential area Unsealing of a tank shell filled with lead tetraethyl without leakage Leakage of crude oil from a standing tank-truck Unsealing of a tank-truck and leakage of 13 000 litres of fuel Leakage of latex from a technological installation into the sewage system in the NOVITA Plant Oil spill on the Oder river (unidentified originator) Contamination of the Zimna Woda Canal with activated sewage sludge (unidentified originator) Environmental effects Emission from the combustion of exhaust dusts No effects Soil contamination Surface water contamination Surface water contamination; 3500 litres of contaminated water was pumped and transmitted for treatment The leakage was neutralised using water and quicklime, which resulted in soil remediation Contamination of the Lubiniecka Struga River Contamination of app. 1 km of rainwater sewage system and app. 20 m3 of ground No effects Contamination of app. 150-200 m3 of ground Ground contamination (360m3 was treated) Contamination of the G nik canal over 2 km No significant damage due to a thin layer of oil Fish mortality over a 2 km distance Information sources: 1. Stan rodowiska w województwie lubuskim w latach 1999-2003 (http://zgora.pios.gov.pl) 2. Stan rodowiska w województwie lubuskim w 2004 roku ( http://zgora.pios.gov.pl) 85 Annex 7. Digital maps of the Lubuskie Region Within the framework of the RIVER SHIELD Project the Institute of Environmental Protection prepared a number of digital maps for the Lubuskie Region. Using the ArcGIS software developed these maps. ArcGIS creates a series of products, which form a complete package: the Geographic Information System (GIS). This user-friendly system is used for the management, analysis and display of geographic data. It is based on commonly accepted technical standards and adapted to the differentiated needs of its users. Like all information systems, ArcGIS has a well-defined model for working with the database on geodata. A common framework shared by all ArcGIS products and applications, to the database on geodata allows to: • handle rich data types; • apply sophisticated rules and relationships; • access large volumes of geographic data stored in files and databases. ArcMap is the central application in the ArcGIS Desktop for all map-based tasks, including cartography, map analysis and editing. ArcMap offers two types of map views: Ø Geographic data view – an environment where geographic layers are symbolized into GIS data sets. A table of contents interface organizes and controls the drawing properties, analysed and compiled into GIS data sets; Ø Page layout view – an environment where map pages contain geographic data views as well as other map elements such as scale bars, legends, north arrows and reference maps. The page layout view is used to compose maps on pages for printing and publishing. ArcMap is used for all activities connected with mapping and editing, as well as for analysing reference maps. The following documentation and data obtained from the Main Office of Geodesy and Cartography in the ArcInfo coverage format (GIS package) in the WGS 84 coordinate system served as a basis for elaborating the digital maps for the Lubuskie Region: 1) feature data source: • administration units, • hydrography, • transport, • settlements and anthropogenic establishments, • geographical names, • land cover, • land relief, 2) image data source: • land relief – from the Database on Geographical Data in 1:500 000 scale. Databases containing information most important from the point of view of water protection against accidental release of dangerous substances (Table A) were also elaborated under the RIVER SHIELD Project. Selected data were introduced as layers in feature format (SHAPE format) containing multi-angled, linear and point objects (files in shp and shx formats) with assigned attributes (files in dbf format). 86 Table A. Information available on the digital maps of the Lubuskie Region Type of information Scope of information Sites/facilities with Identification data, location, activity profile, potential accident hazards and safety risk measures, land-use data for areas adjacent to potentially hazardous plants Name and location Other objects endangering surface waters River gauge stations Name and location Specific long-term Characteristic discharges flows Main Groundwater Reservoirs Number, name, location, area, water resources, run-off index Groundwater quality 2004 monitoring data Surface water quality (rivers) Surface water quality (lakes) Industrial waste landfill sites Wastewater treatment plants National parks Nature reserves Data source Register of potential originators of extraordinary environmental hazards; GIO Alarm and Warning Plan for the PL-DE Boundary Waters Atlas on Hydrographic Division of Poland A report for the European Commission on the implementation of Directive 2000/60/EC A map with the Main Groundwater Reservoirs in Poland requiring special protection Study and measurement results. Assessment of groundwater quality in the Lubuskie Region (http://zgora.pios.gov.pl/wios/index.php?option=co m_content&task=view&id=60&Itemid=69) 2004 monitoring data Study and measurement results, Classification of rivers in the Lubuskie Region (http://zgora.pios.gov.pl/monitoring/rzeki/rzeki.ht m) 2004 monitoring data Study and measurement results, Classification of lakes in the Lubuskie Region (http://zgora.pios.gov.pl/wios/index.php?option=co m_content&task=view&id=66&Itemid=80) Name and location, waste The state of the environment in the Lubuskie types and amounts, area Region in 2004 (http://zgora.pios.gov.pl) of sub-sites p.e., capacity (total) + National Programme for Municipal Wastewater quantities of treated Treatment wastewaters, percentage of industrial wastewaters, type of industry, receiving waters, investment (for the largest) Name, location, area, Database on Protected Areas in Poland – establishment year, brief Department for Nature and Landscape Protection at the Institute of Environmental Protection description Name, location, area, establishment year, type of reserve, brief description 87 Type of information Scope of information Landscape parks Name, location, area, establishment year, protection objectives Landscape Name, location, area, protection areas establishment year, protection objectives Natura 2000 Name, location, area, brief description Historical Name, location monuments Data source Natura 2000 (http://natura2000.mos.gov.pl/natura2000) Regional Office for Monument Conservation in Zielona Góra (http://www.lwkz.zgora.pl) The database on Potential Accident Risk Objects (Accident Risk Spots) contains the most important information on objects (plants, facilities, sites) that create potential hazards to the aquatic environment in case of an industrial accident. It was prepared for the purpose of further work under the RIVER SHIELD Project on the basis of materials and documentation obtained from the Register of potential originators of extraordinary environmental hazards, managed by the Department for Major Accident Prevention of the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (GIO ). The database includes information on 12 plants (objects): Ø with potential risk (ELDROB, NORDIS, EC GORZÓW, OSM in Gorzów, Pump station No. 6 of the PERN "Przyja " pipeline), Ø with increased risk (PKN ORLEN fuel depot No. 93, JERSAK), Ø with high risk (STILON, SHELLGAS-POLSKA, ORLEN GAZ, ROCKWOOLPOLSKA, KRONOPOL) The database has the following structure: • plant/facility identification data, • information on plant location, • information on the activity profile and used installations, • data on potential hazards created by a plant, • information on safety and prevention measures, • data on endangered objects and sites in the vicinity of the plant. The database will be amended and updated systematically on the basis of available information. Databases allow to generate thematic maps in all scales. For the purposes of this report 6 thematic maps have been prepared in a 1:800 000 scale: Map 3. Lubuskie Region Map 4. Land-use in the Lubuskie Region Map 5. Nature conservation and protection of cultural heritage in the Lubuskie Region Map 6. Groundwaters in the Lubuskie Region Map 7. Surface waters in the Lubuskie Region Map 8. Potential water risk spots in the Lubuskie Region 88 With ArcGIS, data management and access are within a common framework designed to maximize the performance and work flow of using image and feature data source. Maps provide the advanced GIS applications for interacting with geographic data. A document catalogue enables users to organize, discover, and gain access to shared geographic knowledge. GIS is evolving from a database approach to a knowledge approach. 89