The Maclander - Macland Baptist Church
The Maclander - Macland Baptist Church
Macland Baptist Church The Maclander Volume 1, Issue 1 February 2016 Special points of interest: Dr. Steve Parr here on 2/28 Security Training on 2/13 Decision America Life’s Healing Choices Children’s Events Sons of Jubal D NOW Inside this issue: From the 2 Frank lin Grah am 2 Life’s Heali 2 Minis try Event s 3 Child ren’s News 3 Music Note 4 D NO 5 Histo ry Lesso n 5 Com muni News 6 Deac ons Duty 6 Guest Speaker on February 28 Dr. Steve Parr will be our guest in all services on February 28. Dr. Parr is the co-author of Why They Stay: Helping Parents and Church Leaders Make Investments That Keep Children and Teens Connected To The Church For A Lifetime, which will be the subject of his visit with us. Do you want your children to be actively serving in the local church when they turn thirty and beyond? Why The Stay can help! Much has been written about younger adults and their departure from church involvement. Concerned parents and church leaders want to know what has caused them to depart. Instead of asking why young adults are leaving the church, Parr and his partner Dr. Tom Crites conducted a national research project of those who grew up in church and are still serving faithfully. They studied why they have stayed and the results church leader specific actions that you can take to make a definitive difference in whether or not the fifteen-year-olds attending your church now are still attending and serving when they turn thirty. Dr. Parr serves the Georgia Baptist Convention as the Vice-President of Staff Coordination and Development. In thirty years of ministry he assisted hundreds of churches in strengthening their ministries by motivating and training leaders through seminars, conferences, preaching, and personal consultations. Steve has a Master of Divinity degree in Christian Education from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree in Church Growth and Evangelism from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was featured on the twentieth anniversary of the Billy Graham School of Evangelism of Southern Seminary as one of twenty alumni making a Great Commission impact around the world in 2014. Mark your calendars now and make your plans to attend. are compelling. You will learn as a parent, pastor, or hear Dr. Parr on 2/28. SECURITY TRAINING When: Saturday, February 13, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Lunch is included. Taught by: Rodney Pires, Security Consultanta Who Should Attend: All staff personnel, all deacons, welcome team, SS leaders, kitchen crew, c u s t o d i a n s , AWA N A leaders, and home school leaders Why: To review new security manual and government mandated procedures. Please see Steve DuVall for more information. Page 2 From the Pastor... I am looking forward to the publication of our newsletter each month and being able to share what God is doing in and through the ministry of our church. I believe we are being blessed by God in many ways, and I am excited about the ministry opportunities we have before us in 2016. I have just completed a four-part sermon series on the Great Commission which culminated in our first ever Missions Conference. Bro. Steve did a wonderful job organizing this conference, and we learned a great deal from the testimonies from those leading local ministries and those serving as missionaries in nations as far away as India, China, and Malaysia. During December and January, we also received more than $21,000 for the Lottie Moon Offering for International Missions, which was a record amount for our church. In the weeks ahead, I will be presenting a new sermon series on the Second Coming of Christ I have entitled, "The Hope of Christ's Return." At a time when our world seems to be plagued by moral confusion, civil unrest, and brutal acts of terror, we will be looking at the numerous promises of Christ's return to establish His Kingdom over all the earth. Scripture passages found in Acts, Matthew, Revelation, and Ezekiel reveal something special about Christ's coming, and they serve to give believers hope that our future will not be determined by world events that are spiraling out of control, but by a sovereign God who has absolute power over all things both great and small. I pray you will not miss a single service. Franklin Graham in Atlanta Calling All Macland Prayer Warriors; Join me and Franklin Graham in praying for our nation at his Decision America 2016 Tour. Prayer Rally at Liberty Plaza in Atlanta, Wednesday, February 10, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. We will take the church buses, so space is limited. Register to go online at or call the office. Our nation is in trouble. Jesus Christ is the only hope. Join us in a prayer rally for our country. “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” - 2 Chronicles 7:14, NKJV Contact Steve DuVall for more information or visit m. Beginning Wednesday, February 24, we will start LIFE’S HEALING CHOICES a new 12-week study, that will be taught by Dr. Ralph Bell., from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. in room 121. Are you hurting emotionally, financially, relationally, or spiritually? Regardless of what your are struggling with, the principles of choices that lead to happiness and wholeness are the same. Dr. Bell will show you how to heal from and let go of your hurts, habits and hang-ups so you can live the life the Lord has planned for you. Please register for the study by calling the office. Contact Steve DuVall for more information. Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 3 Ministry Events WMU PROJECT FOR FEBRUARY For January the WMU promoted supporting our troops through the USO with a click of your mouse on your computer. Every time a certain code was entered on the website, Marie Callendar’s donated $.50 to the USO Operation Celebration, a program that helps our troops celebrate every holiday with a homemade touch. Through your efforts and the efforts of people from all over the country, the USO received a donation of $300,000 for Operation Celebration. Thank you Macland for helping the USO achieve their goal for our troops. This month the WMU is collecting supplies for the Cobb Pregnancy C e n t e r. Please bring y o u r socks, baby wash, blankets, bottles, wipes, pacifiers, diapers and diaper bags, anything you would take to a baby shower and place them in the green WMU bins in the family life center between February 2 and March 14. All donations are appreciated. Please see Edna McDonald for more information. GOODTIMERS EAT AT BAY BREEZE Please join our Goodtimers group when we meet at Bay Breeze Restaurant located at 1440 Veterans Memorial Hwy (US 78), also known as Bankhead Hwy., on Thursday, February 18th at 11:00. Elizabeth Lindsey and/or I will be available for you to sign up beginning, Sunday, February 7th. We look for to seeing you there. A D U L T G R acti viti es, citi zen s are tention Macland Church Family: Get ready for some Spring Fun! I know everyone is familiar with the AWANA Grand Prix Run for the young boys and girls t hat we have at Macland in the Fall. I am putting to an Adult Grand Prix Run (ages 16 – 100) for this Spring. The only rule for this event would be that the cars must be made from the wood block purchased through the Awana’s. Otherwise, you can cheat all you want: (1) extra weights (2) different wheels and tires (3) etc. Plastic or metal cars will be disqualified. There will be trophies given for the best built cars and for the winners of the race. At the end, we will have “grudge races”, where anyone (including our younger boys and girls) may pick one opponent they want to race, just for the fun of it. If you already have a car you have built and just want to come have some fun racing, bring it on. There will be a sign-up sheet behind the Welcome Desk for all those interested. We must have at least twelve (12) participants for this to work. This event takes place Saturday, April 16, 2016. Final signup date is February 28, 2016. For any questions see Charles Perdue – 770-920-5838. POWDER SPRINGS POLICE NEWS The Powder Springs Police Department is excited to be starting another Citizen’s Police A c a d e m y. T h e C i t i z e n P o l i c e Academy provides an opportunity for citizens to learn firsthand about police operations. Through a series of Dawn Schafferdawn@maclandbapti 770-943-5511 Mark your calendars for weekly and special events! Don't forget there is: Sunday School for all preschool and elementary kids each Sunday morning AWANA for kids 3 year - high school on Sunday nights - See Jo Niemann for additional information. Choir for preschool (3-4 year old and 5K) and elementary (1st 5th grade) each Wednesday night 5:45 - 6:30 p.m. See Eddie Lowery for more information. Mission Friends (pre-school), G.A.’s (girls) and TeamKids (boys) each Wednesday night from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. July 5-8, 2016 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Hillgrove High School 1st - 6th grade completed Watch for more information on middle school ages! Camp is four days this year due to the Independence Day holiday. (Continued on page 4) Volume 1, Issue 1 (Winshape Camp cont.) That means we are able to offer a reduced rate of $154.00. Watch for additional information on registration special discount opportunities. This is an awesome camp filled with Bible study, worship, high energy activities, and lots of fun! See Dawn Schaffer for more information. VBS 2016 June 6-10, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 5K - 6th grade completed SUBMERGED: FINDING THE TRUTH BELOW THE SURFACE Jesus saw Zacchaeus Jesus saw the woman at the well Jesus saw Nicodemus Jesus saw the blind man Jesus saw the children Watch for more information!! Eddie Lowery, Minister of Music [email protected] Page 4 SANCUTARY CHOiR AND ORCHESTRA Thursday, March 3 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The Sons Of Jubal will be in concert here at Macland Baptist Church. This group of Ministers of Music from all across Georgia, who recently completed a concert tour in Israel, will be here to lead in an exciting evening of worship and praise. The Sons of Jubal will present two concerts, one at 4:00 p.m. and one at 7:00 p.m. The Sons of Jubal are a ministry of the Georgia Baptist Convention's Music and Worship Ministry, comprised of music leaders from Georgia Baptist churches all across the state. The men in the choir will arrive at the church in the early afternoon for rehearsal. We need help in the following areas to make them feel welcome and to take care of those who will be coming to hear them sing. List of Needs: Snacks and water for the choir Meal for the choir Greeters for the day and also for the concerts Possibly people to help man product sales tables If you are available to help in any of these areas, please contact Eddie Lowery. "WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU!" We are looking for players and singers to join our ministry team. Now would be a great time to join us as we work on the Easter 2016 program. Rehearsals are Wednesday nights, 7:30pm - 8:45pm. For more information please contact Eddie at 770-853-8869 or [email protected]. EXTRA EASTER REHEARSALS 6:30pm - 8:30pm - Full choir Tuesday, 2/23, 6:30pm - 8:30pm Orchestra Wednesday, 2/24 - 7:30pm - 8:45pm We put it all together COMI NG SOON : Begin ning Hand bell Team: MBC Music Ministry In the coming weeks we will begin a brand new ministry here at Macland, Hand bells. We are looking for 11 men and women who would like to launch this new area of ministry. A little knowledge of music is important. Help spread the word. OK? See Eddie Lowery for more information. Volume 1, issue 1 Well, Spring is almost here, and we have a lot of events on the horizon, including our biggest ministry event of the year! Mark your calendars because DNOW 2016 is almost here. We will gather March 4th-6th to worship the Lord, study His word, and press forward on mission for Him. Students and College & Career John Thompson, Minister to Students and College & Career [email protected] 770.943.5511 This year's theme is "Relentless," and our theme verse is Nehemiah 4:19-20: “Then I said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “The work is extensive and spread out, and we are widely separated from each other along the wall. Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us!” In preparation for DNOW we are intentionally doing 30 days of prayer. We invite you to join us in praying for this special weekend, and to volunteer to serve with us!! For details ask John. MACLAND CELEBRATES 50 YEARS OF MINISTRY In July Macland Baptist Church will celebrate 50 years of ministry in west Page 5 Cobb county. We will celebrate with several homecoming activities. Stay tuned for more information on homecoming weekend. In light of our 50th anniversary, our historian, Nancy Arrington, will be putting together several articles for The Maclander to highlight our history. Below is the first of these articles. “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” Romans 8:28 How could a divided church possibly become something good? It certainly happened fifty years ago when a small group of Christians sadly pulled away from their home church in the Macland community. On January 16, 1966 this group formed Faith Baptist Mission. The congregation met on Sunday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church on Moore Road in Austell under the guidance of Reverend J. T. Huckeba. Building and Finance committees were selected to begin coordinating plans for building a church. On February 13, 1966 Macland Baptist Church was the name chosen for the new church. One thousand one hundred seventy dollars and seventy-two cents was collected as the first contribution toward the purchase of land on which to build. Only two of the building and finance committee members are living today, Perry Queen and Richard Smith, but you may recognize the names of others. Building: Harry Johnson, Chairman Herman Brumbelow Clarence Chapman Bill Boyd Jack Schrimsher, Consulting Engineer Finance: Dennis Gaydon, Chairman Perry Queen Quillard Bundrum Howard Phurrough Thomas Brumbelow Richard Smith More to come in next issue of The Maclander. COMMUNITY NEWS Certified Official Peachtree Qualifier To benefit Sweetwater Mission Saturday, March 19 @ 8:00 a.m. 5K Run/Walk 1 Mile Run/Walk and Tot Trot West Cobb 3615 Macland Road Powder Springs For more information go to . The Maclander Page 6 Power in the Blood Blood Drive Macland Presbyterian Church Sunday, February 14, 2016 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Family Life Center To schedule an appointment or check eligibility, visit and enter sponsor code: maclandp or call Nancy Russell at 281.253.0727. relationships and creates a cadre of citizens that are better informed about the reality of police work. Our next academy will start on Tuesday, March 1st at 6:00 p.m. You can go t o h t t p : / / g a Citizen-Police-Academy to register or get more information. The annual Run For Food 5K will be on Saturday, March 26th at 9:00 a.m. Although this is an actual race and Peachtree qualifier, walkers are encouraged to participate as well. Prizes will be awarded to the winners. All money raised will be donated to M.U.S.T. Ministries Summer Lunch Program. There will be a free cookout after the race is o v e r. P l e a s e g o t o h t t p s : / / aff=ebrowse to register. sion to redo our sign out in front of the church, and before we can do so, we must have the proper permissions. Therefore we are asking for a zoning variance and the signs are a part of the County mandated procedures that we have to follow in order to get the proper permissions. For more information, contact Steve DuVall. February Deacons on Duty LAST BUT NOT LEAST News Church Directory You may be wondering about our Church Directory. Well, something I thought should be an easy little project we could do in our spare time, was not. We have had to learn how to import pictures into our church management software, and it has not been an easy learn. It has come hard and at the expense of a lot of tears, but thankfully, no real bloodshed. There is still a lot of work to do on this, because we have learned that the first step is to crop each picture to the allotted size, and reformat the picture to the file extension that our program accepts. It’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks, so pray that I learned well. Contact Steve DuVall if you have questions. Zoning Signs For the next couple of months you will see yellow rezoning signs posted on the church’s property. Although I am very tempted to tell people that we are rezoning for an outlet mall, I won’t try to be funny this time. We have approached the Cobb County Board of Commissioners for permis- 1/27 - 2/10 Vernon Knox - 770.571.5875 Craig Waldron - 203.606.0015 2/10 - 2/24 Jack Lumpkin - 770.943.7816 Rick Pensa - 404.513.5498 2/24 - 3/9 Charles Perdue - 770.920.5838 Bob Smith - 980.722.7863 Please feel free to contact your Deacon with any prayer requests or other ministry needs. Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 7 February Greeters Schedule Februar y 21 February 7 Location 9:30-9: 45 10:45-1 1:00 Foyer Jack Lumpkin Jack Lumpkin Foyer Jean Lumpkin Jean Lumpkin Atrium Bill Fowler Beverly Graham Atrium Marisa Pensa Earl Smith Post Service Need One Donna Watson Locatio n 9:30-9: 45 10:45-1 1:00 Foyer Jack Lumpkin Jack Lumpkin Foyer Jean Lumpkin Jean Lumpkin Atrium Beverly Graham Brenda Caruso Atrium Earl Smith LaJean Gruhn Donna Watson Februar y 28 February 14 9:30-9: 45 10:45-1 1:00 Foyer LaJean Gruhn Diane Bishop Foyer Brenda Caruso Bill Fowler Atrium Jack Lumpkin Jack Lumpkin Atrium Jean Lumpkin Jean Lumpkin Sanctuar y Need One Sanctuar y Sanctuar y Location Post Service Post Service Donna Watson Need One Locatio n 9:30-9: 45 10:45-1 1:00 Foyer Bill Fowler Diane Bishop Foyer Earl Smith LaJean Gruhn Atrium Jack Lumpkin Jack Lumpkin Atrium Jean Lumpkin Jean Lumpkin Sanctuar y Post Service Donna Watson Need One Volume 1, Issue 1 February Calendar 2/7 2/8 2/9 2/10 2/11 2/13 2/14 2/16 2/17 2/18 2/20 2/21 2/22 2/23 2/24 2/25 2/27 2/28 3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4-6 AWANA Valentines for CHOA WMU Evening Group Property & Space Meeting Deacons Meeting Ladies Tuesday Evening Bible Study Ladies Wednesday Morning Bible Study Franklin Graham’s Decision America 2016 Tour Church Conference ABLE Weight Loss/Health Class Security Training VALENTINE’S DAY AWANA Uniform Night Ladies Tuesday Evening Bible Study Outreach Ladies Wednesday Morning Bible Study Goodtimers to Bay Breeze ABLE Weight Loss/Health Class Atlanta Mission 5K AWANA Snowman Night Choir Rehearsal Ladies Tuesday Evening Bible Study Orchestra Rehearsal Ladies Wednesday Morning Bible Study Life’s Healing Choices ABLE Weight Loss/Health Class Georgia Baptist Disaster Relief Training Dr. Steve Parr - Why They Stay - All Services Presidential Primary WMU Morning Group Church Council/Staff Meeting Ladies Tuesday Evening Bible Study Ladies Wednesday Morning Bible Study Life’s Healing Choices ABLE Weight Loss/Health Class D NOW Page 8 Volume 1, Issue 1 Volume 1, Issue 1 3732 Macland Road Powder Springs, GA 30127 770.943.5511—office 770.943.3720—fax [email protected]—email—website Page 9 Macland Baptist Church is a family oriented, Bible believing, Bible preaching Southern Baptist Church. We are traditional in worship style. We offer two morning worship services (8:15am and 11:00am), Sunday and Wednesday evening services, and strong Sunday School and AWANA programs. We also provide GA’s, Mission Friends, Teamkid, and WMU to help provide missions education and training for our children. We have discipleship training program for adults, a new members class for those God continually adds to our church family, and a special midweek student worship and Bible study. We have a growing children’s program and age graded nurseries. Our goal is providing these programs and opportunities to train and equip the body of Christ to do the work of the ministry and to reach a lost world for Christ. Our music is a mix of traditional hymns, Southern Gospel favorites, and contemporary specials. The preaching is from the New King James Bible in expository style. We are evangelistic in our approach and are missions minded. February Menus February 10 Chicken spaghetti, salad, bread, dessert, coffee, tea February 17 Hamburgers and fixins’, chips, dessert, coffee, tea February 24 Chicken Alfredo, salad, bread, dessert, coffee, tea. There are two different ways to make dinner reservations: 1) Please complete a yellow card (located in the pew rack next to the hymnal) and place the card in the offering plate. 2) call the church office. Deadline for reservations is Noon on Tuesdays.
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