The Maclander MACLAND BAPTIST CHURCH SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: Music News Ministry Events Church History V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2 M A R C H 2 0 1 6 Easter 2016 "Journey To The Cross" INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Pastor 2 Ministry Events 3 50 Years of Macland 4 Community News 5 Deacons on Duty 6 Last But Not Least 6 Menus 6 Calendar 7 This past October as Jodi and I walked in the steps of the disciples in the Holy Land, I began to wonder what was it like when they were on the Sea of Galilee. What were they thinking when Christ calmed the storm and when he fed the multitude? What were Peter’s thoughts when he began to think back on walking on the water? With Christ they experienced the ministry and the miracles, the events of the crucifixion, and the persecution for being a follower of Christ. As we looked out over Jerusalem, my heart was flooded with emotion and wonder. To be honest I even thought, "I wonder if they ever thought, ‘Was it worth the cost?’” I believe their faithfulness, even until death, proves that they would respond with a resounding, “Yes it was ‘Worth the Cost.’" on an incredible journey that will again allow us to revisit the steps of our Lord as he traveled the streets and hills of Jerusalem, down the Via Dolorosa, all the way to the Cross and the empty tomb. On this journey our prayer is that hearts will be changed through the power of Christ. This month will require great sacrifice from each of us, but my prayer is that with one voice we will echo the words of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:7 "I count everything as loss for the sake of Christ." We will all proclaim that “Yes indeed it was ‘Worth The Cost.’” This month we will embark On Thursday, March 3rd, we kick off our jour- ney with a powerful service of Praise and Proclamation through music as we host the Sons of Jubal. There will be a concert at 4:00pm and a second at 7:00pm. Featured also in the concerts will be Jubal Brass, Jubal Hand Bells and Jubal Vocal Ensemble. Sons of Jubal, the oldest group of its kind in the Southern Baptist Convention, is a male chorus for ministers of music who sing under the direction of Jon Duncan. Dr. Duncan is the Music & Worship Ministries Specialist for the Georgia Baptist Convention. The varied program of Sons of Jubal consists of hymns, spirituals and anthems. FRIDAY, MARCH 25 6:30 P.M. A SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE Continued on page 2. PAGE 2 From the Pastor... I have been very encouraged to see the number of first-time visitors in our services over the past several weeks. Many are telling us they decided to attend our church because they received a hand written note from someone in our church. Of course, those notes are being written by those who faithfully take part in our monthly outreach night and others who write letters each week from home. This confirms that God is blessing our efforts to reach out to our community with the love of Christ and the message (continued from page 1 This service designed for the entire family, will focus on the Cross and Christ's ultimate sacrifice. We will worship through powerful preaching, music, and the Lord’s Supper. We will also have child care available birth - 4 years. of the Gospel. The month of March will include several special events in the life our church that can be used by God to lead many to Christ. The month will begin with the annual Student Ministry event "Disciple Now" (March 4 -6), which will be followed by a day of evangelistic preaching featuring Dr. Gene Williams (March 20), and then conclude with a special Resurrection Sunday celebration (March 27) that involves more people in worship than any other Sunday of the year. The fields are truly white to harvest. May we all be faithful laborers for God's glory in this last days’ harvest. Pastor Richard Walker EASTER SUNDAY We will conclude our "Journey to the Cross" with a powerful service of praise and celebration. The Sanctuary Choir & Orchestra will present three powerful songs: "Were You There", "It's Still The Cross" and "When I Survey The Wondrous Cross". Our Pastor will share a powerful message on the Resurrection. We will have two morning services, one at 8:15 a.m. and one at 11:00 a.m. with Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. We will not have evening activities on Easter Sunday night. HAND BELL TEAM This month we will begin a new and exciting hand bell ministry. I am looking for 11 men or women to help us launch this new ministry. We are planning a Monday night rehearsal. If you would like to be part of this please let me know. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 PAGE 3 Ministry Events Dawn [email protected] 770-943-5511 This year Winshape Camp is starting a new village just for 7-9 grades completed. Only 30 spots are available for a unique experience separate from the other “village” kids. Special registration on March 2, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Registration will reopen on March 6. Contact Dawn for more information and special discount code. Mark your calendars for weekly and special events! DISCIPLE NOW 2016 Don't forget there is: Disciple Now is here and happening March 4-6! DNOW is a highimpact weekend of worship, fellowship, and discipleship for students in 6th-12th Grade. Its whole purpose is to empower and encourage students to grow in their relationship with God and each other. Registration is already closed and we have an incredible time planned. Be praying for our leaders, our students and their friends, and our community. If you have questions contact John at [email protected]. Sunday School for all preschool and elementary kids each Sunday morning AWANA for kids 3 year - high school on Sunday nights - See Jo Niemann for additional information. Choir for preschool (3-4 year old and 5K) and elementary (1st - 5th grade) each Wednesday night 5:45 - 6:30 p.m. See Eddie Lowery for more information. Mission Friends (preschool), G.A.’s (girls) and TeamKid (boys) each Wednesday night from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. SPRING COLLEGE RETREAT Students and July 5-8, 2016 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Hillgrove High School 1st - 9th grade completed Camp is four days this year due to the Independence Day holiday. That means we are able to offer a reduced rate of $154.00. ONE DAY ONLY: March 10, there is a $25 off special when you register. Contact Dawn at the church for the $25 discount code. College & Career John Thompson, Minister to Students and College & Career [email protected] 770.943.5511 Spring time is almost here, and we will have a spring college retreat to start off the new year. The whole purpose of this trip is to jumpstart our college discipleship, build community, and have fellowship as we seek Jesus. The retreat will be April 8-10th. For details contact John at [email protected]. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 WMU NEWS PAGE with these ministries COMMUNITY EVANGELISM BISCUIT BREAKFAST FOR ANNIE ARMSTRONG EASTER OFFERING Saturday, March 12, at 8:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall Church Offering Goal = $10,000 WMU PROJECT FOR MARCH Our Youth Minister, John Thompson, will travel to India on a mission trip from March 10 - 24. One of his destinations is the Grace Children’s Home in Peddapuram, India. The children’s home needs a washer and dryer to do the residents’ laundry. Our project for March is to receive donations to assist the children’s home in purchasing the appliances. We will receive donations until April 11. See Edna McDonald or Pat Pensa for more information. MARCH MEETING DATES The morning WMU group will meet on Tuesday morning, March 1 at 10:00 in the fellowship hall. Our guest speaker will be Carolyn Clark. We will have brunch, which is always wonderful because it is prepared with loving hands. We will also discuss our March mission project. Please make plans to attend this March meeting and bring a friend! The WMU evening group will meet on March 14 at 6:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. We have ongoing projects such as the stamp ministry, greeting card ministry, and the pop-top tabs and labels for the education ministry. See the WMU bulletin board in the family life center for details on how you can help 4 There are continuing needs at Maximum Impact, Love. There is an urgent need for children's clothing sizes to fit infants to 15 years old. The need covers everything from pajamas to socks, underwear, jeans, shirts, jackets and hats. Community Evangelism tubs have been placed throughout the church. Please place you donations in the tubs. Donna and Phil Watson will make sure they get to the warehouse at Maximum Impact, Love. For more information, please contact Donna and Phil Watson - 770.943.9449. GOODTIMERS The Goodtimers are going to LaGrange to visit the Explorations in Antiquities museum on TUESDAY, March 15. This is a great place and the docents are very knowledgeable in Biblical history. We will have a lunch such as might have been served in Biblical days. Later we will tour the gardens and gallery. The cost is $35.00 with a deposit of $10.00 which is NONrefundable. This covers the cost of lunch for no-shows. See Elizabeth Lindsey to make your reservation and make your deposit. There is a maximum of 35 people who can be seated for lunch. The bus will leave the church at 9:30 a.m. If you have questions, please see Louise Bartlett or Voyd Ethridge. MACLAND CHURCH SOFTBALL TEAM Seeking men age 16+ for Saturday church softball league. League starts on March 12. All games are played at McEachern UMC. Contact Alan Kempson at 770.296.2785 or [email protected] MACLAND CELEBRATES 50 YEARS OF MINISTRY “In every place where I record My name I will come to you, and I will bless you.” Exodus 20:24 Recap from January’s Newsletter: Faith Baptist Mission became Macland Baptist Church while meeting on Sunday afternoons in Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Austell in 1966. Building and Finance committees were selected to begin the process of building a church in the Macland community. With $1170.72 in hand, the search began for land on which to build the church. It had to be within the Macland community, of course, but family farms made up the majority of the community, and the owners were not inclined to sell. Mr. R. O. Wilkins skeptically agreed to sell one and a half acres on the corner of Macland Road and Wilkins Circle for $3,000.00. Mr. T. H. Brumbelow, Mr. C. L. Chapman and Reverend J. T. Huckeba signed a hand written agreement for the property and gave Mr. Wilkins $150.00 as earnest money for the purchase. Several men from the church secured a promissory note from the local bank for the remaining cost of the land, and the note was paid off within a few weeks. Mr. Wilkins was not a professing Christian at the time. However, fourteen years later he accepted Christ and was baptized in our church. Pleasant Grove Baptist in Austell continued to make its building available to the young Macland Baptist Church, and God continued to clear a path for it to flourish. March 6, 1966 was constitution day. One hundred six people (3 of whom were to be baptized) comprised the charter. (A plaque VOLUME 1, ISSUE PAGE 1 hangs just outside our current atrium with the names of these charter members). On the same day deacons and trustees were selected. The first deacons were J. T. Glass, Harry Johnson, Herman Brumbelow, Quillard Bundrum, and Dennis Gaydon (all are deceased). The first trustees were Walter Cates, Jack Schrimsher, and Richard Smith (the only one living, resides in FL). Reverend J. T. Huckeba was officially elected part-time pastor on April 3, 1966. His full-time job was Building Superintendent of the Third U.S. Army Headquarters at Ft. McPherson in Atlanta. As pastor he was paid $50.00 per month for auto and utility expenses, but by year’s end the amount was increased to $200.00 per month. During that same conference on April 3, 1966, our first church officers were elected. (Howard Phurrough acted as temporary Clerk/ Record Keeper until April, and Myrlis (Westbrook) Fix served as volunteer Choir Director during the same time.) The first officers were: Clerk: Carolyn Hilton Treasurer: Myrlis (Westbrook) Fix SS Superintendent: Allen Smith SS Secretary: JoAnn Queen Choir Director: Jack Schrimsher Pianist: Linda B. Dunnuck Organist: Shirley Smith Deacon Chair: Dennis Gaydon By-Laws Committee members selected were Dennis Gaydon, Jack Schrimsher, Walter Cates, Howard Phurrough, Harry Johnson, and Gene Cantrell. The classic Church Hymnal (that we still use, also known today as the Red Back Church Hymnal) was purchased in April, 1966 at a cost of $120.00 for 100 books. With all the necessary organizational structure in place, Sunday School teachers were elected and regular church services continued at 2:00 each week. Attendance was consistent, the Gospel was preached and taught, the Holy Spirit convicted and God’s hand of blessing continued upon His church. To be continued… COMMUNITY NEWS The annual Run for Food 5K will be on Saturday, March 26th at 9:00 a.m. Although this is an actual race and Peachtree qualifier, walkers are encouraged to participate as well. Prizes will be awarded to the winners. All money raised will be donated to M.U.S.T. Ministries Summer Lunch Program. There will be a free cookout after the race is over. Please go to https:// -5k-race-tickets-20083298687? aff=ebrowse to register. GEORIGA PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE PRIMARY TUESDAY, MARCH 1 POWDER SPRINGS POLICE NEWS The Powder Springs Police Department is excited to be starting another Citizen’s Police Academy. The Citizen Police Academy provides an opportunity for citizens to learn firsthand about police operations. Through a series of lectures, field trips, and simulated activities, citizens are provided training similar to that of an actual police officer. The Academy is of benefit to the community and the department because it builds relationships and creates a cadre of citizens that are better informed about the reality of police work. Our next academy will start on Tuesday, March 1st at 6:00 p.m. You can go to Citizen-Police-Academy to register or get more information. 5 Certified Official Peachtree Qualifier To benefit Sweetwater Mission Saturday, March 19 @ 8:00 a.m. 5K Run/Walk 1 Mile Run/Walk and Tot Trot West Cobb 3615 Macland Road Powder Springs For more information go to VOLUME 1, ISSUE PAGE 2 CD/DVDs CDs/DVDs of services at Macland are available upon request. In the welcome center on the large desk is a brown wooden box that looks like a suggestion or prayer requests box. Simply fill out a request form and specify the date of the service you want a copy of and place the slip in the box. In a week or two, look for your CD/DVD filed behind the tab that shows the first letter of your last name. Copies of all Sunday worship services and Wednesday evening services are available. Copies can be sent to shut-ins and the homebound on a regular basis upon request as well. Just fill out the form with the name and address of the recipient and indicate that this is an ongoing weekly request. The church will mail the copy to the person indicated. LAST BUT NOT LEAST 2/24 - 3/9 Charles Perdue - 770.920.5838 Bob Smith - 980.722.7863 3/9 - 3/23 Mike Stewart - 678.800.3431 Phillip Linn - 404.557.7620 3/23 - 4/6 Bill Chafin - 404.310.2202 Rick Pensa - 404.513.5498 Please feel free to contact your Deacon with any prayer requests or other ministry needs. will automatically receive important texts from the church. See Steve DuVall for more information. NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES It’s almost Spring. You can feel it in the air. You can see the daffodils beginning to bloom. We all should be so excited because on April 10, when Spring is in full bloom, two new Sunday School classes will sprout to life. Both are targeting young men and women from 20something to 40-something. You can play a part in helping us create these two classes by picking up the invitations that you see in the atrium and foyer and giving them to those that you know that fit the description above. Contact Steve DuVall for more information. All service copies are free of charge to you. See Steve Wilkins for more information. March Deacons on Duty 6 HELP!!!!!! We are looking for three people to help in our preschool areas of ministry. Please contact Steve DuVall or Dawn Schaffer when God touches your heart, because He knows the need and He knows who needs to volunteer. TEXT MESSAGES FROM THE CHURCH To receive emergency and other messages from the church office, please text the word “Macland” to 970-00. You March 2 Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, stewed tomatoes, bread, dessert, coffee, tea March 9 Chicken tenders, fries, cole slaw, bread, dessert, coffee, tea March 16 Pork chops, green beans, mac & cheese, bread, dessert, coffee, tea March 24 Spaghetti & meat sauce, salad, bread, dessert, coffee, tea March 30 Hamburger steak with onion gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, bread, dessert, coffee, tea There are two different ways to make dinner reservations: 1) Please complete a yellow card (located in the pew rack next to the hymnal) and place the card in the offering plate. 2) Call the church office. Deadline for reservations is Noon on Tuesdays. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 March Calendar 3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4-6 3/7 3/8 3/9 3/10 3/12 3/13 3/14 3/15 3/16 3/17 3/19 3/20 3/23 3/24 3/25 3/26 3/30 3/31 Presidential Primary Powder Springs Police Citizen’s Police Academy WMU Morning Group Church Council/Staff Meeting Ladies Tuesday Evening Bible Study Ladies Wednesday Morning Bible Study Life’s Healing Choices Sons of Jubal Concerts Weight Loss/Health Class Canceled for concerts D NOW Deacon Ordination in Evening Service Property & Space Meeting Deacons Meeting Ladies Evening Bible Study Ladies Wednesday Morning Bible Study Life’s Healing Choices Youth Game Night Church Conference ALBE Weight Loss/Health Class Annie Armstrong Biscuit Breakfast AWANA Goldfish Night WMU Evening Group Goodtimers to LaGrange Outreach Ladies Tuesday Evening Bible Study Ladies Wednesday Morning Bible Study Life’s Healing Choices ALBE Weight Loss/Health Class Spring Chicken Run Palm Sunday - Dr. Gene Williams in all services AWANA Pox Night Ladies Wednesday Morning Bible Study Life’s Healing Choices ABLE Weight Loss/Health Class Good Friday - Office Closed Good Friday Special Service with Lord’s Supper Resurrection Sunday No Evening Services Ladies Wednesday Morning Bible Study Life’s Healing Choices ABLE Weight Loss/Health Class PAGE 7 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 3732 Macland Road Powder Springs, GA 30127 770.943.5511—office 770.943.3720—fax [email protected]—email—website PAGE Macland Baptist Church is a family oriented, Bible believing, Bible preaching Southern Baptist Church. We are traditional in worship style. We offer two morning worship services (8:15am and 11:00am), Sunday and Wednesday evening services, and strong Sunday School and AWANA programs. We also provide GA’s, Mission Friends, Teamkid, and WMU to help provide missions education and training for our children. We have discipleship training program for adults, a new members class for those God continually adds to our church family, and a special midweek student worship and Bible study. We have a growing children’s program and age graded nurseries. Our goal is providing these programs and opportunities to train and equip the body of Christ to do the work of the ministry and to reach a lost world for Christ. Our music is a mix of traditional hymns, Southern Gospel favorites, and contemporary specials. The preaching is from the New King James Bible in expository style. We are evangelistic in our approach and are missions minded. 8
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