The Maclander - Macland Baptist Church
The Maclander - Macland Baptist Church
The Maclander MACLAND BAPTIST CHURCH V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 8 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 From the Pastor... THE ALTAR CALL INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Pator 1 Ministry Events 2 Deacons on Duty 5 September Calendar 6 September Menus 7 I mentioned in a sermon some weeks ago, after he won the Super Bowl in 1969, New York Jets (and former University of Alabama) quarterback Joe Namath wrote a book with the less than humble title, I Can't Wait Until Tomorrow, Because I Get Better Looking Every Day. I can't say that I identify with such a sentiment, but I often literally can't wait until tomorrow, because God's goodness and blessings are greater every day. As summer draws to a close and the fall season arrives, I sense a new spirit of excitement and expectation in our church because of what God has done in the life of our church over the past several months. After experiencing a long dry season, we are beginning to see people fill our sanctuary and respond to our invitations like we have not seen in many years. Over the past three and a half months alone, not only have we seen scores bring their needs to the altar in prayer, but we have been blessed to see 16 people join our church by transfer, and 9 have responded with a profession of faith desiring baptism. We give all praise and glory to God. Because God is so good and so powerful, when I have finished preaching on Sunday night and begin my drive home, I give thanks for what God has done in our midst that day. Almost immediately my mind begins to picture what next Sunday might bring and the many ways that God will bless those who come to Him with a humble spirit and a faithful heart. I feel so blessed I literally can't wait until tomorrow, because our walk with God gets sweeter every day. I so love the movement and operation of the Holy Spirit in our midst, I can't wait until next Sunday because God blesses us in greater measure each and every week. What a wonderful thing it is to walk with God, and what a great privilege it is to preach His holy Word. I hope you will pray every day for our Sunday services, and make a special effort to pray for God's blessings to be poured as we extend a public invitation at the end of each service. Though many churches are beginning to give up on the public invitation, with some believing it is a relic of the past or simply a tradi t i on w e fol l o w blindly rather than something taught in Scripture, I believe we should renew our emphasis on praying for "the altar call," desiring to see people respond publicly to God's call on their life. As Billy Graham used to say at the end of virtually every sermon he preached, "Jesus called his disciples publicly. Jesus died for our sins publicly. Therefore, we offer an opportunity for you to respond and make a decision for Christ publicly." This truth reminds me of a powerful song written by Dottie Rambo that has always blessed me: VOLUME 1, ISSUE PAGE 8 children of the missionaries. We have Bible lessons and get involved in supporting missionaries, our military personnel who are deployed, and we sponsor the yearly Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box collection. We have supported children in our area who are fighting cancer by encouraging them with cards and some special needs and requests that they have had. We also do crafts and celebrate birthdays. Walk boldly to stand in His presence Lay claim on the promise He made Your soul can be cleansed Beneath the flow of His fountain His Blood washes guilt all away Bring all your needs to the altar Bring all your needs to the Lord He is so willing and able to help you Bring all your needs to the Lord Video Link: We all meet on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 7:30 during the adult prayer meeting time. v=QI7ygvo39Aw Ministry Events Dawn [email protected] 770-943-5511 Mark your calendars for weekly and special events! Don't forget there is: Sunday School for all preschool and elementary kids each Sunday morning. Choir for preschool and elementary school children (ages 3 - 5th grade) each Wednesday night from 5:45 - 6:30 p.m. See Eddie Lowery for more information. Mission Friends (preschool), G.A.’s (girls) and TeamKid (boys) each Wednesday night from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 2 We would really like to encourage you to get your children involved in this wonderful ministry of our church. For more information about our missions education ministry, please contact Pat Pensa. PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS, FRIENDS : In addition to our wonderful Children’s Sunday School, Awana Program on Sunday nights, and other children’s ministries, we would like to encourage you to bring your children on Wednesday nights to Mission Friends (Children Ages 35), TeamKid (Boys kindergarten through 5th grade) and GA’s (Girls In Action, kindergarten through 5th grade.) The younger children learn Bible Stories and do crafts and games. The TeamKid boys study the Bible and learn about missionaries. The GA girls learn about missionaries both in foreign countries and in the United States and about the MBC Music Ministry Eddie Lowery, Minister of Music [email protected] 770.943.5511 WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Sundays Hand Bell Choir Men’s Ensemble 4:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays Celebration Singers 4:30 p.m. Preschool & Children’s Choirs (ages 3 – 5th) 5:45 p.m. Adult Choir 7:30 p.m. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 8 Join us and be part of this year’s "Christmas At Macland" celebration on December 10 & 11 at 6:00 pm. It’s a great time to join the music ministry. If you sing, play an instrument or the hand bells, or if you have children ages 3— 5th grade, there is a place for everyone in the music ministry. Contact Eddie Lowery for more information. Students and College & Career John Thompson, Minister to Students and College & Career [email protected] WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Sundays Girls Bible Study, Grades 6-12 4:00 p.m. College Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays Youth Bible Study 6:30 p.m. UPCOMING EVENTS Student Outreach September 10, 2-4pm Join us as we continue to serve on the second Saturday of each month. The location changes PAGE 3 each month as we are strategically working to impact our community. Contact John for details! Student Ministry Leaders Training September 25, 12-1pm Student Ministry Parent Meeting September 11, 12-1:30pm If you are a student Sunday school teacher, small group leader, Awana leader, or are involved in teaching and leading our students (6th- College) in any way, this training is for you. We will cover current cultural trends and topics that are directly affecting this age group, relevant teaching methods, and spend time equipping you to continue the ministry God has given you with confidence. We will also have time for questions and answers and collaborative conversation. Lunch will be provided. RSVP to John by 9/21. Calling all parents! Fall is here and we have big plans for the student ministry. There is a meeting in the fellowship hall for you immediately after the morning worship service on September 11. If you have a student in 6th-12th grade or in college, this is a great time to hear about the exciting ministry we have coming up this year! If you’re new or haven’t been around in a while, this is also a great time to get you and your student connected and to ask questions about all that God is doing in the student ministry at Macland. Everyone is welcome. Free lunch is provided. RSVP to John by 9/7. Student Ministry Small Group Leaders Training September 21, 7:30-8:15pm If you are a small group leader in our Wednesday night Student Ministry, this training is for you. The goal of this training is to better equip us to lead our small groups effectively by learning how to engage students and point them to the Gospel. The focus is on group discipleship, prayer, and using small group time effectively. This training is collaborative in nature and also includes time for questions and discussion. WMU NEWS SEPTEMBER MEETING DATES Morning Group, Tuesday, September 6, at 10:00 a.m. Izola Acklin, a new member of Macland, is our guest speaker. Izola moved here from Chattanooga, Tennessee, and has such an entertaining style. As always, we will have brunch prepared by loving hands. All ladies are invited to come and bring a friend! Evening Group, Monday, September 12, at 6:00 p.m. Brenda Flynt is our guest speaker. Brenda sings in the MBC choir and helps in the Young Ladies Sunday school. Brenda and her husband are in Billy Honea's Sunday school class. Come get to know Brenda and hear her testimony. Dinner will be provided. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 8 LADIES FALL DINNER All Ladies are invited to bring your favorite fall dish to share with others along with a friend or two to our Fall Dinner on Friday, September 9 from 6:45 – 9:00 in the fellowship hall. Ladies II SS Teacher, Wanda Munkus, is the guest speaker along with three of her fishing ladies. There will also be special music and great fellowship for all who attend. Childcare provided for children ages 6 weeks – 5th grade. Please make reservations with the church office no later than September 5 for childcare. Contact Linda Ruth for more information. AUGUST/SEPTEMBER PROJECT The August/September WMU project is with SafePath Children's Advocacy Center, Inc., in Marietta. SafePath is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that offers a comprehensive approach to the intervention, investigation, prosecution, and treatment of alleged sexual and severe physical abuse of children. SafePath provides crisis, mental health, medical, advocacy, judicial, case tracking, training and prevention services free of charge to any child or family in need. Like most services of this kind, SafePath has material needs that we can help fill. The needs include snacks (bottled water, graham crackers, cereal bars, pretzels), gift cards from Kroger, PAGE Publix, Target or WalMart, paper goods and office supplies, clothing (new only) and therapy and counseling supplies (stress balls, balloons, small drawing pads). For a complete list of needs see the flyers above the WMU bins in the family life center. Please bring your donations to the church by September 12 and place them in the WMU bins. See Edna McDonald for more information. All Macland Ladies, mark your calendars now for the annual Ladies Fall Retreat, November 11 & 12, in Hiawassee. This is our annual time of renewal over just one night in a beautiful and peaceful setting in the north Georgia mountains. Watch for more details. Contact Linda Ruth if you have questions. GOODTIMERS The Macland Goodtimers had a great time of fellowship during our annual ice cream social on August 18th. Officers for the church year, 2016/2017, were elected/re-elected. President: Louise Bartlett; Vice President: Karen Karac; Secretary/Treasurer: Elizabeth Lindsey; Photographers: David & Julia Sapp. 4 On September 15th we have a covered dish luncheon in the fellowship hall with The Melody Makers as our special entertainment. Please join us at 11:00 a.m. October 20th is our annual trip to Apple Country. There is a $10.00 deposit due when you sign up, which will be refunded when you pick up your name badge on the day of the trip. Elizabeth Lindsey will be available in the atrium between services to assist you. W e i nvit e al l mem bers (especially our newest ones) to join us for a great time. If you have any questions, you may contact Louise at 770-9417998 or Elizabeth at 770-9748009. COMMUNITY EVANGELISM We are excited about Macland Baptist having the opportunity to help Pastor Kwame and the members of Power House International Church with their upcoming Community Empowerment Enrichment Expo. This event is on Saturday, September 24 at 12 noon. Pastor Kwame’s goal is to introduce the community to Power House International and build a strong core enrollment of at least VOLUME 1, ISSUE 8 70 individuals who can go on to grow this ministry. The church is currently meeting at Doss Memorial Baptist Church at 4500 Doss Circle, Powder Springs, GA 30127. We have met with Pastor Kwame and have told him we will help with collections of items which can be given away free to those who attend the event. These items include clothes, personal hygiene items, Bibles, non-perishable foods, etc. If you would prefer to make a monetary donation you may make checks payable to Power House International Church. On the memo line simply write “donation.” They will send you a tax receipt. You may give Phil or Donna Watson the checks (or cash if you don’t require a receipt) and they will deliver it to Pastor Kwame. We will receive donations for this event until Sunday, September 18 after the evening service. We are excited about this new local ministry opportunity and invite everyone to come out and show your support for this new ministry and, as they say, “show love to the community and have Fun in the Son!” PAGE Major Calendar Items: Ladies Fall Dinner - Friday, September 9 at 6:45pm Student Outreach - September 10 Greeter’s Training - September 11 at 8:50am Come learn how to biblically rid yourself of your hurts, habits and hang-ups that hold you back and keep you from being the full person God intended for you to be with Dr. Ralph Bell on Sunday, September 11, at 4:30. Please call the office to sign up. Contact Steve DuVall for more information. SS Leadership Meeting (Lunch Provided) - September 11 in the fellowship hall at 11:45am. Community Event with Powerhouse International (Kwame’s Church Plant) - September 24 at Doss Memorial Baptist Church. Prices: Adults: $12.50 Students: $10.00 Boys under 10 - FREE Table for 8 - $100.00 Register by calling the office, 770.943.5511, or online at w w w . m a c l a n d b a p t i s t . o r g/ ? subpages/Wild Game Reservations.shtml. Family Celebration with Dr. Gerald Harris, October 16 (High Attendance Sunday). October 20-22 Fall Family Fun Night, October 30, 5:00-7:30 pm Whew! Did you get all that? What an exciting time to be involved at Macland. See Steve for details on these events. September Deacons on Duty 8/24 - 9/7 Bill Chafin - 770.436.6722 Garlan Cox - 770.445.6372 9/7 - 9/21 Jerry DuPree - 770.712.8956 Voyd Ethridge - 770.422.5409 FROM ASSOCIATE PASTOR, STEVE DUVALL 9/21 - 10/5 Richard Hallford - 404.308.9679 Billy Honea - 770.639.5845 Hello Ya’ll, We have an exciting fall coming up, so please mark your calendar with all these items. Refuse to stay away, because I can assure you that you will be blessed. 5 Thursday, October 6, at 6:30. Special guest Danny Singleton and the Governor’s Gun Club. Please feel free to contact your Deacon with any prayer requests or other ministry needs. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 PAGE September Calendar 9/2 9/4 9/5 9/6 9/7 9/9 9/10 9/11 9/12 9/13 9/14 9/15 9/16 9/17 9/18 9/20 9/21 9/24 9/25 9/26 9/27 9/28 Youth to Hillgrove football game AWANA regular club night LABOR DAY - OFFICE CLOSED WMU Morning Group Church Council/Staff Mtg Ladies PM Bible Study Ladies AM Bible Study Ladies Fall Dinner Youth Outreach Mike Smith’s Class Social Greeters’ Training Student Ministry Parent Meeting SS Leadership Lunch AWANA Hot Dog Night Life’s Healing Choices Begins Property & Space Meeting WMU Evening Group Deacons Meeting Ladies PM Bible Study Ladies AM Bible Study Church Conference Goodtimers Covered Dish Luncheon Youth to Hillgrove football game Youth to Conference at Johnson Ferry BC Lord’s Supper in AM Service Life’s Healing Choices AWANA Splash Down Night Ladies PM Bible Study September Outreach Ladies AM Bible Study Students at Stone Mountain Community Evangelism Event Dr. Jerry Vines in both services Life’s Healing Choices Choir Rehearsal AWANA Crazy Hair Night Youth Cookout at the Thompson’s Choir Sections Rehearsal Ladies PM Bible Study Ladies AM Bible Study 6 VOLUME 1, ISSUE PAGE 8 9/7 Beef stroganoff, corn, green beans, bread, dessert, coffee, tea 9/14 Chicken & rice, green beans, bread, dessert, coffee, tea 9/21 Pork chop, veggie casserole, mashed potatoes, bread, dessert, coffee, tea 9/28 Roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, bread, dessert, coffee, tea 3732 Macland Road Powder Springs, GA 30127 770.943.5511—office 770.943.3720—fax [email protected]—email—website There are two different ways to make dinner reservations: 1) Please complete a yellow card (located in the pew rack next to the hymnal) and place the card in the offering plate. 2) Call the church office. Deadline for reservations is Noon on Tuesdays. Macland Baptist Church is a family oriented, Bible believing, Bible preaching Southern Baptist Church. We are traditional in worship style. We offer a morning worship service at 10:30 am on Sundays, Sunday and Wednesday evening services, and strong Sunday School and AWANA programs. We also provide GA’s, Mission Friends, TeamKid, and WMU to help provide missions education and training for our children. We have weekday and weeknight ladies Bible studies and a growing number of specialized classes for adults on Wednesday evenings in addition to our prayer service. We offer a special midweek student worship and Bible study. We have an active children’s program and age graded nurseries. Our goal in providing these programs and opportunities is to train and equip the body of Christ to do the work of the ministry and to reach a lost world for Christ. Our music is a mix of traditional hymns, Southern Gospel favorites, and contemporary specials. The preaching is from the New King James Bible in expository style. We are evangelistic in our approach and are missions minded. 7
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The Maclander - Macland Baptist Church
There are two different ways to
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