2012 Annual Report


2012 Annual Report
The mission of the Sequoia Park Zoo is to inspire conservation of the natural world by instilling wonder, respect and
passion for wildlife.
The mission of the Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation is to promote and stimulate interest in the Sequoia Park Zoo and
support the zoo’s development, operation and education programs through fundraising, marketing, and other initiatives designed to enhance the zoo experience.
Amanda Auston
Year In Review
Matt Filar
Zoo Manager
Gretchen Ziegler
Animal Care Supervisor
Amanda Auston
Education & Operations Supervisor
Amber Neilson
Animal Care
Camden Bruner
Kelsey Kuhn
Aren Lane
Elisa Miller
Jessica Nikolai
Natalie Parchman
Lucinda Smith
Anders Wirth
Janée Zakoren
Emma Connors
Valerie Henderson
Amber Agent-Martinez
Kathleen Juliano
Zane Krakowski
Ethan Sanderson
Maricela Torres
Director of Development &
Nicole Spencer
Administrative & Events Coordinator
Megan Stobb
Volunteer Coordinator
Sandra Sanderson
Gift Processing &
Administrative Assistant
Rebecca Koreen
Rentals Assistant
Kathleen Juliano
Café Staff
Geraldine Bass, Manager
Crystal Lockhart
Sandra Sanderson
Harry Stangeland
Gift Shop Staff
Arlene Ghera, Manager
Joann Nord
Betty Shirley
Chuck Dominick, President
Pat Bitton, Vice President
Roy Corsetti, Treasurer
Christi Coffman, Secretary
Linda Jo Alexander
Gene Bass
Pete Belak
Jolene Buck
Denise Davi
Annette De Modena
Louise Jacobson
Frank Jager
Naomi Johnson
Jeff Lamoree
Paul McGinty
Donna Pace
Eureka City Council Liaison
Marian Brady
Cover photo: Greg Nyquist
Wherever I go in Humboldt, I find enthusiasm for all the improvements the zoo has made over the past decade. There
is a real sense that the zoo is moving forward. The red pandas, the muntjac deer, the yak, the upgraded Flamingos,
Cavies & Screamers, Oh My! exhibit, and the growing buzz about the upcoming Watershed Heroes project are all seen
as evidence that the zoo is continuing the momentum begun in 2003 with the Barnyard and the Arkley Pavilion.
This annual report shows why good things continue to happen at the zoo. The ever-growing popularity of the annual
events, the increasing visitor and volunteer numbers, the burgeoning roster of donors and sponsors, and the expanding
education and conservation programs are all indicators of a bright future for the Sequoia Park Zoo.
This summer we’ll break ground on the new Watershed Heroes project. The minor inconveniences of construction will
be more than offset by the new exhibit that will see River otters, salmon and Bald eagles greet visitors as they enter the
zoo. Watershed Heroes will be major step forward in the implementation of the zoo’s 2006 Master Plan.
The Foundation is already looking beyond Watershed Heroes to the remainder of the Native Predator Zone, including
new homes for the spotted owl and ravens and new bear, cougar, coyote, fisher, and bobcat habitats. We also plan to
create a canopy walkway and more closely integrate the zoo with Sequoia Park.
Of course, none of this is possible without the generosity of individuals, businesses, corporations, and the local, state,
and national grants that support our efforts.
On behalf of the Foundation’s Board of Directors, I thank you for your generous support in 2012 and ask for your
continued support in 2013. Together, we will make Sequoia Park Zoo the premier destination for visitors to the
Redwood coast.
Chuck Dominick, Foundation Board President
The zoo’s animal collection has
grown 25% over the last 10 years.
Remembering Rosemary the Bear
Three days after Christmas, a long-expected but
nevertheless unwelcome event occurred with the death of
Rosemary the Black bear.
Between births, loans and donations, Sequoia Park Zoo
had a near-record number of incoming animals in 2012.
A few notable births include two litters of Patagonian
cavies and our first successful clutch of Red-crested
turacos – a species we have had in the zoo’s aviary since
its opening in 1993. The zoo’s animal collection has
grown steadily over the last decade and is 25% larger
than it was in 2004.
Indian Muntjac Joins Panda Exhibit
Greg Nyquist
2012 Arrivals
Indian muntjac are a small, solitary deer species
inhabiting Asian countries, some of which overlap Red
panda habitat. Together, the panda and muntjac represent
animals found in temperate Asian forests, and they
begin to tell the story of our Asian Forest zone. One day,
this zone will also include the White-handed gibbons
and other species from that region. The addition of the
muntjac also furthers the zoo’s goal of creating mixed
species exhibits to provide more dynamic experiences for
both animals and visitors.
Indian muntjac
A pair of domesticated Yak
named Moses & Scarlet
Five male Patagonian cavies
all born at the zoo!
Two European honeybee colonies,
Russian & Italian
Band-tailed pigeon
Wyandotte & Buff Orpington chickens
Maxine died from age-related complications in 2005, and Rosemary’s health declined as well. During two separate
bouts of severe illness, Rosemary required very close daily care to ensure her continued health. Rosemary made full
recoveries, and in the process staff developed a level of understanding and trust that allowed us to work directly and
safely with her. Rosemary’s willingness to tolerate hands-on care was quite an exception for a wild Black bear, and it
allowed her to live a longer and more comfortable life into old age. She seemed to understand that people were there
to help her, even allowing the vet to draw blood for health tests while keepers distracted her with yogurt-covered sticks
that kept her tongue endlessly occupied. In this way we were able to closely monitor her condition and adjust her
care. Besides medication, she also received hot and cold laser therapies, physical massages, acupuncture and even an
occasional reiki session. She had less mobility in the last two years, but she still had a sparkle in her eye and a zest for
life, and sought out spots of sunshine for long naps.
On December 28th, Rosemary suddenly became quite ill, and the vet confirmed that her kidneys were no longer
functioning. She was gently euthanized that day and lovingly buried on zoo grounds under the trees. Her keepers and
visitors miss her greatly, but we know she lived a long, rich life. We thank her for the wonderful memories.
Below, from left: A young visitor’s drawing left in memory of Rosemary near her exhibit. Flowers, notes and drawings were left in a makeshift memorial
in the days following her death; Zookeeper Janée Zakoren (right) keeps Rosemary occupied with a tasty yogurt treat while she receives therapy from
veterinarian Dr. Sarah Green.
Animal Population Inventory
Red-crested turaco chicks
Pygmy & Nubian domestic goats
Orinoco geese
Black widow spiders
Banana slugs
Mary Brewer
Greg Nyquist
Huacaya alpaca
Domestic kune kune pig
A male Indian muntjac (left) nicknamed Baby Jack
arrived at Sequoia Park Zoo and turned our popular Red
panda exhibit into a mixed-species experience. Born
at the San Francisco Zoo, he was donated to our zoo
and carefully transported to Eureka by animal care staff.
Baby Jack’s introduction to the exhibit and the pandas
went perfectly smoothly, and he settled into his new
home easily. Within an hour, Sumo - the braver panda
brother - approached the muntjac to sniff noses and
formally meet.
Rosemary and her sibling Maxine were born at Sequoia
Park Zoo in February 1982. They spent their lives in the
bear grotto exhibit built for them by community donations
which replaced old-style cages. This comparatively large
habitat was complete with a running waterfall and pool,
climbing structures and indoor dens. The two sisters –
Maxine a cinnamon color coat and Rosemary a black
coat - were favorites at the zoo for nearly three decades, as
visitors watched them live, play, and eventually grow old
together. While Maxine had a cantankerous personality,
Rosemary was more patient and gentle. They both loved
to swim in the pool on hot days, dig into rotten logs for
termites, and chew on beef shanks.
Kelsey Kuhn
No. of Species No. of Individuals
169 +invertebrates
“I Learned It From Zoo Camp”
Recently, my son Rolin, 9, did his school animal project on the Dodo bird. When
he started this project, I wanted to help him with research, but couldn’t find any
information about them. I thought dodos were related to dinosaurs, but my son
was quick to correct me.
“No, mom, dodos are not dinosaurs. They only went extinct about 400 years ago.”
He then went on to add, “There is also this plant that went extinct because there
were no more dodos to spread and fertilize the seeds.”
Amber Neilson
208 children explored the
world of animals during Zoofari
Adventure classes in 2012.
Zoofari Adventure Classes: A Roaring Good Time
Animal Maskarade
participants learned about animals’ facial markings by making masks. The
spider monkeys were very intrigued when the mask-arade parade passed by
their enclosure.
Watershed Heroes
campers explored the plants and animals that live in the redwood habitat
and discovered how they can be Watershed Heroes by doing simple things
to keep our waterways clean.
Janée Zakoren
Forest Explorers & Redwood Rascals
campers spent the week exploring the redwood forest of Sequoia Park and learning about this amazing and
unique ecosystem found right in our backyard. The week’s highlight was the GPS scavenger hunt that sent
campers racing for treasures hidden in the trees.
School’s Out! Springtime at the Zoo
Jr. Zookeepers went on flower hikes in the park and - along with other activites - crafted spring flower feeders
for the zoo’s Cotton-top tamarins.
I was so impressed. I thought he learned all this from the internet. Rolin said
“No, mom, I learned it from zoo camp”.
The creative energy that the zoo’s Education Department puts into these unique
camp offerings impacts kids more than we will ever know.
Rolin is looking forward to attending summer camp again this year, and I’m
looking forward to learning more through his experience.
Lisa Mitchell - Kneeland, CA
Overnight ZooSnooze!
The first ever ZooSnooze proved to be a wet one, with rain throughout
most of the night. But the weather didn’t stop the campers' excitement
when they saw Red panda, fox and spider’s eyes shine during the night
hike. Storytelling and s’mores around the fire were a special treat and the
noises from the darkened forest were intriguing.
Pampering the Primates
campers learned similarities and differences of the zoo’s primates,made
special enrichment treats and observed how the primates responded.
Animal Detectives
campers searched for animal tracks and clues to solve the crime of
who stole “The Mysterious Disappearing Cricket Boxes.”
From Dinosaurs to Dodos
campers became paleontologists to unravel
the mysteries of archeological digs. Campers
also learned about more recent animals that
have gone extinct such as the Dodo bird,
Passenger pigeon and Tasmanian tiger.
Out of Sight Animals
Cub Club-ers had a blast learning about animals that come out
at night. Games about bats, mice and owls entertained, but the
highlight was a visit with Winky the spotted owl.
Cunning Carnivores
Cub Club-ers delighted in all things
carnivore, playing games like “wolf tag”
and learning about different animal teeth
through skull replicas.
Insect Excursion
participants discovered the world of insects through a forest
exploration and learned about the food chain as they watched the
Axolotl eat its lunch.
Amber Neilson
Amber Neilson
Amber Neilson
“I’m really excited to see the zoo’s conservation program taking off. It
shows that even a small zoo with a limited budget can make a significant
conservation impact.”
- Chris Damiani, Cutten, CA
Josh London / NOAA
New Program Launched
Earth Day: Party for the Planet!
Quarters for Conservation is an exciting initiative that kicked off this year to boost Sequoia Park Zoo’s wildlife
conservation efforts. Quarters donated by visitors help to fund wildlife conservation projects here at home and around
the world.
This program has been wildly successful at other zoos and we are pleased that the response from our community has
been equally positive—people clearly want to do their part to support conservation efforts! So the next time you visit
the zoo, contribute your quarters and help us to do more for conservation.
International Red Panda Day
Quarters for Conservation is one of the ways that the zoo’s Conservation Fund grows. In addition, one dollar of each
membership goes into this fund, representing over 50% of the total revenue generated in 2012.
Conservation Grants Program
The zoo awarded its first round of conservation grants in 2012. After completing a thorough review of proposals, the
Conservation Advisory Committee concluded that the following projects had the greatest potential to directly impact
wildlife conservation efforts locally.
• Humboldt Wildlife Care Center Eagle Camera ($1000)
• Yurok Tribe Condor Outreach Project ($770)
• HSU Bullfrog Survey & Management Project ($500)
The Conservation Fund
grew 37.6% in 2012.
The zoo hosted its second season of conservation lectures on a variety of
important issues including:
Janée Zakoren
Contributed Support $860
Gift Shop
Quarters for Conservation $361
“Emerging Diseases and the One-World-One Health Concept” by Richard Brown, Professor of Wildlife, Humboldt State University
“California Condor Recovery Efforts and Conservation in the Pacific Northwest by Christ West, Yurok Tribe Wildlife Biologist
“Continued Saga of the Spotted Owl: Did We Learn What It Needs for Habitat Only to be Trumped by a New Threat?” by Lowell Diller, Senior Biologist for Green Diamond Resource Co.
“Life Cycles of Northern California Salmon and Trout” by Darren Ward, Fisheries Biologist, Humboldt State University
Gift Shop
Your Change Makes Change!
Quarters for Conservation
Projects Funded
Contributed Support
Grants Program $2,270
Red Panda Network $553
Zoo visitors raised more than $800 to support
chimpanzee and rainforest conservation efforts
by dropping their coins in wishing wells located
throughout the zoo. The funds raised will benefit
the Jane Goodall Institute and the Guanacaste
Conservation Area in Costa Rica.
Greg Nyquist
1,495 visitors enjoyed a free day at the zoo
500 kids had their faces painted as Red pandas
Redwood Coast Association of Zookeepers raised $553 to support the Red Panda Network
The two Red pandas demonstrated their pawprint painting talents
Conservation Talks
2012 Conservation Fund Revenue
2,530 visitors celebrated biodiversity and all its species
Five environmentally-based organizations were represented through
activities and informative booths
More than 300 people made “Pledges for the Planet” on a tree made
from recycled paper bags.
Janée Zakoren
Brew at the Zoo and Zootini raised
more than $65,000 in support of zoo
improvement projects.
Brew at the Zoo
800 supporters raised more than $25,000
to support zoo improvement projects.
Lost in the Redwoods Photography
300 supporters raised more than $40,000
to support zoo improvement projects.
Lost in the Redwoods Photography
Jose Quezada
Jose Quezada
David Mast
Boo at the Zoo
Lost in the Redwoods Photography
Lost in the Redwoods Photography
The Great Zoo Egg-stravaganza
2,369 visiting ghouls and goblins watched
animals munch on special jack-o-lantern
treats and showed off their costumes in an
all-ages parade around the zoo led by spooky
2,279 visitors celebrated springtime family fun with
a visit from the Easter Bunny, an egg hunt and special
animal encounters. North Coast Co-op contributed
800 hormone-free and free range eggs to dye, color
and take home. Some were left for zoo animal snacks!
Storytime at the Zoo
120 children had their imaginations sparked by fables of
local animals from four fantastic North Coast Storytellers.
Lost in the Redwoods Photography
2012 Event Sponsors
Les Schwab Tires
KBAE 95.5
KHUM 104.7
KRED 92.3
KSLG 94.1
The Edge 106.7
The Point 100.3
Mix 95.1
Cloney’s Pharmacies
Coast Central Credit Union
Eureka Payments
Nilsen Co.
St. Joseph Health System
Urology Associates
Free Days
Times-Standard sponsored a free day on Earth Day where
2,530 visitors celebrated with conservation-based activities.
The Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation sponsored a free day on
July 4th where 1,626 visitors enjoyed the zoo.
Lost Coast Communications sponsored a free day where
1,495 visitors celebrated Veterans Day and International
Red Panda Day.
Amanda Auston
Lost in the Redwoods Photography
Lost in the Redwoods Photography
Thanks to our dedicated volunteers
who contributed 6,507 hours to the
zoo in 2012, representing more than
$52,000 of contributed labor.
“Visiting Sequoia Park Zoo has been
a tradition in my family for three
generations now. We are fortunate
to have such a beautiful, safe, and
educational place to take our children.”
- Kim Bergel, Eureka, CA
Youth Assistant Keepers (Y.A.K.)
Twenty volunteers aged 11-15 worked closely with zoo staff
to learn about the zoo’s domestic animals and what it takes
to care for them.
No. of
Jose Quezada
Additional Volunteer
Volunteers assist with a variety
of other projects for the zoo
including animal observations,
mailing preparation, landscaping,
maintenance of grounds and so
much more.
No. of
No. of Hours:
No. of Hours:
Over two hundred volunteers filled a variety of functions
that ranged from running activity stations for kids to serving
concessions at the zoo’s special events.
No. of Hours:
Zoo visitors in 2012
Board of Directors
No. of
No. of Hours:
The Foundation Board of Directors
commits a significant number of volunteer
hours every year to supporting the zoo.
No. of Hours:
Eureka Residents
Rest of Humboldt County
Outside Humboldt County
Percentage of
paid zoo visits from:
Eureka residents
Other Humboldt County residents
Visitors from outside Humboldt County
International visitors
This year-round program offers individuals aged 16
and up the opportunity to take part in some of the
zoo’s day-to-day activities like feeding, observing, cleaning, and
handling animals.
New Members
Zoo Crew
No. of
Zoo Members
Annual Zoo Visitors
Free visits
# of visitors
David Mast
No. of
David Mast
No. of Hours:
No. of
Five volunteer interpreters educated visitors to greater
understanding of the zoo’s animal residents and their habitats.
# of members
Zoo Interpreter Program (Z.I.P.)
Paid visits
Member visits
“For a community the size of Eureka, it is quite remarkable to have an
accredited zoo. The zoo is attracting over 70,000 visitors a year and
with each new exhibit and improvement, we expect to see that number
continue to grow.”
- Chuck Dominick, President
Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation
Sequoia Park Zoo, City of Eureka
Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation, 501(c)(3)
Like many accredited zoos across the country which are owned, operated and funded through a local government
entity, Sequoia Park Zoo is owned and operated by the City of Eureka. The zoo’s annual operating budget is funded
through the City’s general fund and supplemented by zoo admissions and education programs. The City funds cover
animal care, operations, maintenance, utilities, and education programs.
The Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation is a non-profit support organization that was created in 2004 to support the Cityrun zoo. Working in close partnership with City of Eureka zoo staff, the Foundation is responsible for fundraising,
marketing, membership, guest services, special events, and other initiatives designed to enhance the zoo experience,
including capital projects.
Statement of Revenue & Expenses for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2012
Statement of Revenue & Expenses for the 2012 Calendar Year
Funding & Revenue
General Fund $602,153
Admissions $139,997
In Progress: Watershed Heroes Project
The Sequoia Park Zoo & Foundation have spent much of the
past year developing a solid framework to move forward with
the Watershed Heroes project. In March, the Foundation hired
Greenway Partners to manage the project, working closely with City
and Foundation staff and board. A collaborative process was used to
bring stakeholders and users together to refine the project goals. By
November, we were in a position to select the design firm. Bids were
solicited, interviews were conducted, and before the end of the year,
we’d made our decision. Seattle-based Studio Hanson/Roberts will
design this innovative project, using their 30+ years of professional
zoo design experience.
Animal care
Total Revenue $645,513
Membership Dues
Special Events
Contributed Support & Other Income
Guest Services
Increase in Net Assets $110,449
Exhibits & Other Zoo Donations
Foundation Operations
In-kind Accounting Services
Marketing & Promotion
Special Events
Guest Services
Total Expenses
Capital Investment in 2012
Watershed Heroes Project
Small Exhibits & Zoo Equipment
Total Capital Investment
The Watershed Heroes project is being funded in part by
Proposition 84 Bond funds, awarded by the California
Department of Parks and Recreation. The initiative was
passed by California voters in 2006 to fund projects that
improve parks, natural resources, and water quality through
nature education. Of $2.33 million awarded to the Sequoia
Park Zoo Foundation, $129,900 has been spent so far on
project development in 2012.
The Watershed Heroes project will house River otters,
Bald eagles and salmon to educate visitors of all ages about
the important role we play in the preservation of healthy
Draft concept design for Watershed Heroes project
“The zoo is one of the best places to invest my dollars locally. My gift
helps make the zoo a better place for our community to enjoy and
builds a stronger economy by attracting out of area dollars. Simply
put—investing in a modern zoo is good for business on the North Coast.”
Donors & Members
Flamingo Society
Foundations & Organizations
We thank our Flamingo Society members for their generous
annual support of the zoo. Donors who give $500+ in one
year automatically join the flock at one of three levels.
We thank the following foundations, corporations and
organizations for their financial support for the zoo.
Scarlet Flamingos ($5,000 & above)
Over $100,000
Rosy Flamingos ($1,000-$4,999)
Jeff & Sharon Lamoree
Gary & Kathleen Bryson
Gary & Sharon Chadwick
Corky & Annie Cornwell
Charles Dominick
Joe Duckett & Kelli Reese
Fredrick & Linda Lee
George Lottritz & Davina Smith
Laura & Bill Matthias
Michele McKeegan & Edward C. Olsgard
Marilyn Olsen
Debora & Ran Perry
Graham Shaw & Megan Shadle-Shaw
Marilyn Wallis-Garibay
Brett Wonenberg & Kerisa Elloway
Pink Flamingos ($500-$999)
Linda Jo Alexander
James K. Bauriledel, M.D. & Sile Bauriedel
Sally & John Biggin
Jolene Buck & Glenn Crites
Sallie & Wally Burgh
James Buschmann
JoAnne & Jamie Bush
Patricia Craig
Annette De Modena
Tracie Freitas & Shawn Avila
Robert & Nancy Gardner
Eric & Michele Gerdes
S. Nicolas & Rebecca M. Guillen
Linda & Lois Ives
Naomi Johnson & Earl Jacobs
Karen Kelly
Paul & Aimee McGinty
Kristal Mendez
Humberto Osorio
George & Peggy Schmidbauer
Dr. Roy & Kathleen Smith
Kenny Sullivan
David Tharp
George Tidwell & Shirley Bass
Julie Vaissade-Elcock & Stan Elcock
Gretchen Ziegler
California Department of Parks & Recreation
Christine & Jalmer Berg Foundation
Humboldt Area Foundation, St. Joseph's Health System
Humboldt County; Smullin Foundation and the Melvin &
Grace McLean Foundation
Humboldt Sponsors
Pfizer Foundation
Save the Redwoods League
Stewart-Nicholson Memorial Fund
Wells Fargo
Event Sponsors
We thank the following businesses for their generous
sponsorship of the zoo’s events in 2012.
Platinum Tamarin ($15,000)
Silver Flamingo ($5,000)
Les Schwab Tires
KBAE 95.5
KHUM 104.7
KRED 92.3
KSLG 94.1
The Edge 106.7
The Point 100.3
Mix 95.1
Bronze Bear ($2,500)
Copper Cavy ($1,000)
Cloney’s Pharmacies
Coast Central Credit Union
Eureka Payments
Nilsen Co.
St. Joseph Health System
Urology Associates
Bill’s Legacy League
We thank Kenny Sullivan, the league’s founding member, for
making a planned gift to the zoo.
Donors & Members
We thank the following individuals, businesses and
organizations for demonstrating their support of
Sequoia Park Zoo.
Mary VanCott
Vern’s Furniture
Kerrie Walp
Washington Elementary PTA
Rena & Ernest Weston
Marty & Andrea Yip
Jim Zook
Lee & Chris House
Steve Allen
Rory & Amy Hubbard
Rob & Cherie Arkley
Humboldt Audiology
Matthew & Silvia Arnold
Sarah Jacks & Teresa Circe
Robin & Frank Bacik
Gene Jackson & Diane Eklund
Heather & Brad Ballinger
Tashina Jackson & Andrew Toste
Virginia Bass & Matthew Owen Danielle Jacobson-Elcock
Colby & Katie Beach
Jeanne Johnson
Paul Beatie & Cheri March
Dora M. Kaliamos &
BerGel Construction
David Jager
Pat Bitton
Molly Kindley
Bluestone Landscapes
Willie & Vicki Knapp
Rex Bohn
Melissa Lawson & Seth Stevens
Marian Brady
Kris Lee
Russ Broese & Jessica Coulombe Reggie Lee
Candace Brown &
Lynn & Joseph Leger
Michael Deaton
Mary Bullwinkel
Byrd A. Lochtie
Gerald Burnette
Jim & Linda Lund
Deane & Tommy Cardoza
William Lunt
Michael & Becky Carroll
Lisa & Douglas Madsen
Rick & JoAnne Center
Eleanor Mattingly &
Renee & Patrick Cloney
Bonnie Stevens
Coastal Business Systems
Ben McLaughlin & Kelly Neel
Roy & Jamie Corsetti
John R. & Beverly B. Morrison
Nicole Coyne & Ben Secor
Ralph Nelson
Nancy Dean
Hona & Toby Newman
Tiffany & Troy Devault
David & Shawna Neyra
Sylvia & David Douglas
Jeanne Nicolds
Lynn & Chris Dugaw
Erik Olson & Barbara Lewis
Pat DuRant
Leslie & Aaron Ostrom
Doris & Pete Evans
Francine & Kyung Peterson
Kendahl Faron &
Hank & Cathy Ray Pierson
Carol Vander Meer
John & Ginny Prince
Michele Fell-Casale &
Redwood Coast American
Carl Casale
Association of Zoo Keepers
Marlene Florencio &
Joaquin & Sheri Rodriguez
Chad Rechelluul
Albie Rumfelt
Rose Gale-Zoellick
Lea Schroeder &
Mark & Suzy Gaxiola
Brett Gronemeyer
JoAnn Graham
Nicole Singer & Janessa Hosley
Green’s Fortuna Pharmacy
Joshua & Aurora Skipper
Greenway Partners
Chris & Dora Lee Smith
Kayla Hackett
Nicole Spencer
Martin & Susan Hauan
Sara & Peter Starr
Jesseca & Justin Hawkins
Deborah Stein & Caleb Centeno
Katherine & Burnette Henry
Michael Taylor
Terry Hines
Tile Center
Paul J. & Sarah M. Abernathy
Al & Julie Abrahamsen
Audrey Allen & Victor Higgins
David Ammerman
Judy & Jim Anderson
Helen Andrews
Donald & Helma Bachman
Garrett Barnes &
Samantha L’Allier
Jim Bauml & Stacy Schaefer
Lana Anne & William Beck
Steve & Ellie Beckman
Belak Construction &
Jim & Rachel Berros
Cindy Bessellieu
Melody Bigham & Kim Phillips
Mitch Block & Denise Newman
Celia Boomer
Melinda Booth &
Alexander Merkle
Gingerbread Mansion
Bed & Breakfast
Debi & Dave Brogdon
Amanda Buntin & Jasen Dennin
Beth & William Burks
Charles Bussman
Chris & Heather Byfield
Agnes Chabot
Lyndsey & Ryan Chamberlain
Melinda Ciarabellini
Donna & Jim Clark
Coldwell Banker Cutten Realty
Ronald & Kathleen Combs
Tracy Courtemanche
Linda Anne & Mark Cummings
Joan Davies, M.D.
Pete & Shelly Day
Cyndy Day-Wilson &
John Wilson
Ann Dedrick
Cindy Denbo
Beverly Dickerson & Lori Biggin
Ed & Evie Dickinson
David Drickey &
Carol Kriesel-Drickey
Peter & Karen Dubaldi
Shannon Elsemore &
Sharon Yost
- Jeff Lamoree, Board Member
Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation
Matthew S. Filar &
Tami Matsumoto-Filar
Catherine & Douglas Fini
John & Helen Fitzhugh
Nancy Flemming
Sylvia Fontaine
Sally Jo Frazier
Gale & Nielsen
Joan & Paul Gallegos
Chad & Kristen Gaser
Phylis Geller
Sandy Gilmore &
Heather Rinehart
Kristy Gierek
Lee Ann Gossard
Green Diamond Resource Co. &
California Redwood Co.
Nina Greenberg
Janelle Griffin
Mike & Jackie Grossman
Growing Smiles Dentistry
Trevor Haas & Alison Mora
M.E. & Desirae Hadley
Joe & Kate Hall
Lisa M. & Bryon E. Hall
Happy Dog Day Care
and Boarding
Gail H. Harcourt &
Peter J. Mateu
Harper Motors
Arlene Hartin
Joyce & David Hayes
Robin D. & Chris Haynes
Betty Hennessy
Brittany Hoey
Amber Evon Hoffman
Michael & Charlotte Holland
Rebbeca & Tim Hooven
MaryAlice & Burton Hoyle
Brian Hudgens &
Christine Damiani
Humboldt Association
of Realtors
Robert W. &
Kathleen M. Hutchinson
Jesse Irwin & Eliza Onate
J. Michael & Colleen Jacob
Louise Jacobson
Ann Jadro-Bettiga
Frank & Sarah Jager
James & Laura Jaworski
Alex & Jessica Jeffs
James & Marie Johnson
Jeremy Jurling
Michele Kerrigan &
Lori Rudebock
Arny James King
Pablo King & Mayra Guzman
Kiwanis Club of
Henderson Cntr.
Lucy Kocurek
Gary & Sandy Korn
Roger Kreutz
John Kulstad & Patricia Thomas
Valerie & Brett LaVigne
Rob F. & Ann T. Lawson
Kathy Layton
Joan & Russ Lee
Jack Limmer
Linda Sundberg Insurance
David & Sylvia Lindberg
Darin & Tanya Lockhart
Robert Lorensen
Barbara & John Mac Evoy
Manuel & Kristi Machado
Tim & Trish Mannix
Joanna Marcuz, Au. D
Portia & Dean Matheson
Rob & Debbie McBeth
Melissa McCants
Allen & Debbie McFarland
Lynn & Mark McKenna
Heather McTigue
Erica & Juan Mendez
Michelle & Scott Merriam
Douglas Mooney &
Ruthann Schulte
Elsie Moore
Sue & Jim Moore
Beverly A. Morris & Doris Ure
Misty Morris
Robert L. Myers
National Car Rental
Denver, Judy & Kristina Nelson
Lauren & Timothy Nelson
Mike Newman & Melissa Pelren
Tracy & Joseph Nord
O & M Industries
Barbara & Chet Ogan
Bruce O’Gara
Linda Olson
Maria Ortega & John Saldana
Laurel Osborn & Karen Smith
Quentin & Shawna Owsley
Donna & Charlie Pace
Rebecca & Mark Pardoe
Rick & Annette Pastori
Anne Paulet & Elli Bosques
Gene & Claire Perricelli
Pierson Building Center
Steven Plourde
Keenan H Pool
Birgitta Portalupi
Beth Powell
Linda & Cliff Powell
Sarah Pricer
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of our records. If our report contains errors or omissions, please contact us at 707-442-1396 or email [email protected] so
that we may extend our apology and correct our records. For accounts associated with two different last names, listings may be included alphabetically using either name.
Don & Nancy Quintrell
Alice & Sam Raifaisen
Bryson & Rachel Rasmussen
Rollin Richmond
Camille Riggs & Debra Roberts
Lauri Rose & Kira Malek
Jan Rowan & Rhea Houck
Don & Merribeth Rush
Rafael Samano
Karen Schaal
Kimberley Pittman Schulz
Dennis Fred Scott
Louis Senini
Jack & Amy Sewell
Shafer’s Ace Hardware
Lesa & Ken Shealor
Patricia Siering
Leslie & Bruce Silvey
Carol F. Slack
Cory Smart
Harold & Pat Smith
Jack Smith
Josh Smith
Phillip Smith-Hanes
Angi & Erik Sorensen
Dennis & Joyce Sousa
Naomi Elizabeth Stamper
State Farm Insurance
Richard & Deborah Storre
Jay & Joyce Strauss
Karen Suiker
Gary Sullenger
Alison Taplin
Dolores Terry
Marice Thomas
Lynne & Richard Todoroff
Donald Tonini
Carol & Ann Townsend
Kelly Valencia
Jennifer Van Walden
Alice & Scott Vasterling
Vellutini Baking Company
Kathryn & Andrew Vilha
Kathryn & Jonanthan Walkley
Jonathan Ward
Abby & James Wasetis
Ken & Janine Waters
Watson Law Office
Alene & Ronnie Webb
Theresa & James Wheeler
Michaele Whiteley
Richard Will
Samantha & Travis Williams
Sean & Caroline Williams
Ron & Betty Wilson
Carolyn & Forrest
Robert & Diana Witte
Donna Wood
Adam & Amy Woolace
Darlene & Eric Wright
Idyath & Michael Yassemi
Melissa Zarp & Nate Howe
Laurent & Jana Zerlang
Brenda & Jerry Zwiefelhofer
Piri Ackerman-Barge
Robert & Sarah Acorn
Joan Greenson Aebi
Karen Aguilar & Erica Dahlke
Muriel Brown Aiello
Margaret Ann Aker
Donna Alvarado
Justin & Karly Alvarez
Rich Alvarez & Kym Mallett-Alvarez
Brandon & Paula Amis
Kyle Anderson
Donald & Catherine Andrews
Sandra Andrews & Dean Solinsky
Patty Andriese & Rick Alexander
Marcus & Elizabeth Appy
Lori & Jesse Arias
Guy & Judy Aronoff
Nicholas Aronoff & Monica Diebold
Beth & Troy Arseneau
Bernadette & Thor Arwood
Liz Ashby & Rich Baker
Brenden Askay
Michael & Jennifer Atkin
Valerie Atkinson & Greg Mouton
Janine& Robert Averill
Dorothy Axsmith & Carol Davidson
Eileen Ayers
Karen & Robert Ayers
Mark & Melinda Bailey
Rachel & Chris Bailey
Shane Bailey
Lynn Bain
Leila Baird
Nancie Baker & Jacque McBride
Megan Baldridge & Chris Boberg
Julian & Gale Barbash
Russell Barker
Janet & Scott Barnett
Nancy A. Barnette Rapport
Valerie & Larry Barrote
Ron & Janis Barsanti
William Basham III
Leslie Basney
Sarah Bass
Jason & Rebecca Baugh
Marcus Scott Baxter
Kevin M. Bayless & Toni Sage
Bayview Motel
Carole Beaton & Will Dvorak
Kris Becker & Emily Peterson
Rod & Cindy Benbrook
Doranna Benker-Gilkey &
Dan Gilkey
Andrea Berengue
Troy & Catie Bermers
Christina & Jefferson Billingsley
Eriz Bjorkstedt & Kimberly Bonine
Justin Blackwell & Erika Guevara
Mike & Audrey Bode
Denise Boldway
Andrea & William Bonis
Cara-Lee & Harmony Borneleit
Christina M. Botsch
Lorrie Bott
Lucia M. Boyer & Aaron Karl
Justin & Nicole Boyes
Kathrine Bratches
Kristine & Edward Brenneman
Debbie Breton & Chelsea Jensen
Susan & Jason Brisendine
Russ & Pam Britt
India & Travis Broadbent
Amy & Brian Brodkorb
Tom Bronchetti
Bob & Allison Bronkall
Caroline Brooks & John Chaffin
Dave & Becky Brose
Bruce & Susan Brower
Don Brown & Karin Delangelo
Justin & Alisa Brown
Eric Bruce & Virginia Cadieux
Michael Bruner & Lisa Polack
Bill & Kellie Bryan
Jane & Robert Burchit
Peter Burgess
Erik & Shurie Burman
Kim & Ed Burton
Andy Butch & Susan Vogt
Bret Butler & Loretta Ferma
Lisa Butterfield
Merle & Charlotte Cables
Joseph Cadolette
Allan & Jeannie Campbell
Amy M. & Michael Campbell
Merleen Cannon
Anne Carlisle
Rosalie Carlson
David & Diane Carstensen
Christi & Joseph Carter
Joanne Carter & Bridget Tyler
Franz Casasola & Aiko Hakada
Debbie & Pedro Cendejas
Susan Chaille & Wes Cramblit
Matt & Kerri Chavez
Karen Chew & Devin Horvath
Patricia & Jennifer Childress
Robert & Stephanie Chipman
Dr. Jonathan Choy
Paul & Jean Christen
Amy Christensen
Talia Ciarabellini & Joe Romeo
Brian & Holly Clancy
Andrea & Marilynn Claypool
Clayton Construction Contractors
Joy Clemens & Amanda Gibson
Christiana Coffman
Damon J. Collier
Erika & Greg Collins
Michelle & John Collins
Lacey & Dan Comer
Emma & Brian Connors
Mataya & Ryan Conroy
Manny Constancio & Bob King
Kaycee Cook & Michael East
Lola Sue Cook
Heather Cooke & Connie Gardner
Jasmin & Casey Cookman
Dave Cooper
Jeanne Cooper
Nicole Cooper
Frank & Wanda Cope
Nathan Copple & Ellen Weiss
Chris & Elizabeth Cox
Gary & Londa Coy
Michael & Carol Coy
Kate Leona Craig
Sue Crivello & Robert Crivello Jr.
Jean & Greg Crockett
Abe & Rebecca Crow
Zack Crowe
Linda & Dennis Crozier
Brad & Gretchen Curtice
Darla & Jim Dale
Tim & Mona Daly
Ben & Emily Davenport
Alysia & John Davidson
Chuck & MaryBeth Davis
Donald Davis & Janice Murayama
John & Cheryle Davis
June Gonion Davis
Nicole De Rosa & Robert McCauley
Catherine DeBoer
Mary T. & Donald D. DeHennis
Michael & Joan Delamarian
Rebecca DeMarino
Lainie & James Dement
Anne & Kenneth Derose-Broeckert
Diane’s Sweet Heat
Tracy & John Diller
Daniel & Linda Dionne
Bill & Christine Disbrow
Mark & Teah Distefano
Rebecca Doane Dixon &
Teddee Boylan
Jessica Downing &
Tyra Lockhart-Broadhead
Ray & Connie Doyle
Christine Ducey & Shahram Abbassi
Norman & Leslie Dutra
Al & Patti Dutton
Sally & Chuck Dwelley
Sandra & Justin Easley
Macie K Eilers
John Elam & LeAnne Morini
Stanley & Nancy Elcock
Rhonda, Mandy & Jessica Elgin
Sarah & Kevin Emmanuel
Bogar Escareno & Candy Ramos
Patric & Lindsey Esh
Peter Esko & Marjorie Malcolm
Ross Eskra
Lucinda Dena Estrada
Tasheena & Mychal Evenson
Laura & Ryan Fabian
Colleen Fairless & Jeremy Rasmussen
Sharon & Steve Falk-Carlsen
Jim Falls & Laura McEwen
Toni Farrar
Jay & Shannon Fazio
Ferndale Veterinary, Inc
John Ferreira
Sharon & Frank Ferreira
Michale Damian Fisher
Dan Flanagan
Michael J Foley
Grady Ford & Cindee Rosenberg
Diena & Kevin Fox
Gary Frank
Brian Frasher
Jim & Kathy Fredrickson
Nancy & Doug Frey
David Fuller & Karen Kenfield
John & Gail Fullerton
Kay Gabriel & Jessica Sells
Janel & Elliott Gagnon
Geoff & Tara Gahm
Chris & Anna Gaines
Leslie Gallagher & Hector Murillo
Monika Gambrell &
Babetta Barber-Connelly
Jonathan Gannon &
Laura Hernandez
Robert & Linda Garb
Loretta & Jesse Garcia
Max Garcia
Peg & Howard Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. P. Gus Geil
Judy Ghera
Michael J. Giacone
Christine Gierek
John & Heather Gierek
Linda & Jeff Gillette
April Gilliam-Winkle &
Matthew Winkle
Brooke & J.V. Glaser
Mary & Linden Glavich
Merijean & Kerry Glavich
Elicia & Matthew Goldsworthy
Deanne & Tim Gomes
Gerardo & Barbarie Gonzalez
Jenny & Damon Goodman
Gregory Goodwyn
Wendy & Eric Gordon
Janis & Scott Grant
Michelle Grant
Jeannie Gray & Ginger Weber
Robert & Lori Green
John & CoraLee Griffin
Lani & Samantha Griffith
David Gross & Julie Weeder
Heidi Groszmann & Anastacia White
Hal & Alice Grotke
Renee Guillemin & Brie Morris
Micaela Gunther & Carol Bridge
Michelle Gurner & Cheryl Ingham
Jean Guthrie
Paul & Yara Hailey
Julie C. & Greg Hall
Chris Hamer
Michael J. & Donna R. Hames
Karen & Tim Hammer
Joni Hammond
Andrew Haraldson
Christopher Warren Harmon
Jemima & Oded Harr Russo
Mark Harris
Rebecca Harris & Ashley White
Leslie & Cliff Hart
Debra Hartridge & Ira Blatt
Kathryn & Stephen Hartsell
Macheal Haskins
Adele Hassis
Colette & Jim Hawkins
Mandi Hayden-Davi & Jason Davi
George and Kathy Hayes
Tony Heacock & Michelle Thomas
Heather & George
Ethel Hebert
Barbara Hecathorn
William & Amber Hefner
Diana & Beth Hendry
Elissa Henning
Jesse Henning & Autumn Mize
Anthony & Elesha Hernandez
Michelle & Suzanne Hernandez
Linda & Sue Hervey
Sandy Heston & Justine Graney
John Hewston
Catherine & Darryl Hicks
Scott & Kathy Hicks
Jesse & Erica Hindbaugh
Chris & Lauren Hinderyckx
J. Warren & Lisa Hockaday
Philip & Kristi Holland
Rich & Carol Holland
Daniel & Sarah Holmes
Jamie Horst & Jason Nickerson
Joanel & Edward Hotalen
Desiree Houk
Rafael Hoyos & Rachel Koenen
Amanda Hubacek
Brian & Sara Huggett
Humboldt County Wraparound
Jan & Howard Hunt
George & Betsy Husband
Tara Hutcheon & Matt McDonald
Kate & Andy Hutchings
Richard & Susan Hutchison
Patricia & Rick Jackson
Eva Janson & Sherman Schapiro
Jack & Erma Jenson
Robin & Matthew John
Steve & Ann John
Barbara & Joe Johnson Sr.
Beth & Jeff Johnson
Beth & Ken Johnson
Charles & Rachael Johnson
Helen & Jim Johnson
Mike & Chelsea Johnson
Ron & Janice Johnson
Sheryl & Harry Johnson
Pete & Jennifer Johnston
Connie & Dave Jones
Nick & Brandie Jones
Michael & Alison Jundt
Jeanette Jungers
Adriena Kajdos & William Stiles
Rebecca Kalal & Gilbert Yule
Gynden & Jennifer Kaufholz
Tyler Kearns
Ronda & Dave Keating
Kimberly Keisling & Kevin Limberg
Julie & Gabriel Kelly
Mike Kelly & Kristen McKey
Stephen & Lora Kiewel
Rebecca Kimber
Mark King
Eric, Ethel & Jana Kirk-Levine
Dorje & Reagan Kirsten
David & Lynn Kitchen
Laurie Kleefeld & Kristen Ireland
Teresa & Dylan Kleyn-Schoorel
Brandon Klith
Britta & Erik Knutsen
Rebecca Koreen & Donald McKnight
Joey & Anna Kovaly
Jill Krenek
Emily Krizman
Don & Joyce Kudrna
Lynn Rose Kujawa-Seda &
David R. Seda
Ruth & Lawrence LaBranche
Gerry Lachnicht
Lady Anne Bed and Breakfast
Robert LaFalce
Anthony Lagarda
Peter Lancaster
Claire Lang & Cathy Westphal
Meaghan & Justin Langer
Pamela & David Largent
Tiffany & Jamie Larsen
Paula & Reggie Lawson
Ali O. Lee & John J. Wrigley
Barry M. Lee, D.D.S
Johnny Lee & Kaydee Savage
Marquila Lee & Kris Davi
Wes Leisen
Jeff & Michelle Leonard
Gabe Lerner
Todd Lewandowski
Carrie Lewis & Jason Oak
Gordon & Shelby Lewis
Robert & Colleen Likens
Jena Lionello & Linda Piehl
Jason & Kathleen Long
Wayne Lourence
Marion Love
Azuree Lovely & Sean Ramsey
Lindsey & Kyle Lucas
Kendall Luna
Sandy Lynn
Don & Pamela Mac Millen
Tracie & John Machado
Kathleen Maguire & Michael Sonn
Shawn Mahoney
Peggy Mann & Andrew Koelemeyer
Chelsea Martinez
Amber Agent-Martinez &
Eduardo Martinez
Floyd & Lisa Mason
Gamma Epsilon Masters
Joanna Mather &
Colleen Dutton-Cook
Joe & Shayna Matteoli
Leonard & Diane May
Toby & Crystal Mays
Megan McAllister
Mary McCarthy
Damaris McClelland
Dennis & Laurie McCollister
Rose & Thomas McCutchen
Abraham & Heidi McDermott
Jill McEwing
Kate McKinnon &
Calvin I. Robinson
David McMullan
Johanna McSmith
Leigh Mead
Rob Meives & Lisa Rawson
Lois Mellert
Toni Mendes & Tom Stern
Ryan & Christine Messinger
Elisa & Jason Meyer
Laura & Fred Meyer
Mary & Paul Meyer
Rozio Meza
Michael Tiller Studio
Shanti Michaels
Jesse & Scott Miles
Marilyn Miles
Amy Miller
Ben & Susie Miller
Christina A. & John J. Miller
Cindy Miller & Brandon Cononica
Linda C. Miller
Olivia Mills
Mike & Jane Minor
Gloria Miranda
Rostam Mirzadi
Wally & Sheryl Mitchell
Amy & Jason Mixer
JP Mohr
Aaron Moncrief &
Jeanine Canedo-Moncrief
Charly Eitel & Bambi Moon
Michael Moon & Marion Martinez
Sara & Patrick Moon
Michael & Prairie Moore
Michael Morris
Deborah & Seth Morton
Motel 6
Suzanne & Joe Mrotzek
Tara Murfin
Martia & Ken Musante
Myrtle Avenue Veterniary Hospital
MyrtleTowne Body Shop, Inc.
Nicole & Garrett Nada
Jeanne Nash & Jeanne Callins
Elizabeth Nester & Gregory Smith
Carol & Kristin Newkirk
Ken & Betty Newman
Frances & Troy Nicolini
Amy & Jeremy Nilsen
Ryan & Amy Nilsen
Erin & Buck Noel
Daniel M. & Penne Lee O’Gara
Eric & Kathryn Oldford
Vanessa M. Olivares & Tasha Wilkes
Joann & Eric Olson
Carrie & Joseph O’Neill
John & Kris Onstine
Courtney Otto & Dave Stevens
Jackie M Ouellette & Joy Winchester
Angela Owen & Bill Snyder
Molly & Steve Padilla
Jennifer & David Palubicki
Shelly & Stamati Panos
James & Eileen Parker
Martin Parker
Patricia & Pascal Parker
Judith & Daniel Pasko
Laura Patterson & Tavo Pena
Michael Patterson
Amber & Kris Patzlaff
Peaceful Sea Counseling
Rebecca Anne Pearcy
Patricia Pedigo & Heather Gervais
Catherine Peirsol-Schipper &
James Schipper
Bettie & Todd Peterson
Don & Yvonne Peterson
M. & B. Pidgeon
Shirley Pinches & Olena Knyazyeva
Joe & Mona Pinochi
Bryon & Moira Pitlock
Virginia Plambeck & David Brown
Jennifer & Kevin Porter
John Porter & Eda Bacrach
Dena & Greg Powell
Aubrey & Sean Powers
Christy & Bill Prescott
Bonnie & Ian Pryor
Richard & Abby Quenzer
April & Sean Quincey
Emily Quinlivan &
Christopher Walter
Susan Quintana
Marlene A. Ragain &
Timothy H. Brogan
Chris & Kirsten Ramey
Shane Ranstrom
Tara Redner & Mike Larson
Jane & Anna Reinholz
Gina & David Rice
Rea T. and William M. Rich
Brooke & Mike Richards
Craig Ritchey
Anne & Jim Robbins
Daniel & Margaret Roche
Sheila Rocker-Heppe &
Christopher Heppe
Charlie Rockwood & Ann Liedstand
Joseph Rogers
Roy’s Club Italian Restaurant
Diane & Roland Rueber
Matthew & Amy Ruedas
Dion Ruff & Renee Byers
Sharon & Stu Russell
Amanda Rutledge
Richard & Marcia Ryan
Susan & Thomas Rydz
Sonia & David Samelson
Lorelie & Dave Sandomeno
Scott & Kathy Sattler
Myron & Lisa Savage
Dennis & Victoria Scales
Fawn Scheer
John & Jessica Schieberl
Monica & Leo Schill
Nikki & Noah Schiller
Janis Schleunes
Stella R. & Eric Schmitt
Bill & Sue Scott
Sarah & David Scott
Denise & Justin Seeger
Dawn Seeley
Sherry & Scott Seelye
Cheryl A. Seidner &
Leona Wilkinson
Aiden Semingson & Taffy Stockton
Nancy Sessor
Robert & Nancy Setz
Patrick & Martha Shanahan
Paul & Sarah Shanahan
David Sharp
Chip Sharpe & Celestine Armenta
David & Elizabeth V. Shaw
Alice Shinnick & Linda Johnson
Jackie & Eric Shipley
Mike & Betty Shirley
Ashley Shively
Mary Shively-Boughton
Trevor & Danielle Shultz
Megan & Scott Siebold
Shannon & Nick Simpson
Ben Sipma & Inga Townsend
Julia Skaggs & Carl Stover Jr.
Elaine Skelly
Virginia Skipper
David & Esther Sleeth-Keppler
Alan M. & Kathyleen R. Smith
Connie Smith & Wallie Fitzpatrick
Florine & Bart Smith
Kristen Smith
Stephanie Smithson &
Steven Schaening
Clara & Carolyn Snow
Blair Soffe & Rita Nagle Glynn
Jennifer & Marvin Sorensen
Kori Ann & Edward Sowa
Rebecca & Darren Spadoni
Andy & Mythara Spagel
Ben & Sherry Speaks
Cory & Roxanne Spencer
Herrmann Spetzler &
Trevor Tollefson
Tommie Stanley
Jennifer Stavola & Robert Trent
Richard Stenger &
Gretha Omey Stenger
Megan & Michael Stobb
Kurt & Toni Stoffel
Carol Storey
Greg & Meri Storino
Eric & Bijun Storm
Jack & Barbara Storm
Jim Storm
Darryle & Sherrill Story
Lawrence & Janis Strattner
Jason & Sylvie Stuan
Aurora Studebaker
Tara Sturtevant
Sarah & Adam Sullens
Dennis & Cindy Sullivan
Scott Sway
Jeanne Swenson
Jennifer Taft & Thomas Hovie
Marion & John Taijala
Cecilia & Charles Talley
Suzy Taylor and Tom Arnold
Terri M Taylor
Tina & John Taylor
Victor Taylor
Emily & Jason Teraoka
Karri Thallmeimer & Alex Virrueta
Damen & Dawn Therkildsen
Dennis Therry
Lynn Thiesen & Tabitha Grier
Renee Thomas
Mike Thompson & Sara Brown
Tim Thornton & Kathy Marks
Michelle & David Thorwaldson
Thomas & Janine Throssel
Sherrie L Thueson
Jennifer Tierney
Ron & Diane Timmons
Ken & Maria Tinkham
Shawna Toews
Tammy & Dmitry Tokarsky
Ronda Toland &
Mariel Lindblad
Hilda Torres
Betsy & Shane Totten
Abbey Touchette
Jared Traub
William & Rhoda Traxler
Lien Truong &
Mark Soderstrom
Bob Tuel & Frank Duncan
Michael & Jo Ann Tully
Michael Turek &
Dr. Virginia Mulle
Dennis & Gloria Turner
Lee & Cathy Ulansey
Janice Umina
Jessica & Josh Uutela
Tricia & John Valentine
Dave & Deedee Vallerga
Heidi & Charly Van Buskirk
Mike Van Duzer & Leslie Pace
Craig L. Van Housen
Elizabeth & Phil Van Mantgem
Jerry & Jeanette Van Ronk
Meredith &
Eric VandenBranden
Dolores Vellutini
Nancy Vellutini
Jon, Eileen & Ocoee Verbeck
Leticia I Vickland
David & Jenjira Villec
Marci & Craig Vizenor
Linda Vosburg & Daniel Osborne
Catherine & Beverly Wachel
Mary & Mark Wakeman
Sara & Devin Walker
Keith Wallace & Judy Bonds
Wendie & Tom Wallace
Alan Heft & Lisa Warren-Heft
Steven & Amy Washburn
Jeanne Watson-Carson &
Elmer Carson
Kellie & Daniel Weeks
Anne & John Wellik
Wende Simmons-Owen &
Amy Sue Owen
Jamye & Rebecca Weseloh
Margaret & Keith Wheeler
Gretchen & Gary Whitmer
Kathleen & David Wiens
Caitlin Wik
John & Selene Wilder
William & Janie Wilkinson
Ken & Diane Williams
Kelda & Dave Wilson
Shelley Wilson
Anders Wirth
Chris & Rebecca Wissing
Garrett J Woeltge
Candida Wolff-Vodden &
Cindy Marcuz
Linda & Mark Wolgemuth
Elaine Mu & Jason Wolven
Paula Wonderley & Dan Haskins
Denise & Ken Woods
Dale & Lynde Woolace
Susan & Jeremy Wright
Thomas & Sharalee Wrigley
Matthew Yadley & Tracy Morgan
Carolyn K. & Michael Yanke
Stephanie Yantzer & Pablo Midence
Belinda Zander & Melissa Nicholson
Christina Zeimetz
Trent & Amy Zelanick
Guojun Zhou
Karen Zimbelman & Bella Waters
Jordan & Carli Zizza
Jacie Zolna
Aalfs, Evans & Company
Jan Aaronian & F. W. Frazier
Melani & Jeff Abercrombie
Jose Quezada
Chris Aberson & Nanda Prato
Ted Adams & Rafael Leon
Tiffany & Ray Adams
Susan Afentul
Neil & Holly Aitken
George & Nancy Akana
Sue Albert
Christine & John Albertini
Mike Alden
Jesse Alexander & Alicia Cervantes
Dulcie & Doug Alexy
Donald & Gloria Allen
Esther H. & Lowell C. Allen
Janis Allen
Rosalie & Jeffrey Allen
Shelby Allen & Dan Sadowski
Andrea & Jesse Alora
Philip & Tiffany Alway
Kent & Kaci Ames
Sandra & Michael Amiel
Tony Andersen & Sarah Cunningham
Cindy Anderson
Emily Anderson & Dustin Willnite
Toni Anello & Jesse Parks
Karen Angel & Martin Morgan
Jacqueline Angelel
Jameson Angelel
Laura Angelel
Brian & Malia Anspach
Deborah & Craig Apo
Rene & Richelle Arche
Susan Armstrong
Jennifer Arnett & Peter Johnson
Chuck Arnold & Debbie Hart
Sally & Phil Arnot
Jaime Arrendondo & Devin Furrow
Nathan & Mandy Ask
David & Sue Ayers
Eva M. Backus
Lisa Backus
Steve & Cheryl Baer
Letitia Bailey
Dan & Susan Baker
Marian & John Baker
Ruth Baker
Amber Ball & Steve Lefebvre
Kathy Banducci
Shirley Banks
Charles & Jennifer Barbee
Elizabeth & Paul Bareilles
Emily Barkdull
Heather Barkdull
Greg Nyquist
Gerry Barker
Amy Barnes & Clyde Valdez
Doug Barnes
Linzy & Dan Barney
Camila & Drew Barrett
Jane & Julia Barrett
Tracy Barron & Billy Pierce II
Judith Barry
Linda Bartleson & Katrina Hoffman
Gene & Rachel Bass
Sarah & Brett Battle
Mariano Bayless & Jennah Sylvia
Blake Beale & Blair Kreuzer
Amie Beard & Lisa Griffis
Ruthie & Phil Beaudry
Jack Beaupre & Kris Wymer
Grant & Karyn Bechler
Bradley Beck & Nicole Hugelshofer
Julia Bednar
George & Susan Bell
Jack & Pamela Bellah
Donna Bellairs & Chris Wineinger
Tami Beltram & Chanti Arndt
Vince Beluscak
Julie Benedict
Mark L. & Roxanne Bennett
Susan G. Bennett & Patrick S. Hurley
Jandy Bergmann & Bob Ducate
Daniel Berman & Sonja Manor
Ronda Bettencourt
Destiny Bettran
Donald & Allene Biasca
Michelle & Mike Bibby
Megan Bierwirth
Luke & Alyssa Biesecker
Sarah Biggs & James Wren
Marilyn & Marcia Bilderback
Miriam & Alan Billinger
Lynn Bingham
Gary & Linda Bird
Rene & Santa Birnbaum
Evelyn Bishop
Maud Bishop
Susan Bishop
Tamara & Stephanie Bishop
Christina & Ann Blackwood
Connie & David Blessing
Elizabeth Blessing
Nancy & Warren Blinn
Wes Bliven & Beth Eschenbach
Julia & Leonard Blomquist
Ryan & Melissa Bode
Russell & Katy Boham
Janelle & Marcei Bohannan
Virgil Bohler & Lily Martin
Betty & Wayne Bohner
Jeremiah Boldway & Chanti Jackson
Ashley & Jacob Bolton
Luke Bongio
M. Colleen Bonner
Brett & Shoshanna Boothroyd
Amy Borden & Lotus Hubbard
Rachel Borenstein
Amalia Borja & Roger Schroeder
Dan & Anna Bosler
Ryan Botelho
Fred & Joyce Bottemiller
Mary Ann Bottini
Diederik & Heather Bouwmeester
Carol & Jeri Bob Bowden
Patricia Bower Spencer
Alyssa Anne Bowers
Bill & Betty Bowles
Heather & Tyson Boynton
Karissa Bradley
Seth Bradley
Nora Malone Bragia & Alexis Vince
Bonnie Branco
Carol & Josh Brannan
Julie & David Branson
Eddi Bravo
Brenda Brazil & Tod Garrett
Julie Brazil & Adam Pritchard
Jessica Breedlove & David Sims
Joann & Sheryl Brekke
Luanne Brenman &
George Ingraham
Michael & Leilani Brewster
Loran & Maria Briggs
Lisa Brockoff
David & Debbie Brown
Don & Lynai Brown
James & Stephanie Brown
Justin Brown & Joyce Hill
Tom Brown & Chris Miller
Sarah & Heath Browning
John & Claudia Brugaletta
Camden Bruner
David & Deborah Brunton
Mark & Bradley Bryant
Donald & Peggy Buchanan
Stephen & Jason Buck
Janelle & Jamie Bucklin
Jeannie & Larry Buerer
Zachery & Sarah Bunke
Kay Burdick
Nathan & Michelle Burger
Desiree & Josh Burke
Judy Burke
Kathrin & Michael Burleson
Renee Burnett & Ned Fraser
Jim Cernohlavek & Susan Burns
Maria Burns & Ann Grimes
Patrick & Jill Burns
Carol Burris & Haillie Cagle
Shayla Burris & Jean Gomes
Martha Buss
Dennis & Adrienne Cammack
Don Campbell
Stacey Campbell
Susan Campbell & Paul Katz
William & Eunice Canedo
Trice Caniglia
Ernie & Nita Cannady
Ronalda Carlson & Holly Dorris
Castlelyn Carmona
Gwynneth & Paul Carothers
Tina & Dawnetta Carpenter
Karen Carr & Kristina Tatro
Melvin L. Carr II
Brain & Elaina Carroll
Gerald L. Carter
Ginger Carter
Ron & Kathy Carterby
Darren Cartledge
Fern Cartwright
Christina & Bernardino Casarez
Alex & Lindley J. Casillas, Jr
Catherine Cassidy & Samuel Salas
Carl & Thary Ros Catalano
Cynthia & Charles Causley
Hutch Cavin & Melissa Nielsen
Joe Ceriani
Frank & Libby Cerny
Chelsey Chadwell
Jon & Melinda Chambers
Frank & Sue Chan
Sarah & Ken Chandonait
Philip Chaon
Kayla & Morgan Chapman
D. T. Christensen
Robert Christensen
Jody & Angela Christie
Robert & Opal Church
City of Eureka
Martha Clague
Stanley Kenyon & Ellen Clague
Sharon Clark
Dr. Bill Clawson, Ph.D.
Doug & Bette Clayton
Jeff Clayton & Maureen Barnett
Patricia & Charles Clinton
Christine Cogen
Raven & Greg Coit
Jude Cole
Bryan & Amy Coleman
Pamela Coleman & Rita Moore
Jerry & Evelyn Colivas
Nick Comer & Victoria Holduer
Linsey Conlin & Ryan Jones
Brooks & Tracie Conner
Lisa & Bill Connors
Lynne Manget Conway &
Jeff Conway
Mandy Cook
Yvonne & George Cooney
Debi Cooper
Marc Cooper & Bridget Warwick
Sherie Cooper
Tyler Cooper & Adrienn Mak
Nicholas Cordero & Nui Mulvey
Paulette J. & Eric A.H. Cortez
Patty Costanzo
Carole Cox
Sarah Cox & Allison Grundman
Emil & Cynthia Craig
George Cramer
Lee Cramer
Robert Crane
Elaine Crawford
Charlotte Creech
Allison & Kameron Crocker
John & Elisabeth Cromwell
Michael & Rebecca Crosby
Adrienne & James Crosswhite
J. Bradley Crosswhite
Janice Crowe & Kelly Cawthorn
Shannan L Crozier
Suzette M Crozier
Wayne A. & Tamara Crozier
Marguerite Crue
Brook & Ken Cruz
Megan & Jed Cruz
Tim & Julie Cruz
Ann E. & Tim P. Cullen
Mattie Culver
Steven Cunningham
Tobias Curren & Ericka Riggins
Anne Curtis
Marjorie Custis
Nicholas Cutler
John Cylwik
Ed & Eileen Davenport
Denise Davi & Donald Sceville
Patricia Davis
Trent & Emily Davis
Anna & David Davison
Angela Davy & Louise Andersen
Katie Dawson
Mishaela De Vries
Bonnie & Vincent DeBord
Ed & Pilar Delmolino
Marsha Dely
Nick DeRuyter
Jackie Deuschle & Ray Miller
Ed & Mary Dewald
Andy Dickey & Elizabeth Adams
Betty & Paula Dickey
Bret & Lynn Diehl
Duke & Ann Diehl
Audrey & Stephen Dieker
Kanta & Douglas Dill
David & Carol Dillon
Andrew Distad
Misty Distad
Horst & Inge Dohring
June Dokweiler
Bill & Ana Dolfini
Jessica Dora & Matt Dusel
Frank & Pam Dore
Robbie Dorris
Sharon & Richard Doty
Evelyn & Nick Downey
Melanie & Jared Downing
Bonnie DuMond &
Stephen Stewart
Robert & Ellen Durfee
Mary Durina
Laurie Dutra
Teresa & Donna Dutton
Todd Eagle
Mike & Reina Earhart
Julie & Robert East
Desiree & David Edgar
Sara & Matt Edge
Mike Edmonds & Tara Rainey
Robert Ekholdt & Beth Davis
Mark Ellis
Michelle Ellis & Robert Morrow
Jamie & Scott Ellsmore
Audra Nicole Ercolini
Brad & Sharon Erickson
Candace Karena Erickson
Karen Erickson
Laurie Ervin & Ray Reel
Kierstine & Stacy Escalante
Carl & Jaime Esposito
Bill & Shar Evans
Dwayne & June Evans
Richard Everidge
Solomon & Julia Everta
Ernie & Kristine Fabian
Cortnee & Michael Fagundes
Sunny Falling-Rain
Doris Fearrien
Michelle & Ricardo Febre
Cindy Feldsine
Madeline Felix
Elsie & Vincent Feliz
Mike Ferbes & Samantha Walker
Jean Ferroggiaro
Marilyn Field
Joshua Fien & Marlo Meinicke
Erin Figueroa
David & Kari Firman
RaeAnn Fischer
Christina & Kurt Fisher
David Fix & Jude Power
Richard Fletcher
Marisa & Michael Flores
Andre Raymone & Angela Floyd
Mikkel Foisy & Chris Martinez
Heidi & Jeramee Foley
John Ford
Mike & Angel Ford
Travis & Renee Ford
Susan Fox
Ryan Francis & Joanna Stamm
Debra & Joe Frazier
Joy Frazier
Jason & Stephanie Fredrickson
Diana L. & Chris Freeman
Howard Freiman & Barbara Rich
Doris Fridley
Billy Frye
Dee Dee Frye & Dave Hayes
Patti & Charlie Fuentes
Diana Fuentes-Zittel & Todd Zittel
Rebecca Fukui
Mandy & Chase Fulk
Shirley & Ralph Fullmer
Nancy Gaenzler
Mike Gage & Pat Kinsella
Traci & Dennis Gagnon
Beth Gale & David McNeil
Marilyn Gallagher
Jose & Jennifer Galvez
Shermon & Jill Garinger
Armando Garlia-Patino &
Nayelli G. Piedras-Q
Theresa Garrelts
Rebecca & Justin Garwood
June & Pat Gaskill
Leslie & Jeff Gates
James Gayner
Margot & Hal Genger
Paulos George & Teberih Kiflay
Mendy & Loren Gerard
Arlene Ghera
Daniel & Ravenna Giannotta
Greg & Karen Gibb
Randy & Leslie Gibson
Walter Gibson & Mary Smith
Jessica Gieder & Matthew McCann
Stephen & Alicia Gieder
Kurt Gierlich & Laurissa Wieler
Justin Gin
Jessica & Grant Giovannetti
Robert Gish &
Joan Rainwater-Gish
Amy Glass
Jan Goff
Sara Goldbelc
Melissa June Gomes
Ronald & Hermila Gonsalves
Danielle Gonzalez
Michael Goodwill & Jamey Rogers
Trina Granstra
Brian Graves
Michelle Graves
Michelle & Brian Greenway
Chris Greer & Mariellen Jurkovich
Carre Griffin & Kevin Kovar
Tina & Fred Griffith
Trev Griffith & Gary Thissell
Dennis & Mary Grinsell
Cheryl & Paul Grunden
Kelly Grundnoters
Morgan & Ben Guillermo
Bill & Wynette Guin
Burt Guthridge & Judith Jackson
Carol & Mike Guy
Kitt Haas
Eileen & Will Hackworth
Stephanie Halley & Jenifer Hight
Sara Hallin-Lundstrom &
John W. Lundstrom
Stephanie & Matt Hampton
Samantha Lynn Hani
Edwina & Tom Hannah
Rory & JoAnn Hanson
Dan Hapgood
Marci & David Harmon
Tom & Patty Harmon
Jeffery Harper
Micalyn & Brad Harris
Robin Harris
Beverly Hart
Kerri Hart & Todd Sanborn
Adam Harter & Jennifer Manthey
Tazsa Hartwell Wells & Ryan Wells
Laree Hauschild & Dolores Powell
Jean Hawthorne & Rick Knapp
Paul Heagerty & Steven Masson
Shannon Heavilin & Beth Heavilin
Sandra & Floyd Hecker
Sebastian Hedberg
Charlotte Rose & Michael Heike
Thomas & Hanne Heilmann
Everett & Ruth Henkle
Emily Herron & Deborah Musick
Jacob Hertel & Hannah Lee
Lauren & Mark Hertz
Beth Heyenga & Joe Isom
Derek Hietala
Ronald Lee Higgs
Anita & Bill Hilfiker
Debra L. Hill
Jane Hill &
Emily Mazzone-Clementi
Sandra Hill
Suanne & Tom Hiller
Sara & Matthew Hillyard
Sarah Himebrook & Neal Stremel
Janyce & Marc Hinckley
Mary Hinds & Jessica Callahan
Sarah & James Hinton
Dave Hitchcock & Danelle Merz
Dawn & Jim Hodge
Aric Holberg & Alycia Jackson
Niels & Charlotte Holgersen
Donald Holland
Donna & Austin Holland
Liana Hollar & Matt Prim
Yvonne Jeanne Holmes
Shelley & Solon Holstein
Clarence Holster Jr. &
Jamie Hostler
Frank & Betsy Homen
Steve & Barbara Horvitz
James Howard
Tasha & Michael Howe
Steve & Marie Hubbard
Robert & Pam Huddleston
Helen Hui
Paula & David Humphrey
Melika & Jason Huneke
Thomas & Chrissy Hunt
Kevin Huntley
Carrie & Robert Hurst
Jennifer & Harry Huynh
Erin & Hunter Ikeya
Kristen Ince & Brian Derr
Judy Ingraham
Kelly Ireland & Whitney Williamson
Ronald D. & Judith E. Irvin
James S. Irving Jr. & Lindsey Irving
Karen Isa & Richard Kreis
Dave Isaacs & Laura Bringhurst
Bill Jackson &
Flurina Niggli-Jackson
Cathy Jackson
Gary & Maria Jackson
Travis James & Elizabeth Matsumoto
Melisa Janigian & Adam Lustig
Daniel Jensen & Alissa Stone
Felicia & Marc Jensen
Jeanine Jessen
Tony & Mary Ann Jimenez
Bryce & Adrienne Jimmerson
Seth & Megan Johannesen
Julie & JJ Johansen
Dorothy Johnsgard &
Kenneth Madore
Ellen Johnson
Joy Johnson
Lila L. & Ed Johnson
Meaghann & Guy Johnson
Carroll V. Johnston
Gloria Annette Johnston
Aaron Jones & Tressa Taylor
James Jones & Kara Zerturhe
Kyle Jones
Susan Jones & Laura Swanson
Elizabeth Jordan
Robert & JoAnne Joy
Claire Joyce & Garth Johnson
Shane Joyer
David & Kathleen Juliano
Bonnie & Howard Julien
Laura Jurkovich & Bryan Smothers
Awanna Kalal
James Kamb & Caroline Glory
Cheryl & Michael Kaska
Pam & Peter Kaufhold
Bob & Mary Kay
Johnny & Alyssa Kell
Karen Kelley & Jenny Marsh
Barbara & Katlin Kellogg
Nancy Kelly
Paul & Barbara Kelly
Elizabeth Kelsey
Corina Keppeler & Colin MacDonald
Diane Carol Kerr
Robert Kerr
Judy & Richard Kersh
Jessica & William Kilgore
Steve & Tayler Kimberling
Jill Kimura
Bill & Gnesa Kirchman
Ethel & Keith Kirk
Rich & Elmone Kissling
Louise Klingenspor
Amber Kluck & Stephen Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Knight
Steve Eric & Dianne Knight
June & Doug Knott
Tierra Knuth & Timna Shumard
Rebecca & Peter Koczko
Danielle & Mark Koressel
Tom & Laura Kraasch
Anne Marie & Ian Kramer
Melissa Kramer
Elizabeth & Benjamin Krause
Larissa & Jamie Krause
Kathleen & Rus Krauss
Rio Kuteira & Kristie Cannady
Pete LaCount
Eric Lamb
Brenda & David Lambert
Nancy & Chris Lamont
Meredith Lancaster
Amy & Krista Landing
Charles & Kimberly Lane
Marilyn & Kenneth Lang
Nikki Lang & Stephen Smith
Judith Langley & Jolleen McLeod
Kate Lang-Salazar & John Salazar
Israel Lara & Lena Viramontes
Hal & Juanita Larson
Billy & Lorencita Lavine
Harold & Maryann Lawrence
Edna R. Laytart
Leslie & Vong Leach
Dianna L. Lee & Brenda Basler
Nancy Lee
Spencer & Beth Leebolt
Joelle & Todd Lemley
Suzanne & Kent Lende
Leon’s Car Care
Jennifer & Charles Leveque
Arlene Lewandowski
Hannah & Will Lewis
Heather Lewis
Evelyn Coleman & William Ley
Bernadette & Mike Lincoln
Shauna & Nathan Linde
Tina Lipnicki
Paul & Linda Liska
Dylan & Regina Livingearth
Margaret & Andrew LoCicero
Steve Locklin
Elizabeth & James Long
Brenda & Joshua Lory
Andy Losh & Anya Savage
Allyson Love
Mervin & Rebecca Lowry
Linda & Nick Lucchesi
Arlene & John Luft
Jenney & Mark Lukens
Charlene & Ron Lundblade
Mike & Diane Lyell
Kaori & Jeremy Maciel
Barbara Madaras & Jack Phipps
Frances Madrone & Patric Nagle
Cheryl Magnuson-Franco &
Marie Malino
Kathryn D. Maguire
Irene Malloy
Richard & Robin Marks
Paula Marmon & Regina McGuire
Joel Marquez & Suzanne Rose
Aileen & Thomas Martin
Gina & Vincent Martin
Geoffrey & Linda Masaki
Amber & Coney Mascio
Marti & Liam Massey
Julie & John Mastroni
Anita Matlock
Barbara Maxon
Jim Maxwell
Anna May
Crystal & Jeff Mayberry
Cassandra Maynard
Harold & Norma McClary
Claudine McClellan & Josey Bunke
Carrie & Lucas McClelland
Pam & Bill McClendon
Tim McConnaughy Jr. &
Reada McConnaughy
Kristen & Tim McCutchan
Dan & Diana McDonald
Sarah McEwing
Leila McGaughey
Bobbie McKay & Beth Wingfield
Christa McKimmy & Terry Raymond
Kendra McKinney
Mike Mckinzie & Amanda English
Cami McKnight & Nate Finch
Janae Zolna & Chad McLane
Heidi & Michael McLaughlin
Justin & Leonilda McLaughlin
Bill McMillan
Carol McNeill
Vicki Ozaki & Duncan McNeill
Nancy J. Holmes McPartland &
Charles McPartland
Richard McWherter
Nick & Ann McWhorter
Maile McWilliams & Matt Mikel
Elaine Meade
Pam Medelsohn
Ashley Meeks & Ysabel Nunes
Megan & Jed Mefford
Irene & Erich Meinicke
Josh Meisel & Mary Vironoche
Teresa & Kevin Mello
Gail Mentink & Jasmijn Kozlowski
Sadie & Jack Merrill
Gita Meshri & Sophia Alcaraz
Lori Metheny
Bruce & Sue Meyers
C. Michener
Isaac Mikus & Maggie Groff
Renee & Michael Miles
Bruce & Rowetta Miller
Lorraine D. Miller & Karen R. Miller
Renee & Jason Miller
Robert & Debbie Miller
Joyce & Wendy Mills
Sylvia & Marilyn Milota
Laurel & Thomas Minjiras
Margaret Miranda &
Debbie Littlefield
Karin & Zach Mohrmann
Scott & Denise Monday
Marye Moon
Damien & Barbara Mooney
David & Jack Moore
Diane & Jason Moore
Ronald Moore
Shirley Moore
Leila Moreno & Jocelyn Morgan
Earl Morgan
Whitney & Steve Morgan
Mary & Robert Morones
Allison & Laura Morris
Melissa Morris
Rob Morris
Jane Morrison
Linda & Bill Morrow
Ronelle & Robb Morrow
Eileen & Kate Mosher
Stan and Judy Murdock
Cynthia Murphy
Suzanne Murphy & Chanti Jackson
Peggy & John Murray
Heather Naish & Dolores Taylor
Jack & Wynona Nash
Susan Neander & Stephen Carey
Patti Needham
Richard Needham
Ruth Needham
Amber Nelson
Deborah Nelson
Robin & Gary Nelson
Bob New & Rachael Patton
Kristen Newkirk & Debbie Egger
Jera & Rey Newland
Krystle Newman & Shelia Wahlers
Christian & Max Nielsen
Nathan & Shelly Nilsen
Heather Nord & J. Ryan Craig
James Nord & Karen Silva
Cassandra Nordstrand &
Daniel Ammon
Burt & Christine Nordstrom
Judith & Lewis Norton
Bill & Linda Nova
Greg Nyquist
Annie Oberlies
Korey & Tamara O’Brien
William & Gretchen O’Brien
Jason O’Connell
Jamie Odell & Shaun Glazier
Marci O’Flanagan
Benjamin & Elizabeth Okin
Dave & Donna Olivieri
Deborah & Donald Olson
Jessica & Christopher Olson
John Olson
Sara Olson
Lareena & Andrew Olufsen
Sharon & Jon Omey
Phyllis Omsberg
Jeanne L. O’Neale
Christina O’Neill
Mary Ann & Richard Onstad
Jason & Wendy Orlandi
Raquel & Chris Ortega
Joseph Ortiz &
Trish Gidding-Ortiz
Bruce Osborne & Rachel Carlson
Ali Osgood
Jan Ostrom & Alexandra Wineland
Gary Paoli & Antonia Garog
Barbara E. Parke & Caretaker
Amanda & Erin Dane Parker
Thanks to the Christine & Jalmer
Berg Foundation for supporting
“Compost Happens!”
Amber Neilson
Kathleen & Hugh Parker
Hilary Paul
Emil & Suzie Pawlus
Stephanie & Josh Pearlston
Cathy Peerless
Salvador E Perez Jr
Justin & Jeanette Perez
Ian Perris
Alfred & Liudmila Pesterov
Catherine Peterson & Mike Joyer
Erin Peterson & Rhonda Hallock
Vanessa Pickering & Jody Verlinde
Herb & Sally Pierce
Faith Platt
Eclus & Dorothy Pollock
Shirley & Douglas Pool
Alice Poole
Brenda Powell & Tara Johnson
Doug Powell
Emily Powell
Patricia Powell
Sarah & Pamela Powell
Dena & Shawn Powers
Jessica & Jeremy Powers
Elizabeth Prentiss &
Elizabeth Rhodes
Jake Price
Janis & J.P. Prince & Family
Nancy L. & Wm. James Pringle
Glenn & Nancy Pritchard
Tammy & Jeff Pruden
Gregory Quast
Joshua & Meghan Quintanilla
Lawrence & Edna Quirollo
Richard Radcliffe
Jillian Rammell
Madeleine Ramos & Join Luh
Loraine & Robb Ramshaw
Rebecca Ransom & Joshua Pike
Ryann Rapp
Jessica & Barbara Rasband
Cheryl Rau
Sam & Lela Razo
Recology Humboldt County
Sharon & Jim Redd
Nina Reichlin
Dan Reid & Stacia O’Neil
Sister Alice Reid &
Sister Diana Doncaster
Jeannette Reinholtsen
Margaret M. Reuter
Dennis & Suzanne Reynolds
R.B. Reynolds Jr
Larry & Lorriane Rhoads
Greg Rhodes & Claire Stone
Mike & Linda Richards
Kriss & Wendy Riggs
Rashelle & Joseph Rigney
Shannon & Bret Rinehart
Mike & Katey Ringle
Sue & Jeff Ringwald
Jennifer Rishel
April Robbins & Tammy Evans
Willow Roberts & Angelo Rocha
Andrew & Katee Robertson
David & Shelby Robinson
Julie & Mike Robinson
Rose & Damian Robinson
Zoe Robinson
Olga & Kerry Rod
Salomon & Michelle Rodriguez
Karen Roebuck
David & Amy Roemer
Gisela Rohde
Marylee Rohde
Gabe & Rachel Rose
Jennifer & Dennis Rose
Laura Rosenthal
Maria Ruiz & Shari Devlin
Linda & Annalisa Rush
Lisa Russ & Anne Wilburn
Katrina & Jonathan Russell
Kenton Charles Russell
Bettie Rutan
Patrick Rutherford &
Anne Seaquist
Rumaldo Salcedo & Jessica Valdez
Sandra Saldana
Christine & Matt Salmon
David and Jenni San Giovanni
Pedro Vega Sanchez Jr. &
Sunntah Martinez-Vega
Aristea Saulsbury & Michael Bruck
Stephanie & Kyle Saunderson
Alan Sayles-McCann &
Sarah Scher
Zia & Dylan Schatz
Jean & Greg Scheffler
Dennis Schlotzhauer &
Heather Nyberg-Schlotzhauer
Thomas Schmidt
Jason & Nicole Schwardt
Machelle & Katie Scilacci
Donald & Judy Scott
Jerry & Mary Scott
Wanda & Scott Swanlund
Scurfield Solar
Ann Seemann
Nadine Seiler
Stephen Settle Jr.
Gwen & Mike Shapiro
Amber & Billy Sharp
Sylvia Shaw & Jill Clayton
Jackie Shema
Carolyn & Moledy Sherer
Isaac & Trisha Sherrer
Sarita & Sara Shields
Jean Shimasaki
Lindsay Shine
Norm & Ginnee Shockley
Aika Jasmine Shoji
Reannon & Mark Shuler
Heather Shumard
Mary Shumard & Brad Christie
Annie & Johnson Sicotte
Tricia Silvey
Kathie & Betty Simas
Michael & Shannon Simoni
Marvin Singer
Brenda & John Sisson
Cheri & Brian Skudlavek
Ron & Annette Sligh
Carol Smallfield & Eve Sotelo
John & Gerry Smeltzer
Rebecca Smiley & Cody Smith
Bruce M. & Meredith Smith
Charline & Trevor Smith
Dianna Smith & Ned Matthews
Jessica & Seth Smith
Lucinda & Donald Smith
Nancy Smith
Ralph Snipes & Jean Cooke
Michelle Souza
Lisa Spaugy & Jerry Cross
Shad Spencer & Tracy Zeimetz
Jean Spinas & Family
Tera Spohr
Nancy & Pete Spruance
Tina & Phil Standish
Megan & Josh Stanley
Cameron Stark
Holly & William Starry
Kay & Geoff Steele
John Stefanakis & Holly Glavich
Naomi & Sal Steinberg
Jessica & Henry Steingieser
Jeanie Stem & Amy Stem-Faulk
Zane & Kerri Steves
Ann Stewart
Jocelyn Stewart
Candy Stockton and Lars Joreteg
Greta & Dan Stockwell
Mike & Danta Stoker
Peter Stoll & Christine Yannone
Rachell & Sherri Stolt
Larry Stratther
Charlotte Stuart
William & Gwen Stuart
Anthony & Maryruth Stubbs
Hanna Sturtz
Daniel & Heather Summers
Ashley Sundquist
Catherine & Andy Sundquist
Pat & Gary Sundquist
Tami Sundquist
Jan Surrell & Courtney Burman
Jamie & Mike Sutter
Patsy & Sherwood Svarvari
James Sweet
Allison Sweeten
Neva & Dan Swensen
Tammy Sylvest &
Kathy McNamara
Greg Nyquist
Scott & Alison Talbott
Kim & Si Talty
Fran Taplin
Neil & Judi Tarpey
Dennis & Cindy Taylor
Lynn & Jesse Taylor
Richard Taylor
Victoria Taylor
Michael & Heather Tenore
Audi & Gwen Thoele
Christina Thompson &
Melissa Hoffman
Vickie & Joel Thornburgh
Jeanette & Bruce Thulien
Patrick & Ruby Thurston
Michael Tierney &
Lizette Santiago
Doris J. Timm
Julie Timmons
Jennifer & Jeremy Tittle
Linnea Tobias & Jerry Murray
Jenny & Steve Toler
Linda Toler
Gerry & Amy Tolletson
Jeanne Tolmasoff
Sidney & Robert Torgersen
Michele Tourné & Asa Stockton
Teresa Tovar & Helen McCarthy
Johnna & Kent Townsend
Georgia H. Trehey & J.D. Schissler
Roy & Marilyn Tucker
Godfrey &
Marguerite Tudor-Matthews
Arvis Turner
Ron & Jan Turner
Glen Twombly & Sandy Sweitzer
Andrew Underwood
Andrew & Carol Unsinger
Sally Upatisringa
Tyler Vack & Thao Le Khac
Carlotta & Pete Vallerga
Rick Vance
Sheng & Mai Lee Vang
Cortney Vargas
Henry Vargas & Shannon Wisham
Heidi Varshock & Karen Mann
Melissa & David Vasquez
Jason Vaughan
Paulette & Joe Vecchio
Nick Venema & Thelma McFarland
Judy T. Verbeck
Holly & Ron Vetter
Katie De La Vevoda
Charlotte A Viredaz
Kevin & Cheryl Voorhees
Lynn Wachter
Nezzie Wade
Michael & Naomi Wager
Maren & Todd Wagner
Jennifer Waldron
Rebecca Waldron
Heidi & Kelly Walsh
Marty & Nancy Walsh
Monica & Rachel Walters
Jenifer & Darren Ward
Daniel & Marisela Wassenaar
Joan Watanabe
Rachel & Brian Watson
Kevin & Candy Watts
Laura Weare
Robert Webb &
Marjorie Widmeyer
Eric & Suzanne Wegmet
Paige Weiss
Howard & Cheryl Welch
Holly Wendt
Carlye Wensley & Ken Janes
Kurt & Cynthia Werner
David West
Richard & Susan Whaley
Kathy Wheeler & James Rankins
Joan Whitaker & Hannah Yost
Marky White Murray &
James Murray
Frank & Judy White
Vickie White &
Hollie White Sellars
Sam Whitlach
Bobbi & Kris Wibbenhorst
David & Trish Wickizer
David Wilcox
Rachel & Chris Wild
Beal & Mary Willcutt
Damon Williams & Jill Griffin
Joan & Michael Williams
Patricia & Kevin Williams
Roberta & Norman Williston
Geoff & Amber Wills
Judy & Weldon Wilson
Penelope Wilson
Wayne O. & Mary E. Wilson
Nakia & Matt Wilton
Sarah Wilwerding
Alexander Winans
Julie Winburn & Jenika Young
Jennifer Lewelling Winford
Elizabeth Wing
Dale & Lei Winget
Jon & Gretchen Woessner
Norah & Rob Wohleb
Lindy & Mary Wolf
Jan Wolski
Jodi & Eric Wolven
Casey & Natasha Wood
Mike & Katie Wood
Melissa Wright
Michael & Jasmin Wright
Tyler Wright
Valerie Wright
Andrea Wrisley & David Wrisley Jr.
Robert & Desiree Yarber
Jack & Maureen Yarnall
Joshua Yeager
Lynn & Ted Yost
Claire Ellen Yott
Ossie Quaooch Young
Vikki Young & Bob Clark
Lauren Zeffaro
Lisa & Matthew Ziesak
Chelsea Zimmerman
Lindsey & Jason Zimmerman
Carole Ziskin
Leon & Margaret Zlatkoff
Cory Zuspan
Cherie & Alex Zygaczenko
Memorial &
Honorary Gifts
Gift in Honor of:
Karen Angel
Bret John Coleman
Coleman Coleman
Emma Coleman
Mary Emily Coleman
Corky Cornwell
Chuck Dominick
Doris Evans
Greg & Carol Goodwyn
Tori Holder-Comer
Dana Landry
Luke Lawson
Andrew Lewis
Clare Lewis
Jeanne Meissner
Marilyn Olsen
Mary K Ross
Jeremy & Nicole Ross
Jessica Kirra Ross
Cynthia Ziegler
Gift in Memory of:
Cara Banducci
Edith Blackerby
Nancy Dominick
Suzanne French-Felgen
Alice Foster
Madeleine French
Wally Kane
Wesley Olsen
Ethan Daniel Perry
Rosemary the Black Bear
Robert Ross
Joann Tonini
Gifts In-kind
We thank the following businesses, organizations and individuals for generously
supporting the zoo through donated services, supplies and labor.
101 Things To Do
ADS in Motion
Advanced Display & Signs
Airen Broadcasting Company
Anderson Valley Brewing Co.
Annette De Modena
Arapaho Rose Alpacas
Arcata Exchange
Arcata Holistic Health Center
Arkley Center
Bamboo & Maples
Barry Gerdts
Bear River Casino
Belak Construction
Benbow Inn
Bergel Construction
Berg-Torseth, Inc.
Bicoastal Media
Bless My Soul
Blue Lake Casino
Blue Stone Landscapes
Bob Long
Bode Cellars
Boy Scouts Troop 54, Eagle Scouts
Briceland Vineyards
Brick & Fire Bistro
California Conservation Corps
Carbonneau Ceramic Tile, Inc.
Carter House Inns & Restaurant 301
Charles Dominick
Cher-Ae Heights Casino
Chumayo Spa
Ciara’s Irish Shop
Cloney’s Pharmacy
Cypress Grove Chevre
Dalianes Travel
David Mast
Dennis Leonardi
Dolores Terry
Donna Pace
Don’s Rent All
Eel River Brewing Co.
Eureka Books
Eureka Brake & Automotive Inc.
Eureka Police Department
Euresto Partners
Forbusco Lumber
Garberville Redway Veterinary Group
Gene Bass
Greg Nyquist
Griffith Luoma Chiropractic
Hesse, Green, Piland, & Corsetti
Humboldt Bay Oyster Co.
Humboldt Bay Rowing Association
Humboldt Computers
Humboldt Crabs
Jeff Lamoree
Joe Duckett
Jolene Buck
Jose Quezada
Julia Bednar
Karen Mast
Kathleen Bryson
Kayak Zak’s
Kokatat, Inc.
Ky’s Hair Designs
Lagunitas Brewing Co.
Les Schwab
Linden & Company Salon & Spa
Loleta Cheese Factory
Lost Coast Brewery
Lost Coast Communications
Lost in the Redwoods Photography
Mad River Brewing Co.
Mad River Radio Group
Mary Brewer
Mary Ellen Norton
Matthew S. Filar
Miller Farms
Moonstone Crossing
Moore Art Works
Motor Vessel Madaket
Myrtle Avenue Pet Center
Myrtlewood Liquors
Nancy Flemming
Nilsen Company
Norman’s Dry Cleaning
North Coast Adventure Centers Inc.
North Coast Co-op
North Coast Dance
Oak World
Old Town Coffee & Chocolates
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
Original Basket Boutique
Pacific Outiftters
Peaceful Sea Counseling
Pepsi Bottling Group
Pierson Building Center
Porter Street Barbecue
Premier Financial Group
Promises Bridal Shop
Redwood Coast Music Festivals
Redwood Curtain Brewing
Robert Goodman Wines
Rouse Properties
Rustic West Trading Co.
Sacramento Zoo
Sara Starr
Sequoia Humane Society
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Six Rivers Brewery
Six Rivers Rafting
SN Servicing Corp.
Strictly for the Birds
Susan Trepanier
The Beneficial Living Center
The Garden Gate
The Jitter Bean Coffee Co.
The Sea Grill
The Sun Valley Group
Varsity Ice Cream
Vichy Springs Resort
Weight Watchers
Wine Spot
Winnett Vineyards
Ya Habibi
Lost in the Redwoods Photography
Amber Agent-Martinez
Pat Bitton
Roy Corsetti
Chuck Dominick
Kathleen Juliano
Amber Neilson
Nicole Spencer
Megan Stobb
Gretchen Ziegler
Special thanks to the following
zoo photographers:
Amanda Auston
Mary Brewer
Lost in the Redwoods Photogaphy
David Mast
Amber Neilson
Greg Nyquist
Jose Quezada
Janée Zakoren
Western US tree & shrub sketches courtesy
of Dover Publications, Inc.
Nonprofit Org
US Postage
Eureka CA
Permit No. 9
P.O. Box 123
Cutten, CA 95534
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using eco-friendly inks
Mark Your Calendars
Visit www.sequoiaparkzoo.net for a full 2013 Calendar of Events.
Free Lectures
Education Programs
Wolves in the Land of Salmon
Fri., March 1, 6 p.m.
Cub Club (Ages 5-7)
Animal Babies
April 13, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Endangered CA Mammals
Wed., March 13, 7 p.m.
Zoo Events
Great Zoo Egg-stravaganza
Sat., March 30, 12-4 p.m.
Mini Migrators
May 8, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Interesting Invertebrates
June 8, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Brew at the Zoo
Sat., May 11, 6-10 p.m.
Junior Zookeepers (Ages 8-11)
School’s Out!
April 9-12, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Sat., August 10, 5-9:30 p.m.
Summer Zoofari Adventures
Details and registration forms available April 1.
Boo at the Zoo
Sat., October 26, 12-4 p.m.