June - GWRRA Virginia District


June - GWRRA Virginia District
GWRRA Virginia District Times Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
June 2013
Virginia District Times
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Volume 30 Issue 4 • June 2013
District Director
Each month we are diligently reminded by our District
Newsletter Editor that our monthly article is due, and
each month I am amazed at how fast another 30 days
has gone by. It serves as a reminder that before we
know it, our riding season will be done and we'll all be
sitting around waiting impatiently for our next riding
season to begin.
Dennis and Kristen Weston
Virginia District Directors
So, before this year's season passes you by, make
sure you are out taking advantage of it with safe riding. Visit some mountains, back roads and each other.
We are super privileged this year to have Wing Ding right in our backyard. Personally, we have been looking forward to it since the location announcement was
made last year. We're hoping for a big turn out from the District of Virginia. There
are a few days we will be helping with same day registration and would appreciate
our attendees taking a few hours out of their day to come and make some new
friends and share some stories with the registrants.
Not to be overshadowed by Wing Ding, we still have several Chapters that have
their primary fundraising events in June and July. Don't forget to get out and support them. As Sister Sledge sang years ago, "We are Family" and need each other.
Planning for Rally in the Valley is underway and the schedule of events is starting
to fill up. We will be doing a few things different this year, so make sure you register early and get in on the fun. As part of our annual fundraising for this event, we
ask for advertisers for our Rally in the Valley Program book. This year our esteemed Editor, Kathy Skinner, has taken the reigns and is revamping our book and
ad sizes. We would appreciate all District members taking a moment to review our
advertising agreement and seeing if your employer, local store, motorcycle dealer
or your Chapter would like to place an advertisement.
Lastly, remember our door is always open for you. If you have any questions,
comments or concerns, pick up the phone and give us a call. Jot down some ideas in an email and send it over. We are here to make your Chapter life enjoyable.
Ride Safe,
Dennis & Kristen
Inside this issue
District Couple
District Education 6
District MEC
Leadership Training 8
Region N News
National News
Upcoming Events 11
District Staff
Page 17
Chapter Info
GWRRA Virginia District Times
June 2013
Assistant District Director—Southwest
We hope everyone is finding time during the recently
available Beautiful riding days to get out and enjoy
them. Kathy, Jonathan and I have thoroughly enjoyed
the socializing time with fellow members this past
month, especially at different Chapter activities.
Wayne and Kathy Whitworth
Assistant District Director
South West
Early in the month Kathy rode with some Chapter K members to a Bike
Blessing and came back with big smiles and a trophy from the Bike Show.
She made some new friends and was quick to educate them about GWRRA.
The following week I learned that so many of the projects where I had started
working 2 months ago, were put on hold and that many contract employees were cut. It makes things difficult
because when you have a job, you have to work in rides and trips within your work schedule; however, without a job, time scheduling is no longer a problem but not having the money to participate makes it difficult.
Something I’ve noticed with the perfect riding weather is more ‘occasional’ riders showing up for events and
rides. All the more reason for having a safety talk beforehand to relay directions, riding etiquette, sort out rider positions, review any special requests from riders, etc. It’s very important to maintain safety and keep the
riders showing up for future Chapter activities. Some of those riders have commented about feeling a little
rusty with their riding and asked what can they do to hone their skills. Every Chapter should look at setting up
refresher Rider Ed seminars or classes. Something like a Parking Lot Practice, reviewing the Road Captains
training, Team Riding exercises, Crash Scene Response, as well as make sure we’re prepared with First Aid;
just in case.
One of the trips we took this past month was with Chapter K into West Virginia during Memorial Day weekend. VA-K ACD Bob Karnes planned out the trip, checked out the routes and led us on a great trip driving up
Rte 11, and across on 39 to Watoga State Park where we rented cabins in the deep woods loaded with bears
that we saw every day. Once there we found out there is no cell service for over 50 mile radius because of
the Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank. Talk about feeling like you’re in the dark. We rode on the
Highland Scenic Highway to an overlook at 4700 feet. What a view! What I really enjoyed was we would ride
for miles and miles, meeting only a handful of cars. It was chilly and windy at times but otherwise great
weather. An emergency call from work called Bob back home and he asked me to take over leading the ride
the next day to Cass Railroad. The road was smooth and train ride was awesome, except for the problem
with the brakes coming back down the mountain. We all made friends with a family during the trip, met again
when eating in Marlinton, then headed to DQ for Ice Cream. Riding home Monday, a brief shower did little to
dampen our spirits as we all have many photos, stories and fun times to remember. I was real pleased with
how everyone worked together as a team to make the ride so enjoyable.
The following weekend Chapter K did a yard sale to raise some funds and included motorist awareness with
it. Getting exposed to the public is especially important this time of year as NEW riders are appearing on the
road, OLD riders are dusting off their bikes and trying to get back in the groove while they are encountering a
rash of school graduates, in addition to NEW drivers/car owners and OLDer folks rushing on vacation. Paths
cross and many are not aware of the other’s limitations. So every chance you get, explain to someone about
the importance of watching out for motorcyclists.
As a point of reference there is now ICE CREAM in Girl Scout Cookie flavors. Who’d a thought. Just in time
for National Ice Cream Day on July 21st. Make your plans.
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GWRRA Virginia District Times
June 2013
Assistant District Director—North
Virginia District – News From The North
By Rick and Elsie Baker, VA Assistant District Directors--North
We believe that by having the same value set, derived from the
GWRRA Vision to save motorcyclists lives, then, by loving our
great rides and riding them as a team and continuing to increase
and renew our knowledge set, we enjoy riding more, ride safer either in a team or
alone, understand and like each other more, and have more fun. And, you may say,
“I’ve ridden hundreds of miles in chapter team rides, ridden thousands of miles alone,
and taken all of the parking lot and classroom rider safety courses; therefore, I am a
great GWRRA member.” Yet, sharing the same value set depends upon you to love
Rick and Elsie Baker
our great rides, ride safe alone and in our team rides, and to practice and to learn—to
Assistant District Director
continue to increase and renew your motorcycle skills and safety knowledge along
with the rest of us. Yes, we, Rick and Elsie, do get rusty too. We like to learn new
things. We like to practice what we learn and relearn. And, we like you individually
and as a GWRRA members, and we like to ride and socialize with you as a result. Sure, we all can’t be at every event,
can’t ride every ride, and can’t take every course and seminar, but we do try. Please take some Rider Education Seminars, new and old, and learn to ride with us in Team Rides.
News from the Northern Area Chapters:
VA-A, The Capitol Wings, June 12th Social Gathering will feature a speaker from Resole America, who will address
resoling your motorcycle boots, other shoes, and especially your Cruiser Works Boots. This is a fun and very interesting presentation! On June 16th, they ride to the Pig and Steak Restaurant in Madison,VA, for fantastic food—you’re
going to like this place. And, now is time to mark your calendar for their Classic Poker Run primary event on 21 September, ending in Nokesville, VA. Contact CD Mary O’Connor for more information.
VA-E, The Battlefield Wings, Fredericksburg, requests your visit on June 20th, Wednesday, for the “E Team” Social
Gathering at the Golden Corral, 10320 Spotsylvania Ave, Fredericksburg, VA—6:30 PM to eat and 7:30 PM to discuss
their next adventures. And, mark your calendars for "The Event" on Sunday, September 22nd, at 2 PM, in Fredericksburg, on the banks of the Rappahannock River. Contact CD Gordon Combs for more information.
VA-I, The Wings of Bull Run, plan their “Long Tour” this year to Niagara Falls, Ontario, 2 – 5 August. You will need
to have some items done by 15 June if you plan to ride with them, so look at their April newsletter, pp. 5 – 6, for the
details and let Long Tour Coordinators Jim Sharkey and Leslie McAlexander know you are coming.
VA-R, The Shenandoah Valley Wings, Harrisonburg, successfully raised over $1,000 at their annual
primary event, 4 May: Many thanks to everyone
who attended and worked on this event and Blue
Ridge Powersports! (Photo by VA-E.)
VA-Y, The Blue Ridge Wings, Leesburg, has
moved their June Social Gathering, at 5 PM, to 23
June, Sunday, at The Beautiful South Restaurant in
Hamilton, VA. Contact Assistant Chapter Director
Claire Miller for more information.
Ride Safe!
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GWRRA Virginia District Times
June 2013
Assistant District Director—East
May has come and gone. It was a very busy month but unfortunately it was the good old job that kept me busy. We
didn’t make it around much to see the Chapters. Hopefully
June will give us some free time to go do what we like best
and that is visit the other Chapters.
You all know even if you don’t see us, we are here for you. Feel free to reach
out for us anytime. We are here for you.
We did make it to Chapter D’s poker run which was held on Saturday, May
18th. The weatherman sure didn’t give Chapter D much to work with that day.
I think it was an 80% chance of rain. However, it did hold off until everybody
was leaving. The only folks that got wet were those of us that had to clean up the parking lot so it wasn’t a
complete wash out. I was really impressed with the attendance for the function as lousy as the weather was.
Chapter D had folks from B, C, K, L, O, U and W. Chapter W had the largest in attendance from their chapter. It was very supportive for all these folks to come on out regardless of the weather. I know it was great to
see the support. Al & Debbie Dowell and the entire Chapter D staff did an excellent job and had a very successful day.
Rich and Debbie Bonham
Assistant District Director
Coming in June, Chapter O has their Casino Picnic. Be sure to take a ride over to scenic Williamsburg on
the 15th. It is the only time in your life, at least in my life that you can be a millionaire for a day, maybe even
a multi-millionaire! Where else can you make this happen? So come on out and get in on the cash for yourself.
As riding season gets in full swing now, bring your visitation cards and visit all the chapters you can visit. I
have noticed this year in Virginia that visitation is at an all-time high. It is great to see the support and
friendship. We hope to see everybody in the state have those visitation cards full of signatures.
Rally in the Valley may seem a long way off but it isn’t as fast as time flies. Be sure to make your plans and
take a ride over to Salem. You will not be sorry. This year is offering many different things for you to do
and yet still some of the favorites that you have enjoyed in years past. We hope to break the attendance record this year in Salem but we can’t do it without you. So register, make your hotel reservations and come on
over. We look forward to seeing you there.
Everyone please ride safe and ride often.
Rich & Debbie Bonham
Eastern ADD
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GWRRA Virginia District Times
June 2013
District Couple of the Year
Ray and I have been enjoying riding with our Chapter.
VA-O has started their ice cream ride season each week.
We've also have had opportunities to ride for a few charities, Relay for Life in Newport News, Special Olympics Ride
in Saluda, and Ride for Kids in Richmond. There are lots of
opportunities to ride so check out our District website
(www.gwrrava.org). Don't forget your visitation cards!
Ray and Tammie Pierce
2012-2013 District Couple
of the Year
Couple of the Year picnic is July 13, 2013. Please mark your calendars. You
should have already—or will have—received a detailed email from Ray and I.
As a reminder, the Couple of the Year resume is due to the district MEPCs
(Tommy and Gayle) by August 15th. Ray and I will gladly take a look at your resume prior to August 15th
and provide any comments to you. We are looking forward to packing the district stage in October.
Ray and I will be attending the West Virginia Convention, June 13-15th. We hope to see many of you
there. We will also be attending the Kentucky, North Carolina and Virginia Conventions. Join us!
Ride safe, Ride often,
Tammie and Ray
VA District COY 2012-2013
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GWRRA Virginia District Times
June 2013
Rider Education
Are you thinking of a Trip??
John and Michele Howe
Virginia District Educators
It is wonderful to see spring here again! Maybe
this year you are planning to attend Wing Ding?
How about a vacation trip to an area with great
roads to ride or interesting geological attractions to
see? Whatever your destination, planning the route
to take is an important part of trip planning. However, don’t overlook the
need to plan the gear you will need to take with you on each of your
trips. Having the proper gear for the ride is an essential element of a
successful trip.
So why not start with your most important safety gear? Inspect your helmet for wear and tear.
Experts advise changing your helmet every 3 to 5 years for maximum protection. Time, wear and
ultraviolet rays will cause your helmet’s materials to degrade resulting in reduced protection.
Are you planning a southern tour this summer? Make sure you check the weather for the area
you plan to visit? Be sure you know what the average high and low temperatures are for the month
of your visit. If you expect to encounter hot weather, this may be the time for you to start shopping
for a mesh jacket if you don’t already own one. These jackets give you the best abrasion protection
(if needed) along with maximum ventilation. Good ventilation reduces your discomfort in hot weather and can help prevent heat exhaustion. Even though they have long sleeves, when you wear a
mesh jacket the air flows around you almost as if you are wearing nothing. And the synthetic materials provide excellent abrasion resistance.
Wise Riders and Co-Riders always wear long pants while riding. Did you know there are also riding pants made from breathable mesh materials, too? They bring all the benefits of being designed
specifically for motorcycling with extra protection at the knees, hips, and legs in case of a spill at
speed. The mesh material can also help keep you from getting uncomfortably hot. And there are
gloves manufactured with the same mesh materials to protect your hands as well. They provide
you with a good grip on the controls while keeping your hands fully covered for maximum protection. They are durable and worth checking out for your comfort and protection.
Can you rely on your current rain gear? Having good, comfortable gear that fits you properly for
all riding conditions will allow you to fix your attention on the ride and not on your physical discomforts.
Are getting our point here?? If not let us spell it out: AT G AT T .
Until next time, RIDE SAFE and Often
John & Michele
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GWRRA Virginia District Times
June 2013
Membership Enhancement
Hello Goldwingers!
Another month has come and gone and we’re finally into some
good riding weather! We are returning home from the Missouri
District rally which was held in Branson. We had a blast!! The
people were so friendly, the riding is great in that area and everything was held in/or between the two host hotels which were
next door to each other!
Tommy & Gayle Wilson
Membership Enhancement
We met the Missouri District MEPC and Gayle attended an MEP roundtable discussion. If you’ve been to Branson in recent years you probably know about the
LONG outdoor mall that is downtown next to the river. The brick “street” is
closed to traffic but they had a parade from the rally to the mall and then we proceeded to drive down the
length of the mall between the stores, turn around at the circle at the end, and drive back through the mall.
Talk about giving the folks a good view of Goldwings! The bikes that were in the light show stopped at the
center of the mall which let everyone get a good look at them after it got dark and cast their votes. If you’re
thinking of going to a rally outside of our District, we highly recommend this one!
Our next Region N rally, the WV “Down Home Rally” is approaching quickly; June 13th-15th in Summersville. We’re ready to hit those great West Virginia roads and support our WV friends. After that it’s just a little
over two weeks until Wing Ding will begin in Greenville, SC. We hope many of you are planning on attending! We sure are looking forward to it!
Also, as John Howe always preaches, be sure to perform your T-CLOCS each time before you ride. When we
checked our tires before we left on this trip the rear tire was down to 28 psi. After pumping it up we found a
small nail hole in the middle of the rear tire tread. Evidently during a short ride the night before with a friend
to show him the Roanoke star we hit a nail. After a stop by the Honda shop and a 2 ½ hour wait we were on
our way with a brand new E3. We sure hated to get rid of that tire with only 8k miles on it but it could have
been much worse.
And remember: ATGATT, it’s not just a slogan, it works!
[email protected] or call: 1-615-459-4499
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GWRRA Virginia District Times
June 2013
Leadership Training
SIDE OF THINGS: Future Training…
Greeting from the Virginia District Leadership Training Team.
Now that the long awaited riding season is upon us, we hope
everyone is having a great riding season and we are sure everything gets even better. Now with that said last month, I
mentioned the possible planning of a UTDP.
Ken Taylor
District Trainer
For all the family that does not know what the UTDP is, let me help. The GWRRA
University Training Development Program has been established to set a standard
for all trainers with in GWRRA, whether they are wanting to be part of the leadership training, rider ed, or
membership enhancement team…one and all…one happy family, so let’s rock and roll and have another
awesome training session.
I sent an email out to all the CDs and based on the feedback, we are going to continue with the planning. I
expect the flyer to be done within the 4-6 weeks as I finalize the last few details.
As we look into the future this is what we are looking at. It will answer just the basic who, what, where, and
when, but we will start with what I have.
When: 7 Dec 2013. We expect to have blocked rooms from 6 Dec and including 7 Dec for those that
need two nights
Who: Anyone GWRRA member wishing to become a LTP, REP or MEP University Trainer.
Where: Comfort Inn, Dumfries, VA, Exit 152, I-95. Expect Rates to be at 85.00
There will be more information to follow, as to our limitations due to time constraints as well as other limitations that may work against us. In the meantime, I encourage you to start your planning early. I hope to see
those interested in becoming a GWRRA University Trainer…One and All.
I hope to see you on the road, until then, as you ride, keep the
shiny side up…ride safe and stay alert!
Ken Taylor
District Leadership Trainer
Page 8
GWRRA Virginia District Times
June 2013
Region “N” News
“One of the striking differences
between a cat and a lie is that a
cat has only nine lives.” Mark Twain
(From Region N May 2013 Newsletter)
Hello Region N,
Mark Twain said:
Alan & Carolyn Little
Directors, GWRRA Appalachian Region “N”
“There is nothing so annoying as to have two people talking when you're busy
“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightening
and the lightening bug.”
“One of the striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.”
Communication is most often listed as the primary cause for misunderstandings, which is ironic when we realize the very meaning of communications is to impart a view or information. So, the very pill we’re administering is causing the pain. In order for this to make better sense, perhaps we need to add modifiers in front of
the word “communications”, like bad, incomplete, inaccurate, untimely, disrespectful, uncaring, skewed, selfish, misleading, fuzzy. . and the list goes on.
Communication is a tool we need to learn to properly use. As with any tool, it can produce positive or negative results. I’m a tool-loving person who thinks I need every new tool that hits the market. I love the specialty
tools that are de-signed specifically to be the remedy for the most impossible task. Usually, that’s a task that
I’ll NEVER in a million years confront. But, heck, if I ever have to torque a bolt to 10,000 foot lbs. in a zero
gravity environment, I’m READY!!! So now I have a toolbox filled with mostly useless miracle working devices
designed for only one purpose. At least I was convinced to purchase it.
The art and use of conveying information, whether written or spoken, should result in more knowledgeable,
informed and appreciative members. No one deserves or enjoys being left in the dark. This shared information must be as complete and accurate as we can present it. Truth can never be compromised. A good
definition of truth I heard years ago is, “if it’s true today, it’s true tomorrow”. Truth is one of the few things that,
by definition, will not change.
Wars have been waged, economies have been destroyed, families have been wrecked, and relationships
have been strained or shattered because of bad communications. Also, many of our GWRRA friends have
been hurt, many deeply scarred by poor, incorrect or just lack of communications. There are very few facts
about GWRRA that can’t be shared openly with our members. (They have to do with personal information,
numbers etc.) But for the most part, we’re an open, transparent organization.
Again, no one wants to be left out of the communication loop. Encourage our members to ask questions. Our
future depends on our willingness to talk about the challenges we face, searching for solutions, and making
suggestions for changes. It requires evaluating our programs and policies. If we can’t talk about it, if we
aren’t respectfully communicating, we can’t fix it.
It is our intention to bring unity and understanding, not break it down.
Working for you,
Alan and Carolyn Little
GWRRA Region N Director
Page 9
GWRRA Virginia District Times
June 2013
News From National
The GWRRA Glass is More than Just
From June 2013 WingWorld Magazine
For those of us who write articles for our Chapter/District/Region
newsletters, there comes a time each month when we ask ourselves, “What should I write about next?” Well, the same applies to
me as I contemplate my next article for Wing World.
Jere D. Goodman
Director of GWRRA
Like many of you, I think about my experiences in our organization, emails and phone
conversations. Usually there’s something that strikes us and, all of a sudden, an idea is
born! My inspiration for this article came from one of the very nice emails I received from a Member who participates
with Missouri’s Chapter O. Karen Kaufmann wrote:
“I shared your recent email with the Chapter team and to a Member. We couldn’t understand why the organization had
turned so negative. Why not come to Missouri to our Chapter and see how to have a good time?”
Karen’s email to me was a great “wake-up call”, and I’m very grateful she took the time to write! Now, we’re all familiar
with the saying, “Is the glass half-full or half-empty?” Well, my question is: Have I been sending out the message that
the glass is half-empty? Did I subconsciously communicate a perception of negativity when I know that our organization
has positive-minded Members and volunteers?
If that was the perceived message, then I owe everyone an apology. Because I know for a fact that there are many
Chapters that are enjoying the friendships, experiences, knowledge and fun that we have all the time in our organization. In fact, the positive message is constantly reinforced through the newsletters I read and the Chapter/District /
Region events I am fortunate to attend.
For example, back in February, Linda and I attended a very unusual “Crazy Supper” at Virginia’s Chapter F. It was their
fund-raiser for a summer camp that hosts terminally ill children. It was a wonderful, gratifying event attended by many
supporters from Northern Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. As to the details of their “Crazy Supper”, you’ll find out
soon as we encouraged them to submit an article for publication in Wing World. We really enjoyed the CRAZY FUN!
It was also a pleasure to read Chapter Director Duane Ewell’s message in the March issue of Indiana U’s newsletter.
Duane wrote:
“Winter Rendezvous 2013 is in the history books, and those of us that attended had a great time. Did I mention participate, participate, participate? Chapter U did a lot of participating, and it all converted into a fantastic weekend with all of
our friends from around the great Indiana District. We attended seminars, dressed our flamingos, made table decorations, door decorations, and rode in the tricycle obstacle course. Your Chapter competed in the Chapter of the Year, and
we were runner-up to Chapter A2 in Lebanon. We had just a few points less than the winners, and some people around
the District are starting to ‘take notice’ of Chapter U. Our rating increased from Bronze last year, to Silver this year.”
Thank you, Duane, for this very positive message on fun in Indiana Chapter U! In fact, the vast majority of comments
that I hear from our membership are filled with positive feedback, encouraging news and great suggestions. Like the one
from a former New York Chapter Director, Eric Phelps, who contacted me with a suggestion as to how we might be able
to attract new Members for our Chapters by focusing greater attention on the used Gold Wing motorcycle market.
Eric pointed out that there are a lot of used Gold Wings in the marketplace and, with some innovative efforts, we may be
able to reach out to the buyers through the sellers, extending invitations to join GWRRA. There is also the possibility that
the seller, who may be purchasing another bike after his/hers is sold, may also be interested in GWRRA. So our International Director of Membership Enhancement is formulating a pilot program.
To the many Chapters like Missouri O, Virginia F, and Indiana U; to the many Members who care deeply about our organization and continue to maintain a positive outlook, thank you for reminding all of us that the glass is often overflowing!
Ride safe; be well. And, as always, remember that fun shall be the last word—so HAVE FUN!
Jere Goodman
Director of GWRRA
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GWRRA Virginia District Times
June 2013
Upcoming Events
West Virginia District-District Rally (Summersville, WV)
Chapter VA-O (Williamsburg) Primary Event—Casino Picnic
WING DING 35—Greenville, SC
Chapter VA-U (Hanover) Primary Event—Hot Time in the Summer
Chapter VA-I (Manassas) Primary Event
Kentucky District—District Rally (Frankfort, KY)
Chapter VA-F (Winchester) Secondary Event
Chapter VA-H (Abingdon) Primary Event
Pennsylvania District-District Rally (Gettysburg, PA)
Chapter VA-C (Newport News) Secondary Event—Fall Sprawl
Chapter VA-A (Burke) Primary Event
Chapter VA-E (Fredericksburg) Primary Event
North Carolina District—District Rally (Concord, NC)
Virginia District—District Rally
(Salem, VA)
Chapter VA-K (Roanoke)
Secondary Event
Chapter VA-J (South Boston)
Secondary Event/Goldwing
Visit www.gwrrava.org/Calendar/Calendar.htm for more details
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GWRRA Virginia District Times
June 2013
Upcoming Virginia Events
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GWRRA Virginia District Times
June 2013
Upcoming Virginia Events
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GWRRA Virginia District Times
June 2013
Upcoming Virginia Events
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GWRRA Virginia District Times
June 2013
Upcoming Virginia Events
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GWRRA Virginia District Times
June 2013
Virginia District Staff
District Director
Dennis & Kristen Weston
Dennis - [email protected]
Kristen - [email protected]
Asst. DD North
(VA-A, E, F, I, R, and Y)
Rick & Elsie Baker
[email protected]
Asst. DD East
(VA-B, C, D, L, O, U and W)
Rich & Debbie Bonham
[email protected]
Asst. DD West
(VA-H, J, K, V, and X)
Wayne & Kathy Whitworth
Wayne - [email protected]
Kathy - [email protected]
District Educator
John Howe
[email protected]
Asst. District Ed. (East)
John Bowles
[email protected]
Asst. District Ed. (West)
Med Miller
[email protected]
Asst. District Ed. (North)
Greg & Karen Kestner
[email protected]
LTP Trainer
Ken Taylor
[email protected]
District Treasurer
Hope & Bob Carneal
[email protected]
Member Enhancement Coord.
Tommy & Gayle Wilson
Tommy - [email protected]
Gayle - [email protected]
District Chapter of the Year Coord. Gayle Wilson
Gayle - [email protected]
District Couple of the Year
Ray & Tammie Pierce
Ray - [email protected]
Tammie - [email protected]
District Special Events Coord.
Bobbie Jo Harrison
[email protected]
District Webmaster
Dennis & Kristen Weston
[email protected]
District Rally Vendor Coords.
Linda Carlyle & Trish Adams
Linda - [email protected]
Trish - [email protected]
District Newsletter Editors
Kathy & John Skinner
Kathy - [email protected]
John - [email protected]
Rally Camping Coordinators
Keith & Carol Lindgren
[email protected]
Region N Staff
Region Directors
Alan & Carolyn Little
[email protected]
District Educators
Kyle & Mitzela Craig
[email protected]
Motorist Awareness Program
Tom and Linda Ratner
[email protected]
Region Trainers
Pam & Tommy Meador
[email protected]
Member Enhancement
Russ and Kj Kimmet
[email protected]
Region Couple of The Year
Tommy & Gayle Wilson
[email protected]
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GWRRA Virginia District Times
June 2013
Virginia Chapters
Mary O'Connor
703 378 3873
2nd Wednesday
Va Beach
Bob & Ann Lutton
757 641-5510
2nd Wednesday
Hampton/Newport News Mel Brooks
757 596 7943
2nd Sunday
Allen & Debbie Dowell
4th Wednesday
Gordon Combs
540 840 0394
3rd Wednesday
George & Brenda Tincher
571 934 7067
4th Sunday
Paul & Dorothy Baker
276 628 6047
2nd Tuesday
Tom and Kathy DeWispelaere
2nd Sunday
South Boston
Don & Teresa Mitchell
434 792 0816
2nd Monday
Robert & Barbara Palmer
2nd Monday
Dave and Linda Harris
757 576 5779
4th Tuesday
Joe Dickson & Karrin Frankie
757 872 0690
4th Sunday
Rex and Rose Hines
1st Sunday
Rob & Cheryl Ramsey
3rd Sunday
Alice Miller
3rd Sunday
Bill Martyn & Jennifer Knight
804 241 6910
2nd Tuesday
Tony & Vickie Ayers
540 293 4982
1st Saturday
Rick & Elsie Baker (Acting-4/13) 703 318 5899
3rd Sunday
Congratulations to Chesapeake Chapter VA-L
2012 Virginia District Chapter of the Year!!
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