Program - Hampton Historical Society
Program - Hampton Historical Society
The accident, 1 hrrh occurred of the : about 200 yards southwas witThursday. Friday and »» ur* Const Guard station, day evening with a record hop cessed hy S e v e r n 1 hundred every Wednesday afternoon for bathers who had huddled near teens and college mixer group the seawall to escape the storm, on Thursday night. Minutes earlier the beach had Record hops will be belt! at been jammed. Henry’s just west of Ashworth Sanderson, who was born n corner and the Seacoast Re Jersey City. N. J.. had resided gional Square Dance associa in Portsmouth for the P»»‘ tion will again feature F»ida> several years. He was enU’h’Jevening square dancing at the t.,j i,y the Atlantic Design Hampton Beach State Park. Corp.’ of Newark. N. J. ns a During Aug. from the 25th testing design engineer at the thru the 29th, Ring-A-Dings Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Magic TV Circus will return Members of the family in clude his wife. Mrs. Irene Sandors on; a son. Arthur H. San derson, Jr., of Waldrick, N. J.; a daughter, Mrs. Richmond L. Sylvester of Portsmouth; a sis ter. Mrs. Jesse Schepler of Pottersville. N. J., an,l 8*x grand-children. Funeral services were held in Portsmouth Monday with burial in Bay view Cemetery, Jersey City. To All Advertisers . . . MISS NEW HAMPSHIRE for the Miss Universe contest year is the present title holder of Miss Hampton Reach. I erly Ann Hebert of Manchester was recently named to tp ( C o n t in u e d from P -iyc 1) sent the Granite State at Miami, Florida, this year in tbeI as to tear loose the engine and Universe pageant. Miss Hebert is shown above at Hu; its protective cowling which Rubbish collection in certain Beach following her victory last summer. came to rest some yards from sections of Hampton will be the main wreckage. increased because of the heavy seasonal upswing in population Town Manager Kenneth Boehner made the announcement to newsmen at his regular press conference this week. Tops & Bottoms Boehner said the step-up in collections, due to begin June Sun Suits 26 and last until September 9, will involve Tuesday-ThursdaySaturday pickups for the area west of Meadow Pond from Nudd Are. and north to the Hampton-North Hampton town line. Interesting Fashions Also effected will be the area Play Clothes bounded by Ocean boulevard and Island Path to the SeaUnusual Gifts brook town line. Collections in Jewelry that area are scheduled for Monday-Wednesday-Friday. Program - Queen dorothy cheney t # # # • # # In the Sea Gate Motel Just a block from the ocean 9 Ashworth Avenue Hnmnton D A N C IN G N IG H T LY m m g the finest in lively entertainment — a sparkling •* ° f Su C.erptS from the ^ s t a n d i n g hits of Broadw oy 1 s a u ous writers end com posers. Here you will re* magic moments from such star-studded musicals flS °,r uady. M usic M an , Flower Drum Song, Take Me ? ' “ound of O klah o m a, South Pacific, and scores ’' V s' Directed a n d Staged by B u d d y Thomas four Performances Nightly, 9 - 1 0 - 1 1 - 1 2 P.M. exciting telstar lounge Soft ligh.s, twinkling stars & complete telephone system. Top Off Your Night At M a c JEN N Y’S 28 Rpsr pERM!NT l° u n g e 7 surfside restaurant t z $? j s e s s j j - « » — Railroad Ave„ Salisbury Beech Where TWIST & SHAKE or* still king f r * THE h a l l m a r k s maturing Frank Capri nig hfly Accom odating private p _i. j ^ - 5 p ± - t i O A D M ISSIO N . NO fO V F D ,m Im The come monernizea even thou&K the structure is old and h seen much pust sendee, tl* men themselves hnve done * goodly share of the work Th* men also take pride in th* cooking. From the neatly kent and modern galley comes — a„ excellent assortm ent of f0od Chief Bujowski . »ay* He *n; deavors to maintain a high quality in this department at all times ns it provides for . good morale builder. The radio room — nerve cen. ter of the locu! station j, manned 24 hours a day. The local station is hooked up to t h e 2182 frequency Marine Band on which all emergency calls are heard ns well as regu. lar Coast Guard bands. Although the local men don’t predict w e a t h e r conditions, w eather situations a r e disl patched to radio stations. When weather bulletins are received from the w eather bureau and if need he all area harbor m asters, m arinas and other PAGE 2 (Continued from Page II the worst possible conditions. This is the case with the local Coast Guardsmen. Breaking down the general operating functions still furflier, the local Const Guard members maintain a continu ous radio watch. From May l through October 1. on week ends and holidays from >» n.m. to sunset, Coast Guardsmen of the local station alternate in shifts manning the Hampton "River lookout tower. The men Iso maintain an appropriate Ivor and sen patrol and also take action to safeguard life : nd property. These men re ceive rigid military training .nd discipline: they are called »pon to use this training in enforcing the Federal laws in accord with Const Guard reguations; they supply aids of lavigatioh. During the past year (ac tually little less than a year) the men of the local station lave participated in 01 nssistince enses. Some of the cases anve consisted of salvage work, towing disabled craft, checking lumerous uncertainties such as •verdue boats. Basically they fiave located, relocated, floated, towed, rendered medical assist ance, searched for and aided n salvage. GO! GO! GO! Murray’s SN O KO NE 13 Delicious Gold M edol Flavors "The Special Rainbow" n o r la n d O tta n Bl.d t *C Si. CO AST GUARD f&onttnved On Page Three) Just since the first of May of this year the men, in per forming assistance to boat own ers by providing advice, prop er boating knowledge and by acquainting the public with safety devices have boarded over 200 craft. Over a third of those boats have been found to be in violation with some form of law — mostly in not having the proper safety de vices. Chief Bajowski pointed out that he and his men are not “out to get anyone” but rather to provide all possible safety information for the good of the bout owner and operator. Coast Guard - Police Dept. Gets Praised fContinued from Page Tiro) such sources of ooating infor Chief John Roden this week law enforcement agency. mation are contacted regard was in receipt of a letter of “I would appreciate it if ing approaching conditions. t h a n k s and congratulations this acknowledgement of out The men also conduct con from the New Hampshire Aero standing service on the part stant drills on various func nautics Commission for its as of your department, could be tions. They are versed in re- sistance in the recent plane brought to the attention of su SCI ta t or aid. They frequent disaster at the beach. cognizant personnel and the ly render first aid. The letter from R. J. Crow selectmen of the Town of Much of the repair and main Hampton.” tenance work is done by the ley, Jr., Director of the New. men themselves in their own’ Hampshire Aeronautics Com. . — . . r Ao ^ a / a II nvt'a • *‘f In repair shop. Equipment is con mission, reads as follows: “On stantly being checked and re behalf of the New Hampshire Aeronautics Commission, I ex paired. HAMPTON CENTER tend the Commission’s sincere The barracks room is com pletely modern and up to date thanks for the assistance and with several sets of maple bunk cooperation provided by the beds and other equipment. This, Hampton Police Department together with toilet facilities, during the aircraft accident and is located on the second floor su b se q u e n t investigation on 4 M A ST ER BARBERS June 20. of the building. “ I believe it appropriate to The men recently received PRO M PT SERVICE authorization to panel the walls single out the especially fine of the recreation room which work performed last Saturday A IR C O N D IT IO N E D is located on the second deck. by Lt. Paul Leavitt and In Adjacent to this rec room is spector John Robinson, who a TV and reading rom com through their efforts, greatly 2 3 Years In plete witn lounge chairs and facilitated the investigation by State and Federal Aviation Au all the fixings. The Sam e Location As we toured the Seacoast thorities. area and looked over the two “The outstanding work, as m a j o r Coast Guard power sistance, and cooperation of the Across the Street From boats. Chief Bajowski com H a m p t o n Police department mented on local fishermen and reflects great credit on your Tobey’s D rug Store their crafts. “That lobster boat belongs to -------- he said as he pointed seaward. “I t’s a AL G AU RO N beautiful ship a n d in fine shape.” Time and time again the men of the local station have up Trips Twice D aily MALDEN. MASS. GOLDEN AGERS were among several bus held the Coast Guard motto of loads of persons who visited the beach for their annual outing “Sempar Paratus” or “Always recently. A former vaudeville performer, Mr. Robert Scott, 81, Ready”. This has been done is shown above as he performed from the Chamber of Com in various ways. This week as the 1964 summer recreation merce concourse last week. — Staff Photo by Elliot ! season swings into high gear I t h e BEACHCOMBER salutes Chief Bajowski and his crew of unsung heroes consisting of Richard E. d'Entremont BM1, 7 Party Boats — Ric Roc a n d Alice G Several bus loads of Golden mer vaudeville actor, B o b second in command of the lo A C R O SS FRO M THE STATE PARK O N STATE PIER Age club members from vari Scott who sang the club song. cal station: Victor E. Porro, EN 1; William R. Lockard, ous points around New E ng-1 The groups were also enter Sn ack 5 a r A Tackle Sh op — lin e s A Beit Furnished BM2; Frank Esselman, CS2; tained with an organ program land converged on Hampton Sh ip to Shore R ad io — Free Parking Roger Lamascus, EN3; Ken performed by chamber mem Beach last week" for their tra G A U R O N S H A R B 0 3 S ID E M O R N I N G TRIP 8 A M . ber and beach businessman El neth H. Clayton, SNBM; Wil ditional outing. M OTEL A F T E R N O O N TRIP 1 ;3 0 P M The members participated in mer Menneka. William Elliot liam E. G arrett, SN; Robert A N D KITCH EN ETTE APTS. various activities throughout of the chamber served as the F. Hughes, §N: James L. Zim P H O N E 9 2 6 -2 4 6 9 the day. During the afternoon master of ceremonies for the merman, FN: John J. Quatkemeyer. SN: and Frank W. members of the Manchester affair. Sullivan. SN. Sunset Club and the Malden Golden Age group took part in an impromptu special pro gram from the stage of the Sea Shell ami from the con course of the Hampton Beach J Chamber of Commerce office. Both groups joined in sing ing their club songs. One of the members of the Manches ter Sunset group, Rita Martell, gave renditions on a mouth organ and also did skits with a woollen dancing man. She j has been a regular returnee to the beach for many seasons. One of the performers for the Malden group was a for BARBER SHOP D E E P S EA FISH IN G R en tals D A Y - W EEK - MONTH A P P L IA N C E C O 8 2 2 LAFAYETTE R O A D H A M P T O N . N. H. 9 2 6 -2 3 4 0 9 2 6 -8 1 0 0 THE ONLY OUTDOOR COURSE O N THE WATERFRONT ! PAGE 3 BEACHCOMBER Jusl a s y o u trust y o u r Ooctor, y o u Cars Trust yo u r Registered P h arm acist to fill a ll prescriptions w ith p ro fe ssio n a l p re cisio n r * PHONE 9 2 6 -3 3 4 4 375 Ocean Blvd 0 Located in the H igh Street P a rk in g lot, H a m p fo n Center e • DEEP SEA FISHING pm. Sat 9 a m -6 pm. C lo se d 5 u n d o y s & H olid ays e Club At Beach WEATERVILLE, U. the most unusual store in New Hampshire SWEATERS and SPORTSWEAR Y/hy Cook W h ile O n V a c a tio n ? Use O ur Special C A LL-U P Service TacWeShop" — Boil Step A’M’ T ^ OUTBOARDS 4 ROW 4 0 4 ,S ^ ^ S " * ?M * * , Smith & Gilmore Pier Hampton Beach _____________________ Tel. 926-3503 - . S M . kach I 99c Call Us For — Scdio Telephones Large & Small Pizza Fried Clam s Onion Rings Italian Sandwiches SPECIALS . Fried Scallop PI Fish ‘N Chip Pic Pried Clam Plal Chicken in a Be FRIDAY SPECIAL TO G O L,ncly’s Tamous hom em ade Clam & Fish Ch< N O W A IT IN G _ Hours 11 a m to 1 2 , MARINA LOCATED o o 8 m olor , . W lrl ond „ <>«• POrking 9 h ° '8 v * o r . e n d p c i r , _ P 'O p . l l , , o n d , h o h __ in the b<la HOTEL and MOTEL APARTMENTS 305 Ocean Boulevard - D ’r" " 1' ° " O c#o n °PP- M o r in , M e m o ria l For The Entire Family First Old Y ou Save Here at M ill Prices Salts Members A 1?. year old girl and a 15 year old boy became the first 1961 members of the Hampton Beach Chamber of Commerce Old Salt’s club. Kathy Wagner and Edmund Wagner, both of 225 Monastery avenue, West Springfield. Mass, registered this week a t the chamber office. Kathy qualified by catching a 516-lb. haddock while Edmund became eligible for the arm patch, certificate ami identifi cation card by catching a 25-lb. codfish. Both catches were certified by officials a t the Smith and Gilmore pier. Hours: M o n d a y through Saturday, 10 A.M . to 10 P.M. Air-Conditioned Free Parking Factory Store Portsmouth Mills M APLEW O O D AVENUE H ow to Reach Sweaterville, U.S.A. PO RTSM O U TH , N. H. From H am pton Center proceed North on Route 1. Use Portsm outh b y -p a ss o s if to g o lo M a in o . Just bofore Toll Bridge use o ve rp ass to reverse direction Proceed 2 0 0 y a rd s left on M a p le w o o d Avenue. the .<\n organization was formal several years ago honoris those persons who brine the “big ones." All one nee.]9 to do to qualify for member* ship in this non-meeting 0 ' ganization is to catch one r the fish listed below. The must be caught in Hamptr,!! waters. The fish may be caught by surf casting, from one', own boat or from one of th many p arty boats. All fis! must be certified a t either th A! Gauron deep sea fishin! office or a t the Smith-Gilmor! pier deep sea fishing head, quarters. There are no age limits with either male or female eligible to qualify along with children! A variety of eight fish— any or a l l — will qualify the fisher, men for membership in the ___ PAGE 4 Ogunquit Stars motion pictures, he nccium1 .. favorite of television viewers on such shows ns “Saturday Prom". “The Arthur Murray Party". “Keep Talking". “Play Your Hunch". "Talent Scouts". “The Jack Pnnr Show" and finally "The M e r v Griffin Show" which was lauded as ‘this bright oasis in the day time wasteland' and Tor which Life Magazine hailed him as 'one of the few bright lights on TV*. Directed by Francis Ballard, who has added some songs and a bit of dancing, “Broadway" offers the color, costumes and clamor of a unique period. Merv Griffin opens Monday evening* July 6, at John Lane's Ogunquit Playhouse, Ogunquit, Maine, in the Philip Dunningioorge Abbott comedy-thriller “Broadway". Making his first appearance nt Ogunquit, Merv Griffin will portray a small-time hoofer in this famed play of the 1920's which depicts all of the ex citement. turbulence and joie de vivre of an era when gang sters and bootleggers, debu tantes and tycoos, peopled the tpeak-easies of Dry America. Singer, dancer, pianist and master of ceremonies, Merv Griffin first jumped into prom inence with his million-record Oc«on Blvd Hampton Beach Schedule of Events Margaret Junkins (July 1 - July 8) June 27-July 4 — Hampton Playhouse. “Irma La Douce". July 3 — Fireworks, H:10 p.m., from beach in front of Dietetic Candies AUTO REPAIRS Storoge and Road Service Arthur Bickford & Son Hampton Beach H a m p to n B a y Swimming School INTERN VTIONAL COVER-ALLS, used by local Coast Guards men during the winter months, is checked by Chief Francis Bajowski at the local Coast Guard station. The interior of the For All Ages Yom Children A Specialty suit is similar to a skin diver outfit while the outside is C o n fo c r — brightly covered for identification. — Staff Photo by Elliot B ill H a m p tto n G illig o n , 5 Beach “O ” 9 2 6 -3 2 50 special police officers as now employed for the summer months by the Hampton Police; department, according to Chief John Roden. Vacation Information Guide - Two Additional EMERGENCY LOCATION F irst aid station — Hampton Beach Police station. WAverly 6-3338. The officer on duty will CALL A DOCTOR FOR YOU IN CASE OF EMERGENCY OR DURING THE NIGHT. In the Sea Shell a t the center, of the beach. Fire Station—Ashworth ave nue between "D" and “F } Sts. WAverly 6-3316. Police Station — Office on Ashworth Ave. WAverly 6-3334general . Special P olice a.m .-5 p.m., Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - noon Saturday. No, service holidays and Sundays. Hampton — Lobby open 7 a.m. t o 7 .p.m.,„ Monday - Saturday _ Hampton selectmen at the Window service: 8:30 a.m .- 5 recent meeting approved app.m., Monday-Friday; 8:30 a.m. plications of two men for speto noon. Saturday. No service cial police d u l y during the holidays and Sundays, summer months. U. S. Post Office, Beach — ( Slated to begin work as poAt the annual meeting of Lobby open: _8 -a.m. 5 p.m., lice specials were ------— ..... - ~ .............. ..v.v Hollis Dur- the Exeter and Hampton ElecMon day-Friday; 8:30 a.m. -1 2 |a n t, Stratham , and Raymond i trie Company last week, Mr. Saturday. Window service: 8:30 E. Mace. Newburyport, Mass. Charles M. Tenney was elected This bring.- to approximately as chairman of the board._____ Set For Duty The B rid ge O VE O F BEAUTY Served Buffet Style 7:30 - 10:30 Buffet or Menu 11:30 to 3:00 B e a u ty Salo n 205 A shw orth Ave- Full Course Menu 3:00 to 10 00 (In B rid g e R e a lty B u ild in g ) H a m p to n Beach Tel. 926-2127 OLDE KETTLE LOUNGE Fully Air Conditioned Entertainment Nightly 5 to 12:00 P.M. YE COCKE A N D KETTLE RESTAURANT I Seabrook, N. H. Tel. 474 - 37 AT W A L K IN Arm patches, certificates and identification cards await the triumphant fisherman at the Hampton Beach Chamber of Comikierce office. SER V IC E urs. & Fr . E v e n in g s B y A p p o in tm e n t LA D IE S C A S U A L W E A R Drop in a n d b ro w se SHOP X" STREET G A R R IS O N H am p to n Beach * ' AIR-CONDITIONED Blouses MOTEL UNITS All Units Facing The < •he Boulevard on Ath * Shifts Too rrison Shop of Lowell, M a s s M tCOYS D R IV E -IN AIR C O N D IT IO N E D Self Service D ining Room Featuring Flavor-Crisp FRIED CH IC K EN C O BN ER OF G A A SH W O R T H AVE. l o c a t io n s Municipal Offices — Town: Board of Selectmen, Noel Salo mon, chairman, Robert Danel-' son a n d Herbert T roiatter; Town Manager, Kenneth Boehner; town clerk, Helen Hayden; t a x collector, Hazel Coffin; treasurer, Norman N. Merrill. Town office hours: 9-5, Mon. thru Fri., except Lax collectors desk closed 11:30- 12:30 and town clerk’s desk closed 12:30 to 1:30. Open 9 -1 2 Saturdays. Chief of Police, John Roden; fire chief, Perley George. Town offices located 13G Winnacunnet road. Precinct— Fred Gagne, Ralph T. H arris and John J. Foley. Treasurer and clerk, A. Roland Bragg. Offices located at 64 Ashworth avenue. C h a m b e r of Commerce — President, Joseph Flynn, Exec. Sec., William Elliot. Office hrs. are from 9:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m., 7 days a week during the sum mer months. Office located on Ocean boulevard in northerly section of Sea Shell. Public Library — Located at Hampton Center on Winnacunnet road. Mrs. M argaret Noyes, librarian. SW IF T ’S P R E M IU M U. S. C H O IC E STEAK C O L U M B IA U.S. C H O IC E ROUND R O A S T ib 89c U.S. C H O IC E SH O R T CUT R U M F STEAK _______ ib$l„39 H am pton Beach Day Set For W orld’s F air COM M ANDER — Qts. BEVERA G ES 6-$l 0& C POTATO STICKS M IX O R M A T C H Qts. K O SH E R DILL FROZEN LEMONADE F R IE N D 'S Jum b o C an New Hampshire will present three special community event days a t the New York World’s UNDERW OOD Fair in July and three in Au gust. Hampton Beach will go to the Fair on July 17 under the S. S. PIERCE sponsorship of the Hampton Beach Chamber of Commerce. A combined variety show on July 1 will feature acts from j Merrimack, Reeds Ferry and Milford. I On July 20 Manchester’s mayor, Roland S. Vallee will MC the Queen City’s commu nity event which will feature speciul dunces directed by Sally HOT D O G Save 16c Zyla Addison. Three of the state's large pints musical units will present pa rades, drills and concerts on CURTISS the village green at the New England Pavilion during Au gust. Rochester day at the Fair will be held August 10 and LARG E w i l l feature the Graniteers drum and bugle corps. On August 22 the Ports mouth Golden Eagles d r u m FANCY corps and drill team — a total of about 80 people — will pre sent two one-hour long pro grams. This unit has won 17 top awards in northeast com petition. O P E N ALL D A Y S A T U R D A Y New Hampshire’s final com munity event feature for 1964 will be presented by the color JULY 4th ful Joliette drum and bugle corps from Berlin, August 26. A committee, including Gov. A n d S u n d a y A s Usual John W. King, is now accept ing applications for New Hamp shire’s nine community events to be scheduled at the Fair in 1965. SA V E 40c PINEAPPLE - GRAPEFRUIT SA V E 40c DEL M O N T E RELISH MARSHMALLOWS BARTLETT PEARS NECTARINES Berm udas N E W THI5 Y E A R ! New Chairm an j: Appointed For E & H E lectric Recommended by Neorly Everyone PAGE 5 BEACHCOMBER C O O K -O U T H EA D Q U A R TER S 5 -3 9 c d o z. 4 A Dozen H am burg Rolls Free W ith Every 2 lbs. G round Chuck 9 PRESCOTT SU PER m a r k e t faints GREEN SEA B R O O K . H-H. * NEXT TO LIQUOR STO RE Supplies Limited — We reserve the right to Jimit quantities Open Daily 8 A.M . to 9 P.M. — Including Sunday PAGE 7 Word was received during continue s to help music stuthe past winter months that dent preparc for public npHo also judges bnml Everett Allyn Moses whose bands performed at Hampton contests at various times. His famed Moses band was Beach many years ago has re organized in 1023 and played tired. Through :* Hampton sum - from coast to coast. It was Jner resident and a winte:r disbanded »luring the U’orld Florida resident, John Simp - War II year son. notice of the famed bancI Rut following the war, Al leader's retirement w a s re-* Moses had a concert contrac * at Daytona Bench, Florida. II retired from there in 1953 af ter six years. Hi> wife die* there on January 28, 1948, oi their 33rd wedding anniversary Mr. Moses, who holds a doc tor's degree in music, conduct ed an estimated 10,000 con certs and music events. He won two national champion ships during his band career 30 FOOT UTILITY BOAT based at the Hampton Heach Marina and pointed towards days. He began his career play river i> inspected for readines by Chief Bajowski, right, and Frank Sullivan, left. 1 ing with John Philip Sousa Coast Guard boat, the 36 footer, is also based at the marina. — Staff Ph*** and Arthur Pryor. In 1033 his band played at the Chicago World's Fair. It | Miss Paula White, participated H H K N / K p f a * succeeded Sousa Band at Wil-1 in the making of beads, wrist low Grove Park. Philadelphia; purses, carry-all baskets, pot JtM July 6 - July 11 Arthur Pryor’s Bund at Asholders and *tick craft in the [V n* The roaring and bury Park. New Jersey; Vesarts a n d crafts department. ■ ™ uproariouily funny imosh I sella s Italian Band at Atlan They also took part in game, tic Citvs Steel Pier; and the of softball, kickball relay races “SAILOR BEWARE” famous Pat Conway Band at and jump rope. Reservations 926-3073 Wildwood Beach, New Jersey. Director Bob Carroll and Re The boys, meanwhile, a r e Curtain 8 40 The band also played on the creation Commissioner Irving participating in bocce, base Scale of Prices Monday • Friday White House lawn a n d at “Soup” Campbell reported this ball games, horse shoes a n d 2 90. 2 55. 2 00. To* Inc. Sol Hampton Beach as well as at week that the 1964 summer re paddle tennis. many state fairs. Eve 3.10, 2 90. 2.50, Toi Inc. creation program h e l d daily The age grouping of the by os Mr. Moses is listed in Who's each morning a t Tuck Field is and girls participating in the MATINEE WEDNESDAY 2:30 P M Who in Music. He is an hon off to one of the best starts All Seoh Reserved 1.80 orary member of the Ameri ever Some 162 boys and girls activities is from eight thru 13 years. NEXT WEEK can Bandmasters Association are registered to date. During t h e coming week and a life member of the “ M Y FAIR lADT** During the opening week the baseball games will be played American Federation of Music. girls, under the direction of as follows: Maiors — Tnlv r, ported th at the left rear of the Ingraham car w a s damaged while no damage was reported as being done to the Fiskc car. A t 2:46 p.m. on June 26, ve hicles operated by Robert Keefe of Greenland, and Mildred M. Ryan, Manchester, were in col lision at Mill road and High street. Police reported the Keefe car receded a damaged js:ar hamp er while the front enJ of the Ryan car was also damaged. The accident was reported at the police station. GOP Candidates Plan Roundup For C ounty i\ec. rro g ram At Tuck Field Gets Good S ta rt HAMPTON BEACH BEAUTY CONTESTANTS FROM OKLAHOMA were the first to siKit up for the 1964 Miss Hampton Beach Beauty Pageant which will be held on July 21. Pictured above left to Tight are Carol Kay Cook. Loretta Johnson and Sharon Ann Timanus. All three (jiHs are wor in f at the beach for the summer months. - Staff Photo by Elliot New Hampshire in Durham: Bachelor of Science degrees went to Susan P. Xordhausen, a rt education, of Hampton; Alan F. Butterfield, chemical engineering, of West Rye; Ge rald H. Carpenter, electrical engineering, of Rye; Douglas The following students from \\\ MacLcan, electrical engin this area received degrees on eering cf Hampton; James A. June 7 from the University of Philbnc-c, mechanical engin- A rea S tudents O btain Degrees From UNH ROUTE 1A, BEACH R O A D NOW SH O W S 2 - 7 SALISBURY, M A S S. P L A Y IN G THRU T U E SD A Y ’64 E a ste r Seal Deemed Success METROGOIDW • ' A Stanley Baker Cy Endfield Product 2nd Sm ash Hit "M A G N IF IC E N T S IN N E R ” "cUU^COUK Strictly a n adult picture, nobody under '8 years of a g e w ill be adm itted. This picture is hotter than a 4th of Ju ly firecracker. CO M ING ' A GOP Candidates Roundup for Rockingham County being sponsored by the Young Re publicans of the area is being planned for the Rockingham Ballroom for July 27. An estimated 10 to 12 mil A buffe* supper will be serv lion Americans suffer from one ed from 7 to 8 p.m. All the *of the heart and blood vessel candidates who have filed for diseases. The same group of various office* will be intro diseases causes about a million duced. deaths each year. In addition to specialty acts,1 Bill Treat will present high ’JjOWAr Jamum*. lights of t h e GOP National Convention. There will also be dancing and gifts for the N O W PLAYING ladies. THRU SATURDAY JULY 4 Tickets may be obtained through Gen Graper, chairman; Mayor “Ted” Connors of Ports mouth, ticket committee; or B A R B A R A BEL G ED D ES in “THE C O N S T A N T W IF E " through a n y of the county commissioners. Comedy by W. So me net M augham C O M IN G ! Starts Wed. “ Captain N ew m an, M .D.*’ July 6 - 1 1 MERV GRIFHN Sen. H artm an Seeks E lection To Deeds Office eering, of Rye; Judith A. Emsin ’ BROADW AY” lie, secretarial studies, Hamp ton; Susan Lathrop, hotel ad Eve\: Mon-Sot 8:40 Motj: Wed A Fri 2:45 ministration major, Hampton; Tel. (207| 646-5511 and Edward L. Ramsdell, busi ness administration, Rye. Bachelor of A rts degrees State Senator Kenneth E. went to DeAnna M. Boutilier, English literature, Rye; Anne Hartman, a resident of Derry, W. B. Cooper, elementary edu recently announced th a t he will cation, Rye; Judith A. Costello, seek election for Register of ham, English education, North Hampton; Peter E. Rand<JI, ton; Marion E. Fish, history, Hampton; Wayne Elliot, Eng lish literature. North HampEnglish literature. North will ring out for freedom on r,js ory, Rye; Gail P. Cunning history, Rye, and Dennis N. N O W S H O W IN G ! ... Thru Saturday Royal, economics, of Hampton SOM-UxTlSKCU Falls. FRANKIE ANNETTE BUDDY >o In ju ries Are R eported In T hree Crashes C am paign Is me presents Prompt medical treatm ent — including attention to rehabili tation — can lessen the amount of damage caused by a stroke, according to the New Hamp shire Heart Association. Directed by Windsor Itw H S A L IS B U R Y D R I V E - I N T H E A T R E SH O W S 2 - 7 - 9 P.M Deeds in Rockingham County. A graduate of Boston Uni versity College of Business Ad ministration in 1961, Hartman has since practiced accounting in Derry. Interest in local af fairs prompted his participa tion on the Derry Budget Com mittee, which he was chair man. Elected to the State Senate, District 19, in 1062. Sen. H art man served as vice chairman of the Banks & Insurance Com mittee, as well as a member of the Labor, Education a n 7! Engrossed Bills Committee. A veteran of World War II Marine Corps, Senator H art m an-is married to the former Phyllis George. They have four children. Hampton police reported no injuries in three accidents which took place on local high ways during the past week. A parked vehicle owned by William E. BrinkerhotT. of 3 Smith court, received damage to the front bumper when a car I operated by Gary W. Deskin, Portsmouth, went out of con trol and was involved in a col lision 1:45 a.m. on June 22. Police reported the Deskin I operated car w a s proceeding north on Lafayette road at the time of the accident. Police! reported no damage to the Deskin vehicle. Lt. Paul Leavitt, Insp. John Robinson and Offi cer Ray Whitcomb investi gated. Vehicles operated by Edward A. Ingraham, 297 Mill road and George A. Fiske. Florida, were involved in a collision ns both cars headed n o r t h on Ocean boulevard. Police reported there were no injuries in the acci dent which took olace at 2 p.m. on June 24. Officer W. Donaldson re- b Hope AVALON-FUNICELLO-HACKETT 4| V4 Rev M —«at Anita Em /COLOR S r? xetea 0 1 9 6 4 -A m e ric a n Inte rnatio nal p ic tu re s F R ID A Y N IG H T B IG P R E-H O LID A Y S H O W DUSK TO D A W N — 4 BIG FEATURES Our Regular Show Plus . . . After M id n igh t Entertainment For Adults . . . ! ---------------- | ; • 111 J O A N N E r^ R C H A R D * Woodward Beymer Trevor't o e T Claire , CARCL C 2 0 -a w 4 u i_________ • A ls o Sh o w n a l 2 .1 5 A .M . The M o i l Provocative C om edy O f The Y e a r * Brigitte Bardot • “ PLEASE N O T N O W ” O rd e r Sh o w n — “ B w a n a " , “ Beach Party” , “ Stripper” . “ N o t N o w ” A LL S H O W N AT R EG U LA R PRICES . . . P L A N TO A TTEN D ! su n 7- m o n ~ tu es~ — 2 co lor h it s T M nanm HIMRUSSIA WITH ICVE ICn g* VOM ITED ARTIST} IFCHNICBLOP PLUS Light-Hearted Comedy “ THE D R E A M M A K E R ” STARTS WED., JULY 8 “Lawrence of A ra b ia ” C O M IN G S O O N ! “Cleopatra” & “H ow W est W a s Won* ! Shubcrt PAGE 8 All*' the Indian Hill—dramatic rJshe appeared in lonosco'vi Soprano. She is intcr^^w becoming a musical ^ perform er and has apjwith her mother in oper%7 formances of the Philode;J Opera Co. Jean Lewis, a 20 graduate of Endicott Jr. ^ lege, will attend Ohio & University in the fall. She, joys the self-sufficiency * theatrical career und hop* fulfill her mother’s duure t* she become a profc^gjmT t ress. There you have theml ^ u few of the talented, edu^ and interesting apprentic*k the l'h>d *eason ut ta4i ton Playhouse. They will 1*. they will work hard, and t* will enjoy themselves, J above all else, they are h* , 0 grow, to increase their i ,1 .v -landing of theater and, people and to intensify tk, nVe for and their wterati -total theater”, the full tncul experience, of winch* for mine; is but a small ?«k There are people ruling i hind those prubby face* s . ,ilcd work clothes, ard , wanted you to meet * - ' ouse Apprentices are people—tney really ure. Splashed head to toe with paint, clad in faded and sometimes torn jeans, and usually baggy under the eyes from a general lack of sleep, the apprentices of a summer stock theater are a race apart. With a cheerfulness that consis tontly belies the difficulty of their jobs, they perf orm a seemingly e n d I e ss line of chores and as n group, ure the strongest support on which a successful s u in m c r theater must rest. The Hampton Playhouse, se lects its apprentices with great care, choosing on the average, only one out of evry sixteen or seventeen applicants. Ap prentices at Hampton must net and must be intelligent, with charm to match, hut more im portantly, they must love the theater and must he willing, because of this love, to share equally the enormously diffi cult tmiks, performed mostly under pressure, required for a theaters survival. They must I j want to learn, and they must : be willing to sacrifice, for three long months, their own inter-N I sibh for the maintenance the theater, for preserving cleanliness of the grounds the auditorium, and for us; ing each night's audience maximum in comfort and pic ure. The hnul chore of the prentice is the most pleas] and the most popular. He often cast in productions the Playhouse, i small roles alike, n e c o his ability. Many o ......... n r » r f n r n i it sees fiaiiy. ?»ne aoesn t mww, however, that the 10,000 franc note she receives each day is the same one she received the day before. She gives all her pay to Nstor, who is cagey and tireless enuogh to play her lover and employer in a dual role. When he gets tired of his double role and destroys the mask of his other self, he walks into a murder trial and a string of complications which carry him further away from Irma. He 3aid he hated him self, and the hate was mutual. I'll let you see for yourself how he gets back to Paris and his Irma. The staging was handled skillfully, discounting the usual opening night mishaps which momentarily drop the show back into reality. Although ting. A group from the Sunset Club of ManHam pton Beach Chamber | ' Commerce. Bill — Staff Photo by Elliot p a i*d - to - secrecy gendarmes, I quiosques, Gaulois, a n d the The team is endeavoring to Dreyfus affair. Irma, a Pigal streetwalker cover as many of the streets and establishments as possible played by Katherine Helmond, prior to getting into the heart is rescued from a “Bar des of the recreation season. Only Inquiets” brawl by a luw stu flagrant violations are being! dent played by John Vari. Tney pointed out a t present. The rapidly fall in love (as in all team, according to Mr. Boeh- good musicals), and she doesn't ner, will compile a list of even mind his past (his crime his first minor infractions and sugges being that she is tions after the summer season lover). Her profession soon up is over. Property owners or sets their first attem pt at do business owners will be notified mesticity, and Nestor (Vari) and asked to correct these realizes that “It's terrible to measures over the w i n t e r have suspicions . . . especially when you know they’re true.” In his desecration. Nestor Just a Little Different Troll Bridge C* St., Hampton Beach Good Food at Reasonable Prices Highlands. Art is interested ii acting and directing for a ca reer and has chosen his pro fession as a means of fulfilling his desire to entertain people and to relieve them of the tensions of an every day exi$tence. D o n a l d Howard Fenedley with the voice that you can’t forget, is a 19 year old student from the ole* South, down Tennessee way. He attended Bearden High in Knoxville, and is currently on lea\’e from his studies at the University of Tennessee where he is a theater major. Don is quite nossi-i SWIM SUITS Barrie O'Brien, returns for her second year of apprenticeship at the Playhouse, whose audiences, will remember her hilarious interpretation of t h e starring role in last season’s, Take Her - She’s Mine. Barrie is a student at Stella Adler's Theatrical Training School in New York City, and was a student of Alfred Christie’s while a senior at Richmond Hills High, in Richmond Hills, New York, r»i ~ •• B Y D A Y O R WEEK A ll Portable Sets K IM B A L L REAL ESTATE A v a ila b le 7 Days A W e e k ’til 10P.M Em ergency Road Serv 9 2 6 -5 3 2 2 BOAT T R IP S with DASH 14 “G ” Street H a m p to n Beach - D a v e S a u ln ie r - 2 4 H O U R SER V IC E 7 DAYS A Sun and Splash .uicnaei rerrara, an inhabi tant of Lawrence, Mass., has just completed one year at the Leland Powers School of Ra dio, Television, and Theater. The 18 year old graduate of Central Catholic High school in Lawrence, plans to work in his home town during the next year to raise the cash for a professional education a t the Neighborhood P l a y house in New York City. Playwriting occupies much of Mike’s time tu t the acting art is his first lnu/» Choose from Famous Brandes Such as . . . * JANTZEN * CATALINA * PETTI COMPLETE LINE OF SPORTSWEAR George The VANITY CASE MPTON CENTER youngest on tne n e w v n \m v 3 W harf (off M arket Street) Portsmouth, Tel. 4 36-7927 Fare $3.50 Round Trip, Children $2.50 Leave Portsmouth 11:00 a.m., 5:10 p.m. Saturday 11:00 a.m.. 2:40 n m.. 5-40 n.m. » Children's plates a v a ila b le LOBSTER POUND AND FISH MARKET • Alive • Boiled To Order Foot of Bridge at Smith & Gilm ore W h a rf Native Lobsters. Clams and Fish Visitors W elcom e FRESH DAILY Spoken Q U A LIT Y U N SU R P A SSE D Telephone (Ham pton) 9 2 6 -3 4 2 4 • French Spoken • Party prices arranged Remnant & Drapery Store Real Treasures a t Prices That Will Surprise You! — OPEN EXETER HANDKERCHIEF CO year ning opposite the Coast G uard Station at A q u a Ram a Motel • Come a s you are “The Remnant Shop” Mon. thru Sot W EEK Two specially appointed po lice officers, Merle Jones, Jr. and Clinton Rand, have been assigned to the team to work with Mr. Boehner. The health officer works with the duo on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thurs day of each week. The men are taking into consideration the cleanliness of the property together with the physical layout of the struc tures. Measurements are also being taken of the sizes of the structures to ascertain the maximum occupancy desirable. In past years, fire inspec tio n s have been made. This year, whenever possible, fire and health inspections are be ing combined. Under the present p l a n , structures on two to three streets a week are being in spected by the health team. Mr. Boehner pointed out that, in general, the cooperation by the owners and managers of the establishments in allowing the inspections has been good. If the opening night for the Mr. Bo»*hner pointed out that the inspections are actually be- summer is any indication of i ing made for the good of the things to come at the Hamp business o w n e r in suggesting ton Playhouse, it promises *o be a lively, hard working sea son. “Irma la Douce” has a spicy French setting complete with Near B&M RR Sta Lincoln St., Exeter O U R SPECIALTIES — SEAFOOD Store CHAR BROILED STEAK Each D a y the 50th G uest at Breakfast or Dinner will receive a FREE M EAL. JUST SO U TH O F THE C A S IN O O N O C E A N B O U LEV A R D A controversial 7.or;-* prob lem was r e s o l v e d recently when the Zoning Board of Ad justment unanimously denied a petition by the Hampton Board of Selectmen to revoke a build ing permit issued for installa tion of a miniature golf course at Hampton Bearh. On April *21 a building per mit was issued by Building Inspector Alfred Janvrin to al low Francis Mackey of Keene to construct a miniature golf course at 375 Ocean boulevard. The action oi tne spaxui.v.. resulted from their authority to seek revocations if they feel permits do not meet local zon ing1 requirements. It was point ed out that the selectmen felt the golf course falls under n seasonal recreation clause pro hibiting amusements such ns rides. The Zoning Board of Adjust ment, however, refused to go along with this point and in a decision rendered following o public hearing held June 18 at the Municipal Court room, it was pointed out that “it was the unanimous opinion of the Board that the petition he denied.” The move allowed the REACH Community Church (Protestant, non-HecU»rinn) D street and Ashworth avenue, S u n d a y morning, 10:30 a.m. Visiting part ora. St. Patrick's Church (Roman Catholic) Church street. Sunda v masses, 0 - 7 - 7:46 - ft:309 1.7-10-10:45-11:30 A.M. Sept. 22 - Oct. 13, 10:30 a.m. only. D a i 1 y masses, 7:30. First Friday 6:30 - 7:30 -8:30 a.m. -5:00 Benediction, Sundays, Holy days and First Fridays, 7:30 p,m. Confesj sion. Saturdays. E v e s of | Fea * Fii t Fridays at •; and 7:30 p.m. K * TOWN Auvent — High street. Hamil ton, 9:45 a.m., Sunday school; 11:00 a.m., sermon. 'B aptist — Winnacunnet road, Hamnton. 11:0U a.m.. Church ;«j1tj1 ■v. -4ft T vi HAMPTON BEACH 4 Room Cottage on Deeded lot Hoi water heat, knotty pJne finish, g la n e d in porch. $7,450 0 0 926-5637 seasonal business CHINESE AM ERICA N DINING ROOM • Special Luncheon* dally 1 1 : 3 0 - 3 p m • Chinese Buffel W ednesdays, 6 l© 8 3 0 p.m. . all you eon eal only $2.95. • Dinner Dancing Soturday Evenings. Reservations suggested • Peg Norton at the Ham m ond — Wednesda-. Thursday and Friday evenings. • Take out service ROUTE 1 — RYE. N. H. — 9 6 4 -5 5 4 5 tional district.” In a second hearing on a petition by Bernard A. Barteau for erection of two signs at the entrances to a new hous ing development known as Ellis Acres for a period of 1 year the petition was granted but changed slightly. At an executive meeting of the members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment it was the unanimous opinion of the Board that the petition be granted for a period of six months rather than for a year. Mr. Charles Bears. Application blanks will be sent on request and one may register by mail if registration is accompanied by c h e c k or money order. The deadline for registration will be July 3. lor estate) 11:00 a.m. Note: Above subject to Morning service, Guest speakers. times of services change. T alen t Show V G ets I nderw av M onday Evening the annual ta>n* sh-»\v pmgram will get underway at the Sen Shell stage. Defending champion is Miss Sheila Scott in the Senior I>ivi. i■iri and The Music Makers in the Junior Division. Scott t})e hearts of audiences summer a- -he copped *' . ■ &,* M* I ft V • t*rp honors in t h » weekly show and then returned to the stage in August to take the grand prize. NERVE CE^ Since her accomplishment last (Juatkemeyer summer she has appeared on officer in chi television among other perter at the pKnt. The agree ment serves as a form of prowherein possibilities of water pollution are involved. Meanwhile, work rs rontinuing on the sewerage treatm ent plant. The project is Phase III of the §1,180,000 sewer expan sion program. Sewer mains re cently installed under Phase* I and II of the program were recently opened for use. Only signed applications for water emergency house connections R O O M S TO RENT WE$t To Fem ale Beach Help A p p ly Miniature Golf 375 O cean Boulevard Phase III Of Sewer Program \5ork Continues ★ D IN IN G O N THE TERRACE * P IN S R O O M L O U N G E * F R ID A Y E V E N IN G S E A F O O D S M O R G A S B O R D ★ S U N D A Y N IG H T BUFFET WHERE TO I S IN G IN G M A C S 2 8 5 O re a n Blvd., H am p ton Beach ASHW ORTH HOTEL DIN IN G R O O M 295 Ashworth Blvd. Hampton Beach Buffet Every Tuesday 5 - 8:30 P.M. EXETER, N. H. • For Reservations call 772-5# Bakery - Meats - Groceries * C O M E AS YOU ARE” Ham pton Beach B o ar’s H ead H U D O N ’S RESTAURANT Western Prime Beef Ocean Fresh Seafood 279 Ocean Boulevard •jring A Complete Assortm ent C f COVE MOTEL BEAUTY SALON and Coffee Shop - O n The O cean Front • 99c Daily Luncheon G R E Y ST O N E HOTEL Mr Hot! and M anager. Y o la n da at- J» Si.CO /Merchandise & Beach Needs REV. DWIGHT HLAKESI.EE 81 Ocean Blvd., Cor. *K’ St O p en Y e a r Round LO M AZZO ’S RESTAURANT Italian & American Foods 8reokfo\t Served — Open 8 a.m. to 10 Winnacunnet Road •' n. — Am ple Free Porting Hom pton Ployhouift :ht*rs of the subjects *n*d are as follows: - IV, Writing Skills, Reading, Miss Mary i Mrs. Jane Grover. Improvement, Junior Secondary, Miss Barimon. Algebra 1, II, Advanced Math. Roi Junior and Second5** Math, Mr. Russell Mr. David O'Haire. - I ll, Miss Maureen 16th Season W A L K -IN SERVICE 926-2498 Fountain Service STEAK — Servir Boar’s Head "ipton Beach The Rev. H. Dwight Blake., Hamilton, has accepted a call lee. Vicar of Trinity Church to become Canon of the Ca thedral Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania ef fective September 1st. He will be Canon Assistant to the Very Rev. John X. McCormick, Dean of the Cathedral. For the W hole Fam ily ! Before entexing the minis • BEACHV/EAR try. Mr. Blakeslee was associ • PLAYW EAR ated with National Gypsum Co., ar.d director and vice pres Everything for Cam p & Home ident of Norman Duffiekl and Co., a general insurance firm N e w b u ry p o rt s Leading in Buffalo. A lter graduating Departm ent Store from Virginia Seminary* he served ns curate of Christ Church, Exeter and vicar of Trinity Church, Hampton, mov P L E A S A N T STREET. N E W B U R Y P O R T ing in 1960 to Mill road, in Hampton, as the first resident “ 1 5 M in u ta * from H a m p to n Baoch Episcopal clergyman. CLOTHING THE ROCKY LOBSTER — Rev. Blakeslee Accepts Call To Pennsylvania Ham pton Center ' — y - 9 2 6 .38^ P R ESC R IP T IO N S not a s id e l in e but a profession * fir s t aid needs j | besch supplies a cosmetics C O M P A R E OUR 53 Steps D r v n “ B” Street and Save ! 1 2 - 1 4 - 1 6 kt8 ” STREET AT THE B EA C H C O M P A R E THESE VALUES! The PAGE 12 _ _ BEACHCOMBER — ------------ i 1 - For Your Vacation Pleasure - To All Advertisers . . . :V' The Beachcom ber is p u b I r lished ORGAN CONCERTS Ml)fr#tt Tuesday* thru Saturdays 2-3; Mondays only 3-4. K • ,,t the organ. 9.80 A, Ouellette at the organ. Monday evening only, b.ovs.ov. FIREWORKS •• V • •• W i l l I f o v l l v U U I v U * resentative. Tops & Bottoms Bathing Suits Interesting Fashions Play Clothes Unusual Gifts Jewelry • In the Sea Gate Motel Just a block from the ocean 9 Ashworth Avenue Hampton Beach B WHEN DAY’S WORK IS DONE members of the crew at the local Coast Guard statin enjoy many forms of recreation in their own rec room. Pictured above are Frank W. S£ SN. left, and John J. Quatkemeyer. Adjacent to the rec room which was recently refiniskd, mahogany nail paneling is a TV and reading room. — Staff Photo by! r . . Other girls interest* Miss Hampton Beach Contest; should contact Mr. H Registers Six Early Beauties the chamber of comme In another first at Hampton for the coveted spot. Also from Beach, three girls from Okla Oklahoma is Loretta Johnson. Margaret\ homa became the initial con 21 , Jones. Oklahoma, and Carol H /f * I f , D testants to register for the 19f>4 Mi s s Hampton Beach Beauty pageant to be held July 21. Promotion manager Henry Hamel this week said the ap plications are coming in earlier than usual. Sharon Ann Timanus, 20 , 4009 Rancho Drive, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was one of the trio to become a candidate I Kay Cook, Kicoma Park, Okla homa. All three girls are resid ing a t 10 Fuller place and are employed at the Hotel Alien. Others who have signified in tentions of competing are Nan cy M. Steckis, 17, 233 Melrose street, Manchester; Carol Ann Seega, 17. 84 Chather street, Worcester, Mass, a n d Jane Murray, 17, 85 Melrose street, Manchester. H A M P T O N BEACH B E A U T Y SALON 1 A SH W O R T H AVI 926-5441 SPEC IA LIZIN G IN P E R S O N A L SERVICE Salisbury Beach REASONS TO VISIT THE NEW BROADWAY D A N C IN G N IG H TLY Presenting Highlights From revue "!!?9 >he f'n e rt BROAD^ ,ive!y en tertain m en t — a and its f <j* cerp»s ffom the outstanding hits of ’ n labU'0US Wri,ers ° " d com poser!. Here yo M y Fair LoHn0nM nt* fr°m Such star-*tudded m A a ' t n * hFlower DrumPacific9 Song, c oflona o t^ rs °f M US‘C'^0oklQ - a , South Pn..r d x Directed an d Staged by B u d d ’ Performances Nightly, 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 F j y / exciting telstar lounge O t lights, twinkling stars & complete ,elephone sysfem Top Of? Your Night At SURFSIDE RESTAURANT ^ A c JENNY’S 28 Ran PE,RMINT L0UNGE P .M * do!\y luncheons lrom‘$ T sO * K" Railroad Ave„ Salisbury Beoch k) Where TWIST & SHAKE a re still king V w "h THE HALLMARKS featuring Frank Caprj SPAK J v - / , S . S U pf“ nc,t |on r o o m S S , 1* " 5 0 , 0 ,5 0 °- ^ ^ fcN0 ADMISSION. NO COVER / W E D N E S D A Y , JULY 8, 1 9 6 4 FREE Assets to local boating enthusiasts continued to mount with notice of another addition to the boating program of the local waterways. Over at Seabrook Harbor a unique re-construction program is underway which will go a long ways toward giving boat owners and fishermen top facilities on both sides of Hampton River. Public officials in the Town of Seabrook, the N. H. Department of Public Works and Highway and the Seacoast Region office are rapidly concluding prepara tions for the twenty-second birthday of the newly re built Public Pier at Seabrook Harbor. The two hun dred foot long wooden structure was built by the State Highway Department in 1942 at the time of the re construction of the Hampton River Bridge. The original structure, a well designed pier with a wide walkway, was completed with a ramp and large floats. Several years ago. an early winter storm severe ly damaged the floats and the pier fell into a period of neglect. A commercial fishing operator became the primary user of the pier and performed some neces sary maintenance in the intervening years. The Town officials discussed the abandonment of the pier on several occasions but the interest of the fishermen at | the harbor kept the facility operating. Since 1960, two things happened which focused attention on the pier; first was the rapid increase in pleasure boating activities all along the New' Hamp shire coast and the second was the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers program for the improvement of Hamp ton and Seabrook Harbors. The Corps of Engineers proposed a three quarter of a million dollar project ! which would widen the channels, construct jetties and SEABROOK HARBOR PUBLIC PIER PROJECT gets the once over from Seacoast Regional provide anchorages in both harbors. Local partitipaExecutive Secretary John P. Batchelder (atop pier) as new construction work got underway ^jon was required along with that of the State of New this week. When completed, the new construction work coupled with repairs to the existing Hampshire. Last July, Gov. John W. King signed into dock will give the boating enthusiasts another public pier. Both sides of Hampton River will now have excellent accommodations for boaters and fishermen. PIER (Continued on Page 4) Firemen Ready Hand Tub For Action ,i\ _ In c o rp o ra tin g the H o m p lo n Beach A d v o c a te Seabrook Pier Asset To Area 1 S§£ * dorothy cheney # # # # • # 3 3 2 2 for advertising rep V O L X X X V I, N O . 3 7°pjm. Senior division immediately following. Register with Henry Hamel at Chamber of Commerce. SQUARE DANCING Fridays, 8:30 tun. at the Hampton Beach State Park. Dances sponsored by Seacoast Regional Square Dance association. First dance under tin* stars June 26. CALISTHENICS Monday through Friday beginning Friday, July 8. on the sand in front of the Sea Shell beginning at 10:30 a .in. Miss Coca Cola your director. RECORD HOP Wednesdays from 2-4 p.m. for young teenagers: College Mixers, Thursday evenings for older teens. Both at Casino Ballroom. See the separate schedule of special weekly events each week elsewhere in the BEACHCOMBER. A complete schedule of summer events may Im* obtained for asking at the chamber of commerce office in the Sea Shell. W e d n e sd a y thru Sept. 12. Call 9 2 6 - JCSt « ... * S * r “ der of the season if weather permits, in Shell at 9:10 p.m. TALENT SHOW each On August 22, visitors to Hampton Beach who will be witnessing the annual parade will see a brightly restored piece of fire apparatus bearing the name Winnacunnet I. A few days later, this same piece of apparatus will be put into ac tion in its first local competi tion as it takes part in the New E n g l a n d League Firemen's muster at Hampton Beach. During t h e winter months the fire fighters of the Hamp ton Beach and the Hampton Fire department have been re storing an 1853 hand tub. Near ing completion on the restora tion phase of the project, the hund tub will be given a trial run in the near future. Many fire departments around the country' pride themselves on their restored pieces of equip ment similar to that of the lo cal department. Each year, many hand tubs .have come to Hampton Beach to participate in the annuul August parades. Over in neighboring New bury, Mass., t h a t department prides itself on a hand tub which holds many records. Up in Newmarket another famed pVINNACUN.NET NO. 1, restored hand tub owned by Hampton Beach Firemen's Relief 7 .1 '* 71 "shown tub is located. o Maine. The relic, built in 1S53. will compete in its first official muster compel,non o.a A . .9 under i t » n « * ^ The members of the local ihove are members of the crew, Charlie BurlinRton. Perry Tarleton. LC William St'ckney a of Mr Tarll.ton> are department are in hopes that :u6s remaining work to be completed on the pistons with th ief Perley George. . * fighters* to own their own HAND TUB nembtTH of the local fire department. Mr. Tarleton was the man who ** possi e or e _ Staff Photo by Elliot ( Continued on Page 11) land tub as he did most of the leg work in obtaining it.