1 (25th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ————— “QUESTIONS FOR ORAL ANSWERS AND THEIR REPLIES” to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on Wednesday, the 11th November, 2015 64. *Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Passport Offices have been established in every district of the country; (b) if not, the time by which the said offices will be established therein? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) Not yet, however, there are 95 Regional Passport Offices functioning across the country (Annex-A) catering for requirements of General public. The Government has however, decided to establish 73 additional Regional Passport Offices (AnnexB) at all Districts level. (b) As per the Minister’s directive, the above said 73 offices will be established during the next 15 months. (Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library) 78. *Ms. Shahida Akhtar Ali: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: 2 (a) the names of productive and non-productive income generating sources in the country at present; and (b) whether it is a fact that the non-productive income generating sources are the major sources to collect revenue in Pakistan; if so, the reasons thereof? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) Tax laws in Pakistan do not define productive and non-productive sources of Income. In economics, generally, Rent from property, Interest, dividend, royalty, pension, capital gain from the stock and property are considered non-productive sources. However, where the person earning income plays active role in income generation, Income from these sources is also considered productive. Business and profession and salary are considered productive sources of income. (b) Non-Productive income generating sources are not the major sources of revenue in Pakistan. Out of total collection of Income Tax of Rs.1030 billion for financial year 2014-15, collection from the “non-productive” sources of income is estimated below. This does not include income of banks etc. from similar sources as in such cases it is not considered a non-productive source:— —————————————————————————————— S.# Source of Income Income Tax (Rs. in Billion) —————————————————————————————— 1. Dividend 29.7 2. Profit on Debit 49.8 3. Royalty 11.6 4. Rental Income 9.0 5. Prizes 10.0 6. Capital Gain on Shares 1.6 7. Capital Gain on Property 9.5 —————————————————————————————— Total Rs.: 121.2 —————————————————————————————— 3 80. *Sheikh Salahuddin: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to complete power projects in Karachi? Minister for Planning, Development and Reform (Mr. Ahsan Iqbal): At present Government is implementing Power Generation Project in Karachi for 4510 MW along with their power transmission and distribution projects to main load centers: (i) The concerned implementation agencies/organizations have their own monitoring and implementation mechanism to ensure smooth implementation of projects. (ii) Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform is also monitoring all PSDP funded projects through quarterly PSDP review meetings. The progress of projects is reviewed during these meetings and based on the discussion necessary guidance is provided to ministries and adjustments for additional financing requirements are determined. (iii) Member (Implementation and Monitoring) has been appointed from the private sector in Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform who assists and coordinates overall monitoring for expeditious implementation of mega PSDP projects. (iv) IPP power generation projects are being coordinated by PPIB and has an inbuilt implementation mechanism. Sponsors are ‘ required to achieve various milestones after issuance of Letter of Support. These milestones include financial close, signing of project agreements such as IA, PPA, Fuel Supply Agreement etc. In case sponsors fail to achieve these milestones there are associated penalties that deter such behavior. (v) A Prime Minister’s Performance Delivery Unit (PMDU) has also been setup in the Prime Minister’s Office with a broad mandate to monitor, evaluate and facilitate key projects necessary for the Pakistan’s economy. Their initial task is concentrated in the CPEC initiatives with particular stress on delivering the energy projects, 4 planned to be commissioned by the end of 2017. For this purpose, the PMDU coordinates with relevant ministries, agencies, sponsors and lenders to ensure that time lines are met and delivery is facilitated. 81. *Dr. Shireen Mehrunnisa Mazari: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the cost of losses caused to the country during war against terrorism till date; (b) the financial aid received by the Government in this regard; and (c) the details of utilization of said financial aid? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) The losses due to terrorism are as conveyed by law enforcement agencies and are not completely reflective of actual losses to the country and economy. The cost of losses caused to the country during war against terrorism till date is estimated at 118.477 billion, the details are as under: —————————————————————————————— Provinces Estimated Amount —————————————————————————————— Punjab Rs. 13,447.769 million Sindh Rs. 16,587.781 million Knybe Pakhtunkhwa Rs. 15,066.328 million Bolochiston Rs. 4,361.108 million ICT Rs. 130.334 million FATA Rs. 68.513 billion AJK Rs. 12.640 million GB Rs. 358.168 million —————————————————————————————— (b) • The provinces are accorded help on case to case basis. • The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa received Rs. 11451.530 million from 2009-10 till date regarding war on terror. (Annex-A) • The FATA in 2014-15 was released Rs. 2300 Billion for rehabilitation and in current fiscal year, Federal Government released 5 Rs. 8.000 Billion (Rs. 3.000 Billion for rehabilitation of damaged infrastructure & Rs. 5.000 Billion provisionally made available for reconstruction of damaged houses) for FATA. (Annex-B) • In AJK the Federal Govt. had provided Rs. 1.5 million as Shuhadah package for the families of 03 martyrs of Police Department, which had been distributed among them. (Annex-C) (c) KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA • As in part (a) • Rs. 8 Billion - approval process of schemes stands initiated, while housing surveys in the return areas are in progress. FATA (Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library) 85. *Mr. Sher Akbar Khan: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the prescribed criteria to initiate a project by the Mountain and Glacier Protection Organization; (b) the sources of funding of the said Organization; and (c) the details of projects initiated by the said Organization in the District Buner (NA-28)? Reply not received. 86. *Mr. Sajid Nawaz: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: 6 (a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to award grades to the Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) on the basis of qualitative impacts of their work; if so, the details; if not, the reasons thereof; and (b) the action taken against those NGOs that were involved in illegal activities in the country during the year 2014-15 alongwith the present status thereof? Reply not received. 101. *Ms. Naeema Kishwar Khan: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the names of countries with whom prisoners exchange agreements were signed during the period from 2008 to 2013 alongwith the terms and conditions thereof; (b) the details of prisoners exchanged under said agreements alongwith the countries thereof; (c) whether it is a fact that those prisoners completed their period of punishment in Pakistan; (d) the details of those prisoners who have been released by Pakistan without completing period of their punishment; and (e) the actions taken by the Government against persons involved therein? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) Pakistan signed Agreement on Transfer of Offenders/Sentenced Persons with the following 05 countries during the period 2008 to 2013:— —————————————————————————————— S. No. Name of Date of Date of Ratification the country signing —————————————————————————————— 1. Thailand 20-12-2007 30-12-2009 —————————————————————————————— 7 —————————————————————————————— S. No. Name of Date of Date of Ratification the country signing —————————————————————————————— 2. UAE 26-02-2012 30-06-2013 3. Turkeky 17-09-2013 Ratified from Pakistan side on 31-03-2014 Ratification from Turkey is awaited 4. Yamen 19-12-2013 20-05-2014 —————————————————————————————— (b) 42 prisoners have been transferred from Thailand to Pakistan under the agreement only. Whereas, no prisoners exchange have been made with the remaining treaty countries. (c) (i) One (01) prisoner was released after completion of 5 year imprisonment. (ii) 27 prisoners were released by High Court under Section 9 (4) of the Transfer of Offenders Ordinance-2002. (iii) 3 prisoners were given presidential pardon and released from jail. (iv) 11 prisoners are still in Jail. Status of prisoners showing the period spent in Pakistani Jails and the sentence awarded to them by Thailand authorities is at Annex-A. (d) 27 prisoners released by High Court, u/s 9(4) of the Transfer of Offenders Ordinance-2002 without completing their sentences and 3 have been given Presidential pardon, as per details under “c” above. (e) The present Government taking notice of the misuse of authority under this agreement took the following actions:— (i) All prisoners mostly drug traffickers released through courts/ Presidential orders were placed on ECL. (ii) The Government is contesting the compatibility issue in terms of sentences in Lahore High Court in writ petitions filed by 11 prisoners still in jail. (iii) Fact finding enquiries were conducted to identify the role of government officials and the embassy staff in unauthorized swap of some prisoners. (iv) The findings of enquiry committee have heee forwarded to relevant Departments/Ministries for taking action against delinquent officials as per rules/laws. 8 (v) The Government has put on hold the implementation of Transfer of Prisoners Agreements with all countries till scrutiny of rules/laws and finalization of SOPs for such swaps. (Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library) 210. Admissibility is being reconsidered. 217. *Mr. Muhammad Muzammil Qureshi: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state the details of agreements signed between Pakistan and China during the year 2015 alongwith the names, cost and locations thereof? Minister for Planning, Development and Reform (Mr. Ahsan Iqbal): Details of MOUs / Agreements signed between Chinese Institutions / Corporations & Pakistani Public Sector Institutions / Corporations in 2015 in relation to China Pakistan Economic Corridor are attached as Annex-A 9 222. *Dr. Shireen Mehrunnisa Mazari: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the province and year-wise total number of cases of robberies and thefts registered and suicide attacks committed in the country during the last five years; and 10 (b) the remedial steps taken so far to prevent such incidents in future? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) Total cases registered in last five years (2010-14) —————————————————————————————— Robberies Thefts Suicide Attacks —————————————————————————————— Punjab: 93126 310730 20 Sindh: 21201 46238 09 KPK: 765 7904 106 AJ&K: 416 1609 02 Gilgit Baltistan: 105 794 — ICT: 1784 3012 03 Balochistan: 2399 4022 25 —————————————————————————————— Total : 119796 374309 165 —————————————————————————————— Province wise and year wise breakup is attached at ‘Annex-A’. (b) Remedial steps taken so far to prevent such incidents are attached at ‘Annex-B’. (Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library). 224. *Ms. Naseema: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the billions of funds have been distributed every year through the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) and Pakistan Bait-ul-Mall (PBM) to reduce poverty ratio in the country; (b) whether it is also a fact that the said ratio is not being reduced in the country thereby; 11 (c) if the answers to parts (a) and (b) above are in the affirmative, the steps being taken to release more funds through the BISP and PBM to reduce the said ratio in the country? Reply not received. 229. *Ms. Phyllis Azeem: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that it has become a routine of Police to demand Nikah Nama from couples on general check points and at tourists sites especially near Toll Plazas; (b) whether the Ministry on the pattern of Arms license intends to issue such cards having proof of marital status of the couples as well as image of Nikha Namas; (c) if answers to parts (a) and (b) above are in affirmative, the time by which it will be implemented? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) In correct. (b) There is no proposal under consideration before NADRA for issuance of such cards. (c) As explained above. 232. *Syed Waseem Hussain: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that in the recent past Hyderabad was the 3rd biggest city of Pakistan; and 12 (b) the present number of Hyderabad amongst the biggest cities of Pakistan alongwith the reasons of backwardness thereof? Transferred to Planning, Development and Reform Division for answer on Next Rota Day. 31. *Ms. Sajida Begum: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the nature of education being imparted to the people regarding narcotics in the country; and (b) the steps taken by the Government for rehabilitation of drug addicts? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) Narcotics Control Division (NCD) carried out awareness activities in educational institutions for creating drug awareness among the students and other social gatherings. These activities include seminars, lectures, awareness sessions, essay competitions, painting competitions, tableaus, sports events and distribution of informational material etc. 2. NCD has sent D.O. letters to the Chief Secretaries of all the provinces of Pakistan to add drug awareness material in the curriculum of educational institutions. Government of Punjab & Sindh have already included the drug awareness material in the course books and rest is under process. (b) ANF runs 3 Model Addiction Treatment & Rehabilitation Centers (MATRCs), one each at Islamabad, Quetta and Karachi. MATRC Islamabad and Quetta (having capacity of 45 beds) are government funded, while MATRC Karachi (55 beds) is being run on self help basis/donors support. These treatment centers provide free treatment, boarding and lodging facilities to drug addicts. However, Provincial Governments run primary, secondary & tertiary level hospitals in various districts of the respective provinces where the medical treatment (including treatment of addicts) is undertaken. As per National Anti Narcotics Policy, each District Hospital is supposed to have 20-beds drug treatment ward. Moreover, the permission to establish hospital in private sector/control or private hospitals and treatment protocol to be followed are dealt by Provincial Health Department. 13 According to articles 52 & 53 of CNS Act 1997 establishment of treatment centres for addicts is the responsibility of the provincial governments. 32. *Ms. Sajida Begum: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) is continously running in loss for last many years and salaries are not being paid to its employees from the last three months; (b) whether it is also a fact that rampant corruption is being made in the PSM; (c) if the answer to part (a) above is in the affirmative, the steps being taken by the Government to control said corruption? Transferred to Industries and Production Division for answer on Next Rota Day. 33. *Dr. Nafisa Shah: Will the Minister In-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state: (a) the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) made in the first half of the current year; and (b) the total amount in Dollar has been paid as dividends on said FDI? Minister In-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office: (a) • First half of the current financial year (2015-16) will be completed on December 2015. For current financial year (2015-16), SBP has released FDI figures for July-September (2015-16) so far. Details of net FDI made in the country are as under: 14 —————————————————————————————— Year Net FDI (Million US$) —————————————————————————————— July-Sept (2015-16) 216.2 —————————————————————————————— (b) • Details of amount paid as dividends are as under: —————————————————————————————— Year Dividends (Million US$) —————————————————————————————— July-Sept (2015-16) 312.1 —————————————————————————————— 34. *Dr. Nafisa Shah: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited has announced a crop insurance package for the date crop farmers who suffered immense losses in the recent rains; if so, the details thereof? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): No. ZTBL is not providing any crop insurance) package for the date crop farmers. 35. *Shamas Un Nisa: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the total amount allocated for the National Police Academy (NPA) in the budget 2015-16; (b) the year-wise performance made by the NPA during the last three years; (c) the total number of police personnel who are under training in the said Academy at present; and (d) whether there is any training course for the trainers in the said Academy at present; if so, the details thereof? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) Detail with regard to total amount allocated for the National Police Academy in the budget 2013-16 is as under: 15 —————————————————————————————— Year Amount allocated (in Million) —————————————————————————————— 2013-14 Rs.124.091 2014-15 Rs.128.000 2015-16 Rs.119.918 —————————————————————————————— (b) Detail is available at Annex-A. (c) Currently, two batches of 17th & 18th Initial Command Courses consisting of 19 & 29 Assistant Superintendents of Police, respectively, are under training at NPA. (d) There is no course for the trainers being held in the Academy at present. 16 36. *Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the law and order situation after deputing Rangers in Karachi? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): Pakistan Ranger (Sindh) has been conducting across the board operation against target killers, kidnappers and extortionist since 5th September 2015. Karachi operation has registered significant improvement in law and order and decline in crime situation. The detail of major achievements regarding Karachi operation in National Action Plan (NAP) upto 10th September 2015 is as under: • • • • • • • • • • • • • 37. Target killing Murder Terrorism Robberies Extortion Criminals Arrested Proclaimed Offenders Absconders Terrorists Kidnappers Extortionists Murderers Weapons recovered : : : : : : : : : : : : : 48% down 37% down 76% down 31.3% down 56% down 58,603 630 9570 713 118 517 1731 15,612 *Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government against quackery in Islamabad Capital Territory particularly in its rural areas? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): Health Department of ICTA is geared to take effective measures against quackery. A survey has been conducted, and 72 unregistered practitioners/quacks have been identified. Action Plan has been chalked out and teams have been constituted for drive against quacks. Action against the remaining quacks will be completed within 3 months. 17 The following actions were taken against quacks/violators in the rural area of Islamabad Capital Territory:— ————————————————————————————————————— Sr. Name of Clinic/ Name of Action Taken No. Medical Centre Practitioner ————————————————————————————————————— 1. Nasreen Clinic. Dr. Zafar lqbal, Notice issued to MBBS Practitioner to produce evidence of his qualification. At the time of inspection, an attendant / assistant was present in the clinic. 2. Al-Jadoon AlJadoon Shah JeeMedicalCenter Maj. Dr. Farooq Ahmed Nobody was present in the clinic. Dr. Farooq has been issued notice to provide proof of his qualification. 3. Shah Medical Hall lnayat Ullah Shah Clinic was being run by a quack. A pharmacy was also being operated without license. The clinic/ pharmacy has been sealed u/s 18 of the Drug Act, 1976. Complaint is also being forwarded under PMDC Act, 2012. 4. M/s Al- Jadoon Shah Jee Clinic and Medical Store, G-12 Islamabad Umer Farooq Clinic was being run by a quack. A pharmacy was also being operated without license. Huge quantity of unregistered drugs was also recovered. The clinic/pharmacy has been sealed u/s 18 of the Drug Act. 1976. Complaint is also being forwarded under PMDC Act, 2012. 5. Jadoon Clinic Dr.Zahoor Ahmed One person present escaped from clinic during visit. Clinic was sealed. ————————————————————————————————————— 18 ————————————————————————————————————— Sr. Name of Clinic/ Name of Action Taken No Medical Centre Practitioner ————————————————————————————————————— 6. Shah Jee Hospital Maj. Dr.Farooq Ahmed The clinic was open but nobody was present. Medicines were found, Dr. Farooq has been issued notice to provide proof of his qualification. 7. M/S Kashmir General Hospital, Tarnol. Ghulam Murtaza The quack was imposed fine by the Court 8. M/S All Ahmer Nursing Home, Tarnol, Islamabad Mst. Nasreen Challan submitted in the Court (Under Trial) 9. —Do— Mr. Zahid —do— 10. M/s Naseer Clinic, Bilal Town, Islamabad Mr. Naseer —do— 11. Sana Family Clinic, Sohan Islamabad Mr. SanaUllah Bhatti —do— 12. Wada Clinic Chak Shahzad Islamabad Mr. Abid Khan —do— 13. M/s Saeed and Zaid Clinic, Sohan Islamabad Mr. Meer Hussain —do— 14. Sibtain Clinic, Humak Islamabad Mr. Sibtain Haider —do— 15. Shahid Clinic SaraMr. Shahid Khan —do— e-Karbooza Islamabad ————————————————————————————————————— 38. *Ms. Belum Hasnain: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: 19 (a) whether it is a fact that the new formula for the National Finance Commission Award has not been formulated so far; if so, the reasons thereof; and (b) the steps taken by the Government to address the reservations of the provinces and other issues thereof? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) Yes. In pursuance of Article 160 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 9th NFC has been constituted on 24-4-2015. The 9th NFC has recently started working. Fair, just and equitable Award can only be possible by accommodating the viewpoints of all the stakeholders, which requires due deliberations. The 7th NFC Award, presently in operation, will stay in the field till a new Award is finalized. (b) The 9th NFC, in its inaugural meeting held on 28-4-2015, has constituted four Working Groups headed by Provincial Non-Statutory Members and Federal Finance Secretary to recommend on following four areas: (1) Resource Mobilization at the Federal and Provincial Level (2) Devolved Vs Integrated Tax Structure - Evaluation of the Tax Collection Framework in Pakistan (3) Allocation Efficiency and Expenditure Analysis at the Federal and Provincial Level (4) Rationalization of Subsidies and Grants Working Groups-I & II have prepared their draft report; whereas studies of other two Groups are underway. NFC meetings provide ample opportunities to the Provinces to discuss various issues/reservations and resolve them. 39. *Ms. Belum Hasnain: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the names of private security agencies in the country registered with the Ministry at present; and 20 (b) the names of unregistered private security companies working in Islamabad at present alongwith the steps/actions taken in this regard by the Ministry during the present Government? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) 679 Private Security Companies are registered with the Ministry of Interior. List attached at Annexure-I. (b) No unregistered Private Security Company is working in Islamabad at present. (Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library) 40. *Mrs. Shahida Rehmani: Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the first phase of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) route is being constructed; if so, the location thereof; and (b) whether it is also a fact that the second phase of the said route will be constructed in the Punjab? Minister for Planning, Development and Reform (Mr. Ahsan Iqbal): (a) & (b) The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) would connect the nodes of existing and potential growth centers between Western China and Pakistan to enhance connectivity in all spheres. All the capital cities of the provinces have been selected as nodes for the OPEC including such other nodes/growth centers which may fall within the CPEC in future. These will be connected with trade facilitation corridors, dedicated freight corridors, energy corridors, trade logistics corridor, telecommunications corridor, industrial corridors etc. These include all the major existing and potential growth centers of all the provinces and the longterm benefits would also accrue to all the provinces. Both sides are committed 21 that the fruits of the development of this corridor should benefit all areas/provinces of Pakistan consistent with scientific planning parameters. In the CPEC context, it is very important to make the Gwadar Port fully operational first and provision of its linkage with Khunjerab. It is equally important to establish the connectivity between significant nodes identified under OPEC and their linkage with Gwadar Port, Ports in Karachi in the South and Khunjerab in the North. To achieve the above objective, CPEC will be developed under short, medium and long term plans on the basis of scientific planning parameters. High priority has been accorded to the construction of western corridor with its allied routes under short term plans and an allocation of Rs.35.0 billion has been made in the current PSDP 2015-16 under the Communications Division for the construction of western corridor with its allied routes. Connectivity of Gwadar to the national highway network will be established with completion of N-85 and M-8 highway projects by December, 2016 as reported by NHA which also forms part of the western corridor alignment. The eastern corridor passes through the provinces of Balochistan, Sindh and Punjab and the time line set for its completion is December, 2017. From Burhan up to Khunjerab, both western and eastern corridors share a common alignment. It may be added, no new CPEC alignment is presently under construction. Instead connectivity between Gwadar and Khunjerab is being established within the framework of highways/motorways ongoing development plans of Pakistan. 41. *Mrs. Shahida Rehmani: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the structure of the National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA); (b) the performance made by the NACTA so far; 22 (c) the total funds allocated for NACTA in the budget 2015-16; and (d) the authority that monitors the performance of NACTA at present? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) The structure of the National Counter Terrorism Authority at “Annexure-A”. (b) NACTA is mandated to monitor implementation of National Internal Security Policy of Pakistan (NISP) and National Action Plan (NAP) and to coordinate with provinces and other stake holders. Despite constraints, performance of NACTA is satisfactory. Under NISP/ NAP following is being done by NACTA: • Implementation of National Action Plan status till 31st August 20152016 at “Annexure-B”. • NACTA is coordinating with different stakeholders at federal and provincial levels to revise laws relevant to anti-terrorism and provision of input to Federal Government for promulgation/amendments in the laws to speed up action against terrorists, terror financing, recruitment of potential candidates for terrorism. (c) • Total funds allocated for NACTA, NCMC and JID budget 2015-16 are given below: NACTA 100.336 million NCMC 59.44 million JID 1950.99 million Total 2110.77 million (d) • Prime Minister Office monitor’s performance of NACTA through Ministry for Interior. (Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library) 23 42. *Ms. Aisha Syed: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the Medical Allowance admissible to the employees has been frozen by the Ministry; if so, the reasons thereof? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): Medical Allowance for BPS-1 to 15 (non-gazetted) is not based on percentage of basic pay rather it is paid as a fixed amount which is enhanced from time to time. For gazetted employees the Medical Allowance was allowed @ 15% w.e.f. 01-07-2010 & frozen at the level of its admissibility as on 30-06-2011. The Government has allowed an increase in Medical Allowance @ 25% of the existing amount w.e.f. 01-07-2015. 43. *Ms. Shakila Luqman: Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state the names of cities through which the route under the ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor Project will pass? Minister for Planning, Development and Reform (Mr. Ahsan Iqbal): The MOU for development of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), envisages connecting Pakistani Ports with the Western China. The corridor is an economic growth belt which will be discussed and constructed mutually by China and Pakistan according to current economic situation and scientific planning to ensure sustainable development. The fruits of economic corridor construction will be shared by two countries jointly and shall be spread across all areas. The significant nodal cities agreed so far in China and Pakistan include Kashi, Taxkorgan, Khunjerab, Peshawar, Islamabad, Lahore, Multan, Sukkur, Quetta, Karachi, and Gwadar and such other nodes which may fall within the CPEC in future. Additional Pakistani cities that may get connected via Road and Rail networks planned for the Corridor under various routes shall be Nagar, Gilgit, Raikot, Chilas, Diamer, Dasu, Thakot, Shinkiari, Mansehra, Khanpur, Haripur, Havelian, Burhan, D.I.Khan, Mughal Kot, Zhob, Quetta, Surab, Hoshab, Darya Khan, Jampur, Wanguhills, Khuzdar, Basima, Faisalabad, Samasatta, Lodhran, Khanewal, Sahiwal, Gujranwala, Wazirabad, Lalamusa, Rawaplindi, Golra, Taxila, 24 Attock, Nowshera, Landi Kotal, Hyderabad, Rohri, Kotri, Dadu, Larkana, Habibkot, Shikarpur, Jacobabad, and Ratodero. 44. *Ms. Munaza Hassan: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the details of the Passport Offices established in the country at present; and (b) the steps taken by the Government to establish new Passport Offices in the remote areas of the country? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan) : (a) At present, there are 95 Passport Offices established in the country. The list of these offices is attached at Annex-A. Out of which 84 offices are functional while the eleven offices are non functional due to security / administrative reasons. (b) The Government after envisaging the hardships of the passport seekers, decided to establish 73 additional Regional Passport Offices district wise within Pakistan. Consequently, the CDWP of the Planning Commission approved the PC-I of MRP/MRV Project, Phase-III for establishment of 73 additional offices district wise within Pakistan. Funds to the tune of Rs. 300 million have also been allocated for this project for F.Y. 2015-16. These seventy three (73) passport offices will be established in the duration of eighteen months w.e.f. October, 2015. The Department has already initiated the tendering process as well as hiring of suitable buildings for opening of these Regional Passport Offices within the defined timelines. 25 26 27 45. *Ms. Munaza Hassan: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the prescribed procedure for security clearance of guards of private security agencies in the country at present; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to streamline the affairs and mechanism of security agencies; if so, the details thereof? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan) : Hiring of security guards and their security clearance is an operational matter dealt by respective provinces. The prescribed procedure for security clearance of guards of private security agencies is as under:— (a) The bio data of the security guard is forwarded to the Special Branch of Police of District concerned. (b) At the time of annual renewal of license of a private security company reports are obtained from the AIG of police (Special Branch). (c) Senior superintendent of police and Deputy Commissioner ensure that the security guards are trained and security cleared. (d) Obtain sureties/ guarantors while hiring any new guard. Steps taken by provincial Governments including ICT for security clearance of Guards is at Annex-I:— (b) A policy has been drafted to streamline the procedure of granting NOC to Private Security Company by M/o Interior and it is under submission to competent authority for approval. As per new policy: i. The proposed directors must have relevant security related experience. ii. The proposed director must have a sound financial position and a minimum bank statement of Rs.5 Million. iii. The proposed directors must be regular tax payers and possess a valid NTN. 28 iv. The antecedents/ conduct of the proposed directors will be mandatory to be security cleared by ISI, IB, M/o Defence and Special Branch of Police. The proposed Private Security Company will provide M/o Interior the information regarding proposed weapons to be used by security guards and proposed number of security guards alongwith their intended operational areas/ cities. (Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library) 46. *Ms. Naeema Kishwar Khan: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the areas, including Waziristan, where the survey for Benazir Income Support Programme has not so far been conducted alongwith the reasons thereof; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to conduct survey in the said areas? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) BISP Poverty Scorecard survey was conducted across the country through the independent firms (hired by competitive bidding process). Following are the areas where BISP Survey could not be conducted due to unfavorable law and order situation : I. II. III. IV. V. VI. North Waziristan (FATA) South Waziristan (FATA) Basima and Naag tehsils of Washuk District (Balochistan) Tehsil Mach of Kachi/Bolan district (Balochistan) Kohan tehsil of Kohlu District (Balochistan) Lohi Patwar Circle of Lasbella District (Balochistan) (b) B1SP and its partner firms have tried their level best to initiate the survey in the aforesaid areas but due to uncertainty and deteriorated law & order situation, the survey activity could not be materialized. Firms on board were granted the time extension (between the years 2010-2012) thrice for the task completion even then the firms had shown their inability to conduct the survey due to unfavorable 29 law and order situation. However, BISP is planning to initiate re-survey in near future and these areas will be considered according to the prevalent law & order situation at that time. 47. *Ms. Naeema Kishwar Khan: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the total number of Passport Offices functioning in each province of the country at present; (b) whether it is a fact that some offices have been established in unsuitable buildings; if so, the location-wise details thereof; and (c) the steps being taken by the Government to ensure the establishment of passport offices in each district in suitable buildings? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan) : (a) Presently, there are 84 Regional Passport Offices functioning in the country. The province wise detail is as under: —————————————————————————————— S. # Province / Region Number of functional passport offices —————————————————————————————— 1 Islamabad Capital Territory 2 2 Balouchistan 7 3 Khyber Pakhtunkhawa 16 4 Punjab 38 5 Sindh 10 6 AJ&K 6 7 Gilgit Baltistan 3 8 FATA 2 —————————————————————————————— Total: 84 —————————————————————————————— 30 The list of eighty four (84) functional passport offices is attached at Annex-A. (b) The Directorate General I&P, hired suitable buildings for establishment of Regional passport offices within Pakistan. These buildings were hired keeping in view the machine Readable Passport system requirements for the purpose. However due to security concerns, the Department intends to shift one Regional Passport Office at Hangu from its existing premises situated at Sammana Road Darvezi Palusa, Hangu to some secured premises. (c) The Directorate General, Immigration & Passports, plans to establish 73 additional Regional Passport Offices at district level under MRP/MRV Project, Phase-III. Consequently, the CDWP of the Planning Commission approved the PC-I of MRP/MRV Project, Phase III for establishment of 73 additional offices district wise within Pakistan. Funds to the tune of Rs. 300 million have also been allocated for this project for Financial Year 2015-16. All these seventy three (73) passport offices will be established in the duration of eighteen months w.ef. October, 2015. The Department has already initiated the tendering process for procurement of requisite hardware as well as hiring of suitable buildings for opening of these Regional Passport Offices within the defined timelines. _____________________________________________________________ @Transferred from Finance Division. 31 32 48. *Dr. Shireen Mehrunnisa Mazari: Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state the total number of persons living below the poverty line in the country at present? Minister for Planning, Development and Reform (Mr. Ahsan Iqbal): According to the latest available estimates based on 2010-11 data 12.4% of the population is below poverty line, which translates to approximately 24 million people. Currently poverty parameters are under methodological review by a group of independent experts formed by the Planning Commission. 49. *Dr. Shireen Mehrunnisa Mazari : Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the total number of non-diplomatic visas issued to US Embassy/ 33 Consulate pesonnel in Pakistan since 2013 alongwith the purposes thereof? Transferred to Foreign Affairs Division for answer on Next Rota Day. 50. *Ms. Naseema: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the citizens of Balochistan are facing great difficulties due to delay in the issuance of Passports; (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Ministry to start One Window Operation in every district of the said province for the issuance of Computerized National Identity Cards and Passports; if so, when it will be implemented? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan) : (a) It is not true that issuance of Passports to the applicants including citizens of Balochistan are delayed. Urgent passports are issued after four working days while normal passports are issued after ten working days after go-ahead by the accepting officer at the Regional Passport Office. (b) There is no such proposal under consideration. However, NADRA and DG IMPASS are planning to launch Executive Passport Offices (EPOS) at 13 locations to handle 50% of the workload expeditiously. 51. *Ms. Naseema: Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state the steps taken by the Government for improvement of the human development projects in Balochistan? Minister for Planning, Development and Reform (Mr. Ahsan Iqbal): NAVTTC is executing 03 Skill Development Progromms in Balochistan i.e. 34 i. ii. iii. President’s Fanni Maharat Program Prime Minister’s Hunar-Mand Pakistan Program Prime Minister’s Youth Skill Development Program The details of the programs are as mentioned below; President’s Fanni Maharat Program ( Rs. 156.237 Million) • NAVTTC established 13 Vocational Training Centres in the areas, where previously no vocational training center existed i.e. Vocational Training Centre at; Dalbandin, Naukundi, Kahan, Mewand, Gandakha, Jhal Magsi, Gandhawa, Musa Khel, Drug, barkhan. Bhag, Dhadar and Duki. Currently. 1435 trainees have been trained in 4 to 6 months courses/trades i.e. Motorwinding, Welding, Motorcycle repair, Computer operator and Tailoring. Prime Minister’s Special Initiative Hunarmand Pakistan Program (Rs. 336.585 Million) • Under this project 09 training programs are under process. A total number of 2380 trainees will be equipped with hands-on skills in different market oriented trades/courses of 4 to 6 months i.e. Computer, IT, Auto mechanic, Poultry forming, Pharmacy, Carpenter, Plumbing, Electrician Cooking, Civil Engineering etc. Prime Minister’s Youth Skill Development Program (Phase-I Rs. 800 Million &Phase- II Rs. 1178 Million) • Prime Minister’s Youth Skill Development Program (Phase-I&II) is another initiative of present Government. During Phase-I (2013-14), 25,000 trainees were equipped with hands-on skills in 100 market oriented trades/courses of 4 to 6 months. Whereas, 200 more trainees are under training during phase-II (2014-15) of this program in 319 institutions all over the country. National Training Bureau (NTB) • The PC-1 for Training of 5750 youth under Aghaz-eHaqooq-eBalochistan Package amounting to Rs. 331.256 million was approved by the CDWP dated 11-4-2014 is under the process of implementation. 35 National Internship Program M/o Inter Provincial Coordination • Prime Minister’s Youth training scheme (2015-18), at cost estimates of Rs. 23,594.911 million, is another initiatives of government, sponsored and executed by National Internship Program (NIP), Ministry of IPC for implementation of period of 36 months all over the country including FATA, GB, AJK and ICT. It aims to train 150,000 on the job internees for the period of 1 year who have completed either 16 years of education or Metric / FSc with diploma from government recognized institutions in more than 100 demand driven areas/fields broadly IT, social sciences, finance, engineering, medicines etc. to improve public/ private sector performance and give the intern an opportunity to learn and develop skills for future employment. Under this scheme special importance is given to Balochistan whereby more than 3,000 unemployed youth of Balochistan will be trained per year with stipend Rs. 12,000 stipend per month. The programme is to be executed by Inter Provincial Coordination Division. Higher Education Projects in Balochistan • Following university projects are being executed in Balochistan which would help in improving human development in the province: (Rs. Million) —————————————————————————————— S# Project Name Estimated Cost —————————————————————————————— 1. Development of Infrastructure at Lasbela 975 University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences, Uthal, Balochistan. 2. Development of University of Balochistan, Quetta (To be revised). 972 3. Establishment of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology at Jaffarabad 853 4. Establishment of University at Loralai 1,519 5. Establishment of University at Turbat 1,580 36 —————————————————————————————— S# Project Name Estimated Cost —————————————————————————————— 6. Master Leading to PhD Scholarships Program 3,139 (Indigenous and Overseas) for the Students of Balochistan (An Initiative of the Aghaz-e-HaqooqeBalochistan Package) 7. Provision of academic and research facilities at Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University, Quetta. 696 8. Provision of basic amenities at Balochistan University of Engineering & Technology, Khuzdar 799 9. Strengthening and Development of Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University, Quetta. 806 10. Strengthening of University of Balochistan, Quetta and its Campuses 896 11. Capacity Building and Strengthening of the Centre of Excellence in Mineralogy, University of Balochistan,Quetta 150 12. Capacity Building and Strengthening of the Pakistan Study Centre, University of Balochistan Quetta Establishment of School and Professional Development at Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University, Quetta. 110 13. 670 14. Establishment of sub campus of Balochistan University of Information Technology and Management Sciences, Quetta at Muslim Bagh, Qila Saifullah 540 15. Establishment of University at Sibi, Balochistan 1,500 16. Strengthening & Expansion of Balochistan 780 University of Information Technology and Management Sciences, Quetta —————————————————————————————— 37 52. *Ms. Zahra Wadood Fatemi: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Islamabad was declared a smoke free zone recently; (b) if so, the steps taken by the Ministry to enforce the said declaration? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) Government of Pakistan (Ministry of Health) has promulgated law titled “Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Non-Smokers Ordinance, 2002” which is applicable in ICT as well. However, no specific law to declare Islamabad as Smoke free zone has been promulgated. Under Section 7 of the Ordinance ibid, a District Implernentation & Monitoring Committee has been constituted in Islamabad Capital Territory to monitor the implementation of tobacco control laws and to take initiatives for smoke-free Islamabad. Its composition is as under:— —————————————————————————————— S# Nominees Designation —————————————————————————————— 1. Deputy Commissioner, ICT Chairman 2. SSP (Traffic),lslamabad Member 3. District Health Officer, ICT Member 4. Secretary, ITA, Islamabad 5. A representative from Federal Directorate of Member Education, Islamabad 6. A representative from Health Services Directorate, Member CDA, PIMS & Federal Government Services Hospital 7. A representative from Islamabad Chamber of Member Commerce and Industries 8. A representative from Local NGO dealing with Member tobacco Control 9. President Transporter’s Union, Islamabad Member 10. Joint Director / focal person from Tobacco Secretary Control Cell —————————————————————————————— (b) Performance / working of the committee constituted to monitor the implementation of tobacco control laws and to take initiatives for smoke-free Islamabad is placed at Annexure A. 38 39 40 53. *Engineer Dawar Khan Kundi: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the ratio of missing of children is increasing in Islamabad day by day; (b) if so, the total number of children missing from Islamabad during the last two years; and (c) the steps taken by the Islamabad Police to recover them? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) From 01-01-2013 to 25-08-2015, thirteen (13) cases were registered and thirty one (31) complaints received about missing of children in Islamabad. Though there is increase in cases of missing children on year on year basis, but ICT Police has been successful to recover 42 out of 44 missing children. The year wise detail is as under:— —————————————————————————————— Year Cases for Complaint received kidnapping about missing of children —————————————————————————————— 2013 0 8 2014 6 12 Upto 25/8/2015 7 11 —————————————————————————————— Total: 13 31 —————————————————————————————— (b) Out of forty four (44) children reported missing, 42 children were recovered / returned home. The ages of said children vary from infancy to 15 years. (c) ICT Police has taken following steps to recover remaining two missing children:— 41 1. Police is in contact with the families of the missing children to get any lead. 2. Public Notices have been displayed at prominent places and also sent to adjoining districts for obtaining information. 3. Suspicious places are raided on information. 4. Convicts/record holders in identical cases are investigated to get any clue / information. 5. Information is being exchanged with the sister agencies as well as police of adjoining Districts. ICT Police is making strenuous efforts for the recovery of two missing children as well as arrest of culprits involved. 54. *Engineer Dawar Khan Kundi: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether Government is aware that the absence of a Witness Protection System (WPS) is causing rise in unmerited acquittals in the country; (b) if so, the reasons for delay in the adoption of WPS in order to ensure justice to victims; and (c) the steps taken by the Government in this regard? Reply not received. 55. *Rai Hasan Nawaz Khan: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the kind/nature of advance tax being collected by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) at present; 42 (b) the prescribed procedure to adjust the said advance tax; (c) whether it is a fact that the FBR refunds/returns the amount of advance tax and does not adjust the same; if so, the amount which is pending with FBR for the last five years in this regard; and (d) the steps being taken by the Government to streamline the matter of advance tax collection? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) Individual taxpayer whose last declared income is Rs. 0.5 million or above are liable to pay Advance Tax in 04 equal installments by 15th September, 15th December, 15th March and 15th Day of June. For Association of Persons (AOPs) and companies, there is no requirement on the basis of last declared income; they have to pay advance: tax calculated on the basis of quarterly turnover. There is Withholding Tax regime in which Advance Tax is collected/ deducted under various withholding sections. The total number of sections of withholding taxes are 41. Some are adjustable toward the tax liability and some are final tax liability. Out of total 41 sections 14 are final discharge of tax liability and the rest adjustable toward tax liabilities. (b) The Advance Tax paid is adjusted toward tax liability declared in their tax returns. They claim credit while computing the tax due. (c) Not admitted as all the Advance Taxes are adjusted and the excess amount is refunded under the law. (d) The Advance Tax collection is streamlined and it is being monitored on monthly basis. Field offices have proper monitoring system. All the collection is reported to FBR through Monthly Performance Reports (MPRs). 56. *Rai Hasan Nawaz Khan: 43 Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Accountant General of Pakistan Revenues (AGPR) gets prior No Objection Certificates (NOCs)/ undertakings from employees to finalize pensionery dues; (b) if so, whether it is also a fact that the AGPR did not adopt the said procedure for the employees of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources who retired on 03-09-2012; and (c) whether it is further a fact that such negligence on the part of the AGPR enabled the retired employees of the said Ministry to still occupy the Government accommodations illegally; if so, the steps being taken by the Government in this regard? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) Yes. (b) AGPR is following the Governments instructions in the matter. However, according to policy (Annex-I), payment of pension should not be held up merely for want of No Demand Certificate/ NOC either from the concerned department or from Estate Office on account of Government hired accommodation. The Pension Payment Order (PPO) is required to be issued for payment of pension subject to production of an undertaking by the pensioner or his family at the time of first payment of pension/gratuity/Commutation that any demand coming to the notice would be recoverable from pension within a period of one year after issue of PPO. In the absence of particulars of the pensioners retired on 03-09-2012, AGPR office is unable to ascertain the factual position. (c) According to the policy (Annex-II), the head of the department should alert the Estate Office six months before the date of retirement of a Govt. Servant to bring his rent account up-to-date so that the outstanding dues, if any, are realized before the date of retirement. In case a retired Govt. Servant is allowed to continue in occupation of Govt. quarter, the Estate Office should ensure future personal sureties instead of withholding the No Demand Certificate. 44 As far as the matter of illegal occupation of Government accommodation by the pensioner is concerned, the Estate Office is the concerned authority to take legal action in this regard. (Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library) 57. *Ms. Shagufta Jumani: Will the Minister In-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state: (a) the performance made by the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit during the last five years till date; (b) the total number of employees presently working in the said Unit alongwith their work scope; and (c) the funds allocated to said Unit during the said period alongwith the year-wise details thereof? Minister In-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office: (a) Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit (PMDU) was established in April, 2015 with the mandate to closely monitor the progress of key strategic projects, expedite processing of documents and remove any inter-ministerial bottlenecks in their implementation. PMDU is headed by Prof. Ahsan Iqbal, Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms (MPD&R). Currently PMDU is working on the following projects:— i. Projects under China Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC) • • • • ii. iii. Infrastructure Energy Gawadar projects Economic Zone Civil Service Reforms Government reforms through performance contracts with 11 Federal Government Ministries (b) The total number of employees working in the said unit is 09. Their work scope is given at Annex-A. 45 (c) No separate allocation of funds was/has been made/demanded from Finance Division for PMDU during the year 2014-15 and 2015-16. However, necessary cushion to meet the expenditure on pay & Allowances etc. was/has been arranged out of funds allocated by the Finance Division to The Prime Minister’s Office (Public). 46 58. *Ms. Mussarrat Ahmadzeb: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the people of the Malakand Division are facing great difficulties in obtaining their Computerized National Identity Cards as they do not possess their Nikkah Nama due to their trible customs; (b) if so, the steps being taken by the Government in this regard? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan) : (a) As per the prevalent NADRA’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Marriage Certificate or copy of Nikkah Nama duly issued by the respective Union Council is required for issuance of Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) to a married woman for authenticating her family relationship. The requirement is not specific to the people of Constituency No. 323. However, applicants belonging to FATA etc., manual Nikkah Nama verified/issued by the concerned Political Administration is also accepted for processing of their CNICs. 47 (b) Presently, a proposal is under consideration of NADRA whereby Nikkah Nama or Marriage Certificate will be exempted in cases where husband or children (holding CNIC) or in-laws of married woman personally verify the relationship through biometric verification. It is expected that the said proposal will materialize in a few months. 59. *Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Computerized National Identity Cards of innocent Pakistani are often blocked without any reason and the procedure of their restoration is extremely complicated; (b) if so, whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to make it simple; if so, when it will be implemented? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) NADRA since its inception has issued 101,665,198 cards out of which 125,674 are blocked which makes a percentage of 0.12% of total cards. CNICs are not blocked without any reason. However, when a report is received through security agencies that an individual has obtained CNIC fraudulently or on fake documents, their CNIC are blocked by NADRA. Before blocking the card, a Legal Notice is served to the individual under Section 23 of NADRA Ordinance. If the individual fails to appear before Verification Board constituted by NADRA, CNIC is blocked. Later on, if individual approaches NADRA with correct particular and documents, his/her card is modified and restored after a systematic procedure and board proceedings. For this purpose, verification boards have been constituted in all zones and regions of NADRA. However, cases of “Confirmed Aliens” are not restored till his/her National status is verified by Joint Verification Committees (JVC)/security agencies. (b) NADRA has initiated steps for facilitation of public. As one step, public friendly policies have been issued to all registration centers with salient features that record should not he blocked merely on basis of doubt, dialect or ethnic grounds. On directives of Ministry of Interior NADRA has also made concrete efforts for establishment of Joint Verification Committees (JVC) at grass root level. JVC is composed of representatives from:— 48 (1) I.B. (2) I.S.I (3) Special Branch JVC are functional at Provincial Headquarter and District level in Punjab, Balochistan and KPK. Blocked cards are restored on basif reports of JVC. 60. *Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that women are facing great difficulties due to the non availability of women staff and women counters in most of the passport offices; (b) if so, whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Ministry to appoint women staff in the passport offices and to open separate counters for women therein? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan) : (a) It is a fact that the women are facing difficulties due to the non-availability of women staff and women counters in some Passport offices. The Department is currently unable to provide facility of women counters in all Regional Passport Offices due to non-availability of sufficient female staff and funds. As soon as, the requisite human resource and funds are available for the purpose, this facility will be provided in all Regional Passport Offices within Pakistan. (b) The department of Immigration & Passports has already planned to facilitate female, disabled and old aged Passport applicants in a separate Passport queue. However, due to involvement of financial constraints female data processing counters cannot be established at the moment. ISLAMABAD: The 10th November, 2015. MOHAMMAD RIAZ, Secretary. 1 (25th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ———— “UNSTARRED QUESTIONS AND THEIR REPLIES” For Wednesday, the 11th November, 2015 105. Ms. Naeema Kishwar Khan: (Deferred during 11th Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that cost was estimated for installation of cyber net fountains project in various areas of Islamabad during the year 2008; if so, the details thereof; alongwith the date of approval and completion of the PC-I thereof; (b) the details of the construction work carried on up till now and the time by which the said project will be completed; (c) the total expenditures to be incurred thereupon alongwith the amount spent so far; (d) whether Public Procurement Rules, 2004 were followed therefor; and (e) whether irregularities have been found in the said project; if so, the action taken against the responsibles? Reply not received. 102. Deferred for answer on Next Rota Day. 2. Ms. Belum Hasnain: (Deferred during 19th Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: 2 (a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to provide protection to the Judges, lawyers and witnesses concerned with Court proceedings; if so, the details thereof; and (b) whether any proposed legislation or any other amendment is under consideration of the Ministry to provide security to the said persons; if so, the details thereof? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) Protection to Judges, Counsel, Public Prosecutor, witnesses and persons concerned with Court proceedings has already been provided under Section 21 of Anti Terrorism Act, 1997 and Section 13 of Protection of Pakistan Act, 2014. (b) As in Para (a) above However, in order to strengthen the provisions, the matter is being examined in consultation with Provincial Governments. 12. Mr. Sher Akbar Khan: (Deferred during 21st Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the number of complaints/FIRs regarding stolen vehicles/ cars which have been registered since July 1st, 2014 in each Police Station of Islamabad alongwith the action taken thereupon so far; (b) the number of vehicles which have been recovered so far alongwith the steps being taken to recover the remaining vehicles/cars; and (c) whether it is a fact that the number of stolen vehicles/cars is increasing day by day in Islamabad; if so, the steps being taken by the Ministry for eliminating criminal gangs involved therein? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) From 01-07-2014 to 18-08-2015, six hundred and twenty one (621) complaints/FIRs were registered for stolen vehicles/cars in Islamabad. The detail is as under:— 3 —————————————————————————————— Cases Vehicles Arrests Registered Recovered —————————————————————————————— 621 105 130 —————————————————————————————— (b) Out of 621 stolen vehicles, 105 vehicles were recovered and 130 accused persons were arrested. The Challans against these accused persons have been submitted before the courts of competent jurisdiction. ICT Police has taken following steps to recover remaining stolen vehicles: Officials at Nakas at all important entry and exit points have been provided the lists of stolen vehicles. Patrolling has been enhanced and the officers have been directed to conduct snap checking at Nakas. SHOs have been directed to check the parking areas at places like F.G.S. Hospital, CDA Hospital and CDA Offices as stolen vehicles are parked at such places for a few days before dispatching the same out of Islamabad. Police in plain clothes has been deployed in different Sectors to keep watch over suspicious persons/ vehicles and informers have been employed for the same purpose. SHOs have been directed to personally supervise investigation related to stolen vehicles. Lists of convicts in the car theft offences have been distributed to interrogate in the car theft cases. Decoys are also implanted at public places. Anti car Lifting Cell staff coordinates with KP Police to recover vehicles stolen from Islamabad. ACLC staff shares information with Police in adjoining Districts. 4 (c) Car lifting / theft has decreased in the current year as compared to previous year. There were 443 cases registered from 01-01-2014 to 31-07-2014 whereas 252 cases have been behind decrease of this crime is that most of the habitual / professional culprits have been arrested by the Islamabad Police and are facing trial before the courts. (d) The steps taken by ICT Police for eliminating the criminal gangs involved in car lifting have been explained in above Para. 48. Ms. Asyia Naz Tanoli: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the total number of vacant posts of Khateebs, Naib Khateebs and the Moazzans in Auqaf Department, Islamabad at present; (b) the total number of Khateebs and Moazzans recruited since 1-1-2012 till date alongwith their names, provincial quotas and domiciles; (c) the names of Mosques for which said appointments were made alongwith the details thereof; and (d) the total number of said posts which are on permanent and contract basis at present alongwith the details of names, domiciles and the period of contracts of the incumbents? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) At present 49 posts in the cadre of Khateeb, Moazzin, Khadim and Muddaris are vacant in Auqaf Department, ICT. The break-up of the vacant posts is as under:— 5 —————————————————————————————— Name & BPS of Post Vacant Maslak —————————————————————————————— Khateeb (BS-12) 26 Deobandi (12) Brelvi (14) Moazzin (BS-05) 21 Deobandi (10) Brelvi (10) Shia (01) Khadim (BS-05) 01 Deobandi (01) Mudarris (BS-05) 01 Deobandi (01) —————————————————————————————— Total 49 —————————————————————————————— (b) Seven (07) Khateeb and Moazzin have been recruited from 01-01-2012 to todate. Detail is at Annex “A” (c) The detail of Mosques for which appointments were made are placed at Annex “B” (d) Details indicating the type of appointment of Khateebs and Moazzins, whether regular / permanent or on contract basis alongwith their names, domicile and period of contract are at Annex “C” (Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library) 54. Ms. Aisha Syed: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the performance made by the Women Police Station, Sector G-7, Islamabad during the year 2014? Reply not received. 55. Ms. Naeema Kishwar Khan: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: 6 (a) the total number of Police Officers went abroad in the capacity of Interpol Officers during the last five years till date alongwith the details thereof; (b) whether Interpol Officers were also involved therein; if so, the details thereof; and (c) the action taken against the responsibles thereof? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) 03 officers of FIA went abroad in the capacity of Interpol officers. Detail is at (Annex-A); (b) The Interpol officers were not involved in any crime; (c) No action is required as these Police officers were not involved in any crime. (Annex-A) —————————————————————————————— S.No. Name & Designation of INTERPOL Officer who visited abroad Purpose —————————————————————————————— 1. Mr. Hussain Asghar, Director/NCBVisit of Hussain Asghar, INTERPOL, FIA HQs. Director INTERPOL to UAE and Oman. 2. Mr. Muhammad Ghalib Ali Bandesha/ Director General, Head of NCB-INTERPOL Islamabad, FIA Islamabad. 3. Mr. Gulfam Nasir Warriach, Deputy Director/ SIU To attend annual Heads of NCB conference, Lyon-France 2-4, April, 2014. Extradition case of Rizwan Habib Alvi S/o Javed Mehmood Alvi wanted in case FIR No. 24/2014 U/S 201/ 222/420/468/471 PPC PS FIA, ACC, Islamabad. —————————————————————————————— 7 63. Rai Hasan Nawaz Khan: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the names of those citizens are not being enlisted in the voter lists by NADRA to whom computerized National Identity Cards have been issued during the year 2014-15? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): No. It is not a fact. 120. Ms. Phyllis Azeem: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the total number of daily wages employees working in the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) in the country alongwith names, domiciles, dates of birth and initial dates of their appointments; (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to regularize the services of said daily wages employees; if not, the reasons thereof; (c) the total number of contract employees working in the BISP in the country alongwith the status thereof; (d) whether it is a fact that there are many officers/officials working in BISP whose deputation periods have expired and they are still working therein; if so, the justification thereof; and (e) the names and designations of said employees whose period of deputation has expired? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Prevatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) No employee is working on daily wages in BISP. However 304 employees are working in the BISP on contingent basis as Contingent Paid Staff (CPS) who are appointed for 89 days only. 8 (b) As there is no daily wages employee in BISP therefore there is no proposal for their regularization. (c) 1807 employees are working in BISP in the country on contract basis. Out of these 1807 contract employees, the contract period of 1676 employees is till further orders whereas contract of 131 is extended on yearly basis. (d) (a) The services of 207 Officers/officials have been requisitioned from other Govt. departments on deputation basis on standard terms & condition for a period of 3 years. After the expiry of initial period of 3 years the extension of further 2 years is permissible under the relevant rules/policy of the Government. Hence, maximum permissible deputation period is 5 years in BISP. Presently 105 officers/officials have completed their normal tenure of 3 years deputation period and beyond 3 years their extension for further 2 years have been either approved by the Competent Authority or under process in respective Offices/Ministries. (b) 02 employees (Mr. Muhammad Zubair, Senior Private Secretary and Mr. Qurban Ali Bapar. Assistant Private Secretary) of devolved ministries (National Reconstruction Bureau and Ministry of Livestock and Dairy Development) are working in BISP on deputation basis. The Establishment Division has advised in 2013 that the services of defunct employ of devolved ministries may be utilized by BISP on deputation basis till promulgatipn of enabling law for the absorption of the employees of devolved Ministries/Divisions (Annex-A). However, now in consultation with the Establishment Division they are also being repatriated to the MS Wing, Establishment Division. (c) Mr. Muhammad Tahir Noor a (BS-19) officer of Secretariat Group was posted as Director (Coord) on deputation basis since 02-03-2010. On completion of maximum period of 05-years on deputation, Establishment Division was requested to extend deputation period of the officer for one year as a very special case. The Establishment Division advised that BISP may move a Summary seeking approval of the Prime Minister for extension. In the meantime Mr. Muhammad Tahir Noor was promoted in BS-20 and Establishment Division vide notification dated 25-06-2015 have posted him as Director General (BS-20) in BISP HQ on deputation basis on standard terms and conditions with immediate effect and till further orders (Annex-B) and the officer has assumed the charge of Director General. 9 (d) Mr. Jawad Ahmed an officer of Information Technology, Govt. of Balochistan, posted as Divisional Director, Quetta completed his 5 years in March 2015. He was also looking after the work of Director General Balochistan which is a vacant post and the BISP has requested to Government of Balochistan for posting of an officer to fill up the post (Annex-C) but no response has been received from them, therefore the BISP utilized his service for 05 Months even after completion of 05 Years deputation period. However, his repatriation orders are being issued. (e) (i) Muhammad Zubair, Senior Private Secretary (BS-19), an employee of National Reconstruction Bureau (a defunct department) (ii) Mr. Qurban Ali Bapar Assistant Private Secretary (BS-16), an employees of devolved Ministry of Livestock & Dairy Development (iii) Mr. Muhammad Tahir Noor a (BS-20), officer of Secretariat Group is posted as Director General (Complimentary Initiative), BISP. (iv) Mr. Jawad Ahmed, a (BS-18), officer of Information Technology, Govt. of Balochistan posted as Divisional Director BISP, Quetta (Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library) 123. Shaikh Rohale Asghar: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state the date on which women were enrolled for providing financial assistance to them under Benazir Income Support Programme? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Prevatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): BISP beneficiary women were enrolled for provision of financial assistance from 1st December, 2009 to 10 31st December, 2013 in a phased manner through Poverty Scorecard Survey by using proxy means testing (PMT). PMT generates the score of each surveyed household on a scale between 0-100. The households having the score of 16.17 or less are considered as “eligible households” by BISP, 128. Ms. Belum Hasnain: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the names of International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) working in the country at present alongwith the present status thereof; (b) the dates from which said NGOs are operational, separately; and (c) the reasons for establishment of said Organizations separately? Transferred to Economic Affairs Division for answer on Next Rota Day. 130. Ms. Aisha Syed: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the present status of the Senate Secretariat Employees Cooperative Housing Society? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): The Senate Employees Cooperative Housing Society was registered on 07-11-1996. The Society purchased 1135 kanal land in Mouzas Peja Khatreel, Sher Dhamial, Darwala, Gangota Syedan, Hardoghar, Gagri, Pind Dayan in Zone-V. Most of the purchased land was in scattered pieces. The Society made efforts and succeeded to make a compact piece of land in Mouza Hardoghar in Zone-V, measuring 934 kanal. Layout plan on 680 kanal was approved by CDA on 23-02-2009. Land leveling was started but subsequently stopped on the directions of the Senate Special Committee on the Senate (Sectt) Employees Cooperative Housing Society, Islamabad, constituted to scrutinize the affairs of the society. Presently, the affairs of the Society are being run by an elected Management. 11 131. Sheikh Salahuddin: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to refer to Un-Starred Question No.23 replied on 6-6-2014 and to state the steps being taken by the Islamabad Traffic Police to stop the motor bike riders from utilizing the pedestrians bridge at 7th Avenue, Islamabad? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): Following two Overhead Bridges have been constructed for pedestrians at 7th Avenue, Islamabad:— i. Between Sectors G-7/4 and G-6/1-2 ii. Between Sectors G-6/2 and G-7/3-1 The Overhead Bridge between Sectors G-7/4 & G-6/1-2 has already been blocked from one side by Security Agency and only pedestrians are using it. Overhead Bridge connecting Sectors G-6/2 and G-7/3-1 is open. Islamabad Traffic Police Education Team visits it twice a week to educate motorcyclists not to use it. A traffic police patrolling vehicle covers 7th Avenue, with the directions to take stern action against motorcyclists, who use Pedestrian Bridge Furthermore, ITP issued 433 violation tickets to the motorcyclists, and impounded 180 motorcycles under section 115 of MVO-1965, from 06-06-2014 to 24-08-2015 for using Pedestrian Bridge. To permanently restrict use of Pedestrian Bridge by motorcyclists, ICT Police has approached CDA vide letter dated 24-08-2015 for installation of Turtle Crossings at all Overhead Bridges of Expressway & 7th Avenue,( Annex- “I”) (Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library) 14. Shamas Un Nisa: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the total funds allocated for the Central Jail Staff Training Institute in budget 2015-16; and 12 (b) the performance made by the said institute during the last three years? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): In total, Rs. 26.164 million were allocated in the budget of Central Jail Staff Training Institute (now upgraded as National Academy for Prisons Administration), Lahore, for the the current financial year 2015-16. (b) Performance of the Academy during the last three years is as under: 15. Organized courses for prison officers / staff as well as Probation & Parole Officers of all the Provinces, as per following detail: Year Persons Trained 2012-13 198 2013-14 197 2014-15 164 Developed Computer Lab and organized training courses on Prison Management Information System (PMIS) in which 113 persons received training from Punjab Prisons Department in 2014-15. Provided physical training to entire prison officers/staff for ensuring physical fitness and grooming in skills to handle crisis situation. Improved syllabi of different courses. Conducted research & development in the field of prison management and being a focal point, collected, collated and updated prisons/ prisoners data from all over the country. Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the number of offices of the National Database and Registration Authority throughout the country at present alongwith the tehsil-wise break-up thereof? 13 Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): 566 offices of the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) are operational throughout the country at present. Tehsil-wise break up is attached as Annex-A. In addition to above, 34x Semi Mobile Registration Units and 234 Mobile Registration Vans are also functional across the country. (Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library) 16. Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the punishment prescribed for a person involved in issuance of fake Computerized National Identity Cards and Passports in the country? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): The Punishment prescribe for a person involved in issuance of fake Computerized National Identity Cards (CNIC) under Section 30(2) of NADRA Ordinance 2000, is liable for punishment in addition to any other penalty to which he may be liable under any other law, be punishable will rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years or with fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees or with both:— Government officials involved in issuance of fake passports are proceeded under Efficiency & Discipline Rules, 1973 and penalized as per penalties defined under section-4 of the said rules (Annex-I). However, passport seekers involved in certain offences relating to passport are proceeded under section 6 of passport Act 1974 (Annex-II). (Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library) 17. Dr. Shireen Mehrunnisa Mazari: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: 14 (a) the total number of employees of the National Assembly Secretariat who applied for the grant of House Building Advance (HBA) during the period from 1-1-2012 till date alongwith the names and designations thereof; and (b) the time by which HBA will be granted to those employees? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Prevatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) List showing total number of employees of the National Assembly Secretariat who applied for the grant of House Building Advance (HBA) during the period from 01-01-2012 till date alongwith the names and designations is placed at Annex-A. (b) The expected time of issuance of Funds Availability Certificate (FAC) to each one of the said employees is mentioned against their names in Annex-A. (Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library) 18. Ms. Shagufta Jumani: Will the Minister In-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state the number of employees currently serving in Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority alongwith the province-wise details thereof? Minister Incharge of the Prime Minister Office: The number of employee currently serving in Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority is 696 as per following break-up:— Deputationist = 112 Contractual (project) = 339 Contingent = 245 ________ 696 ________ Total: = 15 Province-wise detail is as under:— —————————————————————————————— Name of Province No. of employees —————————————————————————————— Punjab 378 Islamabad 43 Sindh (U) 04 Sindh (R) 07 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 120 Balochistan 02 AJ&K 135 Gilgit Baltistan 06 FATA 01 —————————————————————————————— Total: 696 —————————————————————————————— 19. Mr. Asad Umar: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the total number of cases of domestic violence reported in the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) from July, 2013 till date; and (b) the total number of cases of child abuse reported in the ICT during the said period? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) From 01-07-2013 to 25-08-2015, sixty three (63) cases of domestic violence were reported in Police Stations of ICT. (b) Twenty six (26) cases of child abuse were reported at ICT Police Stations. 20. Shaikh Rohale Asghar: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: 16 (a) whether it is a fact that there is an emerging trend in the officers of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) to get married with foreign ladies without obtaining permission from the Government; (b) whether it is also a fact that an Afghan Lady got married with an officer of FIA after getting a fake CNIC No.4200004568978 from Pakistan; (c) if the answers to parts (a) and (b) above are in the affirmative, the action taken by the Government against the officers responsibles thereof? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) No. It is not true. (b) No. It is also no true. The CNIC No.42000045468978 was checked in the NADRA Verisys record. The same was found incorrect, as it comprises 14 digits, whereas CNIC contains 13 digits; (c) Nil MOHAMMAD RIAZ, Secretary. ISLAMABAD: The 10th November, 2015. PCPPI—12430(2015) NA—10-11-2015—650.