1 (26th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ———— “QUESTIONS FOR ORAL ANSWERS AND THEIR REPLIES” to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on Friday, the 27th November, 2015 (85 and 86 Admissibility is being reconsedered 210 withdrawn by the Honourable Member) 224. *Ms. Naseema: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the billions of funds have been distributed every year through the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) and Pakistan Bait-ul-Mall (PBM) to reduce poverty ratio in the country; (b) whether it is also a fact that the said ratio is not being reduced in the country thereby; (c) if the answers to parts (a) and (b) above are in the affirmative, the steps being taken to release more funds through the BISP and PBM to reduce the said ratio in the country? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) BENAZIR INCOME SUPPORT PROGRAMME (BISP) Rs. 315 billion has been disbursed to more than 5.0 million beneficiary families (As of 30th June, 2015) across the country since the inception of BISP in July 2008. 2 PAKISTAN BAIT-UL-MAL (PBM) Rs. 18.94 billion has been disbursed to more than 1.1 million beneficiary families (As of 30th June, 2015) across the country from FY 2009-10. (b) BENAZIR INCOME SUPPORT PROGRAMME The program was started as the safety mechanism for the poorest of the poor against fuel and food inflation. It is not a poverty reduction program rather it is an income support program to provide a minimum income package to the poor, to protect the vulnerable population against chronic and transient poverty. However for the first time the most vulnerable people have an access to a basic safety net program that has positively impacted on their living conditions. PAKISTAN BAIT-UL-MAL PBM is not directly dealing with the task of reduction in poverty ratio. However, its ongoing schemes/programmes are definitely contributing towards reduction in overall financial problems by giving financial and social benefit to the most deserving and neglected segments of the society. (c) BENAZIR INCOME SUPPORT PROGRAMME The present government increased expenditures of BISP from Rs.40 billion in 2012-2013 to an allocation of Rs.75 billion in 2013-14 and then to Rs.97.15 billion, in 2014-15. Now, the allocation has been further enhanced to Rs.102 billion for FY 2015-16. PAKISTAN BAIT-UL-MAL The present Government has increased the budget of PBM for FY 2015-16 from Rs.2 billion to Rs.4 billion. 232. *Syed Waseem Hussain: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Planning Development and Reform be pleased to state: 3 (a) whether it is a fact that in the recent past Hyderabad was the 3rd biggest city of Pakistan; and (b) the present number of Hyderabad amongst the biggest cities of Pakistan alongwith the reasons of backwardness thereof? Minister for Planning Development and Reform (Mr. Ahsan Iqbal): (a) The population census conducted by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) in year 1998, shows that Hyderabad was the 6th Biggest city of Pakistan with population size of 1.17 million. Details attached at Annex-I. (b) This information regarding the recent ranking of Hyderabad among biggest cities of Pakistan would be available after fresh census scheduled in March, 2016. The Social Policy and Development Center in its research report number 82 (published in June, 2012), computed an Overall Index of Multiple Deprivations of districts that ranks Hyderabad as the 7th most developed district in Pakistan and 2nd in the Province of Sindh Annex-II. 4 @287. *Ms. Aisha Syed: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Ministerr for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the total number of mosques in Islamabad at present alongwith the capacity to accommodate Namazees therein; (b) whether separate portions for female Namazees are available therein; and (c) the details of annual expenditure thereof: _____________________________________________________________________ @Transferred from Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony Division. 5 Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) There are nine hundred & fifty seven (957) masajid in Islamabad Capital Territory. Eighty nine (89) masajid are managed by Auqaf and rest are maintained by local communities. Auqaf manages masajid of three categories ‘A’ ‘B’ & ‘C’. The ‘C’ type masajid are main masajid with capacity of 1000 to 1500 nimazees, ‘B’ type masajid with capacity of 600 to 1000 nimazees whcreas.‘A’ type masajid have capacity of less then five hundred (500) nimazees. The breakup of category-wise Auqaf masajid is 03 under:— ‘C’ Type - 09 ‘B’ Type - 12 ‘A’ Type - 68 Similar information, about non-Auqaf Masajid is not available with Auqaf Directorate. (b) There are no separate portions for female Nimazees in Auqafmanaged masajid. (c) The he detail of expenditure incurred on Auqaf masajid during the year 2014-15 is as under:— Salaries - UtiIities Rs.49,330,000/Rs.10,205,000/- Physical facilities to masajids - Total: - Rs.765,000/——————— Rs. 60,300,000/- @290. *Mr. Asad Umar: (Deferred during 24th Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state whether there is any mechanism to monitor / check if any speaker at any mosque in Islamabad is involved in hate speech; if so, the details thereof? _____________________________________________________________________ @Transferred from Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony Division. 6 Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) Following steps have been taken by ICT Police to check/monitor hate speeches in Masajid/Imam Bargahs in Islamabad. In view of the prevailing law & order situation and security scenario in the country, the officers/officials from the concerned Police Stations are deployed at seven hundred and twenty two (722) Masajid and thirty nine (39), Imam Bargahs at prayers times in general and during Friday prayers in particular, to monitor/check hate speeches. The staff deputed for this purpose is given directions to closely watch/ observe the speeches of Ulemas/Khateebs and if anyone is found involved in delivering hate speech, report against the violator is submitted promptly for taking legal action. The Religious Scholars of various sects have been advised to adhere to agreed Code of Conduct and renounce such practices including:— ¾ Distribution of hate material from their respective Masajid. ¾ Criticism of other sects. A written undertaking is obtained from the management of all Masajid/ Imam Bargahs not to allow any Khateeb / Speaker to deliver hate speech. To maintain law & order and to check/observe that no Khateeb is involved in delivering hate speech during prayers time, a weekly Security Order is issued. Besides, the personnel of Special Branch and CID are also deployed at main Masajid/Imam Bargahs at prayers time, especially during Friday prayers for obtaining reports on the subject issue and on their reports legal action is taken against the violators. The use of Loudspeaker is banned in ICT except for “Azan” and Friday sermons. All Masajid / Imam Bargahs are under observation and prompt legal action is taken against the Khateebs who are found involved in misuse of Loudspeaker. During the current year, 02 cases have been registered against Khateebs / Speakers for making hate speeches. 7 Due to strict action, and strategy adopted by ICT Police in close coordination with the Khateebs/Speakers, the misuse of loudspeakers during Khutabas/prayers has been controlled. However, strict directions have also been issued for taking necessary legal action upon receipt of any such complaint. 54. *Engineer Dawar Khan Kundi: (Deferred during 25th Session) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether Government is aware that the absence of a Witness Protection System (WPS) is causing rise in unmerited acquittals in the country; (b) if so, the reasons for delay in the adoption of WPS in order to ensure justice to victims; and (c) the steps taken by the Government in this regard? Reply not received. 121. *Ms. Sajida Begum: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the foreign loans received by Pakistan during the present Government; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to repay the same? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) The foreign loans received by Pakistan during the tenure of present Government (5th June 2013 to 30th September, 2015) amounted to US$ 9,750.87 million excluding Bonds (US$ 3,499.35 million) and IMF loan (US$ 4,769.10 million). (b) The following steps are being taken by the Government to repay the said loans:— 8 122. After contracting of foreign loan, budget estimates are prepared for repayment of the loans on the basis of amortization schedule attached with the loan agreement. The repayment of principal, interest and other obligations as envisaged in the foreign loan agreement is made on the due dates. Sufficient budgetary provision is ensured for the purpose of debt servicing during the budget cycle. The IMF loan taken by the Government was exclusively to build foreign exchange reserves of the Government. The loan cannot and has not been used by GOP for budgetary support needs and is shown as part of the Foreign Exchange Reserves (currently at US$ 19.919 billion). State Bank of Pakistan is the custodian of the loan. The loan on becoming due will be repaid in US$ amount from the Foreign Exchange reserves of the Government. *Ms. Sajida Begum: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the technical assistance received by the Government from foreign countries and organizations since 1-6-2013; and (b) the steps being taken by the Ministry for proper utilization thereof? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) (i) Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, India and Egypt have provided technical assistance in the form scholarship/ training/course in various disciplines. Details are as under:— ————————————————————————————————————— Sr. Name of the Number of Nomination Against Technical No. Country/ Assistance received from 01- 06-2013 in Organization the form of scholarship/training/course. ————————————————————————————————————— 1. Indonesia 07 2. 3. Thailand Korea 101 312 4. India 18 5. Egypt 33 6. Singapore 63 7. Malaysia 133 ————————————————————————————————————— 9 (ii) JICA on behalf of the Government of Japan provides technical Assistance in the form of provision of equipment, materials, conducting feasibility development/basic design. (Details are at Annex-I). (iii) Asian Development Bank, China, DFID — UK, Germany. World Bank and France provided technical assistance. The details are as under: 10 11 12 (b) (i) Under the Rules of Business, Economic Affairs Division plays core function for assessment of requirements, programming and negotiations of external economic assistance and technical assistance from foreign governments and multilateral agencies. It monitors and evaluates aid requirements in collaboration and consultation with line ministries/agencies and provincial governments. (ii) The proposals for technical assistance are received from Ministries/ Divisions and provincial governments to EAD. EAD examines the proposal of technical assistance and share it with the foreign countries/donors. The foreign countries/donors after evaluation confirm the allocation/ utilization of technical assistance. (iii) EAD has a mechanism of holding bi-annual or annual reviews with bilateral partners to review all foreign funded projects including the technical assistance. Necessary directions are given to implementing agencies / provincial governments and ministries to ensure that the projects are completed efficiently and in line with the arrangements agreed by the Government of Pakistan under the bilateral agreement. EAD also keeps a close liaison with the donors/ executing agencies for proper implementation of the technical assistance. 13 123. *Dr. Nafisa Shah: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state (a) the details of the company to whom the Heavy Electrical Complex is being sold; and (b) whether said company is registered in Pakistan; if not, the name of country where it is registered at present alongwith credentials thereof? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) M/s Cargil Holdings Ltd (CHL) was the bidder approved by the Privatsiation Commission Board and the CCOP for buying Heavy Electrical Complex (HEC). However, since M/s CHL failed to make the balance payment of PKR 225 million, the Privatisation Commission revoked the Letter of Acceptance LOA dated April 06, 2015 vide its letter dated June 22, 2015. Pursuant to the above, M/s CHL filed an appeal in the larger bench of the Honorable Islamabad High Court. The larger bench of the IHC has granted Status Quo Order w.e.f June 30, 2015. Hence the transaction stands sub-judice at present. Details of M/s CHL are as under:— Registered in Kenya on 10th December, 2014. CHL is a division of Cargil Progressive Group. The group currently operates in financial sector, manufacturing trading and imports & exports. Has Experience in Holdings, Commodities, Construction, banking and Investments. 14 It is being legally supported by M/s Mohsin Tayyabally & Co. It has a liaison office in Karachi. (b) No, M/s CHL is not registered in Pakistan. However, it is registered in Kenya and copy of the Registration Certificate is annexed at Annex-A. 15 124. *Dr. Nafisa Shah: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the progress made on the Prime Minister’s Youth Loan Scheme; and (b) the total funds disbursed by the said scheme so far alongwith the province-wise details thereof? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) PMYBL Scheme is currently being operated by 11 commercial banks which include 03 public sector banks (NBP, First Women Bank and Sindh Bank) and 08 private sector banks (Habib Bank, Habib Metropolitan, Bank Al-Habib, Summit Bank, Meezan Bank, Soneri Bank, Albaraka Bank and UBL). Moreover, several other banks are also under preparation to launch the PMYBL Scheme. As private banks have recently started operations under this scheme, therefore major share of financing is made by NBP and First Women Bank. The progress so far made on the PMYBL Scheme is as under:— All the participating banks have received 63,011 applications. Out of total 63,011 applications received, 86 percent were submitted by male and 14 percent by female applicants. Total amount of Rs.16,083 million has been sanctioned to 15,641 borrowers. (b) So far, 10,442 loans have been extended under the Scheme through two ballots (each ballot was for 16000 loans). The province-wise position of the loans sanctioned against total 32,000 loans vis-a-vis the funds disbursed thereon is as under:— 16 ———————————————————————————————————————— Category/Area Share as Total loans Total loans Quota Funds per formula as per share sanctioned Utilized(%) Disbursed (%) after balloting (Rs. billion) ———————————————————————————————————————— A.Shuhdas’ 5.00 1,600 0 0 0 Windows Quota B.Special Areas 6.00 1,920 451 23 0.245 ICT 1.00 320 190 59 FATA 2.00 640 0 0 0.245 AJ&K 2.00 640 198 31 GB 1.00 320 63 20 C.Provinces 89.00 28,480 9,991 35 5.121 Punjab 46.05 14,736 8,037 55 3.952 Sindh 21.85 6,992 695 10 0.431 KPK 13.01 4,163 1,116 27 0.629 Balochistan 8.09 2,589 143 6 0.109 ———————————————————————————————————————— Total (A+B+C) 100.00 32,000 10,442 33 5.366 ———————————————————————————————————————— 125. *Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to reduce the rates of interest on House Building, Motorcycle and Motor car advances which are being given to the Government employees at present; if so, the details thereof? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): No. 126. *Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state the present status of investigations made by the Federal Board of Revenue regarding the assets and tax liabilities of the Axact so far? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) M/s Axact (Private) Limited filed income tax returns mentioning its principal activity as “Computer Consultancy and facilities management” as under: 17 ————————————————————————————————————— Tax Declared Income Tax paid/ Year Taxable Exempt deducted Tax Demand/ payable Refund ————————————————————————————————————— 2009 1.059 16.191 1.185 0.370 (0.814) 2010 3.056 20.101 3.839. 1.069 (2.769) 2011 1857 11.605 5.379 1.409 (3.970) 2012 2.453 158.538 8.540 0.858 (7.681) ————————————————————————————————————— Total: 10.425 206.435 18.943 3.706 (15.234) ————————————————————————————————————— The orders for the above years were amended on 30-06-2015 after the Intelligence & Investigation (Inland Revenue) reported the misuse of income tax exemptions under clause 133, Part 1 of the Second Schedule to Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. The exempt income related to export of software to M/s Axact , FZ LLC, UAE being the sole buyer, which was found out that no business has been done With the above mentioned company. ————————————————————————————————————— Tax Year Amended Income Amount of Tax ————————————————————————————————————— 2009 406,130,279 146,239,373 2010 510,791,501 181,577,643 2011 902,846,550 322,353,845 2012 1,040,967,695 269,331,114 ————————————————————————————————————— Total: 2,860,736,025 919,501,975 —————————————————————————————— The Axact scandal is also under investigation with Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) authorities. As and when the FIA report is finalized, it will be shared with the FBR and appropriate action will be taken under the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. 127. *Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: 18 (a) the names of illegal Housing Societies in Islamabad at present; and (b) the action being taken by the Government against them? Transferred to Cabinet Division for answer on Next Rota Day. 128. *Ms. Belum Hasnain: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the percentage of increase made in the rate of taxes on Bank transactions during the last three years alongwith the year-wise details thereof; and (b) whether it is a fact that the business of banks has decreased due to increase made in the said tax during the current year; if so, the steps being taken by the Government to deal with the said situation? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) The percentage of increase made in the rate of taxes on bank transactions during the last three years along with the year-wise details is given below: ————————————————————————————————————— Tax Deduction Financial Tax Year Rate ————————————————————————————————————— Bank Interest & Securities 2012-13 10% (151) 2013-14 10% 2014-15 10% Cash Withdrawal 2012-13 0.2% (231A) 2013-14 0.3% 2014-15 0.3% Advance tax on transaction in bank 2012-13 0.3% (231AA) 2013-14 0.3% 2014-15 0.3% Advance tax on banking transaction 2015-16 0.3% other than through cash (Upto 30th (236P) Nov. 2015) ————————————————————————————————————— 19 (b) Business of banks has not decreased, as is evident from the following. ————————————————————————————————————— Tax Deduction Amount Amount Collected July Collected July to to Oct., 2015 Oct., 2014 ————————————————————————————————————— Bank Interest & Securities (151) 15,588 15.719 Cash Withdrawal (231A) Advance tax on transaction in bank (231AA) 8,489 6,922 265 150 Advance tax on banking transaction other than 6,727 — through cash (*236P) ————————————————————————————————————— 129. *Ms. Belum Hasnain: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to revise the pay scales of employees of the Pakistan Railways; if so, the details thereof; and (b) the time by which the said scales were revised lastly? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) Finance Division announced the Basic Pay Scales recently w.e.f. 01-07-2015 applicable on all civil servants vide its O. M. No.1 (3)Imp/2015-630 dated 07-07-2015. These pay scales are also applicable to the employees of Pakistan Railways. As such there is no separate proposal under consideration at present for revision of salaries/scale of 20 Railwayployees. 130. (b) In view of reply at (a), answer is not required. *Mrs. Shahida Rehmani: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the total loss caused to the country due to terrorism during the last five years till date; (b) the total number of terrorists killed during the said period; (c) the total number of terrorists sentenced to death during the said period; and (d) the total number of terrorists awaiting execution of punishment for death at present? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) ————————————————————————————————————— S. Provinces LEAs Civilian # Killed Injured Killed Injured ————————————————————————————————————— 1. Punjab 107 582 152 1827 2. Sindh 64 84 313 1045 3. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 872 1696 2422 2725 4. Balochistan 605 1349 1050 1467 5. ICT 01 Nil 61 211 6. FATA 1487 2224 1470 2761 7. Azad Jammu & Kashmir 04 21 01 04 8. Gilgit-Baltistan 17 32 63 155 ————————————————————————————————————— Total: 3157 5988 5532 10195 ————————————————————————————————————— 21 (b) ————————————————————————————————————— S. # Provinces Total No. of terrorist killed ————————————————————————————————————— 1. Punjab 90 2. Sindh 342 3. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 351 4. Balochistan 435 5. ICT 07 6. FATA 2530 7. Azad Jammu & Kashmir 03 8. Gilgit-Baltistan 01 ————————————————————————————————————— Total: 3759 ————————————————————————————————————— (c) ————————————————————————————————————— S. # Provinces Total No. of terrorists sentenced to death ————————————————————————————————————— 1. Punjab 64 2. Sindh 106 3. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 01 4. Balochistan 01 5. ICT 01 6. FATA Nil 7. Azad Jammu & Kashmir Nil 8. Nil ————————————————————————————————————— Total: 173 ————————————————————————————————————— (d) ————————————————————————————————————— Total No. of terrorists S. # Provinces awaiting execution of punishment of death ————————————————————————————————————— 1. Punjab 81 2. Sindh 98 3. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 25 4. Balochistan 01 5. ICT 01 6. FATA Nil 7. Azad Jammu & Kashmir Nil 8. Gilgit-Baltistan Nil ————————————————————————————————————— Total: 206 ————————————————————————————————————— 22 131. *Mrs. Shahida Rehmani: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state the loss caused by smuggling from Afghanistan to Pakistan during the years 2014-15 and 2015-16? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (i) Owing to the long porous border and lack of verifiable data about smuggling/illicit trade from Afghanistan, it is difficult to determine the exact losses Caused due to smuggling of goods with absolute precision. Moreover, Pakistan Customs does not operate at borders and within the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) except only through Customs Stations notified under section 9 of the Customs Act, 1969. (ii) Smuggling is mainly due to the redirection of transit goods from Afghanistan into the border areas of Pakistan. A good percentage of goods imported under the Afghan Transit Trade regime reportedly find their way back to the Pakistani markets. However, due to lack of reliable statistics about smuggled goods, exact quantum of loss to the national exchequer by smuggling cannot be ascertained. (iii) To curb the menace of smuggling across the country including border areas, Pakistan Customs has reinvigorated its enforcement measures, which include intelligence sharing and carrying out joint operations with support of other Law Enforcement Agencies i.e Frontier Corps (KP), Pakistan Ranger (Punjab/Sindh), Pakistan Coast Guards Pakistan Maritime Security Agency and Political Administrative Authorities (FATA) which have been entrusted with an smuggling powers under Section 6 of the Customs Act, 1969. (iv) As a result of heightened enforcement efforts made by Pakistan Customs; a visible increase in seizure of smuggled goods can be observed. Following is an abstract of smuggled goods seized during the year. 2013-14, 2014-15: —————————————————————————————— Years CIF Value (Rs. in Millions) —————————————————————————————— July - June 2013-14 7,409.33 July - June 2014-15 24,486.28 23 —————————————————————————————— 132. *Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the present status of investigations of issues relating to Axact? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): FIA registered following cases against Shoaib Ahmed Sheikh Director & CEO of M/s Axcat (Pvt) Limited, on the charges of illegal / fraudulent business of online degrees and money laundering: Case FIR No. 07/2015, on 27-5-2015 registered by FIA Corperate Crime Circle, Karachi; Case FIR No. 56/2015 registered by FIA Cyber Crime Circle (NR3C), Islamabad. Current status of both the cases is given as under: FIR No. 07/2015 (Karachi) Interim charge sheet of the case has been submitted in the court, on 13-6-2015, against thirteen accused persons and supplementary interim charge sheet of the case has been submitted on 27-6-2015 after arresting four more accused persons and one absconding person. Bank Accounts of alleged company, its CEO and other accomplices have been frozen under the provision of section 8 of AML Act, 2010, with the permission of the Court of District & Session Judge, South, Karachi. Under Section 9 of Anti Money Laundering Act, 2010, Show Cause Notices have also been issued to the accused persons requiring them to provide the justification of transactions made in/out of their Accounts. The reply is awaited. Bail applications filed by accused persons whose bails were rejected by the Court of District and Session Judge South (Trial Court) Karachi, are subjudice in the Hon’able High Court of Sindh, Next date of hearing is fixed for 20-10-2015. 24 Bail applications of four other accused namely Ayeslia Shoaib Shaikh, Ali Gaffar Vijkora, Zeeshan Ahmed and Sabir are subjudice in the Court of District & Sessions Judge South (Trial Court) Karachi. Next date of hearing is fixed for 20-10-2015. FIR No. 56/2015 (Islamabad) Interim Challan u/s 173 Cr.PC to the extent of 21 accused persons was submitted in the trial court on 16-7 2015. On the order of Hon’able Court of Addl. District & Session Judge West, Islamabad, a letter was sent to Director FIA/Sindh for the transfer of four accused Shoaib Ahmed Sheikh, Viqas Atiq, Zeeshan Anwar and Zeeshan Raza to Islamabad, so that charges could be framed against the accused. Response is still awaited. Response of Director FIA/Sindh is also awaited on the compliance of non-bailable arrest warrants obtained against the accused persons Ayesha Shoaib Sheikh and Farhan Kamal. After receiving accused persons from Karachi and arresting the remaining two accused charges could be framed and prosecuticn would be initiated. Requests have been made to: o ETO, Excise and Taxation Department, Karachi for vehicle record; o Custom House Karachi, Foreign Exchange Policy Department, State Bank of Pakistan for record related to export of software/ I.T services; o Secretary Bahria Town and DHA regarding assets of the accused persons, M/s Axact and M/s Bol TV for the property 25 record. Response from all concerned is awaited. After receiving sufficient record of Assets related to accused, acquired for the proceeds of crime, Anti-Money Laundering Proceedings can be initiated. *Ms. Munaza Hassan: 133. Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state: (a) the new projects included in the Public Sector Development Programme by the Government for the promotion of Commodity Producing Sector of the country during the current year; and (b) whether any investment has been made and grant given for launching new projects for the development of Agriculture during the said period; if so, the details thereof? Minister for Planning, Development and Reform (Mr. Ahsan Iqbal): (a) A total of 211 new development projects at estimated cost of Rs. 1675 billion have been budgeted in the Federal Public Sector Development Program 2015-16 with an allocation of Rs. 241 billion. These projects will interalia, promote commodity producing sector and help achieve the targeted GDP growth during the year. The projects relate to various sectors like power generation & distribution, agriculture development & water resources, transport & communication, construction, physical planning & housing, industries & commerce and mining etc. These projects are at various stages of approval / implementation. (b) An amount of Rs. 3.4 billion has been allocated for 26 new projects in PSDP 2015-16 for the development / promotion of agriculture sector in the country. The detais are attached. 26 27 134. *Ms. Munaza Hassan: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the total number of the refund claims pending in the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) for the years 2013 to 2015; (b) the total number of said claims processed by the FBR so far; and (c) the reasons of delay for processing the said claims? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) The total number of the sales tax refund claims pending in the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) at the close of year: (Amount in billions) —————————————————————————————— Year No. of Amount refund claims pending involved —————————————————————————————— 2012-13 88403 99,967 2013-14 74904 96,294 2014-15 67536 88,731 —————————————————————————————— Total: 230843 284992 —————————————————————————————— (b)The total number of claims processed and amount paid: —————————————————————————————— (Amount in billions) —————————————————————————————— Year No. of Cheques Amount involved —————————————————————————————— 2012-13 20105 29,553 2013-14 23155 32,353 2014-15 21398 43,725 —————————————————————————————— Total: 64658 105,631 —————————————————————————————— 28 (c) The reasons of delay for processing the said claims are as under:— (i) short/non-filing of documents required for processing of refunds claims; (ii) Due to blacklisting or suspension of registration of suppliers of refund claimants; (iii) Suppliers of refund claimants are non-filers; (iv) Suppliers of refund claimants are non-active; (v) Non-verification of invoices/GDs in automated refund processing system for processing of refund claims; and (vi) Cases where Show Cause Notices have been issued in respect of inadmissible claims. 135. *Ms. Naeema Kishwar Khan: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the steps being taken by the Government for issuance of online Computerized National Identity Card in the country and abroad for Pakistanis; and (b) the benefits to accrue to the general public therefrom? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) To facilitate Pakistani inland and expatriates, NADRA has launched Web Based online processing of ID Documents named as “Pak Identity” with ease and convenience over the internet from Home/Office. The payment is through the credit card and the ID documents are being delivered to applicant at door step. In this way applicant can apply through web without visiting Pakistani Consulates / NADRA Offices. A dedicated team is available by 24/7 to help out the applicants at NADRA HQ end. The operations are being run in 3 x shifts. So far 3266 x applicants facilitated / processed through online application. Applicant can apply online in the following categories:— (1) New NICOP (2) Renewal Smart/CNIC 29 (3) Modification of Smart/CNIC (4) Conversion (b) The benefits accrue to the general public are as under: (1) Ease for the registration of overseas Pakistanis. Long travelling distance between Embassies/Consulates (NADRA office) locations and applicant’s residence often lead to inconvenience for applicants. (2) Fee submission process is easy and instant. Applicants need not to visit banks to deposit their fee. Online fee transaction has made this process very convenient for Pakistani expatriates. (3) Speedy processing of NICOP & POC applications with executive/ fast track category. (4) Missing documents or incomplete information require multiple/ repetitive visits to NADRA office by the applicants that has been brought to Null by providing online mechanism. (5) Instant reply / coordination with Pakistani expatriates have made the life easier. So they need not to make rounds to offices / Consulates. (6) Cards are being delivered at their home addresses. 136. *Dr. Shireen Mehrunnisa Mazari: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the progress made under the National Action Plan on hate speeches and literature, madrassas reform and registration and reform of the Criminal Justice System so far? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): Hate Speech/ Material ¾ Cases: 1933, Arrests: 1985. ¾ Material Confiscated: 2390, Shops sealed: 71 ¾ Legislation by Punjab enacted. 30 Misuse of Loudspeakers ¾ Cases: 7411, Arrested: 6979 ¾ Equipment confiscated: 2039 ¾ There is visible impact due to these actions. Madaris Regulation ¾ Committee has been constituted on Madaris Reforms with representation from ITMP, NACTA, MoRA and M/o Education. The Committee will submit its recommendations on implementation regarding regulation of madaris. ¾ Standard Registration Form Developed. Shared with Provinces and ITMP, will be finalized soon. ¾ ICT and Punjab completed 100% mapping on agreed parameters. ¾ Mapping exercise Ongoing — Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balcohistan and Azad Jammu &Kashmir. ¾ Suspect Madaris closed: 182(Punj: 2, Sindh: 167, KPK: 13) ¾ Unregistered Madaris closed (Sindh: 72) ¾ Foreign Funded Madaris: 190 (Punj: 147, Sindh: 06, KPK: 07, Balochistan: 30). ¾ Reforms and Registration, is a time consuming exercise but Government is focused on the issue. Revamping of Legislation ¾ Punjab, KPK and AJK have enacted laws covering: Misuse of loudspeakers, Hate speech, illegal weapons, MPO. ¾ Balochistan, Sindh and AJK have adopted Punjab Laws. 31 137. *Engineer Dawar Khan Kundi: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to regulate the taxi drivers presently working in the Islamabad Capital Territory; if so, when it will be implemented alongwith the details thereof? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): Taxi /Wagen drivers are already being regulated under Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1965 and Motor Vehicles Rule, 1969, promulgated in Islamabad Capital Territory. 138. *Engineer Dawar Khan Kundi: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to modernize the Police Stations in Islamabad; if so, when it will be implemented; and (b) whether it is a fact that in many Police Stations basic amenities are not available; if so, the reasons thereof? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) Modernization of Police Stations in ICT is a continuous process and services & facilities are regularly upgraded. PC-I for “Establishment of Model Police Stations in ICT, Islamabad” has been approved in principle by CDWP. PC-I envisages construction of three (3) new Police Stations and up-gradation/ modernization of six (6) Police Stations to improve efficiency of Islamabad Police and to provide better environment for visitors to Police Stations. Rs.1O million have been allocated to this project in current PSDP. This project will be completed in two years. (b) there are twenty-two (22) Police Stations in ICT. The basic serrvices like Electricity, Telephone, Drinking Water and Wash Roams are available at all these Police Stations except five(5) Police Stations i.e. Bani Gals, Lohi Bher, Noon Shams Colony and Khanna, which have been established in rented buildings and the quality of basic facilities is not satisfactory at these Police Stations. 32 139. *Rai Hasan Nawaz Khan: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the year-wise withholding tax collected during the last five years; (b) the year-wise said tax adjusted and refunded during the said period; (c) whether it is a fact that maximum amount of said tax is kept by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) in its own account; if so, the head-wise utilization thereof; and (d) whether the FBR is empowered to retain said amount; if so, the relevant authority/provision thereof? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) Detail of year-wise withholding tax collected during the last five years is as under:— (Rs. in Million) —————————————————————————————— 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 357,836 420,457 436,088 571,666 690,491 —————————————————————————————— (b) The detiail of year-wise Direct Tax adjusted and refunded is as under:(Rs. in Million) —————————————————————————————— Year WHT TaxCollected Adjusted Refunded Balance ———————————————————————————————— 2014-15 690,491 62,595 15,053 612,843 2013-14 571,666 39,646 24,065 507,955 2012-13 436,088 31,125 22,672 382,291 2011-12 420,457 26,853 64,708 328,896 2010-11 357,836 29,539 17,139 311,158 —————————————————————————————— The balance amount includes tax covered under final tax regime. 33 (c) There is no account maintained by FBR. The taxes collected are deposited in the specific head of accounts in their respective heads. Which is either adjusted against tax liability or refunded or covered under final tax regime. (d) Not Applicable 140. *Rai Hasan Nawaz Khan: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the total number of doctors presently working in Islamabad Capital Territory alongwith the postings thereof; (b) whether it is a fact that the said doctors have been working in the same grade for the last many years; if so, the reasons thereof; and (c) the steps being taken by the Government to up-grade/promote the said doctors? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) At present, 16 Doctors are working in ICT. These doctors are posted at Head Office, F-8; Rural Health Centres at Bhara Kahu, Sihala, Tarlai; Basic Health Units at Tumair, Shah Allah Ditta, Jagiot, Chirrah, Rawat and Bhara Kahu; HQ Islamabad Traffic Police; Islamabad High Court Dispensary and Islamabad Bar Dispensary F-8 (Annex-I). (b) It is a fact that these doctors are working in BS-17 since their initial appointment. There is only one post of District Health Officer (BS-18) and incumbent of the post was granted Selection Grade (BS-19). All the Medical Officers are in General Cadre. Since service structure for ICT Medical Officers is not available, therefore, there is no further chance of their promotion. The scheme for grant of Selection Grade has also been discontinued since 2001. (c) Under the present service structure, no avenue for promotion are available to Medical Officers in ICT. A revised service structure for Health Department, ICT is under consideration 34 35 141.*Ms. Shagufta Jumani: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that there is ban on issuance of Arms Licences; (b) if the answer to part (a) above is in the affirmative, whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to uplift the said ban; if so, when it will be implemented? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) Yes, there is a ban on issuance of arm licences since 20-06-2013 (Notification copy enclosed at Annex-I). (b) Currently, there is no proposal under consideration to lift the ban on issuance of arms licences. 36 37 142. *Ms. Shagufta Jumani: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the total number of kidnapping cases registered in Islamabad Capital Territory during the last two years; and (b) the steps taken by the Government to prevent it? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) From 01-09-2013 to 15-09-2015, 175 cases of kidnapping have been registered. (b) Islamabad Capital Territory Police has taken following steps to control crime, including kidnapping: Identification of crime pockets Crime Cluster Analysis Establishment of Nakas Data Base of Residents of Kachi Abadis Intelligence Based Policing Combing/Search of Guest Houses/ Hotels/Motels GeneralHold-ups (Surprise Checking) Surveillance of suspected elements Profiling of released prisoners. Survey of rented buildings. 143. *Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: 38 (a) whether it is a fact that a number of cards of the Benazir Income Support Programme have been blocked; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to unblock the said cards; if so, when it will be implemented? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) It is stated that 125,714 cards across the country have been blocked by BISP due to data discrepancy issues. (b) The said cards will be unblocked on receipts of verification. Detailed SoPs have been developed and circulated for verification of these blocked cards. Implementation of the said SOPs has already been initiated across the country. On provision of necessary documents and receipts of verification from NADRA, the blocked cases will be unblocked on case to case basis. 144. *Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the total number of persons belonging to District Lower Dir (NA-34) to whom financial assistance has been provided under the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) so far; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to register more people of the said District under the BISP in the near future; if so, the details thereof? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) It is clarified that BISP database is being maintained on the basis of District, Tehsil. Union Council and village level. However, 53,154 beneficiary women have been paid the total amount of Rs. 2,824,153,043, District Lower Dir (since inception till 30th June, 2015). (b) There is no proposal under consideration to register more people of the said area. However, already surveyed households who are falling below the poverty score of 16,17 are entering into BISP net across the country by updating their CNICs. Apart from this more deserving people will be registered for BISP 39 benefit through resurvey which is likely to be carried out in coming year. Honorable Parliamentarians. Provincial Governments, and notables of the areas will be taken on board once the re-survey activities are initiated. 145. *Sahibzada Tariq Ullah: Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the route of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) from Khunjrab to Gwadar via Hassanabdal has been approved; (b) whether it is also a fact that N-45 leads from Rashkai (Mardan) to Chitral and from Chitral to Khunjrab via Shundoor-Gilgit and it is shorter and safer interms of distance, defence and land sliding; (c) if the answer to part (b) above is in the affirmative, whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to make said route an alternate route of CPEC; if so, the details; if not, the reasons therefor? Transerred to Communications Division for answer on Next Rota Day. 146. *Sahibzada Tariq Ullah: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the year-wise total financial assistance granted by the United States of America to Pakistan in the name of terrorism during the last five years alongwith the head-wise utilization thereof? Reply not received. 147. *Mr. Siraj Muhammad Khan: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: 40 (a) (b) the total internal and external debt of the country at present; the total annual expenditure is being incurred on debt servicing; and (c) the steps taken by the Government for repayment of outstanding debt? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) The total public debt (Internal and External) as at end September, 2015 was Rupee 18,097.3 billion as per following breadk up:— (Rs. in Million) ——————————————————————————————————— Domestic debt External Debt Total Debt ——————————————————————————————————— 12,718.7 5,378.6 18,097.3 ——————————————————————————————————— (b) The total annual expenditure incurred on debt servicing during FY 2014-15 was Rupees 1304 billion. (c) Government is determined to enhance debt repayment capacity through resource mobilization efforts and increase in tax to GDP ratio from its current level of 11.0 percent for 2014-15 to around 13.0 percent of GDP by 2017-18, replacing the expensive domestic debt with concessional external loans and continuous monitoring of expenditures on monthly basis. Besides the government has taken various measures to boost economic activities, build foreign exchange reserves, gain international investor’s confidence and achieve fiscal discipline. Furthermore, privatization of various PSEs is under process, ninety percent receipts of privatization will be used for debt retirement. Owing to these efforts, fiscal deficit is estimated to be lowered to 4.0 percent of GDP in 2016-17 as against 5.37% of GDP recorded in 2014-15. As a result, enhanced fiscal space will reduce government borrowing requirements and augment repayment capacity. 148. *Mr. Asad Umar: Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state: (a) the total number of Government funded projects submitted Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports during the year 2014-15; and 41 (b) the total number of EIA’s reports were made open for public hearing as prescribed by the law? Transferred to Climate Change Division for answer on Next Rota Day. 149. *Mr. Asad Umar: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state the total revenue collected so far on account of the deductions made on all banking transactions under 0.3% Withholding Tax? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) The total revenue collected on account of deduction made on all banking transactions (upto 17th November, 2015) under 0.3% Withholding Tax is given below:— ———————————————————————————————— Section Tax Rate Amount Recovered ———————————————————————————————— Cash Withdrawal (231A) 0.3% 9,911 Advance tax on transaction in bank (231 AA) 0.3% 268 Advance tax on banking transaction other than through cash (236P) 0.3% 7,751 ———————————————————————————————— Total: 17,930 ———————————————————————————————— 150. *Mr. Sajid Nawaz: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that thousands of National Identity Cards have been blocked by the National Database and Registration Authority in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; if so, the prescribed procedure thereof; and 42 (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to make the said procedure more convenient; if so, when it will be implemented? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) The procedure of blockage of CNICs is as under:— (1) Individuals found suspect during processing for CNIC are marked Under Verification. (2) Individuals found doubtful/suspect during internal inquiries/reported by NADRA Vigilance are blocked in relevant categories for further verification. (3) Blocking of CNICs on the reports of Intelligence/ verifying agencies i.e. SBP, IB, ISI; Immigration and passport Dte, Pakistani Foreign Missions/Embassies. (4) Referring of cases to FVCs/ Verifying Agencies/PA. (5) Documents verification from issuing authorities. (b) The procedure for clearance from blockage is as under:— (1) Applicants who are blocked are issued notice to appear before verification board alongwith documentary evidence. Based on the interview and scrutiny of documentary proofs, the cases are either cleared or in case of further doubt, referred to Government authorized verifying agencies / Joint Verification Committees (JVCs) for further verification of the national status, which turns to be the main cause of delay of such cases. (2) NADRA emphasizes to ensure speedy clearance of genuine cases, however, non-genuine applicants do not appear before such boards deliberately to avoid any legal proceedings against them and try to manipulate and exert pressure from different sources to get them- 43 (3) selves cleared without adopting the laid down procedure. It is assured that NADRA is taking all possible steps to provide ease and convenience to the general public in fulfilling their registration needs, while having endeavors to cancel the CNICs obtained by Non-National unlawfully. ISLAMABAD: The 26th November, 2015. PCPPI—15053(2015) NA—26-11-2015—650. ABDUL JABBAR ALI, Acting Secretary. 1 (26th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ———— “UNSTARRED QUESTIONS AND THEIR REPLIES” For Friday, the 27th November, 2015 105. Ms. Naeema Kishwar Khan: (Deferred during 11th Session ) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that cost was estimated for installation of cyber net fountains project in various areas of Islamabad during the year 2008; if so, the details thereof; alongwith the date of approval and completion of the PC-I thereof; (b) the details of the construction work carried on up till now and the time by which the said project will be completed; (c) the total expenditures to be incurred thereupon alongwith the amount spent so far; (d) whether Public Procurement Rules, 2004 were followed therefor; and (e) whether irregularities have been found in the said project; if so, the action taken against the responsibles? Transferred to Cabinet Division for answer on next Rota Day. 102. Mr. Imran Zafar Leghari: (Deferred during 16th Session ) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: 2 (a) whether it is a fact that some seminaries/madrassas in the country are receiving financial and other support like training of clerics, teachers, curriculum development etc from some foreign Islamic countries; (b) if so, the details thereof? Reply not recived. 54. Ms. Aisha Syed: (Deferred during 24th Session ) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the performance made by the Women Police Station, Sector G-7, Islamabad during the year 2014? Minister for Inteior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): During the year 2014, fifty three (53) cases were registered in the Women Police Station. Out of these cases (43) cases were challaned. Two (02) cases are under investigation; one case was cancelled and seven (07) cases are untraced. Eighty Six (86) accused were arrested and 16 yet to be arrested. Efforts are being made to arrest the remaining accused persons. Stolen property valuing about Rs.755,000/- was recovered. One un-licenced revolver, ninety four bottles of liquor and thirty grams heroin were also recovered. 128. Ms. Belum Hasnain: (Deferred during 24th Session ) Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the names of International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) working in the country at present alongwith the present status thereof; (b) the dates from which said NGOs are operational, separately; and (c) the reasons for establishment of said Organizations separately? Transferred to Economic Affairs Division for answer on Next Rota Day. 3 48. Ms. Sajida Begum: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the total number of Police Stations established in rented buildings in Islamabad so far alongwith the monthly rent thereof separately; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to establish/construct more new Police Stations in Islamabad; if so, when it will be implemented alongwith the details thereof? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) Women Police Station and Shams Colony Police Station are located in rented buildings. Monthly rent of these Police Stations is as under: (i) Women Police Station @ Rs.14,000/-P.m. (ii) Police Station Shams Colony Rs.55,000/- p.m. (b) Construction of new buildings for the following Police Stations is under consideration. However, CDA has not yet allotted land for the purpose due to which timelines cannot be indicated at this stage:— (i) Police Station Lohi Bher. (ii) Police Station Bani Gala. (iii) Police Station Nilore. 49. Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the total number of Passport Offices established in the country at present alongwith the tehsil-wise break-up thereof? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): The total number of Passport I offices established in the country are 4 Ninety Five (95). The list of passport offices including tehsil-wise break up is attached at (Annex-A). (Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library). 50. Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the punishment prescribed for issuance and obtaining fake domicile and driving licence in Islamabad? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): Obtaining a fake domicile certificate is an offence and the offender is liable to be proceeded against under the relevant provision of Pakistan Penal Code. In case any complaint is received by the police regarding fake driving license or domicile, case is registered u/s 420/468/471 PPC. It is pertinent to mention that the punishment for offences u/s 420/468/471 PPC is imprisonment upto 07 years. 51. Ms. Belum Hasnain: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that a large number of workers working in kiosks and mini-hotels found in Islamabad are Afghan citizens; (b) if so, the action taken by the Government in this regard? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) It is correct that some illegal Afghan immigrants work at kiosks, hotels etc in Islamabad. ICT Police has launched a campaign against illegal immigrants including Afghans, residing in Islamabad. Search operations are carried out from time to time. If any illegal immigrant is found residing or working, action under section 14 of Foreigners Act, 1946, is initiated. (b) From 01-01-2015 to 18-09-2015, 68 cases have been registered against 197 illegal Afghan immigrants. The arrested accused persons have been sent to jail and are facing proceedings. 5 52. Mrs. Shahida Rehmani: Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the Prime Minister of Pakistan has assured to cooperate in K-4 drinking water project for Karachi; if so, the details thereof? Minister for Planning, Development and Reform (Mr. Ahsan Iqbal): The Greater Karachi Water Supply Scheme (K-IV) was discussed in a meeting during visit of Prime Minister of Pakistan on July 10, 2014 in Karachi. The Prime Minister was pleased to announce that though the K-IV project fell in the devolved category after18th amendment, the Federal Govt. would finance 50% cost of the project i.e. Rs. 25,551.77 million approved by ECNEC only July 18, 2014. The project was commenced (design etc.) in February 2015. Owing to the importance of the project, in addition to the allocation of Rs. 200 million during 2014-15, additional Rs. 2 billion were allocated. The entire amount of Rs. 2.2 billion was released to Govt. of Sind. During 2015-16, another Rs. 500 million have been allocated to the project. Thus Federal Govt. has already released / allocated Rs. 2.7 billion to the project. 53. Ms. Munaza Hassan: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state the monthly pay, allowances and perks admissible to the officers of the Federal Board of Revenue at present separately? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): Same monthly pay, allowances and perks are admissible to other Federal Government employees, are admissible to the officers of FBR. However, FBR employees are not drawing 20% Special Allowance, which is admissible to all other employees of Federal Secretariat. The employees of FBR are also entitled to “Performance Allowance” equal to one basic pay of 2011 Scales through a comprehensive selection process i.e. test/interview and other coda) formalities including discontinuation/denotification of Performance Allowance on the basis of sub-standard performance, attendance, non-filing of income tax returns and declaration of assets, etc. The specimen of salaries of FBR employees is attached. 6 7 54. Ms. Naeema Kishwar Khan: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that possession has been given to allottees of the Jammu and Kashmir Cooperative Housing Society, Sector G-15/4, Islamabad; (b) the total number of pockets and plots of the said society alongwith the size thereof separately; (c) whether it is also a fact that the owners of pockets are continuously visiting the office of said society for selling their land but society is not ready to purchase it; (d) the policy adopted by the society for purchasing the pockets; (e) the allottees to whom possession has not been given so far alongwith the details and reasons thereof; (f) the time by which possession will be given to them; and (g) whether such delay is the violation of the rules of the CDA; if so, the details thereof? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) Out of six hundred & seventy five (675) plots, five hunched & thirty (530) plots of different sizes have developed in sector G-15/4. Possession is handed over to those allottees who apply for possession. (b) Two pockets of about seventy (70) kanals wherein 145 plots of different sizes can be carved out, have not been acquired yet. (c) Th said pockets could not be acquired/developed due to the following litigation in Civil Court, Islamabad:— (a). JKCHS Vs Qazi Sultan. (b). Nasir Ahmed Khan Vs Qazi Sultan. (c). J&KCHS Vs: Ch. Usman Zafar. 8 (d) The matter will be finalized as and when the cases are decided by the Court. Negotiations are also under way for out of court settlement with the land owners/ litigants. (e) Possession has not been handed over to 145 allottees due to unavailability of land Plots of different sizes in Sector G-14/4, have been developed for handing over possession to re-allottees, after the court cases are decided. (f) The Society will hand over the possession to the allottees as and when the cases are decided by the Court and bottlenecks are cleared. (g) NOC of the scheme in Sector G-15/F-15 was issued by the CDA on 13th May, 2004 in accordance with the Modalities and Procedures, framed under ICT Zoning Regulations, 1992. The society was allowed to develop the scheme upto 13th May 2010. The society has developed 95% area of Sector G-15 well before the stipulated time and started giving possession to allottees since November, 2006. However, the violation of CDA rules for non-development of the remaining 5% area occurred due to matter being subjudice as mentioned at (c) above. 55. Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the prescribed procedure to establish office of the National Database and Registration Authority in the country? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): NADRA has establishment 598 Data Acquisition Units (DAU) across the country. Establishment of additional DAUs in District and Tehsils are carried out as per feasibility worked out by Regional Head Offices. The prescribed procedure is as under:— (a) Registered population of the Tehsil/District. (b) Total eligible population of the Tehsil/District. (c) DAUs operating in respective Tehsil/District and distance among each other. 9 (d) Distance of proposed/approved center from other DAUs of Tehsil/ District. (e) Expected revenue booking per day of applicants at proposed/ approved DAUs. (f) Expected time period in which expenses/cost of establishment will meet. 56. (g) Visit of Mobile Registration Vans (MRVs)/Deployment of Semi Mobile Registration Units (SMRUs) in the proposed/approved area. (h) Availability of allied facilitates like Bank, electricity, telephone line etc. (i) Recommendationsfor NRC/SMRU/MRV etc. (j) Availability of resources and estimated Funds required for establishment. (k) Availability of gratis building and monthly expected expense. Alhaj Shah Jee Gul Afridi: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state the types of provincial and Federal taxes being collected at Karachi Port at present? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): At present, the following Federal/ Provincial taxes are collected by FBR at Karachi port: —————————————————————————————— Nature of Tax Type —————————————————————————————— 1. Customs Duties Federal 2. Regulatory Duties Federal 3. Petroleum Development Federal Surcharge Federal 4. Sales Tax Federal 5. Federal Excise Duties Federal ____________________________________________________________ 10 —————————————————————————————— Nature of Tax Type —————————————————————————————— 6. Income Tax Federal 7. Edible Oil Cess Federal 8. Cotton Cess Federal 9. Anti Dumping duty Federal 10. Sindh Infrastructure CESS Provincial ____________________________________________________________ 57. Malik Muhammad Amir Dogar: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to enhance the Entertainment Allowance admissible to officers presently working in BPS-19; if so, the details alongwith the time by which it will be implemented; if not, the reasons thereof? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): No such proposal is under consideration for the reason that basic pay scales of Government servants have already been revised in addition to grant of increase of 7.5% of the running pay of all Government servants in the Budget, 2015-16. 58. Shaikh Rohale Asghar: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Ministry to establish Passport Office in Parliament House, Islamabad; if so, when it will be implemented? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): No such proposal for opening of Passport Office in the Parliament House is under consideration. 59. Shaikh Rohale Asghar: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: 11 (a) the per day number of the visitors to the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP); and (b) whether it is a fact that the car parking area of the SBP is in a dialidated condition at present; if so, the steps being taken by the Ministry to repair the same; if so, when it will be implemented? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): (a) On an average, around 3000 visitors visit State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) daily. The number increases substantially during pre-Eid days when fresh notes are issued. (b) No. The SBP has limited parking facilities at most of its locations. However, the same are being properly maintained by the bank. 60. Ms. Shagufta Jumani: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the location-wise total quantity of drugs/narcotics confiscated by the Government during the year 2013-14? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): Location wise seizure of drugs by ANF for the year 2013 at Annex-A. Location wise seizure of drugs by other LEAs for the year 2013 Annex-B. Total seizure for the year 2013 Annex-C. Location wise seizure of drugs by ANF for the year 2014 Annex-D. Location wise seizure of drugs by other LEAs for the year 2014 Annex-E. Total seizure for the year 2014 Annex-F. (Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library). 12 61. Ms. Shagufta Jumani: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the total number of terrorists arrested during the last two years; and (b) the total number of said terrorists acquitted? Reply not Recieved. 62. Mr. Mumtaz Ahmad Tarar: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the traffic sign-boards have not been installed near the Kalsoom Plaza, Islamabad; if so, the reasons thereof; and (b) whether it is also a fact that traffic police remains in ambush to make frequent challans overthere; if so, the steps being taken in this regard? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) Due to ongoing construction of under passes, the sign boards will be fixed by CDA after completion of construction work. However, ICT Police have already approached CDA for fixing of the sign boards where required. (b) Islamabad Traffic Police has established an Education Team with the mandate to educate the road users especially on newly constructed overhead bridges. ITP is also regulating traffic manually by deploying its officers/officials enforcing traffic laws in light of prevalent rules. 63. Mr. Sher Akbar Khan: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state whether the date of birth of a person can be changed in the Computerized National Identity Card on the basis of a Medical Board’s opinion, date of birth mentioned in the Secondary and Higher Secondary School Certificates, Union Council record and Birth Certificate issued by hospital at the time of birth? 13 Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): Date of birth of an individual may be corrected / modified on the basis of Birth Certificate, Educational Certificate, Service Records, Medical Certificate, court orders etc. Policy in detail having clarification of all required documents for age correction/modification is attached at Annex-A. (Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library). 64. Mr. Sher Akbar Khan: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics be pleased to state: (a) the total number of employees of the National Police Bureau (NPB) sent abroad for training during the last three years alongwith their names and designations; (b) the total expenditures incurred on said employees separately; and (c) whether it is a fact that some officers/officials of NPB have been sent for training abroad more than once; if so, the justification thereof? Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control (Ch. Nisar Ali Khan): (a) No employee of NPB was sent abroad for training during the last three years. 65. (b) NIL (c) NIL Rai Hasan Nawaz Khan: Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the commutation cases have been finalized since 2001; if so, the department-wise names and designations of the Government employees thereof; if not, the time by which the same will be finalized? Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization (Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar): In case of fresh pension cases, all 14 commutation payments are finalized on receipt of cases whereas the cases claiming benefit of restoration of commuted portion of pension, with increases, allowed to civil servants retiring on or after 01/12/2001 in terms of Finance Division’s Office Memorandum dated 7th July, 2015 (Annex-I) are also being finalized on receipt of requests alongwith essential documents. List of department-wise names and designation of pensioners whose cases of restoration of commuted portion of pension have been finalized so far since the Government decision of 07-07-2015 is attached (Annex-II). However, no timeline can be given for the finalization of commuted portion of pension as these cases are being processed on receipt of application alongwith supporting documents which include pensioner’s application, undertaking on judicial stamp paper and Pension Book (in case the pensioner is drawing pension through National Bank). Thus, there’s no pendency on the part of office of AGPR. (Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library). 66. Mr. Waseem Akhtar Shaikh: Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that for the approval of Motorcycle, House Building and Motor Car Advances, the applicants face difficulties including demand of illegal gratification in the police department; (b) if so, the steps being taken by the Government in this regard alongwith the action taken against the responsibles thereof? Reply not Received. ISLAMABAD: The 26th November, 2015. PCPPI—15053(2015) NA—26-11-2015—650. ABDUL JABBAR ALI, Acting Secretary.