Newsletter November 2015 - Union Congregational United Chuch of
Newsletter November 2015 - Union Congregational United Chuch of
Volume 122, Issue 10 November 2015 There is a song that touches the hearts of many titled, “Give Thanks,” as it shares with its listeners that giving thanks is to be offered with that of a grateful heart. It goes on to share that we are to give thanks with a grateful heart because God, the Holy One, gave us Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In that, it helps us to realize that those who feel weak can now gain strength through their gratefulness in God. And that those who are poor can gain spiritual riches because of the great sacrificial love that has been offered to us all. This message of thanksgiving is also found in our scripture readings. In 1Thessalonians 5:18, we hear, “Be joyful always: pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” As thankfulness is to be a way of life for us, and reminds us that God will guide our paths. Thus, thankfulness is not only appropriate, but it is actually healthy and beneficial to us because it helps us to look at the bigger picture, that we belong to God. And with this sense of belonging in mind, it is my pleasure to share with you the day of celebration that has been carved out for our church. As Sunday, November 22nd will be a time of celebrating our 121 years of this church being offered to us, and our coming together in worship with grateful hearts. To this end, we are asking that those who are able, to please support this celebration effort by being present on this day. We are celebrating during morning worship and in a special fellowship luncheon that will follow. The luncheon will have a silent auction with themed baskets that will add to our celebration time together! In addition to being present during Celebration Sunday, your support of being a sponsor along with friends and others you may know, will not only benefit Union, but also will help support the wider church of the United Church of Christ to continue serving our ministry partners beyond our immediate area. So, let us join our hearts together in ‘Giving Thanks.’ Being grateful that we are offered the opportunity to be part of God’s church. Being grateful because of the great love of God… shown though Jesus. Being grateful that God strengthens us along the way. Now, that’s worth celebrating! In Christ’s Love, Pastor Sheila NOVEMBER USHERS 1 - Diaconate 8 - Eluna Bicette, Susan Harrell, Jerry Jolly, Kay Koch, 15 - Susan DiAmicis, Frank Mark Kent McElroy, Ralph Tarricone 22 - Fuxi Ma, Sue McMath Charlotte Snowden, Sabine Wiesbauer 29Aston Glaves, Cleo Hernandez Jerry Jolly, Sarah Jolly Concerns: Sabine's mother-in-law, Sarah Jolly, Mary Calliste and family, Jose's granddaughter, Stella; Jeremy (Family Promise), Nancy Reser & Family; Amelia Lloyd, Amy McMath's grandmother, Grace; Holly Dozier, Cleo's friend, Valentina; Dennis Smith, Evelyn Chouris, Nancy Webster, LeeAnne Gesch's sister, Joyce; Irv Koehler and his brother; Rod Jennings, Sabita & Simone Shah, family & friends; Laurel Johns, Donna Westbrook, Irma's mother, Blanca; Rosemito's daughter, Jumilly Toussaint; Nicholas Hernandez's sister Damaris, Barbara Gruber's friends, Priscilla and Tony; Pearl Rosner, Rosemarie Spencer, Gerson's friend Debbie; Eva Hines; Ruth Dietel; Justice & peace efforts everywhere Women's Fellowship will hold their General Meeting on November 17th at 10:30 AM, Program -Kay Koch, Devotions- Susan DiAmicis, Hostess- Carolyn McElroy All women in the church are invited to attend our meetings. Bring a bag lunch. Dessert and coffee will be provided by the hostess. The Bazaar on November 7 is our top priority for this month. If you are able to help we certainly need all the help we can get, from November 2 thru November 7. Bring in gently used items such as clothes, kitchen ware, toys, books, jewelry, small electrical items, linens etc. Just a bit of information for December. The Farm Workers Day will be December 4. A collection will be held on November 22 and 29 to buy items for the Farm Workers Children. New books have arrived for Reading for Renewal. Please sign out the book on cards in the box on our shelf: enjoy. The following events are upcoming for Men's Fellowship: November 1, 2015—Workshop ; Church Bazaar on November 7, 2015 Thanksgiving baskets to family promise and members in our congregation the Sunday before Thanksgiving (November 22). Byrnes VETERAN'S DAY SUNDAY - We are planning a special service next Sunday, November 8th for Veteran's Day and need pictures of our Veterans in uniform that have served in any military branch. Contact Rosemarie Spencer for any questions or more information. OUR CHURCH IN MISSION Volunteer for FAMILY PROMISE!! Union will be hosting another Family Promise week beginning on Dec. 6 th. Volunteers are needed for dinner hosts, overnight hosts, snacks, breakfast items, and lunch items. Overnight hosts are desperately needed - it is the easiest way to help a family in need. We have inflatable beds that are 18” off the floor bring your own linens and pillow - and get a good quiet night’s rest at the church!! Hosts leave in the morning as soon as the guests are picked up by the Family Promise van. Sign up on the soundboard or see Judith Mooers or Jane Grandusky. CHURCH BAZAAR The Annual Church Bazaar Fundraiser will be held on November 7th this year from 7:30 am until 1:00 pm. This is the biggest church fundraiser of the year and is a great opportunity to help the church and score some bargains too. Donations will be accepted November 1-5. We take the following donations: gently used clothes and linens, small appliances, electronics, books, jewelry collectibles, household items, crafts, children’s toys and purses. We will be setting up during the week and welcome any help. Signup sheets will be available in the hall to pick out a time and date that best suits your schedule. If you can bake, we need your goodies! We have our famous cookie walk and we need lots of them! We also sell assorted baked goods and would love to have your culinary donations. Please come and join us for the Bazaar. It is a great way to help the church and mingle with your church family. DATES: Goods drop off: November 1-5 BAZAAR: November 7th, 7:30 am-1 pm LIFELINE SCREENING Wed., November 18, 2015 Lifeline Screening will be here in Ellis Hall from 8AM - 5PM Free Annual Wellness Visit with Medicare Part B For more info call 1-866-579-5069 or the office. NEW BEGINNINGS Our New Begininings re-mission process has challenged us to expand our vision to serve with offering a food bank, tutoring, comprehensive health fair, and a jobs listing service. Hello Readers!! The really busy times of the year is upon us, but please remember to take some time for yourself. Relax. Read! We have recently received more of the books from our Reading for Renewal list. Some of them include Out of the Woods by Lynn Darling, Happier at Home by Gretchen Rubin, and Small Victories by Anne Lamotte. Check out our other new arrivals on our newly highlighted bookshelf! Enjoy this busy month and KEEP ON READING!! There will be a Friday night poets event on November 20th at 7:00PM where we will have poets present there master pieces and we invite all of you to participate in the open microphone event to share any poem close to your heart. We will have a sign in sheet as we come closer to the event. We will serve wine and snacks. YOGA - Yoga will be held every Wednesday except November 4, Bazaar week. Come and enjoy the quiet time to meditate and relax. For more information contact Charlotte at 561-656-4132. BIBLE STUDY This Wednesday, November 4th we will not have Bible Study because of Bazaar setup. We meet again Wednesday, November 11th and 18th at 7PM. Come join us. All are welcome. 6:30 PM Potluck, 7:00 PM Bible Study & Prayer; 7:00 PM Youth Fellowship/Childcare NEW MEMBERS SUNDAY - Next Sunday, November 8th will be New Members Sunday. Let's welcome our newest members! BUDGETS DUE - All ministry teams are encouraged to start working on their budgets. 2016 Budgets are due by November 11th. If you have any questions see Jane Grandusky. Union Congregational United Church of Christ 5088 Summit Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 (561) 686-0330 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED NOVEMBER NEWS FOR:
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