SUNNY (Serving Up Nutrition Now for Youth)
SUNNY (Serving Up Nutrition Now for Youth)
S.U.N.N.Y (Serving Up Nutrition Now for Youth) Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Transforming Lives and Building Community by Loving God and Serving Others The Monthly Newsletter of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church July 2016 See inside for July Worship Community Service Agriculture VBS OWLS Event SUNNY is off to a good start and had a fruitful launch last month. As I sit to write this article, 90 meals have been served out of our kitchen (in just three days of SUNNY). We have served meals that are reaching people in our community who are more than hungry for food; but rather people who are truly hungry for love, acceptance and kindness. One of the fastest growing areas of poverty is in communities where you least expect it and here on the east side we are blessed to partner with Loaves & Fishes (who also coordinates the meal ORLC does at Dorothy Day every other month) to offer a meal to our community in need right here at home. People visiting us each week are grateful for a meal that is closer to home for them – some of whom travel downtown or to surrounding areas for meals currently. People are also equally grateful to have the opportunity to serve right in their own community to people who live in their community. The sense of community is growing each week amongst those serving (members, teachers and volunteers living in the area who want to be a part of SUNNY) and amongst people coming to eat as friends are inviting friends to come join them. Word is slowly spreading here on the east side of St. Paul that we are offering a good, free, and kind meal for people of all ages. No one is turned away – each person is valued and encouraged to take their time to eat and enjoy the company of others. We have music playing during meal times and the highlight of the ministry has been the joy people experience in packing their own bag lunch to take home for another meal or to bring to another person who may need food assistance. Special thanks goes out to: Doreen Winter, Nicole Carlson, Judy Koza and our dietitians from UW – Stout (Maria, Dakota, and Emily), and all of the SUNNY volunteers of whom we could not offer this ministry to the community without them. Please hold this ministry in your prayers – it has great potential to bear good fruit in and through the people of this church and surrounding community! Intern Pastor Anne Jackson 2 Community Service Agriculture Summer and Serving go together This season of summer is a great time for hanging out, reading a good book, enjoying the company of friends, and taking in some special outings. But this is a great season for serving too. Some of our youth are engaged in Summer Stretch on Wednesdays that has them serving somewhere in the morning then hanging out in the afternoon. There are a number of ways you can step in to serve and help make a difference this summer: SUNNY – We are looking for volunteers any Tuesday or Thursday to help with prepping and serving a lunch, or assisting with the cleanup. Sign up on the bulletin board or through our church website. Merrick – The third Saturday of the next four months is a giant food giveaway hosted at Woodland Hills church (just East of White Bear Ave and Larpenteur). They are looking for help from 8-12 with sorting and distribution. Sign up by writing to [email protected] Dorothy Day – We just got done serving another day in June and will be down there again on August 22. People can help prep the meal from 1-3 or assist in serving from 45:30. Signups are always on the welcome desk the weeks before. Intergenerational Mission Trip – See other note for more details on this 3 day trip to Superior for great serving and fun gathering times. We are launching a Community Service Agriculture (CSA) at Our Redeemer. This is a chance to get fresh vegetables delivered right here to the church for you. We are working through the Hmong American Partnership to help them initiate this new endeavor with churches. There are 6 different farmers, each who adhere to Good Agricultural Practice, that are working together to grow this produce. We are looking for 12 individuals or families to participate by buying a ¼ share (about half of a grocery bag) of food that will be delivered here (in already prepared boxes) to the church every other Sunday morning beginning on July 17 and continue for eight weeks, through October 23. The food coming will change week to week depending on what is being harvested but will include lettuce, Kale, beans, peas, red and yellow potatoes onions, tomatoes, bell peppers squash, zucchini and cucumbers. Cost for participating will be $120 made payable to Our Redeemer. This is a great way to get fresh produce, help support local farmers, and participate in a meaningful opportunity. If you have questions please talk to Bruce Ring or Pastor Karsten. July Worship at Our Redeemer Many would say that the church never looks better than during July – the flowers are in full bloom with colors of green, maroon, pinks, yellows, purples and red doting our front entrance, and the back of the church is full of vegetable beds beginning to overflow with produce. And while those are beautiful marks of our grounds there are other words that we want to mark every church, and certainly Our Redeemer. Join us Sundays during July as week to week we will lift up ‘Marks of a holy/healthy church’. We will look more in depth each week at one aspect of being the church and allow it to both remind us of the breadth of our holy callings as community and nudge us to healthy personal practices. Join us during July as we dig into scripture to help us further explore our call as a church to be: July 3 Thrivent Member Reminder It's time to again check for Choice Dollars in your Thrivent account, and designate them to an organization of your choice -- hopefully ORLC! July 10 July 17 July 24 July 31 A Serving People (Deuteronomy 10:12-13, Matthew 6:19-24) People of Praise and Prayer (Psalm 66:1-2, Luke 18:1-8) A Witnessing People (Psalm 103, Acts 1:6-8) People seeking Understanding (Psalm 119:121 -128, Matthew 13:10-23) A Growing People (Colossians 1:3-14) 3 Intergenerational Mission Trip A few more spots remain for a three day trip to Superior WI over July 14-17 to serve in that community and spend some nice time both hanging out and gathering as Christian community for devotions. Last year we had ages 1-71 with us and a mix of elementary and middle school youth with parents or grandparents. Once again we will be partnering with another church. Cost is only $119 per person and we have generous scholarships available. Talk to Pastor Karsten (soon) for more information. OWLS (Older Wiser LutheranS) Summer Stretch participants have been having fun the last few weeks participating in service projects and time of fun after. See the pics above! VBS 2016: Cave Quest Following Jesus, the Light of the World! August 8th-11th from 6:00-8:00pm Ages 3 years through entering 5th grade FREE!!! A light supper will be served for participants, their families and all volunteers at 5:30 each evening. Sign up online - orlcmn/gpgs/home.aspx We need volunteers! There are several volunteer positions available. Whether helping us set-up before hand, leading a crew, manning a station, helping with clean-up, etc. WE NEED YOU!!! Please follow the sign-up link above to volunteer. Thanks in advance! Take me out to the ballgame! Back by popular demand, we’re headed to see the Saint Paul Saint’s on Sunday, July 24th, for a 5:05 late afternoon game. Cost is $20 per ticket and includes all fees, taxes, and parking. Carpool from church. Only 25 tickets are available and payment deadline is July 17th. Watch for further details in the Sunday bulletins. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Free Food Giveaway Woodland Hills (just east of White Bear Ave and Larpenteur – next to the Theatre) will be the site for a large food distribution of free food on Saturday July 15. All are welcome to stop buy between 8-12 and help to fill your cupboards and get good food on the table. Financial Information as of May 31 and online giving opportunities Finances through the month of May Thank you for your support of Our Redeemer. We appreciate all of the contributions you donate to help our ministry here at ORLC. Contributions can now be debited automatically from your checking or savings account or processed using your credit or debit card. Our new electronic giving program offers convenience for you and much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. We appreciate your gifts! 2016 Beginning Balance $28,296 Member Giving Supplemental Income Total Income $133,945 $18,395 $180,636 Expenses Difference $146,958 $33,678 Please note that if you use your credit card, ORLC is charged a 2% fee so we will receive less than you donate. Consider using your checking account instead if you are able. Mobile Users Scan Here 9:30am Sunday Mornings Last Wednesday of the month at Bruentrup Farm in Maplewood Worship Assistants Date July 3 Worship Host Judy Moe Gift Cards Kitchen Help Greeters Sharon Peterson Darlene Harwood Florence Senske July 10 Bruce Ring & Rita During Dennis & Jan Peterson July 17 Dennis Peterson Jill Rodriguez Dick & Sharon Peterson July 24 Doreen Winter July 31 Dean Ersfeld Vicki Anderson Mark & Doreen Winter, Jessica Morgan Judy Triplett Shirley Keating Helen Wallace Dan & Laurie, Danny Fitzgerald Sherry Pasket Katie Syring Virginia Kettleson Darlene Harwood Judy Moe Claire Sexton Sharon Peterson Barb Birchem Joyce Pederson Lector Anna Miller Lana Larsen TBD Judy Koza TBD Ushers Dennis Paulson Rob Klemm Kent Weispfenning Roger Sparks Claire Sexton Cheri Edwall Caitlyn Edwall Matt Kilbride Roger Ollila Baryogar Johnson Roger Svendsen Dennis Peterson Agnes Baysahwala Jennifer Houge Randy & Jane Koza Dan Fitzgerald Bill Maynard Bill Fredine Johan/Katie Madrigal Jessica Morgan Kari Keating Dick & Sharon Peterson Larry & Sandy Pruden Mike Welte Mike Kahrau Mark & Doreen Winter Troy & Courtney Magnuson Dick & Sharon Peterson Claire Sexton 31 Bucks for our Building 9:30am Worship 1:00pm Spring of Eternal Life Church 24 9:30am Worship 1:00pm Spring of Eternal Life Church 19 11:30-12:30 SUNNY (FH) 1:00pm Staff Meeting 7:00pm SEL (S), Church Board (F) 12 11:30-12:30 SUNNY (FH) 1:00pm Staff Meeting 6:00pm Internship Party at Koza 7:00pm SEL (S) 5 11:30-12:30 SUNNY (FH) 1:00pm Staff Meeting 7:00pm SEL (S) Tue 25 9:00am Quilting 26 11:30-12:30 SUNNY (FH) 1:00pm Staff Meeting 6:30pm Youth Ministry Team 7:00pm SEL (S) Youth Group Staying at ORLC July 17-20 18 6:45pm Lives Worth Living 17 Bucks for our Building 9:30am Worship 1:00pm Spring of Eternal Life Church Family Mission Trip July 14-17 11 9:00am Quilting 6:45pm Lives Worth Living 4 Independence Day Office Closed Mon 10 9:30am Worship 1:00pm Spring of Eternal Life Church 3:00pm SEL Fellowship Hall 3 First Sunday Food Shelf, Blood Pressure Check, Bucks for our Building 9:30am Worship 1:00pm Spring of Eternal Life Church Sun 15 8 1 Fri 28 6:45am Men’s Study 11:30-12:30 SUNNY (FH) 21 6:45am Men’s Study 11:30-12:30 SUNNY (FH) 6:30pm Knitting & Crochet Group Caribou 29 22 Family Mission Trip July 14-17 14 6:45am Men’s Study 9-11am Intern Cohort 11:30-12:30 SUNNY (FH) 10:00am Kitchen Table Mystics (F) 7 6:45am Men’s Study 11:30-12:30 SUNNY (FH) 5:00pm Worship & Music 6:00pm Children’s Ministry Team Mtg Thu 2016 27 8:30am-4:30pm Summer Stretch 9:30am Bible Study 5:30pm Gathering w/Games at Bruentrap Farm 6:30pm Simple Summer Worship at Bruentrap Farm 20 8:30am-4:30pm Summer Stretch 9:30am Bible Study 13 8:30am-4:30pm Summer Stretch 9:30am Property Group, Bible Study 6 9:30am Bible Study Wed 30 10am-1pm Gardening Matters (FH) (K) 5-9pm SEL (S) 23 5-9pm SEL (S) (FH) 16 9am-3pm Scrapbooking 5-9pm SEL (S) 9 5-9pm SEL (S) 12:00pm FH Rented (Busse) 2 5-9pm SEL (S) Sat Our Redeemer Staff Rev. Karsten Nelson, Pastor 651-772-2445 x102 Email: [email protected] Anne Jackson, Pastoral Intern 651-772-2445 x 103 Email: [email protected] Lisa Diez, Office Administrator 651-772-2445 x101 Email: [email protected] Andy Peterson, Organist 651-247-2742 Email: [email protected] Ellie Peterson, Contemporary Worship Leader 651-815-9650 Email: [email protected] Madeline Veenker, Choir & Bell Director 651-308-8968 Email: [email protected] Our Redeemer Lutheran Church 1390 Larpenteur Avenue East, St. Paul, MN 55109 Phone: 651-772-2445 Fax: 651-771-4548 Web: Email: [email protected] Summer Worship Sunday at 9:30am Dave Parenteau, Custodian DATED MATERIAL DO NOT DELAY Address Service Requested Our Redeemer Lutheran Church 1390 East Larpenteur Avenue St. Paul, MN 55109