here - Jo Caird
here - Jo Caird
Wroclaw:..,.?'H?'ls?ll,E,#FL', ,%lJ GETTYIMAGES/PH0T0N0NSTOP RM;AX 0MPHoTOGRAPH C.CoM hi EHTTTdffiTB*ffiRffi (09069590002; Wizzair offersflightsto WroclawfromLuton Doncasterfrom €12.99oneway.Ry (087I246 O0O0; hasfli WroclawfromvariousUKairportsfrc oneway.FromWroclawairport,city L number406runseverv20 minutest centralrailwaystation. I n Eighties Poland, as the Solidarity movement used civil resistance I to fight for social change, Ore south-westem cit5r of Wrodaw I star-tgd its own, unique brand of underground protest. Drawing dwarf figures on_wallCall over town anditaging-absurd happeni-ngs designed to mock the regime, the Orange Nternative athac{ed thogsands of participants to its peaceful protests, as well as plenty of media aftention. Walk aroundWroclaw todav and , you'll find proud memoriali to the movement whereveryou go, in the form of 150 diminutive bronze dwarf statuettes set into pavements across the city. But when it comes to steet art in Wroclaw, dwarves are just the start. The walh lrom my hotel into the handsome old tonm takes me past arr alrcsling collection of huddltxl ligrrrrs breaking out llrc woll<of of the pirvcr,rrrrnl, Polislrrrrlist.krlzy l(rrlirrir.l;rlr:r, o rt l l t c islirt rrlsirr llrr' llivr:r'Ork:r ' . on Ostr6wTumski - "Cathedral Island" - is calmer. Home to the city's imposing cathedral, as well as a handf;l of other relieious buildings, this is a place Sfpeace and contemplation. As dusk falls overthe city, a lamplighter appea$ and goes about his workunhurried. This is my cue to leave. I arh due at the Opera Wroclawskao a gan{ clessicist auditorium whose commitrnent to new and rarely performed work makes for a yorrngcr lhan usual audience. AulaLeoooldina (univerit! of Wnx:l{r,v) PA€KAffiffiS (0L17921lT RegentHolidays offersa three-nigh package to Wroclaw from€325perp including b&b andreturnflight. rli 1,:i,l ], Til{ffiINS}ffiffiTKA#K OThere'sa rowdy,tavernatmosphe (Rynek-Ratusz 2;OO 48 7I 3447 225 restaurant beneaththe CityHall. o Climbthe belltowerof St Elisabe the MarketSouare andoldtown. o Forfresh'produce, curedmeats,tr; goods,the HalaTargowa household ( withina brutalistconcreteshell. OOpera (ul.Swidnicka Wroclawska 3l presents bothclassical andcontem Maschera, thisyear'sopen-air "supe Olympic StadiumonJune15and17 ( 35;ticketsviaOperaWroclawska) o FreeWi-Fi isavitilable inbarsandca WHATTOAVOID ; I l r r ,r r ,,r tr ,tl xxr ta d o ze n I r,rr., rrr | | rl r,rilwityarcheson W r;rrr,rI r,rlkrgrrslawskiego, ;r I t I rrrrr rrrle wnlksotrthoi tht, r r l yr e r r l r trl,l .tt l l td ko t;r tcyo r r tlpedtu thueeto tlxr c,nt ol f.ddd-,E r lr r r r r t D l! r .ril l^,.tt t:rrrr lrrtrrt;nti, rls w(:tt ttt l t t t : t t t.y ttl rncd iit : rlk : nli o n . Walk arourrd Wroclaw todav and you'll find proud memoriali to lhe movemen I wherever you go. in the form of 150 dimin;dv; bronze dwarf statuettes set into pavements across the city. But when it comes [o street art inWroclaw, dwarves are just the start. The walk from my hotel into the handsome old tovvn takes me past an arresting collection of huddled figures breaking out of the pavemenl the work of Polish artist Jerzy Kalina. Later, on the islands in the River Oder. on Ostr6w Tumski - "Cathedral Island" - is calmer. Home to the city's imposing cathedral, as well as a handful of other religious buildings, this is a place of peace and contemplation. As dusk falls over the city, a lamplighter appears and goes about his workunhurried. This is my cue to leave. I am due at the Opera Wroclawska, a grand classicist auditorium whose commitmentto new and rarely per{ormed work makes for a younger than usual audience. lVroclawCathedral > ., OlimpicStadium RAclaWice Panorarna '"# tr ",l ,r r r r ,r rl irrl ,r r r ',r llllrr r ,{ r l y €)l l ttttlrl l rr' l rr' l l l rrw r.r,rl ' ,1 | Ll tt:M;trk tl l 1)(lI, l Ir' , I r I r r| | | OFot f trl ' ,1rl ,tr)rIrrr' ,, rrr, rl r, hotts c l tol rl 1i r r'1,. IIrl I l .rl ,r I ', ,,,nr r' l r, . w i l l ri r r,rl rtrtl ,rl r' .1 O[); rl t,rW rl r Lrw ,l ,rl rrl "w i ;l tt",r,rrl ' , I rrrl I r r l ,r' ,,,rr,rl ,rrr M,t:t I n t, t,l l rr.,y r,,rr' ,,o;x :tt, Ol y rrrprr' ,1,r' l rrrrrr rrrr i rtrrc I I l "; l i r l rr.l ,v t,rt)l )(.t,l W tOLl Ol rl r, W i I i i .,, rv ,ri l ,rl rlien b; WHATTOAVOID .r,;. Thereare about a dozen bars in the railwayarchesc WojciechaBoguslawskleg 10-minutewalksouth of tt city centre,but makesure headto those to the east c Swidnicka,as the onesto t west are decidedlydingy. .,,Thetraffic aroundWrocl "B"MffiffiffiSY$*#T"H* ArtHotel6. Hasa fantastic locationjust tenement building;B0 four-s elegantrestaurant(0048 71 I come across vibrant murals that make art out of the unremarkable buildings they adorn. Several of the city's other important cullr-rrirltreats are near the river. The bunl<cr that houses the RaclawicePauorirrnl doesn't lookpromising, but orrcc insidc and surrounded by tht: hugc cyclorarna, I am enthnrlled by this peculiarwork. Prorlu<redat the end of the l9th centurv. and brought to Wroclaw from i,wow after the SecondWorldWar', thc battle painting is the city's most popular attraction. On the south bank of the Oder, the university's elaborately decorated Baroque lecture hall, the l8th-centwy Aula Leopoldina, is a marvellous sight. My nech sorr: liom crarilng to adrnile the Irrrrrtpe-l'oeil I clirrrlllhc fresrxrcs, rrrrivcrsifu's tower'lirl ir tIilli'rlrrI v i c w ,t aking in llrr'( )rL 'r';rrrrl rlr ; islandsfront :t1,,,t,'. Th e a l l t t o : ; 1 r l r,'1 1 ';r( i o sri Il tt: r'r vcr Puro Hotel;, Locatedin the up-and-comi nearby;roomsare sleekand self check-in;funky bar and r from t52). Tonight's performance is King Roger, one of the few Polish ,' Sofitel lr ,, : language operas regularly staged Contemporary des on lhe internationa] circuil. rooms,someoffe Each summerthe company gym(3588300;i stagesa "super-production", the . wroclaw-old-to (Wrocklaw) l; t r gesopr l lr ; r lirpt ' ' r ' liur r r ; r r r r ti r r Bnrslar.r and (Gdansk) Rr lir nt l,lir : r lr r r ir rIlq r r r r r r lr t r l s , r l ' Darrziti in,,,, TF4ffiffiffiSTffi perlilrttr<:r's, l,)r rrrr;rr':rrr sl;rr rt;trt rt:l; 1945,'rlosirrg''LwowKuchniaMarch6 r t lr Ily , ; r r r ir n; r ls .l 'lr i s I t t t r l,ln: r 1r andVilnius Thisbrightbuffet r y r : ; r r - pr ' r ; r r r lr r r ' lion, lo llt : s lt r g o da t :i," and internationalopl Wrrx l:rw's( )lyrrrllicStatlium,is allday for mealsand sn€ Vt:rrIi's {./z l\ulln in Maschera 'I'hc perlbrmance finished, I head to the Rlnek,Wroclaw's Karczmalwowska, rrl ancient market sguare, Decoratedlikean old ruraldir overlooked by the resplendent hangingfrom the ceiling,thrs l4lh-century City HaII, the heart Polishand Lvovcuisine;enorr of the old toum and a picturesque viewsoverthe MarketSquar and livelyplace foran evening drinh. Engaging positively with the past while invesl-ing Spizarnia , i; l:\t:.1 in the future can be a difficult ModernEuropeancuisinewit lr:rlirncingact lbr a city, espct;irrlly i irr;rangeof classiccocktails, orrc willr such a turbulcnI rttr:rrl . r lirrrx I placeto start an everr I rr:;lory. lirrlttnltelv.Wrrlt:l:rw l r l r r l y,,l r cct[u l .Wl o d ko w i c rl,,r' r'villr ylitrtirt:l"rt:. Tal l tl l rftr:Wro<:l i rw 'sC i tyH a!|,abovc,tr,;rdi ti onal pai ntedhouses ,al x rv c k = = f|= arrrrl ' ' prol e= l "rl w ;rrl ,;rl x rv .ri g!rl ffiffiYYgruffi?ffiffi&ffi Sr Wizzair(0906 959 0002;wizzair.comJ offers flightsto Wroclawfrom Lutonand Doncasterfrom f12.99 one wav.Rvanair (08712460000;ryanai-.c6-)hasf ightsto WroclawfromvariousUK6;rpots '-onEI7 oneway.FromWroclawairportctty bus number406 runsevery20 m nuies:: the centralrailwaystation. PA#KA#HS RegentHolidays(OIL792I 1711; offers a three-night packageto Wroclawfrom €325 per person. includingb&b and returnflight. TF.*ffiB*4$AffitrTffiA#K OThere's a rowdy, tavernatmosphere inthewood-panelled barat Spiz (Rynek-Ratusz 2; 004877 3447225;spiz.plJ, a microbrewery and restaurant beneaththe CitvHall. o Climbthe belltowerof SfElisabeth's forfantasticviewsover Church the MarketSquare andoldtown. o Forfreshproduce, curedmeats,traditional sweetsandcheap goods,the HalaTargowa (Piaskowa household 17Jisa shoppeisparadise withina brutalistconcreteshell. (ul.Swidnicka oOperaWroclawska 35;3445779; presents bothclassical andcontemporary opera.Verdi's UnBallorn "super-production", Maschera, thisyear'sopen-air takesplaceat the Olympic StadiumonJune15and17 (Aleja lgnacego JanaPaderewskiego 35;ticketsviaOperaWroclawskaJ. OFreeWi-Fi isavailable inbarsandcaf6salloverthe citv. WHATTOAVOID r Thereareabouta dozen barsinthe railway archeson Wojciecha Boguslawskiego, a 10-minute walksouthof the citycentre,butmakesureyou headro thoseto theeastof Swidnicka, astheonesto the westaredecidedly dingy. ThetrafflcaroundWroclaw's ringroadsisoftenveryslow moving, soifs bestto a,yoid taxis at rushhour. Tramsarethefastestwayto get around, butdon'tget caught ort: youneedto buytickets beforeboarding, eitherfrom mostnewsstandsor machines at the largertramstops. YF{H##STffi#Y'ffi$.S ArtHotel Hasa fantastic locationjust off the MarketSquarein a restored tenementbuilding; B0four-starrooms,eachindividually decorated; elegantrestaurant[004871 787 740O,;from €37J. Puro Hotel Locatedin the up-and-coming Jewishquarter,with plenty of great bars nearby;roomsaresleekand supermodern;savetime on arrivalwith selfcheck-in;funky bar and restaurant(772 5100;; rrom L5zt. DIDYOU KNOW? S o f i t e l ', : Contemporarydesignin the heart of the oldtown;five-star rooms,some offeringviewsof St Elisabeth'sChurch;spa and s,.,m1'-?58 a - -: :..- - :c - Kucfrnia t'{arch6 : _ < ,,* ci : _, =- : : .', _g tal g e a - -: S^ l p i-r:-o:,n s :i : - a 's e r : e r i e n t v a l u e n o s a 3 e : :-: -:e"iarionao a cay foi'meaisandsnacksfui.Sy,',onrcka 53;343 9565:marche com.plJ. KarczmaLwowska Decoratedlikean oldruraldiningroom,completewrth rlnches of hops hangingfrom the ceiling, this eccentricplacespeca ses rntraditional Polishand Lvovcuisine;enormousportionscallfor larg==opetites;good viewsoverthe MarketSquare;delicious dumplings(Ryrsaa:343 9BB7; ilrr$vilerr.:itionalpaintedhouses,aboveleft,anda"protest"dwarf,aboveright Spizarnia i r :, ModernEuropeancuisinewith somedishesfrom farther afle d thrown in;range.ofclassiccocktailsavailable,includingcoffeeswith a tipple; a goodplaceto start an eveningbeforeexploringthe other barson this trendy street (ul.Wlodkowica27; 34I 4166;