Ęurcpetrn society
Ęurcpetrn society
Ęurcpetrn society of End$crinoEqesy Professor A Milewicz Polish Endocrine Society 50-367 Wroclaw Pasteura 4 Poland twrop {ilxt $*lc'f*Ę trf E'nd*crirł*tr*gxl Euro House, 22 Apex Court, Woodlands, Bradtey Stoke, Bristol 8532 4JT UK. Te[: *4Ą 1454 647247 Fax: +44 1454 642?7?. 26 October 2010 Dear Professor Milewicz Emai[: nfo@eu ro- endo.org !Veb: www. euro-endo. org i European Congress of Endocrinology 2014 President Thank you again for the Polish Endocrine Society's proposalto host the ECE in 2014, and for organising and attending the recent site visit with Maria Alevizaki, Barbara Jarzab and BioScientifica to Wroclaw. Following positive feedback from the site visit, and discussions at the recent ESE Executive Committee meeting, we are pleased to inform you that the ESE Executive Committee were unanimous in their support of the Wroclaw 2014 bid. The preferred dates for the meeting were Saturday 3 - Wednesday 7 May 2014. As you know, the Polish Endocrine Society's involvement in ESE is extremely important, and we know that there will be excellent local support for the meeting. The ESE Secretariat will be in touch in due course to organise the next steps, which will include discussions with the venue, and the signing of an agreement between ESE and the Polish Endocrine Society outlining the responsibilities of both parties and the financial arrangements. Congratulations. We are are looking fonrard to a very successful congress in2014. Yours sincerely Eberhard Nieschtag Milnster, Germany Vice President Paolo Beck-Peccoz Mitan, ltaty Secrefory Barbara Jarzab Gliwice, Poland T reasurer .Ąart J van der Le[y Rotterdam, The Nethertands Maria Atevizaki Athens, Greece Wiebke Artt Birmingham, UK Justo Castano Cordoba, Spain Andrea Giustina Brescia, ltaly Vera Popovic Betgrade, Serbia Martin Reincke Munich, Germany Peter Trainer Manchester, UK Editar-in-Chief, European Journal of Endocrinology #* #X '#:łj:l'r ł.łłit:'..:łjl 'nj '' :.ł- ' jłfy:!:;'''::Wi|'';li!:fl{.:':.ii'.1]:ilrj:ii"łiłd;:.:#ji:ł.! :if. &] "' żii'' -iiii ", '&| t-/ ' l:::|'ł|{.:. j!' łl' ' :'.ł';iif,' "'4: ł '".ls Christian Strasburger Berlin, Germany Utt S frepresentative Ro[f GaiLtard Lausanne, Switzerland Professor Maria Alevizaki ESE Congress Sub-Committee Chair Professor Eberhard Nieschlag ESE President Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in lngland and Wates No. 55408 6 Registered 0ffice: Euro House, 22 Apex Court, Woodlands, Bradley Stoke, Bristol. BS32 4JT. Registered Charity No. 112349?