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Living Ahimsa World Tour 2009-2012 ~ Canada
with Mother Maya
At Moksana Yoga Center
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Morning: 9:00–12:00 pm
Part 1 Workshop, $75.00
Afternoon: 1:30–4:30 pm
Part 2 Workshop, $75.00
Satsanga: 7:30–9:30 pm, $25.00
Location: Moksana Yoga Studio
500-3 Fan Tan Alley
Victoria, BC
Phone: 250-385-2105
Registration Contact: Jennifer Gillis
Phone: 778-893-1859
Email: [email protected]
(Kirtana will take place before and after Satsanga)
Become the Light you strive for.
ing Ahimsa
The Living Ahimsa World Tour 2009-2012 embodies the deepest value
of peace for every person who strives for harmony in thought, speech
and action. Through Ahimsa, Mother Maya teaches us to transform violence, disease and despair into harmony, wellness and joy. Our collective
Vow of Ahimsa has a profound impact on the cosmic psyche of peace,
and the actualization of a world at peace. Since its inauguration, Living
Ahimsa—The Power of Peace World Tour 2009-2012 has attracted more than
145,000 participants worldwide who have taken The Vow of Ahimsa.
The Living Ahimsa World Tour officially began at the Parliament of
the World’s Religions, Melbourne Australia in December 2009, where
Mother’s Address inspired thousands to take the Vow of Ahimsa. The
108th Living Ahimsa Peace Mandala was created at this event.
Mother Maya
Mother Maya is living proof that a life of inner harmony is the greatest investment we can achieve in our lives. Formally known as Her Holiness, Sri Swami
Mayatitananda, Mother Maya is an extraordinary spiritual mother, nurturer,
and healer. Belonging to India’s prestigious Vedic lineage, Veda Vyasa, she is the
founder of Wise Earth School of Ayurveda, the Mother Om Mission (MOM)
and the Living Ahimsa Foundation. As a world-class spiritual teacher, she has
been a Keynote Speaker at numerous health, wellness and inter-faith conferences. She is a best-selling author (under nom-de-plume, Maya Tiwari) of many
books on health and spirituality. From the past 27 years of her devout healing
work in the US and around the world, Mother Maya has been serving humanity
by awakening the spirit of wellness, peace and harmony in every person whose
life she touches.
Mother Maya is called “one of the outstanding Saints of India”
by the Parliament of the World’s Religions.
For live feed on the Living Ahimsa World Tour, go to: • •
“Living Ahimsa®” is a trademark of the Living Ahimsa Foundation and all of its educational materials, practices and principles are copyrighted by the Living Ahimsa Foundation. Excerpts from, or references to Living Ahimsa® program may be made in other
programs, publications, media and websites provided the context clearly refers to these uses as “Living Ahimsa®” and to Sri Swami Mayatitananda as the founder of the program with this attribution containing a link back to the website.