RR Layout 1 - USS Rasher
RR Layout 1 - USS Rasher
the RasheR RepoRt 2nd Quarter • June 2011 http://www.ussrasher.org NeWSLeTTeR OF THe USS RasheR (SS/SSR/AGSS-269) USS Rasher Association Business Meeting In This Issue Ship’s Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Editor’s Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 21 May 2011 • Branson, Missouri Chaplain’s Corner . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Reunion Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–5 Financial Statement . . . . . . . . . . 6 Reunion Recap . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Membership Roster & Dues . . . . . 7 More Reunion Photos Building Scorpion II ........8 .........9 Last of a Good Time . . . . . . . . 10 Front Row: WWII crewmembers Ken Tate, Frank “Ziggy” Zieglemann, Charlie Reuff; 2nd Row: Jack Lively, Snuffy Smith, Bob Bidon, Hugh Rood, Nelis VanderPol; 3rd Row: Bill Stoel, Garret Onderdonk, Richard Moore, Trevor Hughes, Jess Daniel, Gene Olander, Greg Fessler A ttending Crewmembers: Jess Daniel, Garret Onderdonk, Nelis Vanderpol, Charlie Reuff, Ken Tate, Trevor Hughes, Greg Fessler, Hugh Rood, Bill Stoel, Gene Olander, Richard Moore, Bob Bidon, Jack Lively, Howard Hughes, Frank Ziegelmann AGeNDA: Disposition of Rasher Bell Rasher Conning Tower WWII Museum Senior Rasherman Next Reunion Ships Stores Member Dues Steering Committee Disposition of Rasher Bell: Motion by Richard Moore, seconded by Jess Daniel that the Steering Committee research to find a place (museum) to care for the USS Rasher bell. Motion carried. In the meantime, the bell has been placed in the care of Gene Olander. ➠ USS RasheR — FIRST AMONG eQUALS NeWSLeTTeR Rasher Conning Tower: Ken Tate to locate and report on the whereabouts of the Rasher conning tower in Manitowoc. The conning tower was last observed about five years ago languishing in a corner of the Wisconsin Maritime Museum parking lot. The Rasher #1 attack periscope is also located in storage with the Wisconsin Maritime Museum. WWII Museum: Gene Olander will look into and report on the WWII museum in New Orleans as an option for Rasher items. Senior Rasherman; A few months ago it was suggested that a WW II crew member be appointed as Senior Rasherman. Motion made by Nelis Vanderpol and seconded by Frank Ziegelmann to nix the idea “as we are all equal” and this would create confusion as Rasher members go on Eternal Patrol. Motion carried. Next Reunion: Discussion of timing and location of next reunion. Garret Onderdonk volunteered to head up the next reunion. Motion by Nelis Vanderpol and seconded by Richard Moore to hold the next reunion late spring/early summer 2013 in New Orleans. LA. This would be in conjunction with the 70th anniversary of the commissioning of the USS Rasher. Motion carried. OF THe meeting to act fully on behalf of the Rasher Association on all matters in lieu of having to wait until the next reunion crew meeting. Motion carried. Submitted by Bob Bidon RasheR ReUNION ATTeNDeeS WW II Frank Ziegelmann WW II Kenneth Tate & Mimi Johnson WW II Charles Reuff Bob & Tammy Reuff Carl & Midge (Reuff) Culig Hugh Rood & daughter Karen Henninger Trevor & Verna Hughes Richard “Yogi” Moore Greg & Connie Fessler Bill & Ruth Stoel Gene & Judy Olander Jack & Joleen Lively Jess & Judy Daniel Garret & Jill Onderdonk Howard “Snuffy” & Charlotte Hughes Nelis “Van” & Shirley Vanderpol Bob & Carol Bidon From the Rasher Storekeeper Snuffy Hughes W e sold $322.00 worth of Tshirts, caps, etc. We still have in stock: Ships Stores: Report by Howard Hughes, accepted as reported. See elsewhere within this newsletter. Member Dues: Discussion of crewmembers “dink” in dues. Anyone that hasn’t paid their Rasher membership dues for over two years will be moved to the Rasher “Inactive” database. Motion carried Steering Committee: No one volunteered to take a place on the committee so the current committee members agreed to continue serving. The Steering Committee was authorized by crew members present at this page 2 USS RasheR (SS/SSR/AGSS-269) Starting bank account on April 2011 was $927.07. New caps cost $118.14, new t-shirts cost $338.94. I got $50.00 for reunion change, leaving a total in the account of $419.99. The Reunion netted us $322.00 + the $50.00 returned reunion change; the total amount in our bank account is $791.99. If all items were to be sold, we would have $1,294.99 (not including the cups. Not sure how they will sell due to being dated “2011”). CREDITS Editor: Richard Moore 9177 Davenport Road Gloucester, VA 23061-3141 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 804-815-0730 Treasurer: Bob Bidon 86 Riverview Terrace Cannon Falls, MN 55009-5277 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 507-263-3882 Graphics/Layout & Production: Peter & Karen Sasgen 157 W. Village Drive St. Augustine, FL 32095 E-mail:[email protected] Phone: 904-823-9436 T-shirts: 22 @ $12.00=$264.00 Caps: 12 @ $12.00=$144.00 Jacket patches: 29 @ $4.00=$116.00 Vest Pins: 3 @ $3.00=$9.00 Total: $503.00 I have 13 cups that Bob brought. They are marked “Branson 2011” priced at $7.00. They are for sale too. That would put our total inventory value to $594.00. Total Reunion sales: $322.00 all items sold. USS RasheR — FIRST AMONG eQUALS NeWSLeTTeR Editor’s Corner hello shipmates and guests, asher Reunion, Branson, Missouri 2011 is over and logged accordingly. It was a great weekend and while we had a little rain, it didn’t dampen our party. Sixteen shipmates of various time periods on the boat attended with spouses, family members and friends. Branson is truly a great place to hold a reunion. The reunion package that Bob Bidon worked out with the Branson people was well worth the money spent. The Grand Plaza Hotel did a fantastic job in meeting our needs and then some. They were very accommodating in every aspect. Please see Garret R Onderdonk’s article for a great dayby-day write up sequence of events. Thank you Garret! Member Dues—Within this newsletter is a listing of where everyone stands on their dues. Please take a moment to check your dues status and if in arrears, please send a check off to treasurer Bob Bidon to bring yourself up-to-date. His mailing address is located under CReDITS. Membership dues were discussed at the Crew Meeting and anyone who is two years behind in their dues will be moved to the Rasher Association inactive file of the crew database before the next newsletter in September. Don’t fall beside the wayside, please get your dues in. Something new for your newsletter that could prove to be very interesting reading—I would like to publish a biography on any (and maybe eventually all) Rasher crewmembers. The biography could start with where an individual was born, where he spent his growing up years, his military service time, and what he did upon discharge from the service. What better way to learn more of your Rasher crewmates? A great start would be with the WW II guys and then go OF THe USS RasheR (SS/SSR/AGSS-269) from there. I will, however, be glad to receive any submittals anytime. If it helps, I’ll accept the article in long hand and type it myself. Just get it to me, please. As you will see in this newsletter, our next reunion will be in New Orleans, Louisiana in 2013. Garret Onderdonk has volunteered to pull the reunion together. Let’s help him where we can. A few months down the road, the exact dates of the reunion will be published for your planning purposes. A BIG THANKS from all of us to Bob and Carol Bidon for pulling this reunion together. Best regards, Richard Moore The Chaplain’s Corner On Eternal Patrol Herbert L. Runge, 86, of Delta Township, MI, retired U.S. Postal Service mail carrier, died August 6 2010. Served as TM2(SS) on USS Rasher SS-269, WWII patrols 1–5. Mr. Runge’s military service span included WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam. There was a memorial gathering at VFW Post 269, Haslett, MI. Arrangements by Palmer, Bush and Jensen Family Funeral Homes, Delta Chapel, MI. Interred at Ft. Custer National Cemetery, Augusta, MI. Section P2, Site 173. Maria elena Saenz Alvarado, of Weaverville, CA passed on to the next life at the age of 75, on May 14, 2011 after a yearlong battle with pancreatic cancer and living 50 full years with multiple sclerosis. She lived in Weaverville for the past 25 years and was a loving and supportive homemaker, mother, grandmother, greatgrandmother, and friend. She chose to page 3 live her last days in her home surrounded by her loving family. Maria Elena was born in Chihuahua, Mexico. She moved to the United States in 1951, at the age of 15. She met her husband while he was attending college in El Paso, Texas, and married him in 1954. Maria accompanied her husband as his career led him to Carson, CA for 19 years, and Mapleton, OR for 11 years, before finally moving to Weaverville, where they enjoyed retirement together. Her full life allowed her travels to Mexico, Hawaii, Canada, Alaska, Eastern Australia, and all of Eastern and Western United States. She is survived by her husband of 57 years, ernesto Alvarado; sons, Ernesto Roy of Santa Ana, CA, and Frank (and Mary Lou) of San Diego, CA; daughters Martha Zuniga (and Tim) of Stanton, CA, and Irene Alvarado of Bonita, CA; her grandchildren: Sammy Samkerr (and Patricia), David Andrew McCune, Francisco Alvarado Jr. (and Susan), Esteban Ismael Alvarado, Randolph Zuniga, Amber Zuniga, Ricardo Alvarado, Nicholas Alvarado (and Eva), as well as four great-grandchildren; her sister Irene Ramirez of Carson, CA, brother Humberto Saenz of Compton, CA, and many nieces, nephews, and extended family members. She joins our Lord and those preceding her in death: daughter Librada McCune, mother Ysydra Morales, father Jose Saenz, and brother Jose Saenz. Services were held in her honor at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Fort Davis, Texas. editor’s Note: Mrs. Alvarado’s spouse is Ernesto Avarado, crewmember of USS Rasher. USS RasheR — FIRST AMONG eQUALS Sailors, Rest your oar, and Rest in peace. NeWSLeTTeR OF THe USS RasheR (SS/SSR/AGSS-269) USS RasheR — FIRST AMONG eQUALS page 4 NeWSLeTTeR OF THe USS RasheR (SS/SSR/AGSS-269) USS RasheR — FIRST AMONG eQUALS page 5 NeWSLeTTeR OF THe USS Rasher Association Financial Statement (June 7, 2011) Projected (Waiting Branson Refunds) Beginning Balance . . . . . . .$6385.42 INCOMe Dues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .495.00 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46.00 Reunion 50-50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66.00 Reunion Reg (Walker) . . . . . .400.00 Net income . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1007.00 exPeNSeS Newsletter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(151.36) Reunion Reg (Walker) . . . .(1352.92) Hospitality Room Snacks/ Beverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(192.10) Repair Subs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(41.17) Reunion Welcome Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(313.50) Cups to Ships Stores . . . . . .(110.50) Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(2161.55) Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5230.87 PeNDING ReFUNDS: Branson Reg Deposit . . . . . .1500.00 Branson Reg Refund (Walker) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1352.92 Refund to Walker . . . . . . . .(400.00) Projected Balance . . . . . . . .$7683.79 USS RasheR (SS/SSR/AGSS-269) page 6 Branson Rasher Reunion Garret D. Onderdonk III TM2/SS I f you didn’t have fun at the Rasher Branson reunion, it’s because you weren’t there. I polled everyone there and they had a fabulous time. “Branson, Missouri is known today as the “live music capital of the world”. With over 40 theaters with 60,000 theater seats, over 70 live theater shows, over 200 lodging facilities with over 23,000 lodging rooms, 5,000 camping spaces, over 350 restaurants, three lakes, 9 golf courses, over 200 retail outlets, numerous attractions, caves to explore and year round activities and entertainment.” (http://www.branson-missouri.com/history.asp) Thursday night: Meet and greet. Great food, better company and a chance to say howdy to some I have not seen in 48 years. Yes, a few of us have aged a little. The Grand Plaza hotel was shipshape and treated us well. I will miss eating those large breakfasts, probably a good thing. Friday: Breakfast and off to the Red, Hot and Blue for a musical remembrance tour. They flashed “Welcome Rasher” on their video screens. Wandered off to lunch and buying souvenirs just like tourists. On your own time was fun for all with more than enough to enjoy. Friday evening, Montana Mikes for Steak dinner and off to Presley’s Jubilee for the show. The Presley family opened the first theater on “the Strip,” Hwy. 76 in 1957. The entire family is multitalented and put on a great performance that we will all be talking about for a long time. This was truly family oriented and good for all ages. Saturday: More breakfast buffet. Off to the Veterans museum. Some great and interesting displays, over 2000 rare military artifacts the world’s largest war memorial sculpture is tremendous. It is a 70 foot long, 15 ton bronze sculpture, consisting of 50 life-size soldiers storming a beach. After lunch we went to the showboat for a memorial with Bob Biden speaking some kind words and a moment of silence. We boarded the Showboat Branson Belle for a tasty dinner and show. The emcee/comedian asked for volunteers to assist him. Our own volunteer, Doc Culig as the drummer was a riot. You had to be there. Sunday: Breakfast buffet, more food mmmmmm. Crew meeting at hotel and then the day for church, sightseeing or too many things folks did here to cover. That evening, the tolling of the bells ceremony and our farewell banquet was a very touching but certainly rewarding moment. Spent the rest of the evening saying our goodbyes and looking forward to our 2013 reunion on New Orleans. You got to be there. USS RasheR — FIRST AMONG eQUALS NeWSLeTTeR RASHeR ASSOCIATION MeMBeRS & DUeS PAID THRU JUNe 7, 2011 Lowell Addis Ernesto Alvardo Chase Anderson Donald Anderson Corky Anton Robert Banister Wayne Barger John Beatty Paul Benton Vic Bergado Karl Bjorn Bill Bonosho Larry Boone David Brown Ken Brown Joseph Bruzzo Jr. Len Cardwell W. Carter Dale Chamberlain Ralph Comp Earl Confar James Clooney Jess Daniel Virgil David Wayne Day Richard DeLozier Alex Demitropoulos Albert Demptster John Desousa Alexander Drewry Barry Enticknap Edward Fein Gregory Fessler Peter Fitzwilliam Nickolas Frank Bud Fuechtmann Gilbert Gallardo Sam Gascon Joseph Gilbert Leland Glaser James Gonzales Richard Gonzales John Goodyear Wendell Harden Bert Harley Cecil Hatcher John Hayden 11 10 09 11 13 pre 07 pre 07 12 11 14 06 12 12 pre 07 pre 07 13 09 11 10 08 pre 07 pre 07 16 08 11 09 11 11 pre 07 07 09 13 12 10 12 09 07 10 12 12 08 11 12 09 12 11 pre 07 OF THe USS RasheR (SS/SSR/AGSS-269) Richard Hillary Howard Hughes Trevor Hughes Thomas Innocente Charles Kates Richard Keily Lonnie Kutil Glenn Kyotani Earl LaDassor Arnold Lambrook Jack Lively George Lockwood Luke Louzelle Patrick Lyon George Lyon Richard McAvene James McCullough Sheldon McGuire Alan McKay Gerald Melcher pre William Meteraud Rod Middleworth James Mitchell Darcel Moffett Robert Montross Richard Moore Ralph Nachtigal Jessie Nichols Gene Olander Garret Onderdonk Doug Parish Leonard Pavelka Jack Pavlidis Kenneth Plank Charles Platt Ralph Rakich Frank Raymond Rufus Reaves Charles Reuff Howell Rice Bobby Robison Thomas Rogers Hugh Rood Alex Roos Jay Rowberry Desmond Rowe Peter Sasgen James Salinas William Schoessel Ben Schultz Paul Schultz James Severson 12 11 12 10 11 pre 07 08 pre 07 11 09 10 14 12 12 09 13 11 13 12 07 09 pre 07 11 09 10 11 10 pre 07 12 12 12 12 11 15 pre 07 10 10 12 11 pre 07 11 11 15 pre 07 pre 07 08 11 pre 07 11 10 07 11 page 7 Nolan Sexton Donald Simonson Frank Slayton Frederick Small Clifford Small Nicholas Stazione Al Stevens William Stoel Dickson Stoker Edgar Strauss Kenneth Tate Francis Traser Peter Trump Robert Turner Oneil Vanderhorst Russ Van Moppes James Van Vranken Nelis Vanderpol Hestel Walker Don Walsh Allen Watkins Wayne Weflen Mike Wenum David Wesley William Williams Neil Wollam Richard Young Frank Ziegelmann 11 pre 07 17 12 07 12 11 14 07 11 11 09 pre 07 pre 07 11 10 09 11 10 12 10 11 11 12 10 07 13 15 FRIeNDS OF RASHeR John Goodyear Donald Longmuir Robert Reuff Roger Schroeder 12 10 11 11 USS RasheR — FIRST AMONG eQUALS NeWSLeTTeR OF THe USS RasheR (SS/SSR/AGSS-269) USS RasheR — FIRST AMONG eQUALS page 8 NeWSLeTTeR OF THe USS RasheR (SS/SSR/AGSS-269) Building Scorpion II Snuffy Hughes T his submarine model was built and commissioned by the Southern Colorado Sub Vets Base. We even used real champagne to christen her with. Starting in 2010, it took about 5 mos. to complete. We started with precut slugs of Styrofoam 4 foot long X 32 inches in diameter. As my lathe can hold 8’ long pieces, we glued two slugs together to form an 8 foot long piece. Lathe speed was approx. 350 rpm and I used wood lathe cutting tools. To machine the correct diameter and correct hull shape, I had to make a large set of calipers. The plans we used were to make a model that was only 36 inches long. We had to scale it up to 1 inch = 1 foot. The plans did have bulkhead lines to help get the diameters right, but we had to do a lot of eye-balling to get the shape right. We had to glue the (3) 8 foot long shaped pieces together and then sand smooth the glued joints. After sanding with 100 grit sandpaper and filling any imperfections, we covered the Styrofoam with a paper towel product (Rags in a Box) with wood glue. Sort of like paper mache. We then covered this with clear epoxy and fiberglass cloth; then finished with 3 coats of latex flat black exterior paint. The model ended up being 21 feet long X 31 inches diameter. It is light enough that 3 people can easily lift it. The trailer started out as an 18 foot camper trailer. Another sub-vet that lives in Pueblo added 10 more feet to the trailer to make it 28 foot long. He made benches and removable handrails to accommodate riders. He and I designed and built an elevating platform to raise the boat approximately 3 feet above the deck using a boat winch for better viewing display. We also have a diesel boat klaxon horn (powered by an inverter 12 V to 110 V) to sound the “Diving or Surfacing” alarm. To date, this sub model has been in the Veteran’s Day Parade and the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Colorado Springs, Colorado and in the Christmas Day Parade, Pueblo, Colorado. USS RasheR — FIRST AMONG eQUALS page 9 NeWSLeTTeR the Rasher Report USS Rasher Association 9177 Davenport Road Gloucester, VA 23061-3141 OF THe USS RasheR (SS/SSR/AGSS-269) page 10
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