Educational policy - Region Midtjylland


Educational policy - Region Midtjylland
Educational policy
Central Denmark Region
Regional Development
Welcome to Central
Denmark Region,
the largest of the
five Danish regions –
covering 13,000 square
kilometres. The region
has a population of
1.2 m people.
The Central Denmark Region has a number of tasks in the
area of upper secondary education aimed at ensuring,
among other things, that there are education options
across the entire region. Furthermore, the Central
Denmark Region has a fund to support new initiatives in
the field of education.
The Regional Educational Policy 2016-2020 contributes to
the implementation of the regional Growth & Development
Strategy 2015-2025.
“Central Denmark Region is an appealing and sustainable
growth region”.
Student incubators and educational courses, focusing
on enhancing the interest of the young with regards to
entrepreneurship, have been established in association
with both the University of Aarhus as well as with VIA
University College, thus creating the setting in which
innovation and entrepreneurship may help foster new
enterprises and innovation in pre-existing ones.
Research facilities and knowledge environments are
important partners in the development of central Danish
enterprises and national positions of strength within the
food, energy & climate and creative sectors as well as
within the industry.
Today, a number of educations sought after by private
and public enterprises alike, are offered by both
vocational education & training centres as well as by
the three academies of professional higher education in
Central Denmark Region. The demand for skilled labour
in particular has been brought into focus. A number of
initiatives specifically aiming at making the young discover
the possibilities as a skilled worker – on the labour market
as well as in the educational system - have been launched.
Education in Central Denmark Region
The educational institutions play an important part in the
implementation of the growth agenda in Central Denmark.
In this context, the University of Aarhus and VIA University
College are important players. Both are large, international
institutions which educate a significant number of the
workforce who, alongside research and new knowledge,
will ensure the development of Central Denmark Region as
well as the rest of Denmark.
In Central Denmark Region the basic health care colleges
contribute to a highly qualified welfare sector with their
training programmes. By locating their programmes
in both the western and eastern parts of the region,
the basic health care colleges have ensured offers of
education to the young and adults alike, who require
geographical proximity in order to complete an education.
Simultaneously, this has ensured qualified labour in the
areas concerned.
The majority of the young are admitted into the upper
secondary educations in Central Denmark Region today.
These lead the young onto higher education and jobs in
both the private and public sector. Many of the central
Danish upper secondary schools offer international studies
and cooperate with educational institutions worldwide.
According to projections, we face the risk of a shortage of
qualified labour – highly educated and skilled alike – in the
near future.
Not enough young choose a vocational education. Due to
demography, many skilled workers will leave the labour
market, and at the same time employment for the unskilled
will drop. With regards to the highly educated, it is difficult
to attract highly educated labour to the remoter eastern
and western parts of the region.
Enterprises are dependent on knowledge and qualified
labour, and there is a need to create better correlation
between supply and demand.
More must choose a vocational education in future years,
and an effort, which ensures correlation between the
wishes of the young, the number of internships and the
demand of the enterprises, is required.
The declining youth cohorts will challenge the supply
of education in both the eastern and western parts
of the region. There will be a need to investigate new
organisational and learning methods as well as new digital
solutions, if an attractive and sustainable education supply
is to be maintained in Central Denmark Region.
There will be a continued need to create the proper
framework for innovation, entrepreneurship and the
development of talent – preferably in collaboration
with the business community and across institutions.
Educations, which does not merely support business
development, but are also able to contribute to look ahead
and find new, innovative solutions to societal challenges,
must be developed in the future.
Focus Areas
The Regional Council and the Growth Forum will cooperate
with educational institutions, the business community,
municipalities, the Ministry of Higher Education &
Science and the Ministry for Children, Education and
Gender Equality, centring on the challenges of the field
of education in the near future – among these the stated
objective that 95% of a youth cohort must complete a
general or vocational upper secondary education. It is
important to create a solid foundation for growth, and it is
equally important to create educations which contribute
to the development of new and innovative solutions to
societal challenges.
A coherent decentralised educational system
Improved correlation throughout the region’s educational
system must be generated. Cooperation on good
transitions for the young, joint development of educations
and the educational environment must be highly
prioritised. Giving more young people the opportunity to
choose the right education, to complete and to apply their
training is the overall purpose.
Hence the Regional Council will establish an
Educational Council with members representing
all relevant operators: educational institutions,
municipalities and Central Denmark Region.
The mission of the Educational Council is to
merge the central Danish educational effort,
and propose mutual initiatives to implement the
regional Educational Policy in interaction with
the Regional Development Advisory Committee.
Hence the Regional Council will continue to
support the professional networks of the
educational institutions to ensure knowledge
sharing and inspiration, which in turn will
support the development and implementation
of the educational efforts engineered in Central
Denmark Region.
A diverse supply across Central Denmark Region
An applicable educational supply
With declining year groups and increasing demands for
highly qualified labour, there will be a need to cooperate
about the supply of education, and to create new and
flexible, digital solutions to ensure equal educational
In order to ensure a continued and diverse supply of
education options across the region a number of initiatives
must be initiated. As a solution to local and regional
challenges both co-operation as well as new, flexible
propositions may be relevant. By offering qualified and
de-centralised educations the Central Denmark Region will
meet its objective of 95% of the young people completing
an upper secondary education.
A need to design new educational offers which meet
the development within the enterprises will also arise.
Furthermore, there is an obvious need to continually
update the educations which support the growth
opportunities of the future – in a global context too.
Hence, based on the demographic development,
the Regional Council will initiate a mapping of
the need for new solutions in order to maintain
a diverse supply of educations with the intention
of initiation of an effort in 2016.
Hence the Regional Council will support the
development of initiatives and solutions to meet
and secure the objective of a decentralised and
appealing educational supply throughout Central
Denmark Region.
Hence the Regional Council will initiate
development projects, supporting the
development of central Danish educations for all
young people, in collaboration with educational
institutions, municipalities and industry.
Seven Districts of Education & Labour Market
The seven districts of education & labour markets have
been selected based on the criteria that each of them
features a “Central Municipality” (City Authority) which
meets the following:
Houses one of the largest cities in the area with a
30.000+ inhabitants
Has one or several large educational centres and/or
Is a job central which attracts labour from surrounding
In other words, the seven districts are characterised
by a significant number of commuters –labour as well
as students. A large proportion of the commuters are
“internal” – meaning, a significant number of students and
workers commute within the district in which they reside.
Randers area
Holstebro area
Viborg area
Aarhus area
Silkeborg area
Herning area
Student Incubator
University of Aarhus
Horsens area
Campus of VIA University College
VIA University College
Institutions for General & Vocational Upper Secondary Education in
Central Denmark Region
Vocational upper secondary education
Agroskolen Hammerum
Aarhus Business College
Asmildkloster Landbrugsskole
Aarhus Tech
Bygholm Landbrugsskole
Den jydske haandværkerskole
Havredal Praktiske Landbrugsskole
Herningsholm Erhvervsskole
Jordbrugets UddannelsesCenter Århus
Learnmark Horsens
Lemvig Gymnasium
Randers Social- og Sundhedsskole
Silkeborg Business College
Skanderborg-Odder Center for uddannelse
Skive Handelsskole
Skive Tekniske Skole
Social & Sundhedsskolen, Herning
Social- og Sundhedsskolen i Silkeborg
Social- og Sundhedsskolen i Skive-Thisted-Viborg
Social- og Sundhedsskolen Fredericia-Vejle-Horsens
Struer Statsgymnasium
Teknisk Skole Silkeborg
Uddannelsescenter Holstebro
UddannelsesCenter Ringkøbing-Skjern
VIA University College
Viden Djurs
Århus Social- og Sundhedsskole
General upper secondary education
Aarhus Business College
Aarhus Katedralskole
Aarhus Private Gymnasium
Bjerringbro Gymnasium
Det Kristne Gymnasium
Egå Gymnasium
Favrskov Gymnasium
Grenaa Gymnasium
Herning Gymnasium
Herning HF og VUC
Herningsholm Erhvervsskole
Holstebro Gymnasium og HF
Horsens Gymnasium
Horsens Statsskole - Gymnasium og HF-kursus
Ikast-Brande Gymnasium
Langkær Gymnasium og HF
Learnmark Horsens
Lemvig Gymnasium
Marselisborg Gymnasium
Odder Gymnasium
Paderup Gymnasium
Randers HF & VUC
Randers Statsskole
Ringkjøbing Gymnasium
Risskov Gymnasium
Rønde Gymnasium
Silkeborg Business College
Silkeborg Gymnasium
Skanderborg Gymnasium
Skanderborg-Odder Center for uddannelse
Skive Gymnasium og HF
Skive Handelsskole
Skive Tekniske Skole
Struer Statsgymnasium
Teknisk Skole Silkeborg
TH. Langs HF & VUC
Tørring Gymnasium
Uddannelsescenter Holstebro
UddannelsesCenter Ringkøbing-Skjern
Vestjysk Gymnasium Tarm
VIA University College - HF Nørre Nissum
Viborg Gymnasium og HF
Viborg Katedralskole
Viby Gymnasium
Viden Djurs
VUC Skive-Viborg
Århus Akademi
Århus Statsgymnasium
Region Midtjylland
Regionshuset Viborg, Skottenborg 26
Postboks 21, 8800 Viborg
Tlf.: 78 41 00 00