western hospitality - Oregon Coast Magazine
western hospitality - Oregon Coast Magazine
Photo by David Jensen Wallowa Lake, near Joseph, is strikingly beautiful in every season. Eastern Oregon Western Hospitality E astern Oregon is called the Land of Extremes for good reason. Rimrock canyons, towering peaks, fragrant high desert, wheat farms, bubbling streams, and wide open starry skies—the east side of the state is full of surprises. Every little town hosts its own festival and rolls out the welcome mat for visitors. Take the tram to the top of the majestic Wallowa Mountains. Relish a ride on the Snake River’s rapids as it courses through the continent’s deepest canyon. Scenic byways roll past historic mining towns, wildlife refuges, and ancient lake basins, and pow wows, rodeos, and remnants of the Oregon Trail allow visitors to experience the magic of the West. Wheeler County Wheeler County, including the communities of Fossil, Spray, and Mitchell, is famous for its www.northwestmagazines.com Bear Hollow and Shelton Wayside parks, located just south of Fossil on Hwy 19, are great areas to camp or spot wildlife. Bear Hollow is open year-round, Shelton Wayside from April to early November. The Wheeler County Courthouse, located in Fossil, was built in 1901. prehistoric fossils. In fact, visitors can hunt for fossils at a public fossil bed right behind the high school. Two units of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, Clarno and Painted Hills, are located just off Hwys 218 and 26. History buffs interested in more recent artifacts can visit the ghost town of Richmond, located on Hwy 207 north of Mitchell. The John Day River snakes its way through the area, providing world-class bass fishing and unforgettable rafting trips. Boardman and Condon Boardman is a great jumping-off point for visitors to Eastern Oregon. This little town has grown quite literally from a “wayside” stop in 1962 to a bustling industrial and recreational destination. With the mighty Columbia River at its back door, the Boardman area offers a wide variety of water-related sports and activities, as well as a beautiful marina. This portion of the river is famous for the fighting Walleye bass. The local shop owners can offer tips for catching Oregon Vacation Guide 2008~2009 21 Harney County Gateway to the Steens & more. . . . Visit the Land of Four Rivers and Rugged Desert Landscapes. Four Rivers Cultural Museum Lake Owyhee Succor Creek Leslie Gulch Pillars of Rome Tax Free Shopping Ontario Visitor & Convention Bureau 676 SW 5th Ave. 541-889-8012 1-866-989-8012 www.ontariochamber.com them. Information about the area can be found at the Boardman Chamber of Commerce. Heppner Nestled among gently rolling hills in wheat and cattle country, historic Heppner is the western portal to the Blue Mountain Scenic Byway. Here, visitors can stop to experience the Morrow County Museum, murals, the 1903 Flood Memorial, the 100-year old courthouse, and the biggest shamrock in the world, symbolic of the annual Wee Bit o’ Ireland celebration. Echo The tiny town of Echo along I–84 boasts 10 sites listed on the National Register of Historic Places, including City Hall, museums, churches, a restaurant, and Echo Cemetery, dating to the mid-1800s. The Oregon Trail passed through Echo, which was built near a crossing for the Umatilla River. Pendleton Located along the Umatilla River, Pendleton got its start in the 1840s when settlers traveling the Oregon Trail began ranching and farming in the fertile countryside. Its famous woolen mill draws visitors from all over, and its rodeo is one of the best in the West. 22 Oregon Vacation Guide 2008~2009 Stay at: America’s Best Inn, 999 Oregon Ave., Burns 800-237-8466 ~ americasbestinnoregon.com Comfort Inn, 504 N. Hwy 20, Hines 541-573-3370 ~ choicehotels.com Harney County Chamber of Commerce www.harneycounty.com • 541-573-2636 First held in 1910, the Pendleton Round-Up is a four-day celebration held in September that includes a rodeo, cowboy breakfasts and barbecues, big-name concerts, a parade, and nightly pageants that portray local Native American culture. The Round-Up and Happy Canyon Hall of Fame is across the street from the arena and tells the stories of the people and animals that have made this event so famous. Pendleton Woolen Mills was founded in 1899 by Thomas Kay, an English weaver. Reflecting the colors and designs of Native American art, the blankets have long been extremely popular. Free tours of the mill are given on weekdays; the shop is open daily. Pendleton Underground Tours take visitors through tunnels that were built and occupied by Chinese workers around the turn of last century. More than 5 miles of tunnels under Pendleton’s Historic District tell stories of the city’s colorful past. Visits to the Heritage Station Museum begin with a trip through exhibits housed in a historic train depot—a one-room schoolhouse, a caboose, and a homestead. Children have fun and learn something too from the interactive exhibits at the Children’s Museum of Eastern Oregon. Wildhorse Resort & Casino offers 24-hour gambling, Scottish links-style golf, and a recently renovated hotel. Services include a restaurant, snack bar, swimming pool, gift shop, RV park, and free shuttle service. The casino is 4 miles east of Pendleton off I–84. Tamastslikt Cultural Institute Museum chronicles thousands of years of life on the Columbia Plateau from the perspective of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla. Emigrant Springs State Heritage Area, off I–84, is perched near the summit of the Blue Mountains between Pendleton and La Grande. Visit the Oregon Trail display or hike the nature trails. Tollgate and surrounding SnoParks offer premier snowmobiling in eastern Oregon. Numerous SnoParks are spread out along Hwy 204 in the Umatilla National Forest northeast of Pendleton. La Grande La Grande serves as the center of commerce, higher education, and state government in a three-county area. Home to Eastern Oregon University, La Grande hosts many cultural and sports events. It sits on the western edge of the Grande Ronde Valley, surrounded by snowcapped mountains and national forests. Eastern Oregon Fire Museum is in downtown La Grande’s century-old former fire station and features six vintage engines, along with exhibits covering 100 years of firefighting. Oregon Trail Interpretive Park describes the challenges faced by pioneers as they crossed the Blue Mountains 150 years ago. A paved trail winds through pine trees along remnants of the old emigrant road. Other paths lead to an early 20th-century logging exhibit and through an old-growth forest. Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area and Nature Trail, 6 miles south of La Grande, covers nearly 5,000 acres of restored marsh and mountainside elk habitat. A bird and wildlife watcher’s dream, Ladd Marsh features a nature trail, photography blinds, and a driving tour. Union County Museum is acclaimed for its “Cowboys Then and Now” collection, settlement history exhibits, and agriculture courtyard. The museum is located in the town of Union, 15 miles southeast of La Grande. Union is also the home of the popular Buffalo Peak Golf Course. Gilstrap Brothers Winery is set on the western slopes of the Wallowa Mountains above the tiny town of Cove east of La Grande. Open for wine-tasting and tours on Saturdays in summer and by appointment. Meacham Divide Nordic Ski Area, located www.northwestmagazines.com off I–84 exit 243, offers outstanding scenery and 15 miles of ski trails. Elgin Elgin is a great stop along the Hells Canyon Scenic Byway 20 miles northeast of La Grande on Hwy 82 and is a jumping-off point for rafting and fishing. It is also the west portal of the historic Wallowa Union Railroad on which the Eagle Cap Excursion Train operates. The Elgin Opera House, a restored theater built in 1912, hosts movies, concerts, and plays and also houses the Elgin Museum, where you can learn about the history of Indian Valley. Spout Springs is a downhill and crosscountry ski area with well-groomed slopes and an extensive trail system. With a long vertical drop, skiers enjoy plenty of powder and spectacular views. Spout Springs also boasts one of the Northwest’s largest freestyle tubing hills. Enterprise And Joseph The communities of Enterprise and Joseph are surrounded by beautiful mountains, attracting many artists to the area. This is a great base point for excursions into the Eagle Cap Wilderness or Hells Canyon. as drive that w Saw a cattle nd a country a right out of ie! western Mov Eagle Cap Excursion Train carries passengers into the roadless canyon country along the Wallowa and Grande Ronde rivers on 60 miles of historic line between Elgin and Joseph. Eagle Cap Wilderness draws rock climbers, mountain bikers, hikers, llama trekkers, and horseback riders to its granite peaks and glaciercarved valleys. Access the wilderness from trailheads in Wallowa, Baker, and Union counties, or from the top of Wallowa Lake Tramway. Check trail accessibility in advance with the Wallowa Mountains Visitor Center. Wallowa Lake State Park, 6 miles south of Joseph off Hwy 82, is open all year. You’ll find a campground, picnic area, showers, boat moorage, and a boat ramp. Go-carts, paddle boats, and miniature golf provide endless entertainment. The tramway takes passengers to the top of Mount Howard for summer or wintertime fun. Hells Canyon National Recreation Area includes portions of three national forests. Hells Canyon is North America’s deepest river gorge. Year-round campgrounds offer an opportunity to experience temperate fall and winter climate in and around Hells Canyon. The canyon is a prime water recreation area. Services for Hells Canyon Country are provided in nearby communities such as Pine and Halfway. Richland Richland, named for the rich soil settlers found here, is located on Hells Canyon Scenic Byway, Hwy 86, east of Baker City. The area still supports farmers and ranchers, and now outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy Brownlee Reservoir. While the reservoir is known as a fishing paradise, upland game birds and waterfowl are also plentiful. Baker City Once the largest city in Oregon, Baker City was considered the social center on the Oregon Trail and was a major supply center during the Gold Rush era. It has more than 110 buildings on the National Register of Historic Places. National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center’s interactive displays and living history demonstrations combine to make one of the most comprehensive re-creations of the Oregon Trail pioneers’ experiences. Visitors can walk on paved trails alongside the scars carved by wagons, or visit the Oregon Trail shop for books and games about the Trail experience. Oregon Trail Regional Museum has a collection of rocks and gemstones as well as historical displays. The building was built in continued on page 28 Kam Wah Chung museum ~ There is so much history here! Strawberry Mountain was beautiful. Rode through John Day Fossil Beds on the Journey Through Time Byway. Grant County Chamber of Commerce John Day Oregon Our trip through Grant County has been amazin Too bad g. we could n ’t try all 861 mil es of Sn owmobil ATV tra e and ils but to day we d hike Str id awberry Mounta and yes in terday w e visited Kam W the ah Chun g Museum Can’t wa . it to com e back a experien nd ce the fis hing, ra ing, swim ftming, a nd boati Note to s ng elf ~ ca ll chamb for more e r informa tion! 800-769-5664/541-575-0547 • grantcounty.cc • email: [email protected] www.northwestmagazines.com Oregon Vacation Guide 2008~2009 23 Drive the Hells Canyon Scenic Byway www.hellscanyonbyway.com *Designated an All-American Road - One of America’s Premier Scenic Routes See Byway map and businesses on the following pages. Contact us for a Byway map and travel information Baker City & County: 1-800-523-1235 or www.visitbaker.com La Grande & Union County: 1-800-848-9969 or www.visitlagrande.com Enterprise & Wallowa County: 1-800-585-4121 or www.wallowacountychamber.com Eagle cap excursion train Ride a train through Oregon’s most beautiful scenery, in the roadless Grande Ronde and Wallowa River canyons. 800-323-7330 • eaglecaptrain.com National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center Full scale wagon train diorama, Oregon Trail ruts, gallery exhibits, events and re-enactments, live theater presentation & films, hiking trails & book shop. 5 miles east of Baker City on Hwy 86 Open daily • Easy access 541-523-1843 • oregontrail.blm.gov Photo by Eric W. Valentine, Praise! Photography • www.praisephotography.com Open year-round • Riverside cabins Heated outdoor pool • Hot tub 59782 Wallowa Lake Highway 541-432-2951 www.flyingarrowresort.com Offering homes & cabins in Joseph and Wallowa Lake. Come & enjoy our 4 beautiful seasons! wallowa lake Tramway www.wallowalaketramway.com Enjoy the scenic beauty of the Wallowa Mountains & Eagle Cap Wilderness area . . . From the 8,150’ summit! Mountain biking, hiking trails. Dine at the Summit Grill & Alpine Pati o Memorial Day–September • 541-432-5331 Wallowa Lake Vacation Rentals 800-709-2039 WallowaLakeVacationRentals.com One Day White Water Rafting Tours La Grande Farmer’s Market Start at the Farmer’s Market, visit the Eastern Oregon Fire Museum and shop all day in historic downtown La Grande. 800-848-9969 • visitlagrande.com Oversized Rooms, super clean & quiet, Low rates/Senior rates, 25"color TV, Non-smoking East of I-84, Exit 304 800-307-5206 • alwayswelcomeinn.com The Rock Bowling & Family Fun Center Bowling, mini indy cars, mi ni gol batting cages, Full coin-op arc f, ade. Barley Brown’s Brew Pub Excellent family dining in a unique atmosphere. Eclectic dinner menu. National Award Winning Brewery. Corner of Main & Church Street Baker City • 541-523-4266 Wallowa Lake Resor t Cozy cabins or luxury vacatio Hot tub,WiFi. Handicap acc n homes. essible, king beds, free snow shoes. Pets welcome! Ask about extended stay and off season discounts. 84681 Ponderosa Lane 541-432-2391 wallowalakeresort.com wallowavacation@wild blue.net Full & 1/2 Day Jetboat Tours Always Welcome Inn Highest in Customer Satisfaction 541-975-BOWL (2695) 2301 Cove Avenue, La Gr ande Value & Fun in Everythi ng we provide! Boulder Creek Restaurant FULL service restaurant serving Certified Angus Beef® brand steaks & burgers . Biggest and best selection of food items in town 541-975-5595 • At The Ro ck Corner of Cove and Albany , La Grande Eagle Cap Chalets nce Cabins, condos, chalets, confere edge facilities & deluxe RV sites at the of the Eagle Cap Wilderness x 59879 Wallowa Lake Hwy 541-432-4704 or 541-432-8800 www.eaglecapchalets.com 1-800-HCA (541) 785- -FLOT Temperance 3352 Creek Dinner Jetboat Cruise Along the Hells Canyon Scenic Byway at the south end of the Hells Canyon on the Snake River in Oxbow, Oregon. [email protected] www.hellscanyonadventures.com Baker County Parks & Recreation Depart Hewitt/John Holcomb Parks on Brownlee Reservoir Campsites, boating, swimming, fishing. Come join us for a visit! Open 365 days a year. ment Call for reservations: 541-893-6147 www.bakercounty.net/parks&recreation Eastern Oregon attractions Where to Stay Baker City 01 National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center Baker City 14 Always Welcome Inn 800-307-5206 or 541-523-3431 08 Tamastslikt Cultural Institute 800-654-9453 A Native American Perspective of the Oregon Trail. I-84/ Exit 216, tamastslikt.org 09 Wildhorse Resort & Casino 800-654-WILD (9453) Casino • Hotel • RV Park • Championship Golf Course! wildhorseresort.com Richland 10 Hewitt & John Holcomb Parks 541-893-6147 Sporting & Recreation fun on the Brownlee Reservoir. Open Year round, off Hwy 86. bakercounty.net/parks&recreation Wallowa Lake 11 Wallowa Lake Tramway 541-432-5331 Ride to the 8150-ft summit of Mt Howard, mtn bike & hike. Open Memorial Day-Sept. wallowalaketramway.com Where to Eat Baker City 12 Barley Brown’s Brew Pub 541-523-4266 National award winning brewery. Family dining in the historic district. Mon. - Sat. 4 pm - 10 pm. 2190 Main St. La Grande 13 Boulder Creek Restaurant 541-975-5595 Certified Angus Beef Brand steaks to burgers on a FULL service menu for all budgets. 2301 Cove Ave. 26 Oregon Vacation Guide 2008~2009 Broad way N Egan Ave 19 Eagle Cap Chalets & Park at the River Ontario 541-432-2951 Vacation rentals. River front cabins on Wallowa Lake, heated pool and hot tub, year round. flyingarrowresort.com 21 Wallowa Lake Resort 541-432-2391 Luxury vacation homes or cozy cabins with kitchens. Hot tub with a view, pets welcome. wallowalakeresort.com 22 Wallowa Lake Vacation Rentals. 800-709-2039 Your private home in paradise at Wallowa Lake. wallowalakevacationrentals.com visitor information 23 Baker County Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau 490 Campbell St., Baker City, OR 97814 800-523-1235 visitbaker.com Boardman Chamber of Commerce boardmanchamber.com 206 N Main Street, Boardman, OR 97818 541-481-3014 Eastern Oregon Visitors Association 800-332-1843 15477 Sky Ranch Lane, Haines, OR 97883 eova.com 24 Grant County Chamber grantcounty.cc 541-575-0547 maps and services 25 Harney County Chamber 541-573-2636 76 E Washington St., Burns, OR www.harneycounty.com Heppner Chamber of Commerce 541-676-5536 W May Street, Heppner, OR 97836 heppnerchamber.com Hermiston Chamber of Commerce hermistonchamber.com 415 S Hwy 395, Hermiston, OR 97838 541-567-6151 Huntington Chamber of Commerce 541-869-2019 210 W Washington, Huntington, OR 97907 201 SW 4 Orego 20 Flying Arrow Resort n St 541-432-4704 Cabins, condos, chalets, conference rooms, and deluxe RV sites. Open Year Round. eaglecapchalets.com 301 W Main St., John Day, OR 97845 84 St Pendleton 17 Wallowa lake r n 800-HCA-FLOT 1-day rafting trips. 2 to 6 hr. jetboat tours, 4 hr. dinner cruise, Snake River thru Hells Canyon. hellscanyonadventures.com ive 15 go oXBOW 07 Hells Canyon Adventures eR 20 201 re 800-848-9969 Start your Saturday at the farmer’s market.visitlagrande.com 541-276-6111, 1-800-Red-Lion Full service hotel with meeting space, restaurant and lounge. 304 S.E. Nye Ave. redlion.com 78 ak 395 O 06 La Grande Farmer’s Market 18 Red Lion Hotel Sn st Fun for the ENTIRE family. Bowling, Mini-Indy Cars, Arcade, Mini Golf and a full restaurant. 7 days a week. 2301 Cove Ave. E Adams St W Monroe St Pendleton NW 1 05 The Rock Bowling & Family Fun Center 541-975-2695 choicehotels.com ~ 541-573-3370 Indoor heated pool & spa. Deluxe continental breakfast. Inroom refrigerator & microwave, wireless internet. 504 Hwy 20 St . La Grande Hines 17 Comfort Inn 20 25 E Washington St Idaho th Av Ave 84 e 2nd 800-323-7330 (RESV.) Ride from the Grande Ronde River to the Wallowa Mountains. Call for ticket information. eaglecaptrain.com 541-493-2312 Naturally hot mineral water pond/tubs, cabins, Tent, & RV sites. cranehotsprings.com SW Elgin 04 Eagle Cap Excursion Train 395 16 Crystal Crane Hot Springs Or eg on 541-493-2070 Gift shop, family museum, drinks & snacks. Open Mar. 1 ~ Jan. 1, 51955 Lava Bed Rd. Diamond roundbarn.net 5th 03 Jenkins Round Barn Visitor Center Burns 800-237-8466 / 541-573-1700 Indoor pool & spa, continental breakfast,internet access, Pet friendly, 999 Oregon Ave. americasbestinnoregon.com SW Jenkins Historical Tours 888-493-2420 Tours include historic, geological, wildlife,and heritage. 51955 Lava Bed Rd. Diamond roundbarn.net Burns 15 America’s Best Inn Alameda Drive Diamond Oversized rooms, super clean and quiet, 25” TV, nonsmoking. I-84 exit 304. alwayswelcomeinn.com Sunset Drive 541-523-1843 Living history, theater, indoor & outdoor exhibits, gift shop. I-84 Exit 306, 5 miles East of Baker City 30 26 SE 5th Ave Jenkins Round Barn Visitor Center 541-493-2070 Local information - Maps. Open Mar. 1 ~ Jan. 1, 51955 Lava Bed Rd. Diamond roundbarn.net Milton-Freewater Chamber of Commerce mfchamber.com 541-938-5563 505 Ward Street, Milton-Freewater, OR 97862 Nyssa Chamber of Commerce 105 Main Street, Nyssa, OR 97913 541-372-3091 26 Ontario Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center & Convention Bureau 866-989-8012 676 SW Fifth Ave, Ontario, OR 97914 ontariochamber.com Pendleton Chamber of Commerce 501 S Main, Pendleton, OR 97801 800-547-8911 pendletonchamber.com 27 Union County Tourism & Visitor Center visitlagrande.com 800-848-9969 Your source for travel and tourism information 102 Elm St. Umatilla Chamber of Commerce 1530 Sixth Street, Umatilla, OR 97882 541-922-4825 umatilla.org Vale Chamber of Commerce 151 B Street, Vale, 97918 541-473-3800 valeoregon.org 28 Wallowa County Chamber of Commerce wallowacountychamber.com 115 Tejaka, Enterprise, OR 97828 800-585-4121 www.northwestmagazines.com 395 12 97 Washington WA 12 Milton-Freewater Pendleton Umatilla Hermiston Enterprise Heppner Joseph La Grande 39 Sn Long Creek te ga 84 84 Huntington 26 20 20 16 Warm Springs Reservoir Lake Owyhee Crane 03 Happy Valley 78 Jordan Valley 395 ain Frenchglen unt Burns Junction Mo Lake Abert eview 140 ID 95 205 Andrews Steens Paisley e. 84 To Elgin La Grande 06 A da m s N Ave Diamond mmer ake 08 09 Exit 216 Exit 210 18 iver Sp ring New Princeton Malheur Lake Harney Lake 30 20 Drewsey Buchanan 11 Y Avenue 203 Nyssa 395 30 SE Nye Av e R on d Idaho Ontario 20 Rd R e nd ra Unity John Day Burns/Hines Creek G 24 26 84 Tutuill a St Dayville Richland set Dr Walnut St Sun Mitchell 30 Baker City uth Granite Sumpter 37 Halfway So Monument 27 e Av 82 d lan Is Exit 261 Buchanan Ln 05 13 Av e Cove Ave 84 m El 203 To exit 265 "C" Ave Hart Lake CA enterprise & joseph Nevada NV Hells Canyon Hells canyon Scenic Byway Campground US Forest Service Office Winter Recreation Trailhead La Grande G Baker City 84 To Boise ive eR on ny Joseph Wallowa Lake 11 D Canyon D Overlook Hells Halfway Richland 10 G DDD DD e ak Sn Exit 302 39 84 07 Baker City Copperfield Pine Creek 86 86 19 22 Hells Canyon Dam 39 86 Riv er r ! North Powder Haines Oregon Trail Flagstaff Hill ak Sn 39 84 Interpretive Center 01 Hells Canyon Creek Rec. Site Salt Creek Recreation Area Imnaha River 30 D Joseph D 21 Wallowa 20 Lake G 350 Ca Wallowa Mountain Visitor Center Island City 28 Sn a ke Riv ha na G Enterprise Imbler Area 39 Enterprise Campbell St 23 Brownlee Dam 14 12 Auburn Powder Ri ver D G ! Paved, impassable in winter Imnaha Wallowa 82 Lostine 82 82 Main St Paved Surface 3 To Lewiston lls 04 Hells Canyon Overlook el. 5100' 84 To Portland D Dug Bar He Elgin Wallowa Mountain Loop Pine Valley to Baker Valley Minam Recreation Imnaha Im Grande Ronde Valley to Wallowa Valley er To Walla Walla 204 and Pendleton National Wallowa r BYWAY SEGMENTS 3 Rive oose ake 37 Oxbow Haines 30 st SW 1 395 Fossil 11 30 illa St Main 244 Ukiah Wallowa Lake Union ake s Valley t U ma N Spruce Wallowa Summerville Pilot Rock ve r 82 Elgin Ione 6th St Pendleton Arlington Hells Canyon National Recreation Area Ri 3 4th 84 2nd St. Boardman Riv er endale e Walla Walla 82 14 Exit 304 Baker City 84 30 www.northwestmagazines.com Oregon Vacation Guide 2008~2009 27 canyon spires, and deep gorges as well as the vibrant pinks, oranges, purples, and reds of sandstone cliffs. The road is primitive and open March–November. Photo by Leon Werdinger Burns Painted Hills from on page 23 1920 as a natatorium. It’s open late March– October. Adler House Museum was the home of a local philanthropist. The 1889 home has been restored with original Victorian furnishings. The museum is open late March–October. Sumpter is known as the liveliest ghost town in Oregon. This Gold Rush town west of Baker City on Hwy 7 has excellent fishing, mountain biking, gold panning, ATV trails, and 350 miles of groomed snowmobile trails. Sumpter Valley Dredge State Heritage Area, located at the base of the Elkhorn Mountain Range along Hwy 7, saw millions of dollars in gold extracted between the Gold Rush and the 1950s. The dredge is an important link to Oregon’s pioneering past and is one of the largest gold dredges in the country. Sumpter Valley Railway, one of the oldest narrow-gauge railroads in the country, takes passengers on a 5-mile run between McEwen Station and Sumpter on weekends and major holidays from Memorial Day–September. Elkhorn Wildlife Area has elk viewing excursions from mid-December to February. T&T Wildlife Tours’ horse-drawn trolley takes guests on a narrated ride through herds of elk wintering between Baker City and La Grande. The light, dry snow at Ski Anthony Lakes attracts powder junkies to 23 runs at this high-mountain resort. It’s a picturesque setting for camping and fishing during warmer months. 28 Oregon Vacation Guide 2008~2009 John Day The largest town in Grant County, John Day (junction of Hwys 26 and 395) is surrounded by thousands of acres of national forest and wilderness. Stop by the Grant County Chamber. It’s an 1890s church rectory. Kam Wah Chung State Heritage Site reveals history through the eyes of the Chinese immigrants who worked the mines and built the railroads of Eastern Oregon. John Day Fossil Beds National Monument lies northwest of John Day. Plant and animal fossils here are well-preserved. The year-round park is divided into widely separated units: Sheep Rock, Painted Hills, and Clarno. At the Thomas Condon Paleontology Center, located in the Sheep Rock unit, visitors can watch paleontologists at work. Ontario Ontario rests on the banks of the Snake River, the boundary between Oregon and Idaho. The area grows onions, russet potatoes, sugar beets, peppermint, and much of the world’s zinnia seeds. Three major highways converge here: I–84 and Hwys 20 and 26. Four Rivers Cultural Center & Museum honors the inhabitants and diverse cultures of western Treasure Valley by preserving and recording their history and contributions to the region’s development. Leslie Gulch–Succor Creek National Back Country Byway, off Hwy 95, traverses some of the most rugged territory in Eastern Oregon and offers views of ancient ridges, Burns was the unofficial capital of highdesert cattle country in the late 1800s. Still a friendly “cowboy town” with plenty of tourist amenities, Burns is central to travelers headed for Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Steens Mountain, and the Alvord Desert. Harney County Historical Museum displays a wealth of history with its old-fashioned pre-electric “entertainment center,” wagon shed houses, extensive photograph collections, and much more. Open April–September. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, off Hwy 205, is home to more than 250 species of birds and about 60 species of mammals, which can be observed year-round while hiking, biking, or fishing. Refuge headquarters is 32 miles southeast of Burns on Malheur Lake. Open daily. Diamond The Diamond area, off Hwy 205 and Hwy 78, offers a snapshot of ranch country. Peter French Round Barn, a unique structure built in the late 1870s, was used originally as a place to break horses in winter. A hundred feet in diameter, it was designed and constructed by local cattle baron Peter French and is now located on state park lands. Next door is a visitor center, home of Jenkins’ Historical Tours, the Jenkins Family Museum, and a gift shop. Diamond Craters, east of Hwy 205, is about 55 miles southeast of Burns. Geologists claim the area has the “best and most diverse basaltic volcanic features in the United States.” Within a 22-square-mile area south of Malheur Lake, more than 100 cinder cones and craters can be seen. There are no tourist facilities, so come prepared. Frenchglen This tiny town, south of Burns on Hwy 205, is the gateway to Steens Mountain, a fault block 30 miles long that juts almost 10,000 feet above the Alvord Desert. Frenchglen Hotel State Heritage Site, along Hwy 205, is a historic eight-room hotel built in the 1920s. It offers accommodations from mid-March to mid-November. www.northwestmagazines.com
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