11-NOV 2010
11-NOV 2010
Official Newsletter of Chapter WA-L Tri-Cities, Washington “The Looney Tunes” ACME TIMES Gold Wing Road Riders Association Region I — WA District November 2010 RIDER EDUCATION BY Tom Denny, Rider Educator On October 22, Ann and I were off to Boise, Id for the Region Workshop. We thought of taking our bikes but glad we didn‘t. It was a nice trip there but the wind and the rains showed up on Saturday. It stayed that way through Sunday. To start off the workshop, Mike Hudnell introduced your new Region staff. They will start their reign on January 1st. It sounds like he has put together a great team. Region ―I‖ will be redesigning their newsletter on or about January 5th, 2011. Look for it. Then we had to listen to Mike Briggs, boy can he talk. Two hours and 45 minutes worth. Mike found the candy dish and it had ―DOTS‖ candy in it. Then there was no stopping him. He was quite interesting. He brought us up to date on ―FORMS, FORMS and more FORMS. The 990N form, IRS. The 8822 change of address form. The ―Equipment‖ list form. The ―Financial Report‖ form. This may sound like a lot of work for the officers of a chapter at the end of the year, but it is not. They are quite simple if you stay up to date during the year. Everything has its place. We‘re not finished yet. There is the ―Rider Education Forms‖ Their called ―Rider Education Program Levels Data Update Forms‖. They are the N.6 and N.10 forms. These forms, as you might have guessed, are for the Rider Education portion of GWRRA. These forms are in the hands of Tom Denny, you‘re Rider Educator. As you know, each chapter has three (3) Officers. The Chapter Director, Assistant Chapter Director and Rider Educator. Sometime next year, there will be two (2) more officers. GWRRA will be recognizing the Treasure and the Membership Enhancement Coordinator as ―Officers‖. Congratulations. The Officer Certification Program (OCP) is recommended but not required. This year the District Workshop will be divided up into two parts. Both parts are the same. Westside of the mounhttp://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ U-Turns the Quick and Easy Way By Jason Black (From the June, 2010 issue of Sport Rider) Simple as they may seem, U-turns can pose a significant problem to riders of varying levels of experience. In fact, talk to any beginning rider and one of their biggest fears is typically tight turns. At one point or another most riders have dropped a bike while attempting to turn around. Steering lock, rider height, bike size and a number of other factors come into play when negotiating a U-turn, so here are a few tips to help those struggling every time they find themselves wanting to go in the opposite direction. The rider shown in the first photo has pulled all the way to the edge of the road in order to give himself as much room as possible for the U-turn. Notice the over-the-shoulder head-check to assure that there is no traffic coming. This is important for obvious reasons. The important thing to remember is that to execute a tight U-turn the bike must lean toward the inside of the turn. The more you lean the tighter the arc of the turn. Many riders, especially beginners, want to feel the security of having both feet on the ground and dog-paddle their way around but doing so increases July 2010—Page 1 November tains will be in Buckley, WA. on Nov. 13th. Where as the Eastside will be in Ellensburg on Nov. 14th. I guess our Eastside voices were heard about the traveling over the mountains in the winter. As I write this, I hear that White Pass has 3 feet of snow on it already where Snoqualmie has 2 feet already. Thank You, Bob Spencer. trated on the outside peg. At this point the rear brake can be used to tighten the arc of the corner. Stay off the front brake as the accompanying weight transfer upsets the chassis more and affects steering to a greater degree. The rider in the inset photo can be seen modulating the rear brake. Alex Piper, CD RIDER ED: Continued from page 1….. the radius of the corner since the bike remains nearly straight up-and-down. This rider is using a respectable amount of lean angle and has turned the bars to full lock. In order to ensure that the bike does not stall it's helpful to modulate the clutch in the friction zone (i.e., slipping the clutch to a small degree). Turn the bike quickly, getting the majority of your weight on the outside foot peg; if the bike starts to fall in too quickly the lean angle can be arrested with throttle application. Make sure and look through the turn; this rider is not even looking at the front of the motorcycle, instead he is fixing his eyes on where he wants to be next. Notice that the bars are still at full lock to complete the turn. At this point, the rear brake should be released so the bike can smoothly exit the turn. The inset photo demonstrates the proper body positioning during a tight U-turn. The bars are turned to full lock, the rider is leaning toward the outside of the turn, the rear brake is being used and the rider is looking through the corner. With the proper technique, extremely tight circles can be made at very low speeds. Practice going in circles in both directions using these techniques and the next time you find yourself in a tight spot there'll be no problem getting out of it smoothly. Don't Forget! The Fall Back date is November 7, which means it's time to: In the middle of the turn your head should be pointed down the road in the direction you want to go with your weight still concen- http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ Set your clocks back one hour Change the box of baking soda in your fridge Put new batteries in your smoke alarms July 2010—Page 2 November It’s all about me! how to obtain and endorsement, please go to www.dol.wa.gov or e-mail [email protected] When taking my first rider training course I was amazed how much I didn‘t know. Even after riding for years, it quickly became apparent I had poor skills, inadequate techniques and an undeveloped awareness of rider risk. My instructor, Bruce Thomas, was very patient and understanding as he enabled me to develop. More significantly, he helped me realize that, ―It‘s all about me!‖ Maintain Yourself and your Bike. When prompted to take a motorcycle maintenance course, I laughed! I didn‘t even know there was such a course. I surely had no clue how much I would learn about subjects I should have already known. It was an eye-opening experience. The course introduced concepts, and risks, that I had never considered. Such as: Oil: Type, quality, viscosity, energy conserving, ratings, and ―What should/shouldn‘t I use?‖ Tires: Type, quality, size, load range, manufactured date, and ―How do tires affect my risk?‖ Prep: Pre-ride inspection, long-term storage/winterization, controls and fluids, etc. Suspension: Preload, rebound, compression, and ―How can/ should I adjust for my next ride?‖ Bruce helped me realize that I, alone, was responsible for my rider risk. I was accountable to develop my rider motor-skills and riding techniques. I needed to know my limits and ride within them. It‘s my choices, and mine alone, that allow me to be safe(r). Simply put, no one cares more about ‗me‘ than me! As a rider, each of us decides when, and if, we are going to brave crazy weather conditions, road conditions, motorcycle issues, as well as rider attitude/impairment. Then, on top of everything else, we have to be concerned with other drivers! In safety courses, we often hear how it was the ―other guy‘s‖ at fault. However, statistics continually show that most fatalities were caused by rider choice/skill. In Washington, it typically is the rider‘s fault through speed, lane-error, and/or impairment: drugs, alcohol, hypothermia, and/or emotional distress. Yes, it is up to each of us to own the responsibility for (rider) risk awareness, acceptance, and management. How can you help yourself? There are some aspects of riding that can offer reduced risk and more enjoyable rides: 1) Get endorsed 2) Maintain (your bike and yourself) (Mechanical issues, use of alcohol or drugs)) 3) Training (Lifelong learning: The more you know - the better it gets.) 4) Motor-skill Development (Know your limits and ride within them.) Get Endorsed! Statistics show that unendorsed riders significantly increased odds that they will be involved in a serious-injury or fatality crash. Why? Through endorsement testing, riders demonstrate basic motorcycle control skills and it appears that these basic on -street skills are useful to avoid/minimize risk. There are two ways to obtain an endorsement: 1. Take an approved license waiver rider training course. (1, 2, and 3-day courses are available) 2. Take the knowledge test and riding skills test at your local DOL office using your own bike. The Washington fine is $124 for being caught riding a motorcycle without an endorsement. (Oregon is $720.) However, law enforcement in Washington can opt to impound your motorcycle. Yes, the financial risk is high. Yet, the rider‘s risk appears to be much higher. For information on http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ The lessons taught within this course can have a direct impact (no pun intended) upon your ride and your risk. It may help to really get to know your bike. It could be the best relationship you‘ll ever have! (On-going) Training. A lot of safety course instructors try to participate in on-going training. Taking a course (or more per year) only helps refine skills/techniques. As explained to me once, ―the more training you take: the more you will realize your limits: the more you know your abilities/limits: the safer your ride will be! Most riders aren‘t aware that there is such a wide variety of courses offered in Washington. Each course has unique skills/ techniques and strategies that can offer a safe(r) ride. Some of the courses offered include: Novice Rider Training Intermediate Rider Training Experienced Rider Training Advanced Rider Training Dirt Bike Schools Sidecar / Trike Education Suspension Tuning Total Control - Cornering Clinic Motorcycle Injury & Aid Advanced Street Skills Ride-Like-A-Cop Motorcycle Care & Maintenance On-Street Skills Adventure (off-road) Camps Track Schools It is extremely difficult to ride and self-evaluate riding skills/ techniques. It is much more effective to have a coach/instructor to evaluate and coach. As a rider and as an instructor, I suggest, if you haven‘t taken a course lately - do so! Continued on next page….. July 2010—Page 3 November To quote a friend, ―You don‘t know what you don‘t know until you find out what you really didn‘t know!‖ Motor-skill Development. Riding skills, sadly, are perishable. If you don‘t use them - you (typically) lose them! Becoming a lifelong learner is an effective way to ensure that your mental and physical skills are there when needed. Personally, I like to have my skills/ techniques pushed (safely) to new limits. A recent advanced class really pushed my understanding and awareness of my skills/techniques. The best part of the lesson was the application of safe(r) street skills. The courses I have taken have helped me own three factors that I can always control: Choice of speed Choice of lane position Choice of riding impaired (emotionally or alcohol/drug induced) Christmas is just around the corner and its time to start thinking about what to give those Gold Wing riders on your Christmas list. Purchase official GWRRA products online at www.gwrra.org, and click on ―Official Products‖. You can buy GWRRA apparel, patches, and pins, along with a wide variety of motorcycle related products often seen advertised in Wing World. Pick from shirts, jackets, belt buckles, the ―Battery Bug‖, license plate frames, and more. My goal is to never put myself into a position or situation that I cannot control - within my limits. As a fellow Washington motorcyclist, I try and model safe(r) behavior to our riding community and our driving public. In a way, it is all about me! It‘s also all about YOU! If you see me riding please wave ―hi!‖ Oh, and then make sure to let me know if I‘m modeling safe(r) street strategies! Ride SAFE! Kyle McCarty Department of Licensing Thanks to Phil LoParco for passing along this great article! Www.gwrra.org/wearhouse is your one stop shop for all things GWRRA! Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ July 2010—Page 4 November Where do you want to go next year??? WA-L was formed for the enjoyment of riding our Gold Wings (or other motorcycles). We need your input to make sure everyone has the opportunity to ride a ride you like, not just those of the members who lead the ride. Remember – This is YOUR Chapter! Please help us set up next years ride schedule by filling out this form and bringing it with you to the next breakfast. I would like to see more Day/Weekend Rides: YES____ NO____ I would like to see more Dinner Rides YES___ NO ___ I would like to do weekly or by-weekly Ice Cream Rides YES___ NO___ I would like to go to: ____________________________________________________________________ I would like see weekend rides such as: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ I would like to volunteer for: ______________________________________________________________ I would be interested in helping with: Rider Education:______ Ride Coordinator: _____ Membership Enhancement _____ Sunshine Person: _____ Newsletter: _____ Other: _________________________________________________________________________ (Note: More than one person, except for CD may be appointed to any position or you can just help out) Other Comments Here: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Name (optional): ________________________________________________________________________ Turn this in at our next meeting so we can start planning for next years events! http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ July 2010—Page 5 November CONTEST News: Want to win TWO (2) FREE registrations to Desert Spring Fling 2011? It‘s easy. Just submit a cover sheet for our announcement of Desert Spring Fling 2011. Our theme for next year is: “A SALUTE TO THE MILITARY” Wing Ding 33 will be held in Knoxville, Tennessee! July 6-9, 2011 Call 800-843-9460 or 623-581-2500 (Phoenix) to make your reservations now! www.wing-ding.org The cover sheet must contain the representatives or logos of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guards and National Guard. You can only use FIVE (5) colors. It can be hand drawn or computer imaging. Also, it must have the GWRRA logo on it somewhere. It also must state Desert Spring Fling, May 28th, 29th & 30th, 2011. Make the cover sheet so that it can be easily transferred to the tshirts that will be available on the registration form. th Deadline: November 13 . That is our breakfast/meeting day for November. Open to all Chapter ―L‖ members. Good Luck. GWRRA RECRUITING SPECIAL! GL1800 Model Recruit 2 New Members and receive a beautifullycrafted, highly-detailed Gold Wing GL1800 1:12 Diecast Model. (Recruiter information must be provided on application to receive your GL1800 model.) VETERAN”S DAY PARADE Vets Parade, Saturday November 6th in West Richland Meet at the Moose for Breakfast at 7:30AM…. just $5.00 Or be there by 8:30 to get instructions as to where to line up. http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ Purchase any gift membership between October 1st and December 31, 2010 and ADD an extra month to your existing membership. (Limit 3 free months per membership) Call 800-843-9460 or 623-581-2500 (Phoenix) for more information. July 2010—Page 6 November Birthdays & Anniversaries 2010 Calendar of Events NOVEMBER 2010 Nov. 6—WA-L Veteran‘s Day Parade—Meet @ Moose Lodge, West Richland 8AM for Breakfast. Contact Mike Messinger. Nov. 13—WA-L Monthly Gathering at Sandstone Restaurant Nov. 14—Leadership Conference DECEMBER 2010 Dec. 7—WA-L Staff Meeting Mid-Columbia Library 6:30pm Dec. 11—WA-L Monthly Gathering at Sandstone Restaurant Dec. 11—WA-L Annual Christmas Party Christmas Dinner – Pot Luck Meat provided by the Chapter. Sign up is at the November Meeting to indicate your attendance and what you will bring. $5.00 each Refunded upon attendance to Dinner. Bring your own beverage. Ice Water & Coffee Provided (No booze allowed). 5:00pm mingle 5:30 or 6:00 eat. Decorate right after the December meeting. Pasco Nazarene Church 7305 W. Court St., Pasco Dec. 11—WA-D Festival of Lights Gary Domas Santana Denny Joyce Didway Char Baker Tom Marak Sharon Winters Chad Domas . Robert Goodman Mark Bridge Russ Akers Duane L Shults Randy & Lynnette Downing Gene & Pamela Myers Mark & Sheri Bridge Danny & Nancy Sanders Joe & Sharon Winters Nov 5 Nov 6 Nov 6 Nov 7 Nov 7 Nov 8 Nov 9 Nov 13 Nov 15 Nov 23 Nov 28 Nov 11 Nov 14 Nov 21 Nov 24 Nov 29 If we don‘t have your birth date or anniversary date, we can‘t help celebrate! Be sure you‘ve filled out a member profile with the Chapter secretary so we can keep our lists current and help celebrate those important dates! MARK THESE DATES FOR YOUR 2011 RIDING SEASON Wing Ding—July 6th—9th, 2011 Washington District Rally—July 21st - 23rd, 2011 Montana District Rally—July 28th - 30th, 2011 Your Gold Book contains information that will help you ride like a seasoned member of the group, trailer your bike with safety, and know who to call in an emergency. Read your Gold Book and keep it handy! http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ DID YOU MISS THE FUN? At our October meeting, Chapter L members enjoyed fun, fellowship, and a little learning! 50/50 Winner----Richard Skeins----$61.00 Oops Award-----Mike & Janet Turner Good Guys-------Tom Johnson & Mary McKinley Show for the Dough----Diana Domas---Not at meeting---SORRY Next pot----$65.00 for November Breakfast winner----Bruce Davis---New member--Good Job July 2010—Page 7 November FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1993 Goldwing Aspencade GL1500 with MotorTrike Conversion. Black. Has Reverse. Rebuilt engine and transmission (about 3K miles on them). New battery. New Compufire 90 amp alternator. Current complete rebuild on front forks. New paint, chrome rotor covers w/amber ring of fire, new tinted Tulsa windshield with vent, Chrome American Racing star rims, new Custom Saddleman Travelcade road sofa seat with adjustable/removable drivers back rest with pocket, passenger arm rests with extensions and pocket, original AM/FM radio. Intercom. Original CB (not working). Top trunk spoiler and chrome rack, chrome front fender rail, new cornering lights, aftermarket cobra pipe exhaust (nice rich sound). Trailer hitch. Runs great. Has Clear Washington Rebuilt Title. Insurance coverage has not been a problem. (Vehicle history: As a bike – received rear-end damage with about 97K miles on it. Became a perfect trike candidate. Insurance buy-back, which resulted in a Rebuilt Title. Engine and transmission rebuilt while trike conversion added.) Asking $11,900. All reasonable cash offers accepted. (509) 585-2129. Kennewick, WA. Suzanne & Mike Kasko WA-L For sale: 2008 GL1800 with only 12,000 miles, some accessories. Titanium in color. Contact Bill Baker 509-430-9214 in the Tri Cities. $19,900. Sale items are listed for three months. If you sell your item sooner, please email the newsletter editor. If you need your item listed longer, you need to email and request an extension. [email protected] http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ FOR SALE: 2005 (December) RollaHome King size Tent trailer. Weight 295 lbs. Loaded capacity 750 lbs. Body length is 78‖, width 48‖. Height from ground to top of trailer 33‖. Lid rack 3‖. Overall length including tongue 10 ft. Overall opened length including tongue 13 ft. Floor area approximately 47‖ X 78‖. Bed area approx. 73‖ X 80‖. There is 88‖ of head room in dressing area. Brake lights, tail lights and turn signals. Fiberglass construction. Uses 1 7/8 ball. Tongue weight approx. 20 lbs. 4.80 X 12 tires on 4 X 12 wheels allowing 9‖ clearance. Independent rubber torsion bar suspension with high speed tapered roller bearing. Easy access to 18.5 cubic ft of storage. Just open the side of trailer while on the road. No fabric cover to remove. Opens like a suit case. Access from under the bed when set up. Tent fabric is bright blue breathable material with black inside rubber backing for nice dark sleep area. Slide out area is part of the bed. 2 support poles. Lid of trailer becomes the floor when opened and keeps you up off the ground and out of the rain, (about 4‖). Includes all poles and tie downs, diamond plate tool box, Add-a -room of same material with white rubber backing. All windows are screened plus a material zip flap to cover. Spare tire and wheel. Tent has extra door so if the add a room is installed you can enter by 2 different doors. Has air conditioning opening flap. Additional zip on awning for either side of tent allowing usage while add a room is installed, making a very nice large living area and covered patio effect. Add a room size is 7 ft X 7 ft, and has a built in floor and 4‖ rain sides (upward lip) of heavy rubbery material. Set up of tent about 8 minutes and add a room an additional 15 minutes. Awning about 4 minutes. Exterior canvas is water proofed and DOES NOT LEAK. Tows behind mo- torcycle, motorcycle trike, car or truck. We have had no problems with any towing of either vehicle. Does not wander. Licensed to January 2011. Clear WA title. Used less then 10 times. Original cost (excluding shipping and crating) $6,700.00. Asking $5,600.00 or Best Cash Offer (no trades). Will show how to set up and printed instructions are included. Available after Sept. 7, 2010. (This will be our last weekend of use). Please call (509)585-2129. Suzanne and Mike Kasko. WA-L. Kennewick, WA. July 2010—Page 8 November FOR SALE: PERSONAL TIME SHARE AVAILABLE Torres Mazatlan - only $600.00 or $800.00: Known as the 'Pearl of the Pacific', Mazatlan boasts miles of pristine beaches, rich history, and bountiful outdoor activities. You'll find endless ways to spend your days, from visiting the historic sights of one of the oldest inhabited areas in Mexico, to relaxing in the surf and sun. Whether you are looking for deep sea fishing, bullfights, disco, exceptional dining, shopping or simply sun filled days, it is here. One Bedroom- King bed, Queen wall bed, full bath, full kitchen, TV/DVD, telephone, safe (fee), ceiling fan, seasonal air conditioning, balcony. Two Bedroom- 2 King beds, Queen wall bed, 2 full baths, full Kitchen, TV/DVD, telephone, safe (fee), ceiling fan, seasonal air conditioning, balcony. Vallarta Torre 5 nights only $600.00: Puerto Vallarta is now a world class resort that has retained all of the quaint charms of the original picturesque colonial village yet embodies all of the characteristics you've come to expect in a modern resort.Your Vallarta Torre abode features Spanish tiled floors and Mexican-style furnishings. Amenities include a palapa bar for beach and poolside service, newly renovated restaurant, swimming pool, jacuzzi, mini market, 24-hour security, shuffleboard, barbecue area and purified water throughout the resort. Venture out to explore all that Puerto Vallarta has to offer, including Zipline Canopy Tours that have you shooting over rapids Tarzan style, or Ecotours that bring biologists and naturalists together to explain the native humpback whale pod in Bandaras Bay. This is what vacation dreams are made of. One Bedroom- King bed or 2 Full size beds, Queen wall bed, 1 full bath, full kitchen, TV/ DVD, telephone, ceiling fans, seasonal air conditioning, safe (fee), patio or balcony. This is our personal time share and can't use the time. Reservations can be made up to 10 months in advance. The only blackout dates include Dec. 18, 2010 – Jan. 1, 2011.Contact Christie at 253-845-7177. FOR SALE: Cargo Lite Trailer 2003 $2,500. Better built than Wells Cargo (IMHO). Drop Axels, under carriage jack. Side Door. Main Door drops flush and reinforced for driving on. Sturdy! Flush floor cleats for motorcycle strap down Sun Roof, elec. lights. Storage Shelves. Paneled walls. Call Rikki Beaulieu 509-619-3175. LOOKING FOR A PACKAGE DEAL??? $11,000 for the trailer and her bike: 2002 Yellow 1800, 50,000 miles, with radio, brand new tires, new front fork seals, CB radio etc. Call 509-619-3175 Rikki Beaulieu for more information. FOR SALE: 2008 Dark Red Metallic GL1800 with 12,336 miles. It has everything except the airbag. ABS, NAVI, Comfort pkg,(Heated seats & grips)Upgraded Stereo, CB Radio, J&M Digital Music Player not yet installed, (still in box) Riders back rest. Kuryakyn Ergo II highway boards, New Dunlop Elite 3's, Power Port in fairing compartment. Luggage rack, Power ports front and rear for heated clothing, Always garaged. I purchased this bike new. Asking $18,500 Phone 503 -310-1161 WANTED: Good clean condition King Size Tent trailer MATTRESS (1 or 2 pieces). The one that comes with the trailer originally. I want to go back to using this mattress again. I got rid of ours when we got our tent trailer and used air mat. If you have one you don't need anymore, contact Mike and Suzanne Kasko 509-585-2129 or email [email protected]. Thank you very much. FOR SALE: 2006 Suzuki Boulevard, C90 (1500), less than 3,000 miles, windshield, saddlebags, always garaged/never down, $6,250 includes 3 helmets and full bike cover. 2300 miles. Phone 509-713-0950. http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ I also have a 2005 Honda Rebel 250cc. The mileage is 958 and it is black. Asking $2,000. Both bikes are in new condition. Call Sam Brown 503-310-1161 July 2010—Page 9 November Chapter L — The Looney Tunes HOLD A REGULAR MEETING THE 2nd SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH. Join us at SANDSTONE RESTAURANT in downtown Kennewick. 8:00 AM breakfast, 9AM we discuss the business of the Chapter, share news & safety information, & have fun! Keeping your membership information current is your responsibility. Don‘t forget to update your information if you move, change phone numbers or email address and more! Manage your membership online at www.gwrra.org Call to make changes or updates at (800) 843-9460 Fax them at (623) 581-3844 Your Gold Book contains information that will help you ride like a seasoned member of the group, trailer your bike with safety, and know who to call in an emergency. Keep it handy! On the web at www.usahonda.com Gold Wing Road Riders Association Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge http://www.gwrra.org/ Melissa Nordeoff, Executive Director Region “I” Staff http://www.bigskyregioni.org/ Region Directors Assistant Directors Assistant Directors Rider Educators Assistant Rider Educators Region I Ambassadors Membership Enhancement Leadership Trainers Treasurer & Webmaster Couple of the Year Coordinators Couple of the Year Individual of the Year Newsletter Editor Steve and Sandy Henicksman Hank & Marilyn Smith Mike & Peggy Hudnell Lee and Anna Nelson Eric and Mona Carlson Ed & Mozelle Edwards Donna and Doug Deskin TBD Diane & Dave Covert Dale & Shirley Dufner Bud & Peggy Nading Ken Harvey Dianne Kester Washington District Staff http://www.gwrra-wa.org/ WA District Directors Asst. District Directors Asst. District Directors District Trainer District Treasurer Membership Coordinator District Educators District Stores District Webmaster District Couple of the Year District COY Coordinators Vendor Coordinators District Newsletter Editor http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ Bob & Patty Spencer John & Barb Smith Gary & Diana Domas Mike & Lynn Briggs Deb & Chuck Buell Carmen & Dan Weakland Dave & Sheila Chavez Lynn Briggs John & Barb Smith OPEN Dan & Carmen Weakland Peggy & Mike Hudnell Shirley & Dale Dufner Washington Chapter “L” Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge http://www.gwrra-wa-l.org/ Alex Piper [email protected] Lloyd Finley [email protected] Scott Bowman [email protected] Tom Denny [email protected] Della Heideman [email protected] Ann Fox [email protected] Joyce LoParco [email protected] Chapter Director 509-492-0100 Assistant CD 509-783-9789 Treasurer 509-585-4837 Rider Educator 509-582-8779 Newsletter Editor 541-422-7166 Membership Coordinator OPEN Pamela Blake [email protected] Joyce LoParco [email protected] Mike & Janet Turner [email protected] Della Heideman [email protected] Tom Didway [email protected] Georgia Finley [email protected] Donna Whiteside [email protected] Mike & Beth Messinger [email protected] Georgia Finley [email protected] Telephone Tree (Non-PC) Chapter Store 509-438-3513 Dinner Ride Coordinator 509-582-6994 Couple of the Year 509-845-1069 Individual of the Year 541-422-7166 Ride & Tech Coordinator 509-946-0878 Historian 509-783-9789 Sunshine Coordinator 509-943-9828 Webmaster 509-582-4560 Public Relations 509-783-9789 509-546-0846 Computer Phone Tree 509-582-6994 July 2010—Page 10 November
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