TA Document 2002017 IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline TV Device for Japanese BS/CS Digital Broadcasting System 1.0 December 15, 2003 Sponsored by: 1394 Trade Association Accepted for Release by: 1394 Trade Association Board of Directors. Abstract: This document provides the IEEE 1394 implementation guideline for TV sets which support Japanese BS/CS digital broadcasting system. Keywords: TV Copyright 1996-2004 by the 1394 Trade Association. 1111 South Main Street, Suite 100, Grapevine, TX 76051, USA http://www.1394TA.org All rights reserved. Permission is granted to members of the 1394 Trade Association to reproduce this document for their own use or the use of other 1394 Trade Association members only, provided this notice is included. All other rights reserved. Duplication for sale, or for commercial or for-profit use is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the 1394 Trade Association. TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 1394 Trade Association Specifications are developed within Working Groups of the 1394 Trade Association, a non-profit industry association devoted to the promotion of and growth of the market for IEEE 1394-compliant products. Participants in working groups serve voluntarily and without compensation from the Trade Association. Most participants represent member organizations of the 1394 Trade Association. The specifications developed within the working groups represent a consensus of the expertise represented by the participants. Use of a 1394 Trade Association Specification is wholly voluntary. The existence of a 1394 Trade Association Specification is not meant to imply that there are not other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the 1394 Trade Association Specification. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a specification is accepted and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the specification. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest revision of any 1394 Trade Association Specification. Comments for revision of 1394 Trade Association Specifications are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership affiliation with the 1394 Trade Association. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments. Interpretations: Occasionally, questions may arise about the meaning of specifications in relationship to specific applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of the 1394 Trade Association, the Association will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Comments on specifications and requests for interpretations should be addressed to: Editor, 1394 Trade Association 1111 South Main Street, Suite 100 Grapevine, TX 76051 USA 1394 Trade Association Specifications are adopted by the 1394 Trade Association without regard to patents which may exist on articles, materials or processes or to other proprietary intellectual property which may exist within a specification. Adoption of a specification by the 1394 Trade Association does not assume any liability to any patent owner or any obligation whatsoever to those parties who rely on the specification documents. Readers of this document are advised to make an independent determination regarding the existence of intellectual property rights, which may be infringed by conformance to this specification. Page 2 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 Table of Contents 1. Overview .....................................................................................................................................................7 1.1 Purpose...............................................................................................................................................7 1.2 Scope..................................................................................................................................................7 2. References ...................................................................................................................................................8 3. Definitions...................................................................................................................................................9 3.1 Conformance Levels ..........................................................................................................................9 3.2 Glossary of Terms ..............................................................................................................................9 4. System Overview ......................................................................................................................................10 4.1 Subunit Configuration......................................................................................................................10 4.2 Operation Mode of Unit ...................................................................................................................10 5. Implementation of Tuner Subunit for BS/CS Digital Broadcasting ..........................................................15 5.1 POWER Control Command .............................................................................................................15 6. Implementation of Tuner Subunit for UV Analog Broadcasting ..............................................................16 7. Implementation of Monitor Subunit..........................................................................................................17 7.1 Implementation of Plug....................................................................................................................17 7.2 AV/C Commands .............................................................................................................................17 7.2.1 Support Levels of AV/C Commands.............................................................................................17 7.2.2 Implementation of Supported Commands.....................................................................................17 POWER Command ....................................................................................................................18 PLUG INFO Status Command...................................................................................................19 8. Implementation of Bulletin Board Subunit ...............................................................................................21 9. Implementation of Unit .............................................................................................................................22 9.1 Internal Signal Connection...............................................................................................................22 9.2 AV/C Command...............................................................................................................................24 9.2.1 Support Levels of AV/C Commands......................................................................................24 9.2.2 Implementation of Supported Commands..............................................................................25 9.3 Vendor-dependent Command ..........................................................................................................40 9.4 Control of Isochronous Connection .................................................................................................40 9.4.1 Control of Isochronous Connection for a Input Plug..............................................................40 9.4.2 Control of Isochronous Connection for the Output Plug........................................................43 9.4.3 Other rule ...............................................................................................................................43 9.5 Implementation of Configuration ROM...........................................................................................43 9.6 Digital/Analog switchover function (sink device) (optional)...........................................................44 9.6.1 Support Levels of commands .................................................................................................45 9.6.2 The method to determine the source device supporting digital/analog switchover................45 9.6.3 Behavior taken when the AV/C command is received...........................................................45 9.6.4 Operation caused by each trigger ...........................................................................................48 9.6.5 Example of Sequence .............................................................................................................48 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 3 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 List of Figures Figure 4-1 – Subunits configuration of DTV for BS/CS digital broadcasting system...................................10 Figure 4-2 – The state transition of DTV Unit operation mode.....................................................................12 Figure 9-1 – DTV internal signal connection model .....................................................................................22 Figure 9-2 – bcc/pcc state transition diagram when input-selection is enabled.............................................41 Figure 9-3 – Implementation example of Configuration ROM .....................................................................44 Figure 9-4 –Sequence of New registration with the preset entry being vacant..............................................48 Figure 9-5 – Sequence of Re-registration ......................................................................................................49 Figure 9-6 – Sequence of New registration with preset entry already full ....................................................49 Figure 9-7 – Sequence of Cancellation.........................................................................................................50 Figure 9-8 – Sequence of Cancellation which is failed .................................................................................50 Figure 9-9 – Sequence of Digital/Analog Switchover ...................................................................................51 Figure B.1 – The State Transition of Unit Operation Mode ..........................................................................55 Figure B.2 – LC-30BV3, PZ-50BD3, PZ-43BD3 Model..............................................................................56 Figure B.3 – HD32-LS1/LS2/LS3 Model......................................................................................................58 Figure B.4 – The state transition of Unit operation mode .............................................................................61 Figure B.5 – Internal signal connection model of D10 series........................................................................62 Figure B.6 – Internal signal connection model of KDF/KD series................................................................65 Figure B.7 – Internal signal connection model of TOSHIBA legacy devices ...............................................67 Page 4 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 List of Tables Table 4-1 – The example of basic behaviors for each Unit operation mode .................................................13 Table 7-1 – Support Levels of Monitor Subunit commands .........................................................................17 Table 7-2 – Response for POWER status command .....................................................................................18 Table 7-3 – Response for POWER notify command ....................................................................................19 Table 7-4 – Response for PLUG INFO status command ..............................................................................20 Table 9-1 – Assignment of a plug number ....................................................................................................24 Table 9-2 – Support Levels of Unit commands.............................................................................................25 Table 9-3 – Response for CONNECT status command ................................................................................26 Table 9-4 – Response Value of CONNECT status command (inquiry of source plug) ................................27 Table 9-5 – Response for CONNECTIONS status command.......................................................................30 Table 9-6 – The contents of Response Frame of CONNECTIONS status command ...................................31 Table 9-7 – Response for SUBUNIT INFO status command .......................................................................35 Table 9-8 – Response for UNIT INFO status command ...............................................................................36 Table 9-9 – Response for POWER control command...................................................................................37 Table 9-10 – operation to POWER control command...................................................................................37 Table 9-11 – Response for POWER status command ...................................................................................38 Table 9-12 – Response for POWER notify command...................................................................................39 Table 9-13 – Response for PLUG INFO status command ............................................................................40 Table 9-14 – Support Levels of CCM command of the sink device .............................................................45 Table B.1 – Supported CONNECT status command (inquiry of source plug) .............................................63 Table B.2 – Content of response to CONNECT status command ( inquiry of source plug) .........................63 Table B.3 – Supported CONNECT status command (inquiry of source plug) .............................................66 Table B.4 – Content of response to CONNECT status command ( inquiry of source plug) .........................66 Table B.5 – Supported CONNECT status command (inquiry of source plug) .............................................68 Table B.6 – Content of response to CONNECT status command ( inquiry of source plug) .........................68 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 5 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 This page is left intentionally blank Page 6 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 1. Overview 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this guideline is to clarify the IEEE1394 implementation which is not described in detail in the related AV/C command specifications and ARIB Standard. “TV for BS/CS Digital Broadcasting System” means a DTV which has the function to receive broadcast service of either BS digital broadcasting or CS digital broadcasting, or both. 1.2 Scope The scope of this guideline is to specify the behavior of the TV which complies with ARIB Standard for Receiver for Digital Broadcasting– B21 3.1 (ARIB 3.1[R10]) and has a capability to decode MPEG2-TS signals, which are received from both 1394 interface and the antenna for digital broadcasting, and output the decoded signals through analogue output. This guideline specifies following functions through IEEE1394, Control of power status, and inquiry of the power status. Control of tuning, and inquiry of the tuning status. Inquiry of the input source connected to TV monitor. The function which outputs a selected service through IEEE1394 by control from external device. Following functions are optional and beyond the scope of this guideline. This guideline does not specify the behavior of following functions. The function which changes the DTV status to 1394 input state. The function which makes partial stream from MPEG2-TS stream received from the bus. The function which outputs and displays two or more services simultaneously. The function which outputs the stream from the Tuner Subunit to 1394 bus and analog output plug(s) while decoding and outputting the MPEG2-TS received from the 1394 bus. The function which outputs two or more isochronous stream simultaneously. When a DTV has supports both BS and CS broadcasting, the DTV selects one service from BS signal or CS signal. A DTV, which has capability to select both services of BS and CS simultaneously, is beyond the scope of this guideline. This guideline allows two kinds of implementations. One is based on AV/C Digital Interface Command Set, General Specification Version 4.1 (AV/C General 4.1 [R13]) and AV/C Descriptor Mechanism Specification Version 1.0 (AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R14]). The other is based on AV/C Digital Interface Command Set, General Specification Version 3.0 (AV/C General 3.0 [R5]). Although this guideline is described based on the implementation according to AV/C General 4.1 [R13] and AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R14], it corresponds also to implementation according to AV/C General 3.0 [R5] unless otherwise specified. The portion, that has any difference between two implementations, is described expressly with the version number applied. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 7 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 2. References This guideline refers to the following specifications: [R1] IEEE Std. 1394-1995, IEEE Standard for a High Performance Serial Bus [R2] IEEE Std. 1394a-2000, IEEE Standard for a High Performance Serial Bus (Amendment) [R3] IEC61883-1, Consumer audio/video equipment – Digital interface Part 1: General [R4] IEC61883-4, Consumer audio/video equipment – Digital interface Part 4: MPEG2-TS data transmission [R5] 1394TA, AV/C Digital Interface Command Set, General Specification Version 3.0 [R6] 1394TA, Enhancements to the AV/C General Specification 3.0 Version 1.1. [R7] 1394TA, AV/C Tuner Model and Command Set Version 1.0 [R8] 1394TA, AV/C Tuner Broadcast System Specification - Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) Version 1.0 [R9] 1394TA, Enhancements to the AV/C Tuner Broadcast System Specification - Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) Version 1.0 [R10] ARIB Standard for Receiver for Digital Broadcasting – B21 3.1 [R11] 1394TA, Configuration ROM for AV/C Devices 1.0 [R12] 1394TA, AV/C Tuner Subunit Model and Command Set Version 2.0 [R13] 1394TA, AV/C Digital Interface Command Set, General Specification Version 4.1 [R14] 1394TA, AV/C Descriptor Mechanism Specification Version 1.0 [R15] Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline, Tuner Subunit for Japanese BS/CS Digital Broadcasting System [R16] Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline, Tuner Subunit for UV Analog Broadcasting System [R17] Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline, Bulletin Board Subunit [R18] 1394TA, Clarification and Implementation Guideline for Isochronous Connection Management of IEC 61883-1 Page 8 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 3. Definitions 3.1 Conform ance Levels 3.1.1 expected: A key word used to describe the behavior of the hardware or software in the design models assumed by this Specification. Other hardware and software design models may also be implemented. 3.1.2 may: A key word that indicates flexibility of choice with no implied preference. 3.1.3 shall: A key word indicating a mandatory requirement. Designers are required to implement all such mandatory requirements. 3.1.4 should: A key word indicating flexibility of choice with a strongly preferred alternative. Equivalent to the phrase is recommended. 3.1.5 reserved fields: A set of bits within a data structure that are defined in this specification as reserved, and are not otherwise used. Implementations of this specification shall zero these fields. Future revisions of this specification, however, may define their usage. 3.1.6 reserved values: A set of values for a field that are defined in this specification as reserved, and are not otherwise used. Implementations of this specification shall not generate these values for the field. Future revisions of this specification, however, may define their usage. NOTE — The IEEE is investigating whether the “may, shall, should” and possibly “expected” terms will be formally defined by IEEE. If and when this occurs, draft editors should obtain their conformance definitions from the latest IEEE style document. 3.2 Glossar y of Terms 3.2.1 TV for BS/CS digital broadcasting system (DTV): The Japanese receiving sets for BS/CS digital broadcasting that build in TV monitor. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 9 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 4. System Overview 4.1 Subunit Configurati on The Subunits configuration of TV for BS/CS digital broadcasting system which complies with this guideline is shown in Figure 4-1. In this guideline, implementation of Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system and Monitor Subunit are mandatory. Although implementation of Bulletin Board Subunit is optional, this guideline recommends implementing Bulletin Board Subunit because other device can not detect the reservation confliction without Bulletin Board Subunit. Although implementation of Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system is optional, refer to chapter 6 about the implementation method if implemented. DTV Unit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system Tuner Subunit (for BS/CS digital broadcasting system) Tuner Subunit (for UV analog broadcasting system) Monitor Subunit Bulletin Board Subunit Figure 4-1 – Subunits configuration of DTV for BS/CS digital broadcasting system The implementation of Unit and each Subunit are described in the following chapter. 4.2 Operation Mode of Unit This section describes several Unit operation modes and the state transition between the unit modes. The outline of the state transition of DTV, which has the function of record-reservation and view– reservation, is shown in Figure 4-2. In this guideline, the definitions of Record-reservation and Viewreservation are described below, and these reservations are called internal reservation. Record-reservation: Reservation made by DTV itself, which is to record specified program(s) using recording device outside the DTV at the specified date and time. At the starting time of the Record–reservation, DTV select the specified program and control the recording device to record the program. If the DTV is power off state at the starting time, it changes its power state to on, and executes above mentioned control. Page 10 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 View-reservation: Reservation made by DTV itself, which is to view specified program(s) at the specified date and time. At the starting time of the View–reservation, DTV select the specified program. It is vender dependent whether the DTV has the functions of Recording-reservation and/or Viewreservation. When it does not have these functions, the transitions to the state of “reservation execution” in Figure 4-2 are not performed. On the other hand, the reservation registered in the Bulletin Board Subunit of DTV from external device is called “external reservation” in this guideline. The state controlled by external device during the period of external reservation is called “external reservation execution”. It is vendor dependent whether the DTV distinguish the state “external reservation execution” from the state of “usual power on state” and has some restrictions of its operation. (Note that Figure 4-2 has no distinctions). In case of the DTV is power off state, the DTV is under one of tow power off states called “i.LINK standby" and "i.LINK not standby". The definition of each state is as follows. i.LINK standby: The state where the DTV is existing on 1394 bus as a node and where it can receive AV/C commands. i.LINK non standby: The state where the DTV is not existing on 1394 bus as a node, or the state where it can not receive AV/C commands although the device is existing on 1394 bus as a node (repeater state). The selection of “i.LINK standby” or “i.LINK non standby” is possible only by manual operation of the DTV during power on state by the user. The selection can not be done by the AV/C commands via 1394 bus. Note that a DTV that is in the repeater state may change its state to "i.LINK standby" state by receiving Link-on packet. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 11 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 Usual power on state. Unit: Monitor: Tuner Subunit: - Power on by front panel or IR remote commander - Power on by AV/C command to Unit *1*2 Starts View-reservation Starts Record-reservation Power on state under internal reservation execution (Under View-reservation or Record-reservation) - Finishes Internal reservation *6 - Channel selection by front panel or IR remote commander*4 - Channel selection by AV/C command *4 Power on Power on Power on - Power off by front panel or IR remote commander - Power off by AV/C command to Unit - Power on by front panel or IR remote commander - Power on by AV/C command to Unit*2 Usual Tuner on / Monitor off state. Unit: Monitor: Tuner Subunit: Starts Record -reservation Power on Power off Power on - Power on by AV/C command to Subunit *1 - Power on by front panel or IR remote commander - Power on by AV/C command to Unit *2 - Power off by AV/C command to Unit or Subunit Unit: Monitor: Tuner Subunit: Power on Power on Power on - Power off by front panel or IR remote commander.*3 ( Record-reservation ) Starts Viewreservation *2 Tuner on / Monitor off state under internal reservation execution (Record-reservation). Unit: Monitor: Tuner Subunit: Starts Recordreservation - Power off by front panel or IR remote commander.*3 ( View-reservation ) - Power off by AV/C command to Unit (Record-reservation) *3 Finishes Viewreservation *5 Power on Power off Power on Finishes Recordreservation - Power off by AV/C command to Unit or Subunit *3 Power off (i.LINK standby / i.LINK non standby) Unit: Monitor: Tuner Subunit: Power off Power off Power off Figure 4-2 – The state transition of DTV Unit operation mode Transition condition as for main power on/off is applied only in case the power button on the DTV is equivalent to that of remote controller. In the state of “Usual Unit Power on” or “Unit Power on during the execution of Internal reservation”, POWER off control command addressed to Tuner Subunit is not accepted.(returns REJECTED) As Tuner Subunit in this figure is for BS/CS digital broadcasting, POWER command addressed to Subunit shall be issued to this Tuner Subunit. *1) Only when DTV is set up with “i.LINK standby”. Page 12 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 *2) It is vender dependent to permit this transition. *3) The reservation under execution is forced to terminate. It is vender dependent to permit this transition. *4) Although the transition is possible only during View-reservation execution, it is vender dependent to permit this transition itself. *5) Although this transition can be made only when the state is "Power off" at the time of starting view-reservation, it is vendor dependent to permit this transition. *6) In the case of finishing view-reservation, when the state was "Power off" at the time of starting view-reservation, the state is transitioned to "Power off" or "Usual power on state". As shown in Figure 4-2, the power state of Unit and Tuner Subunit is always the same. Therefore, when one of the power states of Unit or Tuner Subunit is changed by POWER control command, the other power state shall be changed by the internal operation. The basic behaviors caused by user operation and AV/C control commands in each Unit operation mode are shown in Table 4-1. Table 4-1 – The example of basic behaviors for each Unit operation mode Operation mode AV/C control command User operation by front panel or IR remote commander (informational)*2 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 13 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 Accept. However REJECTED is returned to POWER off command addressed to Tuner Subunit. Usual Unit Power on Usual Tuner on / CRT off Accept. Unit Power on during the execution of Internal reservation (Recordingreservation) Tuner on / CRT off during the execution of Internal reservation (Recording-reservation) Unit Power on during the execution of Internal reservation (Viewreservation) Power off (i.LINK standby) Power off (i.LINK non standby) DSIT control command and POWER off control command addressed to Tuner Subunit is rejected Other commands are accepted. However, depending on a model, REJECTED is returned to POWER off control command address to Unit. DSIT control command is rejected. Other commands are accepted. However, depending on a model, REJECTED is returned to POWER on/off control command addressed to Unit and POWER off control command addressed to Tuner Subunit. Accept. However POWER off control command addressed to Tuner Subunit is rejected. Other commands are accepted. However, depending on a model, REJECTED is returned to POWER off control command addressed to Unit and DSIT control command. Only DSIT command is rejected. Other commands are accepted. Reject*1 Accept. Accept. Reject the user operation except for a power key. Reject the user operation except for a power key. Accept. However, depending on a model, Tuning operation is not available. Reject the user operation except for a power key. Reject the user operation except for a power key. *1 The state where the DTV is not existing on 1394 bus as a node, or in the repeater status although it is existing on 1394 bus as a node. *2 The column of User operation by front panel or IR remote commander is just reference, so other operations not described here can be possible. Page 14 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 5. Implementation of Tuner Subunit for BS/CS Digital Broadcasting The TV for BS/CS digital broadcasting system complies with this guideline shall implement Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system according to “Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline, Tuner Subunit for Japanese BS/CS Digital Broadcasting System[R15]”. In addition, The Tuner Subunit shall also be implemented according to the rules described in this chapter. 5.1 POWER Control Command In this guideline, the following rules are added to the rules described in “Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline, Tuner Subunit for Japanese BS/CS Digital Broadcasting System[R15]“ regarding the behavior of the POWER control command. Rule When the target returns the ACCEPTED response for POWER control command and changes the power state of Tuner Subunit, it shall change the power state of Unit simultaneously by internal operation. In the model described in Figure 4-1 of this guideline, the power state of Unit and Tuner Subunit are always the same by applying above described rule. For details, refer to Section 4.2. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 15 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 6. Implementation of Tuner Subunit for UV Analog Broadcasting In case a TV has a built-in tuner for UV analog broadcasting, there are three ways to implement Tuner Subunit. Implementation 1. Implementation with support of Subunit commands Implementation should conform to the specification in “Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline, Tuner Subunit for UV Analog Broadcasting System [R16]”. Implementation 2. Implementation without support of Subunit commands Since commands addressed to the Subunit are not supported, any control (tuning etc…) or getting status of tuner by AV/C commands is impossible. With the notification of the existence of this Subunit by SUBUNIT INFO command, a controller can know correct internal connection by CONNECT status command. Implementation 3. Implementation with substitution by external input plug Not showing the existence of Subunit by SUBUNIT INFO command. That is, a controller cannot recognize the existence of the tuner for analog broadcasting. In this implementation, Tuner Subunit pretends to receive the signal from external input plug during the use of UV analog tuner (refer to for details). Page 16 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 7. Implementation of Monitor Subunit 7.1 Implementation of Plug In this guideline, Monitor Subunit shall implement at least one input plug (destination plug) as input for a main screen of TV monitor, and this input plug is assigned to “0” as the plug number. 7.2 AV/C Commands This section describes the list of Monitor Subunit AV/C commands supported by the DTV and implementation of each command. 7.2.1 Support Level s of AV/C Commands Table 7-1 shows the support levels of Monitor Subunit commands specified in this guideline and 1394TA Std. Although Subunit Identifier Descriptor is specified in 1394TA Std, this guideline treats the support of descriptor as option and does not specify the implementation. The shaded portion in the table means optional or recommended commands to which this guideline does not specify any rules. Since the behavior of Specific inquiry and General inquiry command is specified in AV/C General 4.1[R13], description is omitted here. Table 7-1 – Support Levels of Monitor Subunit commands Monitor Subunit command opcode Support Levels of this guideline Control Status Notify C S N * O * O * O * O READ DESCRIPTOR 0916 WRITE DESCRIPTOR 0A16 SEARCH DESCRIPTOR 0B16 OBJECT NUMBER SELECT 0D16 POWER B216 RESERVE 0116 * O O O O O O O 0216 – FUNCTION BLOCK B816 OPEN DESCRIPTOR 0816 PLUG INFO Support Levels of 1394 TA Standard – – O – – – O M O M O O O * O O O O O O O – – – – O – – – O O O O O R R – M: Mandatory O: Option R: Recommended –: Not Defined or Not Supported *: The support level of the command depends on its operand. 7.2.2 Implementation of Supported Commands This section describes implementation of AV/C commands (status, notify) addressed to Monitor Subunit supported by the DTV. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 17 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 POWER Com mand status command [Mandatory] The structure of POWER command is specified in Section 11.1 of AV/C General 4.1[R13]. The response for POWER status command is shown in Table 7-2. Table 7-2 – Response for POWER status command response Conditions and Contents of Operands NOT_IMPLEMENTED REJECTED IN TRANSITION Condition: OPR is different from the following value. operand[0]=7F16 Do not use REJECTED response. Condition: The case where the power status of a device is in transition Value of each operands: The Monitor Subunit is transitioning into Power on state. operand[0]=7016 (2) The Monitor Subunit is transitioning into Power off state. operand[0]=6016 Condition: Except for the above Value of each operands: The power status of Monitor Subunit is ON operand[0]=7016 (2) The power status of Monitor Subunit is OFF operand[0]=6016 STABLE notify command [Option] The response for POWER notify command is shown in Table 7-3. Although POWER notify command is optional, if the target supports POWER notify command, it shall accept the notification request from at least three controllers (five or more is recommended). Page 18 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 Table 7-3 – Response for POWER notify command response Conditions and Contents of Operands NOT_IMPLEMENTED REJECTED INTERIM CHANGED after INTERIM REJECTED after INTERIM Condition: OPR is different from the following value. operand[0]=7F16 Condition: The target already accepted the notification requests from maximum number of controllers. The target already has the pending request from the controller that issues the command. (A target does not accept the plural notification requests from the same controller.) Condition: Except for the above, always returns INTERIM Value of each operands: (1) The power status of Monitor Subunit is ON operand[0] = 7016 (2) The power status of Monitor Subunit is OFF. operand[0] = 6016 Condition: After the target returns INTERIM, when the power status of Unit has changed. Value of each operands: (1) The power status of Monitor Subunit is changed to ON. operand[0] = 7016 (2) The power status of Monitor Subunit is changed to OFF. operand[0] = 6016 Do not use REJECTED response after INTERIM response. PLUG INFO Status Command Status command [Mandatory] The structure of PLUG INFO command is specified in Section 12.1 of AV/C General 4.1[R13]. In this guideline Monitor Subunit has one or more input plugs. The response for PLUG INFO status command is shown in Table 7-4. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 19 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 Table 7-4 – Response for PLUG INFO status command response Conditions and Contents of Operands NOT_IMPLEMENTED REJECTED IN TRANSITION STABLE Condition: OPRs are different from the following values operand[0] = 0016 operand[1] = FF16 operand[2] = FF16 operand[3] = FF16 operand[4] = FF16 Do not use REJECTED response Do not use IN TRANSITION response Condition: Except for the above, always returns STABLE. Value of each operands: operand[0] = 0016 1 operand[1] = [0116] (The number of destination plug) * 2 operand[2] = [0016] (The number of source plug) * operand[3] = FF16 operand[4] = FF16 * 1 operand[1] takes the value more than one. * 2 operand[2] takes any value. Page 20 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 8. Implementation of Bulletin Board Subunit When Bulletin Board Subunit (BB) is implemented, it shall be implemented to comply with “Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline, Bulletin Board Subunit [R17]”. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 21 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 9. Implementation of Unit 9.1 Internal Signal Connection This section describes the signal connection model inside the DTV. Figure 9-1 illustrates an example of the signal connection in the DTV. external antenna input plug (9E16 Recommended) Signal inputs from antenna for BS/CS digital broadcasting Tuner Subunit serial bus output plug (0016) MPEG2-TS outputs to 1394 terminals source plug (0016) (Satellite Digital) antenna destination plug (0016) external antenna input plug (9C16 Recommended) Signal inputs from antenna for UV analog broadcasting antenna destination plug (0016) SW1 demux destination plug (0116) external output plug(8016) Analog output to terminals(No.1) (NTSC Video format) external output plug(8116) Analog output to terminals(No.2) (NTSC Video format) external output plug(8216) Analog output to terminals(No.3) (NTSC Video format) Tuner Subunit (UV analog)*1 SW2 SW3 Destination Plug(0016) Monitor Subunit serial bus input plug (0016) MPEG2-TS inputs from 1394 terminals external input plug(8016) Analog input from terminal(No.1) (NTSC Video format)input plug(8116) Analog input from terminal(No.2) (NTSC Video external f )input plug(8216) Analog input from terminal(No.3) (NTSC Video format) external Figure 9-1 – DTV internal signal connection model *1 The case where the implementation method of UV analog Tuner Subunit is “1” or “2” in chapter 6. The case where the implementation method is “3”, it becomes a state which is same for input to be from the analog input terminal. The DTV has an external antenna input plug (antenna input for BS/CS digital broadcasting system), an external antenna input plug (antenna input for UV analog broadcasting system), a serial bus input plug, one or more external input plug as inputs of the device and a serial bus output plug and one or more external output plugs as outputs of the device. The number of external input/output plugs depends on a device, and this guideline does not specify it. Moreover, when a DTV physically has two or more analog output terminals, these terminals may be logically regarded and implemented as a single external output plug unless the signal source of these terminals can not be changed independently. As for analog input terminals, the number of physical terminals can be different from that of external input plug. Page 22 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 The external input plug (antenna input for BS/CS digital broadcasting system) is a plug which inputs the signal received from the antenna to Unit, and is connected with the antenna destination plug of the Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system. Antenna input for UV analog broadcasting system (external antenna input plug) is a plug which inputs the signal received from the antenna to Unit, and is connected with the antenna destination plug of the Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system. The serial bus input plug is a plug which receives the MPEG stream from 1394 bus to Unit. The function that makes partial stream from the received stream is optional, and this guideline does not define it. As for received stream from the 1394, this guideline defines the function that decodes the stream as is, and output the analog signal. DTV may have the digital/monitor-separate-operation-mode. In this operation mode, DTV executes two functionalities simultaneously. One is output the stream tuned by the Tuner Subunit to 1394 bus. Another is displaying the signal from other than Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system (ex. 1394 input signal or the signal from Tuner Subunit for UV analog) on Monitor Subunit. In this operation mode, SW1 in Figure 9-1 selects a source plug of tuner subunit, and SW3 selects the other signal source. Thus, SW2 is interlocked with one of SW1 and SW3 when SW1 and SW3 select different signal. It is vendor dependent which SW2 is interlocked with. If digital/monitor-separate-operation-mode is canceled, SW1,2 and 3 select the same signal source. This guideline does not specify which to select between SW1 and SW3 as the same input source. When DTV with digital/monitor-separate-operation-mode is not in the operation mode or a DTV does not have the operation mode, SW1, 2 and 3 are interlocked with one another and the signal source of serial bus output plug, external output plug and Monitor Subunit are always the same. The behavior of SW1, 2 and 3 is specified as follows, and the control of SW1, 2 and 3 by CONNECT control command is optional. Behavior of SW1: SW1 selects source plug of the Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system while DTV receives the BS/CS digital broadcasting signal from the air. SW1 selects source plug of the Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system while DTV receives the UV analog broadcasting signal from the air. SW1 selects external input plug of the Unit while DTV receives the analog input signal. SW1 selects serial bus input plug of Unit while DTV decodes the stream from this serial bus input plug. While SW1 selects a plug other than the source plug of the Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system, the serial bus output plug may not output the stream corresponding to signal source. If a DTV receives DSIT control command addressed to Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system and accepts the command while SW1 selects a plug other than the source plug of the Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system, the connection state of SW1 shall automatically be changed to select the source plug of the Tuner Subunit. Behavior of SW2: SW2 is interlocked with SW1 and 3 while the DTV is not in the digital/monitor-separateoperation-mode. This guideline does not specify with which SW2 is interlocked while the DTV is in the digital/monitor-separate-operation-mode. Behavior of SW3: SW3 is interlocked with SW1 and 2 while the DTV is not in the digital/monitor-separateoperation-mode. SW3 selects the different source from SW1 while the DTV is in the digital/monitor-separate-operation-mode. If a DTV receives DSIT control command addressed to Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 23 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system and accepts the command while SW3 selects a plug other than the source plug of the Tuner Subunit, the connection state of SW3 shall automatically be changed to select the source plug of the Tuner Subunit. The assignments of a plug number for each plug of Unit are shown in Table 9-1. Table 9-1 – Assignment of a plug number Plug serial bus Plug number note input 0016 1394 input output 0016 1394 output input input 9E16 (recommend) 9C16 (recommend) input 8016 input 8116 input 8216 output 8016 output 8116 output 8216 external antenna input for BS/CS digital broadcasting system antenna input for UV analog broadcasting system analog input 1(NTSC or NTSC equivalent) analog input 2(NTSC or NTSC equivalent) analog input 3(NTSC or NTSC equivalent) analog output 1(NTSC or NTSC equivalent) analog output 2(NTSC or NTSC equivalent) analog output 3(NTSC or NTSC equivalent) The recommended value of the number of external antenna input plug is defined by ARIB 3.1[R10]. This guideline uses the value complying with ARIB 3.1[R10]. 9C16 is recommended as the value of antenna input plug for UV analog broadcasting system. Note: Some former models use 8016 for the value of antenna input plug of UV analog broadcasting system In this guideline, the external input/output plug numbers are assigned to ascending order from 8016. The Table 9-1 uses the number of external input/output plugs described in Figure 9-1 as an example. 9.2 AV/C Command This section describes the list of Unit commands supported by the DTV and implementation method of each command. 9. 2. 1 Sup p o rt L ev el s o f AV /C Co mm and s Table 9-2 shows the support levels of Unit commands specified in this guideline and 1394TA Std. Page 24 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 The shaded portion in the table means optional or recommended commands to which this guideline does not specify any rules. As for Specific inquiry commands and General inquiry commands, the target shall comply with the rule described in AV/C General 4.1[R13]. This guideline does not specify any additional rule for these commands. Table 9-2 – Support Levels of Unit commands Unit command opcode Support Levels of this guideline Control Status Notify C S N O O O – R O O O O O R R O – – – – R R M M O O O O O CHANNEL USAGE 1216 – O CONNECT 2416 * CONNECT AV 2016 O O CONNECTIONS 2216 – DIGITAL INPUT 1116 DIGITAL OUTPUT 1016 DISCONNECT 2516 DISCONNECT AV 2116 INPUT PLUG SIGNAL FORMAT 1916 OUTPUT PLUG SIGNAL FORMAT 1816 O O O O O O SUBUNIT INFO 3116 – UNIT INFO 3016 – POWER B216 RESERVE 0116 M O 0216 – PLUG INFO Support Levels of 1394 TA Standard O O O O O O – – – – – – – O O M M M O M O O O O O O O O – – – – – O O O O – – – – – – – R R – M: Mandatory O: Optional R: Recommended –: Not Defined or Not Supported *: The support level of the command depends on its operand. 9. 2. 2 Imp le me n t a t io n o f Su p p o rt e d Co m ma n d s This section describes implementation method of AV/C command addressed to Unit and supported by the DTV. In the following description, OPR0, OPR1, OPR2,… denote operand[0], operand[1], operand[2], … 9. 2. 2 .1 CO N N ECT C o mm an d Status command [*] In this guideline, the CONNECT status commands which inquires source plug connected to 1) external output plug of Unit, 2) serial bus output plug of Unit, 3) Destination plug of Monitor Subunit, 4) antenna destination plug of Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital, and 5) demux destination plug of Tuner Subunit are mandatory. Moreover, if Tuner Subunit for UV analog is implemented, the CONNECT status command which inquires source plug connected to antenna destination plug of Tuner Subunit for UV analog is mandatory. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 25 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 The structure of CONNECT command is specified in Section 12.3 of AV/C General 4.1[R13]. The response for CONNECT status command is shown in Table 9-3. Table 9-3 – Response for CONNECT status command response Conditions and Contents of Operands Condition: If the combination of each OPRs are different from the following values, the target may return NOT_IMPLEMENTED response. <The inquiry of source plug by specifying destination plug> destination plug OPR0 OPR1 OPR2 OPR3 OPR4 8016 external output plug FF16 FE16 FF16 FF16 *1 #n of Unit +n serial bus output FF16 FE16 FF16 0016 FF16 plug#0 of Unit 2816, antenna destination 0016 FF16 FE16 2916 FF16 plug of Tuner Subunit *3 NOT_IMPLEMENTED demux destination plug of Tuner Subunit FF16 destination plug of Monitor Subunit FF16 FF16 FE16 2816, 2916 0116 *2 FF16 FE16 0016 0016 *1 REJECTED IN TRANSITION STABLE n: plug number (n = 0, 1, 2,..., N-1. N is the number of the implemented external output plugs. N is not necessarily the same as the number of physical analog output terminals (Refer to the section 9.1).) *2 Returns NOT_IMPLEMENTED when the value of operand is for Tuner Subunit for UV analog. *3 Returns NOT_IMPLEMENTED to 2916 when the implementation of Tuner Subunit is only for BS/CS digital. Do not use REJECTED response. Do not use IN TRANSITION response Condition: Except for the above, always returns STABLE. Value of each operands: The Response to the inquiry of source plug by specifying destination plug is shown in Table 9-3. Table 9-4shows the response value for CONNECT status command. Table 9-4 shows the case where BS/CS digital broadcasting Tuner Subunit=2816 and UV analog broadcasting Tuner Subunit=2916. So if the case where BS/CS digital broadcasting Tuner Subunit=2916 and UV analog broadcasting Tuner Subunit=2816, then 2816 and 2916 are replaced in the table. Page 26 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 Table 9-4 – Response Value of CONNECT status command (inquiry of source plug) destination_plug specified by command responses not depending on the DTV status antenna destination plug of Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital antenna destination plug of *9 Tuner Subunit for UV analog operand of response flame OPR0 OPR1 FD16 FF16 FD16 FF16 OPR2 9E16 *8 9C16 *3 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. OPR3 OPR4 2816 0016 2916 0016 Page 27 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 responses depending on the DTV status DTV receives the BS/CS digital broadcasting signal *1 from the air. (Not in the digital/monitorseparate-operationmode) DTV receives the BS/CS digital broadca sting signal from the *1 air. (in the digital/m onitorseparate operatio n-mode) Monitor receives 1394 input *4 stream Monitor receives the UV analog broadca sting signal from the *4 *11 air TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 destination_plug specified by command operand of response flame OPR0 OPR1 OPR2 OPR3 *2 external output plug #n of UNIT FC16 2816 0016 FF16 8016 +n serial bus output plug #0 of UNIT FC16 2816 0016 FF16 0016 destination plug of Monitor Subunit FC16 2816 0016 0016 0016 FC16 2816 0016 FF16 FC16 FF16 0016 FF16 FC16 2816 0016 FF16 8016 +n 8016 +n 0016 FC16 FF16 0016 0016 0016 FC16 2816 0016 FF16 FC16 2916 0016 FF16 FC16 2816 0016 FF16 8016 +n 8016 +n 0016 FC16 2916 0016 0016 0016 FC16 2816 0016 FF16 8016 +n FC16 FF16 8016 +m FF16 8016 +n *2 external output plug #n of UNIT(Either of two kinds) serial bus output plug #0 of UNIT destination plug of Monitor Subunit *2 external output plug #n of UNIT(Either of two kinds) serial bus output plug #0 of UNIT destination plug of Monitor Subunit *2 Monitor receives the signal from analog *4 input OPR4 external output plug #n of UNIT(Either of two kinds) *7 serial bus output plug #0 of UNIT destination plug of Monitor Subunit FC16 2816 0016 FF16 0016 FC16 FF16 8016 +m 0016 0016 *7 *2 DTV receives the stream from 1394 bus. (The demux function of Tuner Subunit is not used.) DTV receives the stream from 1394 bus. (The demux function of Tuner *4 Subunit is used.) DTV receives the UV analog broadcasting signal Page 28 external output plug # n of UNIT serial bus output plug #0 of UNIT destination plug of Monitor Subunit demux destination plug of Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital *2 external output plug # n of UNIT serial bus output plug #0 of UNIT destination plug of Monitor Subunit demux destination plug of Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital *2 external output plug # n of UNIT serial bus output plug #0 of UNIT FC16 FF16 0016 FF16 8016 +n FC16 FF16 0016 FF16 0016 FC16 FF16 0016 0016 0016 FF16 FF16 FE16 2816 0116 *5 *5 *5 FF16 8016 +n *5 *5 *5 FF16 0016 *5 *5 *5 0016 0016 FC16 FF16 0016 2816 0116 FC16 2916 0016 FF16 8016 +n FC16 2916 0016 FF16 0016 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 from the air. *6 *10 destination plug of Monitor Subunit *2 external output plug # n of UNIT TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 FC16 2916 0016 0016 0016 FC16 FF16 8016 +m FF16 8016 +n FF16 0016 0016 0016 *7 DTV receives the signal from analog *10 input. serial bus output plug #0 of UNIT FC16 FF16 8016 +m *7 destination plug of Monitor Subunit FC16 FF16 8016 +m *7 The shaded portion of the table is the same value as a AV/C Command Frame. *1 It is not dependent on whether the target outputs the stream to 1394 bus. *2 n: plug number (n = 0, 1, 2, …, N-1. N is the number of the implemented external output plugs. N is not necessarily the same as the number of physical analog output terminals (Refer to section9.1).) *3 When the plug number of external antenna input plug for UV analog Tuner is other than 9C16, this value becomes another value. *4 This condition is applied only when the DTV has corresponding status. *5 This guideline does not define this value. *6 *7 In case of implementation method 1 or 2 in chapter 6. In case of the implementation method “3”, it becomes the same response which is shown in the column of ” DTV receives the signal from analog input.” m: plug number (m = 0, 1, 2, …, M-1. M is the number of the implemented external input plugs. M is not necessarily the same as the number of physical analog input terminals (Refer to section9.1).) *8 When the plug number of external antenna input plug for BS/CS digital Tuner is other than 9E16, this value becomes another value. *9 In the case of implementation method 3 as described in Chapter 6, this response does not exist. (NOT IMPLEMENTED is returned in accordance with table 9-3) *10 When the device has digital/monitor-separate-operation-mode, there may be a case that this status does not exist. *11 In the case of the implementation method 1 or 2 of Chapter 6. In the implementation method 3, the response will be those that were shown in "digital/monitor-separate-operation-mode, and monitor receives the signal from analog input." 9. 2. 2 .2 CON N ECT IO NS C o m man d Status command [Optional] The structure of CONNECTIONS command is specified in Section 12.5 of AV/C General 4.1[R13]. The response for CONNECTIONS status command is shown in Table 9-5. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 29 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 Table 9-5 – Response for CONNECTIONS status command response Conditions and Contents of Operands NOT_IMPLEMENTED Condition: OPR0 is different from FF16. REJECTED IN TRANSITION STABLE Do not use REJECTED response Do not use IN TRANSITION response. Condition: Except for the above, always returns STABLE. Value of each operands: Returns the current internal connection’s information. As an example, the Response Frame for the model described in Figure 9-1 is shown in Table 9-6. Table 9-6shows the case where BS/CS digital broadcasting Tuner Subunit=2816 and UV analog broadcasting Tuner Subunit=2916. So if the case where BS/CS digital broadcasting Tuner Subunit=2916 and UV analog broadcasting Tuner Subunit=2816, then 2816 and 2916 are replaced in the table. As for each connection_info, the turn could be changed. Page 30 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 Table 9-6 – The contents of Response Frame of CONNECTIONS status command Status of DTV DTV receives the BS/CS digital broadcasting signal *1 from the air. (Not in the digital/monitorseparate-operationmode) DTV receives the BS/CS digital broadcasting signal *1 from the air. (in the digital/monitorseparate-operationmode and monitor receives 1394 *7 input stream ) ((Either of two kinds (As for each connection_info, the turn could be changed.)) Operand of Response frame OPR0=0716(total_connections) *6 OPR1=FD16, OPR2=FF16, OPR3=9E16 , OPR4=2816, OPR5=0016, (connection_info[0]) *5 OPR6=FD16, OPR7=FF16, OPR8=9C16 , *8 OPR9=2916, OPR10=0016, (connection_info[1]) OPR11=FC16, OPR12=2816, OPR13=0016, OPR14=FF16, OPR15=0016(connection_info[2]) OPR16=FC16, OPR17=2816, OPR18=0016, OPR19=FF16, OPR20=8016, (connection_info[3]) OPR21=FC16, OPR22=2816, OPR23=0016, OPR24=FF16, OPR25=8116(connection_info[4]) OPR26=FC16, OPR27=2816, OPR28=0016, OPR29=FF16, OPR30=8216(connection_info[5]) OPR31=FC16, OPR32=2816, OPR33=0016, OPR34=0016, OPR35=0016(connection_info[6]) OPR0=0716(total_connections) *6 OPR1=FD16, OPR2=FF16, OPR3=9E16 , OPR4=2816, OPR5=0016, (connection_info[0]) *5 OPR6=FD16, OPR7=FF16, OPR8=9C16 , *8 OPR9=2916, OPR10=0016, (connection_info[1]) OPR11=FC16, OPR12=2816, OPR13=0016, OPR14=FF16, OPR15=0016(connection_info[2]) OPR16=FC16, OPR17=2816, OPR18=0016, OPR19=FF16, OPR20=8016, (connection_info[3]) OPR21=FC16, OPR22=2816, OPR23=0016, OPR24=FF16, OPR25=8116(connection_info[4]) OPR26=FC16, OPR27=2816, OPR28=0016, OPR29=FF16, OPR30=8216(connection_info[5]) OPR31=FC16, OPR32=FF16, OPR33=0016, OPR34=0016, OPR35=0016(connection_info[6]) OPR0=0716(total_connections) *6 OPR1=FD16, OPR2=FF16, OPR3=9E16 , OPR4=2816, OPR5=0016, (connection_info[0]) *5 OPR6=FD16, OPR7=FF16, OPR8=9C16 , *8 OPR9=2916, OPR10=0016, (connection_info[1]) OPR11=FC16, OPR12=2816, OPR13=0016, OPR14=FF16, OPR15=0016(connection_info[2]) OPR16=FC16, OPR17=FF16, OPR18=0016, OPR19=FF16, OPR20=8016, (connection_info[3]) OPR21=FC16, OPR22=FF16, OPR23=0016, OPR24=FF16, OPR25=8116(connection_info[4]) OPR26=FC16, OPR27=FF16, OPR28=0016, OPR29=FF16, OPR30=8216(connection_info[5]) OPR31=FC16, OPR32=FF16, OPR33=0016, OPR34=0016, OPR35=0016(connection_info[6]) Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 31 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 DTV receives the BS/CS digital broadcasting signal *1 from the air (in the digital/monitorseparate-operationmode and monitor receives the UV analog broadcasting signal *7 *10 ) from the air ((Either of two kinds (As for each connection_info, the turn could be changed.)) DTV receives the BS/CS digital broadcasting signal *1 from the air. (in the digital/monitorseparate-operationmode and monitor receives the signal from analog *7 input ) ((Either of two kinds (As for each connection_info, the turn could be Page 32 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 OPR0=0716(total_connections) *6 OPR1=FD16, OPR2=FF16, OPR3=9E16 , OPR4=2816, OPR5=0016, (connection_info[0]) *5 OPR6=FD16, OPR7=FF16, OPR8=9C16 , *8 OPR9=2916, OPR10=0016, (connection_info[1]) OPR11=FC16, OPR12=2816, OPR13=0016, OPR14=FF16, OPR15=0016(connection_info[2]) OPR16=FC16, OPR17=2816, OPR18=0016, OPR19=FF16, OPR20=8016, (connection_info[3]) OPR21=FC16, OPR22=2816, OPR23=0016, OPR24=FF16, OPR25=8116(connection_info[4]) OPR26=FC16, OPR27=2816, OPR28=0016, OPR29=FF16, OPR30=8216(connection_info[5]) OPR31=FC16, OPR32=2916, OPR33=0016, OPR34=0016, OPR35=0016(connection_info[6]) OPR0=0716(total_connections) *6 OPR1=FD16, OPR2=FF16, OPR3=9E16 , OPR4=2816, OPR5=0016, (connection_info[0]) *5 OPR6=FD16, OPR7=FF16, OPR8=9C16 , *8 OPR9=2916, OPR10=0016, (connection_info[1]) OPR11=FC16, OPR12=2816, OPR13=0016, OPR14=FF16, OPR15=0016(connection_info[2]) OPR16=FC16, OPR17=2916, OPR18=0016, OPR19=FF16, OPR20=8016, (connection_info[3]) OPR21=FC16, OPR22=2916, OPR23=00, OPR24=FF16, OPR25=8116(connection_info[4]) OPR26=FC16, OPR27=2916, OPR28=0016, OPR29=FF16, OPR30=8216(connection_info[5]) OPR31=FC16, OPR32=2916, OPR33=0016, OPR34=0016, OPR35=0016(connection_info[6]) OPR0=0716(total_connections) *6 OPR1=FD16, OPR2=FF16, OPR3=9E16 , OPR4=2816, OPR5=0016, (connection_info[0]) *5 OPR6=FD16, OPR7=FF16, OPR8=9C16 , *8 OPR9=2916, OPR10=0016, (connection_info[1]) OPR11=FC16, OPR12=2816, OPR13=0016, OPR14=FF16, OPR15=0016(connection_info[2]) OPR16=FC16, OPR17=2816, OPR18=0016, OPR19=FF16, OPR20=8016, (connection_info[3]) OPR21=FC16, OPR22=2816, OPR23=0016, OPR24=FF16, OPR25=8116(connection_info[4]) OPR26=FC16, OPR27=2816, OPR28=0016, OPR29=FF16, OPR30=8216(connection_info[5]) *3 OPR31=FC16, OPR32=FF16, OPR33=8016+m , OPR34=0016, OPR35=0016(connection_info[6]) Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 changed.)) DTV receives the stream from 1394 bus. (The demux function of Tuner Subunit is not used.) DTV receives the stream from 1394 bus. (The demux function of Tuner Subunit is *7 used.) DTV receives the UV analog broadcasting *2 *9 signal from the air. TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 OPR0=0716(total_connections) *6 OPR1=FD16, OPR2=FF16, OPR3=9E16 , OPR4=2816, OPR5=0016, (connection_info[0]) *5 OPR6=FD16, OPR7=FF16, OPR8=9C16 , *8 OPR9=2916, OPR10=0016, (connection_info[1]) OPR11=FC16, OPR12=2816, OPR13=0016, OPR14=FF16, OPR15=0016(connection_info[2]) *3 OPR16=FC16, OPR17=FF16, OPR18=8016+m , OPR19=FF16, OPR20=8016, (connection_info[3]) *3 OPR21=FC16, OPR22=FF16, OPR23=8016+m , OPR24=FF16, OPR25=8116(connection_info[4]) *3 OPR26=FC16, OPR27=FF16, OPR28=8016+m , OPR29=FF16, OPR30=8216(connection_info[5]) *3 OPR31=FC16, OPR32=FF16, OPR33=8016+m , OPR34=0016, OPR35=0016(connection_info[6]) OPR0=0716(total_connections) *6 OPR1=FD16, OPR2=FF16, OPR3=9E16 , OPR4=2816, OPR5=0016, (connection_info[0]) *5 OPR6=FD16, OPR7=FF16, OPR8=9C16 , *8 OPR9=2916, OPR10=0016, (connection_info[1]) OPR11=FC16, OPR12=FF16, OPR13=0016, OPR14=FF16, OPR15=0016(connection_info[2]) OPR16=FC16, OPR17=FF16, OPR18=0016, OPR19=FF16, OPR20=8016, (connection_info[3]) OPR21=FC16, OPR22=FF16, OPR23=0016, OPR24=FF16, OPR25=8116(connection_info[4]) OPR26=FC16, OPR27=FF16, OPR28=0016, OPR29=FF16, OPR30=8216(connection_info[5]) OPR31=FC16, OPR32=FF16, OPR33=0016, OPR34=0016, OPR35=0016(connection_info[6]) OPR0=0816(total_connections) *6 OPR1=FD16, OPR2=FF16, OPR3=9E16 , OPR4=2816, OPR5=0016, (connection_info[0]) *5 OPR6=FD16, OPR7=FF16, OPR8=9C16 , *8 OPR9=2916, OPR10=0016, (connection_info[1]) *4 *4 *4 OPR11= , OPR12= , OPR13= , OPR14=FF16, OPR15=0016(connection_info[2]) *4 *4 *4 OPR16= , OPR17= , OPR18= , OPR19=FF16, OPR20=8016, (connection_info[3]) *4 *4 *4 OPR21= , OPR22= , OPR23= , OPR24=FF16, OPR25=8116(connection_info[4]) *4 *4 *4 OPR26= , OPR27= , OPR28= , OPR29=FF16, OPR30=8216(connection_info[5]) *4 *4 *4 OPR31= , OPR32= , OPR33= , OPR34=0016, OPR35=0016(connection_info[6]) OPR36=FC16, OPR37=FF16, OPR38=0016, OPR39=2816, OPR40=0116(connection_info[7]) OPR0=0716(total_connections) *6 OPR1=FD16, OPR2=FF16, OPR3=9E16 , OPR4=2816, OPR5=0016, (connection_info[0]) *5 OPR6=FD16, OPR7=FF16, OPR8=9C16 , *8 OPR9=2916, OPR10=0016, (connection_info[1]) OPR11=FC16, OPR12=2916, OPR13=0016, OPR14=FF16, OPR15=0016(connection_info[2]) OPR16=FC16, OPR17=2916, OPR18=0016, OPR19=FF16, OPR20=8016, (connection_info[3]) Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 33 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 OPR21=FC16, OPR22=2916, OPR23=0016, OPR24=FF16, OPR25=8116(connection_info[4]) OPR26=FC16, OPR27=2916, OPR28=0016, OPR29=FF16, OPR30=8216(connection_info[5]) OPR31=FC16, OPR32=2916, OPR33=0016, OPR34=0016, OPR35=0016(connection_info[6]) OPR0=0716(total_connections) *6 OPR1=FD16, OPR2=FF16, OPR3=9E16 , OPR4=2816, OPR5=0016, (connection_info[0]) *5 OPR6=FD16, OPR7=FF16, OPR8=9C16 , *8 OPR9=2916, OPR10=0016, (connection_info[1]) *3 OPR11=FC16, OPR12=FF16, OPR13=8016+m , OPR14=FF16, OPR15=0016(connection_info[2]) DTV receives the *3 OPR16=FC16, OPR17=FF16, OPR18=8016+m , signal from analog *9 input. OPR19=FF16, OPR20=8016, (connection_info[3]) *3 OPR21=FC16, OPR22=FF16, OPR23=8016+m , OPR24=FF16, OPR25=8116(connection_info[4]) *3 OPR26=FC16, OPR27=FF16, OPR28=8016+m , OPR29=FF16, OPR30=8216(connection_info[5]) *3 OPR31=FC16, OPR32=FF16, OPR33=8016+m , OPR34=0016, OPR35=0016(connection_info[6]) It is not dependent on whether the target outputs the stream to 1394 bus. *1 *2 In case of implementation method “1” or “2” in chapter 6. In case of the implementation method “3”, it becomes the same response which is shown in the column of ”DTV receives the signal from analog input.” *3 m: plug number (m = 0, 1, 2, …, M-1. M is the number of the implemented external output plugs. M is not necessarily the same as the number of physical analog output terminals (Refer to section9.1).) *4 This guideline does not define this value. *5 When the plug number of external antenna input plug for UV analog Tuner is other than 9C16, this value becomes another value. *6 When the plug number of external antenna input plug for BS/CS digital Tuner is other than 9E16, this value becomes another value. *7 This condition is applied only when the DTV has corresponding status. *8 In the case of implementation method 3, as described in Chapter 6, this connection_info does not exist. *9 When the device has digital/monitor-separate-operation-mode, there may be a case that this status does not exist. *10 In the case of the implementation method 1 or 2 of Chapter 6. In the implementation method 3, the response will be those that were shown in "digital/monitor-separate-operation-mode, and monitor receives the signal from analog input." 9. 2. 2 .3 SU BU NIT INF O Com m and Status command [Mandatory] The structure of SUBUNIT INFO command is specified in Section 11.3 of AV/C General 4.1[R13]. The response for SUBUNIT INFO status command is shown in Table 9-7. Page 34 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 Table 9-7 – Response for SUBUNIT INFO status command Conditions and Contents of Operands response NOT_IMPLEMENTED REJECTED IN TRANSITION STABLE Condition: OPRs are different from the following values operand[0]=0716 operand[1]=FF16 operand[2]=FF16 operand[3]=FF16 operand[4]=FF16 Do not use REJECTED response Do not use IN TRANSITION response Condition: Except for the above, always returns STABLE. Value of each operands: As an example, the Response Frame for the model described in Figure 4-1is shown. operand[0]=0716 operand[1]=0016 (Monitor Subunit) operand[2]=2916 (Two Tuner Subunit) operand[3]=5016 (Bulletin Board Subunit) operand[4]=FF16 Note that the value may be replaced between OPR1, OPR2 and OPR3. 9. 2. 2 .4 UN IT IN F O Co m ma n d Status command [Mandatory] The structure of UNIT INFO command is specified in Section 11.2 of AV/C General 4.1[R13]. The response for UNIT INFO status command is shown in Table 9-8. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 35 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 Table 9-8 – Response for UNIT INFO status command response NOT_IMPLEMENTED REJECTED IN TRANSITION STABLE Page 36 Conditions and Contents of Operands Condition: OPRs are different from the following values operand[0]=FF16 operand[1]=FF16 operand[2]=FF16 operand[3]=FF16 operand[4]=FF16 Do not use REJECTED response. Do not use IN TRANSITION response. Condition: Except for the above, always returns STABLE. Value of each operands: operand[0]=0716 operand[1]=0016 Monitor(unit_type) operand[2]= operand[3]= (company_ID) operand[4]= Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 9. 2. 2 .5 PO W E R Com ma n d The caution to a controller: In case of using the function of digital tuner from recording device etc, it is recommended to use the POWER command addressed to Tuner Subunit of the digital tuner to control or inquire the power. Control command [Mandatory] The structure of POWER command is specified in Section 11.1 of AV/C General 4.1[R13]. POWER command has three kinds of command types; POWER control command, POWER status command and POWER notify command. The response for POWER control command is shown in Table 9-9. Table 9-9 – Response for POWER control command response NOT_IMPLEMENTED REJECTED ACCEPTED INTERIM Conditions and Behavior Condition: OPR is different from the following value operand[0] = 7016 or 6016 Condition: The case where the specified power state is different from the current one and power state transition is prohibited because of the state of a device.(refer to section 4.2 for details). Condition: Except for the above, always returns ACCEPTED. Behavior: The power state of Unit is changed according to Table 9-10.(refer to section 4.2 for details) Do not use INTERIM response. Table 9-10 – operation to POWER control command The power state of Unit OPR0 of Command Frame 7016 (Power on) 6016 (Power off) 7016 (Power on) 6016 (Power off) Power on Power off The power state transition of Unit No transition Power off Power on No transition Status command [Mandatory] Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 37 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 The response for POWER status command is shown in Table 9-11. Table 9-11 – Response for POWER status command response NOT_IMPLEMENTED REJECTED IN TRANSITION STABLE (Note) Conditions and Contents of Operands Condition: OPR is different from the following value operand[0] = 7F16 Do not use REJECTED response Condition: 1 The case where the power status of a device is in transition* . Value of each operands: (1) The Unit is transitioning into Power on state. operand[0] = 7016 (2) The Unit is transitioning into Power off state. . operand[0] = 6016 Condition: Except for the above, always returns STABLE. Value of each operands: (1) The power status of Unit is ON operand[0] = 7016 (2) The power status of Unit is OFF operand[0] = 6016 It is vender dependent whether the target uses IN TRANSITION response or not. If a target does not use it while the power state is in transition, the target shall return STABLE response with the expected state that it is transiting into. Notify command [Optional] The response for POWER notify command is shown in Table 9-12. When a target supports POWER notify command, the target shall accept the notification request from at least three controllers (five or more is recommended). Page 38 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 Table 9-12 – Response for POWER notify command response Conditions and Contents of Operands NOT_IMPLEMENTED Condition: OPR is different from the following value. operand[0] = 7F16 Condition: The target already accepted the notification requests from maximum number of controllers. The target already has the pending request from the controller that issues the command. (A target does not accept the plural notification requests from the same controller.) Condition: Except for the above, always returns INTERIM. Value of each operands: (1) The power status of Unit is ON operand[0] = 7016 (2) The power status of Unit is OFF. operand[0] = 6016 REJECTED INTERIM CHANGED after INTERIM Condition: After a device returns INTERIM, when the power status of Unit has changed. Value of each operands: (1) The power status of Unit has changed to ON. operand[0] = 7016 (2) The power status of Unit has changed to OFF. operand[0] = 6016 REJECTED after INTERIM Do not use REJECTED response after INTERIM response. 9. 2. 2 .6 PL UG IN F O Co m m an d Status command [Mandatory] The structure of PLUG INFO command is specified in Section 12.1 of AV/C General 4.1[R13]. The response for PLUG INFO status command is shown in Table 9-13. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 39 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 Table 9-13 – Response for PLUG INFO status command response NOT_IMPLEMENTED REJECTED IN TRANSITION STABLE Conditions and Contents of Operands Condition: OPRs are different from the following values 1 operand[0] = 0016 * operand[1] = FF16 operand[2] = FF16,. operand[3] = FF16 operand[4] = FF16 Do not use REJECTED response Do not use IN TRANSITION response Condition: Except for the above, always returns STABLE. Value of each operands: As an example, the Response Frame for the model described in Figure 9-1 is shown. operand[0] = 0016 operand[1] = 0116 (The number of serial bus input plugs) operand[2] = 0116 (The number of serial bus output plugs) 2 operand[3] = 0116 (The number of external input plugs) * 2 operand[4] = 0316 (The number of external output plugs) * * 1 Although a target may support “operand[0] = 0116 “, this guideline does not specify this operation. * 2 The values of operand[3] and operand[4] depend on a target. It is not necessarily the same as the number of physical analog output terminals (Refer to section 9.1). 9.3 Vendor-dependent Command Version 1.0 of this guideline does not define any vendor dependent command. 9.4 Control of Isochr onous Connection DTV which comply with this guideline shall implement the Isochronous Connection control method according to the rules described in this section. This guideline does not specify any rule for isochronous connection managed by controller application 1 embedded in the DTV. It is beyond the scope of this guideline. 9. 4. 1 Cont ro l of I so ch ro no u s Con n e ct ion fo r a I nput Plug In this guideline, the DTV shall implement the input- device selection function, which selects the signal source from the devices (or nodes) on the 1394 bus, with regard to isochronous connection control according to the rules described in this section. The DTV may have a capability to disable the input device selection function by the user setting (device dependent). The status transition of the input device selection function that is disabled is outside the scope of this guideline. 1 In DTV, the controller applications are implemented which controls other devices connected through 1394 bus (ex. DVHS) to record BS/CS digital broadcasting stream to the devices and to playback such stream from the devices. Page 40 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 In the case that the input device selection function is enabled, the DTV establishes a point-to-point connection between the selected source device’s oPCR[0] and its own iPCR[0] according to the following rules when the DTV start to input the stream from 1394 bus. Rule 1: DTV should search a free channel in ascending order from the channel 32 and allocate the first free channel to reduce the possibility of using channel 31 and 63 which are used by GASP and broadcast channel respectively. Rule 2: If point-to-point connection(s) has already existed on the other device’s output plug (even if with a third device), DTV overlays a point-to-point connection with that one. However, the overlaying is not necessary if the data rate is not supported by the DTV. Rule 3: If only broadcast-out connections exists on the other device’s output plug, the DTV break the broadcast-out connection, and then establish a point-to-point connection according to the Rule 1 (the lock transaction for breaking and establishing shall be handled separately). Reason: If the DTV overlays a point-to-point connection, the point-to-point connection will monopolize the channel which should be used for broadcast-out connection once the broadcast-out connection has been broken. To prevent such situation, the DTV establishes a point-to-point connection using another channel. Figure 9-2 shows an implementation example that complies with these rules. Note: “bcc” and “pcc” means the broadcast connection counter and the point-to-point connection counter for iPCR[0] accordingly. S0 S1 T1 bcc = 0 pcc = 0 ( self = 0 other = 0 ) T2 S2 bcc = 0 pcc = 1 (self = 1 other = 0) S3 T1 bcc = 0 pcc ≥ 1 (self = 0 other ≥1 ) DTV is in other than 1394 input state. T2 bcc = 0 pcc≥2 (self = 1 other ≥1 ) DTV is in 1394 input state Figure 9-2 – bcc/pcc state transition diagram when input-selection is enabled : Transition initiated by the target (by user operation or AV/C command). : Transition initiated by other device’s establishing, breaking, or overlaying point-to-point connection. Here, “self” in reference to “pcc” indicates the number of point-to-point connections established or overlaid by this device, and “other” indicates the number of point-to-point connections established or overlaid by other devices. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 41 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 State-transition operations, actions in each state, and isochronous connection control methods for each state transition are described below. Refer to Figure 9-2 for descriptions of connection conditions in each state. Transition operations: T1: Select an input device and transition to 1394 input state occurs. T2: Transition to state other than 1394 input occurs. Actions in each state: S0: No connection exists; no 1394 input action undertaken. S1: With input (1394) device selected; undertake 1394 input action. S2: State where point-to-point connection established by other device. Because DTV is not in 1394 input state, no actual 1394 input action is undertaken. S3: In the state after 1394 input is performed, undertake 1394 input action. Isochronous connection control method in state transitions: S0->S1: Establish a point-to-point connection between the selected device’s oPCR[0] and its own iPCR[0]. Search the free channel in ascending order from the channel 32 and uses the channel. (Rule 1). If a point-to-point connection already exists on the selected device’s oPCR[0], overlay a point-to-point connection on that (Rule 2). If the selected device has broadcast-out connection, break the connection and then establish a connection as above (Rule 3). S1->S0: Break the point-to-point connection established by itself. S2->S3: Specify a remote device based on the information in CIP header of incoming isochronous packets, and overlay a point-to-point connection with that device’s oPCR[i] (where i is given by the pcc field and channel field in oPCR) (Rule 2). In this transition, only the device with the point-to-point connection established is selected. S3->S2: Break the overlaid point-to-point connection, initiated by itself. Notice for establishing point-to-point connections by external controllers: A controller should keep point-to-point connection to an iPCR of a target device in minimum period that the connection is really required. After the connection becomes not required, the controller should break the point-to-point connection as soon as possible. [Reason] While the point-to-point connection remains, input select function of the target device can not work or other controllers may fail establishing new point-to-point connections.. Page 42 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 9. 4. 2 Cont ro l of I so ch ro n o us Con ne ct ion fo r t h e O utput Plu g When the DTV receives the BS/CS digital broadcasting signal, control of isochronous output plug shall be implemented according to the following rules. This guideline does not specify the rules applied to the case that the DTV is other than receiving the signal. On the other hand establishment of broadcast-out connection is optional, and this guideline does not specify the behavior of the broadcast-out connection. Rule 1: If point-to-point connection is established by the other devices using oPCR[0] of the DTV while the DTV is receiving the BS/CS digital broadcasting signal, the DTV transmit the MPEG2 partial transport stream corresponding to received signal. If there is no stream to be transmitted because of some reasons such as selected service is suspended, empty packets shall be transmitted. Rule 2: The point-to-point connection, which has been established by the DTV itself while it is in power on state using its oPCR, shall be broken when the DTV changes the power state to off. If the oPCR is connected state by the point-to-point connection(s) established by the other device(s) while the DTV is in power off state, the DTV shall set the value of online bit to one and transmit the empty packets, except the DTV whose isochronous transmission function in link layer does not work. Refer to section 4.1.1 of CMP Clarification [R18]. 9. 4. 3 O t h e r ru l e The DTV shall implement the plug control registers according to the following rule. Rule : At the power on reset, the DTV shall set the value, which is used for establishing a connection, into the payload field of oPCR. 9.5 Implementation of Configuration ROM The DTV which complies with this guideline shall implement the Configuration ROM according to 1394TA, Configuration ROM for AV/C Devices 1.0 (Config_ROM 1.0)[R11]. An example of Configuration ROM Implementation is shown in Figure 9-3. The shaded boxes (information of device capability, EUI64, Vendor_ID, Vendor name, Model_ID and Model_Name) in the figure shows the vendor dependent part, and these values are example of Sony's DTV. The Vendor Name and Model name shall be described by the minimal ASCII Descriptor. The length of the Vendor_Name and Model_Name shall be 16 letters (bytes) or less, and the remaining area shall be filled with “0016”. Following figure shows an example which uses 8116 to specify the textual descriptor. Note: Some controllers already shipped do not correctly recognize a device, which uses C116 for the textual descriptor, although the use of C116 is allowed by this guideline. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 43 Textual descriptor (Model_name) Textual descriptor (Vendor_name ) Unit directory Root directory Bus_info _block TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 Offset 0400h 04 0404h 0408h 040Ch 0410h 0414h 0418h 041Ch 0420h 0424h 0428h 042Ch da0 da0+4h da0+8h da0+Ch da0+10h la0 la0+4h la0+8h la0+Ch la0+10h la0+14h la1 la1+4h la1+8h la1+Ch la1+10h la1+14h 31 E0 08 00 00 03 81 17 81 0C D1 00 12 13 17 81 00 00 00 53 00 00 00 00 00 4B 32 35 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 Value(HEX) 04 CRC 33 64 00 00 06 08 39 81 46 00 34 01 04 00 CRC 00 46 (la0-41Ch)/4 00 04 20 (la1-424h)/4 00 83 C0 (da0-42Ch)/4 04 CRC 00 A0 2D 01 00 01 00 04 20 (la1-(da0+10h))/4 05 CRC 00 00 00 00 00 00 6F 6E 79 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 CRC 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 2D 33 48 44 37 30 00 00 Contents crc_length=4 “1394” Bas management capability, etc Upper 4 bytes of EUI64 Lower 4 bytes of EUI64 length=6 Vendor_ID Textual descriptor offset (Vendor_name) Model_ID = 000420h Textual descriptor offset (Model_name) node_capability Unit directory offset length=4 unit_specifier_ID unit_sw_version Model_ID = 000420h Textual descriptor offset (Model_name) length=5 “Sony” length=5 “KD_3” “2HD7” “50” Figure 9-3 – Implementation example of Configuration ROM 9.6 Digital/ Anal og sw itchover function (sink devi ce) (optional) When the output device and the input device of the signal are connected each other through both 1394 bus and an analog cable, and when a display such as OSD can only be displayed through analog output, the input device may want to select either a digital or an analog depending on the situations. In this guideline, the function to switchover the input method in the input device by determining whether the signal from the output device is either a digital output from 1394 or analog outputs via analog cable is called “digital/analog switchover function.” In order to correspond to the output device which sends the command that switches the input method of the input device when the output signal is changed in accordance with the “Digital/Analog Changeover Profile” of Connection and Compatibility Management (CCM) 1.1, the implementations shall comply with the rule described in this section. The output device to send the stream is called a source device, and the input device to receive the stream and switchover the input signal is called a sink device in this guideline. Thus, a DTV will be a sink device and an AV-HDD will be a source device. Page 44 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 9. 6. 1 Su p p o rt L ev el s o f co mm and s The below is the list of command support stipulated in the Digital/Analog Changeover Profile of CCM 1.1 of the sink device. “M” means Mandatory and “O” means Optional. Table 9-14 – Support Levels of CCM command of the sink device Support level Unit command SIGNAL SOURCE INPUT SELECT OUTPUT PRESET CCM PROFILE opcode 1A16 1B16 1C16 1D16 in this guideline Control Status Notify O M* – – O O – – O – – – * Only the path change subfunction is Mandatory. Other subfunctions are Optional. 9. 6. 2 T h e m et h o d t o d et er min e t h e sou rc e d ev i ce supp o rt ing d igit a l /an a lo g sw it ch o v e r The determination of whether the source device supports digital/analog switchover function using CCM can be made in the following procedures. When it is judged that the connected device may correspond to source device which can be treated by the device, CCM PROFILE command is sent and the value of a corresponding bit is investigated. By this, it investigates whether the device corresponds to Digital/Analog Changeover Profile. When the device corresponds to Digital/Analog Changeover Profile, it is judged as the source device corresponding to digital/analog switchover function complying with CCM. 9. 6. 3 Beh av i o r t ak en w h en t he AV / C co mm and i s r e ce iv ed 9. 6. 3 .1 IN PUT S EL E CT Co m man d Control command Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 45 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 Response NOT_IMPLEMENTED REJECTED ACCEPTED TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 Conditions and behaviors conditions: OPC/OPRs are different from the following values OPC = 1B16 OPR0 = 01h (When other subfunctions are implemented, the value of that subfunction is included.) OPR1 = 0F16 OPR2,3 = Bus ID + (0 to 62) (The device that is not “bridge aware” returns NOT IMPLEMENTED if a remote bus is specified by the Bus ID.) OPR4 = 0016 - 1E16, 8016 - 9E16, FF16 OPR5 = FF16 OPR6,7 = signal_destination that the device supports OPR8 =0016 conditions: When returning REJECTED before INTERIM is returned, the result_status field is updated and REJECTED response shall be returned by following the conditions stipulated in “REJECTED after the INTERIM.” conditions: When the node specified is the device currently selected, and when the internal connection is established at the Unit or the Subunit plug, and when the connection is established with the output plug specified. (Analog or P-to-P connection.) behaviors: Updates input plug and returns ACCEPTED response. INTERIM may be returned before ACCEPTED is returned. INTERIM ACCEPTED after INTERIM conditions: Except for the above, returns ACCEPTED response. behavior: Starts input switchover. When INTERIM is used, the final response shall be returned within 5 seconds. conditions: When the input switchover succeeded. (The specified node is the node currently selected and the internal connection is established between the specified Unit or the Subunit plug, and when the connection is established between the specified output plug. (Analog or P-to-P connection.)). behavior: Update Input plug and return ACCEPTED. Page 46 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 REJECTED after INTERIM TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 conditions: When the input switchover failed, REJECTED response is returned by specifying the result_status that matches to the conditions following the procedures below. As for the selection of the below conditions, follow the flow chart of Figure 7.21 in section 7.2 of CCM1.1. (1) In the case of the command that specifies the device other than the one that is currentry selected as the source device to the node_id, or when the Node_ID of the device not existing on the bus as a source device is specified. result_status = "not selected" (2) When the command is specifying the currently selected device as the source device to the node_id; however, the device does not want to switchover digital/analog input. result_status = "locked" (3) When the output plug specified is analog, but it is not registered in the sink device. result_status = "not registered" (4) When the P-to-P connection of the input plug of the sink device is established by other device. result_status = "p-to-p(not owner)" (5) When the connection cannot be established due to the lack of bus resources(bandwidth, channels) result_status = "insufficient resource" (6) When the node exists but the specified output plug does not exist. result_status = "source not found" (7) When the input switchover became unavailable due to other reasons. (*) result_status = "any other reason" (*) However, REJECTED shall not be returned due to the differences in value between the node_id of the device that sent the command and the node_id field in the ommand frame. This result status is also used when the power is OFF. Behavior: Nothing particular Note – Establishment of the P to P connection During analog input, when the INPUT SELECT (path change) control command to switchover to digital is received, there may be a case where the P-to-P connection cannot be established due to the lack of bandwidth. In order to avoid this situation, the sink device can hold the P-to-P connection with the source device currently selected even during analog input. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 47 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 9. 6. 4 O p e r at io n ca us ed b y ea ch t rig g e r Reg i st r at io n o f t h e d ev i ce b y O UT PUT P R E S ET co n t ro l c o m ma n d an d it s ca nc el l at io n When the sink device wants to switchover the digital/analog input, OUTPUT PRESET control command that specified its own Monitor Subunit to the Node ID and the signal destination is sent to the currently selected source device. When the registration succeeded, the sink device will be able to grasp the recommended output plug of the source device, as the source device sends INPUT SELECT (path change) control command within 2 seconds. In order to know the method of connection (analog/digital) with the source device currently not selected before the selection, the sink device can send OUTPUT PRESET control command even though the signal from the device is not input yet. When the sink device itself is changed to Power Off state or when it becomes unnecessary to monitor the status of the source device such as by the selection release of the other device with the user’s manipulation on DTV, the sink device sends a cancellation command and makes the registration again when it become necessary. W h en a b u s r e set o cc ur s. When a bus reset occurs, the information registered in the preset entry of the source device is all erased; thus, re-registration of the own device is made with OUTPUT PRESET control command if necessary. 9. 6. 5 E xa mp l e o f S eq u en c e 9. 6. 5 .1 R eg i st r at io n w it h O U T PU T P R E S ET co n t r o l com ma n d Figure 9-4shows the sequence of the sink device that newly registers its own device by using the OUTPUT PRESET control command when preset entry is vacant. In the figure below, the INPUT SELECT (path change) control command specifying the analog output plug is sent, as the analog output is recommended; however, when 1394 output is recommended, the INPUT SELECT (path change) control command specifying the 1394 output plug is sent. number Node ID (Source) Node ID (Sink) signal_destination self 0 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 1 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 2 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 number Node ID (Source) Node ID (Sink) signal_destination self 0 Sink device Sink device 0016, 0016 0 1 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 2 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 Source device Sink device Analog output (recommended) OUTPUT PRESET (registration) ACCEPTED Within 2 seconds INPUT SELECT (path change) Specify an analog output plug Figure 9-4 –Sequence of New registration with the preset entry being vacant Page 48 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 Figure 9-5 shows the sequence of the sink device that re-registers the own device by using OUTPUT PRESET control command. In this figure, INPUT SELECT (path change) control command that specified the analog output plug is sent, as the analog output is recommended; however, when the 1394 output is recommended, INPUT SELECT (path change) control command specifying the 1394 output plug is sent. number Node ID (Sender) Node ID (Destination) signal_destination self 0 Sink device Sink device 0016, 0016 0 1 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 2 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 number Node ID (Sender) Node ID (Destination) signal_destination self 0 Sink device Sink device 0016, 0016 0 1 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 2 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 Sink device Source device Analog output (recommended) OUTPUT PRESET (registration) ACCEPTED INPUT SELECT (path change) Within 2 seconds Specify the analog output plug Figure 9-5 – Sequence of Re-registration Figure 9-6 shows the sequence of the sink device that failed in newly registering its own device with the OUTPUT PRESET control command when the preset entry is already full. number Node ID (Sender) Node ID (Destination) signal_destination self 0 Other device A Other device A FF16, FE16 0 1 Other device B Other device C FF16, FE16 0 2 Other device C Other device C FF16, FE16 0 number Node ID (Sender) Node ID (Destination) signal_destination self 0 Other device A Other device A FF16, FE16 0 1 Other device B Other device C FF16, FE16 0 2 Other device C Other device C FF16, FE16 0 Sink device Source device Analog output (recommended) OUTPUT PRESET (registration) REJECTED Figure 9-6 – Sequence of New registration with preset entry already full 9. 6. 5 .2 Can c el la t io n b y t h e O UT PUT P RE S ET co n t ro l co m m an d Figure 9-7 shows the sequence of the cancellation of information registered in the preset entry. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 49 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 number Node ID (Sender) Node ID (Destination) signal_destination self 0 Sink device Sink device 0016, 0016 0 1 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 2 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 number Node ID (Sender) Node ID (Destination) signal_destination self 0 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 1 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 2 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 Sink device Source device 1394 output (recommended) OUTPUT PRESET (cancel) ACCEPTED Figure 9-7 – Sequence of Cancellation Figure 9-8 shows the cancellation that is failed due to the difference in nodes registered. number Node ID (Sender) Node ID (Destination) signal_destination self 0 other device sink device FF16, FE16 0 1 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 2 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 number Node ID (Sender) Node ID (Destination) signal_destination self 0 other device sink device FF16, FE16 0 1 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 2 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 Sink device Source device 1394 output (recommended) OUTPUT PRESET (cancel) REJECTED Figure 9-8 – Sequence of Cancellation which is failed 9. 6. 5 .3 W h en sw it ch in g o v e r d ig it a l/ an al og Figure 9-9 shows the sequence of the sink device that registers itself to the source device and realizes the digital/analog switchover. Page 50 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 Source device Sink device 1394 output (recommended) number Node ID (Sender) Node ID (Destination) signal_destination self 0 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 1 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 2 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 number Node ID (Sender) Node ID (Destination) signal_destination self 0 Sink device Sink device 0016, 0016 0 1 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 2 -- -- (FF16, FF16) -- (FF16, FF16) 0 Source device selection OUTPUT PRESET (registration) ACCEPTED INPUT SELECT(path change) INTERIM P-to-P connection ACCEPTED Analog output (recommended) INPUT SELECT(path change) INTERIM analog * ACCEPTED * There may also be the state where P-to-P connection was established in analog input state. Figure 9-9 – Sequence of Digital/Analog Switchover Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 51 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 Annexes Annex A: A Recommended behavior of the Controller This annex describes the application sample from the controller's view point (the control sequence recommended to a controller) which controls the DTV from the outside. Refer to the IEEE1394 interface implementation guideline of each Subunit for the control of Tuner Subunit and Bulletin Board Subunit which are built in the DTV. A. 1 Device Recognition of DTV The procedures whether a target device is DTV for BS/CS digital broadcasting system is described below. (1) Confirm that unit_type of a target device is Monitor using UNIT INFO status command. When the response is STABLE When operand[1] shows that unit_type is Monitor, go to step (2). Otherwise the target is not DTV for BS/CS digital broadcasting system. (2) Confirm that Tuner subunit is included in the Unit using SUBUNIT INFO status command. When a response is STABLE When Tuner Subunit is included in the UNIT, go to step (3). Otherwise the target is not DTV for BS/CS digital broadcasting system. (3) Confirm that the Tuner Subunit included in the Unit is a tuner for BS/CS digital broadcasting system. Refer to B.1 of “Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline, Tuner Subunit for Japanese BS/CS Digital Broadcasting system”[R15] for the details of confirmation. According to the result of the confirmation, controller judges as follows. Tuner Subunit in the UNIT is only for BS digital broadcasting system The controller should recognize that the UNIT is DTV only for BS digital broadcasting system. Tuner Subunit in the UNIT is only for CS digital broadcasting system The controller should recognize that the UNIT is DTV for only CS digital broadcasting system. Tuner Subunit in the UNIT is for both BS and CS digital broadcasting system The controller should recognize that the UNIT is DTV for BS/CS digital broadcasting system. A. 2 Inquiring the Status of DTV Generally, the status of DTV can be one of the follows: "receiving BS/CS digital broadcasting signal", Page 52 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 "receiving the stream from 1394 bus", "receiving UV analog broadcasting signal", "receiving the signal from analog input". (*) (*) The "status" in this case indicates which signal sources are connected to the serial bus output plug of the unit. (Whether the signal is actually output from the plug does not matter.) This section describes how to distinguish these four statuses. Before performing investigation described in this section, it is necessary to confirm that the UNIT is DTV for BS/CS digital broadcasting system according to the procedure described in section A.1. Investigation of the status Investigate the signal source which is connected to serial bus output plug #0 using CONNECT status command. When the response is NOT_IMPLEMENTED The target is not the DTV for BS/CS digital broadcasting system. This response cannot actually happen because it has been confirmed in section A.1, When the response is STABLE When the signal source is source plug of Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system, the status of DTV should be judged as “receiving BS/CS digital broadcasting signal”. An example of operands of the response frame is as follows. (In following example, subunit_id of Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system is zero.) (operand[0] don’t care) operand[1] = 2816 operand[2] = 0016 operand[3] = FF16 operand[4] = 0016 The controller can confirm which service (BS or CS) the DTV is receiving by reading the Status descriptor of the Tuner Subunit. Refer to section B.2 of “Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline, Tuner Subunit for Japanese BS/CS Digital Broadcasting system”[R15] for the concrete method of the confirmation. When the signal source is serial bus input plug #0 of the Unit, the status of DTV should be judged as “receiving the stream from 1394 bus”. An example of operands of the response frame is as follows. (operand[0] don’t care) operand[1] = FF16 operand[2] = 0016 operand[3] = FF16 operand[4] = 0016 When the signal source is source plug of Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system, the status of DTV should be judged as “receiving UV analog broadcasting signal”. An example of operands of the response frame is as follows. (In following example, subunit_id of Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system is one.) Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 53 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 (operand[0] don’t care) operand[1]=2916 operand[2]=0016 operand[3]=FF16 operand[4]=0016 When the signal source is external input plug of the Unit, the status of DTV should be judged as “receiving the signal from analog input”. There is a possibility of “receiving UV analog broadcasting signal” in case of adopting the implementation method 3 in section 6, so it’s necessary to be careful. An example of operands of the response frame is as follows. (operand[0] don’t care) operand[1]=FF16 operand[2]=8016+m operand[3]=FF16 operand[4]=0016 A. 3 oPCR modification latency The recommended maximum latency for a TV device to modify its oPCR after its successful 1394 resource allocations for the purpose of initiating an output connection. When a controller is establishing a connection from a TV device and fails due to lack of 1394 bandwidth resources or due to a lock operation failure to TV's oPCR, it could be caused by a delay within the target TV device in updating its own oPCR. This guideline recommends a maximum latency of 100 msec for a TV device to update its oPCR after its successful 1394 resource allocations for the purpose of initiating an output connection following Figure 16 and 19 of [R3]. This value should be used by a controller as the minimum retry period as well. Page 54 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 Annexes Annex B: IEEE1394 Implementation of Legac y Devices B.1 SH ARP The first generation TVs built with the receiver for BS digital broadcasting system (LC-30BV3, PZ50BD3,PZ-43BD3) which are already shipped have some different implementations from those of this guideline. These differences are described below. B. 1. 1 LC- 30 B V3 , PZ - 5 0B D 3, P Z- 4 3 BD 3 B. 1. 1. 1 Ope r at io n M ode of U n it LC-30BV3, PZ-50BD3, PZ-43BD3 control the power of Tuner and CRT simultaneously, so the state that the power of Tuner on and CRT off can not exist. Usual power on state. Unit: Tuner Subunit: Starts View-reservation Starts Record-reservation Power on Power on Power on state under internal reservation execution (Under View-reservation or Record-reservation) - Finishes Internal reservation - Channel selection by IR remote commander - Channel selection by AV/C command Unit: Tuner Subunit: - Power off by IR remote commander Power on Power on - Power off by IR remote commander. (View-reservation) - Power on by IR remote commander Power off (i.LINK standby / i.LINK non standby) Unit: Tuner Subunit: Power off Power off Figure B.1 – The State Transition of Unit Operation Mode Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 55 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 In the state of “Normal Unit Power on” and “Unit Power on during the execution of internal reservation”, even if it receives the POWER Off control command to Unit or to Tuner Subunit, a state does not change. B. 1. 1. 2 Int erna l Sign al C onn ect ion M odel external antenna input plug Signal inputs from antenna for BS digital broadcasting system serial bus output plug source plug antenna destination plug Tuner Subunit SW1 MPEG2-TS outputs to 1394 terminal demux destination plug serial bus input plug MPEG2-TS inputs from 1394 Figure B.2 – LC-30BV3, PZ-50BD3, PZ-43BD3 Model LC-30BV3, PZ-50BD3 and PZ-43BD3 only implement Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system, and do not implement Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system, Monitor Subunit and Bulletin Board Subunit. One serial bus output plug is implemented as output plug, and external output plug is not implemented. The connection state of SW1 is determined only by the internal state of DTV which is controlled by external switch operation. The SW1 is set to ON state, and digital output shown as serial bus output plug is connected to the source plug of Tuner Subunit, while the DTV is receiving the BS/CS digital broadcasting signal. SW1 is set to OFF state while decoding and viewing the input stream from 1394 bus, and the output shown as serial bus output plug has no connection. The serial bus input plug of Unit is not connected to any output plug. B. 1. 1. 3 PO W E R Cont ro l Com man d to U NIT These models are implemented to return the following response to POWER control command, so the power ON/OFF is not done in practice. The following values are returned to POWER control command. (1) Power On state Power On command ACCEPTED Power Off command REJECTED (2) Power Off state Page 56 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 Power On command REJECTED Power Off command ACCEPTED TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 However when the power of these models is turned off by the remote controller or the button on front panel, they work as repeaters on 1394 bus and any AV/C commands are rejected. The Power Off state described above means the restricted state under a short period after carrying out power supply Off until the power supply actually falls, under a period while downloading a firm ware and so on. B. 1. 1. 4 SU BU NIT INF O Com m and LC-30BV3, PZ-50BD3 and PZ-43BD3 return one Tuner Subunit as STABLE response to this command. B. 1. 1. 5 UN IT IN FO Com ma nd LC-30BV3, PZ-50BD3 and PZ-43BD3 return Tuner as unit_type of STABLE response to this command. B. 1. 1. 6 T h e Su p p o rt R an g e o f AV / C Co mm and s LC-30BV3, PZ-50BD3 and PZ-43BD3 do not support the following AV/C commands that are defined as Mandatory in this guideline. They return NOT_INPLEMENTED to these commands. CONNECT status command POWER status command PLUG INFO status command All command addressed to Monitor Subunit B. 1. 1. 7 Cr it er ia fo r NOT IM PL EM ENT E D Jud g m ent In LC-30BV3, PZ-50BD3 and PZ-43BD3, there is a point which is not based on this guideline in the case of the judgment of NOT IMPLEMENTED. The case where the field other than opcode in general inquiry command. B. 1. 1. 8 Co nt ro l of I so ch ro no us Con ne ct ion B. 1. 1. 8 .1 Co nt ro l of i so ch ro no us co nn ect ion f o r Inp ut p lug Rule 1 LC-30BV3, PZ-50BD3 and PZ-43BD3 search a free channel in descending order from channel 62 to 32 and channel 62 is the default channel. The channels from 0 to 31 and channel 63 are not used Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 57 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 Rule 2 If only broadcast-out connection exists on output plug of other device, point-to-point Connection is overlaid without breaking the broadcast-out connection. B. 1. 1. 8 .2 Cont ro l of i so ch ro n o u s co nn ect ion fo r Ou tput p lug Rule 1 LC-30BV3, PZ-50BD3 and PZ-43BD3 establish P-to-P Connection between the output plug of themselves and the input plug of other device in accordance with LINC control. However they do not establish/overlay P-to-P Connection when a P-to-P Connection between other device and them are already established by other device. B.2 JVC TVs for BS/CS digital broadcasting system for domestic (three models HD-32LS1/LS2/LS3) that are already shipped have some different behavior from those described in this guideline. The differences are described below. B. 2. 1 HD- 32 L S1 /L S 2/L S 3 B. 2. 1. 1 Figu re o f Int erna l Sig n al C onn e ctio n M ode l external antenna input plug Signal inputs from antenna for BS digital broadcasting system serial bus output plug source plug antenna destination plug Tuner Subunit SW1 MPEG2-TS outputs to 1394 terminal demux destination plug serial bus input plug MPEG2-TS inputs from 1394 terminals Figure B.3 – HD32-LS1/LS2/LS3 Model HD-LS1/LS2/LS3 only implement Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system, and do not implement Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system, Monitor Subunit and Bulletin Board Subunit. Only one serial bus output plug is implemented as output plug, and external output plug is not implemented. Page 58 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 The connection state of SW1 is determined only by the internal state of DTV which is controlled by external switch operation. The SW1 is set to ON state, and serial bus output plug is connected to the source plug of Tuner Subunit, while the DTV is receiving the BS/CS digital broadcasting signal. SW1 is set to OFF state while decoding and viewing the input stream from 1394 bus, and the serial bus output plug has no connection. The serial bus input plug of Unit is not connected to any output plug. B. 2. 1. 2 PO W E R Cont ro l Com man d to T une r Subu n it HD-LS1/LS2/LS3 support POWER control command only addressed to UNIT and do not support POWER control command addressed to Tuner Subunit. They return NOT_INPLEMENTED to this command. B. 2. 1. 3 SU BU NIT INF O Com m and HD-LS1/LS2/LS3 returns one Tuner Subunit as STABLE response to this command. B. 2. 1. 4 UN IT IN FO Com ma nd HD-LS1/LS2/LS3 returns Tuner as unit_type of STABLE response to this command. B. 2. 1. 5 T h e Su p p o rt R an g e o f AV / C Co mm and s HD-LS1/LS2/LS3 does not support the following commands that are defined as Mandatory in this guideline. They return NOT_INPLEMENTED to these commands. CONNECT status command POWER status command PLUG INFO status command AV/C commands addressed to Monitor Subunit B. 2. 1. 6 Con t ro l o f I so ch ro no us Con ne ct ion B. 2. 1. 6 .1 Cont ro l of i so ch ro n o u s co nn ect ion fo r Inp u t p lug Rule1 HD-LS1/LS2/LS3 searches a free channel in ascending order from the channel 32 to channel 62. Channel 0, 31 and 63 are not used Rule3 If only broadcast-out connection exists on the other device's output plug, point-to-point Connection is overlaid without breaking the broadcast-out connection. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 59 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 B.3 MEI TVs for BS/CS digital broadcasting system for domestic (each series of D10/D100/DH100/D20/DH202 and some models of Plasma TVs3) that are already shipped have some different behavior from those described in this guideline. The differences are described below. B. 3. 1 D1 0 S e ri e s B. 3. 1. 1 Ope r at io n M ode of U n it Figure B-4 shows state transition of Unit operation mode of D10 series. There exist the following differences to the content specified in section 4.2 in this guideline. POWER status command of Monitor Subunit is not implemented. State transition by POWER control command to Unit partly differs. D10 series return different response to POWER control command under the Unit Power on state. D10 series return partly different response to POWER status command to Unit or Tuner Subunit under the Tuner on/CRT off state during the execution of Internal reservation. 2 Product numbers of corresponding DTV models are below. D10 series : TH-36D10, TH-32D10, TH-28D10 D100 series : TH-36D100, TH-32D100 DH100 series : TH-36DH100 D20 series : TH-36D20, TH-32D20, TH-28D20 DH200 series : TH-36DH200 D25 series : TH-24D25 *Implementation of D20 series updated to support CS110° using on-air-downloading is compatible with that of D25 series. 3 Product numbers of corresponding Plasma TV models are below TH-37PM50, TH-42PM50, TH-50PM50, TH-37PD10, TH-42PX10, TH-42PXS10, TH-50PXS10 Page 60 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 Usual power on state. Unit: Tuner Subunit: TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 Starts View-reservation Starts Record-reservation Power on Power on - Power off by IR remote commander - Power on by IR remote commander - Finishes Internal reservation - Channel selection by IR remote commander*4 - Channel selection by AV/C command *4 - Power on by IR remote commander Usual Tuner on / CRT off state. Unit: Tuner Subunit: - Power on by AV/C command to Unit or Subunit *1 Power on state under internal reservation execution (Under View-reservation or Record-reservation) - Power on by IR remote commander - Power on Power on - Power off by IR remote commander (Record-reservation) - Power off by IR remote commander (Viewreservation) Tuner on / CRT off state under internal reservation execution (Record-reservation). Starts Record -reservation Power on Power on - Power off by AV/C command to Unit or Subunit Unit: Tuner Subunit: Unit: Power on*2 Tuner Subunit: Power on*2 Starts Recordreservation FInishes Recordreservation - Power off by AV/C command to Unit or Subunit *3 Power off (i.LINK standby / i.LINK non standby) Unit: Tuner Subunit: Power off Power off Figure B.4 – The state transition of Unit operation mode In the state of “Usual Unit Power on” or “Unit Power on during the execution of Internal reservation”, the status is not changed neither by Power off command addressed to Unit nor Tuner Subunit.(return ACCEPTED) As Tuner Subunit in this figure is for BS/CS digital broadcasting, POWER command addressed to Subunit is that addressed it this Tuner Subunit. *1) Only when DTV is set up with “i.LINK standby”. *2) Both Power state of Unit and Tuner Subunit become Power off when a transition is caused from the state of “Unit Power on during the execution of internal reservation”. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 61 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 *3) The reservation under execution is force terminated. *4) The transition is possible only during View-reservation execution. B. 3. 1. 2 Int erna l Sign al C onn ect ion M odel Internal signal connection model of D10 series is shown in Figure B-5. source plug (0016) external antenna input plug (9E16) Signal inputs from antenna for BS digital broadcasting system antenna destination plug (0016) Tuner Subunit serial bus output plug (0016) SW1 MPEG2-TS outputs to 1394 terminals demux destination plug (0116) serial bus input plug (0016) MPEG2-TS inputs from 1394 terminals Figure B.5 – Internal signal connection model of D10 series D10 series have different behavior from the rule described in section 9.1 in this guideline in the following points. Destination plug of Monitor subunit is not implemented. Tuner subunit for UV analog broadcasting system is not implemented and there is no implementation as external input plug. External input plug that corresponds to antenna input for UV analog broadcasting system is not implemented. External input plug that corresponds to analog input plug is not implemented. In case D10 series are receiving BS/CS digital broadcasting signal or in digital/monitorseparate-operation-mode, SW1 is connected to the source plug of Tuner Subunit for BS/CS broadcasting system. In the other case SW1 is not connected. SW2, SW3 do not exist. B. 3. 1. 3 CON N ECT St atu s Co mm and D10 series is supporting the command whose operands are shown in Table-B1 was specified in CONNECT status command which inquires Source Plug by Destination Plug. Page 62 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 D10 series always return STABLE response to these commands. Content of the response is shown in Table B-2. Table B.1 – Supported CONNECT status command (inquiry of source plug) destination plug Serial bus output plug#0 of Unit Antenna destination plug of Tuner Subunit Demux destination plug of Tuner Subunit OPR0 OPR1 OPR2 OPR3 OPR4 FF16 FF16 FE16 FF16 0016 FF16 FF16 FE16 2816 0016 FF16 FF16 FE16 2816 0116 Table B.2 – Content of response to CONNECT status command (inquiry of source plug) Status of DTV DTV receives the BS/CS digital broadcasting signal *1 from the air or is in the digital/monitorseparate-operationmode. Status except for the above Destination plug specified by command Serial bus output plug#0 of Unit Antenna destination plug of Tuner Subunit Demux destination plug of Tuner Subunit Serial bus output plug#0 of Unit Antenna destination plug of Tuner Subunit Demux destination plug of Tuner Subunit Operand of response flame OPR0 OPR1 OPR2 OPR3 OPR4 FF16 *2 2816 0016 FF16 0016 FF16 *2 FF16 9E16 2816 0016 FF16 FF16 FE16 2816 0116 FF16 FF16 FE16 FF16 0016 FF16 9E16 2816 0016 FF16 FE16 2816 0116 FF16 *2 FF16 The values in shaded portion in this table are same as those of command frame *1 It does not depend on whether the target outputs the stream to 1394 bus. *2 It differs from the value based on the standard. And the response to CONNECTIONS status command corresponds to the above content B. 3. 1. 4 Imp le me nta tio n of M onito r Subu nit Co mm and D10 series do not support AV/C commands addressed to Monitor Subunit. B. 3. 2 D1 0 0/ DH 10 0 /D 20 /D H 2 00 /D 2 5 S e ri es and P l as ma T V s B. 3. 2. 1 Int erna l Sign al C onn ect ion M odel Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 63 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 D100/DH100/D20/DH200/D25 series and Plasma TV have different behavior from the rule described in section 9.1 in this guideline in the following points. The plug number of the external input plug corresponding to antenna input for UV analog broadcasting is 8016 and plug number of external input plug corresponding to analog input is assigned to the value ascending order from 8116. SW1 is set to off while D100/DH100/D20/DH200/D25 series and Plasma TVs are receiving the stream from 1394 bus or selects particular external input plug. SW1 is connected to source plug of Tuner subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system in that case. Besides digital/monitor-separate-operation-mode is supported and in this case SW2 and SW3 are interlocked. The response to CONNECT status command and CONNECTIONS status command correspond to the above difference. However in TH-37PM50, TH-42PM50 and TH-50PH50 among Plasma TVs perm bit and lock bit are always set to 1 in the response to CONNECT status command B. 3. 2. 2 PL UG IN F O St at u s C o mm an d TH-37PD10, TH-42PX10, TH-42PXS10, TH-50PXS10 of Plasma TVs do not support PLUG INFO status command addressed to Unit. B.4 Sony Sony’s TV, KDF-60HD800/50HD800s and D36HD800/32HD800/28HD800/36HD600/32HD600/28HD600 (noted KDF/KD series below), built with receiver for BS/CS digital broadcasting system that are already shipped have some different behavior from those described in this guideline. The differences and the points that are vendor dependent in this guideline are described below. B. 4. 1 KDF /K D S e ri es B. 4. 1. 1 Int erna l Sign al C onn ect ion M odel Internal signal connection model of KDF/KD series is shown in Figure B-6 Page 64 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 source plug(0016) serial bus output plug (0016) MPEG2-TS outputs to 1394 terminal Tuner Subunit antenna destination plug (0016) demux destination plug (0116) destination plug(0016) Monitor Subunit SW3 serial bus input plug (0016) MPEG2-TS inputs from 1394 terminals Figure B.6 – Internal signal connection model of KDF/KD series KDF/KD series have different behavior from the rule described in section 9.1 in this guideline in the following points. Tuner subunit for UV analog broadcasting system is not implemented. External input plug that corresponds to antenna input for UV analog broadcasting system is also not implemented. External input plug is not implemented other than external input plug as antenna input of Tuner Subunit. SW1 is always connected to the source plug of Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system as permanent regardless of the viewing state. SW3 is connected to source plug of Tuner subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system while KDF/KD series is receiving the BS/CS digital broadcasting signal from the air. SW3 is connected to serial bus input plug while KDF/KD series is under digital/monitor-separateoperation-mode. And SW3 is not connected in the case other than the above. SW2 does not exist. B. 4. 1. 2 CON N ECT St atu s Co mm and There is support for the command with specification of operand shown in table B-3 with respect to CONNECT status command to inquire the source plug by specifying destination plug. KDF/KD series always return STABLE AV/C response. Content of the response is shown in table B-4. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 65 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 Table B.3 – Supported CONNECT status command (inquiry of source plug) destination plug Serial bus output plug#0 of UNIT Antenna destination plug of Tuner Subunit Demux destination plug of Tuner Subunit Destination plug of Monitor Subunit OPR0 OPR1 OPR2 OPR3 OPR4 FF16 FF16 FE16 FF16 0016 FF16 FF16 FE16 2816 0016 FF16 FF16 FE16 2816 0116 FF16 FF16 FE16 0016 0016 Table B.4 – Content of response to CONNECT status command ( inquiry of source plug) Destination plug specified by command State of DTV DTV receives the BS/CS digital broadcasting signal *1 from the air DTV receives the BS/CS digital broadcasting signal *1 from the air (digital/monitorseparate-operationmode) (refer to B.4.1.1) Except for the above *2 Serial bus output plug #0 of UNIT Antenna destination plug of Tuner Subunit Demux destination plug of Tuner Subunit Destination plug of Monitor Subunit Serial bus output plug #0 of UNIT Antenna destination plug of Tuner Subunit Demux destination plug of Tuner Subunit Destination plug of Monitor Subunit Serial bus output plug #0 of UNIT Antenna destination plug of Tuner Subunit Demux destination plug of Tuner Subunit Destination plug of Monitor Subunit operand of response flame OPR0 OPR1 OPR2 OPR3 OPR4 FD16 2816 0016 FF16 0016 FD16 FF16 9E16 2816 0016 FF16 FF16 FE16 2816 0116 FC16 2816 0016 0016 0016 FD16 2816 0016 FF16 0016 FD16 FF16 9E16 2816 0016 FF16 FF16 FE16 2816 0116 FC16 FF16 0016 0016 0016 FD16 2816 0016 FF16 0016 FD16 FF16 9E16 2816 0016 FF16 FF16 FE16 2816 0116 FF16 FF16 FE16 0016 0016 The values in shaded portion in this table are same as those of command frame. *1 It does not depend on whether the target outputs the stream to 1394 bus. *2 DTV receives the analog broadcasting signal from the air or the signal from external analog input. B.5 TOSHIB A The DTV (32D2000, 36D2000, 50P2000, 28D2500, 32D2500, 36D2500, 42P2500, 50P2500) for BS digital broadcasting system and The DTV (28D2700, 32D2700, 36D2700, 35P2700, 42P2700, 50P2700) Page 66 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 for BS/CS digital broadcasting system which are already shipped from Toshiba have some different implementations from those of this guideline. These differences are described in this section. Note that implementations of these receivers might be modified by software version up via broadcasting system. B. 5. 1 Int erna l Sign al C onn ect ion M odel Internal signal connection model of Toshiba legacy DTV is shown in Figure B.7. external antenna input plug (9E16) Signal inputs from antenna for BS/CS digital broadcasting Tuner Subunit serial bus output plug (0016) MPEG2-TS outputs to 1394 terminals source plug (0016) (Satellite Digital) SW1 demux destination plug (0016) external output plug(8016) Analog output to terminals(No.1)(NTSC Video format) SW2 SW3 Destination Plug(0016) Monitor Subunit serial bus input plug (0016) MPEG2-TS inputs from 1394 terminals Figure B.7 – Internal signal connection model of TOSHIBA legacy devices These DTV devices have different behavior from the rule described in section 9.1 in this guideline in the following points. The plug number of antenna destination plug of Tuner Subunit is not allocated. Tuner subunit for UV analog broadcasting system is not implemented. External input plug that corresponds to analog input plug is not implemented. In case these DTV devices are receiving BS/CS digital broadcasting signal, SW1 is connected to the source plug of Tuner Subunit for BS/CS broadcasting system. In the other case SW1 is not connected. SW2 and SW3 are interlocked with SW1. While SW2 and SW3 select the Tuner source plug, SW1 selects the same source plug. On the other hand, while SW2 and SW3 select a serial bus input plug, SW1 dose not select any source plug and the Tuner Subunit source plug dose not connected. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 67 TV for Japanese BS/CS Guideline 1.0 TA Document 2002017, December 15, 2003 B. 5. 2 CON N ECT St atu s Co mm and For the purpose of inquiring the source plug by specifying destination plug, CONNECT status command only with operands shown in Table B.5 is supported. While power status of UNIT is OFF, these receivers return REJECTED response. Details of response frame are shown in Table B.6 Table B.5 – Supported CONNECT status command (inquiry of source plug) destination plug Serial bus output plug#0 of UNIT External output plug#0 of UNIT Destination plug of Monitor Subunit OPR0 OPR1 OPR2 OPR3 OPR4 FF16 FF16 FE16 FF16 0016 FF16 FF16 FE16 FF16 8016 FF16 FF16 FE16 0016 0016 Table B.6 – Content of response to CONNECT status command (inquiry of source plug) State of DTV DTV receives the BS/CS digital broadcasting signal *1 from the air DTV receives the stream from 1394 bus. Page 68 Destination plug specified by command Serial bus output plug #0 of UNIT External output plug#0 of UNIT Destination plug of Monitor Subunit Serial bus output plug #0 of UNIT External output plug#0 of UNIT Destination plug of Monitor Subunit operand of response flame OPR0 OPR1 OPR2 OPR3 OPR4 FC16 2816 0016 FF16 0016 FC16 2816 0016 FF16 8016 FC16 2816 0016 0016 0016 FC16 FF16 FE16 FF16 0016 FC16 FF16 0016 FF16 8016 FC16 FF16 0016 0016 0016 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Tuner Subunit for Japanese BS/CS Digital Broadcasting System 1.0 December 15, 2003 Sponsored by: 1394 Trade Association Accepted for Release by: 1394 Trade Association Board of Directors. Abstract: This document provides the IEEE 1394 implementation guideline for Tuner Subunit which supports Japanese BS/CS digital broadcasting system. Keywords: Tuner Subunit Copyright 1996-2004 by the 1394 Trade Association. 1111 South Main Street, Suite 100, Grapevine, TX 76051, USA http://www.1394TA.org All rights reserved. Permission is granted to members of the 1394 Trade Association to reproduce this document for their own use or the use of other 1394 Trade Association members only, provided this notice is included. All other rights reserved. Duplication for sale, or for commercial or for-profit use is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the 1394 Trade Association. Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 1394 Trade Association Specifications are developed within Working Groups of the 1394 Trade Association, a non-profit industry association devoted to the promotion of and growth of the market for IEEE 1394-compliant products. Participants in working groups serve voluntarily and without compensation from the Trade Association. Most participants represent member organizations of the 1394 Trade Association. The specifications developed within the working groups represent a consensus of the expertise represented by the participants. Use of a 1394 Trade Association Specification is wholly voluntary. The existence of a 1394 Trade Association Specification is not meant to imply that there are not other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the 1394 Trade Association Specification. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a specification is accepted and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the specification. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest revision of any 1394 Trade Association Specification. Comments for revision of 1394 Trade Association Specifications are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership affiliation with the 1394 Trade Association. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments. Interpretations: Occasionally, questions may arise about the meaning of specifications in relationship to specific applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of the 1394 Trade Association, the Association will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Comments on specifications and requests for interpretations should be addressed to: Editor, 1394 Trade Association 1111 South Main Street, Suite 100 Grapevine, TX 76051 USA 1394 Trade Association Specifications are adopted by the 1394 Trade Association without regard to patents which may exist on articles, materials or processes or to other proprietary intellectual property which may exist within a specification. Adoption of a specification by the 1394 Trade Association does not assume any liability to any patent owner or any obligation whatsoever to those parties who rely on the specification documents. Readers of this document are advised to make an independent determination regarding the existence of intellectual property rights, which may be infringed by conformance to this specification. Page 2 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 Table of Contents 1. Overview .....................................................................................................................................................7 1.1 Purpose...............................................................................................................................................7 1.2 Scope..................................................................................................................................................7 2. References ...................................................................................................................................................8 3. Definitions...................................................................................................................................................9 3.1 Conformance levels............................................................................................................................9 3.2 Glossary of terms ...............................................................................................................................9 4. System Overview ......................................................................................................................................10 4.1 Tuner Subunit Model .......................................................................................................................10 4.2 Assignment of Plug Number ............................................................................................................10 5. Tuner Descriptor .......................................................................................................................................12 5.1 Overview..........................................................................................................................................12 5.2 Supported Descriptor .......................................................................................................................12 5.3 Data Structure and Content ..............................................................................................................12 5.3.1 Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor .......................................................................................12 5.3.2 Tuner Status Descriptor .........................................................................................................18 5.4 Management of the access right .......................................................................................................25 5.4.1 Regulations about OPEN .......................................................................................................25 5.4.2 Regulations about CLOSE .....................................................................................................26 6. AV/C command.........................................................................................................................................27 6.1 Outline..............................................................................................................................................27 6.2 Details of the Support Commands....................................................................................................28 6.2.1 DIRECT SELECT INFORMATION TYPE (DSIT) command.............................................28 6.2.2 TUNER STATUS command..................................................................................................35 6.2.3 OPEN DESCRIPTOR command ...........................................................................................36 6.2.4 READ DESCRIPTOR command...........................................................................................39 6.2.5 POWER command.................................................................................................................40 6.2.6 PLUG INFO command ..........................................................................................................42 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 3 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 List of Figures Figure 4-1 – Tuner Subunit Model ................................................................................................................10 Figure A-1 – The confirmation algorithm of a tuning status of Tuner Subunit .............................................48 Page 4 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 List of Tables Table 4.2-1 – Assignment of Plug Number...................................................................................................11 Table 5.2-1 – Supported Descriptor ..............................................................................................................12 Table 5.3-1 – Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor ........................................................................................12 Table 5.3-2 – Tuner Status Descriptor ..........................................................................................................18 Table 5.3-3 – The state of Tuner Subunit and the establishment standards of variable fields of Tuner Status Descriptor ..............................................................................................................................................25 Table 6.1-1 – Support Levels of Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system ..............................27 Table 6.2-1 – DIRECT SELECT INFORMATION TYPE command ..........................................................28 Table 6.2-2 – Response for DSIT control command.....................................................................................33 Table 6.2-3 –DSIT command response .........................................................................................................34 Table 6.2-4 –The establishment specification for status field in DSIT command response..........................34 Table 6.2-5 – Response for TUNER STATUS notify command ..................................................................35 Table 6.2-6 – Response for OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command ..........................................................37 Table 6.2-7 – Response for OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command ............................................................38 Table 6.2-8 – Response for READ DESCRIPTOR control command..........................................................39 Table 6.2-9 – Establishment of the read_result_status of the response frame...............................................40 Table 6.2-10 – Response for POWER control command..............................................................................40 Table 6.2-11 – The power state transition when POWER control command is ACCEPTED.......................41 Table 6.2-12 – Response for POWER status command ................................................................................41 Table 6.2-13 – Response for POWER notify command................................................................................42 Table 6.2-14 – Response for PLUG INFO status command .........................................................................43 Table A-1 – The establishment value of the command frame of DSIT control command...........................49 Table B.1-1 – The status of Tuner Subunit and establishment standards of the variable field of Tuner Status Descriptor (SONY legacy devices) .......................................................................................................52 Table B.2-2 – The status of Tuner Subunit and establishment standards of the variable fields of Tuner Status Descriptor (SHARP legacy devices)...........................................................................................53 Table B.3-3 – The status of Tuner Subunit and establishment standards of the variable fields of Tuner Status Descriptor (MEI legacy devices(D10/BHD100 and D100/DH100))..........................................55 Table B.3-4 – The status of Tuner Subunit and establishment standards of the variable fields of Tuner Status Descriptor (MEI legacy devices(D20//D25/BHD200/BHD250))...............................................55 Table B.4-5 – The status of Tuner Subunit and establishment standards of the variable fields of Tuner Status Descriptor (Toshiba legacy devices)...........................................................................................56 Table B.4-6 – Assignment of Plug Number (Toshiba legacy devices) ........................................................57 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 5 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 This page is left intentionally blank Page 6 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 1. Overview 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this guideline is to clarify the IEEE1394 implementation which is not described in detail in the related AV/C command specifications and ARIB Standard. “Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system” means a Tuner Subunit which has the function to receive broadcast service of either BS digital broadcasting or CS digital broadcasting, or both. The Tuner subunit which is explained in this guideline is used by including in a digital satellite broadcasting receiver or a TV with digital satellite broadcasting receiver. Therefore, see the implementation guideline of each Unit when you implement the tuner subunit in those devices. 1.2 Scope The scope of this guideline is to specify the behavior of the Tuner Subunit which complies with ARIB Standard for Receiver for Digital Broadcasting– B21 3.1 (ARIB 3.1[R10]) and is the one which fulfills the following condition. It has only one source plug. Makes partial stream from MPEG2-TS stream received from the antenna and outputs only one service. This guideline allows two kinds of implementations. One is based on AV/C Digital Interface Command Set, General Specification Version 4.1 (AV/C General 4.1 [R12]) and AV/C Descriptor Mechanism Specification Version 1.0 (AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R13]). The other is based on AV/C Digital Interface Command Set, General Specification Version 3.0 (AV/C General 3.0 [R5]). Although this guideline is described based on the implementation according to AV/C General 4.1 [R12] and AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R13], it corresponds also to implementation according to AV/C General 3.0 [R5] unless otherwise specified. The portion, that has any difference between two implementations, is described expressly with the version number applied. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 7 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 2. References This guideline refers to the following specifications: [R1] IEEE Std. 1394-1995, IEEE Standard for a High Performance Serial Bus [R2] IEEE Std. 1394a-2000, IEEE Standard for a High Performance Serial Bus (Amendment) [R3] IEC61883-1, Consumer audio/video equipment – Digital interface Part 1: General [R4] IEC61883-4, Consumer audio/video equipment – Digital interface Part 4: MPEG2-TS data transmission [R5] 1394TA, AV/C Digital Interface Command Set, General Specification Version 3.0 [R6] 1394TA, Enhancements to the AV/C General Specification 3.0 Version 1.1. [R7] 1394TA, AV/C Tuner Model and Command Set Version 1.0 [R8] 1394TA, AV/C Tuner Broadcast System Specification - Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) Version 1.0 [R9] 1394TA, Enhancements to the AV/C Tuner Broadcast System Specification - Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) Version 1.0 [R10] ARIB Standard for Receiver for Digital Broadcasting – B21 3.1 [R11] 1394TA, AV/C Tuner Subunit Model and Command Set Version 2.0 [R12] 1394TA, AV/C Digital Interface Command Set, General Specification Version 4.1 [R13] 1394TA, AV/C Descriptor Mechanism Specification Version 1.0 [R14] ARIB TR – B15 Part 1 7th Use Provisions for Output BS Digital Broadcasting System [R15] ARIB TR – B15 Part 2 7th Use Provisions for Output Wideband CS Digital Broadcasting System Page 8 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 3. Definitions 3.1 Conform ance levels 3.1.1 expected: A key word used to describe the behavior of the hardware or software in the design models assumed by this Specification. Other hardware and software design models may also be implemented. 3.1.2 may: A key word that indicates flexibility of choice with no implied preference. 3.1.3 shall: A key word indicating a mandatory requirement. Designers are required to implement all such mandatory requirements. 3.1.4 should: A key word indicating flexibility of choice with a strongly preferred alternative. Equivalent to the phrase is recommended. 3.1.5 reserved fields: A set of bits within a data structure that are defined in this specification as reserved, and are not otherwise used. Implementations of this specification shall zero these fields. Future revisions of this specification, however, may define their usage. 3.1.6 reserved values: A set of values for a field that are defined in this specification as reserved, and are not otherwise used. Implementations of this specification shall not generate these values for the field. Future revisions of this specification, however, may define their usage. The IEEE is investigating whether the “may, shall, should” and possibly “expected” terms will be formally defined by IEEE. If and when this occurs, draft editors should obtain their conformance definitions from the latest IEEE style document. 3.2 Glossar y of terms 3.2.1 Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system: The Tuner Subunit for receiving Japanese BS/CS digital broadcasting which is defined by ARIB standard. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 9 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 4. System Overview 4.1 Tuner Subunit Model This section describes the Implementation Model of the Tuner Subunit which is assumed in this guideline. Figure 4-1 shows the connection model of the Tuner Subunit. serial bus output plug, external output plug, or other subunit destination plug external antenna input plug antenna destination plug(0016) Tuner Subunit source plug (0016) demux destination plug(0116) SW serial bus input plug, or other subunit source plug Figure 4-1 – Tuner Subunit Model The Tuner Subunit has two input plugs (antenna destination plug and demux destination plug) and one output plug (source plug). The antenna destination plug is a plug where Tuner Subunit inputs MPEG2-TS stream received from the antenna, and is connected to the external antenna input plug of the digital satellite receiver (Unit). The demux destination plug is a plug which is connected to serial bus input plug or other subunit source plug if necessary, and where Tuner Subunit inputs MPEG2-TS from each connected plug(s). The operation behavior using the demux destination plug is beyond the scope of this guideline. The source plug is a plug where Tuner Subunit outputs MPEG2-TS stream partialized in the Tuner Subunit, and is connected to serial bus output plug, for example. Details of the Tuner Subunit Model, refer to section 4.2 of AV/C Tuner Model and Command Set Version 2.0 (AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]) and section of ARIB Standard for Receiver for Digital Broadcasting – B21 3.1 (ARIB_3.1[R10]). 4.2 Assignment of Plug Number This section describes assignment of the plug numbers for each plug. Table 4.2-1 shows the assignment of the plug number for each plug. Page 10 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 Table 4.2-1 – Assignment of Plug Number Plug plug number antenna destination demux destination Source 0016 0116 0016 In this guideline, the plug number of each input plug (destination plug) is always set to the value shown in Table 4.2-1 complying with section 4.2.3 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. The plug number of output plug (source plug) is fixed to 0016 in this guideline. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 11 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 5. Tuner Descriptor 5.1 Overvi ew This chapter describes the structure and the content of descriptor which should be implemented in the Tuner Subunit of digital satellite broadcasting systems. 5.2 Supported Descript or According to the profile 1 which is provided in AV/C Tuner Broadcast System Specification -Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) Version 1.0 (AV/C_DVB 1.0[R8]) and Enhancements to the AV/C Tuner Broadcast System Specification -Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) Version 1.0 (AV/C_Tuner_Enhancement 1.0[R9]), the Tuner Subunit of digital satellite broadcasting systems should support two types of descriptor shown in Table 5.2-1. Table 5.2-1 – Supported Descriptor descriptor_speci fier Descriptor Description Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor 0016 Capability/Features of Tuner Subunit Tuner Status Descriptor 8016 Status of Tuner Subunit 5.3 Data Structure and Content 5. 3. 1 Tune r Subu nit Id en t if ie r D es c rip to r 5. 3. 1 .1 St ru ct u re The Structure of Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor is shown in Table 5.3-1. The basic structure is specified in AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R13], and the structure of subunit_dependent_information is specified in AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. In Table5.3-1, fixed value and default value (enclosed in []), which are provided by 1394TA document and ARIB_3.1[R10], are described in the column of “ARIB_3.1”. The column of “This Guideline” shows the value which should be used in this guideline. Contents of each field are described in section Table 5.3-1 – Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor Values Offset Page 12 Structure Number of bits ARIB_3.1 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. This Guideline December 15, 2003 0016,0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616,0716 0816,0916 0A16 0B16,0C16 0D16 0E16 0F16 1016+10*j 1116+10*j1916+10*j Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 descriptor_length generation_ID size_of_list_ID size_of_object_ID size_of_entry_position (Note 3) number_of_root_lists (Note 3) subunit_type_dependent_information_length (Note 3) subunit_type_dependent_information{ (Note 3) number_of_systems for ( i=0; i<number_of_systems; i++ ){ system[i]_specification{ specification_length system_id implementation_profile_id number_of_subsystem_labels for ( j=0; j<number_of_subsystem_labels; j++ ){ sub_system_label_length sub_system_label[j][1-9] 16 8 8 8 8 16 16 0016 0216 0616 0216 000016 8 ****16 0216/0016 ← ← ← ← ****16 0116 16 8 8 8 2016 1016 ****16 ← ← N(Note 1) 8 0916 ← 72 (Note 2) } /* for [j] */ 1016+10*N, 1116+10*N 1216+10*N 1316+10*N 1416+10*N 1516+10*N 1616+10*N ,1716+10*N 1816+10*N 1916+10*N 1A16+10*N 1B16+10*N 1C16+10*N 1D16+10*N 1E16+10*N multiplex_preferred_selection_flags service_preferred_selection_flags number_of_antennas for ( k=0; k<number_of_antennas; k++ ){ antenna[k]_specification{ mobile, movable, reserved(3bit), transport(3bit) external_input_plug_number system_specific_antenna_range_specification_length system_specific_antenna_range_specification selection_attribute_range_specification_for_A{ list_flag, range_flag, size_of_attribute(s)(6bit) } selection_attribute_range_specification_for_B{ list_flag, range_flag, size_of_attribute(s)(6bit) } selection_attribute_range_specification_for_C{ list_flag, range_flag, size_of_attribute(s)(6bit) } selection_attribute_range_specification_for_D{ list_flag, range_flag, size_of_attribute(s)(6bit) } selection_attribute_range_specification_for_E{ list_flag, range_flag, size_of_attribute(s)(6bit) } selection_attribute_range_specification_for_F{ list_flag, range_flag, size_of_attribute(s)(6bit) } selection_attribute_range_specification_for_G{ list_flag, range_flag, size_of_attribute(s)(6bit) } 16 000016 ← 8 8 2816 [0116] ← 0116 8 8 0116 [9E16] ← ← 16 000716 ← 8 0016 ← 8 0016 ← 8 0016 ← 8 0016 ← 8 0016 ← 8 0016 ← 8 0016 ← } } /* for [k] */ Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 13 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 1F16+10*N December 15, 2003 system_specific_information_length system_specific_information{ DVB_specification_version } 2016+10*N 8 0116 ← 8 1116 ← 16 000016 ← } } /* for [i] */ } 2116+10*N , 2216+10*N manufacturer_dependent_information_length (Note 3) (Note 1) In case of only BS digital broadcasting system N=0116 In case of only Wideband CS digital broadcasting system N=0216 In case of sharing BS/Wideband CS N=0316 (Note 2) In case of only BS digital broadcasting system subsystem_label[0]=”JPNBS0004” In case of only Wideband CS digital broadcasting systemsubsystem_label[0]=”JPNCS0006” subsystem_label[1]=”JPNCS0007” In case of sharing BS/Wideband CS subsystem_label[0]=”JPNBS0004” subsystem_label[1]=”JPNCS0006” subsystem_label[2]=”JPNCS0007” (Note 3) Some field names specified in AV/C Descriptor[R13] are different from those specified in AV/C General 3.0[R5].This guideline uses the field names in accordance with AV/C Descriptor[R13]. In case of AV/C General 3.0[R5]: size_of_object_position => size_of_entry_position number_of_root_lists => number_of_root_ object_lists subunit_type_dependent_information_length => subunit_dependent_length subunit_type_dependent_information => subunit_dependent_information manufacturer_dependent_information_length => manufacturer_dependent_length Page 14 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 5. 3. 1 .2 Co n t en t s descriptor_length: The descriptor_length field shows the number of bytes of all the fields in Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor except this field. This field is set to the following values depending on the receiving ability of Tuner Subunit. In case of only BS digital broadcasting system 002B16 In case of only Wideband CS digital broadcasting system 003516 In case of sharing BS/Wideband CS 003F16 generation_ID: The generation_ID shall be set to the different values depending on the version of supported AV/C command specifications. In case of AV/C Descriptor 1.0[R13] 0216 In case of AV/C General 3.0 [R5] 0016 Refer to section 7.2 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0[R13] or section 8.1 of AV/C General 3.0 [R5], for details. size_of_list_ID, size_of_entry_position: The size_of_list_ID and size_of_entry_position are specified in section 6.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. In this guideline, the values of these fields follow this provision. However, the name of the size_of_entry_position field is described as “size_of_object_position” in AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. Refer to section of ARIB_3.1[R10], for details. size_of_object_ID: The size_of_object_ID is specified in AV/C_DVB 1.0[R8]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. Refer to section of ARIB_3.1[R10] for details. number_of_root_lists: The profile 1 which is defined in section 8.1 of AV/C_Tuner_Enhancement 1.0[R9] is specified so that Tuner Subunit doesn’t have any object lists basically. In accordance with this provision, the number_of_root_lists is fixed to 000016 in this guideline. subunit_type_dependent_information_length: The subunit_type_dependent_information_length field specifies the total byte-size of the subunit_type_dependent_information field except this field. This field is variable and can be calculated the following numerical formulae in this guideline. subunit_type_dependent_information_length = descriptor_length – 10 number_of_systems: Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 15 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 The number_of_systems field specifies the number of broadcasting systems that Tuner Subunit is based on. In this guideline, Tuner Subunit supports only DVB which specified in section 6.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11], and this field is always set to 0116. specification_length: The specification_length field specifies the total byte-size in the system[i]_specification field except this field. In this guideline, this field is set to following values depending on the broadcasting services that Tuner Subunit can receive. In case of only BS digital broadcasting system 001E16 In case of only Wideband CS digital broadcasting system 002816(*1) In case of sharing BS/Wideband CS 003216(*1) (*1) Wideband CS digital broadcasting system is composed with two networks, now. These values are establishment values in this case. In future, if some network will be added, add (additional network number x 10) to the present establishment values. system_id: The system_id is specified in section 6.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. Refer to section of ARIB_3.1[R10] for details. implementation_profile_id: The implementation_profile_id is specified in section 8.1 of AV/C_Tuner_Enhancement 1.0[R9]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. Refer to section of ARIB_3.1[R10] for details. number_of_subsystem_labels: The number_of_subsystem_labels field indicates the number of service providers that the Tuner Subunit is capable of dealing with. This value is set to following values in this guideline. In case of only BS digital broadcasting system: 1 In case of only Wideband CS digital broadcasting system: the number of network of Wideband CS (1) In case of sharing BS/Wideband CS the number of network of Wideband CS + 1(1) sub_system_label_length: The sub_system_label_length field specifies the number of bytes in the sub_system_label field. The value specified by ARIB_3.1[R10] is fixed to 9 (characters) . In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. sub_system_label: 1 There are two networks now. If another network will be added in future, the number is added for additional networks. Page 16 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 The sub_system_label is a label value which is uniquely corresponding to each network_ID. The value is provided in ARIB_3.1 [R10]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. In case of only BS digital broadcasting system: subsystem_label[0]=”JPNBS0004” In case of only Wideband CS digital broadcasting system: subsystem_label[0]=”JPNCS0006”, subsystem_label[1]=”JPNCS0007” In case of sharing BS/Wideband CS: subsystem_label[0]=”JPNBS0004” subsystem_label[1]=”JPNCS0006” subsystem_label[2]=”JPNCS0007” Furthermore, if the number of Wideband CS networks will be added, add the sub_system_label “JPNCSXXXX”(XXXX means network_ID) which corresponds to the network_ID above. multiplex/service_preferred_selection_flags: The multiplex/service_preferred_selection_flags indicate the combination of minimum attributes which is needed for tuning. The establishment value is specified in ARIB_3.1[R10]. This guideline uses the value which follows this provision. Refer to section of ARIB_3.1[R10], for details. number_of_antennas: The number_of_antennas indicates the number of antenna which can be used within Tuner Subunit. Because antenna input plug which Tuner Subunit implements is one, the value of 0116 is set to this field. Refer to section of ARIB_3.1[R10], for details. mobile, movable: The mobile and movable are specified in section 6.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. In this guideline, the valueof this field follows this provision. transport: The transport is specified in section 6.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. Refer to section of ARIB_3.1[R10], for details. external_input_plug_number: The external_input_plug_number is recommended to use 9E16 by ARIB_3.1[R10]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this recommendation. Refer to section of ARIB_3.1[R10] for details. system_specific_antenna_range_specification_length: The system_specific_antenna_range_specification_length field specifies the number of bytes in the system_specific_antenna_range_specification field. The setting value is specified in ARIB_3.1[R10], and this value is used in this guideline. system_attribute_range_specification_for_A to G: Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 17 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 The system_attribute_range_specification_for_A to G is specified in section 6.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11] and section 4.10 of AV/C_DVB 1.0[R8]. The setting value is specified in ARIB_3.1[R10], and this value is used in this guideline. system_specific_information_length: The system_specific_information_length is the total byte-size of the system_specific_information field. The establishment value is specified in ARIB_3.1[R10]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. system_specific_information: The system_specific_information describes DVB_specification_version which is specified in chapter 7 of AV/C_Tuner_Enhancement 1.0[R9]. The value is specified in ARIB_3.1[R10]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. Refer to section of ARIB_3.1[R10], for details. manufacturer_dependent_inforamation_length: The manufacturer_dependent_inforamation_length is the total byte-size of the manufacturer_dependent_inforamation. Because the manufacturer_dependent_inforamation is not used in this guideline, the value is always set to 000016. 5. 3. 2 T u n e r St at u s D e sc r i p t o r 5. 3. 2 .1 St ru ct u re The Structure of Tuner Status Descriptor is shown in Table 5.3-2. The basic structure is specified in AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. In Table 5.3-2, fixed value and default value (enclosed in []), which are specified by 1394TA documents and ARIB ARIB_3.1 [R10], are described in the column of “ARIB_3.1”. The column of “This Guideline” shows the values which are used in this guideline. When the internal state of Tuner Subunit changes (tuning, put on/pull off the antenna, etc.), the value of related field is updated. The updating conditions of each field differ according to each field. Contents of each field are described in section Table 5.3-2 – Tuner Status Descriptor Values Offset Page 18 Structure Number of bits ARIB_3.1 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. This Guidelin e(Note 4) December 15, 2003 0016-0116 0216 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 descriptor_length general_tuner_status{ antenna_input_info_length antenna_input_info{ 16 8 0C16 ← 2016 ← *0*00000 0316 active_system_id(Note 5) 8 0416 Searching, moving, no_RF, reserved(5bit) 8 0516 input(=0), selected_antenna(7bit) antenna_general_system_info{ BER signal_strength 8 0616-0916 0A16 0B16-0D16 ****16 2 raster_frequency(2bit), RF_frequency(22bit) 0E16 manufacturer_dependent_info_length 0016 32 8 2 22 8 [0000000016] [FF16] 216 [00000016] 0016 ← ← ← ← ← 8 1116 ← 8 [0016] ← 8 [0016] ← [0016] [0016] [0016] 216 [00000016] [0000016] 016 [0016] [0016] [0016] [000016] 4016 / C016 ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← } 0F16 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 } system_specific_multiplex_selection_length system_specific_multiplex_selection{ system_specific_multiplex_attributes_valid_flags{ reserved_field, polarization, orbital_position, RF_freq_raster, symbol_rate, FEC_outer, FEC_inner, modulation network_id, reserved(7bit) } system_specific_multiplex_selection_attributes{ currently_available, selected, reserved(6bit) polarization(2bit), west_east, reserved(5bit) orbital_position_upper orbital_position_lower 1616-1816 raster_frequency(2bit), RF_frequency(22bit) 1916-1B16 symbol_rate, reserved(4bit) 1C16 1D16 1E16 1F-2016 2116 2216 2316 2416 2516 2616 2716 2816 FEC_outer FEC_inner Modulation, reserved(3bit) network_id } } demux_input_info_length demux_input_info{} } number_of_source_plugs for( i=0; i<number_of_source_plugs; i++ ){ source_plug_status[i]{ source_plug_number(Note 5) attributes Input, reserved(7bit) data_status_length data_status{} info_type_status_length info_type_status{ status 8 8 8 8 2 22 20 4 8 8 8 16 8 0016 8 0116 8 8 8 8 0016 0016 0016 0016 ← ← ← 8 ** 8 0016/1016/ Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 19 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 2916 2A16 2B16 2C16 number_of_selection_specifications for( j=0; j< number_of_selection_secificarions; j++){ dsit_selection_specification[j]{ specification_length information_type system_specific_service_selection{ system_specific_service_attributes_valid_flags{ reserved_fields, CA_output, org_network, transport_id, service_id, bouquet_id, reserved(2bit) } system_specific_service_selection_attributes{ 2D16 currently_available, reserved(7bit) 2E16 2F16-3016 3116-3216 3316-3416 3516-3616 CA_output, reserved(7bit) org_network_id transport_stream_id service_id bouquet_id December 15, 2003 2016 0016/ 0116 (Note 6) 8 8 8 8316 **16 ← 8 [2816] ← 8 8 16 16 16 16 0016 [000016] [000016] 0016 / 8016 ← ****16 ← 0***16 ← } 3716 3816+k×4 3916+k×4 3A16+k×4 3B16+k×4 } number_of_components for( k=0; k<number_of_components; k++){ system_specific_component_attributes[k]{ system_specific_component_selection{ system_specific_ component_attributes_valid_flags{ reserved_fields, PID, stream_content, component_type, iso_639_language_code, component_tag, reserved(2bit) } system_specific_component_selection_attributes{ currently_available, reserved(7bit) reserved component_tag } } } } /* for [k] */ } } /* [j] */ } } } /* [i] */ 8 8 [0416] ← 8 8 8 [0016] 0016 /8016 ← **16 (Note 4)”*” means variable bit or field. (Note 5)The field name differs by AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11] and AV/C_Tuner 1.0[R7]. In this guideline, the field name follows AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. In case of AV/C_Tuner 1.0[R7]: active_system_id → active_system source_plug_number → source_plug Page 20 **16 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 (Note 6)When the value of number_of_selection_specification is set to0016, the field below the offset address 2A16 (dsit_selection_specification) does not exist. 5 . 3 . 2 . 2 Co nt ent s descriptor_length: The descriptor_length field is the byte-size of all fields of Tuner Status Descriptor except this field. It is a variable value and depends on the contents of the service output from the source plug. antenna_input_info_length: The antenna_input_info_length field contains the number of bytes of the antenna_input_info field except this field. The establishment value is specified in ARIB_3.1[R10]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. active_system_id: The active_system_id shows the value of the system_id corresponding to the received broadcasting system. The system_id is specified in section 6.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. searching, no_RF: The searching and no_RF are variable values. Refer to section of ARIB_3.1[R10] about the establishment value. The rules for these fields are described in section moving: The value of the moving field is specified in ARIB_3.1[R10]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. Refer to section of ARIB_3.1[R10], for details. input (within antenna_input_info): The input field is specified in section 6.2 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. selected_antenna: The selected_antenna field is the index value of the antenna_specification shown in Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor. In this guideline, this value is sets to 0016 because antenna_specification defined in Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor is only one. antenna_general_system_info: The value of the antenna_general_system_info field is specified in ARIB_3.1[R10]. In this guideline,the value of this field follows this provision. Refer to section of ARIB_3.1[R10] for details. system_specific_multiplex_selection_length: The system_specific_multiplex_selection_length field indicates the total byte-size of the system_specific_multiplex_selection fields except this field. The value is specified in ARIB_3.1[R10]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 21 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 system_specific_multiplex/service_attributes_valid_flags: The value of the system_specific_multiplax/service_attributes_valid_flags is specified in ARIB_3.1[R10]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. Refer to section of ARIB_3.1[R10], for details. system_specific_component_attributes_valid_flags: The value of the system_specific_component_attributes_valid_flags is specified in ARIB_3.1[R10]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. Refer to section of ARIB_3.1[R10], for details. system_specific_multiplex/service/component_selection_attributes: The currentry_available in the system_specific_multiplex/service/component_selection_attributes are variable value. The rules for this field are described in section The values except the currentry_available are specified in ARIB_3.1[R10]. In this guideline, the values of this field follows this provision. Refer to section of ARIB_3.1[R10] for details. demux_input_info_length: The demux_input_info_length field indicates the total byte-size of the demux_input_info field. In this guideline, the value is always set to 0016 because input from the demux destination plug is not supported (see chapter 4). number_of_source_plugs: The number_of_source_plugs indicates the number of the source plugs which are implemented in Tuner Subunit. In this guideline, the value is always set to 0116 because the number of source plug is one. source_plug_number: The source_plug_number is the plug number of the source plug. In this guideline, the value is always set to 0116 because plug number is assigned in accordance with Table 4.2-1, attributes The value of the attributes field is specified in ARIB_3.1[R10]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. input (within source_plug_status): The input field is specified in section 6.2 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. In case of the input from antenna destination plug, the value of input field is set to zero. And in case of the input from demux destination plug, the value of input field is set to one. In this guideline, the input is always set to 0 because input from the demux destination plug is not supported,. data_status_length: The value of the data_status_length field is specified in ARIB_3.1[R10]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. info_type_status_length: Page 22 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 The info_type_status_selection_length field indicates the total byte-size of the info_type_status field except this field. This is a variable value which is decided by contents of the service output from the source plug. status: The status is the variable value which is decided by the availability of a service and components (currently_available) output from the source plug. This is specified in section 6.2 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. The rules for this field are described in section number_of_selection_specifications: The number_of_selection_specifications is a variable value that indicates the number of services output from source plug. It is not necessary to support the function which outputs two or more services simultaneously in this guideline. In such case, the value is set to 0016 or 0116 in accordance with the status of output service. The rules for this field are described in section specification_length: The specification_length field indicates the total byte-size of the dsit_selection_specification[j] field except this field. This is a variable value which is decided by the number of components included in the appropriate service. The value can be calculated the following formula. (the value of the number_of_components field) x 4 + 0D16 information_type: The information_type indicates the type of information output from the source plug of Tuner Subunit. Because Tuner Subunit shall output the information about components and upper level items, only 8316(Service with specified components) specified section 8.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11] can be set. org_network_id: The org_network_id indicates the original network ID of the output service and is a variable value. In this guideline, the value of this field is set as follows. In case of BS digital broadcasting system: The org_network_id is set to 000416. In case of Wideband CS digital broadcasting system: The org_network_id is set to 000616 or 000716 in accordance with network to which service belongs. (In future, if the number of Wideband CS network is added, additional network ID is established.) service_id: The service_id indicates the service ID of the output service and is a variable value. In this guideline, when the service currently output is BS digital broadcasting system, the value of service_id is set to one of 000116 to 03E716 (ch.1-ch.999) which is specified in ARIB TR – B15 Part 1 7th Use Provisions for Output BS Digital Broadcasting System(ARIB TR – B15 Part 1 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 23 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 7th[R14]). And, when the service currently output is CS digital broadcasting system, the value of service_id is set to one of 000116 to 03E716 (ch.1-ch.999) which is specified in ARIB TR – B15 Part 2 7th Use Provisions for Output CS Digital Broadcasting System(ARIB TR – B15 Part 1 7th[R15]). number_of_components: The number_of_components is a variable value which indicates the number of components which the service corresponding to this field. In this guideline, the value is set according to the service that is currently output. component_tag: The component_tag is a variable value which indicates the component tag of the component corresponding to this field. In this guideline, the value is set to the value according to the service currently outputted. 5. 3. 2 .3 E st a bl is hm ent sp e cif ic at i o n o f t h e v a ri ab l e f ie ld Among the fields in Tuner Status Descriptor, the searching, the no_RF, the currentry_avairable in the system_specific_multiplex/service/component_selection_attribute, the status and the number_of_selsction_specifications vary according to the tuning status of Tuner Subunit. These fields are called “variable fields”, here. This section describes about the establishment specification of these variable fields. At first, the value of the searching field is set to one from tuning start and during tuning, and is changed to 0 at the end of tuning. Other variable fields are set to the values of Table 5.3-3 according to the internal state of Tuner Subunit shown in the following states, from State 1 to State 6. Furthermore, values of variable fields indicated in Table 5.3-3 become unsettled when the searching is set to one. State1: The state where front end has not locked ex) The state where the antenna has taken from the device. The state where Tuner Subunit is in power off. State2: The state where the front end has locked but PAT has been invalid, or the front end has locked but tuning has been not completed because there is no service in NIT. ex) When PAT received the service from an illegal transponder, When service which does not exist in NIT is selected (ex: 100ch), State3: The state where PAT is effective but the description of the specified service is not in PAT, or the description of the specified service is in PAT but PMT does not existed. ex) When the service which does not exist in PAT has been selected. When the service is suspended, etc… State4: The state where the description of the specified service is in PAT and it is possible to tune, but the output from Tuner Subunit is impossible by another factor. ex) When the service with conditional access restriction is specified. Page 24 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 When the non-contracted service is specified. When the non-purchased service is specified, etc… State5: The state where the output from Tuner Subunit is possible but some components cannot be output because the part of PMT has been invalid. (This state hardly happens.) ex) When the service from the transponder whose PMT is partly illegal is received, and a service is selected. State6: The state where the output from Tuner Subunit is possible, PMT is effective and all component outputs which are described in Tuner Status Descriptor are effective. ex) When transponder which has correct PAT/PMT is received, and a free program without conditional access is specified. Table 5.3-3 – The state of Tuner Subunit and the establishment standards of variable fields of Tuner Status Descriptor variable field currently_available no_RF status multiplex service component None None None All 0 0/1 (Note 7) All 1 specification state 1 2 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 None None None 0 5 0 1 1 6 0 1 1 number_of_ selection_ 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0116 2016 0116 1016 0116 None:There is no field (Note 7) By whether the component is effective or not, the value of one or zero is specified respectively. 5.4 Management of the access right This section describes the implementation in this guideline as for the management of the access right of the descriptors which Tuner Subunit implements. 5. 4. 1 Reg u l at i o n s ab o u t O P EN In this guideline, at least 2 external controllers which can open descriptor(s) for each of Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor and Tuner Status Descriptor are supposed to be existed. When a Descriptor has been opened by maximum available number of the controllers, the target shall reject OPEN demand from other controller. All descriptors implemented in the Tuner Subunit are read-only, so only READ OPEN is supported but WRITE OPEN is not supported. When a descriptor has been operand, if the same controller demands OPEN to the same descriptor, the target returns ACCEPTED but the management state of the target does not change because the descriptor Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 25 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 has already opened by the same controller. However, when the target follows AV/C General 3.0 [R5], it may return REJECTED. 5. 4. 2 Reg ul at i o n s abo ut C LO S E Basically, CLOSE of descriptor is possible only from the controller which opened the descriptor. When other controller which did not open the descriptor demands CLOSE, the target returns ACCEPTED but the management state of the target does not change because the descriptor has not been opened by the controller. However, when the target complies with AV/C General 3.0 [R5], the target may return REJECTED. In this case, the management state of the target does not change. And in case of the following, the Descriptor is closed compulsory. Case1: When the inside state of descriptor has changed ex) When a user executes tuning operation, the inside state of Tuner Status Descriptor changes. Case2: Bus reset ex) When the cable which connects to the 1394 bus was pulled out/pushed into the device. Case3: Timeout ex) When the controller which opened the descriptor did not access it one minute or more .(Time is managed to every controller.) Page 26 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 6. AV/C command 6.1 Outline This chapter describes the list of the AV/C command addressed to Tuner Subunit which should be supported and the details of each command. Support Levels of AV/C Commands Table 6.1-1 shows the support levels of AV/C commands addressed to Tuner Subunit which are specified in this guideline and ARIB_3.1[R10]. As for Specific Inquiry Commands and General Inquiry Commands, the target shall comply with the rule described in AV/C General 4.1[R12]. This guideline does not specify any additional rule for these commands. The shaded portion in the table means optional or recommended command to which this guideline dose not specify any rules. Table 6.1-1 – Support Levels of Tuner Subunit for BS/CS digital broadcasting system Tuner Subunit command DIRECT SELECT INFORMATION TYPE(DSIT) DIRECT SELECT DATA opcode Support Levels of this guideline Support Levels of ARIB_3.1 Control Status Notify C S N C816 * – – M – – CB16 – – – – O O O O – – M O O O – – O – CA ENABLE CC16 O O TUNER STATUS CD16 – – OPEN DESCRIPTOR 0816 M O O O READ DESCRIPTOR 0916 – – WRITE DESCRIPTOR 0A16 O – SEARCH DESCRIPTOR 0B16 OBJECT NUMBER SELECT 0D16 POWER B216 RESERVE 0116 M M O O O M O PLUG INFO 0216 – – – O M O M O O R M M O O O M O – – – – O O O O O R R – M: Mandatory O: Optional R: Recommended –: Not Defined or Not Supported *: According to operand of commands, it becomes either M or O. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 27 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 6.2 Details of the Support Commands 6. 2. 1 DI RE CT S EL ECT I NF O RM AT ION T Y P E ( D S IT) co mm and 6. 2. 1 .1 Esta bl is hm ent sp e cif ic at i on of t h e c o m ma nd f r am e In this guideline, as for the function of DIRECT SELECT INFORMATION TYPE (DSIT) command, the DSIT command whose subfunction is set to D216(replace) and information_type is set to 8216(complete service) is mandatory. Other functions are optional and dose not specified in this guideline. Table 6.2-1 shows the structure and the values which should be set in DSIT control command in this guideline. The structure indicated in Table 6.2-1 is prescribed in section 8.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. In Table6-2, fixed value and default value (enclosed in []), which are specified by 1394TA document and ARIB_3.1[R10], are described in the column of “ARIB_3.1”. The column of “This Guideline” shows the value which should be used in this guideline. Contents of each field are described in below. Table 6.2-1 – DIRECT SELECT INFORMATION TYPE command Values Offset Page 28 Structure Number of bits Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. ARIB_3.1 This Guidelin e December 15, 2003 (opcode) 0016 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 0916 0A16 0B16 0C16 0D16 0E16 0F16 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 1916+i×13 1A16+i×13 1B16+i×13 1C16+i×13 1D16+i×13 1E16+i×13 1F16+i×13 2016+i×13 2116+i×13 2216+i×13 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 DIRECT SELECT INFORMATION TYPE source_plug subfunction status system_id Input, antenna_number(7bit) system_specific_search_flags{ orb_pos, main_freq_up, main_freq_down, service_id, reserved(4bit) } system_specific_multiplex_selection_length system_specific_multiplex_selection{ system_specific_multiplex_attributes_valid_flags{ reserved_field, polarization, orbital_position, RF_freq_raster, symbol_rate, FEC_outer, FEC_inner, modulation network_id, reserved(7bit) } system_specific_multiplex_selection_attributes{ currently_available, selected, reserved(6bit) polarization(2bit), west_east, reserved(5bit) orbital_position_upper orbital_position_lower 8 8 8 8 8 8 C816 [D216] FF16 2016 ← 0016 ← ← ← 0016 8 [0016] ← 8 1116 ← 8 [0016] ← 8 [0016] ← 8 8 8 8 0016 0016 0016 0016 ← ← ← ← raster_frequency(2bit), RF_frequency(22bit) 2 22 216 00000016 ← ← symbol_rate, reserved(4bit) 24 00000016 ← FEC_outer FEC_inner Modulation, reserved(3bit) 8 8 8 0016 0016 0016 ← ← ← network_id 16 000016 ← } } number_of_dsit_selection_specifications for(i=0; i<dsit_selection_specification; i++){ dsit_selection_specification[i]{ specification_length information_type system_specific_service_attributes_valid_flags{ reserved_fields, CA_output, org_network, transport_id, service_id, bouquet_id, reserved(2bit) } system_specific_service_selection_attributes{ currently_available, reserved(7bit) CA_output, reserved(7bit) 8 [0116] 8 8 0C16 8216 8 [2816] 2816 8 8 0016 0016 ← ← org_network_id 16 transport_stream_id 16 service_id 16 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. ****16 000016 ← 0***16 Page 29 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 2316+i×13 2416+i×13 2516+i×13 bouquet_id December 15, 2003 16 000016 ← } } } source_plug: The source_plug indicates the number of source plugs which output a service selected by Tuner Subunit. The value of this field is generally decided by referring the source_plug field of Tuner Status Descriptor. In this guideline, controllers can set only 0016 because the value of number_of_source plug field is always set to 1 and the plug number is 0016. subfunction: The subfunction specifies the way of tuning of the DSIT control command. It is mandatory to support replace(D216) according to AV/C_Tuner_Enhancement 1.0[R9]. Refer to section of ARIB_3.1[R10] for details. status: The status is specified in section 8.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. In this guideline the value of this field follows this provision. system_id: The system_id is specified in section 8.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. In this guideline the value of this field follows this provision. input: The input field specifies a plug from which Tuner Subunit inputs selected stream. ARIB_3.1[R10] shows that 1) in case of input from antenna destination plug, the value of input field is zero, and 2) in case of input from demux destination plug, the value of input field is one. Because the input from the demux destination plug is not supported in this guideline, the value of input field is always zero. antenna_number: The antenna_number field indicates the index value of the antenna_specification of a connected antenna specified in Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor, when the input field is set to zero. Normally, the number of the antenna_specification fields specified in Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor is only one, so in this guideline, the antenna_number field is always set to 0016. system_specific_search_flags: The system_specific_search_flags is a flag to specify parameter which is used in search tuning. In case that search tuning is not supported, the value of this field is specified 0016 as default value in ARIB_3.1[R10]. Because search tuning is optional, the operation is not specified in this guideline. system_specific_multiplex_selection_length: Page 30 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 The system_specific_multiplex_selection_length field indicates the total byte-size of the system_specific_multiplex_selection field except this field. The value is specified in ARIB_3.1[R10]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. system_specific_multiplex_attributes_valid_flags: The system_specific_multiplex_attributes_valid_flags is a flag to specify parameter which is used at multiplex tuning. The value is specified in ARIB_3.1[R10]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. number_of_dsit_selection_specifications: The number_of_dsit_selection_specifications is specified in section 8.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. This field specifies the number of service to be selected. It is mandatory to support the value of 0116 and it is optional to support the value of 0216 or more in this guideline. However, because the function which outputs two or more services is not supported, when ACCEPTED is returned for DSIT control command which specifies two or more services, only one of the services is actually selected. And complete multiplex tuning (0016) is not supported. specification_length: The specification_length field indicates the total byte-size of the dsit_selection_specification[i] field. Controllers can set only 0C16 to this field because component tuning is not supported in this guideline. information_type: The information_type is types of tuning of the service that is outputted to source plug of Tuner Subunit. In this guideline, it is mandatory to support the value of 8216(complete service) which is specified in section 8.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11] and it is optional to support component tuning(8316) . system_specific_service_attributes_valid_flags: The system_specific_service_attributes_valid_flags field indicates the attribute to select a service. In this guideline, the value of this field can be set to only 2816 specified in ARIB_3.1[R10]. system_specific_service_selection_attributes: The system_specific_service_selection_attributes field specifies a parameter used select a service. The value is specified in ARIB_3.1[R10]. In this guideline, the value of this field follows this provision. org_network_id: The org_network_id field specifies the original network ID of the service to select. In this guideline, the value of this field is set as follows. In case of BS digital broadcasting system: The org_network_id is set to 000416. In case of Wideband CS digital broadcasting system: Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 31 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 The org_network_id is set to 000616 or 000716 in accordance with network to which service belongs. (In future, if the network ID of Wideband CS network is added, the additional network ID may be used.) transport_stream_id, bouquet_id: The transport_stream_id and bouquet_id fields specify the transport stream ID and bouquet ID of the service to be selected respectively. The value of 000016 is recommended in ARIB_3.1[R10]. In this guideline, the value of these fields follows this provision. service_id The service_id field specifies the service ID of the service to be selected and it can be set any value. However, tuning to the specified service_id is not performed when the service_id is set to the value other than 000116 to 03E716 (1ch-999ch) defined in ARIB TR – B15 Part 1 7th “Use Provisions for Output BS Digital Broadcasting System”(ARIB TR – B15 Part 1 7th[R14]) or ARIB TR – B15 Part 2 7th “Use Provisions for Output CS Digital Broadcasting System”(ARIB TR – B15 Part 1 7th[R15]). 6. 2. 1 .2 Re sp o n s e sp e cif ic at i on f o r D S IT co n t r o l c o mm an d Table 6.2-2 indicates the response specification of DSIT control command. Page 32 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 Table 6.2-2 – Response for DSIT control command Response Conditions and Behavior NOT_IMPLEMENTED Condition: The case where the system_specific_search_flags is set to the value which is not supported. The case where the number_of_dsit_selection_specifications is set to the value which is not supported. The case where the org_network_id is set to a value for broadcasting service which is not supported. The case where the value is set to a value other than the fixed value shown in Table 6.2-1. However, the case where a flag in the system_specific_multiplex_attributes_valid_flags is set to 0(invalid), the value of the field corresponding to the flag is not evaluated.(Note 8) The service_id is not used for the judgment of NOT_IMPLEMENTED. Condition: The case where power state of Tuner Subunit is OFF. When the device is in Record-reservation execution. When the device is in a state which is forbidden to change service from outside by original specification. When the device has playback function of recording media and the state of the device is in playing. (For example, when D-VHS is playing.) The case where the specified service_id is 0 or over 03E716(ch.999), REJECTED may be returned. Condition: Except for the above, always returns ACCEPTED Behavior: Selects specified service. However, When service is specifying that the service_id does not exist in NIT, the device returns ACCEPTED(status=0116) and executes either of following actions a) Maintain the previous state, without the service selection to specified service_id. b) The state that effective TS is not output from source plug because the specified service does not exist. (The establishment value of variable field in Tuner Status Descriptor is State2 of Table 5.3-3in section The case where service_id is 0 or over 03E716(ch.999) and the target returns ACCEPTED(status=0116), equivalent operation when the service_id does not exist in NIT is done. Do not use INTERIM response. REJECTED ACCEPTED INTERIM (Note 8) There are some legacy devices which evaluate the value of the field correspond to the flag when the flag is set to 0(invalid). Table 6.2-3 indicates the response frame format in the case of returning ACCEPTED/REJECTED response for DSIT control command. In this case, the response frame is until the status field. When NOT_IMPLEMENTED response is returned, the response frame includes all operand of received command frame. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 33 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 Table 6.2-3 –DSIT command response Structure Values (opcode) operand[0] operand[1] DIRECT SELECT INFORMATION TYPE source_plug subfunction operand[2] status C816 0016 D216 Set in accordance with Table 6.2-4. Table 6.2-4 –The establishment specification for status field in DSIT command response Response Status ACCEPTED 0016 Meaning Select service command. according to DSIT Select service with judgments a part of parameters by receiver. 0116 Return ACCEPTED before the end of tuning. REJECTED / NOT_IMPLEMENTED same as command frame(=FF16) N/A A target shall set searching bit of Tuner Status Descriptor to 1 immediately at the time that ACCEPTED (status=0116) is returned without waiting for the end of operation of the service selection. And a target shall set searching=0 at the time that the service selection completes. And Tuner Subunit for Wideband CS broadcasting service may implement next operation. There is the case that the value of the org_network_id designated by DSIT control command corresponds to Wideband CS broadcasting service but the designated service_id is not in the corresponded org_network_id. In that case, a target may specify the org_network_id for the designated service_id from the inside of Wideband CS digital broadcasting service by some internal means, and select a service by a combination between the designated service_id and the specified network_id. When service was selected as above, the org_network_id of the system_specific_service_selection_attributes of Tuner Status Descriptor shall be set the value not the designated value but really used value. Furthermore, when a target is not implemented above optional operation, or when a target was unsuccessful in execution of above optional operation by some reasons, the state after service selection becomes the state which is unsuccessful in a service selection without specified service either of the state before the operation of a service selection is maintained. It depends on the device which operation is implemented. In case of the former, Tuner Status Descriptor follows State 2 in Table 5.3-3 after service selection. In case of the latter, the content of Tuner Status Descriptor does not change at the front and the rear of the operation of service selection. (However, during the operation of service selection, the searching is set to one.) Page 34 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 6. 2. 2 T UN E R ST AT U S co m man d 6. 2. 2 .1 n ot if y co mm and [ opt i ona l] The basic structure of TUNER STATUS notify command is specified in section 8.5 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R11]. In this guideline, change-notices about both source plug and general area in Tuner Status Descriptor shall be supported, when TUNER STATUS notify command is supported. The target supposes to have queues of independence to two kinds of notify command, and shall accept each commands at least 3 (5 or more is recommended) controllers. Table 6.2-5 indicates the response specification for TUNER STATUS notify command. Table 6.2-5 – Response for TUNER STATUS notify command Response Conditions and Behavior NOT_IMPLEMENTED Condition: Operands are different from the following values. operand[0]=0016(source plug), or FF16 (general area) operand[1]=FF16 operand[2]=FF16 REJECTED Condition: The target already accepted the notification requests from maximum number of controllers. The target already has the pending request from the controller that issue the command. (A target does not accept the plural notification requests from the same controller.) Condition: Except for the above, always returns INTERIM. Value of each operands: Same as command frame. INTERIM CHANGED after INTERIM After a device returns INTERIM, the target keep watch on change of the inside state of Tuner Status Descriptor. When the bus reset has occurred, the target cancels the command. Condition: After a device returns INTERIM, when the contents of Tuner Status Descriptor has changed. Value of each operands: (1)When source plug has changed operand[0]=0016 operand[1]=2016(system_id) operand[2]=FF16(system_specific_event) REJECTED after INTERIM (2)When general area has changed operand[0]=FF16 operand[1]=2016(system_id) operand[2]=FF16(system_specific_event) Do not use REJECTED response after INTERIM response. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 35 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 6. 2. 3 O P E N DE S CR I PT O R c o mm an d 6. 2. 3 .1 co n t ro l co mm an d [ M an d at o r y] The basic structure of OPEN DESCRIPTOR command is specified in section 9.4 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R13]. In this guideline, OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command where only Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor(0016) or Tuner Status Descriptor(8016) is specified in descriptor_specifier is supported. And each descriptor can be accessed only when READ OPEN(0116) or CLOSE(0016) is specified as subfunction of OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command.. The number of controllers which can open each descriptor simultaneously shall be at least two. Table 6.2-6 indicates the response specification for OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command. Page 36 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 Table 6.2-6 – Response for OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command Response Conditions and Behavior NOT_IMPLEMENTED Condition: Operands are different from the following values. operand[0]=0016, or 8016 (descriptor_specifier) operand[1]=01, or 0016 (subfunction) operand[2]=0016 REJECTED Condition: The target already accepted the OPEN requests from maximum number of controllers. In case of operand[1]=0116 (READ OPEN) The following condition depends on vendor. (However when the target follows AV/C General 3.0[R5] only.) The target already accepted the OPEN requests from the same controller. Condition: None In case of operand[1]=0016 (CLOSE) The following condition depends on vendor. (However when the target follows AV/C General 3.0[R5] only.) The target received the CLOSE request from the controller which had not requested the OPEN yet. ACCEPTED Condition: Except for the above, always returns ACCEPTED. Behavior: In case of operand[1]=0116 Permit the access right to the Descriptor. In case of operand[1]=0016 Delete the access right to the Descriptor. INTERIM Do not use INTERIM response. 6. 2. 3 .2 st a t u s co m ma n d [ M a ndat or y] Table 6.2-7 indicates the response specification for OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 37 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 Table 6.2-7 – Response for OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command Response Conditions and Contents of Operands NOT_IMPLEMENTED REJECTED IN TRANSITION STABLE Condition: Operands are different from the following values. operand[0]=0016, or 8016 (descriptor_specifier)(Note 9) operand[1]=FF16 operand[2]=0016 operand[3]=FF16 operand[4]=FF16 Do not use REJECTED response. Do not use IN TRANSITION response. Condition: Except for the above, always returns STABLE. Value of each operands: (1) The target already accepted the READ OPEN requests and it can receive another request. operand[0]=same as command frame operand[1]=0116 operand[2]=0016 operand[3]=FF16 operand[4]=FF16 (2)The target already accepted the READ OPEN requests from maximum number of controllers. operand[0]=same as command frame operand[1]=1116 operand[2]=0016 operand[3]=FF16 operand[4]=FF16 (3)No controller acquires the access right to the specified descriptor. operand[0]=same as command frame operand[1]=0016 operand[2]=0016 operand[3]=FF16 operand[4]=FF16 (Note 9) There are some legacy devices which do not use the value of operand[0] for the judgment of NOT_IMPLEMENTED response. In such devices, when operand[0] is not 0016 nor 8016 (the other operands are set to valid values), it returns as follows. response=stable operand[0]=same as the command frame operand[1]=0416 operand[2]=0016 operand[3]=FF16 operand[4]=FF16 Page 38 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 6. 2. 4 RE AD D E S CR I PT O R c omm and 6. 2. 4 .1 co n t ro l co mm an d [ M and at o r y] The basic structure of READ DESCRIPTOR command is specified in section 9.5 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R13]. Table 6.2-8 indicates the response specification for READ DESCRIPTOR control command. Table 6.2-8 – Response for READ DESCRIPTOR control command Response Conditions and Contents of Operands NOT_IMPLEMENTED Condition: Operands are different from the following values. operand[0]=0016, or 8016 (descriptor_specifier) operand[1]=FF16 (read_result_status) operand[2]=0016 REJECTED Condition: When the controller does not have access right to the designated descriptor. (The descriptor which is designated by the source node has not opened.) When a designated address exceeds the range of the descriptor. ACCEPTED Condition: Except for the above, always returns ACCEPTED. Behavior: The target sets readout data from designated the descriptor. INTERIM Do not use INTERIM response. When the target returns ACCEPTED response, the target sets readout data from the specified descriptor after operand[7] of the response frame. At that time, target sets the size of data which is readout in real to the data_length field of the response frame. The read_result_status field is set according to Table 6.2-9. In this guideline, when the controller requests the command to readout all data, the target shall return all data. When the target returns NOT_IMPLEMENTED or REJECTED response, the target sets the value received by control command to the data_length field, and sets FF16 to the read_result_status field. Refer to section 9.5 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R13], for details. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 39 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 Table 6.2-9 – Establishment of the read_result_status of the response frame read_result_status status 1016 When the specified address exists in the descriptor, when the specified data_length is within the size of the descriptor, and when all data of specified descriptor can be read. 1116(Note 10) 1216 The condition is same as that for 1016, but when the data to transmit exceeds the size of the descriptor which can be transmitted in one transaction. When the size of specified data_length exceeds the end of data of descriptor, although specified address exists in the descriptor. (Note 10)This value is not used in this guideline because the target is implemented to be able to readout all data of the descriptor in one transaction. 6. 2. 5 PO W E R co m ma n d 6. 2. 5 .1 co n t ro l co mm an d [ M an d at o r y] The basic structure of POWER command is specified in section 11.1 of AV/C General 4.1[R12]. Table 6.2-10 indicates the response specification for POWER control command. Table 6.2-10 – Response for POWER control command Response Conditions and Behavior NOT_IMPLEMENTED Condition: OPR is different from the following values. Operand[0]=7016 or 6016 Condition: The case where power state transition is prohibited because of the state of a device.(Note 11) Condition: Except for the above, always returns ACCEPTED. Behavior: The power state of Unit is changed according to Table 6.2-11. Do not use INTERIM response.(Note 12) REJECTED ACCEPTED INTERIM (Note 11) For example, Tuner Subunit is used while timer recording is executed by instruction of an external device. (Note 12) However, the target may use INTERIM to POWER control command addressed to the Tuner Subunit because of relationship with control of the power state of other subunit, if this kind of rule is described in the Unit guideline. Table 6.2-11 shows the power state transition when a target returns ACCEPTED response to POWER control command. Page 40 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 Table 6.2-11 – The power state transition when POWER control command is ACCEPTED The power state of Tuner Subunit Power on Power off OPR0 of Command Frame The power state transition of Tuner Subunit 7016 (Power on) 6016 (Power off) 7016 (Power on) 6016 (Power off) No transition Power off Power on No transition 6. 2. 5 .2 st a t u s co m ma n d [ M a ndat or y] Table 6.2-12 indicates the response specification for POWER control command. Table 6.2-12 – Response for POWER status command Response NOT_IMPLEMENTED REJECTED IN TRANSITION STABLE Conditions and Contents of Operands Condition: OPR is different from the following values. Operand[0]=7F16 Do not use REJECTED response Condition: The case where the power status of a device is in transition. (Note 13) Value of each operands: (1) The Tuner Subunit is transitioning into Power on state. Operand[0]=7016 (2) The Tuner Subunit is transitioning into Power off state. Operand[0]=6016 Condition: Except for the above, always returns STABLE. Value of each operands: (1) The power status of Tuner Subunit is ON. Operand[0]=7016 (2) The power status of Tuner Subunit is OFF. Operand[0]=6016 (Note 13)It is vender dependent whether the target uses IN TRANSITION response or not. If a target does not use not use it while the power state is in transition, the target shall return STABLE response with the expected state that it is transiting into. 6. 2. 5 .3 n ot if y co mm and [ opt i ona l] Table 6.2-13 indicates the response specification for POWER notify command. When a target supports POWER notify command, the target shall accept the notification request from at least three controllers (five or more is recommended). Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 41 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 Table 6.2-13 – Response for POWER notify command Response Conditions and Behavior NOT_IMPLEMENTED Condition: Operands are different from the following values. operand[0]=7F16 REJECTED Condition: The target already accepted the notification requests from maximum number of controllers. The target already has the pending request from the controller that issues the command. (A target does not accept the plural notification requests from the same controller.) Condition: Except for the above, always returns INTERIM. Value of each operands: (1) The power status of Tuner Subunit is ON. Operand[0]=7016 (2) The power status of Tuner Subunit is OFF. Operand[0]=6016 INTERIM CHANGED after INTERIM Condition: After a device returns INTERIM, when power status of Tuner Subunit has changed. Value of each operands: (1) The power status of Tuner Subunit is ON after changes. Operand[0]=7016 (2) The power status of Tuner Subunit is OFF after changes. Operand[0]=6016 REJECTED after INTERIM Do not use REJECTED response after INTERIM response. 6. 2. 6 PL UG IN F O co mm an d 6. 2. 6 .1 st a t u s co m ma n d [ M a n d at or y] The basic structure of PLUG INFO command is specified in section 12.1 of AV/C General 4.1 [R12]. In this guideline, Tuner Subunit has two input plugs (antenna destination plug and demux destination plug) and an output plug (source plug) as this guideline explained with Tuner Model in chapter3. Table 6.2-14 indicates the response specification for PLUG INFO status command at this case. Page 42 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 Table 6.2-14 – Response for PLUG INFO status command Response NOT_IMPLEMENTED REJECTED IN TRANSITION STABLE Conditions and Contents of Operands Condition: OPRs are different from the following values. Operand[0]=0016 Operand[1]=FF16 Operand[2]=FF16,. Operand[3]=FF16 Operand[4]=FF16 Do not use REJECTED response. Do not use IN TRANSITION response. Condition: Except for the above, always returns STABLE. Value of each operands: Operand[0]=0016 Operand[1]=0216 (The number of destination plugs) Operand[2]=0116 (The number of source plugs) Operand[3]=FF16 Operand[4]=FF16 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 43 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 Annexes Annex A: A Recommended behavior of the Controller This annex describes the application sample from the controller's view point (the control sequence recommended to a controller). A. 1 Recognition of Tuner Subunit for Satellite Digital Broadcasting system The procedures whether a target device is implemented Tuner Subunit for satellite digital broadcasting system is described below. At first, a controller investigates whether Tuner Subunit is included in some Subunits which constitute a Unit using SUBUNIT INFO status command. When Tuner Subunit is included, a controller makes sure whether Tuner Subunit is Tuner Subunit for satellite digital broadcasting system in order of the following. (1) The controller opens Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor in Tuner Subunit of the target device using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command (subfunction: READ OPEN). When the response is NOT_IMPLEMENTED Tuner Subunit is not for satellite digital broadcasting system. When the response is REJECTED Because it is thought the cause such as the target already accepted the OPEN requests from maximum number of controllers, the controller investigates the OPEN state of descriptor using OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command and deals according to response. Try (1) again, when the target can accept READ OPEN. When the response is ACCEPTED Go to step (2). (2) The controller readouts Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor using READ DESCRIPTOR control command. At that time, the controller specifies the read-out start address of 0 (it means the top of the descriptor) and the read-out data_length of 0 (it means the whole data). When the response is NOT_IMPLEMENTED Tuner Subunit is not for BS/CS digital broadcasting system. When the response is REJECTED Because it is thought the cause such as the target forces to close Descriptor, the controller investigates the OPEN state of Descriptor using OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command and deals according to response. Try (1) again, when the target can accept READ OPEN. Page 44 When the response is ACCEPTED Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 The controller judges the following condition on the basis of the readout content of Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor. (a) system_specification that system_id=2016(DVB) exists. (b) subsysten_label=”JPNBS0004” exists in subsystem_labels. (c) subsysten_label=”JPNBS0006” or subsysten_label=”JPNBS0007” exists in the subsystem_labels. From the above judgment result, the controller understands as follows. When the target meets only the condition (a) and (b) The Tuner Subunit is for only BS digital broadcasting system When the target meets only the condition (a) and (c) The Tuner Subunit is for only Wideband CS digital broadcasting system When the target meets the condition (a), (b) and (c) The Tuner Subunit is for sharing BS/Wideband CS digital broadcasting system Other than described above The Tuner Subunit not for digital broadcasting system (3) The controller closes Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor in Tuner Subunit of the target device using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command (subfunction: CLOSE). Furthermore, when several Tuner Subunits are packaged in one Unit, the controller does similar confirmation in accordance with the above procedure for each Tuner Subunit. A. 2 Inquiring the tuning status of Satellite Digital Broadcasting system This section describes the procedure which investigates tuning status of Tuner Subunit of the target. The procedure is as follows. Before performing investigation described in this section, it is necessary to confirm that Tuner Subunit is for satellite digital broadcasting system according to the procedure described in section A.1. (1) The controller opens Tuner Status Descriptor in Tuner Subunit of the target device using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command (subfunction: READ OPEN). When the response is NOT_IMPLEMENTED The target is not for satellite digital broadcasting system. This response cannot actually happen because it has been confirmed in section A.1, When the response is REJECTED Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 45 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 Because it is thought the cause such as the target already accepted the OPEN requests from maximum number of controllers, the controller investigates the OPEN state of Descriptor using OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command and deals according to response. Try (1) again, when the target can accept READ OPEN. When the response is ACCEPTED Go to step (2). (2) The controller readouts Tuner Status Descriptor using READ DESCRIPTOR control command. At that time, the controller specifies the read-out start address of 0 (it means the top of the descriptor) and the read-out data_length of 0 (it means the whole data). When the response is NOT_IMPLEMENTED The target is not for satellite digital broadcasting system. This response cannot actually happen because it has been confirmed in section A.1, When the response is REJECTED Because it is thought the cause such as the target forces to close Descriptor, the controller investigates the OPEN state of Descriptor using OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command and deals according to response. Try (1) again, when the target can accept READ OPEN. When the response is ACCEPTED The controller can confirm the tuning status of Tuner Subunit by the following parameter about readout Tuner Status Descriptor. Figure A-1 shows algorithm to confirm the tuning status. Refer to section in this guideline for details. The searching bit in the antenna_input_info field In case of searching=1 Tuner Subunit is “In tuning operation”. In case of searching=0 Tuner Subunit is not “In tuning operation”, the state of target has already done the tuning and output a service. The input bit in the source_plug_status field In case of input=0 The selected service is input from antenna destination plug. In case of input=1 The selected service is input from demux destination plug. In this guideline, because the input from demux destination plug is not supported, this value cannot actually happen. Page 46 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 The currently_available in the system_specific_multiplex_selection_attributes field In case of currently_available=1 The state which has succeeded in PAT acquisition of the selected service. In case of currently_available=0 The state which has not succeeded in PAT acquisition of the selected service. The currently_available in the system_specific_servise_selection_attributes field. In case of currently_available=1 The state which has succeeded to output the selected service. In case of currently_available=0 The state which there has been mention of specification service in PAT and it has been possible to tune, but the output from Tuner Subunit is impossible by another factor. In the value of org_network_id, the controller confirm a kind of broadcasting. org_network_id=000416 BS digital broadcasting system org_network_id=000616, 000716 Wideband CS digital broadcasting system In the value of service_id, the controller confirms the selected service. The possible value of service_id is from 000116 to 03E716 (ch.1-ch.999). (3) The controller closes Tuner Status Descriptor in Tuner Subunit of the target device using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command (subfunction: CLOSE). Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 47 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 START antenna_input_info. no_RF=0 No Front end does not lock Yes antenna_input_info. searching=0 No In tuning operation Yes antenna_input_info. input=0 No The signal does not input from antenna destination plug to Tuner Subunit. Yes No PAT is invalid. The service which does not exist in NIT is selected. No The output from Tuner Subunit is impossible by another factor. system_specific_multiplex_selection_attributes. currently_available=1 Yes system_specific_service_selection_attributes. currently_available=1 (Refer to section in this guideline) Yes The service is output normally. (The controller investigates the contents of the service by the org_network_id and the service_id in the system_specific_service_selection_attributes) END Figure A-1 – The confirmation algorithm of a tuning status of Tuner Subunit Page 48 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 A. 3 Tuning demand to Satellite Digital Broadcasting system This section describes about the procedure for tuning demand to Tuner Subunit of the target device. The procedure is as follows. Before performing investigation described in this section, it is necessary to confirm that Tuner Subunit is for satellite digital broadcasting system according to the procedure described in section A.1. A tuning demand is realized that a controller sends DIRECT SELECT INFORMATION TYPE control command (subfunction=D216(replace) and information_type=8216 (selecting a complete service)) to Tuner Subunit of a target. Table A-1 indicates a data example of the concrete command frame of DSIT control command. In this table, OPR0, OPR1,… denote operand[0], operand[1],… and the shaded portion of the table is a fixed value field. A controller sends a command to set org_network_id (in case of BS digital broadcasting, 000416 is set and in case of Wideband CS digital broadcasting, 000616 or 000716 is set) according to the broadcasting of the tuning object at operand[30] and operand[31], and set the value of service_id (from 000116 to 03E716) of a service which it wants to select at operand[34] and operand[35]. Note that the contents of the system_specific_multiplex_selection_attributes and system_specific_service_attributes need to be set as shown in Table A-1 even if the corresponding valid flags are invalid. Otherwise, some targets may not operate correctly. Furthermore, when the controller select a service of Wideband CS digital broadcasting, it sets org_network_id=000616 for tuning demand in the case where it cannot specify org_netowork_id for service_id. And then, when it tunes out that specified service_id does not exist in the network as a result of checking a tuning state in the procedure described in A.2. After that, the controller sets org_network_id=000716 and retries the tuning demand. Table A-1 – The establishment value of the command frame of DSIT control command Field name Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Values Page 49 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 opcode OPR0 OPR1 OPR2 OPR3 OPR4 OPR5 OPR6 OPR7 OPR8 CTS/ctype subunit type/ID Opcode source plug subfunction status system_id input, antenna_number(7bit) system_specific_ orb_pos, main_freq_up, main_freq_down, service_id, reserved(4bit) search_flags system_specific_multiplex_selection_length reserved_field, polarization, orbital_position, RF_freq_raster, system_specific_ symbol_rate, FEC_outer, multiplex_attributes_ FEC_inner, modulation valid_flags network_id, reservid(7bit) currently_available, selected, reserved(6bit) polarization(2bit), west_east, reserved(5bit) orbital_position_upper orbital_position_lower OPR9 OPR10 OPR11 OPR12 OPR13 OPR14 OPR15 OPR16 OPR17 OPR18 OPR19 OPR20 OPR21 OPR22 OPR23 OPR24 OPR25 OPR26 system_specific_ multiplex_selection system_specific_ multiplex_selection_ attributes raster_frequency(2bit), RF_frequency(22bit) symbol_rate, reserved(4bit) FEC_outer FEC_inner modulation, reserved(3bit) network_id number_of_dsit_selection_specifications (n) specification_length information_type system_specific_ service_attributes_ valid_flags OPR27 OPR28 OPR29 OPR30 OPR31 OPR32 OPR33 OPR34 OPR35 OPR36 OPR37 December 15, 2003 dsit_selection_ specification[0] reserved_fields, CA_output, org_network_id, transport_id, service_id, bouquet_id, reserved(2bit) currently_available, reserved(7bit) CA_output, reserved(7bit) 0016 2816 C816 0016 D216 FF16 2016 0016 0016 1116 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 8016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0116 0C16 8216 2816 0016 0016 org_network_id system_specific_ service_selection_at tributes transport_stream_id 0016 0016 service_id bouquet_id 0016 0016 The recommendation operation to the controller is shown about answer of response when the controller send DSIT control command for tuning demand, as follows. Page 50 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 When the response is NOT_IMPLEMENTED The target is not for satellite digital broadcasting system. This response cannot actually happen because it has been confirmed in section A.1. When the response is REJECTED is the target is in the state where the service cannot be selected from outside. When the response is ACCEPTED In the case of status=0016, tuning operation in accordance with the DSIT command sent from the controller has already been completed. In the case of status=0116, the controller should confirm the result of tuning operation by reading out the contents of Tuner Status Descriptor. The confirmation method is described in section A.2. Furthermore, since the target is under tuning operation execution when searching of Tuner Status Descriptor which the controller read is one, the controller should confirm again. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 51 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 Annexes Annex B: IEEE1394 implementation of legacy devices B.1 SONY The receiver for BS/CS digital broadcasting system (DST-BX500) and DTV(KDF-50HD800, KDF60HD800, KD-36HD800, KD-32HD800, KD-28HD800, KD-36HD600, KD-32HD600, KD-28HD600) which are already shipped have some different implementations from those of this guideline section These differences are described in this section. Table B.1-1 indicates the establishment specification of the variable field according to the state of Tuner Subunit. The shaded portion of Table B.1-1 indicates that it is different from the implementation specification explained in this guideline section Table B.1-1 – The status of Tuner Subunit and establishment standards of the variable field of Tuner Status Descriptor (SONY legacy devices) variable field currently_available no_RF status of status multiplex service component None None None all 0 0/1 (Note 14) all 1 number_of_ selection_ specification Tuner Subunit 1 2 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 None None None 0 5 0 1 1 6 0 1 1 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0116 2016 0116 1016 0116 None: There is no field. (Note 14) By whether the component is effective or not, 1/0 is set respectively. State1: The state which front end has not locked, or when Tuner Subunit is power off. State2: The state which front end has locked but PAT has been invalid, or front end has locked but tuning has been not completed because there is no service in NIT. State3: The state which PAT has been effective but there has been no mention of specification service in PAT, or there has been mention of specification service in PAT but PMT has not existed. State4: The state where the contents of the specified service are in PAT and the service can be tuned, but the output from Tuner Subunit is impossible by another factor. State5: The state which the output from Tuner Subunit has been possible but some component outputs have been invalid because the part of PMT has been invalid. (This state hardly happens.) State6: The state which the output from Tuner Subunit has been possible, PMT has been effective and all component outputs which are stated in Tuner Status Descriptor have been effective. Page 52 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 In these devices, when serial bus input plug and destination plug of Monitor Subunit has been connected (during receiving a 1394 input), Tuner Status Descriptor becomes the state of State1 or State2 above. B.2 SH ARP The 1st generation of DTV for BS/CS digital broadcasting system (LC-30BV3, PZ-50BD3 and PZ-43BD3) which are already shipped from SHARP has some different implementations from those of this guideline. These differences are described in this section. B. 2. 1 T h e imp le m en t ed De s cr ipt o r s p e cif ic at io n of the v a r iab l e f i el d in T une r In these devices, the implementation of the variable field of Tuner Status Descriptor differs from the contents described by section of this guideline. This section describes these differences for the variable fields. Table B.2-2 indicates the establishment specification of the variable field according to the state of Tuner Subunit. The shaded portion of Table B.2-2 indicates that it is different from the implementation specification explained in this guideline section Refer to section B.1 for the definition of the state of Tuner Subunit. Table B.2-2 – The status of Tuner Subunit and establishment standards of the variable fields of Tuner Status Descriptor (SHARP legacy devices) variable field currently_available no_RF status of status multiplex service component None None None None 0/1 (Note 15) all 1 number_of_ selection_ specification Tuner Subunit 1 2 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 None None None None 5 0 1 1 6 0 1 1 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 1016 0116 1016 0116 None: There is no field (Note 15) By whether the component is effective or not,1/0 is set respectively. About the searching field, the operation is different from the implementation specification of this guideline in respect of the following. In case of State2, the searching is always 1. Timing when the searching field switches from 1 to 0 is sometimes before timing when a tuning really completes. B. 2. 2 Pow e r con t rol co mm and to T une r Su bun it These models are implemented to return only response to POWER control command, and are not dealing with real power supply On/Off. Targets return the following value when this command is issued. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 53 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 (1) When the power state is ON: For Power On command ACCEPTED For Power Off command REJECTED (2) When the power state is OFF: For Power On command REJECTED For Power Off command ACCEPTED The target operates as a repeater on 1394 bus when the power state of Unit is OFF by pushing the button on the front panel or the IR remote commander and rejects all AV/C commands. Power supply Off states explained in the above, it is restricted to a limitation state in a short period after power Off till power supply really falling, or download of firmware. B . 2. 3 O P E N D E S C R I PT O R c o n t r o l c o m m an d t o T u n e r S u b u n i t These models do not correspond to OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command from several devices. It is only 1 that the target can open each Descriptor of Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor and Tuner Status Descriptor at once. B. 2. 4 Sup p o rt lev el o f AV / C co m ma nd s These models do not support the following command which is specified as mandatory command in this guideline. When these commands are issued, they return NOT_IMPLEMENTED. PLUG INFO status command B. 2. 5 T h e ju d g m en t cr it er ia o f NO T _IM PL EM ENT ED These models does not use some fields based on this guideline when it judges whether the command is NOT_IMPLEMENTED or not, these fields were specified in this guideline as the fixed value later. For example, In DSIT command, the field which has the default value in ARIB_3.1[R10] but has the fixed value in this guideline. When the fields except opcode exist in the General Inquiry command. B.3 MEI There are some receivers for BS/CS digital broadcasting system (those contain TV with a built-in receiver) which are already shipped from MEI. The 1st generations are D10/BHD100, the 2nd generations are D100/DH100 and the 3rd generations are D20/D25/BHD200/BHD250. In these devices, the implementation of the variable field of Tuner Status Descriptor differs from the contents described by section of this guideline. Page 54 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 Table B.3-3 and Table B.3-4 indicate the establishment specification of the variable field according to the state of Tuner Subunit. The shaded portion of Table B.3-3 and Table B.3-4 indicate that it is different from the implementation specification explained in this guideline section Refer to section B.1 for the definition of the state of Tuner Subunit. Table B.3-3 – The status of Tuner Subunit and establishment standards of the variable fields of Tuner Status Descriptor (MEI legacy devices(D10/BHD100 and D100/DH100)) variable field currently_available no_RF status of status number_of_ selection_ multiplex service component Unsettled Unsettle d Unsettled Unsettle d Unsettled 0 None None 0016 0016 1 1 1 1 None None None 1 None None None 1 0016 0016 0016 1016 0016 0016 0016 0116 specification Tuner Subunit 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0(D100) 1(D10) 0 0 0 0 Unsettled: The value immediately before changes is left untouched. None: There is no field. Table B.3-4 – The status of Tuner Subunit and establishment standards of the variable fields of Tuner Status Descriptor (MEI legacy devices(D20//D25/BHD200/BHD250)) variable field currently_available no_RF status of status multiplex service component None None None None 0/1 (Note 16) 1 number_of_ selection_ specification Tuner Subunit 1 2 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 None None None None 5 0 1 1 6 0 1 1 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 2016 0116 1016 0116 None: There is no field. (Note 16) By whether the component is effective or not, 1/0 is set respectively. As for the implementation of searching field for D10/BHD100 and D100/DH100, the following points differ from the rules described in this guideline. In state 1, when the target performs tuning operation, searching field continues being 1. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 55 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 In case of state 2, the searching field is always 1. B.4 TOSHIB A The STB for BS digital broadcasting system (TT-D2000 and TT-D2200), the DTV (32D2000, 36D2000, 50P2000, 28D2500, 32D2500, 36D2500, 42P2500, 50P2500) for BS digital broadcasting system and the DTV(28D2700, 32D2700, 36D2700, 35P2700, 42P2700, 50P2700) for BS/CS digital broadcasting system which are already shipped from Toshiba have some different implementations from those of this guideline. These differences are described in this section. Note that implementations of these receivers might be modified by software version up via broadcasting system. B. 4. 1 T he imp le m en t ed De s cr ip t o r s p e cif ic at io n of the v a r iab l e f i el d in Tuner Table B.4-5 indicates the establishment specification of the variable field according to the status of Tuner Subunit. The shaded portion of Table B.4-5 indicates that it is different from the implementation specification explained in this guideline section Refer to section B.1 for the definition of the status of Tuner Subunit. Table B.4-5 – The status of Tuner Subunit and establishment standards of the variable fields of Tuner Status Descriptor (Toshiba legacy devices) Variable field currently_available no_RF status of status multiplex Service component None None None All 0 0/1 (Note 17) all 1 number_of_ selection_ specification Tuner Subunit 1 2 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 None 0 0 1 5 0 1 1 6 0 1 1 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0116 0116 0116 2016 0116 1016 0116 None: There is no field (Note 17) By whether the component is effective or not,1/0 is set respectively. B. 4. 2 As s i g n m en t o f Plu g Nu mb e r The assignment of Tuner Subunit plug number of these models differs from the contents described by section 4.2 of this guideline. Table B.4-6 indicates the establishment specification of the assignment of plug number of Tuner Subunit. The plug number of antenna destination plug for Toshiba legacy device is not allocated. Page 56 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese BS/CS Digital Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 Table B.4-6 – Assignment of Plug Number (Toshiba legacy devices) Plug plug number antenna destination demux destination Source (None) 0016 0016 B . 4. 3 O P E N D E S C R I PT O R c o n t r o l c o m m an d t o T u n e r S u b u n i t These models do not correspond to OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command from several devices. Only one controller can open Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor and Tuner Status Descriptor of these models by OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command at the same time. B. 4. 4 Re sp o n s e sp e cif ic at i on f o r D S IT con t r ol c omm and These models are able to return AV/C Response to the controller within 100msec, after they received DSIT command and evaluated the specified service_id in DSIT operands. If the specified service_id does not exist in NIT, these models products may return REJECTED response. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 57 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Tuner Subunit for UV Analog Broadcasting System 1.0 December 15, 2003 Sponsored by: 1394 Trade Association Accepted for Release by: 1394 Trade Association Board of Directors. Abstract: This document provides the IEEE 1394 implementation guideline for Tuner Subunit which supports UV analog broadcasting system. Keywords: Tuner Subunit. Copyright 1996-2004 by the 1394 Trade Association. 1111 South Main Street, Suite 100, Grapevine, TX 76051, USA http://www.1394TA.org All rights reserved. Permission is granted to members of the 1394 Trade Association to reproduce this document for their own use or the use of other 1394 Trade Association members only, provided this notice is included. All other rights reserved. Duplication for sale, or for commercial or for-profit use is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the 1394 Trade Association. Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 1394 Trade Association Specifications are developed within Working Groups of the 1394 Trade Association, a non-profit industry association devoted to the promotion of and growth of the market for IEEE 1394-compliant products. Participants in working groups serve voluntarily and without compensation from the Trade Association. Most participants represent member organizations of the 1394 Trade Association. The specifications developed within the working groups represent a consensus of the expertise represented by the participants. Use of a 1394 Trade Association Specification is wholly voluntary. The existence of a 1394 Trade Association Specification is not meant to imply that there are not other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the 1394 Trade Association Specification. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a specification is accepted and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the specification. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest revision of any 1394 Trade Association Specification. Comments for revision of 1394 Trade Association Specifications are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership affiliation with the 1394 Trade Association. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments. Interpretations: Occasionally, questions may arise about the meaning of specifications in relationship to specific applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of the 1394 Trade Association, the Association will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Comments on specifications and requests for interpretations should be addressed to: Editor, 1394 Trade Association 1111 South Main Street, Suite 100 Grapevine, TX 76051 USA 1394 Trade Association Specifications are adopted by the 1394 Trade Association without regard to patents which may exist on articles, materials or processes or to other proprietary intellectual property which may exist within a specification. Adoption of a specification by the 1394 Trade Association does not assume any liability to any patent owner or any obligation whatsoever to those parties who rely on the specification documents. Readers of this document are advised to make an independent determination regarding the existence of intellectual property rights, which may be infringed by conformance to this specification. Page 2 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 Table of Contents 1. Overview .....................................................................................................................................................7 1.1 Purpose...............................................................................................................................................7 1.2 Scope..................................................................................................................................................7 2. References ...................................................................................................................................................8 3. Definitions...................................................................................................................................................9 3.1 Conformance levels............................................................................................................................9 3.2 Glossary of terms ...............................................................................................................................9 4. System Overview ......................................................................................................................................10 4.1 Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system Model ..............................................................10 4.2 Allocation of the Plug Number ........................................................................................................10 5. Tuner Descriptor .......................................................................................................................................11 5.1 Overview..........................................................................................................................................11 5.2 Supported Descriptor .......................................................................................................................11 5.3 Data Structure and Content ..............................................................................................................11 5.3.1 Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor .......................................................................................11 5.3.2 Tuner Status Descriptor .........................................................................................................15 5.4 Management of the access right .......................................................................................................20 5.4.1 Regulations about OPEN .......................................................................................................20 5.4.2 Regulations about CLOSE .....................................................................................................20 6. AV/C command.........................................................................................................................................21 6.1 Outline..............................................................................................................................................21 6.2 List of Supported Commands...........................................................................................................21 6.3 Details of the Supported Commands................................................................................................21 6.3.1 DIRECT SELECT INFORMATION TYPE (DSIT) command.............................................21 6.3.2 OPEN DESCRIPTOR command ...........................................................................................25 6.3.3 READ DESCRIPTOR command...........................................................................................27 6.3.4 POWER command.................................................................................................................29 6.3.5 PLUG INFO command ..........................................................................................................29 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 3 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 List of Figures Figure 4-1 – Tuner Subunit Model ................................................................................................................10 Figure A-1 – The confirmation algorithm of a tuning status of Tuner Subunit .............................................34 Page 4 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 List of Tables Table 4-1 – Assigned Plug Number ..............................................................................................................10 Table 5-1 – Supported Descriptor .................................................................................................................11 Table 5-2 – Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor ...........................................................................................11 Table 5-3 – Tuner Status Descriptor .............................................................................................................16 Table 5-4 –State of Tuner Subunit and Setting of a variable field of Tuner Status Descriptor .....................20 Table 6-1 – Support commands list of Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system .........................21 Table 6-2 – DIRECT SELECT INFORMATION TYPE command .............................................................22 Table 6-3 – Response for DSIT control command........................................................................................24 Table 6-4 –Frame format of DSIT response..................................................................................................24 Table 6-5 –The status field in DSIT response frame.....................................................................................25 Table 6-6 – Response for OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command .............................................................26 Table 6-7 – Response for OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command ...............................................................27 Table 6-8 – Response for READ DESCRIPTOR control command.............................................................28 Table 6-9 – read_result_status of the response frame ...................................................................................28 Table 6-10 – Response for POWER status command ...................................................................................29 Table 6-11 – Response for PLUG INFO status command ............................................................................30 Table A-1 – Values of the command frame of DSIT control command .......................................................35 Table B-1 – Correspondence between Physical Channel and Center Frequency (1) ....................................36 Table B-2 – Correspondence between Physical Channel and Center Frequency (2) ....................................37 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 5 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 This page is left intentionally blank Page 6 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 1. Overview 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this guideline is to clarify the implementation of the part that is not described clearly in the specification of AV/C command with respect to Tuner Subunit for Japanese UV analog broadcasting system. As Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system explained in this guideline is to be built-in receivers (TV) or recording devices, please refer to the implementation guideline of each Unit in case of implementation of Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system. 1.2 Scope This guideline is aimed at the Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system satisfying the following condition, It has only one source plug. It outputs only one service received from antenna. Implementation is based on AV/C Digital Interface Command Set, General Specification Version 4.1 (AV/C General 4.1 [R6]) and AV/C Descriptor Mechanism Specification Version 1.0 (AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R7]). Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 7 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 2. References This guideline refers to the following specifications: [R1] IEEE Std. 1394-1995, IEEE Standard for a High Performance Serial Bus [R2] IEEE Std. 1394a-2000, IEEE Standard for a High Performance Serial Bus (Amendment 1) [R3] IEC61883-1, Consumer audio/video equipment – Digital interface Part 1: General [R4] 1394TA, AV/C Tuner Broadcast System Specification - Analog Video Version 1.0 [R5] 1394TA, AV/C Tuner Subunit Model and Command Set Version 2.0 [R6] 1394TA, AV/C Digital Interface Command Set, General Specification Version 4.1 [R7] 1394TA, AV/C Descriptor Mechanism Specification Version 1.0 Page 8 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 3. Definitions 3.1 Conform ance levels 3.1.1 expected: A key word used to describe the behavior of the hardware or software in the design models assumed by this Specification. Other hardware and software design models may also be implemented. 3.1.2 may: A key word that indicates flexibility of choice with no implied preference. 3.1.3 shall: A key word indicating a mandatory requirement. Designers are required to implement all such mandatory requirements. 3.1.4 should: A key word indicating flexibility of choice with a strongly preferred alternative. Equivalent to the phrase is recommended. 3.1.5 reserved fields: A set of bits within a data structure that are defined in this specification as reserved, and are not otherwise used. Implementations of this specification shall zero these fields. Future revisions of this specification, however, may define their usage. 3.1.6 reserved values: A set of values for a field that are defined in this specification as reserved, and are not otherwise used. Implementations of this specification shall not generate these values for the field. Future revisions of this specification, however, may define their usage. NOTE — The IEEE is investigating whether the “may, shall, should” and possibly “expected” terms will be formally defined by IEEE. If and when this occurs, draft editors should obtain their conformance definitions from the latest IEEE style document. 3.2 Glossar y of terms 3.2.1 Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system: The Tuner Subunit for receiving Japanese UV digital broadcasting system which is defined by 1394TA, AV/C Command standard. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 9 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 4. System Overview 4.1 Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcast ing system Model This section describes the Implementation Model of the Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system which is assumed in this guideline. Figure 4-1 shows the connection model of the Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system. serial bus output plug, external output plug, or other subunit destination plug external antenna input plug antenna destination plug(0016) Tuner Subunit source plug (0016) no demux destination plug Figure 4-1 – Tuner Subunit Model Tuner Subunit has one input plug (antenna destination plug) and one output plug (source plug). Antenna destination plug is a plug which inputs the signal received from the antenna to Tuner Subunit, and is connected to external antenna input plug of UV analog receiver (Unit). Source plug is a plug which outputs the signal tuned in Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system. For example, it is connected to external output plug. The number of source plug is one in this guideline. 4.2 Assignment of Plug Number This section describes assignment of the plug number for each plug. Table 4-1 shows the assignment of the plug number for each plug. Table 4-1 – Assigned Plug Number plug plug number antenna destination 0016 source 0016 The plug number of each input plug is always set to the value shown in Table 4-1complying with AV/C Tuner Model and Command Set Version 2.0 (AV/C_Tuner 2.0 [R5]) in this guideline. The value of the plug number of each output plug (source plug) is always fixed to 0016 in this guideline. Page 10 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 5. Tuner Descriptor 5.1 Overvi ew This chapter describes the structure and the content of descriptor that should be implemented in the Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting systems. 5.2 Supported Descript or Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system should support two types of descriptors shown in Table 5-1. Table 5-1 – Supported Descriptor Descriptor descriptor_specifier Description Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor 0016 Capabilities/features of Tuner Subunit Tuner Status Descriptor 8016 Status of Tuner Subunit 5.3 Data Structure and Content 5. 3. 1 T uner Subu nit Id en t if ie r D es c rip to r 5. 3. 1 .1 St ru ct u re The Structure of Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor is shown in Table5-2. The basic structure is specified in AV/C Descriptor 1.0[R7], and the structure of subunit_dependent_information is specified in AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R5]. Table 4-2 shows the values that should be used in this guideline. Contents of each field are explained in section Table 5-2 – Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 11 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 Offset 0016-0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616-0716 0816-0916 0A16 0B16-0C16 0D16 0E16 0F16 1016 1116-1916 1A16-1B16 1C16 1D16 1E16 1F16 2016-2116 2216 2316 2416 2516 2616 2716 Page 12 Structure descriptor_length generation_ID size_of_list_ID size_of_object_ID size_of_entry_position number_of_root _lists subunit_type_dependent_information_length subunit_type_dependent_information{ number_of_systems for ( i=0; i<number_of_systems; i++ ){ system[i]_specification{ specification_length system_id implementation_profile_id number_of_subsystem_labels for ( j=0; j<number_of_subsystem_labels; j++ ){ sub_system_label_length sub_system_label[1-9] } /* for [j] */ multiplex_preferred_selection_flags service_preferred_selection_flags number_of_antennas for ( k=0; k<number_of_antennas; k++ ){ antenna[k]_specification{ mobile, movable, reserved(3bit), transport(3bit) external_input_plug_number system_specific_antenna_range_specification_length system_specific_antenna_range_specification selection_attribute_range_specification_for_A{ list_flag, range_flag, size_of_attribute(s)(6bit) } selection_attribute_range_specification_for_B{ list_flag, range_flag, size_of_attribute(s)(6bit) } selection_attribute_range_specification_for_C{ list_flag, range_flag, size_of_attribute(s)(6bit) } selection_attribute_range_specification_for_D{ list_flag, range_flag, size_of_attribute(s)(6bit) } selection_attribute_range_specification_for_E{ list_flag, range_flag, size_of_attribute(s)(6bit) } } } /* for [k] */ system_specific_information_length system_specific_information{ } } } /* for [i] */ December 15, 2003 Number of bits Values 16 8 8 8 8 16 16 002816 0216 0216 0316 0216 000016 001E16 8 0016 16 8 8 8 001B16 1016 E016 0116 8 72 0916 ”JPNTBUV01” 16 8 8 100016 0016 0116 8 8 0316 [9C16] 16 000516 8 0016 8 0016 8 0016 8 0016 8 0016 8 0016 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 2816-2916 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 } manufacturer_dependent_information_length 16 000016 5. 3. 1 .2 Co n t en t s descriptor_length: The descriptor_length field indicates the total byte-size of all fields of Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor except this field. This field is always set to 002816 in this guideline. generation_ID: The generation_ID is always set to 0216 according to AV/C Descriptor 1.0[R7]. size_of_list_ID, size_of_entry_position: The values of the size_of_list_ID and size_of_entry_position fields are set to the values specified in section 6-1 of AV/C Tuner 2.0[R5]. However the field name of size_of_entry_position is described as "size_of_object_position” in AV/C Tuner 2.0[R5]. size_of_object_ID: The value of the size_of_object_ID field is always set to the value specified in AV/C Tuner Broadcast System Specification -Analog Video Version 1.0 (AV/C_Analog_Video 1.0 [R4]) in this guideline. number_of_root_lists: Since Tuner Subunit does not have object list in this guideline, the value of the number_of_root_lists field is fixed to 000016. subunit_type_dependent_information_length: The subunit_type_dependent_information_length field indicates the total bytes-size of subunit_type_dependent_information field except this field. This field is always set to 001E16 in this guideline. number_of_systems: The number_of_systems field indicates the number of broadcasting systems that Tuner Subunit is based on. In this guideline, Tuner Subunit supports only Analog Video specified in section 6.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R5], so this field is always set to 0116. specification_length: The specification_length field indicates the total byte-size of sysytem[i]_specification field except this field. This field is always set to 001B16 in this guideline. system_id: In this guideline, the value of the system_id is always set to the value (Analog Video = 1016) specified in AV/C Tuner 2.0[R5] . Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 13 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 implementation_profile_id: The value of implementation_profile_id is always set to E016, in this guideline. number_of_subsystem_labels: The number_of_subsystem_labels field indicates the number of service providers the Tuner Subunit is able to deal with. In this guideline, this value is always set to 1016, since the number of service provider is one. sub_system_label_length: The sub_system_label_length is the total byte-size of sub_system_label field and shall be fixed to nine characters (9 bytes) in this guideline. sub_system_label: The value of sub_system_label field is always set to “JPNTBUV01” in this guideline. multiplex/service_preferred_selection_flags: The multiplex/service_preferred_selection_flags field indicates the combination of minimum attributes which is needed for tuning. Since Tuner for UV analog broadcasting system uses the RF_frequency for tuning, the attribute of the RF_frequency of the multiplex_preferred_selection_flags is always set to “1” to make the attribute valid. Besides the raster_frequency is always set to 1 kHz. multiplex_preferred_selection_flags=100016 service_preferred_selection_flags=0016 number_of_antennas: The number_of_antennas field indicates the number of antenna that Tuner Subunit can use. Since Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system implements one antenna destination plug, the number_of_antennas is always set to 0116 in this guideline. mobile, movable: The mobile and movable fields are specified in section 6.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R5]. In this guideline, since the direction of the antenna both mobile and movable are always set to 0b. transport: The transport field is specified in section 6.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R5]. In this guideline, the value of the transport field is always set to “0112” for terrestrial. external_input_plug_number: This guideline recommends 9C16 as the value of external_input_plug_number field. system_specific_antenna_renge_specification_length: The value of the system_specific_antenna_range_specification_length field is the total byte- size of five system_specific_antenna_renge_specification fields. Page 14 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 selection_attribute_range_specification_for_A to E: The selection_attribute_range_specification_for_A to E are specified in section 6.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R5] and section 4.10 of AV/C Analog Video 1.0[R4]. In this guideline, because Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system does not have the range_specification field, list_flag=0, range_flag=0 and size_of_attribute=000000b are used for selection_attribute_range_specification_for_A to E fields. system_specific_information_length: The system_specific_information_length is the total byte-size of system_specific_information field. In this guideline, because Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system does not have the system_specific_information field, the value of the system_specific_information_length field is always set to 0016. system_specific_information: Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system does not have system_specific_information field, in this guideline. manufacturer_dependent_inforamation_length: The manufacturer_dependent_information_length is the total byte-size of manufacturer_dependent_information field. In this guideline, because manufacturer_dependent_information field is not used, it is set to 000016. the the 5. 3. 2 T u n er St at u s D e sc r i p t o r 5. 3. 2 .1 St ru ct u re The Structure of Tuner Status Descriptor is shown in Table 5-3. The basic structure is specified in AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R5]. Table 5-3shows the values that should be used in this guideline. When internal status of Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system is changed (tuning, put on/pull off the antenna, etc.), related field values of this Descriptor are updated. Conditions to be updated differ by each field. Contents of each field are explained in section5.3.2.2. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 15 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 Table 5-3 – Tuner Status Descriptor Number of bits Values descriptor_length general_tuner_status{ antenna_input_info_length antenna_input_info{ active_system_id searching, moving, no_RF, reserved(5bit) input(=0), selected_antenna(7bit) antenna_general_system_info{ 16 001D16 8 0716 8 8 8 1016 *0*000002 0016 raster_frequency(2bit), RF_frequency(22bit) 2 22 8 012 (=1kHz) * 0016 8 0B16 8 1016 8 0016 8 8 8 8 2 22 8 8 4016 / C016 0016 0016 0016 012 (=1kHz) * 0016 0016 8 0016 8 0116 8 8 8 8 0016 0016 0016 0016 8 0216 8 8 0016/1016 0016 Offset 0016-0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616-0816 Structure 0916 manufacturer_dependent_info_length } 0A16 0B16 0C16 0D16 0E16 0F16 1016 1116-1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 1916 1A16 1B16 1C16 1D16 1E16 Page 16 } system_specific_multiplex_selection_length system_specific_multiplex_selection{ system_specific_multiplex_attributes_valid_flags{ reserved_field, polarization, orbital_position, RF_freq_raster, trans_system, video_system, reserved(2bit) reserved(8bit) } system_specific_multiplex_selection_attributes{ currently_available, selected, reserved(6bit) polarization(2bit), west_east, reserved(5bit) orbital_position_upper orbital_position_lower raster_frequency(2bit), RF_frequency(22bit) transmission_system video_system } } demux_input_info_length demux_input_info{} } number_of_source_plugs for( i=0; i<number_of_source_plugs; i++ ){ source_plug_status[i]{ source_plug_number attributes Input, reserved(7bit) data_status_length data_status{} info_type_status_length info_type_status{ status number_of_selection_specifications } } } /* [i] */ Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 (Note 1) ”*” means variable bit or field. 5. 3. 2 .2 Co n t en t s descriptor_length: The descriptor_length indicates the total byte-size of all fields of Tuner Status Descriptor except this field. This field is fixed to 001D16 in this guideline. antenna_input_info_length: The antenna_input_info_length indicates the total byte-size of the antenna_input_info field except this field. This field is fixed to 7016 in this guideline. active_system_id: The active_system_id field stores the value of the system_id corresponding to receive broadcasting system. In this guideline, active_system_id is set to the value specified in section 6-1 of AV/C Tuner 2.0[R5]. searching, no_RF: The values of searching and no_RF fields are variable. The searching is set to one while tuning. The no_RF is se to one while no signal from antenna input exists. Settings of these fields are described in section moving: In this guideline, the moving is always set to zero indicating a fixed antenna. input (within antenna_input_info): In this guideline, the input is set to the value specified in section 6-2 of AV/C Tuner 2.0[R5]. selected_antenna: The selected_antenna indicates the index value of the antenna_specification shown in Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor. Because there is only one antenna_specification defined in Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor, the value of the selected_antenna field is always set to 0016 in this guideline. raster_frequency(within antenna_general_system_info): In this guideline, the value of the raster_frequency field is always set to 012 since the raster_frequency is assumed to be 1 kHz. RF_frequency(within antenna_general_system_info): The RF_frequency field stores 22 bit-data that represents the center frequency of physical channel even when performing fine tuning of selected frequency in this guideline. The unit is 1 kHz. Physical channel is the channel corresponding to the frequency used for tuning. The correspondence table is inidicated to Annex B. When the power state of the tuner subunit is off, this field has no meaning (don’t care) Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 17 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 manufacture_dependent_info_length: In this guideline, since the manufacture_dependent_info is not supported, the value of the manufacture_dependent_info_length field is always set 0016. system_specific_multiplex_selection_length: system_specific_multiplex_selection_length field indicates the total byte-size of system_specific_multiplex_selection field except this field. The value of this field is always set to 0B16 in this guideline. system_specific_multiplex_attributes_valid_flags: The RF_freq_raster flag is always set to “1”. The RF_freq_raster is a 1bit flag included in system_specific_multiplex_attributes_valid_flags which corresponds to the attribute which specified “1” in the multiplex_preferred_selection_flags of Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor. In this guideline, the value of the system_specific_multiplex_attributes_valid_flags field is always set to 100016 since the RF_frequency is only used for tuning. currently_available(within system_specific_multiplex_selection_attributes): The value of the currently_available field in system_specific_multiplex_selection_attributes field is variable. Settings of this field is described in section raster_frequency(within system_specific_multiplex_selection_attributes): In this guideline, the value of this field is always set to 012 that means 1 kHz. RF_frequency(within system_specific_multiplex_selection_attributes): In this guideline, the center frequency of physical channel is always expressed in 22 bits even when performing fine tuning of selected frequency. The frequency unit is 1 kHz. When the power state of the tuner subunit is off, this field has no meaning (don’t care). demux_input_info_length: The demux_input_info_length indicates the total byte-size of demux_input_info field. In this guideline, the value of this field is always set to 0016 since the demux_destination_plug does not exist. number_of_source_plugs: The number_of_source_plugs field indicates the number of the source plugs which are implemented in Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system. In this guideline, the value of this field is always set to 0116 since the number of source plug is one. source_plug_number: The source_plug_number field indicates the plug number of the source plug. In this guideline, the value of this field is always set to 0016 since the plug number is assigned according to Table 4-1. attributes The value of this field is always set to 0016 in this guideline. Page 18 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 input (within source_plug_status): The input field is specified in section 6.2 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R5]. The value of input field is set to zero in case of having input from antenna destination plug and is set to one in case of demux destination plug. data_status_length: In this guideline, this field is always set to 0016 since the data_status field is not used. info_type_status_length: The info_type_status_length field indicates the total byte-size of the info_type_status field except this field. This field is always set to 0216 in this guideline. status: The value of the status field is a variable which is decided by the availability of a service and components (currently_available) outputted from source plug. This is specified in section 6.2 of AV/C Tuner 2.0[R5]. Setting of this field is described in section number_of_selection_specifications: The value of this field is always set to 0016 in this guideline. 5. 3. 2 .3 S et t i ng of t h e v a ri ab l e f ie ld Among the field in Tuner Status Descriptor, searching, no_RF, currentry_avairable of system_specific_multiplex_selection_attributes, and status of source_plug_status change according to the tuning status of Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system. These fields are called variable fields, here. This section describes the setting of these variable fields. At first, the searching field is set to one at the start and during the execution of tuning and is set to zero after tuning is finished. As for other variable fields, the values in Table 5-4 are used depending on the internal states of Tuner Subunit shown in state 1 and 2. State1: The state where Tuner for UV analog broadcasting system is not locked. ex) When the antenna wire is not connected. When Tuner Subunit is in power off state. When tuning by frequency is impossible. State2: The state Tuner for UV analog broadcasting system is locked to a frequency and able to output Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 19 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 Table 5-4 –State of Tuner Subunit and Setting of a variable field of Tuner Status Descriptor variable field no_RF currently_available status 1 0 0 1 0016 1016 state 1 2 5.4 Management of access right This section describes the implementation as for the management of the access right of descriptors implemented in Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system. 5. 4. 1 Reg u l at i o n s ab o u t O P EN In this guideline, at least 2 external controllers which can open descriptor(s) for each of Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor and Tuner Status Descriptor supposed to be exist. When a descriptor has been opened by maximum available number of controllers, the device implemented Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system shall reject OPEN demand from other controller. All descriptors implemented in the Tuner Subunit are read only, so only READ OPEN is supported but WRITE OPEN is not supported. When a descriptor has been opened, if the same controller demands OPEN to the same descriptor, the device returns ACCEPTED but the management state of the target does not change because the descriptor has already opened by the same device. 5. 4. 2 Reg u l at i o n s abo ut C LO S E Close of a descriptor is possible only from the controller which opened the descriptor. When other controller which did not open the descriptor demands CLOSE, the device returns ACCEPTED. In this case the management state of the target does not change. And in following cases, an opened descriptor is force to close. Case1: When the inside state of the descriptor has changed ex) When a user executes tuning operation, the inside state of Tuner Status Descriptor changes. Case2: Bus reset ex) When the cable which connects to the 1394 bus is pulled out/pushed into the device. Case3: Timeout ex) When the controller which opened the descriptor did not access for 1 minute or more.(Time is managed to every controller.) Page 20 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 6. AV/C command 6.1 Outline This chapter describes the list of the AV/C commands addressed to Tuner Subunit should be implemented, and the details of each command. 6.2 Support Levels of AV/C commands Table 5-1 shows the support levels of AV/C commands addressed to Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system specified in this guideline. Since Specific Inquiry Command and General Inquiry Command are specified in AV/C General 4.1[R6], description is omitted here. The shaded portion in the table means optional or recommended commands to which this guideline does not specify any rules. Table 6-1 – Support commands list of Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system Tuner Subunit command opcode Support Levels of this guideline Control Status Notify * – – O O DIRECT SELECT INFORMATION TYPE (DSIT) TUNER STATUS CD16 – – OPEN DESCRIPTOR 0816 M C816 READ DESCRIPTOR 0916 POWER B216 RESERVE 0116 M M O O PLUG INFO 0216 – – – O O M O R – M: Mandatory O: Optional R: Recommended –: Not Defined or Not Supported *: According to operand of commands, it becomes either M or O. 6.3 Details of the Supported Commands 6. 3. 1 DI RE CT S EL ECT I NF O RM AT ION T Y P E ( D S IT ) co mm and 6. 3. 1 .1 S et t i n g sp e cif ic at ion of t h e co mm and f ra m e In this guideline, it is mandatory that the function is set to D216(replace) about the function of DIRECT SELECT INFORMATION TYPE (DSIT) command supports subfunction=D216(replace). The other functions are optional and are not specified in this guideline. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 21 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 Table 6-2 shows the structure and the values which should be set of DSIT control command supported in this guideline. The structure indicated in Table 6-2is specified in section 8.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R5]. Table 6-2 indicates the values to be set in this guideline. The content of each field is described as follows. Table 6-2 – DIRECT SELECT INFORMATION TYPE command Offset (opcode) 0016 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 0916 0A16 0B16 0C16 0D16 0E16 0F16 1016 1116 1216 Structure DIRECT SELECT INFORMATION TYPE source_plug subfunction status system_id Input, antenna_number(7bit) system_specific_search_flags{ orb_pos, main_freq_up, main_freq_down, reserved(5bit) } system_specific_multiplex_selection_length system_specific_multiplex_selection{ system_specific_multiplex_attributes_valid_flags{ reserved_field, polarization, orbital_position, RF_freq_raster, trans_system, video_system, reserved(2bit) reserved(8bit) } system_specific_multiplex_selection_attributes{ currently_available, selected, reserved(6bit) polarization(2bit), west_east, reserved(5bit) orbital_position_upper orbital_position_lower raster_frequency(2bit), RF_frequency(22bit) transmission_system video_system } } number_of_dsit_selection_specifications Number of bits Values 8 8 8 8 8 8 C816 0016 D216 FF16 1016 0016 8 0016 8 0B16 8 1016 8 0016 8 8 8 8 0016 0016 0016 0016 2 22 012 (=1kHz) *(note 2) 8 8 0016 0016 8 0016 (Note 2) “*” is to set the center frequency to tune (The unit is 1 kHz). Refer to Annex B as for the relation between physical channels and center frequencies. source_plug: The source_plug is the plug number of the source plug which outputs service selected by Tuner Subunit. The value of this field is generally decided according to the value of the source_plug field of Tuner Status Descriptor. In this guideline, controllers can set only 0016 to this field, because the number_of_source_plug field of Tuner Status Descriptor is always set to one and 0016 is always assigned in the plug number. Page 22 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 subfunction: The subfunction indicates the way of tuning in DSIT command. It is mandatory to support replace(=D216) in this guideline. The other subfunctions (clear, remove, append, new) are optional. status: In this guideline, the status is set to the value specified in section 8.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R5] . system_id: In this guideline,the system_id is set to the value specified in section 6.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R5] . input: The input is a flag that to specify the plug where Tuner Subunit inputs the selected stream. In case of selecting antenna destination plug as the input plug, input is set to 0. Since only input from antenna destination plug is supported in this guideline, controllers can set only 0 as input. antenna_number: The antenna_number is the index value of the antenna_specification field of Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor representing connected antenna, when input is set to 0. There is only one antenna_specification field in Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor, so the antenna_number shall be set to 0016 in this guideline. system_specific_search_flags: The system_specific_search_flags is the flag to specify parameter that is used in search tuning. Since in this guideline search tuning is not supported, only 0016 the system_specific_search_flags shall be set to 0. system_specific_multiplex_selection_length: The system_specific_multiplex_selection_length indicates the total byte-size of the system_specific_multiplex_selection field except this field. The value of this field is always set to 0B16 in this guideline. system_specific_multiplex_attributes_valid_flags: The system_specific_multiplex_attributes_valid_flags is the flag to specify parameters used in multiplex tuning. In this guideline, at least the RF_raster_freq bit shall be set to one. raster_frequency (within system_specific_multiplex_selection_attribute field): In this guideline, the raster_frequency is always set to 012 which means 1 kHz. RF_frequency (within system_specific_multiplex_selection_attribute): The RF_frequency is 22 bit-data that represents the center frequency of physical channel of selected service in this guideline. The frequency unit is 1 kHz. number_of_dsit_selection_specifications: Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 23 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 The number_of_dsit_selection_specifications field is specified in section 8.1 of AV/C_Tuner 2.0[R5]. In this guideline, the value of this field is always set to 0016. 6. 3. 1 .2 Re sp o n s e f o r DS IT c o nt r o l c o mm an d Table 6-3 shows the response for DSIT control command. Table 6-3 – Response for DSIT control command Response Conditions and Behavior NOT_IMPLEMENTED Condition: The values other than those in Table 6-2 are specified. However, when either flag in the system_specific_multiplex_attributes_valid_flags field is set to 0 (invalid), the corresponding fields is not evaluated. Besides the RF_Frequency is not used for the judgment of NOT_IMPLEMENTED Condition: The power state of Tuner Subunit is OFF. The specified frequency is inadequate. For example, the channel position is not set at the specified frequency (vendor dependent). The device is not able to tune. For example, the channel is locked under the execution of record reservation (vendor dependent). The device has playback function of recording media and the state of the device is in playing. For example, when D-VHS is playing. Condition: Except for the above, always returns ACCEPTED Behavior: Selects specified service. However, when the frequency other than the center frequencies is specified, returns ACCEPTED(status=0116) but does not select any service. Do not use INTERIM response. REJECTED ACCEPTED INTERIM (Note 3) In case of returning ACCEPTED to DSIT command, the target may select specified center frequency, or may select frequency that is adjusted from the specified center frequency which the target holds. Table 6-4 shows the response frame format of ACCEPTED or REJECTED response to DSIT control command. In this case, the response frame has fields up to the status field. When NOT_IMPLEMENTED response is returned, the response frame includes all the operands of received command frame. Table 6-4 –Frame format of DSIT response Structure Page 24 (opcode) operand[0] operand[1] DIRECT SELECT INFORMATION TYPE source_plug subfunction operand[2] status Values C816 0016 D216 Set in accordance with Table 6-5. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 Table 6-5 –The status field in DSIT response frame Response Value of status field ACCEPTED REJECTED /NOT_IMPLEMENTED Meaning 0016 Selects service according to DSIT command. 0116 Returns ACCEPTED before service has been selected. However any service is not selected when the frequency other than the center frequencies is set. same as command frame (=FF16) N/A A target shall set searching bit of Tuner Status Descriptor to 1 immediately at the time when ACCEPTED (status = 0116) is returned without waiting for the end of operation of the service selection. Moreover a target shall set searching bit to zero at the time when the service selection completes. 6. 3. 2 O P E N DE S CR I PT O R c o mm an d 6. 3. 2 .1 co n t ro l co mm an d [ M and at o r y] The basic structure of OPEN DESCRIPTOR command is specified in section 9.4 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R7]. In this guideline, OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command where only Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor(0016) or Tuner Status Descriptor(8016) is specified in descriptor_specifier is supported. And each descriptor can be accessed only when READ OPEN(0116) or CLOSE(0016) is specified as subfunction of OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command. The number of controllers which can open each descriptor simultaneously shall be at least two. Table 6-6 shows the response specification for OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 25 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 Table 6-6 – Response for OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command Response Conditions and Behavior NOT_IMPLEMENTED Condition: Operands are different from the following values operand[0]=0016 or 8016 (descriptor_specifier) operand[1]=0116 or 0016 (subfunction) operand[2]=0016 REJECTED In case of operand[1]=0116 (READ OPEN) In case of operand[1]=0016 (CLOSE) ACCEPTED INTERIM Condition: The target already accepted the OPEN requests from maximum number of controllers. Condition: None Condition: Except for the above, always returns ACCEPTED Behavior: In case of operand[1]=0116 Permit the access right of the descriptor to the controller. In case of operand[1]=0016 Cancel the access right of the descriptor. Do not use INTERIM response. 6. 3. 2 .2 st a t u s co m ma n d [ M a n d at or y] Table 6-7 shows the response specification for OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command. Page 26 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 Table 6-7 – Response for OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command Response Conditions and Contents of Operands NOT_IMPLEMENTED REJECTED IN TRANSITION STABLE Condition: Operands are different from the following values operand[0]=0016 or 8016 (descriptor_specifier) operand[1]=FF16 operand[2]=0016 operand[3]=FF16 operand[4]=FF16 Do not use REJECTED response. Do not use IN TRANSITION response Condition: Except for the above, always returns STABLE. Value of each operands: (1) The target already accepted the READ OPEN requests and can accept one or more request. operand[0]=same as command frame operand[1]=0116 operand[2]=0016 operand[3]=FF16 operand[4]=FF16 (2)The target already accepted the READ OPEN requests from maximum number of controllers. operand[0]=same as command frame operand[1]=1116 operand[2]=0016 operand[3]=FF16 operand[4]=FF16 (3)The target did not receive any READ OPEN request from other controllers. operand[0]=same as command frame operand[1]=0016 operand[2]=0016 operand[3]=FF16 operand[4]=FF16 6. 3. 3 RE AD D E S CR I PT O R c omm and 6. 3. 3 .1 co n t ro l co mm an d [ M and at o r y] The basic structure of READ DESCRIPTOR command is specified in section 9.5 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R7]. Table 6-8 shows the response specification for READ DESCRIPTOR control command. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 27 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 Table 6-8 – Response for READ DESCRIPTOR control command Response Conditions and Contents of Operands NOT_IMPLEMENTED Condition: Operands are different from the following values operand[0]=0016 or 8016 (descriptor_specifier) operand[1]=FF16 (read_result_status) operand[2]=0016 REJECTED Condition: The controller does not have access right of the designated descriptor. (The descriptor which is designated by the source node has not opened.) The specified address exceeds the range of the descriptor. ACCEPTED Condition: Except for the above, always returns ACCEPTED Behavior: Sets readout data from the specified descriptor. INTERIM Do not use INTERIM response. When the target returns ACCEPTED response, the target sets readout data from the specified descriptor after operand[7] of the response frame. At that time, the target sets the size of the data that is readout in real to data_length field of the response frame. The read_result_status field is set according toTable 6-9. In this guideline, when the controller requests the command to readout all data, the target shall return all data. When the target returns NOT_IMPLEMENTED or REJECTED response, the target sets the same value as the received control command to the data_length field, and sets FF16 to the read_result_status field. Refer to section 9.5 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R7], for details. Table 6-9 – read_result_status of the response frame read_result_status conditions 1016 When the specified address exists in the descriptor, when the specified data_length is within the size of the descriptor, and when all data of specified descriptor can be read. 1116(Note 4) The condition is same as that for 1016, but when the data to transmit exceeds the size of the descriptor which can be transmitted in one transaction. 1216 When the size of specified data_length exceeds the end of data of descriptor, although specified address exists in descriptor. (Note 4 ) In this guideline, this value is not used because .all data of any descriptor shall be able to be read in one transaction. Page 28 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 6. 3. 4 PO W E R co m ma n d 6. 3. 4 .1 st a t u s co m ma n d [ O pt ion al] The basic structure of POWER command is specified in section 11.1 of AV/C General 4.1 [R6]. Table 6-10 shows the response specification for POWER status command. Table 6-10 – Response for POWER status command Response NOT_IMPLEMENTED REJECTED IN TRANSITION STABLE Conditions and Behavior Condition: OPR is different from the following value Operand[0]=7F16 Do not use REJECT response. Condition: The case where the power status of a device is in transition. (Note 5) Value of each operands: (1) The Tuner Subunit is transitioning into Power on state. Operand[0]=7016 (2) The Tuner Subunit is transitioning into Power off state. Operand[0]=6016 Condition: Except for the above, always returns STABLE. Value of each operands: (1) The power status of Tuner Subunit is ON. Operand[0]=7016 (2) The power status of Tuner Subunit is OFF. Operand[0]=6016 (Note 5) It is vender dependent whether the target uses IN TRANSITION response or not. If a target does not use the response while the power state is in transition, the target shall return STABLE response with the expected state to be transited. 6. 3. 5 PL UG IN F O co mm an d 6. 3. 5 .1 st a t u s co m ma n d [ M a ndat or y] The basic structure of PLUG INFO command is provided in section 12.1of AV/C General 4.1 [R6]. In this guideline, Tuner Subunit has an input plug (antenna destination plug) and an output plug (source plug) explained in section 4.1. Table 6-11 shows the response specification for PLUG INFO status command at this case. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 29 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 Table 6-11 – Response for PLUG INFO status command Response NOT_IMPLEMENTED REJECTED IN TRANSITION STABLE Page 30 Conditions and Contents of Operands Condition: OPRs are different from the following values Operand[0]=0016 Operand[1]=FF16 Operand[2]=FF16,. Operand[3]=FF16 Operand[4]=FF16 Do not use REJECTED response Do not use IN TRANSITION response Condition: Except for the above, always returns STABLE. Value of each operands: Operand[0]=0016 Operand[1]=0116 (The number of destination plugs) Operand[2]=0116 (The number of source plugs) Operand[3]=FF16 Operand[4]=FF16 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 Annexes Annex A: A Recommended behavior of the Controller This section explains the controller’s application sample (recommended sequence for controller) to control the Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system. A. 1 Recognition of Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system Followings are the explanation of the procedure to confirm whether the target device have built-in Tuner Subunit for UV analog broadcasting system or not. At first, a controller confirms whether Tuner Subunit is included in the Subunits which constitute UNIT using SUBUNIT INFO status command. In case a Tuner Subunit is included, the controller confirms whether the Tuner Subunit is for UV analog broadcasting system or not according to the following procedure. (1) The controller opens Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor of Tuner Subunit of the target device using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command (subfunction: READ OPEN). When the response is NOT_IMPLEMENTED The Tuner Subunit is not for UV analog broadcasting system. When the response is REJECTED Because there is a possibility that the target already accepted the open requests from maximum number of controllers, the controller investigates the open state of descriptor using OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command and deals according to response. Try (1) again, when the target is in the state where it can accept READ OPEN. When the response is ACCEPTED Go to step (2). (2) The controller readouts Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor using READ DESCRIPTOR control command. At that time, the controller specifies the readout start address of 0 (it means the top of Descriptor) and the readout data length of 0 (it means the whole data). When the response is NOT_IMPLEMENTED Tuner Subunit is not for UV analog broadcasting system. When the response is REJECTED Because there is a possibility that the target forces to close descriptor, the controller investigates the OPEN state of Descriptor using OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command and deals according to response. Try (1) again, when the target is in the state where it can accept READ OPEN. When the response is ACCEPTED Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 31 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 The controller recognizes the Tuner Subunit in the target is for UV analog broadcasting system in case the Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor satisfies the following conditions. There exists the system_specification with the system_id=1016(Analog Video). There exists the sub_system_label=”JPNTBUV01”. (3) The controller closes Tuner Subunit Identifier Descriptor in Tuner Subunit of the target using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command (subfunction: CLOSE). Furthermore, when several Tuner Subunits are packaged in one Unit, the controller does similar confirmation in accordance with the above procedure for each Tuner Subunit. A. 2 Investigation of tuning status of Tuner Subunit for UV analog Broadcasting syst em This section describes the procedure to investigate tuning status of Tuner Subunit of the target. The procedure is as follows. Before performing investigation described in this section, it is necessary to confirm that Tuner Subunit is for UV analog broadcasting system according to the procedure described in section A.1. (1) The controller opens Tuner Status Descriptor of Tuner Subunit in the target device using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command (subfunction: READ OPEN). When the response is NOT_IMPLEMENTED This response cannot actually happen because it has been confirmed in section A.1, When the response is REJECTED Because there is a possibility that the target already accepted the OPEN requests from maximum number of controllers, the controller investigates the OPEN state of Descriptor using OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command and deals according to response. Try (1) again, when the target is in the state where it can accept READ OPEN. When the response is ACCEPTED Go to step (2). (2) The controller readouts Tuner Status Descriptor using READ DESCRIPTOR control command. At this time, the controller sets 0 to the readout beginning address (this means the head of the descriptor) and sets 0 to the readout data length (this means the whole data). º When the response is NOT_IMPLEMENTED This response cannot actually happen because it has been confirmed in section A.1, When the response is REJECTED Because there is a possibility that the target forces to close Descriptor, the controller investigates the OPEN state of Descriptor using OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command and deals according to response. Try (1) again, when the target is in the state where it can accept READ OPEN. Page 32 When the response is ACCEPTED Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 The controller can confirm the tuning status of Tuner Subunit using the following parameter about readout Tuner Status Descriptor. Figure A-1 shows algorithm to confirm the tuning status. Refer to section in this guideline for details. The searching bit in the antenna_input_info field In case of searching=1 Tuner Subunit is “In tuning operation”. In case of searching=0 Tuner Subunit is not “In tuning operation”. The currently_available in the system_specific_multiplex_selection_attributes field In case of currently_available=1 The state where selection of service specified by frequency is successful. In case of currently_available=0 The state where selection of service specified by frequency is failure. Confirm selected service by the value in the RF_frequency field. (3) The controller closes Tuner Status Descriptor of Tuner Subunit in the target device using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command (subfunction: CLOSE). Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 33 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 START antenna_input_info no_RF=0 No Front end does not lock Yes antenna_input_info. searching=0 No In tuning operation Yes system_specific_multiplex_selection_attributes. currently_available=1 No Impossible to select service with some reasons (Refer to section this guideline) Yes The service is output normally. (The controller investigates the contents of the service by the RF_frequency in the system_specific_multiplex_selection_attributes) END Figure A-1 – The confirmation algorithm of a tuning status of Tuner Subunit A. 3 Tuning Request to Tuner Subunit for UV anal og Broadcasting system This section describes about the procedure for tuning demand to Tuner Subunit of the target device. The procedure is as follows. Furthermore, the controller need to make sure in advance that Tuner Subunit is for UV analog broadcasting system in accordance with the procedure explained in section A.1. A request of tuning is realized that a controller sends DIRECT SELECT INFORMATION TYPE control command (subfunction=D216(replace)) to Tuner Subunit of a target. Table A-1 indicates a data example of the concrete command frame of DSIT control command. In this table, OPR0, OPR1,… denote operand[0], operand[1],… and the shaded portion is a fixed value field. A Page 34 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 controller specifies the center frequency (Unit: 1KHz) of the service of target using lower six bits of operand[13], operand[14] and operand[15]. Table A-1 – Values of the command frame of DSIT control command opcode OPR0 OPR1 OPR2 OPR3 OPR4 OPR5 OPR6 OPR7 OPR8 Field name Values CTS/ctype subunit type/ID opcode source plug subfunction status system_id input, antenna_number(7bit) system_specific_ orb_pos, main_freq_up, main_freq_down, service_id, reserved(4bit) search_flags system_specific_multiplex_selection_length reserved_field, polarization, orbital_position, system_specific_ RF_freq_raster, trans_system, multiplex_attributes video_system, reservid(2bit) _valid_flags reservid(8bit) 0016 2816 C816 0016 D216 FF16 1016 0016 OPR9 OPR10 OPR11 OPR12 OPR13 OPR14 OPR15 OPR16 OPR17 OPR18 system_specific_ multiplex_selectio n system_specific_ multiplex_selection _attributes currently_available, selected, reserved(6bit) polarization(2bit), west_east, reserved(5bit) orbital_position_upper orbital_position_lower raster_frequency(2bit), RF_frequency(22bit) transmission_system video_system number_of_dsit_selection_specifications (n) 0016 0816 1016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 012 0016 0016 0016 The recommendation operation of the controller is shown about answer of response when the controller send DSIT control command for tuning demand, as follows. When the response is NOT_IMPLEMENTED This response cannot actually happen because it has been confirmed in section A.1, When the response is REJECTED The device is in the state where any service cannot be selected from external controllers. When the response is ACCEPTED In the case of status=0016, the tuning operation in accordance with the DSIT control command sent from the controller has already been completed. In the case of status=0116, the controller need to confirm the result of tuning operation by reading out the contents of Tuner Status Descriptor. The confirmation method is described in section A.2. Furthermore, since the target device is under tuning operation when the searching field of Tuner Status Descriptor is set to 1, the controller checks again. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 35 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 December 15, 2003 Annexes Annex B: Correspondence betw een Physical Channel and Center Frequenc y In this section the correspondence between physical channel and center frequency is shown in Table B-1 and Table B-2. Table B-1 – Correspondence between Physical Channel and Center Frequency (1) Physical Channel (ch) Center Frequency (KHz) Hex Physical Channel (ch) Center Frequency (KHz) Hex 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 91250 97250 103250 171250 177250 183250 189250 193250 199250 205250 211250 217250 471250 477250 483250 489250 495250 501250 507250 513250 519250 525250 531250 537250 543250 549250 555250 561250 567250 573250 579250 16472 17BE2 19352 29CF2 2B462 2CBD2 2E342 2F2E2 30A52 321C2 33932 350A2 730D2 74842 75FB2 77722 78E92 7A602 7BD72 7D4E2 7EC52 803C2 81B32 832A2 84A12 86182 878F2 89062 8A7D2 8BF42 8D6B2 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 585250 591250 597250 603250 609250 615250 621250 627250 633250 639250 645250 651250 657250 663250 669250 675250 681250 687250 693250 699250 705250 711250 717250 723250 729250 735250 741250 747250 753250 759250 765250 8EE22 90592 91D02 93472 94BE2 96352 97AC2 99232 9A9A2 9C112 9D882 9EFF2 A0762 A1ED2 A3642 A4DB2 A6522 A7C92 A9402 AAB72 AC2E2 ADA52 AF1C2 B0932 B20A2 B3812 B4F82 B66F2 B7E62 B95D2 BAD42 Page 36 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Japanese UV Analog Tuner Subunit Guideline 1.0 Table B-2 – Correspondence between Physical Channel and Center Frequency (2) Physical Channel (ch) Center Frequency (KHz) Hex C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 109250 115250 121250 127250 133250 139250 145250 151250 157250 165250 223250 231250 237250 243250 249250 253250 259250 265250 271250 277250 283250 289250 295250 301250 307250 313250 1AAC2 1C232 1D9A2 1F112 20882 21FF2 23762 24ED2 26642 28582 36812 38752 39EC2 3B632 3CDA2 3DD42 3F4B2 40C22 42392 43B02 45272 469E2 48152 498C2 4B032 4C7A2 Physical Channel (ch) Center Frequency (KHz) Hex C39 C40 C41 C42 C43 C44 C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 C55 C56 C57 C58 C59 C60 C61 C62 C63 319250 325250 331250 337250 343250 349250 355250 361250 367250 373250 379250 385250 391250 397250 403250 409250 415250 421250 427250 433250 439250 445250 451250 457250 463250 4DF12 4F682 50DF2 52562 53CD2 55442 56BB2 58322 59A92 5B202 5C972 5E0E2 5F852 60FC2 62732 63EA2 65612 66D82 684F2 69C62 6B3D2 6CB42 6E2B2 6FA22 71192 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Page 37 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 Sponsored by: 1394 Trade Association Accepted for Release by: 1394 Trade Association Board of Directors. Abstract: This document provides the implementation guideline for method for Bulletin Board Subunit. This guideline is commonly used as a supplement to device category guideline. Keyw ords: BB Copyright 1996-2004 by the 1394 Trade Association. 1111 South Main Street, Suite 100, Grapevine, TX 76051, USA http://www.1394TA.org All r ights reserved. Permission is granted to members of the 1394 Trade Association to reproduce this document for their own use or the use of other 1394 Trade Association members only, provided this notice is included. All other rights reserved. Duplication for sale, or for commercial or for-profit use is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the 1394 Trade Association. Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 1394 Trade Association Specifications are developed within Working Groups of the 1394 Trade Association, a non-profit industry association devoted to the promotion of and growth of the market for IEEE 1394-compliant products. Participants in working groups serve voluntarily and without compensation from the Trade Association. Most participants represent member organizations of the 1394 Trade Association. The specifications developed within the working groups represent a consensus of the expertise represent ed by the participants. Use of a 1394 Trade Association Speci fication is wholly voluntary. The existence of a 1394 Trade Association Speci fication is not meant to imply that there are not other ways to produce, test, measure, purchas e, market or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the 1394 Trade Association Speci fication. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a specification is accept ed and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the speci fication. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest revision of any 1394 Trade Association Specification. Comments for revision of 1394 Trade Association Specifications are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership affiliation with the 1394 Trade Association. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with appropriat e supporting comments. Interpretations: Occasionally, questions may arise about the meaning of speci fi cations in relationship to speci fic applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of the 1394 Trade Association, the Association will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Comments on specifications and requests for interpret ations should be addressed to: Editor, 1394 Trade Association 1111 South Main Street, Suite 100 Grapevine, TX 76051 USA 1394 Trade Association Specifications are adopted by the 1394 Trade Association without regard to patents which may exist on articles, materials or processes or to other proprietary intellectual property which may exist within a specification. Adoption of a speci fication by the 1394 Trade Association does not assume any liability to any patent owner or any obligation whatsoever to those parties who rely on the specification documents. Readers of this document are advised to make an independent determination regarding the existence of intellectual property rights, which may be infringed by conformance to this specification. P age 2 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface I mplementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 Ta ble of Co nte nts 1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Purpose........................................................................................................................ 7 1.2 Scope........................................................................................................................... 7 2. References............................................................................................................................ 8 3. Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 9 3.1 Conformance levels ........................................................................................................ 9 3.2 Glossary of terms ........................................................................................................... 9 3.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations ......................................................................................... 10 4. Overview ........................................................................................................................... 11 5. Descriptor .......................................................................................................................... 12 5.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 12 5.2 Subunit Identifier Descriptor .......................................................................................... 12 5.2.1 Field Configuration.............................................................................................. 13 5.2.2 Description of each field ....................................................................................... 14 5.3 Information List Descriptor............................................................................................ 16 5.3.1 Field Configuration.............................................................................................. 16 5.3.2 Description of each field ....................................................................................... 17 5.4 Information Entry Descriptor.......................................................................................... 20 5.4.1 Field Configuration.............................................................................................. 20 5.4.2 Description of each field ....................................................................................... 24 6. AV/C Command.................................................................................................................. 29 7. Target Implementations ........................................................................................................ 32 7.1 Access permission........................................................................................................ 32 7.1.1 General.............................................................................................................. 32 7.1.2 Management of access permission .......................................................................... 32 7.2 Command implementations............................................................................................ 33 7.2.1 OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command.................................................................. 33 7.2.2 OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command.................................................................... 35 7.2.3 READ DESCRIPTOR control command.................................................................. 37 7.2.4 WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command................................................................ 41 7.2.5 WRITE DESCRIPTOR status command.................................................................. 45 7.2.6 CREATE DESCRIPTOR control command.............................................................. 47 7.2.7 READ INFO BLOCK control command.................................................................. 49 7.2.8 WRITE INFO BLOCK control command................................................................. 52 7.3 Creation of new inform ation block .................................................................................. 54 7.4 Handling of invalid entry............................................................................................... 54 7.5 Implementation of the Unit ............................................................................................ 55 8. Controller Implementations ................................................................................................... 57 8.1 Create a new Entry....................................................................................................... 57 8.2 READOUT of the Entry................................................................................................ 65 8.3 Replacement of the Entry............................................................................................... 69 8.4 Deletion of the Entry .................................................................................................... 74 8.5 Handling of scheduling conflicts ..................................................................................... 76 8.5.1 Target Implementation.......................................................................................... 76 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 3 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 8.5.2 Controller Implementation..................................................................................... 76 8.6 Change of the broadcasting time ..................................................................................... 76 8.7 Action at the scheduled time........................................................................................... 76 8.7.1 End or Suspend of the scheduled action.................................................................... 76 8.7.2 Sequential scheduled actions.................................................................................. 77 8.7.3 Scheduling Conflicts ............................................................................................ 77 9. Vendor dependent command.................................................................................................. 79 9.1 Table of Vendor-Dependent command ............................................................................. 79 9.2 TIMER SERVICE INFO control command....................................................................... 80 9.2.1 General.............................................................................................................. 80 9.2.2 Data structure of command.................................................................................... 80 9.2.3 Definition of each filed ......................................................................................... 81 9.2.4 Command execution ............................................................................................ 91 9.2.5 Controller Implementation..................................................................................... 92 P age 4 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface I mplementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 Lis t of Fig ur e s Figure 5-1 – Subunit Identifier Descriptor for BB subunit ............................................................... 13 Figure 5-2 – Information List Descriptor for RSB......................................................................... 16 Figure 5-3 – Information Entry Descriptor for RSB (Weekly schedule).............................................. 20 Figure 5-4 – Information Entry Descriptor for RSB (No repetition)................................................... 22 Figure 5-5 – Information Entry Descriptor for RSB (Interval schedule).............................................. 23 Figure 5.6 – repeat_information fields for Weekly......................................................................... 26 Figure 5.7 – repeat_information fields for Interval ......................................................................... 26 Figure 5.8 – subunit_resource_info_block.................................................................................... 27 Figure 8-1 – OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command frame (WRITE_OPEN) (1/2) ............................ 57 Figure 8-2 – OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command frame (WRITE_OPEN) (2/2) ............................ 58 Figure 8-3 – CREATE DESCRIPTOR control command frame (1/2) ............................................... 59 Figure 8-4 – CREATE DESCRIPTOR control command frame (2/2) ............................................... 59 Figure 8-5 – WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command frame for new entry_speci fic_info (1/2)............. 61 Figure 8-6 – WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command frame for new entry_speci fic_info (2/2)............. 62 Figure 8-7 – WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command frame for new object_ID (1/2) ......................... 64 Figure 8-8 – WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command frame for new object_ID (2/2) ......................... 64 Figure 8-9 – OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command frame (CLOSE) (1/2)....................................... 65 Figure 8-10 – OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command frame (CLOSE) (2/2) ..................................... 65 Figure 8-11 – OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command frame (READ OPEN) (1/2) ............................. 66 Figure 8-12 – OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command frame (READ OPEN) (2/2) ............................. 66 Figure 8-13 – READ DESCRIPTOR control command frame (entry position) (1/2)............................. 67 Figure 8-14 – READ DESCRIPTOR control command frame (entry position) (2/2)............................. 68 Figure 8-15 – READ DESCRIPTOR control command frame (Obj ect ID) (1/2) .................................. 68 Figure 8-16 – READ DESCRIPTOR control command frame (Obj ect ID) (2/2) .................................. 69 Figure 8-17 – WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command frame for entry_speci fic_info (1/2) ................. 72 Figure 8-18 – WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command frame for entry_speci fic_info (2/2) ................. 73 Figure 8-19 – WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command frame (delet e) (1/2)...................................... 75 Figure 8-20 – WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command frame (delet e) (2/2)...................................... 75 Figure 9-1 –TIMER SERVICE INFO control command frame......................................................... 80 Figure 9-2 – The structure of the service_info fi eld (Version-1 format ).............................................. 83 Figure 9-2 – The structure of the service_info fi eld (Version-1 format ).............................................. 83 Figure 9-3 – The format of video_recording_config_info field for D-VHS ......................................... 84 Figure 9-4 – The format of video_recording_config_info field for AV-HDD ...................................... 85 Figure 9-5 – The format of genre_info field.................................................................................. 89 Figure 9-6 – genre information .................................................................................................. 89 Figure 9-7 –TIMER SERVICE INFO control command frame (WRITE) (1/2) part-1........................... 94 Figure 9-8 – TIMER SERVICE INFO control command fram e (WRITE) (1/2) part-2.......................... 95 Figure 9-9 – TIMER SERVICE INFO control command fram e (WRITE) (1/2) part-3.......................... 96 Figure 9-10 –TIMER SERVICE INFO control command frame(WRITE) (2/2) part-1 .......................... 97 Figure 9-11 –TIMER SERVICE INFO control command frame(WRITE) (2/2) part-2 .......................... 98 Figure 9-12 –TIMER SERVICE INFO control command frame(READ) (1/2) .................................... 99 Figure 9-13 –TIMER SERVICE INFO control command frame(READ) (2/2) ...................................100 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 5 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 Lis t of Ta ble s Table 6.1 – Support Levels of AV/C command for BB and RSB (1/2)............................................... 30 Table 6.2 – Support Levels of AV/C command for BB and RSB (2/2)............................................... 31 Table 7.1 – status field of OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command .................................................... 36 Table 7.2 – read_result_status and behavior of the controller ........................................................... 41 Table 7.3 – Frame length of WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command.............................................. 42 Table 7.4 – Frame length of READ INFO BLOCK control command................................................ 50 Table 8.1 – Examples of behavior at sequential scheduled actions .................................................... 77 Table 8.2 – Examples of behavior at scheduling Conflicts ............................................................... 78 Table 9.1 – version_number field ............................................................................................... 81 Table 9.2 – subfunction field ..................................................................................................... 81 Table 9.3 – result_status field .................................................................................................... 82 Table 9.4 – Existence and contents of survice_info field ................................................................. 82 Table 9.5 – video_recording_mode of D-VHS .............................................................................. 85 Table 9.6 – video_recording_mode of AV-HDD ........................................................................... 86 Table 9.7 – stream_format_validity_flag field............................................................................... 86 Table 9.8 – org_network_id field................................................................................................ 87 Table 9.9 – media_type field ..................................................................................................... 88 Table 9.10 – genre_validity_flag field ......................................................................................... 89 Table 9.11 – validity_flag field .................................................................................................. 90 Table 9.12 – flag field .............................................................................................................. 90 Table 9.13 – parental_rate field.................................................................................................. 91 P age 6 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 1 . Intr oduc ti on 1.1 Pu r p ose The purpose of this guideline is to clari fy the IEEE1394 implementations which are not des cribed in det ail in the AV/C specification for Bulletin Board Subunit and Resource Schedule Board 1.2 Sco p e The scope of this guideline is limited to Bulletin Board Subunit and Resource Schedule Board. This guideline allows two kinds of implementations. One is based on AV/C Digital Interface Command Set, General Specifi cation Version 4.1 (AV/C General 4.1 [R15]) and AV/C Descriptor Mechanism Speci fication Version 1.0 (AV/C Descriptor 1.0[R16]). The other is based on AV/C Digital Interface Command Set, General Speci fication Version 3.0 (AV/C General 3.0[R5]). Although this guideline is described bas ed on the implementation according to AV/C General 4.1 0[R15] and AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R16], it corresponds also to implementation according to AV/C General 3.0 [R5] unless otherwise speci fied. The portion, that has any difference between two implementations, is described expressly with the version number applied. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 7 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 2 . Re fe r e nc e s This guideline refers to the following speci fications: [R1] IEEE Std. 1394-1995, Standard for a High Perform ance Serial Bus [R2] IEEE Std. 1394a-2000, IEEE Standard for a High Performance Serial Bus Amendment 1 [R3] IEC61883-1, Consumer audio/video equipment – Digital interface Part 1: General [R4] IEC61883-4, Consumer audio/video equipment – Digital interface Part 4: MPEG2-TS data transmission. [R5] 1394TA, AV/C Digital Interface Command Set, General Speci fication Version 3.0. [R6] 1394TA, Enhancements to the AV/C General Specification 3.0 Version 1.1 [R7] 1394TA, AV/C Bulletin Board Subunit General Speci fication Version 1.0 [R8] 1394TA, AV/C Bulletin Board Type Specification – Resource Schedule Board 1.0a [R9] ISO639, Codes for the represent ation of names of languages [R10] ISO3166, Codes for the represent ation of names of countries [R11] ISO/IEC13818-1, Inform ation technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems [R12] ISO/IEC8859-1,Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 1: Latin alphabet No. 1 [R13] ARIB TR-B15, Operational Guidelines for Digital Satellite Broadcasting- Part 1, chapter 4 (Volume 2) Operational Guidelines of PSI/SI for BS Digital broadcasting. [R14] 1394TA, AV/C Information Block Types Specification Version1.0 [R15] 1394TA, AV/C Digital Interface Command Set, General Speci fication Version 4.1 [R16] 1394TA, AV/C Descriptor Mechanism Specification Version 1.0 [R17] 1394TA, IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline AV-ADD Devi ce 1.0 [R18] ARIB TR – B14 7th Use Provisions for Terrestrial Digital Broadcasting System [R19] 1394TA, IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Blu-ray Disc recorder/player 1.0 P age 8 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 3 . De finit ions 3.1 Co n f orm an ce le ve ls 3.1.1 expected: A key word used to describe the behavior of the hardware or software in the design models assumed by this Specification. Other hardware and software design models may also be implemented. 3.1.2 may: A key word that indicates flexibility of choice with no implied preference. 3.1.3 shall: A key word indicating a mandatory requirement. Designers are required to implement all such mandatory requirements. 3.1.4 should: A key word indicating flexibility of choice with a strongly preferred alternative. Equivalent to the phrase is recommended. 3.1.5 reserved fields: A set of bits within a data structure that are defined in this specification as reserved, and are not otherwise used. Implementations of this specification shall zero these fields. Future revisions of this specification, however, may define their usage. 3.1.6 reserved values: A set of values for a field that are defined in this specification as reserved, and are not otherwise used. Implementations of this specifi cation shall not generate these values for the fi eld. Future revisions of this specification, however, may define their usage. NOTE - The IEEE is investigating whether the “ may, shall, should” and possibly “ expected” terms will be formally defined by IEEE. If and when this occurs, draft editors should obtain their conformance de finitions from the latest IEEE style document. 3.2 Glo s s ar y o f te rm s 3.2.1 Bulletin Board: One of subunit specified by Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0[R7]. In this guideline, the term BB or BB Subunit is used as an abbreviation of its full name 3.2.2 board: A group of object lists and their associated object entries that are controlled by the Bulletin Board Subunit. The information therein is shared between devices. 3.2.3 board type: A type of Bulletin Board that is defined by a separate board type speci fi cation. 3.2.4 Resource Schedule Board: A type of AV/C Bulletin Board specified by Resource Schedul e Board 1.0a [R8]. In this guideline, the term RSB is used as an abbreviation of its full name. RSB handles the scheduling information of Subunit within the target. 3.2.5 event: An operation that starts at a preset start time and finishes at a preset end time. Operation means, AV/C command transmission from the posting device to the target device. RSB does not have a field where the end time is explicitly specified. The end time is calculated using the values descried in the start time fi eld and end time field. 3.2.6 resource: Generi c name of subunit in the target such as Tuber or Tape Recorder/Player Subunit. Resource is similar to Subunit in this guideline. 3.2.7 target: A device which has resource(s) used by other device and has RSB which is used for manage the scheduling information of the resource(s). In other words, target means a device which receives AV/C commands. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 9 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 3.2.8 controller: A device which uses the target by sending AV/C commands. In other words, controller means a device which sends AV/C commands. 3.2.9 posting device: An AV/C controller that posts its information to the BB Subunit or RSB 3.2.10 scheduling conflicts: A status where multiple controllers are simultaneously trying to use the same resource(s) within the target. 3.2.11 descriptor: The general term for a data structure that describes something, such as the subunit, individual pieces of content on media, etc. 3.2.12 Subunit Identifier Descriptor: A data structure that contains attribute inform ation about the subunit that it refers to; the descriptor content and format can vary based on the type of subunit that it describes. 3.2.13 Information List Descriptor: An object list descriptor that contains Information Entry Descriptors that make up a Bulletin Board. Its list ID is within the Board Entry Descriptor as a child list ID, or in the subunit identifier descriptor as a root list ID. In this guideline, the term List Descriptor is used as an abbreviation of its full name. 3.2.14 Information Entry Descriptor: An object entry descriptor that contains a parcel of information that makes up a Bulletin Board. Information Entry Descriptors are cont ained in Information List Descriptors. In this guideline, the term Entry Descriptor or Entry is used as an abbreviation of its full name. 3.2.15 Resource schedule entry: The scheduling information particular to the Resource Schedule Board that is placed within the entry_specific_information fields in an Information Entry Descriptor. 3.2.16 service: A continuance of the program which can be broadcast as a part of the schedul e which broadcasting provider forms. 3.2.17 SI (Service Information): Digital data specified by ARIB STD B-10 which describes distribution system, schedule, timing, contents and other information relat ed to the Broadcasting stream. 3.2.18 Timer reservation table: Generic name of the table in the recording device which is used for maintaining the Service information 3.3 Acr o n ym s and Ab bre viat io ns BB Bulletin Board Subunit. RSB Resource Schedule Board P age 10 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 4 . Ove r vie w This chapter summarizes the function of BB subunit and RSB. The BB is a subunit and supports the sharing of information with other devices on a 1394 network. The shared information is about the device that the Bulletin Board subunit belongs to. BB subunit is specified in Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0[R7]. The BB Subunit provides information using the descriptor mechanism that is defined in AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R16]. BB subunit maintains the various kinds of information by using the data structure of board. RSB is a type of board and defined in Resource Schedule Board 1.0a [R8] RSB provides a location on a target device where other devi ces can post a schedule of the use of a target’s resources. A controller can detect scheduling conflicts that will cause when it uses the resources by checking the information written in the RSB. Scheduling data is written in RSB. Scheduling data consists of IDs used to recognize the resources in the target device and a period to use the resources. The order of the Scheduling data might be modified by the target when the descriptor is in closed state RSB provide the scheduling data and does not reserve the resources itsel f. For example, when programming the VCR for recording, controller should control the VCR to record. RSB does not control or reserve the VCR although it maintains the scheduling data Information written in the RSB is maintained aft er power off or bus reset. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 11 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 5 . De s c r iptor This chapter describes the date structure and contents of RSB which should be implemented. 5.1 Ge n er al In case of AV/C command, information is managed by using data structure called descriptor. Three kinds of descriptor is used by BB subunit as follows, (1) Subunit Identifier Descriptor A descriptor that contains attributes information of BB subunit and the list ID of the Information List Descriptor. (2) Information List Descriptor A descriptor that contains attributes inform ation of the List and several Information Entry Descriptors which includes scheduling data. (3) Information Entry Descriptor A descriptor that contains scheduling data itself. Detail description for data structure for each descriptor is defined in Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0 [R7]. RSB dependent fields and its values contained above described descriptor are speci fi ed in Resource Schedule Board 1.0a [R8] Structure of each des criptor for BB subunit and RSB is described in the following sections. 5.2 Su b u n it Ide nt if ier De s cr ip to r Data structure of Subunit Identifier Descriptor of BB subunit with RSB is described in this section. P age 12 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 5 . 2 .1 Fi e l d Confi gur a ti on The field configuration of the Subunit Identifier Descriptor of BB Subunit is shown in Figure 5-1 Address offset Contents Value 00 16 01 16 02 16 subunit_identifier_descriptor_length 03 16 04 16 05 16 06 16 07 16 08 16 09 16 0A 16 0B 16 0C16 0D16 0E 16 0F16 10 16 11 16 12 16 13 16 14 16 15 16 16 16 17 16 18 16 size_of _list_ID size_of _object_ID size_of _entry _position 00 16 17 16 02 16 / 01 16 02 16 0C16 02 16 00 16 01 16 10 16 01 16 00 16 0B 16 00 16 09 16 10 16 01 16 00 16 05 16 01 16 10 16 10 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 generation_ID number_of _root_lists root_list_id subunit_type_dependent_information_length non_inf o_block_fields_length bulletin_board_subunit_version number_of_supported_board_types supported_board_type_specif ic_inf ormation_length supported_board_type supported_board_type_v ersion implementation_prof ile_ID supported_board_type_dependent_information_length manuf acturer_dependent_information_length Figure 5-1 – Subunit Identifier Descriptor for BB subunit The column of "Value" speci fi es the value of each filed when BB Subunit complies with this guideline. All fi elds in the Subunit Identifier Des criptor have the fixed value, and the fixed value is set as is. Note that Figure 5-1 shows the field that only this guideline specifies. Following fields are not needed because they are not used for RSB. •supported_board_type_dependent_information •optional_info_blocks_for_future_expansion Following field is not needed because it is not used in this guideline. •manufacturer_dependent_information Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 13 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 5 . 2 .2 De s c r i pti on of ea c h fie l d 5 . 2 .2 . 1 Com m on fi e l d of S ubuni t I de nti fi e r De s cr i ptor This section describes the common field of Subunit Identifier Descriptor speci fied in section 7.2 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0[R16] subunit_identifier_descriptor_length: This field contains the number of bytes which follow in this descriptor structure. The value of this field does not include the length field itself. In this guideline the value is 001716. generation_ID: This field speci fies which AV/C descriptor format is used. When BB subunit complies with AV/C Descriptor 1.0[R16], the value of 0216 is used for this field. When BB subunit complies with AV/C General 3.0 [R5], the value of 0116 is used for this field. size_of_list_ID: This field indicates the number of bytes used to specify a List ID. In case of BB Subunit, the value of 0216 is used for this field. The length of List ID is 2 bytes. size_of_obj ect_ID: This field indicates the number of bytes used to indicate an object_ID. In case of BB Subunit, the value of 0C 16 is used for this field. The length of object ID is 12 bytes. size_of_entry_position: This field indicates the number of bytes used when referring to an entry by its position. In case of BB Subunit, the value of 0216 is used for this field. number_of_root_lists: This field contains the number of root list in this Subunit Identifier Des criptor. This guideline uses the value of 0116 because only one board (RSB) is specified currently. root_list_id: Generally, the root_list_id fields are the ID values for each of the root list in a subunit. This guideline uses only one root list ID "100116 " which specifies the RSB because only one board (RSB) is specified currently. subunit_type_dependent_information_length: This field speci fies the number of bytes in the subunit_dependent_information field. This guideline uses the value of 0B 16 . manufacturer_dependent_information_length: This field specifi es the number of bytes in the manufacturer_dependent_information field. This guideline uses the value of 000016 for this field because this guideline does not specify any manufacturer_dependent_information. 5 . 2 .2 . 2 BB de pe nde nt fi e l d of S ubuni t I de nti fie r Des c r i ptor This section describes the BB dependent field of Subunit Identi fier Des criptor speci fi ed in section 6.1.1 of Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0[R7] P age 14 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 non_info_block_fields_length: This field specifies the size, in bytes, of the non-info block fields. This guideline uses the value of 0916 for this field because the number of support ed board types is one (RSB), and RSB has no supported_board_type_specific_information. bulletin_board_subunit_version: Thos field indicates the version number of the Bulletin Board Subunit command specifi cation that this Bulletin Board Subunit conforms to. In case of Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0 [R7], the value of 0116 is used for this field. number_of_supported_board_types: This field contains the number of different types of Boards supported. This guideline uses the value of 0116 for this field becaus e the number of supported board types is one (RSB). supported_board_type_specific_information_length: This field specifi es the size, in bytes, of the supported_board_type_specific_information. In case of RSB, the value of this field is 0516 . 5 . 2 .2 . 3 BB de pe nde nt s uppoe te d_ boa r d_ type _ s pe c i fic _ i nfor m a ti on fie l d This section describes the BB dependent suppoeted_board_type_specific_information field speci fi ed in section 6.1.2 of Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0 [R7] supported_board_type: This field identifies the type of board. In case of RSB, the value of this field is 0116 . supported_board_type_version: This field indicates the version number of Bulletin Board Type Specification. In case of Resource Schedule Board 1.0a [R8], the value of this field is 1016 . implementation_profile_ID: This field indicates the profile ID version for this board type. In case of Resource Schedule Board 1.0a [R8], the value of this field is 1016 . supported_board_type_dependent_information_length: This field contains the number of bytes used by the supported_board_type_dependent_information fields. In case of RSB, the value of 000016 is used for this field and no supported_board_type_dependent_information fi eld follows becaus e RRSB does not have the board type dependent information. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 15 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 5.3 In f orm at ion L is t Des cr ipt or Data structure of Information List Descriptor of RSB and each filed definition of the des criptor is described in this section. 5 . 3 .1 Fi e l d Confi gur a ti on The field configuration of the Information List Descriptor of RSB is shown in Figure 5-2 Address offset 00 16 01 16 02 16 03 16 04 16 05 16 06 16 07 16 08 16 09 16 0A 16 0B 16 0C16 0D16 0E 16 0F16 10 16 11 16 12 16 13 16 : : : : : : : Contents Value list_descriptor_length list_type attributes list_specific_information_length non_info_block_fields_length board_type object_list_maximum_size object_entries_maximum_number object_entry_maximum_size board_type_dependent_information_length number_of_entry_descriptors 83 16 18 16 00 16 0B 16 00 16 09 16 01 16 [00 16] [00 16] [00 16] [18 16] [00 16] [2D16] 00 16 00 16 [00 16] [00 16] entry_descriptor [0] entry_descriptor [number_of_entry_descriptor-1] Figure 5-2 – Information List Descriptor for RSB The column of "Value" speci fi es the value of each filed when RSB complies with this guideline. Braces [ ] indicate that the included value is implementation dependent. The value of list_descriptor_length filed vari es according to the length of the following fields. The values of the following three fields are depend on capability of the target. •object_entries_maximum_number •object_entry_maximum_size •board_type_dependent_information_length Following field is not needed because it is not used in this guideline. P age 16 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 The value of number_of_entry_descriptors varies according to the number of registered entry_descriptor(s). The value of [000016 ] in Figure 5-2 shows the value when no entry_descriptor is registered. The size itself of entry_des criptor field varies according to the registered information As for entry_descriptor, refer to section 5.4 for details Contents of Figure 5-2 is limited to the fields which is used for this guideline. Following fields is implemented because RSB does not use the fields. •board_type_dependent_information •optional_info_blocks_for_future_expansion 5 . 3 .2 De s c r i pti on of ea c h fie l d 5 . 3 .2 . 1 Com m on fi e l d of Li s t De sc r i ptor This section describes the common field of List Des criptor speci fied in section 7.3 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0[R16]. The BB subunit dependent values as Information List descriptor are speci fied in section 9.1 of Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0 [R7] list_descriptor_length: This field contains the number of bytes which follow in the list descriptor structure. The value of this field does not include the length field itself. The value of this filed varies according to the length of the following fields. list_type: This field indicates the type of the list descriptor. BB subunit dependent value is speci fied Table 5-3 in section 5.3.2 of Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0 [R7] The value of 8316 (Write Enabled Info List) is used for RSB. attributes: This field contains bit fl ags which indicate attributes of the list descriptor. The attributes for list descriptors are speci fied in section 7.3 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R16]. list_specific_information_length: This field speci fi es the number of bytes used for the following list_specific_information field. The value of 0B 16 is used for RSB. number_of_entry_descriptors: This field contains the number of entry descriptors in this list. The value of this field varies according to the number of registered entry_descriptor(s). entry_descriptor: This field is used to register the entry descriptor. The entry descriptor is speci fied as Information Entry Descriptor by the BB subunit. The Inform ation Entry Descriptor is speci fi ed in chapter 10 of Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0 [R7]. For detail refer to section 5.4 of this document. 5 . 3 .2 . 2 BB de pe nde nt l i s t_s pec i fi c_ i nfor m a ti on fi e l d This section describes BB dependent the list_specific_information. The details of each field are speci fi ed in section 9.1.1 of Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0 [R7] Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 17 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 non_info_block_fields_length: This field speci fies the number of bytes for the following non-info block fields. The length of optional_info_blocks_for_future_expansion is not included. In case of RSB, The value of 0916 is used for RSB. In case of RSB, optional_info_blocks_for_future_expansion is not used. board_type: This filed speci fies the type of board. The value is defined in section 5.3.1, Table5.1 of Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0[R7]. The value of 0116 is used for RSB. Currently, only the value for RSB is specifi ed. board_type_dependent_information_length: This field speci fies the size, in bytes, of the board_type_dependent_information. The value of 000016 is used for RSB because RSB does not have this information. 5 . 3 .2 . 3 Wr i te E na bl e d I nfo Li s t de pe nde nt l i s t_ s pec i fi c_ i nfor m a ti on fi el d Following three fields are used when the value of list_type field is equal to 8316 (Write Enabled Info List). The details of each fi eld are speci fied in section of Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0[R7]. A controller can recogni ze the capability of the target such as the maximum size of the object list and entry, and maximum number of object entries that can be written. obj ect_list_maximum_size: This field indicates the maximum size of the object list. If the target doesn’t specify a limitation, it sets this field to the value 000016. If the values of object_list_maximum_size, object_entries_maximum_number and object_entr y_maximum_size are all not 0, the Target device shall set these fields without contradiction using the following formula, object_list_maximum_size >= object_entries_maximum_number X object_entry_maximum_size + 19bytes* * This value includes all the fields in the Information List Descriptor that appear prior to the entry_descriptor. obj ect_entries_maximum_number: This field indicates the maximum number of object entries in the list. The value of this field is implementation dependent. Example: If the number of object entries is limited to 24 regardless whether it is written by external controller or the target itself, the value of this field is set to fixed value of 1816 . It is also implementation dependent whether the number of entries written by the target itsel f influences the limitation or not Example: A target can register up to 3216 (50) entries. However, 1416 (20) entries are used for internal scheduling and 1E16 (=30) entries are used for external scheduling. In this case, the initial value of this field is set to 1E16 (=30). After the target uses 5 entries for internal scheduling, the value of this field becom es 2316 (=35). If a target does not specify the limitation, it sets this field to the value 000016 . P age 18 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 obj ect_entry_maximum_size: This field indicates the maximum size of the object entry. The value of this field is implementation dependent Example: If the size of the object entry is limited to 45 bytes, the value of 2D16 is set to this field. If a target does not specify the limitation, it sets this field to the value 000016 . Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 19 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 5.4 In f orm at ion En t r y De s cr ip to r Data structure of Information Entry Des criptor of RSB and each fil ed definition of the descriptor is described in this section. 5 . 4 .1 Fi e l d Confi gur a ti on The field configuration of the Information Entry Descriptor of RSB is shown in Figure 5-3 Address offset 0016 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 0916 0A16 0B16 0C16 0D16 0E16 0F16 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 1916 1A16 1B16 1C16 1D16 1E16 1F16 2016 2116 2216 2316 2416 2516 2616 2716 2816 2916 2A16 Contents Value entr y_descriptor_length entr y_type attribute posting_device_GUID object_ID record_ID entr y_s pecific_i nfor mation_l ength non_info_bloc k_length year start_ti me month day hour minute second hour duration entr y_s pecific_ information minute second repeat_information_length repeat_type repeat_information number _of_events weekly_flags compound_length info_bloc k_type info_bloc k primar y_fi elds_length number _of_subunits subunit_type_and_ID [0016] [2916] 8116 [0816] [0116] [2316] [4516] [6716] [8916] [AB16] [CD16] [EF16] [0016] [0016] [0016] [0116] [0016] [1916] [0016] [0F16] [2016] [0116] [0616] [1416] [1216] [3416] [5616] [0016] [0516] [4316] [2116] [0316] [0016] [0416] [5416] [0016] [0616] 8916 0016 [0016] [0216] [0116] [2016] Figure 5-3 – Information Entry Descriptor for RSB (Weekly schedule) P age 20 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 The column of "Value" speci fi es the value of each filed when RSB complies with this guideline. Braces [ ] indicate that the included value is implementation dependent. In case of Information Entry Descriptor, the values in entry_type fi eld and info_block_type field are constants. The other fields have variabl es. Following information is written in the Inform ation Entry Descriptor shown in Figure 5-3. • object_ID posting_device_GUID 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF16 record_ID 00 00 00 0116 • The date and time when an event stars(start_time) On June 14, 2001, 12:34:56 • Length of an event (duration) 5 hours 43 minutes 21 seconds • Repeat condition(repeat_information) Repetition number of times (number_of_events): 4 times Day of the week designation (weekly_flag): Monday, Wednesday and Friday • Resource which will be used at an event Tape Recorder/Player subunit #0 Examples of RSB Information Entry Des criptor used for di fferent repeat condition are shown in following figures. • No repetition(Refer to Figure 5-4) The repeat_information is omitted. • Interval schedul e( Refer to Figure 5-5) Repeat condition (repeat_information) Repetition number of times (number_of_events): 3 times Repetition interval: 765 hours 43 minutes 21 seconds Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 21 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 Address offset 0016 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 0916 0A16 0B16 0C16 0D16 0E16 0F16 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 1916 1A16 1B16 1C16 1D16 1E16 1F16 2016 2116 2216 2316 2416 2516 2616 2716 Contents December 15, 2003 Value entr y_descriptor_length entr y_type attribute posting_device_GUID object_ID record_ID entr y_s pecific_i nfor mation_l ength non_info_bloc k_length year start_ti me entr y_s pecific_ information month day hour minute second hour duration minute second repeat_information_length compound_length info_bloc k_type info_bloc k primar y_fi elds_length number _of_subunits subunit_type_and_ID Figure 5-4 – Information Entry Descriptor for RSB (No repetition) P age 22 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. [0016] [2616] 8116 [0816] [0116] [2316] [4516] [6716] [8916] [AB16] [CD16] [EF16] [0016] [0016] [0016] [0116] [0016] [1616] [0016] [0C16] [2016] [0116] [0616] [1416] [1216] [3416] [5616] [0016] [0516] [4316] [2116] [0016] [0016] [0616] 8916 0016 [0016] [0216] [0116] [2016] December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 Address offset 0016 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 0916 0A16 0B16 0C16 0D16 0E16 0F16 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 1916 1A16 1B16 1C16 1D16 1E16 1F16 2016 2116 2216 2316 2416 2516 2616 2716 2816 2916 2A16 2B16 2C16 2D16 COntents Value entr y_descriptor_length entr y_type attribute posting_device_GUID object_ID record_ID entr y_s pecific_i nfor mation_l ength non_info_bloc k_length year start_ti me month day hour minute second hour duration entr y_s pecific_ information minute second repeat_information_length repeat_type number _of_events repeat_information inter val: hours inter val: minutes inter val: s econds compound_length info_bloc k_type info_bloc k primar y_fi elds_length number _of_subunits subunit_type_and_ID [0016] [2C16] 8116 [0816] [0116] [2316] [4516] [6716] [8916] [AB16] [CD16] [EF16] [0016] [0016] [0016] [0116] [0016] [1C16] [0016] [1216] [2016] [0116] [0616] [1416] [1216] [3416] [5616] [0016] [0516] [4316] [2116] [0616] [1016] [0316] [0716] [6516] [4316] [2116] [0016] [0616] 8916 0016 [0016] [0216] [0116] [2016] Figure 5-5 – Information Entry Descriptor for RSB (Interval schedule) Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 23 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 5 . 4 .2 De s c r i pti on of ea c h fie l d 5 . 4 .2 . 1 Com m on fi e l d of G e ne ri c E ntr y De s c r i ptor This section describes the common field of Generic Entry Descriptor specifi ed in section 7.4 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R16]. The BB subunit dependent values for Information Entry descriptor are speci fied in section 9.1 of Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0 [R7] entry_descriptor_length: This field contains the number of bytes which follow in this descriptor structure. The value of this field does not include the length field itself. The value of this filed varies according to the length of the following fields. entry_type: This field indicates the type of the entry descriptor. The fixed value of 8116 (Information Entry Descriptor) is used as BB subunit dependent value. This value is specifi ed in section 5.3.3 and section 10.1 of AV/C General 3.0 [R5] . attributes: This field contains bit flags which indicate attributes of the entire entry. Dtails fo the attributes are speci fied in table 7.3, section 7.4.1 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0[R16]. In case of RSB, has_chaild_ID bit is set to zero because Information Entry Des criptor does not have child list as RSB specific restriction as des cribed in section 8.1.1 of Resource Schedule Board 1.0a [R8]. Along with this, child_list_ID field is also omitted. entry_specific_information_length: This field specifi es the number of bytes used for the following BB dependent entry_specific_information field (Resource schedule entry). The value of this filed vari es according to the contents of entry_specific_information field. 5 . 4 .2 . 2 BB de pe nde nt obj e c t I D fie l d This section describes the BB dependent object ID field. Details of each field are speci fied in section 10.1.1 of Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0 [R7] posting_dev ice_GUID: This field indicates the Global Unique ID of a posting device. record_ID: This field indicate a unique ID, which is used for identi fy an entry descriptor, assigned by a posting device. In this guideline, the posting device shall write a unique record_ID. On the other hand, a target devi ce is to rejects a record_ID write request to new entry made by a posting device when a entry which has the same record_ID already exists in other entry. However, a target may not check the uniqueness of the record_ID based on the premise that a posting device writes a unique record_ID. In this case, although the write request of non unique value is accepted, read/write requests carried out later will not be guaranteed. 5 . 4 .2 . 3 RS B de pe nde nt e ntr y_ s pe c i fic _ i nfor m a ti on fie l d This section describes the BB dependent entry_specific_information field. In cas e of RSB, entry_specific_information is called Resource schedule entry. Details of each field are speci fied in chapter 8 of Resource Schedule Board 1.0a [R8] P age 24 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 non_info_block_length: This field specifies the size, in bytes, of the resource schedule entry except for info_block field. non-info block fields down to and including the repeat_type_dependent_information. The value of this filed vari es according to the contents of the following fields. start_time: This field indicates the date and time when an event starts. The values in the form of Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) are used for this field. The year field is coded using 16 bits as 4 digits in 4 bit BCD (199916 – 999916 ). The month field is coded using 8 bits as 2 digits in 4 bit BCD (0116 – 1216 ). The day field is coded using 8 bits as 2 digits in 4 bit BCD (0116 – 3116 ). The hour field is coded using 8 bits as 2 digits in 4 bit BCD (0016 – 2316 ). The minute and second fields are coded using 8 bits as 2 digits in 4 bit BCD (0016 – 5916 ). A posting device shall confirm that the date and time is valid. As the result, a target may not confirm the validity. Refer to section 8.1.5 of Resource Schedule Board 1.0a [R8] for more inform ation. duration: This field is used to specify a duration until an event is finished after it is started. The values in the form of Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) are used for this field. The hour fields are coded using 12 bits as 3 digits in 4 bit BCD (00016 – 99916 ). The minutes and seconds fields are coded using 8 bits as 2 digits in 4 bit BCD (0016 – 5916 ). A posting device shall con firm that the duration is valid. As the result, a target may not confirm the validity. Refer to section 8.1.6 of Resource Schedule Board 1.0a [R8] for more information. repeat_information_length: This field contains the number of bytes of repeat_information field. If the scheduled action is not repetitive, the value of repeat_information_length filed is set to 0016. and repeat_information fi eld is omitted. If the schedul ed action is repetitive, the value of repeat_information_length filed is set to other than 0016. In this case, the value of this filed varies according to the contents of r epeat_information field. Refer to section 8.1.7 of Resource Schedul e Board 1.0a [R8] for more inform ation. 5 . 4 .2 . 4 Re pe a t i nfor m a ti on fi el d This section describes the RSB dependent repeat_information field. If the scheduled action is not repetitive, this field indicates when and how the schedule will be repeat ed. If the scheduled action is not repetitive, the value of repeat_information_length filed is set to 0016 and repeat_information field is omitted. Refer to section 8.1.7 of Resource Schedul e Board 1.0a [R8] for more information. There are two kinds of repetitive schedule actions as follows, 1) Weekly schedule Specifies the day of the week on which the repetitive scheduled action is carried out. Example: one hour from 18:00 on every Monday 2) Interval schedul e Specifies the interval time to carry out the repetitive scheduled action. Example: in every 3 hours from 12:00 on January 10 Followings are field configuration and contents of fi elds for of each type of schedule. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 25 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 We e k l y sc he dul e : In case of weekly schedule, repeat_information field is as follows, msb lsb Address offset contents 0016 repeat_ty pe 0116 number_of _ev ents Weekl y_flags 0216 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Satur day Reserved Figure 5.6 – repeat_information fields for Weekly repeat_type: This field indicates the type of repeat_information. The value of this field is defined in Table 8.1, section 8.1.7 of Resource Schedule Board 1.0a [R8]. In case of weekly schedule, the value of 0016 is set to this field. number_of_events: This field indicates the total number of events. For example, if Monday, Tuesday and Thursday were sel ected, and the number_of_events is set to 4, and now is the end of Sunday, then Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and the following Monday are scheduled. The value of 0016 means an infinite number of events. Weekly flags: The weekly flags indicate the day of the week when the repetitive event carried out. The reserved bit shall set to zero. For example, if Monday, Tuesday and Thursday were selected, the value of 6816 is used. If an event spans over more than one day, only the flag for the day when the event starts is set. For example, if there is a schedule that starts at 23:00, whose duration is 3 hours, only the flag for Monday is set to 1 although the event end 2:00 on Tuesday. I nte rv a l sc he dul e : In case of interval schedule, repeat_information field is as follows Address offset 0016 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 contents repeat_ty pe number_of _ev ents reserv ed (4 bits zeros) Interv al: hours (msb) Interv al: hours (lsb) Interv al: minutes Interv al: seconds Figure 5.7 – repeat_information fields for Interval P age 26 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 repeat_type: This field indicates the type of repeat_information. The value of this field is defined in Table 8.1, section 8.1.7 of Resource Schedul e Board 1.0a [R8]. In case of interval schedule, the value of 1016 is set to this field. number_of_events: This field indicates the total number of events. The value of 0016 means an infinite number of events. interv al: This field indicates the interval time of the events, i.e. the time from the current event’s start_time to the next event’s start_time. The values in the form of Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) are used for this field. The hour field is coded using 12 bits as 3 digits in 4bit BCD (00016 – 99916 ). The minutes and seconds fields are coded using 8 bits as 2 digits in 4 bit BCD (0016 – 5916 ). The value of interval field shall be greater than or equal to the value of duration field. A posting device shall confirm that the value of interval field is valid. As the result, a target may not confirm the validity. 5 . 4 .2 . 5 s ubuni t_ r e s ourc e_ i nfo_ bl ock This section describes the RSB dependent subunit_resource_info_block field. This field is RSB dependent Information Block and used to specify the subunit which a posting device will use. The basic structure of Information Block is defined in section 7.6 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R16]. The subunit_resource_info_block is defined in section 8.1.8 of Resource Schedul e Board 1.0a [R8]. The subunit_resource_info_block field has following field configuration Address offset 0016 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 : contents compound_length inf o_block_ty pe(890016) primary _fields_length number_of _subunits subunit_type_and_ID[0] : Figure 5.8 – subunit_resource_info_block compound_length: The compound_length is the length in bytes of the info block, excluding the length field itself. info_block_type: This field indicates the type of Information Block. In case of subunit_resource_info_block, the value of 890016 is set. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 27 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 primary_fields_length: This field indicates the length in bytes of the number_of_subunits field and subunit_type_and_ID fi elds. number_of_subunits: This field indicates the number of subunits which is written in the subunit_type_and_ID field. subunit_type_and_ID: This fields indicates each of subunits that the posting device will use. If the posting device will use the whole unit, it shall set FF 16 in this field. The subunit type and subunit ID is defined in section 7.3.4 of AV/C General 4.1 [R15]. P age 28 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 6 . AV/ C Com m a nd The support levels of AV/C commands for BB and RSB descried in Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0[R7] and Resource Schedule Board 1.0a [R8] are speci fied in Table 6.1 and Table 6.2. In these tables, the column named "GL" shows the support levels of commands when a target complies with this guideline. BB Subunit command support level is specified in Table 11.1, chapter 11 of Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0 [R7]. RSB specific command support level is specifi ed in Table 9.1, chapter 9 of Resource Schedule Board 1.0a [R8]. The marks in the column of support level mean as follows; “M” means that the command is mandatory and is required. “M*” means that the command is mandatory and is required if the list type is write enabled. “ O” means that the command is optional. “ NS” means that the command is not supported. “ B” means that support level of the command depends on a board type. “←” in column of RSB means that the support level is the same as that of BB column. The support level of vendor dependent commands is specified in chapter 9. NOTE - OPEN INFO B LOCK command: A target complies with this guideline does not support OPEN INFO BLOCK command. The support level of this command is defined as optional by Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0[R7]. However, following rule is described in section 5.4 of Enhancements to the AV/C General Specification 3.0 Version 1.1 [R6], “ If the subunit supports the WRITE INFO BLOCK command, then it shall also support the OPEN INFO BLOCK command;” This rule contradicts the definition in Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0 [R7]. All operation of BB and RSB is possible without using OP EN INFO BLOCK command when a target complies with this guideline. As the result, a target does not support OPEN INFO BLOCK even if the target is implemented according to AV/C General 3.0 [R5]. In case of AV/C Descriptor 1.0[R16], contradiction does not occur because OP EN INFO BLOCK is defined as optional by AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R16]. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 29 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 Table 6.1 – Support Levels of AV/C command for BB and RSB (1/2) opcode operand ctype Name of field subfunction control descriptor _specifi er open descriptor read descriptor status descriptor _specifi er notify descriptor _specifi er control descriptor _specifi er subfunction control descriptor _specifi er write descriptor status P age 30 Support level parameter BB RSB GL close read open write open subunit identifi er descriptor List Descriptor - s pecified by list_ID List Descriptor - s pecified by list_type Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Entr y Position Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Object ID subunit identifi er descriptor List Descriptor - s pecified by list_ID List Descriptor - s pecified by list_type Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Entr y Position Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Object ID subunit identifi er descriptor List Descriptor - s pecified by list_ID List Descriptor - s pecified by list_type Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Entr y Position Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Object ID subunit identifi er descriptor List Descriptor - s pecified by list_ID List Descriptor - s pecified by list_type Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Entr y Position Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Object ID change replace insert delete partial replace subunit identifi er descriptor List Descriptor - s pecified by list_ID List Descriptor - s pecified by list_type Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Entr y Position Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Object ID M M M* M M NS O O M M NS O O O O NS O O M M NS M M M* NS NS M* M* NS B NS M* M* ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← NS ← ← ← M M M* M M NS NS NS M M NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS M M NS M M M* NS NS M* M* NS NS NS M* M* group_tag first, conti nue, last O ← NS descriptor _specifi er subunit identifi er descriptor List Descriptor - s pecified by list_ID List Descriptor - s pecified by list_type Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Entr y Position Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Object ID NS B NS M* M* ← NS ← ← ← NS NS NS M* M* Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 Table 6.2 – Support Levels of AV/C command for BB and RSB (2/2) opcode operand ctype Name of field create descriptor control subfunction_1 subfunction_1_ specificati on parameter & subfunction control open info bloc k descriptor _specifi er info_bloc k_i dentifier descriptor _specifi er status info_bloc k_i dentifier read info bloc k descriptor _specifi er control info_bloc k_i dentifier subfunction write info bloc k descriptor _specifi er control info_bloc k_i dentifier group_tag Support level create an obj ect and its child list Create a new descriptor create a root list create a c hild list create an obj ect close read open write open subunit identifi er descriptor List Descriptor - s pecified by list_ID List Descriptor - s pecified by list_type Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Entr y Position Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Object ID by its type and instanc e count by position i n the c ontainer s tructur e subunit identifi er descriptor List Descriptor - s pecified by list_ID List Descriptor - s pecified by list_type Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Entr y Position Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Object ID by its type and instanc e count by position i n the c ontainer s tructur e subunit identifi er descriptor List Descriptor - s pecified by list_ID List Descriptor - s pecified by list_type Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Entr y Position Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Object ID by its type and instanc e count by position i n the c ontainer s tructur e partial replace BB RSB GL B NS NS NS B B O O O O O NS O O O O O O NS O O O O B B NS B B B B ← NS M ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← NS NS ← M M M M NS NS M NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS M M M M B M M subunit identifi er descriptor List Descriptor - s pecified by list_ID List Descriptor - s pecified by list_type Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Entr y Position Entr y Descriptor - specifi ed by Object ID by its type and instanc e count by position i n the c ontainer s tructur e NS B NS B B B B ← NS ← O M M O NS NS NS NS M M NS first, replac e, last O ← NS NS NS NS The other commands exc ept for vendor_dependent c ommands Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 31 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 7 . Ta r ge t Im ple m e nta tions 7.1 Acces s pe rm iss ion 7 . 1 .1 G e ne ra l If plural controllers try to write data to a descriptor at the same time, the consistency of the contents of descriptor sometimes stops by the timing of these accesses. So, access permission is built as a technique to prevent simultaneous accesses. When a controller wishes to read/write the contents in a descriptor, it shall get the access permission using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command. Access to a descriptor is allowed to only the controller which acquired access permission. There are READ_OPEN and WRITE_OPEN in the access permission. In case of READ_OPEN, read access is possible. In case of WRITE_OPEN, both read access and write access are possible. A controller opens the descriptor with either access permission, and does the required reading or writing. After finished, the controller shall close the descriptor by using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command. A target shall be implemented to reject an access request from a node which does not acquire access permission. A target shall be forced to close a descriptor when there is no access to the descriptor more than one minute or when bus reset occurs. In other words, a target is required to manage a state of opening and inform ation on the node which opens descriptor in every descriptor. 7 . 1 .2 M a na ge m e nt of ac ce ss pe r mi s si on Followings are list of design specifications related to control of access permission. • The open and close of descriptor should be possible only in the List Descriptor unit. To simplify the management, opening and closing an Entry descriptor is not supported because they are defined as optional by Bulletin Board Subunit General 1.0 [R7] although they are allowed by AV/C command speci fication. • As for the close of descriptor, only the controller that opened it is possible. When a target receives an OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command to close a descriptor, the target compares the node ID of the controller that opened it and the node ID of the controller that sends the OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command. The target closes the descriptor i f the both node ID's are the same. However, i f the change of a descriptor by the target itself becomes necessary while other node opens the descriptor, the target may be forced to close the descriptor and may give priority to access from target itsel f. • A close request from a node, which did not open the descriptor, is accepted. However, if the target complies with AV/C general 3.0, the request is rejected. Even if the request is accept ed, there is no influence to other controller’s access permission. • A target closes the descriptor forcibly in case of Bus reset or Command reset. • A target accepts new read open request when the requested descriptor is in closed state or in readopened state. The number of nodes that have read-access permission to the same descriptor simultaneously is at least two. • A target accepts a write open request when the requested descriptor is in closed state or in readopened state. Subunit identifier descriptor is exception. When the target accepts a write open request for a descriptor that is in read-opened state, the target closes the read-opened descriptor forcibly. P age 32 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 • A target rejects a write open request or a read open request when the requested des criptor is in writeopened state. • A target rejects a read open request when the requested descriptor is in write-opened state by the controller that issued the read open request. • A target accepts a write open request or a read open request when the requested descriptor is in writeopened state or in read-opened state respectively and the controller that issued the command already has the same access permission. However, if the target complies with AV/C general 3.0, the request is reject ed. • A target closes a descriptor forcibly when there is no access to the descriptor more than one minute. The time is managed separately in every controller. When plural controllers have reading access permission simultaneously, a target gets rid of the permission (i.e. closes the descriptor) of only the controller which caus ed the time-out. 7.2 Com m an d im p lem en t at io ns This section describes how the response is returned for each command addressed to a target • NOT_IMPLEMENTED conditions Condition to judge whether a received command is supported is described. • REJECTED conditions Condition to judge whether a supported command can not be executed is described. • ACCEPTED behaviors / STABLE behaviors The behavior to execute a supported command is described. Basic behavior is explained simply becaus e it is described in the related speci fications. The part which is dependent on implementation or the point which a target should specially pay attention to is described. A target is recommended not to use INTERIM as a response to a control command. If a target uses the INTERIM response, the target is strongly encouraged to return the final response within two seconds. 7 . 2 .1 O P E N DE S CRI P TO R c ontr ol c om ma nd 7 . 2 .1 . 1 NO T_ I M P LE ME NTE D c ondi ti ons NOT_IMPLEMENTED response shall be returned when the received command matches at least one of following conditions (a, b, .... or e) (a) Check the descriptor_specifier_type field The value of this field is other than followings <Condition 1> 00h (subunit identifier descriptor) <Condition 2> 00h (List descriptor speci fied by list_ID) Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 33 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 NOTE - AV/C general 3.0 compliant implementations. When the Condition 2 applies, A target that complies with AV/C general 3.0 checks the value of list_ID field. If the value is not 1001 16(Information List of RSB), the target shall return NOT_IMPLEMENTED. (b) Check the subfunction fi eld The value of this field is other than followings • 00h (CLOSE) • 01h (READ_OPEN) • 03h (WRITE_OPEN) NOTE - When receiving an undefined value in the specification, a target shall return NOT_IMPLEMENTED. (c) Check the combination of descriptor_specifier_type and subfunction fields In case that the value of des criptor_specifier_type field is 0016 (subunit identifier descriptor) and the value of subfunction field is 0316 (WRITE_OPEN) NOTE - Write operation to subunit identifier descriptor is not allowed by the specification. (d) Check the reserve field. The value of this field is other than 0016 (e) Check the length of the command frame In case that the value of data_length fi eld in the packet header of 1394 Write Request is different from the actual frame length of the AV/C command fram e in the payload of the packet. The frame length of the AV/C command fram e varies according to the value of descriptor_specifier fi eld as follows, (refer to condition (a) above) <Condition 1>subunit identifier descriptor <Condition 2>list descriptor specified by list ID 6 bytes 8 bytes 7 . 2 .1 . 2 RE J E CTE D c ondi ti ons REJECTED response shall be returned when the received command matches following condition of (a) or (b). (a) Check access permission of the descriptor As for a descriptor speci fied by descriptor_specifier field, a target judges whether request ed access permission specifi ed by subfunction is possible or not according to the access permission management status of the descriptor. Refer to section 7.1 for details of judgment criteria. When the requested access is not permitted, REJECTED shall be returned. NOTE - AV/C general 3.0 compliant implementations: In case of followings, A target that complies with AV/C general 3.0 shall return REJECTED. 1) In the case that the access permission status of a controller is “ closed” and a target receives closerequest from the same controller (Duplicated closing). 2) In the case that the access permission status of a controller is “ opened” and a target receives open- P age 34 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 request from the same controller (Duplicated opening). AV/C general 4.0 compliant target returns ACCEP TED in above cases. (b) Check the list_ID field In case that the value of des criptor_specifier_type field is 1016 (list descriptor specified by list ID) and the value of list_ID field is other than 100116 (Inform ation List of RSB). NOTE - AV/C general 3.0 compliant implementations: A target that complies with AV/C general 3.0 shall return NOT IMPLEMENTED. Refer to the NOTE of (a) in section 7.2.1. 7 . 2 .1 . 3 ACCE P TE D be ha v i or Set or release the access permission specifi ed by the control command and return the result as a response. 7 . 2 .2 O P E N DE S CRI P TO R s ta tus c om m a nd 7 . 2 .2 . 1 NO T_ I M P LE ME NTE D c ondi ti ons A NOT_IMPLEMENTED response shall be returned when the received command matches at least one of following conditions (a, b, .... or d) (a) Check the descriptor_specifier_type field The value of this field is other than followings <Condition 1> 0016 (subunit identifier descriptor) <Condition 2> 1016 (list descriptor speci fied by list ID) NOTE - AV/C general 3.0 compliant implementations: When the Condition 2 applies, A target that complies with AV/C general 3.0 checks the value of list_ID field. If the value is not 1001 16(Information List of RSB), the target shall return NOT_IMPLEMENTED. (b) Check the reserve field The value of this field is other than 0016 (c) Check the status and node_ID field The value other than FF16 is set in these fields. (d) Check the length of the command frame In case that the value of data_length fi eld in the packet header of 1394 Write Request is different from the actual frame length of the AV/C command fram e in the payload of the packet. The frame length of the AV/C command fram e varies according to the value of descriptor_specifier fi eld as follows, (refer to condition (a) above) <Condition 1>subunit identifier descriptor <Condition 2>list descriptor specified by list ID 8 bytes 10 bytes Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 35 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 7 . 2 .2 . 2 RE J E CTE D c ondi ti ons A REJECTED response shall not be used as a respons e for OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command when a target complies with this guideline. 7 . 2 .2 . 3 S TABLE Be ha v i ors A target returns the status of the access permission of the speci fied descriptor. NOTE - Data in a response f rame: The structure of response fra me for OP EN DESCRIP TOR status command and each operand field of the response fra me are described here. The structure of response frame is the same as that of command fra me . Re fer to section 9.4.2 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R16] for the structure of the command fra me. In the command fra me, FF16 is set to both status and node_ID fields. In the response frame, these values are replaced with information regarding access permission of a descriptor and returned to the controller. Followings are contents of each field. - Status: This field is the result of command execution and shows the status of access permission of the descriptor. Following value is set. Table 7.1 – status field of OPEN DESCRIPTOR status command Value 0016 0116 0416 1116 3316 Contents Closed All controllers do not have any access permission (f or read-only or for read or write). Read opened. The descriptor is in open state f or read-only access. The target can accept additional read-only open requests. Non-existent. No descriptor specif ied by list ID exists. At capacity The descriptor is open for read-only access, and is unable to accept any additional read-only open requests. Write opened The descriptor open for read or write access. No access (for read-only or f or read or write) by other controllers is allowed. - node_ID: When the value of status field is 33 16 (Write opened), this field shows the node ID of the controller that has access permission to the descriptor. For all other values of the status field, this field remains as FF FF16. P age 36 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 7 . 2 .3 RE AD DE S CRI P TO R c ontr ol c om m a nd 7 . 2 .3 . 1 NO T_ I M P LE ME NTE D Condi ti on A NOT_IMPLEMENTED response shall be returned when the received command matches at least one of following conditions (a, b, .... or e) (a) Check the descriptor_specifier_type field The value of this field is other than followings <Condition 1> 0016 (subunit identifier des criptor) <Condition 2> 1016 (list descriptor speci fied by list ID) <Condition 3> 20h (entry descriptor speci fied by entry_position) <Condition 4> 21h (entry descriptor speci fied by object_ID) NOTE - AV/C general 3.0 compliant implementations: A target that complies with AV/C general 3.0 checks the value of list_ID field and list_type field as well as descriptor_specifier_type field. A NOT_IMP LEMENTED response shall be returned when these values does not match all of following conditions. <Condition 1> descriptor_specifier_type = 00 16 (subunit identifier descriptor) <Condition 2> descriptor_specifier_type = 10 16 (list descriptor specified list ID) - list_ID: 1001 16 (Information List of RSB) <Condition 3> descriptor_specifier_type = 20 16 (entry descriptor specified by entry_position) - list_ID: 1001 16 (Information List of RSB) <Condition 4> descriptor_specifier_type= 21 16 (entry descriptor specified by object_ID) - list_ID: 1001 16 (Information List of RSB) - list_ty pe:83 16 (write enable info list) (b) Check the reserve field The value of this field is other than 0016 (c) Check the read_result_status field The value of this field is other than FF16 (d) Check the length of the command frame In case that the value of data_length fi eld in the packet header of 1394 Write Request is different from the actual frame length of the AV/C command fram e in the payload of the packet. The frame length of the AV/C command fram e varies according to the value of descriptor_specifier fi eld as follows, (refer to condition (a) above) <Condition1> <Condition2> <Condition3> <Condition4> subunit identifier descriptor list descriptor specified by list ID entry descriptor specified by entry_position entry descriptor specified by object_ID 10 bytes 12 bytes 14 bytes 25 bytes (0A16 ) (0C16 ) (0E16 ) (1916 ) (e) Check the existence of speci fied entry The value of descriptor_specifier_type field is 2016 (entry descriptor speci fied by entry_position) and the value of entry_position field is equal to or greater than the maximum number of scheduled actions.. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 37 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 7 . 2 .3 . 2 RE J E CTE D c ondi ti ons A REJECTED response shall be returned when the received command matches at least one of following conditions (a, b, .... or f). Note that exceptions are written in some conditions. (a) Check access permission to the descriptor The controller does not have the access permission to the descriptor specifi ed by descriptor_specifier. (b) Check the list_ID and list_type field Check the contents of the list_ID and list_type field according to the value of the descriptor_specifier fi eld. A target shall return REJECTED response when the contents do not match one of following conditions. <Condition1> descriptor_specifier_type = 1016 (list descriptor speci fied by list_ID) - list_ID = 100116 (Information List of RSB) <Condition 2> descriptor_specifier_type = 2016 (entry descriptor speci fied by entry_position) - list_ID = 100116 (Information List of RSB) <Condition 3> descriptor_specifier_type = 2116 (entry descriptor speci fied by object_ID) - list_ID = 100116 (Information List of RSB) - list_type = 8316 (write enable info list) NOTE - The meaning of above described conditions: - The value of 1001 16 (Information List of RSB) is only one valid value for list_ID defined by the current BB specification. Therefore, all values other than 1001 16 are invalid. - In case of specifying the entry descriptor, only the value of 83 16 is valid, and the other values are invalid. The reason is that RSB does not have list and board list whose attribute is read-only, and RSB supports write-enable-info-list only. NOTE - AV/C general 3.0 compliant implementations: A target that complies with AV/C general 3.0 shall return NOT IMP LEMENTED. Refer to the NOTE of (a) in section (c) Check the existence of the entry Speci fied entry does not exist. - An entry does not exist at the specifi ed position In the case that the value of descriptor_specifier_type is 2016 (specified by descriptor_entry_position) and the value of entry_position field is equal to or more than the number of current entries. - The entry that has specified object_ID does not exist. In the case that 1) the value of descriptor_specifier_type is 2116 (specifi ed by object ID) and 2) entry that has the same object_ID specifi ed by the command does not exist. (d) Check the start address. The specified address is not valid for the descriptor. - The address specified by address fi eld is not in the address space for the speci fied des criptor. P age 38 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 (e) Check the data_length field in case of read request for list descriptor. In case that the value of des criptor_specifier_type field is 1016 (list descriptor specified by list ID), a target may return REJECTED if data_length matches the following conditions. The conditions are classifi ed according to the value of address field as follows. Address offset <Condition 1> <Condition2> 00 00 16 00 01 16 : : : : 00 11 16 00 12 16 00 13 16 : : : : : XX XX 16 : <Condition3> : YY YY 16 Name of field list_descriptor_length : : : : Header number _of_entry_descriptors entr y_descriptor [0] (the first entr y) : : entr y_descriptor [number_of_entry_descriptor-1] (the last entry) The conditions are classifi ed according to the value of address field as follows. <Condition 1> address = 00 0016 If the value of data_length fi eld is less than or equal to 1216 (The whole of the header is not included), a target may return REJECTED. <Condition2> 00 0116 <= address <= XX XX16 (Top address of the last entry) If no entry is included within the address space from “ address” to “address + data_length 1”, a target may return REJECTED. <Condition3> XX XX16 (Top address of the last entry) < address If “ address + data_length” is less than YY YY16 (the last address of the last entry), a target may return REJECTED. NOTE - The meaning of above described conditions: This guideline supposes that the header part and each entry are treated as a block when reading the list descriptor, and a response is returned in the unit of the block. According to this way of thinking, this guideline specifies these conditions that the target can reject the command when no block is included in the requested address space. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 39 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 (f) Check the address field in case of read request for list descriptor. In case that the value of des criptor_specifier_type field is 1016 (list descriptor specified by list ID), a target may return REJECTED if address field matches the following conditions. The conditions are classifi ed as follows according to the number of the READ DESCRIPTOR control commands that are issued after opening the list descriptor. <Condition 1> In case of the first command after the opening. A target may return REJECTED when the value of the address field is other than 00 0016 . <Condition 2> In case of the second or later command. A target may return REJECTED when the value of the address field is other than followings. - 00 0016 - the same value as that of the previous command - “ address value of the last data which is returned as the response of the previous command” + 1. (the next address to the area which has been read by the previous command) NOTE - The meaning of above described conditions: This guideline presumes that the list descriptor is read continuously from the top of descriptor when a controller read. According to this way of thinking, only the address value of 0000 16 is allowed for the first command after the opening and continuous read is allowed for the following commands. However, the target shall always support the address value of 0000 16 and support the same address of the previous command in consideration of the command retry. NOTE - Command history: If a target uses the condition described in the condition (f), the target shall manage history information such as number of received READ DESCRIP TOR control command, the next address to the area which has been read by the previous command, etc. The history information is separately managed for each controller and is not discarded until the related controller closes the descriptor. 7 . 2 .3 . 3 ACCE P TE D be ha v i or s Reads the data from the descriptor speci fied by the command and returns it as a response. NOTE - Data in the response f rame. The structure of response frame caused by the READ DESCRIP TOR control command and the values in each field are described here. The response frame has command fra me followed by the data. The structure of the command fra me is defined in section 9.5.1 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R16] . The result of command execution is shown in read_result_status field of the response frame. The data, which had actually been read out, are added below the address field and the data length is set in the data_length field. Refer to section of AV/C Descriptor 1.0[R16] for details. The following table summarizes the meaning of each value of read_result_status field, and the behavior of the controller for each value. P age 40 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 Table 7.2 – read_result_status and behavior of the controller Value Status of the target Behavior of the controller 1016 The command was correctly executed. (Complete data is returned) 1116 Only a part of the requested data was returned because of the limitation of the data transmission capability. It is necessary f or the controller to read out the remaining data by sending a read-request 1216 The starting address for reading was effectiv e, but the last address specified the incorrect area. Controller considers that the part which has been actually read is effectiv e data The value of dat a_length field shows the length of the data which has been actually read when the value of read_result_status field is 1116 or 1216 . In case of 1016 the value of data_length fi eld is the same as that of command frame. NOTE - The data size of AV/C response which is transmitted by a target. In case that a target reads the list descriptor, this guideline supposes that the header part and each entry are treated as a block and a target shall have the capability to return a data which contains at least one block. As the result, following rules are applied. <Condition 1> address = 00 0016. A target shall return at least the header part if the command requests to return the data whose size is equal to or greater than the header part. <Condition 2> 00 0116 <= address <= top address of the last entry. A target shall return the data which contains at least one entry if the target returns ACCEP TED to the command which requests to return the data area that contains one or more entries. <Condition 3> top address of the last entry < address <= the last address of the last entry. A target shall return the data from specified address to the last address of the last entry, if the target returns ACCEP TED to the command which requests to return the data area that contains the last data of the last entry. 7 . 2 .4 WRI TE DE S CRI P TO R c ontr ol c om m a nd 7 . 2 .4 . 1 NO T_ I M P LE ME NTE D Condi ti ons A NOT_IMPLEMENTED response shall be returned when the received command matches at least one of following conditions (a, b, .... or e) (a) Check the descriptor_specifier_type field The value of this field is other than followings <Condition 1> 20h (entry descriptor speci fied by entry_position) <Condition 2> 21h (entry descriptor speci fied by object_ID) NOTE - AV/C general 3.0 compliant implementations: A target that complies with AV/C general 3.0 checks the value of list_ID field and list_type field as well as descriptor_specifier_type field. A NOT_IMP LEMENTED response shall be returned when these values does not match all of the following conditions. <Condition 1> descriptor_specifier_type = 20 16 (entry descriptor specified by entry_position) - list_ID: 1001 16 (Information List of RSB) Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 41 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 <Condition 2> descriptor_specifier_type= 21 16 (entry descriptor specified by object_ID) - list_ID: 1001 16 (Information List of RSB) - list_ty pe:83 16 (write enable info list) (b) Check the subfunction field The value of this field is other than followings. - 5016 (partial_replace) - 4016 (delete) - 1016 (change) (c) Check the group_tag field The value of this field is other than 0016 (immediate).. NOTE - This guideline does not cope with the partial writing to the descriptor. (d) Check the length of the command frame In case that the value of data_length fi eld in the packet header of 1394 Write Request is different from the actual frame length of the AV/C command fram e in the payload of the packet. The length of the AV/C command frame varies according to the combinations of descriptor_specifier fi eld (refer to the condition (b)) and subfunction field as follows. Table 7.3 – Frame length of WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command descriptor_specifier entry descriptor specified by entry_position Partial Replace subfunction Delete Change entry descriptor specified by object_ID 16 by tes + data_length 27 by tes + data_length 14 by tes 25 by tes 14 by tes + replacement_data_length 25 by tes + replacement_data_length (e) Check the existence of speci fied entry The value of descriptor_specifier_type field is 2016 (entry descriptor speci fied by entry_position) and the value of entry_position field is equal to or greater than the maximum number of scheduled actions.. 7 . 2 .4 . 2 RE J E CTE D c ondi ti ons A REJECTED response shall be returned when the received command matches at least one of following conditions (a, b, .... or k). (a) Check access permission to the descriptor The controller does not have the access permission to the descriptor specifi ed by descriptor_specifier . P age 42 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 (b) Check the list_ID and list_type fields Check the contents of the list_ID and list_type fields according to the value of the descriptor_specifier_type field. A target shall return REJECTED response when the contents do not match one of following conditions. <Condition 1> descriptor_specifier_type = 2016 (entry descriptor speci fied by entry_position) - list_ID = 100116 (Information List of RSB) <Condition 2> descriptor_specifier_type = 2116 (entry descriptor speci fied by object_ID) - list_ID = 100116 (Information List of RSB) - list_type = 8316 (write enable info list) NOTE - The meaning of above described conditions: - The value of 1001 16 (Information List of RSB) is only one valid value for list_ID defined by the current BB specification. Therefore all values other than 1001 16 are invalid. - In case of specifying the entry descriptor, only the value of 83 16 is valid, and the other values are invalid. The reason is that RSB does not have list and board list whose attribute is read-only, and RSB supports write-enable-info-list only. NOTE - AV/C general 3.0 compliant implementations: A target that complies with AV/C general 3.0 shall return NOT IMP LEMENTED. Refer to the NOTE of (a) in section (c) Check the existence of the entry Speci fied entry does not exist. - An entry does not exist at the specifi ed position In the case that the value of descriptor_specifier_type is 2016 (entry descriptor speci fied by entry_position) and the value of entry_position field is equal to or more than the number of current entries. - The entry which has specified object_ID does not exist. In the case that 1) the value of descriptor_specifier_type is 2116 (specifi ed by object ID) and 2) entry which has the same object_ID speci fied by the command does not exist. (d) Check the start address and the data_length field In the case that invalid address space as the descriptor was speci fied or a write request to writeprotected area was issued. The conditions are dependent on the subfunction as follows. - In case of change: A target confirms that the area speci fi ed by address field and data_length field is within the address space of following fields. • object_ID field • entry_specific_information field As for the address space of each field, refer to Resource Schedule Board 1.0a [R8]. A target shall return REJECTED if the specifi ed area is not within the address space. - In case of partial_replace: A target compares the length speci fied by replacement_data_length field with the length speci fied by original_data_length field. • In case of the same length Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 43 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 A target processes it in the same method of change subfunction. • In case of different length A target confirms that the value of address field is within the address space of the entry_specific_information field. As for the address space of the field, refer to Resource Schedule Board 1.0a [R8]. A target shall return REJECTED if it is not within the address space. - In case of delete: The command is always accepted. In this case, a target does not check the values of address fi eld and data_length field. In case of delete, address and data_length are ignored as speci fied in table 9.22 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R16] (e) Check the start_time field A target may return REJECTED when the start time is more than one year ahead. (f) Check the duration field A target may return REJECTED when the target does not support the specified duration. Example: If the value of zero is speci fied and the target does not support scheduled action that does not have the end time of it, the target may return REJECTED. (g) Check the repeat_information field A target may return REJECTED when the specified condition is not supported by the target. Example: If a weekly schedule on Monday, Wednesday and Friday is requested to a target that supports a weekly schedule for only one day of the week, target may return REJECTED. The repeat_type information that shall be supported for each device is speci fied in section 7.5. (h) Check the number of subunit included in the resource schedule entry. If the number of subunit included in the resource schedule entry exceeds the number of subunit that a target has, the target shall return REJECTED. This condition is dependent on this guideline. (i) Check the reserve field in the resource schedule entry. The value of the reserve field in the resource schedule entry is other than 0016 NOTE - Some targets, which do not check the reserve fields, already exist. (j) Check the object ID A target may return REJECTED if a controller other than the posting device that made the entry issues the write request. However, the value zero of object_ID is the exception even if the target checks the object_ID. P age 44 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 (k) Check the duplicated object_ID A target shall return REJECTED if an object_ID, which has the same value of the requested object_ID, already exists. NOTE - Some targets, which do not check the duplication of the object_ID, already exist. 7 . 2 .4 . 3 ACCE P TE D be ha v i or s Writes the data to the descriptor according to the contents of the command and returns the result of the command execution as the response. NOTE - Remark for scheduling inf ormation. In this note, additional explanation is shown regarding the implementation dependent scheduling information as follows; • Write-request of a scheduling data that will cause scheduling conflicts The command shall be accepted. • Write-request of a scheduling data whose start time is more than one year ahead. The command may be accepted. However, the other controllers or the target itself may delete the entry after it is closed. NOTE - Condition for checking the reserve field in the resource schedule entry. Some legacy device does not check the value zero of reserve field. This device, even if the value is nonzero, does not return REJECTED and the command is accepted. NOTE - Deletion of the descriptor. A target shall automatically stuff the interstices caused by the deletion. When a certain descriptor is deleted at the condition that plural descriptors are registered, the position of descriptors registered behind the deleted descriptor is advanced and adjusted automatically so that a gap may not occur. Example: Assume that new descriptors 1,2 and 3 were made in this order, and after that, descriptor 2 is deleted. In this case, a target renews the descriptors by moving the descriptor 3 to the position of descriptor 2. 7 . 2 .5 WRI TE DE S CRI P TO R s ta tus c om m a nd 7 . 2 .5 . 1 NO T_ I M P LE ME NTE D Condi ti on A NOT_IMPLEMENTED response shall be returned when the received command matches at least one of following conditions (a, b or c) (a) Check the descriptor_specifier_type field The value of this field is other than followings <Condition 1> 2016 (entry descriptor speci fied by entry_position) <Condition 2> 2116 (entry descriptor speci fied by object_ID) (b) Check the last four bytes of the command frame. The values of these bytes are other than FF16. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 45 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 (c) Check the length of the command frame In case that the value of data_length fi eld in the packet header of 1394 Write Request is different from the actual frame length of the AV/C command fram e in the payload of the packet. The length of the AV/C command frame varies according to the contents of descriptor_specifier fi eld (refer to the condition (a)). <Condition1> entry descriptor specified by entry_position <Condition2> entry descriptor specified by object_ID 12 bytes (0C16 ) 23 bytes (1716 ) 7 . 2 .5 . 2 RE J E CTE D c ondi ti ons A REJECTED response shall be returned when the received command matches following condition. (a) Check the list_ID and list_type fields Check the contents of the list_ID and list_type fields according to the value of the descriptor_specifier_type field. A target shall return REJECTED response when the contents do not match one of following conditions. <Condition 1> descriptor_specifier_type = 2016 (entry descriptor speci fied by entry_position) - list_ID = 100116 (Information List of RSB) <Condition 2> descriptor_specifier_type = 2116 (entry descriptor speci fied by object ID) - list_ID = 100116 (Information List of RSB) - list_type = 8316 (write enable info list) NOTE - AV/C general 3.0 compliant implementations: A target that complies with AV/C general 3.0 shall not return REJECTED as a response for WRITE DESCRIP TOR status command. 7 . 2 .5 . 3 S TABLE be ha v i or s A target returns the capability of the maximum data size which is written to the descriptor, as the response. NOTE Data which is set in the response f rame. The structure of response frame for WRITE DESCRIP TOR status command and each fields of the response fra me are described here. The structure of the WRITE DESCRIP TOR status response fra me is the structure that address field and data field were removed from the WRITE DESCRIP TOR control command fra me. Re fer to section 9.6.2 of AV/C Descriptor 1.0[R16] for the structure of the command fra me. Followings are contents of each field. - descriptor_specifier: The same value with the command fra me is set - subf unction: Fixed value of FF16 - group_tag: Fixed value of 00 16 P age 46 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 - data_length: The ma ximu m data size in bytes which is written by using single WRITE DESCRIP TOR control command. The specified descriptor is not writable when the value of this field is zero. In this guideline, the division write-request, where the WRITE DESCRIP TOR control command has non-zero value in the group_tag field, is not supported. Therefore, the value returned in the data_length field shall be equal to or greater than the maxi mum value of entry_specific_information field in the Information entry descriptor of RSB. 7 . 2 .6 CRE ATE DE S CRI P TO R c ontr ol c om m a nd 7 . 2 .6 . 1 NO T_ I M P LE ME NTE D Condi ti on A NOT_IMPLEMENTED response shall be returned when the received command matches at least one of following conditions (a, b, .... or f) (a) Check the result field The value of this field is other than FF16 . (b) Check the subfunction_1 field The value of this field is other than 0016 (create a new descriptor). (c) Check the reserved field The value of this field is other than 0016 . (d) Check the subfunction_1_specification field The contents of subfunction_1_specification field do not match all of the following conditions. - The value of descriptor_specifier_type field in descriptor_specifier_where is 2016 (entry descriptor speci fi ed by entry_position). - The value of descriptor_specifier_type field in descriptor_specifier_what is 2216 (entry descriptor speci fi ed by entry_type). NOTE - AV/C general 3.0 compliant implementations: A target that complies with AV/C general 3.0 checks the values of the list_ID, and entry_type field as well as descriptor_specifier_type field. A NOT_IMP LEMENTED response shall be returned when the values of descriptor_specifier_where and descriptor_specifier_what fields do not match all of the following conditions. - descriptor_specifier_where field; - descriptor_specifier_type = 20 16(entry descriptor specified by entry_position). - list_ID = 1001 16 (Information List of RSB). - descriptor_specifier_what field; - descriptor_specifier _type = 22 16 ((entry descriptor specified by entry_type). - entry_type = 81 16 (Information Entry). Only the request to make a resource schedule entry (RSB dependent entry descriptor) by specifying the object position in the Information List of RSB is effective. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 47 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 (e) Check the length of the command frame In case that the value of data_length fi eld in the packet header of 1394 Write Request is different from the actual frame length of the AV/C command fram e in the payload of the packet. In case of conditions described in this section, the concrete size of the AV/C command frame is 13 bytes. (f) Check the entry_position field. The value of entry_position specified in descriptor_specifier_where field is equal to or greater than the maximum number of scheduled actions. 7 . 2 .6 . 2 RE J E CTE D c ondi ti ons A REJECTED response shall be returned when the received command matches at least one of following conditions (a, b, .... or d). (a) Check access permission to the descriptor The controller does not have the access permission to the Information List descriptor in which the controller makes a new entry. (b) Check the list_ID and entry_type fields Check the contents of the list_ID and entry_type fi elds regarding the descriptor_specifier_where and descriptor_specifier_what fields contained in subfunction_1_specification field. A target shall return REJECTED response when the contents do not match following conditions. - descriptor_specifier_where field; - list_ID = 100116 (Information List of RSB). - descriptor_specifier_what field; - entry_type = 8116 (Information Entry). NOTE - AV/C general 3.0 compliant implementations: In case of above described condition, A target that complies with AV/C general 3.0 shall return NOT_IMPLEMENTED (Refer to the NOTE of (d) in section (c) Check the entry_position fields Speci fied entry does not exist. - An entry does not exist at the specifi ed position In the case that the value of descriptor_specifier_type is 2016 (entry descriptor speci fied by entry_position) and the value of entry_position field is equal to or more than the number of current entries. - The entry which has specified object_ID does not exist. In the case that 1) the value of descriptor_specifier_type is 2116 (specifi ed by object ID) and 2) entry which has the same object_ID speci fied by the command does not exist. (d) Check the entry_position field Except for the value of FFFF 16, the value of entry_position field in the descriptor_specifier_where field is equal to or greater than “ current number of registered entries + 1”. New entry can be made only below the entries that exist at that time. P age 48 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 The last entry_position +1 is effective. The last entry_position +1 or greater will cause REJECTED. NOTE - Special values in entry_position f ield: The value of 0000 16 in the entry_position field means that an entry is made at the beginning of the list. On the other hand, the value of FFFF16 means that an entry is made at the end of the list. These special values are defined in of AV/C Descriptor 1.0 [R16]. In this guideline, the value of 0000 16 shall be supported. The other values (1,2,…, the last value +1 and FFFF16) are implementation dependent and a target that does not support these values returns REJECTED to the non-supported values. (e) The continuous receipt of CREATE DESCRIPTOR control command If a target receives CREATE DESCRIPTOR control command continuously, (i.e. the controller tries to create another new entry without writing a data to a newly created entry), the target may return REJECTED response to the command received after the second time. The behavior of the target is not guaranteed i f the continuous control commands are accepted. 7 . 2 .6 . 3 ACCE P TE D be ha v i or s A target creates a new descriptor according to the contents of the command and returns the result of the command executions as the response to the command. The value of the object_ID field in a newly created descriptor is zero, and the des criptor does not have entry_specific_information. 7 . 2 .7 RE AD I NFO BLO CK c ontr ol c om m a nd 7 . 2 .7 . 1 NO T_ I M P LE ME NTE D Condi ti on A NOT_IMPLEMENTED response shall be returned when the received command matches at least one of following conditions (a, b, .... or e) (a) Check the info_block_reference_path fi eld The value of this field does not match even one of the following conditions. - The value of number_of_levels field is 0216. - The value of descriptor_specifier_type speci fied in level [0] matches one of followings. Note that the content of level [0] shows how to specify the entry descriptor. <Condition 1> 2016 (entry descriptor speci fied by entry_position) <Condition 2> 2116 (entry descriptor speci fied by object_ID) - The value of descriptor_specifier_type speci fied in level [1] matches one of followings. Note that the content of level [1] shows how to specify the information block. <Condition 1> 3016 (information block specifi ed by type and instance count) <Condition 2> 3116 (information block specifi ed by position) NOTE - AV/C general 3.0 compliant implementations: A target that complies with AV/C general 3.0 checks the values of the list_ID, list_type and root_list_type fields as well as descriptor_specifier_type field. A NOT_IMPLEMENTED response Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 49 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 shall be returned when these values do not match the following conditions. The value of this field does not match even one of the following conditions - The value of number_of_levels field is 02 16. - The value of descriptor_specifier_type specified in level [0] matches one of followings. Note that the content of level [0] shows how to specify the entry descriptor. <Condition 1> 20 16 (entry descriptor specified by entry_position) list_ID = 1001 16 (Information List descriptor of RSB) <Condition 2> 21 16 (entry descriptor specified by object_ID) root_list_ID = 1001 16 (Information List descriptor of RSB) list_type = 83 16 (write enable list) - The value of descriptor_specifier_type specified in level [1] matches one of followings. Note that the content of level [1] shows how to specify the information block. <Condition 1> 30 16 (information block specified by type and instance count) <Condition 2> 31 16 (information block specified by position) Note that only the condition which specifies Information Block in the resource schedule entry contained in Information List descriptor of RSB is effective. (b) Check the reserve field The value of this field is other than 0016 . (c) Check the read_result_status field The value of this field is other than FF16 . (d) Check the length of the command frame In case that the value of data_length fi eld in the packet header of 1394 Write Request is different from the actual frame length of the AV/C command fram e in the payload of the packet. The data length of the AV/C command frame varies according to the contents of level[0] and level[1] fields of info_block_reference_path field as follows. Condition 1 and condition 2 in the table correspond to above described (a) Table 7.4 – Frame length of READ INFO BLOCK control command level [0] Specifying the entry descriptor level [1] Specifying the Info block Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 1 19 by tes 30 by tes Condition 2 17 by tes 28 by tes (e) Check the existence of the entry speci fied by level[0] of info_block_refer ence_path The setting of level[0] for above (a) is “ descriptor_specifier_type fi eld = 2016 (entry descriptor speci fied by entry_position)” and the value of entry_position fi eld is equal to or greater than the maximum number of scheduled actions which can be registered. P age 50 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 7 . 2 .7 . 2 RE J E CTE D c ondi ti ons A REJECTED response shall be returned when the received command matches at least one of following conditions (a, b, .... or e). (a) Check access permission to the descriptor The controller does not have the access permission to the descriptor specifi ed by descriptor_specifier. (b) Check the list_ID and list_type fields Check the contents of the list_ID and list_type fields in descriptor_specifier field contained in level [0] of info_block_ref erence_path field. A target shall return REJECTED response when the contents do not match following conditions. <Condition1> descriptor_specifier_type = 2016 (entry descriptor speci fied by entry_position) - list_ID = 100116 (Information List of RSB) <Condition 2> descriptor_specifier_type = 2116 (entry descriptor speci fied by object_ID) - list_ID = 100116 (Information List descriptor of RSB) - list_type = 8316 (write enable info list) NOTE - AV/C general 3.0 compliant implementations: In case of above described condition, A target that complies with AV/C general 3.0 shall return NOT_IMPLEMENTED (Refer to the NOTE of (a) in section (c) Check the existence of the entry speci fied by level [0] of info_block_reference_path - No entry exists at the specified position descriptor_specifier_type field = 2016 (entry descriptor speci fied by entry_position) and the value of entry_position fi eld is equal to or greater than the number of current entries. - An entry that has the specified object_ID does not exist. descriptor_specifier_type field = 2116 (entry descriptor speci fied by object_ID), and there is no entry which has the same object_ID speci fied by the command. (d) Check the level [1] of info_block_refer ence_path - descriptor_specifier_type field = 3016 (information block specified by type and instance count) Both of following conditions are not satisfied. - info_block_type = 890016 (subunit_resource_info_block) - instance_count = 016 - descriptor_specifier_type field = 3116 (information block specified by position) The value of info_block_position specified by the command is other than 0016 . (e) Check the read-out start address The specified address is not valid for the info block. - A target shall return REJECTED when the address specified in the address field is not in the address space for the primary_fields_length of speci fied info_block. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 51 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 7 . 2 .7 . 3 ACCE P TE D be ha v i or s Reads the data from the information block speci fied by the command and returns it as a response. 7 . 2 .8 WRI TE I NFO BLO CK c ontr ol c om m a nd 7 . 2 .8 . 1 NO T_ I M P LE ME NTE D Condi ti on A NOT_IMPLEMENTED response shall be returned when the received command matches at least one of following conditions (a, b, .... or d) (a) Check the info_block_reference_path fi eld The value of this field does not match even one of the following conditions. - The value of number_of_levels field is 0216. - The value of descriptor_specifier_type fi eld in level [0] is 2116 (entry descriptor speci fied by object_ID) - The value of des criptor_specifier_type field in level [1] is 3016 (information block speci fi ed by type and instance count) NOTE - AV/C general 3.0 compliant implementations: A target that complies with AV/C general 3.0 checks the values of the root_list_ID and list_type fields as well as descriptor_specifier_type field. A NOT_IMP LEMENTED response shall be returned when these values do not match the following conditions. The value of this field does not match even one of the following conditions - The value of number_of_levels field is 02 16. - The values of descriptor_specifier_type specified in level [0] are as follows. Note that the content of level [0] shows how to specify the entry descriptor. descriptor_specifier_type = 21 16 (entry descriptor specified by object_ID) root_list_ID = 1001 16 (Information List descriptor of RSB) list_type = 83 16 (write enable list) - The value of descriptor_specifier_type specified in level [1] is as follows. Note that the content of level [1] shows how to specify the information block. descriptor_specifier_type = 30 16 (information block specified by type and instance count) (b) Check the subfunction field The value of this field is other than 5016 (partial_replace). (c) Check the group_tag field The value of this field is other than 0016 (immediate). (d) Check the length of the command frame In case that the value of data_length fi eld in the packet header of 1394 Write Request is different from the actual frame length of the AV/C command fram e in the payload of the packet. The concrete size of the AV/C command fram e described in this section is [32 + the value of replacement_data_length] bytes. P age 52 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 7 . 2 .8 . 2 RE J E CTE D c ondi ti ons A REJECTED response shall be returned when the received command matches at least one of following conditions (a, b, .... or f). (a) Check access permission to the descriptor The controller does not have the access permission to the descriptor specifi ed by descriptor_specifier. (b) Check the list_ID and list_type fields Check the contents of the list_ID and list_type fields in descriptor_specifier field contained in level [0] of info_block_ref erence_path field. A target shall return REJECTED response when the contents do not match following conditions. - root_list_ID = 100116 (Information List of RSB) - list_type = 8316 (write enable info list) NOTE - AV/C general 3.0 compliant implementations: In case of above described condition, A target that complies with AV/C general 3.0 shall return NOT_IMPLEMENTED (Refer to the NOTE of (a) in section (c) Check the existence of the entry speci fied by level [0] of info_block_reference_path - An entry that has the specified object_ID does not exist. descriptor_specifier_type field = 2016 (entry descriptor speci fied by entry_position), and there is no entry which has the same object_ID specified by the command. (d) Check the level [1] of info_block_refer ence_path - Both of following conditions are not satisfied. - info_block_type = 890016 (subunit_resource_info_block) - instance_count = 016 (e) Check the writing start address and the length of data that will be written. The specified address is not valid for the info block. A target compares the length speci fied by replacement_data_length field with the length speci fied by original_data_length field. • In case of the same length A target shall return REJECTED when not all of the area that will be written is included in the current primary_fields. • In case of different length A target shall return REJECTED when the address specifi ed by address fi eld is not in the address space of primary_fields. (f) Partial replacem ent of the primary field. A target may return REJECTED when it is requested to rewrite only a part of primary field contained in an info block. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 53 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 7 . 2 .8 . 3 ACCE P TE D be ha v i or s Writes the data to the speci fied info block according to the contents of the command and returns the result of the command execution as the response. 7.3 Cre at io n o f new in f orm at io n b lo ck In case of RSB, a controller creates an information block in the unit of entry descriptor by using WRITE DESCRIPTOR command. There is no command, which requests to create only information block, in the speci fication. The detail methods are described in chapter 8. 7.4 Han d lin g o f in valid en tr y This section describes the method for removing invalid data from the data written to the descriptor by a controller. Followings are conditions for removing the entry. (1) An entry whose object_ID value is zero (Mandatory for all targets). (2) Current time has already been pass ed more than 5 minutes from the end time of an entry (Mandatory for only a target which has a watch function). (3) An entry that has invalid parameter (Optional for all targets). Condition (1) is the condition to remove the entry whose writing action is not correctly completed. When a controller closed the Inform ation List Descriptor or a target closed it forcibly, the target searches an entry whose object_ID is zero and removes it. In case of creating a new entry, the object_ID is set to zero once, and a controller closes the descriptor after the controller writes the appropriate value. As the result, in case of closed state, an entry whose object_ID is zero is not supposed to exist. However, there is a possibility of object_ID = 0 if a controller closed it without writing the object_ID or a target closed the descriptor forcibly becaus e of bus-reset or something. A target shall remove such entry because it is invalid. All of targets require this behavior. Condition (2) is the correspondence when a controller did not delete the entry after the schedul ed time was over. According to the Resource Schedule Board 1.0a [R8], the controller that posted an entry shall remove the entry after the schedul ed time is over. However, if the entry is not removed for some reasons and the target does not have the function that removes the entry automatically, non-removed entry remains. To avoid this situation, this function is implemented. The timing of removing the entry is implementation dependent. A target that has watch function requires this behavior. Condition (3) is the correspondence when a controller writes the invalid parameters. In the section 5.3.5 of Resource Schedule Board 1.0a [R8] , conditions where a target may remove an entry are described, ex. a start time field contains a non-existent date and time, a start time contains invalid BCD values, and so on. If an entry matches the condition described there, a target may remove the entry by the its own judgment. A target is not required to check the validity of the parameters because this guideline is based on the assumption that a controller checks the validity. Therefore, implementation of a function of removing an entry that has invalid parameters is optional in this guideline. P age 54 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 7.5 Im p lem en t at ion o f t he Un it As for the implementation of BB into the Unit, a target shall comply with rules described in this section. Rule 1: All of accesses to the BB from the external devices, such as read-out, registration, modification and removing of the scheduling data shall always be possible as long as the link layer and below layer is active, regardl ess of the target's status of the power, transport mechanism, and so on. The target may exclude initialization state from applying this rule. As the result, a controller can access to the BB subunit whenever it can find a target. Rule 2: If a new s cheduling entry is created by the external device while the target is in the usual status, the target shall change itsel f to the timer-standby status. The timing to change the status is when the object_ID whose value is other than 0016 is written into a newly created Information Entry Descriptor. However, if a target cannot change the status because no cassette is in the transport mechanism or there is no remaining recording capacity etc., the target does not change the status to the timer-standby. Here, the timer-standby status means the status where some behaviors like response for AV/C commands or response for the user's operation are di fferent from those of no reservation, because a reservation that is waiting to be executed is exist. As for the concrete difference, refer to each device category guideline. If a target does not have this kind of status, this rule is not applied. Rule 3: If a target itself has a capability to make reservations, the reservations made by the target shall also be registered into the BB subunit of the target according to following rules. • The object_ID that is speci fied when a target makes registration is [8 bytes of GUID of the target] + [4 bytes of record_ID that is selected by the target]. The record_ID shall be the unique value among the reservations that the target made so that it can specify each reservation. • The subunit(s) that will be used at the execution of s cheduled action is stored in the subunit_resource_info_block. Example: Incase of D-VHS: In case of timer recording using internal tuner (Tuner subunit #0) of the D-VHS, the Tape recorder/player subunit #0 and the Tuner subunit #0 are stored. In case of timer recording using external input (1394 input or analog input), only the Tape recorder/player subunit #0 is stored. • This guideline does not specify which entry_position in the Information List Descriptor is used for a new Information Entry Descriptor when a target makes a reservation caused by itself. How to decide the entry_position is vendor dependent. Rule 4: If a target tries to accesses to the BB subunit in the target, such as read-out, registration, modification and removing of the scheduling data, the target shall access the BB subunit after the target opens the Information List Descriptor as WRITE_OPEN and shall close it after the access. Here, the target opens or closes the descriptor as the internal processes. If a target tries to open a descriptor as WRITE_OPEN while an external device is opening the descriptor as WRITE_OPEN, the target shall close the WRITE_OPEN of the external device forcibly and shall reopen it as WRITE_OPEN for the target itself. Rule 5: A target shall remove the s cheduling data when it becomes the end time of the schedul e (in cas e of repetitive schedule, the target shall change the start time to the next one). However, in case that a schedule action has been stopped or suspended, the target may remove the scheduling data at that moment (in case of repetitive schedule, the target may change the start time to the next Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 55 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 one). If a target is in the state where the target cannot remove or renew a schedul e at that timing, the target shall remove or renew the schedule aft er it becomes possible. Rule 6: If the start time or end time of a program, whose scheduling data has been registered in the BB subunit by the target, is changed because of modification of the time for broadcasting or extension of the program, the target shall renew the scheduling data so that the new scheduling data matches the new broadcasting time. Rule 7: As for repetitive scheduling data that could be registered into BB subunit by an external devi ce, a target shall support the scheduling data specifi ed as follows. It is optional for the target to support the other repetitive scheduling data. In case of D-VHS: • Weekly scheduling for one day of the week. • Weekly scheduling for five days of the week from Monday to Friday In case of other than D-VHS: • Weekly scheduling for one day of the week. • Weekly scheduling for five days of the week from Monday to Friday • Weekly scheduling for six days of the week from Monday to Saturday • Every day scheduling Rule 8: A target shall remove a s cheduling data from its BB subunit if current time has already been passed more than 5 minutes from the end time of the scheduling data, regardless of which device register the scheduling data. The timing of removing the entry is implementation dependent. This rule is applied to a target that has watch function. NOTE - As for behaviors in case of sequential scheduling and scheduling conflicts, refer to section 8.7.2 and 0 respectively. When the target shows a user the list of registered schedule, the target is recommended not to restrict the list only to the schedules registered by the target itself. In other words, it is recommended for a target to show the list of all the reservations registered in the BB subunit. Followings are recommended methods for showing each schedule. P age 56 • Show the list so that user can understand which device (the target or the external device) registered the schedule, • Show the list so that user can understand whether the scheduling conflict exists. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 8 . Contr o lle r Im ple m e nta tions This chapter describes the recommended sequence for a controller to control the BB subunit. 8.1 Cre ate a new En t r y When a controller makes an Information Entry Descriptor in the RSB of the t arget, the controller executes following steps. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Open the Information List Descriptor of RSB as WRITE_OPEN Create a new Information Entry Descriptor Write entry_specific_information field Write object_ID field Close the Information List Descriptor of RSB When a controller creates the new entry by process es other than the steps described above, the controller may fail to make it correctly. The details of each step are shown below; (1) Open the Information List Descriptor of RSB as WRITE_OPEN A controller opens the Information List Descriptor using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command with the subfunction of WRITE_OPEN. The values of each field are as follows. descriptor_specifier field: The Information List Descriptor of RSB is specifi ed by using List ID The value of List ID is 100116. subfunction field: Speci fies “WRITE OPEN”(0316 ) A concrete example of the command fram e is shown in the following figures. The values in the shaded box are fixed values. Address offset 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 Contents CTS/ctype subunit type/ID opcode descriptor _specifi er_type descriptor _specifi er List_ID subfunction Reserved Value 0016 5016 0816 1016 1016 0116 0316 0016 1 2 Figure 8-1 – OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command frame (WRITE_OPEN) (1/2) Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 57 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 Transmitted first CTS / ctype subunit type / ID opcode Specifier _type 0016 5016 0816 1016 subfunction Reserved 0316 0016 List_ID 1016 0116 1 2 Transmitted l ast Figure 8-2 – OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command frame (WRITE_OPEN) (2/2) (2) Create a new Information Entry Descriptor A controller creates a new Information Entry Descriptor using CREATE DESCRIPTOR control command. NOTE Following Information Entry Descriptor is created at the position specified by the entry_position field in the Information List Descriptor when a target returns ACCEP TED response. - Object_ID = 0 - Without entry_specific_information (entry_specific_information_length = 0) The each field in the command fra me is set as follows: descriptor_specifier field: The Information List Descriptor of RSB is specified by using List ID The value of List ID is 1001 16. subfunction_1 field: Specifies “ create a new descriptor”(00 16) descriptor_specifier_where f ield: By using the entry position, a controller specifies the place where the new Information Entry is made inside the Information List Descriptor. This guideline recommends to use the value of zero (i.e. the top of the list) for the entry position because a target shall support the value of zero by the guideline (refer to section, although the values from zero to number of entries contained in the Information List Descriptor are available descriptor_specifier_what field: Specifies the kinds of Information Entry by the entry type. The value of the entry type for Information Entry Descriptor is 81 16. P age 58 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 A concrete example of the command fram e is shown in the following figures. The values in the shaded box are fixed values. Address offset 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 0916 0A16 0B16 0C16 0D16 Contents Value CTS/ctype subunit type/ID opcode Result subfunction_1 Reserved descriptor _specifi er_type subfunction_1 _specific ation descriptor _specifi er_wher e List_ID entr y_position descriptor _specifi er_what descriptor _specifi er_type Entr y_type 0016 5016 0C16 FF16 0016 0016 2016 1016 0116 0016 0016 2216 8116 1 2 3 4 Figure 8-3 – CREATE DESCRIPTOR control command frame (1/2) Transmitted first CTS / ctype subunit type / ID opcode Result 0016 5016 0C16 FF16 subfunction 1 Reserved Specifier type List ID 0016 0016 2016 1016 List ID Entr y position 0116 0016 Specifier type 0016 2216 Entr y type 1 2 3 4 8116 Transmitted l ast Figure 8-4 – CREATE DESCRIPTOR control command frame (2/2) (3) Write entry_specific_information field A controller writes data into the entry_specific_information field using a WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command. Here, the entry_specific_information field means all fields below the non_info_block_length field in the Information Entry Descriptor. As for the structure of the Information Entry Descriptor, refer to Figure 5-4. A controller shall write the dat a of the whole entry_specific_information field by using single WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command. The each field in the command frame is set as follows: descriptor_specifier field: Speci fies the new Information Entry Information created at step (2) by entry position in the List Descriptor. subfunction field: Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 59 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 Speci fies the “ partial replace”(5016 ) group_tag field: Speci fies the “ immediate”(0016 ) replacement_data_length field: Speci fies the length in bytes of the data that will be written in the entry_specific_information field. address field: Speci fies the address offset of entry_specific_information field in the Information Entry Descriptor. The fixed value of 1216 is used for this field. Refer to Figure 5-5. original_data_length field: Speci fies the value of zero because the data is newly inserted to entry_specific_information field. replacement_data field: Set the data (Resource Schedule Entry) that will be written in the entry_specific_information field. P age 60 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 A concrete example of the command fram e is shown in the following figures. The values in the shaded box are fixed values. Address offset 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 0916 0A16 0B16 0C16 0D16 0E16 0F16 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 1916 1A16 1B16 1C16 1D16 1E16 1F16 2016 2116 2216 2316 2416 2516 2616 Contents Value CTS/ctype subunit type/ID opcode descriptor _specifi er_type descriptor _specifi er root_list_ID entr y_position subfunction group_tag replacement_data_l ength address original_data_length Non_info_bloc k_length Year Start_ti me replacement_data (RSB entr y_s pecific _infor mati on) Month Day Hour Minute Second Hour Duration Minute Second Repeat_information_length Compound_length Info_bloc k_type Info_bloc k Primar y_fiel ds_length Number_of_subunits subunit_type_and_ID 0016 5016 0A16 2016 1016 0116 0016 0016 5016 0016 0016 1616 0016 1216 0016 0016 0016 0C16 2016 0016 0416 0116 0716 3016 0016 0016 0216 0016 0016 0016 0016 0616 8916 0016 0016 0216 0116 2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Figure 8-5 – WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command frame for new entry_specific_info (1/2) Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 61 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 Transmitted first CTS / ctype subunit type / ID opcode Specifier _type 0016 5016 0A16 2016 1016 0116 0016 subfunction group tag 5016 0016 0016 1216 0016 List ID entr y position replacement data l ength address 0016 0016 1616 original_data_length 0016 replacement data 0016 0C16 0416 0116 2016 0016 replacement_data 0716 3016 replacement data 0016 0016 0216 0016 replacement data 0016 0016 8916 0016 0016 0616 replacement data 0016 0216 replacement data 0116 2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Transmitted l ast Figure 8-6 – WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command frame for new entry_specific_info (2/2) NOTE - The values of the f ields: In the example above, following values are set to the fields that have variables. - entry_position = 0 - replacement_data: The meaning of the variables in the resource Schedule Entry is as follows: On April 1, 2000, two hours from 7:30:00 a.m, Tape recorder/player subunit #0 is reserved. As for the data structure of the resource Schedule Entry, refer to Figure 5-4 (4) Write object_ID field A controller writes data into the object_ID field using a WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command. The data in the object_ID fi eld are composed of 12 bytes, and are set as follows. That is, the upper 8 bytes is the GUID of the target itsel f and the lower 4 bytes is the unique value so that a controller can indicate single Inform ation Entry Descriptor among the descriptors that are written by the controller. NOTE The newly created Information Entry Descriptor becomes valid when a target returns ACCEP TED response for this command. In other words, the newly created Information Entry Descriptor is not discarded even if the Information List Descriptor of RSB is closed forcibly right after the ACCEP TED response because of bus reset or something. On the other hand, the newly created Information Entry Descriptor shall be discarded if the Information List Descriptor of RSB is closed forcibly right after the step (3) because step (4) is not executed. The each field in the command frame is set as follows: P age 62 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 descriptor_specifier field: Speci fies, in the Information List descriptor, Information Entry newly created in the step(2) by entry_position subfunction field: Speci fies “ partial replace”(5016 ). group_tag field: Speci fies “immediate”(0016 ) replacement_data_length field: The object_ID field is created by the step(2), the length of the object_ID fi eld is 12 bytes. Therefore, the fixed value of 0C 16 is used for this field. address field: Speci fies the top address of object_ID fi eld in Information Entry Descriptor. The value is 0416. Refer to Figure 5-5. original_data_length field: The object_ID field is created by the step (2), and its size id 12 bytes. Therefore, the fixed value of 0C 16 is used for this field. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 63 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 A concrete example of the command frame is shown in the following figures. The values in the shaded box are fixed values. Address offset 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 0916 0A16 0B16 0C16 0D16 0E16 0F16 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 1916 1A16 1B16 1C16 Contents Value CTS/ctype subunit type/ID opcode 0016 5016 0A16 2016 1016 0116 0016 0016 5016 0016 0016 0C16 0016 0416 0016 0C16 0016 8016 4516 8116 0116 2316 4516 6716 8916 AB16 CD16 EF16 descriptor _specifi er_type descriptor _specifi er root_list_ID entr y_position subfunction group_tag replacement_data_l ength address original_data_length posting_device_GUID replacement_data (object_ID) record_ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 8-7 – WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command frame for new object_ID (1/2) Transmitted first CTS / ctype subunit type / ID opcode Specifier type 0016 5016 0A16 2016 List_ID entr y_position 1016 0116 subfunction group tag 5016 0016 0016 replacement data l ength 0016 address 0016 0016 0C16 original data length 0416 0016 0C16 replacement data 0016 8016 0116 2316 4516 8116 replacement data 4516 6716 replacement data 8916 AB16 CD16 EF16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Transmitted l ast Figure 8-8 – WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command frame for new object_ID (2/2) P age 64 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 NOTE - The values of the f ields: In the example above, following values are set to the field that has variables. - entry_position = 0 - replacement_data: The data of object_ID that is given to Resource Schedule Entry. The e xa mple value is 00804581_01234567_89ABCDEF16 (5) Close the Information List Descriptor of RSB A controller closes the Information List Descriptor of RSB using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command. The values of each field are as follows. descriptor_specifier field: The Information List Descriptor of RSB is specifi ed by using List ID The value of List ID is 100116. subfunction field: Speci fies “CLOSE”(0016 ) A concrete example of the command fram e is shown in the following figures. The values in the shaded box are fixed values. Address offset 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 Contents Value CTS/ctype subunit type/ID opcode 0016 5016 0816 1016 1016 0116 0016 0016 descriptor _specifi er_type descriptor _specifi er List_ID subfunction Reserved 1 2 Figure 8-9 – OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command frame (CLOSE) (1/2) Transmitted first CTS / ctype subunit type / ID opcode Specifier _type 0016 5016 0816 1016 subfunction Reserved 0016 0016 List_ID 1016 0116 1 2 Transmitted l ast Figure 8-10 – OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command frame (CLOSE) (2/2) 8.2 REA DO UT o f t he En t r y When a controller reads an Entry from the RSB of the target, the controller executes following steps. (1) Open the Information List Descriptor of RSB as READ_OPEN (2) Read data from the Information Entry Descriptor (3) Close the Information List Descriptor of RSB Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 65 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 The details of each step are shown below; (1) Open the Information List Descriptor of RSB as READ_OPEN A controller opens the Information List Descriptor of the RSB using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command with the subfunction of READ_OPEN. After the List Descriptor is opened, the controller can access all the Entry Descriptors within the List Descriptor. The values of each field in the command frame are as follows. descriptor_specifier field: The Information List Descriptor of RSB is specifi ed by using List ID The value of the List ID for Information List Descriptor of RSB is 100116. subfunction field: Speci fies “READ OPEN”(0116 ) A concrete example of the command fram e is shown in the following figures. The values in the shaded box are fixed values. Address offset 01h 02h 03h 04h 05h 06h 07h 08h Contents Value CTS/ctype subunit type/ID opcode 00h 50h 08h 10h 10h 01h 01h 00h descriptor _specifi er_type descriptor _specifi er list_ID subfunction reserved 1 2 Figure 8-11 – OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command frame (READ OPEN) (1/2) transmitted first CTS / ctype subunit type / ID opcode specifier_type 0016 5016 0816 1016 subfunction reserved 0116 0016 list_ID 1016 0116 1 2 transmitted last Figure 8-12 – OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command frame (READ OPEN) (2/2) P age 66 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 (2) Read data from the Information Entry Descriptor A controller read out the data of entry_specific_information field using READ DESCRIPTOR control command. Here, entry_specific_information field means all the fields blow the non_info_block_length. As for the structure of Information Entry Descriptor, refer to Figure 5-4. The values of each field in the command frame are as follows. descriptor_specifier field: Speci fies the object ID of the entry or the position in the List. result_status field: Speci fies the fixed value of FF 16. reserved field: Speci fies the fixed value of 0016 data_length field: Speci fies the size of the data for reading. In case of whole data of the descriptor, the value of zero is used. address field: Speci fies the position to start reading, i.e. offset address from the top of the descriptor speci fied by descriptor_specifier fi eld. The value of this field is ignored when the value of the data_length field is zero. A concrete example of the command fram e is shown in the following figures. The values in the shaded box are fixed values. And, two kinds of examples are given by the way of speci fying entry. (1) Speci fies the position in the list (Refer to Figure 8-13 Figure 8-14) (2) Speci fies the object ID (Refer to Figure 8-15 and Figure 8-16) Address offset 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 0916 0A16 0B16 0C16 0D16 0E16 Contents CTS/ctype subunit type/ID opcode descriptor _specifi er_type descriptor _specifi er list_ID entr y_position read_r esult_s tatus reserved data_length address Value 0016 5016 0916 2016 1016 0116 0016 0016 FF16 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 1 2 3 4 Figure 8-13 – READ DESCRIPTOR control command frame (entry position) (1/2) Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 67 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 transmitted first CTS / ctype subunit type / ID opcode specifier_type 0016 5016 0916 2016 list ID 1 entr y position 1016 0116 read r esult s tatus reserved FF16 0016 0016 2 0016 data length 0016 3 0016 address 0016 4 0016 transmitted last Figure 8-14 – READ DESCRIPTOR control command frame (entry position) (2/2) NOTE - The values of the f ields: In the example above, following values are set to the field that has variables. - entry_position = 0 - address = 0 - data_length = 0 (whole data) Address offset 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 0916 0A16 0B16 0C16 0D16 0E16 0F16 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 1916 Contents Value CTS/ctype subunit type/ID opcode descriptor _specifi er_type root_list_ID list_type descriptor _specifi er posting_device_GUID Object ID record_ID read_r esult_s tatus reserved data_length address 0016 5016 0916 2116 1016 0116 8316 0016 8016 4516 8116 0116 2316 4516 6716 8916 AB16 CD16 EF16 FF16 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 8-15 – READ DESCRIPTOR control command frame (Object ID) (1/2) P age 68 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 transmitted first CTS / ctype subunit type / ID opcode specifier type 0016 5016 0916 2116 list type Object ID 8316 0016 8116 0116 6716 8916 root list ID 1016 0116 8016 4516 object ID Object ID 2316 4516 Object ID AB16 read r esult s tatus CD16 reserved EF16 data length 0016 0016 FF16 address 0016 0016 address 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0016 transmitted last Figure 8-16 – READ DESCRIPTOR control command frame (Object ID) (2/2) NOTE - The values of the f ields: In the example above, following values are set to the field that has variables. - object_ID = 00804581_01234567_89ABCDEF16 - address = 0 - data_length = 0 (whole data) (3) Close the Information List Descriptor of RSB A controller closes the Inform ation List Descriptor of RSB using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command. Refer to (5) of section 8.1 for the values of each field in the command frame. NOTE - Procedures for the case that reading can not be done at a time: There might be the case where the data of requested length is not returned by using single read-request. Concretely, the data_length field in the response frame shows the actual read-out data length if the value of read_result_status field is 11 16. In this case, the value in the data_length field is different from the requested value. Therefore, the controller needs to read remaining data by sending read-command again. As for the values in read_result_status field, refer to section 8.3 Re p lacem e nt o f the En t r y A posting device can replace its own information when a board has write-enabled list. The own information means the entry that was made by the posting device and has object ID given by the posting device. When a controller replaces an entry of the RSB of the target, the controller executes following steps. (1) Open the Information List Descriptor of RSB as WRITE_OPEN. (2) Write data to the entry_specific_information field. (3) Close the Information List Descriptor of RSB Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 69 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 NOTE Note that a controller writes the data only to the entry_specific_information field. The BB Subunit in the target revises the following information related to the length of the descriptor because there is a possibility that the size of the entry_specific_information field varies. - information entry - entry_specific_information_length field - descriptor_length field - information list - descriptor_length field In addition, a controller can not replace the value in the object_ID field. If the controller wants to replace the object ID, the controller shall delete the descriptor itself and then create a new descriptor. The details of each step are shown below; (1) Open the Information List Descriptor of RSB as WRITE_OPEN. A controller opens the Information List Descriptor of RSB using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command with the subfunction of WRITE_OPEN. Refer to (1) of s ection 8.1 for the values of each fi eld in the command frame. (2) Write data to the entry_specific_information field. A controller writes the entr y_specific_information data by using a WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command of partial_replace subfunction. Here, the entry_specific_information field means all fields below the non_info_block_length field. As for the structure of the Information Entry Descriptor, refer to Figure 5-4. A controller shall write the data of the whole entry_specific_information field by using single WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command. The values of each field in the command frame are as follows. descriptor_specifier field: The Information Entry Descriptor is specified by using object ID. The specifi ed entry shall exist in the Information List Descriptor of RSB at that time. subfunction field: Speci fies “ partial replace” (5016 ) group_tag field: Speci fies “immediate” (0016 ) replacement_data_length field: Speci fies the length in bytes of the data that is to be written in entry_specific_information field. This means data length of replacement_data field. the address field: Speci fies the address offset of entry_specific_information field in the Information Entry Descriptor. The fixed value of 1216 is used for this field. Refer to Figure 5-5. original_data_length field: Speci fies the length in bytes of the entry_specific_information field where the data is written. This value is the length of entry_specific_information of the entry that is speci fied by the object ID. P age 70 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 replacement_data field: This field contains the data that is written. The data shall contain whole of the data of entry_specific_information field of RSB. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 71 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 A concrete example of the command fram e is shown in the following figures. The values in the shaded box are fixed values. Address offset 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 0916 0A16 0B16 0C16 0D16 0E16 0F16 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 1916 1A16 1B16 1C16 1D16 1E16 1F16 2016 2116 2216 2316 2416 2516 2616 2716 2816 2916 2A16 2B16 2C16 2D16 2E16 2F16 3016 3116 3216 3316 3416 Contents Value CTS/ctype subunit type/ID opcode descriptor _specifi er_type root_list_ID list_type descriptor _specifi er posting_device_GUID object_ID record_ID subfunction group_tag replacement_data_l ength address original_data_length non_info_bloc k_length year start_ti me month day hour minute second hour replacement_data (RSB entr y_s pecific _infor mati on) duration minute second repeat_information_length repeat_type repeat_information number _of_events weekly_flags compound_length info_bloc k_type info_bloc k primar y_fi elds_length number _of_subunits subunit_type_and_ID 0016 5016 0A16 2116 1016 0116 8316 0016 8016 4516 8116 0116 2316 4516 6716 8916 AB16 CD16 EF16 5016 0016 0016 1916 0016 1216 0016 1616 0016 0F16 2016 0116 0716 0216 1816 3016 0016 0016 0116 0016 0016 0316 0016 0416 5416 0016 0616 8916 0016 0016 0216 0116 2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Figure 8-17 – WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command frame for entry_specific_info (1/2) P age 72 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 transmitted first CTS / ctype subunit type / ID opcode specifier type 0016 5016 0A16 2116 list_type Object ID 8316 0016 8116 0116 6716 8916 root_list_ID 1016 0116 object ID 8016 4516 2316 4516 Object ID Object ID AB16 group tag 0016 address 1216 CD16 subfunction EF16 replacement data l ength 0016 1916 original data length 0016 1616 5016 address 0016 replacement data 0016 replacement data 0F16 2016 0116 0716 replacement data 0216 1816 3016 0016 replacement data 0016 0116 0316 0016 0016 0016 replacement data 0416 5416 replacement data 0016 0616 8916 0016 replacement data 0016 0216 0116 2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 transmitted last Figure 8-18 – WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command frame for entry_specific_info (2/2) NOTE The values of the fields: In the example above, following values are set to the fields that have variables. - object_ID = 00804581_01234567_89ABCDEF16 - replacement_data: The meaning of the variables in the resource Schedule Entry is as follows: On July 2, 2001, one hour from 6:30:00 p.m. Days of the week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Repetition time: 4 times Tape recorder/player subunit #0 is reserved. As for the data structure of the resource Schedule Entry, refer to Figure 5-4 (3) Close the Information List Descriptor of RSB A controller closes the Inform ation List Descriptor of RSB using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command. Refer to (5) of section 8.1 for the values of each field in the command frame. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 73 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 8.4 De le t ion o f the En t r y A posting device can delete an entry that was made by the posting device and has object ID given by the posting device. Any controller can del ete an entry whose value of the obj ect_ID fi eld is zero, although the posting device itself should delete the information entry that has not been used any longer normally. When a controller deletes an entry of the RSB of the target, the controller executes following steps. (1) Open the Information List Descriptor of RSB as WRITE_OPEN. (2) Delete the entry descriptor. (3) Close the Information List Descriptor of RSB The details of each step are shown below; (1) Open the Information List Descriptor of RSB as WRITE_OPEN. A controller opens the Information List Descriptor of RSB using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command with the subfunction of WRITE_OPEN. Refer to (1) of s ection 8.1 for the values of each fi eld in the command frame. (2) Delete the entry descriptor. A controller deletes the entry descriptor by using a WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command of delete subfunction. The each field in the command frame is set as follows: descriptor_specifier field: The Information Entry Descriptor is specified by using object ID. The specifi ed entry shall exist in the Information List Descriptor of RSB at that time. subfunction field: Speci fies “ delete”(4016 ) group_tag, data_length, address field: Set zeros in all of these fields. When an entry is deleted, these values are ignored according to the specification. P age 74 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 A concrete example of the command fram e is shown in the following figures. The values in the shaded box are fixed values. Address offset 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 0916 0A16 0B16 0C16 0D16 0E16 0F16 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 1916 Contents Value CTS/ctype subunit type/ID opcode 0016 5016 0A16 2116 1016 0116 8316 0016 8016 4516 8116 0116 2316 4516 6716 8916 AB16 CD16 EF16 4016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 descriptor _specifi er_type root_list_ID list_type descriptor _specifi er posting_device_GUID Object ID record_ID subfunction group_tag data_length address 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 8-19 – WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command frame (delete) (1/2) transmitted first CTS / ctype subunit type / ID opcode specifier type 0016 5016 0A16 2116 list type Object ID 8316 0016 8116 0116 6716 8916 root list ID 1016 0116 object ID 8016 4516 Object ID 2316 4516 Object ID AB16 group tag 0016 subfunction CD16 EF16 data length 0016 4016 address 0016 0016 address 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0016 transmitted last Figure 8-20 – WRITE DESCRIPTOR control command frame (delete) (2/2) Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 75 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 NOTE - The values of the f ields: In the example above, following values are set to the fields that have variables. - object_ID = 00804581_01234567_89ABCDEF16 (3) Close the Information List Descriptor of RSB A controller closes the Inform ation List Descriptor of RSB using OPEN DESCRIPTOR control command. Refer to (5) of section 8.1 for the values of each field in the command frame. 8.5 Han d lin g o f s ched u lin g con f licts When a controller tries to write scheduling data to BB Subunit, there might be the case where the data conflicts with existing scheduling data. It is vendor dependent in the specification whether to permit a controller or a target writing the conflicting data. This guideline permits both controller and target writing the scheduling data that conflicts with existing scheduling data. Fundamentally, a controller has the responsibility to check the scheduling conflicts, and a target does not need to check it. 8 . 5 .1 Ta r ge t I m pl e m e nta ti on A target shall write all of the received data to its BB subunit without checking the scheduling conflicts when the target receives a command that request to write scheduling data. 8 . 5 .2 Contr ol l e r I m pl e me nta ti on A controller is recommended to check the scheduling conflicts before writing the scheduling data because the target does not check it. After that, the controller may send a command that contains the scheduling data that conflicts with existing scheduling data. 8.6 Ch an ge o f t he br o ad cas t ing t im e If the start time or end time of a program, whose scheduling data has been registered in the BB subunit by the target, is changed because of modi fication of the time for broadcasting or extension of the program, the controller shall renew the scheduling data so that the new scheduling data matches the new broadcasting time. The procedure for renewal of the schedule is either of followings. • Procedure described in section 8.3 • Delete the entry once (refer to section 8.4.) and after that creat e a new entry (refer to section 8.1). 8.7 Act io n at th e s ched u le d t im e 8 . 7 .1 E nd or S us pe nd of the s c he dul e d a c ti on. A controller shall remove the scheduling data when it becomes the end time of the schedule (in case of repetitive schedule, the controller shall change the start time to the next one). However, in case that a schedule action has been stopped or suspended, the controller may remove the scheduling data at that moment (in case of repetitive schedule, the controller may change the start time to the next one). If a P age 76 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 controller is in the state where the controller cannot remove or renew a schedule at that timing, the controller shall remove or renew the schedule after it becomes possible. In the above, the deletion is done by procedures described in s ection 8.4 and the renewal is done by either of followings. • Procedure described in section 8.3 • Delete the entry once (refer to section 8.4.) and after that creat e a new entry (refer to section 8.1). 8 . 7 .2 S e que nti a l sc he dul e d a c ti ons Assume that a target, the controller #1 and the controller #2 are connected through the 1394. Table 8.1 summarizes the behaviors of the target and the controllers in case of the sequential scheduled action, ex. 10:00-11:00 for the former schedule and 11:00-12:00 for the latter schedul e. Table 8.1 – Examples of behavior at sequential scheduled actions Owner of Case the former schedule Owner of the latter schedule Controller #1 Controller #1 1 Recommended behavior or examples of behavior The controller # 1 carries out both actions by the proper judgment. It is recommended to take the f ollowing behaviors so that scheduled action of controller #2 may not become failure. Example1 When the controller #2 can not start its scheduled action at the start time, the controller investigates contents of scheduled data in the BB Subunit of the target to check when its action becomes possible, and retries its scheduled action at that time. 2 Controller #1 Controller #2 Example 2 When the Controller#2 can not start its scheduled action at the start time, the controller retries its scheduled action after a few minutes. Example 3 The controller #1 inv estigates contents of scheduled data in the BB Subunit of the target, recognizes that there is a sequential scheduled action and finishes its scheduled action a little earlier than original time. As the result, the controller #2 can start its scheduled action correctly. 3 4 Controller #1 Target The target is recommended to wait the starting of its scheduled action until the scheduled action of the Controller#1 is completely finished. The target starts its scheduled action as soon as the target conf irms the end of the scheduled action of the controller #1. Target Controller #1 The target can investigate contents of scheduled data in its BB Subunit, recognize that there is a sequential scheduled action of the controller #1 and finish or suspend its scheduled action a little earlier than the start time of the scheduled action of controller #1. 8 . 7 .3 S c he dul i ng Confl i c ts Assume that a target, the controller #1 and the controller #2 are connected through the 1394. Table 8.2 summarizes the behaviors of the target and the controllers in case of the scheduling conflicts, ex. 10:0011:00 for the former schedule and 10:30-12:00 for the latter schedul e. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 77 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 Table 8.2 – Examples of behavior at scheduling Conflicts Case Owner of the Owner of the latter former schedule schedule 1 Controller #1 Controller #1 2 Controller #1 Controller #2 3 Controller #1 Target Recommended behavior or examples of behavior The controller # 1 carries out both actions by the proper judgment. It is dependent on the implementation of the controller #1 which of the f ormer or the latter to give priority to. How to behave is dependent on the implementation of the controller #2. Followings are possible behav iors. Example 1 The controller #2 regards it as the f ailure of the execution. Example 2 The controller #2 inv estigates contents of scheduled data in the BB Subunit of the target to check when its action becomes possible, and retries its scheduled action at that time. Example 3 The controller #2 retries the scheduled action in the suitable time interv al within the period for its scheduled action. Example 4 The controller #2 starts its scheduled action f orcibly. (But, the action is sometimes rejected by the target) How to behave is dependent on the implementation of the target. Followings are possible behav iors. Example 1 The target gives the priority to the scheduled action of the controller #1 and waits the starting of its scheduled action until the scheduled action of the controller #1 is completely f inished. The target starts its scheduled action as soon as the target conf irms the end of the scheduled action of the controller #1. Example 2 The target gives the priority to its scheduled action and starts it f orcibly. In this case, the controller #1 regards it as the f ailure of the execution. How to behave is dependent on the implementation of the target. Followings are possible behav iors. 4 Target Controller #1 Example 1 When the target gives the priority to the scheduled action of the controller #1, the target inv estigates the contents of scheduled data in its BB Subunit and recognizes that the start time of scheduled action of the controller #1 is coming soon. And then the target f inishes or suspends its scheduled action a little earlier (20 -30 seconds) than the start time of the scheduled action of controller #1. Example 2 The target does not give the priority to the scheduled action of the controller #1 and continues its scheduled action. In this case, the behav ior of the controller #1 depends on its implementation. This is similar to the case 2. P age 78 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 9 . Ve ndor de pe nde nt c om m a nd This chapter describes the vendor dependent command that is defined by this guideline. 9.1 T ab le of Ven d or - De pen de n t com m an d Following table shows the vendor dependent command that is used for BB Subunit. Bulletin Board subunit commands operand[4] value Command TIMER SERVICE INFO 2716 support level (by ctype) C S N O - - Comments “ O” means that the command is optional. “ -” means that the command is not defined. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 79 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 9.2 T IM ER S ERV IC E I NF O co n t r o l com m and 9 . 2 .1 G e ne ra l Following table shows the vendor dependent command that is used for BB Subunit. TIMER SERVICE INFO control command is used for reading and writing the Service Information (SI) and recording configuration information (video_r ecording_config_info) that are necessary as the reservation inform ation. 9 . 2 .2 Da ta s tr uc tur e of c om m a nd The format of TIMER SERVICE INFO control command is shown in Figure 5-1. Address offset 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 0916 0A16 0B16 0C16 0D16 0E16 0F16 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 1916 1A16 : : : Contents CTS/ctype subunit type/ID opcode company_id (fixed value) (fixed value) version_number subfunction result_status posting_device_GUID object_ID record_ID service_info Figure 9-1 –TIMER SERVICE INFO control command frame P age 80 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. Value 0016 5016 0016 0016 8016 4516 8116 2716 [0116] [0016] [0016] [0016] [0116] [2316] [4516] [6716] [8916] [AB16] [CD16] [EF16] [0016] [0016] [0016] [0116] : : : December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 9 . 2 .3 De fi ni ti on of e a c h fi le d 9 . 2 .3 . 1 Com m on fi e l d version_number: This field specifies the kinds of form ats of the service_info field. The values of this field are shown in Table 9.1. Table 9.1 – version_number field Values Contents 010016 Version-1 f ormat: This v ersion corresponds to BS/CS110/UV/Terrestrial-Digital, DVHS, AV-HDD recorder and BD recorder. Ref er to Figure 9-2 in section f or the data structure. FFFF 16 Version number is not specif ied This v alue is used only for Read subf unction. others reserv ed In case of the Read subfunction, a controller can send a command that has the value of FFFF16 in the version_number field without the service_info fi eld. When the target returns a response frame to this TIMER SERVICE INFO control command, the value of the version_number field is replaced with actual value that is stored in the version_number field of the Timer Reservations Table. In case of the Write Subfunction, the value of FFFF16 can not be used for this field and a controller shall use an valid value other than FFFF 16 for this field. NOTE - Some devices that use the value of 0000 16 for this field already exist. subfunction: This field speci fies reading or writing of the Service Information. The definition of each value in this fi eld is shown in Table 9.2. Table 9.2 – subfunction field Value subfunction Contents 0016 Read Read the Serv ice Inf ormation written in the Timer Reserv ations Table 0116 Write Write the Service Information into the Timer Reserv ations Table. (It is ov erwritten when data already exist.) others reserv ed reserv ed for future extension A device that receives a command whose subfunction is Read returns the Service-information, which is speci fied by the object_ID field of the command, by using service_info field of the respons e frame. A device that receives a command whose subfunction is Write stores the data of the service_info field of the command into the Service-information speci fied by the object_ID field of the command. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 81 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 result_status: This field shows the result status of a TIMER SERVICE INFO command execution. A command frame has the value of FF 16 in this field. The value in the result_status field of a respons e frame is described in Table 9.3. Table 9.3 – result_status field responce Value 0016 the command was executed correctly 0116 A part of the field was not stored 1016 The specif ied object_ID does not exist. 1116 The ev ent of the specified object_ID is locked 1216 The dev ice is operating (It is not in the status in which the ev ent information can be written). 1316 Problem of the dev ice (Emergency etc.). FF 16 unknown ACCEPTED REJECTED NOT IMPLEMENTED Contents the same as the command N/A obj ect_ID (posting_dev ice_GUID, record_ID): This field is used to relate Service Information of the TIMER SERVICE INFO command to an entry registered in RSB. This field is the same as the object_ID fi eld contained in the Information Entry Descriptor of BB Subunit. 9 . 2 .3 . 2 s e rv i ce _ i nfo fi e l d This field is used to store the Service Information. The form when dat a in this field are kept by the devices depends on the each machine. When the data in this field is kept by the devices, how to keep it is dependent on each device. As described in Table 9.4, the existence of the service_info field and its contents depend on the value of the subfunction field and type of the frame (command frame or response frame). Table 9.4 – Existence and contents of survice_info field Command frame Read (No survice_info field in the command f rame) Serv ice Inf ormation that is read f rom the Timer Reserv ations Table Write Serv ice Inf ormation that is written into the Timer Reserv ations Table. The same contents as the command f rame subfunction P age 82 Response frame Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 The structure of the service_info field depends on the value of the version_number field. In this guideline, the case of Version-1 format where the value of ser vice_info fi eld is 010016 is described. The Figure 9-2 shows the structure of service_info field of Version-1 format. Figure 9-2 – The structure of the service_info field (Version-1 format) Address offset 0016 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 : 5416 5516 : 5816 5916 5A16 5B16 5C16 5D16 5E16 5F16 6016 6116 6216 6316 6416 6516 6616 6716 6816 6916 6A16 6B16 6C16 : 7F16 8016 8116 8216 8316 8416 8516 8616 8716 Contents event_character_code event_language_c ode event_name (80byte) video_recording_c onfig_info (4byte) stream_format_validity_flag format_identifi er org_networ k_i d transport_stream_id service_id/bouquet_id country_code service_name_c haracter_code service_name_language_code service_name (20byte) media_type genre_validity_flag genre_info validity_flag flag parental_rate Figure 9-2 – The structure of the service_info field (Version-1 format) The descriptions of each field in the service_info field of Version-1 format are as follows. ev ent_character_code: Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 83 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 This field specifies the charact er code for the characters in the event_name field. The character code is defined in [R14]. In case of “ BS-Digital”, “CS-Digital” and “Terrestrial-Digital”, the value of 080116 (Japanese EUC, Japanese EUC for BS Digital) is used. ev ent_language_code: This field specifies the language code for the characters in the event_name field. The language code is defined in [R14]. In case of Japanese language, the value of 016A6116 (ISO639, JA) is used. ev ent_name: This field speci fies the event name. The character code and the language code used for service name are speci fied in event_character_code field and event_language_code fi eld respectively. When there are no data to setup, the entire field is filled with zeros. When the size of data is less than 80 bytes, the remaining region in the field is filled with zeros. video_recording_config_info: This field speci fies the recording mode of the recording device which is configured at the time of reservation for timer recording. The contents of this field depend on the kind of recording devices (DVHS, AV-HDD etc.). In this guideline, video recording configuration information for D-VHS and AVHDD are defined. As for video recording configuration information for other devices, refer to guideline of each device. The format of video_recording_config_info field for D-VHS is described in the following figure. Address offset 0016 0116 0216 0316 Contents video_recording_mode Not us ed (FF FF FF16) Figure 9-3 – The format of video_recording_config_info field for D-VHS The first byte of this field speci fies the Video recording mode, and the remaining three bytes are not used (filled with FFFF 16 ). The contents of the Video recording mode, which is stored in recording configuration information of DVHS, is shown in Table 9.5 P age 84 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 Table 9.5 – video_recording_mode of D-VHS Value Contents b b b b b b (0016) (0116) (0216) (0316) (0416) (0516) b (0716) 0000 1000 b (0816) Not specified (Analog Recor ding) 0000 1001 b (0916) Auto (Analog Recor ding) 0000 1010 : 0111 1111 1000 0000 1000 0001 1000 0010 1000 0011 1000 0100 1000 0101 1000 0110 1000 0111 b (0A16) b b b b b b b b b (7F16) (8016) (8116) (8216) (8316) (8416) (8516) (8616) (8716) 1000 1000 b (8816) 1000 1001 b (8916) 1000 1010 b : 1111 1110 b 1111 1111 b (8A16) 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 : 0000 0111 (FE16) (FF16) SP LP EP VP Just Rec Remark Standard Two ti mes Three ti mes Five times Standard / T hree times reserved The rec ording mode set up on the rec ording device is used. The device (controller) which s et up the timer recording specifi es the rec ording mode when the timer rec ording is started reserved STD HS LS2 LS3 reserved LS5 reserved LS7 Not specified (Digital Recording) Auto (Digital Recording) The rec ording mode set up on the rec ording device is used. The device (controller) which s et up the timer recording specifi es the rec ording mode when the timer rec ording is started. ("AUTO" of the reser vation setup menu of BSSTB/DTV is equi valent to this.) reserved invalid The format of video_recording_config_info field for AV-HDD and BD recorder is described in the following figure. Address offset 0016 0116 0216 0316 Contents video_recording_mode mode_type_specific_parameter (Mode T ype specific information) Figure 9-4 – The format of video_recording_config_info field for AV-HDD and BD recorder The first byte of this field speci fies the Video recording mode, and the remaining three bytes specifies mode_type_specific_paramet er (Mode Type specific information). The contents of the Video recording mode, which is stored in recording configuration information of AV-HDD, is shown in Table 9.6 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 85 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 Table 9.6 – video_recording_mode of AV-HDD and BD recorder Value Contents Remark b (0016) b b (1716) (1816) b (3F16) 0100 0000 b (4016) Not specified (Self-encode Recordi ng) 0100 0001 b (4116) Auto (Self-encode Recordi ng) 0100 0010 b : 1110 1111 b (1816) 1111 0000 b (F016) 1111 0001 b : 1111 1110 b 1111 1111 b (F116 0000 0000 : 0001 0111 0001 1000 : 0011 1111 recording mode (Self-encode Recordi ng) recording mode_number for Self-enc ode Recording reserved The rec ording mode of Self- encode set up on the r ecording device is used. The device (controller) which s et up the timer rec ording specifi es the rec ording mode of Self-enc ode when the timer recording is started reserved (EF16) Digital Recording Digital Recording (direct recording of Digital stream) reserved (FE16) (FF16) invalid As for the recording mode (Self-encode Recording) described in Table 9.6, refer to section of [R17] or section of [R19] . When the recording mode_number (0016 --1716 ) of Self-encode Recording is speci fied in the video_recording_mode field, the value that corresponds to speci fied recording mode is stored in the mode_type_specific_parameter (Mode Type speci fic information) fi eld. When the other values is specified in the video_recording_mode field, the value of FFFFFF16 is stored in the mode_type_specific_paramet er field. Refer to section of [R17] or section of [R19] for det ails of mode_type_specific_parameter. stream_format_validity_flag: This field specifies whether the target device supports information of each field that follows this field. The bit assignments of the stream_format_validity_flag field are shown in Table 9.7. Table 9.7 – stream_format_validity_flag field Bit position Name of the flag 7 (MSB) f ormat_identif ier f lag 6 network_inf ormation flag 5 org_network_id f lag 4 transport_stream_id flag 3 serv ice_id/bouquet_id flag 2 country _code flag 1 serv ice_name flag 0 (LSB) reserv ed P age 86 Contents The v alue of one means that format_identifier field is av ailable. (*1) The v alue of one means that org_network_id field is av ailable. The v alue of one means that transport_stream_id field is av ailable. The v alue of one means that service_id/bouquet_id field is available. The v alue of one means that country_code f ield is av ailable. The v alue of one means that service_name f ield is av ailable. shall be zero Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 *1: The value of the network_information flag is one when the value of at least one of following flags is one. - org_network_id flag - transport_stream_id flag - service_id flag - country_code flag Example: Japanese BS Digital / CS Digital / Terrestrial Digital In case of Japanese BS Digital/ CS Digital / Terrestrial Digital, the value of org_network_id fl ag and service_id/bouquet_id flag is one because org_network_id fi eld and service_id/bouquet_id field is used. As the result, the value of the network_information flag is one. format_identifier: This field speci fies the ID that is used to distinguish the MPEG-TS stream. The value in this field is defined by ISO/IEC13818-1[R11] Example: Japanese BS Digital / CS Digital / Terrestrial Digital In case of Japanese BS Digital / CS Digital / Terrestrial Digital, the value of format_identifier is not defined. Therefore, the value of the format_identifier flag in the stream_format_validity_flag field is zero and the format_identifier field is filled with zeros. org_netw ork_id: This field speci fies the ID that is used to distinguish the original network. In case of Japan, the values of org_network_id is defined by the broadcasting as follows, Table 9.8 – org_network_id field Value Contents 000016 000116 000216 000316 000416 000516 000616 000716 000816 : 7FFE16 7FFF 16 800016 : FFFF 16 reserv ed Perf ecTV Not used Sky BSDigital Not used CS110 CS110 reserv ed Digital terrestrial reserv ed In case of UV analog terrestrial, this field is not used. In this case, the value of the org_network_id flag in the stream_format_validity_flag field is zero and the org_network_id field is ignored. transport_stream_id: This field speci fies the ID that is used to distinguish the transport stream in a distribution system. In case of UV analog terrestrial, this field is not used. In this case, the value of the transport_stream_id fl ag in the stream_format_validity_flag field is zero and the transport_stream_id field is ignored. service_id/bouquet_id: Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 87 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 This field speci fies the ID that is used to distinguish the service. In case of UV analog terrestrial, the Channel number (OSD channel) of UV analog terrestrial television is specified in this field when the service_id/bouquet_id fi eld is available (i.e. service_id/bouquet_id flag in stream_format_validity_flag fi eld is set to one). In this case, the Channel number is specifi ed in the form of hexadecimal uimsbf. In case of Japanese BS Digital / CS Digital, service ID is specified in this field. In case of Terrestrial Digital, bouquet ID is specified in this field. Note that the value of the org_network_id field can be used for judging which kinds of ID is specified in service_id/bouquet_id field. The combination of three figures number and one figure branch number are used for bouquet ID as speci fied in ARIB TR – B14 7th [R18] country_code: This field specifies the country, which a service was broadcast to. The country name that is described using the alphabet-three-charact er code defined by ISO3166 [R10] is set to this field. Each character is encoded to 8 bits in accordance with ISO8859-1 [R12], and inserted in that order into the 24 bits fi eld. Japan is shown as 4A504E16 (JPN). service_name_character_code: This field speci fi es the character code that is used in the service_name field. The character code for this fi eld is defined in [R14]. In case of BS Digital / CS Digital / Terrestrial Digital, 080116 (Japanese EUC, Japanes e EUC for BS Digital) is used. service_name_language_code: This field speci fies the language code that is used in the service_name field. The language code for this fi eld is defined in [R14].In case of Japanese language, 016A6116 (ISO639[R14], JA) is used for this fi eld. service_name: This field specifies the service name. The character code and language code used for service name are speci fied by the service_name_character_code and ser vice_name_language_code field. When there are no data to setup, the entire field is filled with zeros. When the size of data is less than 20 bytes, the remaining region in the field is filled with zeros. media_type: This field specifies the type of broadcasting system. The definition of each value in this field is shown in Table 9.9. Table 9.9 – media_type field P age 88 Value Contents 0016 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 : FF 16 Not specified UV Analog BS Analog CATV Analog BS Digital CS Digital CATV Digital Terrestrial Digital Remark UV Analog BS Analog CATV Analog BS Digital CS Digital CATV Digital Terrestrial Digital reserv ed Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 genre_validity_flag: This field speci fies the validity of genre information in genre_info fi eld. The bit assignment of this field is shown in Table 9.10. Table 9.10 – genre_validity_flag field Bit position 7 (MSB) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (LSB) Name of the flag Contents genre inf ormation 1 f lag The v alue of one means that genre inf ormation [1] is v alid. The v alue of one means that genre inf ormation [2] genre inf ormation 2 f lag is v alid. The v alue of one means that genre inf ormation [3] genre inf ormation 3 f lag is v alid. reserv ed Shell be zeros. If the genre-information is available, the related fl ag is set to one. When no genre-inform ation exists or is not specifi ed, the related fl ag is set to zero. genre_info: This field is used to set up the genre of a recording program. Up to three genre-information can be contained in this field. The structure of genre_info fi eld is shown in the following figure, Address offset Contents 0116 genre inf ormation [1] 0216 genre inf ormation [2] 0316 genre inf ormation [3] Figure 9-5 – The format of genre_info field The data structure of each genre inform ation is as follows, Address offset 0016 Contents content_nibble_level_1 content_nibble_level_2 Figure 9-6 – genre information The upper 4 bits of the 1 byte genre information is content_nibble_level_1 (Big classi fication), and the lower 4 bits is content_nibble_level_2 (Middle classification). Using the combination of these classi fications, the genre of a program is specified. In case of BS Digital, the details for the genre inform ation are written in annex A of “ BS-P Conference, Operational Guidelines of PSI/SI for BS Digital broadcasting” ( [R13]). In case of CS Digital, refer to annex A and B of ARIB TR-B15 Part 2, 4th . In case of Terrestrial Digital, refer to annex A of ARIB TR-B14, 4th. When there are no data to setup, the entire field is filled with zeros. validity flag: This field speci fies the validity of the flag field. In case of validity, the value of one is set. The bit assignment of this field is shown in Table 9.11. Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 89 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 Table 9.11 – validity_flag field Bit position Name of the flag Contents 7 (MSB) series_video_rec ording 6 pay_program 5 event_relay_video_rec ording 4 multi_c hannel 3 automatic_adaptation 2 HD/SD 1 0 (LSB) reserved The val ue of one means series _video_r ecording bit of the flag field is available. The val ue of one means pay_program bit of the flag field is available. The val ue of one means event_relay_video_r ecording bit of the flag fiel d is available. The val ue of one means multi_c hannel bit of the flag field is available. The val ue of one means automatic_adaptation bit of the flag field is available. The val ue of one means HD/SD bit of the fl ag fi eld is availabl e. Shall be z eros. flag: The bit assignment of this field is shown in Table 9.12. Table 9.12 – flag field Bit position Name of the flag Contents 7 (MSB) series_video_rec ording The val ue of one means series programs are scheduled for timer recording. 6 pay_program The val ue of one means a pay program is scheduled for timer recording. 5 event_relay_video_rec ording In the middle of the program, li ke the high school baseball pr ogram in J apan, the remai ning part of the program is br oadc asted using another ser vice. The val ue of one means suc h program is sc heduled for the timer rec ording. 4 multi_c hannel The val ue of one means that a program other than the program scheduled for ti mer rec ording is recorded 3 automatic_adaptation The val ue of one means the timer recording can be adapted to the c hange of the start/end time of the scheduled program 2 HD/SD The val ue of one means that High Definition program (1080i/p,720p) is scheduled for ti mer rec ording. 1 0 (LSB) reserved Shall be z eros. P age 90 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 parental_rate: This field is speci fied according to the following table i f parental-rate is set. (In case of BS Digital / CS Digital). In case of Terrestrial Digital, the value of 0016 is used. Table 9.13 – parental_rate field Value 0016 0116 -- 1116 1216 -- FF 16 Contents not specif ied Minimum age = rating+3 Business proprietor designation (It is not employ ed f or the time being.) 9 . 2 .4 Com m a nd e xe c uti on This section describes the behavior of the target device when it receives the TIMER SERVICE INFO command. 9 . 2 .4 . 1 NO T_ I M P LE ME NTE DCondi ti on A NOT_IMPLEMENTED response shall be returned when the received command matches at least one of following conditions (a, b, .... or c) (a) Check the version_number field The value of this field is not supported value, or The value of this field is FFFF16 when the subfunction is Write. (b) Check the subfunction field The value of this field is other than 0016 (Read) or 0116 (Write) (c) Check the result_status field The value of this field is other than FF16 . (d) Check the length of the command frame In case that the value of data_length fi eld in the packet header of 1394 Write Request is different from the actual frame length of the AV/C command fram e in the payload of the packet. The frame length of the AV/C command fram e varies according to the value of the subfunction fi eld as follows, (refer to condition (b) above) <Condition 1> subfunction is Read (0016 ) <Condition 2> subfunction is Write (0116 ) 24 bytes 160 bytes 9 . 2 .4 . 2 RE J E CTE D c ondi ti ons A REJECTED response shall be returned when the received command matches at least one of following conditions (a, or b). Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 91 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 (a) December 15, 2003 Check the object_ID field The service inform ation specifi ed by the object_ID does not exist in the Timer Reservations Table. In this case, the value of the result_status field is replaced with 1016. (b) Check the status of the device The target device is in the status that it can not read or write the service information because of following reasons. • Writing the data to the specifi ed Service Information is locked. In this case, the value of the result_status field is replaced with 1116. • A target device can not read or write the Service Information because the target device is operating. In this case, the value of the result_status field is replaced with 1216. • A target device can not read or write the Service Information because the target device is in emergency status. In this case, the value of the result_status field is replaced with 1316 . • A target device can not read or write the Service Information because of vendor dependent other reasons. In this case, the value of the result_status field remains FF16. 9 . 2 .4 . 3 ACCE P TE D be ha v i or s In case of Write subfunction, the target writes the Service Inform ation into the Timer Reservations Table. The position to write is specified by the object_ID field. In case of Read subfunction, the target reads the Service Information from the Timer Reservations Table. The position to read is specified by the object_ID field. NOTE - Deletion of the Service Information. The Service Information is deleted with related entry of RSB. When scheduling information of RSB is deleted, the target also deletes the Service Information that has the same object_ID as that of deleted entry. 9 . 2 .5 Contr ol l e r I m pl e me nta ti on This section describes the controller’s procedures for reading or writing the Service Inform ation using TIMER SERVICE INFO command. 9 . 2 .5 . 1 Wr i ti ng the S e rv i c e I nfor m a ti on When a controller writes the Service Inform ation into the Timer Reservations Table, the controller issues the TIMER SERVICE INFO control command whose subfunction is Write. Each field of the command frame for this case is described below, version_number field: Speci fies the format of the service_info fi eld . subfunction field: Speci fies Write (0116 ) result_status field: Speci fies FF 16 P age 92 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 object_ID field: Speci fies the object_ID corresponding to the Service Information that is to be written. service_info field: Speci fies the Service Inform ation that is to be written. A concrete example of the command fram e is shown in Figure 9-7, Figure 9-8, Figure 9-9, Figure 9-10 andFigure 9-11.The values in the shaded box are fixed values. NOTE - Relationship with writing into RSB . The command is rejected when specified object_ID does not exist in the RSB (Refer to section Controller should pay attention to this point when the controller writes an entry to RSB and writes the Service Information. NOTE - The values of the f ields: In the examples, following values are set to the fields that have variables. - version_number = 0100 16(Version-1 format) - object_ID = 01234567 89ABCDEF 00000001 16 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 93 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 Address offset 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 0916 0A16 0B16 0C16 0D16 0E16 0F16 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 1916 1A16 1B16 1C16 1D16 1E16 1F16 2016 2116 2216 2316 2416 2516 2616 2716 2816 2916 2A16 2B16 2C16 2D16 2D16 2F16 3016 3116 3216 3316 3416 3516 3616 3716 3816 3916 3A16 3B16 3C16 Contents CTS/ctype subunit type/ID opcode company_id (fixed value) (fixed value) version_number subfunction result_status posting_device_GUID object_ID record_ID event_character_code event_language_c ode service_info event_name December 15, 2003 Value 0016 5016 0016 0016 8016 4516 8116 2716 0116 0016 0116 FF16 0116 2316 4516 6716 8916 AB16 CD16 EF16 0016 0016 0016 0116 0816 0116 0116 6A16 6116 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 Figure 9-7 –TIMER SERVICE INFO control command frame (WRITE) (1/2) part-1 P age 94 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 Address offset 3D16 3E16 3F16 4016 4116 4216 4316 4416 4516 4616 4716 4816 4916 4A16 4B16 4C16 4D16 4E16 4F16 5016 5116 5216 5316 5416 5516 5616 5716 5816 5916 5A16 5B16 5C16 5D16 5E16 5F16 6016 6116 6216 6316 6416 6516 6616 6716 6816 6916 6A16 6B16 6C16 6D16 6E16 6F16 7016 7116 7216 7316 7416 7516 7616 7716 7816 Contents event_name service_info video_recording_c onfig_info stream_format_validity_flag format_identifi er org_networ k_i d Value 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 FF16 FF16 FF16 6816 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0416 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Figure 9-8 – TIMER SERVICE INFO control command frame (WRITE) (1/2) part-2 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 95 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 Address offset 7916 7A16 7B16 7C16 7D16 7E16 7F16 8016 8116 8216 8316 8416 8516 8616 8716 8816 8916 8A16 8B16 8C16 8D16 8E16 8F16 9016 9116 9216 9316 9416 9516 9616 9716 9816 9916 9A16 9B16 9C16 9D16 9E16 9F16 A016 Contents transport_stream_id service_id / bouquet_id country_code service_name_c haracter_code service_name_language_code service_info service_name media_type genre_validity_flag genre_info validity_flag flag parental_rate December 15, 2003 Value 00h 00h 00h 00h 4Ah 50h 4Eh 08h 01h 01h 6Ah 61h 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0416 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 Figure 9-9 – TIMER SERVICE INFO control command frame (WRITE) (1/2) part-3 P age 96 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 transmitted first CTS / ctype subunit type / ID opcode company_id 5016 0016 0016 (fixed value) (fixed value) 8116 2716 subfunction result_status 0016 FF16 4516 6716 CD16 EF16 0016 0116 0016 company_id 8016 4516 version_number 0116 0016 1 2 3 object_ID 0116 2316 object_ID 8916 AB16 object ID 0016 0016 event_character_code 0816 6116 0116 6A16 event_name 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 event_name 0016 0016 event_name 0016 5 6 event_language_c ode 0116 event_language_c o 4 0016 7 8 9 10 event_name 0016 0016 event_name 0016 0016 event_name 0016 0016 event_name 0016 0016 11 12 13 14 event_name 0016 0016 event_name 0016 0016 event_name 0016 0016 event_name 0016 0016 15 16 17 18 event_name 0016 0016 event_name 0016 0016 19 20 Figure 9-10 –TIMER SERVICE INFO control command frame(WRITE) (2/2) part-1 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 97 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 event name 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 event name event name 0016 0016 0016 0016 event name event name 0016 0016 0016 0016 event name event name 0016 0016 event name video recording c onfig info 0016 0016 FF16 video recording c o stream format validity flag FF16 6816 format identifi er 0016 format identifi er 0016 0016 transport stream id 0016 country code 0016 service name character code 5016 4E16 service name character code 0116 0416 service id / bouquet id 0016 4A16 0016 org networ k i d 0016 0016 FF16 0816 service name language code 0116 6A16 6116 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 0016 service name 0016 0016 service name 0016 0016 service name 0016 0016 service name 0016 0016 service name 0016 0016 media type genre validity flag 0416 0016 0016 0016 genre info validity flag flag parental rate 0016 0016 0016 0016 genre info 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 transmitted last Figure 9-11 –TIMER SERVICE INFO control command frame(WRITE) (2/2) part-2 P age 98 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. December 15, 2003 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 9 . 2 .5 . 2 Re a di ng the Se rv i c e I nfor m a ti on When a controller reads the Service Information into the Timer Reservations Table, the controller issues the TIMER SERVICE INFO control command whose subfunction is Read. Each field of the command frame for this case is described below, version_number field: Speci fies the format of the service_info fi eld . subfunction field: Speci fies Read (0016 ) result_status field: Speci fies FF 16 object_ID field: Speci fies the object_ID corresponding to the Service Information that is to be read. A concrete example of the command frame is shown in following figures. The values in the shaded box are fixed values. Address offset 0116 0216 0316 0416 0516 0616 0716 0816 0916 0A16 0B16 0C16 0D16 0E16 0F16 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 Contents CTS/ctype subunit type/ID opcode company_id (fixed value) (fixed value) version_number subfunction result_status posting_device_GUID object_ID record_ID Value 0016 5016 0016 0016 8016 4516 8116 2716 0116 0016 0016 FF16 0116 2316 4516 6716 8916 AB16 CD16 EF16 0016 0016 0016 0116 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 9-12 –TIMER SERVICE INFO control command frame(READ) (1/2) Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. P age 99 Supplement to IEEE1394 Interface Implementation Guideline Bulletin Board Subunit 1.0 December 15, 2003 transmitted first CTS / ctype subunit type / ID opcode company id 0016 5016 0016 0016 (fixed value) (fixed value) 8116 2716 subfunction result status 0016 FF16 4516 6716 CD16 EF16 0016 0116 company id 8016 4516 version number 0116 0016 0116 2316 object ID object ID 8916 AB16 0016 0016 object ID transmitted last Figure 9-13 –TIMER SERVICE INFO control command frame(READ) (2/2) NOTE The values of the f ields: In the examples above, following values are set to the fields that have variables. - version_number = 0100 16(Version-1 format) - object_ID = 01234567 89ABCDEF 00000001 16 P age 100 Copyright 2004, 1394 Trade Association. All rights reserved. 1 2 3 4 5 6