Success Update
Success Update
Success Update Malaysia Edition 2007 Issue 10 Trust, Faith and a Burning Desire… How Strong Belief, Hard Work, And Intra set a Record. NMD Haris Bin Yahaya, Malaysia Trust, faith, and a burning desire. These are the three keys to my success. IN THIS ISSUE 1 •Spotlight: NMD Haris Bin Yahaya 2 • Congratulations Again! NMD Tan Eng Lee, you have made it to the Lifestyles Leadership Development Fund. •Lifestyles Leadership Development Fund – Bonus Edition! •Lokasi Baru/ New Vanue Of Power Camp II 3 •Do You Dare To Face Rejection? 4 •Intra Story at a Glance 5 •Balance for the 8 Biological Systems of your Body 6 •Mengapa Ianya Penting Untuk Menjual Intra Pada Harga Runcit Yang Disyorkan RM 138.00 •Do You Know That: Intra Should Not Be Sold Or Displayed For Sale In:7 •Spotlight: EXE Isharudin Bin Abdul Razab EXE Kaladevi Subramaniam EXE Sadzali bin A. Wahid EXE Ainil Alwiyah Haris 8 •Tahniah! Insentif "Duit Raya" bulan September 9 •Lifestyles Year End Blockbuster incentive! •November 2007 Calendar incentive •Lifestyles Malaysia National Gala 2008 10•Happy Deepavali, the festival of Lights •Recognizing Success •November Schedule 11•In the Know •To Serve You Better… 12•Great news! New training facility in Kota Kinabalu. •Anda telah memenangi sebotol Intra OFFICE INFO Lifestyles Asia Pacific Malaysia Sdn Bhd 5th Floor, Menara Merais, 1, Jalan 19/3, 46300 Petaling Jaya Selangor, Malaysia Tel: 03 7954 8377 Fax:03 7954 8955 Business Hours: Monday-Friday 10:00am-9:00pm Saturday 11:00am-3:00pm Dicetak Oleh: Setiakawan Printers Sdn. Bhd. No: 5 & 7, Jalan Industri PBP 11, Taman Industri Pusat Bandar Puchong, 47100 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan Having founded two successful sporting clubs that I still run today, the Millennium Pro Cycle Club and Circle of Love Club, I have gained a tremendous amount of support from club members. More recently, but just as importantly, I have also gained the support of Intra, which helps me keep up with our club’s younger members and has provided me with renewed strength and the ability to maintain a healthy body. Over the years, I have learned that in the fast-paced world of extreme sports, keeping up can be increasingly difficult. The changes in my ability to compete after starting to use Intra did not go unnoticed. Club members saw this improvement immediately and began consuming Intra to boost their health and wellbeing. They also started becoming more active in the marketing side of Lifestyles’ products. Club members believe in me. They also believe in the goodness of Intra. This bond we share—along with our uncompromising desire to succeed—helped me reach the level of National Marketing Director (NMD) in record time of my initial membership registration! My sincere hope is that the phenomenal success I have enjoyed from taking and marketing Intra will serve as an inspiration to others in their quest to succeed. I have always believed that if you maintain your desire to succeed and create a plan to get there, you can achieve any objective. I’d like to again thank everyone who has supported me along the way and to wish you all a healthy lifestyle. Interview of NMD Haris Bin Yahaya By Winson Ong, General Manager, Malaysia Q: Tell us more about Millennium Pro Cycle Club. The Millennium Pro Cycle Club promotes cycling. I established the club over 10 years ago and I am still the club’s President. We have over 400 members today, and are based in Kajang Selangor. Monthly activities are organized at both the local and international levels. Q: Tell us about the Circle of Love Club. The Circle of Love Club is the most active bowling club in Malaysia. I founded the club, which today has approximately 500 members, and I continue to act as the club’s President. Q: How did you learn about Intra and Lifestyles? I have a friend who owns a sauna outlet. He persuaded me to try Intra. He was very persistent because I rejected him many times. I told him repeatedly that I did not believe I would benefit from Intra. In the end I purchased a bottle of Intra just to please him. While drinking that first bottle of Intra I was completely shocked when I began to feel the difference! I outpaced many young cyclists in a 150-kilometre endurance event, and people KDN PP 14410/6/2008 Direct Sales Licence No AJL 93337 soon began asking me about my secret! I was so confident in the benefits of Intra, I quickly purchased a Premier Pack and gave away all 30 bottles in that Premier Pack to my clubs’ key members to set an example. The results speak for themselves! Everyone who tried Intra felt the difference. We now know that Intra provides a clear benefit when competing in the demanding sport of cycling. Q: What are your plans now that so many of your members are already in Lifestyles? There are today over 90 Premier Pack purchasers in my organization. I have now enlisted the help of my up-line, International Marketing Director (IMD) Encik M. Taib, who has agreed to help train my group. Q: How did you manage to achieve the position of NMD in such a short record time? What’s your secret? It’s simple. Make yourself a model. If I can do it, you can too. Show everyone how to maintain good health and earn some extra money. That’s what Intra and Lifestyles offers. Congratulations Again! NMD Tan Eng Lee, you have made it to the Lifestyles Leadership Development Fund. The rewards are: NMD: Cash RM 2500 +1 POWER CAMP + 1 NATIONAL GALA TICKET IMD: Cash RM 4500 + 2 POWER CAMP + 4 NATIONAL GALA TICKET GMD: Cash RM 6000 + 2 POWER CAMP + 4 NATIONAL GALA TICKET NMD Tan Eng Lee “Lakukan dengan Ikhlas. Jadilah seorang pemimpin yang dihormati ramai” “Sincerity speaks. Be a respected leader” Lifestyles Leadership Development Fund – Bonus Edition! 1st November to 31st December 2007! National Marketing Directors – QAR for both months with Organizational Bonus International Marketing Directors – QAR for both months with Organizational Bonus Global Marketing Directors – QAR for both months with Organizational Bonus Worth RM2,100 FREE notebook Worth RM2,500 FREE LCD projector Worth RM4,600 FREE LCD & notebook Lokasi Baru/ New Venue Of Power Camp II DO YOU DARE TO FACE REJECTION? Learn the art of changing NO to YES in the coming Power Camp II in Puteri Resort, Melaka. Congratulations to the names below & we meet you at Melaka 12pm, 17 November,2007 Qualifier' Name Abd Khalid b. Abd Wahab Abdul Halim b Md Noor Adlina Bte Adnan Alfakry Ainil Alwiyah bt Haris Alila bt Abdullah Amin bin Ismail Anie Elena Bt Abu Hasan Annie Ngui Yun Tshin Asfarina binti Mohd Ashaari Azalan bin Ali Aziah bt Adi Belinda Ling Yu Ngo Chai Nyuk Fung Cheah Aei Yong Chin Chin Sen Chong Kong Meng Chu Keng Hoe Dahriah bt Mahmud Dr Mohamad Md Tan Elis bt Abu Sujak Ernawaty bt H. M Hasan Fausiah Harun Fazidah Muhammad Fadzil Fazlilah bt Darus Fuat Ibrahim Haris bin Yahaya Hayati binti Ismail Isharudin Bin Abdul Razab Ismail bin Daud Jamilah bt Mohd Joffri Kamala Veni A/P Paramasivam Khamisah bt Abas Kharsiah bt Hj Hamzah Kheairus bt Ali Kung Siew Kim Lee Miaw Chean Masri Aida bt Mohd Ghani Maziah bt Setapa Mohammad bin Hamid Mohd Ghazali bin Mansor Mohd Razib bin Ali Mohd Zul Khairy bin Haris Naanjil Mani Sekaran Ng Chooi Luan Ng Wooi Ling Nik Suriyati bt Abdul Ghani Qty of Ticket 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Qualifier' Name Nor Zawatul Afkar Bt Mustapha Norazian Binti Kamarudin Ooi Ah Lai Othman bin Abdullah Phua Bun Hoon Rohaimi Adzehar Rohimah bt Seman Rozita bt Hassan S. Rajandran A/L Sinnaiah Sadzali bin A. Wahid Samsiah Bt Che Man Sharifah Fauziah Binti Syed Basri Tai Yun Thai Tan Emily Tan Eng Lee Tay Nguong Huat Teh Meng Wey Yap Ngit Yew Zaharah bt Osman Zahura bt Ibrahim Zulkhafli bin Seman Abdul Karim, Suriati Binti Dr. Juhari Bin Mat Akhir Haniesa Mariena bt Mat Ramli Lee Miaw Chean Lim, Zi Sheng Nariah Bt Mohd Salleh Nik Suriyati bt Abdul Ghani Nor Maliyati Binti Muhamad Norliza bt Yusop Sarah Farhana Juhari Seman Bin Awang Sharifah Bt Hani Zaman Yap Ngit Yew Yap Yoke Peng Yoong, Peng Wah Zaini Binti Mohd Yusof Zunaidah bt Long Tan Sian Chuan Lim Weng Keong Noorshahzan Wee B Abdullah Lai Yuen Keong Siti Nurul Ain Bt Md Jamil Tan Eng Lee Maznah Seman Haris Bin Yahaya Qty of Ticket 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 3 Intra Story at a Glance Long before recorded history, herbs, plants, roots, tree bark, leaves and blooming flowers – the botanicals, were sources of food, providing our ancestors with nutrients not currently found in modern-day diets. Over time, botanicals came into wide use for their specific healing and restoring properties. Through centuries, this simple, yet powerful, botanical knowledge was perfected, shared and eventually recorded. Intra combines this ancient worldwide knowledge with advanced science to create a nutritional supplement geared to today’s lifestyles. • All 23 herbs used to make Intra are naturally grown without chemical sprays or artificial fertilizers • Intra botanicals are carefully hand picked to preserve the high levels of active ingredients • After thorough inspection and analysis, active compounds from each botanical are carefully extracted • Standardization and testing ensures each botanical extract has a consistently high level of active compounds • The extracts are then blended together in specific proportions to enhance each other’s benefit based on Lifestyles proprietary formula • The final product is bottled in a HACCPcertified factory under stringent manufacturing processes and GMP standards to ensure consistent quality and potency The human body is comprised of eight individual systems which must be kept healthy and working together in order for the body to experience optimal health. Just an ounce a day of Intra helps nourish body cells and provide essential plant-based nutrients no longer available from our modern food supply. It is a precise formulation of 23 time-tested and trusted botanical extracts, which provide antioxidants, flavonoids, lignins, polysaccharides and other health enhancing nutrients specific to each herbal extract. As a natural food supplement, Intra helps to balance and strengthen the body’s systems. Sepintas Lalu Kisah Intra Lama sebelum sejarah tercatat, herba, tumbuh-tumbuhan, akar kayu, kulit kayu, dedaun dan bebunga yang dikenali sebagai ramuan botani adalah merupakan sumber makanan bernutrien kepada nenek moyang kita. Dengan berlalunya masa, ramuan botani kini mula digunakan secara meluas disebabkan sifat penyembuhan dan pemulihannya yang khusus. Setelah berkurun-kurun lamanya, pengetahuan botani yang serba ringkas tetapi amat berharga ini telah diasah hingga sempurna, dikongsi dan akhirnya direkodkan. Intra menggabungkan pengetahuan sedunia ramuan botani purba ini dengan sains canggih untuk mencipta pemakanan tambahan bernutrien yang sesuai dengan gaya hidup hari ini. • Kesemua 23 jenis ramuan botani Intra ditanam tanpa semburan bahan kimia atau baja buatan • Ramuan botani Intra dipetik dengan cermat menggunakan tangan untuk mengekalkan kualiti dan memelihara kandungan aktif didalamnya agar berada ditahap tertinggi • Selepas pemeriksaan dan analisis yang menyeluruh, bahan aktif dari setiap ramuan botani diekstrak dengan teliti • Pemiawaian dan pengujian memastikan bahawa setiap ekstrak botani mempunyai kandungan sebatian aktif yang tinggi secara konsistennya • Ekstrak tersebut kemudiannya diadun bersama untuk meningkatkan faedah satu sama lain berdasarkan formula proprietari Lifestyles • Produk yang telah siap kemudiannya dibotolkan di kilang yang diikhtiraf HACCP di bawah proses pengawasan pengilangan yang sangat ketat dengan standard GMP bagi memastikan kualiti dan potensinya adalah konsisten Tubuh manusia terdiri daripada lapan bahagian sistem yang harus sentiasa dalam keadaan sihat dan bekerja bersama untuk memastikan tubuh tersebut dapat merasakan tahap kesihatan yang optimum. Hanya dengan seaun Intra sehari mampu membantu menyuburkan sel-sel badan dan membekalkan nutrien penting berasaskan tumbuhan yang tidak lagi terdapat di dalam pemakanan moden hari ini. Ianya merupakan ekstrak ramuan botani dengan formula yang tepat dengan 23 kali ujian serta diyakini. Membekalkan antioksidan, flavonoid, lignin, polisachandra dan nutrien lain yang khusus untuk setiap ekstrak herba tersebut. Sebagai pemakanan tambahan semulajadi, Intra membantu mengimbangi dan menguatkan sistem badan. Intra的故事 早在有历史文献记载之前,草本植物,花 草,根,树皮,叶和盛开花朵 - 统称为植 物 - 乃人类食物来源。后来,人类与大自 然的关系出现了新的景象,植物因其不同 的独特效能更被广泛使用。沧海桑田,人 类对草本植物的常识由简浅而渐趋完善, 更被分享,研究和详尽记载。 在研制Intra时,我们向地球的历史借镜 -成 功创制了这被认为包含古今精髓的优秀植 物性混合饮品 。 • Intra包含种23天然草本植物精华。我们所 采集的植物没有使用任何化学农药与人工 肥料 • Intra所使用的植物是以手工方式采集,以 纯水来洗涤以确保它们的成分达到最佳状 况 • 经过几项严谨的品质控制测试和化学分 析,这些植物原料才被送到精华萃取工厂 • 在精华萃取过程中,我们会针对每一种植 物做有效化合物的测试以确保它们的活化 成分时时刻刻都保持最佳状况 • 植物原料将被切成较小的片段,放入萃取 炉中。然后以特定的比例来制成独特的 Intra植物性精华 • Intra工厂采用HACCP认证制度。每一瓶 Intra在分销之前都必须做品质控制检验, 以确定每一瓶Intra都符合Lifestyles的高品 质标准 人体包括8种必须保持健康的系统,必须 同时一起工作,使身体处于最佳的健康状 况。每天1ounce的Intra,能够补充我们人体 细胞所需要的养分。而这些营养已不能从 现今述食和冷冻或罐头食品里取得。 Intra是经过多次实验证明,含有23种草本 植物的珍贵配方,是值得大家信赖的植物 萃取物。它也是一种可以帮助身体包持在 最佳状态的天然营养补充食品。 5 MENGAPA IANYA PENTING UNTUK MENJUAL INTRA PADA HARGA RUNCIT YANG DISYORKAN RM 138.00 • Inilah harga runcit yang mana Bonus dan Komisyen anda dikira, berdasarkan Compensation Plan yang diluluskan Kerajaan, dan dan setiap orang harus mematuhinya • Untuk Persaingan Yang Sihat dikalangan kesemua pengedar Lifestyles • Untuk manfaat jangka masa panjang dan pertumbuhan perniagaan dan organisasi • Untuk mengekalkan nilai dan posisi Intra dan secara tidak langsung memelihara nilai dan prestij setiap pengedar Lifestyles • Untuk memastikan setiap pengedar Lifestyles menikmati secara adil dan berhak menerima keuntungan runcit pada setiap botol yang mereka jual • Untuk membolehkan pihak Syarikat berterusan memberi insentif yang menarik untuk • Untuk mengelakkan sebarang salah faham dan ketidakseragaman pada harga runcit yang disyorkan antara pengguna dan pelanggan, serta mengekalkan kredibiliti dan imej para pengedar • Untuk anda menjana pendapatan tambahan secara berterusan atas daya usaha yang anda berikan ketika membina asas pelanggan yang setia dan stabil RM 138.00 Nota Editor : Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab setiap pengedar untuk memastikan pemotongan harga tidak berlaku dan terkawal seperti yang termaktub di dalam Polisi dan Prosedur perjanjian Pengedar. Do You Know That: Intra Should Not Be Sold Or Displayed For Sale In:- Retail stores Flea Markets Pasar Malam/ Pasar Pagi Medicine Shop Landasan yang betul, pilihan yang tepat Dorongan dari ibu tersayang Syukur Alhamdulillah kerana dengan izin illahi, saya berada di dalam Lifestyles. Terima kasih kepada EXE Dr. Juhari Mat Akhir kerana telah memperkenalkan saya dengan Intra. Pada mulanya saya memang tidak berminat untuk menyertainya kerana tidak beberapa kali gagal dalam MLM yang mana telah banyak kerugian wang dan membuang masa. Saya berasa amat bertuah kerana berjaya mencapai tahap EXE dalam masa 3 bulan sahaja. Ini adalah hasil dorongan dan sokongan padu dari ibu tersayang Pn Annamah dan suami tercinta, En Morgan. Saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan ribuan terimakasih kepada Ustazah Maznah (GMD) yang tidak jemu membantu. Beliau merupakan punca utama kejayaan,saya. Saya mula terbuka hati apabila mengetahui ramai yang mengamalkan jus Intra mendapat kesan tindak balas yang cepat. Dari maklumat yang tepat dan penyampaian yang betul. Alhamdulillah jus Intra mudah diterima ramai. Dengan testimoni yang kami ada, ia mudah berkembang dan poket mula berisi. Ia membuatkan saya lebih bersemangat untuk meneruskannya. Saya mula meminati produk ini apabila ia memberi kesan hebat kepada saya sekeluarga, Bermula dari situ, saya telah memperkenalkan produk ini kepada saudara mara serta rakan-rakan. Keberkesanan produk ini dalam meningkatkan taraf kesihatan mereka akhirnya telah mendorong saya menceburi bidang perniagan ini. Saya berasa bertuah kerana mempunyai up-line yang sentiasa member dorongan dan sokongan. Buat isteri, terima kasih kerana memahami, kepada Mohd Sabri (abang saya) dan keluarganya. Terima kasih banyak-banyak atas bantuan anda serta jutaan terima kasih kepada down-line saya Roazmi, Zolhisyam, Mohd Norman, Nazir, Faizal, Juliana, Jose Anan serta mereka yang terlibat, kerana anda saya berada ditahap ini. Kita berada di landasan yang betul, pilihan yang tepat. 9/10 sumber rezeki ada dalam perniagaan, jangan lepaskan peluang yang ada, insyaallah. Kita pasti berjaya. Untuk memperkenalkan intra memang banyak halangan. “Biar Putih Tulang, Jangan Putih Mata.” Jika kita tidak buat, Orang lain yang akan dapat. Hidup sihat, senang dan tenang (berkat). Terimakasih yang tidak terhingga kepada Cikgu Sepiah, anak saudara saya Sri EXE Kaladevi Subramaniam Intra speaks for itself My gratitude to NMD Encik Haris Bin Yahaya in introducing Intra to me. A contractor by profession, I indulge heavily with on-site and off-site activities and require extreme energy and stamina. Thus in consuming Intra I have attained and achieved desired stamina to execute my responsibilities towards my career and family. Also,the impact that Intra has on all my customers is phenomenal. Last but not least I wish to thank all my up-lines and down-lines for their encouragement and commitment. EXE Sadzali bin A. Wahid The way I am for Intra get the opportunity to live a heallthy lifestyle through Intra. In order to be successful in life, one has to be a great manager of self - one has to learn to manage one's emotion and thought. However, I wouldn't be here today and I wouldn't be as successful as I am today, had it not been for my NMD, Mr Haris. My father and also a mentor, an inspiration, who taught me relentlessly everything I needed to know in order to be where I am today. I am grateful and indebted to such an individual who is selfless and committed in everything that he does. Thank you, Mr Haris for giving me this opportunity. As a fresh graduate from a local university, I have had the training to be disciplined in my studies. I have to give my commitment and dedication to my studies in order to obtain excellent grades. In order to succeed, I learn to manage my emotion and thought. Oleh EXE Isharudin Bin Abdul Razab Vicneswary, adik beradik serta anak- anak yang tersayang yang banyak memberi semangat dan dorongan. Akhir sekali kakitangan lifestyles, Encik Dustin yang begitu sabar dan komitted dalam memberi penerangan terperinci. Kepada semua rakan seperjuangan, sama- sama kita berjasa kepada masyarakat dengan memperkenalkan produk Intra. I now apply this positive self-management to other aspects of my life, in my career, as well as others. In trying to promote Intra, I persist to persuade and convince others of Intra's benefits. Having benefited from Intra myself, I believe in its powerful effects on the body and thus, it is easier for me to get others to try. However, there are those who turn me down. This is where my positive self-management gets me through. Either I continue to convince this person or if I could see that persuading him or her would be pointless, I just move on and find someone else who would want to be benefited by Intra. Through such efforts, I hope more people would EXE Ainil Alwiyah Haris 7 toh Con Tahniah! Insentif "Duit Raya" bulan September dalam perjalanan ke peti surat anda. Bergembira menikmati sambil menaja Ab Karim bin Ahmat Ab Rahman bin Ya'kub Abd Halim bin Abd Ghani Abd Khalid b. Abd Wahab Abd Rahim bin Ibrahim Abd Rahim Bin Sadali@ Ali Abd Razak b Shadan Abdul Halim b Md Noor Abdul Rahman bin Abas Abdul Wahib b Ariffin Abu Bakar bin Hashim Abu Seman b Napiah Ahmad Murad Bin Hj Jalani Ahmad Sabki bin Mohamad Ainil Alwiyah bt Haris Alif Hazali bin Abdul Rahim Alila bt Abdullah Amin Kamil Bin Mohammad Amran bin Johan Anie Elena Bt Abu Hasan Annamah A/P Mariappan Anuar b Seman Arifin bin Awang Asfarina binti Mohd Ashaari Awang bin Yakub Azalan bin Ali Azarita Ahmad Aziah bt Adi Azizah bt Abd Aziz Baharum bin Bujang Balasarasvathi A/P Perumal Belinda Ling Yu Ngo Bidi bin Rodolpo Buhanah bt Mohd Yasin Chai Nyuk Fung Chan Swee Min Che Maimun Binti Che Lah Chin Chin Sen Chin Nyuk Hui Chong Kong Meng Chu Keng Hoe Dahriah bt Mahmud Dann Effendy Abdullah Dian Samsul Khahar b. Samsudin Dr Mohamad Md Tan Elis bt Abu Sujak Eshah bt Muhammad Eshmat Fatimah bt Abdullah Faridah binti Salleh Fatanah Mohamed Fatimah Azura Binti Mat Rashid Fausiah Harun Fauziah bt Mohd Amin Fazidah Muhammad Fadzil Fazlilah bt Darus Fuat Ibrahim Fuziah bt Saiain Hafizah bt Said Harisul Haramaini B Mustapha Harris Fadhilah bin Abd Rahman Hasbu bin Ismail Hasbullah bin Yahaya Hasnan bin Saaidin Hayati Abdul Hamid Hayati binti Ismail Hj Mohd Azmi bin Salleh Hj Tumar bin Marjo Hj Wan Ismail B Wan Ibrahim Ho Chee Keong Ibrahim bin Awang The Ili Nadrah bt Mohamad Isharudin Bin Abdul Razab Ismail bin Daud Jaafar b Md Dar Jaafar b Tahakuddin Jaimah binti Rahim Jaine Leong Tze Fung Jamilah bt Ajit Jamilah bt Mohd Joffri Kaladevi A/P K. Subramaniam Kamala Veni A/P Paramasivam Kamisah Ahmad Kamisah binti Salikin Kerk Tong Teck Khairul Ihsan @ Ehsa Bin Abdullah 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 400.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 400.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 600.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 400.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 400.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 Lai Chia Soon Lai Hai Eng Lee Kam Lee Miaw Chean Lew Lee Choo Lim Hay Sun Lim Sin Ho @ Lim Chin Foo Lim Tung Peng Lim Vui Fui Loh Moey Hiang Looi Ah Mooi Low Kwai Mooi Madiah bt Mohidin Mahadi b Ismail Mahyudin b Mohamad Masri Aida bt Mohd Ghani Masri bin Mustapha Masyitah binti Othman Mat Rewat bin Mohd Nor Mat Sarif b Mat Lazim Maznah binti Khanan Mazura bt Ibrahim Moehamad Ali Hashim Moganasumdram A/L Rangasamy Mohammad bin Hamid Mohd Asri Bin Mohd Hanafi Mohd Azhari bin Hasan Mohd Fairuz Bin Mat Isa Mohd Faisal Fikri Huzaimi b Mohd Nawi Mohd Izani b Mat Mohd Mubarak bin Ab Razak Mohd Najib Bin Mohamed Mohd Nor bin Abdul Hadi Mohd Rahim Bin Mohd Yasin Mohd Rahmat Bin Mohammed Amin Mohd Razib bin Ali Mohd Rohimi B Abdullah Mohd Shaharudin b Abdul Ghanny Mohd Shahril Bin Ramli Mohd Sukri bin Awang Mohd Zaid b Abllah Mohd Zul Halili B Haris Montamah bt Simpon Muhamad Ruzaini b Muhamad Radzali Muhammad Islah Bin Ibrahim Murni Idayu bt Shafie Naanjil Mani Sekaran Najlaa Raihan bt Juhari Najwa Farhannah Bt Abdul Halim Naricah bt Hasim Nazeri b Che Om Nazilah bt Mohd Noor Ng Wooi Ling Nik Ab Aziz bin Nik Mohamed Nik Suriyati bt Abdul Ghani Noor Azah bt M Said Noorhaslinda bt Kasim Noorizan bt Abdullah Noorshahzan Wee B Abdullah Nor Adani bt Amir Nor Asyikin bt Musa Nor Azman bin Hassan Nor Eshah bt Yusop Nor Fazlina Binti Mohd Noor Nor Maliyati binti Muhamad Norasiah Bt Wan Ismail Noraza bt Hussain Norhayati Bt Mat Hussin Noriah binti Ishak Noriah bt Ibrahim Norizudin bin Ayob Norliza bt Yusop Normezan binti Buang Norshahnizah Mohamad Norzan bt Hashim Nunawarah @ Munawarah Bt Othman Nur Ainin binti Muhammad Oh Chee Seng Omar bin Jani Ooi Pau Chin Pairus bt Mohd Kassim Pazilah bt Ahmad Phang Bee Yong Phua Bun Hoon Poh Keat Chye 200.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 300.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 Pushpa a/p Ramanathan 100.00 Puspavalli A/P Subramaniam 200.00 Puteh binti Saad 100.00 Rafidah bt Mohamad 100.00 Rahaya bt Daud 200.00 Ramilah bt Ahmad 100.00 Razali bin Abdul Hamid 200.00 Rizal bin Ghazali 100.00 Rogayah binti Kassim 200.00 Rohana Karim 100.00 Rokiah binti Hamid 200.00 Rose Hanita Bt Abd Rashid 200.00 Rosema bt Ghazali 200.00 Rosidah binti Mohamad 100.00 Rosnah bt Jusoh 100.00 Rozita Binti Abdul Rashid Lew 100.00 Rozita binti Md Noh 100.00 Rozita bt Hassan 200.00 Rusidah bt Hj Mohd Tahir 100.00 Ruzita binti Ghazali 100.00 S. Rajandran A/L Sinnaiah 100.00 Sadzali bin A. Wahid 200.00 Salamah Binti Abdul Wahid 200.00 Saleha binti Yahaya 100.00 Salihat bt Salim 100.00 Salmah bt Rahim 100.00 Salmi bt Yaacob 100.00 Samila Said 400.00 Samsiah Bt Che Man 200.00 Sani binti Latif 200.00 Sarifah bt Sulaiman 100.00 Saudah bt Mansor 100.00 Selamah @ Zawiah bt Haron @ Harun 100.00 Semah bt Omar 100.00 Seman bin Awang 100.00 Shamsul Enche Ismail 100.00 Sharifah bt Hani Zaman 100.00 Sharifah Sabariah Bt Syed Mokhtar 100.00 Sharipah bt Abu Hassan 100.00 Shim Yee Chin 200.00 Siti aishah bt Thamby 100.00 Siti Maryam b Husin 100.00 Siti Nurul Ain Binti Md Jamil 100.00 Siti Pauziah Binti Mohamed Razali 200.00 Suhaily b Jusoh 200.00 Syed Abdullah bin Abu Bakar Al Joofri 200.00 Syed Sheikh Bin Syed Idrus Alhabshi 200.00 Tai Teik Huat 200.00 Tan Choon Keow 100.00 Tan Eng Lee 100.00 Tan Liang Hua 200.00 Teh Meng Wey 600.00 Tengku Noreen Bt Tengku Ahmad 100.00 Theng Sun Liaw 200.00 Tuan Najihah Tuan Muda 100.00 Wan Ajizah Bt Wan Abdullah 200.00 Wan Mahizad b Wan Man 200.00 Wan Mohd Liza Bin Yusoff 100.00 Wan Mustafa b Wan Deraman 200.00 Wan Raihan binti Wan Hassan 200.00 Wan Safura binti Haji Wan Yahaya 100.00 Yap Tuck Kong 300.00 Yee King Yub 200.00 Yong Chee Seng 300.00 Yong Pan Keong 100.00 Yong Yaw Cheng 200.00 Yusizrahisham B Abdul Latif 100.00 Zaharah bt Osman 100.00 Zahura bt Ibrahim 200.00 Zaidi bin Kamaludin 100.00 Zaihan bt Abd Kadir 100.00 Zainab bt Hassan 100.00 Zainurddin b Juwahir 200.00 Zakiah bt Jusoh 200.00 Zamri bin Harun 100.00 Zaradi b Sudin 100.00 Zolhisham b Ali 200.00 Zubaidah bt Abdul Hamid 100.00 Zulaffandi bin Mamat 100.00 Zulfadhli bin Derahman 100.00 Zulhaimi b Harun 100.00 Zunaidah binti Yamat 100.00 Zuraida bt Mat Abu 100.00 Zurina bt Mohd Bishan 200.00 Total 38,300.00 Lifestyles Year End Blockbuster incentive! Sponsor a total of 4000 points in your frontline from November 1st – December 31st, 2007 and receive the following: Taja 4000 points front-line dari November – 31 December dan menerima: Cash RM 188, A Lifestyles Voucher worth RM 188 And a 2008 National Gala Ticket worth RM 120! Tunai RM 188, Baucer RM 188 Dan sekeping ticket National Gala 2008 bernilai RM 120 November 2007 Calendar incentive Purchase a minimum of 1200 points of Lifestyles products and get a bottle of Intra free 2007 kalendar Lifestyles Dengan pembelian minima 1200 points, anda akan menerima sebotol Intra percuma Lifestyles Malaysia National Gala 2008 Early Bird Incentive RM 88 per ticket OR RM 800 per table Normal price RM 120 26th January 2008 Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa Lagoon Ballroom 2 6.30pm 1st November till 15th December only! 9 Lifestyles staffs would like to take this opportunity & wish all Hindus a Happy Deepavali, the festival of Lights Recognizing Success Executive Directors Tai Yun Thai Nik Suriyati bt Abdul Ghani Isharudin Bin Abdul Razab Kaladevi A/P K. Subramaniam Sadzali bin A. Wahid Ainil Alwiyah bt Haris Teh Meng Wey Regional Directors Elis Bte Abu Sujak Congratulations to our newly promoted Distributors Sarfina Bt Ahmad Mohd Nizar Bin Harun Ab. Karim bin Ahmat Wan Maziah bt Wan Abdul Rahman Mohd Izani B. Mat Montamah Bt Simpon Ismal Hisham Bin Mohd Darus Zahura binti Ibrahim Roshayati Bt Mat Zin Abdul Aziz bin Jusoh Azizah Bt Abd Aziz Mohd Iskandar Zulkarnain B Ayob Mohammad b. Mat Piah Mohd Najib Bin Ab Ghani Masri Aida bt Mohd Ghani Rosbi bt Che Hassan Fuat Ibrahim Mary Chong @ Teo Mei Li Chin Chin Sen Lim Vui Fui Abdul Halim b Md Noor Haireen Niza bt Haris In the Know Answers to all of Lifestyles’ questions from Dr. Lee Know Question: I have a potential customer who is allergic to bee stings, and he saw that we have Bee Pollen in Intra and is afraid to use it. Is the effect of Bee Pollen the same for those people who are allergic to bee stings? Dr. Know: Bee pollen is composed of plant nectars, bee saliva, and plant pollens collected by worker bees. Sources of the pollens come from various plants, including buckwheat, maize, pine, etc. Bee pollen is considered a highly nutritious food because it contains a balance of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, enzymes, and essential amino acids. Be sure to avoid confusion with bee venom (from bee stings), honey, royal jelly, and propolis. Hypersensitivity to pollens included in commercial preparations has been observed, but this has been in people allergic to pollen. However, theoretically there can be cross-reacting bee venom components, and other components in bee pollen.On the other hand, the quantity of bee pollen in Intra is quite small. TO SERVE YOU BETTER… Effective November 1st, 2007, we are pleased to announce the promotion of our Business Development Coordinators, Katherine Loh Li Li and Conrad Richard Rozario, to the position of Manager, Distributor Success. My recommendation would be to consider the severity of the allergic reaction -- if the person is at risk for anaphylactic shock, then do not give them Intra. Anyone with a history of severe allergic reaction to bee products should consult a qualified health-care professional prior to use. If the reaction is minor, then they can try a very small dose (for example a teaspoon) and see how they tolerate it. If it’s tolerated, then dose can be slowly increased. As Managers of Distributor Success they will provide better support in the enhancement of our Zone Management of Lifestyles Malaysia. They will oversee the growth of the distributors more closely and will play a key role in events, trainings and recognition at the Zone level. For more information, please visit Please join me to Congratulate Lili and Conrad as they undertake this new position. 11 Great news! New training facility in Kota Kinabalu. We are pleased to assist you in providing an additional facility, ie Training/Meeting room on the first floor of the KK pickup centre. Address: 50 Lorong Tupai 2, Teck Guan Villa, Km 7 Jalan Penampang, 88300 Kota Kinabalu Sabah Tel : 088 222507 Fax : 088 222508 Usage guidelines:• Day and Time : Monday - Saturday ( except Sunday and Public Holidays ) from 10.00 am - 10.00 pm • Can accomodate up to 30 pax, air-conditioned, equipped with chairs, and white board ( only need to bring own white board marker) • Use of other appliances such as projector, TV, video, audio, is permitted - but distributors to bring own equipment/appliance • One day booking in advance necessary, to be made directly through KK Pickup centre ( contact Edward or Naumi ) • Distributors have to sign on usage record book at start and end of use • Only Lifestyles business use - other business/personal use not permitted • Lifestyles reserves the right to terminate the services at anytime if it does not deliver expected business results or is abused • Open to ALL Distributors - not confined to any group, and visiting Distributors from other states can use the facility. What people are saying Anda telah memenangi sebotol Intra Hidup saya lebih bermakna dengan Intra kerana selepas menggunakan Intra, saya barasa lebih sihat dan cergas. - Jason low teck keong Hidup saya lebih bermakna dengan Intra kerana menawarkan peluang keemasaan untuk mengubah kehidupan saya dan orang-orang disekeliling saya. - Tan Eng Lee Hidup saya lebih bermakna dengan Intra kerana Intra telah membawa kesihatan kepada keluarga yang paling saya sayangi . terima kasih Intra! - Tan chong lim Do you have a story you would like to share? Please send it to us at [email protected], subject line: Success Update We’d love to hear from you and we may use it in a future edition of Success Update.
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