K – 12 Transportation Handbook
K – 12 Transportation Handbook
SouthOrangetown CentralSchoolDistrict K‐12 TransportationHandbook UpdatedSummer2015 i | P a g e TABLEOFCONTENTS Topic Page # Contract Information – Transportation Office/Schools District School Information Home to School Eligibility Requirements Alternate Transportation Eligibility – Before and After Day Care Child Care Programs available Crossing Guard Locations for walkers Bus Stop Locations ‐ Centralized What determines a Safe Bus Stop Parent Responsibilities Riding the Bus is a Privilege School Specific Information Student Discipline Danger Zone – stopped bus Field Trip Safety/Emergency Bus Drills/Emergency Procedures Bus Accident Rules Operation Safe Stop Emergency School Closings Alternate Site Request form William O. Schaefer Bus Designee Form Request for Transportation to Private School Bus Stop Safety Evaluation Request 1 | P a g e 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10‐11 11 13 14‐15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 TRANSPORTATIONOFFICE HoursofOperation:7:30A.M. –4:30P.M. [email protected] http://www.socsd.org/pupiltransportation.htm 845‐680‐1662 845‐680‐1663 The Department has multiple phone lines Timeframe for returning calls and acknowledging e‐mails should be within one business day. However, the two‐weeks prior and after the start of school are the busiest for the department, we transport over 3,000 students. Therefore, we request that e‐mail be used for non‐emergencies. Stop changes will not be considered until after the first two‐weeks of school. We will have additional support staff responding to calls during the beginning of school to assist with any immediate concerns about a child’s pick‐up or drop‐off. Contact the Transportation Department for the following: Route information Stop information Changes after and before school day care General or driver or bus issues SCHOOLS Tappan Zee High School South Orangetown Middle School Cottage Lane Elementary School William O. Schaefer Elementary School Contact your school for the following: Student to student issues Discipline issues 845‐680‐1600 845‐680‐1100 845‐680‐1500 845‐680‐1300 2 | P a g e DISTRICTSCHOOLINFORMATION First day of school is September 8, 2015 for Grades K‐12: o All grades will operate on a normal schedule EXCEPT THE HIGH SCHOOL: 9TH grade orientation will be from 8:15 am to 10:15 am NO BUS TRANSPORTATION WILL BE PROVIDED 10, 11, AND 12 GRADES will operate on a 2‐Hour delay schedule, bus transportation will be provided two (2) hours after your normal pick‐up time Bus Information will be mailed at the end of the second week in August Bus passes MUST be presented to the driver. Please make sure your child’s bus pass is safeguarded. Grades William O. Schaefer K,1,2 School Start Time Bus Pick‐up* 9:15 am 8:35 to 9:15 am School End Time Bus Drop‐off* 3:40 pm 3:40 to 4:20 pm Parent Pick‐up Time 3:30 pm Parent or Designee REQUIRED to meet the Bus YES Universal busing at centralized stops YES Walkers Permitted NO Late Bus NO Senior Parking N/A Cottage Lane Middle School High School 3,4,5 6,7,8 9,10,11,12 9:15 am 8:35 to 9:15 am 8:15 am 7:35 to 8:15 am 8:15 am 7:35 to 8:15 am 3:40 pm 3:40 to 4:20 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 to 3:40 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 to 3:40 pm 3:25 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm NO NO NO YES YES NO Bus Services if within 1 ½ mile of HS, except designated Child‐ Safety Zones YES w/permission YES YES NO 4:15 pm M,W,TH 4:15 pm M,T,W,TH N/A N/A YES, PER HS GUIDELINES *specific bus pick‐up and drop‐off times will be provided in the August mailing. These are estimated ranges, pick‐up and drop‐off times will vary during the first two‐weeks of school as drivers and students become familiar with the routes and centralized stops. PLEASE BE AT THE STOP 10 MINUTES PRIOR TO SCHEDULED TIME TO ALLOW FOR VARIANCES IN DRIVING TIME. 3 | P a g e HOMETOSCHOOLELIGIBILITYREQUIREMENTS Resident students of the South Orangetown Central School District are eligible for transportation under the following mileage limitations: Transportation to SOCSD Public Schools Grades Kindergarten through eighth – are entitled to pupil transportation at centralized, reasonable pick‐up locations determined by the Transportation Department, regardless of distance from their school (SOCSD Middle School, Cottage Lane, & William O. Schaefer). Per voter approval by the District’s residents, the State Mandate for transportation was lowered from 2 miles to zero miles. Grades ninth through twelfth – are entitled to pupil transportation at centralized reasonable pick‐up locations determined by the Transportation Department, if they reside greater than 1.5 miles from the Tappan Zee High School. Per voter approval by the District’s residents, the State Mandate for transportation was lowered from 3 miles to 1.5 miles. Students entering the Tappan Zee High School for the first time, who live less than 1.5 miles from the high school will receive a letter by June 1st, indicating they are not eligible for transportation from the District. The same is true for use of late buses. Exceptions: Child Safety Zones established by the District voters in accordance with state eligibility standards Students with IEP/approved classification requiring transportation. Transportation to Non‐Public Schools Students who attend a non‐public school outside the school district are eligible for transportation providing: 1. The parent/guardian submitted the required written request to the Registration Department by April 1 preceding the next school year. 2. Students who established residence in the District after April 1st, including those who move into the district, must make a request within 30 days of residency. 3. Non‐Public Schools Transportation is provided within the same mileage limits as described above, not to exceed 15 miles from the student’s residence. 4. Students will be picked up from centralized pick‐up points 5. Routes will be established in the most efficient and economical manner. 4 | P a g e Transportation of Special Needs Students to Out‐of‐District Placement Special Needs Students attending an out of district school for services are eligible for transportation at centralized stops, unless the student’s individualized education plan indicates otherwise, providing: 1. The school is an approved special education program, per the Director of Special Education 2. Is not more than 50 miles from the students residence Divorced Parents Sharing Custody 1. Students can only have a single residence for school purposes per the New York State Commissioner of Education. 2. As a result, the District is only authorized to transport from one location. 3. We request that parents follow the law and not request the District to provide transportation to more than one residence within the District boundaries. TRANSPORTATIONELEGIBILITYREQUIREMENTS& APPLICATIONPROCESS Alternate transportation is a busing service for students who require transportation to baby‐sitters or daycare centers before and/or after school. This is permitted by Board of Education policy according to the following guidelines: 1. For the purposes of these guidelines, a before and/or after school child care location shall be defined as a place other than the child’s home where care for less than 24 hours a day is provided on a regular basis for a child who attends school within the district. This shall include a variety of child care services such as day care centers, family day care homes, and in‐home care by non‐relatives provided that these facilities are also located within the school district boundaries. 2. All parents/guardians who wish to request alternate transportation must apply for the service in writing using the Alternate Site Request Form located under the transportation section of the school district’s website and on page 20 of this handbook. 3. Students utilizing this service will not be picked up or dropped off at different points on varying days of the week, it must be the same location five days a week. Only one pickup/drop‐off point will be assigned by the school transportation office. 4. New residents of the district must apply for transportation within 30 calendar days after establishing residency. 5 . The deadline for application for alternate transportation is July 20th for the first day of school. Applications received after that day will not be put in place until the completion of the first two weeks of school. Any request for changes thereafter, upon receipt of the application, will be put in place within (3) school days. 6 . Previous year’s child care arrangements do not carry over into the new school year. 5 | P a g e ChildCarePrograms YMCA Program, WOS and CLE Buildings 1. The YMCA offers a before and after school program for the parents and children of the South Orangetown Central School District, grades K‐6 2. Before school program operates from 7:00 am until school starts 3. The after‐school programs operate from dismissal until 6:30 pm. 4. For more information and to register contact Kris Edelman at (845) 643‐3075 or [email protected]. Children’s Corner, Palisades Building 1. Before and after school program 6:30 am to 7 pm 2. Children from ages 6 weeks to 12 years old 3. Programs: full day pre‐school, early learning center, before and after school care, all school holidays and superintendent’s conference days, summer camp 4. Further information, visit website: Childrenscornergroup.com These programs provide a supervised and carefully planned set of activities that meet the educational and child care needs of working parents and their school children. Transportation will be provided daily to and from these programs within the school district. For more information about child care programs in the district or county, please contact Child Care Resources of Rockland at 845‐425‐0009 or www.childcarerockland.org. CrossingGuards In an effort to provide greater safety for our students who walk to and from school, the Town has approved crossing guards at the following time and locations: 6 | P a g e LOCATION AM PM Cottage Lane & Erie Street Convent Rd & Pkwy Dr. South Orangeburg Rd. & Lester Palisades Pkwy Exit (W) Palisades Pkwy Entrance (N) Orangeburg & Dutch Hill TZHS – Opposite Devon Drive 8:30‐9:30 7:30‐8:30 7:30‐8:30 7:30‐8:30 7:30‐8:30 7:30‐8:30 7:30‐8:30 3:20 ‐ 4:20 3:00‐4:00 3:00‐4:00 3:00‐4:00 3:00‐4:00 3:00‐4:00 3:00‐4:00 BusStopLocations–Centralized PleaseNote:Duetothechangeinschoolstartandendtimes,aswellasthereconfigurationofgrades, therearechangestobusroutesandcentralizedbusstops Centralized stops are created after balancing issues of safety, distances from home, routing efficiency, and cost. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the student arrives at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled pick‐up and drop‐off times. Pick up and drop off times are approximate and may vary due to unforeseen conditions such as traffic, weather, and road conditions. If your child is not ready at the designated pick‐up time in the morning, it is the parent’s responsibility to arrange for alternate transportation to their respective school. The Transportation Department cannot send the bus back or dispatch a second bus to pick‐up your child. Stops have to remain consistent year‐to‐year to avoid confusion and inefficiencies. Stops will not be moved for the convenience of parents, e.g. inability to take child to the bus stop due to having multiple children, being disabled, caregiver is elderly, etc. The District strives for consistency and fairness. Factors that affect the creation of stops: o o o o o o o o o o 7 | P a g e School buses will not enter dead‐end streets Buses will not enter a cul‐de‐sac, except when the distance exceeds one quarter mile from the entrance of the cul‐de‐sac or nearest central pick up location to the student’s home. When a cul‐de‐sac exceeds one quarter mile, there will be a stop located within the cul‐de‐sac. Whenever possible, stops will be at the intersections of two streets; Numbers of students at bus stops will be varied according to the concentration of riders in an area, the degree of traffic, the presence of stop signs, speed limits, and bus turn‐around requirements; The maximum of 25 students at a stop will be acceptable only where there is adequate waiting space away from heavy traffic areas. Approximately 10 to 15 students will be the usual number scheduled for pickup at any one point; An effort will be made to minimize crossing of the road by students. Public Roads: Transportation will be provided on side roads that are maintained by town highway departments unless the lack of maintenance makes it unsafe for drivers and students to be traversing these roads. Examples of unsafe conditions are flooding, road erosion, ice, snow and mud. Private Roads: Transportation will not be provided on roads that have not been dedicated and/or maintained by town, county, and/or state highway departments. Turnarounds: Turnarounds will not be established unless adequate space is available and this space is properly maintained. Major Highways: Transportation service will be provided to residents living along major highways. District Map: Maps will be used to determine the transportation requirements necessary to satisfy the needs established by state law, Board policy, and voter mandate. Currently, the district, by voter mandate, transports all students grades K‐8. Students in grades 9‐12 are transported only if they live more than 1.5 miles from the high school, using the shortest distance. The District map will clearly show student location, loading and unloading locations, and routes traveled. The map will be reviewed annually. WhatdeterminesaSafeBusStop? A safe bus stop is one where the bus driver has a good line of sight (both forward and back) The stop should have adequate room on the side of the road for parent parking A safe place for pupils to stand while waiting for a bus Wherever possible (including efficiency concerns), right‐hand pickup and drop off is preferable to having pupils cross a busy roadway. If crossing is necessary, the State Education Department crossing procedures will be used Parents not able to see their child at a bus stop from their home does not constitute an unsafe stop Door‐to‐door pick‐up and drop‐offs are not permitted unless there is an approved classification from the SOCSD Office of Special Education and Student Services that requires transportation or other special transportation needs RequestingaBusStopEvaluation To review NY State bus stop rules, please visit the NY State Pupil Transportation website regarding safe bus stops http://www.p12.nysed.gov/schoolbus/Parents/htm/school_bus_stops.html Prior to completing a Bus Stop Safety Evaluation Request, please review what constitutes a safe stop. Remember the District utilizes centralized stops that have been reviewed extensively and are considered safe. The request form is located on page 23 of this handbook and under the transportation section of the SOCSD website. Upon completing and submitting the form, via e‐mail only, the transportation department will acknowledge its receipt. If it is at the start of the school year, a stop evaluation and response may take more than one week to complete. Bus stop safety evaluations will not take place during the first two weeks of the school year. Parent’sResponsibilities: to ensure the student arrives at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled pick‐up and drop‐off times. accompany children in grades K‐2 to and from the bus stop transport large items to school, such as instruments, athletic equipment, etc. that cannot fit on your child’s lap since large items pose a safety hazard; teach correct behavior on the bus: o always use a seat belt o remain in your seat at all times, especially when the bus is in motion o keep the aisles clear o no fighting, yelling or throwing objects A NOTE TO PARENTS Please contact the School Principal if your child experiences a problem while riding aboard our buses. Also, please notify us if anyone is observed in our school bus operation acting in an unsafe manner. Thank you for your continuing cooperation and assistance. Important So that we might reach you if we need to, please make certain we have current emergency numbers, including accurate phone numbers at which to reach you at work, as well as alternate emergency phone numbers for relatives and/or neighbors. 8 | P a g e RidingtheBusisaPrivilege! • Students should arrive at the bus stop at least ten minutes ahead of the scheduled pickup time. • Line up at the stop, do not push or shove, and wait for the bus to come to a full stop before approaching it. • Wait for the driver’s signal before you cross in front of the bus. (see Crossing Poster) • Never throw snowballs or other objects at or around the bus. • Don’t fight with or tease other students around the bus stop. • During the winter months students, should never wait for the bus on snow piles. Students may slip under the wheels of the bus or another vehicle. • The school bus is like an extension of the classroom and all school rules apply. Be courteous, use proper language, speak quietly, and do not be destructive. • In the interest of everyone’s safety, students must cooperate with the driver at all times. If necessary, the bus driver may assign seats. Students may be denied the privilege of riding the bus as a result of unacceptable behavior. • Stay in your seats. Do not change seats while the bus is in motion. • Open windows only with the bus driver’s permission. • Do not block the aisle with your feet or other objects. • Do not distract the driver. Do not talk to the driver unless it is absolutely necessary or in cases of an emergency. • Do not eat, drink, or chew gum on the bus. Help keep the bus clean. • Do not throw papers, etc., on the floor or out the windows. There is no smoking, use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs of any kind on the school bus. • Keep your hands, feet, arms, and head inside the bus. • Emergency equipment and exits must not be touched unless they are needed. • No objects may be carried on the bus which interfere with passenger safety and comfort. All items that are brought on the bus must be carried on the student’s lap. Examples of prohibited items include: glass objects of any kind, pets, reptiles, or other caged animals, skis, ski poles, lacrosse sticks, skateboards, hand tools or power tools, chemicals of any nature, large musical instruments, (e.g. baritones, tubas, saxophone, baritone sax, string bass, timpani, bass drum) or any other object that would cause injury or is not related to instruction. • Anyone who damages school property will be required to pay for damages. • Students may only ride to/from an assigned bus stop. The bus driver will only make stops that are authorized on their route sheets. • Students who miss the bus at school should go into the school office and tell someone in authority. Parents will need to make other arrangements. Due to scheduling conflicts, the bus cannot return to the school. • If your child gets sick during the school day, it is the parent’s responsibility to arrange for transportation home. The school district does not provide transportation under these circumstances. • K‐2 must be met by an approved guardian. • Seat belts are encouraged to be worn • When crossing in front of the bus, be aware of the Danger Zones and always cross 10 feet in front of the bus at the direction of the bus driver. The diagram on the following page illustrates the 10 Foot Crossing Rule and the Bus Danger Zones. Please review this with your child/children. 9 | P a g e SchoolSpecificInformation William O. Schaefer (K‐2) Please reinforce with your child that they must remain in their seats when the bus arrives at school. They need to listen carefully to the bus driver for instruction when to exit the bus. All William O. Schaefer students will receive a bus pass prior to the start of school. When boarding the bus at the school, each student will be required to present their ID card to the driver Please remember there needs to be someone to meet your kindergarteners, first graders, and second graders at the afternoon bus stop (including early dismissals). They should be at the stop at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled arrival time. Parents should submit to the transportation office a list of up to 4 named designees who may receive their child in the event the parent is unable to be at the bus stop. Designees must be prepared to provide a government issued photo identification. See attached form. If a parent, sibling or a parent approved designee is not present to meet your child at the designated bus stop, your child will be returned to the William O. Schaefer School on Lester Drive in Tappan. The school will call the parent and/or the emergency phone numbers to arrange for a pick up at school. However, we urge parents, sibling or their adult designee to be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled arrival time each day. At the William O. Schaefer School, parents who bring their children to school need to park in the back lot and walk the children into the front entrance of the school. Children should be dropped off between 9:00‐9:15 AM. (Please stay out of the circular drive between 8:45 AM – 9:30 AM, and 3:15 PM ‐ 3:45 PM). Please send a note with your child in the morning advising the school that you will be picking up your child so the teacher will know beforehand that your child should not get on the bus that afternoon. Your child should always know the plan, unless, of course, an emergency arises. Cottage Lane (3‐5) All Cottage Lane students will receive a bus pass prior to the start of school. When boarding the bus at the school, each student will be required to present their ID card to the driver. When buses are unloading children at the school, between 8:50 AM and 9:10 AM, parents need to watch closely for directions from the adult on duty. Typically, you will be told to drop off your child along the bus lane and proceed out onto Western Highway. DO NOT pass a bus when its red lights are flashing and its stop sign is out. Students will be released from the bus at the afternoon bus stop even if an adult is not present. Children are not returned to school. It is important that parents make alternate plans if they will not be home when the bus arrives. If you plan to pick up your child at dismissal, please send a note with your child in the morning advising the school so the teacher will know beforehand that your child should not get on the bus that afternoon. Your child should always know the plan, unless of course, an emergency arises. 10 | P a g e South Orangetown Middle School (6‐8) All South Orangetown Middle School students will receive a bus pass prior to the start of school. When boarding the bus at the school, each student will be required to present their ID card to the driver. Tappan Zee High School (9‐12) All eligible Tappan Zee High School students will receive a bus pass prior to the start of school. When boarding the bus at the school, each student will be required to present their ID card to the driver. If a student does not have a pass, the student may be denied transportation. STUDENT DISCIPLINE School bus safety is paramount. Students who violate the School Bus Safety Rules will be written up by the driver. The principal will be notified and the student may have their school bus privileges suspended. Because we seek to assure uniform treatment of our students, the following Schedule of Disciplinary Actions will be followed throughout the District by the building administration: 1st Violation ‐ Parent notified of violation. 2nd Violation‐Conference with parent, pupil, principal and/or bus driver, transportation supervisor. Pupil placed on probation. 3rd Violation‐Parent notified, bus privileges suspended for up to five (5) school days. 4th Violation‐Parent notified, bus privileges suspended for up to ten (10) school days. 5th Violation‐Parent notified, bus privileges suspended for up to twenty (20) school days. 6th Violation‐Parent notified, bus privileges revoked for remainder of the school year. NOTE: If a violation, even the first, constitutes a serious danger to any individual, then a conference shall be required as outlined under 2nd Violation above, and bus privileges may be suspended immediately for a minimum of five (5) days. Video Cameras: In accordance with Board Policy 8210.1, video cameras may be used on school buses. Video may be used to monitor, support, and further document reports of incidents on a school bus. Viewing of a video will be permitted at the student’s primary school, transportation office or at the central administration offices. It is extremely important for all parents and students to note that students will be held accountable to the Code of Conduct in effect at the school which they are attending. This pertains to any South Orangetown student whether attending a school in the district or out of the district 11 | P a g e SAFETY The South Orangetown Central School District transportation staff needs your help in making children aware of the safety measures necessary both on and off buses. All children should understand the importance of the bus safety rules, guidelines, and emergency procedures for regular transportation as well as for field trips. 12 | P a g e If you observe unsafe driving practices call the Transportation Office at 680-1662/1663 The time, location and bus number is essential! It is illegal to pass a stopped school bus when the red lights on the bus are activated! 13 | P a g e FIELDTRIPSAFETY The South Orangetown Central School District considers field trips to be an important extension of the student’s day. These trips provide valuable educational experience as a supplement to regular classroom instruction. The safety of students during any trip away from the classroom is a major concern. In order to maximize student safety, parents are often asked to volunteer to assist the teacher in supervising the students during the field trip. In addition to being a responsible, concerned individual, the following guidelines should be followed by parents who volunteer for field trips. 1. Be familiar with the bus safety rules found within this booklet and see that the students follow them. 2. Concentrate on maintaining discipline. 3. Keep alert and be aware of the whereabouts of each student assigned to you. 4. Eating is permitted on field trips if a lunch stop cannot be scheduled into the trip itinerary. Ideally, teachers should schedule time to stop so eating on the bus is not necessary. If students eat on the bus, it is the responsibility of the students, teachers, and chaperones to pick up all trash and dispose of it properly. Glass containers are not allowed. 5. Luggage may not be carried on the bus in such a way that it would interfere with passenger safety and comfort. Also, luggage may not be stored in the aisle or in front of emergency exits. 6. Due to transportation restrictions, and in order to minimize distractions, parents who volunteer for field trips are not permitted to bring other family members/friends on field trips. The only children on the trip will be those assigned to the class. EMERGENCYBUSDRILLS The South Orangetown Central School District exercised to avoid delay of buses during times of drill annually complies with Section 156.3 (H) of the activities. The provisions for emergency bus drills are Commissioner’s Regulations which requires that a clearly outlined by law. The drills must be conducted minimum of three (3) emergency drills be held on each within the time limits and scope as prescribed by the bus during the school year. The Commissioner’s State Education Department. Non‐public students instructions specify that the first drill is to be may receive the drill at a public school prior to drop‐ conducted during the FIRST SEVEN DAYS OF SCHOOL, off at the non‐public school. the second drill prior to DECEMBER 1st, and the third During Emergency Bus Drills the driver advises drill prior to APRIL 30th. children of emergency procedures to follow, what to The Emergency Bus Drills include practice and do following evacuation of the bus, and what to do in instruction in the location, use and operation of the the event that the bus driver becomes incapacitated. emergency door, fire extinguisher(s), first aid, and Outlined below is information and procedures that windows, as a means of escape in case of fire or are discussed with the children. We strongly accident. No emergency drills are conducted when recommend that you take some time to review this buses are enroute. Care is information with your child. 14 | P a g e EMERGENCYPROCEDURES When An Emergency Occurs: ‐ Remain Seated - Wait for directions from the driver - Stay on the bus except for… Fire or Smoke Danger of collision Submersion Danger of tip‐over or fallout Operation of School Bus Exits to be used in an Emergency: - Emergency Doors (look for red handle and stickers) - Windows as a means of escape (push‐out) - Roof hatches Location and Use of: - Fire extinguishers - First aid equipment - Reflective devices 15 | P a g e Exiting Procedure: - Do not take books, lunch boxes, etc. - Wear coats, jackets, etc. - Use front door WHAT TO DO FOLLOWING THE EVACUATION: Gather at a safe location - Selected by the bus driver ‐ at least 100 feet from the bus. - Check to see that all passengers are present Follow the bus driver’s directions - Assist in getting help - Cooperate in keeping order INCAPACITATED DRIVER: Procedures to be familiar with - How to turn off engine - How to apply the emergency brake - How to operate the four‐way flashers - How to locate the first aid kit, fire extinguisher, & reflectors RULESTOFOLLOWINTHEEVENTOF ABUSACCIDENT When a school bus is involved in an accident there is a plan in place to handle this situation. The driver immediately contacts the Dispatcher and support is sent to the scene. Parents will be notified as soon as possible through School Messenger. We encourage parents not to go to the accident scene. Listed are the guidelines for the students on the bus: Immediately following the accident: If there is SMOKE or FIRE in the bus, or if it is in an unsafe place: 1. Remain calm. Don’t panic, scream or cry. 1. Immediately exit the bus quickly and orderly, just the way 2. Stay in your seat and listen carefully for instructions from you practiced in the bus drills. IN THE CASE OF BUS your driver or attendant. FIRES STUDENTS HAVE TWO MINUTES OR LESS TO EXIT 3. Stop all noise immediately. Do not talk. Listen for di‐ THE BUS BEFORE THE BUS BECOMES ENGULFED IN rections from the bus driver. FIRE. 2. Help smaller students and offer help as needed to If the driver is unable to TALK, MOVE from his/her seat, or disabled students. acts as if she/he is ASLEEP: 3. Find a safe place at least 100 steps away from the 1. Remain calm. Don’t panic, scream, or cry. bus to wait for help. No one should leave the group. If 2. Turn off the engine of the bus by pulling out the shiny it is necessary for someone to go for help, two older lever next to the ignition key and then turn off the students should go for help. ignition key. 4. If it is raining or snowing, look for a sheltered place where 3. Pull on the parking brake. That’s the square knob next you can keep warm and dry until help arrives. to the ignition key. 5. It is necessary for the bus driver to document the 4. If there is no smoke or fire and the bus seems to be names of all students riding the bus at the time of the in a safe place, stay on the bus and wait for help. Use accident. Students should be prepared to give their the two‐way radio to call for help. If the two‐way names to the bus driver at the accident scene. radio is disabled try to get the attention of an adult 6. Emergency medical and law enforcement personnel outside the bus and ask for help. are dispatched to the scene of all accidents regardless 5. Stay in your seat and remind others to remain seated. of the seriousness of the accident. Students should be Calm younger children who may be afraid and need advised of this so they are prepared at the scene. comforting. 6. Find out if anyone is hurt and comfort them until help arrives. When accidents happen, there is often confusion. • Stay Calm • Think • Act Grown Up • Help Others 16 | P a g e OPERATIONSAFESTOP Operation Safe Stop seeks to promote school bus safety through education and enforcement efforts. Operation Safe Stop is a cooperative project supported by the New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee, the New York State Education Department, the New York Association for Pupil Transportation, the New York State School Bus Contractors Association, the student transportation industry and state, county, city and local law enforcement agencies. DIDYOUKNOW: - An estimated 50,000 motor vehicles illegally pass New York State school buses every day. - In the last 5 years 35 students were hit by motorists in New York State passing stopped school buses. Two students were killed. THELAWSAYS: It is illegal ‐ and very dangerous ‐ to pass a stopped school bus when the large red lights located on top of the bus are flashing. Flashing lights mean the bus is picking up or discharging students. You must stop whether you are approaching the school bus from the front or overtaking it from the rear. You must always stop for flashing red lights, even on divided and multilane highways and on school grounds. The first‐time fine for illegally passing a school bus is a $250 fine, 5 points on your license, and/or possibly 30 days in jail. Worse yet, the memory of hitting or killing a child may be one you carry for the rest of your life! REMEMBER: Yellow lights mean the bus is going to stop. Slow down! Red lights mean students are getting on or off the bus. STOP!STOP!STOP! The goal of Operation Safe Stop is to proactively educate motorists about the dangers of passing stopped school buses. 17 | P a g e EMERGENCYSCHOOLCLOSINGS The District’s primary concern at all times is the safety and welfare of the children. Sometimes it is necessary to close schools or delay opening of school due to unforeseen circumstances. When weather conditions are adverse, parents are asked to stay tuned to the local radio and television stations for details on school delays or closings. Do not call the transportation office for details because it adds to the already heavily used phone lines. It is usually quicker to obtain information by monitoring radio or television stations, or accessing the school district website (www.socsd.org) When transportation is provided on days of extreme cold, ice, heavy rain and/or snow, delays should be expected. Drivers are repeatedly instructed to drive at a speed commensurate with the prevailing road and/or weather conditions. Also, the number of mechanical problems may increase when the weather is cold and/or wet. Schools are closed at the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools. If the closing occurs before the start of the day, the radio stations will be informed at approximately 5:30 A.M. When weather conditions are threatening, listen to radio and television stations for school closing information. If schools are closed during the day, students will be sent home on the same bus they rode to school on. If other arrangements are required it is the parents’ responsibility to contact the school with alternate emergency go home instructions. The school will see to it that your child boards the correct bus. The following is a list of radio and televisions stations that announce school closings and delays for our school district: School District Website: SOCSD.ORG Radio: WCBS‐880 AM, WOR‐710 AM, WFAS–103.9 FM & 1230 AM, WLNA‐1420 AM, WHUD‐100.7 FM, WBNR–1260 AM, WRCR‐1300 AM, WVNJ‐1160 AM. Television: WCBS Channel 2, WNBC Channel 4, FOX Channel 5, WABC Channel 7, News12 18 | P a g e Please copy and distribute to parents PARENTS: IMPORTANT SCHOOL BUS SAFETY ALERT HELP US PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN AS THEY TRAVEL TO AND FROM SCHOOL Certain types of children's clothing can create a hazard as your child gets off the school bus. Especially dangerous are: • Long, dangling jacket or sweatshirt drawstrings • Long backpack straps •Long scarves or other loose clothing Such clothing can be caught in the bus handrail, door, or other equipment as the child gets off the bus. In recent years, a number of children across the U.S. have had their clothing caught as they exited the bus. Several of these children were dragged by the bus and then killed when the bus ran over them. Please take the time to check your children's clothing to make sure it is safe. Remove drawstrings from clothing whenever possible- at least, cut off drawstring tabs and knots. Also, please talk with your child about the following safety rules: • Stay away from the Danger Zones around the bus. • Don't try to pick up something dropped near the bus the bus driver might not see you. • Remember that other motorists don't always stop for a stopped school bususe extreme caution whenever getting on or off the bus. SCHOOL BUS SAFETY IS A TEAM EFFORTNOTHING IS MORE PRECIOUS THAN A CHILD'S LIFE. 19 | P a g e SOUTHORANGETOWNCENTRALSCHOOLDISTRICT DEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION 623WESTERNHIGHWAY BLAUVELT,NEWYORK10913 2015‐16SCHOOLYEAR ALTERNATESITEREQUESTFORM IMPORTANT: This form MUST be received by the Transportation Department no later than July 20, 2015, in order to have in place for the beginning of school. If the form is not received by July 20, 2015, the change will not take place until two weeks after the beginning of school. Any future changes in your child’s bus schedule will require a 72 hour notice and submission of this form. Please e‐mail the form to [email protected] Parents will receive this form with the effective date of the change and new route/stop information My child, _, grade _, will be going to an alternate site for childcare. This site is located within the South Orangetown Central School District. The name and address of this site is: Name of Site: Address: Phone: This childcare is for (check one): NOTE: CHILDCARE MUST BE FOR THE SAME LOCATION FIVE DAYS A WEEK, THE WEEK CANNOT BE SPILT. AM only PM only AM/PM Parent/Guardian’s Signature Phone #: OFFICE USE ONLY Date Change becomes effective: _______________________ Route #: _______ Bus #: ________ Bus Stop Location: _______________________________________________ Approximate time of: Pick‐up ___________________ 20 | P a g e Drop‐off _____________________ SOUTHORANGETOWNCENTRALSCHOOLDISTRICT DEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION 623WESTERNHIGHWAY BLAUVELT,NEWYORK10913 2015 – 2016 SCHOOL YEAR WILLIAM O. SCHAEFER BUS DESIGNEE FORM Dear Parent or Guardian, In the interest of safety for your child it is necessary to have a written and signed document detailing who has permission to receive your child at the bus stop. Please fill this form and email or fax it to our office. This form will be kept on file and on any given day, any of the 4 adults listed can pick up your child. Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Student’s Address: __________________________________________________ Students’ Bus Number & Bus Stop Location: ___________________________________________ Parent’s Name and Phone Number: Parent’s Email: _________________________________________________________ The following persons are authorized to receive my child at the bus stop: (ONLY LIST UP TO 4 NAMES – 1 NAME PER LINE) 1. 2. 3. 4. Designees must be prepared to provide a government issued photo identification. Signature of Parent/Guardian Date PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED FORM VIA email to: [email protected] Or fax to 845 680‐1972 by August 28, 2015. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Form Received By: 21 | P a g e Date SOUTH ORANGETOWN CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT 160 Van Wick Rd, Blauvelt, NY, 10913 845-680-1137 Fax: 845-680-1049 2015 – 2016 SCHOOL YEAR Request for Transportation to Private School * Form must be received by the Registration Department by April 1st of attending school year. The district will adhere to and enforce this cut-off date and cannot guaranty transportation if form is received after April 1st. **Proof of residency must be provided. (i.e lease, proof of ownership / deed, mortgage statement, statement from third party, etc) **School to which student requests transportation MUST be within 15 miles of the child’s residence Student Name: ________ Address: ______ __ City, State: ___Zip: Mother’s Full Name & Daytime Phone: ________ _________ Father’s Full Name & Daytime Phone: __________ Guardian Email: Emergency #: Age (must have proof child is at least 5 years old by Dec 1st of school year): Gender: Male ___ Female Ethnicity: Date of birth: Present grade: School Presently Attending: Private/Parochial School: School Address: School Phone #: First day of school: Time Classes Begin: Dismissal Time: ___________________________________ ______________________________ Signature of Parent/ Guardian Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Form Received By: ______________________ Date: _____________ Mileage from Student’s home to Private School: ________________ 22 | P a g e SOUTH ORANGETOWN CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 160 Van Wyck Rd, Blauvelt, NY, 10913 2015 – 2016 SCHOOL YEAR BUS STOP SAFETY EVALUATION REQUEST Dear Parent or Guardian, Prior to completing this form, please review what constitutes a safe stop per New York Regulations: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/schoolbus/Parents/htm/school_bus_stops.html. You can also review our Pupil Transportation Handbook: http://www.socsd.org/transportation/2014‐2015/pupiltransportationhandbook2014‐15.pdf. Please remember the District utilizes centralized bus stops that have been existence for several years, so unless something has changed these stops have been considered safe. If you still feel that we need to evaluate your bus stop, please complete this form and submit the form via email only. The transportation department will acknowledge its receipt and will respond with a decision via email generally within 2 weeks. School Name: ________________________________ Bus/ Route # _____________ Bus Stop: _________________________________________ Student’s Name: ______________________________________________ Last First Student’s Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ House # Street Name City State Zip Code Reason for Evaluation: __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Phone Number Date ____________________________________________ Email FOR OFFICE USE ONLY _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Form Received By Final Determination Parent/Guardian contacted and advised of final determination by 23 | P a g e Date By (init) Date Date