SrWS lihose, (Who "Get 'Thmf* wita an, The Trolley league season will ba ioaugora ed at the Alkali park tomorrow, wh« a a game Kill be played between tjb.4 sodajash boys and LaPoJote'a A WILL BX 3,000.000 OALLOH PUMP boyefrooi Mt. Clemens. The visitors L0H8 18 piAOBD A% to.OOO are a t strong aggregation and hava Mmj*r M«aia««hlla. M B W M , 0 » r l F , always |lven the home hopes a good ffoi * ol IWbalW Utg^—l VtHUr Wmr » • H k i M ^ H tor p « w i «f W««k»A p p o t « t a « « t CMllnftMl* qettla.. • * ^%*^AtV,; Reflect! And Started ton eh* Bal is <f««to«i|ia|«ais>U D*l*? ffllllUjUlt. 1 ' . An inf Itatleu has been extended to . , »}^H^ r v. the Jtnsyt r and other city officials to ba fire orlglni.tlog Itom some un- \ present rhteh tbey have, accepted^ so the eatjra ice of tbe city Into tbe league' known cause c< mpletely destroyed the c o n building icf the Detroit Valve & Class will ba fittingly celebrated. ' Joseph Hoarse* la organizing $ Fillings Co., iautbwest of the High parade li which nearly i l l owners of sob JOI, at 8 o'op ick Wednesdsy mbrn t tbe eotonoblles loathe city have pro- ing Theorem of a switching engine mised to take part. The procession flrs; notloed a light In the building. 1*111 leave the Alkali olnb house at .Thi-y supposed it to come from a about 3 F M . and will wind up at the fur iace, and thought,nothing of It until park wtsre Mayor McQlaoghlln *Jll sometime later, when noticing that the pitch tbe -first ball and will than declare b!a 5« increased In slza they aave an WTMfdqi te on the baseball mapv , ,K ., alia m,, ft w i s fo;»late to save tbe buildwajnyv nercbabts will decorate.tSeJr ing, bat the .fir imen kept the flanks stores.! ; $ fro is theo^er bt lldiogsof the company. Archie LaPolnte will pitch for the I k e l08B- eriln atedat about $5,000, la •/ visitors ind Fitepatrlck will receive , • those *f his offering? tbatitbe Alkalis coveted by iniuianesi do s o t neet with their/sticks, t h e The setback ^111 be fl^ly temporary. local bat sery will hS' Rleg .and AmlOt. Wi:h commendable energy, the man' Fred I leg-has not ye,t taken part In ag< rs of the plat \ had men at work on a tbe Alka 1 games but as his curves are neu buljdlng before the ruins cooled, working fine there Ms every hope that he will s ifely 'put away his first game awl several ^eat of Walls wejro up by in this c< itnpany. Wednesday nigtt, A very line attraction Is promised for ¢3^ * The aldermen transacted a lot of A Bank Account batloss* at a MMloa !)Ta4n«*dajr night la Blade, -Oi^that lasted until mtdolfbt. . l Crosswilkswers A l f r e d 60 Molberrjr And ICept A street eonneettng with the new plant of the CamtfbslIKlogalej: • Manufacturing G^^ngl, Co, u d sidewalks to eonheat with the mmmmmfmmtm EanaTHCi oroMiogs will tfe ordered atthensjct *w» meeting. The street committee was th^Ltj vi ill' be on exhibition in our window for one gtrse power to act 00 the request of the o m p a n y for permission ^ lar a sideJ weiek coito|iaeiil:ing May 2 7 ¾ *^ x *" track lo to its property. ^ -' J « I,, ,u I ~ I . T^ I I ."1 afsror McGlaugbllu made these sugn «|i; gestions: That the city bsH bi painted by the firemen, and that-the front of the balding ba lighted better at night; that the cost of stringing Incandescent light* -on both stdea of diddle a venae from- Pine to Chestnut street* be ascer>*\$V&A!iteW$^; /Vyandott^MMu ., , tained; and that the'grans on Superior h a Strong, Safe-and Gmservativja — bpnlerard be cut and kept in shape Depository for Your f o n d * . 'lT£ -^^r sk±-4 M f " >i>" 'with a mower. The street committee =*= A...;,^W M « ''' ws« later in the evening e Aipowered to ' ' i < if ' ' / , see that the boulevard Is kept in preWe Offer I 1 J .< ' >> ' sentable shape. at $10,0^ par [!'"¥ ' l i j ' i ^ *|j ' A report from to*e board of public ball plai ejrs and tW battles of former, \ day wit 'ba renewed at this meetings U f, >^ a* siriaH amount of • j works, naming the appointees given The nev' subjects of Sing' George V BOSfa or Work* OrsfMilied and Btoeted i 1 PERHAPS, MORE THAN AjKY/ etsewbere,aod fixing salaries as follows, bare bee a cleaning Up on the Detroit Offlcerij Moftdey Ntgbt SAVING was approved: Superintendent, 8166 6fr teams a ad are determined 4o annex Commission^ Frank Marx was elect OTHER JJJV£$I$ VIRTUE DEVEliOPS CHARACper month; engineers, 975; electrician, Mondays game. Their .battery will ed-president 0 the board of publl be Bens nd. 'Parent or Chapman (the $90. assistant electrician, 93.95 per day; man witi the corkscrew windup),'and sewer inspector, 13 9S per day., 0 our old 1 riend Morrie Reynolds, 'while works to snecee U S Van Alstyne^^i m,ffi&«M*m* FORW E D THE i^ABIT an adjourned m seting held on fc*ond^ Th'e board asked Tor an appropriation Maoagei Browae announces that he 1 I ^ A V I ^ |TI»I>S IT SQ ATTRACTIVE IfHAT •/ For ftatHcutsfS Vrite o4 Phoat * ; oM500 for sewer mainteoattc8/ add of will use I Jurphyanti AmlotorGueOther. night- / The gi me will start at 3 P, M , so be vriUftr A IfAir JBE &AVES,KAT\ RALLY. Tbe old office * of tbe board were \ r $3,000 for the electric light department. in tlnieV / reappointed as,] oilows: Superlntend,e: f The resignation of Hugo Mehih'ise as Tbe v slfora expect {to bring a large A BANK ACCOUNT AND SEE * Unloo Trust Bldr„ D«tro| r Mi|h. ' A. S. McClenab jn; electrician, John a member ot the biard was accepted, bunch of rdoters front the Canadian Racho*. aseistait, Theodore Gabri side t o e teer their pets on. to victory and the mayor s appointment of Carl engineers, JRer* »an Sohultz and JoJ F Scbroeder to fill tba vacancy was '4 Donaldson-;] seifer Inspector, Glib nnaalmoasly continued. McTaggarlj, The con 0try treasurer reported a On account bf bis difficulty in heal $10,874 88 wad of money from'liquor log, Commissioner Hugo Mehlbose, Ai«^« ',' • f 1 license* due the city. ' The sum of PpesiNet^ Bright far » panble Vectors; appointed by Mayor McGlaughlin to •»> <u\>> 'M-9 $1,000. was placed In tbeflrojuud, $1,800 :$ f t., LADdiny. succeed J. Hi. )lsbop, jr., aa member In thtt road fund, anil $7,874 fn the cool > . J im Sverytihlng Is favorable for Wysn^ f4he board, underedhle resignation, 4 & SAV1NOS BANK tlogettt food, dotts ssc Bring the motor, truok factory •hlchwasaoieoted. The council, by an 8 to 8 vote, decided referred so last weak, An agent of HJ» ^ H*,^ on -a 8,000,000 gallon j u m p for t h l oanpaoy la n o w taking a list of local .1 The bid of-fu ai Hoffman for supply log the cltyjkltl 1 < ' V W tons of coal w » a water works, and instructed the board stock subscribers, and there is ilttle CONNER OP BIDDLE AND OAK. ^ ^ \ ^ of poblic works to take Immedlat* doubt tfa it the $80,000 askedfor will be a&eptedYi cJ 24 bids submitted, ~ t to the council requests ^biboar action la erecting a building and Install secured. . \ foif> two |applrjclpriations, aa follows: "Brings admiration to ail lag the pump. • portion of Vine street ,' . I ' Ml-" ' There s also good grounds for qottfi Lighting plant, $8,000, made necessary who see therri, »ati«faction will be vacated for the addition 3 The offlolel bonds of. City Clerk 80III dance thi t Wyandotte will seout* the for Improvomeats on account of the to all who own them." *«—*• h ' » i M n n i 1 ''I'lffiMlwy '' ' ' ' ". , "' Veloh and Constable big Day! 00 airless tlra factory plants extra denijai d f< ir elaottlcity ^or power, vaa, Poundmastsr Welohand •sm M | MB \^_^ £ -^ Tbon, and the contractor's bond of The con< em has bean Incorporated to and $500 forse* er malntenapce.' I fsham Brewer were approved Mtchlgai aa the Detroit Airless'Tire '-The report^ estimates f^M J9.0D0, Applications for liquor licenses from Oeorgs) Dorfcbe and George Oohl—the and RubherCo. with a^apltaiieatloti 000 and a 5,000,( 00 gallon spuoip for the third attempt by the latter—were turned of 11,50(,000, of which $1,000,000 is water works^wi s referred^ to the cpun ,i,ii't!.,il!A;,i.i!.tttrg 'ZTTT^H down. common and $600,000 preferred stock. «11. t% *., ^ * The board of works will be requested s l e s are under conside,ratio,o? \ to Install at least one Are alarm box on Three two in I etrolt; and one here, and it'Is O A. ]3r RECEPTION \ the west side, at Oak and Twelfth said tbat Wyandotte stands the better streets. r The Tnesday1 evening annual mSmv ; Acting upon a suggestion from the chance- »1 landing the concern. A mayor. Aid. (lagan's motion to notify number of prominent Detroit capireception ID the G. A. R. veterans, dealers that no dynamite crackers or talists h tve taken stock, in thQ com- ortal by ihe^^pworth league andVftnelr .canes or blank cartridges, will be perfriends was 0 B i of g'reat 'sncceS^ and mitted to be sold for the Fourth in •pany, an 1 the Da-yton" men will retain i Wyandotte, was carried. their lnt< rests., ] •> ,," » pleasure. J « ,-, t/ ' t u The annual appropriation ordinance The c< mpany's first buildlqg ,wlll Th,e veterans were th^raT ,all ^who •was introduced and adopted/ iThe only measure 300x350 feet,£ and from 300 to fight was on tbe item for the police 600 men will be,, employed, .The local could' bei and jeebpied seats of/\onor fund. T)>e reqnest of Commissioner site under coostueratton is locaud In behind a hank ot Bowers and jiajms. Cassidy for $3,100, providing for e, tbe First ivard, and is owned by a. H. Several more who found it $po$/ marshal' and two poliaaaieb, was em* Bishop. v ' „r slote' to ibe pre tent on account of sick bodied in the ordinance as drafted 1 ness or other lutles remembered the Aid. f o o d moved an amendment HER WYANDOTTE DEBUT occasion and sei it their regrets, naming $3,800, so that three policemen '* ,H eould be hired. Tbe amendment failed, MlMBitr»c<>», H » n l » ^ W l U B « A i i l i t « ( | bjr The decorations were exceptionally Aid. Coan, Cramer, Coomer and Youd Jo Fta»Tfl«nt. Ift&ng} and the, Jtogtam, which appears, voting yes. Aid. Barnosky, Hanbrick. •Gartner, Murphy. Ragen atnd Seuartz Miss Ethel Phoebe Ruth Sprague, tbe belo>,j proved! wjse In choice and no. The ordinance as a whole was wonderful Wyandotte child pianist arrangement ahd carried with it ring adopted by tbe same vote, with the ayes who has created-such a sensation in of % a ? t ^ V » f syp|patSy^fa^tr(ot|d and aays reversed. educatjpnandejthttslasm,; ; j , Tbe total appropriation Is $43,000, musical -circles, will make her hohie fdivtded as follows- Contingent fund, 'debut at a rafiltal to be givfln lb Odd *^e addtoai.h^J^r.,{Beu«slit Ujos|»yj f 18,900, "are* $»,000, streets. $1,500. fellows' hailjaext Tuesday evening for. of Detroit w«f j»ne «of, the;, bes^t STOR t it. police, $3,100; Interest, $11,500, electric b'eard on such -• anx bccaslo^ ends tbe 1 light. $3,500; poor, $1,000; park, $8,000; the benefit of St Stephen's Episcopal musle and sin [lng throti«hout, both : sewer maintenance, $500; sinking, ohurch. Miss Sprague possesses mar' • M «1.000. Tbe total is $5,000 greater than velons ability for one of her age, 'and special a n | th« iiatrlotlo songs, Were Jan year.' the increase being made deserves an appreciative hearing. ^ She rendered with tl ie spirit and the tinder necessary by tbe purchase of tbe water will tie assisted by, her teacher, Miss standing. ' ^. Ir x t['Pf-, , works lot* and of building sites for Elisabeth O. Mplivath, and .by Miss The audience which' well filled the factories. . , *<n league parlors', bespeaks aA true loyalty; >> Ruey Katherln 8mlth and pupils. K ',1 $> and devotion In both o.u^ young knd MASS MUVriJG *OR MBN Tbt* Is the splendid program that has h, fishing seison isi" 'tn o w ^ ^ « 1 » $v*tt old of this city, ind one ao4 all epjoyed A mass meeting for men, conducted been arranged for the recital; x v 'j t, i 1 by the Methodist Brotherhood, will be l (a> Flue de Coralt...., Orau. op. 88 nojtbnly thejiterary and musical fesf't ijjj$ft<£ «|t« i p Q « ^ do^n* i i H ^ttdfer-llto held In the alethodlst church on Sunday • tb)T«Di*»i»e.... 6t»»Eth«IHio«b«Ruth8prsf«J '» , bat also the re Ireshments served Wi^b equ pa ent In shape and start out after tine pame. tact and taste bj the- sqclal department evening >>«t. , The general suhfact will 7T SlMRu«TK«tbsrln Smith. " of the league. > ' be thet*8ew movement among, ni|o in S Aroani (MISCUODM , .<"....- .6...»._.BsSnier, item , \ the churcnea/^diaooasesl by i»). W. ^ Violin SQIO • ' 1 Twenty five ' blooming geraniums SpMsns. were mrned ov« r i o tbe veterans at the Springer. A. x . Brook will apeak on MasterMrai w~c t J• . n .........Piganlni close, to be used on Decoration day b: snoi OtWow , , _.._._ "Operating in civic righteousness:" 6 . (b) Ksnwnbl OtUow, ...A'.""Rubsitfttln, op, 10, Mow te them, also a lltt ebuach of most beau tl »...A. A. Smock on "Operating la missions;'* .HilsSnrains, 6APW|tst, rrtsNeWJboetof" & f j>od B. C. Bryan on "Operating In CMto|.()ban«tsn _ . , I ?' ' » I \oxtp one* .....V.......MIM lass Brown - of both tne<. soil tera ana the league) •rangeMlstlo effort" Thar* will he 10"!' y • a ^ t ^ ^ iTJteran present. B«ur«.....~«»^lllis Viola jElstn speclfi music Ijr the eboir, the male, Soto...... -•^"•"•^""'•y" ••••-^SsisotSo quartette, and a duetfbj.Messrsi Hookey t aoprano Was «il«»b*«b O. Stcllvaln ,'"\ A\ i ,^/.^.,....^,..^.,.,.(. MmiytttMrnfji span DTItan WSpft ' _Acco»paDUt,Ml»sSpr«|qs. •ndQroff. vH: TRMOIOS ..«^i».»>j»iii...>»" .j.,..^«;,..^.8slepaw For raat-T-» r,oon< rtfpfclarn honse, 888 MtoWt Blddle ave. N. k I n q u i r e ^ W. H. Lacy, 8 (s)$MaBi£l|($eQg..i4 ever poatoffloe. 1 .' * V A seilfalwysrtal^^^tapnisdl, b^. J»t \ I > 11 .in, ni m j<r3 Resolve! -¾ Wyandotte j& Garrison, IMS *1% I, | ID •if ''A Detroit Valve & Fittings :, Co/Stnli GEaM.WESTt^CO, S ' t f At *iPvVAND0TTii'JpH. 1 1 ,** * '. 1 1 1 1 'T --. • ' y. . , i , « . . | - , < 11 1 , , i , .11.11,.1 , IIJ11 m, ,,,11, t a, fi| 1.,1,,1,,.^ »1 W. Pardo, .,,,,,,,,1,1,,,8/(,,1,,111) , V' } f ^Vl GOODS Suit the W f n t h ^ t / Every One, ^\': / ^Thijs yiear! mpre than 6yer|befo|re we are in a po^itfoii t p i t ^ e the^ very bftit.Qf c^revof all fevers o»f /tnel tiatipnal^game, in a^thiiig''ijhsik p^t#ii^ jtp thi^ popular s^ort; I-' 1 ittittV'es « s & Ih¾^lsL¾ ^?M?r'i #! ^#* ETC., ETC % 1 H ; » 1 ? -r ( -/ '1 The best makes at prices ,% »A A\ rf ,9 s a Soot, "ttas; ile w 81w ^ " " . . . . . . ....^..^rsene • 11 . 1 ' "i i i i i i i < ^ v » . ' Mm Q M U | M t l l » , ^ K ! Without the use etf 8«sIoS Pills a weak or ran downjparaon cannot ex^ f buESSte spat >' 3 Owing te-^ha amount of detail t o net * box; stx'oosee $5, with fall gbarantee. perfected, It la absolutely necessary thatJ Addres* or eatt-Dorranct At Garrison., all returns beta by Jan* 18, as ^ d|mfftsM.wber$ they sell aU tkf riff!**" ^ M * « M f f ^ r e n s s d l a s sad do twt $ttf 1 ,¾ 'S ^-^^-^-^- ifai ,tlfe « ft, lA^aft...,..^ THEH1[fcRAt:D; F - BASEBALL / « J. D. HAVEN. A 1 X A U 8 W W OPMrWG (JAM* m FIOPU* CHOICE W'V j," !«<AM*#. «r the I sort Joyous and festive occasion it W E THX CITY CKAMPI0M8H» hss beep our lot to witness ID thl word ^ e o r r o w i , Bl# lack.1 i f w t i series of gapes f^ri ,the, lodepen* Men tote bad, retired on a longfl>,1«; Hei t ohamplonshlp of Wyandotte has go c 1 a Vide one which got MtftpBy li been arranged between/the.CdntritU tbe back and he ; gamboled |to first and Alkali Cnvi. Tbe Cabsf.are coofl* ther h triple by Woodruff, double b; dent, bat the Centrals have'a better Moijson.and corking singles by B*yi record than the Cobs so far thlf year tope ptf, Plnson brought in five run l and Manager Sehaumberg U equally The bfee ball seatoofor JMO opened on the Alkali park with > close and Interesting game in wfalob the Alkali drinkriv<wr;,waterin'the Spriii^ of tbe year, when the TH« HKBALD li' an. Independent boys downed the Solvay aggregation by * batfest in the tooth Inning when newspaper M far as party affiliations certain that hk pets will cop the eerles. heavy" rains swell the streapig and carry from their and »*rty names are Concerned, bat with two down and with Losetiftand thi The; first game will be played; otf banks the accumulation of a Winter's filth. wbaa a candidate 1« presented, by any Woodruff on third and lecppqi -'totes Alkalis had i few left and brought ou, Declsratlon day morning at'the Alkali • v. respectively Imploring for & ohattoe to political organization, superior in three more safeties,' bringing In oo< park. Play wilt be called at 0:80 with get home* Daddy Yopa valiantly strode nearly every regard to hie opponent*, more run end going two) io toe lead $leliolsbn the firing line for tbe Cubs by reason of nnusual fitness for the tp the plate and «met the "first ball t h e Burroughs tied It ufi lo their hai Apd Prleskorn or George In the box for '- position sought, we feel it a doty we pitched driving It safely between short of the eighth when, with two down ani theijentrals. arfd third Into the,left field^brlnjrtng owe the public to use every endeavor two on, Maher, by virtue oftheump'i Loselln homo with the run that won 1 i\: — ^ 1 — ' v consistent with, honest journalism to poor eyesight, gpt another* craeto at thi the day. ' > t i o n F o n d l e s A Child. , 4Mgpi&0te the candidacy of such a ball andj brought In two rune. Fron In the first three inningsithe visitors theelgh^ to the 15th both .pltcheri Ih*iHt&Wg a savage lipn fondled $ band that a qhlKi fcbrust into hi* 'Pajb/lck H. Kelley has been for went out in order, four by t,he strike- 'wH$f$ W0* ,**"BrVw*dn« ovt»JMi .cage., Danger to a child lis sometimes aeMral Jyea^s past'in the • public eye, out route and 'three on/ assists by the danKer spots verj|^k?llfully $&&¥&» great, when least regarded. Often it •nd koav^s3o all as an efficient and pitcher, but in the fourth Vigor opened last baM of theltiih when Jiho'Adders! comes, through Colds, ACrp'npti and te£a refreshing, safe drink, which can be had for j the v T Who mlog Cough. They slay thousands, ioeorruptibff state official, a patriotic up with a two bagger and scored on -s^njrrBjw " •*«•• ' • ~ " ' that Or. King's New Discovery could asking. ,,/ ,it j M. Clune's bit to center. The latter t citUen and mpworthy and active memlooking fcJr,^ T. ,_o have|saved,' 'fA^few doses cured our 1 tried to take second on the throw in] ber of tike Republican party. We have briag lb tbe winning tally, and the baby of a veVy bad case of Cr'ouV telephone and same will be delivered at ^our carefully watched tha^pod of events but Mehlhose's fast and accurate throw b<rogryt fans went' home to. cold sappers writes Mrs. George B.' Da^ls, jof Flat Rock, HI.'Q., "We Olways give It'to hiqi door in 3 gaUoiJlj)Ottles for 5oc per bottle. «OHU. since the candidacy^d|^eii|(^teji*pt was intercepted by "Bit" and returned , Ii^tJjfl hlttiDg line MOXSOD wa$\thc wheh be takes cold. Its a wquderful to-fecqud In time to get Olnne^the "governor was first anSounee^aBA^ big nolsvii securing, two doubles « | d niedlclne for babies/' Best for Coughs, " Photiesi^ " Doxf two were taken care of by .Tfedd^y; result have been unable t»find;ei !four singles out of seven trips ttftlj 'Colds, LaGrlppe, Asthtaa. , Heniorrperson afcle to pot his anger on ^ one so that the. little rally, w&tatiioklr blate; while Meblbosh stirred up^ th« hages, Weak Lunge, 60c $1.00. Trial free. Guaranteed by Dorrabce 4 > ; T ; ; f«af w|tb a starcatoh lo left field. . . , *bottle •Ingte act of Patrick A Kslley that has .'•topped,,-/ Garrison and Cahalao Bros.' drug* not bees? strictly In accordance' with 'During tbe first fiv^ innings the; '[After they got going tbe Alkali gists. ' ' 7". the highest Meats of integrity, honor Alkalis were meat for Lang, except played the snappier ball and their hits Daddy who, hit safely, jbptte timer up were all,good, clean blngles, bntitbey and,moraHly., m When snob) a candidate offers himself hot In the sixth, with one do%n, Wood- were outlti^ked; any Way the lose of a for high oficial station, he ought to ruff, singled and jreached th^td on, game such' as this i s no disgrace. ,>*> receive a majority of the suffrages of pioxson's drive, and Teddy lnimedl?be score; •---W, the people—a majority sufttaieatly jttely stole second, both crossing the M: A.C. I . V ABB } First and Oak Sts. pan when MClone let Scotty throw large not to require, a recount. .' 1»VM> rf. »«•*. 4 en Daddy'* bard drive get through; him. Wetmsttbe electors of^Wyandotta 2 3 9 '« 1 REMEDY will do their duty by giving Patrick H t h e Mvays gamely came back lo jhelr i SI 49 47 1I » Kelley an almost unanimous vote for half: of the eighth whep Edwards; bit e 01 11S00, « 3 o_i_.„..., s o 018 1 1 M, ^ the-Wgh office of governor at the home the/tying *&& bnj; Bit averted" QnenUier, MebmoM, if.:... « o 0 9 14 primary election on the sixth- of further danger byt striking orittikenext, ^„M0rpby, p ,.. .5 t 1 0 8 0 Woodruff started the September next. t. two batters. 'fotalB ..A ^....„\ .68 7. 18*48 30*« YOUR Alkalis' half of the eighth with a, nice ,1t •One out wheD wlnolqg ma scored, btngle, reaching second on .Mtftton's t .k '„ r™nii i" N ORDINANCE, tp Provide and sacrifice where he watched Sops, jfod* / B ' B0RBOU(?flB. AB R p 0 A 5 • Wlsjs; appropriate the several amonnta Uaber, Sb ....—..A.——. 5 1 2 I 4 Aral tie preparation torbothlnterOBl'and!** reqalred to defray the expenditures and Boettner fall victims to Lang.. t*'' McNeill, W I 6, l oWek *»Mef to the auBerS 0 ....:. *... 6 l The Solvays threatened in the tenth Carrol, p. and lb liabilities of the city of Wyandotte, for atoM all aches and pslaj vj$m jobjiison, lb and rt, 7 I 4 aft ..... .— _ _Issol«i8 poisonous sul the- fiscal year ending the first Monday, when Uosmer reached first" on} a Bdrvtt, ofM.,..„k „..,...., 17 i O l t i t stance and assists nature in the mtorlna tne ays of October, A O. 1911, and the sam» to fumble and Scott drov,e a bight llnbr, PowB^r, %b .„„.U +... 5 0 3 0 B„0 to a- healthy -condition. Sold by^ruteistl Adams, rf .,.„.. ,..„.A...<....,........ 2 o 0 0 0 ,0 teni be termed the annual appropriation One Dollar per bottle, er©sent prepaid una Mercure, o 4>._ , , «...,. r 1 apparently ticketed safe, but Boettner 2 fl 0 " bill for the year 1910 I t , . „ „ 5 1 1 1 0 fl receipt of price if not qbtaunble in your locally 4 , putted it down and fired It to Vinson ,K«enan, p„„..<... JU&..BBWOsV, S»rd«, Wu.,|Wr«osi "T6or ^ The ally of Wyandotte oWelos: I' DHOP8"liB^cnrBd Siy vita oi Rh«iimal!»m and Neu« Sectloo 1 There shall be raised by who also had to poll it out of tl 6 sky Totals -,.- - ....,..,.1 88 « 15 45 !» •teld.und 1 itinl to nay ibuVU U;i»«rth oaft butldW general tax for the. .year 1910, to„,be but Jimmy dropped down on tie bag HUs-Oif Carrol 7,,1 Keensi. 6 Twb baw l*lt»^ dollars a bottls uutssdof only onedoUar," £* A ROOM . MOXHOII 7, Murmirc, Kemiun. ThrM-bruoo lilt— assessed, levied and collected by tax 00 WiXHirufr Bftcrtttoe blt—Mulior hlolo»J biuioH The cost of cleaning wall* ail the taxable real and personal prop- before rlostuer could get bacK com- —Moxnpn 3, Y<>|>», I'UJBOU, Melillio^e, BurnH, and 'ceilittgR by decorators is RoTser. Klmi N»o on, Imllji—Murphy' I, mrrol erty In thWlty of Wyandotte, the sum pleting a lightning double. 8. Hit Inr HlUihdr^Hurphy S, Can " $1.0tf dr moi-c por re"oin. of 113,900 00 to be appropriated to the Thoo eame the doings with obe £I. Keeni\ii KeeiMi. 1. first bniio auerron-M. A iO<», You con do it with the SANTQ contingent fund to defray the contin- down. Loselle hit Into rigid ttejd tjiifrough* i. Left on I^HUB—M A. O. 14, lltirrpUKlM U, Htrnyk oul-Mnrphy 13, QHrrolll. Vacuum Cleaner for only1 % cents. gent and other expenses ol the city for 6. Double pl»yn-Yap*. Wooilrntt! niid Simply connect the/"SANTO to on ordithe payment of whlobOno other pro- reaching third on Woodruff's ilngle, KUOPHI) PditoD, OneiHlior ni>d YOPK; Clurrof, Jolimon nary lamp socjket and uso the special wull brush, which teftpari of and Benny tried to draw a thr »w by »|ii( PowDor. ^'Imu8:06. Ati^idwice 7(W, vision Is made. ' hvery SANTO equipment. I ' TOVDAV for a trial bottle of "i-Dropi Section 9. There shall be raised by stealing second. Teddy madet great burself. We will gladly send Vt't am general tax for the yesfc 1910, to be effort to bring them In but was insuo The tAWTQ «)>•-(> flciina all of your other 'furnlHhlnjr*, hirludins; • rou iJoatliald, absolutely free. narpct«. lil*«i, drnperlcH. upliotetory, bol.li plftln l^ol (uftod. hiuylwotfd ., I, absolutely free. \ assessed, levied and collected by tax en 0998 LOBE AT WINDSOR (loors, bnddlirsr, clotlilnfr, fniH, ham, and everything- olae that must ha cessfuU leaving the chance for Jtaddy all the taxable real and personal prop•WAII0H RHEUMATI0 OUH lOiPAMY, kept trtidfrpnviiwtt and dirt. erty fn said olty of Wyandotte, the sum |o cover himself with glory. The RAITTO In- known ON the cleaner without a fault It mat. P«pt.ee . 194 l«k« Street, Chicago of loVoOO 00 to be appropriated to the The game was one of tbe fasU it and tors 'not how trlilcnl yoii inny bo, or IIOL- oxnr(lln»f In your deThe Alkali Cubs dropped a game to mahds for a por foot oloiininjr outfit, you w l l nay irftor a trial of Are department fund tp defray the ex*most interesting ever seen In Vyan- tbe Waysides of .Windsor last Saturday .one hour that iho SAITTO 1» Indeod tt real iiuuemjliy. I t E M I M B f R T H I , ItfAMB pensee of purchasing Are apparatus, The SANTO IS made In the lnrjroftt factory \x\ tho world depaying firemen's salaries and all other dotte, three double plays and i fine by a score of 0 tp 8. Tho Waysides voted to this huelnofn. It 1« sold Aind'r h ^mirnnty bond Inetpkd expense* necessary to maintain the tire catch of a foul fly against the fe ice by hftye been trimming senior teams •i6f merely vebrol nromlRPH which oovar other cleanera. Prornlsos i ftrei^ortWess unk-ss (educed to writing. Our'ffunraotoe really department of the city of Wyandotte'' Clune being the* fielding features around Detroit for several years, but protects you. ' i * ' Section 8 There shall be raised by Woodruff and Yops were the >rin)ht at that the game was a seesaw 'affair All we want, \F an opportunity to allow you tho vaat d)rTerenoe, general tax for the year 1010, to be ..between a Ouatlcas homo and a homo cleaned by ordl- < ' ' assessed, Wvled and collected by tax on particular stars with the wlllov', and up to the seventh. Bunched hlogles nary methofls. \ resulted in four Windsor tallies in this . all the taxable real and personal prop- the quality of the pitching mky be VKBB 0|Plr^S»t-it will cost 7011 nothing- to And erty in the city of "Wyandotte, the sumjudged by the fact that no one received session. Thefieldingof the Cubs *as oat. W» will clean a rut* for you'without cost. of $1,600 00 to i be appropriated to the free transportation to first. Tbe'game fairly steady, tyut hits were Badly street fund to- defray the expenses ofTHE GREAT fltHMEDY A slmpl&i rcniiest on a postal or_tolophonp onil win opening, widening, altering and vacat- wis entirely 'free from kicks, bdth lacking in the pinches. Chances were biting the B\aJf*0 to your home. We will be gla4 to wasted on the bases, and eight Cubs do H without obligating you. itet uu da It toduy. ing streets, alleys and public grounds, UD ipjres being in excellent forn , and and for grading* paving, curbing, grav- w4*iah to say right here tha; thewere stranded on the sacks in the eling and otherwise improving, re- Solvays are always welcome t< this course of the game. n pairing and cleaning the streets, alleys Girard was the big hitter for Windnod public grounds of the olty, and for town as their gameness and sportst * SOLKAOKNT Hmrf Burn, Btlohing anil the construction and repair of side manlike qualities Have always appealed sor, while "Bush" Lonaoger poted out \ES& 15 WYANDOTTE, MICH. walks and crosswalks, and for the care to the local fans. a single and a tWo-baggen ' The h e a ^ thereof. „ end of the batting order had an Off day; 9 9 Cente Per tto» \ Seejfou 4. There shall he raised by Tbe score: T ATonuGGisri but Long performed in excellent style M > . C. . .. general tax for the year 1910, to be ABllHfl around third sack, and Clark was all assessed, levied and collected by tax^n Loselle, If „... 5 5 11 1 all the taxablo real and personal prop- Woodruff. 88 there at short. Long took the trouble Mo*goii,3b _ . /. 4 1 erty lo said city of Wyepdatte, the sum YopH, to work the ancient hidden ball trick 3b ....— & 0 3 of, 12,100 00 to be appropriated to the Boeuuer, p 4 O 0 on Saxtoo after the latter made his 4 0 0 pol\ce fund to defraythe expenses of Plunoii, lb ..J. c .., 4 0 0 li three bagger in the sixth inning,, arrests, -detention and punishment of Amlot, Mehlbose, Cf 4 0 0 persons violating theUtrdinancea of the Ilayo», rf„ _ 4 0 0 The score: / > citv, and for the maintenance of the ' CUBS. 3» 8 8 30 II 3, police of the city. - AB K II O A IS SOLVAY. * Section 5. There shall be raised by 1 2b ,,..; r •* 1 1 1 AS SchauwberK, AB Lot-auger, cf f> 0 2 0 0 0 general tax for thi year 1910. t o be Vigor, 3b.. .. ..- * 1 1 Long. 31» i7 .«• riy ERECTING \ , -j -., ,.... 8 0 0 4 t> 1 assessed, levied and collected by tax 11. Clune, lb-.. Barrett. If , 4 p.., * ...4 on all the taxable real and personal Lang, a 4 0 Clark, ss «,. S.....W.. 4 0 1 ... 4 li Clone, o .-m. Court, c,. ..-.....4.. ..J , 8 0 0 5 >i property In said city of Wyandotte, the Uosmer. If.,!,. ,..4 Everett, ib j 1 11 ,4 sum of 011,000 00 to be appropriated to ~ tt, as. 1 0 .... 10 IWSrds. Of...... 4 the interest fund for the payment of 01uhe.2b NIobols, p ^,,. 0 1. , bood8»and the interest on public debts Renner, tt...... \ Totals.,........^ ...31 l l a i i / i.„ .,„.. t of the city. • • Uuniley, rf....^ ' MANUFACTURED BY WAYSIDES. Section i. There shall be raised by AB H H 0,A tt. ene^i^B _ S4 3 T ^ E v S T E W A R T IROK \VORK8 CO,, CINCINNATI, OHIO, general tax for the year 1910, n> be 1 Caton, lb..... I 11 3 Olrard, 0 <7 1 Leads the World in Quality r Workmanship and Price < assessed, levied /and collected by tax •Two out when winning run scored ".'."1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 1 - 3 Curtis, 2b.... on all the taxable real and personal M.A.0 ' Iron Fenceibeautitke the' lawn «.Ir6n Pence adds to the,value Sexton, 8b.... 3.3 8 —i-Jt O 0 1 0 0 o i ! 0 0 — 2 Dellalre. Is. property In said city of Wyandotte, Solva; 8 I'l I L a q d makes home attractive. 1 of your property.,' Two-bate Oil—vigor. Ssorifloe hlt-Moxion. Topple, li». 19 1 0 the sum of $3,000.00 to be appropriated Stolen bases-Woodruff. Mozsob, Soott. Balk— Vlsy, rl..n„v 0 1 * 0 to the electric light fund for the con- Una. Wmbiseoiierrort-^. A. O. 4..folv»y »« 0 i 1 0 9, Lsng 10. Double playe-WooU JeSl.p...,..-.,. ~„ /.......«-»2 struction, purchase and maintenance out—Boettner 0 6 0 a ruffsn* —----* Pinion ~ - - rBoettnrt and" plnson ->In 8 1 1 * 3 of electric and other light. , .sadClan*. Time 1:40.,Unipjrei-Muri yand Oampeau, p,...>., . 1 Section 7. There shall be. raised by Perkins. ,; , IB 4 18 27 18 » general tax for, the year 1010, to he Waysides. 1 i I 0 (ri ^"ofej assessed, levied and collected by tax Cobs ,... . 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 ,|M» Two-base hlUHSohauinberg-, Lorsnger, Ostoh. SUHDAY'8 GAME on all the taxable real and personal Three-base Ult-8axton. 'Ifome run-SCsmpeau. property to said city of Wyandotte, the BlUH-fl#,8aal 4 in 0 lunlnipii off Ca#Ssurfi In com of $1,000 00 to /be appropriated to 9. Stoleh bBse»-8ohaamber«\ OenWC. NiPbfcl*, On Sunday the Alkalis journeyed to peMalre 3, Caton. Hit by pltohor-^aton.twilii the poor fund for the support of, the f Otu-By Nichols »j by Beat 3, by OanMau poor of said city and for temporary the Burroughs park, which JOB this 8.truck BssesonMlls-Off KtcboU 4, off Seal S^off relief of paupers. I occasion'vmore nearly resembled a'lake, Campeau 8. Wildi,pHc6o«-C»»p«au. PasWd ( Section 8. There shall be raised by and got stung by the local Adders In* a ball-C0»u. Umpl^b Ferrtrl, general tax for the year 1910/,-to be geme whtoh came near stretching nut assessed, levied and collected by tax The Trolley league conimeocet locsj on all the taxable real and personal to a comet party.' Frank MnVphy operatlont tomorrow (Saturdayjj- with property In said city of Wyandotte, the made his debut on the tyring ,illoe1 and sum of $8,000 00 to be appropriated to created an Impression/ as thos0wety Mt. Clement as the visitors. • T3he the park fund for the purchase of papers say. jSefore *e could get Hie Alkalis' battery will be Rleg and ground* fer^publle parks apd ' forythe f; ' ' " '•' maintenance and Improvements thereof. curves' bending right! and whjle the AJnlot." 'l,hasti year these teams met t] r Section 9. There shall be raised by' soda asb' boys were trying to find a general u * for the j w 191«. to b « t t o o t l l l i Itt t b e ^ ¾ mu^-the Adders t^mes, jthe Alkalis winning t*o, s> Over 6*0 designs. Mtide to meet all requfrel»ent«. CttEAPJBR THAN WOQI)-r^A8TS assessed, lerled and collected by tax oft, , : ™ * a ^ „,T J/LLT nid'losing one; The ecores snow that pllSetawsble real-and personal prep^' P«*lnpflve runs on.twoisetatchfWts,' they are evenly matched JO that a LIFETIME. The most economical improvement; you c j . u make. ~.^„ u , ,. . ^ v arty lo said olty of Wyandotte, the sum two bates on balls, a hit by pitcher, #0 , "Why be bothered with thofee dogs deetroyftig your flower beds when you ean buy 1 0 6 running good game may be sptpeotel, of 1600.00 to be appropriated to the" «Wqr and one solitary real gei|atne feeb ofiron fence, including pdstEj and gate aft complete, for 838.00? : ' •> ' . 1 WBOoviEHoa PATRICK HIILLIY ROCHESTER 4 tf.< 7VJ Pf.$ I fS WYANDOTTE, MICH. M RHEUMATISM Wall* f1 A m#*l Cle, 0' For O CENTS »,i I ^e-DRORS" SWANSON PIUS For COHSTIPATIOM SICK HEADACHE SOUR STOMACH . VYO P. ¢. ATCHINSON LIVER TROUBLES i . 4 Improve Your Home A Substantial Iron Fence u I *>4«**«*4«,«« ! • • • * « » • • >»J*iyr>**-r*s iB*»t*<a»i(aMk«»s**s*s*S««»i)st»S*s«« ' 1 •><— - « - * t . -m \*a i.1 *L zszii'xzxijr"""". ---. as. ,"* *t+fejp* "^ } Section 10, Tfier* ShaJI be raise* bf •»«* w d o w » •»«* W W * «*ell m** general tax for-the year, m o , to be goiog-the tqll route,of 15 Innings;In assessed. Te»led and e o f l e c ^ b y >«»:«<»> jutd eeaabn form and strlklog Out 19 61 aU the taxable real and p e ^ o a l prop ^ _ , , _ t o p n - n w '# ^ ^ erty ID s^d ciit of WTandotte, the sum ^ 7 ^ ¾ . ^ ^ ^ occasion : tho ba tfv. ol '«.«09,00* to be.^bropnTted to the *k)t*>&P*r** W n l a finest brand BoettherandQoehther. eJaV.ng fund for the nvrlpwee ' ' the bonded |ndehtedos«;of. #*&* tak41m*saedlate effect i w r e r e d May 86th. 1«0. , f tUK%, ; - j Hajroif. v • •'' : .>- sT^aVsfttt^ >! V ***&« *- s ^ ^M.MimM^Mii.^^^^^m^mM^ .*•»" >i *>i« t&'- double tot m time s f o f j ^ l r opponent* helng the welllrtio i o w e d n p w l t h a kit.'. In the^J fourth »»dpopdIar Windsor nine, Whloh r^^^_ ^ „_t.. * " * - -the U e n materiaUy stroDg^ened for 1 ldy ^ Woison unoorked i stonVl*. year. Murphy and Am^ot wUl b e ' i the,pointe for the loeaUi f 1' ' Aim carry a full Hue of. flower vases, settees and lawn furniture. Secure designs; prices and fui 1 information'from >x% a *m 9U 11^ (SKe'V*™1M *<Tl J/, M R E ' S RESTORER IS SWEET MUSH Figuring; Along Scientific lint . Dqctor Fmds ft Cure* -A. Hurnaj* jtlls HIKES THAT PREVENT DISEASE ^ - Advises a Dally Dos^ i f a Musical Rett—Thinks It Will Prolong Life •ntf Prevent Disease—Needed" Jp VJ«w of Modern Tension *of Living.. Wl ,VM )K' OF ETIQUETTE FINED FQR HIS HOME _ „ , PrDbably Co«ptt«d by One Who, Ha. Moat Remarkable ^ ^ i t | f ^h«%f*Wr> Epltode'^Iff^ths/ m t i t a h «lrt'of 1 W ^ and Wn5^&S^^^»MtW According; to h one 'ca*e\ where" a" $?• knocking o«t*hon«# the game. In 1S95\ Fwt Daty* l a ' t b e - T e * « ^ | * 8 j |*gbt)hg nose and j|f*»fc*-3 « Nil is! w^ell ,to re 1/ upon arising wiiMHhe crew tfiliAtiinrtxtfo}; aue '•B$t| need tdj anybettar a ^ i h ^ W r - - '-i{ }k tJpon rewrnWg f*dfi ^ / cw^trju; , bjOardin^Jloase. w^eW^&^dflty, efypaoi the Asking or^W^m'^M^fBK ](ttent is wondering Vhal?ftt^^fcMnf>t, &i fort. >Vprta; *. ; . t * C " # ^ ? > • & "> ^lii take tbe^tteKt'weal.'ilkvl* *eti totlj '.'&tttb"'Hyan>«. n^no-Jes^ ro$»8f maj£oa ttie FtetblWotfh teaaj, oMn*J e o ' & e , ^Inth^nrilijg ^with a slngle/'i % nature" tmv sound* rbaiantitt lind DaierGear, thj^jillc^er, was the p.extJ doean'^'ttnea'n a jtblihg;. 'f ^ *' ' '-, >. ma^up.:?Miice<Bi3rt nim to>6e p|ate / "Young' gentleman' deairra^ to "play wttV^^r^lisii'drop^ b^int and sfchd «tu1(S oviBr Sunday, itfcipe Wfar of^ a^ "SAub" ^lon^'to "second. " B a l e ^ a t bee^«aloli>h^dy:>1Jude v t» "thelr*ab-!t was .an un^hff sort of a ball.player, iene^-as ?J a,Veek-enjd| s^eiJi.ojBt a d w * ' ^ h ^ i a Xttiw'$n:>tfnrtiey In, TKansa^^ City),, and if there was. one thin#*be bated ltc*>: do lb"was to" sacrifice. -M* * HlvlTen invft^d o n ^ y a c l i t % trip a V itked to^hltl the baltf fcnd ton&tf >a^a a r r a n t >h>tMt ty tfcVbtgJft of, the Waln^sbeet, ":o,q*a8ionft% rap |be,« IDCL UIEI jiitw. ffinntBn M Prescriptions accurately com~| pounded at the lowest possible < cost. 1 A complete stock of School, Books and School Supplies, r < A dose of musical rest taken^ daily, OAHAI.AN BROS., •win, according to a New York pbiai-. clan, prolong life. Still a young/ man Prescription Prugglats, with an exceptionally w e n ordered WYANDOTTE, MIOHJ body, this doctor makes no pretence of bavfn'g put h*t theory to the personal tesL What he? has done Is to flguro it joot on scientific lines." I "*. • , ^. ' "f - ^ ' frroni deductions he1 baa {hads he: as- 8cr«fl0i v ' , -Yon Baetifice," says Mike, ' "If yon u serts that a n a n who devotes half an 4- c\p hit that ball^out^pf the diamond, l i t ^iSoJflinfti^ub? hour ot each {our and twenty to musics! rest will add from *ln to 20; per fio© you . i'surelf will." ' «r 'Gear may have meant to follow hik t-pnt. to the years oC uls life. , In his instructions f AH right enough, but thq* investigations the doctor founcV|tluft music brings jtbout ft perfect aqfust- Dallas pttehijr, put one straigbt oyiy^j inent of the different parts of t h e for him and Date took a terrific-¢1¾¾ >EALBRS IN ALL KINDS OF body. In short, a pol*e which l i even at.the ball, The Jiail ffew # ajjnej field - - ttore reposeful than sleep, li was into right when he? was looking for'some' means "down toward Hrst to meet' the exhausting ddmaods bf Jumped from the modern Jiving that, he tested the.effi- "Hi fine -you $25 cacy of iiusic and established Wits, to I i The-Dallas right his own Satisfaction. I- > , back to the fence, leap'Into the air. Being called upon to' treat patients ttarniony a«d ,*&> odor ol^ suffering from diseases camparatjve- caught that bail with'a hu^erfty/ifet^ ' ^kfya very classy cotnblpa.tlon," , It cleared the top of^he 4«ftj^£ad"fc ly new to the medtcat profession .and 1. r f t x f s n o t proper for yotjng jadWs'to went for a aotne r«n> winning ¢^#.¾ developed by the constantly Acceler•fo r akthlng without a chaberon, If 0. V^^'V^i^ ated pace of modern living, the dod- «ame, you 'have a chaperon, jiowever. not wild, ton found himself at a toss far reme^ . The Fort Worth fans f •#«# much bf anything else is necessary; 1 they showered money *>n the , pitcher dies. There was nothing which motie - At the Seashore never throw aand than briefly relieved'/demand made as he orbssed the plate, yelling, "Pay IB a gentleman's shoes. '|Pu,tlt down ft««»lS*l mtt 3 ¾ ^ ^ J-f- M your fine!, Pay your finer" M l\ on that organ by what might be called) AaW mmm Gear epilected his cap full of sifyerV] his neck. It will get tp bis ahoea ultihigh tensfop dlsordors. •^r-f » # * mately^ If he's tn a hurry jfor some in cartwheels, add then altered a large J^«f& Overpressure lor the blood vessels his shoes, he can ptft it there himself* stack to kike Ward. Mike did hot Which Is brought about by the demSM&iAz'mmU <t Dspt.!Ur.rf|k>v(*t/J -Eii# MT^'S'^W^*t*tm I Wiil^n ^ w A r l T ? « . ^ ¾ ^ There i s plenty of sand. ""' mands of Intense livings and la very know what to do, Finally he took j ^ r ' ^ U ^ C o Q k ^ ^ a n S a r of Above If yoU should find a magazine iylhg Common, causes them (o present to the money and made a speech, Ppst,;ffiB v M, t ^ ^ g H m "for-a ipng^ "t never remitted a- flne in iqy life!" around jjt a summer hotel, carry it'Up j time l i isUI1 backache and the heart an unyielding/ wall Instead into your owniroom immediately, II [ pain .'a^lBSbMher«(i>Uh barked"Mike, 'add this fine stands^ / I m ^ ^ e y s . / f About,two ' '" ' ^ ^ J i 4 S # ^ t L J*AI»ER for 1910 is as complete at of the flexible, surface which nature you don't the owner la almost sure t o a i | o * * t t i W t a ^ n g Pohjy KJd ' " any io t h p a t c Prices >» low. We have also on xhand provided. This makes each heartbeat am gotog to make Dale, a present of coine back and take It away. ^" M «nd eobn- saw they were datot M |50 out of'my own pocket." . nay I much more difficult than It should be our dW reliable j * Zra-Hfl^i, l l ^ p t q i n takipg thein jtt9ta«« and the work i f does. Is at heat Upf, I ^ A & f A I N T S , VARNISHES, £TC, Before -the Orog A«1s and now am' f^eej ftom bac|acJie^ and Slept to Death, perfect under such conditions. "Before we had governbiental In- the pain h i bladder misery, ft all iohs A case which the coroner described / . alio Mo^plffip^urlaps etc. ' How to correct this particular trou* u the most pufczling in his experience, spection of drugs," said a chemist ot I like Foley Kidney pills so well that I hie. even temporarily, WHS the ques- as tnd one which was ".evidently beyond Washington, ""queer things «sed, bf have to|< miiiy of myMenda and^pomtion the doctor was trying to solve the ken- of medical science,! came up rades ab >ut tbeni.atttfiShaH tecomfmend when be decided to make the Investi- at Tiverton, England^ recently, when^j happen, rtereisonet ^ \ ? * A ' ^ ^ thamat mfy oppjorlttbity." ^SoW.by TA Washington ntatji Nwa«t|&«tlr!yibK. |*IJdrng^ls./, J . , ) ' gations which convinced him that »n Inqhesfwas held into, the cause of music, taken a s one would, take any death, of Jane Dlrfney, a girl of 20. Dr. letitly 111", and his wife g U M & ' u j p i Other remedy, will prolong life. More Pollock Bald the girl, who was thought, of nux pills. Re took v t W e f % w l W , _«j«h pynanilta.,. than this, he finds that It will add to to be hysterically Inclined,' alept- id, /soireredV ^Phe remalnd^^rti Jh6 Bcfx ,waajii|t awnyin^a dan>g*h«fet,f' ^trar^erare sdnieioi. tM farmini efficiency as well as to longevity. ier death, and. although he ba<J \min^ J ?8ojne> time late^r, gplp^pt^^he 54 BIDDLE AVENUE. methods .-^fcalifbrjnli^, said Benja As has been recently demonstrated, ditely examined every or^aa. h e could, 1 a plant stopped la its gijowjh, and Ind no cause fpr this, the body being > cioset/the man feua'd; ttsai'tw^ # the min ^ta: ty,...M Gerjnwit()wiiL who,, recompletely rested by befn£-4£berized perfectly healthy. H ^ mentioned that' Alx piH«leftjln tneffcoVia^lBr*™^.^ cently xil^hM*QtQtai|fr irMrta &«' , will mature much quicker than one there were several cases on, record , A • hea,ithy;?W*en- shoo^ tatfj&Wah] £$SW$;4 osc^ ^0he' | a y 'iw the vtte' ifCOUi couiit|y I ;'b.ear4" a. tf^toendoue baa«, T H E left to grow | n the usual way. T o wof peopte having died without any \ fyonv#ch>'iitt^a^yon fla^saritBtiig,' -doctor reasons that the same Is true *pparent cause. . t"- ^ " > - nux >ilte/$tiey Ve>e, feoihliJ^.fut^Baa hang,, to nging. andr 8wted^rrow!^)fcJ& eovered wilna *oat dt-fltourAt J"A";' seat, tlu otking that a' 1 dr^dfu^e<pibW^l' , of human beings, though the means , A verdict o f "Death, fronr c o m " , V ' 1 ' ,v,,r ,;,<„ ' V t V - ^ , «>fH{ $ioh ha^ occurred; B«t xaf (hoa^kolarf^' WOi em>$>|oyed to secure the rest mast be j l was returned, the Jtiry not cftnl^ldefJme* wltt > iahgh, that bli different . \ ' ^ ^ fng it ne^easary-to have the ; #eajed "!M njeteiyufowing ^tpi d U a U , ^ss»hen After listening to music fox half an contents o f t h e stomach analyzed, as; ' \ „ \ : (Pos»Ive-J»0|», ^ he • went on tot explain It**] ;,wlen it hour, provided ft is of the kind which | h e doctor had stated that it Ws|t*ex< was desl *ed to loosen up tha Joil to a interests him to- the extent (hat he jeedingly unlikely that anything ipfys- his horne utotlcw Jdepth oif thJF9e''fe^t or 4o]a%amita gives ft his undtvidad attention,,^he onooa would be revealed. , "[ * V ' t .waCont .%mg \cattridge a frbfe; set Inf the fluids that he can do as much workia. 4 . ' 1 . ' • - , >alled^iaf^ttw*s;flve and s i r year old .laredj pjfe I t h e / bjro&e'up- tl two hours as he could accomplish in Nov on exhibition in C. E. three without the musical'rest This \ , Marvels'Aof the Telegraph. \< t son.^dt'dfitughter In to s e e which one b e M r i i y , t f h e i ^ i d > « , $ Kadachl, la "northwestern India,' la had, done the mischief. Of course each battle « n jp|i^h?"*nor4 $&[ t not atone true of; the day's work, be Neuendorfs window. it long or short but of the entire- now within a minute o t London by onjp'*hlamedj i t on the other, so the any mil i fyn ^ / d? yanr-j M ^ W * ) telegTaphi The fndo-Ehiropeah .Tele- - ^ f ^ t j s a i a j ^ W e M . <my son, a little cou^ld d ( . A ^ # > a j i l U p ^ t o , t h i s ; lifetime. / \ , * Machines Furnished on Trial.' graph JGompany has recently^ intrp; Estimating from such data as he duced a system; of ^relays along i t s , t>ir^^d'.Bjai:||#r,*aa sitting, on the thev dee r o y e d ^ P | | | r W ^ # 9 U e d , thfe ha» collected, It 1« his conclusion that, line, s o thai the electric current which 4 ^ 0 ^ 4 : ^ : ^ 8 ^ ^ 0 1 0 , th*;d(jglkthe' win- phylloxeia, tbj&ffiSm o | # W ^ i n e grow* provided a person Uvea s sane life to starts from London can > e propelled, feifow Wm^mM\i^^t&lSr i - v ^era. No v l n e y W d ^ o a l l W l t h a d l|eW fdynamlUd, my host said, fever'.eut , a ^ e Greatest Known Remedy other way*i he; can keep himself young the full distance of more than five' ^Br«d from the phy^oxira a|tari(ar^.'' and retain his power bf enjoyment to thousand.miles t o £ara£hi.' Hitherto" •, , • •* I >•'i,fi ' • >x"" •>•] \ « g g 1 ^ . , , 11 • . ^ „,,jj , . 1 ^^ . , J the end of his days if he devotes half It has'Wen necessary to have opera* r t . ' ^Vegatarlans in nhp^'" r > ^% / an houreach day to listening to such, - « H » . 1'.fan «**, r 104 Plum St., . f-egetarlana,' a H « > f W# toiriu aTseyeari pj6int|,to taTtelvjWte^toea-; JgtigllBb v music as enhsta his interest. lN^9ATI/r^^-. , , - **- Japs for prqviafe^aife^ \> Contractor and Builder. Estimate . This would, of course, apply only to W A Mia IOJIT) H^hierwas^e>rJy Wblil- Sdre Throat, C61<t ip Throat, or, 4filiw furnished on all class of work. those who normally enjoy work, as Far better than other res- Langs. Isafam- ed tp dei th, by a' mufe tli^t iTehad ' A l l wbrk guaranteed. 1 it la> not aserted that musical rest will kitiog, coate ,oile-thir<J as dfheh. Phono 148 J cued iro^' a bjivnlnglha-rn, A tn,ul^ i t y ^ v e n r««n„ say|ngr * | 1 rlcequickene,dnhe tftn^Jb; ^hWt^essajges develop a love for labor or perform y ie re- may ti^i|; ungrateful 4a av ttioughtlass T o u r l "iotnw»^botlit6B, - 2oo, large any other miracle, in fact Ills conten- ca*r fte,tea^sSilittidSss Tb^,^ya1t|nvfa eating "pednies "ta»e ttpifr ^ ,; ff-^'. T&jg h e ^ n suit" is;, always'dlflaHtrpas\*"io their aqn. H S ^, iftion 1* very modest compared. with not feitdK^enfeajfd^as 1 health.'* Jafts kho$V w M t ^ e a t , and use in, ^}%^¼ ¾^ but the Anglosfh* those who advocate music as a nana- . J,., . EvtrY^Jtle Guaranteed. O f t K A M t ttrtJ^ETINO.'3<'' ^ Attorney-at-Law aaf --~$L»te0mil upon i'hiehItJaa are,tootrwi«e to^IjKten # any Brltljsh Sew^l :bfltfexten4^ the, heatt^st'of advice iritehded to weafteja' >them aa Solicitor In Chancery. te»t$bMsnea: ,-¾ ^¾¾ , . The doctor also believes that^tfla \^^' welcome !.io the strangers^ wUhini her war«Horajr*Ne^,y«>t:k f r W s j r ' LOAM* AMD COLLECTIONS. musical rest will prevent disease. In t»t|t»«ftta.. >'>[<\> > RoomSjPVer rintOomnerolaland Savteg fa<;t. %i says that thowt nmr.take Ifefc^ JJ^Cjtf,[UTIZ^A'U "KPdally mm be Immune from most 4 1 ^ ^ ¾ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^irtANOOTTE fcllCM. ; Th0 ^arhifipk'drc"/ miSk «o far ,. > ^ h a t E v e r » b b d / W a « * . perfected that, it Is'mftdel^^f as an Evervt idy desires good health which I 5iay, n T n . to 7 P. M. «dY#r|laame'ht f^anire nf a l ^ t l e shop. is lmpotibje unlesVithe, kidneys a r r 8 0 d be aervatiye estimate • two-tftlrda U 1 ^ . ¾ ^ ¾ ^ ^ ' J ? „ f * & $ f i jfcTh^iamp^hiangB tn froafcW^e'flt s o u n d / a Id healthy.tWoWs:>sJKldney IHnew \».tb* world Is the r ^ l t of S i r n i Z i ' t f S i t W4;kt^l^tin\e#inrl-^§^W * Remedy .hould be t d y n at the-flVst In Wofla w 1 DENTIST. Over fatigue, and he contend* that art were, p w ^ n t e d to K e > In $ ' f l & t e ^ tkf a ^ t f t « a m ^ n c e r t ^ aicaUohVI any Irrdgalarlty, and a serby V& H: tiSamti M. M . / c o n s u r a t Smite 4 and 5, First Osmtnerclal and this would be aij«rted 'If peoplejwould Grave H e a 4 or F o o t Marker o r XV Havings Bank Building, ;i take musical rest a s they take a; morn- AlexAndrta, and later specimens, of r m ^ l ^ ^ t f l r W ^ n i w t o e r s e ^ with atj > dnn|gta.' ) i ri , r 4 , >• .>\ \\ \ Cov*r?< flcus syedmoruja .were, forfMa^arBttheVirtne^of the I W Y A N O O T T E MICH ing bath, food,an£ other thing>«bunt the .wood^f 1 ll If you do just send postal or phone ^JT « - . „ . , — A . ^ ;»*,.» »w» j » r f „ , „^« I warned^ ^rom-Egypt thy t>rlJ§chwelnftoBw'tott'it.d ont sale within and I will call on you at once with l V ±tends , r Sthat ^ Jmusic ' t should ^ M i ^be^ taken a 2 h * ^ » ^ u r e of , Woody r PRICES which are RIGHT. / been compared v atrafght and notftnled-Wth ea|tn|f,a«« j S i f i l ^ we learn from household favorite fo ail'Miments of ' Agent for Granite, Marble andHVhlfV fJr«46^da«a ln New Vofk» * 1 1 th^ tbroa . cheat and'4t ags. contains Bronze Monuments. A|l monjimenls other thing*, sfn*e. as has W * K w , £ ? % S 8 n" S% S is no reaaon.^^/'« ( that. *there ^ ^ J o s s e s ^ n ' f J e w ^ork e j ^ no opiate i.abd no halfnj ,1 drugs- Bold guaranteed 109 Fifth St. N. Phono 18-L. contpletely -bngaginl' the a t t e n ^ a 4» 8 % J J ^ tar represented by coffins re^W m"afrhe a;atd that they amount ofa) t f that the mummy t||#jgglstk ^ y f f the Important ndlnt. "• w< •"- d u a l l y to a'bout s$,ud\>,0od wThMi dois^ were made from ( the ^^^^^^^ %qpt .include- expense tin fhe; , % y j ^ | ' ycoraorus—the sycamore s«t' •, Measinaxaa VVarned some 300,OQ£ false alarms,! Sltic« 3Lf85 78 Eureka' Ave., WYANDOTTE, MICH J&5C3> ^ Slgnft of the approach of Ms catsstifiet tos* from' flr* in the'kfeagfreArtificial WanU doW Medallat In PwroeUIn Work, Vnlv. tU. tMlphe'had not heen oWcare. -Warlh TItOIUIS WM880X,34-Land 12B. .BLAK-LUSTAi? ^ne. for the. sake of finery'j g^tld' nSO^aOOO. t^Js Mifcrelre. teg had not been jstveh ^f the iniipesd- on ttfp'lM^baa jiQneliklth a hungry OFFICE, 115 B I D D L E A V E N U E ' OfrlCE aoirlts: s *. u . to « p. n . ~fng dahger by, ajhncirma! atmospheric belly ahd»Jha|fe|^^d'|?li|elr families. ''^r' - - -"'^Very two Phone ISO. tl conditions, It Is true., There had been f « l l k ^ a n d f i a t f | i | | ^ e | | » # d velvets," *±*no electrical tension In the air;.. jBut aa JPooYIttch^^s^sll^ut out- the m general dlstemperature, says the kitchen fire," Thep^areJkbt the hficrotii^t, Safe, Reliable B>sArnerl?a. correspondent of the Paris Temps, "r? essarie»,of life; t|e^l cj^Qarcely be ^X^IiriV«na||| l^a'ChrisMAKES NEW SCREENS OF THE ^LO acted on suseepUbie organisations.^* called the^convenienfeK^nd yet only tiod^asqcJa^onif In If roqrdekler hasn't it see Qsrtneri ftdw. Oeim^-^niy Alt througtr the day and nightIjejore because they; took) prelt^Mow many 1,93¾ in, Aih6rtca^,3ret, %h^^t|e13er- Msttlu's Orfcery, or O. H. Genthe. -1—^" the. nervous wera peouflariy wra|k)tt want \k hav« tfte«l v T ^ p t l f c f a , ! , .an associations have but ;il?,O0<> on Ibhn F Mclnerney up. There was a halt, iwor ^tteifal Ttrants of mankind' thu<fv«el^|B£i) ' befe (tSev AmerlcaR havrlMnjSoo. KIIILTHI . On the eve of the" original 'sb^ife when jftunterous u ^ ' ^ e naferaitf CAHALAN BLOCK. , (htfmvi laa*c^iathiin\i(ronerty ^ the birds, the dogs and; ths .cattle poor Oleic says: "taffiM p hoidingH ^veTa^yaid^^fWrlOMuO . evinced^ intenae ^ t a ^ i o ^ JSorsea pson, there are; a huhdred lnd*ent rt neighed' londi/ #t t h X f ^ t a i a ,jh$ Benjamin Frahkiin.* s*irt#B« howlln* of the dc#tC,*aa~^otfeM • Oonexal P r a c t i c o ),fliV^> mi ^^~ i^toard the shfpa at ttciAfe-^Cttqfaal lobatetyica. DIaeaaes o f Children rnbuteto ' Idtajratare, ' ,^ ^ churchy Oflloe 6vsjr frraadotfe-aeTlags BM| i magtilflc erected in"(Birmingham, Engtelephonee-J QlBc*. i»9J. gletldeiicslttw 4 Jrflu«£".ifi&«MttW< Tw praJaB jrpmen, was through iflher' generouB contribu' ^ . . . ., I| «,,,^,8-,,,, 1.1 * . ',r.i,a,. ,,,^ A t laat/the fmaai^maB^m^ev-iwws- d i r e c t s inirentive a*i. with (Disoatch Ina o t world-Wide 'admirers, of^ tha paper eojrafe pace- ha# ^ i ^ j u f d t a d s road -*a«anaMtowire* to John Kenzjr N ^ V a n , la nearinl )A» enraged worn** who tried to- d a f c , *-r . 'r ^ a L - J . — ^ mpieuon. Itf baa been bdity outaidr a f t • dbetorrla «»alj|^Bce hy throwioltl ^ ^ r M i u t Provirh, the old Oratory, «0 dear to the heart of the oardiaaL S 3 8*ew»j m. mtvM i V': #> n* I ivy W; « , MCWm*¥fc&WltG A SPECIALTY. \ « SMITH, I Have-the Agency For r \ DUNfLEY Pneumatic SIMte Pine*Rcd Spruce Cleaner 1x5 Poplar St., and Ket a bottle of h n U r v t l( Coughs ana Colds, & A.> W . P A R D O W. E. WILSON, A CHARIES H. M A R R ^ ^ "What We Build , f We Build Right" *&m MONUMENT Dr.EBBIE L. ROAOH r If -JjA ~r; vi«rSt EDWARD C. NEUENDORF, Agent, DR.N.G. BOWBEER, 1! m M%\ If DENTIST. H.O.Maloch 5re Insurance, ro £,&& ^LP*'* DR. A. .JL M/VRTIN • '<pre,'l;i^ toeWeatJ.1''. L# tflhata t . ^^t&ut -1• > :<- v -<•* I Lady Arbelter society t»a chosen Sealed Bids THE HERALD, Mrs.TheFred? Qinze)* tfre, Carl Bufe and W,HI be received by t b e secretary B Y J . D . HAVBN. / ^ ' \ -' t Mrs'lphn S|^sjil^c l fe delegates to end j the s||t$^npfihtion In laudingextmo'i etclabfwj^give ajball In Jbalt oex§\&S»day Amng. ip%iai fnit^imwft olwarpJt QttUftsl Paper ol the C l i y ; '7 ' • " " • < • ni WjEATHERWAX, •He»r> Maiocb,^ _ I*oe«?iaer% and^ John <. »*trtV* *£- ft. f *, / -A 1 ->, , £ ' ( - Mrs, Annie Ifebtbose's three j>e« a w Ha&^.died on Tuesday. / *r*fcj . WiWred Wiseman take*, * position ,West sidjff P*les celebrated tb^i ftbbl-1 In ll&se Beaubieo's barbershop. l'{' r versary of th^war with^Russfafby j '" *'" I ' 1^'W>endotle 'etijr dt^atM^toTefapeelalv esteiclsefl, \a^f>ta4^ Carn)e;l school last ^ndayjkftet edabc*ja4rbeiterhi$llaat oigbfejv/ * " Guesses on the population of W?en> Ip^alcers f^er* nreetfhi'f|bmjDetrti|.^ v: to8,5<$< •' ^ e r * WaVtat^k-J?ol^U^eddi«goo^ «oue-pl«ce_, , rllrs. James Qotdon M , t)etrolt was Tqeaday morning When \Miss JJaddle rare the guest of friends InLJfora «eJSunday\ Bp^iefi§k'aBd\4oi|i^arlWsia 4 married «t Qpr %mfti ^. s Caroiel The Degree ot Honor will'give an,| ehorcb by ^ f ^ C ^ n s t w t t ^ l ^ a l o k * ex&KBton to Spgar Islajsd 00 August 13.. Mrs. i/erry Vrotuao' Is seriously lli Mr. jand'jIrs^AJirahan^^ar^} eh* tertalned 'at?-sapper a feW friends on.L w^th pnetoesonia at her^horfieen Vine ioh6rkofe|heitf \r street., ' , . t taitiond's %!»»>» ¢ . Cramer andG, Sendelnaagb remembered »1th>-apipe,A beanti gasp were t h e guests.of JPontiac relative!! sents. *<• "' jf^x\J nee no stones can surpa^a Oji; Snnday. f ^_ •; '.if.,. A year .old ajbn :of Magnus M t offerings. But that doc. Mrs. J. B. Bishop, Jr.; and ehiWreb Fofsst street, haila parr4'ife||eape froia^ pricea are out pi have retained fyom an extender ^ s i t - drowning On Thursday ^ i p j g $ in the sooth. --' - f " 1 I', week, i by falling intoa tub of V ^ttixi§M»i«uIeloV.:' J Hrs. OttoSchulUandifrnThomaS-Of He was, dlscov^ewicf justlh; ttoe te^eave Bristol, B,'£L, are visiting hex mother, his life. - ,{ ( y? u f r r - i on H a e i e street;, ' [ ./Members.; of t h e ' Wyaodotte High Mrs. 8 . W. Smarting g a v e a linear kSohbol. alumni, are re^ueste'ii b y the J f ihowerjlast Saturday afternoon in h o i P committee to report a v e n g e "whether they intend-to be present at t b e anriual Dr. W. 6 . MoNab i s rejoicing over banquet. Ho.reeervatlons frill be made . ,0 •• ' the arrival o t a boy baby at hi* h o m e after June J5. yesterday morning.' > The National Union will give an Ice cream soqiel and smokers for members ooiy at Its ball June 1, t The Woodmen of the World will' pfeeebt a play entitled "Oat our a Lark' v some time neat month, Next Stonday there will b e > lo*the. West Wyandotte garden^ of Oa**nd Twelf^i greets: </ \ ^ Mi«|* ; ifao DeLUriehaa opened o p att or cairty^ suggest m ^ n t fj^we_fs.vNalOre b»<cfaeius icecream and confectlopary parlorin^ is now l the annex of the UDIOIJ hotel ' ^ | *~ and can beby' deck* Wrhxve Mrs. Nettle Rouse will representthe ter FRESft, Wyandotte W. C. T Vt at theconvTib* every day and no^nome q^ssf he1 tlon in Port If uron on (June % \ *. few to «|«er the iflom,' JB&8\;pi. A special agent of the 'census hurefu attention to oiden m si^ly 5 : ffow< wedding ^tert4inn^e'4^^aod fuoefils. was in town on Tuesday gatherfttg;the Will gaote ^sps^/Sriejk^tOj me^t ^ e statistics of local manafaetoriea.^Rev. C. B. Allen, district superintenj dent, wilt dedicate the new Methodist church at Wyandotte Heights on June %or. S««Kftt4^ Pojplar Sts :VMim ^ 1 M * PfifitftS Misses Carrie and Csarlotte Tlmow, W i ^ y a p i iiiawwMi of ford are entertaining their- eboitn, alisa Ida llmms of Windsor, Out. this ^ 1 ¾ ffc-' week. * ~\ The old Alvoy hotel on ^iddte*ye^ ^-^^ nee has beep: reopened as the DOIQB^B D t> The| most iniportaiit event ill the life of a bqy '<te irl is wlien'thie^ioaiKe tlfeir First Holy Communioa '* ' or this 6cca6ic%;;we ar% showing a line of Fir^t Cptomunion ouifitik j We lay great stress on tlie very low pricei wejale able to quote for th^Best knd most'l thoroughly made garments. ' f the i©y% .¾ppr tfie Girls ^Thfa! week w« rccciv«d another new tifigtffflifc&.teP line of those Girls' beautiful white dresses rpants, 1 « ^ fM made right up in the latest Spring,- style of ami" -iv, -> p ' *» - ,• ,' v l?a|^c^ r ;:< Jy* -1« \ ^v i ,M^ ,';v/ • r *^ \, 1 1 >• H - J T r - * v ,J\ M!TZnF ^"^BPr ^T u } I *,J??r ^ 1 » Rt>c>a>«s>i>»«e>^a>*<.*»f>ftti.*»»«f-a>e>ty«««e>s>«*«^ C ^vmviivv of i ^¾ ^ ' \ t Quality Lie in the L E A T H E R and in the F I T e» $ We fit them?shtigiy* ardund the S arikfejwitWut gapingf'or pinchr $ ing. Come in and we will | «f ¢ 2 ^ . 6 0 , $ 3 ^ 0 , ^ 3 . 5 0 Hoersch Bros. «L 7r ? < OPPOSlVi POSTO|;FIce. I W » *tefj.f• a>»f t*««*fi*»*#**s?#fji#fftft«Kf«««»C*e^»«»a>tf#cc« <a^" tie Coke ^%i or Stave $4.50 Per Ton Delivered Pea 55S.35 Pgr Ton DeUvere^l^ i.«arried in 25c per ton extra 77 Ivanced 10c per ton, mon|hly, hegmnbgljeoe Michigan (•^|> . ~7 At kali Co WORKS » 0 . 2 ^ PHONEjlOS' fcRS GIVE^1 PROMPT ATTENTION v nV isonable Ready-to-Wear Clothes for flen No N««cl for a Screen ',,' If yob ioy our buUdlng sand*,{It wW be r shcady icrefned whan you tf**#,. wing a; eplendid lot of Glothes, juet now!—aa tuyidsprae an aesortjnaept as man could wiatt tp l |Vy„ Spring Models and Woolens. I t . ' , XboddtFC^h, Uw insojancej^eaH are gettlag^ota s^at eard folder con- '.; • g M f telalng |k« vmm* aohedaleolgamM ' M p j ^ is^ba p^y*J bj the MieWgan Alkali ^ ^ 1 ^ , ^ borne iad board. t n r | ««nlf H E G O O D teqtefthecatde* „ „, • ^t_ ^nt>;77 k &** hy^,^7^-b;i v ; s i ^ ^¾¾¾ Ayy > Alt ow Building Mat^fuU^ 'M\ v j. > comertadyj^lmtodlak u»« too. JJiik when yea Ikgln to o n t t W yotrtl «n?our ttmfot, ttZiI3 JhM». ««f» '•/bridng ^ e a s i e r and *""" - gotog fartbsr than a much of Mrflaary; g ^ M , ^knws Urgtf q , > by saffrieno^ aawproi *BBT ^'^m •1 ' i A, ' . S . A * 1 / * > titbit I Mi"1- \ , 1~I ' **i x ^ ' * ^ 1 fine grade muslin trimmed with medallions and fine Valenciennes lace and insertions, atwices ranging at 4^9%&98, 4.98, and SJ9S each, ' * «^^ "*•> ''Girls' Patent Leather Shoes and v Oxlords,, $2,50,3.00, 3.50, «. ;'' Fine Silk VeiUngat^O and ?5c yd./ Pure Silk Gloves, white, and cream, 50c." Fine Lisle Thread « o s e at 25c. ytf1" • ''i" '''Vf * - f it Ben J^t^BiaWv»th^^ r 4toar ^%f\, ' Pf»tme^ri5 fearing &*&*(* S&u* «, ilfustr|ya ^tnjc»/on^W> Hur ihthe , ^ ^J^T r % ^ »*%••' A. B. Wolf^ The' ladjee of the COnjfregatlooal church *Ulgfye an aprokand^opd sale In tbe chnrch; paHore, ,0« SaWdky, Jone-4. T ' \'- -,' \ ^ ^ ¾ Misses Margeret' Kept Battle fcatti, Ageea Ltddle and.. Winifred Sioddard gradual* fro© the Detroit; Commercial ^ college/ •> •• ,v "• 2 -~ A shower ip honor of lilsa/ Lhsale • Little1 was given by Utsaea ^ari^e-| Rogers and Mae' Benjamin: on tH6p4jKf) eveniifg. *s , >"•'' <>' A return meet between Marine GUy •tbieiea and the fYount Men's club ' team will beheld In thU/oUy on Saturday/J«ne4. The Merchants and Professional Men's association will hereafter bold meet^>g%0B the first Friday evening of each n^ontbv , Lfeai Cot Baxter and Capt. Mtonle Fisher isp/ the grand march in the C O T M M military ball In Detroit Monday night * The Order of the Eastern Star, at Its ' meeting tonight, will give an )ntejfestiogprogratc, to be followed by games and reflreshjnents, v ; " »/ Jo© Busha and, bis grandmother, Mrs. Ryan, ba*e gOBe to Lotrisvllte, Ky., where they will visit Mr, and Mrs. ~ Walter Armstrong. The Ladfes' society ofthe Cbngregotlooalrchnrch wilf'ttieet In .the church -parlor on Wedpesday, June L A foil • attendance 1* re<jue«#d.r r J ' "- '* 4 bouse. on Sycamore street, owned by John Teeh>g\ was damaged by a blaze on Wednesday mornifcg, the lire Parting ar^uiid the'chlmney.' 'Dr, J. B, Wairren wlllgtire'anrtnos* trated lectdre on'-uBen .¾ the auspices of thePresBji J day school, Friday ewplog, ;The,rtgular meeting;o| " autlUary will be betdi^ ,*t. re O 0 • *• % \ * / I J'»»«> ixja:. * ^?#* 3* H . Secretary School Board. U - „, /^, r tbe board of; education for three bo 1 . dred tonijof Pocahoptascoal, mine rn».1 also bids for o lurilp, )o be delivered it | tbe sehools-rMO top* at the Lincoln, K> at McKlnley and 80'at Garileld; boafd to reserve the right to reject any,'and r all bids, •> 1 'rj \ " i( ,1 I , I , << U S ii«j iaaalateMaL^^ *,.' ;> l!''"! ) ft'- hi :. '^t\fejS^I au^fcc* I0#liav^ ^ i l ERHUi 1 erf tp ly yourflSbririg uitvand here it is MS|tfW Day?* F YOU choose to dc^fjial honor to the oecasio£||j|ti appear ait, your best, call 1 ¾ IOQVII ttiis bestline of clothes. 111¾¾ Wefhaye the new siyle, -creatioj»all the' natt?a$t,f4briQs|^dv;%. ,no,b; biest styles&lhe shfflira&Mfr cQrtiplete.jSV :, £f : > ', I -Xl m%jODELS^ith ^ibit^f "dash" I V I .foe ypung men, mott cORserrXT ^ V A * ^ % w • I ' W * befdre adjourn Jl?fe|M$$lttJ.W& to the valuation ol | « f » $ & , | t y the* /fidacid taluation, the Detroit 0Valve and , 000 lar the Goldnohmldt •f 195,0» for the Penney 1 """'" L * Co, tod the 1 Init. IIIK.1.1 ..Mil 11,11.MiUj/u .M.|l»lf A O L 0 f t ^ i A N r - » A F E FOURTH .fjftftftffity te,toot HiiVuariaMrfo't m% bar Ji i li)0r Id totHl ,ttbAlnou;u khlon Mi! June »'WAiiWi}gt^.« tor tod), iy municipal llro*/orfcs dlsuhy cooilwitt bv ^i>w<»( rUttu«Mik,hi 9Bii*acte-i,$tr'tt>_;(g;j'ath'^ ' •; - » <•' {\ Whatever may be your needs, we ar<6 at your seryice* .-J LARGEST CLOTrimG StOiiK IN^XmNDOTTB, A H - jyiBp^" ki^ •Dick" Unagan< dean, of Ibe wljur ban uawipaper reporting corpf,.ba# *J% r«*lfnHl bhi po»ltioo with the Detroit Fr#* Pre»« and wllhd«*ote hla entire t|m« to the practice lot law, with an oBcelnthe Moffat block, , ~ Michael Eronlch, a wan 84 yefcrt old, brnttder arreat charged with i hefoooi ofleote egatnat eight year old Sophie Urptratloh."^ The oblUl'a taotber made fibt cowplalnt. JuatlW tM0§ ttJied belt at 13,000, wblob Efonlob Waa un able to farnleh, and th«ilatter 'it la Jail awaiting eiamlaatloa tp<Jay, „ • •BsUV: Price & Co. if. 1. I it is difjefauV Their'methods art so perfected 'that it is practically impossible for anything to go wro'Agi bid their reputation is so great that they insist upon satisfying every customer at afi cost. If your suit is not to-your liking they will make you, anpther, bat it will be td your liking, for the art of making mjen's modes to perfectiota has given them its - part|' 1 od Washiottioh found; it worth, #W|'. as [ i t y e & ' h a c .Mitt ChWgo W -CleveliittdT'iJaW\tm Cfty Joins h e procession ; this year Thereja%l< % bO' going Jb^eJ* tol tbe,Old ways. The/l e!w wa,y has) bee'nirled5,i found i l M r i b l e 1 A an 1 caa do with eflual ejfthbbihood, \ Four-Button Noveliy 3 *' / / Dy'ftont f]Io.640 , ; being made up I ''the most jelegant fabrics covering a wide range of j»rtistid.meHt. Let us show you this and other designs' thatU« winning favor in fashionable New VWk and'Chicagb and, ift idditkm to the guarantee Of sryi^^Orlbruilship ahd quality of material, you have the sissun^os of moderate price. Come in r today. lHtfl>o11(i3lie/e¥„ia",«n ofiJ,1awi on atfttuti that £crfintj»ftf cMeaJthe Jury Jei'^udge j of th#Maw a r welL alt 6f tile itocta.*' ! Thought not often quoted, once in * while a lawyer with a deaperate/ case wakes use of it, lb one case the Judge) tastwusted the Jury^ that"H< wus,t<> Judge of the law asf well ft* the facts, but added that, It w«8 npt A Judge of the law unless it was fully sfttlsfled that it knew inore law than [the Judge. Am outrageous verdict was brought in, contrary ^o all lnatrnctiohs of Jhe court, who felt celled upon to rebuke J the Jury. At laa$ one old farmer aro-*e. *'Jedi(«^ said he, ''weren't We to Jedge the IftW^ti well as the fa#tb?»' "Oiwi Uinly/* waa the response. '^Butltold you not; to Judg6 the law unless you: were clearly satisfied that you knew; thej law better than I did," "Well, Jedge,H answ?red the farmer as he shifted bis quid, "we considered that point.'1' ' 1 •< ifv ^1 ') Home S7-X kid ih1»' m^UlmJlmd' Sho^.tbem' this page A [*keih«?if'fu»der^tantl the oaXxftfi of the daogori;4ey0ape. Above: IS. all, tell then ;tb»t if ^youl^ords and • the words, of their trussao? physician biiv«s no ,wei[ hton tbeTqoesiign ofdfi^v i h e Pantorium Clothes Hospitaf •log firework 1 to little, unskilled, dirty hand?,,at leaf t they most not aeglect the id (first Sts ' WVVVNDOTTE, MICH. seemingly i l l habuiless powder «t«|od, ; Oi' Corner of Elm arid If, lp spite 4: your own Wfodffft}. your child .suffers; through the ighorartce of iiJr asrasr 4rsss. others apd s eV«o slightly yminded d« aottry tileold^boftie reTlaedp^ihat close the Wc irnd and shut out!the,pbe ho,pe<j)|yge^^TaRe^bJn»* afc ^•kfivSUdney* 0»«* Bladder WaM fy*Msidntnt *U*. ««*•» Mo cwloca^ , an,''Give Give? him a, i| your ^hysrcc »,0. h|nj a chaociifor bjlslife. is.life. Give yourself \W" Chance to eso pe the unspeakabMe horror ^mildrtinisa'et'nr*. A/ooota^1 *pake/tkidtwysmadb/adderrUtht, of" watching 1)1 m In the agpby « j of' tetaiua. Dp'thlsniviel. at least! do more, if you ca^j. ' And yi iu can if you start now." V«ft*|p»t)H<'» «M>uKf«> eiaacl lawstle l««ag* *W «hUOHnt «*&;**/•«, Ko*t>t*t<* ri,# .Sty mxmam^m • * * r T H E CI , Hjyou haVeyouir suit made by a small Ullor and It ai(Sfw«i*a^prqVntobturtrttiifaetory to you, thcie b n|o ftdMtk, Vo% cannot ask for a new garment, ated|fcj C^nnoi afford to make you one. -With a gttaf tailoring hotjw like «W4 11 * Guarantee lasting two hours, witwMM^ kf forty J o n ma^'ootlje abl«i, this ffirst f , ¼ ^ s t y l e s f o r ^ i n e ^ meft, effect year, to chi tna pffe .public sentimeof in nti mi bat you caa change jus^ su<?n dependable arid reliable ypur poruun mftyj it tojoejr^* b jjircle. nibd if you capnqf/p^rsoaB!* §<jmit\m4 to choosy the clothing as you'imi^ht expect **LLu/a >igm.iph^sJB ^wfafiulkt.least ybn can US, 1 thousand pMnpltt. and^ifchav* soother thjsyeir' 'the money was subscribed by b a i l o r i nun, tlroworks bought of a ttriu willing o send men to net taetn off nod thH-iitMbttlou Ibid In an open ^upaOB wbersj no damage lo life nor btifldtrfflootid, nor did, re»ult, A» •antojnoblle arade, ' with ' ' pdaegi ' - -waiar. ' Ringed by a'local newspaper, boat olobs, held tenttUttj, and a general exodu»tor! la iptODlo idttyj and a day In tbf country t ,*f" frnonal'. « li FOLEYSHONEY-TAR F<my'? Honey M4 Tat potey'd Kidney Cum FOLEYSnONET-TAR fOllYSilONEY-qCAR ,* t. ' ' S - . ,^ Wyaqdotte aporUaod blfde Poo^vnit ^s a code fight near SootbSaockwood Uat Sunday. Tfbe fighting .atarted at It o'clock and continued unttt 5 o'clock lo the afternoon. Wyandotte and Trentorf Wrda woo aix oat of eight fight* with Poptiac birds, and it Is said that over 11,200 changed bauds. ^ T*x ,." A Hot Argument. \l K I 1 f ^ t t •if : Mathew McBlaln Thomson, supreme - i - l - * * .>1 ' Robert - Edesoh. .appearing; ill Theiieare lotsofidelightfi*!thingsthata woman master of the A. A. S. R. and president "The Noble Spaniard," was bemoan^ iTurklsh Xowbfei large size, mm i lo in theSpfinitiine, bM maftot th,em will general of the 'American Maaonlfl feder- lng the decline of the adventurous Mtioo, was present at * apecial com- days when "swqrds for tVo tind coffee J c 0 5Od*&h; - L, sbe^ud^WfWe pleasurable thari ihoppin^ at. this Muolcatio* of Acacia Jodge, No 2, Sat- for onew wer^ nightly otJctlrreneea. ' WMfaCBillsV Ite ewh. ' stows wlkl^MaipBairtains areiblossorhintj." "The glamour of-life Is all for aWge ardjtr nigbt. I b e ceromoniea of bang; Belt ^¾¾^ati«|25ceach, purposes nuvcadays," he said, 'tfteal Ingthe charter tad inaUllinf-chartef the,c|ai»ty t]rungs she likes beauty: Pins, 10c, i% and i r/ 8 M&XW&fa life la-like the.story of theL three dl-1 pfBeer8 w"ere conducted by hi%,. »*.' WM\k44A$ftfy& ac^essoritesattd fiirriishings nes who taet in a hotel fof a eonfe^ .., /25c!£afirv,t < v" », [ \ s j Gilbert McTaggartfonad a all months cce and erew heated in an arguirient^ , Jet Bttttotis (Iaite size), 25c to be.Lutify the home appear tfppn^very sicfe, • old footua in the aewer near the D„ T . '^William Itt. was a. great ^ftscaj^ ,>^o^ * • , , • • [ ., * I . raUrcid, sombjof Oak street, on roared the first,, as he dtruclf the table Mbytes' ate, t&e mos|attractive p ^ u c e d this Lace Curtains, 39c to $l2l0g < ,,~l Wednesday, while1 cleaning out the With'hJa dot' <•:% gr^at rascal, end Jt seasoi, qualities of uniform excellence and valf lr J '"iawi*. t h e bod^'waspfinried by Jack eptt upon his nwmory.'f ues tiigger, better, t m^re eotittety, satisfactory T The .second divine, (Jurbing yery ^tcCieary near the point whttp If was Maslin Curtains 29c to $1.50 tm&ypn «t>«ld ordinartlr hope to pifcjat this i ' ' .. > %" footd. OjjW«lneaday night thoCo^n- ^&*g£ J1J»n ^ was th« 'i^aiivl ""'. 1' ell k ordered the remains taken up oi> and rascal. i 1 V 0 ' iI1 *aplt . . : *upon ™ * *h_^?!. hie memory/ - j reinterred ia one of the-ceoteWries. ? -!"At this point the third divine rang, Ladies' White Shirt Waists, ; , t i e Player*' club will give Itsiecond the bell and, turning, said gently to ', •. -» , 1¾ <l I f atMjevIlleentejrtalnment in8t. Patrick's the waiter: 4$trtO$2j$. "i ^> K-\ school auditorium on Tqeeday and '-"'Spittoons for1two, pleafie.'" White Silk Waists $2.50 up. ^' Wedoeaday evenings, Jane 14 and W. Corset Covers 10c to$t. H* Lik^e Mis" Straloht. >1 ' ' I n addition to first class specialties, the V Muslin Night downs, 39c up "Intemjperanef/' said Horace ifto! pi^Bjram will include seTeral playlets ,'of a blghvorder of |merlt. The club ey. the, oldest Miaals^ippi pjo^vv"^ Mercerized Black PetUcoats, ->. i ed^shoppers what kills moat of us off; Qiice^we '-4 made such a sfckmdW-taccess or M fished out a, passenger wijo[had heeji? first Teotore that latge house* ace aa- soaking in the river fof^Half an hour," '','' sored for the "forthcOtnlng entertdln- When the whidkey was brought, m 4 meat. */ victim's Hpe »Xqv^d sliiht?y, 'and $. *•« » • " " ' •••' atooned to* get his lajst words, '\ x>-> At Mr», Bo«les' gallery, one Onllnie: n "'Roll me oh a.W'l.fuSI and get n e u t f r w Decoration Day," \ ;OitldrenV -$m*> Hate, 35c, ,#oiner o' ttrte wate^ont/'he Said faint,, 1 V* 4 v } *J^ * : ' l*w* Jylr •ifllvwe^lwa the, ^cker/ •%»(«. '• " \ " X -• thReot—Shiall cottsgeoBsFlrontst. cess J f c | | r t t t t . , / ^ and 10 room house on OraStcd st. *, » " ""'v^'ijj^^t •' •' 'i ' v if " > L' * i\\ » / - - - Letter to rent or for Sale. JofittQIoaei. -, j ' 'OoWffsh' Died of >MsM £JfJ,,' .ft ij\»' / i -«!»#• i,h mm^i .whoinuwed Qt^^MhW fish in a small aquarium U ik graced' % % - Wanted—Bo*ro>w la'private fairiiy, witt^aqufjilo, pleateSttoKih* ihe>ould rc . Vf, ; «8 ttaple street r ,t ^H add a W s ^ t e i i o r ' t o hw inMNpfc den by d7o^pVf hitnHh#J«k ^ ( f ( . X I f< ft >" , , colored r e T W * f « t i i t s t « t , r t « ^ a I " Ricked ap at * ten cent counter. She dropped the altffitor, 'Of t^vflks/ f ##Vjofsoas from the) system', hrtng hope goldfish InsUntly leaped several ' M- sad ooorege; cart all Liver, Stomach inches abote the wkter^fl0p|»ed back •' -;' gftd Kidney trooOies; impart health wad b m t «ad,leveriiiftved again/ The ^^ ' I V ' irtgottp the weak, nerveue and alitor mistress ag, the.goHflsh was sure her '•'•-•. f^rtDorraocaAOarrkoa'sand darlW had died ^ f r i g h t [, ^ ^ ^ J Jji a if k i n fii ii niijilmiijiiii «a Broe.» druggists. ,^ , These* va lues m a k e shopping a t this store ork& of t h e p l e a s a n t e s t pastimes of spring y. 3 . '' ,- ^ ' J *-k h fefd^^ur^ai^te^ With i. i>, f i f t i e s ; ;'ir ,v 1 J ' - ; ^ , , . w \'"^l I? ^iboons, 7 in. wide> s X T Ribbons, 4 in.wid^ l ?1 (¾ . ^Ocyd. ^/ | - ^ p Linen Torchdti List s I to 4 inches £T_ ' J ! • ; wide* ^c ya.^ j Embroideries, 5j inches widCj 5c yd. Lace Jabots, 10c ea. Bagst all leathers, ;, 50c|and$j;i . Umbrellas, extra quality, $1/ Pira$pls, 75c, $1, ! $L50- 'j l^ace, Yoking, 10c yd k I3-1& Biddle Ave, Wyutattt, llch. j i i Both Phones ^ 215 i j. i ), f J* ^ ! .»j%.Mfci4i 'Ar £L& FJ.,.'.M- .:. X IT Notes Comment Of Interest to Women *• r** - *•'' i ' •* . ;•*•*»•• 91 I 17, "LASSIE. FAAE LANCASHIRE" V' ,0JF -Interest fp .ntfe'inea; Render* • *>• 9« 31 "Juat a lassie frae Lancashire— ao Mdndayr-I'm >In* loVja- 'wtth Danny T h e goddness of ilie bread, Juat 4 lassie fra« l^ancaahlre— >,. ;• CUgan. There's no dbubt about It In 1 n y o w n ralhu\ and aa f» r Danny; the BETTER THAN TABLE CANDLES. She's the lassie I hold £ o dear, piei a n d cftkes y o u make Though she Wear* dp shoos nor abawi d>ar, chap's been siller about m e for She's the,prettiest of them all, j J limited by t b e quality pE h e a tea. But,, oh, dear, there's always, a Mew Electrical Device for-Utility and None can he, fairer or rarer 'than, b it.' Danny is the. only one of all tho Decoration Without Wirek for, • 1 flour yo« -Use. You. Alw lys Sarah, v, t ' n en. who call <m>md that n&ver takes 5 Dining Ro<m Use. ' 11 My lasile frae LancMflhiro." ! n e anywhere^ Me never)bring* me, ^>ut yourbekt ejjhrt andutn, ost Every woman has realized for some ' • . - . • >. • 1 a>y candy*,.'book's or-flowdrs, and hW Forms}! call» in the city during'*the X skill into y o u r baking. "Vou the-American,,, p i k i n g lelsurel* n "ver pays mo any 'co^tupllments. I| season are paid between 3 and 8.30 time peat that the m o of, the candle as a table decoration was attended by down the graen English lane, pituaetf d in't believe Danny 'knows one of my' o'clock. In the afternoon, Tho day at do yourself atl injustice wl e n home l»y« purely social occasion, a§d danger and other »lii'rtcom»ng&.a»d a involuntarily aa h<r hoard tho voice of g >wfla from another, and I'm- sure he you u s e ' a n y t h i n g b u t <all« of "congratulation, of apprecia- substitute ha* been eagerly .sought the bjlA(|en singer,.a voice, though uuk tfo't thiukinij:, of asking ine to marry tion for some hospitality, or merely The solution of the problem h a s n * i tr**t|nefl, ;BO rich and true and full of ft m 0 y « t <i /kaof*, W< l ^ « s me. Why Won, Just for the pleasure of friendly Inter*' been ..found In elect rl city, for the reft- prOmime that ti|0 llstoner, alio was nO d - ' y o u . t t s k ; tbj»r i)\'M 1 . course are paid then jf possible. It aon that lamps of tli a character* lack- mean Judge of voices, d e o n W l t wortli b iqaume. .11 know be doe*. Oh, if this ed the; feature of portability* and their w pre only leap yeaf. his while to seek the owner or.tUts Is a.'f; y» mor«'conntderate and conv ( Tue«da,y -*?• Billy' Farrington just pllm% iry, says Vogue, to Observe use also required tjtie presence HA magnificent tenor! wires piercing the cjloths and tabljep. 1« f t | t ' s nearly l i o'clock and 1 sup» A turn in the lane brought him t o a fr!< > *s day at home, if she has Is• jfi is always dependable,' always reliable, always, txolfo >i . sued <'i . (Is appointing one, than to pay A New York man tjas recently,' de- another standstill, and he drew his pi ise I ought to be in bed, but 1 miiet -etgned a piece of lneti*«ft|that your baking: efforts will be crowned table decoration put down what h e sajid first. Dear breath shnr/ply a t the beauty pt theher chancet calls on other day*. ,wlth%uccess. With Columbua Flour yoft'U • Brides a»4 strangers newly arrived Which takes the plat e of the candles scene before him. An English »pple D 'ry, Billy'prbposed^anW what'«i mora, In a neighborhood never make but al- on the dining room table In the home orchard, the trees laden wkh pink arid t'n afraid he misinterpreted my an* always have wjhite^ appetizing, fine tasting white petals which gleamed i|ke rare *' rer. He/a eonlkg' Saturday afte^ /miiya wait to: receive-first calls, Wom- as well as the hotel and cafei *'\ bread, rich, tender crust and Hffhtcakeg The device Is a pretty design em« pearls in the morning sunshine, n< ion at 2 a'olocKand expects a'^'es.?? .en who have! beert Invited to visit, or arid biscuit's. I during the summer season have been bracing a silver receptacle capable of stretched, It seemed, for miles. The B lly*s djreadfulfy rich and it's such entertained In a friend's house in the holding a stng)e-storage cell. The bat* grass lay like a velvet carpet beneath a temptation. But I'm afraid the only Aikyour grocer for Columbus Flour country, must he among the flint, di- (tery stores sufficient! energy to keep the feet of the girl, Who jstoocl, baie- tt ing that would make me love bim footed and -pink-cheeked, {with brawn wj **ul4 be for him t o make over enough rectly their hosted* returns to town, m oaiy tc Danny to enable that young hair streaming over her shoulder. to call upon her. * 1 "Pardon my- intrusion. { I was at- jta an to '1 repose to me. But suppose When there oxists no previous InDetroit, IVfEchtgan alter tha; D w n y didn't propose*? Oh, tracted by the singing.' Might I speak debtediJesSiOn either side* and after a ^etmuMtit. tl at won d be .terrible. In W» present with the owner of the voice?" summer's holiday two women arrive ci|rcumsta|nces ' Danii*/ couldn't keep "Jack, lad, come tha down, frae- the ID their homed on very nearly the tree.' A gentleman wants speech with m 5 In the manner I* am accustomed to, same date the younger calls upon'the very doybtful if, he could, < tha/' elder first ' , and it is IgfAlHTOWW In the manner mother WB*.B "'Jack, ldd," descended hurriedly, f knep me Where the difference in their ages and d l t t r l c t t o d to at my age,' and goodand stood, tall and s^trbqg and hand- a< custom is Very slight the woman who returns — money fast WrtttJerA 'utffarticvL spate, looking at p i e American. miss'knoivs, t h e way Danny lfkea to to town first makes the initial call, or, MO JttONEY BBQUlftBp,ttnnl you\je iiijecelveTndapproSaof yourbbr-cU T Weitijp "Good morning, Mr. Singer,*' said, te II It, 20 years ago found them dating the unmarried one calls first on the tB anyone, anywhere in the U. S. via ta cent dt$mt In advance, frttaj /' tight, AV8* S-BBB TH1 during which lime you mayridatha t cycle •flow nfew OAVS* «r that Individual. "1 heard you singing* meat jusfionco a week. Fiancr, Billy married woman. :»t you you « wish uyoi put it to any test as t strolled down jthe line, and liked si id to me—but o n secopd thoughts I JWBiine wcycte It back back to, to lis us at at our our expense a'nd>«< iuill tut if tutmiiiwl. Should a member of society be in Jkeepfche bicyclfe ehip ship tt yOur voice well enougfi to follow it un- w>n't put Jit down.c It makes m e feel arrears for hospitality or an iq^ttation - -. . . . •Orofita by buyinf direct of us tad hiVe the snajafaeteje? til ,1 found the owner. I'm a man of too bad fo think Dahiry hasn't said received by those who issue their at U V -* *••—' bicycle or a pair antce behind your Ueyde. UO MOT MF"" i " Tof«tJresfidm r ? f n r *ny*i* u few words and much business. I know it home first,' the routine of caUitig beand leant at ana prut' until you receive jMircataloguti our cata„._„ _„„ ^ our unheard di/tutory JrtottMiA rimarhoMt tftciai qffcr* to rldeqr axepta. a voice when.I hear one. and I want WedneMay—Such excitement Dear gins without strict reference to courteyou to bring your voice to America.'? D 'ry, the most wonderful of' things sies extended or received In the fore-** "America! My voice!" hi s'(happ^ned and I forgot Danny for gw/rw»*weican makeyoathia year. We sell tbe hicheitfrade Ucyde<ic«Usanaary *, going winter, .B1C "Yesj, You may not know it. but tv o whole; hours this afternoon. Count <,:,' it la n o t only at civility but a s o c i a l 'our HfiGONB _. that' voice is worth money to you. I'm Marcilini called and aa^ed me to bb i* necessity, when": one' hasV served- asi a usually Dave a number on hand taken fn trade the'manager of the biggest circuit of his countess. Woufdnt it be'fine t o .. bridesmaid, maid of honor, usher or ronftrtQr at prices ranging from « 3 , to S*8 01 ~ ijOOagsTe •InjUlo wheeli ' vaudeville houses in the United «1 leen it over the gfris? And he's not t e a t man t o call upon the bride's Displaces the Candelabra, i.*(BBUin*T>e» equipment ot all - Mother ehortfyWter the wedding, and th<t lamps aglow for 14 hours, a i d the States, and I'll give ftra 10 pounds h a, bad sort, either. I-rather like his €upon the bride directly after she. re-" illumination emanates from three week if you'll cOme back with me and ii rk style and I really^ believe he T turns from her honeymoon. The guestaJ tuhgsten lamps supplied with switch sing that song yotf'vb Just been sing- ca res a great deal tor m,e. ^ u t t f a d d y is much against f t I' told htm tbe . at » horn* wedding, wedding r e c e p t l o j f ^ ^ controlling dthem Fitting neatly ing. in my theatres." ce ant Was a real orie, not Imitation, "Ten pounds a week!" . * or breakfast mirstve'aU in dua^0arM>J «o.*w%he stand is a shallow s glass dish ThkrtXHtqr retail prictotthtse tint, tt ' on the mother of the b j d ^ S ^ ^ l a W r cotijtttl^ng --~~r...r ,. "TlTes; 50 good American dollars— b i t ; t i e only grunted. "Sure,-he's a WJffpirrpairj tut to tntOxlua urn win cut!j flowpis and water. The npUpaMw&MbcathmihorderWJSi, ten! one; I'd rather he wasn't, a t \ fiwmowilro supported by a cast-glatis and,that's.only a beginnings" OP the bride. '- 4 ^ . The yOung man stood stock-still—.' tb a t * I woneer what he meant. I 10 MORETBOUBLEFROMPUnCTURES It la ah obligation to emr-onS"one's* disk m/iW numerous holes into which NAKtS. Taoks'or Olass will not let, the nrifUcss a'fter a dinner, a^dadcS, & itfus- tho $oiwer steins, etc., project. The" saying never a word—but* the/ gliT w t* so nervous that t- can't romem- ,air oat. BUttViltouaand pairs'aold Inst year* ic'ale or- a luncheon. Vto^men as well lapip Whs serves as a flower vase a s turned t o him with ahlning eyea> ^oh, lit r Ju$t what I .aaid, but this much Over two hundrecl Uteuwnd palpi naw la u»f, la clear—the counts is coming agalp J"aek*, lad, go; theh tha can buy <,back |JC«WJMmaifftoc?etaflllsb!<*,ItlsHvely as women the dinner c»U 1» of para- wait, .ahCthe effort of the light p a s * nacaeyrUlnjr,verydarnble.audliuedlti&lderwUti tie'old piaee that tyiiB tha foyther'a. S( tu'rday at 3. What, oh, what, shall andcasyrldlnjr.vtrydaTnbl^ondliuedlnHlderwith mount Importance.- it In paid within a ing th%igh the glass and water; and a_ sncctatoHnJityof •pecidtqunliirof rtbbcr, rtabbcr, which never becoinea becoiniI »ay to, him? " * % ud ihn gittttdfeythol^H and tha gre^t; Mrous«ndwhkBicioaeSvUpirtiaU punctures without SiTiyw. fortnight nfter the dinner. * playing^around tho (lowers and leave* the thtoknbtMr ttw»l Ing 'ItealrtfracftW.t We h»ve hundredsof tetters from Mtisgranfl^yther'a—ahd 1long hefora In T h u r s d a y s Danby was here to-night flMCuatom^WitMlttg-IhittthelriireiiliaveoaiybceupuBiMd , •A" and panotjuro ttriu* "it" First calls {tt tho season should be. ,ie*-y«r^ pretty Indeed. • ' ! mstuhtgUiat thelrtiresliaveontybcen putnpei ' and "O," cd*o rin» strVp •• i f the family. Oo, ladl* ainln, He Rnd some news. It seems uponceormi ..._r „ jwlwtoawbolesesann; Th«y weighiiomoretnsi .......jsa returned very prompJJy - o n tha'o"e*«tf to prevent rtm oUUIug.- This ... ordinary ujt.-thejwiotufe re«l»ttnirqtittiuie»belngaTlv« ,",$&, lassj :wouldst thn have m« th nl a rich old undo has left a lot of _j sir* wilt oatfMt any otbur nggiyen reception day "Q/ tin? person who hwKk j A L l T T t E TALK TO Olftt«. isM-HUFT. KLA»¥ia and go? Oh, lass-^whateyor would 1 do ra nley und property tc- soin^ girl and triad. ¥lier«a»tarprfc«el tiicM tiniU&j»per pair,hStfor ,j made the call, }f sbtf'lfas a roteptlon ^^ A"'' ~ , I, •" 1 advirtlrtlnBrputpostsimere mikingsspoclM (actory t w i ' o V t h a r ' ' ^ * j I) inny Is made executor of jthe estate, day; and lfeha,h&« none, then at any -i Qualify VoufMlva* td Diffuse ln*plr«* lt m,eatt» onjr Home, .Tack—your H ) Is' to be well paid for hfe services, propitious Urni" within a week or fortnight After this polite exchange of tlen, the Thing Our World Meet's Moat. home—and . m i n e ; and, oh, lad, III bi t I'm,scared to deatjfi he Will fall in lore wftfi the girl. Tho wretch; bar, Aa you come to full growth lindjget wait*, focth-j—*>reverl" civilities a longer period hotween visI' nean. rjdo hope she's itgly. I wee 1 Its may bo allowed, to lapse: Calls of o a t of school, of cotnfee, being* Ameri« Auorlca IJtorally ''went wild" over in m e n u ^ ^ i t e r e s t e d . Danny seemed' condolence and congratulation shjpuhl can girl*, you want, properly enough, r that yea wUn and attain, more freedom of actloh. tha'"JUnjbaahlre Lad." as Wyutt, t h e i( , g l a y « p j ) e able to earn a lot of know be made a* soon a* possible. t'"J We want ym testae manager, hilled his latest memey'and 1 was happy With him, The majority of carts between wom- Gradually from tcUinf: yoti what to do vaudeville 1 IF YOU NEED TIRES & 4 en are' exchanged on their appointed your parents aidvlae you w h a t to do. "find. ' The J-oung .Englishmen soon B i t mat in)the midst of i t all who Utt iMelallttimdii^My pnctquoMaww price qui and attniiry c^lalogi • whieh days at home, and then the cards are and presdatlj-.you qN«idei" Whether became A "h»adllher"--witb the ac- slould come i n b^i^ Ted Manljt. Dan* dcsentMSnd^aoteaafl makH « Mivrwirr^ V">rr^ pbiurtod«y;"S)(rKWTi&pr^ BtTTlMOitbieycte left by the caller on the tray In tho you will take their aijylce or not, and companylng high salary w|)lch attends ay, ot courke;,th0 dejir old stupid, left ewaaawMwUrfut - mnWw wTMfff or a pair ef thes from aoyon« tmttf you know the «e< hall aa she passes through on/he? way if you don't want to, it will be .hard that much-coveted honor. Three years (list. ^Ted[wa;nt» nie to go moterihg —, offers we a n tttklog. Xtc»lyooiUap^^tote«mi^rytblag. WtiUtt S o w . theatrical world .had changed w th him lattirday and says h e has to tho drawing room. She puts Into to make y o u And »i the year* g o off in the, 1 etmefhlngjvery Itoportant to tell me, the tray one of her own and twp of you return their kindness probably, by him little, and always W o r e him was her husband's. If her hostess la mar- advising them, and ll* time they, get a ^winsome face framed In Wflnd-blowrt *, Ike film pretty .Well and If ;it Weren't ' -" ' ' for—but I wori;t speculate. He'ffcomried. If her hostess*, unmarried daugh-, to rely a great deal tin your oounael. hair. , in it at 4 o'^ociK. , ' . s ' Well, act, much, of freedom a s conVVyatt, bubbling with excitement^ tern receive with their mother, the Friday—'The fourth proposal," dear caller would leave one of her cards gists In Ignoring your patents' advice came one morning Into his "headline j-jrh.en you - don't like It. will come to er's" dressing foom. "Say, old man,'' D 'ry. r Now what do you thittk of that,? when going out. y * r-s-—: -]^-rr, ."«•> - --r -A—^-r—c -—ir-.r.——.• •• •;'tr. J |^.,.v"."r".,.'f * mx m m t In; Nothing, could be nicer for yourself and family. iRiiyaliiiiiiuiiBiiiins*^ A young lady paying a chance call you pretty soon, hut as their control he said, "we've got something new A least,, if lt/s not a proposal, It will will find It neces- coming—something Efnglish^-you'll be b( one, I'm, suite. Just got back from Books aretfa necessity and especially i n the home ojj a mother and daughters, or a bost- of you diminishes you ess and friend, and being, told the *ary tp substitute for it control of an- glad to hear. She'll share honors with t* e , theatre. Mamma * chaperoned a where there are growing children. And under'the Werner plan we can furnish-or ladles are -out, leaves two cards. A other so£t. If you don't, you will have ydu. I reckon. She's a dancer—the1 pi rty of rive of us girls; we had a box. 1 complete your library, n o nutter how large or how' can paid to a lady visiting in a house, | t h>r4 -time. Of a girl wbo got nervous greatest thau^London has known for JiCk Barry was in the cast and h e small, with as many or as few" books' as you want, whether the lady 'of the bouse is a prostration and went to a sanitarium years—young, too, and'beautifui. She's made us feel 4 very' protid by a very; J'-. J —"" 1 a n 4 y ° u ^ ° k a v e them to reafi friend or stranger to the cajler. re- to rest'ooe said the ojther night: "Oh npne of your ordinary, short-skirted ccrdlal recognition from tbe stage and yes; 'that's n,ot surprising, . ^ h e Wa» la ter on by" dropping in to pay h i s rehigh, kiekera, elther-rwearg long, beauand enjoy While paying for them in small montfhly quires t w o cards—one for the" guest payments. , * and one for her hostess, and this la th^ girl who ^eald i^e^never^'itUd^ny* tiful Grecian costumes and ,'^Oea si ects. The girls were] all Relighted • still the rule whether the ealler is « thing she didn't want, it)} "JMfa^Aej*. 'classic' dancing.' Haven't seen her my- ,w ih lilm. ,'.He could only stay a few** there is no tyrant so despotic^ aS'lib self yet—our English agent signed minutes but when he left he shook -raan or woman. * We, have just Issued a pew complete illustrated cati log undisciplined mind that resist* direc- her. She'll be here to-night." hs.nds ,witn us* all, me last, and 11 felt A young man when calling for the listing euoh standard books as Dickens, Scott, Thacktion and is still unqualified for( self-d|i," h! m press {something into my hand. It * *, * *. first time on an unmarried woman eray,] Poe, Mnhlbach, Tissot, Shakespeare and rOany rection. The^prlce. of freedoat Is a*W| When the new dancer, had finished w ts a note- It reads; "JMy very dear others. Just drop us a postal and we/U mail.you.a copy asks for her mother, or chaperon, aa mission t o something] 1t may be Bonte! her '"turn" there was absolute silence B sralce: Please be at home to me topostpaid. -welt, and If they are pot at home, bo thing within, hut It must be Bom6iM§f* in t h e "house for a secondj—then pro- rn orrow ajfter the matinee. I have^ should leave two cards. Subsequently that stands for dutyj. , L ) - ^ - > longed and deafening applause. S( methlng' very important to tell you. be ..need leave": but one card. J D -ivot4dly^ Jack." , Th^y all seem to And I. do bbBeech. and -charge, you, As ;she iurned back to'bo\V her There was a time when a man sent that aa you look abojui for something •thanks, t h e tenor, coming 'from his ti Ik alike, when they get .around to ' Deqavrttnent C op his card when calling, but this baa to take care.of and!thus fulfil yodT dressing room, caught fight of her. IP oposing.j Well, I hope he doesn't gone .out now' for infomal calls. He destiny; you W W tak*5 such charge aa His heart leaped to his throat—then m eet ^ny,'i of the Other men. he's «0 sends.his name by the servant, leavyou may of men In general, ahd especi- he stijod and wafted* When she came a i-fully Jealous. I w o n d e r what Dan* ing a card only If she on .whom he i s n f Is doing, Hopa he's safely in bed' ally the young ones Of you* own gen- off again he faced bar. callrngVis not at home. On reception ai id not galllvatlnf around with hla eration, and try, In a\> fsr.aa you ican, "Jack! lad! lad!" she cried—and in days he leaves card* on tho tray. ,wwd. I hate her- ^ <'• \ ' , to make something of rtbem that will an instant was in his arms, We are in a transitional stage In he an. advantage to [trie country ahd Satwday, One O/Olodj*—WcjnderfUl* ••Lase; lojsi.what does It mean??" large cities aa regards the European to the human race, y o u cannot make : 01,'most wondertui. Here I am on '\ custom of leaving cards a t tho door a good world *flthot>|s footl map* Do he asked, wonderingly. tl e limited for New -York-./ Manama la ''Only dear lad, that the waiting by the footman without asking to sea try to make eomethd'dg'o? these young the ladies' of the house*. This la a a one* that you will flijid floating about. tlmo Seemed so long; I Wanted to help with me ajnd Danny and'^a<|dyai;e In entirely correct proceeding in a largo It will ba good'practice for you in the shorten i t My ohance came -aud here t i e smoking uorapartment., The degr society, where tho demands 0 4 one's most-important dt-ty that falty to I am, ,1 coujldn't tell you until \ was b t y called l quite early this morning. Trrfd ine n« lfts,t that hoj loved me1, aaKv time are great, and In any metropolis women. .Don't conjpf-tto" with thtan to sure,of -sueoeas, antllnow--*.'*> ^ o w — y o u ' r e faSiious—the *graatest ei I ma-to tjnarry him and then explain/ * it 1« a sign of provincialism to lake their employment* urnies* yovt have e l Hi* huitoi'iiis.'J'm'hfi'Blfrl a e r o p ^ offense at the practice. It has bean to, All the college' prestdent* rfwall dancer (London h a s known for years; l '^1 d htm flf«(tt a n * ft**«i abeut-Ms of* but to we—" • don* for years in Umdon, and la quite. ovtir the young • mon 'luMinitse t b a ^ "I'm Just ]iuur little UncumjtiCe lits> V In* nfturward, It *mm* *t» ward la the custom In Now York and Wasey eaflit f a t enough of them tniwekte'd-lri o i l y thjrtie Veara.ahJ, Mhmiua a n * ' x t • knowledge. M yon have ati^na Httowl* Ble; Jaffk, lail," 1 :lngton*. PTMdy alwiiyi HWad Penny and knew Thn* onll cntn'e then .for the '1iood« edge, feed 01U * llttlo to thorn, HUgnrI wanted 1|lm so tltoy untrt If I wag White* Kid. ailppsrs, coated, and If they tiavo ftny, gat it. HtMir"r«and hot «Ang ngalr^ thifi nong sitiiiled thoy had no objection, T o iwhit-li had first endeared him to: AmorWhen whitv kid «llpp«ra have bf«fi Out of them. Most of the Insplrftttond flicitpe t l i r r e i t of the .men Momiha iisrd to »uch MI extent thajk they ara that matt g#t» thay gat *roa» wom*n. li'hu hearts, "None can \w Mvkv or t ought It bust that M e a y e town for rarer than Btirah, my lomla frae ta-tf 1 a little shahbyf thoy oan b« Dalatad a Do qualify .ymirHalvae to diffuse In* arranglil^; viwtlun a while a n d | i BaMy > « * t o g e , to •pint •t <{»<»( ate blue Or pink, to go with tha aplmtlfcin, I t is the thing rifw world cnshlre," , , I oa ih« Grtit Lalt«. lit h the mu«t eUftknt and •aoj^inlvil trip m AfiwrN i w York; on 1>min*»M and\Danny has And tUoni who heard |»lm thought "" («• Md you wJite^itfy-^eiy minute. , All ths ii«fH.r»i.i» port,o(th« party frook, Oil patnta *mM %* ttaeds 'ilia moat. Material thfpgs {m* a week before buckling rfotto to work, GrwMt UkwartNMliad NtfuUrly by tM.iM«rlUnt«<rvla«o( tli* 0 . VC, U k * tirn-d, being put on with a carnal'* hair faanaefy abound, mettni* flan.hrgot for lit had neyer aimg so well, lure we are' «11 together, 1 Juat had Www. Tks Wn Uri|« «t«tm«ri »1tula ileal »r« of medira ate*! eenitnwtlen, brush, Matal bultou* ahd ornanjwnt* anything thai desBrVes them, but the time t e scribble four notes and leave trop.ll.d by pow.riul«Hj(ln«i.riJ ImvealltU quilitiiui tp*td. safety u d may ba painted with oil palnti to thajt fire that touches the|aplrlW of men la Antlolpatlon lafsr than Realisation. tl iem with1 myj maid. ' I, forgot to ad* •omfort, Tk« Uhfad W t n l m TalMrapti Servlee UM4 aboard, , H% la not always necessary to make thsy wUI hanaonlr,* with some naw aomnwhat to seek.. Money's a-plenty;. _Tklwli rMduu via isy rail like kefweea Ddroli and Inhale, DttreH end frock. Tha painting of quills ahd Bricks, atone, food, books, and .all t h a t a direct aceusatIon,"sald the ja\wjf«r retf ,the envelopes but they all read ^dtutdsres^bkleru'aDiBerh^ feathers la a daclded accorapliibmant, but Inspiration |e scarce. Have It to who ;wa» asking damages .because in> a |ke to It makes tto difference. Here but many amateurs do 1% making vary give If you can.—H.,%. Martin, In Har- slnuatlons bad been made against his; c n n e ^ p e ^ ^ i Oood-bye, dear Wry* T h s S tt C. Lake Lin., operate dally trip* Utw.taDitrofc and BuflFelo. client's good) name. "You may have oretty ornamants out of thtm, • per's Bajar. ' ^ Detroit •adCltvelud, foiur inp* weekly betweta Toledo, Detroit, MWIIB*A k/ , . hearf of tha weuah wholcalled to .the . l ' Ulead and way porto, fad two trip, weekly between De*«a. Bay Cky, SadoiW ' 'lAv II" I" ' ,'" and way porta. A Cfaifelaad to Maekinae rpeoul .teamer will k» operatedftVom hired girl, 'Mary, Mory, cpme here Diamond tarring ProAotora. . "ttet* 25 to September 10, lesWag CkmUqd direct for MeKldaae, itaniaf a) v For women who wear diamond* the 'Neyerputaaltittto^ Sp whan ebok> an4 take the parrot dowhstairs^the. . '& tr'endet fc)her*ffo any Industries *-^enrtttte •very tdp and at Qc>deiidi. Ont, every titW trip. ^ ^ maatef hha dropped his collar butThe Etiquette of CafllnBr-Whan* the Formal Visit is Necessary-* Leaving of Card* for' Men at Well M Women- r p(nn«r Call Is Important *--* m f& . DAVID STOTT, MOkr m i U BE AJTOIISHEO^S«aLff^*SBS« y PJEDeETHORH PUBCTOBE-PEWF yiJUk TELF-HEALIMG TIIES&^SSSr&S? IT 3 z S ^^¾¾^. JLLHEUCYGIECqMMIV CilMW.ILL » ' Start a Library Nowi 'W0 :* ' '4. SPECIAL NOTE. TUB WERNER COK MPANY OHK) /KRON. i : I little hollow gold balls to snap over Ing until it la iklmto< tm\ salt pra» eirrled on lni heavent" Inquired the ton}' "—Everybody's 'Magaatna • the* earrings .are a novelty not to ba vehta the scum fromr . / irrrJ4—--—,—-. deapiaed whan travaling. They may * 4 - i e K K S e > M ait now matches if too much salth •ftMeito l MuoK hfearer Correai '• ' 1- s re' made there,"1 was the guarded an^aat their Jewels w,ith them whan h> aoup slksa a raw potato and boil It la Te|wherr^lminle\ycorrect! this sen ,s-rer of the local sage,—LoulsvtUe \ appropriately gownid. To these WOBV the aoup%w *.fewff>%Utea. TM*nota> teweef "Our teacher7 am In slghf* en tho lataai da-rice In fold will prora to will ahaerh muxmvof the salt C ourier-Journal., %, JlmaUe—"Out teacher am a alghtp rery naalul-j y ' » 1 . ( * * • & * T f f» ' • t * ?* " ' Jt ( . * '2 -d dayll|M t t V ^ I ^ > ^ X-cekt stamp |or ilt^streted pjampklet end Great Leaves tup. ?' AddrM L. Q. L I W I 8 , d . P.' A.. DETROIT M0Rl|ltAAN. IfRKa. Detroit . J.1; j '• £H*r*wwm & Cleveidnd Ndv. Co. T I \ 111* ,A'j A 1. i^^^i '-.! ^imM^m^^k&m •4\ .0;' **' : • • U N O AND LliTINfNa. ANIMAL •UAUaHTtR INFAANOI. A ITATMMAN'I PLIA. Detroit United i Lines \ l ,K ^•anl0htad Mjri"w»aia OlaiiM In Mambara from •hallbaok Tails Why VV>IIIMIOU«' Tlino Tablo. A •wiiprttr'a ^moiMlmllon In fht «v», «1 HMMitsfd.Tlnw.) Tatklngi bi \ not In flofdrnf. Vhalr MathUa. *>yalidijts lifvlMeui | Mud an# tlwthiy a Larttsrn'a Llfht, Work, Ixplaln > H i t i l l ! gKould • § Patiid. •***sr« '• « aoit, of quwritbla«," ail* Mttobara of th ^durfragrnari BaVar* . ftWMtft for information rtiardtaf Tkt* l«Uowt/ii obarac^riitlo ao«o"Br-H'ro-MUtor'Bpeaksr-" be- Btfir » .MI!, ' i d » m, filM for DtlfoH-. v>. A naaMightad inan,, Mr km vary " 1 » < WI»»J » • W ' l »1 a, n . and* if- MHMWC* eitingw to France tftvlpf been tot* la wtd conciraJni, S. 0, Pottar, tod Coofaflttonara'i Intttantloail Un- naar-alghted, ttrong giMiaa aro ln« gan tha moia-grown mamber from SVtfy IIH'-f b<M ,l(f ion riQ»ntly«fllt}tnltyt»voAwk|rft low #M|i to the United States Consul G*o> tbaM aoulptotj ^ ' v»ri Kl iniliiHi'it hi'4|M-u ui„ *Mv, m„ tin and to>< me for ordinary, gaa> Shellback County, rising In Ula place •Jf-lHiiifiN i *ftl Is Farta. bar replies (bat ao ap* I aavr kirn ofta aranlng payltta a •ttcrata in brand mnklDitn *rilimanta diapanaable' lb the mldat of Hie Arknuana Lo«lsIa> »'.«i„i..liti n,<:iii,,n!id (urtirly UiMl* \>*,. ft; «tel aupervisloo U fiv«n to tntrslla, oall upon soMpafttUva «truitgartu A (or th« Abolition of ui|ht work,. One •ral saving In piy going ahjout, but turo, "1 atk for,, the passage of this tfftVi in. .41M* in. mill when 1 alt ..dov p to read 1 tako off i litilf hourly to 4)00 |i, w^ 4ii» p. III»| M MI i,; iu,| INI^I *p n>. , ami «v«ry br«ad maker taMi > > „\ ' ' *ttt that no animal may be alaiiajbter* plaitar oaatol a hone itood at ont yore ben-hawk 111)! o' mi no In the in* in V i t'lt i, II |8i(lH|». IU.I ViNil p. in, W "OUfiirst bread COBWa out'About my glnaauB and bring tlto print up to tomato of rollgibn, good uiorals nnd niliiutiK '•* for food (htm untos U baa brat •Idt ofth« f roohl, n little plac« full half hit' n> in Wl#,iu UIVII hiibrj ' lrt>»VH>HHUJ |N\|iHp,|iltOinM) f tMfa und«r veterinary limpectlon, If of pootic ImnglnttMoii, but donv tooaa* «.H0 o'clock In U N mocnjin, Theu within the natjufal focus of the ays. clvlllnution, It seems to me thut leading wltb the I t h*« bae.tr found aound tho viseern ly and skotolilty, ^tyr.Mottar sat the wagon tftk«» th« ^t*M~ <t\i\ for tiitUiH in MIKIIUII titI 4iUlfcii, m.i tticwi .. „ "If wo don't have n law puylnf a «v«ty vn Htimjti'* i't hottt ncA ..> |» Ill •*• alto renamed safe without, further <own, b\u his g..»u Kopt ru'urning to diutier, Or coiirsw, tills Ufond. ii not natural eye, I iwud with a more Inti- bounty for klltln' 'otu, nobody will kill imniiourly u>. in II ml Inilf hutirly lo^stHSp, mate and a cle ij' r undorstiuidluM. imlu, in f rwu-in Hint,! roal wtinh whin it gotjg. into the •tajnlnattpn. that liorsti. hen-hnwka; If nobody kills the IIHWIIH Ii, m l u , I I w, II in, "Ho tuuch fu •< myi rending without the fetch-tftkod JIUWKM will kill tho m,,![liii, Wb*» a row, ho* or sheep proves "r|j linrc y beard whftt wiU buiiijB wagon, it, IK not the h^»t| t hJ j ^ to put Million), uw •, liciliii III'IIIMN III Dutroll Ml <0 b« hfrl.cled w'tb dlscim when said to him as iu> studied It Mgiilii atid warui Immd lt| the wu«ofi, u« tt ta spectacles, and now here Is the thing chickens; If we don't have no chick* Jiffln IM HIKI itri'h-iitim K( t)iHiH. m. s i l l tlid It ' # M-lniliiic I* iiiutiiinliiUil llirmlKhuia > killed, atop* are taken to prevent'Its ttKuin. Atlnst Ills iri(m-e«t In it broktt llftflt) to get iun«ll()d, hut the broad that is queer t > the,; If, wbun I am B«B We won't haNfo.no prvuehers. after liitlf thuovutiing, '• v reading, soinel ody fouies along to n Utile while, nnd whnr • there ain't no • Hiiiuicin-II'.'n IIIIIHHC HUIIIMIIIIO U iimliilBlnua use «8 ((Mil. If tiii) dim-ane i» not out.'Jic;i;Uttip(!d up imit witiki-d acroiis. that first has' bttuiabffked tiiat day .¾.' call bso usvd fiur HhlppliB Ini tii^after* speak to me, w a, the«: to get,a ti^ear pt'akchei's titer*? nln't no religion'; uml diirlnu.li "in»l>" lioiirn contagious the body In linpr«>Kiiat<id " '01 -'flO'lirtj*!, it bus Ififllng,' suld then_ understundiug ( ( that question 1 must w)uir:thore alii't no religion there ain't) IV * D....M. Ai T. DlvfWon. ' with pi'trtieiirp. If the anlriial suffers quite li-relevatttly. i Ifko It. tint l # | t liooti. Th'e bread comingfijjortg •Jl'or iMU'iiil till,, II . Anil lluilrf l«i 10:45 p, m. Up until 4 or & d clock M put tnr1juxes; havpT JII my sp( t tacies. ' : -.'*•". from a disease which any-be tnns- at that' heirtl.' no morals; without j^oo'd: morals there ft* |'orTiili'i)»»7il!i!ii»il liimrly lo P|l!t p . m. T o 1 ahdjitt'the inornln^ it Is just tt»;fi:eih N TI1K rtii'iill ll'ntirl fi»r tlMS Wayno Connly-, In . aniimm'fiiily I" IJ p. in. mid |i. in. "•i?| I'say, pr would say if this.hap' mitted, body, hl'd*. entrails, honm- and "Ills lingers tthvLllud seimltl ain't no happy homes, nnd happy CliHMVrv , as anybptiy '• /lints, i VVh^eu the load is pened at. home v'ljore 1 know the peri* homes is the buMyworks of the,.State IDA hoofs must be. burned. Cnttie which Over the piaster . '• « HltlN'rziCN.'ICSifmlrU, ' p|e, 'Wait a! m jrute tllf 1 get on my -"-without 'em, Mr. Speaker) our boast•bow tract's <*t ttihemtrosis art- treatrnvpt so heavy in theI .t niornlug''.the' i -VH-, ' : " "Notjorie was. ever constructed II A i m j R t 1/ KLATTKY. «1 at. ' <Nl with petroleum but no restriction that way. He dmply oouldn't h«[u& wagons come back, load! up again, and spectacles.' aV 1 would put them on ed civilization becomes a howling wih At a KI'KCIUII of milil Court linld In tlie Clly of * go out. We .indi It has been a saving and then say,. Sjlcw, go a'head,' ahd derness. For the preservation of civ- Dm roll in wild ('iillllty, on tlio iilnl <l,i) of Aniil, 1« put <?rr tfye ordinary uses of- the those great holes over hip eyes/. • 1^ ; - • • . ' reaily,;wlth my spectacles on, Wiit-b my ilization, we've got to have happy »010. bide horns and ..oofs. In come case3 "As he felt it. he warmed up njiord/ of horses and wagdns/''/* 'A- .?••.PrrmtiiLUon' 3. NV, Donovan, t'lrclitlJudRe '•'"I had day wor> lh„iOijr shop right power of setjin; at its |best, wijib' the homes in', our mla8t,,(and!ln order to In the ulxivt- etilltled «IIIH,.|I Hp|Ki»Hii(t to Die Where the meat Is destined for use'in and more. Kattnliurl Ion of tho Court llml tho. unknown litir« nwnageries the authorities refrain ">Why, come ouUhere nd I'il show along," said Fred Shell, u Detroit bak- sharpest delini ;Ion of things in .igfen- • have 'em we'v,e got ta have good mor- ofBcriianl l l c n l l b , d«,cmned, Broiificennary mid er,' "and in ordar to ai;c6mmodatfe a era! to the eye I get the clearest ap- als, good m|orals depend upon religion, profwtf part Ira t o Haid ' cult, o n motion of, , from applying ol). but supervise the you,' he exclaimed. ! I ArIK W omlruff and Fran t W. Atklnsou, *r»llotJ of tilings said to me.' business, of feeding the carnivorous and to have religion we must naye itors forC'unitdulnanl. It la hereby ordered IliM thtf , "So he took bis companlop out to few customers rwbo $)nnted. Varm prehension 1 bread In the morning I put a man on animals for which the meat is In- where his own horse was Standing "So in readi.g, I do best /with my preachers, and it "pears like preacners "nnknown helra of Hrruard Heiillb, deceased? their »pi earanoo In natd aull.on or b e l w J at night Then I we had warm bread glasses . off, ' t ut In .understanding havexjust naturally got to have chick- enu-r tended. '< t h e 22nd > Ry of Oolober 1910; and that w i t h l i and, regardless of'the mad and slush •U In the mornj|ig and all d^y. But J the twenty day» from the dale hereof the Complain' These regulations apply to the cat- of a winter night., got down off the things said t!o me, in {ictenlng, 1 do ens; if we want 'em ti> have chickens caupe t o be publlahed In t h e Wyandotte tle, hogs and sheep sold by farmers to porch to show V the antern light tlie trade has dropped. I dont see the best with»my glasses !dp: , Theije, is we must slay off the hawks, and in ant Ocrald, a.n^wrpaper published and clreulaUnit rural butc' ers. as well as t- the anl*1 bony ; rocesses that really modlli^a customers come in and ask fo; a tfoz-- one modlflcatibi to thif ^jwhe1;e''t!here; order to git the. hawks Blew we are In caid I'ourty of Wayne,, a copy of Ihia order, r eald l o be continued once in eacU mTOUs each cay. I have done less is no light, as n a dare oomj where fo'ced to make it 'to the interest ot w t c kpublication . mals slaughtered for food In big cities. the cavity in question.'" for alz nueceaalve wetka. ... business. This vreek I have gone back I can't see,/1- can undeIrsttndj equally somebody to kUl, 'em. No bounty, no i w.jM>yovATsr, to day work, .ar.d I thlnV. the custom- well with or wbh6ijit ig i Circuit Judge. chickens; no chickens, !ho preachers; A true copy. The Modest'Third. Ducks Plentiful in China. f' ers will come back:"—New York no preachers,rioreligion; no religion, BO&tKR C CAKR, Earl; in the. Congressional career There are more ducks, In China Press. .'*.' , ' ' i Deputy Reklater. 8<(ops Poo Barking. nor morals; no morals, no homes., Dated iApril of J4r. Blaine, says a writer in the than in all the rest of the world, sa; 'S / a t IttlO My {winter ised to annoy the fam- Therefore, I * ag'ln ask that this yere AMI # WOOhRrjFF, New York Tribune, when Thaddeus "The Dundee Advortlsei." China, solicitor lor Complainant. ntj ily, by barking at night, often for no Stevens died, who for ten years bad literally, Is white with these birds, • ,,: Some Brief Proper Names. BualneairaddreM. Wyandotte, Mloh. VmT o' mine be passed © dominated Congress. .Mft^alne. who and day and, digni the country teIn the Zuyder Zee there Is a bay other reason tl tan that other dogs (if T A T E OP MICUIGAN. C o i n t y of Waynes*. entered the House tfe aljae-^year as sounds with, their metallic and scorn- c*lled Y; and Amsterdam has the toe nelghborh tod were barking. I GAINING RAPIDLY. At a teaaion of the proba e court for aahl the late Senator Alll9fln^l|e^»rfce4; to ful voices. Chiiu.en herd ducks. On river] Y; iwhile, strange, to bay, in had an elecfr: c gong i placed in his county of Wayne, held a t ll ip probate court room In ilie city of Oetro t, on the nlntA .•friend in the rotunda^p%|3*pftoL fe«per^| road, on every pond, on every quite alio ther part of the earth. In kennel and tjhf wires strung straight day of May, In t h e y e a r o n e thousand' "The-death of Stevehs 1 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ^ ¾ ^ 5 V i |j[iteievery lake, on every river. China! the same, brief name is given up from Lhej roof of the keiinei to a nine,hundred and ten. Present. Henry H. shade tree ant then to my bedroom. Huloert, lud|(e of probate. In t h e matter of Uia '' . pation for the RepublicanJtA^Hy Vm, §e|pjff %k backyard Wttnout its ducjk- toU'.iiwn. ' '. • '.'].' i Ninle of Miiry KriiMlliky. deceased. . , kept it under^hls j » e * t " ' M ^ / v : V ^ irt^^;.1§Bere Is no boat, little" or Elsewhere in the Flowery Kingdom, The pushbutton is on the wall close 'An inalruineiii In wilttnu purportlnif In be tka 1 to,the head of tny bed and if the dog liUt will Mid testament of snld dooeiwcd liavlnit "Whom hafe van .got'/eft.torlead."! g'r»«4^^mo^ its duck qbarters.Evnn in the province of Honan. there Is a L< en delivered into this Court for probaui. ers?" queried''thefriend. * •" . ' th theJ^^^a %| China ducks ab'^ur d. city calted U; and; in France there Is barks when I t link hesihould be still, It ID ordered. that the eighth day of J u n o ; I press tp4 bttton arid) he shuts up. next, ill ten o'clock, ' In, ll>« forenoon, a l Ijhey dojdl^.^lfeen the coolies' le^s. "There ^aT"e' three young' men coma 'Iver, and In Sweden «' town, rejoicMttil pour) rin.nl, bo . »ppoli|lcd for provihu This ,1s h6\ij' w« trained'him ae should ing forward*" was---Mr. Blaine's reply,. Th^y Blfi^l|f:VclnB out of the wiy ing in the name if A. said In-I^iinieiil And ltli> luitber ordered tlini n copy bf tlitu "There 1« a .young man to be heard of th'e.'^d^«^':lVhclr iudlgQn'nt'qua Jfr" . Proper names of this brief nature be qiiiet when the beij rang. I waitorder be published three Miccwiflve weoka' |nn from," pointinK to Allison, who was will not'rtJ}St4;|ddm dfown t|u> ronr of ure indt, ,'haiever.i'•'• monopolized by ed inside the nide door of the' hqus,e[ VIOIJM l o HMIII time of liearliiK tfi the NVyimdotts Herald, n iicwi-piiper printed uiid I'lreiilutlnit 'n pas.H|nie '^amofl '&, Git rite hi Is <»'n- iirhttn; e^jS^j^tie;. All over the laid 'plil'es:'Instauciui-aiK f>n reco.rd'Jwfi«te with all the lights in, fjui, li^use out. t-111<I w.iiiity o( NNiivnn I When ,,tho ba riling 'ckiiiuae-nced my otfw?r."•'"•. • lad'ivjduaij have J)tfe|i similarly ifa-med. w>th^r* afe>S??^Rr duck l^t|ch4iiK, esi IIUKUV rt. lU.'I.BEItT, Jndite of Probate. (A lyne iiij > .i , There- was a pa>ijjt\ and, fJ]V rrlend llBhmgj^fe^ti!^* of t.h'itiW)f a caimc >y, 8oi|ie years ago tut't^i was.a shop ij s-yt •brotlJer rang t le Utilf fiM. ' wont out and gave the doii'n'-lscaldtiig and & t'IMfi. (.'. I'llAIIWllK. , iftkml, ;r\Yeh, who i* ti;e, th.lrdr-; hi)^t^tl8*M!it" pt'ort;tii< llfty th pu-:. on i'the lii'e do hiouvnti,, Bruss^lB-j^bJr ,l'ii,lmlei:n,ik. , lllwU couple,ol -WOte' B;, with; tlit-'y dog-whip, . 1 Mf,tRtafiife siwc up in the .dc-nfe, saT.dV^JtiK tlu..ks .evifry year: . The The'reis'a O, and llj|re !« a M;wluniJ8 0 K TATK til' Mil I.UtlAN. County of Way lie, «* and '''said .cpiietl>, "I- don't- see bo CbiHf^^Hi* Is ex'trmiely tender n(nd fVi purls who is well.known 'as fhtf pro- < then re"turnjtfii:: to the.hbuse/ j had "to S Al ll Ntwdoii of'lln.' |irob,im enllrl lor HI,Id . gt out tlir.eo .itneb tub' llrut-evening prteto'r of a popular cal'e. I'liunty (if NV,lytic, lielil n| ||i« piAbnln iMitlrl room third." ' f: ... v ' ; ' - / ''"; '"' WficaW-'lhe best tnmo iuclc fo>" datIn the clly of Oeliol), on t h e lenlli day ' i»Ri In the "(world, buck, (among the * An ;i!]iUHi)»g incident 1» reiionhted in and twice'- tli^j tiext, ft)ut since tit'tyn ol May, In ,th« vimr o n e Ijioiiniiul IIIIKI hiiiiilrt'tl mull ten, I ' l c n i t , Hem) H. lliillieit, Roman Nefrnenclatute. •?'-,'•t„„.„. CblHi'se, .... IH .„»..,. aho .... Htapk deliiacy. It is ;connection with.'tho IKipre«Kinent Into ilie beii; has ierved Its purpose; In lildlie 11 |,i,,liiile. In l.1|i' niiiller of Ilie estalu of 1 Th* \u)b\i} Kotn'u'iVs w#r» peculiar f eitHL.d and smoRfc llk^ ham or ,b»|uf. j'the nillitttiy service of, the sou of thin. fact, Utiiu pr fct'lcallyi cured this dog IIOHII Marl In. <l«,'<)iin'|d. M^Udiuno O.i The, young tnun could of uucaUed-torl barklritj, : J. V. Travis. + , - . '••/ in thMr system t uotx.nnclutuiv. ,'PUey Wlllliini If I'uvl*, iiilinlnlKU'iilor of said IIMIIU', liavl, u 14,11,lure,I 1« Ihla toiirt III" Una) not write, ^aiiu so'iAghed his. name on had- the j>raeiiorn,fH. th«" injm«n and, Sickroom? Mirrors, 'luliiiltilKiinrloii lU'iiniiiit and Hied therewith Ins Pcrhs of fflce. iKitllloil priiyli'U Hint I Im residue.of Kiild unlate the cognomen. The .Hi's d£ thwse * • 'fthly b bund • inli'ror mirror' should Miotild I i4 jlhe military papers'with u|cross, Itt h hand' lie HSHIKIII-,1 to John iMiullii. not occurring to.^ini nor to^py of the The pen us Ml by .''Charles Dickens dUtliixiilrihei tin individual i*nd was, It IK ordered, lluU (lie fouiHwiilli day o f June next, at Kin u'clnek In lliii tornnooii. equivalent to our ChrUHan or baptW- f "ft'itl i^^^M, r be one flattering to he olllcims Wow eu^liy i»6 oouldiiave writ- Just before his dfiUh, which has been at suld emiri 100111,1 In, appointed for e i a u i ' ''t«B.hJs'»ajne. ;'"•':'.T/"^,..'sold at Messri. Sot In by's rooms ^for ; »*1 oaiH«.„^it Was usu'tUy Indicated patl(iftt-&.^Stlnd. f«jrU)Ht(tii<:<?. which IniiiK «n' allowlnir 'said aiectint and hearing J U 1 1 1 10B, must yield the palm of ^ostNatd pell'ion. , , t>yft«^gle>*telter, as A. for Auliis, or |lf the fttfsl* too broad will iengtli*n ,4 And ii In Inrllier orilcred, that a copy of this luri 4iness to the v, ell wor|i guld pen, Used oy f»|ri k«}ffir4 ** At'- f o r Applus, or it alftt1«T^;S|(i tho.patleh^ should oily -v. . r.f. Panta«irCi^ilc Fefat/^'-; , order he |ii|lillslieil thr,«e Hueuesslre weekit puin ,. ._ yuii 1 pievlniisloiinid time, ot Inarlhu. In Die Wynut|Jree> 4« 8er, 6>r Serving., The nomeb; bo Hllowfdpfr look in Mtt* mirror at PantaBtus: ic .f^»r3og> uD^.tp&date. by "Uo^f" for many j years, which "lliii that's Itjrjiiigtr: 1'Ve only been dolte Herald, a ncWIpniier print ted and circu il •Ircti newspaper pri ^ # W dfag^u'rtve of.th<» genu or clanV propitious ipueB. Many .- patient liaa At Szegedvin ll(ihiaj^,ythiBfr^i# come found h i.urclnser* Bothe time ago lor at the* sea two hours and 1 .hnyo al- liitliiK til said iKiiinly bf VVavuo. inly of Wayuo. '"^ftd'-'baa no corresponding appellar been frlglit^d literally t» death by. ,io & cloftcfa tripli6^*«tld^hft ;'|«%tl on over &.W., A {the same ol the l>al- ready put on twihleFpouiids. is^&ffsou MKNUY H. ULUEUT, housle coilecti>|i tt quill pen used by 'Vi'l^f' among *us. , The cognomen was hlsnhnKgajf&re'flectltm" has- lodVed. a .soale of Pant^gr'tieillc Jpr^f|i0ion, A trueIli.jpA'l.Wlcn, copy '-: ; I Judfte of Prubate. 1 Rpvui HilM ^J1;'»Li. I '-iApid^'lle^jstf^T "l:§itf^ed- hist, and idealgnnted the faml- sighed, anaSr«Jno«need liope. But raife even for thiityCOuMt^^;^|ia'e- Wellington ?:whei, writ !at, to Queen 20«! A Treat for ,tr\S boctor.. only 6 12 j A Pl-Jladetiphlan,' \yho has since 1M >$!&&? precisely annwe.lng to ohrsur- matiy auyther patient In a,;really bad 'val^survlvate. ; Thr^<?^ 'brotfte^;&i6re Victoria -ln lH i brought O M M I I ^ I U H K U K ' jfOTt'CB,- In the m a « ^ 'of Sir Walter then fortunately -ivegainud his health, me. Sometimes a fourth name wa» way—reQtJjp&ftpefcite.'tco-f-being glv. ntarrled together,;and' th*;;i,ffstt-vftles guineas; whllp oue In of llic ealftlo orituriolph Krnuner.deoeaNeil, ' We;, the nilitViBlnned, hftvlnfc peeti H^iDolnted, Bed, -the 'jtgnoiuetf. In Qonseqsence en a look;;ff©Biniseif Just aC.er he has lasted eight diys.. Seven! (hundred , Scott's peiis, ^elected by Lord Dal- was last ye,ar( the subject of an ex: by the nrobJHUT court, for tho county ol NvayiiC) : of a renowned actlojf, som« cpnepien- takenyjW^tnulant. has • bucked ap/, guests aMsembied, and at /'the' lirst houBie In 182'J 'rom-Scdtt'B writing ta- tended examination, by sWeihllBts. slate of Miuhtirnn. Coinmlsslouers t o reoolvo, fact, a slci-room mir- day's feast there were served;' two ble at Abbotsibrd, only reaMzed three and udjuat'ltil al'aitns and demanvls o i s event of life OMeature'of charao^. "The examination.'sje^ms to havo examine ail persons mtaitVl said deceased, d o ; ten Seipio, in ad®||onto his regufer*;|^b|§^l8ely handled, is > curative oxen, two calves. J8 lamhs, 13tt head guineas more. Among the, nost valu- delighted Dr. BtanM!'Ji.-!8kfjd. tho patient of hereby give notice that w e wilt meet BI the ofHos rWhiie recklessly handled it ifuiy of poultry, 200 dishes of pigs' feet and able pens in tltct world are one owned to one of the do.c'tcus,,'>i!hen fh*y were <if Henry Blclnhauer, 48 Uiirokn Avo.,elty of W j - ihachtes. was jsXyJetf Afrioanu^i after hi* f agen%ywhil< nndotle. In suld county, <m Friday. U i » 2 2 d d a v vVconquest tff Carthage. The name kill. ears In Jelly, and 80 enormous cakes. by lBtta^ Reet, of New Yo k, carved alone for a moment; ''flqr I have no- of July, A. U. ltllO, and on Priday, the 16lli from, a portic n of tf'e'd'rge Washingday of Septeinlior,, A. 1)., 19)0. M , 0 o/eloek. ^erntanictis was assiimed by those When the ilrst lance, a czardas, was ticed that his eyes/'are positively A. M. of eueli of suld dnyn. fori t h e ton's lens bo>, an'd used qy Lincoln 'Who, djFstjnguiihed themselves in the Naval Wireless Badge. cai ed, 200 couples stood up. Feastbeamingl. I assume^ then, jihat' my purpoKo of eaaminliiK and allowing 1 when ' Preside it, and the quill of a said clalnin. And tHat 4 inonlhu' from the IGtli -wars' irl^h the Germans. A wireless telegraph corps has been ing In; < this - war,, with Blnging and case is not a grave ahe.''i '''••, •lay ol May. A. I). 1910. were allowed b y formed |in the British Navy, and *ny dancing, continued daily, and during golden eagle's wing, the property of ''Well,*: hesitated; the,; physician, ad- Bald court for creditors t o present tlietr elalnu nf, lo'j examination and a l l o u f n c e . 'f$Unique Cannon. seaman'may L^aTU proficiency mtrks the, whole of this time music never the Empress 1 Jugenie. with which the dressed,"! haj;dly feeij justified |n lo Dated May 10. lull). 'p'i Tt is nv curious facf that when the in it, as h^ piay/1^ marksmanshii or ceaied daS?> or night, quite a number Treaty of Par^r was signed in 1856. saying that.' But I understand from 1IJWKY 8TKISHAUE11. island o^ Malta Was in possession of( otlier speeialtita < of. the , service,, A of bands!tailing successive turns. But UHXHY A. HCHAU.MIIPUO. 1 Dr. Wank that he is going to perform 20\v3 , j I ConmiUiKlonen . the Templars tht^e doughty knights badge for pifoficiency is Jktveh, to be the company could hardly face the Cambers' Charcoal Fumade. a number of interesting operations on Every camfer shoijid havet ,a deep you." " defended their forts by means of wurn on the| right slepve Just atove jimusle. When the eighth day closed, ^OMMIBHIUNKHH' N U T I C K - I n Ilie tnaltot cannon i*ut into the solid rock. the elbow, 1¾ win it tMje seaman nyst only a dozen young tfoHcs remained tin or sheetji on- butjket with -a 'Bat J oftlierMnU) of KciiJamiii.()oldinic.deceased. ._3 — ' NA'etheunden.||;ued. liuvipirbeen appolntccl b y J*' Kftch of thesr strange enjtines rf pass an examination on bpard ij. \ j . to take leave of.-.ifheiii hosts.^London cover' to use j s a charcoal fiirnac'e in. ;,' (jierical Repartee.' ' tlie probate court for the county of ^Vnylle, at ate the tent on cii d nighti and, rainy days. * war wa.«j capable of. containing an en- S. Impregnable^ at Dovonpprt. / The Globe.' . . of MicliiKHU o'ominlsaloiicrs to receive, examiue J-*" '••;' -:;' •'!• r'.', ^'l: A pijomineiit rabbi of Pittsburg met and adjust all CIHIIIIM and deuiniidn ol all pernon» •'tlre bartut of gunpowder, and, it Is badge is a/ptttrjypf wings crossed 1 y a A row of sma 1 holes around the, side, recently at a dinner, a priest whoin ho OKalnnt aaid ileecnaed. dp^iercby Ktye notice IIIHI, said, co'lld throw ten thousand pounds' flash of lightning, worked Infold, J A about two inches, from ,-tM bottom had kinown, intiniately years before.' w e .will meet at the office of Charles H M a n , , Nat What He Wanted, o u t h e a s t corner of Hlddle'.avenue and Oak of projectiles. Inasmuch, however, as fully quali^id wireless : telesrai her ;tp the lih^'-of holes w^t)h"bro^en(atone ' Durltig1 ihe meil the conversation toolt sHtrce.t, InilietUiyof Wyatldnlte, Insaidooiiuty.oii prlgatlier^leneral E, J. 'Slna^'Wbrt* Or s'and. -Wt-afee4i' i!.rulegtb scatter th je imtunil cufnnon could not be adds one, star aboye" the/badge; a* Tuihday, the Ifilh day of AUKUHI. A IV 1S10. mid a bahterlng tuijn.tfttWd the' father, turnt ley. of the King's^army^.speiajiing ^it : On Wedfiesday, the- loth,day of November. A IL aimed. %fty w«re cut oqt qf the rftck first-class pet^ oiliCerv two'stars, and the .emhersj'etA ery tim) an ,6pe*fireis .''-, 1010. at 2 o'clock r. M. of j-acli ofxaid days, for the th*» mayor's banquet at F6lk^estope, used,' aiid-'giitiier-this fih^ccoal in the ing to t|*e "rabbi, lintiutred: guarding the various channels of ap- a chief pe^ty oux'^er a small crowp. purpose of examining and ftllowliiK said cluiius. "My friend, wh(en are you* going to and that s i x months from the lOlhday of May, A. Englana,' said th*tI h»ny of' $$ un©)n- bucket and k?ep dry. Cooking jean'be - proach; and the vessels of that time I>. 1010, were allowed by said court for creditors,. ! plo^ed tlid pot desire to- be..employed. done" In the tent-' fr^e jfrptp smoke, begin eating p'orlt?" to-present Hiolr olnimstou» for examination and .'' wer^ therefore unable to come with, Romance in the Ring.. InBtai^tly the (rabbi replied, "Atallowonco,, • ! , tine day,tonhis estate in HatttpBhlrei and when' A, gentle l.eht alt, ftlght is 1 in their own range, before being anni-;. No article, worn upon the petson a man asked him for work; He said, Dated, lUafTO, 1010. " ,',-.•' desired, put »n the cover;.jeaying. a your wedding, "air/.' , *, . bHated by the big weapons of de- has more romance and sontiment Don' . JOHN B. VOUD. "Yes;.go to^my haliiff, arid he will give small Opening for draught With thia JOHN M. PAUKRIt, •• tense. /.'•-'• negted, with tt than the ringer i log. you a spade, and I will pay y^u slx, 1 Price of Opportunity}. < . 20w3 Oommissionera. T heater atjty c inrper i m be coinfortai ' Although the fame of these cannon Not only love and. fealty, but* haired, teen Bhilllng; a week." Town-Marshail—Ye can't g|t a drtbki ble, even und?r th]8°n>08t adverse cir* under any. clrcumstittnces in Oils | / - 1 O M M l t e l 0 N E l W N O r u i K - I n the matter Was' spread far and wide, they were murder and magic are associated vith : "Thank Ood J'; said the man. *T can- cumstauces.—JC. J CL,'" , \\J of t h e estate of Calbvtlne l)roul|lard, de',-"' ! ' , town. not duplicated elsewhere, and to thia the'golden circlet Caesar Borgia had v ; fc 'vv,''ceased.' •/ not tell yotb how much obliged I ant.'* day they remain the only rock -cannon a ring with a receptacle for We, the uhdorHlKiied.havtnKueeri appointed by , ; The man theo disappeared,,andjfiln . Stranger! (jflngerlng^ roll bf bills)— the probate ooiirt for t h e coVtity of Wayne, state . of which there exists any record. behind the Btone, and with this It was ! . feserl/ed. Her Verdict. ; • Then I suppose J'11 haVe to give it up, of MIchlRan, CnmiulssloFiers t o rooelve, oxanitn* ••• _»_£_ ' . 4 bis pleakant custom to deal deati to two weeks' tline he observed written [A genilem n ':who was no longer and adjust «11 claims and demands of all persons ;', Towns;;, Marshal (lowering voice)— against said deceased^do hereby ftive notioe t h a t , his guesta as they cat with Wni at on3 his gate the following words: '• Women's Name*, "Do not apply for work" here, be- ypung, and w t»o never was handsome, Well, sayr-ril njake the drcurastancea" w e Will meet m\ t h e ofliee; of Art w i n e . ;•!/:_ ••.'.. } ^ , ^ ^ * In feniale name* the Bomans Inaj^Idtoa chil I in the jpresence of her two dollars,, Just .to accomniodate ye. Woodriiff, etUy of NA/ysndotte, In «Ald ooutity, cause.you will ge$ It" > ')'" ' ' ' ' " " " •"•:' • » ' " ,'-i a n Wedntsda*. Ilia 17th'day of August. *,.-». dulged but small variety' of appellaparent*; ^'..-'j ].'•;,,•; .V:s' • •_',;• •'".' :,,ni...;, ?t i^—^^-j. • i I - .;".'...,;. •'•- , , , . w ii'm-.i- .:1.-1-, . ' 10(0, and on Thursday, t h o i m h day of Novediber, ilon. a{ji fancy haa little or nothing No Man Llveth to Hlmse.f. i^Weli, tnjr tblld, what do you think A. II 1010, at i o'clock r. a., of each of said days, - i No One Questions It. A Western Solon. for t h e purpose of axamtnhig and allow inic : ; to do, !«Ith their invention and beThere i f hft soft of. wro«|( d^eji.pf; oaid claims, .and that six niontlit from' {lie%fifcutom;"Jlleiparty;, was ; touring of mer'.'•* ;"X'^-'' '-^-' • - ':' • Wosecuting AW^riioy (Fromep Dogx stowal. When ti.ere waa bat one which a map can hear |th« punisbt it«mt through the thountain dlstrlcfof wesV day of May, A I>. IDlO. were allowed b y <$t The Utile g in' made no r*ply. —Yopr Honor, tke sherjff'H bull pup' 17th court for creditors to present thotr claliiM " daughter in a family sh» receive^ the" alone; you can't Isojaie yqurself. and erti PwiKsyiVanlal and| bM |akdj» a, ' 'TVWi;yoi don'tteil m ^ h y i i v o n ' t baa gone and chawed up the court sold t o u a lor exanilnalloii and allowance, fern mine termination of ber Qentlle aay that the evil which is ih yott ihall atopi in one ot th« Mffali ^wiia: to •you?'^'. :;i ';''•''•',:-^-:.:::^. *f : >:• Bible! I-, "•'-. r • I;- ;/['v -' Dated May 17, 1010 , name, as Tullla, w« daughter of Mar* not spread. iMep'a, livea;are at ,tyt* make repairs to the machine. Whllf T#o little at Mn-dls tucked the c¢^ Judge—Well, make the wltnoBH Was (J JONKPlJ SAl.UOTTK, eu» Tuillus I icerco, and Octavlae, the bughry blended with each ptherai the they- waited the attention of one of ners of a pin afqifa into her mouth, as the bull pup, then! We can't adjourn 2<lw,1 Coinuilssloneri. ' slater of Octavlus Saesar, etc., which air they breatho; evil spreads as nec- the,'party was called to %intelligent she said arc ily; in a timid whisper: court fo? a week Just to' hunt' up a new; names, were retained even after mar* essarlly as disease, livery slit csuses^] looking l|d of about 14 who ademed to "'Cause 1 |don't want to get whip- Bible! DR. W. LAMBEUT, !-. riage. When there were two daugh- spfTering to others besides thosja # ^ ^e^«*ry inuch interested1 In "tbe^ iwdrk. ped." t ter* one was called Major and the c'oiunilt \L—George Eliot. knd of whom fhe following; question jHls All, „ ;»'"'; other Minor; as Cornelia Major and Zailgwlfl's Nsrrte. .-.. s - . ',•••' ••• • » ' — ^ OFFIOK : wafii }«^keft: '...,; '\ .:----- \,, '^;'\ knox-i-There goes younfe De Shpr$ Cornelia Minor. If there were mor« Mr-. Zangv lilts, recent presence in Tnat Stranoe Lake In Africi. a •'.'^y. -son, w^nt do you li*e.on out 189 B1UDLKAV&., NORTH. infilay'Oreen^B automdbllei'....' That »trang9 African lake, jake' heref* this country gives tltnefiness to an . than two they were distinguished by •:•>' ' \ : \ Crbx-^Why, I -thought p e Short WYAND6TT?:. MIC|i. ^their number, thus: Prima, Secun- Tchad, has been the subject o re- 'T&uthin'r replied the Sonaewhat appreciation of. the author and Zion- vowned i t Vie tola me not an hour .ago newed attention" within the last two! surprised youth: »k "Dad's a pr|>a6her. ist from the pen of ClarencO Rook, da. Tenia, Quarts, etc. ' years, and the fact that in a perl td of —Judge. which appea 's in "Putnam'B and the that he had put all his money Inftoi-'iti' Knox—Well, he probably told tire twenty years it alternately incri ases Reader." M '. Rook retells the amusAdvance of the Glacier*. ^ RBMOVBDTO ^ - 1 truth. He bought 50 cents' worth ot ing and char icteristic anecdotp of his For a long time past scientific ob- and decreases in size and depth ajjems } Kansas Awatte. ,-^ gasoline. DR. NELSON'S OFFICE % «ervations in various parts v of theto have been well established. Kapsas is now planning thi organ- reply to a hdy who asked his Chris110^ Uiddle Ave., N.t , world1 have shown a tendency on the t ization of a Special vlourt Syitem for tian name—his usual signature being No Value Whatever. N e x t to Franklin's. part of "glaciers to 'recede. This haa » " Historic Dcgger Sold. the enforcement of the state prohibi- I. Zangwill, "I have ntJ Christian Cholly— Doctor, I want something Office Bours.8 a. m, to 8 p. ta. PHONEfil been" >artlcu. xrl; noted In the Alps. The dagger presented to Lord barn- tory law,. It is expected to have a name," he ajpswered. "My first name \\ for myihead. • But recent information Indicates that ley by Mary Queen of Scots lij the new court cheated In each of the 105 Is Israel."' | w Doctor—My dear fellow, I wouldn't —L % . . J« change may be at hand. At least, it year they were married, and believed co -ities of the state, which villi have take it as a gift IMS been .found that since 1904 the to be the one witL which Rizzlo was nothing to do except to see to the enPrlme Ropert's Drops.f . Norway glaciers have begun to ad- kll'ed, was sold at 8otheby's, Lon- forcement of too prohibitory law and Prince,Rutert's drop^s are $rops of' Attorney and Oounaelior-at-lLavy in Price, not Size. vance again. In 1907 this progression don, recently, for t&0. loop *fter the Juvenile court business. molten gtas'i, consolidated by falling , H« looked Jh a store window, and ' WYANDQTTjE/MICH* ^became general Jn Norway, the. ad- * to water, "heir] fornt JerHhAtiOf A ' " ''" saw, "ftatk reduced." "Heavens V said ' ' I Insnranee—Fire, Life, Accident and tjwujc* rarylng/ from 1 to 12 meters. tadpole. Tit i thick end nifty bV hamDoctor's Second Call. Ollye t>leker4* Waflea. htf to Biuret! "What was their origiHealth. 8tf ^ — .1—•«•• • ••Tf.-M. • • • • mered p r e t r smar|4y without its 1 v An Aberdeenshire doctor whi reOlive packers in Italy get from breaking, b i t if tbe smaJlejBt,portion nal sbior I .. Hit Mumble Wish. cently attendee * woman waa lome- about 9 4o. I t cents A day; usually, t P ^ ^ , ,. of the ijbWe id Is nipped off the wjiole ••"-•"lfy dear friend, I bet you to lend what stag4ered( at receipt of th» fol- however, they pick on shares. < Organic •< flies Into fin i duat with explosive viomm nity doOarm,'' wrote a needy t&aa lowtnf epistle* from ber: "F lease "QtAmt up to bear that lecture on ,ieffc^tw*I*b*e/toys. It not Invented ";|» an acquaintance, "and than torcei torn* and vaccinate tfce child yon cat* One Sure Itaault > *> . by Prbjcoit ipfcit^wtTd lhtroduce^ by apipe^dlcitls tc-dayr .j( lm* forerer. I aja sot worthy >> ba birth to last weelf-T^aledbnian **edlthebearlnf ihim in . ^tm; I%Jred of tkata organ reIjeaieinbarwi." " ^ eat Journal. i ^ i WW <>?M y?i rj M 1 %^\^\ f * jv Mi J i\ V i irl-Jt J-A * ^, *> K - \ i t H t t litaoeotto*to•t-tWNitTMy i f f ftot DIMtM8. t ws$* 'i I 4- 8 u t y... C 3 C J t Physician and Surgeon. D R . O - S . CROFF Jeremiah Dronnan, 1 "1 , .^mm* L F. P. SPRAG^JE, M. p. Pelvic Diseases. *i (i «;« "juSfhAl**^ ^„ " .?£&$. mMm ll -¾¾¾¾.¾^ aea «WXAH«0TI|8 1QSX Atibutie u««t Won b»< Maria* oitr. in »8 EiMii a W MHI Imianra Point* fa 4». i SMai'Ka* Bll»»n Boohrtg ABJtlandc ^ The tract teatrT of the Young Mea'« club qf this city tost to the Marine (ft? S . A.'MaflS, Trenton desler Jo' «1*1, '• Hmtdrad* of I*r|en4» Totaday Klglj 1lo tall atjid see the splendid lines pf Spring outfitting.we are lumber »bd all b w l u % material Plr* . A recital by Miss Mae Eileen Roe Atlhjletlc cliib, at the latter place Satur-, «hp^ing. ^otiwillseeanewiind jup-to-date Bne of 'clothing , simrtecs. Leave order* at Smith's day, although makldg a good showing daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry drug tore, foij fAen, boys and children, cdfrect hats in all the various models^ considering that tt wjasttheir lirat conrig, assisted by Mils J&oaeJla.K choicest haberdashery that could be chpsen, outfitting that is test. Tbe meet closed with Marine Boyd Brow bas started a cigar factory soprano, and by pupils if St, Pa'trij ia Clea's brick boilcHog on Front street. School ot/Mpsle, drew ad audience City credited with 77 points to Wyan-t hantisome and styflish, highest quality *\> lowest pfices. , ) The junior claw of (be Trenton High tested the seating capacity o f p t dotte's 45.1'. This was the eummaryof tcbool will give the seniors a reception rick's .school auditorium' on Tuei Come in for/a look at any time you fifid it convenient. Out tbe events. Friday. June 3, at school auditorium. time is all yours and your visit will be appreciated. evening. Mlto floebrlg. whoj Is a p Hurdles-G. 8tarkwether (W.)/flr>»; Mrs. Wm Dnsablon left Wednesday at St. Mary's.college in Monroe, grid H. Starkweather M), second; Bell r for Lima, 0 , where sbe will spend two weeks as the gttest of her daughter. uates next month, and tiffs week's pe- (M.) third. Quarter-mile-G Stark„Mrs. F. A. Bousber. oitat was in realty her home graduation. weather (W ). 6rst}Har^(M.), second; i 1 Mrs. H. Holdeo is very ill with pneiu* k delightful program was rendered, Durrant (M.). thirds luu yard dash, H. monia. r which included tour reading* bv Miss Starkwea|her'(M,), Brat: Fancher (M.). Miss A. Singer of Detroit Was this Koebrig. "The Koightfs, Toast,'! "The second; Zimmerman (M.). third Half gneet of ber parents Sunday. r Man in the Shadow, ' "The Music mile-Barrett iW.)\ first; Netfert (W .), Miss Inez Back spent Tuesday ID Master," and "Tbe Hour Glass." As second; Durrant, (M.i)', third. 220-yard • •' • ' p i • ' Detroit an encore she gave a humorous Irish dash—Faucher (M.j), first; Hartj(M.). Miss Ireo .ara was the guest of her a sister, Mrs v. as. Scbloff, in Wyandotte sketch. The readings rore alK render- second; G. Starkweather (W), |hird Friday and Saturday . ed with a clearness of enunciation, a Standldg high j|ump—Starkweather , i Mrs Peter BCtea entertained Qodrlc dramatic effect in tho more serious (M ),, first; Starkwejather (W.). second; Guaranteed all wool fan1 0 *\(\ failg f \ ' _ ^ ^ Pickering of Detroit Sunday. X Ci • %J\J c y w o r s t e d aand, n d blue serge | Km m (^} p^J parts, and a geoerally intelligent con- Bell (M.)l third.. Rbnnlng high j u m p An Epworth league cabinet meeting ception of the writers' intent that were Bell (M.),t first; Starkweather (M.)| Suit* a t only . , . was held at the h«rme of Russell Kogers at once the cause and tbe justification second; Starkweather (W.). third. SboH Tuesday evening. Stanley Singer of Wyandotte was a for the warm applausi i which greeted put—Hart" (M.). first; Starkweather! her every appearance /The talented (W,). second; Stark Weather (M ), third.' Trenton caller Thursday. • Andrew Kemp of Detroit visited his young reader, was ov irwbjMmed with Two+miie run—Barjrett (W.), first; Farparents Monday.' ., fl >rat tribute^, and all of thCperformers rell (M.). second; Starkweather (W ), ; Miss Sophia Ladrick^ of Detroit vto df Ijhe fvenimt were generously remem-. third. Standing broad jump—Durrant ited in town Sooday ' * >"} , jbe^jf.iir^a similar manner by admlr-. (M.),1 first: Starkweather (M),'second; Mrs. C. J Holier of Rockwoo^7w*fca\ Faucher (M.), tb)rll. Running broad J, Men's Trousers, Furnishings, and* Hats at special reduced Trenton visitor Saturday. ' _*i j ' f - ^ ^ f ' f H ^ s jump—Starkweather (M.). first: Fancher Rosella Kenk.'nlso a student W Tow prices. ' ' •> Miss Irene Beagle entertained Miss Gertrude Jadktns of Wyandotte Satur- St. Mary's college, m tde a fine im- (M.), second; Stark Weather (W ),' third. day. There is a great satisfaction in buying your Straw Hat here. You will be sure of the pression by her songs. She is tbe pos* Pole vault—Starkweather (\1 ), first; Mrs Cbas. Weatlake apd son of De- sessor of a sweet, well cultivated soprano Starkweather (W.), Second; Fauober style, sure of the quality, and sure of the price. We have shapes adapted to all ages of men. troit visited her parents Wednesday. voice, added to w len Is a Ch^rm of (M)', third. One-mile race—Barrett Genuine Panama, Hats, $5. Straw Hats, son|ie snappy fancy bands in all shapes for men an4 John Mclnerney of Wyandotte was manner that won fori her frletfds at (W,), first; NelfertJW.), second; Merritt < ' in town on business Friday. (W ), third. Beljfy r*ce—part. Dur- boys, from 25c up to $3. < once j Mrs. Seymour Phillips was a Detroit The other contributors to the pro rant, Faucher, Starkweather, Marine caller Friday, city., ^ ', •> ^ '* , Mis* Helen Henry of Toledo is tbe, gram, all of Whom ar-quItted themselves goett of ber graudparents, Fred Gray in a most /creditable manner, were K Wyandotte Savings Bank and wife, . GAME WARDENS GOT BUST Ml*s Keva Rosenthal, iapf a piano solo; The Ladles' aid society met Thursday Miss Mildred George, llolln solo; Miss Saturday afternoon County Game D Building. afternoon ID the M. R. chapel. SiolU Stoddard, pla IO solo, Miss Warden Charles- Daniel, with three rrrr. The ladles of St. Thomas's gulld'wlll depu'tiHistarted out on a cruise on the PREBBTTERIAir CHURCk 'hold their aonuul-Meniorial day sup par arj>>ry Gartner, violin solo; .Miss at the church bouse next Monday Loretta George, plai o solo; Mies Detroit rivW }n quest of fish law vloAleJtaodor Urquhart, Ph D.. Pastor afternoon Blanche Glassou, piano golotanii 6ifjs»ea latlous. • The bunt.,was quite succeHsfu) ftov " 1 la tho river below Trepton iho party 0*6 Sieger has purohaspd the house Wlnnifred Garrison atiijl Florence Gart^ irvlces 10 A M ami 7 ^ M ; formerly owned by Mrs. Alex. Haruer ner in «. piano duet. discovered about &3f)0 feet of sturgeon S inday Sobool csand UibU>> Union nick. ' .1 1 * lines set and partially tilled, and these 11.8 J Miss Lllliau Knight Is visiting relaC irlsMan Endeavor Oil5 werojaken aboard, , Later the party in tives here. trial aud Prayer Sorviee Thursday located and confiscated a number of eveS ting 7 o'clock. All services on Mrs J R Barlow entertained Geo illegal nets at, the; mouth of French eta id aid time. GreoD and wife, formally Trentoiwresicreek. |' M ornintt subject. "Miracles " Evendents. Wednesday nmi Hundred Dftl^gtttm Expeot«d in VVr<ing, Co 1) of the fjnftorni Kaiik ol the Jni'ob Riegur, Peter Sanger and Chan < It was shortly aftpr dusk Saturday HUdOtto Tn|d»y. , dajcaheiFS- will attend In a body. Ah The person who l)as never had Berndi all spent Sunday with relatives f district No 7, night that the game wardens' boat hove appropriate-address will be given. ^ , The Pythian S)«ters c a: Hatutramck , In sight of the flaring jacklights that a perfect fitting shoe doesn't know Mrs George Barbour of Detroit was Which includes > Wayne county aud Indicated the presence of fishermen bent METHODIST the guest of her parents, Don M Dick- some territory oqtude, will hQld Itair what real foot comfort is. ' on spearing. The officials swooped ia|oo and wife, Sunday fifth annual convention iu the "K of P down on the, party, locating five men ' J.* DISTANT, PH D , MINISTER ' We don't mean to say. that vrp .Clifford (Joan and wife moved out of ball, over H Rosenthal's Btore today. irvipcS at ea 10 Aue M -and 7 r H. r busy with their, spears, The paraphertown Monday. 1 ; J#4 '^ * K at G ff B are the only'ones who Can fit shoes It is expected that in the ' Neighborhood nalia of the quintet was confiscated and Geo. S. Campbell and wife enterS ujday school at 11 15 A, M of 100 delegates will be in attendance^ properly^ btit we oV maintain that tained WDJ. S. Dickerson and wife, the wardens may secure warrants F >rtist st. Sooday school at a 60 P Ladies Ofj tbe Presbyterian church againBt them. '.,'' . . [ ' • ' Mrs. A. J. Clarke and son Vernon of stat dard. ' ' , ".?; ere^yone. who comes here fand buys . Trenton, Oat ; Mr* Abb and'f. Dicker will entertain tbe guests at dinner at T le^pastor *ill preach in the mornSunday morning the party located ing/ la the evening there will be a son pf Adrian; L D^ckerson, F. Settz the Presbyterian church) and the W. footwear' gets the right kind of * ' and Miss Grace, of Detroit Sunday. about 500 feet mojrsof sturgeon lines, special' meeting conducted by the C T. U. will be the hostesses at a sup - Mr. and Mrs. Mabafak of Wyandotte, fit for their particular feet of the „VS4 and on their way back into Detroit Brotherhood. Joseph Koyoloska aad wife and Miss per to be given at the Episcopal church they seized several dipnets that fisherworld's best •hi Abbie Sanger of Detroit were the guests house. / .»• i I0NGREGATIONAL CHURCH men were using at the Edison slip. of Mrs. Peter Sanger Sunday, The following program is announcedr ";'' C. W. JONES* Pastor. ' • ' • •, , P ' _ _ ^ — • ; , i ' r , ,-','j Robert Stanton of Grbsse He was a Morning session—Call to order, P. G. ' '-f 1 For Sale Cheap—Double wagon too Treason caller Thursday. lkofning worship at 10:00¾ ^ Junior C. and D. D. Josephine H Hall; singMrs. Wm. Ben of Samaria spent ing, opening ode of subordinate tern light tor my use. Just the thing for EncefavoV at 8 P.M.; Senior Endeavor farmer's wagon. Will take hay, oats at 1 Lift P. M ; evening service at 7, Thursday with Mrs. p . Pierce. pies; Invocation,* Clara Hood, Ply- pr corn. -r- - JOBVI SGNDEBLAKD. Prarer meeting Wednesday evening, Fra'nk Walters of Detroit spent Tues month; roll call of temples; address of : • . , : • : • • M '•• r , ; , •: . - i Q t f at 7 o'clouk. I day with Trenton relatives-. welcome, Nettie K. Rouse,] Wyandotte; Tbe Misses Bessie and Estella Mahady response,, Barbara Hasley; appolntspent Saturday in Detroit. Mrs. Antoine LaBell was the guest ment-of committees; reports from deleof ber son at Detroit the first of, the gates. Afternoon session—Piano solo, week. '" , jt ^f?M*} ?*W* ^ l ^ t e ' poem' Boys ^ ¾ ¾ V ! J-" T\4SHm» Carr. Youtl i'.... at | 2 (00 SCHOOL. N O T E ^ ;,- Dujjd^l'Onr banner,"* 4$nt$a Brace, Child i— '-i.^ Pohtiac; "Faithfulness," Carlie Metet Marine Calf, 13*to 2....;...: .;...«.^ ..W*-'"1*I7S m Boy'i Non-resident pupils who expect to zerj Port Huron, "The ideal 4f«jniple," Marine Calf, 9 13 to 124 ,...-. at 11 75 fefc U ! Kid Blucher, to 2 .at attend tbe High school next year should Julia Stickney, Lapeer; "Are oofetemn Child^s Kid Blucher, 9 to 12* ........;....; t>^< »'*^*,#V» •>«>'• ...at 12 65/ Kjd Blucher, 2} to 6 jU .— ........at 25 notify la writing their home school Missee' Kid, Double 8O}CB, l'3 to 2 .....*..,.,.!, *...«4',".}'..'.ftt.XA w y r boards of snch intentions Betna> time pie affairs discussed too frequently in during the month of June. SuobjbtHl public^" Jennie Butler, Oxford; ^Xbe Misses^' Marine Calf, Double Soleff, 13 t<i2:.,,. „4at>V - ficatioo, according to the law p^wed at Pythian Sister as an ideal ttojfcaot" the last legislature, makes It obligatory Margaret Williamston, Detroit; vocal These Shoes are made to our special order, eve^ry^ai/guaran^ ^ upon the home district to? jj>$yWill s o i o. Earj Vroman, question box, P, G, tuition charges up to twenty dtfljij teed to be solid throughout. 4 *W:ffi C Nellie | Scattergood and G C. Mary year per pupil. „ 1: The grade spelling 6dft#st no«; Vombergp ritualistic wbrk, officers and stands as follows: Gartlnid sVxtb, 5; staff of Delray temple, N.o. 5'4; critics Vocola etghthi 10; Lincoln gevoBth, U; of .work, G.. C. Msry Vomberg, P G. Oartleld seventh, 14; McKmleysixth, 19. =S¥= 25c lb Vui e Gold Flour 80c sadty ThW '. John Way man and W.~Vr\Bishop C. Ella F. Jordan and P. G C Nellie Near^ CreamQfy tyitter a t have been invited to give some, remin- Scaitergood; reports of committees; FinelRoll^Bntitei20o lb • is -the very best quality spring iscences of war ttuie.8 at tbe High school business session 8 pkgs MW^Meat 25c * heat. ' Friday^ morning. ^'Special iuuslc baa 26b >kglulled Oate 10c Good Flour * ....70c sack : been prepared, ./. -."'.-,' ! 01ITTJAEY 2 pto«iife|inft...< 15c No Ko (coffee substitute)2cahs 25o • A patriotic program will be rendered-, Exanla Williams was bora la Augusta, Slbi ^ftiidy A„ ...2no PioiteHam 15clb r. ...., by the McKUmy fourth grade at 3 p. M 35o gallon Friday. A drill with fife and drum neat VVIIIIsy September 21,1833, and Con^Peasor TDomatoes, 3 cans 2oc Syrup .......^ £i jnuslc by members of the grade is to be died at her home 153 Pop^r street,, &ar4i 13clb. 21i!rTeaD9«ti ,...•i ?..25c one of the leading; features jon the Wyandotte, May 18, 1910, ' ahtt' wa% )ill or Sweet Pickles 10c doz 30c quality New Jai)anr Tea ..20c lb ' . .•program. "••-.; = •;>.; ; • i;, buried May ailin the QnakSf cemetery oui Pickles <8c doz Gu jpoWder, Black or Japan Tea, Absence of one of the judges of the near Ypsilant). She Was ; tinlted in loll and Herring 1 65c keg r ?gblar 5Gc qo/ility ..',,..:....35c lb ,f mate spelling contest has delayed the Marriage to Wm. Henry^Bradshaw 7 pkgs Lucky" Cut Plug To-i Ex telleut lava and Mobha Blend decision." A report is expected soon. bacco .-......: 25c Cbffee' regttlar 35c quality, 25clb December 8, 1858. To 4hem was born Considerable attention In the grades ' OiFFER l?OR T t t t ^ WEElCf .„25c 7 birs Queen Anne Soab 25c H .being paid to physical culture this one daughter, Mrs Jiina Santor, who1 7 cats Sardines... ! semester, about' fifteen tnlnutes per day died June 3, 1893 Mr. Bradshaw died Itnnienael Value Baking PowI.aige bottles Am monitor I^aun «f r Noodlesf Slbs **••»•• *t\ •>ww . . . . . . . . . . **iJ\j being spent in drills and 'exercises! October 8. 1884. On M^y 4, 1803, she dpy Blue 8c, Regular/ d€r....A .'. 19c can 16c per lb Maoy drooping shoulders are coming, was bnited in marriage to Wm. Henry Ham....... ,..„ 20c( 25c, 30c lb tip into place as a result. ', . -• You will not make a mistake 6 give,yuffyourx6t:deriV Wc Iyory Soap : Be sore, to look over the manual Tlowjsr of Wyandotte, wtfer^fthey have ...6 bar8for25o .*!•«}• P... 'ft* {raising exhibit now being shown at since lived. <^«een Anne Soap.. -.. .° 7 bars for 25c $n all our goods. • Dorrance & Garrison's. , She was the secsnd oldest^blld io a guarantee quality and right prices Try a sack of Stott'a Diamond Patent Pl6ur. As you know, the best family of nine children, o ^ b o m pnly proo in the trial, and we guarantee vou will say j$^ref ju¥ no^bette,r COftNER BM AN|>, THIR& STS. I brieiad"flour Cardot rbank*. _ one brother in California; r|trialn»;. She made. 80c per sack; elsewhere 90 and lf6c. 1 desire to extend; sincere thanks to wasamemfiBr of the Woman's Home Flour, Cftll and g e t the prices on, all" other " grajqes^pf * HOR& P^ONE 257-J. the many kind friends and neighbors Missionary society and #a9 a member T Lily" Brand......,4i ifi|i., 8c per package Be^t Raisins., "Easter fV for tbe sympathy' and beautiful floral Regular So Eice, Slbsi for ^..-.^. .....^,. tributes offered in my recent bereave- of the Wyandotte M. E, Cbttrch for 18 a * *«Uft • * • * • • • . M O O ment.- also to the Woman's Home Mis- years. . - , , A •' ; Searchlight Matches, 7 boxes «•• a • f ............ ,\ f.. J sionary society. Rev. Dystant and Mrs. She is survived, by the husband, ^hree Bea,ns,. 3 ijharte for •}••? .,•••••••'•• ••••• JEvans. , . ' ' Can Cow, Peas and Tomatoes..^.. 1...........3 cans 25o, or 95c per,.«••••200 do^eu l Mtt HKNRT FbOWBB. grandchildren, one brother, besides J . ,-y^-; ,, ». ^ :+other relations and a host of frleftds. Sardines,.Star Brand, 7 boxes for, .j ,...25o Red Salmon, 2>cfins for...*........... .,,.;. t,..25o '••' •. *l&H6inc \, An fdeal Husband jUackeral,3 canBfor..;.^ ...,......... w..,, tt ..25o A c a c i a L o d e e , No. 2, A. A. S. R. wife, patient, even with a nai-"Symbolic." Communication every is Lard, 3 lbs lor... £ ..* :... ;••.•-.,. ....25c w i ( r he knows she heeds help . She paay Monday evening. Temple over post- for Immense Valow Rakip^ jPowder.......,...^... »...,„206 per can 7¾ f be so nervous and rundown in, health office. Dried Apples...: 1..1..., ...i. • ..,., 3 pjtgs. for 25o that trifles annoy her. If she Is melan- # Note what ari Investment means here: Men's $8.50 Suits at $5.00 10.00 « « ,7.00, a llpa Suits, I2.00 15.QO 20.00 Suits, JI.H.Burdick j 72 Bxddle Ave- A. BAILEY'S i SHOE DEPARTMENT ' Tit means CotinaSboj t Queen Quality^ Walk-Over " , . ' . ; • , / ; . / : . . ; I and the Pingrc^ .' * " • ' • ' . ' " ' '• * ' ' ' ' ' • ' * I A, BAILEY, Trenton JOHN F. EILBERTS The Store of High Quality , arid yLoW Prices t :n , — j *5 - A BegtUar T o m B o y was Susie—elimbing trees and fences, jumping ditches, whittling, always get ting scratches, cats,'sprains, brdlses, bnmps, barns or scaMs But la**J Her mother just applied Buckles'* Arnica 8alv» and cored hej .quick. Heat* everything healable—Bolls, Ulcers, Eczema, Ojd Sores, Corns or Piles. Try It. 85c'at Dorraaca A Garrison's and Cahajan Bros., druggists. -" -; % • CotTee, 35c Mocha-and1 Java for i........i.;.........» " Tee, regular 20c cortt'o ...v........ ...».,.....>»..,. Berries and'all kinds of Grejeu Vegetable! fresh daily. choly, excitable, troubled with loss of appetite headabit^ sleSplessneM, con* stipatldtt or fainting and d&sy speljEs, sa« ns«fs Eleetric'Bltters.tJie most won,derfntcemedy for ailing wdmeh. ThdO' sands of sdKsrtrs from female troubles^ nprvooa troubles,^ backache and weak kidneys have,need th«n and .become health? and happy -""--*--Tryth^m. -1 *^ 50c. SatlstaotWi "gfisTl rancsrjft Oarrlabn and f t druggists. -,.; :«» f&J; *i>'.-\ a^afeBfl .^¾ sfatifeiXl *" ** B : ' P , - • ' ' • • ? < * " • '•'" / *' '' 'iBraii.'t./^M*^*' ..w.utt.i...... .i..i..,..i<.,.i.".M....»,ni'M^iiiH> P$* IIB^IIWQI IKop^ed-IPe^d..:. ,..: ............11.60 and $1.60 per hhndrfed nine MidqlinttSv .11.55'per hundred' ivlleoi • ' l v vorn:......................................»••...;.•.......«.....avjj^per ouBiiet * > '''•?HOME .". ' PHONE ;fcaiedH»y aud StrawBBLI* alwaysPHONE for sale. l O f J>, 201-X. Vr IJ, - (k w ..25o lb. ,k i&i