teas. coffees. - Rockaway Township Free Public Library
teas. coffees. - Rockaway Township Free Public Library
VOL XIV. NO 41 DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13,1884. TEE IRON ERA Make! HEAGAN & CO.'S FALL ANNOUNCEMENT, Wl;v, that'u where Jim Blaine TUe Sun now calls him ' PACTS FB0H TtfE SX00BD. BLftlFK AID OLETXLAJTD. A correspondent of tbe N. V. TriMim The substantial tacts in the scandals featlng these two persons have now been u y s : Heven limes in succession,— in Freaidential year B.poe 1800—tbe Hatioaal laid before tbe public and Ui B limited gree before the naders of tbe Sun. TL platforas of the BepnbUcon party have expraely rooognized In the Tariff planks t aaenaation as regards Ilr. Blaine we hav rights to protection of the American hvboi published unwillingly in the form of by « distiiiot, podtivB declaration desoribing sworn legal dooatneat, prodaMcl by the defendant ID bit libel init, beoanje ire do no preelsely who v u meant. In the period the platforms of the Democratic part; feel ourselves i t liberty to withhold from our Maden any thins of inportUM bearing haw contained only four tariff planks, am In them tbe laborer to be protected Is not i[ on tbe claim* to public ooafldmoa i mentioned at all. I have oondensed theee Prealdentlal candidate. Ai ngtrds platform ptaoks, without changing their Cleveland, we have publiahed thefaoU «In the slightest, that all may read them as tbsy have been admitted and proclaimed at M glance and compare them as they stand by Us frlsndsand apologUti; and aov Is, Whit dull b» the eSeatof theae ia parallel columni. I think them Interesting u well as Tkluabla reading at this parmatten upon the two aiplranU public Uoohw juootore: favot? HHITI-L ABB TIHTA1E. The I' mucratiti puf era of tbia viciuity are Uoldicj; p to their readers for B farft tbat the Argj,, of Forttond, Mf., one* published thB brutiil story about Mr. aud Mrs. Blaine, and tJ«Qjf that it refused tu ruttuat tbe satae whoa ADVBIIUUO thruuU)iwd it with libel. Not aiuah bettor could bo expected of poopie who defamed Ou-field and endorsed tbe Moray letter forgery, but tbat they falsify an villaiaoaily In this matter as then is by ubnndant proof. This was tho attack wklcb the Arguj made upon Mr. Blaine in UR7 ; We want to call the attention of our pat covery. of St. Jshn'f red moustiohs rons to the immense stock of Ladies' ;III< onlyThoa djeiag rolio of barberiun. PUBUSUEJtS AHI» I'lturiUliTOKS. Gentlemen's Heavy Fall and Winter-Good Another libel or two will give Blolne 50, Office oa BUckwel) Struct next door to tii that are being received by us daily. Ii (WO tiKtjority in Maine ID November. Hatiooal Union Bank, It may be Lot now, but It will be ooc Men's Boots particularly we have a repu enough foi tbe Dauooraoy In Norember. TERMS OP SCBSORIII'I'IN INVAHIAtation extending over a period of nearly 4( The Cleveland campaign 1B tbe Keel; BIA IN ADVANCE. years as being an exceptionally dcsirabl motor of American politics. It won't go. ..('-MM OMB YKAH have not, it In trim, bean trained to -AMJiliirluc' in Ki'mieboc, nor are v u Six Moimm , .. I .(HI pnblieanH can begin to breathe «nier, lir^iciiriiiiu tht^)«is.iiutuiof KttnnelioeJourplace to get a pair of good Winter Boots Cleveland TllUEBSiOSTHB eridently doe* not intwd k nal (a. w-r Mr. Itlnitio lwil 1«en editing) liombuts, but we have ne?ur as yet, we l>eh has always been our ambition to improv withdraw. liove, refUNed to fatbiir wbot beloiiEedtous. ADVERTISING RATES. Wo have never 1>een panued by tho sheriff If free trade l«» good thing why is with tbo coniimluory alMroatlvo of wedlock :. | 2 v, our reputation in this respect, and we car merJann mechttntos do not go nbroaS The charge regarding Mr. Ulalne nttn ur padlock. Nor have we aver boon drunk I860. "llu^si«toen- !Sftj7NJTariff[> in ft oarringo witli liwlii's, thnt wo know of; entirely to erenti Bald to Uveoconrnd flnaeuploymentf eoontgo the in1 loth assure customers that, this season will b and yot wo feel ourselves quite ready ana * 7«S | | 1 25$ I 60|$ 1 75 the year 1851, thirty-threw years ago. . dustrial inter"" 3 00 2 CO s no uouipotGnt for a 'brush,' if that ia as witch S " 1 25 Tlio great prize pnnzts wbioa Democrati oording to the vary wont inttrpnlation desired un n|ii>onrance& iutlieuto." 1 75 2 76 8 50 4 SO t " no exception to tlie rule. We have full; IBM. No Tariff plank. 1804. UeiteraUon of newspapers are working at is how to defend which b b antagonists seek to pat upon the 3 2i 8 GO 4 r>0 E 50 < " past policy. And this was the retraction which the 5 ft) C 50 2 71 5 " -JtUdaeUitho 1888. " A tariff micl Portland Argus made in 1BGT when Mr. •2,000 pairs of Men's Heavy Boots on GieTeland and " tell the troth," ease, the aecnaed repaired all the wrong B ffl 3 50 foolomn. 7 01) Labor of the Naon will afford In that It la pretended he ever oonualtted10 00 tion that to Blaioe threatened to prosecute the editor oiduutul I'ro « M 6 50 8 00 MoPaerson Ia running bit part of 1 " transit and already in our store rooms tbeSenator it is by no means proved that he committed tiou should lie tiou," 12 5 B 50 8 00 for libel: Cleveland campaign somewhere else. eqnaHied and 1M 00 any—in fact, he denies It entirely—la tbe 10 01) 17 00 11 ''" leaueed aa rapOur article has been erroneoiuly underthe q'inlily of which has never been ex Ho will divulge tte locality after tha one way in which a man of honor and stood b.v sumo as iioutrtniug itn attuuk upon BfAOB. 2»oi. tlie iiotuoual ami private character of Jmnen fuilli will percelled li>y any retailer in cxistance, and theUotLTbe greet moral engine of Buffalo might gentleman mbled into snoh asittutton, mu liluiitc, the leading editor of tha Portland • 1673. "Remit disoua- 0. $ 8 50$ 4 50 11Mb. repair it; and over stcoe then his mode • leTJ. mit." We deojily rogrut tbo uiiscou"Putiea should siou to tho pea- Advertbuir. r, oo 1 " m It In not our iotentian to charge prices we confidently promise will he lower make better progress were II not for the life has been moral, decorous, and reputable, securo rcinunorpluiathcirCou- coption, ( " 6 50 by linnlicution or otherwise, with tho (NJ5AH COURT IIOIJSK.) ative wazei grcits District him, lick ot workingmen to keep the track ID Wo conclude, then, that Mr. Elaine ij no itTense WB tli«n disolmuied for ourselvu. We 8 00 4 " Labor." andthededHlo and low, therefore, tako great nleastue lu dlsan the same class of goods can he pur-"We. to be condemned u a candidate on this ao e " 10 00 ot C ilahuittg nuy diwign to impute any BUOII dethoroon. even supposing that the wont state i Ool jma. 12 50 iurjuenules to Mr. Hlttlae, and wo most cheerHaving commenced their new front and chased any where else in the county. We Tbo Iowa Volfcsblatt, published In Qer- eonnt, L •' Diitlw shonld ). " All OuBtnm fully add that we know nothing of Mm which 15 on 1!> Oil , 2!) CO of facts—whlob be earnestly denies-aboul mac at Wavcrlj, Iowa, and hitherto sirongly promote the in* IIouso taxation otild injuriously nfTcct bis slsnding in the IB 50 25 0(1 87 I adding another story are obliged to make be established, not oaly because be repaired tcresW of Amersltall be only foi :rsonil and social relations of Ufa." have also provided for Boys and Youths, Demoontio, has declared for Blalno and tbe wrong, bat because his life has evi a* oo 4L 0()l 6S ( 1 " ioan Labor.' revenue." i, "Atarifffbriu' It requires a frightful amount of lying on room, and are offering their immense stock Ladies, Misses and Children, by lay Logan. tinea been oU that could be required. We cnuc ouly." the part of the Democratic press to divert The Hew York Graphic, Democmtlo. add, here, that, In view of all the olrenmof FURNITURE at a great sacrifice, con- in in large and complete assortments o loutdthat the attention of their readers: from theim" there is altogether too i stances of the cue, it is in oar Judgmen, TtyTASSION IIUUSU. 1884. "Duties Rliall be moralities of tbe lothario at tbe head of their tali In tbe campaign." That ia, for tin an unspeakable outrage to bring forward levied to afford sisting of PARLOR SUITS, WALNUT, ASH calf goods in ticket by assaulting the oharaoters of a good Corner Df Blackwell and fitisatsi Ht i button and lace, in all widths Detiioor&ts, Wctcotloiitothe, snoh an aocuutloti. It Is an outrage If tbe rights And wngM clusivoiyfornu man and woman who for moro than thirty and ENAMELED BED ROOM SUITS, EX- . . • DOVER. N. J. Tho Bun gives a sample of Democratic Be- aoousaUon is true, and it it infinitely more of tbe laborer." Ho porposcg," 'hether you purchase or no onn years bave lived a Ufa above reproach In tbo by allowing how New York ia ruled by an outrage if It ia falso, 1 have been ourloua, since compiling the I. B.JOLLEY, Proprietor TENSION TABLES, LOUNGES, and in fact j ; , , ' , , ' , „ , „ • face of all the people, and the man woo are you are respectfully urged to call and ac- uga of rowdies, and plundered by Alder- With Mr. Cleveland, however. th situa- above, to compare wbat the (wo candidates engaged In It will sink themselves find their Horses and K In Let. everything in the Furniture line at the cost of the sains parties tn nomltfttion for Presparty in.greater Infamy thsm ever before. tion Is dltfarent. Tha particuUn ara i quaint yourselves with the inducements aiiic thleres. ident hare to Bay on the same subject of tbe I l f illILON PITNEY, of manufacturing. Besides their large stock of TtieDemooratfo editornowtnnu to hi* flies denied; In faot, they are admitted, the onlj Tariff and its protection to the American WHY KOTEBB OPPOSE FEES TEADB. we have to oiler. HEA«AN & Co., ATTORNEY AT LAW, tnil gazes mournfully at the head linos he rariaticn In the adinisaion put forward In laborer. I do not refer to anything eald As we hare ortien had occasion to remark CARPETS FURNITURE! A. H. TAN HOEN & Co. f 73 MARKET STREET, IE!UK, I. J. 1 l r B UAXTER IS CUASOBUV ANU KoT.UlV I'lill ()i>i>. D. L. & W. DEPOT, DOVER CARPETS IIIONEKAIIUILDINQ, DOVEl:. p E O . O. CUMMINS, H. D., Q M E I U L riUcriTIONEll, IND HPKOJALIKT IN THIS TIIEATMKNT OP MALAHIAI, DISEASES. OFFICE AT THE FAI1K HOTEL, DOVER, N. J j o. niEinvmrii, n. u. DOVER, N. ,T. ANALYSE.! OF OUEB 4ND MINEUA1.9, 80I1VEY8 OF MINES. L. W. THURBER, consisting of MOQTJETS. VELVETS, BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, 3-PLY AND EXTRA SUPERS, a t unheard of prices, merely to make room. Also a large stock of EVERYBODY MIUR011S AND PIER GLASSES, STOVES, MAHHLIi-'l'Ol' TABLES, BOOKCASES, STDEISOAUDS, ClllFFOSIEItS, WARDR0I1GS, HALL STANDS, FAXCV (illAIRS OF ALL KINDS, WM. O'DWYER'S STORE, OF MOIUUB COTJNTI. OFFICE AT 8. H. BBEgSE'3 aTOBB, NEXT DOOR TO THE POST-OFFICE, , 1ST- 3T. : A('i; n. n r \ n i l It DOVER, N. J. Special ofBco hours on 8t,turdavs from 8 A. U. till 13 I t . 17-tf ali on account of not having room. To make UauotopATuta PHYHIOIAX AND BuaoEon, alterations w e are obliged to make such great DOVEH, N. J. Dlncasoe of warnim ami chililron, anil of tli sacrifice in prices. Now is the time to buy a eje«nU ear, specialties. Parlor Suit, Bed Room Suit or Carpet a t just Ornost8U>9A.U. UutB8.[Uo8tuil7toBF.U. ONE-HALF T H E P R I C E you would p a y for Blackball Orrios-Ia struct. it in any other store. These goods can be OLIVER S. FREEMAN, bought on EASY TERMS, all on account of the necessity to make room. T l A. BENNETT, M. D. Carpenter and Builder, CARRIAGES liaR removed toTlmrlirr'snewlinHdirie.Intl ivar of the Contra! R«i!.OBrt ilta.v tri'lhv, NEAR T H E CANAL BASIN. M - JO!I1)|HR mil re|iairinK [.rtmiptl attended tft. A k n g eiiinrienco in llic Imai ceiis. will, I bolioTQ, ounlile mo to ulvo Bath faction lo ftil cuntoraorB. Contracts taken an materiaiB furaisliBtl. AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. JOHN DlUTMMEU'g JOSEPH H. SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON. SUSSEX STREET, THE COUNT! COLLECTOlt will Horrlstown, at tlio Slieri (Ti oillct. on THURSDAY OF EACH WEEK dating odice hoars. I «s 13 I Id ^Z 00 © © © © PH » TEAS. COFFEES. SUGARS, SPICES, RJJflJOLlCA AND EARTHEN WARE, AT .MUCUS WHICH CANNOT Hi: J1KATKN IN TIIK fiTATK. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. WM. 0'DWYER, - - - Proprietor. NOTICE TO OIL DEALERS. d o t m o n the MANBI08 HOUSE and Depot,) DOVER, U. J. The place haa boon entirely refitted in a noimannoer. IADIBB' ami CIIILDIIEN'S I1AII1 COTTIHO A SPECIALTY. NOTICE. KNOWS -THAT- HAIR, FIBER, HUSK AND EXCELSIOR MATTRESSES, WRITING DESKS, and in fact everything in our line at SUPERINTENDENT OP PPSUO SOBOOLa THE McKIRGAN OIL Co., Of NEWARK, N. J., have now open for the delivery of Oil a depot at Dover, where a full supply of Oil cau be had on MONDAY and FRIDAY of each week. All our patrons who favor us with their orders will be promptly All the latest styles on hand and made to supplied. Our object is to save our customers order. Our -work is all done under our per-transportation charges and delays caused by sonal supervision, and is fully warranted. shipping oil from Newark or New York. OrEverybody in want of a wagon will profit ders can be sent to Samuel Hammond, Boonmuch by giving us a call before buying else- ton, (he will be in Dover on Mondays and r where. ridays) or to our address where they will receive our prompt attention. All orders will ~-—-£REP_AIBING^--«---— be promptly delivered by J. H. Burchell, and in all branches done in a manner which is empty barrels taken back. bound to give satisfaction. Orders by mail McKIRCAN OIL COMPANY. will receive prompt attention. CENTS. V.h CENTS, THE DOVER LUMBEE y o NEW ARRANGEMENTS. Mi'i-eliiiiit tailoring trill be carried oil nt NO. i BRICK BLOCK ns follows, lieginning with tbia da to : nued in oar CUSTOM DEPARTMENT will give no . ' , HECOND—Every garment will be cat by a first-class nnd practical cutler, and : in the very latest style. ' • • "-'•••;'•• •• iffers to builderB the best opportnnitiea in ibo pnrchnse of LU5IBER if every grtula ami dosrripbou includinf,' LO^Y PIUCES find the great FIRST—Tho materials ilvaiitsigo of haviug cnnsi) foi comjiluitits. I po 3s g § Iiumber Worked to Order THIRD—TbtiTerv best Uilors lmvo been secured for tbe note benefit of cus : . • . •-.- ;' •;. ,. ; . • ! by uiftcbinorj at tho placo wliero it is purchased, groatly lesBoning tbe o u t e r s . TOURTH—No garmcDt mil t o allowed to lenve tbo premises nnless entire cost of building by tho grout Billing in mannal lnbor. Oar aatialuctioa is aoknonledgci) by tbe cnatomer. • • : .. ' , Btock always includoa I trust tbat the above fuels )ll bo n BafBcient gtursnlce to evory indiridaal n Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings OS ami especially to.tbp?e who nro obliged to seek etsovbete for it auit of olotbes. W E HAVE ALSO A BfeAJT KBW OTOOS OP EBAEY-MABE 0 i i i n n s 6 for nil, from tbe smallest child.to tlie largest mao. and LUMBER of every description, and espeoinl pains are taken nod latest styles of to give satisfaction in every particular. 3- QlOBGE UlOEiBDS, CMTS^2§J™i KANOUSE & MOLLER, [IUOCEBBOBB TO A. IASOHBE,) d e i l c r s In BOTTIED LAOERS ALE, PORTER, DOVER. N. J. < v j b o r f f o h l nionfjriuht a « r j liaa u j t m n g el«o In thti wwid. All, of either l e i , inooMd from flnl Iinar. ThBbroidroidialortnMopeni " GENTS' PcnNisnisa GOODS, tbe best, leading HATS AKD CAPJ, TIIDNKS, VALISES. SATOHKLS, &G., at GEORGE FEBER'S, P l d n t . H . LIMBEBI, lioo'y and Trow No. i BRICK BLOCK, DOTRR, N. J . n wwk si home. (5 oal.lt fttf. l'fly tliBoinlulyenro. KoiUk. CaplUt not rcqtiircil. Render, if you want bufl ut»tB*t vliiiTh pt-rauns nf cillicr iox. • or old, « u luako great pay Bil ttio Bnllden tod .le.lcr. ID LVHBBaand COAL. AIio oomplotB itock ol Baah, Door,, Dllad*. Mouldtima t V work, with ibsalntu cerUnity, write .agi ana Br»c««t«. tlrne, CBiLeot, 1«Ui, Roollnf cularg t o D . EAIXETT 4 C O . ( Furtluii. Felt and tTdrjUilcB perUlnino to the building traJa and at thclcw»t prioeiT Slata Hoofing * •peclalir. Alia all the leading brantli of FrQI FrrQIIbrantli of ir. Q i Alia l all fforthe b U d i n g tiken i t k n from Um » QonitMla buU from Um «fUi«<j«U*raad rilJariiU*e4. tphtblliU oallua u DRAKE & KING, MINERAL WATERS, CIDER, ale., at WHOLESALE AKD BET AIL. Can offer tbe best u d most Ubeul induceneDtB to (Jojtlen. ibiished when Main* v e n t Democratic Ue apology be|ng that some ofhjs defen generally In more or loss admlraUon. of the Is Impossible to flod a miner who has aeek to addition to defame the woman workhgmerjj bat quote the opinions ol tbe 'our years ago. worked io England under free trade who without producing any evidence to Bupport Elder Hart, a Mormon leader, writes to that position. All of them jolo in admitting candidates on tho pruUoal operation of the is not In favor of protection. And their ie New York Telegram in favor of. Oleve- the main faoU. They alw Join in admitUng Tariff In auBUining the high wages paid to Judgment Is boras ont by all the best InInnd. Well, Cleveland wouldn't mtkfl a bad with tome minor dlaorepanoles that the an* Amerioan laborers aa compared with the formation tbat can be obtained on the subwages paid ID Free Trade countries, The |ect. Arnold Impton, of England, member Mormon himself. , _ fortunate woman was put into an asylum rateB here u s double those paid in England if tho Institute of Oivtl Engineering, P. 0 . Let tii lee, v u l t sot Olereland's own without authority ot taw by tome of his id tliree times thoae paid In Germany. and instructor of mining in Yorkshire incle who laid that MB nomination was a friends and representatives i and It appears How in what the candidates say on tbe College, Is now visiting Ibis country, and in ' farce " and that hit election would be a ikewise, that tho equally unfortunate illegi Tariff, as I have condensed their letters of long interview with a TribunB reporter timate child -was kept for a considerable acceptance: national calamity?" last Saturday said among many other things period of time tn tbe oonnty poor house, in speaking of the English miners : BLAIRS, RRF. Even t i e New York, Times, which ilx although bis father was In a prosperous "Tlio Hoimbiiaau _._. _ on tbe "Ona uotinot clsso his even to this faot. oeki ago WMfilledwith . pnlMB of Uleve. business at the time. As for repairing tbe party line maintained tariff! and will maintain tbe But Henry L, Kel- These hunl-worklng nioit, wbo should bavo nd, is growlug weary: of him w d soarcely wrong done to the botrayed woman, wo bear polinyuf ahuudnnnc of nutrltluus food, nceuMom Protection to son, clerk to tbo nothing of it In fbe oaae of Mr, Cleveland, Amerioan Industry, Speaker, . jrasolves to cruelly small portions of It, and tnentioni his name of late. (Carlisle cu Rienaro rations several montlis in atone could not have shown less ooaseienoe bile our nnpanonU Buys: "HeClevelont exist oli year. Their life in a struggle fur food. mist upon nre\-islon wrote letters to Vav Let the Demooraoy invent •» few more as he. i tent It, they will bill twelre liouraftday 'hiob praotioully ds- York uieinberBof Con Bcaudftla and get a few more blowa in return r wiiRBR that an Amoricac miuoc would TOJ-H {hat policy. . onr at. To aot It tbny set their abildren at like that dealt by Maine and it will become Oo this state of facts, Mr. Cleveland is to Tbe pending election may determine the n-k in tlm iniiiea at the tender agos of teu uown as the Obscurity party. ) condemned, and condemned most severe- fute of Protection for d fourteen yearn, and forca thorn to lead u aggreeilve ag aary life iiininr tlw (rround. To get it, in ly. For tbla cause alone, if there were no i Kcuerntloii. Tbe Protection aa any o. ivcrtlirawoftliatptil- tbe tuon who mudo Into ymm they liftvo In mnuy «ase« been « • Senator Plumb, of Ksnraa, says the Prowe say that he is not a fit man to be icy means a large nud Hilled Ut HHnrillpn the oilornmeutH «t tlieir Ibliion moveraent will not perceptibly af- hoiwn President of the United States, and perninueut nidtivticin Mr Carlisle Sncnkor little houicH, ami convert every salable urtitbe waKfls uf the anil who worked for ct the result in that State, where he thloki 0 into bread. Tho averago miner in not is election would be a serious pnbllo in th MorriBon M i the bllL lL . . iblo AnuMiDtui laboror," to siiro nuytbinj,, lienaufio bo cannot Maine will gat (10,000 majority. Fonr-llfths off the calamity. Moreover, while the accusers of Democratic majority seoure Duipluyment more than two-Uiirdn of cf the prcannt Federal he, tlnifl. Hu lie is compelled to eat little Jeff, Davis says the payment of pensions > . BlaJne are subject to extreme nprebenHaitso uf Kepreeonta- himself in order tUat bin obildten may live; lon, the accusers of Mr. Cleveland deserve i TTnlon soldiers lit " offensive favoritism. tives voted laat Win- and, too often, both parent* uni cbildnii mar tlio pangs of bmiger and tbe inoonvnnter In favor nf redui . Is md to think that this government would rell of the public for proving bis moral disnoiB of under-feeding. Tho life of nn Enging Tariff tazatitw.' uallnoatlon for the great poat which be tllberately do aught to offend Jeff, sb minor or fanner is one of honl toll and jeks to obtain. " jlit rewards, and the darkest feature is DEH0CECTB AFFEAX TO Y0UVQ HEK. ittboyhttve notbing io look forward to. A number of the most prominent DemoSuch ia the differencobetween (betIn another column of this impression will lie future for them prominas to bo but a ratio planters in Louisiana have organized as regards these Bc&ndals. The ons Is noU ) found tbe circular which the Democratic Ireory repetitiqp of tbe past." Blatne Protective Tariff Club. I t is sp '.Bated injuriously, while the other ought Committee of tbla State are now sending out And this Ii the condition to which the pArent that the good time Is coming at last. bo ruined as a candidate.—Bun, >y the thousands from their "lit'rary bu- Democratic party proposed to bring the Borne papers are showing how Cleveland •eao" ia this oity. Aocompanying It is a let- Iron ore miners of New Jersey when fourA50THEB INDEPEHDEBT BLAST. inco hung a couple of man. A matter of far ter from ono of the life-long Democrats to flfUu of their representatives In Congress That great religious journal, the N& whom it was Bent which the committee will voted to place Iron ore on tbe free list, a cntor coscern is that lie nhall not be the £cutionor of the Democracy to hang the ork Independent, which Bupported Oleve not find pleasant reading. Like thousands measure which Qrovar Cleveland urged nriff. td at the outset, but which turned agains bis party aeeootaten all over the oountry, Democratic Congressmen to support. Nearly one Ihounand mechanics In Mil- im after invostigatiag for iteolf his moia bis young Democrat haa determined for 0LBB0YKXN FOB BLAIRS. laraoter, is tow doing efficient service i ;ood nnd eufficiout reasons to vote foi >t,kee, ono third of whom have been Dem A letter from WeltonvlUo, N. Y., dated 'curing hia defeat. Last week it said : Maine and Lognn. Oooseciueutly ha had Sept. 3d, aays: The largest meeting over signed an address to their tc\) uHe for the circular. irafUmon, Baying why they will vote reUiic loiht tlml held in this place to consider political qnesmlaii HS tins ole rcimun tha t There is one point in this document of nillctl tli •r Illiinn. BBsembled to-day, Tha occasion was MTiitH i |nt-Hiii(. by tirh •Bpoiation thnt is worth a moment'a notice. Blaine and Logan pole and banner raltriug r.1, Tli Gov. Hendrlcks wants It understood that tamn, an noniinuting Oovormir Cl c refer to ite appeal to young men. It is front of the house of Mr. Herrick. At 2 ticket nominated will stand till tho end m tlinir ir ccnndl.latit f..r I'IVKMI,.,.,. Thpir . particularly foolish waato of breath, M. the roads in all directions wero filled h lit. would nm licut, tun] be y that ieB-wkIch will not be delayed beyond irem td nnrry thft (jrent Statn of New York, fhoro in nothing in the history of Demoo- with firaers' wagone, and other conveyiUh of November If we hare DO moro ui, PRjiPcliilly, tlutt he would biinn to tli :y an they study it in tho annals or their ances, loaded with men, women and chilarty n large nccosslun of Iii'imblimn votfli tbi[uakeB, mntry thnt commends it to our young on hia theory nt tlie time looknd plansiblr. \V dren. Folly a thousand people iuaemblod, lUDtHiiriirlnud tliat tlio DumotrtitH mlorif PI oung AmoricuiB driuk in a passionate love oany Democrats and a few Prohibitionists While the increase in wages baa been nnil put fm-wnnl Mr. Clevcluntl its i freedom with their mother's milk. But islng among them. Tlie speakers were tho lltioul rflfonnur, hoiiiug. by the cry o oing OD in Germany, wages ia the iron inform, to gL't puHfUHniou of tho Qovenniionl oy find that Democracy was the right arm •lev. Dr. H. M. Crydenviae, presiding elder ilry, sccordhg tn the Board of Trade reIt turns out, liowovpr, even Worn (ho slavery. Tho young biilieve in ideals, tbe Methodist Church; tho HOT. Mr. DH, have been as steadily declining in itlveworkofthRcniivHHH linn thirl j he ml, M to « moHt vital qtieRtiimof iicm it they find that Democracy loved to sneer lonway, of Brooklyn ; tho Itev. Dr. Peck, •eo trade England, loruU, tlio iirivntc cbuiinctcr uf this an-ealliirt the Republican party because it acknowl- of the Hetbodlst Episcopal Church, Owogo, itonn onmliiliito ling been ono of such rotThe Democratic party has gone into eoens oa justly to ilostroy all claim In hi Igoda "higher law" and had respect to and the Rev. Dr. Wastiburn, of tbe Baptist lf totlio conftileniic ami regpect cf th i because one labor paper haa been moral ideaa." The young believe in pro- Church, Maine, N. Y. Tho issues of tho i l W h l i e r tlc l i l lro . mod tlat will support Cleveland. It fa lo renH. But they fltd that daring the last canvass were thoroughly presented, tho folly i Demi . n WTH aciniainiud ited at Ooboea, N. T., and is expected to larter of a century or more the Democracy of voting for tbe Prohibition candidates, and .h t i n fact* ! • _ .^. ,private life, wTicn th«v mvulse the country-. J not know: k l t for f minuted him, wo Jo lint, £ boon little bettor than a stumbling block helping to place Cleveland in the White iir nuke, w« will iMMiine tlint, if tboy 1 " in the path of the country. Tbe yonng exeSouse, being especially dwelt upon by Drs. own thorn, Mr. ClyvL-loiiil would not In The Woman's National Equal nights non the candidate of tho Democratic pnrty. crate a traitor. But they find that every Drydenwlae and Feck, Mr. Conway for sn irty has nominated Oelva Lockwood foi mjitifttu Biioli n limn with tliin knowledge who took np arms against the Union tour discussed tbe tariff issue, and kept bis d imply ft iiiont aBtouniliii|r]ii«k tifcnmresident. If tho campaign progresses at senno nud nn i-qunl lack of moral mill vas a Democrat. In the lexioon of youth audience In perpetual laughter, aa he Illuso it has been ehs will probably hare aliticul iutpgrity. bere is no snoh word a* fail Bat they find trated tbe hypocrisy of the Democratic platgood a Ebow as Cleveland. Certain it h tlint tbe inilc]>flii<1i!nt llqiultIciiim, who iRnoranily indmxeil Mr. Cltsvn- >t in 18Ci tbe Democracy pronounced the form, and tbe record of the Democratic id, and nuMiri.v Oeclnroil their piii-iHmo to (Torts of our boya in. blue to stamp out party en the tariff. Mr. Waahburn, who In aniutervinw a New York horse car >lti>rllilii), Uiil iiol know tliu mini UH tlit ;nnl of bin priTato life lins roTfiiIi',1 lii m tc reason " a failure." The young love fair lerved through the war as a chaplain, said tlianhfl Cleveland for bla veto. Ho , nu<l which record, liy UOIVH liirlilmnsj ilay. But they have read Democracy's ministers helped make the Republican " When drivers have to work seven- »!w, bin lii-iiu sent with a IliiHb to CVITY dorey forgery letter. The young yenerate party, and would not now own themselves cen hours a dny thuy can lay up money be- Wnga and hiimlot of tli^ Tint ion, and them o i tlio very ends of tho enrlli. Thcso Kci.ub- he memory of Abraham Lincoln. S a t they fools by helping In the namo of St. John, to iae they have no time to eat or Io spend It.'* nw cnunoi, In vinw of what they now find that the Democracy savagely abnsed put Cleveland, who was not a wink In the low, (jivo liira tliolr mipport. wttliimt tlie mtant self Btultinflation, and, indeed, wttU- that great patriot. 1h% young bate a sneak. 'residantiBl office. Of course Tammany Hall endorses CloveiijiifltljeinoBinK thcnwolvcs to the dinrBC But they have perused the tariff plank of nd. Sneh a course was necessary la order Ktoss unil Bonnoless liyjioorlgy. The simple OLBVSUBD, THE IEEE TBADBH. ie National Demoor&tio Convention. d plain truth is that 1ho admitted oflV i keep in the party. Bat the sachems art The following will explain itself: Mr. Cleveland touches upon n doni&l Why then should the young voters help iking DO big talks and the Star continues mlly and public moral* nn vitally nnd ™ 'o TUE EDITOR OF THE TRIBUNE. Cleveland and Hendrioks. the present expo- SIR : As 1 have heon travailing In the W o t , ngeroujly to tlio publio uood as utterly to Is editorials ot hoeing com and other kiniaiaallfy £lra for the ofiBce of President, or noots of Dflmooraoy F .Perhaps the Demo- unfortunately did not see tlio Taeedoy's In. ked topics. ny other ofllcn in tha gift of tbo people. ' of tlio Tribune until this moraine. In Ills Is tbo position tbe Independent^ ultor a ontto Committee knows why. But the ir editorial oa the Boston Herald lottur on consideration of the fauta and our duty young voters oartainly do not.—Tribune. lovernor Cleveland's pOBitionon Uie Morrison The Irish-American Blaine and Logan jUB God and man, took lost week, and means II you state tbat I am tbo Private Secretary tub of Paterson now numbers 288 rating toruly U maintain. Any effort tn evade this f Mr. Carlisle. I am not, but I am Clerk to oncluiion only makes tbe duty the more embers. No wonder the Graphic and bvious. IG Speaker, a different office and one whioli loon not bring me into tlio ooastnnt persoiml IEHTIHERT QUESTIONS. her Democratic papers have reached the olattona -with thn Sjienltor wkMh the I^rivato If it be sold that wlmt ia true of Mr. ClovoTha <iDeHtlorjs each Amerioan ought to «orotary enjoys. Mr. Carlisle did not know inclusion that " there 1* too much Iriih In latid is no more than tans often boen true of ik himself before casting his rote are : mv letter, uorof my purpOM to write, nor campaign." her pulilio men, then we reply tbat it 1B «s IIP knitw, w> fnras I am aware, that I high time tbat all pnblio men iltould be Bas any home industry been able to estab) written it. Thoro wan never any secret 'it tbat panonal and private virtue is not lish and maintain itself against foreign Jnst as we anticipated, the Hsekettstown ..itDovonor Cloveland's position on the -aterial question with thepeonla <~ lazette declines to discuss the altitude of _ - j n t r y . ThU lesson sbonld be BO en. competition through the medium of a pro- ;arlff. If tho Republicans flnd any comfort n tho fact tbat ho favors lower taxes,. they and proclaimed ta tbe world tbat tective tariff? ia Democratic, party upon the tariff goes- PIIIMUMI ire entitled to it and tlioyneed It here will bo no mistake now or hereafter M 1. The Oaselte Is not to be bUtned, for to what la meant hy I t Is t h e n any home industry which, by a Yoiirs truly, HBKRT h, KKJION. party hag no ground to stand upon In Tlie imtnoralitios of a man's private lifu are conthtiianaeof a protective policy, will be NOT YORK, Sept. S, 1SU. muttetn which do concern tlio pnbl^, when regard to this qneation. As the only publio taxed levied are those tbat public, -with the knowlodsu of then abls to successfully compete with foreign moralities, is asked ta mate oim tbe Chief rivals? Imposed by the tariff this assertion is nothing iftistrato of a great nation.' A debauchee, That rterj ia the Democratic papers about Is It not better to build np thus a market more or less than that GOT. Cleveland favors known to bo, or to hire been, and, In tiot the Ohio Republican Ocmmiltee ending for man tu he elected to ihn office of 1'reMJeiit ~ home consumers foronr non-protected ir taxes In the way of a lower tariff, and ot then UolUd Btnten. Tbis nno Twit should Senator Lot M. Morrill (who has been dead i fatal to him. The peopln nbould not, and, products, than by letting in foreign eompeti- ia working for free trade in the same way two yenre) to make speeches in that State, > wo beiieva, will not so disgrace Hi-n.iulvca drive home Workers from present that Carlisle, Morrison and all other free tlio sight of Qod and man, and defy tlie II-DB oat, AB all intelligent people aoticitnandatn of aounn morals « to irsnlts, and turn them Into additional traders ore. Now Jersey miners will not fortied,' another affair of the Moray letter mperativB icitow tlini honor on any sneb base profligate, produce™ In already suffiolcntly prolific In- get when they vote that he urged tbe pasutt ia our oommun Cbrbtlauit.y wortbrabil due tries? sage of the Morrison bill, a provision of -hat la our boutod oiritUation wortii, if uob a black stain In tlio character of a eanwhich was to pat lion ore on the free list, Maj. John W. Daniel declared some years didate Ii aot the money better spent, in a genfor the Presidency Is, in the popular go in the Virginia State Senate in favor of estimate, to be deemed n niattcr of no special eral sense— "doing the greatest good to tho 'hicb, would have closed every mice in What n strange ipcctMle mch Faw Jersey. pplying the torch to every school house oonnenoenoel -tUetnambec"—if kept wholly Inour own n law breaker. If Bluotod, woald iitoseDt in the State" and Bald It was wrong in tho parlors of the Wbito Hotwl What an onntty than If the entire purchase price be HOW THEY WOULD FLOOD OS. it would Bive to Mnrmos nolyj»- entto foreign oomWes.evtiatbODghf, alight iucipla "totax the rich to educate the ipportunity That brilliant non-partisan newspaper, the oisU to sneer and Inngh there at tbe oftorta or." Ee baa just been engaged to stump t i e General aovornmant to suppreas the Lvantage In first cost should otherwise be American Protectionist, tells of bow there onBtrous auoniiuiitloDS in tho Territory of lined to the immediate consumer ? ,!o for Cleveland. to Boston recently an intelligent and :ahl Whnt adcmoraililng lesson Ifwnnld to the young man of tho country | What What Amerina needs is to be Balfniatainide-awake manufacturer from Ardrfe, Boot—icrto " ^ There waa a patient once who, upon being igt to produoo all that Is possible with Us i , who made a. toot- among the factories juooewnil U«chiD_ lias of isked by the doctor to denrlbs bis tympapadtiMthat the people need ; and then New England and after relating his exillty from tbe v " It or political platfoi pin B, tersely rammed ttiem up by saybg rhiU or of Oonmw uonvreu II" AH All ae deeint to create a "luxury fond" by selling sur- lerlenoe Bold in conclusion : to Bay Christian Chrietiai. peoplB, people, WL would fi i he w u suffering from "asort of gons Ttift thing which most tnnrkedly indicates d s with a profound p r f o d sense of plusages hi other markets. _c their b heads «ling In the stomach." If we may bellevo lameand dismist. No! Sot! tbe majority Louisiana, Texas and Florida, with proper _ wisdom uf the Americans in regard ta ineesUte^asorf of gone feeling" : the voters of this country will not anil legislative protection, can develop Bugar iefr mnnnfacturiiiK imluitrion is their pro-not approya of any such ueaatly and that afli the Morris County Democracy. ctlvo tariff, for ii it wcronot for that wo fields to an extent that will afford a never tbenishBtandanlofmoralltT. At any rate the Independent will do nil in ailing market for grain, meats, horses, raid flood your market with onr aoodR, Begole, the Gheenback Qovenor of Hlehl- i power to prevent the- election of Governor males, u d machinery produoed in the United rhioh, ptodnclnp; with cheaper labor, and dug con tout with tnreo or four per cont. ^Yetand, not from paMion, or any personal i, told, the convention which rnoently re- nltnoilty to the man, not UBCBUBO it is a States above the panllat ol latitude. •ofit, we could noil »t prioe* far belaw tlioso nominated him IfaUlie "never rode tn his tepublican m m r ami believes in tho Eonontl Will Louisiana met ulde prejudice and, ; which you could afford tu sell, and thus riuoiples of tba Republican party, and line* as a Governor on a free pan," And ot anil never did believe in those ' ' r conceding It to others, aid in leonrinp; impletcly destroy your manufacturing bimlaw tbe newspaper! are making It lively for liarty, but solely fa the intercut* vital requisite to tho welfare of their MS. Our own colauien, ewilnutlio benefit of tariff, nro making ono against us; and it is him by printing two of bin letters asking for wnmdmondSj^speoWly Chose of t & fent Blate-ProteoUQn.~Nsir Orieana Oity togctW unlikely that wo willagolu hnvc pans-books from ratlroad raperintendente, tern. t Governor Cleveland, witli tho knowlediro favorablo R treaty with yranoe as we Imvn he public now have of liis private oharactor, id. Yourtarlirisyourgainandoarlou." put upon him as the Let people who desire to avoid snoh a Tbe Democratic capacity for blundering iiTBthsnaikorCkla Ittlng end »f his public career, Wo call Cleveland champions Honeit Government, calamity to our Industries as this remember ion the religions prow ot tba nation, and i again illustrated by the Bute Committee Carlably. that It was the Democratic party alone which Christian pulpit, to Bpenk out in -rialnflold CloiuUtttlJonaUit pnttlng on Utelr electoral ticket a Bank 0M.the old and emphatic language aaalnnt hlw :to latest evidence of it U tbat he signed a In tbe lost session of Congress voted to so President In the place of McDonald, it be- eotion. The Issue nowte amoral one, ami too, ef tha gravest ohamoter; and this bill which made it possible for the Demo- reduce tariff ilntles u to make It possible ing aaid that hla position makes aim ineligi- ahat, for foreign manufacturer! to flood our marno lime for any timid, baif-heurted orr uhalf w i oratiQ Aldermen of New York to gtva away kets wilh their goods and that they would ble. Well It wont make muoh. difference; ifor utterances. When tbn ro" • «railroad franchise la Broadway for which lave been sncoessful If a very small portion tbo pulpltsball oeaie to teac Owy wotrthave any need foran electoral r.nd good morals, then lratb will 1 torn of $1,000,000 hid been oflerod thi the Republican party had weakened from ticket in New Jersey, anyhow. unworthy of rospaot or lonport. rirprlEclple of protection. ty. YORK'S RED FRONT HOUSE FURNISHING STORE, ia tbe placo where 5 o will find tLobeatoollection of Oblnfi, G ««.' W.od unOvWillow Wire, Window Slmle Will Piper, UJd camplete lines of all Hi in ifirsHilsis store. TOBK'S RED FROST, Corner Park and Sonlli Street, f ~ * » , MORRISTOWN.N.J. Slubm, 1 SALES M EN i^i^i NEW AIR-COMPEESSOE. HIGH SPEED. 10 to 200 HORSE-POWER, MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co. sovxin, w, a". Positive muring poppet vslvu. No Ion from friction, no wante In port* by elide or rotan •It induction n.Tfis. niRbost poaaibla percent of tree air. Economical and durable. OiUognoonipplioUiou. (Fully secured by patents.) BOILERS! Horizontal, Tubular, Flue, Vertical and Portable. Insurance policy with each. AIR RECEIVERS. TEE IRQN ERA THE STATE OF BLAINE Tli© Dover Printing Company] Saturday, Sept. 18, 1884, A Sweeping Republican Vi tory in Maine. REPUBLICAN NOMINATION; FOR PRESIDENT: JAMES G. BLAINE, Lu Bute of Mtiiue, which for tlirty jeai hits delighted to buuor Jumex M. Maine, paid him another couipliiiibiit ou ', and rebuked the Democratio sawtlal nioi OF MAINE. gers who have been endeavoring to break FOR VICE PRESIDENTi down his character, by giving the State JOHN A. LOGAN, ticket 1H.O0O majority' Tbe signiflcam this election can beri be judged l y a ft OF ILLINOISFOR CONCHESS, WM. WAITER PHELPS, OF BERGEN. BLKCTOHS AT I . \ n « E . TBEDEKIC A. POTTS, JOHN TAYLOR. DtSTUlCI ELECTOHI. 1ST DuTmcr-ALIIEIlT MKKEITT, 2D DWTWCT—ISKAEL B. ADAMS, 3D DIBTKICT—SIMON VANWIOKLE, 4ni I>I»TIHCT—LEWIS H- TAi'LOII, Rni DiBTBHT-HENUY L. BITTIJISR. Bra UiiTBtCT-OAKIlNEB II. COLBY, 7rn UiBTBicT-THOMAS H. POTTER. compariwons. In the Bepteuibei electit during tha Prasldenlial canvass of foi years ago tha DaraocraU urrUtl the Slab and the ltepubljcan mnjority of twn yeai •ince was but C>,(Xm It ia n gain of 13,0110 i two years and of over 1 !!,000 in four years Mr. Maine's own town of Augusta, wliii four years ago polled but 405 Bepnblicau votes, gave on Monday 1,210 for tbe Kepublican ticket! All tbe Itepublloan Congressmen ia the State were re-elected and tbe Legislature is overnlielmingly Republionn it THE WABREIT REFORM DEMOCRACY. The averago Democrat of Warren Count ia in ODB sense a political purist. HID wbo! heart ia engrossed in an effort to rid country of Republican thieves and a ferv amoii in upon his lips every time he hear the shout of " T u r n the rascals out," B when the sturdy Democracy of Warren gage iu a ooutett among tLeiuuelvca tht invariably discloae some staggering fouls reference to their own immaculate ehara lets. Thus, for instatue, the PhillipsbDi Democrat, which is nupporiicg Mart Wyckoff for Btate Senator, says that th years ago " h e had the nomination unt within forty-eight hours of the caucu Within that time a ' boodle' of several thoi id dollars was placed ID this con against him, professed but treacheroi friends being active in tho disposition of Mr. Wyckoff was beaten by a few vote He again presents b u name, and very lik the same corporate influence will agai place iU dollars to defeat him." Tuis state njent that the representative Domoerato Warren were bought up In a county cauc for several thousand dollars 1B made opt by a Democratic paper, which like others of that class frequently makes charge that tbe iiepubllcan party Is co rupt t This is a strange world and Democratic pretensions are among its m peculiar features. THE PL&IB TROTH. Tint cirouuiitanueii on which the Ulaiui libel is based are very simple and, beyond plain statement of tbeut, nwd no explanation. Mr, Blaine, BB in well known, when young man taught echool in Kentucky, ani at tho time met Mi«s Ilwriet Rlanwood, jireuent wife, wbo waa tuigRRed in the tame profos«oc at the unmo place. I t was h< that the attachment brgui which romlttd their marriage. '1 bey wtre married duri term time of their rfcspettlvu school?, L because it was thought that jmlilicAii tbe fact might affect their relations their employers, the umrriaga wn& private. At tbo close of tho term they wei together to the homo of Mien Stonwooil Maine on n visit to her relatives and Ib for tho first time tho notice nf liio w&in was published. Inatentl of returning Kentucky, on be had iutendeil, Mr. Ma was induced by bin wife's brothers to main auJ tngagc in business atlhe Eatl Some six or Boven months after tlie pulli tion of tlie marringe Ibeir first child wai born, but it was about one. year after ceremony had taken place, In Maine, wher ill tlie circuniHlances were known, it oc stoned no remark, but when tbe newn ed the Btnall rural community In Kontnd where they bad taught school and were bi well known, it set loose tongues of the go sips and, as usual, tho wore.t coutitruetit was put upon the Inunction. This, ho aver, eborlly passed away and waa forgotten ] oomnientiufl upott tbfl foregoing « plauatfou I be Hunlerdon Democrat wiye LIST OP LETTKKS BEMAMINO THE VOtC OWICE AT POB' OBAM, N. J., UNCALLED FOB. B&pteuiber lltii. 1BB9. Loaiu BHeg. Daytoa U. HemeBOTer, Ulas Bamh EgaD, Wm. H . U k e , H . D. To obtain a n j of Ilio aliore letton aa; " a vcriisfd" and yivo d&tc of ihit l ] . | . JOHN H4KCE, P. BI &GQ, FUNERALS! Tl/Tl" aVBtcoi uf Small I'rulita apprtici&ted, 1VL Quatltr Jiufl tvorknianiilijp of the beat Uy tlmiks for Ubenl patronage ID the pai Ordera by telegraph mcisscn^erortelopiio altoudea t o . JOHN JONES, JjnderUker,. MAKKIBU. FESESMVBE—IVBIfHIT—On »tt Trills, by IIt-v. t v . F. 11. Wriulif. W William ftm- ft-*emnyrt<, Uftmft-*emnyrt<,nt nt Tciibo, mill L'urrin ()fLouKwaod, \Vrif{lit,()fLouKd niRu. BBACII—Al Rnc-knvcny, Hei.t, fjth, Jeniifc II wife nf ('. b- Iteuuh, (i{jed3l> vcarn, 1* muatl anil luilnj-i PALMKH—At UllHuiiin, Au K iiit'Mli,Alib! JAUIEd-At HlhemiH, Aiiff. iltb, ... , fun (win of ltlcliaril mill Elizubctli .lame UK""1 11 TllOLthu. DKCKEK-At Rookuway Valley, Sept 2i "• -•:». Mill sfQrg *" ' " ' ilvu yimrsaiid OUKNKV~At I'utiTMnu, fieiit, 8th, liUTli wife orOeorgo On nicy, ngcA 40 yi'nra ItVAN-At Toatto Mine, Sept. 9(1, 5 Hynii, njted 25 year*. GROCERIES, HARDWARE. We offer in this department a complete stock of Mining Materials, including Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings, Jllack ana High Explosive Powder, Double and Single Tailed Fuse.Oils, Iron and Steel, &n. Also a full line of Agricultural Implements, GUILDERS' HAltDWAIlk, Nails-, &c We keep constantly on hand a full assortment of FISHING TACKLE. Agent* for tho Rand Drills. Pnlrbiink's Scales and liuckthorn Wire Fencing. —AKD_ PROVISIONS, A largo stock of Sla^ and Fancy Groceries. Try Mir Patent Process Flour bolh brunches. It was a raagnifloent taiHLOW TASIFF DOES HOT REDUCE BETOHmonlal of the love and affection which UES. people Lave for Mr. Blaine and silences Tbe Democratic party asserts the fall* Blunderers En the Democratic party who lmi that the surplus in the Treasury will Iieat. Our Teas, Coflcon This iit very iii-nt and «iinj(l«li». W» !i< been impugning the honor of himnelf reduced by s rednclion of tbe tariff. II is nil rkht, vi-t wi< run not !.nt miii'iul 8 or 10 lufli CuniUli PJiti^-er I'uiuji iu R<I jioH'nl iiinrriiitfiMM Kciitn. MaiDe—Blaiue—bit'em RRirin. Uepublican protectionists hnve instated thai tlmttlicnm h.H family iu order to cover op Glev«lm SiiK.irs, Pork, IltuiiH, Ac, itliuiil n Ili'CUM, mul Iliif Jki-iiHi) i» muilo nU-r, with 300 or 400 fuel of jilpe for fliuiic. a reduction of tho tariff would result In si intlcr of'record. Tlnni'Wiii 1H: nolhiuu li moral delinquencies. A.l.llCSB The mges of RID is defeat.—Hun secret legal m i m i n g In InK Kfiiluit.V.V n» n» tl large importations of foreign goods that i t l f l lokiiiw Thi) VEHMOST IHON MINKS, okiii i) lit-eu lit-e revenues would be increased. Here is The Democrats loit the Maine obanoo. l I 11 w L'nre Iran Km Ortl, PBEST0N STEVEHSON IB A FBEE THADEB. instance that substantiates tba latter cc This haa twen t hot week bat 1U news Lts Withlo tho past fortnight Preston Sten But even the libellers do cot claim the olnston: On July 1st, 1883, tfae revii chilled •Torj Democrat ID the country. son, the Democratio nominee for Coo«rem, tariff which reduced the duty on wool w< were married in Kentucky, but that the cei has been among the miners of Morris count; into effect. The foreigners saw their < A llrst-oiusi iniiis blnokeniitli, umnnrrlcd imony took place In Pennsjlvuuia. 8uj Did yon hear fiotc Maine, you eoandol tryinft to convince thorn that he is a protee portunity and during the year ending Ji !> go to southern [utrl of Vermont. Jlutt In pose you try again, Monger? That's where Jim Blaine lives. lidilln iigcd, oxjiorieijcnd and tlioronjjlr tioDirt, and a few Democrat*—there la no 1st last flooded this country with forel [imiiulcut to do all kinds of uiino wur The Independents aro yet searching U enough life En many of them t o talk unj wool. Tbe importations, which for tin The expectations of those who bolfei thing—have been trying to gull the peopl year preceding amounted to but 4 1 4 that West Virginia can be carried for lilai Borae evideQM oftbarault of tbalt moInto that belief. But Mr. Stevenflon'ij pas in value, increased during, this year to tt ind Logan ore not bused on political trie! etc. Hunt bo ntcntly, mhor aud uut ufnii J • ment ID Blaine. Lard work, und hure tbe best of recommn, history ia against him. The PatorBon Presi value of $2,671,788. Were tbe revenu ery of any sort, bat on the fnct that the ii <m from lust omplnjcr. To euol a umn Since the Maine election it bas teen bi IOWS that for years he has made hinmel decreased? Not at all. They were more tcrests of that wnr-begotten Stale are tl.15 por day and Imnn! will he paid, vltli to find enough Democrats in my one place prominent in Passaio county byhUadvooac than doubled, notwithstanding the depressed clearly aud htronjjly on the side of nmin- itemly work. Aililrees to obetrnot a ridowtlk. of two hobbles-* taste for blue cbina condition of trade hero, and while the eu taining tho tariff—the warn doctrine of tl VEItMONT IRON MINES, The Democratic Committee still finds Ifeel mania for free trade. The Press says ho has plus in the treasury was increased t Uepublican party of lo-day. West Virgluii .1-1 w inoN ERA OFFICH, un&bla to deny the responsibility of the ol been conspicuous In the cars by American farmers were deprived of a ins furnaces that turn out 10O.QO0 It harangues En favor of free trade while goli More? letter forgery. ket for over two and a half millions of do pig iron yearly and nail mills that make anto and fro from bis city office, and that Ure' worth of wool, which scm went nually 1.500,000 kegs. It has 80,000 wool A glinoa at th* figures from Vermont baa thrust his free trade oonviotlonB upi iwell tbe gains of foreign producers, taking growers. In 1883 it rained 2,000,000 tons Maine will ibow that what the Democrat all who would argue the qneatitm with hli just so much money from the circulating coal. Its Immense coal and iron beds, lying needs most Is more votea. While In Fatermm this week the editor trade medium in this country. The Di closely together, are tremendous arguments for Bepublican protection.—Mail. St. John aatlmates hta vote at a million. the Eiu took occasion to Invastlgate tb cratic policy of free trade is a sham and (LATE OP TOnONTO, ONTARIO.) This shows that strong drink la not tbe on) matter and consulted prominent and reliable deception any way yon nay take it. IIEKGEN St., yOVER, N. i. authority. We learned that all that has Tha Ohairman of the State Kepublicai cause for hallucinations. Will open October 1st, 1884, for tho Trem been suld abont bin free trade proclivities is WHY XBOff 0EE IB HOT PB0TECTED. Committee of Maine explains that his earli Gao. Wm. Oarifs will pa; a substanti cut nud Cure of Stuttering, Stammering, absolutely tme—that be has argued for fi If the Democratic managers want to BA estimates were based upon an equal divisioi enitnnBy, Lisping, Improper Articulation, rsward fot Information as to tbe where- trade on the oars and lo thB streets, and has any of their party la this section for seed of the doubtful vote. This, however, ac iv W. C.II4llltlg,l'r]nmpnI. aboaU of the lost Independent party. taken pains to go into the offices of Kepi they had better get a newspaper here that aountB for only a part of the ireraendoui Om«o Hour*—10 to 12 A. M.; I to i V. 31. tican lawyers like Socrates Tattle and aigui knows better than to oppose the tariff be- gain which the later returns disclose. It Four thousand more ltepublicatm bai VW Send for circulars nud tostiuioululi with them by tha hour in favor of free trade cause a duly of 7li oects per ton on Iron now evident that tho Republicans secure* b u n found la Hnine this year than evi Troin oil imrta of the eouutrr. 41-3u One gentleman once beard him say that it not as efHaient aa SO cents once was. When not only prootioally the whole doubtful vote, before. Where a n tbe Independent! ? would bB as eensiblo to hire men to tear the duty of CO cents was sufficient Spain and bnt a great number of votes cast by former Kenoebes county, In wktob Mr. Blaim down Oarreft mountain (on the outskirts Cuba were engaged in internal difflcultl Democrats which the It-publienu manage Fatenion) and then put it baok again, us i that prevented them from working theii bod aeon no reason to oipect. There wn To UMO M i m n n Rifrhtor, Stephen Zellff H a lives, shows a Eepoblloan gain of 1,500 Pftteh, Jt.hu 8. nigiitor, P«ter ltl K hter, Qoa. would be to pay men a premium In the wo; mines. When they opened their mines wil two JBMS. Cany the news to Buffalo, " a silent vote " in Maine, it sectuB, and E. I'.fpl.tor, Jaiuei Boot, Hauo&li M. Tart, of probation for digging Iron ere out of th their cheap labor and began sending the! was a vote lor Blaine and protection to hom< Jnlin Dnon Davis, George N. Dtvit an Hendrioifl IB always giving things awa; earth. Bat now the conditions are changed ore here 7E oenU was of no greater bene OlilIaoD Deaob. industry. Heaaysthatirhahadbeen nomlnattd f< D Y virtue of an order of tlie Orphmi 1 Goar He is a candidate for Congress and he wint than GO, because neither reached tbe marl D iftlioOoaaiyor Morrii, In tlieStateol President Kelley would have supported hi: the votes of tbe men wbo know they iced of proteotion—hoth being of the low " tarl A little handful of prohibitionists wen it*- Jersey, made on the day of the fot iior»nf in the lmttor of tho application It is said that the Domoorate of tills BUtU protection from the competition, of cheap for revenue only " variety, which Is advoca- got together yesterday in Paterson by Rev, Freilenok H. Beach, Tor probate of a naps will cow concentrate all their efforts and try foreign labor In their work of raising iron ted by the Democratic party. In the lest H. D. Opdyke and nominated somebody by writing imrporliUK to uo the will ot Catharine Besoii.litoof Baiil county, deceased,you ire ore from the bowels of tho earth. tbe nome of James H, Buoklpv, of Bsrgen, Congress tho Democratic members voti to Bare Billy UoAdoo from the general required U appear in g&id miller or urooooil solidly against an increaso to a point that 'or Congress. HOD. Aug. \f. Cutler ing before aaid tonrt on (lie Ilitrd da; o wreck. When tho Devil was sick the Devil would protect and in the present Congress, solicited to take the place but did not con' Sovrrolier uett, i t tbu Court House, fn Uor (taint would be Every county in the State of Maine w istuwti, Iu said oouutv at the lionr uf ton in When tbo Devil got well never a Baint wi only four months ago, four-fifths of tb it. The Patersoo Tress notes tbat the i t fnrtnoon of said day, or ID doUutt tbcraof Bepublioan. What a scathing rebuke bB." sueli decree will be maila in respect to thu pro Democratic members voted to have no tariff convention gathered withtenpersonepresci or said Buppoied will as tliu the Boandal inventors and tombstone de< Mr. Stevenson is very sink juet now—nlo at all on iron ore. And yet they have tb How a few people io Dover can be con- bata or rejection •aid OrplianB1 Oonrt alnll ilifDkeqniublaani! facers. for the want of votes, and bis piofewdoD aheek to wonder why Mr. Phelpa couldn' tinually duped in believing there is anything nsi. EDM0ND D. HALBEY, Tbe Democracy has evidently lost its are to bs taken with allowances for the oil induce this Democratio Congress to raise tbi in this movement in more then we can unProjlortorPronoDont, t, 188*. if-ii erstand. duty to $ 1.5C per ton. It tbe fool-kiU< teeth. It b u been cheving those Mulligan lomBtanoes. When Mr. Stevenson was v letten for eight yean aod hasn't masticated 10 was a free trader, and should an eleotlo neglects this region mtich longer peopl The Banner 1B plnying the old game of to Congress restore him to his normal COD will begintothink that ho haa gone out them yet tU!iog its columns with anonymous contridition tho probabilities aro tbat lie will be the business. In Ohsncery ot Now Jersey—Dotwcen Itohorl Mayor Low, of Brooklyn, is out ID SUJI butions, professing to be from Republicans, frea trader again. Grain, comptalnant, sud Elizabeth Pottor, port of Blaine and Logan. The Maine dec Edmund P. Pottor,,8t(>phen H. Wortrom, and trying to stir up » feeling against Mi PEOTZCTION SID IT. tion willafieot a great many others in tb Imao H. Angelina.?* William Dorland me Phelps among the friend* of the late Johi THE BANNER'S KD0HIBSB, Jolin DaviF, Jr., delendants. Pi, la.for sa'e When the glorious remit in Maine bscaiw 7 Hill. But that cook has been shipped ol mortRftjiod premises. Hetarnable to OcThe Morristown Banner, worn ont at las! ipparent on Monday evening Mr. Blaine wai tober Urm, A. D. 183i, often tbat he won't fight any more. Tbi Cleveland has expressed the oonTiotic with our Importunities to got aa expression serenaded by the jubilant Augusta Republ ALVAII A. CLARK, BolT. Friends of John Hill are oil Republicans and DY virtue of (ho above i(»te<] writ of flcrl that the White House is a bam and shou in relation to thB tariff from a paper thai cans and responded in a brief speech. In know that if he were alive and a candidate X I radii in my hands, I shall mposo for sile professes to be the organ of tha Uorrii be t o n down. Meyer mind, Mr. Blaine this be attributed the victory to the fact that at Pnblio Vendao, at tha C o i n HonBe, in llorIhe nmtlest things said about him would Oounly Demoortoy, at hut opens its lips used to barns. ristown, N. J., on the battle bad been fought npon the issui Mine from the Banner. reply. Bat It evades the qnestion at lssui 0KU.EB IK MONDAY, the ISlb dor of OCTOBER next, Ihe tariff question, and they had won beTbe Democrat! are calling Cleveland "the A. D. 1884, between Hid boars uf 13 11. and G and claims thai wo want personal notice cause their rallying cry had been " P r o t e e new Mows," whloh is very appropriate, for >'c!uck V, SI., that ia to ear at U o'efook ia the which it proceeds to give. In on Indecent >f Cleveland's weight there's been no doubt, afternoon of eald day, til those tract! or pirtion to American Industry." As in bis letter like the old ttotea he'll never reach the c«t of laud and premiioB, hereinafter parilcnerlt charges agiioetaa personal veoalAnd rumors go the roundj of acceptance he insisted that the tariff wan promhed land. ulaily desflribed, sitaalo, lyiatr aud boinB in ity and makes tbe insult as offensive as posBnt in Wisconsin it's fonnd out lie toiVDintpof Waiblncfor), intlie Conntyof tbe leading Issue of tha oanviss, and anUoiris and State of Now Jorsev. sible. It Beems troubled atxrat the assets He's gained at leant a Found.—Banner. Win. A. Fowler, of Brooklyn, for yean nounced himself as unalterably In favor of a NEWARK, N. J, TRACT Ko.l, bounded as follow*: BeginDlnK leading member of the Mew York State this office. It Is a fact tbat they are more tariff that would protect American laboi at E largo white oat tree in lands of Serb Committee, refuses to support Cleveland substantial than when It was run by a mem from foreign competition. Contrast the ac- But Cleveland's weight IB going down ; Pollor, and rnnninR (l; down the new m... SOFTENS AND PRESERVES LEATHER FAP.MB, TIMBER L1ND8, DOUSES AND ber of the Vogt family, Who offered sontb twtDtj-fonr degrfci wtit five chains aod The work is just began. became of his nnfitness. tion of Mr. Blaine, who dares to publicly nlntty-seren links to an apple tree fn middle LOTS, COUKTBY BEAT8, An., * c , change tbe politics of the paper and bring i an offset to bis little Pound of ia)u road; (2) south thlrtv-two desreos If the Democratic party ever learned an it to the support of tha party he bad always champion this great principle, with the west tinsbslBR andMsbljtui links tot itnkc IaUalnoheloEtatoa. WANTED thing by defeat they would never again gag opposed provided he oonlS get pecuniary course of Cleveland, who dare not make iu raiiMIo of slid roatf; still b j the lime (3, publia utterance on the subject that will south rorly.ioven degree* sml tliirty mionles the representatives of tuo peopletonom- aid from tbe people of that party. Keith Dour, N. J. Of course the fellow who uttered the He -tut two chaioi and Torty links to a stake iu iOLK AGENTS, abow whether be is a free trader or a proinate a nwn like Cleveland. mldlo of said roail; (4) sontb fnrtjr-tlireu dado tha employees of (bis offloe now have that tbe Lackawanna Iron A Goal Co. were tectionist, but who baa been lately shown RTCW and thirty minutes ca«t CIDB clinln and beg for tbe ' ' assets *' due them as they out using foreign ore, and tbat William Walter sevnty links to tlie middle or Lamfnglon -IN— " I do not eipBct," Bays Mr. Hendrioks, up as an advocate of free trade by a promidid, nor ore they cheated ont of them by Phelps h a stockholder, refuses to correct n v c r ; (61 thence up sati] river tlie lour folloiv. •' that all tbe offloe-holders will be turned nent Democratic offioial of the Home of con Dtry property for city property ing oouries north tlilrty-nine ileeroes east lying trick, in tbe performance of which thi his falsehood when proof to tbe contrary ii seventy-Bfe links; [6) north slily-nino deoat," No, it Is about settled that the DemRepresentatives who asserts that he urged debtor eaoeeeded la making a hasty ;ht to his door. To correct a lio would Rrees and tblrt; minutes east tiro cbilos aud ocratic party won't be turned fu. Democratic Congressmen to support the oeven llnU; (7) uortli twenty-sli degrees and from town with the aBslBtanoe of one of the Morrison bill. Tes, we won the great fighl ontrage his sense of duty and fraltytotbi h iriy ralnntei eait cigbt chains and tveoir •e Hoht; (8) norlU seventy degrees ao u Don'ttowrightof the fast that the Mor- gentlemen now interested in the Banner. In Maine on the qnestion of the tariff, and Democracy; Loins neKOtlitod on bitty minotei oait ono ciialn and seventv-flve OF Al-I. SIZES AND IN BAIIKKT.S. rison bill to break down a protective tariff Aa we have said before, if the Banner wanti we will thua win In New Jereey and In eve: inks to ao aah slump sUndinz on tbe Gist Speaking of Stevenson the Banner say BOND AMI MORTGAGE. rtctWed some votes by reason of persona] to Indulge in penonalities we can moke o •auk cf laid river j (8) north ilxty-dgbt deNorthern State, as well as in at least two ol his views on tha tariff are most clear and vrns and flpeen minntoi west three obalni letters written by Graver Cleveland. dipper of water as hot an theirs, but that forlv links to tha pttoe of iwRianiniT, con - Theso Fliotognpha o»B their utua to the the Southern States, It is In the air. Dem- • - • - HoiBtvrowK, N. J. und." Well admit tliat they are better anil not what we seek. I t has again and agai UiiifDgllireeaoreiaDdDerentj.flrehnndredtba lerulopinentorKijitem which renden ordiaThe New York Herald advocates the elec- asserted that a tariff for revenue only would ocratic free trade most go. than those of the average Democrat, for InTttAor Ko, 3, sitoatu ID To*usbip of Obester Tf photograph! alraoit insUntaueoui, and of Morrb). State of New Seiuv. ]]jJ mftblei the operator to oalol) a traniieat, tion of Mr. Pfaelps In this district. What encourage and protect oar home industries. stead of being a straddlerbe h u In the past Oonntj pnnin> at at ate and stones a corner to wood irtRblrodhappy upmalon, which an Bitter has Mi. Pbelps done that he ihonld be WHATMAES8 THE DIFFEBEHCE, been an open free tnder and is unable LOW lot of Qenrge Morris, in a line of Wm. Ltntor- !an preaervo for more thin & few aeoondi. Tlie We have a great many people here who are died with the friendship of the Herald 1 " I can remember," mid an Intelligent deceive anybody by any other profes ion nun landi, and runs (1) nsrtti dgbtj-nioe mntigo galoed la igreeabl; apparent in the directly affected by this Issue and we would cgrecs nest t*enlyK»nfl chains and seventy farmer of Randolph township, aa he dropped nki to the middle or the iAtnlngton riverTO THE PUBLIO.-Tlie DDdenlBiicl reWfl] Preston Stevenson, who has been an like to h&ve the Banner present one fact oi tbeneeuptbe lanio {2} north thtrty-nine da- ipeotlnlly Tbe Pftteraoa Guardian saya of Preston in to renew his mbecription to the EBA on iDlorna Ihe public tliat lio Lai gre«» eaitt sevenly-flve links; (8) norlb slxtvtrowed and open free trader for yean past, argument to abow that it believe* what eeatiy ratnrnod from a trip tbrougli thekrfie Taeaday, "when men drove team on the HorenBon that ha " is making an energeti ufne tlegtecf and tbirtv minutes east two be likely to assist m obtaining better pro- saye. Don't cringe and whine and try to ^tica br Europe with tbe tatcat improvemecta chains and seven links; (4) north twenty-six ersonal canvass and meet* with great enroads for fifty cents a day and had to pay 1 snpaTstQ.,eto.e[>nacctad with photography. deereeiaud thirty minute* east eight cbafm tection for the iron industry of New Jersey! find a way ont by personal abuse, bat make couragement everywhere." The Guardian and twenty-five link*; |6) north pcTtotvdeWith every facility, combined with a (OUR a bold stand and for onoe, if yon have any fourteen dollars and t half for a barrel evidently not posted as to the particulars «retsan<l iLlrtv minutes ettt oneebsiuaed oiperience, bo la now prepared to rarniab floe Tbe reason why iron ore is not $1,50 reasons for the faith that 1B within you, let wheat Soar." He said he ooald also recolw r a t y R n links to opposite an ifh Irmarlfatio photograph,, nr'noted OD gUHidge ' Mr. Stevenson's lonely t'.ur through the itandiojion tbo eiat banb or said river, tlie w di at Uo rolbvlng redaoed ratei: ton Is bacaose every Democratic TJ. S. Sen- the people know what they a n . If yonlect how the tariff of 1842 revived all the inIHP£BI&L8 (in. Ofllb, ot ton) per dof. 13.08 same being a earner or U n t i o t saldUnterator and the bulk of Democratic Congress- cannot, then make an honest oonissalos thai dustries of the country and filled tbe roads mining region of Morris county. man, in ibe middle «f ni.1 rivpr; tlieuoe runs lionrli;luatorofolDbloreceiTe ooe don. Irce, men voted against a bill to make it that we and many others of this section who have with the teams which weie engaged In cart* by u l d LtatorpBii line (6) soathflliy-fourde- CAKTEB DE TI91TE, 'In Clnba or ten) per Tbe OrgnBR aro mule of thurouBtiljThe Banner sajs the Republicans are tergrca and forty-five minntei c u t ptoLtten lug on, all of which was stopped when the aoncd Black WtlmiL, are beautifully .ii.i»l.r.) figure. ^ left the Democratio party on this lanio hiv. and 1hfrlv-fl»e IIQIII to tbo place ot be orlirliiator or olnb to reoehro one u02.free. and ID tone cannot be uurjisBBod. Democratio party repealed that tariff. It ribly dtmppointed becini e they did not do chains beginning, containing ten acres or land, bo tbe Portrait, of all kluda copied at n m a rataa. The hot weather this week boa bees bad good cause for so doing, Tbo Hanoi am tlw IUOK aleentit as "noil n does not require a great deal of Intelligence atter than they did in Maine. And yet 19, n u e more < r leu. r h e H pletnrei cannot be excelled for bril- _jbstuntinl lo be had. The uiual prirM f<> Tonohsafed to h e p the Democrats from liancy, delicacy of tone, stylo of Balah and those Plnnoi are $300 tu $350. BriiiR to in or dbconeeroment to find oat under which 000 Republican majority Is not to be tnuzsd ipeaktngr likonca. freezing to death in the cold blast from xpend for Btore rent or clerk liiro I •I'll ut i In a State which went Democratic En tbe party the business and laboring industries of A TXBT THUI DODGE. WILLIAM H. EOWELL, fibcrlC The "oil knu>n repntallon of Ihla eataUiehadvance on nianufncturcr's ]iriwn Maine. Again ii the wind tempered to the DitedAng. 6lb, 1884. ilotC oc-QI la a cnarantoo to Ita patrona and tu tho mEtll rmpoDdiDft election four years ago. r y Ever? Initruraent warranttdWith a feeling of soreness and chagrin be. ootmtry have been most snccessfnl if men thorn lamb. [cncral publlo Iho work prodneed trill prove ddreuarcalluvDU oause of the loss of n many IrUh-A merictn will only stop lo think. BepubUauisn IB aatte. Parllefl dotirlnj; to fcrni olnba are The nomination of flerman L*falbach for If "Jack* Rogers comes to Dover, as voters In this section, the Democrat* are protection mean good time* and good wages eapeeiralr/ reflaeatud to comtnnnlctte with X, O. LAOEY, announoed, we taut that every Republican now endeavoring to catch some -voles b. id when there has been no danger of the ^ongresi by the Bepnblicans of Essex county UorHalown.K.J. DOVEtt, « , J. an acknowledgment to the great German who 0ftn do BO will torn out to hew him. prejudicing English citizens on tbu gronni Democracy returning to power we have bad ESTABLISHED 1871.) Orgntis can bn ir,eii at my houao ou Mount We know of no better way to maintain them They might aa well run their heads agai; them. Democracy and frse trade mean ote which contributes so mucb to Repubops Avouuo, l>O7«r. l a t h e faith. stone w»U. Tho English-American d t i m scant work and poor wages, and both have prevailed when the Democratic party m in If the Bepnbllcans ware able to tlect is aa glad any one else to see tbt IriihTbe Banner speaks of the "waning Blaine r«r or strong enaogh to make it possible tbeli President four yean ago when Main American voter join hands with all laboring campaign everywhere." It is sad, and yet or themtoobtain power. went Democratic in September, what will elements iu this fight for protection to labor. dote on " wanes ** of the Maine sort FOR THE NEXT they aoDomplIah now that Maine hai given We are not in this campaign voting to trol the affairs of t h s ^ r n t r i e t of the old «• 19,600 majority ? Cheating the County, "They(thefarmen)tte that even in tbe SUSSEX STREET, (next to CAIN'S SHOE STORE,) world, but we are -olln^ together, Irish ewe of wheat, which ia onr chief cereal exTbe Board of Auesiorw of Warren County A Democratic campaign song says, " We English, Germans and native born, to preport, they have sold, in the average of the liscorcred an irregalarlty in Oxford townand bcRiDB trails nilti a tine now stock or a A your vote for Cleveland so that Liberty vent tbe countries of the old world from rears since the close of the war, three bmb- ihlp, owing to a collation between the A§ID older to reduce my »tock I will offir To may live." The question arises, where selling tho products of cheap labor in Ameri eli at hometothe one they have sold abroad, «Mor, Wm. M. Byi-lwr, »n<l Severn] property Die next (50 d«.ya at coit pricci • litse aisuri would Liberty live If Cleveland should get citn markets for less money than they can and that In tbe case of com, th» only other iwners. Here tnnwd tho total taxable proptofllR'fDllatvinRarticlGB: >rtT iu «1,560,8SO, His popera were cxjitncharge of her 7 l a an asylum ? (M produced here. We are voting all to- cereal we expert to any extent, one hui ned und it won found tliol tlio total value or e?ety quality aud Rrs.dc, i n d In tliia lioo of 1-usf DC.HI, d t h r r nt WHOLESALE OR BETAIX*. gether to wipe the Democratic party out of dred bwibels have been used at home to Watteraon, tho Democratic loader who rTM (1,883,842, ami thnt the township hnd ii Drepircd to ofTnr Ilio lourBt pricn eoimiBtont with the qmUiy of tlio articla mil '• helped to nakfl his party's platform, Is still eiistence because four-fifths of that party's three and a half bushels exported. Ia some i HRTiugtnxcH un the difference, $442,000, representatives in the preaontCongreaa voted years the disparity has been so great that tUo piut throu ycure. Itfteeinstohnve shouting to have the tariff abolished. But i a custom. ^ let fonign products into tbe country at a or every peck of corn exported one tuntha people g* along vory smoothly in tho lower rate of duty, at a time when wo [red bushels hive been consumed in tbe work of abolishing tbe Democratic party. H u r o n very larfio lineorgnoJH inthlH ilapRrtnumL ami torelalldenlcrflcm olfare'pw1' Quick Belief. IndniMlDeQU lo panhftifin. Aim, an iiniiHiullj tlao MDCIE nr imported WIncK i.n-1 VI*** couldn't find labor enough to keep our own tome market"—James 0 . Blaine's Letter raHton'i Jimlaea dinner Ionic ind pain Cnro forUmllj Bud mi'diciiut jiurposo*. Imported AIci. Qinger AlcBtind PortBM ot the \v*&*f Acceptance. Tfae Independents sent 40,000 copies of working men employed. Tho demagogue nol only a T»lo»blo internal rnraefly for all STAIR, SIIEL* AND FLOOR OIL OLOTDS, m »nu fac i arera. J[ y imscta *nd tujTal dUHcnltim mob u Bjapepili, U» speeehof Carl Scburz to Maine. Won't who tries to disguise this issuefayprejadioVHLYKT FIlAMEfl, WINEOff SHADES, digestion, neutbnrn, Pltttulenoe, Diarrboei, they please send some to New Jersey. With Ing the English against the Irish, or tbe Irish In the iron industry, one of tha moat nnl'HDter?. Cmmpi tad Colic, but cannot be ej. I'AINT BItUaH£3 07 ALL KINDS. lied for an outward application In Rhontnatiim. & carafol dlitribntion of them and a few against tha English, has lived in vain. He iraally nied and absolutely necessary of mnXglt, ScUllct, Bpnin*. Side and Bickwha n PITH nape™, and nnbnerikTii or poro1t* «S- I havn tho LAHOE8T STOCK of Wall willconUin all ttin ICRIIIDK nii.y and Stnlm In any part cf tbe body. Urcd rrcclr more speeches from Jack Rogers we necessaries in the ooastructionB and fabdoesn't possess brains or sense enough to bo BuiijiiKil1 (nun tlio ttturt! m at tlicir reniduitty tb w»rmth and rubbing It gUea quick relief. duitty Iu Iu tbu uliorteit lime roaiililo a!tj Pipers 1Q lown.itiiletrly cullcnwili liavn the t« get about 15,000 Bepnblican majority hi jven awaken a feeling of oonUmpt among -iaUons of the millions b nails. Taxation, 1ee twenty OTeanaBfljrcsnta rerboltle. Sold atrivi . SUNDAY NEiYBPAFEDB delinred aat r o r doort at ao early liou i opportunity to tntiko tbe be»t iolectiona it liig Boberl Kiligore, Dorer. L»rgainB the State. iwopte whose passions and pra)adioes he Is f yon choose—« high tariff on foreign nails •rjlng to arouse. Tho men of both nation- •baa stimulated prodantion and encouraged The desperation of defeat is sb«wn in the alities who have oome here have dons so la impetitlon till the price has fallen from 96 argument that Mr. Phelpa wasn't ible hundred pounds in 1340to$8.50 In 1S61 39 uses out of 100 to better their condition (TO ORDER.) induoo a Democratic free trade Congress to id VI 40 in 1863, a rate cheaper than pre- 'arriage Trimmer and FurniworUngmBD, and they ars not going to Increase the doty on iron ore. How could Kow l» tlio Hrao In order Picture Franicn in >ibi in any country in the world, tot anything stand in tht way of doing their he, when four-fifths of tfae Democratic maOtLT, WALNUr, i o . I will make tht m ture Upholsterer, very low in order to rccaitoe HIT krgu jority In Congress voted to place Iron ore whole doty to their adopted conntry, to Henry L. Kelson, Olerk to Speaker Caritook or MOULDINGS.' UDBBQ BTHEET, D0VEH, K. J, , themselves, and to their families. If their on ths free lint F Idoos of right coincide, as they do ID respect lalo, waa In a place to know what was going Hair Hittratse* made to order ind old mat* In the free trade camp hut winter, and •ties ntide over. Window ihadas nado aniJ >;this tariff question, all the demagogues in The New York Herald to BtlU whistling itJK. Ordsn for all kind* or upholstering re-Iterates emphatically that " there was for courage and says (lie people want a the country will not prevent Iham from itly anil promptly oiocnteil. Oirrlme triraever any secret about Gov. Cleveland's Ing In al] its branches. Prices moderate change. Of ecrarw they do. They want to outing tholr votes In tbe same way. position on the tariff,"—that he was an advoroot ont the Demoorftlio Oongretuthal tried te of the Morrison bill. All of Cleveland's 1 LEADIHQ DEALBB8 IN UBN'8, YOUIHB', DOY61 and OHILDBEK'S The InalitaUooj of thd United Statea to establish comparative free trade, and the ^»£n l e m u m n i unclaimed Tlila branah cf my bnilne>i will be carried attempts to mnoeal his position will not > upon the Intelligence and tirine of all splendid victory La Mainetoonly a forerunon»t iheoldaUnd with promptumi cod diattacPoKtOOce tttDover.N.J. help Lim now. ' Ii, ami witti batter faciUHM tliao ev«r hpbe people. Suffrage is made oniveml as a ner of the grand result. Dover, M. J., Sept 13tb, 1884. , i t I bay mj Ffctutj and Oili at wholeson COM, ust weapon of self-protMtion to every citiailo pilcei I am abl* to duff con pat It) an. " The farmers see that in the Increasing lie Cooper, 0. O. Loreten, Cmlomen oto i t til timn •wmtno tlio itock Tbe Democrats now say that they didn't olineCook, n. I t is not the Interest of the repabllo II. A. Pott*, .petition from the grain fieldi of Bonia ID mj ihop and iaa far thcmielTei that I ate •tpect to carry Vermont and Maine, and it any economic Bystetn shooJd be adoptdie lloakitis, Annie Orwoll, tbe beit raiterhli. and from the distant plains of India the II. UeUart, Roeco Saoiirow, niTOBTAMT TO i L L ; • WB 4IK TO TO MBJT MBJT THE THE ffAHTS ffAHTS OP OP I ITTOOt t ti iOOKK. . KOCB they arei commencing to discount the result whloh Involves the reduction of wages to b of the home market becomes dally Peit«r, Almlra aFiarn, Bufldiflj(lota on Hmr *treot, Rwkaway, and THE liBQEBTT AND PBIOIg TBE LOWEST,' ' ' ' In Ohio by aayiog that tbe Buckeye Btate he hard standard prevaillnB elsewhere. E U M Silcltolfl II jait ijftOliardk JC»U»>B •a.tiKuirif [lie timber standing on SOOncron In Randolph, great concern to them, and that Its luv alwaysDOes Republican in a Presidential lie Republican party alma to elevate and Rockaway, Uanoyur tuu\ Doontoa townibjpg. . Ihooian Wiltin. wocld depreciate the value of IntjE.Joni., ACQCBT09 W. CUTLEE, otiUlo any of t h . above l.ltora aa]r " a t l jear. ptoeaxte It does, and a gnat majority dignify labor, nottodegrade It."—James Q. Car. BteckncU anrl Eisei 81a., acre of tillable land in t h e C n i o o . " «d"ailtl|ln<laUii!lblaUal. HorrUtown. N. J. of t k u t t t e r States ftfwdl. BUine's Letter of Acceptance, IQ. EIAIQVB Letter of Aooepbuo?. 384v DOVER, S. J. a. a. msoHMiB, p. M. Uonistown, Anf. IGlL, lBBt, Ouumdillu. TJi plain That old Maine HUH sticks to Jim Blaine. Democracy's Ubor is all in Tain; ID November noxt alio'tl do it ngftiu. WANTED. are (he best in the market. WANTED. BOOTS AMB SHOES. STAMMERING! THE SUTHERLAND INSTITUTE Morris County Orphans' Court, We are constantly adding new lines of goods in this department, and have at all times a complete assortment. We buy direct from the manufacturers in largo quantities and are thereby enabled to offer very decided bargains. Note some of our prices: Ladies' Genuine French Kid Button Shoes $3.50, §4.50 " Curacoa « " " $2-25, $2.50, $300, §3.50 " " Pebble Goat " " . . $2.25, $2.50, §3.00 " Fine Cloth Top Kid Foxed Button Shoes $1.75. " Grain " " $1.50, $1.90 Our $2.00 Fine Kid and Goat Shoes still take the lead. The reason uliy is because they are very stylish, fit perfectly and wear well, and we give a guarantee with every pair sold, if not satisfactory to be returned. In Men's wear we keep a full assortment of all the leading styles. At this time we will mention Hanan's Waukenphanst Shoes. If you want solid comfort try a pair of these shoes. Fine Dress Shoes in Button, Lace and Congress from $'2.00 o $6.00 per pair. SHERIFF'S SALE. The highest price paid for B u t t e r a n d Eggs i n exchange for goods. A. L. CROSS, New Jersey Real Estate, Office: 758 BROAD STREET, s HEAGIN & Co., INSTANTANEOUS FOR CASH CUSTOMERS. EXCHANGING GROUND A N D COARSE, II A SPECIALTY. PHOTOGRAPHS! PIANOS! ORGANS! Organs $65, $70, $80, $90 and $100! Pianos, Square, $190, $210! Upright, $210, and $225! S 1 L SFE6UL-MIDVCEIEITS L yI TW o COR. BUG1WELL k FARfil STU, DOVER, N. J. LANKETS. BLANKETS, Wm. W, Searing, Agent, SEPT. 4th. 1834. The proper time to Imy oolcn Goodsteduring Hot wather, iliat Is in tlie iammer. They are mnally licupcr when the deninnd Leading house for Blankets, s not so great for them and WALL PAPER, his month we offer one thou- •eally 9,000 bargains can BORDERS, DADOS, land pairs Blankets bought at •ftenhehad. We have just CHRODIOS, OIL PAINTINGS, e recent trade sales at prices aid in several cases of all <rool (strictly) Blankets barely cover the cost of fhich arc larger and handaterial. Never before were Diner than what we had lankets sold as cheap. Don't from auction last year. link of buying until you getThey arc fully fifty per PICTURE FRAMES ur present prices. Lay incent, below the regular irico of these goods. A good your winter supply this month arge 11-4 Blanket, wool for ind save money. ,90, all wool for $3.90. Fresco, House, Sign and OrnaISAAC N. DOTY & Co.. These are not coarse, rough mental Painting and Paper Hanging. 159 & 161 Market St., and spotted blankets but first |ual|ty goods and worth fully C -Hewark; N. J. ive dollars a pair, SELLING: OFF: AT: COST saac N. Doty & Go,, SIXTY-:-DAYS, NEWARK, N. J. W. S. OOLLARD, FOB SALE. JAMES S. MEL1CK S, BABBITT'S SON, Morristown, N. J. E. 8IEBER, SEGARS AND TOBACCOS, WINES AND LIQUORS. KTB'WS D E P O T 1st—Quality OUE 3d--Lowesi Prices 2d—Durability POINTS. 4th--Largest Stock CLOTHING C. H. BABBITT <fe Co., CLOTHING. N O. XX. B A B B B I T T cto GO-> MORBISTOWN, N. J- SPRINa TRADE FOR BOARD 0 1 PEEEHOLMBB. A Young Man's Folly. BU1CIDE AJTD PBOBABLK KCBSEB. &HXAWAY. The Scptemuer uieotlng of thtT Cm C, JfiuighrlniH, it youug man Tlie l'roabyuriuu ami MutliodM H The Board- of FrccbolderB held tlidr tk[ A UOJtttlDLB TBA«EI)r AT IWONTOK, BV IBLl RchmU of thifl place hml tin ixcurwiuu Nauglirightrillo, ww brought through Do' (ember vesting :«q WedutHday. All tin Council WUB held on Monday evening, QUAt'ir IO TIIK UION KltA. Lake linniiicmiK uu WmliWHua.v, fiupt«iub< members wora prasent. The minutes o f t ! eut—Bocurder GiUon, presiding, a n d Coui last S^turdny upon n Btretehnr, ou hia * 3il, vin P . Si B. Itwid, Tho train vaumu dlmen Whitlock, Beach, Kanoiuo and Scai to his borne. He had attempted to ouiui h u t mooting wore ntld and approved. of ten CUM. The t u g boat Muputoouc wi ItooKTcH, K. J., S E W . lath. IBS v l u r t c n d for tb« d a ; mid with tL« dell^tfi A Bommunicatioa was reouived from tli Ing. Tbe reading of tho minutes of tbe lost auiuidn because- of dituipiiointod affeetitin fo A horrible fluioitlo nud iirobablf uiurdtr tlmr wo bclii'Vo nil who weut liii'l » ( meeting was dispensed with. XiOOAIi young lniiy at Uilburn, and was laoholdtrflDf Morris mi Uan.lolph tow committed In tills place ut liulf-piut B o'cluu HiiDt tinm. Hucbunau'tf Curaf t Butiil sliijii Btatiug that tbcro v a e ft dispute us Marslul Kclley reported UD urreaU fur t! wounded. Me la tlic eauic jouug man wl thin moniinit. comuauiMd the e\u(!r»k>iii*t* mid of c u t . LOCAL JonnroB. eoiue timo ugu, wWt ticket agent on tbo line betweon tlie tovtwb^pi, and npoi mouth ot August. Ketcivml and ordoi tho uitwii; mUItiii inutli to the uiurrimtut Mr. W. W. M<wi?r nbot hU wi!.' twii High Bridge firuneu, Hi.iinrd ibat ho tion of tbfl rood is likely to romnii uinrorkcr plnoed on Bla. the iireaet and ulw ttliot his tlnugiiler Marv Tlie Maine' and Logon Pole at Stanley ia 'M"r»rL^a"iic Bout;h died IHI H m d a y Iimt. Bi Henry SI. Ward, tho woll knownlibtnl jiro- T h e j nsked tt have a surrey mfldc. I t wi id robbed ono nijljt. Hi* friundi* li A cDwiaiinication woe received from Cblel thc buck, woundlug bur BO severely [iudh*i;ninitoor hwalll tar fume Um feet high. , |irieioroi Newtnb8tltLlItalUl Ircd that the Direoloi and Counsel tuke ngiuecr S. 11. Uoniiet^ rccotnuionding It licvo that Vi) is unt »iu«d it) mind. Th recovery-U dmibtfui. Then ho abut bimiiel lint not until lately bad aim bttiu tinuf Sir. C. R. Youngs, of SuceuiuiBii, haa re- l k i her hitmn us to hu miibte U) K« out. 1 Oruuife Chrouhilo givttii iho J olio wi ug uccou such meeiurett as are necessary to dufliiitol confirmation tbo officers recnutly declitd i t i c bead uud wax luitantly killed. liue tli[irii« (|iiulidpf.of the ihrimctciuf a Intl; moved tc Mewark. , the different companies of tbe lire dcuar oflbeiiflairiitUilliunu The Ctirmwr'ai Dullest will ho beld this uf- rill iMiiisu lute fri<Mid* in Iliix comiiiunity Uutuaue Engine Co. and Vigilant Jloao C< estahliih tho line between t i e townahlpa. Tlic comisg Grand Jury will be tho uion t and uf the Uojr.l of Fire W n r d e n ; all ternoou. Tbo Court House and Jail Coiaraitto« ni C. Nmighrlght, of Knughrisutvll! -iiiiiini h t r ltiMt. Tlia fuuttrul wjrrioL'n wi 'ill play their return game of ball a t MorrL held lit the louse on Thursday ufturnoi wlcoted by Sheriff Howell. ported tbnt they hod approved bills t o tlio tbe naineti of Myron H, Cook, John Bvah Jtorrig County, niade a ileHjHiratouttompt town next Honilay afternoon. Bov. J . O. Avcriil iifticistftt. Hew to Buy a Hone. and Hugh McDonnld as m c i c b c n o f Vigilan end his lift) at Htlhurn W.-.ln^lay night 1. tiouiit of 457.85, uud h a d enutractud dohU Dover bus a good linnd and can well bnti FathorVlynn.ofMorrirtown, h inakiiig ( Some of our penplo havu beuu <iulti< Hick fi Au old lie-rainmi any*: If you want tn In 3 Coinnuny. Upon uiotiou all worocu tibuotlllg lilmsolf with a revolver. It appeal the mmmntuf about (800. Bt-port roooivi thu liwt wock or two. Sir. Slino.i Culv, v raagonioiitsto havo stenography, type wrltiu Fresli Bin! rtiii-blo, _old by wti^Iit '»»! IUWUMK, sueAi an IluunB, kCubb_(jo, borne, don't Iwlievu your owu lirothi finueil. that he has buuu imylng ntUmtions tv a. Hi uiidoroinLd.hiw litou duiigcroualy ill bul Meets, CurrolH, Oetery, fioru, Uucuiuburs, Ijittucti.&IiIoiJ^, Onion, 1'avwiij*, Caahter Joy & Trout, of Newark, to spem and telDgrapby taught lu his parooliial sehiio und ordered pluoodon die. Take no DIUQ'K word for I t Your eye ie yoi Tho Lunacy C'Duirolttee tcpDrtod a visit A potitiou x » s received from A. A. Ov( Prone, whuso jmreuU vest do ia the vicinity Pm-siey, Pcus, Itjilbli, BpLuuge, Tomato, Luuk, t u . Alau OuioQ BettH, T o p isg hie VMntfou in Hinnesotit. A pupils' recital will he (dveu by tho pui-Ua [he Asylum Sept. Sth, wham tiiey were kiudi; holtner Lo keep a billiard aud pool room The llystliwo'f Dover ilfiented th« Cmilrd m a r k e t Don't buy a liorse iii bunicax. Ifaughrigbtville, aud hi, **U, hownver, Ih Onioufl, Coutml Park Lawu Grase KeuJ, and lmmy otLer yerieti«« of BCCIW n t H «IIHIO of bn«o ball Itwt Hntiirdoy uftm The Utltet offloe at the D., h. & W. dqic of Mum Annie Jciikiun u t Mollcr's Opera received. Tueuuniber ol iiaticnto tlioro "litob him aud take everything off but nl tho l'nrk Hotel, endorsed w correct iu foi tboloyo was all on Ills nine. A few uiuiitl uuiu Sooru stood ut the end of flvo inuii not enumerated. House on Wednesday eveniog, Ootoherfint. the dmrga of this county la U males a n d h<ur, uud luail lilia around. If he has 2*2tolZ ia being Bo»luerably enlarged. ltiw Frooe left Nnughrlghtvillc m by the Ucense Couiuiitlec. Upoa uotivn i, o r ID •till', or has auy other fuf Hug, y< Tliero in it place lu towu culled tho I t went to HUburn to lire iu tbe family of III HenryDwriag AM sold to George Olllig bta Tha Miue Hill PreibyUrian Sunday Schoo iraales; totul.W. Ofthisuiiuibur Uandolpc •as granted. Pier Hotel of Rockawuy, formerly known can nee it. Let him go b y himself a way, ai Horri*. Nnusbrigkt made aaviirui vlalts enjoyed a plo-nio yesterday lo U t . Arlingtoi ban 32. There are three milt]. oiwei which intoreit in the pottery at Succasunuo, A petition from P . V. Wolfe, in behalf Bee Hive buildlnic, uenr tho b . . L . k V If lie tititvcn right Into tuythlng yaa know lie tfaD Ullliurn, but on euoh occtudou ehe rcfiwuil dfl]>ot, which v a i tecontlj ononed Ly Fliili •he Froutbitloniato, t o swing a bonner'acra The Bloomlngdole Republicans hare n rail grn'p, Luke Hopatconjt, to fflilcli place the; will be, jempyod to tho Pour Itoui blind. Noinatlcrhowolearau'lbrigbthi Maugold whom wo eutii>o«i Vill be the *< went in •wagons. oonvuniect. tteport re col veil und orderei Blockwell street, in front of Temperani toe him, a n i ho wont away deapoudBul fli'atlon meeting this—Fridiij-flvcul Our stock is largo. Atlantic While Lead, Boiled aud Raw Liauaed Oil, proprietor, and who will m t ncod much of ;ca are, bo can't see s o y more thuu a bi pliwud on file. Hall, w s i ordered placed on flic, no aetio Wednnsilay afternoon he arrived inMilbui Introduction to tbe imbliens lie is pretty w Turpentine, Bouilj-Miied Paints iu 1 kt., nnurt, balf gallon and gallon Mrs, Win. George, of Prospect »tnd, has A fliio nlgbt-bloomiuf; isprcUH lielongtog t at about six o'clock, nnd, gniug to Mrs. He Back liim, too. Some bortca show theii acquaints! hurt'. The adoption of mich Thu Uomtnlttee to Settle with the Count; being deemed neoesaary. oana ; Patty, Varnisli, Diyem, Galore, Puint Briisbca, Window Gluaa, &c. l l w . John 0 . Muse, i* ^ettliiK r« inly to blunt boon spending a season nt Ocenu Grove, ria'residence, oakod to «oe Miss Krone. Thi weakuesB n t tricks in that way whnn the; name to tuii famous atruuture n o tloubt wi. Collector reported: llniance a t lust report, lillls BB follows were ordered paid afti wai d*nleil him, uai, after a few words, hi d o n t lu any other, But, be a i amaxt m <TOU add t o its jiupuliirity. I t wua reported thai Mr. David Btoue, of Hoohnwnv, conton this— Friday—evening, and will liponcxLib £7t:7.U5; Muito rveelved, ^.117.^7: iliibuno- endonomeut by t h e Finnnor Committee lip altuoat made a bargain to ndl out tin tion at the Ceatiul K, 11. (1IfJIOt. turned from tho door. Taking a few steps in, you'll get caught souietimea. 'Even an I'M plnt«s removing to tienrgia in u few wok*. UuiineM t o another pcr*au, but the Utlei nentM, (3,000,J8; buhraee In bank, P,lW,7l &. King, lamplighter, *30f Philadelpb iiiitlcT Ilrm down IBB piatm he suddenly drew a rovolv 1 expert gets stuck. A h o n e jnny look ever Somewhat of a lue:ik ii i the 1 oouoludcd t o t totuvest In the speculation. A regulnr meeting ol APUCIII Lodge, V. *n iti.'lMirt nuioivwl anil orOcrcd pluced un ttio. Reading It. ft. Co,, freight* #173.77; Hitwrula from his pocket and ftn-d three shot* at liim nice and go a groat paoo, and y e t havo fiti A fino Uliine it, Lognu banner has beei Mine Bailrood Co., frelgnU, IIW.W; J . Vf A. M., will ho held next Wcdumiilay nveninj The Director ntnted that of the county & ulf. The first two did not hit him, but th There Isn't a man could toll it till somcthini swung to tbo hreeto by the Scpublleans bei au.l the lllooiiiiiifliile l-< iy« ha'ye. Mtartiiil upturn, $29.fi61 James P . Kelley, Mamhal r<>i>H;itionH if.11,751.JU had heen used, lunvii Conductor J . II. Ueorgn aud wilt arc in|o; JofitiBon's Dry Sized KalfiomioeK aud Uuoru's KuisoDtiaes in Wbite'uud Tho puiutings wtts ifono b y Peroy llouuh ; Pblucas Qarriion, Jauitar, |10[ Di tho iiHl:liiw inicxlM ndeil, ^4,'liHM, liird .trunk bin luftalde below tho ribs, an< happens. Or ho tuny have a weak book, ftlvi whn made a very ulcti job of it, Tlio iieltiuj all Tints in 1 to 0 H P W W F oh Z Ing thoir tuoution in tlio interior of KB h t a t h e whip a n d off lie goes for a mile oi used four years ago miawera for tho satin At th: H»Ui of limds aI No! atII'H Puiiit <> W G Gm G andn ho m u ow Ttie Conmiillee. npiioinUd to linVD pvinti lloilor Works, $14.70; EichsrdH fe Tlppett, be fell. Uolp was ut otiee called, aud he was York. Wednesday last by L'timu liKMun vv«, J i m . K< :hc iii|iurturi;*ptTt Atwaler, n-piirtcd tin (U0,4ti; M. Ifoaghuu, ( 3 1 ; John CI.iffy, $37. conveyed to U. C. Horruw'g oflloc over the ;wo, then all of atuddeuliostops iu the road. purposu. Betwonn their pictures i t an eagle A oW W hL m surmounted over two of tho Ammicau flags. President Tuttlf, nf Wnl.niih Collqre, vi. Inn iitm-lmmidtU funuf» After H roat he starts again, but h e loon stops i- S4LI0 nml Kowm 75; McKirgan Oil C o , $5.65; G, H . Eagle* drug store, and Dr. Whittlngham auuiaonod The name of William Walter Phelnt lor Con -hi-.v butt orderu! 1,J()U co},wn ut IIIQ w n i o a t colled boine by th« soi-toim JIIIIPHH of turn i Willfi Ihi' iiroiicrty under H; J.B.Puluier.tSiTo'i Corporation paj Exainiuutiim ahowod that tbo ball bnd Ukei for good, and nothing b u t a derrick coul grow alao adorns It. mjHUifJtK, wliit'li nill bo diHtributetl ]) tie faculty. As yet thorn lias been no action takeu toab upward eoursp, wounding the lung. The move him. •iil!it«tlii' ti)wii^ti|iM. (lirminh the l-'reehold- roll for August, t)S6e.m. I-VIMI. N.'is Jr., (ii Unjo11 Vill;ir'hTe tiFred. SIBUIIOWR, nf Ii.rfcNliire Vullo.r, h.i The weak points of a horse eon bo bett«] wards the forming of a Maine uud LngEiti '!•«. They liml n!hi. examined tlio vault ii Ji van resolved that t h e Mayor be author doctor extracted It am] did nil la hia power h\» hoiwit lately ( birri" v rived ii MIII htl'llll uiiupBiuu ulub. We believe it would bo pone to Stockholm to tonnli tlic pnl>1it. KCIIOC [iii.l Ihi' other !»> WIM <>lili<:t-ii ti. kill in eoiiH! tvltidi tin, liuokx lunl |ni|ieiH of tlie i discovered while ataudlustbau while movini ' 9 make him comfortable. Tho wound was ndrlsnble to have one tn order to gel tho Ixed to «lgu a note of four.nioulha for $3,000 W b X Pw H L Bed Bag P Gum C tit tbat nliwc. If lie Is sound, he will atttnd firmly an people more Interested in tlie election of these •r the list* of tbe town. pho P B m A m Ouy uu P p W Uu hu o H im-iid'.il il ijciiiL' nilii-'lcl1 with imi inciimlil <e]il. TI.c-i- l.ail timtirl w.inc fonfimon and dnmcerous though not fatal one and he wll squarely on bis limbs without moving any < popular candidate*, Who will start It f A TioiiiuK'iiili'd Iliat tlji-y he pluerd iu ordel Sheriff Wright and fmilly, nf Newark, lmv Wbu OH S Alfred l)avou]H)rtaaked penuiasion to place probably reeovar. Xnughright bcloi.g* ti grant many heartily Indorse these nouilnuthem, ths feet flatly upon the ground, witli I'li'.v hint iikeubf rMimitie.l tlio metlioilHOl ueou spending a fort nigh I ut Mr. Tlion. l'ont'a, tioiiB and urn tloniroui of aooing thoir elttutiou dirt upon tbe sidewalk of liorrla siivet whd< highly respected family, and la about twonti »f C e }ih in Novcmbor. 1'nlitlnal uiea n.-i-I(iiiK i.n-.l^ bv llii> (^lliTtorautl Clerk, WeCelnHvillfc. voting B oullar. Beferred to Street Com- yearn old. Ho haa boon Btatfau agent ( legs plump aud naturally poiaed; or if tin accomplished >li<>!<Umi'i>]<irial mcrli ings uiny bring forth much rnthunlosm nnd _ ui.l rinimnirmlnl thnt the Clerk Ditkeirillo, and has always boon temporal loot Is lifted from the ground and the weight few Mr. B. Killgore IIUB broken ground for IHMMIS »uwn Pay have u uuidency to fctuh ind r nMitlii)lncc, bill lU;v. Vhm. T. Hern n.ji.uiiti- uccuiiul of llio litiilye uuil olliei mittco witU power. token Irani It, disease may be miMpected, or at iud induatrioiis, MISB Froac, who is a yoiiu good rrsulte. liy a llltta ohsorvution i ' Council adjourned. flno residence on tho corner of Pj-onpeet mi u- ptTH.-ul ueei)|.unt, Milt not nllmv it polit [ij>lini]iiia1ii>iM iu huokn provided fur that conversation'.'vo fiml that lh« iniijnrity of._. F a he a udy of pltjiujlng oddroH, Is tci-ribly ehonkci least toudernosfl, which la a precursor of and ony b ng you w u o n Orchard streets. ,1 imTtiiif! to h, l.el.l on the i,avHoimKe |m»[ men—moat of wbcm enst their first UIIIOW. The report van reociveJ a u d i t ,t young Naughrighft Buloidal ottcrapt. Site ansc. If t h c h o n e stands with his foot spread youUK m o Uo O An Editor Attatkri by Eog Ohol«a. U OOKNEU DBT Q BTOREo vote this fall—cxneet t o depusit it for thi !.y, and tins ])ltitrorui will hn urtsrti'.cl on iwl 'fioirnil that tlic rccoiuineudntlonibecBri Hev.W. H.HoaehnB bTOii returned to th part, o r straddlei witli hie hind legu, there Republican candidates, The bog ouolera which UM recently hoootpe dDolorea that ahe is not In tho least to bluun liiiitig gnmiuls. pastorate of the Dover Fnjo Mcthoilim Clums1 a weakness in tho loins, and the kidneyi prevalent in some parts or Warren county has Itnvlng never enoouraged liira iu his nttoi wediieedoy ovonius was tbo oxpiratinn oi for another your. Sir. \V. J. Cullan, the elocutionist, bw dr are disordered. Heavy pidllus bends tin tho time allotted lor t o raise aubBerlptions tc, Tb» Cunuuittoe U> oianiiuo tUoiwctniatsol Invaded tbe Democratic pig pon known at the tloDa. •mmed to cuter thu ]>nedhu<jd of tlie Calli Kenstlor'a Dover Ilii ml will Rivo ntintlirr o kneca. Bluish, milky oast eyes i n horsen in- tbD amount of (3,000 Uvardfi clunring t h e llelvldere Journal office and b u Attacked xKBrmgnlB Oillec repoited that [h»y wouli debt of the H. E.Ohurcli. Bcv. A. U. Hurrisi Bttto Agricultural Soolstjr. lloate moon bllndncBR or something else, thflir delightful concert* in WcFarlaii'H par! ili<- Uhurcli. and with that p u r s u e ia viev with great virulence tbat oUngi&oua porker, anuoiiuuoil tu thu auilionoo prtgeut that the iet>l iiixt week. -• gnnr to St. ilnry'H CuHet!e, ot EmmcttH The twentyaixtb annual exhibition 1>f tin bad tcuipered horse koeps bin unrs throwi amount had liccti auliBCrlhotl wbioti causud next Tuesday oveuiiii;. Tint various btidgo uouiniittcca reported tao Jobs Simerson, who enjoy* the dittlnotton o Itate Agrioulturnl Society will oiieii on tl thniu tn girn on apiiluuso over tho nsuli %, Marylimd, to imrsup « cminic »f thco inck. A kicking horse U aptUt Jiave warred tolug tbe na«lsbiiit grunterorthe oonoei B. It. Osmun, of MorriHlQwn, has a (cum o is atiout mxi Vet to raiio to cancel at. icnl Hluily. Hi' will ii« (Eoiiht rl«o to i ragrPMiir thoir work. peculiarity of tbe seizure is that it baa attack- [5th Init, and oautlnue fur flvo iluyer i f e g s r . AJ BtuinhliDS/hpnft.liu blenlshotl Tlioro colls whloh trotted n full mile itl tho I'niqx-i; >f it, and i t in thought* it wilt lio dune. The Tlm contract o a tho stone bridge near the 'tnefB. Whan the'sklii Is rough andharsb, jioolcr hua lnhorod earnestly for Its nohiovi ii;;li iiitMtiuii in tincinireli lit liiw Juitli. Warorly Park, betwoon Newark ami Ellin od" his diminutive brain luatead of bis ponderFink trni'lt, Brooklyn, in 2-m. ttoiris l-lnins Aiyl'im ba.l tr.ll' flVrtrded I OP ind does put move oasily t o tho touch, th tnentand also a number of other*, whom l u A Sunday School i>iL--nir will In- ln'bi on tin oui stomach, and iiaviag very little to work liBtl, on the Pcnnu-lvaula railroad. 1 ! i Wodncsdriv wns the wurmcui ilny of tin nrsD is 0 hoary eater, a n d digestion IR bod, inld a tribute to In his rctnarks to those ipon in that quarter will la all probibuit; t'oiindn ti'ljuiiiiiiK tin; 'IValio 51. K- Ciiunih uu TIIRII, Tttnglleb fur'tMS.' "' "' ''• ''~ " The offloers of the Boektybnve boen aaUvi iroaent aud uaw ho feel* a s a grout tuun; aiauon. Tho thermometer in thin* »,Ttim wiiolder Clark reported he had noclvai lot bo marked with fatal resulta. Tbs fever buy a horse whose breathing organs >thora do nlio tniltc Jnliiluat over t i e mutt sitiirdiiy, fia\>l 20th. leu eveaiu and all t ir the pout two moDtlu iu ranking propuru fur Hide railiug ou II udaon etreet bridge, the disease is working upon him, however, OUK for thi) othlhitlon. A new aud ooranm- are at all Impaircil. Place your our nt the rallied from Ml to Hid di-giwH. iniilile iffrcHliini-utH will lm jiroviilfd i Mr. J, F. Tuttlo ha* purchased tho hake.., st, and thai t h e Contract uatl been may be iota trom the following paragraph li dioui poultry bouse lias been built, ulio forty Ido of t t o heart, and if a waeuiin|,sound It -.asinesa MIR. Furglp, wlfn of thiM-ook »t tin: Hfiill lately oonduoted b y Mr. William iufbuiun'B C.irnut IStiurt will caiiventlie iwarded for completing tbo grading ot tUo MalMtiunet House. Hcliooley's M»unli;in, hsul hi-i- {n new horse stables, and tha oattlft, sheen and iioitrd i t it nil Itulicntion of troublo.—Kural RongU, doceaeed. iiiini with miHli'. A i-oiiil time IH nut kioatctl ipitrfiocb totlicbrlilg*, fvbtalHi )«iiigcomMr. Sronh Laird bii« a oat tliat liaa hod 53 ttoocrd, broken t i c other day by u fall, •Ide ihedi have been repaired, und put in > wlili'li ;ill arc conliiilly invited. kitienB, Site to now nbout 8 years old. Tlio leading rum seller of Morris county, deted. To ootnpleto the coping, railing, etc., Jos. Ttonia*, of Flocktoun, f. II from ih, octant ordei. Th«jM)otcty has icado nr Mi. .IIIH. A. ili-ii»;iu huaiieecjitc.U j ^ i t i o i JIBO time sine* purohruodtbe IBON E i u »i T h a n ta wtno talk of robulldiur part oi ho *;oat would he «hout »)Otf. *j et Hot Septtmben. Dover aud its editor, and, now propose* to tho old rolling mill. ngemetits with thoniilroaili iooirrygoodi roof ofhin I urn lliu dthor iluy, n tlUtmu-f o! •ilh Mr. (.', H . lliirney, Now Jersey ('niiiriiia The contract • far tbs; iron wnrit nt tlio —id hia " pnrp" iota Warren county to bark The Jicoplu of tho Catholic Churolics of Ml. and from tlie grounds at half fare, ani 35 fret, and WIIB scvrrely injured. uneriii'I!H-great New UrlmtiiH liximsitior IVtitcrlDO bridge tlfld been 'awniilod to Tin- — nialne ana Logan, nnd Instruct temperjpn, lioekafay and lliburula. expect t o ance Bcpubllcaiu how to vota- We lope ipecial arrangpinmita linvd buou mndo for re- People forget from year to yenr what man' iave a n excursion to Lake Uonatcoug, Sept. MinaSiwieH. Kay bus gmif to Monirom-, m\ will t>}ieml ii eoujili) of moiitlii in travel ilt ^ Wood, of I'lilllipsbnrg, aud tho atom when he comea to Belridere tbe leading terntor of Weather we hnvc had iUthBipM^ W S2il, QniEU BAJIE. Pa., tociifiMl u fiirtniglil with the family ol ig tltroiijilithu Stilt ii making iirratineiaenti rork to Frnnk Gien, of povpr, for.fUMpK nerauoe Republican* will come to tho front luced rates for visitor* from all paints in ire apt to consider that great oitremcs <i ir Ken- JerM-! cxiiiliitM nfUr wliicU ho wil erd. Tha shitto of the cost w M o f r i i ^ i " ) ' : nd take tbeir foutriictiona straight from the New Jersey, as woll *t from points iu ou: W. C. Look, formerly of Norrittowii. heat u u d cold, UM ."uupjDoeilonUd" wlioi A Full Line _m (teller's orionl. I t will look rather comiKirderiujt states. ' nt II New Orli'ime anil take ehargu of BUC! ditlil ho about $575. Sunn' one pTo])ORCa (lint tlm pulilicil foiicr '•>,-'•* if campaign equipments, torches, co]ioa, nop«, cal to sue our irlendi Carlinrt, Widanor, Tho exhlhitiou promkea to lie one of thi "hey arrest attention. Tho ueat-opprosBed thibits. should lm built of l.art.i'.l wiiv, in im liT m Tho iruu work for (ha Hidgedsle Avenui Witte and otuors, taking lessons irom aucb a Itixan ia rcwly to doolorotliatlffl-1; noyqr saw b e . , a t Allen tc Uoubigtou's. nre dtaplnying new und attractive goods ror %»riug wear i a best ever held by tho society. HID nuiuliei proven! politicians from Hitting on it. uoh awful weather** as that through which On tbo •ttli iiiHt. Hw. PolglaBfl, of T.mlio, ridge, Morriatown, hnd been swnnlod t o source. entries iu the different department*, up to Buffering huiuunity la now paaEiujr on its per We may remark by waj of eommanl that Medicine for Children fur iitrd hci' liiisband irith IL (inn hoy. Alton I Irown 6c Lucius, of Pntcrson, for #2,800. The officers f.i tho Prow Thcolnginil Kt-withis time, exceed those of lost year, wheu the plriug way. And yet, for twelve y e a n paal n i u Pour IlfUic'ColniiiitUB" rtiiortuil bill, tbe hog who wrote this has been puwhused aot only be effontlvo but 10 oompouuaod e H.ime time Win. TriggBtiiui, who toai-deti tmry intend to erei-l ft fire proof building for society held IU utost prosperous exhibition. bo Ihcrmouietor has marked a rise of tetn- Unit il no h t r n will result from the use. Hi oh iproved ini'thtf ainouut^ot '$i,166.O0: bill on variouB ooonsionB by local politicians who Hi thorn, wan hrouglit home with u broken tha i>re^rrnlion of hi* tu Hen I uuitcrml. entatloc for woim (to whicb a l s t vr l t l Competition lias become no groat oa Uio perataro above ninety dojtrew, joar after iitmotcilforto tho muountof (I07.C3; pto- Bodod his influence among the hog element, klc, hut wa» nianiud aa lliu «ith to Mine bjett) is Farmsleoi Hsntaulns Worm Cavdleu Superintendent .7. E. Ilurd, or tlic Mt. Hope Parerly Grounds that the winner of a prlio ear, with only one exceptioni n 1871) tlie ililcli a n toade from the limt drugs, p*rtlonl*rl] II of whom have realised the unprofitableItntkoad, lina gone uvuy fur u ynnifiim of u nn-io Wriglit. .Tiinniy Statter, tho mini who idtiitod to tats UIB. They uork qulolilr, lurelj ness of tlieir luvestraeut by the dfsoovery iay well foul proml of it, for ho oumpctoB aermiry reached 85 dog. only cuoc. B u t w i t b md UitrmlesHjr, pstilng o(T tbo warms sfCor they •II 41) ti-et, liiia Kono nwny on a viwt. Ho i« couple nf wi-fiks, on account oflll hniltli. against tlie beat produatn of tho oonntry. idy regularity, each other jonr, since 1879 itt dtuolvsd. Do not uegleot th« children eveu that their purchase reiirciettod four parts .iiig woll. Tho judges in the different dopnrtmonla aro bus aoon tlio, thermometer marking (13 dog., •Uougn (her do not compuuu Warms ire nlmoit UPV. W. W. Hnlliiwny, Jr., will ilHivpi-mi ODtrnils to one part meat Tho MMJOIOUOH of lw»ji jire/ent. FrlOB Ss osnli per box. Bold by liienitore Wooilwnnl.wlio lives on tiioroad address ut tho Sunsfi ('mijity ttundny School unlaatlon from the State Corap- SQUtleniDn who own TUB IKOK Eni will read onoien for their known ability in tho dopnrt- H deg., » deg,, M deit., 07 deg., a n d oven ;ob«rt KlUgare, Dover,N. 3. twi-en lkmurdttvillu uutl Mcndliaui,<>ii Con volition, at SlunliopL, next Thurmlny. foregoing with amuiement, and will ap- lentln whloh they servo, uud with rigid in- 101 degrees in tbo shade, Nor la it trim, at, [roller wan rtwl, enllluft for a elatumont day lust tMii^ht iu lii« |<oiid mii| pruvervod ructions from tho officers to make all awardi no often think it must be thntw« never have p 10 lluiiacui! tititidi^au nf Jbe, uouaty Tor llie ircciate it the more whon we inform them The l'volilhitionielB will eccd n. bun livo »llenuan enrji vrc^liinu; eleven pound* ou the merit of the article. , ; ' extreme hot weather In September. The ftitmita IllRckwull street in front oflhdrhull, wiiHOuoor nlotwituwliicli,tli9Jnte A. V lit Jlwal ^ i M ^ i i f t Ihat tbo ;lie liar who wrote it profeuoa to be H Chris, llerk make out t i e aocount in accordance an and yet has escaped the doom of Ananias* Tbo ftttmctlona ou the grounds will be ' ottaat day fcr ono lmndred years w a s SepWhun- ims the ClovulmnltrH nnd Butlcritcs f out Blocked liin nuiul, and it oscupotl intc nqunl, irnot shporlorto those of imberTth^SSt, vben tho meioiuy n»ohod . may never he our pleasure to address the Jt| A goodly number of children, sent out by r. Wiioilwoiil's houd from tlm wntern slock- rltbtbeHw. The FreclidlJeraiiportod t h e ' d e W con- ;oplu of Btdvhlerc, but tbts ei tract ehows •oar, whieb ta saying a great deal. A vbilt to OUegiiu the'shMe. Poriinps if we npply tlio"Trihunn 1'rcnb Air Fnnil," linvu been i l b v l l r . Btoui. • • ••• . ' t the SUto Knir cannot foil to bo iiroduotlve of ho theory of uvernge tn the present heated mt if this illiterate bog haa any Democrat tnutadin tlielr townahtps and tlio credits In oiijoring the boepttality oi the neople ofTioy ;ood to any ponon intorestcd in tho lost arm, this first fortnight iu September, 18&, It i« fluid that iii tlio event of J . Scward fiXr Ito'cohjit}- ' T h e tofi.l aifiquut 01 irieuds they shoald at onne leek him up with und Hnrslppnny. d horace, ueat cattle, sheep, awlno nut boar oft'the palm for exceBBlvctorrhltty, spelling book and nave him the niortlHc&imiDg nmuinntfiil for BherifT tbe ; towu4| ons tnjiaid wti! nillstontneted wore: iltry. Tho Jruit exhibition ia ono of tin and yesterday, when tho overage tompomtuxo " Batln lined purses aro the stylo this year," lip of BooDtoii will iircHcnt the tiauie of S. ti. n of again displaying bis ignorance by oulll; DHvc, «ULbest hold on tho Atlantic neabonrd, mid thi >f the day waa 82} dog., may be regardod us aoiue ODO else an "arlsah" any* a fashionable paper, liut we prOBumo the for tlio Kopuhllonn AeBOinldy nomiiiaWe feel confidant that an inspection by the ladies will ' M 7 0 . M " ' I ' e t i i L u n o c k , " ^51,1)1; Viiu.lulpU manufacturing and mlicellaneona depart- :he hottest arerago day of tho Boaaon. I t old noil imd grconbQok linings -will KIIII re- i<m In theSeci}D4-»iitrict, .ThnojurcuobBt" " ^ i itbekiway, <i6.Mj $oxl)urj.W9.88[ ntenU Improve eueh siiecocding year. mst b e observed, too, tliat we usually got iatisfy them that while we have taken especial care that our talu their popalfirity. IJupiiDlicans iu thViiniintJ tiilij'Meaws, It isexpflctodtuat all the Presidential can ie lame ainotlut of heat when'tbe Summer CB10KST. Us und IJ>OD, none niotc comiictcnt tn fill TliBre la talk of organizing a Cleveland leleotions shall be the newest, they have also been made with i.anldthat Tbo match between t b e Mount Hopo a n d lldnten will bepreieut ou some oueof the tlaye are averaged togethor In each year. A position* n&inctl, ami none whom tho pcoclnb iu town providing a tmBlcieut number ID Vrcelanil wabted ft bridge lowered tvo Tewark Cricket ClubH, at Newark, on Satur- lays, possibly Tharaday, and that Ocntral hot early summer in almost invariably folvonld support more heortlly. view to dmability of wear and stability of OOIOTB. of Democrats aim bo fouud with life enough r<»t to dmw-thownter front bie Inndl. Tlio day, reaulled In favor of t h e Hewark Club b y lutlei will deliver the auuttat oddrew. lowed b y cooler months Immediately afterin them to serve m officers. ridge was in £ood condition and t o wanted •ants. The cariypart of t h e present wason, Sepahliotn-Work i t H u k e i rnna In tbo first innings. Tho notable TIIB Cheater trnin ran off tho track lust Satknow what lo' do about I t ' ,' irrlng n few hot days, waa cool, so cool aa The RppnliliBiinBoFHnokcitatoffiiliwi even. laying waa that ot Franklin for tbo New' Laks Ropateong. unlay aiglit and tho Dover express Intel to go distress the lummer hotel people. Now ; opened with great mtcoess tho now wig- Tbo Counsel «aid it depended upon ffhethor rkera, and Williams and Hoiking for t h e Mt. Lake Honatooog fe now tho most popular ie brldRo wna improperly built, r.r whetlior [open. The Bcore i« as follows: a are striking an average and the deflolenup at a lnte hour and bring it deiwii. Tho in which they hod juat tiPiii]>Irtcd In tlint ilth resort iu tbe Sohoolny Mountains by cliangD was wonted for tho nocommodivmail vaa forwarded hy vagon. vu. Tbe ntTuir wav only rv lo«»l one, hut MOUNT HOPE. Ron of the extreme, beauty of tho situation les Df June, July and August aro boing snp. COB. BLACKWELL AND MOBKIS 8TS., ofimindivlduol. plied b y September, In like manner, t h e ' HumoiiD Steamer Coinpnuy, of Mormtown, tved very largo anil interesting. In the 1 and Its well*teated ellraatio icfluetaees. It After difienaihrn HB to tbawcritflof tboonsc . Itomfrey. c Browatar, 1> MoWbood •woro bnftten 23 to fi iu it gnuioofball by Kulbi •Her [iitrl j f tliu cvuiiug I. Cole, o WillinniB 7 ,027 feet above tlio sea level, 085 feet higher swan, font y e a n ago, spent Its heat in Uay, wan voted, V to C, to' leavu tlie matter to . Oolttworthy, b M i x Steumcr Company, of Elizabeth, nt tbe latter ;ht naralo of the local orKauixttUoas—the 30 .ban Lake Oenrgo and 403 feet higher than be h o u u t day being May 9th, when tlie r. iterrr provided tho eipcnso dnea not T. Ktovcns, 0 Browser, b Cottcroil 14 loreury reached M degs, Yesterday there place on Thurailiiy of lust week. lino ami Logan Club nud tho J'aann Anil oskins, b Sntlerthwalto 13 the Mahopiio, I t slrondy supports five >os a frost tn Dakota. A oool w a r e i s comccod m . Stevens, 0 Mix i itels along its beautiful horders, nnd thta ry-i'iich of wluHi fippciircil in ndnintaiit A movement in Bftld to be on foot to nlnrt it i it may tarry bythDWay but not for lon&, Tliiviwiialhateli of liiilS was considered and ..Williams, bMlx 1 limit' liiiudsjini' uuw uniformu anil mode n nMn has had 500 people Bleeping undi daily pnper at MorrUUiwu, ami a, HUH of Hrnt V. IJeacli, not out 0 tiered pild. Tlio quarterly bill from tin i.v iiii|niBins fli-1'ln.y. At tlm twiicliulon nf uviug tents ou its shores. Fourteen aampg Hurto ia nntil to lio Intcri-mcil. Thin-n-jfctor* , IV, Stevens, o Wolftaa, b Bottcrthwiiito 0 AT juntic Anylmu uiuuunied to £J.MS).:W, . MoDouitld, I li w Sntterthwaitc 5 rero in full oporntiou lint month. A family apparently possosn more money limn judg. (/nrrntl, c Mix, bSnttorthwaiW 0 t:\vuw, which was erowilcd with uu nud- Tha Director twllcd nttciilinn to a fullci Eastoo, Pit., sent out, under t b e highest I n Hamoilam. ment. idjtu iu M.irrlstowmhip, lienrHmnf* iiapci ngbyw 2 and lovoreat eurvellianoc, ilvo daiiBbtors, iin' of ahont l,(H>0 people, iiHilndingn-very At a mealing of the officers of tha Lortrv Proprietor Wright IIOH ilctonuinrd to kecu III, nhinb Imd tiocn waeiied out hy i T Ighly ncooinpliahDiI, nthletlo, gootl a t t h e shvillo Sunday Saliool hold July 29tii, Totiil tba Mt. Arliiiciun Hotel OJXIII nil Mr f,<11 nnd ,t! rq>rpflfn(ation of Imlii's. Cap'' boa, •rtk-t in June. It wnH in an old public hinu i*tliwv!*y, tv uliDHit uutii'iag vtl'urta umnh and ten-mile walks. Major Nash nud 1881, t h e following resolutions were uuauiNEWARK. wiutcr, and a more delightful objective |>niut rclaiuictltl not l>o the Mtmtn ol<taincd ia llaotettr'iowu U imily, from Harrisburg, oarrled off the cotora mnusly adopted: . Cnttrrrll, b Williams fori.loiLauroiinrtloB will not W: fmind uuy put il n p - t l m t ttic 11.11111.\ liml buitl tin . Hill n>, pn^iilHi. liedde tho muKio fuiniuhed 1>V ir completeness of outfit thla year.. They rnttRBUS, Tho Almighty Ood in his infinite wliere. 1 qfrnio. Frecboliicra Conk ami Mei-tcr and '. BnwHtor, (i llouoli. b Honkius o liiiuil, Ilieri win Mining of rmnpiii^u have five Unte RUperbly eqnijipod. The wisdom haa removed from our midst our ON O T B ADLOCK AC CWH L DOVKH H '. II, William*, li Williauts , The Itepublicaua of Itockawiiy liwt Vrlilny offloer, Michael A. Oborholtior, e Dinu'iur WITO n]>p»iiitt:d n CuiisiiiliUie ti ugs hy a cubital tfw eluh. Tho Hireling rgcut landowner there ia Mr. Henry Alteu- esteoniBd , Frunklin, u MoDnnnld, b Williams..., one of the oldest offloers anil who also bernlattd a liiuidsotim llluinx mid I-opin lumiicr, nkiiilo Elm miittcr. IK »|)«inl witli a ^n-ecl. of grMt |«iwnr by irand, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Rev. Dra, Tbo&iaa . Wolmiii), H Elcwkiim, h Ilotkins wlI B Btroluhiug neroHR tint inn in Htrect ln'twecn ihi' FrccholiliT Mrnilt inki'd for a Committoi :-(Jov. Win. M. Htoiip,of lown. who .M«WhHid,iotoat and dossier, of Brooklyn, have oompnot sumi£d^wKWa'"' ^ «* ""'" utorcsof H.K, and (1. \V, HWtkV: nnd John , Mix, o Carroll, b Ho«kiua 1 tlic HnliiT'w tniil lirirtfic lH'tw<'ci> JtlVfrBoi ir houses, as have alto Prof. Pitcher, of 'IIBBXAJ, H i s but just to him aud his fam with went eteariH'ss llie qiieHtiun . llrowu, 11 Stevctu, bBtaveua N»rii». id Kntidolph tnwnHliiisK. FiT-'liiihicrB M M 3rooklyn; President Edward., of the New ily tbnt we should record some lusting ii-itV. piiiilic himls nnd finance, IITM! i MnWhood, n m o u t tribute of respeot to his memory, thereIt. KiiiguiidClnik wero appoinlnul. Jiio.C.Huhbnrd.iiiiibteililortiltliySiMvUiiLuwroccc, ruu o a t > 'ork State Bank, and Fire Commissioner ttio dimui^isi); record of tlio Heniiiurntiii fore be i t Freeholder N(ni K hri^ht hronj;lit u p tin TOU Pdllodiimj, is visitiiiK 8. K, Dennett. Ho ', of Now York. There aro nUo two o r KBBOLVRD, That this aohool ha* loet ona ity. He wnrtfollnwc.il liHiiiy by Jitlm S. tion of Ilia Hoard ut tlm lust uici'tuiK by f i t s best friendi aud adviaora, and one miyntlintaov. Hcury It. HnrrUon's L-IUH .i Ilimn, nml llie uierliii K nitjonmwl with m tree famous club bouses, a n d " Bortrand" rhoby lits Hnd, ttnd quiet dlspoBltioti, fans liidi the publication of tlx> County Collccfur ulfftion in Comioctinit wo ^mil; nUa ullf fhrcrdfiirtlii' llrkct. Tlw Hppiilw Totul 1D8 tsUnu, twopty-one aeres In extent, bi Iw&ys advised la favor of ponce and karr'n reports WB« clianjtftl from qiiarlorly to Maine's. iony, and for tho neat iutoreot of us all. ittrohased by several gentlemen from S o w JLMALTBIB o r oowLtxa. uliv tide 1111ml. Ho H.id this aclioB liad Klven fit'iiBEBOLVBD, That wo tender bin family our (MADE TO OK I) i: It.) fork, PUllidolphio sud Brooklyn, UT. HOPK—MMT HIKINGS. yi»iu,i men of tlm jiljti-n urn rumtD); to - She LoM blm fast In k-rr solt while nrniP." ul .liMiifiditctimi nnd moved tbat the Colnnpathy in thia hour of affliction, amuring Balls. Mnidcni. Runa, WickeU ' r Hiinport, iiml Ri'imblii'iiiirt may look for An4ki««dliimw(iriti with n ymniing lm«. ' * • • * • bom that he lioi acoomplisbod his work MIDI'H reportn lie iirint^il i]iuirtcrly»Hbeforo. l a o k " Bogen a t Boonton, rauklin S3 0 33 5 1 nuns in thnt iiuiiiicr oa election day. ind kept tlis with and entered that root For Abo wn» n girl (if tlio iippffl ten. And lie Mr. Yoinif;lilnoil. tlif Cuuu^l, made 11 state- IoWhoi>d..'..4S 1 19 U Well, " J a c k " Rogers visited Boonton a s thick bit Saviourbod promised to hii —well, ho watt a dogmicd iHig.-Hcrtibinil. :n(. Hi; Hiiiil tiic lie I ion at tbo iuet mcoUug !otterell 36 1 7 1 HBSOLVBD, That a copy of t h e foi~ n & Fatal Accident a t Newton. louncad last Friday night, nnd aa ti Travelur. lii-h liiitl hern misreiuvwiitcd by the press, VUlUma 36 3 10 0 bo presented to the family of the deoui MOUBIS C 0 U S T 7 AOBNT YOU nrn-n K.-wlwht-r, a);«<l iih«»nt euhli-eii, ,>e been expeotod, .the roipeotflblo Demo- anil publishci iu tho "Koutrnliat" and tba la a ,, is . 2 il hfoii fauitutt hy tbo report of Expert iii Ainong tlie paper* ilwctmned I j the Aiwricrats of thii place wished lie h a d ntsyed away. "ohwenbsvillo Item. Itillivl nt tlic V. H. Jlt-rriaiii Sim-! Ku«XBWARK—rtBtr IHXHtOB. wiitcr. Tho Kifi'lioMiTH havo tbo ri^h enn Institulo of MiniiiR Kufiiiifcru at tln>ir H. K. KBY8ER, >se who lioard him say b e baa become ,rv ut XfwK.il on Tui-Bila.v uttLTiiooii. He lhllB. Maldem. Runs. Wicket* iblit-li itiiH often nn tliey oil00BO, hut still mooting hist week was onu tin " Hxiieriuu'iit* J. K. BUTTEHVVECK, reTuigar and profane in aprweh than ever ndqctoroftlm fififiht olevntor. Two ,vetu puliliiib it unuiiaUy 11ccording t o law, roskinB:....ioa . s' " . s * , • s J, W. MAHKLEY, •with n atmiglit-baek Wast furuueo," hy W. 3. ifore, a n d consequently more dbgnsting. C DEK PaBSSES ODDER OUTTEBS ANTEBNB a 68 4 rii onrrymg inorlar to the walls of llie , Committee. ir frilmi. iu which the Clerk In linl.l.! t o •illiams....lia r Taylor, Esq., of Chester. ... Stevens.. 8 3 . 1 1 o nre informod that he drank liquor frtm a The subject of the foregoing memorial liiiinmit nnd jinninlinKiiit b y n flbe not Carroll..;... 6 ; : COKN BUKL LEKS COAL SCUTT KS AND S EVES 0 ' 3 0 Hon. Aug. W. Cutl«r has rpi«l|;iipd a.* u bottle in front of him on the aland, notwith- us a brother of A. A. OhorholUer, prnpriei;li it wits nj;iiiiiHt tin* rulfif. In us- i-Lvim^fSJi. If tber wauled tu p u h l i t ~ilo 8 8 , . . ; 8 ' , 0 SLE GH AND WAGON WOOD WORK Monager of tho Morris l'lnlnn Asylum nn.l standing that Uf. Joflhua Salmon, Mr. Blox- ir of tho Park House In tills place, III icv. nil tlfjlit. Ucbcliovoit tiio luwnnwlio, k '(ineorthn luxla struck nguiiiHt llie HoskfRB howled3nolaU*, ; . . : Dr. Joint W. Ju«k«nn, t>t Rucbiway. hu* l«'tn ham and others who havo beon prominent in BU LDERS HARDWARE CARPENTERS TOOLS lriirk<>fHwliHl»w,*ti.lit i« Fiini.OHe.l il simply guve tho advice lu accordance mHUFACTUaET'S o » »K<>d. 37 r y«an t 10,nwntb.a.an.d 12 days UiiriKBt-Hoasrs; T. Ball and 0. Jefferson. .otewperoffloeoiaveuient there occupied the a]ipeiiite<l iu hia place. Tlio ipiioiutmi'iit of c bny MimLUR toMnp tlif car nud IHIIMHI BLACKSM TH S SUPPL ES BARB V HE &c atform with him. Ono of. liii prlneliial Dr.JuckHoniaaROdlouc. law ' miic ; hi^ itnn niu^lit in Uu: VHITH nml lie Light and Heavy Pelgtmn * Maysr Commended. argumenU was that the Reptibltcnu party Fn-L-holdpr King bad not formed hia oplu.-. Mwniii! up, hin Imi.l Htrikin^ a lieiiin. in Tho MYBtic» of tliis ulaeo nKnlu bent the The Paterscn Press Bays: Uossn Polgram By the Afweswr's returns we find that Mor;bmtened to burn Catholic whool bouses, mfromwhut Ihu press had said, hut hia nlly killing him. Hud tbi- men uuiglit tlie Cctitrala of Bockitvny nt Hnse hull W t Satur;i oouuty this year contains S.4SS acres more tc, in 1854 ana other years before tho Re- c Meyer, who always taho a doep interest li ipiwltion was to puhlish the reports quorday by a score of 17 to «iu IIIIYC Iimii.tf jriinic. in last year. Nearly 6,000 oerea of this ubllean,party waa fn existence. Ho al«o ho wolfnro of their employee!, finding *oni ly, law or no law. Ho had found thnt the Tlia MystliM havo ployed KCVIMI t"iiic» this tlioiiiHlaiit, but thi- dfliiy of a moiii.-nt'« losaeil tlio Beru1>lioBn party o a t h e natural r tho young people lu their flonnfon m i l l iiple wanted it printed u.uarter1y, aud had uoreaae la found in Wunhifttoti township AND sonHon, of which they won five. iliiNinn WB« fiitnl. The buy wns odnnidereccMcrof the Know Notbings,but forgot ipeeialty the boya-defloiont In education, AMD DEALEO IV point* In the lone.: We trust that VfashinRton'a Denioverj- ciue.ful nud iulc!i(j«iit. He wim nti euivud ktUra from other TLu I'lalnflfld UonstitiiiioimliRt giitus vent l say thnt his old law partner, who is now iot having born to eohool ucnrly to much nt itio majority will not increaM In propori\intyRHklhgforit. ' "'"• l>hitn nn.l of very WHiwolnblr. pnicutagc. to a column of ecutacy uver a rputir.1 visit tu _nplng as Eloetor-at-larfio on the Democratic •ght, have arranged with tho Supereholdor Cook wna opposed to .paying lon. This township seetna to amuse lt«elf) theilrM ralnl nedde.it Mr. Miirrimu Luke Honatcong nud sn.vs it " in I Uu grnudest f alternately swelling and shrinking, aa in, iekei, an wtfll n»Hr.|pWterandotherproml- itetidentof Boonton Publlo Schools to open for tbe pnhllcntioti. ' /•})f, Eunalo a n d L n p R o t e s , Fly-nets, 'Whips • rlind in his twrnty-llvc ynars a* ft W XU and liivi-hest Hhert nf wnter tliat existM lu ritKnow/Kbthtngs/^-day fhiil a.yerr com- night ichool, v t i e b will begin some tlmo &c., A c . aimfimlurur, employing a lurgo niitntVeebolder Naughright1 thoiiglit tlm quar- 182 tlie aores wore about the same aa this Now Joreej." It's right joit mo. •laule abiding place in tbe Democratic ils month and continue through the winter, BLACKWELL 8r.,'DOVER,M. J . T « 1 ppnplf, wlioBCwifety nml comfort haa rly rnports wore tho onoa that would be E0R0E E V0OH EES rtT. I t has boen wnounoed that " J a c k At tlio Ueuty-thud nnnual cmm-iition of IT tho benefit of their employees. Thii is a [ e i t to Whitlocft & L i J ' The valnatlon of real Mtatt In the County ijsbwii tlie tlrnt uniiMderation. road hj,tho people... • , w .. ;'•. <•• .it to apeak in Dover during tbe campaign, out commendable movement. Uossrs. Pelthe HUMCX county Bimdiiy Kchoul A*«uciitliimf incronW nearly *1W,WO, and the personal Froeholdcr lloekcr uiailo n good poiut bv -•-•-• Q d w e t r u i t t h a t the apnolntaient will b e Ha dwa e Me chan to be hcbl 'fit fltnuhei.ft <m H#|it<'iiiLn-i' l*th, it. Mcyct'i Superintendeut a t Boontonj tying ' that the law cohitl Juubtlees be >roporty over «30O,0OO. The total debt is le»» jpt, for wo can conceive of nothing that rortbeworkliigclasi. SendlOconti Father Hem. tho Rev. J. A. Wuiiroe. of H:ti>kMtHt(iwii, will fur'lKNtaB* and • « -win mail you his onqnirloa, finds that tbo gkle In t f o ' nearly (375,0tW. The number of polls is wrfWfttor.•'•!•<•' '' •••! r u n , 1 rojsl, Ttln*tlo boi of sunpli mid help theliepiibUban»niore. MORR STOWN N J icJtcv.Nlfboiiin lUw. of Bt, Boniface's deliver an iddrcss ou " Cliildlminl a Key to a aill are generally much better scholar* than ,723 as nuaitiBt U,vS0 last year, » loss of a o o d i U i i t w l l l p n t r o n i t thewmyof JJireetoc Plenum WM sallailod dint the jtenoh, WON recently transfer roil t o Dover. JtolfRiou* and tho Iluaveiily Life." lie boys, probably through not having had 'i wanted tho ([Uirtcrly rcporin. For him- 128. The total County tax is (76,000,. last AlUMitina for the orpmiaiatiDii of alllniiio |.ntnrdny hr. letl till* fiity to tflho oharjio of iploymont, and bolug able t o spend more -en.ritwaa*M,000. If he wonld l(ko to soo montlily rcportoj Another Sxannioa to Lake Eopstoong, 'will •t&rt'rou. You M B Vort lu'ttit v elinruh. Tbo ruverpnd nciitlerano NOTICE. ond Lftffnn Clnb will be held in Cheater llouso tbelr youthful days a t school. , tune only.. I h o work Is n n l w |thBtafonim)tsfh»feTonld.ihiiwtJui people Tha r n u l u t y e a r la Morris township Bopocon'Trfhe, Mo..&8^ImpreTBa ? Ordurof toth' »a»«, yoanff and old. Ton icli osttomfiil mi hat| become closely Jlall, tlhwttnr, lo-morrow—But unlay—evcuow tho appraprlatlona were holding but Jfc ,93, and it will vary »»lo from lhat this yeap, led lien, of PortQraro, will run tm excursion; iug, at 8 o'douk, Ad<lreMs will he mndc! by denred to tltP uiomberi of Ht. Uojjifuco'l rw of tba opinion1 that it;flwoul(l be safe to ) OrarennU e^ciqptlou 1»W| pawod loaf - t i t all i h o m o t work ms; t u t tbe bnslnau. w. |«ake ^QpaUong, frqm M t Uope, Teubo, IqwauM In till T o i t andliinlopartiirccmisotl u unlrcraal Es a e o JACOB BERRY - ' ' inrartllelcri offer; to all nho a n nol Mablon 1'ltDoy ond John H. Gihsoii, of Dover. iter, whiah ailQWH ffiQQ free of taxes to lien and Biolarde mines, anil Port Qrara, tbe reports quarterly and let the next j w« will Ben* f 1 to v*t for tho troobl* -,, ol TSKTtt uhiong them,* TUB evening KBMM. Frank 11. Uudnley end Win. Oroff eoeh tlremiin, will deduct from «t0,O00 to > Friday of next weak, k>pt. 19 th, W if Lhat The California Christian Atlvooato, of San wrttlng nl. SnO psruculan, dlroeUom, »lc.i fore his departure he Tm» insdA thn rea'ip. deceased 'ranclsoo, (tiyca qn extended aoaount of a nt fwe" Portnnes will b« made b j Uio» who bive formed n bunlncun partnenhip under (5(l,0W frjin Ihc ta< list, and, of coarse, ly prove stormy, tbou ou Saturday', tlie Mtb, : Heveral olcKoot presents from lili Counsel Toungblood anld tho 1>glaiBtaiv • Uwlrwhols time to «w wort^oreat U UAN o o lorcaflo the rota in proportion. A party in be Port Qrara Bond will furuinb general reooptloB to Wallop Fowler In the Powell tlio firm name of E. Lindnky'sSou St. Co., and lolntalynm. Don't d e i i j t s b r t n i n r . . ureli iMwpla., Ttia older niamhexi of the bfaJd W b d ^ t u i l T tbodsfMt In the hti o m h itroet M. K. Cburob, of whloh Rev. J. P. is oonntry will probably fail to iec the Bean * Co., PortlBQd H»lu« will continue business at tho old itnad, Wo itistc, ana Kaiser Bros. String Baud will w A D m iUKh naile tip a purm 'of'tlOO WfoU %n& ,some one would s(t«nd to IK.., ;,, Taoaitlay, late of Port Oram, IR pnator. Tho trust that ihelr success Uay ha great from tho irtisentcd It to him.- Theftitlspresented hint Tlio rcioluttnh to publish tb'o quarterly re-. Justice of increasing lila taxni by exempting nd itribtttemnslc^for da^euig o n tlie platfonn dvooate also says: Bev. J. P . Htuaulay Y Francis Child, Jaiijte 0! Uio Conrt ol o n m Euremcn-fraro whoso MrvJcosie eiumo* poest;h'e'JtroW^Iae(^eam-«iuA all aeoannnble Y f rith aa eleffant silver rhalkoJuiBd irith goldi Common Plois of t h e Conuly or Motrli. j r t i r f c < '•'• > • • " - • • • • • • •''•• U oM o o ilioacios will be furnished in abundance, is roRHon to rejoice in tbefluaoeaaof Powell jNotice ly ilerlvo the least benoftt.-Joraeyman. lsh6r*by<Biven ibat on- application M m w H Thffo wBI b e • grand fiepnliHoan ra'ly auil ; lie boys, ntngiitR in *f(e fretn IS: b r 17 years, id the Honatoong llaat Co. will fumbih ireetolinrch.' It is growing Huoly, bw boon 1 me hy E r i c I I . SwickUmmr, wire ot DSYIII m o G m o To* P l d p t Artilliry Oonn?anj, ^ ' . >onU, halt nnd fl«hlna tncklo, A special icoly painted, la evorr way elnan and hoanbatine* railing »t PorapUm riolns next Tutw- iresented him v i t a A parta olgoTH, "whUe tbe *tokh_mir ( D£I1IQ Towiiiliip of Bosburv, in luugflr ladfl presented Wm with a toilet Then was IDjaubjisjiod notice of tto mcotPetit Y i r m train will leave Ht. Hope a t 8 A. M , and t h e ie CntintT of Mortis, KBIT Jprtcy. and H «9ay aftemMD, at 2 o'clock. Speeches will bo A m m "ul. Tlio eouKngatians aro improving, anil jg held in lleDa'vit Hjft o'n Monday pyeuiug mbta Emmop«, of Oxforu, i n tlio Connty ol Tho fbllowliiB Petit Jnrj-Ust for tho Ooto- Taro t o r the round trip from that place mid o n o d e b y Cougrcssnmn fholps and Senator e goad paitor keeping eycrjrthlni; well in "leTeabo, AUou and Richard minei will h e irceiter unit Htato or UannchnB-tti, wlio o m or the fonnalloii of i^Phel^s A'rttllory Com- er torin of Court was drawn on Tuesday t \omugbti»od. Tba Putlrr Comet n»nil wilt Sf estaGm iny," but the word.-gat around among the m w m m > cents for Adults ond 30 oonta lor children and, and devotee himself emtntantly to bis lm each i n undivided nno-fiorth p a r t of all Kandolpb—Joslab Curtis, Jr., That. . w b o o h furnish m t u W •' . 1 . :.t groat work. No wondar ha baa success. Ho l i t ( n e t nt lm<l i n d prcraiscBaiiniled In llie mder 13. The *emilnr train will leave Port i tUq mitnihera of th« ehnroh.—Palerson on •.nd at the time: appointed the roomwni im»E«, Foster IVBircb, Peter Norman, Eli- irun at 8:Sfl and tlie faro from there will be H COLEMAN D & res among bin people, and works for then "illieo a n d Township of Oliertnr, in llieooanSobooley** Mfmntain f t e r t s U u n w u a l utpeeked full of onrneat and eath^upia^tle work* of Uorrls anil Stale of Ntw Jersey. Scents for adults imdiW txmt* for eltilJrcn. ' the tlmo. Such work never failed yet. ' iH.Onrinp the IndUu 8nmmer. I t is Hanover—Wm. W. Cook, Tnos. H. Homing . grand " pow wow" luexnef teil hy tlio Tribe, 'Beginning a t t b o norlhoaiterly comor of AD o emnn Bus ness Co ege D r ra. J. Blahtor, Fnllerton Cox. lileb Falrclo'B lot thence ratiblng »!ODR Iho od every pains will bo taken to make tlie , »ndali« MA m id U. L. Dunhaft was clowin Soorclarj. An. MorriH-TFrederick Sobraudenbaeb, Uarry ay » nlBaaant one for nil tbelr braves, ud ion tli ninety-throe dERrcci cnut two HHOAD An Inqidiy to be Hade. u tnroiigli«iiirtahffj ioenry Thepariihlnnan of Bt. Bernard's Church a i m ; tbcncu loulli (Itleen degrees wcat CTO itton (or offiopri wastttieD proceeded wl(h . ; Blrshard, Timothy I- 1'almer, I-randa C. IIIOWS and pnnpooscR, ana lor all the imlo OD n oM k B. Bnrkd, Silas s. Smith, tew obtslde tbo order who may favor them W. J. Dnnnel, of Jersey City, is about to i t l n i ; tlicnce ftotUi tlinetj-three dejrreci T b e l l e n O H o u e will be open daring tlie Wt. nope, St. PatrieVi of Blbflmla, anj irflptolujj In t^<»«lept|on oftlio following i Linpranri,'Eucono Ow M N 3 Chaa. 11. CoinbM, Wm. D. Joauton. • lemandan explanation concerning, too death , j i t (wo cbrnOB! i h m c a -OrtbfiftBad deRreai NEWARK .• • •: , CeoIkVs of BW*»WV, -wW w a i e a j(rln» tnrw Antcmntnspttti. . • Inptaiu—John F, Wood. !Kl fl?o chains to tho beginning, OODUIDUIR Ht. Olivo-dco. W. Mooney, BalphH. Sal- »lth thoir attendance, " lila daughter, oge twenty-three, wbloh 00- mo acre of land, mara o r leas, ami bains the OPEN A L L SUMMER The flftb u n u l raaslan at tin lot K. J. otnDinatlim eionnion to Ltka HopatoonK i X d NEW J AaXxeellBntSasuuii Oallegs. ime Und an<1 promises coRToy«d by Henry irred in tbe inanno anylum ot Morris Plains Montvillcv-AM 3. Conk, Ch*s. Dlowen, Monday, Sept. 22d. Good music will be tftvalry. TTIU b« bel* tt KUi'i tecUtmmt, 812 Second Lieatenant^-Hngn UoDonald. OLDEST LARGEST AND BEST \moDg the various schools advertised in lodges and wife to J i m e i ToppiDB, J r . , n o * lursday of last week. Rbe was sent to the leoFMcd, V i a GA tliB«ontrtonfifcw mfo ttom rrhirdLletttenan^-WillUm Woods. Dnad St., XevnxTt, i t 11 A. H , M Tbondajr, p columns, none nre deserving of fireiitar n bv deed dated July l i t , 1S51, i n d reBoontou—Corneliusi.Kbpn, Henry Bohnon, 1I11111 on August 8th, and when the boily lonled ID tlio M o r n s County Ol.rk'i Ofliae in tronnge than the New Jersey Buailienn Colm m w T BOTTL NG ESTABL SHMENT dancing, boating, fUliicg and In oth- Ganner—William Smith. OstSOUu Tbo oommlttitl of arrnniemBuUla >eter II. Brown. ™hhm\ 760 Broaa Street, Newark. N. J . look ¥ _ or Dcirdfc plfifi" BBO, * ? • ' " « • O MAN A U ft brought home there were mnrfca on It ^ l d ill alao AOmpuMdiif Udluvhodatlreto woloonie tho SMreiaryahdTreaanrer-^lM,'. Dnufcam. ' Mendham—Hohort II. Thompson, Wm. F, ._ eouiee nf study in tbtiroajili «"d efficient, omfnitod Jnetah Meeker J s K o b ' I ! . C n m e r Wm. Plxnn, J o a « 8, Clark. ilch plijulDiani said were made lieforo nd Jonliai S. S i t m o n , CdnmisiioDers, to veteram fn (pll n n k i . , Jeut. Stewart A. Parr made a brief nd- ulinby, ,nd Its graduate* are accordingly fitted for Pequannock-isaaeRoeve, Daniel II, Blintjis* to the men, laying that tills moveinont rland, TUGS. Benjamin, Samuel Vanneas. ' B aotunl .business of life, - Dover WAR largo- loath. Uuttolph, superlntcndentoftlie asy- HWde tbe (aid tract of land into fear s h a m We are glaA to ftnnoauoe tlat tlie wuple of. J p a r t s : and nnlois proper objection* a r t informed Mr. Hunnol tbat the young a,nt^^E*l'n ?!»«*»«• anil Chatbrnn-Roawell H. Haucook, Geo. H. represented last year nt this school, nud tlw na&KVhl W- E Chnnh jcUerd.V inda8oflnt»fo i m g , $** ^ i i t voting, rath*, and ited to mo a t tbe offlco of Iho Oountv Clerk, learn that a number have already onUrenunt, Wm. H. Ward, David B. French. ui became violent Jnxt before she died le»T0« HI it tlie Welps * ps 'Artillery Company, whlek I m i g h t t o »*nort«iM •oeipleHon iho work heroin MB o'clock,**.IM Horriatcwn, fn tbe Oonnty . r M orris, nforenoxbury_Wm. P . Lawranoc, John N. _ from thli region for the present jeor. ad had to be strapped to the bed. • IMckawoy, 8.2B: jiil, on Tnexday tlio lovontfa dBy Df October lepjeaenteaV working men, would bo board of raUloiitl>a«ntim.aairoot ot their enatalt bung.Cyrao H. Kigbtor. his a goad time t o cater, although p a n l u « i t . tbe s i i d J o s l a h K e B l e p . J i o o u H . C r a m e r m i. B J j m Oram at B'«. A, ^rara o n election day. Then J o i n 8. Gihion Boolcnway-Amri Well, Jelin C. Smith, iay enter at any time, aa there ore no vociidebt, whitli WM 18,000, rtiidng a R«it burden ind J o i h n a S . S-tmon, nill (hen b e appointed H o D V eterF.Omk, p l train irin Iowa U t Hope st 8 o'clock, rats called for andmado a brief t a l k upon tba 'ommiiiiotiPrt to make pertllioo of ttte .aid from UM floagngttkm in the faiim. Inn On shipments. W D m A Pauaio—Geo. O. Pruden. p p r s m n t lo an aot enthlod " A n set for ind after itopplnir at Ttaiw, Allen and Binh- itenuta o f workingnjen. involved i n Ibis WuUngton—Phillp L. Welsh, BIlu NeighW Tho gross iroa ore tonuge over tlio Hiah ,nil T i t U K f l h f i U i t p TbelinMfttUr.K, Hera to Staj. ~ more » " pkrlitiun t>r l a i d s bold by co. . • ', ard Mines will connect with the eionnion iuiisfgi. flp^ilwcn newtily, applauded t o u r . ' ' ' • • • • " ' • . ' ™ m m oetiom, joint Unanta m d tenants in corailouw nnighlKwhowJ, W a m a frbj'jloiied new' Jefferson-Dennis M. DuDle, Wm. K. Oar- Tiffany & Allen hove located here pt-rma- ridgo Itroncb for the month of Anpiit WAS id t h e meeting throughout w u a tnaatebtealn a t Port Oram. jThfljH^pntBoac Boat tnlloffflt Through to Philtlpshnrg nnd WM m theMorria atrwt oro«ing l*rt Saturday eronitly. Their wagon will cnll at residences iiaBtio one. After tho speakbiR nearly tntsbeyond,Io,4»tonnandl0 cwt.; local, fag aodrenirfng into A nils of lumber near O.Vcn amlor tnv i u h d tlili a m i <Uy ot Scptho supply of Soda Watcn, Sarsnparilla, bnndred signed tbe roll of thn company. Chester and Stanhope, BG7 torn and 10 iber A. D. olgbUca linndrml and e l p l t j C . I t Eagle's rtop*MitopiHM]. AlaJywm. Weaklr Xros Biport linger Ale, e t c All orders Ihonkfull; rel i l s iramber will b e greatly angmentcd and r. FBANC18 D1IILD, t.; total, 16,M8 tuns and Sowt. fhtown out, but not loriiiulj injured. The Engineering and Mining Journal of, lived. ^ fcPhelpr Artillery 1 Company will iloubtleas lie shipments over the Hlberaia Urns Railit Saturday aayat an important, factor of, t h e campaign in N B W a eh oa Mr. Prtd-B, Barton,of tb^MBoiftonEuR ••• ' . o u i t f i k M t e . 1 ?.•;.., ' •"' AND— Iiffany * Allen's •ond for the month amounted to 4,498 tons M Tiolnity, SOOC«H attend OVBTJ man of AJIKHIOXS PIC—There is nothing new to J. SeoretArjr and Trtaanrer Dr the CUth Theladiuof St. John V churolt deilre t o i i iort in this trade, badness continuing very praee, Ulroli nml Wild Cherry Bnora can- 111 13 GWt. Democratic Club. It U ttnoK* vhat errors irou their tiftnks to Kmyflert'CorHet B M 4 t i excelled for family i w , No ce o Se emen ill Prices remain about the same, with a good follow like Vni, will Hmetinwa make, Uitir eEfldnnt Rid in'cnterUintaK tbo vlilBriok Drug Stora, bUhluuied 1851. tendonoy to flrmnCKs. We quota standard oui iMlloMW to bs patient wtththoDoroooi to ths garden pwry hold on Tuesday r N w m U U m KT A freib stock of drags, medicine*, perfn. B^Cpod^e.mftnagBr. A. completo, itock irandBl No. 1 Foundry «30®«H; No. 2, Powder and Boot H K A U m r tiU ire set all of tliat kiod outftfit. m a i n i o f l H t . v M k ' i and to_ axpr' j n i e f flnigi a n d medloinna, ftnoy artidea, m W i g i l S ; and Oroy Force, 9173418, vith cut- ; wuolesnlf) and retail a t S, II. Berry OL CO.'S nery, Innoy arttolct, pnlnts, oils and glau LOUR FEED GRA N BUTTER A t o n * belonging to Exproaimtn W u r got ippreciation of t t e unellfnt intuta' iBnuexStreet WHOLESALE JOBBER and U m instantly in stock. W. 11. floodale'i. itlaaiidghiai. PliysloianaproBoriptlonscarc. nrdware Store, Sign of tbe Padlock. ie brands from Wc.@*l lower. Foreign that ooowion. , : CHEESE EGOS taught In th? foot twtWHn tUo plaaking and Icalrr ID "ffinci.Lifinori and Oigarp, is Ri O O O M fnlly p u t u p . isumer is nominally #10S$19.BO. SpiogMMONDAY N m lira; t i every purchaser at a tbonpandoig rail at the depot on Tnctday night, throwing Y K D o Apple P i n t 1 ! .OB ii nominally «27.Wg»29 for 30 par eent, m wH mU U m IcBortDrUk* HAKDSOMEOIilVnlttip, ilze 2.i3(J.Everyhim down. :Thopl«iikUigh«d to be torn up MAHOA L M w w m mw Try T i f f u j * Allni'i G r t i m Soda. •mall bUBlnesa having been done daring the iroDota. at 8. H . Berry & Co.'i Uardware nda Water, SarBoparlllaand Veirsit Ginger Kidylnwtut cf-iijlLlug In bis line ibould *nd a iplka polled beiore the Dobnal oonldlte .Iffatiy II Alien, of Datei, offer special Iam m OU AU U A great fJtToxite for family m e . <i 8te», Dover, N.J. Ie for fejofly OH. taoeneoU ta tha tnde, gtva aim M, oill u>d profit thereto. m m 10m A DX D U A nleued. He voa quite •erictul; lamed. Saturday, Sept 13,1884, yfy ng at J|lt, Olive day. • . . ^ -';'"; . j Tho back bouo of tlio hot weather is upim? 1 cntly.iiraken. Ectwud Eimblo, of Stockholm, baa been DI gigod as teacher of tbo Troy nobooi. Tim nuuj^gement of the FUrriow Bpo&e Cimihom LDB paewd Into tlui bnnds of H. W Kulgbt. C O R N B R r>_=lXTC3- S T O R E , DOVER, N. J. GARDEN SEEDS, PAINTS and OIL. KALSOMINING MATERIALS. INSECT POISONS. REMEMBER EMBER R. KILLGORE. SPRING OPENING DRESS GOODS! SILKS AND CASHMERES, SILK A O WORSTED SATTINES, LANGTRY CLOTHS, OTTOMAN CLOTHS, LADIES' CLOTHS, tfs&erres S.I CAMBRICS, GINGHAMS, SEERSUCKERS, Etc. BOOKS, STATIONERY No. 6 NEW BRICK BLOCK, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONERY " D O V E R , INT. 3. 1884 1884 HARDWARE STORE, SEGABS. US rottr::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FALL TRADE- SPORTSMENS GOODS AMMUN T ON PICTURE FRAMES AKER, PRATT & CO.'S School Furniture. A. TATI0R & SON, HAD! CYGLES TR CYCLES Horse Equipments, VBLOOIPBDBS-:- P RN D , mi T FFANY & ALLEN WARREN S DOVER SUSSEX S GROCER r GROCERIES GIVEN AWAY. . J. BACKOFF, PROVISIONS Expor ud akes pr iti.l tlicv ci'iild lint c l i a l k h i m t h n t T f i n e a n v t l AS CMEAff VOYAGE. \'r r.ni-ti-il BIi.vllli- ni KWJ, n t e n d e r l At 1:30 P. « . Aiisutt 1*:, itie Meam.-i Jim-ftiii,mi.i-ita.jr*. Ten liour* will brim niioriaoi the Author line asi'n-d frotn w l i c n ' f t . ' i>Aiwft I). V. t o 1 Y kkfo for0I 0I*)! A ^ (L / i t ;orv. E. A.STOUDAHI tail e t« wi»h tie " li- 1-wu vnv«i:». C a i n . i>f K1BH.II']S. ' : ~ , man. t IOBT HOREIfi. i<«i<4i. tola- Alwi.rd,M;«.«i-. r.n.l Mr. I Iinvf b e a r d iit'wliijciiiiiii l.ui I miH.v *!f ..IIV w . BTAHHQPE, u l i i h . m t uu n f:iu;.l luijt mi vlik-lt 1 *iiil« -am hvtv t o Sumli'iix Mir o t h e r ni^lit mill ju «o tniiK- ilmt It wi>nt aruuml tlio A*i>i < it- I'lii.tnin liljx II k l l t i i i iiml nlliiiviil tli tiitnin 1 , .ihildii'ii to handle il tn iilfrasuro. I win, niitliiiMtiiit, » >»<•• l i m e lit M o r i * MM. I IN- nllii-r luv'llt wlirii ..limit live <i'rliH< i tlio n e u i i i i : "Qi'd ' ' " i n " 'liiil then- lia o-ii ii iullii>iiiii lit M u c k Hock C u t , m i l •'iitt'rliiu, mid i Njicnt H I T cviiuiiifr t h n t ' ii I1 Tiietv arc cabin pin* !(;, hM ..« !• A t W BRUEN & BUNNELL Tliose whoititttiiiii'il (be ma** EIUOIIUK I MorriKiowii I»nt TliiirHdas' evening wt-rc vet uiiitb i)lea«ed witb not only tin' Hpvakiui; In with the grand d«nioiintrutioniu all other n H o o l i a w a y , KT. O".f HIQB BBID0E BRAUCH. QEUMAN VALLEY, OHESTEB, DOVEB BUckmUSMtt, Cour, ltO0KAWAY,BUJJl>'8 LASE, LAKE H0PAT0ONO AND SCHOOLEY'S 1IODKTA1N. Time tablefor passenger trilns, to take cflocl JUNE n-1, 16S1. Of tlie M a t aid mint UnprmJ »inBi»giJiil;lioindpii»te bnMtagl. A l PAW)£HOEK BTAI10KC .•.ortment of 8to«l, obe.p tor o u b . IN SBV Tons, foot or Liberly St., North river. BEFORE TAIMB. a 8 e q l t ^ c t of AFTIR TAIIN8. Suir-AbuKO; a* IOHB of M>-mr»ry,Universal t w dtiidi', P a i n m flio B a c S , Diniueaa of vimou, Pninftturo O Old A R C . BIII! many and t h a t Ii l to ity or IN BitooxLYK, (Brookljn Bridge i V r . ) IxFuibAUEuaiA, depots Oth and Oruoo, and G OFTXAIHB, ijiiiiciiis to refund mooey, j LEAVE tlm d i ii rrni u!i>iin 1 A.M. P.M. r . iioiiKlit DO NO T T UEFUNI , b»t b refer you !i UE Tork 4.01) 1)00 4.t. iliBmBonlaclorcrs.aiiil Hio r c q a i r t i n e n U s r 8.*5 8.S0 sooh t i n t Ibay aro eul.loui, II u v t r , complie< Urooklyu ft. Hilton st PfllLiDELPBLA, with. Hoe tlieJr writleu p u w a n t e o . A trill Cor. Dlh ttid Ureen i t e . 8.90 of one aiufrie pschaRfl a! Oriiy'a SpeciUowi " BdaudBerka " 8.t!D S.iiO convince l i u nioxt skii>iical of »a real m t n t Trenton...., 0.00 4-31 On i c c o n n t nf I'uuntirfi'it". we h a v t adoptc Newark 4.00 9.06 the Yellow W r a p p e r ; tbc only g e n u i n e . EUzabetb ; 4.40 9J0 4.87 MW Full urn ticularn In u u r j'auipbliit.wblo BouudBrook , 5.2B 10.03 CIS wodtmlro t o send Ircu liy mail t o ovoryoni 0.10 * - •. . 7 . D a 10.<0 » * • T b c fiivclfle Mwlicitif it mV\ by all fl.39 .. SM 10.63 IrucfiiKls ai f l ppr ji.iok*R*. o r *ix p a i ' l u p 6.9S Vernoj 80S 10 67 Fur Hi, n r will bo - c u t Ire* l«y m«il ou t h e i 8.8) Middle Valley 8 1 3 11.09 fl.8S German Valley 8.91 11.10 ti.K.I.J.1.1 " (| fjrt 11.15 0.2(1 a.4> Sold in Dover b j \V. B- OJOUALE. 11.11 Bittley fl.81 0.41 8.8(1 ii.n Flanden 6.6! 8.S0 11.31) Gary'* CM 8.K U.M Dralseiville 7.04 BILIOUSNESS. HS It Is surprising liOW OJFICZ-HAHOKAIi CSIOH BAMK UJG. D O V E R , IV. JT. Lenllyanthorjsed (gent of thefollewingOrBl olaMOompanieB-theoeitln tie world! the Boston Cloti,fns I(lff 8 t o e is selling their goods. ,re can see It, and we hear it, and we also notice following prices: Men's Snlts LONBON onJ LIVEBPOOL and GLOBE, Capital 820,000,000. EEBOBENE OIL, LANIEUNSAND Capilal»10,00l),000. BIUTTANIA WABE, Aful assortment of TIN & JAPAN WARE, Men's Dress Suite LAUOAflEtEE ol HADOEESTEB, BOIAL OF LIVERPOOL, Capital 810,000,000 FBANELH) OF PHILADELPHIA, FBDIT OAKS, to, U K BOOFDfG,' BATES, TBOtGHS,HUDSON Capital $6,000,000. to $30.00. Men'ts Pants 86c. lo»5.65. Boys' « 49c.to$i..jj. Scliool Suits $1.50| 0 ij OOUNTT, Jeney City, Keiml 11.30 4.05 7.07 LEADQlMmlall kind! of Jobbing: Inmjlln", Boys'DrcssSiiits$ii.50|o Bilious symptoms invariably PortOrarn 11.(8 1,19 7.17 donelo tho beat manner and at tbe inorteal Capital <3OO,U0O. arise from indigestion, such as ) 11.SS 4.S0 7.91 notice. Highest prims paid for old Iron, Kortli Brill.b and Heroantlle Inatrance Co $5.6!). 13.00 4.39 7.80 furred tongue, vomiting of ol London aid Edenbnrgh; upltal IID.OM.MO Copper load and pevtar taken In exthugt ; A.U. A.U.. A.U.V.M.t.U, )lle, giddiness, sick headache, aonnan ValJoy 7.168.80 U.18*.86 6.46 Comnerclal Union Aeaurance ConipnDy o: ALEXANDEB WIOHTON. rregrular towels. The liver CliCHlor Arrive 7.80 3.<B 11.13 ISO 7.00 London | oapiul V,,0<tt/JW. Men's IlneiiPnnlsOSf. DeoembaMtn.1870. W sesretes the bile and aots like Tha London Aumranoe Corporation ol a filter or sieve, t o cleanse ImLondon, capital W,8W,000. A . M P . U . P . V . P. II Men's Dusters 75 ets, to purities of the blood. By ir- looluffay 6.at 1.S1) 8.10 6.(0 Sprlngleld Fire I n m n u w Co., Hassuin. regularity In its action or sus- )ovor 1.S9 8.18 fi.ig pensions of Its funotions, the »ort O « m a'.ti l.(S 8.E8 6.61 S2.00. 6.4S i.iis e.ot VflsteheRter Fire Lumnnoe Oompuiy fi bile Is liable to overflow Into Kenvii 1.01 0.07 a.u New York, capital tEOO.OOO. the blood, causing jaundice, DnkoBTille.., 6.40 1.0S 6.18 [jjryji. Hats and Caps 5c. to$2.J5, 6.63 sallow complexion, y e l l o w 1.11 6.16 i Amuoui ti,ooo,oa 1.16 6 21 lartloy..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.!"!. S.63 eyes, bilious dlarrhraa, a lan- Nughright DOVEB, N. J. FIBE ABBOOIiTION O? PEILADILFBU. 7.00 1.30 6.39 guid, weary feeling and many Qerin an Valley Call on him mid convinco 7.08 (.28 6.89 Ann, (3,SOO,00l . 4.35 6,(6 7.15 other distressing symptoms. tiildlo Valley •unuorvituor crnoy 1.(0 6.68 ?.aa OlPITll 600,™ yourselves. Biliousness may be properly ialiron 7.34 1.U 7.0S termed an affection o f the EIigliBrtdfiO 6.00 7.30 Arrive 7.89 6.43 9.06 liver, and can be thoroughly loand Brook.... " 8.89 0.1010.00 " 9.15 cured b y the grand regulator illeabotb 6.86 [uivark *• 8.43 7.16 of the liver and biliary organs, 'renten " C.83 Initloe of tbe Feaee ana Police Higlatrate fhiladelpbla BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Act 8.26 " 10.09 upon the stomach, bowels and Oor.SdandBorkB 10.00 8.06 " flth ind Green " 7.00 liver, making healthy bile and Jrooklynlt.Poltonit" 10.00 6.10 10.40 " P.611 pure blood, and opens the cul- Now York TUEIR CELEBRATED A.M. A.H. A. M.P. M.r.M verts and sluiceways for t h e Chester 6.60 8.00 10.60 4.10 6,06 Best In Ilia market. TOO Bold br ae. STANHOPE. outlet of disease. Sold every- Gorman YtUey _ 7.0B 8.16 11.(5 4.85 6.20 How dull nnd chaugvd everything teem where and guaranteed to cure. AC1MG H A R R O W . Trains loivc Kenvil for MioniBink and Lake ilnee the fumarn has mtsptuded oporutious HopaieoDg at 0:15, 8:E0,11:36 i . Jt.; 7:10 p. u . itill I would odvisi our tradesmen not to Is the best blasting powEagle Wheel C u l i i v a t o r , Tee] too blue ulmut it, aa all indication.* point For . l i e l y IT. II. O00DALE. For all sUtloni to Ogdeo a t 8:50 A. » . Coaaday h u l k ) P l o w ;o arunowalofworkwltliiua very short time, der in the niiirket. OoDvoysncog can bo procured at Gorman MIHB Fonl, principal of tbe Hontii Stan; Valley to and Irom SCIIOOIBT'S Moantaln, «uJ IRON and BRASS CASTINGS, at FltDdon to aod from Bnud'i Lake. Grain and Garden Seed Drills, Is 25 per cent, stronger jrvedly popular aniongat all UISBBUB lieu EACTON OOKNECTIONS.—OonncotloQ It maSe hns retuniud ready tn resume her duties ueil FOBQINO of all DESCRIPTIONS. it Hlffb lindge to and from EitBton. Wnlter A. Wood's Moiveis, iouday. She 1B slopping nt tba Mansion than any known explosive. E, WOOTTEN.aeo. Manager. MORRIS OOUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co. Freeman Wood. FORCITE Thf cmlu.i'il vni* fi o u r dollnr bill n n d I eliti m t i u ' d it IIVIT t o Clmrlfy H u k e r w h o i * t r y i n g o tim A* wo • n niiix1 xi'iui! more for h i m . I unileratamt imrd i isjfiiiii ai u t t ( 11 iliiv. O u r i.nt tin -re m i ' nbont W mi tlin p n j u r ut,v.; wbich fae MTO I d a y ut KM 'ifS tailcii. ilcii. O On Jtu Imvs bnvu Bubarriboil between ibom, Tilosd:iy tii* t l c u routilirr ami tli port i'lilitiuiil tiiUiiit-T« a m v o l i puoiiijb, b u t li« wlm i tlio ur r give* 1« tlie jiour IODIIK to t b o Lord. r l d AU t ii k l l b r e e i c mailo it iieerswiry tn ti Mr.Ciim* v>»n leader nf the Stunbups licfomi sails, Mill wo finjoyed wnlkinj: Chili litHt Kimdiiy II ml hi; WMH UC[],C,\ nut nioM tlifl s t i ' m o f t l i o VII'DHCI n( I h l ' u , i!xi-.i-!li>iitly bv air. Trmiiuc of Andovcr. who ( h r d ' a b u t « n * Mown (IVM-IK"" iiniilc (me of tlit ulili'dt, moat riumifni unil . muy funilh)] » m-bnl.irly aililrcBsi'H il linn beau my fcirtunn l o : pBHVrm]!o.,rMo _• •— ntlic'r' - .>iJurey'n !ire oliieketid ilmt liKlPiitn. Mr. Triuwitt 1B y o t a younji limn li»ve feovoml uiuuuil our v»-«i*l day liy d m . tip wim xiiii! to have been me of the ploiwun At mum w aljclitoil tla«> Ainlr-n ftoni Hull, uf tlir Nnwtmi Kefurm Club. H o w a s nt mm England, llic IPBVJ wn ninde n*. nil miii'I. tluip iirhirlnal of the iniillo scliool u t I" lint w« mini'to IIIWIIV Thu lui; frllit IW WI-iiml bohln thf (Himn ]m»itlon a t Ainlon jundolf74 lullmt in this, mir third dnv out. e bjiTt) lui un«t » t benrd heard tlio tbo liwt last «f of Mr. Mr. OOOZ, PABLOE, HEATING STOVES, RANG-ES, SXWPICE. Freeman Woodj Hot Air Furnaces, INSURANCE AGENT, it? uvw I'nwliytiTiau p.iiwoungc will be i nrruuged bulhllug if I'lanutd nitor tbc ;t:etiun uf Or. Iloanliii.ui. thi; ]iii«tur. I-B. Win. Ji, BtuckhouttL', of this place, immnih iti(! (bath of litir mother, Mr*. John 11. LoFey, of .Vitwton. She lms tbe »vn M i l l ftjl i)iitiivofh(Tmiiiivfricml«iii tliis vicinity i I till! L'CIl " I iievprhmt »)»('<•« iiflin-tii] I hi- m<\ ntHiniou.' l'iii-ti.'iihirlvu.^'laiKluid!' OurdnJUflt.trcBtill roi.Huues to flourish, itul when if fi'Il iiji.iii tin-(lour aiitwitliHlaiiitiiig thr uMatuiIU liitule on it beW e jm«ni!ii I ' l l * litliit T u n furc tt I I l d J I l fore tho h t c grmiii jury, 1 iiiiitii' I'IIIIII itii'iiui AJudyl.ytWuumenf WO.UIK will tuidma Iliut 1 lime uoi ll'nl nl nitirih tin- ii'Jiinii d u b lie11 Subtiulh. Slic eomliict «; t h e It**,, »• <>( I 1 .- liiiml." « I thkCiil Ciil tbui I ' . d l'cviviil WTVICCH in Port JIorHs u tt\ Hi.. Ling ll«- liviii),' ii i-urn iifio. Miu Di.olillle siia iiiuon« ulnur Tlio Si'ii.liu'i *».|llirtd<,.v. annnuueiug her eoinlnu. Nn doubt th m t uur IUUUIM, I T . SlnilihilU, till' , Hill, ciiiriiiwr, i* nil ou hiu. — .._. jiniioiit It' bear Lei will be large. Kjmuu u u lionut. In.j,iji unatilr Ir. u<< fur me Siittnrtluv iiiftht. marly ui The theiiuoiueU'r aloud !HI degreea abov j service, l u ibt> iiftfiliocm iiml a* n nmiit use- He cuid tbnt IIR- fel eio lu«t SuniUy in tbe atiede, »u it U said by JI. lold im tUut tl.. r, UIIH. t lutd MtCMtl uiu.ii: in i L c d m 1 «oiue obsarrers. J u t one thing U certain - plujuwni reLojiiiii .. uf t-olk-u iier when liu ("aid tbure WIIL >.. thut we bavo not had au much extreme bot frtomls look pluee al tht> t.ililf wh lied. Flint it was uune of tbc iiublk'r. btiaiat out! time for many years ]>B8t. crt-aiurttiu lir*l muni u , tbc f i.vwuy: that I wnu nut mui'b uf a ft;], cuutber Evurytllug ia o,uiet uiutl tlii* IulruilncediiRtou KHilIennHi nu', uuyiiuw, ur I would uot Stuvc jmt it in irmiiid bere ut prtst'iit. in v>o|Uk'u!Amcui 1 •inn. A ..voiiug g link,, a uteri' (i sidpiit In (liijicr; ilmt uutmily liud ovi-r uililci] uji Ai tlnir. imriiull It'll in our rure l.i .v!n,l was (iu tbt- |iii|.t-r until Hint munii ir. Hull Hull \>Hu \>Hu imriiullv •-•-• i b n# we I«ft Ift Sew S Vi.rk, BO we !i:i'.' v,lii'ii .lubu U.'i.iimii luukd il IIII aud it «<ai ulbei BUSS'S L A O , ryy plcwuut iinrty. The (liiv van am calii. tuftl.7ti,utid buwaniml me to knuw i t win 41 We are naviug eitreraely warm weather— wlta itcel clitia and Canada spruce IUUIU moiipy, too: tla-ra vent tiot tlilintt w eciiielji j I n a iw r o ri; i mall . Di'iiiorriitio HipiibliiHii dollur in il. Tlmt lit) wn» jn« liuety-fuur degree* iu thu shude—renchiu which in Umoleiw. TJieyKlre Ihu bf«l «[ satin Suiue wie sit \nuAi remarked "our frii-mJa me t'ulii^ In tell tlit' 1'iliinr of thu IIION BHA if li but point for several auya past. The grouu faettnu. They also ko<p Pit stock '• THE NEW jirnuniilf iJityiiiK u s - w o niifrbl mtlit-r in itiiv it* urttinjf quite di-yntjuiu. EMPIRE" llot-Air, Gas and BaBo-Biirmne tlieiu." lit. ttttHl.lunl rq.l.^l " , , m v w w n <!M mil **«*»!< i.ubliwhing tliu t n u h m ,d fiiollsh On UV,li,,,B,liiv, S>)it. ;i,l. a number orSuu Cooking Btore, tlio limit bikliip HIDTU lu u v uur frieuJn lit hump ntv imiviii'i; fur u*iifriH »»<iit fnttii luif lie would st«i» his )m|ipr Ai^aWfifiiNJortmuMl of other style* IIIUI tlnir n r a m J » iiiinivu-e.l.'1 lJV>tui«wp.>ll nnd nil Ib.' nlht-r J>mu<Hr»lH U]. around II'TP liny SobiioU met here aud held a iiJt-nio uu world. Kitml Shom. Thti auhnolri wore Uuioii Qrovc, of CooklneHtovoK. nanice". 1'nrlnr Stoves. Jtc, l^Humled with init- ntlirnmtiic VIII.T. 1( is for B0MME8 AND WINTER USE. Af u ({rent favor to luTirim' mmiHtniiK'd In tin-»o^'iiVT.iid'n!!lBk!il>KV00- Hu ir tit. Olive Baptist aud Presbyterian, and tlie oliulce stock of HtBDWAHK, CDTIiL... ' iol nt the Lake. All Eoetned to greatly ot tin UDtiun iifu VI'HPU] liilorr I'lifiiiiiileiiii;; lii'iivr IClU 1 WOlllilliav.'tO CtliP till- <,.mm..JIlP,!KH'K iv tln'inmlvet; in lnmtfni; and other ways. O i u i , Wooden, Copper. Plain and Japanned (wuis. Tuefliat ilny mil wv turnip 227 miW Wli.ii. 1 lukfil him win-re IIP l i u r i l H ] liln d e a d . Oil t / l o i k OarpoU, Lamps, Oil MOIMUI.V moniiht- tve mv a xliij,, nlwtiv* ii III-MIM. " ( I . W P M . lie did n o t m M l n to h u r t _ _ .IreaaiM w a n made by i f i n . T. P . Cloncey TINWARE. Patati t o d Oils, bird Cages, Feathors, Pratt'e nud John H. SchitQeld. Tlio specehoa were lmniiiifn! (iglit i ' glit a l H-II In tlio imylwily." Forwhk'l.mMfhtlmi.kB. H c a a l d Astral Oil In on eirloiivr.) Alto, UpaUn in sboit and liumoroua. •ignaUeil i U l a »1JI|< 1I of f tt, tt i c n r i r litiu. d h i t l i u r l my .ci'liiigft lit-cittiM! i b e v wi-P' K«ing GOAL. Booftnj;, PhiQibfitK and 3u\t Work Thu Forest Htiu«e and J . D. Uuddhave nfew ebowtd itirfiti n-d II^III The Aiirlior liti to iv.ir.L- „ Cleveland nud ll,.ml-i,k« ( b f i i i n to. Fnirbank's Scilei at Kiardera yet. If tbis weathor coiitinuos a promptly attended filiowa rwl ami white ullcruutil tl <l Hint ui-i'iiuiiti'il fur tliu milk iu tliut cni'onnui price*, Tliov aluo baro one 'DW weeks it will bring muiiy from the citiea. msnufacturer's it 410 fee* loug by 43 wide. Vd' ( . ;ii i m i l k In IVNirtclluwl I ili.n't enro if lie p n l n b 111 of tbs above acales In front of Ihotr ptaco uf Knnncrs are now busy in netting ready for busitiosB lor pablio irdglilng. t k i linw lint j o i i ' w i l l lit- chitlk, this I- mi hiwn n i l mill MitnlH'ta i t w i t h Clevilnrid am Old It on, Copnil aowlng. •\i* IHIRS. Jttw wou't h u r t my f o o l i n p U\ E \ i \ \ H nHmn : u ,ii n II nwn urmiml per, BraBi,Load, Bags»cd Otoeubtcks takek (la o Quito » number of voter* nvailed thomnd ymi V»y H 1 hit. I t i n u of my l iclnteol the true riilo offertil from Stanhope pnncd, Tlie SUIIKII ulnji i>wwiihlii H iiioi Oiilv I Bic him fai (j Uorriatown to iittond tbe Itepuhlieau m< ' ]ilav RlmrUit-bunril; round IIMTCH t<J IIOIHII ni'i> i»li<-i' that , d , t m I thfuk it n firv lug. A number went from the Lnku and ... a l i n e d o » r clmlkrd KIM, ( 1« n.,.l , , m ! n l !• i i l t f i R in i h h oE E R A were pleased with tlie speaking. I waa pleas- Also, maimfaclarrri or BUUIIOU'N Self-Tig U lo B u u b e r a t b c p n n r in n-ronUsl for i l l h . ' r i) tint it lu—and take, t h e conee- ed to BUO so many of uur Democratic friouds eulns Wiru BprhiR Btd Bottom. Hide. Tbflevond cabin i.ii^i-ii,- f . ps mimfttmo« hAi 1 «ct on M r . Hill's engine along to hear tlie iisuca discussed so ably. d n u u s o u t l c r k m u l lmvi- nld n i t m t r v ginnc* We would welcome then) iu tbo Itepiiblicau OHpleuuitit fwitUp, whitf HIP litili.' hiiii* run kg. A few cars were aauvaaicd on tko . ithonucful insects light ii|itln> Mcii.i-NiiMiallv m y fei'lliisit imiMi tuoro wlii'_ , choice fur President. Dlnlno itnd Ijogan look lu tlio wiiKi-of a venue!. (In Tiittulitv iiiDrniiiL' A-imr noli' frnni Dnvor lll« o t h o r lie load with 165; Butler, 50; Cleveland, 18; WOWITO iiKcrcrti-d In neciuc ihrni cntt tin 1 .•.y-T-ut i t , 1(1 t it irnrfl tin D o v e r pout m a r k ,t. Jobu, 12. The Ml. Olivo and b W log. Thirt l» muilr ur hruM -I) *><>. luii K . in Sept. pt Ct|,; t|,; DearBirHe DearBir—He kind enou enoucti lit for- mps baiidH noooiupaultiil the crowd. Our form like the w m * of a r u n n i e r , h s revuhi. th nuclosod l d to t the h poor f fnl lf riendPotlertbiuksIiutlor will be elected. rdd the tkiiiKileciilMlinrnpiilitv of iiwtimi ami tliiund ID do I - t o slay a t homo. a t>v rou in tbo EUA ttiis ia recorded on tho Jog itmlf. T I I I T lanvi- il " ' A tint 4 hum-*, tbi' l.'iiinli uf out- wilt rli. T i n ' off Handy H >.ik a UNION HALL BUILDING, CHEAT TRADE M M ''AH no- allE AOEMH FUR Our public schools are now ngaiu iu fu iirotiWM. nud h»v« atitttml oil Hiuatlily and liopii will I'liiitinue so Itiruiijiliout tbe yen The Vait Morria wJionl will commence o Monday n«'il with Mr. Prier iw teaclier. JiuilrnmliuK is Mat-king ulf euius this uu.ut THE OLP STAND, PHILADELPHIA 4 BEADIKG E, B. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. m A D E MARK ^ T u t STEAM ENGINES, POWDER A. B. SIION. OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS J.HAIRHOUSE AIR COMPRESSORS. SILAS DELL, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Hnuso, which remindB me of tbo great ubaii which hich hint taken place at tha that hostelry niu H. P. BAT.DWIN.Qen, Easterc Pass. Ag't. EEAPEES AHD BINDER! h d it iinagement oome 0 inont it changnd its miinagement ntni g Is not as dangerous to 0 . G. BANOOOR, Gen. POBB. i T'c'k Ag" From a very ordi ordinary country fnu iitk k eonnidered u hotel eonniered hotel, whieb far neatuass, handle or transport. Thomas & Held Wheel Hay Rates, ti d tbo tb excellent of its table li nud VedtU'ridltJ, Allguat lillli, uureym ui.ciiitl mi ic Mr. Cone "aid lio made up ltifl mi ml ittoution offare for gale t b s following propertlos: aladensonwliiciirjoim rliMijEni to urc.n n» iol tit dlwitM (MOEIIIS 4N1J K a t E i D1VIHIOD.) n p e t "f of tinilifirimB the political aspeet tin tot cxccoiliid by any hotel iu tho State. AMERICAN HAY TEDDERS, EHILIO. tlio clnmlw In nuiiir inenMiiT ilfonrnu'tl W<> •'uippniiuf iiuu«tiou Is plastic and produces Int. Tlio Store Building on Dlaoknoil street Bpotuin New Vorb, foot of Barclay Bt. aad ti on n Nnnilny iiifternoon— aroolTtlipHrunil Hniittt uf N«w l'.niiidliiinf Ni.iiioWi'duexdiiv ev^niliK. 8omo mm in tin now coouplud byJoliuDiwo, ono of tlio host roolofUUriatopliarBt. VICINITY JTEWS. aud the finals mr« tlm jrnfii ml or. Jn ilii-ti iindifiii-n Hiiiil "'it will huvMi. wiino It) thnt.' Lever and Tread Powers, business looatlnns in Doror. VHter it lndi' n ikik hlnu tint. Wo linvr mini - •• Wi'll," PtuHrl Mr. Cojie what in nost Weilniss 8DMMEU AUDAKOEUENl'6. Tbo hog cholera bus reunited Warro.. mnch less l'limes. .Lyon'B Fan Mills, 2IM»iilGi<intliiMmir Cunil, il Ily mU. Alumt ilav eveiiiim-u bu Mil can meeting or what! ountv. Williuiii Myers, of New Village, Uommeuuing UUNCAY, JUNE 16tU, 1884. 2d. House nud Lot on tho atillbrook rotd nltn'clorkwaiuaM>i1n IWiing subwipr tin- Tlm aiumn v.dee mir.were.1 " I t U a St. John st 36 in threo wwki. Threshers CIeniierB,&e L E i V E NEW lUUX. irmerly owned by Jorotno 3 . Young. Is waterproof ana (^blll-cd nil tlio TlMlliH, i'S I'll ill) gi'tl tliu WllVc of iiirDtaiiii." And Sir. f'opo laughed ind HRM Itcv. J. Dellmt Druen van iusutlled pastor A17I9IOA. Ai. lEaaiou Ainu 'Iraln),oonlut IIH nine," lind tlifyHimit. Tlio l'mn- )(tlieyirsH'resuyterinn Church, llulviilun>, liuudkerclilt'tN. ()ur fai.lniii, -lulm B. Sinn)I, " well ; wllli.tlio iluuutou Urauubat DmiviUe 3<1, Two Honsos mil Lots oa Crane Hill; 1 ruliit^d a lilKiiHiint imuili-iK, Kin y,<w Ibis iil i111 iiiiTiniti.r^d ill'it JirOi •> . Hi ••»"'• • tluGuoaterBrauoli t t Dover fur ist Monday. Is sold as low us any oilier ;oud pruncrtttisfur iliuae doairing residenoes. nrl Mllfldt^w • I I.e. ^« ..« w I ) * Il^_ _ .1 ntoiiUi, wlion lie vina CfiuniiuiidVr (if the would Ivud nest Snmloy auil i t w n a . _ . ._ acOfttuuuntndUliestori HieBUHBeiUftilroad Iliilfviiiot the (Minis lini', i.iir lluttio ]!1L-HH tlutt Mr*. WIIIMU, tlm fevmign.int, kn»Hii to l'utnlocs show Bigus of rottiu(j in Warren 41 li. A firm or 00 acroe. potr UoOilnsi'llle, t Watorluu.forAuiJover.NafftonaucUllBta. 1'Httorntiirlciliinny with him t'U Ju-r wuv to tnoat of diir l*ort Miirrb folks, would be lunty. They retail in JluuketUtowii for litgh explosive. Ti'li Kiwi building*, and all under a high loiia; tiieD.,L. & W. H. B. at Waalilngtcn forty cents per I d ] I'urein, no ho lui, lutfKMtnl iw l.y hi* l u l i W itale of cultivation, (Hneceaaors to Ira 0. Coupor,) liiriliumuliaiJliQak,Witeraap,Btroiidaburg, iiriliumuliaiJliQakWiteraapBtroiidaburg iu into we bive. August 'Jlst lifonylit m fn« It vtu'a MI.1<1 that tlieru would be a Suuday Tlie omidorcea of the Oxford Irou Cotnnauy dorantou, lUnglianitoo, Uuoa, Uiolillelu 1>ut »(iiiit-t a Ufa, tbcxuu pltrci'diTu! mistt. ail Scliwi! fiih, A farm of 30 aoroa oa tlio road from 3prlng8,Homor, Oortlind, ayraouse, Osvecc jjiitlieriiift of xuuiu kind in Staiibo] it Ozfortl, Wnrrcu ouunty, hnvo hnv boon MASONS A1\D BUILDER n uotifted uo ilie tnoruing mlvHiicttil ntul WP «-,.« iibk- to ou Hie lBlh HIM, Bcrvleeo iu llic M. __ iffftten ir to Oiieuter, with a ffond prospect fur lior cent, rediiotiou and points on tbe Laoktwanna and flloonnt t d t i in i t their hi m l k o u deck. W e burr inndc s » | inilm iu (ilinrtii in tbo itiiiriiinj,' ut wliinh Hcv, Mr. ;o tuko oro. Large dwelling with eight rooms. burtc aud Delaware %u<& Hudiou Jtulroads; cfl'ect on the 15th In at. tills our fifth dny mif. Thi'V rmnit from mum Hnllowny, of Dovur, la to nnike some reinnrkn. RottPliilllpBborg ffitliLehlRh Valltj-liail' A. Klots: Sc Son, of I l a c k e t t s t o w n , received ContraetB Uken and materiale fnmiBlied for tn noon ovwy ility. It b«m bm-u n linmtifiil Tins mid nil goods pcrtaiainj; lu tlit tnul<'. mid i-vinliii' Btrvitt-s will bo road and banish and Suianelianna ttailroad oar load of stock t h o other ilny In whioh Office: 55 Liberty St., N. Y. liny ou the sea, imteb ounlcr ii^tlic nftcnuioD IH'M afti'iiiijiin in Ilii! l'rraiirtnriNU Cbiiroh, nt wMck ,'ore 10 sheep a n d ID eulves t h n t h a d b e e n fur Bethlehem, Mauob Chunk, Beading and adruiiccd. A mmic nf )iidi> uin! «*vM ifiivu cx- Ili'V, Mr. CUT T l l t S OUT n r i l . D I N O S , BRIDGES, Sloiircm.iif Haekcttatown, null Itov. filled b r t h e h n - u k i u g down of n c o m p a r t LARGEBT AND B E S T STOCK 1c t h e Htate. Harriibnrg. 7ih. A good farm of about 100 acres and roicniise n f t « dinner. A l>\v smi KUllr) wi«w, t'hnrli'jt Nntt, of Wiifliiuiitoii, will in like ad- nent. At TtUU A. M. filDuUautcii Mail (Drawiut, {limcfl wltlilu tlireo-qmrlfiri of a milo ot tlie Been flying umiiiiil. We J.HHSCII n burli limmv whether oIJUUOX 01 BTONE. Works: Drakesville, N. J. ioota OarsattaobedJ Iium Hew York via. Pat•ward bound, iiml udikd tnhur frt-iuM tn.iutm- iln-^HiH. The Sim dny ttehool workers untieiDover poflt-ofllcu. Tho innnagorB of tlio Husnex C o u u l y F a l l irsou audfl<JODton,rnostbrougli to Water Itcrod grind for nil friend) Aiigtint :'1HI. We C ave isaued un edict t o tin- en'uet thut u c Office OD MorriB ittent, next to former IHO: Greatt Bond Bond m r e r o c k c l lu thp rnullc of I In- Am, IIIHI '"HI'V, Hr. [).H.little talked lrom the text, •alt Also otlicr propertlos ton nutuerons to man- lap, p, tjtroodiburd, i u dBoranton, , , G f l u bnlUIng, DOYBI, S . ) . o r HpirituouM liqiiorit wilt l*e allowed t c Odflinshutm ooanectlag t Do?t;r D iilgM. Kttutljr iwli.»l_ hut Hiiniiill.v, Thin " Lying lii.H lire mi abotniuntiun until the ewjld on, will be aokl ou tfrtvantsfrooun terms, lOdflinshuntim, ooanectlag at with oti thii jjnuniilfl dnrluj; tlio coming Lunl," It^t Siinilny iveniiin. l i t rlloa li and led for thoie doaitlng IOBOII CuoHter llulioad, at Waterloo with Snafui CARPENTER and BUILDER, UOIiEUT T. 8HITH. JOHK J . ECKUAE' xhlliition. M'vmi! kiuilM of l.viiiu, und wunmd hiu Cbi-infonal)ln nvt«». When I am abiaut from lUilroml fur Audovur, Howton and all atatlm (UoTit-ii. ll IH i)iiiit>l>niltl.1. '''ni.^t'we'.ii! liiin liciirern j . ur tutu In rl.v iigitiiiHl noli lieu I Thu lolnl v a l n u t i u u o f ifuleHtntc, t l i i n j u m 17-lr Huu Mr. M. Blauulntrd will aci fur me iu UuiiB; at Delaware with iilalratoWL It;., at BLACKWELL ST., DOVEB. N . J . «ay» wo tnihripil irp|ii!r((n in ji'-tpiihy nn.rn- Iviii),'. " [fvoiitJitk I'f'lititH tntk low, kcef II Murtsux eminty i s mWJMli. Tlit> p h o n a l smen* mattera, iorautou, with ijloomiiburg Division fur Pittivinir vi.Lt> tlowD, kuow wbnt you wmittod in.porty in t a s m i fur 4tl.74H.124. Tlio total ,on, Kiugatou,fflUteatiMre,Danvillo. NorthSILiSDELL, i-bt in »t,2UMlH. T h e nuiubor of imlln nn tnrn. One* in n wli'ilc t'l'i*- ""nViii* ml lit" tit'"1., ' ml do it without any words, or without man; imberlanti, 4o. PaBeengor* taking this •H«cd is 5,775, u loss of 81 from liwt ymir. tomakr tbcfl('n»i,]iLiir like ilm«i,|(.(if mi im- •oiris." Doom No. S, N»tional Dnlou Bank Uniidtn?, train from New fork.Patei-gou andBooolon nitnuB hill tlmt HliutH,imt flit' »]<v ;\* we link Ami no»- tlie Allen Itros. lmvo » mvr kiml Roofingcan connect at Washington with train for A Hpcolnl dlepntoh from I'hllllimhurK flnyH: 334n Dover, N, J . 1 1 1 1 s I'«<oal huaver, ivlio don't lmvo to eat only Thn 'UilUpsburg, EiBton, ilethleiiem. Ule&town, With M U i IsolUUes I un enabled to pit hn boij is pp boij oholcra oliolera ig l a y i n g havoo with t i n II™.' , :""! ,!! !' ".'!'>:• " ' > «• 0. "<"' g W/lmv.. i HarriBbiirKindpoluiBou tbo Let^U Valley, »ii lu u be workn, and it in said he can loud m wiuo 'uo in in tliiB l a t e . W l t b i u t h e l u s t foui this pplace. of its bind for enjoyraout in tliiB section is r Mb dny and Lulilgh BDifBuaqnehauna lUilro&da; at on SLATE HOOFS cheaper Uian efer nsini cfirK of eonl a dav nil alone b r liiniAclf. weeks ika bettvvon Hft.y and a n d sixty y oat. A j ufio ufion between Htt.y sixty IKI^M liogs liaye lime d i e d ulp H d i fliiUlpglmrg wttb Belvldere Ui»ulon of Pa. B. DDne but the best quality of elute and emTl MMIK ThoiiKhkeeatH cotil anil il<%ht*'iu liolllug xburtly after uein^ taken with that dis n t h e n u f l l p Hit drawing n-oiu. Tlm orliambertvUle, Twn tou and PMladelphia. ploying first-class mechanics. I can guarIIP lielongH to the family of never- 9 j ff tlie d i e vritbin tl hog« l di i l tweuty-foui. i t U.ott A. M.BnflilD and OBVDKO EipntB antee material and work In every portion. fawn fawjr nipvlnir th« viirfo. lliov «inj; with .. The men nro imtting him together after the Drat symptoms nf tlm dlseano (Drawing Boom Oars) Water Gap, Stroads- lar. Tar Sheathing Felt alwajs on hand. nlltholrvotkaf Ifala Itind. IWlr niiiaio IK When be gota nturttid I will try :iml ire notlccnhlo, a n d others live for t h r e e duya. burjf.Soranton, Binghamtun,OWORO, Ithaca, BU&SEX Br., (KKITTO xuEuniDOK,) >nnn> intriwtiliK by day ttiHii hv iil«hl. Al lvc you a snnicwbnt brtter (Uscr.|itn>n of Tbc Central House ia one of tho ducat in Wftvorly.Elmlr*, Mouat Morris and Bnttalo. Dated October n t h . I860. ami 23d, cool nu'.l pl.iis.uiit, all vvalkini; n ini. Tiio lioysluivoolirlntcui'd him tlio bij; D O V E R , H .J . One of t h e Invalid!. Also ayrsoanQ and OIWBBO, ooDDcoutig r dock, Mine playing Khulto faourtl. Sou «nl' Itiilinii. Ills section nnd la [iloasnntly located one AND F A S T I S I T IBT Y O U l t WATCH. E. l [ . PAKMELEI : Dear Hlr :—I bivo linen tahBiuglnmtoa for Uiion and Bioliflom Spnug I j i n n anmnilawl one MnUinr> [.orimwi- vvh Jant reoefvod and plsceJ in ponition THRE! I have it rm co»d niilhorijy. tbrnieU it im., B your Uyipepntri, UlabateB, Kfdnay ami ~ luudred yards from the Central depot, mid lwil atnywl fromhi» mhoul a . m U l u* l,y hi. rove .. niifltnke i^aiti. thnt 'Mr. William Hill, I would call eipeoltl itUnllou to m r "I'lUSO PIKE NEW for dome tuna p u t and litvc received BTOCH, being Urge . n d comjiltte. J e*ny \>>e froliL«8iu thnwalor. Tlio w f n ,l mrica j m t CHAS. O.GRIFFEN, At 10.10 A. U. Pover AoeommoOatian. iHinenr, IH JJOIIIK to fling his famoiiH (.'leve- Ultra from It ttina from all of tbe $300 worth of nliout two miuutes wulk from tlio D., L . k. lireeat Mock ot Sliver-ware, Vvt\* »u" 5pu<iuH mr enough t,> krc,i tlio amh.r^nB.y rtth the Hall*. Ininl midlifudrtrks .mniiur to the breeze ut lionctlt At zpre BAKER and CONFECTIONER, At W O O M E t Bzpro Doutor'i modiclUDi that I Love mod In tbe l u i few At 1 I'orl niorriK noxt SntunlnycveniiLgnbout live j-eiri. Bofora Utlng the care 1 WM weak aud tired W. It In a Inrgo rouniy house nnd well furTBE OLD HXLUBLX o'i'Uii'k. You hml bettor cmnu up and timtr out all the time b u t new I u n work all day with ulied tlirauglinut. Always opon to i tlie best insnuer. Vatcliea IOWOU innunincut*. tlio ripeochcs und nee lor yourself whnt iv big out fatigue. -Would n o t b e w l t h o u t l t l u the hernia. CHESTED, M. J . ocnnecUpgatS time they will lii.vt:. 1 hnve not hcnnl the Believe It ia one of tha best raodlclntslu the world. CITY AND TUAXSIENT UOAltDEKS. OPPOSITE THB BANK. E, B. for ftttaton, Wyoming, Kingitonund Wltkea- CARRIAGE PAINTER, AND niiuiOKol the orators yet, though I suppose Venn, BOB LET K. Loaoatnm, I a . , route to tsku cinniunml ,,f• ,r Itemjii-r fr Birre. Piiiengert taking tbla tralu trom New I uotf ready to Berio tho people of Ghenter TEItUS HEASONABLE. lion Till lie aoinc m w u t W Tho E f Somer> Ltne Pa. England to Jspaa, one Itiia bwii i» AiiHtniYori.FatenonandBoontoncan oonneotat Waah. and vicinity with irously donntes this llnt-olDaa notice, Sold b r Robert Klllgors, Doyer. Jin, one is tram UbnieqiolU nnd oim tVoi WM. T. 4LLEN. A well furulslieit BAR aud POOL ROOM conlngtonvlUitrainHo.6. Shop on Clinton S t , Dover. ng inmll about uat Cornwall on tbe Hiidson Their cziiurienct LoareNew York 113.30 P . U ( E u t o n nected with the hoiinc. Por further iurorm An experience of 15 yeara in Dover on tlie In life ore v«W ontfrialnlnn, M lunch on A detncntioii of ladieH frtim too Stallbnjie press) conneatiDg at Waterloo for Andc ALLEN & PALMER, MarvBloui. M th li li i W. C. U. vinitod Flnndure on Wcdneeda T n e w t j n m Almost Newton aud BranehTllto, and nt rulllipab...,, fluent work, is the miarantui, I offtT of ray nddross tlio i>roi>rtotor. 23-1 y « l t e ' t Wood P u r i t e r worta upon -ANDilternooii und nttended a temperance meet. trith Lolilgli Vallev ltailmul and Lcbigh a n ' ability to pleaio the public. My motto IB "Give a a hnmin *yitom. t t Is aach a thorongh Purifier •jatlifactto!. to all." ij ing there and wnrti very much nleatmtl with the ljuaquehanaa R. I t . for Bolhlokem, Ailentown, itrtkca at tba root of the diieasa and by I t l pertheir viHit. A d e l a t i o n of gentlnneg from It Beading and Htrrlaburg. fect working! effect* t rare almost before t n e PHILADELP1HA CREAM 4iiu p . JI, Boranion Spociil, oonnoeta _ and l u n n ou tlio floor nud em M'nrn.lj- liol the Stnnhotie Ilefonu Cluli went tkero Weil- patient is swtre. It teltea upon ererr particle of D o - c - o r , 3ST. .T. Dover witb train for Hnccasunna and Oltustcr, -olsonous n u t t e r In t i e lyitem, eipolla It and onto them while I wriio.tt'elmvo mmta'JN5 -•cmjBy evening. lldnbtlGSB your ¥' ' ' irrcHiiou(l«?nt will tell you nil nliout natllls new bealth and vlgoi tliiouflti the entire at Waterloo vritli Sun»ox It. It. for Audovcr, milea in tliia our 7th dnv out. Tbc heav baa lino lust been Happlied with new SHOPS ON ESSEX ST. the pldta or quart. Tills cream Ig acknowl- Nenton tnd Brancbvillo. Take tliis train foi On WrdncHdii}- ovenine a Mr. Hi body. One doUu pei bottle. B c W b j E o b t r t K i l l •well ufthf* soa they tell \ » iH the J u t wn and will dolight the patrons of tlie hnmt edged by All to Co tlio beit. You cm ilwayi Itrooklyu, t(ave some elocutionary r e c , _.. gQre.Dover. Lako HopatoonL', Uudd'B Like, Bohooley'i Haul of a etorm that ia jiiwt. It in fnaoinatin CARPENTER AND BUILDER, than over, (urnfihiDg mnBJo ecjuiU to a bran flailftfall Block of CaofooUcntrj. Nate, Fraiti MbUDtaia andffiierGap. to watcli the wavon, nt> we go down into t h o a very HIU nil nudlcuce flonaidering tho site baadotSOpleneR. fto , at hlB plioe at reuoaalile priceu. dnpths tlioy nconi to rino liko ridKcs of hflltt o if the towu, The selections wura verv liood. 4i30 p . u U^*6T ilipreaa fur 8 am mi v DOVEB, H. J . TDcky terniHm with (.-rents n l fonio. 'I'll iliiybc I hail betternouajr any more about it. BarntrdBvilla, Baeitlngridga and all polnta on Mrs. John Losey, of Newton, mother of A epeolalty IB made of suintlying we (SDCCEflBOn TD) wfltcrniHs»v B rn],iirti.ftbcdcpkiimlH--enme 'sasaio acd Dalawi>re Railroad.) Chatham, QEO. EHBET8 OELEBBATED UBflUAHr to tlie order of the Borrogat Mrs. W. II. Staokhome, of Stanhope, Is doad. nitrtlea and nulls with all ltiftdB of ootit 7HCE adjoining the DnraLnmberOomcbalw slide about. An 1 write I hold tbo iu] Madison, Morriitown, Horns Plains, Ueafllle, ot the Connty of Uorria, nmdo OD i l l . THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR pinv'i mill. Contracts taken, and plans, witli one hnml tlm punnr with tlio other. A 81ie was one of the inoit estimable ladles in "--'-away and Dovor. goventh day ol April, A. D. ouo tliouiautl Uouery, oakes, ami other edibles. 1-1 P . J. BEEMER & PALMER dinner we bsd tbo double ruck on tlio tulili Siasox county. elglit Imndred and eighty-four, DOHOB IB _ . BIMU ? , M, (Haokettttown £xpress)stonbut tbo illnliei were in cmntant inotiou. The icrebr Riven to »ll porsnm liaving clalma plng at Hilbnrn, Summit, Clutham, Madlaou, fill c o n t i n u e Hiu bueim'sa a t tlio olil Hi awl motion IA woatiaomc tulow but tlu-Bii-lit U against thxcittateof William Hann, Into of tlie always oa draught aud tbo beat or R0CKAWAY. lorriatowD and all stations west to HackettsESTABLISHED 1830. Brand on decile; wbat a mighty Yoicn in uc-ed inlonileav»r t o keep n IBTKO antmriuient nJ Countyo(MorrtB,deceai!Oil,toprei*unttlio8amo town,connaoling a t Waterloo with t n i u or Tlioao who ralw envy will easily Incur oei lo a»y to auch wates " 1 ' t W bo still;" w l u SLATE ROOFING. Andover and Noffton, nderoalhortlUrmMIon.totbunaliBcrlbcr WINES, LIQUORS and CIGAR! oiR.s in liiH lino of tradu, ci>ii^iHtlii|> ct •mighty imiA to hold tlifso waters in thu Mima Minnie Stcele, of Fotaptou. Is vUltin .' beforo the seventh day of J»ntmrV L , Al 0i30 p , M. Dover Acooniuodation for hollow »f tlio hand. Suruly Ihcy who i at Mr. John Tonkin's at thin place. S U U h n l t b t d rrem tbe belt qgirrleibj GEORGE E. YOOKIIEES, Uliatfaam, iforrlatom, and Dover. betoftninemonlhafrom tlie(IBIPofsaid order; alwftTB provided for tbo patrons of down to the tea in gulps « « woi.dorft.1 o i l •nd any creditor neglecting lo bring tn aco 8:i)O p . M. Osnegoaud BuQkb Ex. trom Kev the .mall quantity 01 ear lo»d, and laid, II diJ I am glad to say thnt Mrs. John Norrin, bi«ona of power. Aug. 24,nnotber Sabhnt wlio exhibit hiaor liar oUlm, n n ^ r 01th or affirma(Suoooasor to Voorheos Brotbere) ^orkdleonlnsaarBattaoliea) vl*. Ptterwn 1 hns been tiirk for some tlmo paat, ia a t 'iSl ' workmen at low rate.. UOLLEIIB OI'EIU HOUBE lio on tbo MB. The henvy swell would not l«i tula writing Ion, within the time HO limited, will b s forever Booaton ibroagh to Water Gap, Btrondabarg, nlowlv iinproThig. iLateat during thp niKl.tl.ut WB v o n til i B I L L I i l l D BOOMS of all Unun(thepureBtinako,).sat barred of hia or her action therefor against Scran ten a n d Ifliij,'li of ell sizes ; nh<> litUcranton, BinghamtoD, UBle JiUrathon.OortMr. Gen. Miller; who Und a serious attack tho breakfast tabln, all on deck wntchinir th t b A d l i t M i t b l b i l l J tu fit in unit Coal fur blacliaiiiitliin^. Coni wiu.il land. Homer, Sjiaonae aud Oiweco, g n n d , the RiUiino MCUC of tliu iuiWiielf of cholera morbtia, in now oonralesnent. paired aud cplit t e a i l j for aso a i w i j n on 1MI»1 It is with feolinjca of profound uyatf.....tf Atlilnglnmtonwltl] train lorOroeue,Oxford, Turying wuve* mid listouing t o tiieir voice. Dated the BOFeatli day of April A, D. IBSf. Norwicli, fiiohfleld Hprlnsi, Dtica, Ao. This SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS, At eleven o clock wu gittliercil far n praiat nnd hcnrt-folt norrow t i n t 1 have to noto to JACOB H . 11ASN, ram runu tbrongh to Oswego Dnffalo and wrvlco. Everj- ono f»lt tlmt wo hud canwi R.i the miidurf cf thin sheet that Mrs. LONUI KJLKCTiOTUMS o r T i l l JAMES H. F n i l T S , niotfleld Bprlncu (but a i t to tihaca) Sandaj niwclal thaakujtiving. I utitlenlnuil that two Ilcneh has been enllnl from this world. SIIL Admitilatrators with tha will annoied, GEO. E. YOORHEES, niorniocB. old oouutry women wnlkcd tbo deck all night died on Monday of thla week. Mrs. Beach For Deraardivillo, BauliinBrldgB, Lyons, Rt Intervftls kunUusdown to pray; thiw \u\» liccn aivk for some tine past, b a t ni she HtepheDBbatgb, Morria Co., N. J. BUILDERB', OARBIAQE M A K E B 8 ' . BLACKMilliDglcn.atirliog,ai[lottc,liorktloyllelgL they tried to balance the «bip nud to be rend wusnladv of great pertevera nee, energy aud Orders rc-ceived ami iMnlrac.n taken fur J«J(SneccsBor toYoorlicQtiBrolhcrfl,) S M I T H S ' OONTBACTOBS*. MINING A m and alTatatlona on PaBBiio and Delaware fi. for the coming of the Lonl. " He Is nomini;' untiring ZN,I, xhe Lad kept from her lied unng aidewtlks and Bcttinf; c u r b . a n J nil nlm-r R. (N. J . Woat Line Ballroadl 7:80,10:10 A. they aaid to tlioto who questioned. H W I I till a fewdoya before Iier death. Her denth rork rc-ijiiiriiis ])!UB Stone ivill bo i-n"'1)1"*" MANUFAGTUBER8 1 S D P P L I E B . MORRISTOWN, N. J M.aadiiSO aad 5:20 P . M . very ralcmu to bear familiar livmns minglitij sill be koonly feltliy her many friends, nnd with the sound of many wnterit aud to wo die will be missed in the aoeloty in which A. REABONER, BoperinMndent. OFFICE OVER W.-H. BAKEK'S BTOHE. •be formerly uiDTcd, for ahe was one wtio J O S E P H VAN IHt'KIC, ahip tbe over iirucnt Ond fiit off upon t l aeu. After aerrinB wo went oil dock to »e ilwnys had n kind word ami olTorcd a willing Morriti rircnll Oonrl—Willlrwa J.fforihlnston DOVEB TIME TABLE. TraTeliug Agci tho Rallora drill. They ring theflroliell andhunt! to nil. .and air. va. XliiUnm E. TJivtnport ami Delia tho buokeU are j.ut in Una and tbo hose Trains arriTo and depart bom thli itatlon A. Davenport. Fi ft. de bon. ot ter. In I believe contractor 8. II. Mattox Ha« the Hard and IMo ItricH, Iilme, Cement, OilJoined M that it MfloLoi tlio full length nf tl. oiso. Botnrntlila tn Jipuarv Term, A. D AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS FISHING TACKLE, Hi tract to bnilit the new rolling mill. inud riaslcr. Biir, Firs ami Frr.nt D». E . 0 . WUT'8 NEBVE AHD UlIAIN T ahin, then tne whistle calls for all things to 1384. AUaUBTUH W. CDTLEit, Atty. Report says thnt Jos. F. Tuttle bus lioticht A,. M. WUT BODUD Brick, Firo Clay, Orderswilll-u WRKT, a. poarftntpod n pod He fur Hystorift, Viz be replaced. They aho Mnigiuil each man the baker uliop forniorly occupied by Mr, Bportaimon'. Oood» Kinesa.Ooiivaldloni.FiLH, By virtue of tlio abn<a ttatod writ of tier Seeds and Fertilizers, Oawago ExpreiB* &38 promptly fillud at t a Ntirvuuu Neuralgia, his nlaoe and duty a t a life boat HO ax to l>a Hough, now deceased. aolulntny b i n d a . I ultall oxpnse fur lalo at Blnnh'ton Mail* B:SB )over ExpreiB 7:00 H e t d n o b s , N e r v o a a ProBtration cBuecd bv t h i Bpl ready in caaa of need. In tlio afternoon annn I Sm glad t o hunr that Mr. Ooo. Tonkli. " Pablio Vend no, at the Cuiirl Honao, in llor* lRckeU8lovoEip.7:31 finffab Expresi 10^7 m e or alcohol or tobacco. Wakerutnea", Mou. •criptnrc oards ware uivan Cowman T n a t , Blmelc B a n wbo v i u with Mr. John Norrin whila hia SAFES AND SCALES. Water OapSpDcml 8^4 rlttown;N.J. l on tal Dcpresiion, aDrtcninff of I he S r a l u resultS.M Pl.k,™i B.OM. dren. ITe rcmeinbcreil the .-..,. clerk, Mr. Harry Cane, waa sick, hat acceptYou can olwayi find afinestock of MONDAY, the 93d dny of Heptenibcr noit, EiatCD Expren 8:13 I l h l o i s n i t y .mid lending decay ver Aeoom.. l i a InglhTonnity horns. As we bave gained thrcti u u u , n mm ing l o nilnery, nil ed a position in the office of Uminard it, A. D.t83l, between thu lionra of 13 M. *nd S Dover Acoom. lltlS d t h r itonExpreM 3:00 Bcfl», Film, L i n o , Hiwki, BtLtMt, e t c .oddefcth. r r e r a ulr OKI A A R C ,(l ( -half; v « had DnUnod our aenrico long liofoi AnimtronB. of Ne^r York City. I wish him o'clock P. M., tbnt li to >av »t 2 o'clock In the pv Eimira Expresi* 9:38 or a e i , l o Loia or power in thelra lwgan. We have oue poor man o sueeuss lu his new undertaking. tfternoon of itld day, all that tract or parElmlra Exn.« Easton Eiprew 5riJ9 LOBIBB mil 3 per mil l board golug loino to die—il TTIW fonre<! hir< A full iisalsne&t oofietintlr on band of best On Friday of last week the cEthena of thi CANDIES, NUTS, cel ot hml and pri'inlttes, tiluato, Ijing and tfct B i l tiertion ol tlio brain, acll-nbuBc or ovor-ln lal week that h e would not •urviv«tbe voyag •Union Mall anj sommoti Itelnic in thB Tnwo of Buunton. Morris Count/ :o. E«ch Iiox tout*ins cum monlii's treit h u t the hemorrluiufi in stayed unit they tiiin place put out to tho breeze the good old HeOinego Exprcsa* Dover Exproii 6:20 Newjerpej,and dewnbedia follows: ,t, f l a box, nr nil boxen lor 15, (tut b< he Till y«t sec bis w nit lug irnitluT on Iti ibllcan bnuner with the portraitfl at those Dover Aeoom. B r u o h a a d Unaale Laadlaaj O u a s . E'ket1itowiJBxp.7aa :o iiolilo men Jainr« O. Elaine and John A. mall proimld on receipt «r price. natire Bhon;. One wonmu in coing back nftc Dover Acoom. 8:4S ir h a r d wood l u m b e r c u t t o any siso »1"1 Iicgmuiaf; kt HIP KoiiiLeriv corner of a lot lolT*lo KxprosB* i,i>giiu. lint tlie best of it all is a good Demand all lh.ii Sxlans. « Tears of absence, some littl« folk* a r ORANGES, LEMONS, formuriv owned IIT Wllinim E. Davenport In1 Improved Low Pressure Steam EaatoD Accom. OawcgoExp.' \\R CUAnAVTEK SIX DtlXFS making an parly ToyaRo to ilintaiit frionil- on nit tonk a very netivo part in helping t o tlie tide ot Unna.1 etreel, ibenee ranoinR ( I 400 coids Boaauned wood lor s i l o . put it up. Ho wo* senelblD, for t o knew b r icuro any cane. Witli each order roccivc. POWDEB, BHOT, OAP8, QLA8S BALLS, At Wo made278 milea iu this our 8th tlnv out. I •Via.BoontonBracoh. mnlberiy i t nRlit anfilea ullli Canal atrect y OB for »ix bnxrjri, aci*nmpiDk-e:l witli *5, wi OH In good company. la quite coo) and winter wrap* lire UNuful Heating Apparatus TOOK BOX as, aloas lie treaterly side of tlio lot formerly —AHD— OEOKDE E. V O O K H I E S , ill aenil Hie purdmecrour writ ton Kturnnrti Miss Mngrie N o r m and Miss Laura CortAug. 25. W« nre going with tbe sen nud ar owned bv D*vanport, to tho Morrlfl canal, Dover, N.J« . J refund tin, money if Ibo trimtinent then nu: less lUntnrbod. A guoil niifht'ii n-M VIIH en riplit started for Itethiebem on Tueidfty OHESTEB BRANCH:" * IfaencD (2J woi.crfv along fail canal, seventy aDoczjeoB TO Tooaniuj B&oTmas. Joyed by all. We pansi-d tlie ItoIIrli of th ii)rniu£ hint, whero they are gniiif: to attenif effect* cure. Ouaranlces maoA unly by WIHW1BD. (set morn or less to a corner of lot forniBrlv •UITWABD AocliorLine at 9 o'clock. We have UO0t<m •liool the coming; year. S&- T O T S -©» owned b j Aiiram D. Peer and aftir by D . H A.M. P . M , A. I I . F . X H1BDWABB AND IRON MEIICIUNr, of frtizbt on lonnl, storied with 15,000 ton Good Himnd Ropiiblienn argument* Smith; thonco [8) northerly along tbe line o Cheater 10.37 0.22 7.40 9.60 R. Killgore, Agent, Dover. of con), consume 70 tons per ilay, this llghtcufi 8tn.itlJros.;soinetbing that cannot IHJIPCI Mid D. H. Bmlth'B lot lit rlRlit .IIRICH lo Oanil Horton 10.17 6.14 M0BH18TOIVB, S. 1. 7.47 1.00 our load somewhat lint the henry sen lnut by Uio opiioaite party. ofcverykindntliorstoro. Tbo tet lo tbe side of Oanal street; thence (4, and rUlminner otprivsto and pablio buildings. 10.07 8.09 Ironia 7,69 '4.10 madeus a littlo tardy. We lind nuide nt noon A man in this iilaoe who geta so full o f J o larly along tho side or Oanal street to tin Baooasnnna 0.67 6.04 7.S7 4.30 £81 mile*, I was iutcrcstwi in fooing tlipm foy liKbtning that he can hardly navlRata, .-rjlDniug Bixtj-als Feet.lt belnft known at Iol MoOalDBTill.i 8.00 4.80 S.47 6.00 take tho aun and t i n s ilotermino our course then go«a home and turns liia wifa and chilABRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Ko. 9G OD a map of tald tract or a part of it, 104 MARKET St., NEWARK. S.85 5.53 PortOnm 9.08 4.60 the little verM about tho liible rntae to niiix ilrenoutofdoora, ibnaeakla neigh b a n anil CANDY MAN'S" Celebrated spd belHR Hie lamn preiDlHeB t i dcacriucd In a 0.80 6.47 DOT« " " " " " " SEEDS, FERTILIZERS " T k like the Sun a Heavenly Mghtto gHMi niicriOAL deed lrom Edward W. MoOUve and wife to HB da? b y day." Tbe sea ia inliu iuid wo riili Delia A> D&vonport, dated September, 19tli, Cough Drops with coufurt. Have Bpeutnoino tiinuin nr m a ereryUiiBg r c r FABM AND Q A L D E N . 876, and recorded in Book P 9 of Deods for BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, jail tbo very next time lie get* ran gin JJ our bnificagn MI IN to he reuily to laud ristown Murrifl Connty, pg. 356, Ac. ' m u k n n d a o abuses V a family and ntTgliDover, M". J. Dr. titoddnrd has decided to nceomjinny LU PASSAGE T I C K E T S QEOBGE E. VOOBIIEES, Tbc best work at lowest prices. Roptitlng 704 b TBO BROAD STItEET, always o n band. Parties, Fesfriend of eurlj uaja, as far no tbu juiiniey an. WILLIAM II. HO WELL, Sheriff. It U obanwtnriitio of a little mind to he doua uot weary. After diuiiir vie naw n miikn- ahockod rliMpIy and promptly dona. Neit to old P r « D.icd July IGLli, 1834. *7 2O A variety ot Brands of Standard Portllizors revnlted from friends on the BtippoaIVOCEBMll TO VOOBaCM BBOTtlEQJ, £O IIJI tbo ro|te ladder to the top of thn in in cil dixcovery t i r a l i , fcc supplied at NEWARK. N. J . M ORAM, HANCE*& CO.'S STORE, Ljtari.n Oburch. Blaoliw«l), St. 20-lj of their faulU. This show* aa wmeof tbe 2dcuhln i>a«iMtugt'rfi had » gim for Girilcn aod Field Orope. Hciitiaintnuot* aa it doea want of Opwu Sept. 1st, O v o r m BlmlontH II"' im?t O f o r r i t t o w n , IV. J . 11 lui! jumiiiug the rojrc—one woman woiil littleirslself N e w York prices. kiiiiwiedKft. An "~ PORTORAM, N. J. J » » . Syperior bBtrnollra. lultlnn r ™ .» Jump ovet twu rone* ullonintcly; Bbe won! Notice of Settlement BEND FOB CATA1OQUB, WHANN'S, R , F R A N K COE'S able, Ciitnlogiio, DuniuoflB Eiliimit*'[ "" weigli two of me but wn* no llglit nit a tblitL 1OB all tba principal U u i of ileamihlpi upflelnieiisof |M!nniftUBli|ji free. BOOJTTON. down; BomntitncB four o r flvc would juiiiii toNotice is licroby given that tba aaeonnti of from Now fork to LlTarpool >t LOWEST —ANDii-thur until OLD trii>i>ed, We Iuid IIIUMIC In pnblio school openeti on Monday morn- BICYCL.ES, TllICVOLKS Ibe Btibicriber, Administrator of William J , O. T. IHI.LKII. Priaeliul. TE8. AlsoDBAPrSOmfBEiTBEITAni (he CTcuiug and a K'KMI rent, Aug. 20. Smce ing laat with a very large attendance. On tnanaracinrer and dealer ID jeFovre, dccea»ed, will be andiled aud stated L. L. TUCKEIt, SwmUry. I ImcLAKD, f STOCKBUIDUB MANURES rnin in the nlcht, and a cloudy uiomlng but a ncronnt of tho hot weather wn are now having. AND VELOC1PEDK8, ibeBurrocato, and ropurled foraoltlfmcnt 'fillet son. All eliuterml around tbe (abli It wa* thought best to conmiencotbo sonool lo tlio Otplians' Ooart nt tlio County of Morris, at 8 o'clock and CIOM at noon. Thla amtngein largo or smalt rjointitiaa at with alt their futures. OD Hanihr the first day of September next. uicnt will contluue until cooler woatlier arHABLAN W. COIITBIOHT. GEOltGE E. VOOIUEEES, tea Jane 31st, IBM. 30-BB' l i i e M . E. Church DpBnod tbeico and all work in UrblB and Gnnite. All trora oflhs beat oracr and priona reuonaMa. cneh fetlivnl ecasou ou Tncwlay evcuiafi. BLAOKVELl 8 T . . DOTEIt, rl. J . throb* tbnt breast tbi* current of time the Kev. Sila« YaaDuyne, of Newark, preached Hardware Merclianf, SECT TO BOVEB LDMB831 TABD. bent, lieut of thu engine Iringi iw to the clog > toe M. £. Cbuoh la«t Sunday, QBA1HEBS, GIXPSBS acd PAPER HANQ- THK OBOIOEST BBANDS or 8&U1AB8, TBS of the vOTBgc, and v e are nisldnn rcudy fn l U0BBIST0WN, N. J , At a meeting •ting of tho co congrega congregation t i n of tthe e IBS. Oontraeta taken and matflrialanirniahed. Notice of Settlement, tbe iiromiwd laud. Aug. W, K:i5 " L m d Prcibytcrian Church Tuuesday e evening, it looms decoiated in freseoe styles. Having i JEST OBIDIS 01TOBA0OO3, WEES1I alioad" in tbc cry. Airnumnro nntlit! Inluuil was d dtciiled idd t to m iinrehnee i r h e e aaa now n w plp plpo p organn fi_. f Notlco la hereby given that llio acconnti »r borough knowledce o t bonss and sign paintof Arrnn Ifiomaup In tliedlntRiicn. lu » Imir tha cluirch, to tie placed near tlie pulpit. A the anbacrlber, APinisiratrii of Qoorge Ing, wo fee] competent t o meet tbe demands hour TorylslHiid Light lleu-iu iitiUmly il!»br bnjlng jourSrillNO MILUHBEI of iinmittee was appointed to proceed with the Notice to Absent Defendants. Hogffor, deo'd, will bo aadited and atatod b j I I P DAILY PATIB8. IASXZINOTI0S8 of HI, Palot shop over H i u WUte'n mllllnerr ocrunl: OH vn come nearer tlio ilnrk niggi'il the Surrogato, and reported for icttlemcnt to •tore, next to Youftht & EiUgore'a drag itore. j c!iir« rnutrant with t h e wbit« li|>bt lioau'. Whil'e AitRiutnii Kopp, and hia brother IK CHANCERY OP NEW JER3EY. tbe Orpbani'Court or the Connty of Morria, P.O. Bot 183, renett • m l (. Aurimi the iru-klesH dcej) thtyhuvo ntccred Frank, of Uiia plnco, w e n doing Botno tin BTO., OO TO lttory niid Sclenre. on Monday the alxtb day of October next. tit from >'ire Ixlmul U u b t irouoe 011 Long work OQ Hr. James Scafle'ii new bniidinK on 'o Emll j W. Webb and Jolin Webb, Jr., bei LRTIN 19-lv A.BTJ BOPHIE HOaOA -Al Inland to this light 011 the coast of Iroluiiif; TuowUy. tho BcaffBldUig on which they were knaband, »nd Arlo Pirdce, D. S. MORRISON, PORT ORAM, N. J . SCIENTIFIC DEPARTMENT. J 3 nearly 3,000 niilca. The aniluM «««) furHng otandiiiK KIIVD way, throwing themtotbo Y virtue of i n order of tho Court of Cl»ntLo nails aa wo came near tlie Emerald IBIC ui. a ilietaneo of seventeen feet Gua. STREET, HXB STOBE B WELT, BTOOKED WITH 'he N*w Jency Stale College t o Promote eery of New Jeney, tnado oa tbe day of Atmut alx we wcra at Irishtmhiil, »n Jglmul ...,eil with a few braise*, b u t Frank redata hereof, In a n u n wherein James Agriculture Bntl t h e M t c h m l c Arri. oil tho nortliern const. At eight we took oua ceived aevcio injuries. A t thin writing ft 1Btho DOVJCH, I , J , EyBBrPHINQ IN THE ABOVE LINE. Eiccntor, A c , of WillUm H . pilot and rounded a promoutorr to Mtvllk, Mtvllk, not known howbndly he is hurt, hut I hoar v-Rodemer, A PMCUCRI Bciootiflo School or liinli Rradciicboli, deoosed, in coniplslnant, anil you u f u a w n g u r s ure t lunl It It wait wa thnt three of liia ribs are broken, and they are iro INSTALMENTS 1 n i t y f l n oenti Y o c o n r m or foorTe»ra cicb. " K H E I H 0 0 ' ; dofemUntit, yon tro ronnlroil to ap&sar and SM0EE THE PUG CIQAB, CASH On to lmn •unity of c ir>uaMunuurg M per week will buyfcnew organ. - . 1 -ure ,. aril!(1 „. jthii.l be ii liurt Intemnlly. We l.one that plead, aouwcr, or demur to tlie bill of lbs IARPET WEAVER AND DYER, wanted for The Lives of all njr and MPcLaitic« 'nBd "Agrionltnro in< lbs Preiidenti or thu U.S. 3hom1itrj." Tboron B li work wilh WDIUIH •aid complainant an or before tho twenty- the beit UTO cent olfltr in tbo market. All one old woman wa* oonoerued about her bag- uotliinz w r i o i i will reaolt lrom the fall. tfitioi apd O r g i m tnmd ami lepalred. BUCCE9S0B TO ROBEBt X £ X , . M T m , DrdeTaor.be trado inpplied by JOHN BAHTbo larecit, btodaomeBt, Ie1d-nr.ct.eo in EoBineerli)ji tnd Batwj^JOLD pnranrii'.BHN CIIDBCH BUILD. I'nlitica luui oponnd for certain. The Dem- ninth day of Oatobtr nott, or the mid bill will fflge, finally a stranger, t young woiuuu, 1ETT, Bcovloii, If you vaot % cood tobacco WM. a. waianr, fflO, DOVEB,». J. illklmliofankilweiT- a now open and ready for bnslneea with a -—*•*•*< * M beit book e « r sold for leii wreml UbontorT work ID Obrtniitry, wuu luuud ill her tlilngn, Buiinnjenw; cimviwuack, ocrat" opened their oattin&i.p. t y having be taken &i coDfeiscd agifnit von. or eliewiDjj ink yonr dealer for but tuioo oar price. Thefuteit Belllntr book tall apparatui Tor each •tadont. A, villa Fnnceniui. au irou and n trunk: whoa asked Jock Itogera deliver an addreaa l u t Friday. The Mid bill Ii fileil to forrelo*e a mortgage or iraokinn onico ND. S Brick Block, Dovar, N. J. JaffiniiayoinKdooe In the boat manner. AUo fallllnaof BUadffMVuiSSm\ and Aim h- Ttnid, for salo i t Jatnon S. l i p c d ARtroDDmlatl Dliacrntorr, tot •<"" a ana lol of BAG OAItPEr on hind for life. her name to uiurktticni she mid, ",A.O, i* A few luoro m d i addrcaiei aa lio guve that given by Emll? W. Webb anil John Webb, J r . , Oail "actor? 3 mil IB e u t DoFor, at 40 c d . por 111. DSO. Fall ooarso In D s Wladow OUTUIDB oletceil lad AjBi. -wliul it always vas und A. C U what it nl- uisht will bcl[i the Republican cause wonder- •er Dmbanil, to Wllllim H. Nichols (by the Uellck's, ofDorer. H- 11.—An elBgint clear IlRbter la presented way« will lm, althoiigh 1 lmvo loon twieo iiily. Tbe Republicans unfurled a largo ban- nitno of WillUm II. Nloholw) on laaili ID tbc Oerm»a Uti|ltat w i t h * r l c * 1th tbe flrit ordorfor 1,000 dgari. er mat week and a few rtajw later tha Domo- lovnsbin of Obeater, In the Conntr of Morrii married." Tbe young wuiunn who berrieuded )mtK to tlitjlr practical DM, likowlse, On ThundaT the Irlali ind Hlata of Kew Jemey, dated December 1st. her ban been tbe good Hamantau of the voy- •rHtiirdlii Forty 8t»to Bcholanhipfl frw J afcW'if "if"' Jflinos Corkery, of Trenton, spoke in 8T1, and yoa Eniilv W. Webb aro mnilu a Coage. Tliey tell us «h« fouml a »»V nmn [a liu Wigwam ude nciDt by mdoatioB, fa bs Stled hetoTH JOHN HANSELMAN, for the Itopublleans. Horace ctidanl becanio yoo own tbe said land!; and thu steerage and want to butcher and baker t e n n r y of, Newark, September 20th. ' wilt apeak Friday for •oa Jtibn Wflib, Jr., are made * defendant (oi tiuty pieces to tcnijit hit npjwtite. At .he Pemourate. Sprclil itndenta in Ctomlilrj and itl >RT >* SnccaiunDa* iV. J., lecinio ton claim lomo Intcrcit iu Hid lanJi •upper tbo Cfltbolio iiricst cuiuc anil nut down I'ORIIKNT. oRtlons. If properly qnallflBd, *re receiT'd in Wm. 1, Powers U unending a few ilaya as tenant by the enrtesy initiate; ami von Arlo at my tide: hu ii u Itavariaii rclnniiug bonio itMrs. the Lmhantarj. • , „ Ooeiin Urovci ilre. K. A. Uuoker and Ura. 'ardoo are m*do A JcfendaDt becanso yun AI way P on hanJ tlio Unest ICE CREAM, after au abtnnce ol'M r u n , liia agvd mother Ico. Esten at Cheflter. Thn premisfls neenpied by tlio lubecrlijer on In E T ' I ? ptrt or tbeStaie.Rrai1na.lMi ire nil' mpplled IIT the pUlo nt b\t reslanrant, or by 'It. U ennotiae him. IJawiid »lie wm tho Tlm elopement of lliaa Helen Warbnrton, hold a, mortgaco ona»ld Isndi. llnne aronnn, A Inrgo end well np. ig umtal Mid profluble poiiiionx F<ir « t nnart to pnrtici or fitnilfci In Ilifl vlclnllv. Minted 7ouuse»t o? STofiUdM and ono adopted who has spent two or three summer* in JAUEB 0 , VOUNGBLOOD, IIOUM aud croundB. wltli water conodiiQfl (jr any inlartnatioD, iijdrest SECBB.all anil troih Hiinpljcif CHOICE CO.VFEOmnkini>2&. ThiapridtJuuboeubeldiuBrcat laanton " anil Mr. Hnnell T. Joy, of BrookUBBII' OCLUUIB. BoIlcItorofOomplainant, IONEBS »t nil timei in atock, wlills alt I bo ronieut and frait of allblndBontbe premitti. u d JnbUng orompll.T .iund«l 'to. S S lOYER BHEESE'S BOOK r«ipoot by all puaengorai wfaon he went to Applflo P O R T O l t A O l , Jf. J . KDWAED3 DATES, F n . D-, LL, hading NEW8PAPEBS and FEIUODIOALS l>tt at my offlco on tmi St., near Oanal the l»w tbo Bailor* d!4 not'clallc ulmj tliey Iyti, hiu caused conslderitbU talk In town. MR3.1I1AC. COOPlfll. Batln,«iiriMalnptomntilln|tllB, uaBOldattiiiiUnd, • DOVEK, N. J, D., Taxman. Brow. OAIi USD 8BB HEB IH11SSEE BT0OT. R, F. JOLLEY & Co,, Dover, N. J., MEN'S FURNISHERS, n 831 BROAD St. SMITH & ECKHAKT ll, NEWARK, N. J. M. V. B. SEARING, IENTRAL HOUSE. I I BEST PUCE ROCKAWAY, N. J. - -Pnu'r. ICE E CREAM: D. MOLLER'S FRANK F. APGAR, Billiard Pool Tables FUSSELL'S K iritr z v: L-e icL awsr .SMiis ''rrnfiiThS IVOTICJ3E. J. J. VBEELAND, ORCHESTEION Estate of Ivufiiuu Hanii, deceased. J. B. PALMER, P 0 LAGER BEER CONFECTIONERY, COAL AND WOOD! MORRISTOWN, BWU! MRS. S. TREWARTHA'S, SUSSEX STREET, BUILDERS, SHERIFF'S SALE. J. O. ROCKBFELLEB, iSB Ifi.8 USECBiNTS. Flag Stones I Curbing. DOYER, N. J. PAINTS, OILS, &c. "MASONS' MATERIALS! EDUNN&BB0. Steam Circular Saw Mill. DOVER, N . J . WILLIAM KING NEW JERSEY Phosphates. THOS. JOHNSON, E Stationery, MARTINA BUCK, J. B. PAEMER'S, HOBBB, &£& and Or&aoe&lal fainter!, B Kniniif, Biiitloiu, Hailtli, Confectionery, Mathushek Pianos, SAVE 25 PER CENT. WRIGHT, ESTEY MRS. J. P. WITHERIDGE, iflHi .0. S. JENSEN, NEWTON ELY. DR.G.W.McDAVIT DENTIST, HOUSE AND BARN FRANK OIBS, MASONxAND:-:BUIL.DER, SPRING GOODS. MRt3. GEO. PARR'S, RUTGERS' COLLEGE,